HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-06-17, Page 8S . - I ,r,. , . .. =134-��W= It. -_U- "-s., . = 1�i "I , " .11.1 1. " MMMO . 11 s � I ,;_4 , It I I I I . , .. I I . . 11 I A Gin'Pill Reanon � I � I . Maur reoPliz aft veritault Imumai't Jutcrrouation I � . . � I volat4l. Tk�eyit;var4klyWatitt*7pqcAWW4y? . . I 1� I I i Th 8!Z Go P .0 1.1 , 1. � I . Q I : I w7hy 11M X '.1.3 ' ore superior t9 oth" Xidner 1�4,at4les, 0.nq rea0pa is t1lat . . I . , olu Plus *Ve 44tl-twe in their astloti,clo'sushAg, llealiug, I . -ruriflillo from tke Ooft, therelbi ogocti4g a,#pecdier uxikl UQrO CcVtlilz Wre, The elfact ig is*snediata. All I)rugglsts, I I I I 5-t3. r 1Mx. 6 �oges for 1W.5o or direct fr9m, I . I _­ - _­ 1-11-- � ,,, �� Almost Crazy Wit[m I - ' ANT PF_QUL1AFtrr1F_.6, I 1. , I I I � � 0 1 1. 1.111, I I 1. em Ila% W 01ollne .. I ­ .. 11 I I Nervous Headache mach sree" �. t 0"1- I 4 ' DiNcernl4le by OCNiet Ants, I q 11 U 1 P4401, alit speclets appeara * g, Ild e %. sk mere I It% b 07,,4 %"a a ' � I .% 110244 "_"o " to. have Its . skeleton 'of akin qi�c$ bane, 1 41stiactive odor, discernible �)Y other I � I ThelFu.ct , XRS� A. W. r.DWAnn I Ants. Within each species there are ion . ,q, 33 MurraySt., 13rant, . "I'll. Ont., writes' -"For five ye,irs 1 5ur, 1 also d1trerences Of oaor depenaonf. on Z==�� - . i I rlm4 more th4a words can tell from nervous the age Of (110 colony and .the. age of I I I., - 11 . .. I . � I . I ­ ... I . .. I - I I -� I L W- ­ i. . 14044AC110t D01YOUS 0%pepiia and e4austior, the q,acen train wh6se egg Itr, I . L ­ . I ' . - . inmates I ­ 17he paiiii in illy begd tire PrOdUc0d. The ant's organs or . I Would V�t tinles alulosi 0 . � I r%f +1, 1,; A -C 1- V I . YOUR m0fary 09 IF CrIvc, m(t crizy, I cquiJ SWOU Are Abs antenufte, and the anten, %101 . I I %A_ -) L e m st itn- I I L , I yol% Ilip , . THIS 0.01.9 RRUO 00 I rs, I "HOW $low YOU are, C4ndJda.!" k.\ not S!C,� 1) n 11, h . , ,, WINNIPEO, MAN. GIN PIL40 DO t UA. . . L .tS,Lbutivoulct; nao cOnSlOt, as it were, of A - r e a . t. . . . L I 1. 41. Walk fl;o I ge I a f I . - . . "Xei," It Was ,entirely good tem- I f-oor in �07.0;)Y !' noses, each of Which has a speoldl , ta . portant in -the human economy. Into � I . . I � I sk I . , . I I lv� lintil, 1 f4,3 exhaustcd ar.0' I - I Pered. Therefore the other voice be- _ _� i One nose tells the ant whether it is in L 1. * ,..", � .11 I ... �Ilmmmlmmqw , . I ,' unconscious. - crosser, . , , .� Its, own nest or that of an -quem ' -d drink, no matter' . i come _, I 11, L. - . everything we eat an L, I � mm"MMEMP - — __ - . I Q Soilledines I could y. An- IP . . I I 1111f � I �_ , , , , - I - i. I ; ; J "WLat's the use primping two hours 1. .. .� .. . take no food for four days I other nose discriminates betwe0A .odors it . Arave �klv Xy0oror-o A%orjay. h nd of a 0111be � , 11 I tit a U1113, I %AS pale, of ants of the slime species, but of dif- how pure the food is labeled nor how . Town .61rectory I rto T" ir ... nervaus, irritable, c.-Isily . . I I - . I I . - r "To be sure, what is the -use?" Can- ,,Nr�?�Q,!� e�x!)Utl,WQ, Vms reduced I ferent colonl(�s, The third serves .the careful we are2 poisons ente ere I - . Xhere was once it learned Judge of I I = - letoll Of .. L .11-,..1,4 r_ to , .,,Lin . . . . . . . POST OPFICR- -icc hours from 8 a. eighty 4vho never Oak Any exercise, , dida's good temper was ma4deulug. I . ... ... � - I-; 4) &'X purlibse. of discerning the scent laid 1 6 -ft postmaster. N . t 1. . . � 1'�%, I "� - aml my hk�,Irt . . down by tile ant's own f e t s r. W m. to 7.15 p. in. Jas. Scott, ot feeling very, well, be consulted A Her mother was at the remote end of Ill, .... aild bo- , . , a , 0 that It we, not . I I 1.� - . , - � ' L , . . physician, . -1 � N�'6�lld P!"��it,'t(! is tht -u�gb i Inay retrace iti., �,teps 41ong. lts­ow provided with * organs .espe- ' OOUNCIL-Mikyor, Hoover; Council "You have no business to live witb-� .1 - the house, but"sbe could'see mentally MRS, XD�7 3 -. jt-��,ascbout to ��top b.,n%. n I . . I . . I . lors, Ford, Wiltse, Gibbings, Lavis tho swillug, tantallzing face that she j.-,9- Vocrine rnont!ls I . path. Allotber rose glnells.tbe ant cial.ly designed ,�igainst these, poisons,, . . out' taking exercise," -said the phy� . 11-d Dnr� C h ni Z Nervo Fooq; ,3id fc;ra I al%A' pupae,- . and the firth Ik9se � I I Cottle, Wallis; Olerk, Macpherson; . . . . , ,,a. i . larvae It I I 8 clan . �' lorable tinie'l 'NO, $lot enperlencC(I n. )lead. ; detects the presence of 'an 0130111 . ' &surer, MeTaggart; Chief,' Wheat- "Yoll must give, tip your se- CandIda's. mirror smiled Ill be, or I any c r via � synIpton Y, human life w Id soonrperlsh. , The . . Tre I dentai - ,y. habi-ts ,and walk for an hour know so well. vek at Lar. I 1-"' - . ., . ou ,.,Cl,1-ot1PE1 vl)ove. : I lev. 1. . , ­ I'to'na litere s4detorl tw . Thus it an ant be left with -only tl1c., .. . � � . I . � . every day, I It was a tiny mirror wl ni Itiedi6w, has blj�lt ilia � . . . . th a shabby -Ipi'liflo�ii,ir..,IN,.,,!i,,,i)t, t,ri.,1 %,,,-I . .1 PUBLIC LiBnA.RY-Libtary and free "But it bores me so,," pleaded the frame, ),Nut. It bold the loveliest, and, folir nose$ it will live Peaceably with ki . . 'nil ntrond . neys are the. filters of the blood. ; , and -well, do my oy�qj L,jn . I ' �Aille it Ila$ lis lifth ! rvnvcr.�, Nyaj� out . 6 * : ; , reading roona in Stavely Hall. Open judge, "If I follow your advice I most famous Picture in all -Alta Call- for. aliell ants, but I . . every Nay from 2 to 5.30 p.m. and from sliall walk myself into a preinat re t%v9 hours "')thuut fealing tire(I a (I aw, - Uc)pe it I e c h th in the foodand . � :, . f- ) 7 to 10 p.in. J. Bean, librarian. .1 grave." - I I .0 I fornla, The portrait 'wasthat-of A iliorouglay resto.-od 10 1�,Iltlj ,, I .n . Will flgbt the alien, to the death. . . . e poison. . '. . . . I Noto Your inci-cace in wo' * � 1 If ants inake one anotbor's acquaint- . . . . I . I . sixteen -year-old girl, strongly built and �:I�t 110X0 un-'liq Dr , . expel it . . . �; 1. SCHOOL BOA41) - Isaac Jackson "Better die 'correctly than live In- i exquisitely rounded, as 6ose Castilian Chase's Nerve ro6d, Pokrait =4 ,gi.,4,iur: , ance befq�e they arotirelve hours 61 (I M, the syste m.. To do this . ? chairman; T. Bea,coin, 14'. Hodgens, A. correctly," snapped tile pilysician, "I 1 girls of old, California were--tbe ,com- 0 11,4r, A. AV. Chase an evejy LWL , f thok wIlf thereafter, -%Va amicably to- . . I . . . . Turner, R. Downs, F. Hall, i. W. Ir- can't -und6rst4lid how you.can have plexion'a pure Castilian olive 'witho ( , . ' . . I 1 ,4 they must be healthy and i ' �� win; Secretary, J. Cuninghaine, Aleet, . . I I . ,�� J' igOtfi6r,'.though bf different specie, or � . . . - vigorous. the presumption to be alive now." ' . ut _ — , . 4 .1 . . . 4,Vory , a tinge of ros�; the eyes a sparkling, _, �� �� ­ ­—­ subfn ill files. But Ili three days after . .. . ­ ings first Thursday evening in each well, then. If,you insist up- . I " ' ___ . . 11 telling their criterion of correct ant When they are weaki'or overworked, : i , inonth. - I On it I'll take exerciso l;uder pro- vivid black; the. hair as black as the ­ "I.do-n-kt�cal.o,\tKR6-h'o"r\to th ' . I .. , - , . . F . I a 11 � Odo' is established, and they refuse to . . . COLLEGIATE BOARD -M. D. McTag- test," said the Judge and - died a eyes, a. splendid mass called high And It ,you want to,"- be galif to �l I or clogged, .or handicapped.b� disease . � I . I , . . . . " . I Win. Jackson, ser,ret. couple of. months later, still pro- caught with A comb. - I I Yorba,. Then he went off, matte a g . atO wit1l "'Its whose .Odor is'fiot -4 . K� - . . I � " " tve'is ""or * - testinga�London I % I . 11 ord with tbetr standard. � I in even .*a;. sli ht degie " � gAr' !a bcot chatirman; J. R,tnsford, -A � cademy. . I . "All, but It Is of use, even If Flllber- curses oil the head of , &a CO f - . . - _­_ � . . I .e, .they w * -k I , I . I ar S� W. P. Spatilding, H. is a M - -1 D!1 F r.Ett�rl . I . . I . '! to ere nobody.. What.do you dtfuto.- They had gailibled "together ,- �. . , . ... � or Plumsteel. . . 1. A GreAt 101tar. . I . . . . . imperfectl , o- nor at all. The best I . ,An interesting picture .1 . � I I . ­_­'. I .%� I . . . .. . . I BOARD OV HEALTH -J.0. Stev0"K011, of Delane; ,,face In the mirror; The face Idughed by side In their cups.wbell the aguqrd1_ 1 11div Celluloid'la blade. I . . 1, Si.. . the famous editor of The Times, . I. . I I . . I PI -1 . . I W . . . , -0 . ... , . I . . dra, a by, Xr. . J'Q,mes $hand, in the - - , . . cute was -plenty.' "Now the" man is ' 014111101d, thO ChOullcill' 'COMPOU"d � I . "'ated kidneys is , ..,, ,.,, - �t -1 think, loveIi -senorlta?" she silid to the _. many a timt, And they bad lail'i ,Ida i . I U I � ..'" chairman; Mayor, Wril. Hai-! "' Is' back at her, � ' - � , � reme'dy io di -i I aw, bledica -r ; JOS7 � I I I I Dr Sh, I flealth (Alice I wurse r- I Caudlea were fastened to the wall on 111ting 'my �1� ' ' ears 'so ciose a vesemblauce- to . �.. , . . I . I . . � I . . Wheatley, insp - an article upon that jo ' qughtor, Is be?" I I . � . . . . actor. of . . u ' . , ivhic ' h"b ' , . . . I . I. . . . � each side of the 'mirror, go Alia � ivory, Is .a I . . . nal in 'The Cornhill,. The'editorship' .t a Cand1da tucked the notc-.In her bog- . mIxJu1,e.,dt colloLijotl and � . . , I , , , . � I I . . , , FlURCH 5abbath services, was .offered him at the. age ( ,,,, CO 'am again. It would be.fun to show . � " * I' . . " " ' , .: . . I B,kPTIST C1 if 24, strong light was tfiro,wn on the fa camphor, Invelited in 3835 b.f Perkeshie , Trade -Mark . � ' , � I I . I � at 11: a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday sebool -and I remember one day asking I%ij therein. ' Candida. could watch It to It to Fillberto when tb y bad a little .'Of 131ralingliam. whose:naina for a tilbe , 4W - MW I . . at 2.30 p,m General .prayer meeting did not shake his.,edurage. "Not A it; -good adva . tira I a A . lone. I . . . a ,. .. . . . . — . I - . , . . I Weduesd I ,. litage as It grews loveilek un- It bore. The process of'manufactilre is � 11 a � I'_ on ay evenings. Rev J. C. of It," ho*answered. . "Wli�;t -1, dislike, '46r -her skI , llfu . � . � . : 1. .1i ' - . .., . . . I . i . . . I I I I topch. � . 1. I . ,,Thii vilibei . I I .. . Dunlop, pastor; D. Prior, S. S. supt. ' � . . - ,.. . . to T11 be ready in a As follows: Cigarette paper ,Is soaked 11 %PIWI - U 4 , I I I . . . . . I o o ou s is that. you 1 ,.�A )ock.of. hair, di(I-not.nit hqr,,. She -minute," Alie calfed as �'s4 heard tl, '�. in R mixture Of Wide and sulpliuric : �. : � ., . . .. . . � . WESLBY METHODIST CHURCH-Sal�- all shrink from ,rcsponsibilityb't: Nor brusbed It; pulled It, unfastened it, � I re- . . , q acids "until It bee'ornes .nitrocellulose. I �. . . . . . . 1. . . I I . . . I . I I I � . 1, light hoofs of �1111. , .: ... : :. I I . . I " . I I � I . '.. - . J . . bath services at 11 a.m. and,7W.m. was tliei�e any boastful golf-iiss6rtion fastened it finally pulled dq'vin .the I 'Aft6r thorough 1VA06* . . I This late�t product -of medical research 9t m . � Sunday school at 2 30 p.m. Rev . . M in that-, � f6r X- have heard the story. - Wh,ole ,mass ' . , . . She p6y�d the. ciom.W to the -other . , to free it from, � - �* , P. tilates ". . I ... I 11. Manning, pastor; .A. T. OnrinAr, S .14. . Of hair In'A .heap and, be- - . % is drl4d, wlx�! d . rdeie healthy, . action I the I . . i Oom. his. life -Ion sille, then bacli, to its! original position. :, tile ft.cldg, th is - eel In losL d an .,.tones . diso d �',kidueys to � . . . supt. General prayer meeting-WeC- g friend, John Black- ga� coiling It all �over from the ,begin- Be�lnd, hQr car she' .11 1. with, a, . certain quantfty'o t I . . 1. � . . , . -1 . . I . . ' I wood The yo were then. livin . g 'ning. , :, . 11 .. . fastened a great I I f camphor, I- poisbnS..,are cast -from . the - system, al�rl, heatch .ret' . I � : .. . , .4" . nelsday evenings, Junior League meets toget' Uth", . . . . ] - I I �, � . . I . I I � I her in St. knies'. sqiiare.- One . � - . I. . 40ftison rose. ,. . - , .. . I gnq.polorl g matter If, required, atfd . . I utns� � I . . � . , 'Delane burst in Upon' '1�oq. are lovelier' than then: passed ltbrDUgh - a roller, mill, . it, I I box of ,50 P�11s, �p cents. ' . . . Friday evenings. ' afternoon I "YoWre the all dy, girls", - , 1. .P ; 1. Bu -Janis sold. by ;L11 druggists in . . . . . ,. ever," Fill. ' . . I � . I . . . .. . . . . I � I . ONTARIO, ST. METHODIST CHURCH� [ Bltickwoo'd; exclaiming, 19.By � G--;, . fretted lier moiter ,In -the dining room. ' -' is next formed Into tbin.shepts by by- , DO Wt�wAste ti' on � , . Sabbath servii9es at 11 a.m. and.7 ' . berto whispered as Ahe gave him :a - I ' ey - . . I 5 Thlen . . r -. . .�. . . . I. .., crl� I I . � . . op.m.1''J6.1111'. what do you think has lisp- - 4 inad4 no difflerence to herwheilleir -of the.picture �he was. drhulle � pressure � and 'afterward b'o* ' On" uSeiiksS '* substitute$. fol'. ="& - . . * I 1. . . , . . . glimpse . . . I . I . Sunday school' -at 2.30p.m. J. 8, . pened? T am editor of The Times,'� Candida was slow or net.on, thig Occa- .- I .1 . I ken, tip, by toothed rollers and, soaked , . . . . I el . .1 . D.D.. pastor; Jacob Taylor, S. 8, I . —, .-.--. � .. . . he wa - �, - .. . slie, threw a, white.mantilla *over box, , ' . Bu Ju 4hekid rZa. : . . I . .. � . I. I Al. I . 41011, but is . ,a out of sorts'with all . . for some bo * . ndy pill ...'' - , , I . . I ]Ipworth League meets Monday even- - I $t4rdlgy�� "A Splorldid Marl�g . I.. - I . . head and stjoilld.ers,. her face and the . urs la alcohol. A''further I �til I f) � . I . . . the wo � . pressure and whot rolling,prQcess, tin- . . � . , L ' Ing: prayer meeting .cn Wednesday One' .of the funniest s,torles.told,I)y I ,rid. She -had expected. thfitthe . rO9A_ peeping oqt fl�oru the snowy lace. ,� . iit cuics, . - , '! NEW VO�R K. N. Y., A . NO . . . . ' . .. . evenin . L " corna,ziftnte would t inifte - her daugh- . . I 1§11 it,: j(n(l .re*.1J1t,J. Lill' Ivbry-like sileot,j iM­­­ , , , .. I I , . . .1 . .9 Stanley, "'which com ' 06 'In ' - quite ter. t � . I. . I .4 . , Gbod evening, Blia " she said, pat .1 . I . , f ' ` . `NOG�*R..ONT. . . '. � . L . . WILLIS C . I -now, 4hat one,dAy, * . . . # I . . 1, .. . . " ' . . . �. . .. . I I .. - ­ , . I . PREFBYTERIAT� . H- 0 accompany himAo, the fandango IL �half �u Inch thick. I '* . . I I .. �... . I HURC aPr6pos just " . . - li tonight. 806,h ting the little :horse's nose. If ga,�o . -­ . . . . . ; .. .': - I . ..� .. . . '. . . ; , *his . koc int tr4'v' the messag ,Ad W,Atched in vaiii for I - . . ". ,.'* 1. L I I I I . ___ . .. -z . I . . ,� 1� . . I ... . . � � : . Ma ahr Sabbath sprvices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. whilb'conversing witha,friendly. tribe 'She Sa ' , IIer a happy lit y,.for-.lf knew 'etindift', I - " ' . I . Sabbath school at� 2.30p.m. 4yer . a. W. t . wb n . � ., i . .. . . . � . L Pt, during' a els, one of, the. . I I ��, �,: . ,Age 'and lteslieO L ' ' I meeting . Wednesday . . Chris- I I . making blighted Oft being.brought to L .:Her father and. mother .eame. from I " . I . I � I . L I . I . . . . . I . . I �L. . .- . - evenings; * chiefs present -inquired how many , . .r I . I . . . . . A,,Wrlter in the Ladles' �Fleld str . . L , , , I . . . . . .. . L ' , . .1 tian Endeavor Meeting Sunday even- W'iVeS Lhe possesped,. says t . h4� . Shat� a. critical l$oInt. . . .7 - I . .I . .1. ' the. house and said. A surly. good -even.., . vigorously t . hat ihe is L not -a believer in ,, . - . . .. . .111 :11 i I - I . : . . . . _ � . , I. I I ! . - L . . . I . .. I . . I . I � Prayer . �,, Ing. to the handsome. y uug, Spa6lard. 7 "respek due to age." 1� . Wli - ,. 1. . . - L . .. I . � . Ing after service for balf hour- field L �Englarxd). Telegraph. 'Upon . Where's the -girl?" growled, a ier � - - , � 4) . . . L Meeting and first Monday of morith I . TO:, them hie . . 'L Y respbet ; . . 1. . .L .. . .. - L .. . . . . . 11 . 11 I .. 1 '. :. , I .. I . : I - I . ... . -it- "Shoi .. . I. . L, L Stanley Gn6ceuily -ropI.Vi4-that he' rifle voice. It was that of�b - was entirely objectionable . should be considered the soie prero. . � . . . . - . L. 'HORSEMEN I . L. business meetin Stewar I . I . � . . Norse e Padd. . � I g ;Rev Dr. t, had' none L All :those *Present itbod up � ,"Shes dresslbje.�' . . .. � I . In tb4t' be, bad no I property,., no Ingu- - , tiv.e 0 . . I I . :. � . 04W . , . .� '. . � f �Oge Is a thing,I 1hVe- never been � . I . ie 4 realL .. � ' I . 11 . I - . D. D., pastor; James Scott,S.S. supt. like one I h - . ential father, .nothing but his Own L . a rieces-' - .1. .. 1. IL" . "'L., . . ­ I . . I. . I i 11 fi .. vitil. and unanimously L ex.-' � I . . . I f, . . . I 'ERA - . : � I , � . I . I . . . - ' at for,.when she's going -with . I able to understand. When'pepple ha"ve', � I . or _ , Will ' " �the - Nrw . . I ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, E PISCO "Wh ill UL . *ell ,cl6verriess.and courage to . I . L sity -wintei.:-. . . - .1 rid ai . pAL_ claimed At a- splendid Iiir nobody but Yorba?, She had a . .1 � p1hyed. fob -Va- L, . I .. , � . . ft consistent lishness or I . L I . . . . P.W.L . on. Furthermore, ,they strongly sus- . . . . . S Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7 They I ,�Ien'seky Admired the apparent. wear -her woikfug- gown." ' , - - . . . cufty throughout tIldir yout4 and- middle summer - they QFFrcE ,a election of ctitff ' - - . . , . I I . . I .811 calmness' %Vith which Ila had, . I , I ), . " L . , . I __ .!� . aday--sobopl at 22.&Oyp.m. Ladles' I As they wXb, D 6 �� .. p6cted their. ,daughter .of -.'pref�rring age why. should a younger'a s9PPly. the give suitable.f6r ,o* I . . I . rid perhOs . . . _itfier" " , ,' '' . _L"_ ___2__ 1 o after*'. all olir boOoslll him . to the shrewd old, political fox to - - � . � �, Guild meets t ThurS_ �yq �eae --thought--, tr'ed_t_9_+A,%'J 'Off =L -them a- ' ' ' . I :r ute.' *bills - , � mouth; A. Y. P. A. -meets Tuesday. **ndrou§,,tra,veIer'­fal0 .'' L - -Senord Baxtajis-wrung her fat haiidsli . . .. L I . .. I wiser generhtion be.. expe�fid` to look natUre -intended k . � I � .. _. w I I . . . L I L -1. . . ., I ' I I W r . I ., � . '. .. C. R. Gunne , M.A., rector . X _�_ L - . . ' ' . on' -,Draoght, Genera Put-' I 11 . , . . they L a etrying to marry her. ,- . hem -with - reverence simply : . be, : . ' . H�avy . I evenings. . . "It's 4 no avail tD.Whimperabout. It..' :.Whom . .. ..Up 4:01 , - � hard - .joj4l; . , I. ' L, . d VaV . ' OTeftn a to thank� you both . , ' . . . , elinill,S , , . . � - � , . . arshal .W�Ize'� olice -vri�s be -' L I it: in . .. . for. - pose Ro dst; ,or t # . ".� . L I. � I and S. -8. pupt. I . - I . , accidentaliy' .The . e.ii a ,foe), you way g(wimt I . .cause seVenty years, have' passed. 'over an, . , ), . A er . n!).t1ji.9 ;. . ;� . . on - that, -no 'matter � What . ihe 'sitys. . . -frog. , Horses., .. � ­ . '. . I ... . . killed'a relative while both"' . I Intrusting.y6ur daughter. to my care their headsf Rdspect� r�ly�.,sljould , . -' I . . . ST. JOSEPH'S .CATHOLIC CEEURCH- were rab . t9night,".. lie said I . ) . lithely ­ �su . Protect the I All. . woik .. . done.t. . I I .. . . . oof L rom , ' - s . Service held every other Sunday at bit hunting- and ever aft - �d 'She'fj dous something to, annoy the ..In spite.of be a -question' of character. and: 116t of L. ' I ofthe,h ' .f * . I . I . . I . � , . 10.30 &m. and 7 p.m. Rev.­riath�er wOuid swoon at, the sight.of. erwa * . the froNviIsAhat.greeted him. ' � '' . . . I . ..i I - . . I . . promVtly' . rid ..at .rea on . . I . , . . 4 h*,re. . comaudantet­ It's 11ke 1tor. Stubborn �-.- 1 .age." . , , . I , r z I L .. � ablin- � . . . I . . . ' . — _ . I . I stoxxes ajid fjonll: -* : ' � . � � : . I � . � Pinsonneault,pastor. C.M.RA.meets : , . .. . :, as her mother. She' will resp as'.8he. . Candida, patteli the'' rdstl.�ssi poniy', I . 1, . .� .: . , . I a .. rates ,. I I , . . I . . I I . I. I 1. I . " bbiling iri wint . - - - , .. , , - - - I . I - I 4th Thursday every .mouth; Sacred ... . � . — .. - . ... .. .. , . saws.11 , .. I . . . . . again. "Are 3ou In a burr 'Atli?" . I Assistance. 1. . . � . . .. I .. . . . . . . I - . . 1. I I . I . .. I . 'Yo - . * .1. . . I _. . . ... ' I Heart devotions Ist Friday of the . � , �� I ... -- M-._ T. - . - --,.-- _ - . is b a made m . I - she said. "'Come, F Illbertoi .we .. t "Which ofiliese books or period . 1, . . er... llnproVed I . I.. .. . . . 1 -7—.� - � ' . .: . . . . � I month�Massevery morning &t8a.m. � . . � . *y istu borrines a . marry - . .. pus .. . leals . .. .. � . ­ . . I . - C 1,. g�a; W -41L X. you'll.put . Iii the � ' ' st"'t- .Nj�la says sheivIll not whi . VP . I .. , . . I . . , I . .1 ­ i .. I I . 1. I I . � .. . . %/ U , " . I . .11 I ..� n - P . C:n) � . Le .. . P,anora,. . . . . . we Id you recommendTI AskW the vo. . - . . . � I . � � . . I ­ : I I . I . . 1^, , ra1ug"', m1e.. . .. I � .. Dohlo . . . . . . . . ,Mt . . BRETHnEN-Meetings at 11 a.m. and I Bem the,' ,'(he Kind You ilare I ��, . �'And you got better than YOU ever . The girl � put her litild red slIppared'. man, with a pleasant s . � . � I . � I 1 7.30 p.m. on Sunday, and on Friday- at gignatur0 . � m - _� - deserved." He strode 6ut Of ihQ TOOM � ,foot Into ibe stirrup, , rilliberto helped, , '.Vell. I 1*0 I 1. I �. 1V * , , , - . . I , � I .. � � � . . ady,11� answel d.tb6 boy who:� , .. ,. fS , , . , , % * , .. . . I l3v.mi 1. � . . I . . . � 109 I. . . . :� , I I . - . -1 _0f__:____ 11 . I A- . .irulabling like --ii- -thunderstorm.- : .- 'her as she-spni*�. and sbe:w9s Perth. vas 4ttending to the depot news stand, . . . 1. Ideal : , . � . . . I . I I � . � . ff fil th . . . . �. I " , . I I � .67 -*'it depend. -s.7 -If -you watt ge.aulne first --- . . . _ : .1 � , ... . . I . 11.1 SALvATiow ARm,r-Service at 11, 'I, . I .. I � . .0 - _� ed '00 _&In, day saddle, hit- . I .. .1 I I . .. 7 and . .. ' ' � , . .- __1 - :. '.., - . . ____ . . _ ------ r I .1 . , Candida,: jidjusiirit h . I . . ss d — __ _S __ - ., �� I :. 11 . 1: ..... 1- .. .. . - tl a.m. and 3 and 8 p.m.on eMM-__ , It'all and smiled.� - . ,er c � omb, hea . rd.*. . . '" Int . ormati6ii V sell yo I u dig cap -, - . . I . ­ I . ., -_��7=­..t�* ,carved mad besilvered.. With a .bow, clu Y � . - I . . .. I. . . ---.. --- - -znd every -weekevz at _.— . ­, I . . -1 . . . .� .. . ti, madr, . . are . 1. I of de Sportl I W. -News, but Wyou lie . - ..none , f�oe t- I .11 . ...­­ . . 1. ail, - 0 . . 1. :. I � � 1 . "A. -'.mia, ho*.blind you' , 'to the old.peo.ple . he .sprang up behind . . � I 1: - .1 % -C ..- - . .. . __ . , . . .. � . I I . I � . fteappearance 11­_Jn,�v�.your iyax eyes-, ghq.gald �he�,,as.wttsthe.eal,froj,'uianetistom, . - Wants gonl6thin' tOr't!rOW At oe Pull- ' - - . . ' I . . . . . . I I . . 0 lit. . - - . . . . , . � . . . 'r - ­ . . . I I . I . . . -W -F . .. pi . -ad � . . . .� I . and tooka n�i�fr;;i; er o'-660 -�-- - _74c�_,ieacbeil_ f -r-ward. to adjust, tb* than p4rter I'd recommend dis substan- P 9 . � : ..- � 'There', 13eems to- be -_ , I I .1 � . . : . I Cholee of Weptern Routeg _ , . � b no .longer - "Y' - "Cofitrfll�Y to C119torni'l 6elid,thil; to . reins.' U10 fuined to -6i_��ff _711ft"We �--tjal-bouu&bo ' . . 'ii�i" , . I I I I ­ . � r .. . . .. . . . " . ok-by--fferbert­Spetioer.'�- , -, e4re -.Or .Pft - - ameli � . . I . vl-.-& the I dou t'that the wild pjg�onaj' whicii � � . I ., I . . . el;Sw!�w . - - -_ I I - I i I � . I � " i - _..� ------ if,�__- . - You Instead of to Your mother," -she Word had'not beet! givei when a clat. . . � . 1. I . ... . . . I. ,.; Oregmht crailUng dr sprieadin� ' 1, �, ' , , I were .once so abundant as to �be a . .. . . - .1. . I I � . ,. 11 �) . � �.. � . . . . - '.� - ' I . . .- GhkagO, Mi][Waukee & St Paul s 56 reread with. satisfactiou.. ,Ter It ft.. ter'of b6ofa sounded'beyoud -i . .11 1, J -7-m*k6 .i h6rue a. :11, , . . which disappeared .. the ho0§e% ' I Of tht hoof& .1 , . I I . Railway inysteriously"al ' (,Of a sudden frain'the. . . your Answer I destie, Will You accota. , All, turned 0 see who the arrival '' , , Rix Glifei'vince. . � working life longer . . . . ., ... , P ". V. , : ': F? IF 1P , -, �­ .... , .. . -1 . I I � . I . Inhabited par . pany roe.. to the -faudatige? If not t was. The hoofi clattered . more sharp. , 'Ttlele r4phralm, -you are look -Ing ,. . . . .. 177 . 1*-�� . . L . . . , I .. , I I . .. . I states . . � .1 . � . . . . .. . found someth INQ .&R, -HUR � 11. �..: %.,..:..�.�,:�.,.. �.. 1. . and Canada# are reappbarin -.1­811all go to, 0 ara, oft business, I I . a You Ing . . I you h0e. 4 horse I ,. ! In plarinina your wesbern trip i I K iffsomil anta. )3arb I ly, fli.the gallop slowed,.. Up rod' tho , .Much better.. . . t I K . W why of their old bauptsi �. .. . . .. . . . ... .; T ,, I . . I 11 nottake advan'inge of the offer of th6 ItAs not,'Ilke­ for the fandango wIthoilt 1�u *�Uld comandante. . .;- .. � . � . - �. ­ % that cured your rheumatism. did you?" - - 11100 ' ' ' i . ; . , ly that the�r will be ev,er *i6ebsed , ,1jold no c . barms." � ;, I . I .. . , Xt the, sight a . f Candida about to 1. � . ssyes, sub.' - I . 19d With [Ame. ,; , . 703 ;; Bily,10aled. 19970' . 1. . ' I , . Chicago. MilWaLukee & St Paul. Rail- .. , I . . � . But It. cured me t6a qul&k,., . . . I . I . . ' ' . .: I -, again'lix the vast numbe -' ,61 I , , M "rft= - throUgh - Ud - ; Will sto.nd for the Improveineut of Steek � ,ro ormer j. . .. � 1. Way t7o allo w you a choice of Toutes F. . Below was ,What any glil. In Citiffo ,ride away hie tutzio�ivblte with anjer, - gull. 1. didn't get no � use out on dent ... . years. many of, our citizens,' vrho are. ilia I Wduld have. given her black eye@ 110 his way was. . I . I I , : mofswrgs ow expqrt fo i , � - tliie SeLotoii'aa follows.;: ..MONI)Ay, MA6'r ,. '.. . I.: �� .1 The Southwek Limited, Chicago' to still 'on the bright side of half & 1. . . two dollah, an' a half crutches I bou bt r , , . � .1 � I I N I ib - . 1.9 . . . 4116 "I flifti � , . . . . 'lad-Willl'eavehifj'owjistablii.Btu�L*li,ld,� ' . . ! ,� Kansas City; The Overland Limited . sentury, will for-tbe algliature of the pop�lar co-, ."Ab, seriorfta,'may.' I Inquire . * *aek befo� last," . . I ­ I I , ­ I 1. I L , . Chi � . 0 readily recall when they: . . . I . . . . . . I , ad go by *sy of 2nd ooiiaession. Tucker- � . . . . ". . cago to Ornaha and S -an Francisco, were go pleft mandahte.. I . . . . . I I . . 0 . I I 1. . . . . I � � �, . and The Pioneer Litnited, Chicago to tba!� go, tiful in this �dfstrlct that . . I -your physician may be tbat.you r ankl* . . I , . .. . . . � amith, to Eli Crich's - for vooi.;. the4 by . I � , �. . : I I � . � I � . d on the city markets',al low . *No member -of the family had jeell heals go quickly?.". .1 - tnoeln,.�.. . I . Drop U4 a.c"A for our . tfuron Road, to 96904 Hoese, f"'int"', .­ I . . I . . St Paul and Minneapolis, offer a, var, as 12* cepts a dozen, while others, the messenger rld.4 up axid deliver this The father and mother stood silent, ' 41S%11' she cried. when he kissed bit, . . . uiw boo*61 I 1.09racclaffy.". - for iiight I.UESDAY- By say of God- I � . 1�. iety,of rou tes and excellence in a , . � . I I I � 1. . I toL , .. . .X_ - ­ . " . - � . . . to and . -- - I note .to Candida. -Nor bid any one, looking fratu one �4.the "Other. Bus. . tirou forget yourself 1`1 '� I I I � . equipme . Voli, no"bp I J4"Q1KQV'V11lt 00.i'Llm for noon, then byway of h I n - not obtainabld elsea whose memories carr3r . thom back - �rich, and 16 ConOLRejolp, J34rtllfinrph� ,, where. Complete infoiniati 'i I d still - further, - wllI..TemQmber.,.wbo I seen her send back he answer which Picibil, fair, rage, were.creeplug upon , of It k", �, . faitUD4 S100Z � I -� f_ , i, .A _ � , lie � sild; "I g'Ot halt,. of It - '' . . . on Legar fllal�r .ill ht . �. - . :1 1. ,­F,`.��, .."'?_.", _ , " thbili. It *as hoAlme -to parry the 1317self. ThQ- Othtr-.Uut.-Was .__,-T".0K1X0c 1, .to Holmesvilli -,Kousf-, Holvaeifflille, Jbi I . . . I a . � . 0 :.%",�;�­,', ,-_,,; r, , 1 i4w JU t0hue6a three main traveled roads 9. 4 W66e so greii z j�'ai.�I­iead: ""' . 14%).U... -'.'�,, " I - '1� ." NP 14,tdght,'�'�,WedAaeoA��y;,,-,Iii,.way,-,-�l,..Qt I . 0 most dar4en the ,sky, And whelk the . . . � � .� .. . . � _0" , ­� " .11, _k�;,-4 - _ - . I request to No. 8 King St., eaf3t, .1 I must. beg to be, excused from this 9*1 knew. sho-00, ' 1. . __ - . I ,�.. . INTIne Ift6rcession I . 11 . - . I . . ... ­ � .. 46 William, bu.:-A ' 7 - i I �`d "S `_ �7;';��"-�';"' ": ; � Toronto. . Implore . wag frequently i fandango, for, ray ankle is still weak "There Is. but due'physildla who ean. . - .. . .1 I I . L � . ..� . 1. I . � . , � , ,, .I-- , .. . . env conoesdiol)" 0 erl " . I . � d to save the growing .crops , a . I I I . . . � I . . . 11 . . .. . I - -. . ". I Township, for noon; then south and v�a. - '. I n I since Peio thre* me, and: I dare' not. - heal every blurt"' she replied. One in to, * � I . I . . - � to John Gieen'e, 03i con. Goderich . �`� � f . - ­ . 1. . . xitrk TwAlnox Luck.' :.�' 11, . � . from their destructive @88, On all , risk a, dance�" . - .1 � I . love. I am lit bis charge. OJT Min." . 's To*rnhip, for night. THURSDAY 4 1 , . . I . . � � sides they were -Shot and trapped , Nor did apy one know' . , " Mark Twain at one time lit his early I It E ADA C -H-,E. - I �_Wjll plowd. no -at . � p;) the BA)ROld., , .. .. I �' . G. To R. Time'Table. without mej�y, looflik exceedingly, I , that she� sent , And thopony was away with therni N nligia aild'Nervousness �ured quickly by 11 , 1,11 , _ . . � ., game as well sq. tooth; . another message to a. certain "nobody.n. . I eareer was 6'ehara6terlsticall'y Impe I . concession, 'to Johlu teg-com F, . � Godi , Lz . kh ' !' . *me birds. ' , . -."Yo mean It?" said Fillberto.. I . ARM*LtSS;' HEADACHE To*nahiii, I r noon; then - to Varna for: . . . . I ell .. r. . cunlons reporter. One di AND NEURALGIA CURE ' . .. I lql � Goderich & Stratford WilOn Pigeon huritiNr was a Uvorite sport I '19�he coast Is clea' rXhe cSfiltin. . Sheuonly tossed him a teasln� lillik . Ij he had ; AJAX H I niAht. .FR,%A)(-By wav of Buill,61d., . . .. ( I Express leaves Clinton for Stratford all Over the country; I dante to going to Santa Barbara, so'be how. "How -Min to meet but labored No heart depreislon Greatestcurp ever discovered; , ]k a I I . and contributed . , � � r fileol" she , oaid� 1� note Take noothert jocand 2se.' All d6alersordirta frow ,nd 2 -id conoosegion of Stanley, ... 1. � � largely . . g hIS 4UeStIon. ck I Is 1 to'� � . .. I to the food supply of the, ' will never know. that I go to the daffee. "There are that t, la � 02 funds, Half dlstra,.,-, he ., as. of� , , I 7.38&m,8.23:p1m,5.20 In. � People. 11ut their. nuiti%berx did niAl Father Will let me go vy�lth'�Ou f9r tbb dgdkln I AUSTIN & CO., Sinio . U0 Ont.. . .Money link if'not ' . Neil McGregor% for noon,� then by -i I I � . r 1. . . . � . . .. I Express leaves Clinton for Go erich . .� .1 rushing 'dround San Prancisco id x s-itiefied, . . . . Londoa,Rot%e,to.h1eowQ0t%Wa 'K I . T, 14btsofthefancMugo," : - . . . hzay. he I I I I . t� 10.15 a in, 12.55 p m, 0.40, 10.82 p tn. We= tO very greatl3r'dirnifnish UrItil once, for he'thinks I have novtlier In. :, Far *Away glittered the brilliant , - feverish r liunt for enough, cash to tide - .. . will Tainsid untill the following Ui.ndsy . . � I I . 1, I . . j London, Huron & Bruce. , . . Almost. RuddenlY in the latter sixtiog vItation.s­ . . I . lights tn .a great rAtie'll. house. Sudden-. blul'over the, tryIng'tIme. Ire . i. morning, I � . . . .. � I . � . .1 or, early fteVei4fes they dibapPoared Candida's Collaci I I a little too quickly, howeter, -for as he I do, RSP' -, j A. 211-d.. L. '1Vo('OXNR , .Manag(r �11- . Exprqss leaves Olinton for London � altbgther from tho ' ence Shook 01 fibs .1 I 1Y The road dividel At the end of onal , t - Irtmp RIENCLI .. ,.. . , I I . L . 7.47 a m and 4 15 p m. . settled peirts of aS a duck obAkes off water. There'was b"nch were the lights of the gay ball; ! was turning it carrier he collided. wItU a I I . . I . . . i ,_ Exilress leaves Clinton for Wingbam tho -United.States And -Canada. What ' not ji cidud on her brow as she made at the end of the other, one Invap shone Jittlernan and overthrew him, The vlc�_ I., , � 110NDURIS Not .317.14, .. � I . . � became of thop? 'All korts of 'more or I I I . I . . 1. - ' . I I I , . and Xinchrdine, 10.15 a in, 6. p, ni 1652� colorable, theories have been, im' herself JOY01i for the ball. Her father ftolb the w18slOU, . r . thn regained b1steet and. yelled, "You I , I . . ( - Sired by Nortatilk 17s5s, ,- . . . I I I � . ­ a' bad given a irulailillng 11yea00 to VVI� "Listen!" sald Viliber i do that again and:111 knock you Into. ' . .. .1 I . ­ _ — , Killed to account for thtLt disappear. to and stopped, .# . I I -Will leave his dwi3 .st'able, �, � . "63, but It has never Yet been eat- berto'O Invitation. He had refused the borsia� A strange blendiv ' of the middle'of next weak I `�Sly,Aear , I) MONDAY . . I I . 9 . I Ablin, 6nd procaed to Commercia.) 11otal, I -,. Isfactorily axplafii�do The fact, he* over aud,"over to let the't,tirl accompany sounds came to their cars; guitar and I Sir," said tbe'apologetle bumoMgt� "do . . I . - . s L , . ... TRAOR MAOMM3 - 'S4AfOrth,fOitOo ,thenceloCo6vaircial I , th9t they are AO,w reappearing this young Man, WhOge, 6 violin il t It by all mean �.; tn , . , , , , , , . 1, lult was pov- ounded faintly from, the lekt; . . It I Can got through . I" . I DiEsIoNd , I H'tol, Clinton, - � I ran 003' ever ell ,More Important at present, erty, but now pi . , till th6h without breaking I'm safe." I � .1 or L - For Sf ' a Ufa to mu que played Its parti- from the ' right came the to �f ..... , cot,yn ,pjg�z. TV.EBDAY _ .. ' I IGP'rs &a. I lVil I Proceed 96 l3damillm for ryooty; thence . . . 1� . Is necessary to have your system id � and will be balled with . mudh j�y and 'its he - realized that the emnan. eblme'of the mission bell, - ,r'sway, , The originality at this. reply struck the Anyoto -entatik a bkotell aud denr[KdOn =67 to Dunlop for night. WEDNESIMY" . I 0 1 quickir Atscertall, 01ir opitilt-i free w atfier an . � b6th by ' -Canadian and Aperlean, dante was' 110 atranger,'W*ho, after some talk, hand- invintimi Is Iftbably, teiglable. Coninnif%jen.' Will proceed* to Cromford's,- Pnrt Albert, . ,�... tood working order -to havean one t Inviting Candida,after 'To the Jeft'lles the dance ". be- said ; . My OPOrt0lilen .-7Quebee � Telpgraph. . tionestrictirconnaerit, aij Nuilooli on pattuts ,.; am of perfect health and strength -o- . ' ' , all big promising ­It-boule 0 again it I ed Mark a check for tile nec . egg 1 ?13& 1? fornoon; fhence to Pat -rick 'Plarble, for � ' ­� . i I 1. . I*— attentions. 'be, re'-- slbwly. ."After , ' ary, sent froo. Oldo6t n andy for securing Ttej)ts. . ., . . . % Pittento tAken t irousch Alunn & o, receive - � ` .1 I - , it ig imperative that each organ, be - . , lisOlved that she should Ilot, -left at . )�'rafe I . amount. , * - . . ?. night.' THURSI)AkY-Will proceed fo- . I . "I � kept in free action, and BEECHAM'S - 1146 Got a Va4s. , ; h4gme. .. . Storm of Wrath, 'you And I eel I I � I be . I I tpcoftl ,no0w, without chni,sre, in the Datigannon, foe nooa. . I . , . ­ . I . . forever." . .1 . . . ,thence to WpIiAm , . ., PILLS al�eforemostOf thefewthlings ThO following sto . . . . I I I&" R0heall's, &r night, VRIDAY"Will 11 I 1; that,will do it, ry about Jiti-deq ; ­ . ­ . '--� n �- ���� - . "'Yes," she said, the merrl I . , ....., 4dwavOk - America; I I went gouo,l 1�!�wjj�! !­!,_,-,--. proceed to Walton, for noon; thence to' . _� � � I 1J. Hill, the I Canadian -born tailroad ' . . . ­ out at her eyes. . . . � . . ­__ �_� -I_---, � ­ - _-_1 A hiltdoomeTy 11lustriaAd weekly. . UTIZAt ok, , Dati. Rigleyos, for night, *SATtT.UDA,y__: I . I . . . ..�ulationorunirecient-.iialoul-nal. Terms'-sa a I � .. I 1, I . I - I I I .1 � I I president, fff'told in the ktorthwest-, - - ' A BAD CASE .- -"To the right," fie went ob,. 'iVathov 891dbyall IIOW841611:63m Will 0 - States. Mr. 1�111- ivaer talking to some - , I . � I . then Pro ded,to.Fred Hinehlo, for noon - .. � I I I I I via I Fot Active B i I . . . Suan, Our,ol(l prfeAt and friend. XXa � , broaday, New Ytt,% I to genry vierlban's, felt five o'clock -' J I riffifts friends III. a. hotel lobby who, a 6s .. . I , ; I � K thence to his Own stable, where he� wilf - , ;� i ­ . � . . . I , knows us and loves us. Ile will marry . your liver must be tighti-yourstomaoh, - . "Mf-' HI ' to hila and I I St. washlastotI. Ix romedn"antill Monday mornitir. I I In'', - _. 0 1-1 I - .1 Ina healthy condition and yourkidneys -Vaid: . I , You 61ad: , ", , , I ._,USJOV_Lalt�� -.1 I - "" "'" ­­ ­ - 0 dt'l I . - I ,� � 11, CARPEOTP0. . I _1 I -_ 1- , . . roperly performing their pectil . ago that 'no Ono need be out of A, It'! ONEVIROUBLE' � ­ohr she criod with -a. little hu ­­ . _ 1113hider TwInt. ... -_ 1. . - . I . �� Functions, or your , is r Job In thf� part of the country,", I der. - . I I - " ' I . -...! -I..., --.-I-1 I 11 ­ �: I . rl�jl,ji, luih(t notice* Binder Twine will be I body won t stand I I 1 NILBURNtS - - ." 'U Petit , - .- I. '__­­­`_­____ � -------- 7` It I the strain and your brain won't *b6 "It did)" admitte& Mr. Hill. 11 . "Shall it not be the right road2l' . ! Sold at ilia Ringo 4) enflaft, te InIpOrted Shi . I �, I OURED*. ov I . . . , farmers, In Aueh 11114"t"JeHAS ImaYl be:doslreiz, ire stillion - 1; active. If you would have A clear "Well, Your statement Is fncor- . . I "Oh -Vin nfrald-I can!Vl- � Aa wk� for daah oil deliveryl at the followilig giees.­ ­ I I . I head and keen perception, got a box � . I "Say tile right.,, 'I . . - "Pure MAllith .......... 00 feet to the I ) Tole Nateley Grant xo. 26 97, � . � . � reet", declared the young man. -I I I I ed bloinfla"._ ..(BnO 11 4# __; 1 4 0 � � � � of BEECHAM'S PILLS, use them and I She hesitated, Perplexed. 'N . 56 I 3 , ­ . 1 4 . . � � .� Then she -l111XreNewz00,lan(l1..t,J50 4, ". . -08. 0 'on 11 N � , see how much more alive you 1.*�Jll be. , A I 10 erpoluid teen oil toil lots, j ;14 a Sbire Sfid)i Atoll ey � . . , Oaths, and 1 .4 - (1, I have been hustling h!t got Ang ION Y PILISt I 'cried, "I know, I'll let MIA decIde. We , I . NEAKI ' . for a Job for the onfiNIS ]1100, Past six III Un K ND ' Tltdiloporie Work at an.�Vthlng I 0 CA I MIN I ML Allf, o. b, Kingstoll. ft�,,, arant I No. 21,607, will statid for mare, L . . "That's. just it,,, an do " I . . . shallsee which way she chooses." I "f- F Addres, all ConliniulifttinflaL, With romit- duribi the geabob of 1004, at his .own, , . ill obsWrved Mr. ERV ILLS I ! 00 I She pughed his hands front th6 relni, ' & thhee, t8- J X. Platt, Warden Petatentlary, atablog lot 21 con 1, flallbt, i mile from . For Perfect fleafth - it, ,41mi call you -do? Rldiley Troublen, no lftatter* of whai drew Ula to the middle of tile fork � FOR lCirigston, -Ontario. . 01ifitoft, on the 17uroft goild. Peas- $10 " "I I "TfavO had several years' bxperi- ind or hat sta90 Of the Aigease, can and stopped her. "Now go, Wlla,', slier � I Papel -o insertitif this notide w4hout Authority to' insure payable let therelstia, reaterpromoter than th f6ri,ro!"helffilg's "rinter will not bf-pald there- tebruary, 105, age ,01CO Al a stenogrApher;L Am An ex- 6 quielcl and PermAuOritl� zured by the said. . 6*".T, X. P jATT A160 5 liftatiful Shire Stallion, )ately Ila. , I I fatnous Pills, You will flnd it so all Part bookkeeper, hive been a ship- I . I WEAK � 11 ' -­, ., - W , hrdeno . I d I Plng,'elark, and know the busines,4, n- tip her bond And gal* Xlft44tOzl, MatchvwliT� 1004.,i,n-, A y Dawden & ,qcDobAI(), rogisteyda, . -over the world, and, maric iou, to of these onderful pills. Mr. �Ozeph. The horse Ilu' 1-arted b I 11108i le hr. I I ,,X6t9l . . t perfect Apecirliens of manho d, am. Ali Al advortialtig man,- al f mends them "At road oil the right. ITOPLC 4, . . Y Maniar of Arts", No, 2100a, will, I . tAland, -Alma,, XAVX, reeon, JOPed:lnto the da' * owid for mhres at the same . plece clarinly ,'� 11 womanhood and childhood are othe first-class. book agent,," said 80 & ' to all kidner trouble AulVerers, whell he "Alta, you Shall food upon sugar, . 'A (, usera of I Young ma,11 In one broa,th, . - the aftyat-r Wes troubled witli dull hea(l* -IUMPS for the rest of your life," 11111. � _.d� ., Will for Netvice. , 66 9011800, Termd $10 to ineute. I ., . . W It, ended 'With Mr. Hill giving him 11161109, 'had frightful dreams, Urr!610 , ­ --_*� . . A AX ,ow I V_- =0111A18 SHIPLEY& Co. . . - pft,ffis in My legs and a, ire - , . Snl�aor;ber will koep for aervido at hie, _� . . �� .. � , I a ktter,to the Great Xorthetji, 6M , uftt desire to borto said. , - . I hot@ pills cure all diseatto sLnd 41s. 11 � � . I all 9 0 iln St Paul "" is -Ktbxzy It was not for, many yeara that fAtm, OtIll, coo, of Goderich Towtabip, t ' 1 . . - Ito wag going to ow weak heart, worn oul Rftpiotefed Short ttorn gull, bf .0eloa peal, ZUE STANDARD B ' I , try Out P1119 rocommenae-d for just sudValuipy� dift .liande it confession to, her hus- IlbrWff ot Watery blood, sai!h as palpitg. . . IMM U0A1)8T8ZJ the youtig man and, sed vVilat was Itt urinate, gotiollig 1)0,&w �au- ,ai, 6r.1 Ari0ing fr , grea.UtTetwo $1,50, A. NcGtT1It1.!, God, ' .. BEEGnA a ; �lm &11009 Ad Mine, It occurred to Ine to give- bond. 401 tweaked the right ieln," she' tion, Skip nents, Thi4blng, Smothoring . . ,�. . 11 ' . . them a, trial, so r ptodurod, a box of *10tit 0 eriell Township.. I . 1111 "Orbea Jr. 87ci . � *v 3 "' C . I &Wtied then "I Wit$ so afraid U10; Di -Zirlesa, Weak or 1 AP6118 Armala, . . . . I )16 ijacu- them, Atid was vory much surprfAcd at , M*11t 14ake'a ngst4LOjO . NervoViarkesff, Sleoplomness, �rzi� - ' . Will athud �tor gerVfce doriing the seeson I . I I . -i at hik own atable, Albets at, Clin. , V�J_ — : � � i I . i i , i I . d Th y . I .I I I I - a t -611-111i I I I I in 1 , Mark 'I �=4j 1 1 1 . . . . I . � - 'I I. . 'I. I I I ; I I I i I I, WR I I I I 11 P1 momtht he was bitek again, I � alityr."t' or Service,. 'O,,' ", kr- '"110`0 Utad rriod itway; but Ift & the i1yeetual eurd, thty.rhAdd. I take a '� ­ I.. . .. . . ".. Ootleftl Debility and.Uek of Vit 190 rl u gtmt deal of Pleasure In redowm6nal"a i They Are, & true lid'art tonfe, hervt food , r�nffx;!�i* -_ " . n every evening, ana on ftturdeiye At the I I I "U& ""'ll,"Oh . ,I - Thoro-Dred Ball t , . t'90, Vt. Hill," h6 Asked, "do I ihem to 411 kidney trouble . . I wid blood 6pr . X148011 House Stablo, .Termsf to iraute o A P ropited obty by Thoin" fkafilw At t0t the bfta,kbaj,vj to St_ra,u1?f# suff6rofs, - iehori building up AAA TW;�dordlgpadkeepfi for garville, j,f, lot $10.. H, 11ILL, Proprietor C11inion, , . I I lifeld"it, edild"d, 0 * .11 ron6witg all the, worn out lnd *"tb4 ' .. I SOW 6verywhttt to CmAdd atid V.' 11-6 got WI)MOv-Sk. toutil ](Upubli- ptleb 860, P, r box, or 4 tor $1.98- &ft . t1ashth of the body alad t6storlb 11), gnddoii. of Rullpit, a thera-brod X)ftr. . 96 d" - i1palers or he Dogn Xidney, P111'.0%, he,w Batl, roglAortd, tt6rmg $1,grr with L 4 . � . � . pttfsai __ 0��!,_"!!i�"!!!�,!- t�!!�__ . � A04"o lit 60000 2S ostdo .1.. � �. L , . - , . . , ­­ . . ­ .N . 1- 'T0,r0At04 0At. �L, , . . � . health. Prieb 500, A bog) at a "It $1,260 privilego nt rettirribig If noempAtIf, i-----:- , I 1. I I I ­ � . � ot 011 drughti, .1 tL M-27 6 vAINCIsr Qrx-,.W. , AdrOdse, to the Not Eri .1 . 11 6 � I . . I : 1. . . � .1 . � .� '. . . . . . . 1, . I . I . I . I .1 I f!�t�___-­­_­ �. . 1. a J,. , � , . . . . I .' I L� . . . � . . � . . 11 I I . . ... I I . v . I ., . . I � � �: I , . � I . �, . . I . . % " . .. 9 __ - _- -_ _ , � - - ___ - �,� � . � . . . �. . � I . . . . . . � . 4 � 0 � I . . . " I 1, . . �__ I ._ii.- " ­ .. . L � I . - ., I- _­_.�&�_...ffib&A�, --".L- ­ I �_ lha�_ ­ . _. - I __11 ­­ _­__ md",ffil� J* , �6 AA I- ___1' __ - . ___ - - - __ . .. - __ - - ---'-- - �­ ­ ­ ---------L—'-%--%-'-%' ­