HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-09-09, Page 4•
4 g TIM OUST= iw Zak
September 9 1904
New E.03 Additional Personals* •
repreeentative of the J. D. Igng
event the bolidaye with hie. friend, Dr.
J.. D. Trethewey, Undo!). western
Mies. Laura, Bi art hae been, trans.
North•Perth election has been upeet
Owing to .rohn Conine. "John Collins"
uglit. at a Very Low Price.
is respensible for a good rawly upeets.
The Goderreh Star:tat-es what is ab' •
solutely untrue when it says that the
tot week, while. toronto, our syndicate bought, at a very low price, Six.hundred and Sixty-five Rain Coats, from
130,0 'Canadian Agent of the largest manufacturer in England. ON THURSDAY, MORNINO, SEPT. 8th, our
share of this big Purchase will be placed on sale at the lowest prices ever named, for coats of the best quality, and
very latest styles. We want you to come expecting extraordinary bargains, and we are sure you will not be disap--#
*nted; the saving will average nearly half. The first' price named, below is the actual value of these Coats if
bought in the regular way. In the lot will be found several styles—some plain, others with capes, three-quarter and
full length cOats, and all are guaranteed shower proof. They come in the very newest and best shades of light and
• dark Grey, V.rovvn and Green. Some have the fitted*back,Oth belt, while others are made with bol( back.
• Regular -$00 Rain Coats at $1.00
Regular .7.00 Rain Coats at 3.95
Illepdar 8.00 Auto Cows at 4 85
negulyir 10,00 R1110 Coats At 5.95
Regular 12.00 Rain Coats at 7.50
Regular 15.00 Rain Coats at 8 75
Regular 18.00 Rain Coats at 10.00.
I •
An-ottleito make this sale ke more attractive,. we will place the following list of BARGAINS on ,sale for the,thre days only.
\ •
75e Black Fingering Yarn $5c.
200 lbs of 131aCk $13otcb Fingering Yarn,' extra fitie glossy firindi, gn
well twi..ted yarns that will,give excellent wear, regular 75c, for, ,
e and 75e Table Linea at soc.
70 yards of 58 to 70 inch. table linen, in bleached and unbleached
some is warranted all pure lined, while some 14 only half linen, g
regular 05c and 7.c at.. . , .. . . .. .. .. • . , . ,
10C to ,x2ic Flannelette . at 8c -
r A
200 yawls of extra, heavy qmility Of Fi irinelette. assorted'
stripes, this is our regular 10c and 120 qualities, all in lengths from 8
8 to 15 yards, to go at per yard ,
.t5e Flannelette at 12ie
This is an extra heavy qwilityiu plain color's of . pink, sky red
and cream, regular price is 10c, on sale at , . . .. , . ...'....
20e Ribbed •Cotton iose at 18c
100 pints of boys' ribbed Cotton Hose, extra heavy make, assort- On
ed sizes up to 8, regular prices 15c to 20c, to clear, at . . Utio
Cashmere Hose at 25c' ,
200 pairs of en extra fine auality of balibmere Hose, double able; •
heel and toe, well worth 35c, on sale at, .. .. • .
jleayy Winter Vests itt 25e
'Si and $150 Lace Curtains at $coo •
50 pairs of 8/ yards long Lace Curtains, fine Nottingham make
all good, designs and qualityregular prices $1.25 and, $
sPeeicti1 oo
far three days only , , . . ..... ' . $
85cOoo1Chrpet at 65c •
• 100 yards of the qery best 2-piy Carpet, made of pure woel,and
of v:arn well scoured before mak•ing. Thia is our very bast 85e ggn
value, speciol patterns, for three daye auuup
85c. Black Dress Goods at 450
40 ineh wide black Dress Goods', made of pure wool, hod flatish-
ed goods *at will give satisfactory Wear, regular value is en, on ARn
sale at. . ...... • ... .. •. ... . . .. .. . .... nuts'
- '
serges worth -5-6e-jo...fge-at
fattier et Mr. IL Helmee "holds ?, co_r_a.
fortable overnment position,' lie
doeii neat ng ot the kind.
1ferred from the Vandoil head office to
Niagara, where she fails into 4 good
• Woe. Maggie' f)onabe returned witb
her eteter, Mrs. Latornell, to $t. 1_1`hcen.
as, last week, with whom She will visit
Makin iberal, South
Essex, (leonine Cowan,'to be a candidate again
at the forthcoming election. It is
rumored that he will be appointed So-
licitor for the Grand. Trunk Pin:inc.'
He is the,best man on the stump in
the House,
Miss Amy Howson is spending the
week at TOronto.
Mrs. It E. Manning spent Labor
,Dity with relativee in Forest. '
• Misses Mabel Chiff and Lyla, Bartliff
have bijiTor�nto the past week.
Miss ;;Goderich„ was the guest
of IVire, James Twitchell Over Sunday.
Rev. J. Greene and wifehne retion.
ed from their tour insaete%
Miss Lizzie Jardine, _.cff-lIart,..ff
is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. entelien,
1Vliss Ida Lindsay returned on Mon-
dn.' after spending a, week with friends
On Thursday mbrning we will place oh sate 300 yards of an
all wool Seree; suitable forchildren's school dresses, the regular riOn
prices of which is from 50c to 75c, all to clear ot per yard..
2oe Satana at 15c
200 yard e of black Satana vecy fine qualitybright satin
finish, would make up nicely in waists, regular 20e value at ,
• 200 eta heavy qaality of Vests, long sleeves, open front, nicely Bann
Made ant finished, regular value to -day is 35c, our price . ,.........
antt.1.50 Underskirts at $i.Oo •., •
Leal& Underskirts, Made Of a good quality Of Sabana 'Cloth;
nicely trimmed With frill, assorteillengths; regales $1.25 and $1,S0, el
on sale at , q••• ... • .... • . ••••••••• ....... ••••.-•••••••••704111
Soc Cotton.ade at 25e •
300yards of the very heaviest 'quality...of "COttonade, in assorted.
• Stripes,-regular.vahre is 30c, Lor ' . .. , .. .
W4ftig3 Quilts at 70e
White ,froa Spreade, 'made oft, good quality yarn, in 104 size, 7
r.?glilar 51.00 alunaat., ....... . • • . . , . .•
re 0
henille Table covers go at 8
ew .Fail Dress .Goods.,,
, If you want td.see the neWest in Dress Goods, you will
have to. visit this store.—Our stock, this season, is the lamest
and finest we have ever shown. Every new weave, and color
is represented in our display. You arc cordially invited to call
'arid see the new things -no neecrto laity mow, if You ,are not
ready. • •
:Tour mtiney back -
if yen iyant it.
flubttria.. '
LOIldpS11)01r0. e Stanley .
' 1 I - NOTESr -The wife of James Young --BusarrEsa CiPt4VOE.--1Vir::=3Arebb-has----SALE.--W.... Colwell, -of-theLondon
Amorthe Churches,
t. 4 lo a euroli ew
' , ' 1 1 It ' et d• that misgionar
,' has gone of a visit to relatives in Buf- id hi '11 e
We wi11,e gled to have pastors or t to Mr Squire road, near Clinton, who has sold his.
!services will be conducted here on Sun -
y .
any item 4
chetah° Tic ali suedes tor putsication •day evenin. Sept. 13th, in the interest
of the Presbyterian church ; the ser-
isasalasasssas vice will be beld m the Methodist
• 0
\ t I. . church, and the preacher willprobably
W. C. T. U. regular meeting be a returned missionary.' Miss Mc -
of e Wornen's • t.. T P- °e Cutthen, Paris, is spending ii few
I weeke with Mrs. R. McGee. Aniong Roberton has 'purchased the house an Mrs. Mal. Ca,mpbell.,and family left on
Unites. will beheld at the horde br Mrs. 1
those attending Toronto Fair are. Mr 1°t known as She Hill property, from. Tuesday to visit Rev. Mr. Carriere at
Greene this (Friday) afternoon, at 3
o'clock. ' and. Mrs. D. E. Munroe, Mr. and Mrs; r, Haskell, for about $3.%. Charles
, Grand Bend. Duncan McCowan lost
- BAPTIST. -Rev. Mr. Dunlop preach- John Nicholson, Mr. end Mrs. James 1
o meshas putt as o owcoic e :I .
. h edR bt. B k a valliable;mare` at the first of the
Johnston, Rev. .and Mrs. Coupland and t , d M Boweoek urelms we'ek ; she had a colt which got hooked •
daughter Atidles and Miss Elva Wel- a honse and lot from E. Wri,
uier' with a cattle beast and was so injured
lace, There will be no sertriee next These changes, 'instead of inerefiii
w 1 (11" has been laid up this week With an at -
sing that it bad to be killed...4os. McCully
Sunday, owing to the pastor'e absence. the population of the village,
inishit, n
Thatementabutinent, tobebuilt at as oe family,t
and perhaps tack of inflammation, but we are
rnm more, den find no place o move to in .
the village. V
ased to note he is improving. Alex.
the west end of dahas been common-
ced, alsa the ' repairs found necessar - i alker, of Clinton, is spending a few
of Middlesex county. • The latter is a. farm, will have•a sale of hit; stock and
man of considerable experience, and effects on Thursday, Sept. 29, Thes.
while we regret , the departure of Mr. Gundry will be the auetioneer. •
Webb, who has been .all that a good. No'rEs. Alex. . McEwen, Cleveland.
'Citizen could be, we welcome his snc- Ohio, is at present visiting at the old
cessor, • . • . t home, Mrs. A'. M,cEwen's. Miss Ella
. w. -Thos
. 1 Grahain hiss. gone to Toronto to the
PROPERTY Taasismins
• Industrial Fair. Mrs P. Cam bell and
at 'Courtright, - • ,.
Miss Millie Evanahas been spending
the past week at Qoderich the guest of
.Mrs. R. Ransford.
Miss Nellie Spalding and frieecl, Mr.
Clarke, Ga/t, spent the holidays at the
home of the former.
Mrs. Thompson, Seaforth, has been
the guest of Mrs. Robert Miller, of
town, the pest week, ••
• Mr. Geo. Stewart left VVednesdaY'
morning for a few days visit in. St.
Marys and Stratford. •
Miss Clara Dement is, spending a
month's holidays with friends in Kin-
cardine and 13luevale.
Wm. Graham is at Berlin anciToron,
to this week in tae interests of the•
Beet Sugar enterprise. -
Jos. Rattenbury, A. I. Grigg and
NCouneillor gottle and wife, went ' to
Termite this morning. (Thursday).
• Mrs. Fred.1 P. 'Weldon, Chatham,
spent the past week with her friends,
the Misses Statiley,Rattenbury•House,
Miss Blanche alcIlveen returned to
her borne in town after spending a week
with friends in Torontoand Stratford.
Miss 11,Jay Armstrong. daughter of
A. Armstrong. wheelies been away on
a two -months' visit,has returned home..
Mrs. J. P. Doherty and scei Jack re -
for a mouth.
Mr. and, Mrs, Robert Shepherd and!
child. from London spent a few,day's
with the lettere mother, MJ
rs, oseph
Livermore. the past week.
Mrs. E. Williams, roW,,Fned on Mon-
day to her home in Biwnaratop,N.Y.,
after spending the summer menthe
witht her sister, Mrs. W. Mel3rien.
Mr, Wilmer Gibson, of the staff of
the Merchants' Bank efganover,spent
Sunday and Monday with his sister,
Miss Alma Gibson and his aunt, Mrs.
Shier, of town.
Miss Elin. Stanley accompanied her
younger easter, Katbleen,es far as. Lon-
don On Tuesday. Miss Kathleen was
returning to the Convent at, Windsor
to resume her studies, _
Wesley Yeo, Stuartburn, Man., son
of W. Yoo,Goderich township,is clown
on a visit, ofter an absence of eleven
years. He earriee on an axtensive bust-
neSiiat" that piece and is also the go
ernment land agent there. He•is right
In the midst of a settlement ,ef about
Jive thousand Galicians and speaks in
the very highest terms Of t em, saying
that they are first -glees ettlers in
every respect. Mr. Yeo do not think
the injury to grain by rust will turn
out as bad as anticipated,
ed here last Stinday.... 9. cal'I has been
extended to Rev. Mr. Magee,Goderich,
to become pastors of , this church ; he
has not yet signified his action in con-
nection therewith. '
"e‘f ESLEY* CHURCH- On Sunday even -
log Miss Hayes, Toronto,neice of Alex.
;Armstrong, sang a solo, her voice and
• rendition giving evidence or careful
training. -Rev. Dr. Cook will occupy
the pulpit on Sunday morning next.
• ONTARIO STREET Oaurtosr.:--10n Sun-
day, Sept. 18. Rev. Ili% Cook will con-
duct anniversary services at Donny-
brook charch,his work here being sup-
tdied for him by Rev. T. B. Coupland.
Rev. Mr. Manning will occupy the pul-
pit on Sunday Morning next, and pre-
sent the &anis of Alma College.
Wrraas-The Y. P. S. C. E of Willis
Presbyterian church purpose holding a
"Reversible Social" next Mondareven-
ing to welcome the new students and
strangers to the town. A good time Is 27th, menibers all present, minutes o s the church here last Sunday evening.
expected as tho social will be out ()fate last meeting read and passed, cheques Ps...9A _11.,,,.7cisae_b_e_fo_r_edroehtu.drreingailiconitie...
Mies Mary Brovvnlee; of Ilainilton,
, on, called n friends in this locality.
guests of the former's
Misses yv powau and ' Mrs. 'W. J. Paisley, and Fred Hill, of
ordinary. The ladies of the congrega- were Wetted for a number of accounts, , t3tl•
,Tho next meeting will belield. on Sept, r iast week 31' EstherLyon turned ' Clinton, were
. Missye
tion are asked to provide proyisions. whieh was all the business transacted. ,
Right Rev. Units Carinichael, for 244th. • ••t holm" after visiting _ Wen& in Mount brother on SundaY ' Mts. !Geo. 1011
on '.Monday. after.'a
. merly of Clinton, Bishop Coadjutor. of Thi 1,4.ma asi 'W' klevertg T the 1 Forest this week. MiseLaudav Young retur,ned home
•vveeit 0 visit with friends in Parkhill,
Montreal, sit to the left of the Aten- stsfolTsiiiinen-t end -int—enseaS.- o f returned to London on Monday after
xeb 'q, ' spending the holidays " with her moth- Alrfi Ji W. Hill and son Howard spent
bishop of Canterbury). in a special everybody . *who knew him, the an? 1
Sunday er, Mrs. O. Young.' E. Walker is on " Sunday With Mrs. John Scarlett, of
ade °a 81114-•' the sick list this week. Mrs, D. Moody, Leadbut7. Mr, and Mrs, Watt Mair
lunch served for hint at the Windsor nouncement was ' iss
Hotel, of that city`aFriday.eVening, at mDrlaillg that With - Stotht3rs, Clerk of ,
f Iillyth ep nt 1. few days last week took in the exenrsion to Port Huron,
which many church dignitaries end the township, was dead. He arose in
6 with her -nParents Mr. and Mrs. G. aud rePort a good time, •'Oliver Mc -
laymen were present,
' his umiak health, and during the morn- u.a -- Mis. 'd ' Gederich is Ilveen ieft on Monday to 'attend Lon -
vest Thanlogiving simvices of this COna to die, asked that a, ' doctor be Sum- ontolast week' MI" lle 1 • LY-^" - Waite spent 'Stindity in the village.
gregation. It hes been thought uneec- moned. Thie Was done but before he
;Clinton. spent Sunday a her honieci
to the centre pier of the bridge, which
Was weakened by the floods lastspring;
Frank Naegle doing the work. Oar
sidewalks for the tittle being,have been
NoTES.-Mr. Daley, of LondoinEng;$ days with old acquaintances on the
and John Daley, Seaforthorisited their line. Miss 13rownolof Blyth, is visiting
sister, Mrs. W. Stevens last week. Miss at the Graham home at,present. '
V.Stevens was the guest of Miss:Cop , •• • '
'repaired, so perhaps the . town fathers Clinton, over Sunday and monds.y.., ., . Ettnnmerhill
will have a little peace about them Weymouth and sister, Miss Rose,visity , • ..„ •
,,now. . •• • ed Winghena • friends last ' Sunday. i
Karox , Ctittnon..--The building of Miss Verna Hiles has returned home
Knox church is going en favorably,tbe from a visit to London And St. Thomas ' Miss Winnie Thompson was home dur-
, masons have finished the, brick work friends. We are glad to know that big the Labor Day vacation. Miss Ida,
Colborne has returned home, after a,
and the eapenters are busy. The con- I SolinKi-kr connell, who met with at bad
to friends in Blyth, Miss*Gertie'
tract for seating hawbeen given to the: , accident some time ago, is improving, , visit
:Valley City Seating Om ofDthadas, and t Rev. Mr. Clement'spulpit was supplied Lear, .of Blyth, has been visiting rela-
the pulpit fixtures laave'been arranged, ati Suntlay morning by Wm. Stevens tives itt. • this vicinity. H. Beacom is
.for, ..„ , and in the evening .by Giles :Jenkins:1! recovering :from it recent attack Of
Wm. blood -poisoning. Miss M. Prater,' ' f'
• ----- as-------. ' Mrs Joh T bi d M W '
. n .„ ern yn an vs, 0
Ashfieldi, Hiles, aeeompanied by the former's ; Holmesville, • spent Sunday at' J. II.
. .
CotyNcjit -Ashfleid Diemen met Aug. son, Willie, took in the •excarsion to i Iowery's. There Was a celebration of
. . . •
, . . Toronto • they will visit friends in the Saeranient of the Lerd'e Supper in
Miss Ethel . Lovett was the •guest of
for the oceatision, the wardens feeling Mr. Stothets was born in the town.1 Miss Edna Carder, Blytli, has •resume
her music class here after two weeks' Aliss DitisY Williams rechutlY-
Souopr. 1-ttponor. - The following
that their rector, Rev. C, R. Game,
was quite equal to the occasiOn, It
-0 uty Reeve, tetirieg in order to become
ship, and for 80the tinie served as Den- I holidays. Miss Jennie Staplea. Wing- .rsel.ast,ivNeosta4 niodring2tuofgutahte,
Will be ably assisted by the cheit,which hana, called on friends here on Mcm. talryiss- 411.er
has been hard at work, practising the filled ever since. He was a sterling 'odalaYr‘a viVilsrited9irien°dtlinit Danutingadtinlingttht
gene° and 4romeanor t Fourth class -
Clerk, a position he " bee efficiently ausPedbei attendance, punctuality, dili.
and Upright citizen, whoe life was Sunday'. Mise0. Slater, An burn,spepit Erma Jordan, Annie Ohellenger Belle
past month on the beautiful song Her-
. vioe of the °hutch, besides a number
„ ht.yend reproach a lifelong menthols Labor DO with friends hete: Mrs, . - .
, Methodist
and offleial in the church.
He leaves a wife and family to MOUrit
his demise. In polities he was a Con-
servative. The /funeral on- Tuesday
was one of the largest ever Seen in this
essary to bring in a 'speeial preachet could be of any service, 'the end came.
aaithems and solos,
jacksort is visiting friends in Termite. leaner, BeliaSr.Bali,. th
Mr. T. -Mason, of Clinton, called on Grant Archer; bILL -MY'rtle Beat*
friends here on Labor Day, Mr, and wil, Lizzie joheston, Asa Mair, Murrey
raper 1 Sr III -Elsie Lobb, 011ie
Mrs. S. Nott, kilyth spent Bandar Lobe, Mary. Smith, Fern Beacom, lVfin-
f ' '
With t b e ornier 8 parents. Messrs. T. nie Basom, Annie Ball, Sforiley Chal.
,H, Cole and M. truce, threshers, have
L.4st longer, ' Fred Lobb, Howard Yarquhar,
all the -Work they can Menage,
and ins Howard Hill, Albert 1VicLiii4, hlin I 2nd
Saturday John 13runsdon
grandson, Arthur Brunsdon. left foclass- James Lovett, Annie Johnston,
r a Male Varqnhar, Eldred Mertrieni Sr.
visit, at the Soo arid other parts of
atiohiom ; they were Acemetbaraea. by Peet II- v era Lobb, Etta Mention,
Mr& Wm,lirighatn, Mist; Brigham, Eddie Miller, Lois Challenger, . Lynn
Miss , Mills and miss Stackhouse. The Melt+ "till 14veit i 41'' \ t . it 11""
Messrs, Holtizett Were in Toronto from rftrile:Lobb, Maggie nuom. uelah
Saturday to Wednesday. A cement
Nesbitt. Gladys Diaper; ,, Sr. Patti-.
bridge is being I erected near the 12th Bertie 13eaeom, Secord meBrien, Han -
con, on the gravel road. n Lovett; Sr. Part IATettnie Miller
I N be II 40 .
111141tiea been arisen intorineetioti
th the carrying outfit the recent ar-
xi affecting .Ttitinetoe. 'Abdul;
d Xinburn Methodist churches; it
as been found iteeeSSiti* tO Make some
change, which, thOugh not yet deter-
inined likely be as follows
The service Turner's to be 'supplied
. by the pastor of Oritarie streetchureh;
• Aiwa by.ltev,S. Greenei whe will also
be annseticiate neetor. With. Rev, '13,
..01eMentutif Londesboro, the latter to
be responsible for Ihitiblirgi appoint.
- -stout, -Wit& atixiMita to have.. Ito
• SAM& at 2.80 an heretofore.
. • This arrangement will relieve Mr. 001‘
.tor. And slots to .00ritittuo. his
401tudiOtti ,ti• • '
• Rolmeavnts
• NoTEs..–R. Ilford is away on a. visit
to friends east. Quite a nuinber from
here are away at Tetorite. and other
;game., Fred Elford spent* couple of
days at keine this week ; h&eXpect8 to
go to the west eMinection with the
Poultry atetiont, Which will postpone
the visit of hi family to Ottawa. TAst.
Sunday was "Special: Pun& Day° in
the Methodist ante% the collections
boIng the Whole yeti satiefaetort4
turned home laat week from summer-
,with her parents near Poplar Hill.
Mrs. George Judge,' London, with Jowett, ie reported, claims there was
three children, are visiting at the home a legal sale made some time before the
• • •: Baylleld
LA,nou holiday,wee duly
celebrated by the many picnickers
who enjoyed the". usual pleasant boat-
ing. Brucefleld was represented by a
very; large Pienic at the groye. •
W. C. T. U. -A local •branch of the I
W. 0 T. U. was organized here...on
Aug. 31 by Mrs. Paulin, of Dashwood,
and. Mrs. .Acheson, Goderich, Help-
ful addressee were given by these lad-
les, and the following officers were el-
ected 'President, Mrs. Snell; comes -
Pending •secretary, Mrs: :McNeil ; re-
c,prding *rotary, Alias Maggie, Carets -
bell ; treasurer, Miss Chesney. The
prospects for good work are very en-
, couraging. ••
, Comprzeitenoils.-About the state -
Merit in 'the last issue of this paper,
which, said that Mr. Mustard suffered
it great loss by the fire which consum-
ed sawmill of this place, we are in-
• formed that it is yet uncertain as to
whether Mr. Mustard is the loser, as
he is said to disclaim ownership of any
of the mill machinery, although Mr.
of her sister, Mrs.ltobert Holmes, this
week. •
Mr. and, Mrs, E. M. McLean and son,
who have been spending the holidays
itt Whidshr and the Soo, returned last
Mrs. O. O'Neill took in the Na-
tional Exposition the past week be-
sides Visiting friends at 'Brampton and
other places. ,
andMrs. H. Alexander, Mr. and
'Mrs. J. Ireland, and Mr. , and tiaIrs.
Phillips were Toronto 'visitors over
Sunday. , „, '
.Hir. and Mrs. H. C. Brewer returned
from their very pleasant andenjoyable
trip clown the 1St. Lawrence and visit
at Montreal, last Tb.ursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B..Client,,,Mrs. Geo.
Turner, Tueltersmith,' and Mrs. W.
Tiplady, Goeerielr township, are visit-
ing relatives in St. Catharines,
Miss Hampstead, Mt. Forest, and
Miss Ferguson', Sarnia, have returned
to ,town and now. bnsy 'preparing
for tlie fall millinery epening,at New-
' .
fire, between himeelf and Mr.Mustard.
Mr. Mustard,, it is said, ,• continuessto
deny the ownership, and it is reported'
that Mr. Jewett has entered action
against Mr. Mustard in the High Court
of Justice in order to ascertain wheth-
er or not the sale Is legal
NOTES. -Mrs. Boyd and family, of
Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. • Dolan, of
Chicago, who have been guests of Mrs.
J. Johnson for some time. }lave re-
turned to their vlionses. The Misses
MacDonald, of Trowtaid e, are guests
of the Misses Parsons. • rs. W. Par-
ker, of Milton, North Dakota; sister of
the Misses Parsons, is lying in a :very
dangerous Condition at present;• her
recovery is sincerely hoped for. Our
-Village presents a somewhat dull as-
,pect at present, owing to the recent
fire ; some . 'efforts arcebeing made to
persuade Mr. Mustard to rebuild and
resume operations, which will mean
much to Bayfteld from a business
sta,ndpoint. • Rev. V. Coulter Tuck-
ersmith, called at the Methodist par-
sonage on 1VIonday. Alex. McLeod,
%Miss Gibson; Goderich; is a guest at who h" been teatilin hereoeal.,,es
.next..weekfor LOM.1013 NormaLSchool ;
his school will be taken by Delgaty ;
J.-Whiddon, anotherof our 'boys, will
attend the same Bgbool,44§8 Besaie
Webber, of Toronto;-.Vao his spent
the last tune weeks with friends in
Clinton. has rebutted to arm?! some
time longer with her:sister,'Mre J. A.
Snell., Most of our summer visitors
'have left for their homes, and the vil-
lage is once more quiet. W. Eagleson
lost a valuable horse byaceidentlately.
the home of Mrs. Whitehead this week.
Mrand-Mis M6on and daughter Olive, •
of Perth, were -I eh°. guests of the, same_
jady over Sunday. • • • •
James McRae went to Paroled on
Monday on a short visit to his wife's
_parents, where Mrs. McRae and .baby
have been for the past month. ' „They
returned lianas Tuesday. 2
The popular commercial teacher of
the O. C. I., Miss Johnston,- returned
home Monday. She spens most of her
holidays at Bayfield, the last few days
being put in at 'Wingharn. •
1Virs. John Armstrong t of Ontario;
'California, who has been visiting her
mother, Mrs. W. Cooper, for seple
'time, left this week for home.. Before
leaving a social farewell was tendered
her at the home of W. Doherty, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall, of St. Louis;
who have beenthe guests of Themes
Trielt,•left on a visit to London Satur-
day for a few days. Mrs. Marshall re-
turned on Tuesday but the Dr.went on
to his hOme. •
Mr. Dunlop, Ottawa spent Sunday":
with his brother, Rev.'Mr. Dunlop. He
is an einployee of the Interior Depaat-
meet, and this was his first visit into
, Western Ontario ; be is very mach im-
pressed with it. , • •
0. 1. Wallis got back from the west
laet week, He thinks the damage to
grain by Alit has been omestimated,
but admits that the crop will be -at
least fifteen million bushels less. than
at first•estimated..
Mr, and Mrs. C. Rieke of Boissevtiln,
Math. an the guests ofj.Ounninghame.
Mrs. Hicks lisp, batiste Clintonien, and
will be better remembered. es Miss'
Clara Calendar, second daughter of
the late Robert.Callauder.
' Mr, and lure, di P. TWA who
have been residing in Torouto for the
past three znonths,reterned home Sun-
day evening brawls: automobile. They
left Toronto Saturday afternoon for
Hamilton, ivhere they stopped over
till need niornihg,and the the trip from
that city to Clinton was made inTanout
toil -tour*• ' e
ilev. and Mrs. Itolmes, Gevrie, who
have been on it visit to Strathroy and
where he oeoupied the pulpit of one of
the Methodist cluirches to the great
•satisfactron of him hearere, on Sunday
' week,as stated by.theAgeof thattown,
spent a couple of days last week with
their 9011, 1)r, flolmeo,,while on their
way home.
Miss PetttigrOW and MR WO,
Hodgens Bre% milliners, who have
been away On Morth'e vecation, re.
• turned on Friday. Tho former VieWed
the sigh to alri ong the 'Theinnend Wee,
;while away, and Mies Burke resorted
at Port Stenley. They are now busy
preparing 11 display Of fall fnillinery
that willhe in keeping WithTlieralate
Dry Goods store.
Mr. Snyder, of Seurieford, Man.*
spent a few daythere last, week with
his nephew, Snyder, tleavingnn
Sattirdav Plattsville. lie hasheett
• a resident of 'Manitoba for Omit 24
years and likes it too well that he could
not be persnaded to come beck to
Ontario. For a Mari of 80 he le well
reserved, and It stows luck for hi
Miss SteeVril'a letoret spent averalle attetidance, it LOr. undertake journey ke this at h s
onday lyittforde , viAt, e4Oitet•6?
Noise -Wag
Season 11401e....1
HOW about those
r oortis you want
iciapred ?
„sp.texub'.er is a
.good alionth to. get •
this work, done.
All Paper trithrned
• F R ;
W. cooper Co.
NOTES.-XiE38 Mary Purcell, who
has-been visiting friends in this vicin-
ity, returned to Seaforth On Saturday.
*Jos. McFadden visited here recently.
Miss Reynolds gave a very pleasant
evening in honpr of her guest, Miss
Hogg, previous to her. departure -for
her home- in Addison.; guests Were
present from 1-Seaforth, Clinton, etc.
Ernest Reynolds, Nora Blakr'and E. •
Tighe have resumed •their studies at'
the Collegiate.' We notice that the
school attendance has been somewhat
diminished by scarlet fever; we hope -
to soon see all our little friends out .
.again. Chas. litietiroW recently visited •
at T. O'Brien's, inTuckersmith. Chas.
Shanaban and. Wm. Reynolds visited.
.A. McGuire on Sunday. A. Flynn
and wife; visited Seaforth friends on
.Saturday. •
• -
NOTES -Mrs. 0.11. Clutton and three
children, Stratford, returnecthome on.
Tuesday after spending a week at her
former 1101110 here. Me. and Mrs. John
MeNeVon and son, Wingbara, visited
here this weelg, Mrs. Crow, Guelph,
was the guest! of . her cousin, A. 11.
Chitton,-last'week. • Misses Elsie Liek-
later and Jean andHuine Glutton spent -
Labor Day in Stratford. Mr. and.1VIrs.
R. Hamilton and children, Galt; and •
Mr. and Sites •1. Haniilten and clangt- .
ter, of "Goderich, who have been spend-
ing her holidays on • the Lake Shore
Road, returned /to, their honaes this
week. James Linklater left on Tiresday
morning for Toronto. James Chisholm
and .Tames McManus'. have :gone to
Toronto with &load of cattle this week. -
Labor Da3e.wes enlivened byrigapans..,
Jim through here geing to the Sons of
Enala,nd picnic at Point Farm: " Mr. •
an Mrs jolinShaw; Goderich, spent •
Sunday in our burg.. Richard Taylor,
of Pasenda,Califorma,visitecl his broth-
er James, here, last week. •
The NEW ERA. and MotitreillCh
Herald to SIst:Dec 1904anis.
Daisy ehurns.
Screen Doors,Windows,
Spades 0. Shovels,
Forks, Rakes\ lities.
Ready Mized Paints—White Lead and Oil.
6 boxes Akie Grease for 28e
Samson Portland Cetuerit only. $2..25 per
bbl. Get our special prices on large quanties.
COALsall sizes—Chesnut, Steve arid Egg.
Leave your Order at our store.
arland Bros.