HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-20, Page 8� _'. I— �
� ,, Artis-tic MillinerY .
I .1
. . We keep a close watch. Qn the Millinery Mar-,
I , i
" kets and follow chan,g fashions. as they are pro.-
. ,
. duced, so -that you are Always sure of finding what. is
newest and, " just out to i I n�MilllnckY StYles here, TW4
, , " I
� "o,
, week some late novelties in American Hat's -and.
I .
. .
Flowers are on our tables, � They . are new,. they are
L I . �
, .
k. . novel, they are stylish,—Come, and see them. � �
. - _____
I - , 00111�§NN_ - 111. I - ,
__ � ., . .
4 .
�� I -
:.1 The Cheap I ,
; ,, �
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; . .
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i %.� XX T 1-1 ; + Aa -vx,r xx - n r . .
11 . MAY 20, 19".
___ - _ � � , , . - . ,� , . , , , ., . - L . I - . . . I I . I I . . . I I . � . 11 .. � I . I . I I I I I .1 - I I - - - - � � � I I
. . . - I '_ , � , , , , , , . 11 I I I ... . I � I.I.- -11 - � I - "_ f
. �
J AT SIX01 F1 ]FAUID"- J OtOOAS PX'a A.LL DRST$.,;;Notw1tb,- , ,
VXVI'Dly�q bosiday 4 tl� Incle t, I � I -,
" , I
4V " I,, a Ing '"' '" 'ero 44, I
I' IN ghnai Now Eva Thovictorla D. a r`(" l'o o(I Fri ovoullit . �' �
racem start on Satilrdsivaild .;, the young pi .1 . .
I . �
- till Wodu sday, May. 25th, H (Iltd "e It 6 ! 8t -Pa'Vi4i"s held a most succ 44"Poll'a -V60! .. er S", . I I
. .FRADAN MAY20tb, IWI I 1� iftr Wd pop.. -1 I I ..
— , 1140 I �eco,u furillab, you NV 'All I gpeallig oXent of the Sun#:y sQhool . I ,
I __________ 1. needed Infornl4lon. nildinf, whereby thg are en4bl*4 to . - . �11
i , , .
. %0XV11 $014(s. I 1 13.,tsAM,T4 CLUB ORGAJqIZRT) . "mot al � ac0ounts tba have Arisen In ,is a collection of newness and originalityp An extensive t",
I ___ - )it Moud�iy evening after practice a, I connectionArIth the new detomttons. - . ,
.%---- I I a , I
OUR 24th 0144LEBRATION I ;illmber of A one cArmot help but be f%vorabl'ir im- ,variety surpassingly, fine in its completeness. Every meritor- , � � "
-Hurrah thuslastA in bass ball. as.: they enter tile roota with ious sort and its expanse offers an inviting field for selectiq
for Olinton's,celebration on May 24th I sethbled, ancl eloctml the following I .
p tif tit work th%t has be I o . n
ElicTeadults , . a.
There w III be % Literosse Foot- I offIcers for the season of 1004 - -- Hon. st 111.
. I 1� , � . 09,
11 hall ruatell Ba-eball Zttclh I Relay Pres., Mayor, Hoover; Hon, Vice , W. on the interior by willin hands, "he Novelty is its feature. It possesses that exquisite'soniethi
'U'lier gar woodwork is of A greyll ,drab walls �
waos and lies. Tho0olfLinks, 3, Ross,; ?res , W G; Doherty - Vice, 'alled s g �
I , of a'greenirsh shade blending, ol? lot, 4 c . tyle, which,, like the race of good breeding, eveFy- I
Lawn Tennis Court, BowIll?g Green I C, E, _L.Innine -, �Icc, J. X i3ollerty - � . .
I and Qun Olti.bo,rguudq�orllvhl94,g,l,lllB I trello, Gr "s vullieri luftu'll r, who$'. buff on the oollirlqs, find clivided by a where prevasive and noWhere emphatic .makes itself ALvourably
. g 0aptain, M. I � rker shade,'of green in a halt ,circle f P I
will lie playeil througlioub the aoky,will Wheatley , T04W&D ; I da elt .,and leaves the impression of indefinable completeness, .
I � Itt" Do a. Johm fret WOr as it, border, The platform I .,� I . I 1. I
has tjieen uIlt straight aoros6 Inotead I
be free to v1sitors A procession to the voln"Nelson Blew 'It
NY. Irwin., an(I thQ,inuager 1114, � 19
groan4s,beaded by tlie band, from the I an I
. I market is Are, *111 talce place at I u., Thtirfirstgame will be play- of eircular, ItAd 1% new carpet the gift . .,
, ' , 0 . I
I 1 15 Wcl00%-�, Grand concert Ili the odapo'ani the morning of the 24t.h. , of Mrs. Varrau placed theiectri.. S. S. -
I . venmg,� Each ticketi. . give.; ).oil I I . 'Cooper was also ver),r good to- the And th Pr.— �. I I . I
& chance to secure 1), free trip to the R143TURNED TO TOWN - J. Aloon, young people in furnishink nece6sar I
--'q* Wokid's., Fair, Make I , Clinton your who has'been lit Toronto foil t the Past. lumber, etc., and other things, neez. - .
, month or so visiting frl6nds I lid look- fat. were donated by. interested oRpor. Just' a word about them, They ,4re ,
, . . �
, ing.out for a position IT! his 1100 Of. _Tbe special itet'a on the .evenings pro- . I I
,lestingtion that.day. tned '� en the 01104-p- .
. D. -In the business, retu to Clinton last week. gram - was Citilon Donnie lecture Pu fair and honest p6pe - Oft
James Steep v.. God.arich E ogine 00-� Whether ,ToIln bli,S All ;Lth'ACt10n WQSU . "Irel%nd and the ro.9b," and his native � . . . . I . . .
Judgment(R.)Inactiontried. without of Clinton, ov whothet, he, did uotsec country's wit itild . Ilumor buhblo�d -ways. the Best I � . .
0, 66derich. Action for tf)Y" any�hing be liked as wel I as hiti prom- I oyer in him t i t Ito delight of his. I est—Al 0 - ".
alEica. under a patent for certa.lu iuj- ent � position, 'with tile .T.-teAson Af k, lidarers, whain ,%�ere kop I b in roars v of . � . I . I
provernents 1 ii sepd drills, or for d4in- Co., we hardly kllo�V- 110%vever, we laughte * at the ridlettloug Irish bulls . I I I
. . �
r . .
ages for bieach uf agreement. Judg- its caused cited. The rest of tile evenIn .
� , tire pleased thiLt something It I I
ment Nvas given for.. plaintiff for b0ch- hini,to return to us, Joilit is -an A 1 taken tip with Irish sozigq, thesegilelvo"s The XX7 T"I T lei C Jlh ,-..
I . . -67
I . I , tts� it a I e ase �,talned by the oung moon and a good lit sicali. Bwl giyen by Dr, olmes, No � I � I � . I
�� � 0 dt , ,, I irman Afutch.. .
... I I � 1� ",011. osts reserved i cobot 0 6, " 1 qLy 0 .
t I . . `�"`at UO eric e retuidned lit Toronto be would isses M -vie and MeNaugh tun, all
1. mas 't. � I , . I .
'. 1. . . . we s till after rep , 'A � - P, Alabee, . C., for have been roaxt MiSS04( t).y hig-I'llatly singing in fino voice, VVe must not . . . � I I . 14. I I %�.Wl
''I � - .ek, 1. plaintiff. 14".. , ickinsort ( oderich) . �, � 01110 111"), btlek to forgpt to mention wfory pretty opelt- .. . . - ;% I
1. That Whitewear we started to sell last friends, � 'd w c Retailers of muoh Wall Paper of the Better elaslo. . I i�
, . . [ and Charles ar w (Ociderich) for de- town and hop,) thItO L113- lit ty reniairt � . . . -
- -
, � .
. . , Ing :inst p_aeujal duk' given by tWO � ,
.;, - -ea I . I I I'll _ - 0 . T_
!. fendant. , T tit I I now be brought' with ng.'-Ookil. I Is of,
r -cheap, but't is not ordinary ch p stuff.. skimped and . Mrs. $?'Ht Sniltil, Viz., Xisses . . .1
� I . I � I Edna' op . . I
4 I i6 It is tit 6oderich to establish the amount of '%VlTjL. CANVASS TiiT,,' TOWN.-' T 111p, ,I 1 e Forrester and op . Nordheimer-. Pianoso. �
. i stinted in every possible way, to -lower t1le. pr e. . . . . I . . .
.. damaged and'royalties fortheoniing young ladies 4istinguislied I .
�, orkers These � I _0111� . .
� I I Av ., Agathering of tenlper;l lice w Ves, 41S -oming pianists. ___ - 4 , . I
� gobd deal T11F, COMING, 4 DDINGES-.- it L
: Whit�wear that was made to sell fOr' A. . . By herd lastThursditv evoilitigto consider; thems � . . I I ; I —, , , . . .
. resentation. uble the advisabi'ity of 1111il, I ag.or'lo,ts-' .Teceipts of th6 evening was $37, , . I . I . . . . . . . .
present reports a, govd rep I I . %~%,,W-%,%,1wWV..%, I . I %,.%ft,.o&,i1r~.&,.,%�,WJ2 . .
I -P . . . I � I
I e ore than we of. Clinton'sjuaids and young inen 1�rill ing the �ew King, ,#I%vA1A to t-0 r1lil OBITUARY. - The following beruiti- . � . . . .. �.
i I , . . . .
.,.. more than he doublibg up ill. lria,�rimoilisil bll�s, as A temperatice holiq,� -was loft over, fulobituary notice of the'late Mrs. � I . . . I . f . I .
. � I cDuld.poasibly sell it for,had we norbought It. cheap - within -the hext monthi The daughter untit a c6minittoo.which was appoint- � . 0 I
. - Ashi . n it ' eare in the'Christiali 0 . ,. ..
. .. . I . . .of one of Clinton's , inercba�n f,s aud ak ed cativasses tile town - to see wivit. . uar 1; of it 1,:�Mrsl Washing- 0 . . .
I � , an account c -Foronto'.q 0 . I . � I t . . ....
:1 f -, great f ire I favorite employee of tbeJackson Mfg, moneT.as sto!�I, c -an be raisod,to wider- -ton i 0 (it lie late Anthony Niilpsh-, , NEW ISPRINGTOOTWEA.P. 0
. -
. - tal Wily , lie ingt0n, al -ii ton, Township_aud I . . . .. I . . I I . 0 . .
. Every garment is perfect. ry garment full Co. will.be betrothed. to .eaph other, 4e e work. The work. it . . . .
:. , I w tip house- feasible, but vre doub it s I -;is . . —A T— .f I "I'.
:, I I on the 24th, and ' will tak t , al Ong mot er of t e 'ev. eo Waslilngton, - I I . . . . 1. . . I . I .
" ( e. All made for this seasonts tr-k-de. Hete is a IiSt keeping with tho bride'.s parents. An- licenseil�botels ar(i run ill our Inid9t, At. A., of Torq6to'Coliference, died at I . .. I . . . : .0 * �.
i-� ,; . . I I * 11 ..
- ther chimping young Ituly gets a Tor- However; if wov of ,our cibizeilb ime'id Clinton, where she h - 0 , .
� . 4Z I . . I 11ILVI her ho %id ' . .. . . .
. . ' flill 0 ,ificulirs : 0 dei, .inil still'another Witt any rea ley. to invest in the 'pro- . . THE OLD RELIABLE. � .
;_ of prices. Sei� last weeks� papers for . .. � onto' ontle dy in . lived for the last. twenty-flYe years, on . . . I I . . 0 , -
. . I I . ....
i � . I : .� A .. . I �, be takEll to.131oiton in the netia, f titure, ject We shoult t)e.,)IeA.96dtose(�i4-:.ex-,SA,tii-i,cliLy,.,DL,,cetixbe,�19, 1903, Her, - . mpmwmw_�p _.._____ _- I. 1_�... - ------. I -..--- � . ..
. � . . . � . . -_._'__` - � . . � . I .
- . . . , . . the. litter toJ-be a �church -Nyed perimented, th which woutd.1le I), =61en nallie, wits Annis, and she was. . . . . . � ' '
I . ' �
� � be- goo t - spring
11 . . . ,ding. And this.is not all. f6r we :)d precedo 6 io follo%v 119 ilia ter . I Pur .� stoock of ...
� � at 4-4c, made to sell at 65C , . I . . . . . . . a -in i ' - . born in the to %vilsfilp of - Sca;rboro". in Our'stock is eqi4alled -by ; . I I ..
� Cou n . . . . I lieve t%,% o others will accept e.,ch other which way thon, tid i Y.90. . . . . . . . . �13 (
. . 1818. * Early in lifeshA, Nvas born from Boots and Shbes� is 'now .
I I . - ' - I , ' hodist , , f6w a d excelled by noric . I . .11 I . r
� .1ARLIA R "PHIS yr., ku above, atid.,iinited with the Metl I . n .1 .1 . '
. , ,
L'. 4'6�� Its -.kt 7.3e 11 at $ i.00 - . � fc'r life arid se.ttle on Oottirio street. wi LL i3E, ..r I . .: . I h ..
I A 01 ., made to se . 'llieir-natnes willappetw later. I 11reiiarittions. are on, Ue _Nving'for .0 ,burch. 'A h c of - devoti6n' to God I . . . .. complete-. -- -We -, have t e I I � I . � I
L . . I . I . I WILr,T,T . * ' ,. pittnic. of. St. - -Toseph'8 folloivedthatgt�eat spiritual change. -!�7===!!r_____ . . ..
� . I L'DUSTRU()TIVENRS$� -'' the appilat '! ` . . �. . I 7=1 la Yest and "best assort-' . . � 11 ' '. ". , '
� �..I�VVII,j -,It, !)J)e, made to sell at $1.25 . 1. . rL . . . .
". I -bunib. of. church which Will lie libld this year on There, wa �
, . � I . . grecte<l thi" the . s ii Bilignbir., frestiness, sim- ' - . - -
. . I I . . It is Lit be re, . , .
� . . Il. , . ` ,s -grove. The, licity-, cheerfnb . - . Spe. I . 1. : en . I I . .
I' . -i : . I * � . � � clescructivenossiti so prodominent, I .Time lftii,. In Oarqtibar' I ,loss, .ind betitity in . I cial values 11i � . m t to, ch-06se from, .-'tnd - I -
:.- 1'10VI,,-�IS at, $1.1)0, inade to sell at Si;5." . . . . . I . � gisiter Washington's :OhristiAn life, . . , .. . . . I �. . ...� . .t
I I 3 0 . I atir- yotibbs, . I'lle upique and aub- town bantl Nvill bit thei-6 in I-egAlia, , . t - prices are* " ;* . I
. I � prayers I � -S1 I. . � I
. . .
71 . . . L - . ,and stand aii4 pa,41on �that- andathe usual big.cilread will -tie p,,e- Tier testimpniLS �Kul' .1inger in . . m en $FINE . J.0ES we kridw o.ur I . I -
1, . . stantial. gf � ,;. � . I . I .
b .. � sell'at $2.,60 . . . . year the minds 6fber brlelthren and sisters, I I I . - - the -lowest; � . " �
Colol-11S -,tt $1.05, made to � � the c6 uncil has ha.d fitted arx for'. i he pared, The drawing contest this I . I I 1. � - .�
� . I . .. . � .ady - will consist of one prize ouIV---':a, silver "Liki;i twilight:hu6s When the bright I !!�—_—E__.____ __ - . 1. � . . 1. . .1 ��
� . I . . ... �. . I . : .1 I. . .. I. . convenience df*spectators has .-&Ire . I I . . I I -, ' The - im mense- .,demand *. , i . . . I I � �. . I
I I . . . � . 'knivpi coffee set'of.fonr pieces, ine'ludink tea milli ho set,", She leaves it.. --%vreAth -of 0 ' , - fo - .. 1. . . 1,
, I at'20 g and 14 inch " daughters intertwined,. to . I I . .. . . I . .
. . (!, m, ide.to. sel c been, made.the titrget foi- Jack . tr .bowl, cream ju . . ; . ui -. Schbol'.Boots r. 1, . � . � . �r
l .Corset Covers at III a . -at-- ' I I ___� I . ,. . . . . � .r."
11 ' - '
� . I I I L .. and dirt. ,This is very� little emeo . logs, The closing scene,was ::: 1 - � I . I I
� I . I . age ent for the councilOw prociied 4:tty. Potlt.sl go p400"i"1:n i'h .
.. � . I .1. . w1i � The purchaser of e*or ticket 'V . for Tayloir's Shoes is the 1 ! ' .;�:
. . . . . er with the work infitting up the. has .'the., privile - t t I ha . 1'ri eiarly morning Avur * j . I . .
. . I � ' to sell at .2' n' I I - -, aloog 'w'11h. 'a tu, b P,r boys. and. kirls, m: ade to . 11 �... ____"� .. I . 1. � I ... , - . . ,I
made 5c. fu.th qp T . . I .
. ' '. p i's . .,..- ' f' 1;
Corset Covers.at 19c, . . . . . . . � Otirk, for the.60 of,'our bithcens its a, chance (if a, -draw of, stating, wlil Ph One later Nse In ninal health and ipirits. . I . i tr - ' . . . t
' . . ..
� � . I � . I . . .. I . pleasure and olay -grounds,if these of the t;W(-) yourip . i� ready to leave her room' q,nd . - our p �dLr,' .: ar - . Trad' - oest evidence that, out 6f- .. .. � . 11,�
� , , I .: ladies, who are run- Befon 9 , e . e . . '.. . . � . ...
,�,:- 6 � I Corset Covers at g9e,.made to s . . I I I ...-- i ,e , b , " I , . . . . . "
611 - at 46c- same people who make the thoAuse of aing fox, the Gok watch is the most. 'white talkingwith her daughters in! . . fortd � to si1pply reliable . "
. I
.11 � -
4 0.11 . . � . . . . ;, r . , . .� . . I . . � . theiii, do not, show better. jt I idgement popular, .Viz.; Miss minnii Reynolds,' the hdjoi'ni ng ro6m, the stl*er.cord be-. � .. Wi * , ,.. , .1 . . I . I I I Ld stylish footwear at ! ... ... 1'.� �';
.1 . ' . I . 1. nners. ,.. � ... . Ir, . An . . . I . 1714
1. . t wn, or M4 . . - I I ...... 1. . . .
;,r. ell a . -'otinor, of gan'tolciose.n. � 1,17hen � the raptuie. be-
;. Cor sc(Covers ,at 39ev madf,.' to s t, Vc Initscare. What'the council should of O Is Rosy O', . . ., ��
" . I ... to make gan, and for fifteen mibutes, with - the I . :Z1: ' I . * . - , '.-.. r.ea$ohdb.le prices -has ' ' ' � -� , . . !
,. I I I � � I . . - ' ' , do. is. to offer a-iewiird of $1 for evbiy Blyth. All that is Weeded . I I '; . - ' - . tent I ' 11 ' I .
': .. � I . I .. . I . , . .. : . . 1: - '�, ' - ! iiiiiry If t o' - , c I %
I . ." : ,. '. �. I , s - e. . aughter of a maideii toi6ej oAir . ffb6 please , f ��.
. . .. case, repofted'tp the chief, made an tli�; Picnic a succe s wili b , A, nd,vv;eath We sha d
�'. . . . . . . . I t 1. . I aukht ihe ' At ion.'.o'. . -' ' * .
. * L - . I .
,,, . ' ' - ' .. . . - -:' :' ' . *exa4le of a: few'of them, thext. the an . ,. � ' 1. I... . . aimed, and". gave thanks, and - ' . ' I .. . - s, , "'.., ... p ... . . I I ... �11
L.� : L 1. . . . ,,,, ,rL the 7 1 * - - ... 11. . .
:.:;* skirts at 50r, made'to sell at-75cl I . . . . , . . I . I I . . L b* ' � �r'
4,., . . . % I. . . , u d at , � , '140 G_�XE.��We felt tonfideht last blesse'S, God, of- heaven. Then 411 1� - shtiyv.',yoti . our stock and . .. . . . 11
' . i . shrewd �yors. .
. I 1. . ,;.. ... : lFactice, wo. 1 op. _ � �. I . .1 .. . I
, �; . � I , , . . I I . . I . . .. . o
I . . t I . I . . ' . I L . . .. .. 11 . I I .
. i I . . .1 . ' IX DARIC- week that the Owen Sound- �bot-bxll *as still. - The ejes'df the mind . bad 4 . . . . . - . L . !a . I - I , I .. .
11;. made to sell at $l .0o L . � L .,.� - .1 I . - - I - . - tBITTTRECHURICHES . -would itc ' closed amid ibis rapture, and for four. I . g�VeL your prlcos.,, It might . I . - .
I . I . 1 L . . .
. I I
bkirts al. 15c,. � � I I I I . club �vei pu't.n fbeho' al) e VZ . I : i. I . t � . W I I . -
I .
:1 L . . . . 1. . . . I I I ... I . . L 1. 1". .. '� NE88;'-;oThe ministiirs, c6it'gregations . P � . . .... I � I ' ` '�!
7",� . .. .. . . . I ... Ainco; and bstd an item Ili type to th, days sh�e,l,y.likea queen asleep upon . - � L .
�13 .. , I .1. ' !itches wore . . . pocke li, - ,
� . I at $' . . � . 11 . L._ and i6oirs, of till Our� ob i -if, not, wish ,r pillow, until Saturday morn nFr, � , - -be money in, your . ,. I , - I 1�
, . . ''. . � 1. effect, but. we Niftlibi?ld, - 'be J .. F. . . I ' I A Call Sollcitid.LL,.m . I � 1.
; I Skirts at 99C, made to. sel 1 25 '. - - , - - . leftin theidark.last Sunday eVenitig ' . L. . . . . I N . . . . :.1 I .. . L .L . . .
L I . . . L �ra;4 in thii wiiy for -it wb Idie joined those Avbo'sl in, , . L . I . - . .. .
� . I L . I . .a.. I .. * I ixig to -thr6w it til en . . . Aep . , — — I . . . . � . .;. .; I. 1.
1.� I . 'L , 1. : W ..... . — .
,; 1, -vici-s, by the' electric I L . 11 I I I .. .... I I
. �0' . " . ' . , : ' L during 06 set . . tu nout*aitthe- gAme.* sh6uld ,by 1 . . . . .. . � . L � I
. . I . I -v . .
_1� * .. I . . .. lightsgol out shortly after .getting '0 I I . ,.. : ere, haing - o .. . . . . ,
_.. sell at,$I.. d r . , effilisi.l..'. . . . . . . . V.7e Are, Fractica,I Sl�pe Mak had a long experience and, ., . . . 1. . .
go�' . . . .
I . Skirts at $1,00) made, to . . . I I . . . . . . chance there be one. 'No doubt Harr -r . . . Ill' .70 . L ,.
. I . . . .. I I I .. . I starte ost of the7clibirs were in gly L - 1. IV , . q run no Riskw�vhonyou purchase, y6ui'Footwetir from us. . . .
��.. , o.. : , � �� . . . istonLalid Owen. 86und,ivere strou ' '' ';'L,� Loca . . - ... ,� . . L . . . . I L . . � .
StIl At $2.0 ' ' I . . .. . I theactbf singing arithems,. but the I eivs. I. . .:. � - I . � — . I .1
,.� I a i4ts at,$ 1.25, made. to ... . 1, . . . . . improissed Nviih the. thought that. the , . � I . . . I . . . .. . I ,.. 1 .. I ' .. * . . -
. .
. I . , I . . ..
.. I L I ... . I . - : ., . o . 1: thoroughriess, 'with which. they Are cup,would be"Casy to. lift, and MCI!, , 'The golf club ilit4ndjQ Lgo. to - Bow, .� - . I L & . � I L . L ' -
, L -
. . . . .
.1 L . I . without a� �., friendly , .
., .. . . . . I I � . %�
* � I - I I drilled. weV6 able to proceed -lit the - north, would play foith dn'Saturday toj litive. .. m- , I - . ''. � � . �
I., . I ,
. I
. V 4 . I 11 the. Mark interruption and with', . - . they gotit ... : ... , I .. I � . . . F, I so I I .. I I . : ,
I .. . I . .
In every cast the quoted alue -1. *ell withi _ '110 "14of "'t"Ps for it amongst' th�nlselvea. This was game, with that: tbwn. , WMi I TAYLO: R. . N
t . . � . . ght on iSe so�ene. lato�r, the, sei- I � . . � . . . I ... . �, . ' L. . . 1. . L . . I . . ...
�. brou evidoititly,what prorripted-Owen.Sound- wittr�nei,Bios.,.ha*e.ad'de'd,t�-their- - I ., .._ - I . I - " . I.. ... - I ,. : .. L. . I ` . I..., .. .� �.�
I . . I . . , .11
I 0,000**<����� %~&�,&�%,W* - '4�
, ods . .. , . . I "
,114L ,of what the Maker intended these g o i io be -sold. for. vices were all carried out in, their 6tir . W sign foi a, gimie, thinkiiig Harri t i ' . eior outfit of a " fiv e- -old I . . . .. I .. .1 I . . I . . . .��
. . I
. . .. . .year
. .
,� '. � . . I . . tirety, With the congregations sitting Ill be!v de". sigp, ;,bugg . n .- � - � , . I. .,. .,. . L. � � . I . .., . . . . .. L I , . . I I . . � . . . '. . I . .
� L L . L . .. .. : . . .. . I . � . . . .1 . .- �. .., , in the darkness. Tho trouble %vil� due wotAld win,. but it wi 11 ("n = 1b, -U. � Ly Prid bar ess. - -� � I . I . � ..% �! � . I . . I . :
�;-`Z ; I . � L . . . . . . . .- 4 t - � should Owen Sound wish to plav agati) - . . .. .. . . . L --- - - . .- - - - � - . . I . I - . I I
. . - . I .. . to'n short circuit caused. by ,-� tele� . 4-oseph Wheatley ba d in- I . . � I .
. . . %. been�'a d g L .. . ..., . . . I . �
' -
11 � - . . . I �'.. . ... .1. ! � . I .. .. . graphor telephone ivire falling across -is they will then have -to forfeit $25, wimprovemenii,tto his residence iii t . .. . . :. I . . .. . . . � . . . . . . � ; .. . �. *.:.. . 'L,
I . ifted, I . . I . .. I I . .
. .. .. I . . .. . .�� . befoite being ,permi The town scom I . . — , . . . . .� 1. . 'L,
& - . . the light wires.. The on dnes worti ��tting. the nature Of averati.dah and. the roof L. . '. .1
, . . ,. gi go . . .
", " * . . I StArted up a couple of - . times in the - s et�., and it is uot� t1l,t.; reshingled.' , ... � .. . .. . .1 . . . � .1 I � ... . . .. i�t...-.... . I
. . .
I ,..7 . - ' � I a1r. . � . . . L . : . I—
- f StV1 e0 , I out bill h . , .
�,. boys went to the 6xpense o.r 114111�l
� I � . , Ili
, � -
ort J
.L D I
G ro
r w
Wi .1..
'I I I
I . . ,
. $ 1
. Raincoats 0 - . I. ' Ow"000"M . . `
1:, � 1, 16f .. - 1. . . I hopes of burning the, wire oft but'were th . is expense � sbould be throWu upon Dr. F ,. '. I I . . I .1 � . ., . I . .1 I L I .. . . I . � . . I . . . - � 11 , : I
,,, I I . .. ; . . I . L . 1.� . I ' IL I oi%�ler, V. S.,, Seafortho ;�nd lee- . . . . L ,: . .. I . . . L .. �
1�1 ' . . . unsuccessful. � ' * ' thern. The only way to oveb1nine totiaw Of the Veterinary C0,116ge,Toron.- . .1 . ,.. I .. I . . I., I . I . . 1. . � , . . .
I . I . .. I . J
1. . . The Raincoat of io-day is a garm:ent,fit for. almos�tahy oc- . -L. L - - ' ' . ' I � is c fing his lot in Clinton ,this I I � L I . . I L � .. . . . �, '. �., 7I
. . � I I .1 -Up,_ this deflint-licy of the'laws governing, to, as � L I . . . . . � .1 .. . I -
I - : . " . . I . I . L .. �. I., . . ... . I . I . . . I .., '' I .. I
, L. � - .:, . -1, .. . .. . STPA'FJL'STO BE'..FIXUD I . is to spnitueO, I . t . . . I . � I -, I � , �
�,.' . . ompetition for tht., Hough "01 . "
gbily' w ' ThO'draftingg specifications. etc., hav- c . ) . I 'L . L I I 11 .. .. 1 . . . 4L
:I- ' ke the d6htesting: club Pitt., tip. $55 - R _ . 1.� . I .1 . L I I .1 . I ,�
. casion and far removed. from the clufnsy and vnsi . ater- .1 . I L .
I Ing, reach6d the secretary.of - Sbr Paill's. ma . . . HoInites, MT, -F., �-was. one of the I . 1. 'L I I . . ,
. . . . . . I . I I Citing., to. b,e rqturne&.JVhef1L . . . . L _ . L � . . . L . 1. . 4
. . . I , . . � . I ' when 81" . � .. . I I . I . . I . . . .. . . . L 11
. , -G��ti'a;-a-nl,eeting-.-wAs-cittled.-la f, I A- speliers at the Westing of the Bible . I : . . . . .. I .. � � .
" - - - - J&Uinaolls I g.*m" IRL I _ '' I L L .., . . I . I . : . 1. . I . . . I
1: . . — _711-h Zvv-ed—_� . _ esby--� J - , I 1, I . I I . 1. .. I I.. :
.1 proof of a, few years a o. 0yr RaFacoats �are iEad� Ji6m ig Jday evening last, and. by in L Sociply-IL . 1. . . I.. ___ "-, ____ ., . �
- —
-9 .. - - . 1, - .1 'L On I � . I - I . . I L I ___
11. . 1 . . . . .. .. . consent the ladies1weented the vilane, -,, 4HARQRTR NEXT. -The second terill6n, chure e ties ay.:. . . .. . I. . . . .. . 1. -
., � . I - 'OL't, . . Holigh7cup, gaipe of the season %vill lie. . ... . . I .
, .
. .
c;, ght all -wool imported Cloths, cut in the newest': an& m S tenders - oter, ". .1ald do'Kn. by Mr. I . The' publia will, no doubt, be ple"ed'
1. Wei . . r I . . I - Saturdtiv evening mrinnenclui;
. . . L . . I NY Ja[thew, L. of - St Thdim who has It is the geneval opihitin.that to lea,rnthat United StatisPo$t6ittiters
,, . . .1 ... I . ' ear.. I 'bee I to toi o"'s' With th If, = , . .. . I
. Ve pa c.ory�W since n notifiec ? coed f� h e uo,W. authority toLeash. 04nadian .
11, popular styles. They .look.well and will gi ' tisfa 61 work, at; 6 cost of CA2, for r Ce this will lie one of the best. it riot- - the' R,v . I I .
?. - . . 11L I I � . . ,ifing. best. games, of the'series, . Seafort . hi L , . poetalnoteS...' ' . . 1 . I I . I
I . .. .
:: I I . . . . . . L I . 1� walls And wood work,. Irbin the frOLIt,' I n Jan . ies Sm I yttl,auctioneer, *hd spent
F. New garments just opened for May elling. , . - : door to the chanool. It is Ilkibly th�y Wad making a de�ermined effort,to to-
� s . . L
. , . I . L I . . will hav6 scme afterations made i gain the emblem -this r3ine, and t1leir w, has come back,
. I . . ii. the _ . the winter 6n his fat . . . I
� � . . - I . I I .. I I . a n - strong., coil tai n- threside,on'.4rthur Catftelorils. place, .
� . .. .1 . . I .. � structure 6fthe seaksj� And the aisles l4ioupcert I ly-lool"s �
�' . .. I :1 .. . .. ... - Ing, " it does.11alt. if dozen of tile men having leased- hid. -own farm for ihree
.. .. . I . ... L . I I . -! L . : _ - ... � .1 . .raised Lto itteleVIel of. the rest,of the . . . . .. L.L . . .
. I . . . . . I . . , . . -, ., I . , whole. ch urch ca'�veted, who play with the sebior "Hurons." years. � t . - . I .
,I At $.5. o o I I . I floor,' aDd t116 , . 6 I
� . .. Ixfoith boys bavebeenpiaetising S.L; Cooper .
. This willm -in , S.. had the 'contract for .
. ,ol English 'Cloths, lhn-w' *. , ean the es. pondituit of , - The f3e, ,
� I Ladies' Raincoats, made front pure wo , hard for wpeks aindther say that ifthe
I ' 8? but this,: -is 'but. two. . I
ported by out -selves, coat collars.full length 4nd skirt, all sizes, le qthcr� J. rl?, altering the aiiats Of St, Paut's church ' L.
I Ye&TS , Cup olbei"licit go back vo�ith therm it will . - :He is also � re�
I.. .fawns, and greys, very special value�at each - �� .... I. - -..1r-'-. ..., - �'- %F52-00 for, theni,. ;with the inon6y -. TheClitito ' team and raising the aisles. I
. L . I I . : I'� . . chat is now in the barik te their qred1t, not be their fault n modelling Jas, DupfoJrd'a. cottage' .in. �
I . . � . I.. . . . n'tift L L ad . .1 . � I .
�� . . . . . . I I I I.. .� . . . their church schemes which. has beefi.strengWened by the Mtioiri King.atreeto, .. . I . 11
� - �
; . . . .. ,�: L .. .. .. I . . .br�nsr 'them in ttearly $250 a year. ..of severatnew men, including.. Aiken Witbivafoi�weeksbna of our re- �
., . , . -
� ". . I
. At $8.,5o . � . . . . I I L . ,*4 *y pubc,ess'tatend their every ettott, . head, Who played with the London In I I
. . � . who formerly
LqLdies' Raincoats, made froin'puroii N% oollefi Cloths in greys und . . . I.. Se 'to. himself a partner .fo life. and
. . . . . . . . . terniediates and Walls, cently litunched merchaixts will toka
r'. A 'RESIDENT 'SINCE L -1855. -Last . attend6d Harriston sehoo .veral un r
.. I . fawns. new sleeve, shoulder eaves, Milita . ry 0611ar, brass or fluti.$L Thursdav afternoon another long resi. changes have also been maoile in the Will then Mettle down in a prettily fur- I I
I . MetalButtons, each ............. t ... I ............... 14'.. ,:.. 8450, dent of Clinton received. the final sum, Playing positions of the tearg . whi-ch nished home on Raglan otteet,
, I . . . . . . . . . monsfioratheangelofdeatli. Alfred. promiseto prove bmieficial. I These .. The Collegiate was closed on Friday . .
I ... . . I 1. I L I I . r.11 . .1 I.: . . I . Moore, tile subject of 'this sketch, .was blianges and the factthattheboya bays and Mr. Lougb's, Miss King's andMiss .. I
, , . . . . . . . . . ' I
� 11 .. . . prac ism . oms, of the publ
,, born in West Rartepool, north of Eng- bpen ti i well -make It ceftain D. O'Neirs to ' ic school,
I �
� At $1 1.00 . . . I I I . .. 3 F1' will be played tkan owing* to the Teachers'. Association- � *
I . . . I' land, in 1835, and cattle to this country tl - ' :
%�4,*vx-";,'� - Ow.� 1,,Tv'�'., �''LfCdies Raincoats; made from flue finish -all wool Clothaj cut� in - twenty years after to be book kee was in the JUArriston game., A lkt, e meeting of East Huron, whieb. met at, .,
.� 1:�5. 1
� per I . .11, 1'�, � ssafeaki " " x�:- t-.�,-�,,;�,---,;�,,i_��- "J';�,V. �,
. I ,
.14 . ir, new - , � L for the, firm 'of Moore & Hunter,, the turnout of supporters wit 10 I il I 11 I �
i,',l one of the seasons most gopular ,styles, Military Colla . . . I I L 1.
�� I *It hellg'� tho'b6*8 wonderfuly and no
�, sleeve, shoulder capes, G Or G n Metal Buttons', grey:pltsi 1.00 former member being a .brother. wi t t Some thirty-five oi; forty young peo-
� I . . ffrm Sold but soxne yo�ars doub e crowd will be large as the WitfiL .� ' - I
": ... � ......... � ...... 1 ......... 4 e ....... �, When *this' ple, inspired the sultry atradis .
. . I . . I . . �. I I .. . laterhehired with old Mr. ,Shipley, hours permits many to attodhil,who are phero oflast Thursday, evening drove - .
. I
.�,� - . . I I 1. . . I ith whom he remained for ten years. debarred from comingifith afternoon. over to Bayfield. and did the grand - i
nitnence ,h
I ard'$1.25 - w e
� . er-proof Cloths by, ihe. y . , I bLnd $2. After this he became forenitui bf the The e will likely co T bpening act of the social season at that
, show I I 1 .$'; - 5Q. 25. 00 t am I I . .,
. : . . F air farm. roxnalnibgL la his Post Until I Ime. .&dmissionrAdies 106,8onatle burg. .. LL
L . . . � I I . r
. . I - L .
, .1 I . a rouple of �ears-ago, when he retired. men ISO. - - . I �. '
; . . . . I I . . hav!nF accumulated a little of this DEATJR OP CHARLIE JENKINS, , The, energetic and .enthudiastle ex-,
. .1 � . . . - Ife is being wor6 portent oft eG. T. Rq Richard Irwin,
.1 0 . . IL, � , ' * L . I worlds gdo!ids. 'Ilia wife -who was a -The xn6ert,tinly of It . .
L dalightir.-ot' Anthony boddsworth, and more impressed on . us each day, met the pay car at the Junction, Fri-. .
-.1, Good Hosiery Va ues.- - . . died: about seVen yeArs a o. To them and' strangely L.80 in the death of day, and asdist�-d the staff in the dis-
. . . . . . I � . . .. . . .1 Weis born six:childven; Ive of Whom Obarlits Jenkins, 61y son of John telbution ofthe llnee4y'! to the ' pow-
, � � '
� � Hosiery business keeps growing here ri . ght, al i1g. .That still live-ift sons and two daughters -Tenkitiso of the 16th, wito was discover- pany's employees in tMa sectiont - . '.
. I I 0, I . .. at home, and it married daughter, Mrs. ed in the last throes of , death by his ,Our citizens will learn.'with regret
. . I Johnson, also of -town. The deceased!s misters about. 12 30 Sunday morning. that the little pony of. Rev, 0,. U.'
* " I' ' I . U. 1
., mawt be because we sell reliable qtia ities and makes that 9*Veg death was due to gangrene. The fu , Ntarly All day Saturday he followed Gunne's died last Monday after being
. .
I ' I � erod washeld on Saturds last to Clin- the team in the geld, came ti) thehonie ill, for two or three da a. It was a
I arly, clet6ned himself up, and then .11
.1 tisfactory wear. Our vahies, too, are good; or we could riot ton cemetery, Dr. Coo? performing e feneral favorite with t 6 children,any
I SOL . � I . .. . .1 the. solemn burial service, and six old drove to town for tho"evenitig, return� Ittle Child being able to drive it.
� . I . Ing. henne, aboi I .. . .
� I residents of town acting as pallbearers,. tit ten, in his usual- bright - Customs Collector Wiseman b"beerit
do the trade we. do. This season's stock should will us n' e w. viz., ,W. 0. Searte, S. G, Plumm t!, way, sthd' by 10.30 was in. his bed. ,
, . . . I 'Gi t
� -Grigg, T-bos. residence recently vaoated by' William
I ' ' ' Prod numball, Wm. , 9 What came over the unfortunate boy ' busy the post week. moving 'into' the I
. .
. customers, for the values. are such you will find hard to du i- � binp and -D. Tiplady, - . I. between this hour -and the time his oats, Esq., oA M ary streeto and Wm.,
L.- . . . I I I I sistero were 'awakened, While he wis , C Cook will occupy the'residenoe' on � . I
' ' MUNTS, H..
. STOuX SHIP, -Seven an4 in death's struggle, will never lie
� .Cate. Here are a few of them'. There are lots more: . . Albert �trqat, ,Where Mr. Wiseman has
� . � I I � I I . . A half decks of- hogs in two days- be� known, HowevL*ritis thought bytho I stmoye4 -from... . . . .
� . . . - tween,.tondasbor6, Clinton atia .Sea.% physician consulted that it was evt& In I .1 � .,
I Ladies' black Cottozy Stockings, seemless spliced hee1j fast black, forth was Cantefon:and Wallis ,record antly due to hemorrhage in the brain, 0. R Tanney, bass soloist of First I
i all sizes, very special Value at -two palo,for,. I I ...... & 25c.' forlastFriday and Saturday; $4.76, be- whiiih produoecl paralysis of, the vital , Vresbovterlan church,London, took the
. .
; � . iVn the price paid, 'On Saturday Ri s, Being in the bud of
� , � I . . i shipped three cars manhood, and thd only son of an aged arb of King Ahasnelus Ili the Queen
� , . . .. I I stson, of Blyth, Rsthev Oratorio, At Tar�, last evehin g
. .
. I of beef to Toronto,. John Middletoh of fathis,1? his death comes as a severe and .
I . I (Thtirsda�), Mr,.Tahney. possesses a .
�. . . � , , ooderichtownshl furnishing 68 -head trying blow to the family, who can but voice that will win Its place among,. - .
� At 25c. � At bocd.. I . . .. of prime stock. hey Were weighed . mourn, and look to Him for comfort. the beat of in . . I I
� . ". .9 gets, . �
". "'
I . Ladies flne Egyptian Cotf6n I Ladies'extraflne,black Oash:' . . 'I in town on the acales-big and small, that does oill things for the best. The '_ 0_� I
I " . 'Y-= F
and the heaviest pair went ovo�t WOO funeral was hold on 6Tuesday to Olin- The widow qfl4 f fity -1
.1 , () n -ft - the
. Rose, fine, bigh spliced heels, mete Hose, plain at ribed, soft . " I
, . Ibs, or, an average for the bunch of ton cemetery a very. large number of late J, Clarki *116 Wbalne out fromnimg
� alud feet with OL wilhout tlatur- . finish, Ill fi.splided heels and . 1470, Thesefigures speitk for them. friends and relatives, following the re- ,o,and Nvas. killed
� 111eq, with or without, land about P, -year, ag
, al wool sol�s, Hermbdotf - dye, , I double so . selves, and is one of. the beat Individual troxins to its last resting place. Rev. ,it Hibbing, Ann,, shortly after arriv,
. Swaranteed not to loose th�i'r slikernbroldery, also Ladies ex. lots that has ever ,-been -brdu t into H.M,. Manning was..ihe offloiating ingt have mqved to town and taken tip
� okir, &14* Ladies p1din- Cast � tra quality black, Lisle thread . , ,vices at 1 '
C . Clinton by one man. 0, Reldtad olle clergyman theset the house be- their residence In S. S. Cooper's house,
� mom Hose, full fashibned, spli Hose, German goods, guaran- car and S. H. Smith 2. - Dlxon� of Sea- Ing conducted on the lawn in front Of London. roa& .
ted heels, nice, . soft wool, 250, teed to keep, their golor and 6 forth bought uo a car, of qassera and bouse, wbioh wits bordered with . .
� .Str;mg weight, all sizes,perpair wear well, tit per pair .......... 0011
� . drove thew dovon to his, farm. Clin- branches of everYgreen and in the The Clinton Gun. Club expect to have I ,
� , I t � . tqn`a stock yards was dert.ainly a busy. Centre was placed the remains which the honor of it,visil; fronithe Brantford
I , . I . . I place last Saturday, Speaking of were held in wrich casket of natural qua club- on blav 24th, In the class
,. - .. . . . .0-. ook - The fl I ohoob.10tThurisaiY, 116*0 got 19'6'at , -
� . . stock, we wete told that IK & J. ans- . oral tributes were elegant,
�� . 1301?& . for6l'turned 6ut three mwe of prime and the message of peace to the be- ! of 25, HolMes 10, Graham 10, Oantelon
WA The fanious ,Black Cat Stocking -for .7— . At(%Ars to
� I � I the &rAF;A, that avera ed over �roaved ones was Impressive and con. 17 Dohertyl& D dlitgs-HaSt 900 Out
� I .. .1.. . . % i I � I . � � I . �
� - I . I � , Iwo lbs each, We are nob &Ubititig soling, Thepsi,111bear0s Geo. Herbert, of 160 street k Hooper OsTebbutt 0. . . . � I . .
1 '21, Ing and Bertand 4 1 �.. I I I
It A . I
! 11 I ", I , 25C - '3500 mve 4.0ol .,A 0 � ., I the statertiont, but we tnutjC come to Reece and Wm- Jerik 1 -in the firial draw for Li'ngllsh bowl- I . I- I I I I I I
. . � I . one or two conclusions either that Wm. V Orris were all cousins of deceas- 00b Tkiylorla JjAme�.AJJ�6 1 . . ,,, .
� . . I I � . . I � I
I "'. �� I .. 1� - �.— I 11 I .1 .1 � . ,� .11. . I I I they are making a mistake Ili, holding ed ana it is sad to relate, that (',battle, 'Ing, trip Ja .. . . I . .
�, am . ars, and he has consented to go. I . �
� I . I . them(6vld6jqd lot, 6o)wIthtlistamount who but a week ago assisted In the 0 1 , , , - . . . . .
� . 11 ENS. j --A of flesh ou they, VIlesgre W. Jackson ittid Jas Pair f � I .
�L' ..111r ,0 ... .... t 11 ' r, bones� or they must lityin5 to. resti ofthe late Miss Swallow the ft4dra;w retirin Mr Tolor hail � . . 1, I...
.... VX ,lit be,cmdegailig largdatfuctuted bmists, shoal so soon be borno himself t6'hi . . I .
I'll, -6, . I
W 91t, . - 1. �. .
1 _XN�y at whAb weight, lo bobt more readily joloti with t a *Ide circle offri 1111im-61. ..., __ ,- .
o * i W % place. The Nit earned a trip of this Ind, and will' be I
I 91,
� ,
� . X D G_ A., V B ROZ-56 For our own tifogiiiation We will a4k, last restin, the one to enjoy it, May he 'bave A I 11
� I . . I � ands, In Niafe Ithd ple"atit journeys lie TeAves , 006"O'. . . .
� . sold at on the finta,rket for choice prime �mxl)t-essingliet%rtfeltaYmpatby to the
� , * )ftis;0d on thi 26th, __ . - . __. . - , J
'm ,
.. . Ur.,y Goods 00 0 clintoosit oetpott b0f, briken W#xtod paronts "441040, � or L I . I . �
I 1� I � I . . .. 1. , � I . I . ., � . . . . � . I
, . . I . � I I .
. .
. � . � I 0
. I I . .
I., I . . , 11 I , I . . I I . � I
I . I . . I . � . . I .
I 11 I I I . I I I . .
I I I �
1% 4 1 i � � I . ) .
I I . . .
L� � L ' — — � . . & i __ , , - — .I ___ . — � � I A&' - ��_. " . '.1 — - ___ ,—!-- -___d&.-A_'� - � . --- -IAL . -A-.... � -1 . . . . . . . . . . . — , JA�1_1_.'_ _%.�.e_� �_ , �.?, t . hdd1,111LbL . I sid� k #Aftu+,�
� :16� -La" ", -Z ..—a_ _ _ '"'i.— .. _,?'.6 " -