HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-07-22, Page 5otilid•ON NEW E.
soils an. k
Ate et Parttime/et Owe
*rift Sale
n,. Jur.24, w. eom teaeer�tr *reit eu�t Bina t
n are will hake terriflo redaatione In all liaead
Suramefi eode, Now hi. the tittle you, want hotweather koodOt
and SOW is the time we want to grid 4f tbeippand not bold them
lit; the lessen; for. them i ever. Par .ppatra • Will nob allow ua to
quota rices rah alt'linee In our barge e8tablishtnenk but we .hive
lou +a Kew. 1)4.0#3 ito tity9 ?Okiiii tart 9f the barg++iut areelting vont
of tl Vader# in lain and flecked, worth.15o. for 1Oc,
?'rtucy Stripe and Spot Muslins, 3n blue and plow etrlpee,'tery sty-
lish goods, worth-18e'.sale Price 19c. ,
/�Vbite�muslin; in stfi pes and spete,`•worth 8^ni xgc,:tor'iie�
Fiine.Scotch Ginghatnis in fenty check'„ wntth 81 for • Otc.
Fancy Printed,usline, in diffeslent patterns and colors, regular
ptrdoe M
, eah' poesk$0,, .
Fahey' Vallee.► in f;ioral designs, worth 5rr
cy Spn1e pr!ce 17 . :
Fantriped Zepi?yrre, in iouscolerte ante patteirtte, regular 20e
A 'sale price 15c
Fahey Gingham!, fast colors, worth 8e. sale price 5 c
Ladies' White,Underskirtr, trimmed 'with tuck and'eiitbroidei y,
in an sizes. worth $1.25. Sale price 08e.
. adies' (Moth Eton Jacket; -With stole.+worth $,O. for $4,
'Ladies,' eterproof Coate,. very t.pe iiaworth•$o.,fr r $3 • .y
And many other articles too numel'011e D°taxentton
. We wtit 'the patron-
age of the "particular ,
watch •by the, secOnds:
hand. Our trepair- Work
will please him.. He win.
.be interested •iri ohr stock'
,tnalte,alway4 on and..,
` ' fiendOfICe---Monf eai.
C MZTAL AUTHORIZED :" '$5,000,000
CAPITAL. PAID U ". . 3,,000,000
UNDIVIDED PROFITS , .e 2,850.000
The public Will please hear in tared that we have moved iota
our new ai ce in the Combe block; copper Ontario end Victoria, streets
-appositezvw p's ery)'Where he will be pleased to see all our oust
Mere aa4the pu lta,generally.. a: ed,1t. Soltelted'.,
StOe During Jul/ and August Saturday
closes this store will close every nights
at 6 o'clock ItIrednEsclat afternoon, . o'clock,
Deposits taken from. St.00 upwards at .highest
'current rate, Interest to start frOm day of deposit to
:0*0044.044,000441.0,044:40-:414:4044 044+:414044k.+00+0
444 ." 464.1t 44444
hive just re-,
of Souvenir 'Grood4.
DresS Goods.
yards ill-wo'01. 'Crepe de
.Chine, new shades, nice goqds for sunt::,
- trier and early Nfall wear, .to clear at
silk and:wool, worth 65e, for per yard..;,.;.;
Voiles worth 85c, to el
414 tot Stuntner Corsets it 50c,
aide7 113
**lief -and Oiitician
Riiiliso-illakriage, 1404::
: BBADFORD-rIst Plinio,' July- 15„ --to
„,..44P,MBRAND—brKurieh, Jniter 80, to
dence of the. bride's brOther.'4oha Seeder.
Smith, Merriktot:Atintidlittgliter or Wm
:" aratEnzillii5nEnTson-4.* the
' WEN1,0,-HOLLAND--At the residence
GodwiceGeoa Wenig. Vinland, Ohio, to
Addle, deughteiotA Holland, Exeter. -
te;r1Geteter, Mies Lily, deughter of
PtTECAN,-..In Idor•i0.•auty, 12, Annie,
teleVed wife of Harry Duncen,eged 25 ire.
rank Ashleigh, Mother of .11tt B GerrY;
Brieseele, eked 79 years.; •
McKenzie. aged 69 Menthe. '
moot, Wife of Joint MeAsh.
:intent son of Mc and/ars. W Plumateel. •
,.-001)1:4—In Clinton, on Wednesday.'
july.eetb, Musa; Dodda;• 'seed 72 years,:
11 menthe. Pummel at 2:.80 p. to, .todllY
-,,,oats at" lowest prices.
„See, otirACottibloa.#9,tt 4140*
Et E
1' If amen, levee; thatlehiellusinese 1
If 4110 Get Mr ried.
",,rTO-stipply handeome Wedding Presents
,is Our Business. •
111111.11111111.11.111111.111.1111110 11111111.111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111
Nelson Hank
Furniture ft) Undertaking
Returns will bhow that more Purniture was worn
'404, last winter than ever before, It Wag a good winter
to rest, Renew your stook from this store.
- Quality thelleit. Prices low.
• sqwo.1%.*AeRINEsr,,__
Are not fancy and o same to A.
144DOVElt BPi
ht nails answered at the residents! of either of the proprie
Mire* Market RePort
While hogs are, aa elsewhere Stated,
about 45c per mt., lower than ab this
time last" year, prices! Are gradually
'coming uposelects to -day being $5.25 to
05,80, Andfats and lights 25c tesi3, At
the Junction yesterday hogs sold up
The Junction received the biggest
lot of cattle that it has bad since -the
market Watt opened, ninetreight cars
'bringing in 1951 cattle and 187 sheep.
Most of the cattle were fairly good
Oxportetp, and° everything wee sold,
the mite being from $4,110 to $5.40,
With the majoHEY going at $5 25 tO
$5.40. Export bulls sold at $3.75 „to
The beat butchering cattle sold from
$4,03 to $5 ; fair to good going at
Sheep told from around03.05, calves at
No. 1 northelth is quoted, at 05e, and
No. 2 northern Ett 92c, at GeOrgian
Bay points, Wheat for Octeber de-
livety sold at Wineipeg at $5 kilo to
Whatever tlie,facts may be in regard
to the crop aittiation, there is no doubt
that grale prices are going np, faII
wheat being quoted by s. Arcisittirn at
localtOutarto points today at80e, sr ring
at S5e, and goose at /8e.
No. 2 barley- is quoted by• MA Me -
Nairn at Eastern Clatario points at42.3, ,,
awl At Western Ontario points at 41e, '"",,,
No. 3 is 26 less; and feeding ..barIey is "
No. 1 oats are 83e at Eastern Ontario
Western Ontario points No. 2 oats are
at 10.50 to 5.25. In Ituifalo the best 33
at $0, to 850, and poor to medium r
ste.... SOS to 100',40, shipping Wets , 1
to 15,25. Boob atockers and feeders are I
I188t014.15, and etock heifers *2.25 to '
Good to boot milkers are $43 to $50, 1
semeAew Cabinet Grand .plano to ..11•,'
Doherty!, Sr...Who luta been ser-,
Moldy ill, if‘reported,.1110,olt improYed
lir health; Which :wet are pleased .,t,te
'SteveneOn have nitehed their
tents' for- an outing ‘•:on: phy lake
'Miss Shannon is actingsteitogertpli4
a two months' trip *eat.'
ring: as, a trophy to tee played for in
eingles.between the green members et
01404 Doherty •holds 4t to
Buttshipped Car load of fine
horses to Winnipegon MOndaY; which
.he intends to exitibit.at the Exhibition
there. . The shipment also included a
The lacrosse-'• game between Owen
Sound. and Seaforth attracted 11: num-
ber of Clintoniaits to the latter town
-to -Witness, the same, Seaforth won
hick again Agamst° Clinton's crack
'Philtre Oat turned them down lititt
week in a good fast game,, Played here.
The gentlemen who were here decor-
ating tot. Pa,u1 s church are now at
the Howell Methodist church.. The
, work they dicl here prepents idea
We are keeping the vvlieels moving, by sell-
ing goods cloSe. it will Ray you to buy now*
anything you will require in -the next few months.
The sale is notconfined to the following. list --
will find hundreds Of money -saving values not
mentioned here
-About 20tools of ;bort wood. Apitlyut
Story and -e half frame .houtte, good con.
On Coterie Street. Clinton, a rag. Owner
paylog expellees. W. S.' PIStlElt.
Pasture to Rent.
25 sores of good paeture land tor rsnt,
itsonle below Chilton on the London Reed,
tots of water to- be .bed. sewer .runuing
through -property. $25 takes for the
• Tenders Wanted.
Tenders4sr IfelsominIng :the !oar rooms
doweeteirgi the halls end .hell-roOrn qf the
Peblio School and also for tile floe ter
centre furnace, will -be 'received. bt the
Property Committee ep toltfonday 25th, of,
intending decorators to follow.
W. G. Dunlop bee received the ape
pOintment of prineipaiship of the Pub -
lie School -at lavietnek. This is a good
lying stone to positione Much higher in
Archie C7oesins. has • purchased the—
house he has been living in.gn James
street fro 3. Johnson, forthe sum of
$500 He Will ha,ve it fixed over into a,
with plenty of garden land. ,
Was in town last week Metalling the
officers of the local lodge of I. 0. 0. F..
Lunch was served. at the close of the
service in the lodge room, Bartliff's.
restaurant looking after the wants of
these present. -
'The hical baseball nine go to Godtsr-
ich today (Friday) to pley the return
match with the tteani of that town.
Clinton defeated.them by 1 run at the'
game here. but the 'mores will be noth-
in like they -were leere:----A-numbe
dude acceteapttuy them,
A. in Brantford last week. There is
to be one of the largest gun tourna.
mute ever held in Canada at that city
on the 10th,Ilth and 12th of A:ugust,at •
which Clinton's club will be' well ,re.,
Cattle ehipPer Winters, Sisfiforth.
mado recoar shipment, Tuesday, 30
tat loads being sent out by him. Two
oftheee were eetheted at Clinton. It,
it; a costly' train, load in itself, and we
doubt if there has been another ship.
merit like it of stock from Huron),
especially by File Man.
A 20 horse pewer boiler arrived last'
week for the King Edward hotel, and
was' put in eilacalast Friday, It will.
be large enough to 'furnish lt,11. Asses -
hard, at work; and are metalling all
modern ireproVentents, and the whole
thing is being built on a scientific sani-
tary basis; that will do away with all
refuse matter, '
taken hold of the Park in a eoramend-
able manner, And has doge mechi es-
pecially in the erection of the grand
stand, to make 'an • attendance at any
of the gables thete a good, deal naOre
eorafort than- formerly. . Rut one
thing remains- to be done. People wie3
go there pay their fees. at the gate and
at the stand. and ohoulia he guaranteed
some not of decency in the behavior of
others who attend, A few persons (one
particular) /hieing the progress of
any game whether feetbalqacrosse or
cheap witticisms aua wholly unneces.
Say' advice to players in a voice that
Wauld outdo a megaphone, much to
the annoyance of otherS /it the:stand
'Who understand the game quite well
and do not eare to.be ',nether instruct-
ed itt. such a manner. footled that the
constable is usually' present at all
gantes and he , should have authority
to silence any yelling, peespiritigidlot
Who has not mariners enough to con-
duct himself properly, Applause of,i
good piay is quite natural And eneour.
ging o players, hjit 'the Introduction
Mitehell, town clerk for twenty yeah,
nd Secreted' of the Pithlic School
*nerd for many- years, expired amides- t
y duty in his office Monday
morning. lie was a native Of Gorier-
deand WM 57 years old. At one time
he was a, member of the Council, Itior
wife' predeceased him. Ite letwee
growte-u wilily of none and dtiggh-
tors. T e funeral took pitted on Wed*
today to Maitland Oetnottny,
Teacher: loafed.
Port, 13. SeidionNo, 16 Best Wawt--
!la twist the 15m, Ap.
plieetiona will be reeetred opt° July 26th.
State salary and apply to
Huron: County House -of
Refuge and Industrial Farm.
APPliCE010011 for, the positione of Keep-
er and Matron, for the Bones of Rano
• and Indnitrial Farm in the County. of
o' Deoember next, •
Ar pileatione to -be -in -tort titig.end. Wren._
W Lane, Co. Clerk, Goderioh.
Chairman of II., of R. Com.
' Take notice. thet the Itenticipid Council
of the oorporation of the Town of °Upton
46 pee schedule below; end to assess the
final coat thefeof ripen the property Abutt-
ing thereon; and to be W110114010 thn soy,
end thet a ineteirent showing the lands
liable to pay the esid sesessment, and the
Demo of the atmera thereat so far se they
Aeseasroent Boll, is now filed in the' office
of the Clerk, of the litrinicipality,,, and ,te
open toinspection daring office bonre.-
On the weed tide of Vietorie street froin
Maria St. to end including 99 feet fronting
lot*No+ 12 end 13' Viotoria•Se; 4,i feet in
width. Eationtied cote of work $1049,96
of which $70.47 ie to be,provideci out of the
generid fend of the Municipalfty.
Celle) north Side Of Townsend St. trent
wiliis,re St. to Kira St./.4 feet in width.
Estimated own of Work $827.60 of which
$128.88 is to be provided oat ot the general
Will be heldon Fridsy, the 22nd day of
July, 1904, at 8 O'oloak p. in., in the Council
Chamber, for the ;Airport° of hearing
meat, or sow:racy of the frontage etteeture..
coente. ()rot Any other Complamt which
persons interested may -desire to make, and
is by law cognizable by the Court.
1904, D. L. IlIACPUBBSON', (Merit.
Person's wiehing pettiTon the council
igelnat she proposed work .mnst ao so on
or before the 16th clay of August, 1904.
The New Era and Montreal
Herald till Dec. 3xst for 75c.
'Before. placing your or-
ders for your season's
supply of Coal .get our
prices, The very best.
goods darried 1,111 'stock
and sold at the lowest
possible price, .
!Or Order's may be left at
with '
1, 811YINON
t Electric tiight Pisa
.120 Priots for 90
. Stiii we have a few hun-
dred yards left, regular
price '21C, e
1.2ic Fancy Duck.. mid
r que tor 8e
These are odd pieces all
lar ;lc, clearing at Oc.
1.2ic and 14e Mullins
for 10e
The last of th:s season's
buying, all new goods,
regular 21c and "sc
10e Flannelette tor 80
'Bouoht before, the :id-
va.nce in price,. this line is
_worth whofesale to -
:day, and to keep the
Wheel goingthe price
7c White Cotton ler
Splendid value 'in fine
white Cotton, 36 in. wide,
if we had to buy, theiCot-
sold at less than 8c,:. ,„
Ladies Gowns
Di.acle .9f fine white
ton and Nainsook. Etti
styl es tastefully trinl n-. cc!'"
with fine lace and em-
broidery, regular
81.00 for
10eFictory Cotton 84
8 pieces left, extra
heavy weight, 3.6 in,
wide, reg. Joe, fon....
Two pair Cotton
tor Vhe
Ladies' fast black Cottore
Hose, splendid value
ir,ir fur 25t
Well. made, deep -flounce,'
three frills, ail sizes, regu-
price ,
While these last
Io ends Dregs Goods,. fir
Fancy Tweed and Voiles*
regular price 5oc 6oc
and 75; sale price 30C,
The weather is almost to warm to write an ati.,
We have supplied many with Coal and , now ha,v 4
bought a car load of Salt, in oo lb, sacks, We s eia
prices while it lasts. We have a quantity of Su ai d,„ a
jars, Harvest tool's in abundarice. •
effilille early for your share.
,Londesboro Emporium
July Wad leot. It ADAM
e are carrying Term 'Opens Shot. 6t
tpresent a nice line of
And would he plerised to have you
call and inspect. • •
Our stoek,Lof novelties, bric-a, brae
Besides these we earry candies and
Vatter Blednibt
Cotnbe Block, MIAMI.
Advertise hi the New Era
errAlerrotto. corr.
pays to get t0 britlihOle iadatirthi 11A0
it -pkyo to get ft in our school., Oar !Mena-
ast4o ibis -year Ime bean the largest le the,
hif.orv Ole eolloge,' We hive Omsk.