HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-07-29, Page 6. - � 1. - -- - : 1. - " 'Wl —7"11)-�,'rW'W�Rr.TIINNV,-M'"MM--f7l'T—,-7 -7 1". , "u, PTIFF-401111111ripir �.,J__ .
. 1�� . � I , [ . I I , 11 I 11-7 ... "I . k __"kr"qz19W1TT",W,W�--_,5 �, - --WrT , -
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0 & . I . TIM CLINTON .NEW BRA I � .
I I 11 _______ __ __ _______ -
� 1. - ___-.1__ ____
� '- '"'
; �,, "-�. Amta%r . MI
� r - 6W �VORLQ ROMAKE, I =`%A1=-" ,, , .1= "I'Mr-12.11 I
I ��. I XS � "00 t�
.. Illy romtgnpo ot4;*rt Mobsordson. N -
, , x4dy Volilsioncip DIOXilAwelDslOrAleo Moth ec;.-1,15, Ear I
. .
I XV00 tile 1JAk,r-Q"ye4U00R;. �-
44 wona IN hrar"rqos orAm I v.romiv, 4
; . I In the little towzl� of Tain. just now NqRstroo A,10 4vorA.0i, 'Armo IV TlJW .;1
. I "Our Lady Constance" Is, tile ono en- If *0011'rHO rHAr 9q,,1Ar qL.oasvar 7.4*1r ,
9 SECURITY, grossing theme a conversation. rl"he MAO# �
. '. . I villagers never ,tire of talking of ' �Scorr,4i� e--,1U.,.V10AF ': ,
. " . � ,
I "....... . he", Whether to s , 1) , eak of livir zebra. QVmmmv ram zvra,i m,,vv&,-Rr.iI An,, t.
. drivinTo , liland, , � "01.PRt.g-VNwiV'P $P hFJ,'7#P.tPe441#`r PQ . r
,per shooting ill �Sonla .
, Cenulne or of Adventures Ili the bills of -'""'T 011-1167W 00 t-9114 A?Q;iiZ8A.VQ
Norway, where $lie captured a young ci-M-0. ,I,
. I S��nd for free iam,ile. i!
A.;V" 39 I but exceedingly bati-tvillpered, bear r Karr & IJONVX4 Qlenlws, f..,
The.buast. its tentpor still-vitid�ctiv� F I roralft I . * I WAIA00- 41,
Cartul r S I QxQ0Ptwhe1-tL4dyQonstanqo Is al�,, , Pe. a"Ad $t,oq t aill"itugWit%. S?
b4nd,Isnow int-hoLondon Zoo. . . � . t
- I I ........ I ...., ....1,
I tit they Nywit that bQar At Talli. .. * . . . . . . . . . . , =T�om.-,L.4,
I 1 ,-,.. �...._.._ .
. Lady Constance i; .. . _______ -
Little Liver Pffls. ' Stuart Itichardson, - i�.
-oea Lady Constance. ArcKenvie-1s; , ,
called the Flora Macdonald of thQ Tile Jgde Jolr.ai Loved,
. Muct Socir Signature of � Of one l)hase of him' lifl" Jokal
twentieth ceptur�, Lind not without I , ,, the
some reason. She barbors in her vig- Uungarlan novelist, wrote, In disgust
oot__� circus and graceful personality an. un- .'Well, confess It I must. I have A
X&41�A� conventionality that startles even the i Me0theArt, for whose Sake I havo'been
5,;�-e_,�� uncon vent lonal; There 19 about hor 4 faltliloss.not only to my ,VvIre, but to
-world romance ,
� tuy muse also -a swootheart-who Izas
See Far,Slirille Wi=pv-.r Below. I strong s,avor of old
, .,..Np-. I .......... 11010111111 i and - ,licottigh fevidAlirnn that greatly nPPtolirlated my best Ideas anal whost
-to e;;; . . delights the 'dour IfghlAndor. � slav(-, I was and still am. Often have
T -Y amral find , I .
-to takz as F.'agar. I 'Up In Uoss the solown people art . I , .
. . still waiting� for the House of Lords I wasted, half my fortune .upon her
I P!l re,.i vEurtvn,, to decide whether thero. is ally ho, and'ruslied blindly Intb misfortune to
, Pe
CARI IT E R 3 FOR niz-7114'Ess. for the future Welfare of babes ,who Please her. Vor her Sake 1. have.pa-
" 'a
'i are riot of the "olect." But, at the ti ittly en(lure
F03 BILIOUSNESS, . Q (I Insult, ridicule and rep
. IMF, M� Sarno time they -take'a falsOrtated, r6batlon;- foi her sAl,e I have, staked
; 9 PIE R FOYI Ti)�!Pij) I Ill . Lift Pleasure in the maiiy.vxraoitP of thec ilful sild 111)(VtY.- N.w It she hatl bee I n
� . I 0 .�
... ILLS. Fprl ',RA�sT4M!1C*1.1 laughing Lady Vonstance.. .. , , a pretti�yoiiug, darnsel there .might
f "' I Her unconventioind ,%�eddlng; A wed- ' .
, ron 11 �` lt.oy I TIM P.. . I ha�e been some excuse for m4, but sb6
. t � . iiniscent of I
. irr 0 a . - j., I:
. et,�j
, C;,Ltj�, L,��.! tiffig not altogether unrou �
� . Lochinvar and iiinilar romantic . I S �
I- - 0:0MIUS M, vw��Mvc a)QUA,"Re. I wa. - a nasty old,, painted figurehead
. — — les, has been followed. by . A* of A beldame, a flirting, faithless, fle-
M , I CUP some -
a On', I V ure ,, I . � �0.,,Iri;.::,�,.;;;,.�_-,6- ta
, - 17 V,�i " ..' --.--,I kle, foul :mouthed, scandalinougering
f %iN�---=1n,r=.z.-VxT1' —.-,,.- - what unconventional holloymooll.
I . cv.-1,9; sh;r, hLAL:AGN1.'- . One might- almost say, indeed, that old liar, whom the whole worldcourts
I her honoymcion'hiLs just begun, whon who mtARes fools of all her wooers and
:I Lady Constance and 'her husband � I . lo e�14 as often as' she
I __ __ _ - -_ - , _ , .- -_ _. I changes Ucr. v I
I , . 0 started upon a wedding touir.% .that -ChRUgeS her dress, ,,Her name Is roll-;
�.� . Japan s IWId. ou SeAk. embraces halt the earth, -not .I . eave -1 tics, and ;5aay the plague take her!"
! Lady Constance would . I I .
. .
. �
I ' I I
Aniong the most ,f,-Wous, y guarded unti she bad t ken An A�decluate rare- . . � N
� tren.,41iVes of the lulpollill 11,118shill well of - all he;- loved and 7.loving , 'Customm of the Knors,. I
, -owo are the- -;it seal and seat utter tenantry 4 The author of a b6ok on the.Kaffirs
. Ci gr. people, the . Lnd retainers of . . I
�-, rbokt-ries (in the iMands in the 0khot-k the Cromartle eptato. So:to,,be#in of South Africa says"'Tbe women 4re,
. � a �,Illiotrtbo cila,t
� I Sew of Kninsuhatka with., Sher gave them, ai"Ishe herself . on the �V.hole, In- favor of polygamy.
! . P
I., It) I.Syl,iml Ni-�Y5, in the midsL (if the put it, "A right good th-ne of it " Sometimes 4 woman who has a dOZ04
� I - 1, . .
�1. I Criuk,-;.t Walk-, wi-en the Russiain war- and there were rejoicings on a big
. � -other 'sisters 1,lis they gall fellow*ives,
" h' I ' i inavi iiiiasift been witbdrat.-wn . ., .
_ V 11 1.4 ,;: t a ' scale. On the night of her wedding � Will go to a wom" who Is the'solitary
� -om the d ut %, of gaimi-ding these valu- d , twenty guests sat down to' d'r'- -Ito . .
I ,
�r I 'fifle t, AV . ., iv .'of a man and ask her if she does
ablovookel-It:S, 't Of entel'pl i8ing n r%, - and were, entertained . with mcdi-�
,, . . not feel lonely, No one can visit a
C�". vesseb;, inostly Amprivan iviialers, ox- aeval lavishness withimilie wails. of . ,
.. thebaii,. ininy of theni ob- 0 -And two n1ghtS .After-. large kraal -such, &r example, *6 the
� " " - .her old hom . . I
:�. Clli'lilii`n� �� vN , ,,I; I i .: . i%t,.-V-,* ,4 of f urs, one king's4rial Irl'$wazIJa'ndwheke the
.q , , wards close upon a.thqusand guests -
� I : ve.-sel alotio. a.,_,...l ), ,-'.: hailing from throngeii the stately mansion j)y the are. hundr�ds of hUts, and not, feel. that
, . New Lond in, Conneet, -it, securing no Aloray Firth and San-. and danced, there Is a certain. 'ellarm In the social
, .1 less tha ii 55,OW f ur .-,..tl - skins, all of and feasted till dawn Aspersed them.' life of ,the place. -it lj�' * ' I
�: : which brought ill) urausually high prit-6 ' .a sort Of colleger
�., . . in the London niarke4p ' Thon thdre was a great farewell at. life, and frequently my thoughts. have
,�. .si,on account of . . . . .
i � midday to, all tb
!�_ thewev then prevailing, and ,virbich 0 children Of �thO - reverted to my, old varsity days,, and
,� baA ell t off the regular Russian supply. . district, and Lady CqnStance : -,�jth* 'it has strtick me'tbat If one could I Im-
� ! hot- strearning hair .was the. blithest �
� . Tile rookeries were for the titne be- . . 11, t_hc , ** . aglnIi ,a set� .Of intan -living In the old
� ing practically destroyed, and it'wi and the most gli �trtqd, �hilcr of, ., I
.. . ' Is all, . - - �. . .1. .. court of 'Trinity surrounded by. .wives
I .
I years before the Russ�ian Government, . . .. I . and. cliff.dken, ' with, -a I social circle In
, I Her passion for atitictics.,l4is .1
- wa.s again enabled to kill any of the � givin � .. . rei. , - .
t Ii. fur -bearing animals that used to full play. She marshalled. ill'' the' VVItich.ever.v. one was ated. �o every
1� I - ". , . ,, 1.
I.. , &bound on the islands. By careftil girls and made them romp as they end else, one might get:.00me Idewo-f
. .. . .
", manAgement, however, the rrafikei-4,q had never romped befor6..T.hci6.wa8 the, sliecr joy of life amid 1,000 rela-
were gradually restored, and by 1875 a -tremendous tur-wof-war with 'I I to . ., � , . I I.. I
�. , -Ady t one. ,� . . , .. �.. �. '. .. . I
1. � the bad. so far- vec-overee, tb;it the Cimstanice with Ser. sleeves rolled iip, . .: . . .. - ' . . — . � � .
. I . I I autKorities were enabled tv begin kill- as the captain of 4 . .. � I . a . .. I
, , . the other. �:-�And* . swaltowla"Suil Xforebes'. j
- ina in 06 small way. I Lady Constance, � pulling w . ith All,her. . , 1% 1. .
J I - . ...Swaliows .and other' migratorj, birds
�` From this time onward the seal herd heart , tugged Itor team to .victory.' . InvarlaTOly- ShArt,those places -which are
I .
. .
, , showbd a steativ and healthy growth, . But these rejoicings- . pycr, � -the bidi
11 In',tho sit -.fnf�c bk
.�, , � .. .gbtesi 'degree _
. . I although onac�ount of the unparallel- bridegroom had to suppress his giLi.d.ty� noxious niltrobes. Thus-they:are never
"' ,
I- 1. . .
1, . ed boldness of the sea.] poachers who of heart and . go'.away, . to . preside to be found in'. dIst I rIcts where ebole';ra.
;1 fitted out in XiipAn an(I saile'd under soleynnfy over the' luduc�I", 'dinner . , I
� various flags - American, British. . feveri tlio plague and other epl.
, I- of the now minister of. - his nAtive yellow . .
��., Dutch, German, Swedish� etc.-tho parish. Lady'Con'stanc6 ! went anotji4 . do'nile dlseasei'pr6vall, ,.The distri to
1! . . . . . - . c
4,:. Russian G(wernirient ,,�vas obliged -Lo er .way, and while her husband: 'was VvWbh the'y selecfas their temporary
�, maintain the strictest figiiance, stud to' attanding to his ecolegia t - duties -:110111 ' wpect4- th4 most
.. -
;, - IV es, are .in till I
,I keep a fleet of from fou; to. eight,W1 I 9 ical
I - she spent the -time 'Ili fishing. 'And healthy'that. egn be found.":,If is: evi-
?1 11 . . .
. , .... .
, vessels constantly on guard About the shooting. Two days later they . per . '
�, 'islands thiring the hreeding season I .. I
1:, I I . both :.'d6nt -from this that sons wh� ate
" . - The. tiverage taken by the Kamsnhat- returned to Tarbot House. imidaptIll 'afraid of -catchIni. cholera or other lrl�
� I.. . . more rcjolcings� I - .. . : - I ... - , . .
"'. ka Industrial Commercial Cornparry I 1. . : fections- diseases ought'n6t t6 liveln
'.. 'Coris .. .
. for i lie past ten years has been aboul't The next morning Litly ., tance la6e,�� which are 'shunned
'. � m doing battl .-p , by these
I was see .
!, 25,001 f tw seal qkinq- valued at;2150 CO) . e royal. with a I �
I t v I blrdq.
�1 and froin two to three hundred so,: horse that is . the' .. terror of. 'her . � I I
. . ' � -
.. otter skins, valued on an average at - scabies. -;,She brought her- mcaunt_to- -�__i :�, .. . � ____1 : � � . .
- ' . .
:1 9259 (,;tell. P . order, and then Was. -off. across colim? __.____,_ ____,______! , ===Tn===!
- ,
,� . . . Trio best of the otter Skins have nev- try oVer. fences, over:wails and Over . ... __ ___ 11 - I I _
., 11
111 streams to fetch medicine from* . A 11 I
I i er come into the inarket ; they have
0. always bi,-,m exacted and taken for th6 nearbX town ,for a giek'old clans- I
.. I
- . ui,e of the Russian Imperial family, marl, and when she - camia back' - she i : I I
li,� , I . and hre conse,querAly without price. *:' brought with her a'Gaelic- Bible, - . I I 'I- �
.; I
11 Por years the Japanese pelagic sea]- , printed , in type .of, a particularly
","�� I --large Size, for I 3t- .. . I 1-N , .
ers bavolettst longing eyes at the rich ' .,Old i Wggie", whoss I I . 1. I . I—. I -
� treasures on the Itussian islands. and eye ' s are gro:Wffig. -dina a ' n'd . -whose . I OMER IN'S
I . .11 such Tneagre pickings its could be , enough.. It is Such acts as . � these,
. I ned outside of a thirty -mile limit Springing spontAnedus I ly itora a gqn- , I
". have li,vl to content themselves with spectacles - Are not quite strong
,�'. glea 1ULLAY
. . . off the islands . erouo heart, that -make "Our �Laoy ... - .
- . Occasionally a few of the holder spir- Constance-. so beloved, . Arid . brin .1
L .
� I" _ � w"hANGO�'R'','
.. . �
�. . -e inside of the limit, ' -
. its would ventut forgiveness:evort for h6f * ,!- , , U t ,
; bagpliie-pla3
., . but nearly always with disastrous re-, Ing and h
- I or' Oross-sword dancing in A,
stilts, for no sooner did their schooner d where both dancing and bag. . I I IL : . .
.,. r �hanywbere nearthe rooke - pip�.-plgylng have both b I . - . I
I 'a een balincd:, d _... -
. I iepsptho�Znc perhaps around the netvr�srt I L. � '
.: . � ooint of land a column of smoke would 1 as institutions of thd devill - ' . .. .
I . Within a fe . A faial einding..often followo A
Is- neglected ,wealk ties:; of , the kid -
i.:' .- 1ppear, And next a sixteen knot crui w days- of her InarrIagd,
! Lady Constance Was seen with her
,I or at'full speed, a blank shot. -ziext a ; neys. Wlitch tlit',ir action, Rnd as
t� .. shel] or two, and afew days after the , hair streaming out. behind her, and I soon as it changes frow no I
, I vessel would join a fleet of others that the tartan of. her clan liapping round . . or you have arl� of the follorms I
I her knees, speeding like a mountain Wing
I had gone bef6re at Petropaudski, while I . I . ivulptoms" 4- 41114vkA��
,4 the unfortunate crew. would be on deer across the grounds of . Tarb'et .. �
11'.., I ,Uouse.. . . I . I � *1
� board a steamer bound for� Vladh os- ' %% * . . � I. , . 1, I - . . � OACIMCW, OaLr, in the region
I took, and It would be many years be - I In her .run she came aeross A- high . Of tha Kidilisys, Puffiness under,
11 I fore they returned to their friends in stone wall, which, proved .to be no . the Eyes, Oropsy. of � the - ExL.
� Japan with tales of horror to tell fulpediment- I
She placed her hands tretnit�pi, 'Boovel. or Urinary
: ; , about thetreattfient they had received. ' upon the coping stone and lightly
! History repeats itaelf. 17oday Rus. vaulted, over, somewhat to the � as�- Irregularfty? Rheu1b4tk AC111615
. .
. I sia is at war, her ships are eltber des- ' tonishmout of all ancient lady on the or Pains, I I ..
. I
. . troyed or needed at Port Arthur or , furtbbr side. Vollowing the 'Swiftly- . .1
11 Vladivostock, and her tnqp . � , . .
.1, .1rished , recedint Apparition, thii old croie . , use -1
. ., , . I. .
o � possessions are unprotecte . 6 mail iiib�;X` I* MiWl - And chUrAle# with. - . . -A� .
. .. of war wiU be there to t1ireaten or cap- enchanted *. disa proval, , "Ay, ay," . Trids.9olk � V �.. I,. I. I
" ture anv of the numerous Japanese; she Id, "she's as wild. aa , ever, �
., fishig$ vessels that are even at this but,sa
1. Lord bless her,,. she's � a good,' . P -
moment fitting out to despoil the Rus- kind soul." I . ; J=4j U
, . ..
. . . . . I 1. .
. I ' .
1, Sian Crown a one of its brightest and And there -&-summary so I ..
,., mostvaluable jewels Russia knows you have� .. .
, �. , brief and yet oothplete as to b� . al.� ' The., I
I � her danger and yet is helfless, as two ; most ePigifainmatlo, of tbe chiiracter � a
�. large Japanese cruisers wil accompany i of Lady Constance And the Way. in Kidney Pill
1, he sealing and fishing fleet an4:61ve I which the folk� of goss regard her. I .
� hein protection if necessary. more .
---1— I . . . .1 That , ..,..
1. A*. halt two hundred vessels will, be em- - . . . I
.. . � . - .
.11 loyed in the coming raid. 'The rivers . . � . .
,:: ong the eastern coast of Ramsehatka Imi1*6r, catilriltsti SAO sword. ., . ., -
I - I
I ..
� , , . will be taken possession of by about I The. three symbols of the Imperial .. 1. � 'Cures . .. ..
't -', 50 schooners which will load up with. ,. houae of Japan ,are the mirror, the crys. All -Kidney Ailments mui(l R,hett-
" salmon ; the other fifty vessels will tal and the bword,, And they Are carried niatism, For � rheinuatistri is due-,
� doubtless raid the seal and sidi-oftaf 1� th frott-of,thcregiperofl-o"ll-otiLto,'00--�- - -toexcewof-uricacid-in-thebloo�d,
1, rookeries in Okhotsk Sea, and on Beh- 11
�, ca6lons. Uach - has Its significance, which is eipolled by'Du-Ju Ana �
; � . ring and Copper Islands. they; are "Look At the mirror And irciacet, t4y. , the distase, eradicated. .
" without exception the richest and ':Olt," or, in other words, "Xno-# thy. . Dyspepsia, neuralgiz and head.
, ' ' most closely tuardod preserves in the, eft," Is the message of the niftrot. 'achq,are often caused by,disor-
�, moild 'and I . 'is estimated that the ,, defed kidneys. These orge'dis Are
� Japa;ese will secure three-fourtlis of ' Be pure.drid shine" Is the crystalla In-
� he six to eight thousand sea otters I junction, while thd Sword is s. remilider . the sewers of the body, and if �
- they'beconie clogged or weake-ted.
� there, and from $0,000 to 10,000 seals. to "Be sbarp.11 . �. . I daugeroug results follow it onct.,,
� For -the first. time in fifty years the i. . . . The poisonous matter re-entera
I I Driceless furs hitherto reservad for the . Who ffoslrdh 1pe*� * sahcesk. � . the blood and passet thrfth the -
I I family will come. into the .. . . .
= ard already a This -is my advice to young men seek- entire system. .. I I
� gents are gath- . '
1. L . - -
� ring to buy them, regardless of price, Ing for success. Fix your oye an )Mni; UNTIL THE
I There is grim determination among land, fix It on Alaxk4, fix 'it on the
11 the crews.. of the vesselff now fitting zloon, collect beeties, defdre'train ttitk- KIDNZYS ARE MADE
. out. Many have had their vessels con- *to, d0mAnd lost boot laces, die for dead WgLLy YOU
. flaea ted in previous years, And have catij-do any of theme things tild you . CAN NF.V9ft 13E.
. I been imprisoned, ill treated and starv. WAY haV6 Your, �Vlll.,, But do not fix WELL ; ' .
�'.. ed in Vladivostook ; they ba,ve a bitter $,out dreams upon auccoss, for , the . . .
Moo unt to settle with the Russian * . the -latest product of meAW ,
. �_.
. , Government, and is now their chance, boneii of those dreamers .Are wrecks . experience and skill in kidney
. .. I . along the AhOte,�O. 9. Chesterton JA I Aria allied Ailments is found in .
" I .- Londofi Nows, � .. I . I 13u -Ju. All the old and tested -
. . remedial agents, aud�all the new
� a DELICATE BOYS AND'GIRLS trisually. - . I X dise6ftd,esp am utffize4 'in its
.1 � Are Alto gklier t6b�niiifii It Is t'130111Y the young woman who toftipbsition. it i's the UP44-date
I � thools ar e full of them. Cliances are Wouldn't haYef the boot man In the remedy for 'kidney diseases and
your own children are weaklings. TV,q W4rla ,Vh6 sn,tpli at the I st.oftL , thetunatism Of White-Vercharacter.
. a shame so inguy children grow up I,r Ir, and - 10110140-4s, put up in rea slid
. the nian who lls,thtl mo8t oynical about ,
,� , without health when they, could b� . green bo*es,,, 5ci pillo, $* tents,
, ,
. made stro ng bt, Fertiozone, the best I 111114trIM6117 Is OrettY` sure to PrOP01114 tb All drug lots sell it. Do not ac -P
. . tonic grow ing oys and girls cab take, I thil drat woman 'who givos him An op- . tept. vi 9100, substituttsl,
11 I Ve , rr6sponci invigorates th6 whole, helps fortunity, . � ,� . I � I
� 11
, estion, makes the blood pure and � . . � # I # I
1. I
re . Itsupplies more nourishment, , V � It I lif suka St I 4601, � . . . .� � .
ft au children can get in anyothe-wa . Llmlfmov
I soon establishes a reserve of forcY' Vft Mghta0r# (With told dlffnit.*�- . I I ..
e I 11
4nd energy. Give ourchildrefirtirto. ft *hIki WA t Indebted for the honw I .NEW YONK, N,V.,Akd I
. %one abd watch t1leni grow strong. , 0 tbb *W0, Vaoxpeited ciallo-4* I -WIND'SoRs-614ya -
14 � limee Me. per b0z Ok* 0100,60 OW -14-44 porkIL11% Mao% , 4 ... 11 . I .1 I _ I 1. 1. -1 I - �... 11 1-1 .
I- . -_
. . " . A
, . . ,-, �
� I . � . I I .
� I T
[ t I I
11 4,
I L- I—. -
.1 -11 .
� W 010011; VY1911 A) 4499A W.4 , 61419111. I'l Oil lm!"iQl __ __ , , __ � 1.
. Petallo of a terribie encounter with 4110 10. ,., % 01 " " ,_-;. , , � . ` 1. 1. ",..,-
V by the lat;t mail from .South Africa. 1 4!i,4 ,.4,N . 0 ft 1* vilact 00M
a lion In. 3140bonaland Are to bai4d I - I - C41", a -ewd'. , mi ,On , . il,� � �� y '*ft Q,* I ,
�, .411 I- list 'it named Nitholson, ac- - !P* OrAlMe Tableft. ' ' i
� cor.);�14011115er 1 4� 1%i,41, t -, ,,,#� X'.A,4"�'1,01 . % B, -,
� I his Zulu vervant, . � 411e. 1&14 i, lam(), Q I . 466 OV. I
Sighted thla`yniinal I'Ving on top of A ;111 yo. .1 X, , .�:., i,04._. Wid 44,3&vo #A 4,40, Atbp, -rhb ogntmt da 0, �ALI.V",w b�ox. � -
stony ritlg I .
,(*. With a, view tq testing I � . . - I i
i'# �.) .., , - I , �-1-v-.'n.,�Lwr,."$
I th(.*-Q(.ok,y that a lWri will. It boldly .. ., , . I I 0 I - 14wr OMIMV�ar..M,M-ur�t"zxwlq,--l-W,V,Ok
� � , , , V,F,,,
0- 6t - Mr. t__,-�!m -_ 11. I . V*,,*4,� ,., . . .
I. aplail el ,,d, turn tail and run, ______._!!!__�_ __�!!_ - I I I— 11 - . I __ - _�_ � I --- - � .
t Nicholson advanced until lie wap I __ , ___ _. I _ --.1.1 --.--"--; I
, __ — , " , �, .
� �-about ton yards from' ,the ridge, . � � I I IN I
--- - - /.
. 11
,4 THE AIM, . . I .. -MORM IN I I
, whilo his Zuju riade A tlaul, move. . . . I � I I
I 111011t. As the lion ta-a4 About to — � . AMEM& I AV, . I a
I spring, Mr. Nicholson sent a - ImIlet Thou, who love4t not alone . ,�. 1 1 ; ; 1,11118"OL � I
I from his Nitider rill(,- into the liOn's Tbo,SWIft ogi,cess, the llistant goal, .1 foa. r G � .
� Shoulder, ancl. rlght�through Its boay� 13 host Rletlleut tye to nuirk ' l a IS � 'r
With an anLrry roar of pain, the utllhe.011uos, of thtt Inconstant I sow. I I � � . � 1. .. 4rTPF I
- beast sprang, And a blow from the eo,sliler not my littWworth-
vad oX its paw sent Air, Nicholson The raeall, Aehtovomerit� seautpod Ili -act, I Blest, English 1�
rolling dowit the slope sonio twenty 'The It revolye %Ln4 low result, 1 1, I
The 19 not face the f4ot. Do you want i I . L
feet. -On r1sing, lie witnessed a dis- lll!oaln that durst ',be "Best"a lowest.price,
- r
pIpLy of extraordinary pluck on the . . t We can sapply Yon- Wltll *11ger's .Unglis*
............, ....... � .............. 11 25c
1 But 41ount Me reach.of aly desire. I .
. I part of Job� his 915ulu servant, With. Lot this be souiethlug In thy elght; f Oreen at I lb for ........ a"-.
out tile least hesitation, the native: I have not, in the,slothtul 0 I 11ovey's
,,, .Arl;, . .1 . I . Beef Iron and Wine Is a good Tonic and strength-
. earrying a shield and two assegais or.ot the v1stoA Awl t4e, hel$ht. , ening inedioluo ........ � ...... ........ � ......... 75C, 10 PX. bqttle. . . .
itiade straight for the great brute, a . , , j . I I
. I � .
I and when it sprzkng at ,Jilin, recelved Nelt r rt -.v body. nor na,r soul . . . . . �
. 0 ea 's low ease will yield copoeu.t. 11 . . I �
. it oil the shield,'and thrust all as- X PrAlse thee for iti.y. NvIll t04 Strjyfi, , . 1, 30 t Eo HOVEY "IsPensil"' �`Iemls�t .
Segal into its chest. But 'Jot) fell, I bless thy goad ot dbseQuteat. I , . 1. I .. I I . CLUNTON,
� though fortunately tinder his shield. . -Q. G. D, Roberts. 1, k i . . .
Mr, Nicholson then Jumped to thii * . — . I I . . � I I
. I
. -
, - -
I . .� 11 , I I I
rescue, T)rawing out his, clasp-knifo - GIRLS' NEW PROFESSION. . � I . I .11 - 11 I
I �
lie severed the. tondoils of .one of the . — . I I ..? " ,� � I -am, I
. beast's hind legs, And once more the zmploye'4 in London Shops torWeAr Pietty ' - r !_ . I
lion attAcked him, and -throw . M44 L � Pre4"os. � I : I . . . ___%_ I . . I . I .
clean over its head-, Then 'it turned , What cart a woman do to earn her - A. r . . �.:, � r . . I .. .. � 00000 . . . . . . . I .
upon the %ulu, but 31r, Nicholson 'UrIng? She can become A dra0er's - . . . .. . . - . I .. ,t'100.1',
succeeded In'cutting tbe tendons 'of is the sugge.stion of One . . 1k - . .
the other hind log, This .completely =yll � . I I Oil- P.0c, � A%$� 040t '000**000*�X) .
I .
4 I - I EAM . I .
disabled the bruto�'Whlch raved and t Unquestionably A great -deal of - I � , %; , ,. , * ' , r
roared till Job, who !lad been rough- he trouble. concerning ornployment, is . I
. 11 lY mauled and was, covered with caused by the womcu..tbcmselyes,"� , G . .
� � !- ,I I
, � blood, gave. It the coup do grace be a an rixPress reprosentottivi I . I F. �
. 0, r . . I . .
� .. w! - th two thrusts'.91 b1s.,osegai. The the other day, . 11 . � .1 -00000000000****0*00-0� - � - . ; - . � .. .
. I "All domeptiti . .. ., . I . .
placky ,Zulu had to ,undergo repaits; , to duties nowadayeare � . . . . . . I . I � . . .
Tikir, Nicholson was, only slightly -44mz, . scorned. as being beneath their dig- ' � - ]Knows we have alwaye a freidi and large as,-� I
. .
aged, . I . . . . . . I nity, WO callAot got doniest,icr ser- I I - ls'trted .stoekof Gr6ceries and Pri6visions, _ Anyttiba , . , � , . .
I . . � I vants because the girls want to bb '� . r . . . . g I .
. . � I � or clerks, -Godd in', theline of , "Ili . .
.. . . SUoh IiV FaMo. ' . typists cooks arie be- I Crockery, Glim war' - C Uaware, ete-q
r .
� I , When- Sir W�myss Rold, "whose.1 coming 'as extinct, as the-4SI:reat Auk, J . . can be.procured . at this stor'46. " . I �I . . . . 1 4 . : I r . � I I
, � and the only ho�somiLld's place' for. ' I . . I . '�, I .
,. father -was A.0wigregati-onal,minis- I � Whichr. COX Pe Iti L:ia & .. . I . . . . .. L- . - . . �.! . I � : .1
. thbre is any 11 t, on . . I " * � I. I �, . I I . �.
. . ..4g$L. �... , r . ,
. : ter � in 'r1lowcastle-upoll-Tyrie,' "Vas I housemal0's place, on the stage, 1 ,4 1 r TVANTLD—Good Buiter an4 rix .
r .
arr . anging to go up-tO London to I - ,-yet W,i are 'everbiirdened., with : , . - I . . . . - I . . I . . . I
I . . . � � I I
. .
try his luck iri: jolurrialisill, an Old ' . r . �. I . . . J . ' r 0. . * .. . I .
.a governesses -half trained, as. A rule � � I . �
'to' Wara. Jr. . r I . _ . Q .
�xienld of 111B father's Leame N': I r . L . I girn r . , . I
.. "Thomas " ' " 'typists. and cle.ric , .. 'r 't
. :-hospltal nurses r . . . I I
r - . f who cannot.get ' .. I . I . . L . , I - .1 'A L' � . . r . . . i
bitri against the venture ,,Pl,,,,,,,tr I . .0 wo . I , �WN . .
I . I I I . � a' L
said.this adviser, '1%h'm..-&orry to, "A new professionAias been is�X- I * . I .. .. . . . . . . .. � .. 1. r. . . . .
. Dc 0 411 0 0 � . . I I .
. b�ar. that' you .want. �o gq* to Lon- -gested for girls Who 4aye had no I , ,r.C-00SS8(F0(F.XPV,,-0S"-5� r' �*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 to a 0 00 . I .
. � . . . . I . . . 11 L 1.
.don', ;4n a his writing. in: the I special training lor: an business ,or ' � - __ . . . .1 . . .' . I . �, I .
� y _____ �_�_-� ___.______!! ! , , . .. .
* ,
Papers.' XVII bring you-nogoodo,my, .professfonal.w0k. All th6t itxetlubr' � ' " . I . . ------------ �� __ -I_ � . J
.. - � ' * ' , , , *
. .
� lad, - I mind there was a very decout ed ik a good f1guro,, ainti the darioiafi. ` r . * . . r. . . I i
. . , I
. . . I. � =RUMEALL of . . ,��
friendr of mind, Auld Mr. Forstor.AbO necessary to ..6how oil. ,,beautiful 2n Ne N'A7ff,w I
. butcher L In the, -gide', , He had ar ' lad- I gowns. I .. . - I I . . I .. ... I . 1. ; I I I I i . . � . .. . . . - . I I . L .. .1 . ., . . . . .
die just .hke you; And nothing woul-1. ' "The profession is that of t man- .11 , ' ' -0 , .% . . I r. . .
. - . ' ' I .
I . . .
. . I -dra�er's mode �T' . . . e eadhirvr, - cil a00.. ina ' - . . r..,
Berve'him. but be must-go'away to - nequin, or . . _- -b I '
. I. . 1, liesegirls 1 . T_ I rri kers - .. . .
'to be eddleatedv as he call- , Are am loyed by All- large §h6ps � . . I . . 'M . . � C11 . . A. , All- * I., 11 r. I
, ,London, and . . . . �
. - p . ' r ' � r ; .
. .. � ed it; -'and when he g6t�eddicatcd ho., are selected entirely on eLedount O,f -wo.4C: n1r.an'Oa-dukod. 01a tbo. pre " ' - tsn& r .. . .i
- hW beatity and'ahapelf . . r . . mise�. ; I I
wouldn't conic. back �o r - father's I 'their . ness. ' .. � , I I . .. . r . . " r - '. - '..
Was.: 0, n'rSt_CIaSS . I � ' I , . . .. . I . .1 . ; I., ... . ,
. shop, - although it . I . leg consist. solely of " guaranteoid . 1. . . 11 ; L , I . � I . I . . .. . I
busWess. , He wbiuld do u6thini' but- I . .'Their'' 4ut . . I r � I . ...
. . . 1. . I . I
, � I i walking.- up And. doiva 'the, long show-,' . - , . . ; . . . .. . . I � I � . . I . ... r .1 % . , . I . .
- .
. I . write, � and write, -'and- write &a ;a L 6L most exquisite. 1- I I I.- . . . .r .. . I .. . . . .. .. . . I . . L I .
� . � arid At . rooms c I all th , . I . . I
. . . . .
r last. . . gain to London,, 1, m4dels which ther. .. 1. , : * Rubber firt d r1p. a speclafty. I I 1.
he, wept back a' . ohops.c#A oroduce 1 Ah., . � I I r . �
. . . � . . . .� I . I. . ___.;i�� . . .
and left his poor, old. fa.tlieir 611'alone. ' for the benefit of' the, ladl ho wish . - , r I . .. � .
. � . . 1. I I . r. . I . 0 .� :. � . ., t1, , *.. r , I I . . . I . . r, I � r . , ... . I . .
. . r . . .
� .and I've 'nev6r� . heard tell -of 'that II to �urchamo them.. . 0S.W. . � . . , 4fing prol.n - . t I . . . . I. . �.
r . . . , . , .Rop I P y a d r % I . .
' . . . r. tten ed to.. . . . . I � . .
. laddie since-.'." Thips was the fantoof I . 4,Those Who bave-ft-led it state . � . I - � ; I I . , .. . . I 1.
. .1
-_ . Job � rx F I ors * ter, � the , . a, . it . tfior'. or ",Tbe , that they And the lito mc�st OroAtitble , � - , . . - I . . r . . . � . . I
I . - �. .1. I . � I.. I I
. � r I . . . I . . I .
. . . . � . , ,I and comfortable, and the ROMWOU& -. MiAt Ith . 1. .1 1 1 .1 � ...
. . Life -of, G oldsmitb,' - and t ' lie destilr� I . . . y have- not . . . . I . . I I * Huron Street.* Clinton - , . -I - . .
ed blOgrapiier-ol: Charles 1)ickenii. '� the -slightest. 'wish to.6a4girthoir . ,,,,,,,,_ � I . �_ .. � .. ___ - . . I . r .. I .1 I . I . . . 0 1 . . .1 . . � � � . . ....
. —_ - - � I..... . .... . . . . � ..
. . I , . . — ________7_ _T F; ___ ====!".. .
. .. . r . . .
clicrished 'In his na'tivi town!: - " . for; thit'.of. it j;9Verness.:or.A . . . I I . . I I. r . : . . .
r . . . . r I . .. . . I posil n . I . I ... . - .. , , . I I I
.1 . — � . 616&Pl� . 0 . � � . 10"'.11L a - ' - , . 6. 4 , , I � ,. . - , . I
. : ; .. . I :. . . .. .1, , . 1,r . . , ,�. - .. �..
... - . . . �. . . � . . solik, . pa". . , , a., * r ,
.. . . IM6 Know Hizu.. .-. ..- M a nor . . . .
. r r � . .q 0 .., . . .
.6tileer, I . . . . putih worhen Id not large. But, . . I .. ..
A 13ritish who had S'(Vved. lix � al . .. ., Ir ",%;i I I 1 - . I �
. . . 1, perhaps it is �nearly �as' large as . r ... . ..
r ,.India tells the following'story."- liva, W . . .. I .. . ... 11 .: - I 1.
. I . t . the supply� cbrisiderinff ho,W very, few )' . . _P_ C -d . .
.. I . "Unfortlinately , 'tIld. domand. for . a
After. .
. �
.- � . M
� .
.... . 7 j, 1� � - _ : . I : ; . P , , i
I certain *campaign .agAinst 'the, Afridi.-I ' 1 . I fu . r . . . .. . . . . . � .
I I . . ' a Ar4 perfectly, 'formed nowa.4 . :.* ' -� 7 . . . . I . . - :' :_ r. � " ; -
I .. r I � r .1 . ., . .
a, numbLir-of the.natives th,mgelvei' 'o' . �. : . -1. . I. . .1 I I . .. I ,.L . I— . �.. I . - I . . , . L
. . I
. rtook,sides. with,the I . Htish, , :flghting'; days,'!. - % . . . .. . ..r. . . .. I Ir . L . Ve) oil . . . . I ,L . . .� .
. . .'�k ' . ;, ." . ' L: � �. 114 '3�ailred �Otilo'bf The B-ir-Ains'? lfn0 ci%ll:sna See. W., . . 1. . . . I .
, L . . .
their own peoplb. . '';Arir'-�fridl *with " .. . , , _ r. , . ., . Perhopw %i e bata interoilt'y6dr-In a � new, r-iileiboaid.. lkzt�aoi . r , , ' �. . .. . �._ . .
t cer's detac . - ' Mi* Lond ' .-O'w . I . . .L. on Taill . � r L s".
. . , . .
-he ofli ,hment � ,stood. 'one- : . - ... . ." IQ* 15 � 'r - . ,Sot QfChairj,:Pk,rl)�.,j3ult6 Cout1h, Iron 1164; .%by it - � .
. . r,,, I I . A.strikirig' example bf the rapid Ir 13 - Ukril ge or. tt . I., �
. . - , . . .
. . .. ,
. morning b6hind roeli�pr hoPpinFL f '' L� NrmCirp.t." TWAs 99 6domu,iv be sold. Big' .. next , . '
. ' I , . . r d suourls � for w6 , , .
- - and, firingL . wai. ia:'which, wfiat� ii known Aar the. L .. two W01114. � '. . . . . .. , . . L �'. - . _,4,
. .ibout,wlth great'.activity, .i;K�. . '. - , . , . , , r .. . . . . � � , � / ,
' I
.fter shot'at � ligure. dirn. in . extra metro�politan. area is over I I I . : . ... .. . ,. . . . -1 � . �... ..j., '� . , I .. . I r. . .
4 . I I _ ,r . � . .. ". , 1: . . : . . I r
0 , III * tanCe. r .. .I . .. . , . I . . I -V 4X - ' ' �� _16 . . � , ...; .
shot A I - -
S " : . r, . t6adink, is ftwniShod In 4 return, whi.4 i X It. (Ift .ktj W , � I
th I . . L 4.. . I r . * I . � - � L I . . .
inan?"L I - net been issued: in relatiorC - , 11 . . I . . . . ., . . . I;rL ITH - � . . - . .
-.Can*f, -You. bit. that I Said .has J 11 .to - " -, L . .. . , .1 . . 1 .1. . . I 'L 1. - .. L. . � I I
- ' ' ' East. -Raxn - __ - '.-,�,, __h�p . . I ..
. t,lie-officer - . .r' . . ,!4 .. - .
.. - drawing near,. . ., I - .__ ,, 11�ut .a., few, years. � 4. - '. !. . , __ . . I. I I - :. . .
' . -
I "Xo, .sar,"' itriswerod the' Afridi * 15 or" 20 at -the mo . xt-it was . ittlef -__ �_ , .0 � . - -"----- _' "� L, - __ 11 . . . I I
. . ,,'____! . - -
, L. " 1 _ '. . . . , _ I . .. _: �
. . . r . - " e _ , r , ,
. '
,,J.SeoL ' . bra than jj� fairly lArge villago with . . '. .. Tb6.. weat'ber 19 a,MoSt'to warm to write, an ad. -- ', . � . r� .
r .hlra, but he ls,hard to"Hit. ' , Uj m I . i . . ., . L. I. I . . . . . r . .
"I - a� , poputl�,tion of a fow. ,thousands . . . . .. I
IS,' sat,. -hardest . litall to L hit I klipw. . . ,� L � . J . . . � . ' ' .L III` .
. . . .1 '.
. "Oh,":gaid tile oflicer , "you don't ,. ,onl , y. It hid no electric trams, . no . weha-Ve SUPPI ied mAy' with Coal. and' 11d w* we lave, , � :. �., , . .
.L. . '' . nicipal 4uildings worthy the. n . I . 'L. .. I � . ' . .. � 1. I . .
,know rhiM,. do You?" . - , ... mu . arne, . b ,ht ci- c�i 16ao of -S It" i- : _�QOL 1b' '. I
I "Ohi, yes, sa�, I know rai;ca�l *ell. I - . slid one,might also ,843r it -had vom - .Oug I - , ra n. . . 5�&� ,L -We dff6r' specialpl�' r .'
's. .. . L . .. . I . ' .. ��
. .
"Who i's he!" tbe, either a'sked.' little.. else to.-distixgui " sh itself a4 o, . price6.Whlle. it lasts.. - We hS ,a . uantit-�. of Sugar -and , gla-Q'7 �L . .
. _
I � - -1 - ... � community -apart- from I . I eSttOO1 _- i L -�b-�41_ffi � - -7-- ---=I'..-- _ _----7--
The .Afridi fired anotb--r Shot .at . . � ariywhere else L. r:i J arS, ___HAfV allCt. . . I ... .. r . . I 1.
,the dist, - tint il&�e; :Then'lle riiplled. From the return- Just log L U00, hOW_ . . S n . . � . .1 . . I. .L
I I . . . . "' ' *
' I
: '!Old rascal�4e * my fathore" - 4i'ver, it appoais that the- population .I . - � , . � � . J_. , * , ' . r '. .* . '. r . . . �. . . . , . * . , r L .L. .' * ' � �.. .. * . . . ' . . r . . I . s
, : , . . . . I .
I . . . ..
r . : . As I - a sPlen- - , - I " I 1-, . : .L
r . . I I now OXCC do 116,000, while' � � ! %=ome', eia, . .. .
, r 1. . .. did� mu4ir . Spal ele�trlc� . trArA gor*ioo� L I* L., ' �I.L. sely to r your - sh ir* e. 'i . . I.. � r ....' , - '
, L .
I . . r ;, .. I ' ' I . .. 11 L � .. - . . .
. . L . - I - - - . I. . . I I .. I . ..... . . .
I L.. r.. I rJ1 � .. is in'tull'working, a 4 COMPlote oet"" I I Loudeisborp � Er�l)di4u� I .. -. . I . I
. - piteful, , municipal. buildings has -beell erect. I I . . I .... . . 10 . . I � - .!.... .. ... ...
-MIS -�- L L , . .... I A * .
I s bidgitl . i. don! t like the color, 'of . in short,* Ii boasts &II the- ". . � ..,. July 22ad'law '_ r I I AD - IS . , I... . , .. , ,
. . od, And,, . . .. Ir .. : 1. '. ' , . r I. . ... � r . I . . . . .
Mi. hair. Miss Youngthing-Don't let .. � I in - '. :1, � I I I .. . ... r I _. . .. , I . r . I
. . . . I
. . , . adjuncts for which one lookA. 864 .. . .. " %... I I .- . I. " � . ___. ... r I . ' - . .. r .
� !!�� L. * , ... I .
that, butherr yon, my dear.: It can't bo, p-to-diate niodern co.mrnunity�- When _i. - ___"!�_w 1, �! , _ . . � I
, . . ... r I I . . . . --- � - , _ _ � ..
r. ldar., now. before It turns gray. .. : . I . lu -� L I . . I . I . . . . . .. . r . .. .. I . I
. � . . L . . . 'r One Comes to look at t" f4et that L . :1 . �.. . . . . . I . I . I . 1. . ,r .� .. . . ,., . .. . �
I I . . . . .,.4 1 1 . . .a . 1. '.
.. I . . . .. . I .... , I its Population L. 'jrows 'at the r4tea:df 1. . I A rlseietox vormet. -,-. - - - I .. � . . I . .. I. I . . . . r. , r. . .
I L , r
. I Mile .:. � I p. I..thousands per annum. it Is n ' ot , sur- - . "76o," qa1d the old'. trayel6r, "I.r w&6' . r I L _. . -1 .. � .. " . . . ... I . �. :. � . , . L - J
AA ftglish lady reformer Of"il - to find* th&t- no less than 4r,' On a jury 1i OR I 116MIA 611ce. 'It rW&B Ill . . b" . ^ .., �.X '. .. ;
. 'r Acer PrIsing � . I . I . � 140"wo P4 6. I . . . . . . .
. �
. I" " . 460- I - I 'I -
'tain age who .Visited lndla.to� deliver a .371 naert lIT'InVrther4.&rp engaged In .. murd,er trial. I didnit want thi-fellow it , 41 XW .. . I .
.r. � r
leettire - told fthe aindience - thitt she, th, buildini traile, while there are b . _J* . 1 .. I ... I
I r r, 4VVd and bea xtu6k out against. t1ke . � d"P. LVIAtft, .
- r I 11,
I would be happy to answer any* ques. also ,2,673 general. laborers to' Im L �. r I .. . . .
. I . I .
I tion, upon which A fat baboo came tht jury room, when they give in, and . . . .r I. I . I �
. . . . . I
� sot of AgUres 11 r * rm. . I ...
I . r . - .1 other eleV46n for n
to found within its ilrox. .1 ifie dhysi lockedillp in A*
the front With "How. old are you?" , . Anothilar alffalffealit 'T"
. k0mr, , .
i I
I . I . , r . are, th%tL while last yeat's births we broUght In &.verdict ty" . 6011ft in� . '. I
I "Oh,, Ao," she roplied;. "I doWlt.moan r 805r -there jLre of 'Not go f L �.. � a . . . I .
numbered 8, 747 per- and then I *60 ready. to stab, kaysti. .11*. .
IL . . r .
. questions of that arort; only o�nes con- . . ". , r.. .. L W e . . . .
r , . sons ongaged In the furniture trade, with spltw , . . � I I I , is 11 _06 . . . . I
, , . . I . . I . � lot . I .
nected with the subject of the lectuft.11 -Which jPrtimpts Oita �to speculate an' "Whitt aboint?". . . � L . L . �� . .,
. I I .
. . I "Arib you forty?" Continued the baboo, r to wbothir, tho lu'ruiture trade and ' ""Cause th* mob had houigid tho prW . I I . . . .r. .
a9swer - - quer on tho . I 1. � � . .
now4ov. pbaolied.' IiNo, I I vigh!t . L the birth-rg,ta aro synonYniouil. It Iflori ft0t - day, 'We L wore . I - . mi . . I . . . I . I
sucli a question," wits the.reply, ' "Aro. .. �nly neids ,to - be: added that 'Vist 10*f4'Ur"!,.. , L.� , I � .M,i a L , 4
- A M �. . ..
" . . A 3.� 1 $ I I .
I . " . . . . .
I I r . � . .. I .
n - n .129 ;W'- - I - . I I : I .
r . '' __ _ . - . . : . I L I
I L .� 4 .
'*h, no; I told You I -wo . .1 . 'N ' I L I � I L I . r .. . .
,you � ftyl" continued liei toMantbr.' I Hs,,% �vjdtiitly believ@ I kl* 1.11 'r
I _ � _
- (hit MA16* wh4t, T � . .
bit answer Aftii 'W-, r1ruiv I 0" .A- . too . . r .
, no 14 Xtrr'#' food supply"- the ve ;* -1 To , -joutd, 0 - ooyertr -of to ISO " ..1. 1. . '.. , . . : r I . . .
'such questIO .11 ,&ro y,ou .of L hgading " r I . , _., ,
. r . �, . ,,�.`41# , . I .
s "Oh, iao, no, I , , fility 11. tht spootable � - nturiborL " of 1,g2o * I . .. . .
no; I'm 11ot ., persons - hAlrdshied by ItIA a $mistake--" ofter . . . . .
J Wy responded precipitately L . L "... t. I art eraploYbd. I � . *11 I jtj�A,6f enj" r r .. . . .-#. . . . .11 -.1
. � I .t klit In@ -_ e0byllis ovir life . ..
. ' �. .. .. . I I of . i .. .; . " r.. . . I . ..
. A ohlkatrl out partridge shooting was'f .� L. . . I . - '. - r ' we are cram Lug otiroelv6o. It 1111 asr"If ' . z. 0 .
. L . 0 , . . � r . , _ L '
, ,
� .
seen 1.0 MO Of 1AUghter '. .slapping hit . . r Xro. Waral.4111411 raintor. .. I we Wert. "t at a ,feast and sulkily to-, r L . -1k , , . . .
thighs In th# ecotapy, of his gle�, ft . I Vba J-oxidon St4Lr says Mrs, E, X. fused to enjoy It few di#beX bee&U" rwo . , & , 1 , r I . I . ..
. ,
, I
Inquiring tho CAU98.0f his, fillarity, he Ward, the p4inter, In & figure in the could not reach evorythins 0it,09 table . I I 00 . I ,, .
. . I
. hurriedly said, "Hueh,- salillil That' r social iind art life. of London faml. and make ounelves sick, liko foolish' . . & , L , , I * I
dooly," Indicating on* of the � boAtors,. . liar to 'a large cirolo of IrlQs, ad- children that wo S"._ 4 1. . . . . . � . L. * I , . . � ..
. .1 - I
'that just be . infroiro-and th& - public, &Ad populkr . I .. . .1 . I I I. , . . . I . �. . . . I - .
een,bitten by a green snake, . j"J&gUM0kFP_ r . . �
. .
'litit'he with all, The granddaughter, of an I .. I A d L t I . I . �
I ke It is only a tborbl. Don't artint, the daughter of xxx It. A., the'l , ,10*111aw. -Strolko. r . :* I . " . .. r I I I . . �
tell him or' h*01 . I be frightened And *jft of an 11, A,, the mother of 'r ar- I The har6 dilally taught up with the - .. � . I I . ..
. I . .
41:60 boating."-Fr1in General Geratft tlits, dosoonded from a, line of att.' tortoW. "Well,; old man# Y0111ft Act I . 1. r . r . .
, r
IaLeavex From the Diary of 'a 601414V r castors all reuiarkablItl In art, And mU011 Of a rannor," he sneero& ... r ase . 6 . I �
' - I L . ,
. . . .
L and Sportsm9g.po .. . . in h4ir own porson and -talent ivnt-. I "No," admitte' -the tortoixt, Vib not, � r .. __. - _1_ � yt,w,�. ". . I , -, , . r L I
. I . I . bodying md much of the art emotiono L 'I think 1�11 try for the crew.- ,r61%.X44i, I.. . I .1 I �
. L - L �� -1 .
11 11 I I . I- r 11. - . . - . i,�. 'of Our period, Mrs. Ward has been rin quit$ sit hoine In the shell.0 I I I I I I ! .
I . ,L'the friend and hiatructor of royalty, '. . I I , . . . , L . . I I 1,10
consta, nt Dread �' . and a, pioneer In the ostti,blixtiment, I. . . " . r L''. . . I I
r . . . r
I . � .
.. art. Antiong her f&*- � A Disittaiettest. I
I . r of schools of I . � . .
. . of Ps y IS.; . orite �idpila was the popu . I toCan i man patent a selentifie dis. I . I I � I
. lar rrincosg� I
, ra I S. Alloo of Albiatty, now Princess Alex- cov ryle" *,sk*d tho comniftial person. . '(�_ L , 1. 11
. . I . . . ander of Tack, and at one tirrij the . 41 e . . : � I I
L*ft arm aot nutntil-noctaft, Duchbos of AlbqLny hbroalf, rM6 I It "'hit tifiba"y done," aftWoredthe - �
, "
i r I'D '2-1�L_
said nervo.us oxhix,usuolt-_� r Lealito Ward ("$py',' of Van- ,solentist. ut somo of thea ought I 41V . I L I � I .
poputo Is Mrs. Ward's son. Ror t6..bo tozorighted an. literary otodue- * . L � I
, Rornarkable cure by Or. , - Ity, F . . . . ,I I" I
Irve lFood. bilobw%nd , ttoniLfl . . I 'W'" # MUN4.
. 6ha*W* No Was the late 10, X. wa,td, , I - . I %, Ill
R,A., Ili who" lifetime Q;deeA-'VIo- ' *0 T L rloijAgr Pajoillit . 1. I I I
MIt3i CRAS. S. CRAVEN, North Gower, ()ht,, _ .1 ,
toxii &bd the Prince Consort wart I ' f t0L Mdft*ft4 - I �L, .
writes: "I do not hesitate to tecornift6nd Dr. 't fro4uont visitor's to the joint %vadlo .- X . 4
Chose,A L 966re Food and wouldnat begrudge leg. Tnesoe!1w -.--' . .
. fifty dollars (or the goodr it. bag -done me. I of husband "d *Ifo. Urol. lVard 0401k, thAt OVOt7thiult it 241ttled in To. . 1. �,
Fdr six years I gum I spent tritteh time at Windlar doillig gatd to 'j#y *&dding! Mr. W=611106- - 60 'Y9A1189 .
ered .
I . with severe paltis in my I portraits of the royxl phildrou. 'too ni� deAr, oyarytfilbx-7blit tho billd . EXPIERIEN09 11
right shoulder and humb. - _._..r � � , , . I
. . I I
. . . I
. ness in my left Ann. .No, i 490 40. X. Ilt itinpir.e. I .1 .1 , . W.V . I -
totigue can tell what I sufr� . , I I " . ..*,. . . I
.� V ered. The doctord said the Sir Prederick Young In the grala . ftp1a1jh*44 I L 0 r k F . I
-trouble wat froin the netviji old man ol the trupire. -Wham Quool -, plicii�,-fty 'did they ftU' tho Mo
, � . . -
but their ruedidn" roved VictV,14, Was just beginning her re- diaeval p4rtod'tke, "dark ated" Pro . .
" of no avail -so I resoFived to cord'r6ign h6 WAS Associated, with foX0o1%_B46a11,16 it *&o knight go* .
. 1. . Dr. ChtSeig Nerve I EdWoLrd Gibbon Wakollold in iho dol- I . . I TRADC MAINS
Food a trial. After tuffig: I 6nifttion Of Australia, and MW Z' - . . I al 0011048 I .
Jdx boxes of Ali knediolice I foxdl And over kineo he bat boort I . � I C6,&yRlQt4-r8 AC,
. .. ,my health was so eftatly. i 141SAtifleid With eydry imperial nicave. , Who* a real wook maA lots dL.iA ( Anzor'd Notioluk ii OkMah Ahd doadelptlon. Ma3p .,
� . Improved that I got . . . . . . 11 -tulakl'T, itteetrAln bur otlinitri freewilether,*" I
L word mado. he 06bith — . invint on is prob 10111111UM01164
-IkVIVZ , thent fit London, Ai wAt the snergoj,� tionattrietly,
AM1111. 04AVE and I used In all twent might* Mo Ablyrrillitalo P
. _ collildentill. AN OftonPAttau
. . ,Iffi
Ught b-o-zes with�' a result illat I arn conipt t f,' 16 and ftthuslastla socr4tar;r of tbo 466-�-Af914;9. _ lo _ ., t
A 0 b1L _ xenbtree.Oldottit anartbra urin tents, .
.. ___ �.__ . r tenta takon t9rou re..
,p Munn t roostio .
.. . r a, a 6 �
,*u"'y - , 06101itia Ustitttte during tkor $OVP. - , Out )af , �
d6nQt* that I Cab ugfiltrtntSeno . . 421"Notia, Kit i It I I
V '' Y1608 Of ArUgglii o1rar & ligider* ' I I _, . � . I ,,
Mu. recoMmetidifig .this medicine to all'WC #Ad ii $pit* of I I—. .T�rj �
tuffer I did." ,AOP it thA 41tromd, , $del 6 001040'. -
M. ChWs Nerve Vood to cots a box. To Ido of oar's he ObAtils"M to too " 1 40 JL IN W " VIL 3: _,�L 0 � .
p.rbtect you skafmt ImItAtitlas ilio I I Mdoo, -,
JA , I lair'llitifittateA w"lat .1wit .
pM" "A, TM Khld ft Kis"Al Won 0 Awl NelletIMA904014M41 at- X
_ ;NT 1164TV -tu __# . , .1" !tm ought mi L
itigtiatul 110, p . . I I . 1 tolf tqo t sh qu dwileVIA �
re cif Dr* A, W* cbsok do 6=6" N't 11, I er"llw", 6WM 1.
tootipt bok s*ft, aft a* a" ba of lim , fj" ilk Its nJW Pal4tlal 00oftJW ft " , a no go, I
- , 11 altotl 'Itti (4^11115111 I .
too" ... . #_01.0VW11SWKJ . LIVIAMil, __-_.-1-_'�. A6 of, # I � � la MMIM, & V of. washilloton, r �
I I .
I 0, I I I .
I . . . .
.. "
, -
. "
t, '�,ti
, ,
�; & MO A
- I
!t J
- .1
I ..
,,,11"� ,'I
I I , I I
. I . � �
11 . . . .
. .
r I .. I I
I ..
. a . I I 'k L .
. I
T, I . r . J
. .
I �
I i. _ - Ufijalfid"Ifi"h�L.t� , �A&;�� . _k_.z.AAz- .&-L�.�._ . 1!_ � - �.A�1�114111d"� ... I I , -1 -*A, L, .fiw� - �'., _-A 1%.A.. _. � I , ?, .
- W.,Ui",,,.A..�,*.AL�"�%iAiA"�'"&.�604te.) _:�,. � i!