HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-20, Page 7- N"'I - 171- "VW qw, - , �1TN7TF'.kWW ,1WV"W4qsI 7 _7r%_111 =7� I I" �.- - �� I � __ � " - , - -,,- TrI1417 ,Y, - -711I V_- V I. 777 _- _- � 7T.I,FF-,--W"T'K _; " 7 . lr"Vw�:W_ --r-T-r�- _" ,7 7'� --jr, - _1W � , N`*WqT"1""""M I __,1r"n`TV"W1 ___T111II MIlivow", . , W11T . MWWWT,7X*74"Wwl��"Wq 1�r � . . . . 1 � 7 !�'. I I . 16 . � W I I � . I 4 I I . � . I I I. . � . I - � I I I . ­ . � t I . 11 I I ,� I I � I ­ . 1. I I . I � I I . A .1 I � I I . I I ­ ­ . �� � . I . . . I I �11 I XAT*20i.1904 - - . . - . . . � � I- . . I I � 1. . ; . I � I i I . I - ,11011001 I I ­ - lip, . . I . I THE CLINTON XXW D, RA � . ­ . � . . I . . A 1\ I .. 11 .1 -o ­Fi��--,--- . _ I., 1. __1 - 1. 11- ­ � "I MI!! I' I... . . -_ _ . - � . . - I I . � i --_4,;w *W#%,"g*1 -,�-�,o:, % %*�, t�!. � . � . i '� p� !!I -;�;,x;_�­... .. 1. I . . � ."! iMM­_ � _110011 9 a ft� ft- .6 7 . � _. ..,!!., 1, .n., 40" !,N 'n, . . I � 1. .- � __t !!!t_ , a"'Ooke""m � b 0 � A " � . .1 ""W"Wo0j" mg -I � . � . I . orlto forget 4114 t 1 Write twice 4 1 1 4 ­.. I . ­ V#" klo 4" __ _ % 0 . week, '19 ... � , -i �,­­11.1 .... P.."...",.IIL.111,11.111.1'.."Ip . ... ,�""..., . , I . - I ooftll," And for six WQ*tb6P'-'bo$I kept tlietr 4 _.. ,* � I . 9 11 HOW TO 41VE LONG, ­­ 1 4 __ I i . � � . ........ ;'I immmmmmm_ , . vrow, ­ . .. ! . .- I , I ­ I I , , , I . I � 40t SIP.A0nWlT,4RX, 4 �,Alll . IlAft Wfines, , RAt 1 - � � .. 9- - I , Later a toroalA ociety belle W14010 . I W., I, . . 1 9 . . � � - . � .. . . I., i � � 11dark beauty,, -.,�..� ,� 11 111114 "QV*,Sr-I,XJ"1rT-r, . i �? . . , ... I 'Wall Much exploited by " ."'_ Thatzos,t men 4ig ill ce gkj%�es w1th � I . i . . - " F 4.) , - 9 9 v 10 � I I the .newspapers, Occasionally forud " _ . 1�1.51. . . I . 1) �Wi ,I , . . herself World . , their teeth, has seldom been Pointed out 0 not PIVLY �- . . " . 2'.. , t I exiiig, Ali 09 - WOMento, . X. -I, I more forcibly than Is done in the Cell. , � I I h POU00 i � Wbat had become, of th � . . . . . I I . I . . - _'_ �'. . � I � � e. Wy,. A44 'he'! . 0, 4";�� turY In An article b . . i , . M %e - q I � Y Roger S. Tracy; . I . � ; 11. I 000 must not ,be bard, 01A him. The � � V, r ,� , - I . . � i world IS so . entitled "How to LIT6 Long.". The It is an establisho fact :1 ., full'Of Pretty girls, and his threescore and ten limit to human life - � that On eyes w0reI And 4aring, bin, ghoul, . Z : 9 Is VrOnOullc4d a fallaPy. .I)oatb froni . . X.=Ple are fa -r Morp I _� c $*00 . � deto broad And he war. gay and do. ' I -, =I?;,;,. 11 --, , � , likely to Contract bonalri - - � . . . I ". .. . 1. .. Old age, Occurring at OoVexlty4lve or � � . 1 7'. � Comparative . I III 0 0 * I ... I '�, elghtyn $9 a misnomer, , infectious dise Se .. ­�,e I—— . . * 0 it . ... 1-..e � �.a -sluallPox, typhus -fever, . . - , I . ".. " ., - Physiologists, we are told, have, set the She livid reached thle mature a ­ I�Z.., I., .. 0999 . I � go of '111 ... I�Nl - . . . natural years, Of man at 100, even Scarlet fever . , . I I ..... , Roziletllnef$ at 120, 44d *110 reggor I , - thau� those Who twenty-Aw am .V 'a A' 14*0. " "I .1 . ;,r (Jay In Novent. � 4 .. ., etc., I . 9 . 1'f� .', � ..... 99999999 � I Why , f , en . t ,\ �.�. . - % 9 , , , _ joy - . bero And the girl and ber com C the overwhelming mdJorlty fall sbort � 12atural. regwe�rit;r.., . . � . , � pauiI ,( 1I \ of normal lite Is cOMPrised in one Seg. ' . . Paced 41mlessr up And dowu.the plat- % I It . Y. . rice -we all eat too much. He,t�ea, . W- 0 t 1 1 �. . .ISJ ., I ,I form of the little Sco sh r4ilW;ry'gta,_ i !\ - ' ; to Is it wise to run� ne % ,ecUe$S, * . 9 tibn, waiting for the 00lithbound *1'414. . . P . I I � iThO WO1114 *0 to be old, retalulnK 1 X4 ?" t L . . � . � A handsome young man. who . .\ �, , I J sight, hearing and some digestion, not . A box ,of � . A 14""W1*4 � � I I been taking a turn had ' 4 1 , relinquishing the power of bealtby,en- . 9 .111� I . .) I 1: , - � � I , up and down the T1w cas'e of Mi. I Franki JoYment, -has but to follow a xlmple . S 11 . . .. I OPPOSItO 'Platform, �Waltlng.. apparently . A .. . I I d�'400amb- . 4. . I . I I . . - ___ for a train the IMtb, glan roso I A ;�)ev, of postou, jylass.o �$.lnft.. rule. 1,11; Sparm I I A,:', 4 ed Ac , . � . ", IRV. . Refrain from . I . L . - C _ tere8tiuv to nit uTnt"Aft cloggInX the System -by an overkiiiI I Aftatizer0"A At tke People who,like himself, p4ce(l I " .., I . . V�"W,Vllnv-,Wr­�, . . . , -_ ' rVit 4- �. A LUTTRIt WlurrEN do YNA" AOO .1 . I , . 'V�, I I Rl9GA_Wl)lXQ*T13M Diskxw(mis o . r ', . .. ! � , GOIDRRTC)�. . I . ,. , _'�_ � . I I . . 1. The following letter is cople4l froiA * . 1. I ,,, the original now, In the Dominion arch- . I . . , 1. , Ives at Ottawa, and - I's an interesting ,�, f,j.minder of ielvents long past in,,iye � . hIAtOr7 of this proyince : . I . Godaricb, 29th Marcb, 1M, ; . SIR. -In the midst of you,. . arduous . I back. and forth Impatiently. As big . � of food, ely satisfy the ap. "' . I I . . 'I 'DRAFt Xna, PT,.1%rI.&It,_ I sule, I . .1 eyes 'fell upon the tall, graceful, girl � red Petite, And make it a habit occasionally I - . . I miaery-forseveralyipars, lilybacknehed - to Omit a Weal or two altogether, ' . . I with 4 face like a bVilliant flowe�j -be . and I linil bearing -down pains, alid fro- ... I � I ... .. TINY Tom . . . . paused in astoulabWerit. Then A wave quent beadaeliee.. I v 'walre y . a . I i . .Woultl often - I "If I were to assign an *one tblng.ag I . 1. . . . C TABLIM I Iof warrAtU. and exciteme)at surged over from a, restful aleepIn such pain-Iind, especially conduc ve to long life frow . . . . I I I L.. . . . I I I I I him and.he'dashed misary th4t it -Would be lx6nrs before, ' .4 study of the. habits of centenarians, . . : I I L across the track$ I could clo . so my eyes agai L . Will positively cure const! - . - I dv ,e u. I drcWwl .-. It would be Isemistarvat I � � Pation-be - . ,.and a ane 4L with *bi)4rI$4 eageral e0a - the long .nights and Weary (lays. I - aqtbo ,ion," Buys. one LL. . ­ _­________� ginning toward her, * I rlty quoted, -and, the. example, to . . 1 4 . . . �I .. at the cau ' I I - It Was a pretty bit of Coln dy $par. C"Id do 110 WOrk. I consLuIted diVer. * . . Se--a'ad wh u the cure is coln­ I e cittil of one Luig� Cornaro who, hav- L . . . . . . I C . , surprl ont PIlYsiciAns hoping to -q -, pa . . . � ., . Wing with pleasure, , ct relic f jug,lived the ce tbat-kill's, amended . � ' . .1 se, - eager- bTAt, 'finding- that.. their inedIdirics d IdL hIs way 11 . 1, - �Iete. . I . � I youlban � p -taking th * . .. i 1 �. So 1-1%AV&n"f. A 16C _-0 1.1 -­ . I I . . e Thedicine. . ness. Then the big black engine Swept not enfe, me, I tr4ed. Lyffliv U 0 ,When- 'doilth thre'atebed.and � . . . . sto A— - ,M,�_ . &.--* - P UL . . I . IL . � � � W WALU a WOO, Txlum- . 9 Vegelia"te Colapoultal, as I 'L . ee ell u UV a . .1 i Ust gent I ' . L . aAuL 1 Portant dutles I trust you wilt At th te der Age of ele . . . . ­ I . . . I . . i L . .0 11 ven-years she Pha t shriek as'lnuch, as monded to Inc. I'It . restraint that - I V e .�_ n 0 t a SYSteM. L . . � pardon nie, a British seaman, for offer- , I .11 . . to. Bay: L"No . it waa highly - recomi . In life of temperance and .. ­ . �y axa,ti ' , . I I L I . . I . . . . , - lug a few remarks used to atatlon herself behind th6 stone more of this n6nseng' did so, for i belIllrecliobel0opalthoug th doeters' . weakening cathartic ' ' .' . . . 'on -the local situa,.- , ; L I e. Come with me glad tha I I soon fouild h e . 1. tion and irrifitary capabilities of thin fonlb that divided their grounds from * to London, Young laiI , And in the .that IbwAs the rupdiclue for in- had given him up at forty. in widdle . . . � . . . I . �_. : . midat, of their e . y cQ�c, . . . . . . int of the, provilice,, more -particular, the road to aee'the boy piles by. ,,Reg- I Ings ... - Very soon I was r4d of every actie, aiid - life, from ibirtY-five to forty -live, aq. . L I � ", ., L-1.1 L xcited greet . . . I Y ". they*are calculated to se -k- , 'L, . L " they". d, restored t6 porfeet lie ... . VMY lron�ox Tablets In ej attrace - a, - " I . . rve the uIarlY 0,13'O'clock li've days lit the wee I were ob.11ged to, part-.-.-- ­­­ .. I. ee up en have .I- alt]4 : oordlng* to Dr. Tracy,, tlaor6 comes a . .pocktt case, 2S Ceuta at' . ve timixuril . L . . . � � , .. . purposes.of &ri enemy should he invade she WO..at bor post, peopin over the $ot . fwf-n Ian I did, lane appef"to, . W4 , . . . . . druggists, or sent, S"id, . . . � . 9 married?" 0be laughed as he . and Iii%ve,gained in wel Ding of the powers. The elTeetp of - . � 4011 receipt of stice. The iron Wmedy cl�o., 14im. . , bo, L ' - a 14:4.11- I , .. u0from the Michigan coast. When fence very cautiously leaf th V him *stood at thedoo'r of the compartment. Miss ght . . ulgenco. In eating or drinking I . ,.. . . I Walkery le�, ()Irt� I ,�­ � last 1A Toronto I heard inany feats. iBx- self 81101114-discorep her. a.. - . . . . . ftkIftam Onsmit, 14 Warrenton OVOI . I fted, I . . . ." I . . . � . 1, . , . i ... . "NO, I'm 'walting for the- lady fair"P &L,- RLOSWI if ,ire no longer vikorqualy thrown ofr as . . . . I Pressed that the Americans might tak I " AS.% _$600ofQrf8.1t if 0401"A., .:,�' . . . . I e -There Wan -something about thi par. -he answered gayly. "And you,?Ip of abova later pwoano peguhmeij cannat beplo- .; II , . . . . I . 1P. . . ,. . Mirada In. reverse by lAnding an-aribad . 4 , I youth. If the fact Js not recog. . . . . . at - . I . I L . . . force at Penetanguishene, - and march- Ocular boy that she liked. His eyes ,,, "Waiting for the . gentleman: dark nl 'I ducad. : � . 0 1 .. Vitt -and. tb4 same 'h#blto are kept . . . , �, � , . ing urn '14imcoo. I never, could give 'were as blue AS those of Gladys okra. . she replied irchi ' � ' I surely on ftunot. wisit to re- ' up as heretofore, tbore to � trouble , - .,,,-- - -, . . , .. I . =11111111mv . . . I . . h . . . Y.. ' WakkW Ib sickauddlocouragedl; - ahead. But If the Ind,v,d I . I I . . ; - , . . I . . -_ .- . I I . . in to his idea. L The passage uo L46 bella her f4v lie 'A I a rd,'P' ual 4410ptsa. -- - I I I Huron f,VnI * -ther 9 , Prits blond 4011, That In I., .Then- the guard ca . d� - I bo� And, exhlaus.ted* tvith eaeh,da I i S . . ­_ - -_ - . ___________1_"� -1 ______ its prevalence of not -AItself was enbugh to draw her stormy- and as sh . 1�rll I . . . I I I ly and nor�- L . . . e waI her band - iii gay, work. SOMO derangement O.,r t e new- regIII of diet d1wWobes bi '' ­_ .. . I I � , I west winds must- uece"ia- ' g&ZO- like a. magnet. But there Were. ' farewell the train Pulled Out' of the. feTrAnI us is 'resp . . I 'existen . be. as, . I.. I . I ­ 11�;!111' 1`15 I . I . .. . . _� I ­ . .. Meals and regulates- III& � . � I 111,12 YIII� . I I . ily be tedious, that round' Cabot's ;.otker 'things beside. There'wiiii the 1 station'. I .. I.. . . .exiBible - I;II - 1. . . . . w9aftwth- I . . I . 6UStion; folloWing - . a sort qf. - . L I .1 1� I fleadand through the diffic4lb-naviga. . L I :-IL for thill .CITXt, . Olues his soberer years 'L dow I I . �,. I ­ easy way thaffie ant On his ony, there L. , The world see '' I a - Idlid of *6 or. effort . reju,venation'f011OWNI and If at the go, L . .L.d I . I . � - . I I .. 1: r. tion of Georgian and .Wott&w^g&4& . I . I ­ - med suddenly� flat to I pay rk ' , -C A ' . . L . I . . . eye .0 . I , d give, kI here ,ess 11, he exclaimed aloud,- an � III . a . owpound,wilt, II OU JUSt 'II L Is. a .1 . . L - . . � 14nds, doubly go. ALII this woul, , .:. Ond �lhu c' FAT. ATTLE . Bn - with -innumerable is, 'Was tko way lie pulled hls*cl6th cao I him. '."And I L didn'tL get her - London LydIv* E. Plukh-lid's vegetablo, acteric, occurring $66ewb - 1. : ri ably to one.814e, -t Was -well, - addr - c � b6tvireeti.alft.v, and severity, there. . . 1. , . I I -1 .. , . L I ir� time to collect a for�e and be'pro-, there,wim a darlur.- dashing, f I sciast. : stupidity dawned uppu Ulm. !,Well, � � It II thousan,48 of otlkr -womea. I'-fartlier. pull UP - Irk the food supply, . . L . I I. . . a III I . . .. I I .. . . ,- . it . 0 I" L , .. . ". . I � I I . 4 1 Pared to h2eet thom at their lauding, birt him -even at four- e g . . . I I!. ata�l are not lite biggest eaters-�-but they get With Goderich harbor it � in g Wething �b 1) hall ed . . . . iogni by the Blacken t they get,' - . is.-Altog6th--1 teen that lIroclaimed him 9 � . * � ., . . . I . ... , . ., . �' .. � . . � . . lug, powers . of, - ... . . . ! .. L -.4 - . .. .� .... . .1 . I . . L . �. he ood out of what they eit., To? � � 1. ev otherwise, apd I call conceive no � ne of the III' L, , *. , * *1 *. . * . n. , " . .. . 1�'Lnhalmllafl n, a hale old trowe. � it most g, N) � C*Rqu l I ., I . : Lage 16. " .: "4, . I . . . . ­ .. . . 0 ' I I .� . . . * . I 'L , , ' r 'fa' .. I . I . ­ . * � * io, I � ervants at.Fair-. . , 'OF ASIA � "I to ellaue. .. Vam . 1. . I '. I 1. I o . I , [ .. WILD D GSL ly likely. 0 mWtary PORWOU ' in Ciniaa, - from Two.years. late the.g b ' "" , ' A .. -inmch food often does as much harm as o h% . wlience A, 4etermin i I For wieeks she bad paid him thq at-. ' L � . . . ,� _', � L ' ,. .. - - L ! . I . : . . � . . . . )� I , . . . _ acre received notice from. t1teir you . ... , . . I I . I I . I - I . . . I .. . L . ed dnemy might, I t .114lisalm 0 th I . . ng - I . make a more despeiate lounge 'at the I ea at, trip to the, fence L niletress of bftr!iUtentIon­6f Opening . : � nue'lkln Icill .. . I .1 � . - .plerce'Alklmalm Tkat por . little,: The farther who kee "' h' L . .d . I . . HEALTH RULES. ' . . .. . . . 1. I ps. Is.cattle in . I . I W , I Aeurn &A4 Irifferx . .. . , i I . . I . . very heart of thle.provii,ce'. Two davej each Anoralag, thin Oite. day, * Xing- the I . ..L . . � I : . . . . 4� . , . . � : after leaving hip:oWn coir" . ca L relove frogir . . . ,I �L house for,ja fe weeks.� .The old - . The,:, . . . . . I L . . ... .. : . rrinic condition. a�ll. wicteri­-4ho fattcns th'em, , . L L � . I Ire in I I long seeurlty,* ho'r black ; pla I I quality Of �Qdrlrge POssessed b� . A elpan WakeS, & .]",J�itl). � -*� ' I L . � . I . I .... .. . . I . � I . d k ' . ' ' L,:, * L . ce bad been .closed sin.c ' :.Lh -and cheerful house - v.110 , Sppnds. the - minimum fog. I . . . . quarter himself in the'very ceut ' head and big i, ar eyes appeared just" - l . .0 her"earIA untlac dOkS of Asia appbars in 0I -happy . . . .�n 1. ... L � the London district; or in folir a a . childhood. . : '. .1 L . : I . .... .. . I ... .. . . . home. I . '. . . . . 1. . .1 .. . . I L I . . . . � d1labove-it -He slackeneA'kl' -pony aud�L ShehidAravel' - L � 'L marked dlfflerenc6 of-babit from:ibe I 'L , ,' '&ed��uses Alyet -',R0YaZ'CafiJe ftice. It keeps the, I � I I might bivouack 04 the heigh I _ L Stare& at jiokwl L . 0 ,,t L L Is I lington. L of . . .. ed -far fIn4wIde.*. b"U : Alsir early, retire, early I I . I L r. I . I . . I and fill your . � . .1 .. ... . . .. ­ . . I . q . . I. - noticeable . I . n'L &11�. other * carnivorous day with worki ' , ' _ ' I. L . . alih , . . .. . . .. � . . .�'. � . . I . th Open curiosity. '; -.courted'and admired. .But after awhile . - I -1 . . W, _ , I . digestlive orgini in sound, be. condltlon�mak s -ca I �l � : ' L 1 L '! ". ilierei, What you staring' atI - .. I . . . . � : , , . . . . ... L I .y C L tt e , . � I may here olI - Helle, � one - got' tited��go - tired. In the L very- I Z bea.00. An A rule, each'tei6clous ant- , . ' ' . I.. .. . .. . ... I . 1. I i � rve that the , d ' , . . . I , the Huron tract are beyonc . roa sin . dasyVI lio eaile4 t With boyish rough. .- ruidst I of the a . on , . I.. in III hat Its,natural and Lf�Vorlte pre' _'. -,-:Ifrugal�ty and sobriety -fotin .the. beat . imjoy vilmt ULU!), eat�.holps.them to &I all t enourishnicntout . . L � ­ ver 1 doubttbe . . I . h gayety was I Y, ellmr Oflongevity, . : �. ,.. � . . . .1 . . . � . ­ . I , . , , ,h I .. .: . ,. I �, y best in the province; *III =.: T. Z ., I .Its height, thson, W_en. . .- .. . L . . , behead disappeired, - . ,. Which Way Va*r,ln�-djffore t loca I .: . .. I . - fbayanq kc I i . -L L .. . . . I . He, Waited a L . . At ouguts 9f. Xhe�dear ol,1 . blit in In teacli n , lltleg,-. Cleanlisjoag pt�Veftti rUs . . I o. I grgirl-� veots stomach. and 1.owol. . . . . . . . . , I . lea4ing in a sofitherly direetion ,to .. moinent.ibut As' she fAll- days haunted � caso the* cagiest and , . . t;. the - best .. � . I I . London -or hk a due easterly line to t1lb ed.to r her ,mlad. , They, were, , . .. . . I. .­­­ t rouble -and sends them to. market so 1)14mp . . I I . neighborhood . eappear ht ,dashed oft* down. the. 1, � .Most profitable vidtim.' . Ti -di, " cared for machines last the longest. - . Q?� L * - ' I . - " . _' ' , L. '' ' ' ' . . ' I I , ' . . . . I . . gorte'forever, th4se ' . .. . . b.L. for In-, - . of Galt, 11 . I . wonderful.. childish, : I ... � and sound that the * . P . . I I . road aughing. . . . � -days,. but at lea 0 ter and, Wead'. maintain Ilic; pbro I . profi' . . " I I . Goderich harboir, as a niilitaiy pc;i� .A,fter that . . . tance, are cattle slayers or- deer, kill- '- Wa a I y net -i handsome t. I . ' at she, would era Just as -cattle or deer -happen to hen . us ,send � our' lHustrated Booklet on garses and Catilft - I . 'L .go, back L � . . . I . asyl.t. .. .1 . I I � . . t .. I . . I It I . I .. stir and.sun bins ire ludispensabIe ' I 11 Iibu, is erkpable, of being niade one of . *is ile delight to 'Catch Land have a bit or. 'ImAke.fiellevell all, . Ith., . .. . : . .. L. - to.. 109NATI(Nit, � 'Let, . .. L . .1 I . � I . the strongest places of 'defelkee L in the ber watching him'.' 'Howould turn at . I be. Most abundaut In their.district. - , . I : I .b 'L . .1... 1. I . .. . 'to herself ' � . . .�, .. '' - . . lielpflul.and in tructivc�. Ws'rree'. , . . . . _ . . L . ,. . .. .. . . . I L I I .. . 11 , . . . . 4 - � I ' Leo " . 'i L jMnonih sl�tp: J!epflirg . . . . I . . province. It ConsiatS of a b4sluL over- the naost. �unexpecjid',Mciwents to See i .Tei � ' e L Wa I :. Pards'prey'oft goats.. sheep an waste. Arid .... , : . . . i. - 1. 1. I., .. ' comma L re rose �In her #yes is sh i ­ d. - �.C-P I 'L,: 1, Spi.C.e -C L . , I.. 1,11. . . I . . I . I'll I looked and nded by a I ho*coilla surprise II But vkonj I . . 0 . when they can get ther. I strprigtheris;', too Much $I"'p* sot -tens .' .� I I L�. . . . , 1. . � L:� , . , bank . f . . I . . . 6,' On taind 6ge � M.Y,ers' R-6 a . . L :.t ri'm n b - " dilydn up to'ber own door. � 11' " - , . . .0 � . I . .1 . . I I . .. . . . .. . . I. 0 , , . - . ow well L wolves ' and enfeeb*� . . . . I . T '.. * ._ 3 . .. I - 11% ruPtIF to the height of one Once In &Whilej he succeeded'.In ' . oil Sheep afid',cattl . . I , . ... I . , I . .6 . . . I ,� . r,:� and thirty feet, while Ahe L: . getting She rem6uibeied the quaint. )support- . 0 L . e, stoats oi� , L I ' . . . I . .. . . .. . . . I . I I I L I a protects -he broad-verandal,24o, , I . . .. . e , I n _. , "'J'agara, "a"S,, Un, L I ' ' :, � � seaboard .. .a -glimpse 91 -the gypsylike head and � Ing:pIllars. ' . . rabbits and bar s and *weaselg on.iiitj '' 01reerfulness, makes io,� '' oi. life ,4 L d . ,%� � Wag ra. Falls, Ont.. &.N.Y... I I . . . of the harbor , 1 * aridt - . � I— . . . . . I . . . , from the lake Y a long d the.fiery dark'. eyes fils brusque ,,at,. 'apdmlco. , But, though, the- I love.of life,la halt of, health.. On the i . . , . I , ,..:. I b I IRWTOW, . Sun Was'JUst dt-opping Out.of sight, hot, IL . .. jungles � . . L . I - . .. . . . ... � . .11 � there, siew I See gaything L green?" al- - " 'its faint golden gio ' Which they viAlt abound in defenseless' eOntrary, sadness and d ecouragerrient I, .�,;,o . . . . L . .. I �� I gravelly'spot, the River Maitland I . . I .., I .., I .� , W lingered lo .. . .., I ... . , �, I joiniy the'lake botween the - extreme r ays bad the -same eftict. Rho dropped .'L an 'Place., In the darka vingly trulmalit; the wild dog d6es- not limit his . hastbri old age., -, : 'I.' - .. . . . . , � . I I . . I I � I I I . . . L . , the , I . I � end 6 this atid the abrupt I , f . � I . .. ' ess of ber . -k4 L.. ; I I I I . . . ' 1� I scarp .on . .. . . atta-c . to tficso., !the Pqckg d The mind ls.i6fr6 � I I . . .10�� o glgl�-, � � . ". , f old:rOdin th t night she -thought. *Itli 13, I . el.1berate-.1 . shedand invigerat- . �­ , . I I I I . .. . ----. . I I ' I I . - the Goderich side of thb river. '1%e � . * . " ,� . L$� .. *' . 11 .. a . ed:,by distraction . I .--- . . I I . L . . . . , . ­_ ,.* .1 * ys .III atxd� destroy both the, black. . , . . ,er and 0.1111isehient; bUtL , . . - . I * . Of the little girl of other daylL . --- I ---------- LZZZ.-I.�,. . _ __ �00'. L ,. I it ro Abuse of. . . . I .. . .. . , . , . � bomb. it being ,96 narrow that only - 1 . , . . � . ' I I., L . channelcouldbeeasily secured by . rt.was a Private sebool7for boys,kept F At 'S o'clock the i2ext,baoraing jhb, I and. HImalayEin bears,and. the t1ge,,L . a thent leads to . dissipation and ' , How I : , L , . . . L. I . . I . . . I � L � _,�_ - by -an old friend of the famll . So her stole� down to the stone feilce altordlug Perliaps tfi� only Instance ' dis loatio"OLTICe. .. - I 1, . . �L Ner"Ye rinergy 7.s' Wanted. I I . - � . I I . I I . L I L . onevessoleaupasoinsta. time, while . ly 1. once wilicii one carulvor6us, sped So ms.ny�.people needldssly:.and reek�. -_ . . the avelly a - admirably ealen- parents Sought'- a -place tot her- there . - es dellbor� i To -be s�nalbly &eased is to glv�d'fr ". . - - --- I , . . lAtT, Potis I I . L More, 8111111119, foolishly to herself an I I dow. 'to L.000's. ee_� les�lk. . waste. their, nerve- energy: Thok , . q . . for a 9-a- battery. -It wiien It -Was necessary: fo to sail' ; ately Sets itself to hunt down and do ' . could pot I r.thera I- She did -so. � There WaI need. PL . I . . . movements -and enough' � '. I a flank .from I $troy anotlier From 'their - the , . -b . . I chair I . . the' pren Withdirt their small daughter.. ': - ,r Would not go by. And sonhe Wilillia.b1ted ', ,rarity, ,warmth to.. c protected from Bud or tue Aesk. with their, I. L � be stormed -1 f 'Ltb'e boy . � to hide-- , . den .. druni the �, - I , itOus­naWreW-t,be-adjoi ) _r4r__II L a. - leaved . Upon .. . . . . " lingeis or.ia the- f1loor With- . . . . � , d even ,shoul 6--exeltement-of-4*1n, ' i -the-wa,14-thinkf; , 1: - L -- I nature 6f tile Jungles ..Whielk. changes Of temperature. L. p, . . theirtbeI � I . Zn nt placed In the school whers, the boy - ly of the past. . . . -11 WeY-M-11H I': ITA-friLiir na " ., 1. - -_ . tho - . d It be storm I � . .. . . � 1. I I I I 0 1". I . I. R"ep, 11 it OKL nunting . . . . - . - x-Alaid thdir,alando4�_�4@4A--ai, i -1 ­ , n . . I . . 1q, - L , I . .. . - . the assailants would at once b,e arfirvoe went each day was i1ellcio I I At nlght�wlllch a plobable''stigge4lon 'XIE-18 I Self 15fteriftetng Dinvousitlo]M.- I . rocking ChAir and, rock f6t Li�ery dqat'' , � . out by cannon frOIA the rear 0 a , L . uo. They j' A . Weird buzzing 'aroused her, and � I 4 , I I . . I I . . . . . I I - � . battery. - , If I th. a I ea .ba4 kn, w -n each other for a year-4hgt, - III looked up 1:6 -see 4 big, red touiln j mal,ea tile Paste 09 tbe early logendi :"There idn't anything my boy, Wll-' , � L . . life' - If they *go upstalrA,they 'make. I .. patent . -for I � Wa in and he had 4 9 . . az I the wbol �oy d the work. that W I . I This harbor is, at all times , of the demon hunter tind "lipilequirl'I ' I liam -won't: do to oblige 'a friend It he as , - ( . , . . vesseli drawi I is she, -had. tched lit ' ' c r Spinning down. the road toward., a,�tIM6 � wh . - '' - L, likes hiiu;" Mrs. Hac"fus * .. ' I ug not more than ton feet ,known that she was there. - . I 111I For - a en. .tile '"red'd ' 'I t Intended only.for-the 199s; -it. they Write I :� . .. . , . moluent she watched Ij in. L. � ogs, a III re .. . . as saying. .. . . . " .. . water. Vcsse)e of that draught can un- , "My eje'! It's the'gii,l Whole alwa differently. Then 'as It dreiv nearer . Wained In burol)e--�obserratloris of "Wehad a leg of lamb the' or sew they.. get down to Lit. WJill' a , % I .. load at the wharfs and Jett! . YS.- I the, L . " � I . I . I I other day . I I I I !I -London . ract their bro a. , . . I . es. � Should poeklag, over the faiee,"'he_Lremarked�: And the Outlines of Its, 4 .. rare .1 .. w t I... it be found ne . ccu'palit be- � r 'bablt.4 aro ' ftee- (-for dinner, and Willie ateL tilf I thought yengotinc,D and c6pt . L cessary to con;vort 06dor.� 10 b1schurn at lit - , . . L . '' " . . I:_ L . &d burst but . . . . .. .. and'wrinkie tbblr* forcheads-'and gr1iiiI I., . I I tator. I ,. 11 . . . . ich'into, a rallitarY statibuthere would ue*� ` S dief,glimpoor of the..' came clear, her heart Juriped with do� I .:, I.,. . I I ". . hen he went ofl I t.to . t ,, L I I .1 I :L.Pup"', ,"Isn't she a regi�iar III4�1 Alght, ', . . . .. .. . ­ 1. _.. .7-�: ,� � I Play - ten wirlutews afterward a n igh. L L ,behr teeth. * I L �' '� :, I I., L I ba no Want of accommodation-fdr: the dilik . I ... .. . . .. I . . e I I 111111111111 11111111111I . . .. ft. ah, I . .. I � If they b , r : i, .:. . ,,;; 1 III! - 11 I I . trioaps, seein - :though it and begazed. curl,6111alt les. be;. it, really 10 0 e: Tit* Deivised Left 11mad. � -- bor0a Lboy, told Min they were going to, ave. an unusual task to. do: I .1 I 1, .. I ­ I "W I g that there are kit least . I ielaliu�e& L [ * Th'4!4061sed left.'balid-in keg '' 1!'bii*e r 't 'gcose fo . they -sekow . � . . I . � L f2s stores and other .houses. usoccu- At the straight, -0]21nj]QgL black: kaIr And , excitedly. - L , . � . . . . � I .a good . . OaS , . . .r I . abd contract And contort - . USED I . . � I I . �&t the Mi I I . I . . . I Its claims inL � man , dinner at theli . Oie in the YiIIII4 the black . Y- cage 1. . .1 . . ever . . I ,FOURTEEN YEARS WITH . . �' I e. -besides seven or yes. He did not mention to.. . a. to be the houso and. asked him -to go and eat ,y. Muscle,* of the body, making - . .. I . I . � I . . _.. 10 L me.moMerit the'lutomobilo i - defter of ' the. two, The. fingers that L With film. L '. . I L .. 1, . I .. �. 1. . 1: . a' ekenod e;I .and the man Inside. L . . . nt to be Over , - I . I ., eight on, the t side of the river, his ckuls. that' be 'Ilked shiny black a . -Willie �dlqu i. *a themselves textile and rigid all GOOD . I L ' . . ,and no I ­ rfortheconstrue- . U.Ir-arid ,like.bij,dali I I , lwkeir,thii w.rjrk I . . I . 1. I 0 0 �Ibe' . touch and adjust With au�h nicety tho. i * 11 .. � want Mir - IF I .eyes _%tgI - . - Afted blabiat-with-a fiourloh.,and-sang:.. stringg L . WICIV I So he went along, and just As .. . . Perha�g requlrc�s'but` : - � . ..VI A lo ft, Vew'rork,'Bept, a, im-4. , I . . I . . I f, , tion Of more houses if required. . I can-. After Awhile he looked toward ber I -out Joyous]*. "Hello, littl I *g 11 . h t I g I _.OfL th6- violin. 4rq surely. as �ourl' gurO . 112.1'mi sitting bere,ho 1.1.011 setofmideciesorper.bApotbexdlzjd DA, . ll� 4 =N= . Dr,.CO., ... I .. I : L . � I . . L.L . . ' . proterided - .e L nbt c6liclude without observing thatL �R]j4 Jualled, X Ir W 4 n 11 as'th6se that The I be WAS bun 1. Only as the case ma , -!P4., . Ocn'lemen ,.-I have used Yonr Bravin cure q*n . . the mouth of the river hayfleld about .a foolish. friendly swile, . you sfari i I : MOv6 the, bow.. gry and ate more of: that y I 1. .­_ I � , - _ - nitat7l As.efyore IS)II drop_ : baud that I my liuvwo for 00 patt fourleem Yeato,nud it lit. I � gir des the reins and steers f . nve energy;, freitterj ,�I,ibp, civen rao A,00d result.4 In evert.partioular! . -twelve miles from Goderich 'harbor ,,L Instead of meeting,thle overture With W suddenly dowA out of- sight. . .. .1 . .1 "*got so"* than thi other bar Ldw. -, . . . . ng It 'Is - .. WO only other h - I the' lagylike grael6usueSS that her ,,33irt IS'L't It I with exactness the korse 'through the _. . . � . 1. aw. Y. . " . '. I lave orin (A your llool.s %hat 1. Iveround . , -Ila my a a , , r edition of , I .. . orInton, 11119 II bra . as, . Little things, til be sure. But little - tile 114reatiAe on Inc i1orge and his Disoasep I . . ! pointI . strasgo that you Should �, ,Crowded. atreets.18 quite as cunning * many Oofafi� ISIIIitell,er. - , ' I . . vory, nsefill. 11, Vill Mre any )ate I L I elf as on- . . - . . t - * ht oresent ,I-- InIng bad taught, she made 16,0 it : happen along Ibis TOO first morning '. ono� ' . . . I willylyu).'Indly land me 0120. " - I 'I . I . igible situation forthe debmikation - face at Ill' Wight aay��Xpuch.w The Kansas City Journal tei I ' � . .. i1fo 1. of in., Guess he wouldn't think ! that I'w hozhe?" She flUerlel When, ,Ord thah, L the Is' of a . things. have a Wil�y of addln& them. Pospoctfuiiy I I I An InVadin Irce. Th ' - hand that wield Xabsas. man' who went to . a rural ! . , your*, IX Y. rnisinE. . - I - . . . . . . I e road fr6in Bay now that she liked hbn­�-th ' . 8 the W1110. But great' selves up Into big thIngs.-Nedical . hftan abmute1v rolinblo remedy . " . I field Was e Huron roa I d, p .. . . . at horrid nonsense over, th�F,L $09d talk- Is fashiOE4.1inlitswetable'la theory'. - - butcher shop in, X,entuckY t , , . . . - for spavIns, . , "Bing III b9yl ' I I , L m Ing aerosb the walli t . I . ' I L * a. -otder a , Talk, . � . - . splints, curb-, Aingliones, rte. Penloven lhu . . �� I L . bunela and leaves I , 1�_ "Well, not so odd Sig, it . . e ILY tart . I , . Yone6r. rilcov;aRforri.. ... . . . I . the immediatO rest- of Godexich. 16 : * . i I .1 i . It would appear that as Ife becomes ,porterhouse steak, 111h ejust.s . i * , I wouldbe difficult, however,'for, For Some iim;e after thin he Ignored , .1 Liheir , . I I . . a alinfinentrnriamiii- ust, It bao no v1" . , , I -� . would hav � I ' . . . 1, . . .A ,.Ill. Ath . 1. an .0 more and more. compi . n beef,'?, said thig bu ' 98 li"ronI . . for MiRpAmm, sti.tv 1; cunu, _ . . . . ndil bdi�'biit.',"i:t-z,..Tsii�t'."hi� �Iino��lsjyol - , been kri 13 u were Coming - eX We ate be- "zilid I -fiIort't be do* I , tcher, L Tile * Poet . ,rq.r, r1l, ".. ou'vio Lork"1410 Uook fr6e, �kr, - - I enemy to foree this road, is' It' *i . T.,prof. If I had not ow y6 more and 4iore specialized, and , . Ato, thO Porter- � � Xdwar4'Ydljnk; fh�, iiift6ill f hl.0 �k 11111:11.1 .'A��­,.�*�.,J"�), L . I thr,oughwhatat once , ferled her a stlok of hoarbound ,Wbeu ' 'ftuillrk," he admitted laughingly. Then [ �7,�� ,,uddrewn.;,� r,,.t-_� ;A"r�'­ `n1l;1 `�', I . I I "i4idwi 1 6-1" ­'11Z';;..1�_ _,�', �._"' :�, � ��.- - , "I . , . - strongest or' -not ral thei met In the. corridor 'one dgy ,. 4 queer came Into big eyes, ', I . 'fhOugbts/'- Was a man of � Oft. ff. 1. KENDALL 0.1 EUCSOU."G FALLS, Vt. . - , ­ . vetted into th may be con- . the difference be6yeen hoisb -until about 2 O'clock." HIS' the World I . . I ,4 e U . look our limit$ ' 18 i method was to I h' ' - f I - I : I' positions, namely, it thick. imPene-' With a stamp of her foot she'thtiw - "Why haven't I YOu.mArrI6d71*h encouraged rath r than.. hinderod ' by and 6 ay Of A bee on his , and a Shrewd and L caugtic WIt newell i I . L I I . .trable jungle of deiI swamp. , I e do- i `c L�' ut ! , . I . . , I "I I . . I have the bonor to . . it' to thw j�rbund. "Xf your motbdr ". Manded,abruptly, � 11311O.Loponecl her . lips e"ry sciow I made In Birmingham and block L as a Poet and tbe.'rector of'st Nfary's � "' . . . . . ­ . I � '. remain, Sir,. -. every BIRD administered to, �tbb often' 00110 until It wag - gone, - serving* lag ! chuech at We � . I . I . I " ... Your very humble servant, Makes. Y�il eat bOatbound, eat It your- Ito reply', but something In his fac d- . I IWYXI. It Wile there, In T . , . I . . 4 . , . . . i . ,. .T.L I . I * Ar- Ing lingers that would dare to'shake oustowers With pletet nil thoway flow L th garden of the rectory,'that he cow- I . . ... . .. I I . . L . .. � ! 1 �- � � . ­ . . G. J)u1qjoJp Self, 1`111 not going to eat ItlI0 she rested her, She gushed.ftirlOIJ81Y. 130 hands Incorrectly.-ChaMbers, LTOuruill. . the, hoOf to the neck regardless of th* `0 . . . � . . . To C-31. Fisher ' MI P. lj.,.Jluro�. Bathed Out With Spirit Theh, Ill gt laid his hand on here. . .., � .. I . .... I L . . . 11 . . Posed 0OW6 of the, beat Imprompt H E L , . I �".. . , . . - � L .0r4for- .: . king ' HEA"AC .. i, - Commanwer of the k1orces, tumult Of happiness, alle'lledI. leaving ' "Haven't we been a pair of idlots.10, . L - , as .M,. I � I I . .. 11letrothals 131 GerInm ­ . 5ft .__ __­ - .1 . . r. I 1rersos*knoWn. 'He W qI .,,hu " . - r, I I I I two ladies when some Ono summoned - 11curaltia .nd Nervocimess cuted quickly by . . , . . . I L ______" . . . L . . L WOUtIL v Jaugh. ' ­ - When 11-malden Is betrothed i '. , , . Toronto. � the Astonished boy gazing aftert her he asked, With a A�pp. . . . I I . .� I I With an open � . . . . . r .., � . . 1. . � I c_�J I � .ill Qer,. . HL 1 blul to the house, But big cow aillons HCAOACHE L. I . - i . . 11 WanyL she Is called "brIde',0 by � ber . I I : I I I . p , A AND NEURALGIA CUNE I I , . I . � ,,MAYS' I'SpItArer, Was his greeting libil . . FAIT Were, agreeable, and he wing in no NabcaittlePressida Grtatva cure everdiscovered, - A NOTEDD Hop.SL -j---_--. , , , . . ; I I . � .�` , , , , , , I . . I EXP15RI , Sweetheart, Who addresses her thus l � � .. 4'' 1 ENCB . I . I . L next they not. � . . . I NethAnN Like the A1014 9,� jol.ff , *. n. . I .. . L . . . bastd to leave them. Turning as lla TakcnoothCe,#;.l5Ptnd2s6, MideaterA or dirict from . . I Mr. Antoine . til It becomis,ilme to call her ,fwlfeilp . . L . I ­ . . , reached tho'gate, ho.gaid : . : . AusT,w & I Suncoe, Ojit, mbljoy.Vack if not ' * ' .. . . . L Deveras 2111, , Worldling, Owner of Tbus the I,Ae Wag broken. AII "I w1sh I could send nly boy; to tho; � rinmealateli 'Upon betrothal t1I lovers , . . ... - .. I . I . . qatitliica. . . . . . 1. I . 1. 1. .11 I Clifton -Ind ,proprietor of the after morning how'ho came to.0'ehool old,fichool," said Hawkins. "These 01change rings, Which, It tile 0o . . . . . . I Thus Adam lookdd whon from the goden. .. � I I . I L I I I , , H011ho, ,Brockville, says no [With Some 411I for the girl. often I . 9690tinen of the old, school always urge . . . I I . L .. .. , drivert 1 . ., . - . . . ... . ­ I .. � .. �_ I � I I I . ;L liniment cOPIPares , with NO-viline for . : of true love runs smooth, are to De. �� . I I - I - . I 11 - . general use around the stable. r4o It was a bunch of rogin begged from I seem to kyaqw. o*er.*tbJng," L % , , ' . . And- thu# dlsput�4 orde�s ment- *irotn . . , I . '' 11 I strairlm, spral I r: I ' ­ ­ .. . , Woin over arts . I heliven. ,� . . I .. I ­ I . -L . ns, swellings, f , r, "The prettiest ones . L ,afterward until .death p � I . . .. . 'Internal , the garderie you � on. I , - i thew,, The, *Oman wcarg I I . . � I Z,lk* bint I too and yet to go gm ,!qath " , , L mo- Ig . ... . � ains and especially for affections of , " have)"' he Would cOralmand Important- I c lder time an it treasure, de L her betrothal I Like him X 96, for Angola drovp uo,uoth b . . . I. I . r, I -cregatris every night, and. that which_ ring. 'On t thbhthfrd finget or hiI .. � X)A' . L L, ' . 11ard WaS hit fate, 6 .. L . . THE I .. . . I I he whirl bone Nervilino is u neqjinlled. I W, tioTer guessing that their fresh a re , nit'inine-still mare 6-- .1 L kind- I . I . . WArn . . , L * Mr. Wendling believes Xervifluo is in- . beauty wag instantly quenched in 1:116 I ,e,ve Iliftiad un ft's a is III r I d and their It. . .1. I 1. . I . . __ His 310vo went W"Itehim, but lalne lit L -L I . , o . ' 19 transferred to the thlr4fingtr 0 . I Sys I I - � - ', of L' )r ry sy ditainiabos soon perjobIog, . � . . dispensable' -as a horse linftnent,; it has, darkness , the girl's omall trunk, evtr�Sl;..Wililaw Jones, f liev . r . boulliI . . . . I I . ,., � 0, stringth, penetratingpower a I t Labe lif . I ....... right hand.. The husband co . . I .PUZZLE /., " � nd workni gatil time tha ted the lid to put , i L I nti.nuos ti) YOUR -_ . I . . the I I went 'the ring just as tho. Wife wor6 . .--------- � , We bffoi Iron- 061lare for the beat I . . � . owner should use Reiviline 'Sold in - In 'a fresh bunch 'exquisite scent ' L. . I— 11 ­ � -_ '--- I L . . �1-1 �K-4kl- itnewer w ( thoroughly. Rvery horse . . and stock I ­' ­ hers,when sbo,was ' The'Preekne morAejzt.. ­ -� r1tten an a - postso Card, ^nd . . ;� Of a "bride,"' go t1lat .. . � . , .. I wh.1ch Is recolv6d, by us befbIre May 15th, i V '. . the witlifted'oues Boated' out - into Baby Had 1ECZeMa Ori6 can tell eftglly� at a glance if h man . � FAIN - -young W, . . I .1 large 25o bottles, ---I*- the room. Years afterward the drift- , .. . I . . I - .es,910--And when doe3 a . an . � . . .. 1, I ' I 11 4 - . VictorXemp, of (40deriab . , aged 11 i Ing scent of' I I I I I be or be not mortgaged, its to his at- 1. I e think about marriaget Tom " WHY AIVE I .. '. ' . . . I .toses WOuld'bring before : And SUffered what no Pen .1 I fections, . . -About two Won % 'o . . � . tba.after marriage, lio . DII a . years, had an X �erience ontSundtty 11 her the laughing face of the boy, - .1 , 6an Ever Describe- " ___�__ . . TO . I, � I L , � I , . L ,p Det. qhable I I . I . � . Which fie sho(Liff sn ee, Indeed, it 'did inote. It was 1 .F T110 I . a rule'. _ . I , I .... I B114CYCle. Tires . 11 � * With other boys he etossed the river Three . Doctorig , , - ot'll, L I . ­­ . .. I I a moonlit night in California, Proppe& 1 1 , V% I W I iL to the island in a boat, which did laiiflNed., . I In the highlands of central Asia lives ell, prepared" . LiKe Tkp- �APANgi§E v . I . II ,so I I the Snow leopard, - w Minister'(to wId0w)-I 130PO.the dear ,dAl I L . wait to take him back. not . lit) by pillown of mystical, Japaric � . . ( , .1ifell. never do- 1W sready,strorigAv I a steitay,, ''. . Intent On design; -she -lounged In the -at . MRs. WV. 11t B xad.%r R" let ProgrO13(4-41ght iI . fording the river bate-footod, bOL WaS , .orient ttrlt, St. Catharines, 6nt., scends below the .s1,0N,V line of the I URDOCK. 11 departed wag D�epap d to dle? Wid !ustpd, never got uqtcd chair that wag her spe fat dollght, Wfit0s ,-'I My daughter Mary, �vfien sit months I L , OW 1411911Y 1. . . in the frolic shoved into a ddep pot, � .0 I . . Ob, yes; lie wixg cInsurod in jlieee' 11, I - .Mountains. ,Its color Is a gmy, Inelln. - That's Wfi13r thOY'ro 11ko the jitparI tioll Of the Witter, ,Ind' lin(I a narrow Won leanodL toward her dis ase bafffed all tre4mant. 11or cage Wst!� one ,& feIr lnl%6 , , - , . -, . . . . , Iter cbinpa old, contracted Merm and for throe yeara the fng to bufr, ' , I I tp, Halrold J1mLtorjIob,.$pvl11gfl0ld,, Ila.. i e&capn from drawning f and began to Aspeak in a low, eager of e WZ11C Spots . "n"g"' . - . . ,,. I being resqued allow about th BLOOD '135"ITTERS. i g"' L!�(- . f4 neestu-50 UJOY ard stonK. k , novvn tild , _ - the worst that had ever come under rny noticq, .. I I I I I World Mid Making ji gv1,0,,1t IlllInd. I - 0 101ver parts and t� nnw- -I I by-Eddle McLean, wlia Jarnpe(I into, i Voice. IIIS words of lovb'scemed nat- and she apparently suffered vehat n u bee of small . . .. 1 I file despwntAr afrer him. Th a- part of t1la bI!0.,tjhIcSS onellant_ tver degeribe, I bad three dift Or Ones congregate ahout I -1 - . "� fa r t It e t"nvso,'fv 0L 151. . A ornp, ural. .rent doCtofgAlt- the head and the neek, T 0 I As a I . . I �' � boy lost his s1locs ancl sto'ekin I I Went 0 1 II back and . . SPrIng Medidne ft hu no equg \ . , L f the time and place. NVI,g,not tend to h&all to no pur. , . w A I .. 1. . I t ��T_ - .. I - � , _� - , Pose Whatever. Finally . c . . . . . I., . 'ARSO Alm -t I lintife Ifilinr . I , - _. p decide her filte �ovir .and hard It done? : 11. the aid k are marked witil fatle - : , 50 YC Mu Avin 0411*nla 7.t - I .... 21, ,d.look 435 Sillon" -f onklawl, I � . ' . .0 '_ i BorniI the I)gJIt brecy I :: � I decidt'd to try Dr. Ing brown rings or rosettes, The COIL , It PUI-ifleS an(I enriches the I I C1XC_1=W11r1It f1l) ­_ . I � C/110 & k .C. that ruffled Chaws Ointment nnd to paratively e l()VIII0118 ttI.11 of, tho allL n. . . ecallea the,r are,,uArtaii . . I , thO lealeS Of tile toyon tree at her 11 ftly surpr;S0 she Imill . I 'Wa . . I 11), Clio groodw, I . son tho Xidney , ' I . Alm Tlins. Irarlusim, , , � �tl I : blood.. Act s Liver, ! B Ir 81a Ferl-10 St., Alaluiltoft, o.nt. . ;01 I lk�'­ tbately began to hylpro el, Is fully As IODtl%v fts its body, L sso � old0l, it broath.-froxii thl,,rose garden ' Ve I 11 Stoxnach anil Dowci�. Cleanses 1 , qv" I . ___­-­� . A standing . , -A Ntalit '119are. : LL L I P L ed of that long s , "' _�iiief objcct h; fo r, Poor manl brush.od acrosp hor face, . A ju*b7tlo I �, . - And wn� Comi:lletely our#., I . . ..r . 'r .'O . 'A .1,4 .1,1 .M , .M He can't h ,111d inVigorates the enti , L f I'lle("ausethal i . 'I I L - 72, 1 1 . di�oease, ,'I hat wlts four 'toOk I -1,%-I'T. A . . I 01P k., �116;190 came over her. ,6tll. 1, . ro systern , ,� 33 1 , -1 Togo).' 1"', X.R.1 . . I . , I . ,� - � 1, . I . .., I ". He gets hili , . r .0 , ,� hdr0, V)tl old fivaud,'illat mare 'he , I 1- , - � I . Yllar(T,Strat ford, 01a. . ... , - of thb Read to t ?"."..'Ir""... 11 . . L le'needs .0 . INO, �no, Ilugli. I'leaso stop; .­ , 4 yqu;,sohl nla.1s blind no �ft. but.'r , ! I U� . . , Dug. ' f dearl, I.".. ­ t Yeftrs ago ,A,hcil U-0 livc froln the� crown I I llv..c. -.wv�l I . I , "I'll. . nW. . I— ,%%.Ont".Land .. . � :01M- dt�.Cbr )'2��;,Zj;W TnAn;t tPv.AK-,, "I , 1, nits ' . :�P. . Dre.e.,t4a I ghtest." I . 40 sot'ry, " ." N. . I �� L � �* . ood liver Pill-Ayer's Pills. Ovalle"' Rho -pleaded. "I'm i .... I '), x , .- I 'JI 8010I; of tbe feet, � .. � . 11 "I"'allso they �r� tho quickest aiul, .. . ul, I "I not a aymplott, . . I I I -Ii.....".., , _ I Ir. 1`1 lvebg,ter . . r .. - . I but 1 ean't,my yc-s to yon. .... .,.. � . . "�17�vll A"11! -"ill't It 611111Y I* never .1 . . � 11 . ly "" L ' , ' �, . ., . �­ -.M I , I I 1 v.4* 6.1,10nrd M .'.�_, . . I L -1.41I ' .- . ,­..' 'I .! ... 1Z 1k; . � , -Awt,a�,,-�,,. I can'01 * . . 1, �­� found 6.11, out? ya Reo I 01118 11.401d _ slek, weak, t 00-vivait-ra &O '188 Jan , , , , , . , � , I Dqll!.t 1)0 � Anj r'd I-%. mullf? a 14kotelf #,.no t1f,mrip ' . "I !, .X;"",, 'wit imlr sinct, . 'hey get directly tho.liver ,,, ., thtt _.4_ _ . ��_ hvd, �oru I I 1) bepormanel% affm dit0c, $in, t1loll sho and. IV , ; n -jarn.5oortam mir (itlinuit freeu,, ll�f her,an . � on . ) , She could not tell why, but it 'was lIq tor drive lief, , () ,timinifty . . Toronto , Oure biliouSness. d'.01.A"(.,"Cd.' MARY slittsit alry. , I I - im , I nblibl'y1lat(l. In), e Y , Ati J "",�""�"&". I I I 1 146. - , - -- .. '1111(iniffid. re"i n!( ,,:I I'monti . I ­­­ ­ - - Zolvoll.,W. the scent of'tile roseg that.had di)eldcd MR 8 RICITAgwon, coula see n:,i pI till 'ally othor hosq.11, I , I ',',!,',(.Wtt�"""'�l,,,r,',�", P� L . I I - -11. .--,. , A., pitblia School Tmeher �fqt,'sund.jy 8cJj(,0I I , 11.1 � bor" . Ffe,q .- " I anT aoqftainied volif I --------- � , . I 'Atoufg ft, � 8u erihtenflerit, wt, . split fron. ('14"F -i; RLAtlesl forn(41,111,111t.p,�(ohl I . ant Your Ineasta : T1118 SPRIXO I .,(f�jj t1l..!,)_ IrAltl"Ift 6 "". f '11�1 . . . dic" 091 bwrd . � The old boy tind girl MY11ir flati. dia r. atid AIrs, Wnj, Nliller and behe've, that lll� \ Itefilled. - . I I A . II nuffte. MI youb 61, �ro,iatho ln-!.��rve I . . : L a beautifidbrow '? USO ' the usudi doath of such atfacbm VVould not IlIalteast, ,ftt1)Lel1(,Vlu.&it Y ritell-I think I'll talm this .TAKE if, * Md" .TV, I I .. I I . ateffic to be in Rm. ANN . , ;51f�ii,� Ii ot rtCh bl;I I t, %,��� " I . , 6lita' 411Y WaY inisleading or untrue," . 'ell �' . . ,vkk X INWNUNO . Addi�d�" _120papjv"o"t Vj, . � � , IX6 had, gotle to 0011("go till(! she, t6 it , wilt I You're %ure IV� Inn(le or I,pfln(�d I I �� 000 � . 'I K �,110181ilujachoo 11:bqy. ,h4tj AW M. chate's Ointment to 6 , .. 1L. ,&Iilltldn(�tilf.1'.�lltl)f,t,pnfn(lw(,Ilclr, l".11'[11040k, �:, I K I N 00 A tW's 0 Y, 11 .. .1 7 14� , I 11 - r_- - - Y get, - - e� ` � I I I � I 11 _ (,V�,, p� 'ft X. portr',jt WIN 1��fln,lnlirrlAl. 'Wrivi 634 Tile bublop Vim Op., jjljljt� ' "O---I, . I �1 . .. gild �el4ellaturq of Pr 0 ts abo gold. Jewelex-001.1.1111TY, INIng, Nu- Hr -- Bit 1)) 44 d I I := 0111M tt P, ITAtt k 04 VA-�'11A, V. It. I . . I , , At Wo Chow on evory r1tell-110call" '. A Bl' Od LVA by till I!tm1t�&_,(:(,.,. . .1 T,;410N,T . 1� "**___(_,_, I . I box. . I . . I le I do detest flinything.. I 'Afay, Kew York � .....16001010.01LIN, i ,0 I .41. I . , L . I .1 L that ain't rooned. % I - AND XCEP W6L 31-M, I "', o I . I . . L. 0 I Stft Willibiturt a, �. L ' . . I . . . . . . . � .." ­ . � * . � 9 . ., _­�� -_ . . . I . I I . I . . . . A , I . I I I i . . . I - � I � I I I � I , . Lt), ­­ � ­ � - . t - L � I . . ... _ _ L L I . 11 . - _ _ ­ ­ - . __ L _ L_ �; W W -,.u-._2 _!� - � L 11'. . -1 - - __ ____­­-L_7_�. _ _Ak�_'­k. �� I - , � A­­.&A.-.b.d1� ____&_ _,� 9AALI��-1&6--.Ibl. ­_A�_ �-_�li_____-k1ftA_­ ­­­_'­�_,_� �,*!4���