HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-06-03, Page 7­ :411111W.41RW71'r ,� , , , . I 1 7 � - �_­Rwl __ - . . — -_ -7- -10 . I _ F A - Vi - -_ - I _f`T"-q"`0""— Wqjijir�- - __---"-`W7___1 T I � 4 I ­� � "'"W"r""I"', - m " . . - Your - ears, -that Is, the outer ore&_ L ,1 , , , I Ininent-' Citizens- Including the Do A. Forrester, M.P. pro I . -Spaulding, Us It.,,. . Plunasteel., Dr, Ryerson, Xr� David - Ree"r-, i are quite -useless 54,r' � . to . e to ornameii . X*u cOOMAjeor jt* as'well Without teeth# through lack of work, get laiy. posals were overwhelmingly defeat�ed � . .1 . I I . at th6 poljs.� . � I ps it w4re, and docay, . . . rr I Vol. M44jii&t, Mr. W. H- 1101140111, BOARID -01P HRALTR-J.C. Stevenson, i Mr. J. H. Me % 1,0131&[Man; Mavor, Wm. Harland, or. - rris; and Dr. Richard- ' them. All the workof be aring Is 404e by the middle e er tylepalituin, ' al't � ']:)rShaWr &je. lQ11ealtho , Coon, who still survives., Several re- � r , Meer, JOB, � - _! Wheatl , Inspector. solutione.were adopted,with View ey,. r and. the Interzat e r feature Is Sir; 'The oute ­ . ". . the terms on whichr ' the- continually 8*91111:19 until they are re-. Colony would ante' I r moved. The I . ..to occupying: in'& ifSrstemattca r - .'and I'Creditable way the place assigned to BAXTIST CHURCH -Sabbath 4) I I I . serlAces . . ,At 11 a.m. land 7 P.m. Sr I , 1 , tinday t,chool "native'CanadIaLas ' by the program I muscles ef the outer ear . . at*, powetlese diseases tO YeSt On us, largely due to. foundland, should have a � . - &bt .al - Its MhPregsed Idwance equar.to.,$_,15 I . . .1 . �, . ­ . � I � I I I I I I I I . . I . I I I I I � , I 0 - . 1*1 . I I . 1 . 611, I TIM CLUTON �Nmy jiu __ , � P7 1 . I . I I ­ I I . *-----""-o , ­ __ I I I I " � III I �N!.jjj:" � . I , - 1, � I I I I liq 4 I 11 I O�11:141 1. I I =I, 0 qN.A. -- . a j . � I � , , r;_;�_­ - - t of nature's *4rajag . " I � .. I ­ I . .. I _'�_;;_­ . "ll .. . . - =111=11:1: — .11141 owivm I Ift""'the Kidneys - neg,ec TIREA-RAT03MOF ' ' . : I.. 1. -_ . � ineaus urk . NEWFOUMLAND, I aft. � � . Poes"Ims a d�e ' HORSEMEN "" , vtcld VoWnisig 444 v . � . X" Perves Exhausted 1 Rq.4 . 'Close the sewers: of I& city wa � I 01 1, �, M . I . " "" I dm�aded Dright's dise I � ' KEA DALL'S Z U - The ldd;�qs I 1-114 0 9,....,�%M.Ild7.,,o.r.1l.rz:,.u:-.,.,P.,!Ilz�".,,,; . awepidernic r4aes 86M9 1410CW4 00ATUFM9, AND *TH- eafta,prottels w1th Canada Nak wo . I . 906 THAT ARE UMEW I Body Emaciated 7 , qV$tJ4PN_,%Vh,y tke C019,07, Islas ;%4%,..1,Wy- cuelowithousawaselaboas Item 1, ' ' Are the mwe : . TlrqO ftoellrlijr� Kn;lr tOrrib 1$44A A11*0 r-rarso 00WjlRj*XR . -Will find at -the NEw FjtA . , .r6pft r , . be bo4y, Le . . 't , le' " C wo^kneso 'arliederAtign I . i0F1,ICz.,'a setection of cuts A GIN PILL$ -so eired lWire , years .0 again becominx a I . I . -these Nital orga,m become ois- 1 Ala My* 19blat III Now 1011iN4 Aft4t 004 gmd reintorecl'to health UVA questiOn, in New . foundland, This i . . All nily rt. Tballi Ass vlv"# rp--Vlk* 9latew *&wsi I su I table for route bills, eithei 1421- ,�li,,Z"Idl""�lY,�,,�Ilt,",iV�?�tzi-,�,7.ir,- �mol, par. bY EW� QhamOsi Nqrvi� Year a general clectio . . e4ftd* ana t1le N%,11ole llelc,. - I I Le J�iconcys in perfes I .. 4X4 th* T" X000 Ave x9to oirsto- � Food. . . . A will divide I - I I � [Heavy Draugbt, Genera Pur�- ' 51'$tcul is , lly, b,,4re"-,gt,0b,!;;;FZW1 tIlCMV W61 k as 11141,Wc 3194pialtal. wbilkis 11114w."04to&104. h1l4i, G"ROZ COOK, Welland, Out, state$j the pedple Upol't the issue.. Many .. 0 I affec .nd , . I I . . 0. adster or trottir,.g ted, 4!zZiUess, laeadache, Inten4s. . t4. #,For five. years, I was look. to C4nRdA w9 the true . pose, Ro, .� We have Poch italAwit callf1doom in 00 Ton , haven of � . . . I vc wbarize 41 0. )KAN. *A� ono ever cotehmeir 'otib feelip - the Island 00109AY. They point out � � Auu, listless feeling, sh' vTrtlt*a of CIM vills t kat ,,,',,,, ,,'V,,'vviti`L nervees . 00ting 'Rists to, refoud the wmey if thsly, klMf" 94. the 4"UtY of your Upper eye or In, ache I ,,J,, he"44 that its manifest dextIny is meAjA_ . � . Horses, All work done - pains in th * cure. . I I , .Anda-imi ewe4k- I bership in the g,.,V..t C404djart Ocg- � 'I I . promptly and ,at reasonable . I e pacj�, tell. that ibe quired XIm- I wals so, Ailsor. I i I I At all drtI,jz4s* Soc 14,ox. 4 box*4, for 02.sa . � after .7mv. gulls? For, though . federat!o.n, iba I I � . I . -or c4rocl. troso . I ,you Spay not know 14 ,Tou number I 4le thit I could not at, I rity . . % 1711tes. . I I � kidneys are in -trouble , teod to lily 11-weliciltl present is the best time.for I . i � . /I I - thefi* among the ft1sed features Of .dtMes. During.thistime �aakin 11 .1 ,."Ad 4 The ZQX.4, ]DILUO CQ.VioU11P*V,XAP i 111".8 the 40"m .! I ___ . V , = A � "I � , I . J _­. , I - i a dly! AdvUlItageol's terins, 4ILliet, I . I . I 1. . ON Tour boo, I reatsl4creratitl that the. Nettlei e - OWN . . . I . I -1 ­ 1. III the celAtef of�� "I . I I i . much . calacl. V reach share question rernave I . TO [A Dimtory . , ,-.,qvr brain, looking . .., ated. 6 the I . ' : I W I . Tl4 #XA.PI,E ILEAK ",, ' vaguely sky*aK'lf6 th StTopbIed re_ . I I was treated by q 1 last bar to the happy Union of all , . . � . I ; � . I - I I I 'o I OfIrst 'W*ru so so JChtbl* lb No W , go doctor with no the. British ,pagse6sitins in North ., . I � . POST OMCH- X)Mee. hours from Sao � 11111 , y , tive '041"'Of A. Wed eye, which, It Is sup- I an e . terand I America. � I . � � � . . . -�, i zsi.to7.15p.m. .14s. St',ott,poitmastero ca,vis,441A.Als Ili !So#. POSCO, W48 actually Gas.: of m4a'o use- I A We visecl to � I I . I I It is now forty -years since the LA- I I COUNCIL -Ma or, I oover, Coilneil I The fifth voluine of the papers and ful features lit OOMO proviouill state ot" ' try Dr. Ic asel; a ion of the (3 I I i I Complete cure for Bono spit0a. . I 0 " 'I I L developine ) Newfound� i . IT, Ford. WI tset. Historical eal w b 1 did and'n 1� I - p lbr th 114 04 Zt , .ibbinge, Lavis records of the Ontario. ut, It Is known, as the pin f - � ....... .... Few h Ch , land Was, firs Itolsell, 3.12111toba, jun.20, 190�, . . 1. I . Society,, j4st Issued from . �Iitnd a short time was mu L - t discussed. From our D� 11- 1 Hendall Co., Centiem9n.1 i had te, it I Ottle, Wallis,. ,01erk, Mtvepberson; the press s , tb"049verOd by skin, and to am. COOK im I forn eat a you . I . �prpved In be;dth. Af- . ier failures in this connection we. itorho ofj4hoe it�4r vej,t, ago,vhi0) had a Dono 6?XV111 41 I surer, MdTa�g,vtirt; Chief, Wbe;,6t- I cOntAlzis an uumaually. interesting sor- forineil I]' an almost perfect condition U'r using six boxes. r th, . have something to learn, 11, 18(34 ,%'?,t,k'ckc""Iltl'04iilgtgieW;I$Icl%v'44voiyi)itdly 0. I a is rrocious litediciriel I I I had to huthe it I,. _rm water, then ,�sw 14 1k so bad phe � ev. . ieg of pappret contributed from ,tirtii,e in ,certala U21teds. wals sound and Well. I shal ohvays rec?mnselid , when the idea of' the union r4VIjk Citre. I bad 1r�,tjIjojd peVer the same $,I,It I eudairs . . . .. 1, . Dr, Chnse's Narve Food for I 4lieve It save . of the 1.;,av,o the Xuad4li's Sr.�Ip or and Vol I I I " . I . to time to the, transactions of the I You have tout gills or b 12chlat . 4 ! British .colonies on th- cure hairachance,asidito-13,103 I I , ." PuBwo LiurtAny . I 10 ,.ro ine yean of ralser " I Is continent oncand a '&aft wtuesito cure his leg "hh, %,er� slim Ireatmeol , , . $1 I . , , . I Wets Put forward, ' lid socompletely th.tvoli wm4dno.cr ao.thath,iij�j 0)'l, readl � -Library ,I nd free' asSociation. The most interestingof clefts, Which,. b0weveri- are nolo C 0r. chlues Ve�e' Food. the great blood . � *1 , NeWfoundland, pruls4pZV111phe never has crm,plume shim I n9'rOQM in litavely lRall. ' Open . , � .. losod . ­ . very Ony from 2 to 5. � 80 p.m, And from u ariginal1r, ba 4 (mots a bo.% t coo and . M I . ,e the. documents published in this Is- , Up And useless. yo d buildei and nerve restorative, r along with the other pi,ovin Wry truly Yours. . CEO, S. ITARPIS; , � .. !! - ."�, . � i suo of the records is 11%e Globe.'I're- � To protect you agAina imitations the portrait I colonies, was i4j,lied t; . 01111 �,N � : . W ,, i .. . 7t*10P.1M- J, Nean, libiarlan.. . six, but two of them telce part In pi;!Ich endov%ements as the ahn�e Ave a sruarantee ormerit. F W, F7 W.- NMI . I � . ,. -­ . . . .1 part of a public meating. held in the . # by f*rML49 "Ito ,Ind signature of Dr, A. W. Chasm, the fa the- negotiations. , rzoo oil six for so, As a nut qXRR". . � . Inout; vpwl. Ark yo ­�nt for family use it has us � . . I , A was represented A Irreatiouro d'Oullist for RendnIllo 19 -1- . Your ear and moutbo resp.ectlYely, receipt' book avilhor, -at on ovary box of his by Sir Ambrose Shea and Xr. F. 11. "so'. , � norso", tho book ?1.11-7.1111addran . _­ __ ­ ­ ­SCXIROOL-!'BoAmn__�� IsaacL__Ja*6on,_ ,9t-14wrortize Hall on the tW6)Ity4lrst turned theinselves to I . I onthe ou". - - -KIN19" ' , I irman; To Beacom,]?. Hodg�ngi A. -6f_-AMgUst--*-860j-­111to --take � __ some a"Vat. remedies' , - - t T, Cartei:, who trained what the� do- a OR. So J. KENDA1.4ce" . I ARTHUR 11, . .&O wIth st , --meaeures- , ,Ho -*0* -e -r;- - _Ur__Zhg_ -die- _. .1 . , . .. I r Canediallis - -------,-------- . . . VT� 7483; Bay,; feale�' 1$87. ruer, R, Downs, F. Hall, � jT.. W. lr� I toting view to native �' lWf6fe YO W "a OPW I— 199A­t,OS­kQPe4­-- wauld--prove- - - - , I . . . Mee& and became fitted to earry �on ,V --. �_,____ , ' ceptAble6 . . --- I -- W-111-StAll ' . . �*11111;_Secretwy, J. Cuninghame Part with distitictive bad , . I � .our =_;_��___ , , basis of union. , j3ut tljo . I - I I geii � , 7. � . . . 4-f,or-the-Improv,o-men*-ffito-1, - . . Ilings nrst Thmsday evening in eacbL in the procession.an the occasi . I On Of I Inouth, th4b ,arrival in Toronto .of the Prince . I - breathing $70tem, the work. was done by -the four, gills which hayd gilace. �. . - I � idea was not popular in Newfound - noted Atiout ARUN to that those Darts, land. On their returri tho -I delt'gate. X of Wales,— zkow King Edward VXt. . 'COLLSOXIME; BOARD --M. Do MoTk9_ k The meeting was well attended, childh6od ceased to develop and be. come clooed isp. . . . of the body Which are Weless give us were ridiculed and reviled, �iid ra- I ttle most trouble,.while t1kose In vorl. . presented as selling the independence � . .and awt, treasurer; Win -'Jackson, secret, .1 amoug' , those. present wers man ary;,Tas. Scott, ObairmArio. Ransford, 1 , . y . . - Your - ears, -that Is, the outer ore&_ .1 st!"Xt activity remain quiescent, The Of the colony to-Clx�nada. T e,pro,' I h Ininent-' Citizens- Including the Do A. Forrester, M.P. pro I . -Spaulding, Us It.,,. . Plunasteel., Dr, Ryerson, Xr� David - Ree"r-, i are quite -useless 54,r' � . to . e to ornameii . X*u cOOMAjeor jt* as'well Without teeth# through lack of work, get laiy. posals were overwhelmingly defeat�ed � . .1 . I I . at th6 poljs.� . � I ps it w4re, and docay, . . . rr I Vol. M44jii&t, Mr. W. H- 1101140111, BOARID -01P HRALTR-J.C. Stevenson, i Mr. J. H. Me % 1,0131&[Man; Mavor, Wm. Harland, or. - rris; and Dr. Richard- ' them. All the workof be aring Is 404e by the middle e er tylepalituin, ' al't , rwards, The tonsils, bg*lug 'nothing to do, I soon afte in . Juner. .3869, , the Newfoundland Goverj' ' I make your life 4 ralserr to you through Imelit pro- . mulgated ']:)rShaWr &je. lQ11ealtho , Coon, who still survives., Several re- � r , Meer, JOB, � - _! Wheatl , Inspector. solutione.were adopted,with View ey,. r and. the Interzat e r feature Is Sir; 'The oute ­ . ". . the terms on whichr ' the- continually 8*91111:19 until they are re-. Colony would ante' I r moved. The I . ..to occupying: in'& ifSrstemattca r - .'and I'Creditable way the place assigned to BAXTIST CHURCH -Sabbath purely A Pleasant . sort - of - Wski&g r . . . ' touch to your heartic $Y.stevM The .Confederation,. skin, which 18 Useless to These teritia . . . . would not be considered, elvIll-ted MaA, bag 4, large rarlety of moderitte. They proposed. that New - . serlAces . . ,At 11 a.m. land 7 P.m. Sr I , 1 , tinday t,chool "native'CanadIaLas ' by the program I muscles ef the outer ear . . at*, powetlese diseases tO YeSt On us, largely due to. foundland, should have a � . - &bt .al - Its MhPregsed Idwance equar.to.,$_,15 -&t2.30p.m. General prayer meeting' Committee and one of them asked that - ., �Olft Wednesday evenings. Rev I,V. "all jotoing :the procession should I And net- Under our contro�l. - ' , 4ave a ralut. , - Ai.i YQU aWare that You contaltlen, , �. � .. Per bp4d. of , The vermifersa apybuid1r. which is $35,000 a Year for leg- . Dunlop, pastor; D. Prior, S.S. Pupt.. -. wear. the .maple loat as an,emblem . .. . Of ataks, oAkl# iiaxo W.,your audito, ' ry ,population, absolutely useless, has it nice little dIs. islative. expens L . � es, 4 ' subsidy 6f 80 WINERY X � , . r a, the laud their blittlit." The. . ro_ BTRODIS'r CHURCIX-�'-'Sll,boe . � L , t nerve, which ftrtUned up to every noft � I . ease of its own, which it dev cents per head, and r. $:L.'>0,000 in 11014 I . . elope with of - Crown, lands. Canada ,was . . . .quest was. ,mtty generally . bath services At 11 A.jjj'-and7 , .9undayschoolab230 in. RevTm' I with. not merely In Toronto,- but `,�a n I music? ' - This -As known AS CertlyS r 1!gall, -10d ,094slots of' it series tiny. often Xatal.results, known as endi- quite . I . 'app willing-Aci accept'the terins,'but the, ' eltis. , , .. I r . . . . .wherever- the Pr U jja��;��tlyL . Marming. pastor; A R con q. is� Ind* ,S,b r . fe twT ' ' 4Fk. 'j"'. 1-innm ;' , traveled In Canada, n ' of. bairg w1likh.vibrAte On the dr'u= of j.. . . .-Newfoundland- Legi,slaturio suddenly - ,& In ]it 40i L , lly' it ., A e withod-his frontal - ch,alltedifs jnlnd� defea I . ted the ; G ov- bonii. At ,etln Well" r . rli'l rayer Ina agu 1 ! It IN Interesting to tote that pome. v v e:12ge� Yublor L a rneets . i� ear enin . exception 'ivj�s tak�n co� the inclusion Rv. your.ear and enabl*.ybu to, dlatlng�dsk . . . . the diftereaces'ot'sou"s, . . . I *1 . a r , r . , eeent fivelikent a w9rkm4n. ernincrit:that Proposed them, and de. , was struck by 4 -CroWba - The only clared'for -se de eiistonce. . .1 . r.. ' I)arE . L 'This , .. - . . . ,of only ";Rative" Canadians in. the . ONTARIO ST. MLITHODiST, CHURCH- Invitation, but Mr.,, 36rir'is was ready I . A a sorattImis -when you strike . a, Ito t& ' on. t...,.,,,,, g � pjae 4�jaavieai: In the b . was settl . , pOBSi ilItY 09 gaylig his life bj, . . for nea*rly- . exclBin't the . frontal b6ne. The r#sUlt . twenty" years. -In'1888 Sir Charids . . "Sabbath services at 11 &m., and L7 0,m. with: ,6 , admirable defenew r This. . 'Sunday school at 2.3op.11j. . � I . J. S.40ok, Prince,, *as . I room I will be ffas* t . Q.Sligrirlth it ' . � . I ' t* ,each I �'Was that the. man SurvIv0d, -without Be.. .Tupper paid a. visit to, St.. a ohn's. 1 rlous'lujury,'t . I � . oill his return. -the Governor4eiieral. � bough ke'was coraing to this country I � � ]).Do, pastor- Jacob Miklor' 8 8 supt ' Ian?, Epworth L;�Lgule mee(4 M�'ndayo I on the invitation of the �`Canad ' -even, i L ' of these hairs Inside your ear vl-. - ... brates -ft symj�athy with the Tnuileal. L ' � !r Constioui.1 . . ' eUgoixe nientat'defect. , I . . *f''!Danada L sent a rylessake to the , , Governor of Newfoundl4nd, ' It *quite ' ' ' ' I*gislaturo,_ mad: be r.b;oul.d be ... a b le, r' Ing; prayer meeting cn. Wednesday - � .. . 11 .1. an his, retur.a.'to his-natilie laud,, evening. sound Corlespon"t wift it. , � ". - L - . spli"dix- is r � * possibi stating tab, would dix 't that- the Canadia , writercr ImUSIO e. that - an artist, riL Goverhme.nt con- he ' . . � I to lla�r. .thAt he h L. ' tWel, � I I . .. . . . I ad ,'C'&r1a_ . " WILLIS PaTWRTTi@nxA,4N onvacix- .&n , Iftelpally a x4eful. tking wheXi &PplQ C fie . tka, byst man's , ! itl,t6.dep. � .d ef., S,Idiired the -time - r '' .-, fect -of the remov rive 11 'im at iSCUBSIO . convenient for the � *-, of union, &bit. di&nS.,t Thlarber could not do if the - ... SabbAth services at 11 a.m. and 7 � p.m. [,poople - tu 'i ' 2.30p.mi L rned out r Izvone uniform, Sabbath school 'Prayer . I . appendix Is nst*,only, Us"ess, but vety. * 2!his L r , vvag .confl- the particular facultf.. forL, productiXg dentL th'n .-I - . at ria difficulty *ould-l)6 e .k- - his work, but otherwise, h Is baaln In at .troublesonae. )*Mass.without bamnob to.distaligulgh ilbeeting Wednesday eveuir�,Ps; Chris.. , is' the. relfflialft ,of . � 'A , I 111,11 -111ttlitIA6 suopose 0 1ornied I .-Pokienced , . , , . . . - . c��m . would W '104aMeO ngillg-- the ­ tbrins.. . ted -for L Its Ordinary r It Wa-9 suggested.' that . the Newfounit- . those who w4ro berb in Caaada.fro'm tian Endeavor. .ingq. A. , � Stewart - - jr. thosi whb wero not. The three' na- "Paet D.D., pastor, jnje4 Scott,' ' � ­ . - ,have. of ' ,gh rainy ­ I our i6iiistiiis. Thou . -� .1 r . 'L tunCtiQue. . - L . . I . ... .q." r - r. . . . I .� , I land *Legfilatflie'should solid a de.. � .. . . .. I . . � ... L �. . . . . putationt . t ' ., .. . . 'MA., j*tfoalr Societies .. " Supt. . ,. L I sad vthd .. ,. r' societies - . . L . . . . I. .. Act of dii,IIiiiLcdoll . origin will *ioccul I p I y . I _Qt t'he ,other parb c, 11 . body are practi a YL' vuBple L se; they are Supposed 'to" have L ­ I I . I a 1, I - . . . ' . . negotiate * . . . . and -also I � .� . . . I , PNEU. I X � - ' that the delegates should repros'nt . . MONIA :IQ '1,71LL . I LIU,* Tfin botil the MinistOxialists. . . ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, HpISCopAL_ in eat� ' " A_ pi�. L ',"nt_ *OSI_ _ _been ' At 11 aj gf nUA%bW; am . . . Sabbath Services in. tind 7 -p�m., I 'tion - d* the day of. this Priace's a;r- Use ..at . . . . SOMP thIii but sclen.- - tists...cafinet trace L Sat Veriniforitir " - � . � L ' 1. I ­. I and - OPIZq- I � % t -, I ROSPITAL .. 1 . * * , . � . . sition.ists. Tb this theL G.O`irernor 1.pf;' , . L 'very NeWfourrdland '-I I Sunday school at 2J%,.p.m. -14diWLj rival, sho*1a@ that, tb6yL are Eft_ .Appendix _ . _ ­ _.. Guild meets last Thursday of each limb. Irish, Seach.,� :0je . Was eV . I , . or lif any "eviee - to any Nve hear ot.qom.e6n e1whing repliedt E �%,,tlI.pni4IIIn()jji ' -Th6 jtjueStl,,,: - taken Ar. -The onl,� pre�. �WnOW belng.discutls�d' among the at, 0 I h �P__ A ' ­­­�#t.A_T, rof such ''. � . . I roont ;' A. - Y, . . ,me I eaday:--te-s .hT ­otliew'-*ords . tUt they , � evenings. Co. R. Gun . 1. . � . . r'. . . neo M.A., ,'rec'tor� .1 . man, � . . . " ' L * * . r . -.�T06 S. $Lre .entirely L -itial .. usele I SN'L, . and venvive'io to get'gtrnng nud kcep'vour � parti6 , . . '.' ii and -Your cot'tpiilpondent han .. . y botlyhealthy. Takc.-Vorvozonev�bj-ii -no do t but that' -a. del5utatlorl'�jqll . - -and So .5. But to .. . � I a" "t. ! Calla,diaug' ;. -we Walk' iathe p L . I . . . . toes Are -ijulte superauj)US: �, -=,In' IT ed kind of l`ijoo�., L . lakes th o -rink r �j thj�t .be .stent.- NO. de utl�uo . n, Was sent_ . I L . it, pro -cession in' -A separate biody . ST. JOL 1 "go . L 1, :1 SEPH'S IIAMTYAT,� fl-.';- ' ' 4 I _1k L I could get al*'xw as wellwithout , toes. . .P . . . . . . owever, r . . . . L nourishes nnd *stiinuiateb tfie' ontire h . a . r L 4, - . . I .. . . - . . . 11 thle 88"On As follows, MONDAY, MAr . . 02nd --r ' .WIlI leave 1110bW L , way of 2nd oonoeatkv�,n, ,)�uoher- . 4nd 9ObY . II BVAVItP- 1$rAWt1i,ld, anjilh, 011,IiOrjoiat 0 for nolo"; tils.i. Eldrou lt� . . Rjad, to 1%1119(111 fto'14e, uIlliton, . P)r xLjjgbt,' ITjj'�9l)&y_.Bv N�*v of God, . I erich and 16 tienOE04101), 110 13-6 Murphy1g, far 11600; then by way Of Maitland * . I , to Holmeoville . - .61ciek, L I , . I HOUSP , 1104geoville, .1 right. Weduesda� !9r I -i;v Wi%Y Of Cut Line . . to Willilim Ctid-ria's, 7 concoselou, Gallen ij I .1 .Township, for noon; then 00n;h -and viii I i' t I I to. Joan 6re0y'ls 601 wirf,., f;leidev, . it L 11 L Town - hip, frr ni,,�htl ­ TRUitziDAy I I .�%Vffl pjoo�td sol.uh on the j3A)ji(,,3cI . concession, to Jobo )3ei,corn'F,.Goder1.:i% � . 1"""DOW-f-ri-ir, then to Va�nik for . . ,night, L rf RIDAY- by - Way Of BAY& i.1 Rnad and 2qd cor)CA"O'dazi of Sieknley, to . ,Neil MoGregors, for moon; th-ri tr.v way qqf . I . rJondorl Road, to ble own Stable ;where he . 4 1 wilt rfernoin i n Ill, jb�, �Ioljowjhg M morning: I I � I La y:,.-.� . , ,t. A � ­2u-ir. to -X� . CONNEL, Wittia, - . � . � . L .1 I T I I . � . . . .., I . L . - , . . . ' - : - MAURO 'A",0, 31 "(1 4. . ' � � I L . I . I . . . L . Sired by Narcatur"_t'7855,,., � . ' , . � NO _VVIII I" je h*' L 06�li�XDAX " is own statle, . I. � oeed Ili G . tilt pro., lommer6fal 116tal,. , ' . I .1 &&forth, for roan ; thence., to -Corimeroml r I . 11-7'41, Clinton, foV night. TUE6DAy- I I Will proceed to Beiamillor, '*Or nonai rbenals ' . I to Dunlop for 11*116. WEI)ND ' SDA'k_ ' . . . . VVill proceed.to Criawford's, .pnrt Alb�rs; . � . . . for 00313 ; Ifteri6o to. Pit rirk 'Maiess,' foe' " � . , . . ' . Ilight. TTIVR*91)-�T Will r proceed ra L I.. . . : ... ,D�tm.o%nvon, for noon; thence to '.�jjljtjoa. - . . . . RObesul !lie. nigbr," XRj.DAV�Wijj . ... . .. I . - a, �'Vlslti)ryo for roon.' Vbenae. to. I proceed to .Dsw� Rigley�p,jor riglit.. f3'AjU,H.DAy__.6 L . , I .. . , WI I ('11rooead in. Pred Hin,ilbla, � for , nol)o . �.. � . L - , ' L th -noo to Upo ry Vienna " n1s, for five o'olcia�� . . . lberice'Vo b I I 10 Own stable,-. where lid w4t. . . romiltin.untill Monday inoininIlf. �. . L . ' . . . . . . . . . . . ­ . . . . I -H, CARPENTER, 1'r - . . . . -----�� ----- ' - - I I I . . .. 1 .7 :� —_., � � . I I . 11 I . . � I I �. * . 1. V�_,� ­� ow that we are Cana, &us � syst,0111. 1 W41S all ribi d d )In Thea.aros6 the dispute ,07,er tl , ' . ... __�. . _�_,_ . . . : . .. I '.1 I . I I In fact, a ftokr removed .etgkt or a . 10 I . . .11. Toa.'9764- - I . . . , . I . Jag'per 1% . I . . 11 Service held every other Sunday at � and 3�ot that we lave the British APt suhledt for,lindiiiiionian"Inn' es A. .Zond7lilaili6 Treat� Cana I , - - � . ­ . I . : . . .. 1. . 10 .i, . 10.30 a.m and 7 . . . mArl's toes - without- 11 ,,rriot i I . ill which � � -, , , ,, . . p.m. Rev, Rather " t I less, but 'Casiadiang' more. any 12COUTen-1011CO B. Charters, Burlfngtob, 1.1when Ity-16 . d ' � I .1 I . . . I , Ing 15. � 1. ,_ I b.6 wall j;-.6wn.- Clyde * ' ' I . . . idn't believe it, Wnspos- : a fisheries ar'r' niak 111.11 ` I - , .1 idale 8LQlj -�' I . Pinsonneault, pastof. C.M.B.-;k. In eets � 'Cis "stop 'will, lay -of ,being. suffered, and the loser got alon ro & vrow.) d. a obje'eted to Newfoundbittd. WA6 - So Nermt -.4 . . I the foundation . . � 9 . Ile. I di - angemeni at Wasliffig- . ­ . . . . " . OA . ,Will stand lot waret;7 . . : . I . I 4th Thursday, ever . 1. Bil)lofl)r,r,elTozoll(ito.l)uildine t1j:r.so ton 'independently of u - Nof li-ring. the skj,%.)oI' . - � _ 3r -month; ' Sacied *6, nationality and. jive to the IjLr quite Its;W01 without thenii.. . -3ttsp6r" NO.'9764. I . I 'Heart, devotions Ist Friday of the b,ibitt&nts �j -,Cara4ist, The teeth are rapldly lipcom quinw,v. 1af0*(hI,ys1jI ".1ppet, this co �Iit,/�l .. . COuld I ,S1C'cP* At Klik . A of - 1904 at h" - " �, , a ,distinguish-, . Ing quite * - i Newfoti - . I .. � . . I .. . I I is ovvfk.� -, . '. ,month; Mass evety' morning at'8 a.m. . 's , . . . _V .td hn rtidlarld, taking urnbrag ,.. . HInUe.4-lot 21' A. lialtel, j i ile fr' I , . ing . *j1poved'dolor 411 . a. - 64% 1 .. .� . . � � cot; t'. 11 001 � . . name. . . ,.,useless. .' Now that nearly all a 1,111A it) to mj ebeeks aud I this' ,fus6d bait to It : 444 I. 1. ChinEO100 on the Furoh Rosa.' Fe6g_*iol I . - . . . . or food ., rL C. nadlans. Pi \. . 11 Ill � ' , . felt strong'er.- 19aiDedeightpound ' ' r(� n- .. . . I .1 .2s, ... .. to inatire payat,le lit Eet�rnary.. 3905. ,.' ' ' * , hi . . I 1� W, .'r-, .� � I . � T". _... , . . : ..;k z . � . , .. . :: � . e e, I ... VIM, - a . I . : .. . .,,,,* � 'M I � � Also a beantifu.t k3hare Stalboxi, 1�teryitri. , . h ' neell! using r, crrozo�e.."' - Try Veifozon ' It i John ThGtnpson proposed co,If , ,. , , r '.�, . . :,.Griod by &%wd 11 & Mr�,Dori . 90 (4, yna;asered � . 17.80 p.m. on Sunday, and on F * 41 ' Ved 10-i 1, . � Aday -at to the manner 'In .w th t ill .precitc- have to�*bitqi through bard substa * -nd regii.ined iny oldtime vigor, t1ij�oUg1l'. harrnOnY : At the couft�r l4to .1 615:. 1 BnETAREX-Meetings at 6m. and rt is needless to call attention bore . 10 chOPP" SP for'ns -and we 4ft'not 8 1. ally, however, ',a conf6rtricc I I is -P.M. � I � ' . , 8 i I --A _-.� _ I . - - � a6sure6ht,alth. Pric fe, . . , � . � , . , I . edura .6 1� . .. I 11 . . � - - 1/0 ,�.,S- . . � . tiou'. of �Ortjr-four _vears ago. h4s 't eth -xro i-radually decaying. , . (.5( 'i� �, .r --,/I - %4 ­Nabaly Map-,er of Arts", 1\ � . � ,� 1. I -as a tiolutioz . .1 .A.j�l , I. I eQnka trik. Mr. Morris, wbo'waq 'a dt that the teeth of -our an I . � I Of all the ' diffi-, , . 0* AV� - . . � . AL`rAT1o1q Anmy-Servic . . � .. The fa . i I I . . Mort I . . . � , N� I . o �)iuH. will . eAb741)d *rfttk. of high ' culture - -.4 - .. . . . ... . I . __ . . :1 culde").' h'Ut thel NOWfoUl)(11 * , . . -41;� P, � I .. : �41.and for'niarf.-a it% the , .m_and-&-and-8-p nio-on-Sundayt ' .1 . . . .nd' of �ex -cestors 4 *ears -ago . . " . . . I . and dele I'll - -1 I . , , ., Nivinks phwo daiidg ' , . . ,09 or SM. . I I . - - � I . I were Ift-. . ... I - _7�_-. , , � ti!��!,; I -- - ;, tt)6 kl(*�bn. Torm .$I() -to . - -cept, "a1:--PlceCW0n-0LAVAC,h._k&!pw . . . I � i tes replied ey , i. , I - I - . - 1, d1fly L . . I I . I ,tud every Wd - 8 o'cl,ocic .,. -- __ _AnIteI!r__h1zXer_th&XL__oU ­ . ga th .*ezc: ilot I . . � I I . . . . . I . I . R . . .1 I ek evening At . onco'bliard. '.1740bv�ray. allude . ciah.briz- . , . .... 1. . . � . � inFurp, - � I "Utly what he Moan* by 'on facu. .. I I . .. . 11 I .1 - - I ,. . I .� � . ation IthAt natu" ed to di ,;s ft. . . . I . THOMAS 8131P.Lj,�'�[..&Ca. ,� - . � I . .. : . re: Is gea . . . . . I . . I Ajlty�,_, and low 04sbadlAnv, especial- . clually taking away to 1tiff, Works and that in a serlo. - , , , I I') 7a rT,;:- -C ra Y —an i � � rc 1 . I Fy �0"ftozk -1 ­ I., . . . I . . . � � I I . . . . . I . . . � . � . -_ .' . . � - -1 I � I I � -' . e9mig spirit,: which amused both him N6wfourldland, . in' t he s c d ng , . - .", "� I -1 . . .. I . ' - ` -7 A �' i , .-I - . 17 .tvw who are "Autiv�a'and tothe ; these organg, . . I . , : I I � ?-,-­��,­" , '/ . 1. ". . 4 . . a cec ! I - :,� iyyl I . . . TEE STANDAUD BRETj, rvOADSTE � - , I . 1116. T. It. rimo Table. .. � mbmw, orlio', Will have a4y diffl--! Tonalls, too, are almil . - On to the verge of hatik. , .4;, �.'-. � � . I � I . ., , b an& ms. � 11 -wits traveling on ,tho years. Wiv . .1 I I I I . , . . - � . I � � . ­ . �Gederlch & ratto, cuhy in UnderstaAdisig hi*. N lit, ., . e said (In­jcQvopary, no doubt . ruptey ilu,- colony - , . I . . . . , . ­ .' e lit . , - . . . kG - .. .. *� . St "d vtslon, r , . ch or fulfill no ierviceable object to the -bodk. Rhine," h .1 . �ejjt doc?frutes to. , . � � . . . � .. ...1,1111 Corbel t jr , . .. . � . . it ne Y - - about thd­ Ptoplo tan get ' quite well with- VrIth""th Xlcklebi�rysl?),,­and e , 0tt4WbL to . � I Ull I . . . . ,Bxpress leaves Clinto,ri for Stratford h along - I . - - , discuss 'a ��Ifalldzk of th-- Cearl triti Loss; of ' ' I . . � er, I Coufedp�atibn' witl At , erwoe i 1jr � � � �� . , ",ppetife- . . . . .. .1. . . and for 4 Joritig the aessotit - ,. . � 1. .. I . I I 0000tive way%ia w Jo, Alexander ; 6Ut thdm Ing "one Of the '-Pht,r�-wem-propused-tli6-7t-cipI - , - ft QfIO04&thlLl-.4vwnstKtjle,,All)c-rs.rt .Clio., . - 7.38 a re, 8.2i p -iii, &20 p mo. . I , and a very largo proporAtolat i :hotels - on. the.banks, ex- , I 4s*hlell AreVou*ae'afThos I e Trdulblad in this way? - V"n every 0;,-enino. and On 8.i . 'ki 'I e4i the :1 I Alvir'S ,, .stir " .. I'Tho. Maylb ' batiated and: Weak Sir. Mexiceiizie bov.011 a ­ � , , . Express leaves Chilton for Goderich gins lyl4c I . 1, of th6 VOPulatIbA have had.tliiim Ye. _y+ ' 11 It I a es Po nd hiw -Coll- I it jo6 are. PULBURNIS HEART- AND NZRVX tied I , I 1. . . : 1 went I to t a e gu nside . 0.15 & in, 11rx5 p in.' 0.40 10.1% p'm. . , 1 Izat Xfiftl'i !1 has. been tbo,. . .. I : saloan. And threw - -myself ,on a. apflil. .Aj, 8,11 ii!.luse: �-tablo. Tfiros, 10 igearli .. � . . . . . , . . � j . I . I - made $10. 1 . . , � 11 . . I s � red exCeSsive. Canada - - PILL$ will Cure You�The� Cisro Norvoiss. 'I.. n . � . . . , of 4iffusing hC Can , � 111 - , - , o0unter-Pi'dPoSiLls, whic "' I , heitti. slapple ILL, -Pi, prietur (31int I . 0 . London Huron & 111rue . . . OJA , inteasifyi 4� . Both the bile and the 4&4ja bgive en& �T ere, Vag* a book on alittle table close . & New- -_-3,`A,n�ernizi; rawt &W . I . . I 01,ntorl fo L to . ! ilian. nasional 4ektizaft * . ed theIr'days of usefulnes . U.: by, �nd � I . I i f6undland i6ecUld. And tfiu I msaL I . - .. . � I on. ., . . ,.. .1 � ' . : , . s the IDIZZY spellsi Geneal Dehilily. and all X"d I . �, � , "fl, ,h. aed It -to g;id . — , , , , , . , _.j�,. _­ . I .9 to the �Vablt opel,,lisd 4 . It was conterence 1�roved fruitless. . Calla,' all halve Troubl". '. '. , - I 1. I . I I I � . . Exprest-, leaves r Londod' ` ! W!its! .. 1 - _y Irair., ' . I I � : I I . .. � . . ,. � , I . . I 1. . . __ � 7.47 a ryt and 4 15 p m. .. .1. , -, - lseaoa� , , - - � , I . .Man. race, - The hair *as, Intended to I . not geon It since ['dals PTOPosals were based- ,on tho . . . I . I . . . " * - �. I .1. . . . 8 � I I I . . Rgid wha; t Mrs. C., 11. �ft6ed, Co .00 , . . 6vial''. . � I . Now"Nadl "" :-cover our heads I I coriecte(l the! Pro . dfs;_ grid. X reAd M ! -terms - accorded , to the existing � . . . 6 . Express leaves. Clinton'&r Wingliam. .1, IRA - . from the beat of tbo .: B101 tor , I I ... . . . . I , . I . .'I and Hincardine, 10.15 a M, 0.35p, m I . . L44 I ble * , - - su In We c -Ahe -hair, and by chllpttei ' Do .you i know It - seemed to � f the Confederation. ' . 0 _ I I . . . �. . . . . . . I ; liellil, Ott ' probability of New , over UP I . I m says about thein.-Ovdr six yews,ago . .-M.." I � I I . . I . I . I , . . ur. . . . - I ­ I I to dAnd dpink bocojj�:ag a Province obuttln, ,the 0xvitgurle which me very 'amugjjag?tP�Diian; jj�le,s I M4,1=8cat offered,. first of al : was. troubled witli-palpitation of. tbg Fabser'ber Will keep. for Otvice_at hii , . . ____ 9 It off from � I I at thb poirwon, Ito i" . . I I 11 t'O beart. and lost of ;tppetite. I was a 41T, 6'11, con; 61 Goilerich'TcwnsIbi , , . 1, . , . I I . � - . - I " � . " � � . . NEURALGIC HEADACHE WS ; will 1* .01 jiLtereat to I do Btatisfics " nature Intended, It to, have, we are "Mera6rlbe-, . .�, . . . lilssume A, debt ,Of $8',,360,000, And MrIvolls L could not sleep � at - might. .1 I Regitstered Sh)ry Horn llull. of 0-04, p I I I . USUALLY . .. 11 � I f, . =d*zL'=&Ru- gradually but surelk losing this adorn- . . _� � .. I- .. . I I L4 to pay lntere�t.ajj $2,000jo0o'ln dd. AD ftiVS Ig' C P;a � . . . ; itclo h4 -latent. flov . took MILDURN'S REART. I . rea. ,Ter tog $1. 60. A'Alo(;t�IVE, Got - * . ., t � r4' T1 as at hand, ment,, and It Is e4timated ,that In time - . dition. Thus the total obli"tion tij - '. I . I . a t. 664 for ih a . 06hNS ' GROW BETWUENN' THE I . rich Towasbi I .1 ''. . . . - . - I L - Attendedwith,blinding pain,, but re. �t at ,yeat Rel I . we shall cease to'grow-ft. , .. . . . TOBS � . . . b13 a�4111nad was 4iinited to 410,850.- -. PILLS. They cured.nie, and I bave,ml . � P. . . ., .. .. . . . . � I I . � I 1. I ,- . , been bothered since. �.. - I . . when Nervilitie ' 11 eviie'vi" I= - I ooa,. 'e, fifty dollar' , . lief comeig'quickly, is gralsi:111-four . , .&S to, the ,gkin, it W a giv 9 Per head of [ � .. . . . .. . .- � I - , I . !Lpplied, for it is- the strongest -. paiii-re- . 616" trA44 64ounted tb $17,689,2010 � . a en us, to � ]jtlt,c,,.tn lie euved with otit'liain in ono, � I population. .The c I Price 50c.. par box, or 3 ' . - I . . oloDY was offered - . ,pr6tect:our. bodies fro day I #Palerq or The S 31ilburn,for St"ll- on Thoro-&-co . . . liever in the world. -I consider Ner. ', as CoVa�ipet with a trade of 410 - In ths elements.. by Putnam's Corti and i 'X., I- at,, !annual subsidy , of $465,000 Oa4 If 4- d flull 11O.Servifti. , 4 I. . � By covering It . * - Ztrt r � . . . . I ­ .. . viBue din"tt wavical remady:forliqui.'� 416,706 fo'r the Cal * , Lr .1898'.4!a �� -UP With .616tbing find- tradtVr_ Thisstandardreinedy, rioiVer! whloh wao'niglig up a�s follows: 85q,` I . . . algia, I am subject to violent at I 146rf 119 . - e _ �. . . I .. I I ., I The tindersisinerl lcevlis for 1;' .1 . 4g6 of over 66 a=t- in iour ,. preventing It .getting ..proper respitsk. !)vrnstheflb8b, Itis litirely-ire ofitb,'e - 00O.-allowli, ' - I , 1. I * . I I —_ - writes Mrs E G Harris, Baltimore, bu't ar . T4ejm1por% wort .vi eprive OUrO61ves of Ito. use, In.compogiflon and does 'no - . 1. � . � . . . d con. of llulliAt, a,thoro-hrod Due. . I . tacks, I . . Jued . At - t1611, *P, 4 , t 9. I nee for legisla.tion, $165, 15. 2n . ervibe, at lot � ,,?�,R .�r I � Tse,liuly Put al 1g_(%Htr0Y 000 Per capita -subsidy, at 80 cents wao -a alnerence "or �about- ' 6,1:4 ­­­-­.- -.--,;a,ever,w.Qrry.4fX ry li ,the� h , W the flesh. � -U n. U , its,.ti;�; ,�6� head of lioPulatibn ;8$t,cro , ''hli,m Bull regiMared. 1erito $1.,25 with , 0 I xie,164n, , Ouse �180.1.14.)I,Kk_an4kat 4.7y,83%w: ­Ik*1144 .4 -IY;ib . , . ' The i3rompt rellefthat Nery , J. 99n.ci� Ifth.4 thLe l,PAA,c9-: be,�t., , ,,��,,-�i,,,.�,t4','I'f�"..'r',�',�������'- ' ' ' I . � $:L50.6icto.al. ... a . . 11 pri�ilega (,f returaing if rieveR,41tr � 11 , . . I . illyie brings 0.85 !A 1902, .an incrqqpb of over .61 it very remote f ' t6" ' ' I I , lowil.nce fo� Crown landir . ' year- "r*­'hk4t, point.,of clivergepce , - V. . . . . . . . uii period mai be .- , . I , � . 'makes it priceless to me.. A few appli. . at., while.the exportA *ezo I . ... .4 . 4'. . � . I ., . . . , timber and' *11�8 :with *ejtard to the aa-�'��Ption - -IM V,' * '!,�e _,�;7�­,�!, jet ce . � � I ` 47 lt'_15�t­ . . hot 6nly . ha,lrless and toothless,. -but � - . . . .­ . .1 . . [,niffies,. end ' $1-60,000;- being five * par . ..,. JA11__XX_C11V1�7.Gz. uw­___�_,_;`�� 1 . 'Cations never yet failed to kill thepain. . . . I . I the doW' Newfoundland asked Ca� .. .� . I . . Valikqj at $5,226,988 in 1898 and4tt skinless as. well. �, '. . .. . � . 1. . I . . . .., I I I cent. OrL tilt' exeess debi. I � . . I I I . lean also recommend Nerviline for $0,65 ,6241u`1962 'sa ineredst' f ,rhe m � � � Not. Catherine at'.uLw&rojx. _. I .T3VtWV0ll the offdr' oif. .Qan " - O ada.to .assurno - licArly $16,00o,000 I . ztIffnessin the joints apa rheurliatism," - I ost .extraordinary thing to 110 . , -,� I I .-a. -and' I " . , . oi6i 69 per cent. IiLfcur yeitrsj XOA I.. � I . .K . ,j , of debt. * Of -ihis qbout,..5r),00()r,0oo - Try Nerviline,yourgelf; - -Price- 25c. . . I . . I � Dan O'Harrigan -was ,not" the �..thc r(-cju(w%-t,of NoWfoundlend ,there � I . 1B0.0 VWbX I ----------- L --- ­ , . . . . I J. I . - . ­ . i had been incurr(14-on, -account of th, . � : . .. . . , ports.'Ucead0d. the m" .. ­=:­ - � -- -- _-7-..-__. __ - . most modest man that ever'came from . . I iliils.nd, rt41wqy,. which Canada . wa'a . I . Ports. ,by 08,V0j' in �, :I�K!� the , , - , , . . I 1 d. . . . Ireland, an . � _. _ � _ _ . i . . -.,-. - . ­__._�. --.W— I I . � . � It his most constant boast � , �- . , . I � I.. . . � � At . . I � . . . 1� Literary Note94 .": ' exports- exeteded the importo .' by, r ' 4 1 . .1 iked to - complete to Port' &IX ., A 1. � ' . concerned his aneestry. . 0 a , . I __ � . . $'I'lAs 839 , I I - .1 - I . I 1. . I I . . , . � . . . � .: .., , I l3a.4qucs, -Xt�ha8 Since bopu coinjilet- . I , . ­s;P�---- Ralph Hour Barbotti, au . thor . of The.�alu� of the o�otal impdris � - , . He 'was at an evening party A short , �r . ed. N10INfouhdIand asked also for . I . , I time,sluc%. 4,4(l at the', Arst Opportunity 'a . I ., ear, in 11(su of its . . "The Land.of Zv," has Contributed an and exports frorn.aind to.,eacli Print- .. 1� ".. he held forth the old the , me to a . � I .1 I 1 "50'") -a ' idyllic love -story to th(.1 June ,Lip�ln. dipal'cOuntry, during �ho 'yqAr 1902 I I . upon, 0 f Crown lands,y.sioo,60 inore than �, I � 11 I I I ADOtt's Mag&zin'&. It is prettily as led were no follows- ". . . .. . . I I I I tmeWating yopng ihdy guest. . . I I . . . I C;anal:1106 offe)': and $150, 000 & year . . . * ' . "Kitty of the Roses." . . .. .1 I . I. �. . . I . . . . I ..'T,h I I . . in 1�0111100.9 to filillerill(In.. To - tho. . I � � . � . . .. . . , I . . . � : 1. . I "Yat," lit* said; "sure, I may be it poor . . . .. � . , - I I Wild r, T - . I I � , . . linvorts, . 9xports � . . I letter proposal Canada replied that I I e wine., . �_ _-_--_-__-_-_-_-_-�-­­. ........ 0 *, . I nobbill In theme days, b the NewToundland.0slierinen I . . � I . . � from � , -to I A , . * * .ut centhurteo ` . . 4 1%. Great 'Britain ........ �$2,244,179 $24,10.4,942 1 �, ago In me own counthrjy� me ances- would be' UNTIt, flehorillitloo Binder -svite will be � , . . Are Ydo In.the Ruth and"Bustlef British West4ndies ., '179,,12a ' ' tbors were klngs,�, . . paid, the pacjjAe bOutities as Were ao- gold _ .. 2,60 . al; the King -on emiteritiary tr , Ioln in the rush aril, bustle of QLAnda ......... :o-ot;.".2,612j048 6, 100 :'. . I . . . . ; I I I corded at any farinero, In sue.h. quantit es ai I Whileve J014 . . 8, I Barometer, , .tftno. to. the ,,Canadian �;delilred, � . , � Gibraltar , I � ndeed,11 smiled his' falt, auditor, . . I . 21shcruiefi, - . - cash all 4oliver, I ,this busy world, overtaxing our energies I � ..#. 698,080 . I . . . . . . fol v� at the toil In pricem- � I I Other !BAtjV­­-** ­­ . - I . . 61 I .. . . 'Pure Mantlit", .. � .(.. feet 0� a) . ,and rqcldn . a passes . � but yet do you know, ilthough I havilt I i. Thc� groat ob : ' 1, b -101' a . .: .. _ our systerns, many of us gjr6 , 0161IS ......... o....s, 20,166 673 I . . . . � qLaC10 to 49IT-eirlent 'Alix0A A(anJla19._'::R,0 1, -0 - a .* - . studied history fairly well' I Of he body$; thegecration from . I , kniount 1,pubjj' . "Pure New Zealand I., (455 ,, , -tuoran f, I � I do r,91; t 1, ,had'been tht, �4, I . . ydupableof recklesa-disiregardof - . grazil ................ *, 14 1,111,1 ' . . P, 0 a -debt 0 , , y strength and fituess,- 'Theii par- , I recall - any,, royal persOlIA96 Called tho �kidneys I ( the Dornift le erPoluirl-lossontOUl . . f­� (,e ,,,, ...,..6. I) '* . -,When I 1011 should assame. , T116 . . ?I . . . ,,: , """ , / I � 88,467' 159,174 I .that ' Al f. a, b. Kingston, I baps the health bretills downi ittid we - ta,y . .. . is the " f (Ionfederation Is that the - 'Ad&es,, au con, Unlcai;lo�s; with rbmit- � seem doomed to long rriods of pain and' ... - 1,668 112,030 1 1 . . - 1. pl�140?1`iny'1111*41 enter .it on (,(ival terins, fl tallcd. W X, 31. PlAt . Warden . refifte .11 Porta ; ... A. #.. I... � . . O'Harrigau." She thought she '.bad , cloaded, or. s�mvs a bri'ck-dugt 0 . . . _ _ � , Slitting � 2501Zi �1452,944 1 . , I � , cofneted h1w, but she had Iniscalcu- - . bi litjltr�rl , I depression. Our * w o 13 190 Is d0l;enod. ; St � . :::.1'11..11'11.. .$0,314 251,616 I.. , , I - deposit, loak.�ut tar trouble in I nancially. ljoile(%., whatever debt I- Mugstoti. outarlo. � I . rio;� .0 . -parte6. � .. . . I . r� 0 14,5(* 11,303 .. . I . � lated his gift of re the hurnan systoin. . lowanco is ine � a 'PApeosinserdambisnutles wlaotif4lithority" . YET THERE IS A REMEDY -AT HAND, 1 United .8t.i�3'"....""' 0 1,2 I I � . "19ure, it must be Joking. ye fire,$# lie . Reed the .de,to 'One. province all from the Xing's . . . . . ...i., 2,15 1,806 OZ,401- . I for. . rinter will not llgaid there- . '"lu it I - the other provinces claini a propor. !To 1%. P jATT 11undreds and thotsafids of ailing men I . . . . L .., said. "Ant did ye'n1Ver:read, of Mlsm. wariiing, or soon 1. will be too . . V .. , !, The quanti-t! I WE,) le .. tiohate allOW4111CO. Av conceding ,to Mng3t0T1�Z1A%`qjj .and Women have found that-, I es and values.of the, I . late, Xeep the kicluoys, in good , . 1401 1*11 Warden. . I prinelpit! article of merchandise Im, . . thress Xatherine O'HarrIgan, who � Nowidundland $6.,000:000 ruoro than —_ _ _ .*,, . . . . I .". - Impuptims. . , . led Hinry VIIT,,the owlil"Y11110 work-ing' order if you its ptoportionate shal-0, Or an ,_�Tec.qa --------.—* —-.-a, 9 : . ported during tho year 1002 were as , I . . . I marr WO1AlCj have I I 1. . - . I . I . I . , I d . � . . 60 YEARat . folIows, . . I I . Sure, she wu7. w6 grandL,notlicrls great- healill qnd vigor. The best 'Of, 60 P*Pr cent., tbe noinjiliall Woul "' . , I . . . , Artlele, . - . great - gtandmotherl` - London An- . kidney kegulator is I I inivito claftliq from fbe difTefent pro- - BEECHAM $ Quantity, valliv. o IN'THE S111PUNG THE'* j . . . I expEtZIE'Nips , 0% . Ruder, lbar, .... 5111000 $ 104�1521 . re". I I swerp. 11 I 11 � . . I I "'In","I for COTTIPMT-Mtlon, The ,Poifillin. ­ I -1 - �. . . I ion has lt,;slilned, oi- allowed. pro- . m l I conli tons 44 ... �1.1,1'.,.141 100,728 345,003 It . . . . . I I I I . 132010110 , Trade -14 -tll(; , I s� � Flour, I)bjs, � .... 4 o.... W,459, 1 SYS N IS LOADED UP I I piekkir of nit" 111aittled. � ark , vinclal dewt; to , .aggregate of I I I PILLb ItardwAro .i.'.......... ­­.. 260,107 I $1 0S),4')0*,.l dg,, It we . I V 11 and - . "Prandpit", Sat were to Inervaso A cottoll, woo lens � (I the chlldren, "tell us , WITH, IMPURIAM , I itnothor story abotit the time -whan . , I I I . � it, I verily it make life worth living,,� . roady-mades . 1,014,mi f �_- tills bY (50 per Milt., as Xvmfound- i I . tettther ........ �"�"*' """' I land practically propn.qe( . 1 , 0 j,,t.,4'.� �� .... e , 200,780 You Were a youug man and travele(I BU -Ju . ), we would . I . I TlocyP,woffyi6o,g&odosogrfolot(hio Lorallorwaros; ...... V-.�_ "..... 101,478 I After the hard.worl, of,tho wirtbel, . inquil an abligation of jdara that, N � . . I n1stordered .816MACho, are"*& tha , .. I . ARMI . � " " i I 1101 I with the shm" - .1 . 11 . � �_ 1, 15-amor Woan . . . �,,., - � . . . - � ..... � - '111613'e�o 181,113 vy foods, tho "Well," sald Gr9ndfathet Dutton, ,,., 'J, ��! otomms Ad& Pork, 84 tod, bills, ..".. 2r the 006ting of rich and hoti, -;,()()(),()()O, Cxc11IsiV0 of the debt of 1", , . I gol 1"I'l "t I � I a 0,6 up Me - orvaus to , ... ""' oysttj� bv4otuea ologgea up with witste ,,When I was With the cirell f rt 0 It stimulates Nawf6l,liftiliuld, This pro.�j�e i -11 ., , , , ct caused I " � 92,535) I , 004MIOPTS &,C. I of bnl1c, toliq_.: 1 wealamed, clogged. i 0khada, to paliso and count the Ally6r.oNetwilt f 4 it sko.tc;h rind degerIfflon ma� , 169 . ....... 4'. %. to or overworked Iddiloys to healthy 1 4 and rophfr the daffln"tatala o.t edz "a't "n �, 0 ,,nnoo 1 400 "14 - P61801110118 , Mattor, 4j2d the blood I fifty �Vetirs Ago one of Iny great acts . - llleltl�, 1w"t"rtnin Mir OpIrlin?I �ft's W 101107 art I�Itr"rl �,� Irl, 9 6 r I? � IL 1-1. ...... I$- ),,,,�,, cosbi_xt tertainly Justirled ettution. I owwwookk 4*nd brain worry, T(11 I A, Z4,340 . Involitfou I!illrtlll.nllly,ll:tt�'llfat$T(%. (1(jjjIqtjj'l0a. � Ot articles ..#to I action and the result is soott man- . . All lott, .­.1qt. 9146G,3us b6comos thick and sluggerls)), . was to get a .boy to put an apple 0XI I � tIf`n8AttIc')yQil8d0Ilf1rtl. RA11406009 (aiewcats I � The genuino worth, aull tovor-falling - ,1,110 island ' of , if0stOd Ill the improved condition . - --..-L.-.:— sent Imp. ohimt a enry for oectlillipp,j . - 3§iWfoundland hag . ThI8 "Ufto Loss 'of Appo6j'b6s 11illogills ! top of b1s, head, and theil I would st.and 1141011ta takelt t tronoll Munn Sz Co. �. officeloy of . P, IVIZI I'llivo .1 I . of the entira syst6m, I brokiviag Two Thlings lat. Once. .. 9;)otli4l.11Lott4e"Mit)l()Xlt,thfitao, Intho I . . N, P1. I � rLn area abOut one-third larger, than reset Udk of VinoraT zi�rd that tieed, waaryl, I toll PACCIS ftwft�, Ana 0100t A' rifle ball C91 I t'laf' Of SCOUEL)Id, and tho colony Obtlea feeling so prev&jont in the g. ng tbrougli It." - . At rul evening party It was remarkoc! MI't'. . . I . 41 ..TAbrador pd . ; 1'13'ut didn't you soractimes miso t1ro . Od" that nobody coulit. dr,ItW two tbing, IWA2 I . BEENA M S LLS -so oWna the� territory of .j at scit"Iffik R010, I . The 014ansing, blood-pUtioing "406 I '00, ;. hp6 ben fullyproved during a Petiod with its fttchsiVe Atlantle coast of , . At alt d I I Altan(l,q<)Ietyiltll,qff,qfodlwoot*tv,. I'm qoN. I . I -Apple and sh rugglals*� box of W pill$ $6 olints once. Slr't, dward Landseer, Who ImIlattollf) Anyr4elow"flanOAT11,110. V1,41n,"A'sIA 'holy arilrecog- 111101- It is rich In 1 -di . � 0 I .. . . oot the boy?" ' Rotuolt stllislifutei; , was , vaAr., four tnontt,6.$I'. - or nearly, sixty years, and t I . , . . progent, r,oplicil .tilat lie t1jouglIt he I rail Ilowildpa.erA. . bized as the . . . . neral resources, , . , I I I "Not oftem r�ut it bapDelled otico , . I 1. I MUNN K CO 618roadw,)fty, Nowyod, � has Vast tillabor, AM49 As yet Un. nyi � . a Past Sateguard Air touchod by tho azo, an In t1while., of courge.11 . 0 1 vem . could, dud, taking A Penell In eaIch 11roldhome64�0V L6W"fiuiRtoh,D.(1 4 ,)hot 1111jous and Are Of InImonse ,valilp, , DURDOCK BLOOD - DT TER& . I I . 8 . Nervous ttackso � I d Its fisharlon BIT . . 11�vbilt iltil you do ftulll they askeil I I " handt be dr6w Slintlitfoo0usly find �­ I I ....... �__��_ A The trost datwitetor evidence of the . _ . . .., olitnitiMM, All tht pent-up palSoll Nta jhe jw�glhlcstly. 0117� without hesitation witil thd rIgUt hand I - I . . I _­ ___. � . 11hIVOtgal esteem in whU DE'rWRAX16 11.1 - . * , / " � . .. I I 1111,1,8&toheldistoubdinthofao,ttliatthe ew., �r ! - I � I— ­ �� ­ _... ..-..-- .��� - . 111yotela"oAto the sluggish liver worklot, "bo?": wfl(l (;�,.itntlratllm* ,I)tIti:4, i7xe - �, tho proille of 4 -Stftg's head stnd till its j ,: . I � . Arlia. 1wo 1111 . . I - I 04144 L�;/".�,,,�,,-, HEADACHE ., . 0,060 on t6 XAdn6y1j 'Ana 90W* A" 6' slioAl':vs. ,Vhy, 801ftic- I .,1A,f1reA, " 11,11ttOrtJ 'COMPleto an4 with the left ' 09LION Vaoh Irear Incrool" "' i I" a , 1 W40#61611:1161yo, fit , ��W*4 , .,,� Nervousdqsq Cured 4111CUILV by I The New 17,ra and Montrc,tj renders lt,,Without 6xception# n(,g 1,10 to -Awalt two or threo nilti- . hand a 16yely holve,f; head. The acto Neurrilgia And Pftlitirtd billy by Thotijin; Wtoflijal, 6#0 ­ N9W V0111111 N Y. AN . Of driltfsli anihip ,were atilatly, simul. 14AAMLES!g NtAOACHt. thlens. atigland, 14 erald till Vec.pst for 75c. lltoo N-forl", I e(silld 011(l ftl)(fflior 116'e, � to 9jjN0S6"s6t4,T1 I *AJAAMX AND NCURAL01A CuAc I i - - - I �a It �:elslawlasy` I 1 1 1 I t, " W1, I - I I', all ,,' $014 ovety*h , Thd BeSt SPI`111 ' X64101114o '� lint not oitou, 71vve Pro lilway's p,14i;,j, : I I I falleouff and hot ttlterrat6p and tho , vlo heart d . 6rioifi d4oide mild A of � I � I .1 , I � .. 9' __ i I 011rdltidfl "Ot,O-ItcqtZAroovotdj*qcovct,i,td,- . '. drlIWI1ftg bY 014 left hand was as jood , ATa tmiootij�.e,twandg4c. All4onlotgortiirect from . A*01"f 10, 100$610) ;5 01411111$ . I tr of T)O.T 11".." "..­­,".. (Lr00&V4"."19 M-6 0 1 ii�o ­., . .1 I I . I , I � 08 thAt b� the rjght,� 4;rl &I Coif slattodi Oaf. Aforley ba&, it not . I I I I , I . I I . . 11 L salisfied. 4.11 I . 01 , . I . I . I � . I . . 11, . . I l I ,� . W . : I . I . L . " 4 . I � I I . . . � I . . . I I . . , . � I I I I ,A�dal ­- __ — , , . 6101111 � — _J­� ­ I - . - -­­ - - I_ - - I . . - - I , - __ _ - _-A" —I - 1. . . � A . --.:, - _ _�&_