HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-06-24, Page 4I tit* ••••• *NA., -r• t Sensational Bargain Priaes •on Summer,Mereandise. Brought About by large- Syndicate Buyinf e And. Selling Strict y for Cash Eft LETTER.DAYS OF SALE Tuesday Julie 28th,Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th agd.Satirday. July 2nd Now and then this store does sensational things. -by planning and watching we find opportunities to sell for 50c or 60c, articles really worth $1. You ask, how can we do this? The advantages we have over other stores are "Syndicate Buying", anct because we sell. for cash only. ' Our syndicate.Stores handle vast lots of goods, and of course gain many ad- vantages that come Of large buying. Then, this being a CASH STORE, we sell to you for Cash at lowest prices. Its only sound reasoning when we say that the Credit systeMin vogue in some old established stores is as far behind present business methods ats the old horse -cars are behind the present trolley system. Credit is is no advantage to you --the bills have to be paid sometime, and just as- sure as night follows day you will pay dearly for the privilege of getting credit. The creditfirm always, have their eyes on the dollar_compounded,- and they prefer to get the long price in merchandise, and let their friends that pay cash contrib.. ute the difference for bad accounts. Its up to you to study your interests—you people who buy on credit and you people Who pay cash at the Credit§tore. There are no bad debts in this store, for - there are no debts; You do not have to pay for those who do not pay. That Ls the difference between Newcombe's and the credit stores. See Large Bills,for•Pric6 List • VOult molest, iciAon. ,11LP You, WANT • BOUGHT A DOIXIMEr.flOUSIfer.= R. It -Ciartor lies bovtitt ithe &obis heeler and lot on V street at $1.31411100 preaent oceopted by re. Sterrett on one aide and Robertema and fent- 1141.1.14 N. .P" By on the Other. 10..0arter will have 1.14 11$014Writ ;11100 14th it refitted, vm4;in midsd mad * i In mum Mr. Heather, the. de - fresh C04 t will bel'utto bate n the %tithe IRMO. EL jrel. 111X.ACW118. TO11.*-,Ever3r vadat the hon. the Inflame Ministen. trilptiag7:74471°44etttle frtnn one which, believe, the 0011047 Wilt; . norox hae every reason to be prood. It is tremIPOrtetitm• Porthoro and flenthent congtatnlate i an the country. leRsoultara Will be divided, Luchnow le& budget that will bring to every and Goderich being the tor: tertninal patriotic Canadian a• Molise of pleasure The Pr/Vertr lifgst° '7'311/i nt, I wish to Asti e Outset that • Own and reedited asSh for OOlnion the budget one of Toro too* the 9th of neat 'Almagl to cordially and heartily eddoree, and on ehele.•01 homes. In order to facilitate which the LibersieVartI hes reason to pointe. The aseureLan good for and gratification_, .4% teal* of conga. three de" returning Saturday even. muse Matthew:tillages for the future, ing. And t assurance that the a ffairts of COURSE IN AM) NEEDLE,. this minion are In good biggdaand WQRR.--Mesere Hodgene 13m., are will oblithma to be managed in the going to offer the ladies of tdwn end best intereste or the people. vicinity something unusual, commenc, The hon. member for South glmeee ing next west, that of a rare °ippon" (Mr. Lennox), in the course of his re - Vanity of taking a free Course in *A Marks, eald he WOlikl not Ovine the needlework. nese 'will tie conductedhndget at length, because there was by. two ladies, sent out by the Corti- nothing in It. Well, Mr. Speaker, cent =ilk Coq, These lesiihns will be wouid_ash is it nothing that the Fit:t- eem every dare -morning and after- (Mee Minister wits able last year to an. noon for tweheure, _you can take one flounce a surplus Of $14,000,000 ? Is it or them all. This effert on the pert of nothing that he is ableto estimate this Ilodgens Bros increhse the interest year a surplus of $16,500,000,thelargest in art work, will likely be appreclated in the history of the Dominion? Ie it by the ladies. • •nothing that our Finance Minister has mARR/ED.,The marriage of Arch_ been atheluannounco substantial our - Pala ptelargis' MiesatildeVei n 0 Isaatbegikin°re: tPhIliret tsh5eevIentailla07 ti 11 fitnel c Cf: Is Olt: ;Ur nt tt! , Is it a %fact not worth hotel. The ceremony Was A mPte ineetteelng that we have been Wel* one and the wedding very quiet only eineotimrzaetHe ofroalenad8.saebetedinaeginbeahtttemnadiraened. edreaser:Inennrescaons:y7u1a:anbudfildminnor7ins our harbours, extend the Intercolonial Missaarala Reeves as laridesma_14., Thme vat -lone parts of the Dominion, and • ceternMY was Performed 13Z oev• carry on the general affairs of the • If•-Cordiek, of the _church of mt. Alban. country without adding one cent to The rooms were beautifully decorated our taxation ? Is it nothingg that our for the occasiOn, cut flowers arid potted Finance Minister has been able to an - eta being used. Mr' and Mrs' Msnounee a -reduction of over $1,000,000 7 Will reside , on Minnesota Point In the nubile debt thie yearbelow what during the SOMIner.—S1111eriOr• .NVis it wag loan Use Ube*, party- took Telegram. The above lady is a dau h office ? Is it nothing to be able to. ter o Mrs. ree, of town, and o er • prove that while the conservatives et'ARngrTatSuclia;0"08L-.1 CERT. IE/OATES,--- adder' aevne4r1;erit'YgeCar°f flarrlietMeirlatethene The following students of 0. 0. 1. were years they were in alias); the Liberals successful at the recent Art School ex- have not added One single cent JO At amination ; --Freehand:-Gifford Orich, nothing that the per capitodebt to -day Marion. Dinilop, David Forrester, - is only $46 as compared with $50 An Walter Holmes, Sadie Relines, Wit- 18961' Is it a fact not worth noting artHouston, Lavina MeCourt, Gertie that our cninmereial prosperity to -day McTa•vialaterthe Olson, Frank Rogers, is not onlygreater than it., ever hat Earle Seale May Smith. Nixon Welsh, been in our bletin% but exceeds' that Wm, Wiseman.. Practical Geometry orally other country in the World?' ---Ella Mahaffy,Hary Porter. Model- Is it a matter of no consequence that D. Forrester, V. Houston, R. Liver- our impale are $241,000,000 to -day as more, G. McTavish, Nora Nesbitt, B. against .less than $121,000,000 might Olson,- Vera Rogers, F. Rogers E. years ago and that our exports are Settle, Eldon Siddall, M. Smith, W: nearly $230,000.000 as against $121, - Wiseman. Memory or Blackboard-,-- 000,000 eight years ? Is it .nothing Hugh BreWer;G, Crick M. Dunlop,D. that our total- trade, which , is .the Forrester,'W. Houston, R. Livermore. barometer Of .a cOuntry's laresperity, .G, McTavish, •M. Rance, V. Rogers, F. arnotints to $467,000;000 to -day as corn - Rogers, E. Seale, M. Smith, N. Welshi pared with $224,000,000 in 1896, being • an increase of $243,000,000 and that Athliiiontel Personals our increase alone is 619.000,000 .oyer the tot 1 trade of 01896 ? Is it noble; CLINTON mrsmem ‘111111111111110111111IIIIIMINK Banding Material tar Sale.1X++++++++44440++++.0.74 tnlai are in need of come good building * Personal Notes .4 materiel, for berm, sheds, eta.. call on D. Gotenelluthitario St. He hag also a num- "or 2x6s22an st i A Brief Notice of the Corning ber,of 600d scantling , a bar -•"'N' gain. . 1 4t and Goings of the People, i ÷ , Fowl tor sale. 1 gi'S++4+4+++++444+4444ci . ; Mrs. Jas, rah, Sr. was a Detroit — The Government ' Poultry Station t '. IliSitte Past. week. s klohneeville will sell nine' good triterela . Miss Lizzie Itthid went to Berrie On Mondayt visit her sister. anti about 100 hens during the. next few ; 0 , deye.„ -, - Mrs SeS. Cooperand'..baby were -in The etook is good pure bred Barred Goderich'Saturday on a , visit. Rock being thmetock used this year—the i Miss May Armstrong left Monday bene are one and' roe .yettre old. Prie"t Tt. - Cockerels, $1.00 each, hens $1.00 per pair. or oronto on an extended visi . . I Mrs. .T. Scruten returned Monday • from a visit to friends in London. NOV Sifillegiare . • • 1 Dr. Tack Gunn returned from a ; weeks , fishing at the lake, Monday. We have now in a' new -.line— of 'Mrs. Miller visited . her brother Brown Stoneware. Teapots, Bowls, , Mayor °hilt of Seaforth, last week. Vegetable Dishes. Crocks, jelly Moulds.' Etc. Also all different lines of odd ' .M.,i-sEi Lizzie Iar.di..ne; Pi.I16 ...1111Let* le' 1 visiting her guns, oars, A. -,etvironen. dishes in colored and white stoneware, I Cape and -Somers. open and covered i Will ..Robinson Visited, at the old Vegetable dishes, Platters. Bowls, .homestead near London over Sunday. Sauce and porridge dishes, etc, When f We are pleated to see atriongst lig you are needing any „, for a few. weeks Alfred, Renee, of Tor - Give its a call. ' ' onto. I TheThom'pson. spent SundaYnttheO Misses Minnie and , Vielete SHIER'S. -Variety . Store,- town: , , . . , , ounty Combe Block, Clinton. Mrs. E. E. Hilton left Saturday on a • six week e Visit to her home at Moore- - I town. r••••••••******. ******Ne• I ' Miss McCracken. Brueeels,will be the weeks.'f Miss ,T, Bertliff for a couple of i I NOTICE . t Misses Tosie , bail -tient, :and Very . i Twitchelltookin, the Detroit excursion '. t 1 'Mrs. (fiev.) Manning went to Bierap- : ton on Monday- to visit .herdaughter, Mrs. Milner. . 0: . • -4 ' Found on the Gode.. T. 1V1iits idtt Mimes WaS the midst of ; : . I Miss Nellie Harris for a few daya the rich Road/ about the the ptist week, i le ' ..: I issi Lily Johneton went ' to n t ; last of May, one long ' PriThratroZ.'ing to spend 811116d1; Fur Boa. The own -1 i Mr's. Harty 13eattie spoilt a few days 1 ••, with her parents in Seafotth the latter t'er can have it by z.• .1 Xt. and Mrs. .1. P. Tisdall returned 1 Hpart Of the week. : 1 ,prqving property and ' iiime;tougrIAngiriraogontrotlifeo.gli th0 buying One Dollar'S 1 0. t. Dowding Wag called to Ohi. worth of thee she is recovering. : REDPATITS . 4 ' 1' I. B, Hovey' and L. J. Oantelon left . Saturday for Tridianapolis. They will • ets the only °toadies& represented on GRANULATED the great American shooting' coni - petitions that has 207 tetteriee, Reit Pearen, of town, lettvee for ' Erandoe, Man:. en Monday, and ex- 1 eage lest week, °vying to the -illness of his mother, Vire are pleased to hear SUGAR. *poets to be absent in the north west . fot two or three years. Ile pea in• ' the. hope of henefitting his health, Whiolt lately has not been of the best, tied hie friends hope the obarige of Hoe. 040,4. . / donate aecomplieh the deeited -.Presented %frith if Bag of Gold "Air event of uteri!, than ordinary -in- terest transpirecrirt the Wesley Metlio dist church, last •Tuesday evening, when a faithful servant of that church was . presented. W'ith a bag of gold. We have made mention of . Mr. anti. Mrs. Sibley intended departine from our tnidst late and the address as follows makes it 'unnecessary for us to -eulogise on the - loss that the church will sustain in particular and the town in general. No more appropriate fare - Well could have Mimi entered into than that carried out that, evening. An eitquieite = lunch of ice cream; cake etc, was served the first part of the evening, tollowed by a programa of -choice numbers. Rev. Manning was chairman, solos' were sung by' Misses TIAmpshire, Green,. and Dr. Relines and P. B. Sibley. Miss Ounninghame reeked, while the treat of the evening was a reading by Miss Battle, Pam - ball. This 18' the ilrat time we have had the pleasure of listening to this young lady, and we hope it will not be the last. We have heard niftily readers, but Miss Iturohall hold4 place amongst the best of them. The chairman then retired. Wes: Moore being called to the platform, who read the address, Miss Rumball making the presentation :-, .• °ninon that June 2110)4004 Olinfort;Ont: , Dear Brother,—/t is a/toured of sincere regret tit) all the members and. adherents of 'Keeley ohurch,that we are called together thie evening td bid vett arewell and thus btin_g to a close some fifteen y ears of pleasant Ohltreh fello W - ship. • • Old litittettbury and Wesley eemich records will etontebt the name of no mcire faithful vast and worker than that or yourself and We are sure that you Will ever esteent it a high honor to haVe had your flaunt on the rolls Of thin histerie old Church of Mid. Your labors have beettverfermed with au eye single to the Glory of God, and now,when the time has come for you to close the boOk on that portion of your career spent In one midst, the record a your ute will stand out AS honor to your Odd, your Church and yourself. - One field in the work Of the Ohttreh you have nada partiettlarly your own, thedirection and ituproveznent a choir and congregational sing, ing. Ituder gone reatlerehip, the choir of Bat Unhurt,* and Wesley church has been a highly valued Meter in the regular gervioes of worship and eternity alone will reveal hovt many have lion assisted into the Kingdom by you and your choir in int ministry of song. Your interpreta. ton of your duties asohoir leader ousiateed entailed roe t:7 a responsibility for the charac- ter and rendition Of singing at both the regular week eveeing prayer serviee`and on all sposial oseasiotre, revival or otherwlbe. Your temoval will confront Its at every tem and itn. posse 111:011 Shah and all of 119 the onerous Ets. sure of the duties you so diligently, foul oill. thirst!), perforthed, Your work in the Sender 13011001"le also de* serving of marked recognition. Whenever Called upon to teeth tt, elms or lesdin oong,your tierviese were gladly given sea the Mlle is and tettehdre of the Reboot ere truly grateful for the ateistenee yeti haVe fendered them In town musical circles, you Will Mae. d be greatly missed. As a vocal terseher daring the earrier_yeam of your reechoes bereyoe were a decided sucCess andno one ems eotimate bow riotous force you have bon in, advancing the =ideal tisteen edutatiotr of title community and the Intrrontuling districts. Aatt in miser of theDolierti Organ Quartette, yottr fame went abroad throUghout the einintrt and the etthere of yourinfinenee was considerably widened. 'YOUr serviette for entertainment in behalf of every worthy muse Were sive», and, In this teapot f no other, your removal wilt tativilanil. a distinct loot* thernusical talent of the Ws Mast that both yourself and Mrs Sib'ey wIfl greittly improve in health Y r neW 11011 o h Chant), relatione live to bout oingnii **4 Profitable. Any time that yon may And it con- venient tohoner us with your _presence, the freedom of Wesley church and all int services are yours. In conclusion, we take the liberty - of probating Yen with this purse of gold.which we *Elbe pteased to have you accept in behalf of your nunterotts friends in the Church, Town and Greadractory. 'And • Mow the God of Peace ' that brought 'again from the cued our Lord Jesus, t he Great Ettepherd of the Sheep, throne' the bl ood of the everlasting covenant • Make you perfect an every good work to do Hie will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His si ght, through, Jeans Oftriet; to wheel be glory for ever and ever. Amen, A T 1130013xU; Supt. SS EMMANinute, Vaster , • ' W Donzintir • . ' 10#0.4444444.414444.0.44. Among the Churches w000444444........44.44 OXTAAIO &MEET Ottratott: — Last Monday evening Miss Queeme Lock- wood read an essay on the chapters for Bible Study. Miss Clara Steep gave a number of good questions and ansveers and Hartley Watts gave a good des- eriptitin of Canaan as it was and is. Next Monday evening will be an even- ing With Whittier, consisting of read - hags, essays, etc. ,ST PAUL's -The improvements are now so far advanced that'Sunday Jitly 10th has beettfixed for „reopening ser- vices. The Lord Bishop of Huron, has kindly consented to ' be .pretlent ata. -preaehme-beth zervicee. At the--larre sent time the floor of each aisle have been raisel to the prover level, the iamb's re -trimmed with. gothic ends, this work having been tastefully done by S.S. Conper, The pulpit has been , thiffed to the gospel sicleof the chancel and theplatferirtof the latter extended The painters have practically coin: pleted the decorations and are now working on thepewsandfinishingup generally. The choir are preparing a bright song service in keeping with the finishings of the Anterior. Those who have seen the decorations as far as they have been finished say it is the prettiest and best combinatienef Niter and raised work design, in this part of the province. The ladies have certain ly undertaken a praiseworthy work, a t great eXpense and should re, ce,iire the liberal support fof the con. rogation, •Wver.tiv*, - A loge congtegatioe was present at Wesley church on Sunday evening, when Mre. Hargrevee, of Sea. forth, sang that beautiful solo, "Thy Will be done ;" written; in the key of it gave a fair opportunity for dist) ay!, log the %%loge of her voice. The ditli- cat PaeSagee were taken with grace and freedom, and her tones w0e clear awl sweet .The Sunday school hold their annual pienie to Raydeld on Tuesday, Juiy 0th.... A convention of Epworth Leagues of the district was in progress at the ehureii yesterday-- Thureday supper Wag served to the Mrs Hall wasa, Lucknow visitor over ing that our expert trade with the Sunday'. '• mother country is $63,0011000 rabre t hee ier°d: irgahrtiezr Ind,.01e1 tee la ra neclv, .i..!iting at othural,/ increazie is as Jorge as our entire ltwasnri and that, in fact,. Miss Eva Turnball is honeefromGod- trade with that'&3untrr was in 1 5? ()Koh for a two weeks holiday. , - Mrs. H. B. Combe and little child is -visit)* in Mitchell at present. Mrs. A. 1, Woodman, of Bram, will epend the summer visiting relatives( in town. •• • • Hele and Mrs. Nelson Griffin,' (ff Wingliam, were guests. of Mrs. D, .13. Kennedy list -Friday: Dr: Whitley, of Gorrie, Who has. been spending a few days with, his friend J. Moon, returned .to Gorrie Tuesday morning. . Miss Mousie Bay; Who has been stop- ping with her aunts the Misses Bay for -some thneandattending ourschools Tleafetsfdoary.her hothe at .Petand, Mich., W. J..Miteliell, editor and priprjetor, of the New -Record, retuined home Saturday front a three weeks trip to St.' Louis and other southern points. Helooksas though the betray tweezes of the south had agreed with him: ' Mr: and Mrs. Herb. Alexander re- turned Monday evening from their bridal' trip to Toledo and Detroit. They came hp on the Greyhound ta Goder-, ich and reached home by the special. They take up housekeeping in J. Ce Townsend's cottage on Victoria street, Air The treat Northwest. Edmonton, Alberta, lune 22,1904 (Written for the Clint Ott NEW Eits.) If asked, T could scarcely say what Motive prompts me to select. such a there. %Perhaps itis a desire to let MY old friends at home know of the vast and bOundlessresourcesof this booming ;Northwest=country. Not that I haVe any astounding revelation. to Makebut 1 simply thought that some informa- tion, 1300g though it might be, regard- ing this great lend, might be of smile 'interest and „benefit to • those itt ' the home province. Considering that I am a resident of but one one year' stand- ing, you must bear with me if m3r nuirks,seeni at times rambling and in-; coherent for otte's opinions regarding the country anditselimatie conditions, cannot, with justice, be hued on one year's observations.' • , As regodeolimate.:•isoree-tesidente- ire satisfied and others are not.. Al- lierta has won for herself the peculiar natets ‘13tInny Alberta.' . As fite as X can'see, the term, though quite applic. able in winter, eannot with equal )us- tice aeplied to her hi suznmer since the last feW Stinialere have been very rainy and coneequentiy the sun has evinced cv 'somewhat bashful, epirit. Such being the case, it seems almost ineredible that farmers can core their hay which closely reseMblee wild or- chard grass only thicker end' retikee. It 'pews year after year .Ifeitliout. re- seeding though now some farmers are beginning to ititrecluce the timothy seed of•the east. This new step will have its clisadvanta es singe. the berSeS and cattle prefer illative prairie grass to any foreiguldnd. Of eatirse bayingand harvest cane en a frill mouth later than in Ontario. Tina last 'winter the thermoineter (Parenheit) has stood ateCio. below zero but with such a dry atmosphere aa. we find here and with the wend calm ac, co wpanying thefrost We don't regard' regard it any ziore then 20 'below in Ontario with a clamp atinoephere mad frequent winds Avhich seem sometimes to Chill to the Very bones. Waking into aceount that Edmonton stands about 700 miles further.north than ray own home Huron county, you rraist mar - Vel at such an apparently trifling dif- ference in temperatur but oar (win- paretive proximity t he great Rock, es presents a mocl. fy ng agent of no ittle moment to renchers. The cattle are generally allowed to run tease on he prairieduring the Winter to /eel; what gram they can hut 'they are fed my three times a dity in open racks In he yatd.. The fattening cattle are, X indetstand, housed up and giVen Mere atteution than the eattle Which will be pub 'on gress the following print. °painted tiext. week., delegates in the classroom, and ie the I evening an open meeting was held, Wesley choir having charge of the t Offering is Asked to complete a fund of $50,0oa, mOst of 1 Which hits already been subscribed, but t 15 umwailehle until the full mum is cot. I Jeoted ; the object. of this fund is the paying off the debt, andlrenovation, of Alma, Oonege, St, Thomas, which is 1 a the property' of the Methodist church, Are We to be told.thatit is really of lib account whatever that our railway 'tonnage should be 23,000,000 more than 'it was eight years ago and that our business failures are 18,000;000 less in vane than they were eight years ago, and much less than at any time dur- ing the last twenty-one years?.Is it nothing that the ,deposits our, char- tered banks to day .are 5190.000,000 more than they. were eight years ago, •.and much less than at any time' °, dur- ing the last, twenty-one years? Is it nothing that the deposits in our -char- ,tered banksto da -are 5l06,000,000more than they Were 111 IN ,; the increase aline, being greater than ,the total deposits in that year ? Is it nothing that the deposite in onr savings :banks amount to 021;00000 more than they .did in1896 ? Yet in the face. of all these meontroverible :evidences of marvellous aiair unequalled prosperity of this wisely and wellgeverned Dom- iniou, there are eomist members who have the audacity to say of the best budget ever brought down, there is nothing in it. • My hen friend from South Went- , worth (Mr, E. D. Smith), who preceded me in this debate, endeavoured, to, be- little the administration. of ray hon. friend the Minister of ,Agriculture. (Mr Fisher) in so far as the - hoe. minister 'had endeavoured to do something for the farmers. The hon. gentleman, in - au interesting speech from the stand - Point of a 'fruit:exporter,. dealt with the question of Cold storage and its effect on the transport of &pollee •and other. perishable fruits. With that question 3- do not purpose dealing, because I 'think there are others tri this HOUSe.f who are more competent to discuss it, but I WOuld.19„ade4 brief, reference to the course' which -the 'hon.- Minister,of Agriculture took with re- gard to the quarantine. The hon. member for South Wentworth en- dectvoared to belittle what the hon. Minister did, andin order to give point to his ()rein/lents he sought to convey the idea that 'because our experts of ,cattlp to the: 'United ^States last year were smaller than in Ober years, therefore 'the Minister of .44grictIliu re litla accomplished nothing in the 'in- terests of the fatmere. But he omitted to . telLthis, Hamm -that mthe-four -and- a, helf years' which preceded the re- moval of the quarentine•-• the removal Of which Was brought about, as every- , • Poiilty .ChitgOvatT. makes suitable presents Thr any cic casion—We 'have tnade the buying of it easy by eying you ; a convenient room to, select in 'and also,. a city stock to choose from— Anything in Fancy • Chinaware or brio., aa7brac be 'found .hare. . .COOPer .1. CO; 0.,04Tort. body knows, throeglithe efforts of the Minister Of Agriculture -We only sent to the United States 3,672 head of cattle, or an average of a, little over: 696 head, and thaf in the succeeding four`Years, after the. removal of the quarantine, we ,sent an average of: 37.343, or a total value of $5 329,000. • Nor did he inform,' the Mouse that ' 41), t removal of the uarantine On. hand a large hese Ch were on coin- Paltawe 'sod for which.: . they If Jt -the time; and, 'end w fie I; goviooth him that , it would bevel* fartaiers' too .feed all their,*q qa.mr their - ,own farms, it is my, ra.--cortviction that the price of the Stockers has in- creased by virtue of the. removal Of-- - the. quarantine,: "Ito, .farmers now:. enjoy the benefit of an Increased Merl- ket, and: there is: no demand in ' the - United States for stockers which ther�. was a. short dine "-ago. The hen,. * gentlemen.(Mr E,D Smith) aid great .„, , ,stress 'Upon the opinion that we (night . to look after the producers, and said that if we looked after the producer the consurnmer would be able to look after himself. Well, thinkthere,are - times when it is tielif to leek after the producer, but there are certainly times When it is the dutY of thegovernment to leek after the committer as well'. The consumer"' has interests that 'cle- servesbonsideration as well &slimed of the producer, I do not know but that sometimes the hen. „gentleman's etc- Pretliii0E-cOuld-rbe,reversed _ with regard to some things in Canada, if we look after the consumer the pro- ducer is able to look after himself.- - is the duty of the government to look after the consumer as well as the prol. ducer. Now, one of the important features - of the budget is the reduction of the• duty on coal oil. I ,do 'not profess. to. be. an oil man or to know Innen of the oil trade, beyond What 1 haVe read , the newspapers and gathered frotik conversation. (Quotationstere given show a reduction te, the COnsurner in.• the peke of , • ' (Concluded ne.ict week) Madame Tette, wife of Hon. i. Tarte,. died Mondey • artOr40M., at Ate. fetidly' icieldence Madama Tarte, who was in, :her ..54th Year, had beenailing for some time. . lier death will. be afeore'.'brow to Mr. ' Tarte, Who VAS a' Most "devoted.' Iressi, - bandana veined highly the couneel of his wife: : *4 , M. Hamilton, of the Bank of .Com- merce Inspector's staff, who was alvay in Nova Scotia George, of the Bank of Toronto. at Montreal,t_andYretl,_ of the Oneemerce ste-afSt. Catharines, . were called home, lest 'week . by tele, • am Owing to the &dorm. illileeN of eir father, Dr, Hamilton..: • ************ ***MOW** oal nthra.cite Coal • From the hest mining district in PetinsylVania; 'ALL SIZES—Chestnut, StoVe, Egg and Grate 'Highest grades at lowest market price, qu considered:7,4 pays to buy the best. Bittmiltious Coal 7it .1Viassillow and Hocking Wiley select lump, purest and best Soft Coal in the market •foc domestic use. Charcoal . rse per Sack, or two Sacks for 25C Just the thing f6r starting fires, tdasting, broiling, etc LeftVe your orders at our store; Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed ariand Bros STOVES arid HARDWARE. 1. Il'il‘witts.'iuLk .;