HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-06-17, Page 5Supple ent to The elinton New CLINTON,. ONT., JUNE all, 1904.. • COU111t3 GUttLI'il. Goderich, June 7tk,,1904 The council met et 3 o'clock with members all present except Mr. Pat- terson. The minutes of last meeting were read and adapted. The warden shortly addressed the council on matters to come before it at this session. Circular from County of Ontario re- lating to good roans association was reeed and sent tc- roach and bridge com- mittee. Letter from. Mr, Protedfoot le. C. re- garding wash-out •at l'crt Albert, rin the township of Ashfield, sent to road and brItIge committee. Notice from the Board of 'Trustees of Listowel high school was received, stating that the putt is .rt to this co- unty will be admitted on same terms as resident pupils, sent tc Edueation Committee. Claims of High Schools at Walker- ton, Parkhill and Harriston were read and referred to Fintu.rt • o t;ntittee. Report of county auditors was pre sentcd and referred to Finance Com- mittee. Report cf J.,Ansley Co. Committee was read and sent on to Road and Bridge Committee. Amendments to Cc•unty Cott/tells Act was reit. and filec.t. Report of committee respecting claim of St. Marv's Collegiate 1nt tote was received and adopted. Moved by Messrs. Lockhart and Fer- guson that we taco into consideration the method of reiein .ount cf money required for ate current year.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Gunn, et'einc,d by Mr. Young, that this council exeo ding•l;y regret the reason that has prevented our esteemed colleague, Mr. D. Patter- son, being present E..nd we hereby ex- press oar sincere 'syutpatlty with hint and 1 is family n h • • sir hour of bereavement iu the death of a beloved daughter, end that the clerk be asked to forward . a copy el this resolution to Mr. Patterson.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Miller, eitund;d by Mr. Spackrr.an, that tbe clerk .be in- structed to ask far tenders for coal supply for county bt•ildings for the next twelve months and that such tenc'ers be placed before this council at its present session, believing it will he advantageous to purchase as early as possible.—Carried., Moved 'lhv 111r. St act.man, seconded by Mr. Iiicks, that Il. Either, clerk of Stephen township, be apperinttd nom- inating officer for die ieiom No. 4.— Carried. Moved by bar. Lamont, seconded by Mr. 11lcNar.gh•tcn, that Fred. Hess, clerk cf Hay town -hip, be nominating officer for dieision No. 3 for comity council election.—Carried: Moved by Mr. Gunn, seconded by Mr. McLean,,, ,that .1. C. Aicrrisot:t, clerk, of McKillop, be appointed nom- i,natiadg_ Officer for division No.. 5, ,for cornty council election•.—tarried. Moved by Mr. Cernolly, seconded by Mr. Spackman, that James Campbell, • clerk of Hullett, be nominating cflicer for division No. 2.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Ferguson, secorded by Mr. Miller, that Joseph Cowan of Wroxeter be nominating officer for di- vision No. 8 for county election.— Carried. Moved by seconded - Mr. Yc•rn„by • Mr. Durnin, that Wia am Slathers, clerk of Ashfield, he nominating officer for division No. i.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Lockhart, recorded by Mr. Ferguson, that Peter Porterfield,. clerk of East Wawanosh, be nominat- ing officer for division No. 7.—Carried°' On motion of Messrs. Miller and Hicks the council adjourned till' to- morrow morning at to o'clock. - Goderich, .Tune 8th, 1.904 The council met at to o'clock. Mr. Patterson was absent. Minutes of yesterday read and adopted. Letter from A. Carman, St. Mary's, relating to balance of clann for pup- ils, residents of this county, was read and filed. Moved by Mr.' Kerr,` seconded by Mr. Hicks,. that F. S. Scott of Brus- sels be appointed nominating officer for county division No. 6 in this Co.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Hicks, seconded by i.VIr. Spackman, that tenders be asked for the erection of. a bridge across the Sauble river on the ttwn line between the townships of Hay and Stephen and that the sante be completed as speed- ily as possibly. Sent tc: Road and Bridge Committee. Moved by •Mr. Cat.te1on, seconded by Mr. Young, that the matter of John Dinsley, an i-tui;ate of 11,e IIorse of Refuge, . be aekrree tc, II'ouse of Refuge ccnnanittee to deal with • and report at this tneeting.L-Carried. Ore motion of Messrs. Durnin and • • be tnstry cted to write the clerks -a Cantclon the council ad„ cr:tined .till this evening at 7.30 o'cleek. y o'clock—Returns from Goderich Clinton and-Seaforth Collegiate Usti-- totes, nsti-totes, showing number of non-resident pupils in attenda:iree at stet' institutes. sent to Edueation Committee: Bonds of the Hunter Bridge Com- tirany of Kincardine were placed• before the council and sera to Road and Bri- dge Comanrittee. Plans of survey of Town tine-. be- tween the townships of McKillop in the county -of" Ife.7617.11 —1 ogan then County of Perth, made by *lames A. Bell 1?. L. S. was placed before' the council, also an account of expense'•of making such survey. Sent to -Finance-. •a Mr. Dalton, reeve of Ashfield, Mr:r Schoenha.ls addressed the council in reference' to_wash-Sati-t at fart Alberti ane', asked the council to : a$sutne scLnie share of the cost of tate damage done. Messrs. McNaughton and Spaekinen moved that we -now d'djourntill. tot-- morrow o morrow morning at 30 o'clock. Goderich, June 9th, 1904 ; The warden resumed the• chair at to ' o'clock. Mr. Patterson Woo- abseret..f Minutes cd yesterday read and passed 1l Report of -House of Refuge.Contnr tt- ee was read and taken up in commatt- 1 ce with Mr. .Ferguson na the ehair. • The report passed. His Honor Judge Doyle extended an invitation to attend at 3,3o O'clock this afternoon the turning of the first sed, preparatory to. the erection ori' a Marine hospital - in the Town of God- • erich. Report of town and bridge was • pre- sented with Mr. Ikicks- in the . eha,fr.• The report passed. • Re`pert of Equalization. Committee-. was taken up. Mr. McLean• occupied.. the chair. The' report passed b tth ; in con -Mit -tee and council." • ~ . • . On motion Of -Messrs. Lockhart • and Ferguson the council. adjourned till -1.30. o'clock - 1.30'o'clock—Tenders for coal supply; ,for county buildings. were -•►,.laced bete fore the council and seat to -Executive; Committee. Gaoler's report was read •r.xd- sent . on to Ceunty Property Comranittee. • •• . Report of Building Comanittee • ryas. read and taken up, Mr. Lockhart in the chair. ' The •rel ort i'asscd A deputation Waited on . the.' council repardirg Hawkers' and Pedlar's' cense and the 'following gentlemen ad- dressee, the caeLtcil s Messrs. Colborne,. Saunders, Pri(thane. ITc<1gtns, McLean, Smitit, Martin, Hanna,•.McKinnon.: - (in motion. of Messrs. Durnin and Canttelcin the council adjourned • till- for morrow incrn'ng at '9 • .o'clock r• 1.-' tt, Loth, 1964' . The council- niet at -io o'clock, all the members were present.. Minutes of yesterday real and passed. • ' Telegram from 1,it't d.. colonel' 'Young inviting this council ta-luaich•witlt'i1:e 33rd regiment on- the- •'t It 1 he e;lerl. 'was asked to reply tlan'..ing thea Col.' hut that it is uiipossihle to accept. the invitation at present. . Tenders for coal' supply was referred. to Executive Committee. • Repc•rt of County .Pro•'erty Commit tee was presented, Mr. Miller'. to -the chair. The rnrnrt pass.'cL Report of .Edr:cation Committee 'Was read and passed with Mr. Spackman., iii the• chair.. Report df Messrs. Miller and. Coni- city, delegates to Toronto, u its re ceived. in committee Mr. Cantclon occupied the chair. Tile report passed: Moved by Mr. Yong, seecinded by Mr. I)urnin, that this eo. my grant the sum of $25a,oio to' assist • in- re- pairing the wash -pet. at Port •.Albert. Sent to Roacl -aid Bridge' Coat±rnittee.- Moved by Mr. Connolly, aeeen€..ecl.:by Itlr. Specimen, that Mr. D. •Patterson be recommt ncicd 1 c: Mr. Ansley'for the, .i position of inspector of the cement:. work ..t Westfield bridge - and that t Le Middlesex, Wellington, Waterloo, and architect made an inspection ,,a of the other counties fora copy of by-laws, work and material and gave a certi- relative to hawkers and Pedlars and ficate for payment of $i000 to the to report at Deeember session. The, contractor. matter be left over i tttil the December: On May 26th your Coxninittee met I and the clerk get the opinion again to consider if the foundation-, cf the empty solicitor regarding the as specified itt plans anci specificaticns, question: The usutJ by-laws passed. would bit 'ni icient. "lire concluded that .The council itc'ijourrecd until the sees. it would be necessary to t•:t 12 by 24 and Tuesday . of December, 1904.- concrete footing under the stone work REEPOR I or ROAD AND I3RIDGE in order to make the , foundaticon sttb COMMITTEE. ' - stau'tial. Your ccnnitei.ttee would beg':leave to: An agreement was blade_ between the report that we recommend the en- county and contractor specifying 'the gineer's report be aeeC e Farttl'priuteid .work,_ The contractor is to be paid in. the sninutes.' $125 for this extra, work, but no ex, With reference to Iiirktcn`bridge. al- tension 0f time past the first of No7 so all other •Ilridges, between, this. vember .is given for the completion, of county and adjoining cotutties be ,left' the whole work. --•1). Cantelon, Chair- • our cot.y ty engiuecr to make. best man. -- terms passible in connection with, the other counties itttx rested: REPORT OF FINANCE COMMI'1"TEE Wath- refe;r,n e to_tite bridge "between .. 'rho ccmlinittee after listing" a hunt- townships of of Grey Luci 1+',luta, tvittc,it "bei of accounts which has been duly have been ifi,oilcd by spru g freshets l e certified to and paid, recommended' re -built in col -detection with the;. that the matter relating to -Logen County of• Pertly; The ].ridge to i be and McKillop boundary srxvey be, left. made of ' steel, ' ;with . concrete a,l>;ut- over. to the December session and that. tnents. Tenders to be askeel',for intim ilia- clerk be instrr,ctec4 to ask for ad - usual .way. diticnal -Particulars, We again call Wilt regard to Messrs. Young • card the attention of the council to the ne- . D,urnin's. utcticri we v rulcl rccotninex.d *essay of placing a limit as to cost' no action be taken. cf furnishings and repairs We would recorninerd by 'notion . We fi.ncl that the total equalized as- that the request of t41tssrs; Miller and . sessment of the •cottrtty is $32,301,290 Spackman be granter?'. and tc raise $4,3,068.31 the. . amount Tenders also. to be asked for 'the rewired, • it will 'be necessary to nue erection .of a bridge across the Sauble pose a. rate cf 1 1-3- -hills °an titre dol- on the. Town Line, • between the town- Into -ships of -Stephen- and Ilay, known, as. We .have~e lso examined .the auttitor's Staralake's bridge, '11 it salve 'to be report „and recommend that it be, ad - also 'of .steel w th concrete abutments. cgited aril pii'nted in the minutes:—T. Wirth reference io letter front Prowl- b: D ttrnin',' Clrairilian;. foot, Hays and Blair re Port • Albert. 1>ridge,:'alsc• deli -dation .frcinu. Ashfield,. REPORT' OF• COUNTY :PROPERTY' . We would refer the' whole platter back. :• 'COMMITTEE.. to:.the conned now' in session tot' deal W. visited • 'the gaol and find tl.rere, With. are three ilnit ;tes at" present tinter We • itauld:'reccnn in4nd that. the couti Wauhl : advise, that:. the report .of , tv . council grant. $3o0 to out Ceunty 'Gaoler be accepted .and.'1 inted in the l ;rrgineer. to get an assistant' to over- minutes. • see the necossary woak as rt progresses We found] evetytliin, tri tl^•,c:. Itaol >,n :•• good ore :r. - Would recomipend that the clerk :be instru:cteei• • tet.' notify •Telephone Coxn' pany to remove OW -telephone. from, resid'ciic.e of Mrs. henderson, to . Regis try office'.for use there, With reference tee changing.; the sys- tem. of heating gaol. that no action lie , takctt:. . l ow,ld advise ,the pure1iese: Of sup- plies• recluired for tiim ttc5 in the gaol., We received a' ecjlnLttitnicatihn from'- • .Sherriff Reynolds tl. at John Knox has been appointee] •turnkey at; the gaol' in 1ilace of ,Robert Henderson, deceased • .We ;visaed the variotls'•ren,ns in the Cciert Irons° and .find • tl •m in. •good - crder,... With reference to ej: l,lii ationSl Flierill Reynolds, - with reference to ..a dry ,earth closet.'for use by 'the. Judges, in time cif' Court, the would reccantiri : cncl 'that the sante 1 t granted and- the . u:nie to be tind;:t th sr r erintend'aiice' ,Gr the c•o my el, i S, 1'.: Ferguson.' - Chairman. - JOHN ANSLI',1'5 REPORT. I hereby. tail): nil titi'. e't', report of tiatstniss transacted since the date of my report in January- last., . • It contain tlhe.n rollers a'nd remota) -t is of the orders•.i55uec'c since ti:e of TaliulrLYo this present late, to • - for the balance cit- the current year. With' regards try necessary,. security •re .- bridge • ` faiildirg . contracts,, with Hunter Bros. .of Kincardine, we would ri.'ec n'tnend that our warden Sign. con- tract in the usual way. - • With reference.. to circular ' from. C<0)111) 'rif Ontario' reiic ecttng: Good Roads Association. • NO action be; taken; D:-Cantelon, Chairman.. Clerk of the County of'llurorn,— The• Walkerton, High School : hoard in the'; county cf. Bruce, in • the pros in- ce. of Ontario, hereby notify. you ,'and through you the . Coit ray Co meal ' . of the, county of 'Ilt:ion, wInelt county ad- joins •the county . of llrnec; that , such High School 1L .: Open; to pupils,; .rc si dent . in the co:tnty nf' Iiur on, • on tile, saltie terms as to pupils Of 'the county. of Bruce: • REPORT OF BUILDING C O lnIerri E Your committee • met at•.the. I•icusc of. Refuge on':Feb. 2011t. 1i a sent instructions • to the County, p..lieitor to prepare an. agreetr.•eirt between the contracts and the county aue sec that the `same, is properly. executed,. •illus his. been . doste unci, is `satisfactory ,to.. us. The agreement .is attached. to this report ante] the trout will meet' with your approval. 'Ibie con,tre.c tor's chcc qui as security for, ff90n. is' on deposit to. the credit of the cc, •nay •in the ll10l- , wham and. the , pureoses for •which they • Son..Bank in Clinton.° ueie issued. • Me'Bride, the architect, leas •agreed to 13oncls and agrecurtnts have . .been duly Sign•:d byitl'c vointractcrs for the bridges. .ti h . h t•+1. '. red •red. cr .let a yoi r last In e.tieg. All except' 1Ktikton bridge.. 'Tie. minty. of\Pertii has not yet.. accepted the tender for u' steel bridge. -It tlt;ears that tlev want' to visit ad insect the buildings': when required iiy"Mr '.Cantelon; chairman of committee, Itrtclieki ►. ecttorj Twill cost $10,per .day.: 11'[or.,tifiypai'ments will be made .the contract 'ik+ r,n the certifi- cate of the architect onl2F. Arthur Cantelon of C Beton is aP-. have a concrete bridge. I expect they pointed inspcctor of ell sten;e4 brick, 1 ceincnt weak wed plastering .arid `t fix• ander • McKenzie of Clinton cif all woti work, glazing and jiafntittg. Each. nspector is to be paid '$2 per day 'itile engi;ged reata the work rd, pay- ment is to. be• math tot sitcF ins1ie'c1ors' clerk write Mr. Ansley to this 'effect• -Carried. t Moved by Mr. Kerr, seconded by '1VIr. Miller, that -George Gibson be recaindui'nd t' to tlr.. Ansley as • in- spector of cencrete work. on new bridge to •be erected. on the boundary el Grey att. Howick townships --Carried. Moved by Mr. Miller, •decor deal• , by Mr. Spackanarl, that the •warderc, clerk arm:', chairman of the Road -and Bridge on, certificate of. chairman of com- mittee and Mr. French. If any dispute should arise between, inspectors and contractor thstarehitect. shall: be the soie arbitrator ario the party decided 'against (the comity or ntractor) ehall pay the expense •0f. the architect: We ,rstrticted tate ` clerk to attendto protect insurance on the prestnt house and also oh the new 'l,nfiding, as the Committee, along with Mr.. Ansley work progfcsses, so that • the cottrtty open the tenders •• will take. gale :cic i'glitc action iia the matter'at tl.eir tieEtiti. co.,ncil meet- ing.- ing. • The sprint{ fret'ht't has. clone more n' thathe usual amount of Carnage to thee briegeti it hes destroyed a.b'rid'g'c Gra ',ire llottudar "niC'icr aiiit Elirfin -' which shot,ld. be re -built .as soon as poneible; 'The co lily of Perth will pay ltt,1f of 11u. co,•' r.r this bridge. The old bridge was about too feet long. The Clew one . ehelrlct . air_ about yo feet l ng,• the balance of the space to be fill But I do not,1<no wv at present et at action the eo"nty . `of , Perth n y wish to tarce,in this mat- ter. 1' ant f tin' O'uin;orl that, a, steel ]stag<: on -'ncrete airrtattrnts would be most. snit hie. 'lhe said bridge is ani3 let ;.I the contract•rivii1 be properly protected. Chis• has Situated abut mile north of Hein-' for the proposed new brie,gc in the sou- been sa:tesfaetcrily done. The work- Errs, th erd of the county. Sent to Road Tnan's risk on the present lrottse and and -Bridge Committee. contents for 6 months has cost this. Ore motion of Messrs. Young and cottr.t_v $6o. `110 builder's risk On the McLean the council ad,;onrned till 1 new bni:ding as tl'e work 'progresses •o'clock this afternoon. • must be paid by contractor. t o'clock—Second report af,Road aiid We- met againon the third of May Bridge Committee was presented. Mr. ',particularly' to. see tit foundation,' We Corinclty occupied the chair: found a. considerable cp .nitity, of a* Moved by Mr. Sparkman and sec- terial on' the, ground sttch utas lath, (e ded by Mr. I:Gel:f art that: the clerk lumber stone etc On • Ma, 711L the •'Tlic old brit fes - will require about 'the astral anoint it of repairs to be tra- de arse perhiti s sore will require to lie, rebuilt ['mill f, the' present year. Ainctnnt c,f i e orders tushed torr,` last report $47.8.7 .'Tlie a'ina tnt cf the' costs for itr inge and ap1:roaches aurin: f 'lite preserr. year-@-•t904---t es'ti:e.ttr, vr'11 not ea'- t Ced $ r,000• -