HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-09-09, Page 6- C . 6� I I ��, 4 , " ftw� " W% I I . .. I I .. . I I AL T sic . , ­­ " ' - " " I I jr $040 VXG , ro 110101401 1 . 0 �. I . ..................... ",,,""I'll, ............... a4umflaM � I . .1 ,'I halr,jo* . , Ronewatuo . kes It now again, rc I 0 � 080.4 iuot - V�hlk i� 1 . . . � 10� , I V be , t you Rood It your hair Isfade4orturnIng my, rite a .. � et�rt ' . , W 1# , r0st0f09 tha, COW* Stop& falling beir. also." ' " �A � ­ _ 11 I ­­.­­ - 1''..., � I � -1. - � �. . �� 11 .. I --- . I , I . . � .. . I - I . . . . I I I 1. 01110011�111111 11 11111111111110mmo . 11 I .. ffir,W S�ptemher,f -Will k4oW that the oliances for equin- : I . orecasts. . I . octial hurricanes ht the couth will be � 1�%, . ' * . 4TOXI,�,"w BRA 11 - .. � ­ -, ­ ,­W.,­�?,. 'T ­� "7- � Jr IV I I I : I , N, ,'"7-V"T­7*WV -11WIT , , J4WFW% I 1 770�*", , . 4 ;- smarmommosomm�--.� ! S0004b" i 0 ION � , � . ­ ­-­ ­­­ ­ —�, - " I., I -- -­- — -- – -- I I —­� ­ .—­ .; ­,'�;—­­� ­ I I 1-1 I 010111111111111111111� ­ 11 Couldoofy Walk I ` From 06d to' Charr , . For VIOArs 04 s�ufroror froM Kid., I I woy ,01se"e—ourod b p i I . , y ro I : OhA I I .,sW* Kidney-10vor P1110. � I MR- SAMUEL SPARLING, Ladyimitil, 11ontip, I - . . " I . . increased at this UmA- if sunh hqvn Hill hn+�d 1, Ill 41 Co., Quo-., writes,— I have used Dr, (;hajc,4 , . I -- - -- - I I ii. - I ­ � � I 1. 1. ­ . ". . I I � ... . � ­ .., .. ­ I � ,- : 1. 5 : . Dunlop 11 Ideal 11 - ' 111 , I Horseshoe Nds I . I 's � X a hone sound ia tho I "" 1�. . feet ond - h. 1, gve, . mll ,4t .e. Working I% Help to cure . I MOSt formf of hoQf trouble, � , .1 [PUT ,, 1�1 The only treatment fnr nav;e- I I . A Secondary Storm period beginning not 111ade their appearance at provi- ton, the Smoot ,.# � v X lV00811-9e MOr- AMIlqX-Livor Pills and believe there Is no modi, , Phil. Tre4tog was � so * I xowus I � ular dimase. . � . the last two df.iys of Augustmill last h tongued horse dealer, Pine to��oaual them. 1w4s troubled forycars mething of a . ( I . . � into the,lkt aild,�nd,4a s ot Septelll- W I ,,y ous periods. It Such have already got t%e betto with kidne r of the bargain when 110 � g kj,dis�ease and this trig,34enj bgs cured matchmaker. He wanted big frIena I . '. . � approached, reaching Our part of the to 0.106 on I YMUN S I ber, storms having gloved- into cc , sold her , . could Rowbridge in the faralli, and W43 1 1 1. I . ,u- I began -to me .these pills I . � globe they will'bo less prob4blo� the manager of Cowara. . . . . r only walk from my bed, . .. I Ma4a by the Vunlop Tire I I 4 ,-, � '. tral to eastera 1)arts by tbe,'Ist and At Hill prided 111111801f on lils knowledge I I pleased to It �� ' i r Owl. Higher baromet , title 6d subsequent September to a .. introduce him to big only I peri- chair. NQw I can . , I . .. ' � L . " . . . er, . of horsefleeb, but Afigel, the chestnut, I 11 . � � . Co.. UWW, Tov.ontQ I I . gale'S And clifLage ,tv much c 'Westerly ods. In--tge -nature of tbings,we are � . . . I go to the Acid and Sister, Joanna, , . . . � . I I � I . . I _ Oolor will � .... work like any man, L I . I . 6 - .. � 4 , � now at' the season when the Tast elee, Was Old, or, rathef,-Imid4le aged, and , i - "He's alt rlgb' I I . " I follow beh!M4 these disturbances, ' 11 I an *collenj � t, Jo,11 Flill said, "and I . . Wor sale by all Wailrdw4t 1, . I .1. The Storm period beginning on the trical And magnetic forces aj:�, gener- not tile young thing 1gorton had rep- fl:�, 11-loy-011111"le. . Dr. Cha*ei4 hope you. Won't break his Ileart badly. . �- - . .1 .D , C40 el t � 4t nd . atek in abnor=- 1- jitteitsities, -out . of --re ' . � � � � -11m r-aleirp SkU4 13144piks"a � . xtending to the loth prom- , I sonted'her to, be. , . . .1 Ointment i's a perk�l enough to keep 1111A, from finishing the ---1-1 . .. - I � M" .. . L mal - . I . ises to. bring many pro)duge,d, and which the great equatorial goloues Aloreover, � cure for itching piles, ---.!!- -- . I . . se- ber, t0glPOr, soured by, -, � k , , Story Vv� to Illu'strate-if you'll ,pose � � I --- ----- "!­! --i -- I . . 1. 'Are developed, it these forces, are long Years of Ill treatment, was none -� ­ One box cured twq, , I . NPINIPMOMW � . vere perturbations. At least five as- delayed 11 , be of m fia ily I I . . I , I trononlical cause*$ Will help to disturb they increase in cumulative, of tl1Q. best, She was rtt�rvous, too, 11 .-,'I mem for me.11 i�. � .. , I . . I I , I,, 1 . earth's aleteor6loglc4l elements at energy and %how themselves at later tbougli with 11111 she was only mul- , "I .... is wre �c c -Tolinna's blue eyes 4anced-then, Will I . . � I , , �F� on' mi'l, 71 , I . , moon in conjunction . , , , ent I periods Hence All careful Qbserv- Ish, vicious 'a 11, C� ,a . I.' this time -the ing students of these forecasts ,nd obstinate. She hated for.iour " A little later. when Phil Wide an in.. (i , .. with earth and in perigee, the Vulcan know What the real Probabilities are . . 0 1 , I I " , force, the Mercury equiilo* evidently - .get and combined Beca I r . I H wbridge felt. as, -it he hatl'beeii told � . ,, cc and o ' , action on kid . . I the for each, �;eptcnibcr storin period, be-' divined his *.dislike And returned It in . � '. I . . ce and the greatly Ing well assured that ,,at lo* . . I or to. play. with a strange )it . . - F '* ' * I way . I suffloleat excuse, and left them Alone. . e% -- but did not fear him. She, NA. m G e f ir , � W , 11 . 1, �. I . disturball one klgd� . se's Kid L , cu I lie girl. Jo v.w e vrn air , .. � Venus bowels, Dr. Chi , nVT or I St -, , in reased tension of earth.'s. autum- , , F Age. Tbe mischlev. . ,ast .. wh�ro. 1, ill a do .0 ' I . c , I ordinary mediclhe5 11A.1, one se, anuti was quite at �, � nal equinox. The distur4anoes equinoctial perturbation will With wiltred Paton, the overseeri � 21lcents d box. 'rho portrait and slgn*t= at ous freedom of Und n, 8 I I '., I at furshatup from the equator during thi's a, man of passionate temper, . I M.A. W. Chase, on every box. . .her glance,coutradieted - . I . ..9 . ­ eptember 9th to 17tho'' ' . - . ., . this time will alin.ost certainly. be ag- month and express its -elf I but kind i . I the reserve of her bearing. Frowbridge I . . . . . . I . - . . .�. . grav4ted in character, and prolonged, I . n nihity'.."d leader to women.and children and Dr, Chago's 246kadho I'lailtor Promptly, ENTalF-% eL SE Sth SelPT11M130 � ' I �. , storms and gales over land and sea. . I - , 1, deolded that she was fil to be the bero� . 2� 0 I with :,light interiftis- dumb =eat 1 V4, , R6 , . ;1 . possibly very , ures Tolle a pains, and a0lies, I . . I . I .: , . pion, into. and through the reaction- One -of . these great West. India ,, by whom he was . I I .. � Ine of an unusual story. she w " - . _4 - - Ri ... " . � . k , , , , blindly . 1. . I . 1. . as blond I . I I . 1. I I . - I I . 1� cyclones or hurricanes has the- life ' , 04ored, Angel wag gentleness and beautiful and magnificently tall. . r , I ary Storm pe4od'oentro.1 Oii the 11th Itself, it could readily be ,b .. . ­­­ � A.NF,W $I oi000 D ' ' . " . . - , , tinie of mo*e than one ordinary Storm I olleved " - - ­ -� - .- .M-WMF�-- $'Are you, waiting for me to say I eu. , AljD6-.v,& BUILDING' , ,'- . and 12th. The moon �)'eifig at new and when one ' watched him handlq the I -.wet me got the other tauk, put half , �oy . , . . I in perigee on the 9th a' period, so that they -often ...approaph . , ed your last 1) ?11 she questioned . I . I . . . tb asts. of Our'continent -4 happier circum. the 'water in It, and then she can 1. .9ok , i . . nd on the celes- + 0� Southern. co mare that un er i ea§lly at last. . � i lin, rovevllentA,all along, the line,. Exhibits nusUrposgedo . .. I I . , 1.11 .1 . Iial equator on the loth, the chances Ili 4 wandering sort. of 'way, Occupy'-' - stances ebb might bavp fitted her name. manage ,It In two trips," suggested .0 - I , ' I I .. ,g many days. -But they take on Proni the.first It had been 4*s . Paton, controlling his rising anger, . .� .1 for prolonged alid violent disturhan'� in . 'or' Row Your c6tisdience, Miss Tre4- ATTRACTIONS THE BES ., cc$ into -tile lith and 12th � are 1,11111311- . orles 4sN 'tog. But did Phil make you read it? . T YET--4itarnuirals . I ' , " ally great.', . . renewed energy at the contres. of the. Of bq,�Pes., bet,v.� een the chestnut a i ol SheIl baul the tank as it Isill � I wouldn,'t mind knowing whether you Celebrated Jap Troup of io People, -.The Fl ..'� I . . � � n4 . . .11 I � I I I I , . ying During the early stagej of theie, regular storin periods, working their 791111:11i which the man usually won "Then I'll wash my hands Of th* - cried at the right places, Banvards, and the best Gymnasts, Aj6robats, and ' * I . � I greatest .devastation on bot)i land and I whole bus I . 'Pid You'?" � I � � general disturbances, an excessively se . . . out by .sheer brutality, . � Iness.11 . ' . . � -He leaned toward her. His 9troug face f . � . . ; % .1 hiogh temperature, or heated t6rin, is r a, p.ine times in ton, durili& : th6se There'llad been no rain for months. I . Paton walked up The slope." As be was . clean shaven. His gra � I other specialties that money can pmcure. � � ' : sure to. make its appearance jover egulAr periods,-- Whatever chara r Each day, the ' . , steppe4- on the veranda Mrs, Hill, who. ' Y eYea,were I ,, . . . .1 . . � I . �� / of storms are in proW§§ V. I 1. Evenings Of I ' . ,A,uring e . men watched the sky, I noncommittal. He had the sad month Five FfiveiMaikS, COUCTU , ,� Inlost parts of the ecuntry, propided. � ­ but the.pittless sun poured hls;s� was standing at the door, JQojre4 back . dlng eath evening with I . . orch- . -a reallbtic representAtIon of the I . . I ItoriRs, with , wide. to. We4esday the 21st, wiir bring the Ing Into the house And called to her young 460h, I didn't read it," she said. . .. . . . . . . I , , � 11 I . that West India . � p 4 eriod, 16th to 21st, Sunday the 18th rays on -the parched earth, with . 11 and gentle manners of a humorist. I � , . I I � and,dPep, barometric depressions do culminkting, crisis of the period. never a% cloud to veil his face or tem- ; � COUS111'.- 1. � . .. I I ­ . "Why riot?" . - 44 � 11 17 . . . T rome promptly out of the south. . 1� .*a 14 1 . ar nt-of � I . . . I -'touching our gulf and If iin equinoctial. hurricane, . or per 'the'beat. The -water in the dd . . . r1el, come out and see this brute! Because I did rea I , RoMb . dni6'.. , Port Arth ' - 11 seas, -south At-�, cyclone, is in pr . . h - .11) She wpull:pull the�tank up the bill, ,d Yodr first book. I . :- I . . I I Ur - I . . . . . 11 . I I , lantic States.. -. . . ogress in t e. galf, or Wag getting low, and.ivb�en.tbat *As I don% like your.women . I'd like to be i A holiday' outing none �houid riliss. Sp'ecial excuriloul' . . - , ,� I I W, h dnesday the 7th, adjacent waters, ,and does not reach gone the station People would have but Horace Will soon make h;r,. He polite, but you menti�ned my con. .oftravel. For. all information, prize lists, - . ;* 5 Over till lines. ' . . '. .1 1 . ". I I o -Sal . cO4sts'bqfore, it is 'al- 'either erish-Or get Out,. Vniess wa- Is . . . . .1 . . .. . &c., address, I . .: . ., . . . � . . . . 1. ,�rsdi� tha4 goutbprn 'to P kii4w how to manage horses." :And. sclence"* . 1, . " . ' - IA Al NOLLES I Sec.'s � ,I . . . . . . . . 11 , i � y tile loth, Will bri�g a de-, Ino,st pertain to be. felt, in Violent e * I Hil she obot'a, geor ful. g!ance in Phton'x 1'7)6git mind my,foelings and tell me . Xpre , - ided , sh6wing I . ,ter'Were reached In th el I was n . - I , .LT-GOL. W. X GARTSHOR of . , I urricanes o that equinoctial gales or high Seas, within twenty7plour direction., I . . . . . . I . .. 11 . . . I .. . . .1 � f gfeat .extent and violence ' sinking on, the -flat. Water .was a pylce- �. I . . . � I 1, . . . . .. � I hours of noon on tlie`24th. -One of the i . . .. . . . I w1fat,is wrogg. wjth the women I my' I . . � . R . . . -.are uLar, if not sweeping our .south- ,September porturhations,'. whatev, , egg conimptlity on that bila'ad Aus- ' Muriel- 4verton.,carne out. -She. was , talesp .. . . .p k� . - I . I I . . ... , . . I rn coasts, Or that phenomenal heat ' ' . er ' - trallan station. . I .. . a tall, slender girl, dressed. In white, I I . . . .. I I., ;,- - ; -1 : .11 ­- - - — 1. . I may occur at other periods,is Almost � I I � . . . .. . - "They -'are all.right. ,* It's"you, . Vill - . , '. �. . I.. I . .- . . . . 11 .. . I !, � ON'er the interior, coveting the -greater ger tain' to reach a , ftelded, it not �ib. . - One �lose - day' Into in. February'cArxie .Her delicate throat was bare and her - make them. do what they never . wolild was'twonry-rwo and',4ad always A . Ived. THE � CLIN ' I 1. . i oi the country wilFbe culminat- lent crisis *at this I iime.' Tllis,* is also. the crisis of that. awful summer. Not I - heat,,but her . own -. free'. will. tw, , OU . Ity7throe'and had a1w -� ".., � I -ON NEW IRA .. - � .)art cheeks blanched by the T :, i- . . . . ' i i N Y . I . . 11 I . , . - . " 1. . ��. 1. The -ehch inbnlw-� �- eautifuLbrdwIl. eyea.-were.clear. -and ' -Fanny Ao th - - Hei . . . I anti possible tornadues 4nother -time *h6' --voloanie aJ6ar..stIri!ed. , 4e L-mrittem�Wlth- moderate...succe ­­ '. .., ­­­­­ �­,AND�Vk-j-*,' ­- , --- I .� � .Jug in low barbmeter, thunder-storing'i ri seismic .�� do of their * I He, Was - thl ays. - .. .. - in - many . air at I. � �mslrrled, at Burson: . ss...- I -­ ­ 1. ��� . I ep -and tenil.ar., She and Paton ex.; Wasn't ev Interesting," He. waited .. dg. I ... � ". places. ,and meteoric phenomena. will be ro-,, tion burnt tho luugs,, and, the limit 6'f' I eu Howbri e. studied Joanna .� imper- I" - If -hurricanes - and marked Ported from rnany�oxtr�meis of the . . . .11 cliange.d'QuIck glances, then, ' I .4he -had S . , , � 11 . . ��i�, . barometric deDresSions' reach our - "an endurance seemed to have beell she looked for -her -to' continue, his fertile fa'ncy sonallyi as tudled all -gig,li I � glolie. In' livery prob�bility ,a rush' . down.at the man and the horse,, shud- 1. t"'EKLY, . .V - .. 4 reached. - Yet It was Sli afternoon -of I IlWng literary situations about7her per- since Ills.'betrothed married another, : . � I . � so'.1'.11 &Oas.ts early in -this perl9d, - baromeltir, violent north- derdd. an d- turned iWay. ..-* ". .11 . . . . . . . 1 ,,�111 , V very cool northerly winds will flow- � ing ig" - all others that- Hill -ordered, Paton and sonallty. . . man ,Thile 11ow ridge was at College . . ., t;; . . I I 1�,steily gales, and chalike to almos I I . . I . . . .. .. 1) . I I ,1� Z southi-vard over the central and West- 'Old I t Ualcoluli to fill the big Iron, ­ I H 11 by� thrishlill; the chestnut'had d4y- , , , ' , 1dreamilig.and writing her Aentlineii . I 2 ... . , tan)i:. ,,,, .. I - can't, know women very well,, . . . , W! - , I. . forced ber,to�.hitul the'eart a, few steps , love letters. 'The other an' ha�d di- ; ' I � . 4 Spread . over'.' the countgy "T . ou, , . tal MONTREA , i. . U ail they then ng , 1 do you.,?, YOU'r�4?-tOO"- 'she paused I rp . , ��---� I . , OpPed. Wltb� kindness. . . ' ' � . ern . states, followed by " backiRg � from the northwest -As the storms. of , -he fooll". exclaimed Vap A" el �gt , I 00 ;*, 4, whitis"-that ii, shifting from east to tlii�. period giy1e place ,to the . . high , w'.41ked througho. the h;t 'Awd to � thi roguishly. . � ' , , - . Ways wantid heri go be stayed on t e. I . . � . .. . , . . .. ar I n e .ug- I .1 � . I d. -` * It, Saw her eV,&XY' 'daY and, * did, . . .. . � I . . . 1. . . I . . . . � T, . * , ' ;kbstInate ,'o ' ., - by seve'ral days of dogged, p6i . . . . . . I Too young?,, h . . . I 1 Apo ' LOU L,b to wait she might,,have .mittie i -furthor,effort, ' - . i� H H . no,th., northwest and west--4ttended . barometric ea, hushing- closb-:behind� dam, '�44snit lie so s �eno, dd " '' EIR � I �� . sistent . them. - � , . I . - .. but Hill. had .-rogsed her. , . .. e haz0de ' . . - 11, , . cold rains., We* . . �:, I . until evening . I I . . . . . .n . I I believe that . . � .. � � . . . . . I don't' know how old -you- feel, � till gs - till ho got her -which. tftught : - . I : the A regular, Vwpan, stom period'.* is '� Thily .Worked .bard. for .. a spirit, and she. would' not I *,He . w0k . :. We have made Arrangements with The .. ,�� equatorial cyclonev and canes c* . .. I , 11. hour, . . . . .. ,bndge an b " " ' illat -gives Insight, 14., Howbridge -A I hurri ' ' . . ut It's ,not age . le'ssion. i Q tip, , Herald Publishing Company, - of - Maatreal,' . * L inch, ,This Itift-lated the man, tP e ... I . entral on the 29th, ex.t6ndinf froin. Maleolm filling the bu�kets and hand. tnd he : ill B, , ' 4411 after ,that his, cb�araqterg' were re Y : . will delay their approach to our.sou . I y the way, Uri 330*brldge, wh , wh b .we are enaliled.to give The . �­ . . , I ere. I - . I .. L 1 � .. . . L. .L � . 0th6 27th, twoor three days int'O Oc` r o 40 6 ..ill ., 1. I . . . , c.`. I , thern coasts long -enough. to cause a ' t ,Ing them up .'to Patonj � who poured, ille .16at he ' v r.'th .head.with the 6&t t your mAterlAW For ' ,1 more teal-lloi. ime , ose ,to his first I I . L . . I , . tober '� AS L We en ei -this 'peRod ' the, 2icontents. .Into i 161C� When their of - the stock - whip. be carriediL Still . your I . . I I ' . , , , . W, a it . ' 1. . , LL I . 0 it halt no: lle�at histo .11 .:�. . . 1: '.,.. L fier" I' L ry. �Ien , I . : '.,.. L I ' L . '11, again rise to quite Wa)cm . . . -titie- ' I .� .1. � ..-. K '* I '- - .,i I ' . �:� I � half Of the month, or until 'severe WI L. I . � - . I I s ' ft Ishe . they returned . to 'the . . . L Then. -as he . nounced, for Seplierpb . .Joann' . I . . I . 1. : 11 tinned *to . er? The . . .. . � . - LY -' ' , L ­ task - . . pew storyj' f6r. Invtauc6, . tildtoo `ap-� book. ­ ' ,. I i W. . . con� I W " I severe heated term during the first bar66ter will fall,'tbe-' tempera'ture , - d ' I . She did not mov�� W , L � stOrInS on and touching the 11th and an,', �house�. '. .. I .. . ­ I . - beat n'. her - a ' , , Who saw' much of her did. :11111 al_ Lr , ., . - . I , I . . . L I . .� . "I 112th. scattering L'storrils. wift...be adVahchig � .. gOny She Wift It weak? . And howdo. YOU know ey, I . L' I I . ElArthquake and volcagi6 phLe-' .&L,Stward over the C6 : . ",We've filled the .r�q gall' .. stepped bnV1-*ajrd, Plunged itild iear,. I , . . . Untry. 0OUt th6 . On 'thilk"', .. . � I � (What Life I� Ua11Q of 7' " L. .. � I -ways to her. surprise, fell.la, Tote *�ktb . . � . . I I � . 29th and. 301b. .. . L .. . . . I 1. sald�-Patoll, comIng.up to wher ' , ed; the c I', . . . her, and to tileir. own surprise. married I , . , ... .. ,� . � L nomena will be reported from vaxiolis L � ­ ,, parts of the globe on an' - , . � I e Hili ,art tipped back, Alle rilare'was "'. I "Supgosi I cax�e down ];ere Just to I . .. ­ ' ' . .� 9tb. d about �t h drawn up and, In. her strugglpd b ; ot ; .I- , MONTREAL : ' ' ! ' I Ze'. in all we-.hav'e 'said a�o% tile �jo- alt. reclined In a steamei chair, 6a the . . . rokO ' her­women�.-and highinkly. r' I 1, 11" If verK low barometer gh bqui� Veranda. '(!It's down 'at the% dau�' in 41le-shafts, the tink.f .. -, flud'Out?" he. Said mysteriously. "Per- . . emem- , , . . I .. ­ .. 1. , - � bability.6f huftfcane"jln� �Ii. . ell.oqt, the cover , .b ' .. I bered,her as a. lost ILO,N;e 1wilen t ' . I I . .� �'� I . ,�� . equinoctial S . - , ' i I hey had I � .1 ,�- . soulhern coasts urricanes reach, the I . . 0 ,., rolled off and thq. whole , ,of. the 500 lips - you. call Show me? They say Indigestion ,or lost" . . . . . L, ­ ­ ` . . I L . IloCtial storms and galbs� in"Septem- 'the tip carti,but-I bate1q leave, it- t . I . . . ., . . I that Worden I 'know - The I -story is�-hard- .. orat Ig* some proj- I i .1� . . , 'will induce r, - 'we MUStL not be .understood as evaporate In the Sun,. and � . there Ion .. . 'was swal- ;' ly. beg . I L . . llk�d men In a coibradel . . . . �­ . I and states � at -this ber, - I ect. -zoanna , HERALD ' ' �' I I � , . -time, northerly currents L L . 1''. I ,* it I a -gallons of precloi4s water. un. CE421 You find -me a model - . . . I 7 . L . � . . , I . 1: . n - fClLrecasting things out of. the 'ordinary, -to drag It,1q'_b to the h -101�ed' Up 6Y the burning'i or 'a would b6 a ebar . tr way, and never flirted, -'tor she ras. The, 'I'Magazino-Noi � L_'e- I?, , - - � " , , 1:..: ,est- -'for - w6` Mean - io Such - things*. We do.: .. aW r r. . . Ouse. I . .., we a . .,�. I rnar`ed boreal conditions over w .L. horse , , and. ' Hill f � &toji,67 It ­ very sincere and hated to,: hurt any- , I . L . . � P r�, , , .,. , .,. , ern and central . . n , L664 t , I .took thO hdrse from the' V . . . I . .. .. ". I sectibns; bringing ':Say � L .that storms'. t d6cided o e ones:and Myopel" ,. .. . aart and, in?. - to the readInL publile.1i , . - :'I 'Ll, ,. I , . o L page with: ,rage,' commenced to thrash ' ,' . 9 .1 . I L. . 70-S"fis wrlho mr * , :1 It r * . . . . . 4 - keep . . ,� . , - sts to. northwestern States not far' norgy "'SmlMs ha4 &4m.workbig. ill file nq* L L . I �, ". . :-think. ,� Begidps-,,. she* *Nvanted, tq. �� f ro e . , I Joanna mused., � . : . . . . . . . . :­ from the 12th. to.15th. , - e is- dam, and Cliar)16 h6sjakeg the i*6 - . . .. ". . ; will be.perlectly riatural, but t fier.again-.­--- ­ '. . , ; St,il L ­ 4 I ,,�� . the, asfronomic-.6ittlook.to - - . . -Th her heart all. In'one piece,. - - I I FREE 'to Thlar Pape .,-, . .. . I nothing in . I . I � . . % I , ere aren't teri'lirtere g women .. . ' ' ' . I L .. . I .�. I . The next regular Storm- period.ox- excite fears -L of n1j)re! thai inary blacks and gone over to -the Well sink- ,. Then tbere� was a, sudden rush.' of . , in t She'utld .Oliver walked � and. drov6 he lipay"th6br.-suls 6 for', .. '. i -ord' ' ' - his nelghborbood;- not even count- � . w , 2�rlptlqas. '111 54,Tanc � , I - a Cloud , gj * ,, . . , . I .. . . !i,'- tends froll, ;the l6th to the 21st. . . I Prg' e4mp' With kations'. The.. ng white, as though Ing my - .. ­ nfid. eanood - - 0" year. : '' . I. . . ..., . .1; � phenorneda. *As .We �so of -ten szy­wa,n. I . -. �ther '."- 80"Othi ' ' ' ster-In-ldw— �. ,tojether ana tnilced much - ' "I I . - - . . I . , , � . JfL You'are in arrears, mead In the amount �, .111.1 . I This period is covered as was also. �ordirlaty'West Indja*cyclonb, or.great horses,. is.'You'kno* w w, , wh I 11 I . . I . about. nothing in;'p.alitl6ular'an*d'.said now Y9. . � �,� I . th previous' periods, by the'Mercury . ' � qrq sent, away.- , ere. flying lao ..the hill, 4nd, kurl6l : " it"d you.,. . .. . . I . . due, with 11.00,1:9 pay a ar's.sibscrip- - , � L . equinoctial * fiiiirricave-thlngSL always � '10; -maellanfa Yesterday � to I obvo- our threw herself b6ti�een',U111'.aild LAU_, " . k L . I . . tion o, an4 we will sen&:you abao­. ' , I . . . I ., . . . .. . .",Than yo .1 th(- . . I . � . ' L . y, '' eqllinox, and by the earth's auttlm� U, since I e0#dfi't'say, It a lot tint .y did aot mean. ,which lutely ,frf.e. Th* WeaRly .70atiell .1lerald, for I . ;p 1�. ill: grea - - - L- Clasping the mar' M. JL'o , ,.,� ,, , . ., � . . ,114 11111T lngtbod ( I IL .1 1, I . I 11.1 .,to �be)oxject�c a P .----/ I nal cquino,x, near its central . I ,4er or less in' Water" n ' ered'Patdg.. - , . 1. ,ge 11 e's�'bead In her. ,' ;f learnbl-4ach Oita yC411. . . I date and � . ' w .. So . .� ! .: W4 8 . 0 - � I I - I �� . I . L . . . ' ,.. . .­"' L." N,Vll , , . I tensity in September-4are not- , to be "W'ell ;Kngel is In the 'paddock, isif t - arms, and the heavy Ili desq* ... I . 1 other's tastes. 'She ridiculed his 'edih,- it ywr .qubsbriotiou has -not orlilred, rail.- , , , ," . . . . ... . - L ended .. Their 'conversation ,was cut short i I . I . . ' L 11111ence. Those who have ,studied : iegarded 'lightly At any time. To. tho-� shet P`ut her Ili." . 1. "I on.-tho. delicate shoulders, which',show-, . y thti abrupf� entrance. of Phil a . .. 111011NA0 'title I may, rwilt ;i.aq, anjo. we .will extend year . I .!� - . 4ubsoviption one rear,., mid sead you 'Tke . , . , . OF11 11 -veasts during� past years,'com- go who are exposed to their furyi cij-,. 4!Itis tocr heavy � loaA f' , iii- cd�,t,ink an"d�then Scarlet thiotigli the S'. I.. I, 'Id for cue year. - L. . ; I foi L 6 - nd his and bega� pising.'to. ,.'' . �.parinK Ili(- phenomena of ature: by-,. pecially where .w. . L ­ . . S] . I 1'1171- tqi* the Illustration, .1 Weekly Montreal.Hera - I . 1. yl . il�.d 'And wat6`i com- Isg!t �ujjt . or Angel I . I . . . wife, who liked'her husbanals friends I . . .1 . . . I . persistent anti intelligent-ob,servati if - . I forsuch.'syvrk.pt � , % , � I * I thbi'musl1wof ber:gown.. . I . . . Howbi'l(%uJi'1611 to -get dotvn to work If yoii, are not ndw­s sub�crlbeti, send In. . '. . L 1.11 ' ' L . .. 10 g bined are to beiencoubtered .L n6 warn� ,41 say , L .. .. L . . .. . ­ I � and had. invitCd',y;10WbTIdge'. to spend � ' . . ­ . . . and ,this paper abd The .Weekly ' � I. 11 '0I'm L ' lScd� arin­. 'h" � oil his �torr,- wh�Qh wa ' .- � I , .1 — ----- � ing should . seeig, I . .. . she. shall Ill, cried HI I. � I Before Hill's. ra .. . could .fall I Is six weOks!" vacation and writ� Is' - 9 to . "I Dar lJowspapork wi ­ -- I . untithely, Or sensa- ' . . . . h .be of no .1 NT eraI4, tWo do 11 * �1, . . . ,� � boss here and when. I sa I a-itinit mras'gras , . . �. . L . :� 9�'eut leAi,, h. and '. - he. i's ., L $1.00. This . is ,, , , .1 . . I �.., I � , .1 . . . tional, Nd one shotild be alarmed at . .L 0, , I . y a1hing. Is to, � I . �l;�cd.by'a strong�hand. -story at "The Place 0 �t iyll,ich ordinarily . � . L . . ��-­ - - . . I . I Apart,'! as they . . . . L . . I I . I ,�'. I I ------ ; tile robabilily .of. su ces' be. done It's, going to be: d6n'e.lv�� .,:. , and a fle ' '� . .: calle&thl"r summer.ho .. . I I I . .. I ... TH r- I I I L L.; . . . � 1. . L . I tee vO1ce�jl1sS"(1: al me which was could have written in d few d,LI.7S- but, . ' i�'.' L '!.11adpian,.wou1(j * ' I * (Continued 6i!L' -... . - .. ! a u You - 0 k -'. near. * L . -­­­-- .." I . � ,q,i. o.a. Wom . .Phil Wa . . A - I . . Anil. V, the- proper Preciautions ire ta _ AAAIJ,.rlgbt! Go, 4boad rid do It yo r:,.-, . . . I. f I , GREATEST DOLL R VALUE - - � , � enl.an'a ,:th'e-proper -.watchfulness e,x� �. self!" responded Paton "Th' V . . I . I ,� A an Illu6trator, and:be. I , � ,, , * pap� .7) . - ''any Q . an L �: `,� ''I ail. . . .; . _,:. _ � . I., . ., I.. ... I e overseer I . ;- I L. .I I.. '. tweeA.hlm and, M�i. Phil.' Nvho 'bad , � . -1 . � � ll,r* �ffeied. lij 1. adlax newspap � � ' , . erclsdd, the dreadful-.. lists. of ca nd thepaitnager nqvd I V or -a. moment Hill's gi .. 1. . . . . . . . . L 1. 11 I . : . . or '' : .1 ieS r .. 'IM41- . . I L sualt- a d It very The Weekly iftzitroal:Iieraltl; tim, "' ` , L . r Id Jilt I ance met the ROVI . ... I .?. . " . I . - .. . .been an interior -do tage. 1, HOW'S ITHIS . . . ., . And lo.�;s of pro I . .1. I . I t riot - 'in Can- �FE —­2�n TRADE MAR . I . . . . PeTtY might be I*odu- Well, � and the 1eat, hadn't Improved stern. eyes 'of the,-ove't-seei,: then 'It .iv . - .. ZIno-WmvsP1Lpir,1' 43 yrithqut a riv4l' LL . . , . : ­ ced .to Vfhas .111lig.L� �jf is 0 . . . . . as:a -thing to dreani.n - - ­- . Wt- oftel"One "' a . . I I . . � there- I A` their: tempers. "But. Stay,'! Paton add. I I wavered and'kell on 'tile girl... - - - ' - They. ha' e n " lat I . . . . Ilundred Dollars. Re.. ,,da-' Coli-sleat in Prul, timely, Inter6sting . ' , . wl , �, ward for:,au�: case of Clatarrh. that ca . "d L LL & I I . 6 L ng evcl ed, a., thought � strikin - , . ally. " no t bi, efiredby'.11all's, On ta Instructiya as1to'Vj)nt6nts, it. Is'the -ideal �: I I A Tonle Wine. pleasant to talte. "I �6pulatlon, 1:10 aliliost. -at, ,sea I , I "Muileb.are.yqu theke 2. - Did '' ' 117 LIOWBP&Pcr�­ Co*bInwg tk6 * it featureo. of � I Cive6 Atrength .. - along ur- sputhern coasts,. and if they - 9 " himi."'I'll tr . y.. . . I bit ' not to Puf Into A house. Joanna,: . . be,, I ' , . . . moall Lto", . . . who - rrh . (3tire.. I lbe popular. magazifies, The Wiekly Montreal - - . �whllt X.can'do first." �ofi? 1.410,11*f the . . ­ V,,as prActical, lived- with them, ` did. IF, .We'L I 1.1 A..WeeklyL kag;ZZInd . I L . . Makes new blood L I do not' undetstai)d* tliat'flahger I . I. . I . . .,.,.. sald.*eak�,­ . . . J .. (3116nek �&. 10b., Toledo, O.., Horaid in& newspaper - - . I - , S- the Y h . . : : ., . o the --housekeeping, . jell T .. . . . 's 1'0� Wfth, thaf P#tbnL�Went down.to. , I .. "Did.lt urt,j!, . d I I SiDIP and robable.. At Such ' tiru6s, - . . I I � ,� ..1. Wb She L the un4vi-signed,, biiAT6' knowt, F , . I eornblneil, , at the jrlae� of. the ordinary news- , , - I , Builds. up the system L -1 . . . I . .. I . .i Yl� .1 p . , ''. , . paddock, caught Angel, harnessed her, - ' "Hurt!" eiije(f:Pato loved, Oboney for the lasf-u) 3�ear , v Per., ., .:L. L� . I . 'L I 1. oft; 111.8 -eyes fairly '.'. 66' I s�,­ and UL -1 I, " ..:� .1 I I . .. 1.� � . � , ­ . . knesq/ . �, , lo'be.inforined. and Ad-. p . ut her L In 66' prt, and , tben. , '11aiftig, 111)o you kpow. . that yo . . sod for her b�other! and, roa:med the' ji6ve 11111.1 peWeetly`-honornble if 11''L " . L .. .. "''. . . . I ­ . I . I . Throws off all'wea 2, 'be,. - Not in afoolish,� - slehsa-�. . 11 . coaxed U'.1night *­ Woods ' itfi'lier 61g.!St, Aerna'rd* "L �' I 'ne s tl" " ."' ABU EffALTUREIL,, �-HOUSENQLD REK : � ' -. 1 4 1 W . YL . L . I. . . dog I . L. ftn� 9 I � I 'Ion w calm, instrue- . Ft .g. I 1. . Howbridge wa's � given a . room, All- nblv�to,d.t�rk otit ti*n� 6bligations inade. i FARM' N .. ' LL . :. . A boon to those rep t, * , - Ili) . . . I . L l)USl .S 4ae Ind financially'. . , I . . 0 .overing frolq wastin I a � L 'ay;'but*With a . her. -to drixg the load. 13 riving rid hAve killed I f ?)PL I I . I . I I ,tionS I �:. . I . ­ � evers and Ion Illness. . iV-e arnestnesS -thAt'-wbjj('­'1t does straining. she , dra'gg*qd ' the cart a .few.,. 1%lie,shouldn't )lgve,inte f 'of his " L ' DEPARTME T..- tUNDAYIEWHO I.. . . � L wi,ve,,F,17�nye I I L � . . . r ered,11 said solu I .71 .M I . . . . ,. . . . I te disposal thide --and - byh`1411,rm. Waldipg,Xin�;w&�.t�! � . i0ers. . . 6t -alarm ;them, .. 64 � I I . n .111 galleAly, " ' ' ''L, ' . . I .pot . 'i"'n *;'MARKET PAGE' ' - 'AND : Sold by n.11 medicine de I rill pUltheni ,oil steps'.. through the heavy sa d, t I a " ' *L ' . . 1. - - Who � L, .. . I hen I . . �, . . I . , luck'jn 'it fain L .. . .. Aesale Drug&ti Twji�io, 0. .. ILLUOROOVS . I i their 'guard agaiiist, the first; , ,IT . I "Not , anb * by, . . .1 . .ily', that 'had all. the., ' - '.. � I apmn -; �paug nd turned her eyes oil Paton ther word. Or. , . � Hall's Catari-b. Oiive is thkell- loter-'AZTIUSANOW I .. . �: . . Davis &. IAwreuce Co., Ltd., Montreal. . . . heaven , charras 4n(L none of tile disco L I WEBS. L L HUM91 : - L . . . I - I - . ance Of ' ipproaabi�g danger. Wilbih entreatinkly,' .as thougli to say.. i I'll kill You," Said Paton. Hill Shrank " . nally; acdt"g.ffl�eidfly. 111joli the blood V1 . I I . . I : . -00-1i — I I -S. . . . .cAmpilik. XOnnnia ike. tin - 4'rallcolls s systelll'." "MAN'S PACE � ,' 11MELY 1M. - , ; ' . '1� . . . -1 .. our % recollection ay'ng IiOtbillgo: Of - "rd do it for you;. but'l �canit.,4 ­ .-;,p;J.�trom .the.fur , In � tnatdd him 11! . , . 00 . I - L W Urfact. f the . .. I . I., I I . I . 1. ;, — . .. - - such disastefs, as the' Ga)vestOn I I . . .. � -.1-1 I . y .. the other man's eyes ­ amusing Vlaymate� t4qsed him about Testimonials sent fr(s-e.o -Pride 75)a LI)er . . I - - - - -!-"��. I H11.1 was watchifi� 4 the performancti * ,,,and slunk away to - the house. . ' . * � . . . inalce The Weekly Montreal Herald a. "Maga- . . L . I . '. . I & , � . . V als to,readers " Lfists, of I -ti-Mborers . a . I.. . � I . , . er at 'Paris, . . from 06 ,verand , 'lot IiI6 house �rjts "Uy vo C6 n An prefe, ded to bearell folk It d ` .: Take Hall'sFaLl' iii T1111 S , f or corlst�i . 'y"y . . * � The Preshyterian iiiinist , ealarn ty--�hundreds , of people,. have . his literaii', -abstractions and litsi. *kit. � bottle. Soltl.byall D' I . x1no-nowspqper" that appe , 0 'rlslied. Along' on .. darling,"' said � Paton in a ,- I I g d class. Never a-dull'aumber nt. has announeed from the pulpitL PA ., r cans . - 0 fraught L L' I Il in . L roukkint , ' � I . . , .. . I ld" M I I. I 'I I I L I I", $ 1 . . I * hifornied p'60ple-al r 1. - th, . . I y . . I . . - ­ L . I t1int lie will ask all m0e rpembers of and other ill- built on the. top.of thi`sand hill, the s' With love that e gilrl'a ;61 for his heroine.. She kn patiom , . . I . I . � I .. I tba reare T�o � L . - � I . . I . ..(n,l dam Wits in t . ew1ittlel"61;, .. . - I 'L,-. I I.. . .. . . 11 I I . . . ), 7� I'm L � I ,.: bis church their reasons or exonses for W4om might h6ve escaped, such, . he cree at Its toot and. , ,heart 4uiveied,wlth a Joy'lliat wa:i, - Woois, but could tarleature 6iTectiv'e- ' ... NO._ 0, $ 1`00 -FOR Y09h VkWAL "W1 . .. ., by mely-'Nrord 61 inst licti and, - po, biushes Intervened. hen .'the man. I I . YOU very . Jyj . . . 1, I 'I . , I . . &'O" or L .� I L, . not attendink the weekly wayet , dImOSt'Ptlin "did ho.'huft . T41� . I � I . !:. L a ti , I � I . - . ,- '.. .. I - I . . � � � I . - m( -et-' : . -It ISC JLRE' , Ong like a thrush ,and play­tbv­--­ . ! and got ;:�e Weekly.. MeAtreal N#rald � . . . 4 t. ... I I �, L �- . . . , , in,jimn, I . T1 And big lipstenderly pressed. p no th mu�oaiily. �Tkstluct. - 'She - L .. . ,'! subwerlbe now if you are not al - . . * IV ' i most of the easons ",ril"IS,: ­ - -I' � . .. aget saw the horse s ' . ;., In 11 . I. . he got up 'and much L w I .. . . . . . L . ImItAtiou'Vate *de; Pole Grito, . OL , ready a iiab;,! , . I � Jqi N a , one" but the - mfti� I . . , , . . , , . -1 do. ' the bruised Shoulder. . - . i 14L wi . Oak . %­ be prett. . .. L I ... I . � . wont quickly wn,, . L . . I . . . . aeffber and got this paper and The W I . —---6- . L . I -1 . . ,� . . . L. . . .1 ­ . L .... . . I ister will have a jo t9..#p_4 . - "It does . - � - �, - � A recipe : 14 ntr*l."Rerald fori$31.00. . . . - t- . . .,b ,p4o"M..Q , �,, . � '. , ,�,.:� , : . T - "What's the matter?",he asked.' . .1 L - de fole -* 6 Adolresi: . .­... , .. .- , 1. ".., ., ��, I . .1 f , i4itis . . . hurt most a*fully,, bill —11, �- _,�/', , .. - I -1 . for. Imitation :pate -- , .. . whe�i lie callg. . I . . . ,.. . . ­ . , I I .. , 1 L I . . I . . . . ­ __ t , gras is given 'by. the -Ladles' . M. 1 2- ­ ,� . 1�. �.­ - .., .." : ,�, . � I � just " I siild ", ans1wered Paton, really -think tliitt he did 'not know'I . :,� . --LL . -.,-_.---_, --­ - ... . L . . , , ' N"Ite . . . : I � . � S e NeW Era' Offlutian - , . !'T!!!��. I ,Don!t bUYL' , ` - � 1, i I . L or gray goatskin L "the mare basn't Q ivexigth to l,igul Was heke,".answoked Muriel glancing ' - ' ' . I f . , Oak 'and 61eallse'Te�y thorofi��ly T '' "' '­­ ' * I . . T A ­' . . .,.5.. 1. 3 111 Ost impossible to ep - - such a load." .% I 11 I . . I . . 11 . . . . . I . I . V L 4.. . I up't1ii,6ugh her tear% L "But, oh, look at " . moth$ �bbt Of . I ke . . . . I . I : half A'Pouhd 6f 'calf's'liver, and Oter � I 'ILI . . .1 � - . . . I . I - 11:1. . , V . : ce the moths . 4.111asnilshe't 'r1T4LvCr,jtJ6'r* 41!;112'�'*��',�ber Angel.": . � -, . . : . - I , I -, ' .;, VD ; - 16�IU- Lit_ Cut'it Into, S`mall'pleoes 'and , . . . ­ ­.. ., . . .� I � - . , .n . , I . . ' . . ' . I . I . I . ' L tire in - them the."Ware, a nuisance, L %,,%AXP& I 11 66;YEAkso I L . I . I her obstinacy, thirtla Whitt it is", Angel? The .chestnut, lying huddled In. the . w . - . v ,fry ery n with it� quarter olt� a. � '' - . I the hairs flying ' 'L . I . ghl.- $be . ', ' , L " I I .. . . � I . LL I . : ... . . . I . every*hero, Those ' itfel)evil she ought to bo'called." : Sand, 'was'truly a pitiable, sl' . . . Pound .of tat bacon, three. Shajl6t�g L' . EXPER1r;!qqE .. ... In . . .. . I I . . , � , . , L, � I . I � . I . . .1 . I I I .. .. .. * , . � L , dyed black seem im uno from moths, . , . I I . I . . Pain W the ��fiuoly' mln�ed) an'd'four muslirdioni ' � .. . . I Iand way Po used'. . 1. . I . . . I . . . had Won out, Ind;�4, .but � at .What ap I . . . . . � . . .. . 06, . , . I . . I with Some Sense*of . ..... !. -:�- - - i I . I .. .. When the liver Is tho'koughly Looked (it , . . . . . . . . .-q . ' I .1 , I . - --- head 'was cut and bleedbigi , . . . . I . StoMaph . 0_ L . . . 1� I .. .1 t becolne I .1 L .. , . 1. L . I . her eyes swollen � and, - closed, and she ' I . I . P... must on gwdecount be allowed to b . I . . .. I . brOdIng places for moth% � '. ... I , . -- . — --- i . . . ! come har(f 6r' dark In co'lor), .turn I V . . I ,security that they will no � S - . . . It'and : . - - P-lonted. and g I � ,1 I . I I . :.. .r.1 - �.,', . roaned With -pnin ,'- - i, .', . blarrbwa�- . . . I ..;.�, "'. . . I I "Ohi; do yb ' dioL . , li� ': " L % t I. . . ., , .. -1. I I � ..It 1. I I u think she will , W ", . .0 OU ';L ­%�p .... �,,�k.�;­,, ". lie oth6r Ingredients into a moitar and t . I . . vadell - Ca I . J I . . � . .. 11 I I . I . . . * . . . r3pets". . :, I ' trod?' ,asked'Murjol, ,' � .1 . I I . Pyodfterr, .Polmd to a ,smooth past*. Season It . - , �:� *1 . '. . I .1 I .. I , .1 . . I . - " off . L. . After SW . . . .. , . I . � L I L . rp L . .1 I ei . , � well*lth.salt and black.pep�er .and 11, . .. DEsioNsk I . I . 60ping the ca ' et rub it over ' . .. I 'VL1V;.'b1ftt ybiA11) 'get 'Sunstruck her I , ' , �, , ' I I I I . I . . . . d get, ' r, . . I - - add a littl dered maZe and 40m# j. -,11(1169 a tket COPVRIGHtS &C, . '�'' ' ,� . . . . I . . ,lb and descrIgtIon-maT,- : ,,. . . I . 0 - L , . go back to the. house, dear, . . C6110, I . . I e 40,:�v quidlily liscortain our oo niou free w other an I With a cloMwrung out ill vinegar and ' , . . . -and get, Avyor I ; i Wateri and If 'Possible �ft- g f lof It be Mrs. Hill to-batho your -shoulder.- ,1111 : I I . I grated nutta Then -pass It through invention IsprobablY atent ble. Communim . , . . . ' � � . I a sieve; anq it 11 be I ready tot use. A tions strictlY coutidont al. HA HOOK on Pittents .1 , � walked upon until it Is 4rY.' The , Like the. ,tunning brook, the i " . I I �tv : quan- tend tO tho mare. And, Afirlef, I can't ' . . Oholera . : 9 a I vinegar Is tl�,,tellcupful to a pail red'blqod�*`af flows, tbrough tAAY at Cowara nq L . ,, - I .­ I I ­­ . ..]go . . ' , few slices of' chopped. trume , � sent free. 0111eat- a 9 ehdY for securing patenO. . . . . � � . I W­-I!YO-Aten e: -� � I I .1 ' ` . � . '�., L 4M. S. - I'AtOnto Ink- tvouk4 Nunn Veo.-receive. I t of --warin water, and. this t . - . . I - e -,rp12ggJt_�_­:- - i rbiM great. Imiirovement. :. . . , .. I I I . I , reatment the einj �;tS . .b(Ily offered tb , I . . . sbedialfttfcd. wit-hOut charge, Ill the . L so I ,management of murta;, . � . , come. from ! . . , tiff .. Riftottimo .; �. .. I , , , I I L . . * L I I.. . . - I Uten, fi - ftj dt in -�L . . . but�-I�I could 'not leave until i knew Ch t I - . I . � I . '&V02nq :fully good efie � Pa IR sa- I !.. .1 I I q -tint I& . . ­ -� ­.­­ - . rovivi . . � ov Le .1. -1 . . - I I .1 . . I . ; I F . I . . . . - ;1� �� . I . ; - ­­.­ - de color of an old ear- . .1 . I.. If you cared. I'm not'worthy,.I, know, ' - . . . . I & cal-eless lllal�ft, �" I I Ahatidenmoiy.lii�attttt�sdweeltly. jr.nrgestcl� . To show Sow the interpi, i ,. .. . ' I . - I , � F . etation o I Pet . . 11 Xh so - hook And All,kinds of SuMme ' ( . . . . I * "Methodist, Chiftreli duscipline � — .. S ri " � r . ... 09 .are I've sueb, a vile telbpor'l- Unriel IS % � . . � . r . ;om�� � 146 man Or Womad should'b'rush a lulatton of any. solo Gflo Journal, Frorms, *3 a I . .. I hasbro I ." �. of ' har lie4d � "But. now, now -you'll lot � . � . bat or coat. in a room contai*i;ig !ood- I pomdea�,Ors, , , . � I the soft V r Broaawai, New York 'O ' . . �� enefl in flfty 3rear . . . � . found i . . I I V So dbY41 , , ,, it fig but .necossary , Artiftedulfty 1% iho 10ALOO. ore of ' . - ' plalut, aft quie,k]Y : 01trid 'bt. " -10-"� - - to read an extract from, tile minutes 1110 come for 70 when I get Straight- . . . . yet, many OoPle of excellent disposi., , . . .. . . there, won't you?" . tion and culture Will Use a br I . . . %I board of the ,13ridge '40W Worn by coun . . t"IT . . . _uoh vig. � . .1 I -of the offici, bpnes . Iled the w d- ened out over u I . *WSIL. Washington, D. a ' , W/ - . . Artificial 0yelashes and sYebrdwwart I � . , . . . Strept Chilroli in Belleville of Angust � tless beool# in W sonie S. I red-. blood. also C,bMft Again liurlel looked up, and hig eyes. , . � � � ,'olrolilsly In the-, hall .while ro6m dooto ­­­ I I. ­�— ., . . 1- .. . � . . � . . . i 28th, IM, published the Other d '* ' tletY RN well as"oh the stage. ,,'*It to im. from the Spleen, Healthy' bone dralik deep from the radjanco of botg,'� are open, Is this in accordanco With ­ . � . . I . I .tbe Intelligencor, as follows , &�& �' " possible to tell they � I AVOS - , . - . . I safto are not real. Thogo ' :�Aiid,-Angollll she whisliered, , . , - - cOmbioli series? Thinkl . I : Reeve's case was taken u additlaim will'otten'trangtoft jj� marrow and healthy spleeir I I Dr.. FowiQ '. Tho things It ADACHE I . I ,: I . 1, and it was little I � . 10b, I'll, buy her from, Hill. He ,, - f brushed. haTe - aedumulated from f9J - Neuralgia and Nervousness cured quickly by agreed that be shohld m& r . � . I Imanacknow- , plaW .woman into: 4., .pretty OZW.--*ik.- are full of fai., . I titract of - . ; and neiii . ", lodgement In class And pr6mi . .. ,�, Won't 60fuse to 94311 her for the price � � I I . AuMbOrleso abominatlotA A-1ARMLESS MMOACHE I . . play at cricket . . . . . . . , . . 0 ly , -CUIRE , lose *his . ' Hving and'dead. They have mottle -d-18 0 In fueuie Or8e not to looker. � . ­ \ "t. . , 1. Scott's Emulsion tnakes:new till offer, I krlow�" I � . ' — AJAX AN CURALG A 1, . . I bl I I . I home IS the pl , MAO Of Ow "O h rtappreislon OreatestduredvordticovtralL . , tanding in the church." , * *r oil thi trticle, and the ,o,a I - . - I ]PO not stubw I 06d I by keding the 6tle * * * * o Wild Stra ' T.k ,.otheellocandoic, Alldealersordirectl1ceft ' - ' whi . � .W erry, Au . �rt-- 'kid gloves to be- Three 'months lAter Angol was one ' I . . ace -selected to set the*, a 0IN � . I .. ­ " . . & Coi, Slyncoe, Ont� Monev back. if aot '' - — ,: . -.4 ftlno I** much solle befort hpL*Ing Marrow and the spleen ,with Of the leaders In' . AgAill free, 91kablint them thus ta VM1 atfftfled� . � . 4 — . �the four-In-baiid be- ' - tt hAs been . � . . toll L used by thousatids for L'. . . � I 11 . . . :' them cleaned. TheY 114�0 to be rub. -the richesi of -all fats', the PUrt k1lud which Pa drove his bride to . , I on ,chance drafts throughout tho houa. I — ­­.� ' . . ­ . ,. . : bed go hard to remove the goll that 010 ' I 1, S'kt,y years—guid w . . . � . , cod liver ol � . I I her -now home. It was a new World, nearly i .a havo ypt. : Md,bo broathed nhd. swallowoo by UM 1 . tri. .1 , � . I . Blood Polson.', , kid becomes rou'gfiened and stiff. I 6 " I through wMeh they traveled, for 'the W hikar SL C6ffip1gjt1t about its ACtion, residents, I . , . C. 1'ro 14 I � I .. � . . I I I 1-1 1, , ; F0 - pale scho I : . . I : � . ... — .. . . iWe Table, . i I Brings 00116p Slilt Rheum, ' . I 0 �, . 11 0 11 9 411d rain had come and green grass cov. - I . . . . I .�- Butter whI` remove ahnomt any kind invalids and . for 1,fl Whoj* drid tue *net, Arid earth; A few dosis have often Cured when I vlast* *11 the Itoumh . PA)derlth & i5triitford visiolt .. ;� I floyrers � L'xpress leaves Clinton for Stratforcl . . 1900(na sha 00rofulsk I of GWA wopt,ftil Ink Stain. Itub it . blood'is thin atid pak, $cotes blOO."I'd O� ovory side'and birds sang - " . "A 1wroax,telection may 14&#6 � - I . IF . I . 7 h -#A , , M a in, &M p in, 5.20 1) m. I . all other raniedies hav . - � tbt NtAln; theli Wash quick In the trees,, . And it was a new Angel 11 * f'411ed" Its' Ot d15111409fAddob over lisilf -a - 0 ,�, I P . I : hot Witter with a fine soap, caves Clinton for Goderich "' �, . Sion IS gt *06att'lknd rf.'41h WhO, With arched nqpk, led tho *team ` lactiotli Lt. PleRSIMto 14131d, 16114blS - : 8qX a *r1ta In Varpoem 'RAW, 'to ERIS . 1 I I I I . WEAV ' :' 'n" � .. I I ' rxiox-.17159ssli�m, 12,55 p m, 0,40,10.32 p m. . I , I blood food. It not only feeds proudly conscious of the predolill bdr" -! .. 'Set th* heid of "Prudent V0r0W@1** L61lidbu, Huron & Oruee,� , I f � A child's glasii�s�'ought t6 bt Aug. � the blood -making organs b t I , Ireftial. 1t ,W got tot inuch to - . �. � . I U d"I" 41"t-elri'1011- and of 1ho conAdelfice , Aws '. ," � � . "r t"t No IpApregs leaves clinton for I � . . � I t SYRUP I Od QlPary two years,. as ii 6blid's 6yog I - reposed 10 her by bet now ovNer, , I or. POW1001. lxbw -of W tikow cusplayed to "O 1 1.47 a m �ud 4.15 p in. . . % . . I I . . .1 I thern* stieii,fth to do . I % 111.11 .1111- I W" . � I I 011990 90 Ito itirs Inciedse, , t.V# ". : A--& .&A-" � . ;. . . 'I . I , W the attetAt". ws� �Xprcs 'eS Clinton f6r VVin halu I I . � 1. I . $ 1. � a leav I . I . I "Wbvvy b thb orwad Its thettl "* tho "Wt And Rinettralge, 10.10 a m, & V, % . I I I . g �ropatvbrk. 41% .. , 24wd *W Ir V � I I . 0W*6 th#rn porrhan"t1j, . � f th�vel'rs ' I . . ia "�*, JL. . 1, .01110,0h - # infig"t k4k , , *,...,^ — . It I ft*16it&wM1*Co,.,Ud,,XonbW. 11,44ra how to carry the bo�l�p dorreq,* ! . , I Aeftittoiffee saftiptov 'j,r . - . , , =V �, -�­. .80 a . . � I lW1*th§ . I O'li.iIN10011 #4 1 'r ,,, complaint Cut , ­ ­.. � � ". I. . y" 0400t to tarry your 'Notb" 000,TT A boW.x.n, ellowl.go, 1. � I I I . * ­ . - , , � " I I WAWA I** � . . ----- -0060"M — I 1, Amw, tho" ft �/� . I ,.,� i 00 holoot . % The New Era and montrea , I s I . --- I ��. ­%.. I ­ ­ ­ I ­...* , � .. J"oA4$t,00iW,4" . 1610 . ., - I ['141W.'substitwo'. Thooft *fta.�, 6ft,"tior-1- ­ ­ a I . ,, ­. .. . I . � As*& . � I 1. ., '. -,,A . , 14trald't'll Ded, 3 . P., . . , � 1� - : I . . I .� I 4. 11* . . � 61 ". . � � . . �. I � I I � ", . I � I I .. .1 I . tat for �506 I � . . . . I . . ­.. 1 L . . I I - I I % . � . .* It I , .1 I . I I I . I " -0 ,� 1, N 11 � I . . ,4� . I . . . . I . I — � I � . \ � . 0 1 I I # I .. . " . .. . . I ., I .. I I I 0 I I I � I I I I . I . . . I . 1 4�;,y 1 � I . . . . 1. I �, � .� . . I I t .1 I 1 4 . . I . . I , ; !k I �, � I I . I t . . . I . . . I . . . � I I I . . I �, . 11 -1!:-v# .. 1. � I � . I I . I I I . I I I . . . . . � . . 4 � I I ­­ -­ . I I i ,)6 -... ., - - . — 1. - . .. � . - . 1 ­ �- . . - .1 ( . , . f . I I I 0 . . 6 1 1