HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-27, Page 5-Supplement to The New Era
Round Trip
Return Thursday, June 23
Two Days in Detroit
E. H. Ayer, Hum
A gent
The Spe ial Kxcursion Train will
'euve Stra'0 'd at 6 40, Clinton 740 a.m,
'ruesd‘Y, June 21.
Kincardine, Wineham, etc.
tali. rn1rnlnce ain Juno 2i. c•Innect ing
a: eithton. 740a1m with Stft Mal Train
' Goderich. Spe ial Train 'eaves
h tor Clinton a d way stat,ons
to ,t Word on Lrrival of steamer
..aye '4, d rich for Detroit 8 30 it. m.,
Tuesday, June *2 I st .
Leave Detroit for G derich 2 p in.
'I hunteay, Juno 28it1.
7 eave Goderich for Detre..it 8 30 a m.,
i Friday, Jane 24th.
AU Canada Time
WAtuNnea The following unsigned
letter has reach( d the NewF,RA °Mu, :
To The Editor of the New Era:
DRAB 4IR:—t WWI to ask 'y ta stop printing
Bandon newfor it is only aIo ot iasults o
people. and I thought I would quietly ten au
eut eat way is the best way. Yours truly. mom of May, weddiog festivities
Auditional Local Nem.
CENSED Legislation bas been en-
acted by the Ontario Government
respecting motor vehicles, giving them
the same legal right1 as any vehicles
drawn by horsed. Each owner of a
Motor car has now to pay a license to
the governineut for permissio to run
his machine For the benefit of the
public we here recite the wording of
the license issued to Mr. Tisdall.cen-
cerning his motor. It.reade as follows;
"J. P 'Estill% Clinton, is hereby licene
sed to use his motor vehicle during the
year 1904 upon•the highways in the
province of Ontario in accordance with
the provisions of 3 Edward VII, Cap.
27, arid the said motor vehicle is reg.'s-
tered in the Department of the pea.
sinciel Secretary as number : 243
Signed, J R. Stratton, Provincial Sec-
retary." It is to be hoped that the
time is not far .distant when horses
thriven on the highways will be no
More afraid of autom.•bilea than they
are of bicycles, for there is no doubt
the automobile is come to stay. -Those
'driving horse.e should use every pr -e
(elution when meeting a motres and
always bring their horses tali, very
slow pace, as the horse is liablato'bolt
to one side when opposite the mobile.
)1 r. Tisdall -is • More than anxious to
avoid accidents, and whi•e using every
precaution himself w ould.advise driV-
ers to do t he same? and :in..tbe casesi
here ladies are driving, would advise.
turning. into a gate fence. where
convenien t. This license also ,gives
Mr. Tisdall the right to run his tinteh-
ine through the streets at ten mi 111 an'
hour, and on.country roads at fifteen.
Horses left standing should.be sOcures
ly th•d, unless some one is in charge,.
foi• you cannot tell when the automo-
bile will melte its appearance, and
some injury ensue fur which there Is
no redress.
we are eatrierl away.tvit tamers tons
wit lout any trouble tli's o drop it; the tlottet$,,.tHeIl thtit' Jo
. Vous and:pretty;
FMR WARNING TO THE LIOORESPONDERT- l;hat transpired Tuesclay, at the_ rcsid-
TO REEP OUT OE' Ttiountu
ence (11 21t. A McKown, Will have. an
If the items which have been sent, to
this °Mee under the 13 tndon heeding, omen resting over the, happy couple
that plighted their. teeth.; but be it tar
are as described:we regret it, and hope
no corresprinSent, at B union, or elst- from stich thought s.The.• :bride;
heantifuliy attired in it becominggOwn
where, %yin at any time seed itenis of- '
Of white silk viole, cr White silk. Mal
such a nature. As is peldisher has no
means of verifying items before e!ieiz.
pultlication, he hes to clepeadt. • ' • the
honor of corivsporulents, and '
rare etLtzt.t: have we found 11113 a
At the same time we Want tosay that
morning. Not being able to get a
statement of the true facts of the
cause of the accident we can but state
whatbecame apparent on viewing
the wreck, which occurred 345 p.
about asquarter of a mile south of the
tank. The local way freight with
some 25 cars going north, left the
station at 3 15, and was to get water
and make Londeshoro before theater
neon trainfrorn the north came along.
To save time, it is said after the train
bad goton to the L. R.& B. tracks,
and the train was Moving, the engine
left the cars a folleiwing and ran ahead
to get water, which, it accomplished,
an was in the act of backing upto
get its Oars When the cars and engine
came together with inch a crash as to
demolish the freight car •and put the
engine out of business by jarring the
water tank and coal into the cab of
the engine. pouching a couple of big
holes in the tank and the supply they
had juitgszton ran down to thti ravines
below, Whether the fireman and en-
gineer jumped Or no, we did not learn
but most assuredly had a close call
what ever they did. The auxiliary
was calied up from London and clears
(Id the track. In the Meantime the
5.20 frorn Goderich WAS Sentoutt to the
accident and brought the passengers
from the north train to town, many
of them being sent by Stratford, While.
those for points on line south had a.
weary wait till nearly nine. The loose
freight in the car comprising half
dozen sewing machines, some•• cheese
and other small stuff Cance out with-
out injury with. the exception of a leg
of one of the machines. •
Maiter Thomas Shepherd spent the
24th With relatives in Toronto. •
Miss ,Blaische. Shepherd, of Arva,
spent Sunday at her lame here.
Miss Bruce, of Listowel, was the
guest of Mrs Dr Potvler the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Isis. Ballantyne, of
Brussels, were guest at Mr. Reheat:es.
Mrs; C. E. Dowding aeconapanied
tile gct1( players to London Victoria.
Miss McDowell, of Bratrord, was
the Oast of Miss D. O'Neil over. the
M.• • • • •
rs. Sinipsanend denghiee,.Bdythe,.•
ot SPringbanic, spent a few days' with
Mrs. Hall this Week.-
• •
Mrs 1..$wartz and 'three ebildren,
of Godetech, were ,guest. at sl r. and
Mrs: oyer the 241.1. •
Mester Jackie. Ballantyne, of
Brussels, was the est• cf his nnele,
Mr. Geo. Roberto/4 for a few:days.'
this week . • • • •
carrying a. boquet -of white Stowers; • •
was Miss Blanche IVIcKown, and. tbe
groom who is _to he her. conifurt in joy
and sorrow is L. D. M.clrityre,foretuan
of the Jackson Mtg. Co. - The groom. •
the writer of the above letter shoubj7 ,ssits supported by his brother .from...
Orossman, Mich., and Miss Birdie
have been candid enouzh t ) have sign.?';
ed their nit ,,e to it . lEow aro we to liellyar, of •Toronto, dressed. DV 1-01,10.,
know that the letter is not itself att PU'?iole, made a charming brides
Usenet to mislead. It may be perfect- ''Inald she carried pink thoere Rev.s
ly sincere, b,it the signature o the • Ii.;141„ NiJmong performed the. sacred
writer shoo d h accompanied �i1tce. I blended the union of
thesi4ouls matrimo.nial ties. amidst •
o adesb tittiVkkzid fgends. • An elaborate
To the Editor .of Ike 31,w lera : weatOdg dinzief was partaken, 4tild •
I desire to lay a complaint thieve b.. aftee.!0.0 visual - course of COLE • WM,' •
your medium against the
rhe Brussels football club, will*"
turtling home Tuesday nisht
may have thought no one 'leak,
61 North Street was
called itWity on . Saturday to Essex
cOunty, Owing to the serious illness of
her datighter -Miss %laud Moffatt who
who is teaching iu that. &minty.'
11-00111erS-Walit • •
• .
• Widow wisties.tWo lady Molinaro, Co..:
t -al location. Apply at NEWER* Offi
141,4attenie.the happy young- temple left •
,aftertiotto train .for grooms
le 'in Michigan, where they will •
•,. ' biclasisea, couple of weeks before re-
:.a.w them an
t sob a late - hour, 7:13.V .turning tb take up the realities of life
their remarks were all taken in. Thellogether. The g,ro.oins g; ft to the
t WQ boys who gat out of. the rig and bride was a Nordhenner piano. who
ran ahead saying "they had on y six- i also received ritt,i,crons, appreciative
leen rniles to ga home, and could heat aud useful household articles. Those
the rig," a so stated that they were present frien a distance were •Mr. ands
going to break a window, and dallier- Mrs Win. Mennell and children. of
ately threw 11 storw through the black. : London. Mr. Mclntyre of Cleveland,
smith shot) window. Now, all I have Nir. and Miss Py vus of Clriselhurst,.
to say is that if the buys melte gea d Messrs McDonald and Dope of Tor -
the clainages done nothing more wilt onto. Mr. and Mrs Potts of Detroit,
he said ahout the Occurrence, other- Mrs. Simpson of Brumfield, Lydia and
wise a summons will be issued. Etta Cook of Toronto, and Susie of
cenieN. NV ingha in. May their pathway
through life be as bright and glorious
as the day which saw there made one,
NoTEs Word was received here that Is the wish_of a large circle of ..friends,
Mrs \V ni. Dunlop. who left for the
which the ew Etta joins in •
west is very sick with pheumonia. Mrs..N
Andrew Best, Brandon. Man , is visit- SMASH UP It has been a long
ing in this vicinity. 1 fesselo-oocl Bros. while since an auxiliary train has been
have their new barn completed Mrs. needed to clear the track nn not:Mint
E. Eininerson, Stoultville, returned of a smashup onthe ettileoad, near
home after spending a couple of weeks Clinton. but it became.) necessary. AVed-
- - nesday evening, and . very in-
opportune time the many holiday'
' i g d party excursionists• who were returning
Ladies of St. Paul's church will he home, delaying some of them till .nes t
held during the flest week in July.
. •
• .Vietoria Day in Clinton..
Tuc'stla-y tlie town took Onitsga aat-
tire and.did homage to the day Which
bears the name of, her—the late illus-
trious Qn.sen.. Victoria
Byttion and visit us rig for milee •
• • '
aroun d ,espeeial I y. from the northonado
Clinton their destination for the -.day's
c.uting. Mid from early morning. till
late al, night something was on the go
to keep them interested. . .
The • Clinton-Blythbaseball' match
was the first event, and it wits a funny
ganie throughout... At the dose Of the
5 h inningstha visitors had etteneeded
pounding the h nne pitcher for 15 runs,
witli Ciiiitoii b 4 to hrr eredit.
the 611 Vitzsitnnlis went into the hex!
• and held Blythilown to two runs . for ,
tharemitinder of the game, and . our
boys ran iip their score to 17 in the Oth I
Making ;thetntie • Blyth took their 10th
innings hut' were .• shut out ; • Clinton
then' Wen to /I tt and scored anvil with
but one Men out, which gave them the
game. McKenzie, BI,v1 li umpired the
wane with fairness. It was nearly one
o'cloc peters) the game was finished.
Foilowitig.were the players and bcoves
• • Blyth
r ab 0 •
. c R McKay
2b j Stewart ,,.., 2 0 4 ..
lb G Summers 3 1 2
4 0 1
ss A.Simms 2 1 4
cf H Somers .....,,, f 0 0 7
3b B McArthur 2 2 2
pA Neishart , , , . ,..,2 1 8
rf D Somers " 2 1 3
if E •SicMillan 0 2 4
. 17 8 80
' • Clinton.
• r a,b o
P M MCEwen. ,, . ... . , .. 2 0 4 •
2b J Doherty • 1 0 6
lb W McRae ' • 3 1 3
ss. W G Doherty.... , .... 4 2 1
cf 9' Da ment g
3b W Irwin .
P Fitzsimons 2 0 4 •
rf Blizett ' 1 3 0
if H Armstrong
1 1'8
18 12 25
Innings -1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Clinton -0 0 1 1 2 1 8 4 0 1-18
Blyth —3 2 1 3 6 2 0 0 0 0-17
At the concert in the town hall'in •
the evening every available seat was
occupied, and standing room was ata
premium at the, .back of 'the hall,
Mayor Hoover was chairman, but
withdrew after his opening speech.
The band gave a couple overtures W.
G. Meldrum, Toronto, 'several condi:
selections ; Miss .Kaiser rendered "A
May Morning" and "Forgotten"; W.P.
Spaulding, N Murch and W. Harland
gave well rendered solos ; Miss Mc-
Natightort's singing was grand, though
interest was lost owing to a disturbance
in the hall. • •
\ At 1.30 p, ns. Clinton cornet band
regaled in their beautiful new uni-
forms headed a procession from the
square lo the pa,rk, followed by '
Brussels football club, town lacrosse • ,
•team'and a donkey, carriage, • with •
hundreds of citizens trailing on the
walks. A thousand or •more gather:.
ing on the grounds to witnessing the
games to' be played. '
The first to line up was •Brussels in-
termediate champion football club
against. C. I. team, and, for one hour
they battled for the supremacy with
but a score of 1 to 0 in Clinton's favor.
to show for it,
, The , of ening lacrosse game of the •
season in town was 'next . brought on
This wasbetween Seaforth's full senior
lacrosse home team and all of defence
With exception.of two mem The vise
Rom came to win and did so, and the
town team will benefit by the . expert.
ence they met with in the game AVe
have many goo players but Mc-
Kinnon, who is one of our best cheek- '
ers did not play, and the others the
captain was not sufficiently acquaint:
ed with to know whets be -t to ()lace •
them. However in the loss of the
„ unt-we-well-derive-sr-berre-fit as the
weak points have been displayed,
*which can' he remedied. Eour ends
of 20 • minutes. each were played •
:led the score was 3.-7., The
payers were goal, Jtshnson: home,
Shepperd, Davinent ; outside, Pinner ;
3rd home, Couch ; defence, Gibson,
Kerr, Crooks, Ford and Tozer ; centre;
A. Holmes, 'The town boys werehandi-
capped sinnevehat, starting in with one
man shy,and later on Elliott Dayment
was put out of business by a cut acrosS
Vie nose.
After the first part of the prog
. am
was over, an event took place in which.
all. were interested—the drawing of. '
the number which, gave the lucky
holder it free. trip to St. Louis. The
duplicate numbere were pla,ced in a .
box. and Miss 'Gladys CantelOn Nvas
coked to go on the platform and make
the draW, which resulted in number
2097 being drawn, the fortunate holder
Leine Master Ikey Rattenhury.
The day was fairly quiet through -
oat, and with the exception of a couple
of fist atercations on -the eteeets.
behavior of the large ,crewd wets ex- . • '
cellent. A. good business was done by •
the merehants that kept open store.
Tne lacrosse buys feel gi ateftd for the
patronage extended them, which will
go a long way lower& paying the ex -
I wises necessary to the carrying on of
I the league matches this summer.
• • '•
ri •