HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-20, Page 6I% At 0 I ? �� I . .- .1 ­ . I I � � I � I . . . - . � I I . I I . I I 0 , . I . I THE CLINTON N74W BRA, . . UAY 10" 0 " IM4. � I I I . . - 1- ­­....''...­ ;­­ . . � ­ � I— ­ Ili: I I= 1, -.%� I ­­. I === I . - - ­ I . . ­ I -11 - .- = 011111111,A11MAdmoll as IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �p - , I . , ­ ­ � -9-� . I - . 4 *1 1111 I .11: . 1! -1.1 I I I I Z ,::I- - I . . 1. I - [ . I � � Quita's I ;il . , I ' -^On4l I I I , Kldoapi: i I . .1 ' ' . , AY �zo* 1�. Forrester . . � I � copyllubt, 104, bj,�T,C.11111004ro , I . -­­- - - I . 1. . . ­ . . . 'I ..i � - I ­­ -. I I ­ I . .. ANCIFENT OHAIRS.f -`-,", "I -- ----- -­ , " 4- � 1-- - I . --I 11 .1 . 4*1 a, ' - ­ ... � - � I , , ,;, � % , 00WO-10 I ", - - ­ "I I VAR 111togitis loy t1�01w#I11"Iss lie , . . I I 14"1100VIO Few**. . .014 D4 - * I pollyly U TO CUM A Ic � M. one I 1. I � W"JI1110% o more or, less; reoex 0 0 � 0161.1 Seat. abIlus; st"IN ' Yr � -that Avou Lsaa&ei Stow I 10, seats, Without b4cks-*ero in I V. , ine Tows.. 611, W UR I "My : I .1 I I . general use among nations poosessing I ,I Stomn 1AMmi b&m iKgd la pow 1:0 WoWhs. TW ,*p%tWVi d OK4:��,imt..,.iloi,t III= 2561 _ .� M ' a certain degree, of civilization lit pre- ..'' i I .. , historic times. What those were like . W "I.11 I HEART ------­.­-­--" I � In the early historic period we know I . .----;.----- ­ - - - ­­ ­­­ ,. I., - -111­t-­� ­ . - 0011! muleAND from an examination. of rugyptiou Tolvii 01111r,eVory . . . , I I ,,, I . ,� �. I I nil C mon�meuts from a stu(lv of Greelc . ',%Tivw pre, ta its." (. Q I f Van . I , I . � -- . I : 41 IM I* .& 17 1 .. I Uar ulta � �osojpba UarlIi was her, I n1w vases or from Butrurlau or Roman ail- POST OFFIVU. -Offiec hours from 8 a. ig,o4 tioto, fOW7 C. - , - , ., 31ontre'al 11mild to D .. 5 , name, ace . in JQ4uropem, 4n.t07,14p,m, Jas. aster. 1. ee 31st . I � Cainers, , , I I orijing to the baptismal rec- FOR . �jqljlties that are stored Scott, postin. I . � . . I ordii In tlio, little whit . e mission I f,-hurcb � I . � rouseums. *The Egyptian deities are: COUNCIL -Mayor,, HvOV,Ar; 0ouncil. � I -MMM- !!�"; 11 I 111191,1 - . . . . . I EAK o6ated geuera,lly on granite bloelco, t4(k lots, Ford. -r -1 ­ . at'anJuniporo, Over at Happy Chao�e, , �4 . .. Wiltse, 0,W)ifigs, Lavis. " -- 7 ........ � I I . . - Little, Liver PHIs. %ve called her Quito. � .", bael,s of which are ralecda fow luchqx� Cottle, Wallis; Clex-14. Mac I I ' . I . . I I I LC on Treasurer, I!oclfiiggat,t.;'.Chief,plb4rhseot�'t" ' v I . '.�, . I . ly, giving a.dIstant fesemblance,to I AP ADT'VX'V1l3F,U Ql� YOUR PANXIX DRINIrS . t!lrj Watofor�iquor con na,ramovpd pormanentIf . . I . y site seenicato belong more , � �� , . . . . - I WIVES- , b; . . Some -wo, I . a chair, - That tile ri,gyptigns bid se4ts ey'. nat"Irq,o to Ilaill Chance ihan she dI - .- ---- . � J , 7 and free' . 'Wr -rmscrlpti�, secret VIUSISTERS - , more cow estle uselo, (4VInGTasteless Saniarla IL aluot 13aar Wf; . I , py . A to $an , --- 110=111 I . fo�tnble for don' . PU13LXO Llnu--�-iy-Librai - f � I . 'a I . 00(i or (Irlilk. Va, .a irripaisible. Vrv,o 01i'll I , Oro, 'With Its soft toned bolls -aiA . � t9 , eac ing,roonj In 'tavely Hall . ling 1-1 krmt so'l.l.-d. ` n6 , Jujilp , olbJe, but wo. have every rbai;oa r U b Open UT Writo IiAK , - ,g ill,il".6), , , $Up. PT , all diseases and ato. - -008 I very -oin 2 to 5.30 p.m, a -ad XU I IC . 12 00rdan dI,rcet.'Xoro,lto, Can, the solitut ,, 0 e fiom � MOTHERS �Itll BROTHEna .'e�� . . .:: Thes I .. , .1e Of cloistered gardens, I (Jay ft . I � -1 iVders arlsillog frome weak heart, worn out -suppose, although they possessed a 7 to Qp.m. J03ean,livrarlan. , '/'-�w, , ,Z � . . . ' " . � o * . I OvIlIzatiou, that theAr . I . ­ .. ­ I " , � who tall a � . I ,� � � .. ?�I� I . n4oliai a Ix degree of , a- � lid sunburned, with perves or watery, blood, such �as palpltot� big , 10 . lips like the heqrt 6f a rose and dark 11on, Sicip Dodta, T n Ide . al of home doblfi rig was not that of SCHOOL. B4O.AXD,. - I3ajLo jackson"i I I 11 .1 � � 11 � � brobloi g, $mothering, 0 1 1 . I . I 1 Sc3 P.ICZIM1110 V, rapper Below. Dizziness, Wertic or FAt Spells, Ariaemis, modern times. . 01,111, T. Vencon), V. Hodgens, .A. 1 ' ' . 11 I . shadowy eyes, that looked sidelong at' . . I 111, wt�;i,llik Downs, F. Hall, 'J. W Ir- - I ' I . ono and, ma4e,Wp� earth seem, an excel- � leA to live Ili. ' ' . """legi`,� `10OWssuess, pram. F , ag,. �General Debility nud Luck of -Vitality. , The common people probably sat orl, blocks of stono vr'wood'or sprawleg - �, , fil,y. .1 Caning-han - � I. I I - ings first Thured op, Meet. I . � , ay evol1iin g Ili each 0*000, phice ' before Happy.oiance.had opened up � They are i true heart torile; nerve food � 4nd blood enricher, buildiag up aud about on the ground with some sort of . .1 � 1, I . . month . , % . I I � . . . . . . ' . . I I I . nining center the $back or �as a a . liver r . . All, tho ,worn out . and wasted renewirig . 'tissiies of the body and restoring perfeev carpet that also served fora bed. The I . 10trurlans, ancient Inhabitants of Ita�y COLLEGZATp, :R0.kRI)" 4110 : � � i . . . -X D, Ble'lXg- g:tc I.. treasuri4; '%Vjn Jmiksop se, ret- I Am A"", I 00C . . I . . . 11 1 .­ . . . MR old Tom FerrI6� had held its own u . 1) :�health. Pries 50o, a box, or 3 for $1.26, before th6 arrIVal of the Ilomans-, ap. . . � . &A adlift. AVV* .1*10. Scot t, obairinary.; J.. R�jlsforc�'l . .. . . , 4 . I on the mountain side and dominated . I .4t,All dl,iigg 6t �. I .99, . . *ar to � have, p ug V. . the reellul ­ I D. A. Forreater� W. P. Spaulding, 11, I � � . , roe rl 8 I the whole valley. No One knew when, . . �. .. "I �� , .. �.­-,, � . �� �. 1. , .,.: 1� � -1 '. - , I � ' �" � , - 4_1 .,;eferred* ." ,I. , 1-0 .. " ti�� a re us , pbsture,'� In!V%j . ..It tially rep- 1PI I 1, 11.1118teel. I . . , . , . I Evex,yone==. It had been bullt, Veirler had drifted I 1. � . " . -- - I 7.Z7 I '. , . 1. � 7 �. - .. 0 . � i ' 19`ii� res6nf4bn IV arcoril]Iaguibs i'a the . � , . , . BOARD OF 1jT-mLTjr -J so n . . I . - - � . �.C. Steven " . � from'camp to camp down through Col- oradO. and crosswise.tbrough the. Sler, . . , Olivet! mar and whistlea sot . . tly, . . , , . - muscums4 , , . . . I . . . . . . . . chidrilian; Mayor, Will, I-Tarlawl, Sr ; . . � -OAX�o . <�*o . . � . I . . . . . . I I . I . . . . .. .. � . � I � Dr Shaw, ble(licitt Health Ufficev ; jos. . . 114* ras until l)1exleo was the limit, and lie I . The weddirig was set for the follow- , . - I . . ­ I , . . � � . 1. . . . I . Wheatley, inspeatorf � Kfiow's �ve have. alwhys a fre4h and large its- . , found Happy Chance. It. was a bit of . +h- -;I,'-,,,,--- that hnil escaned forA Ing Saturday, and Stin'reile every day , to. tbe.sha0k and came back with a . . WHEN YOU CANIT'SLEEP. . . 11, . I * 1 . I -1 I . . . . I 1jAPTX8T CrIU1tCiI- Sabbath services ' sorte.d stock -of Groceries a' d Provi lil3g - ' . I). �Iiuudai, "4011ool I n , Aions. Anyti at 11 a.m. and 7 na . . I. . � .1 '. . a smile on his lips and n spray ot'scarlet �. jurit Freteud You Doult VViant to and ' . )n tn('-) line of Uro(!,kf,rv, Glassware. Ch aware, ew. ' . GUSJE SICK HIS.ADACHE,, tuno seekers . and railroad s4rvoyors�, I I W 4JOI Tmfi, 0-oneral, prayer, ineetilig .- .. . I � 1, � . in 4 � . . I � . I I � flowers from the vine that grew.'qn, Tou.111 soon. X)roj. ,OR. . Re J, C. � - - can bei-,proeure,l at 06p store ... . - - �' - and lie' held I.t for his -own and be, � I . on Wednesdoy evenings. " ' � . . . � I . I , . *QiII4 be a ail, QuItals' hillside, But Saturday . at J� When we aro'kept awake, from our Dunlop, pastor; D. Vrior:�s..,q, supt, � ., I . . . I IN . . . .- � . . .. I . Ileved that -some d74y he . . , . . . . . I , . . . , � . ­ � . . . . . . . - ' . I Crisp County Clippinjgws, ver kin- �, , I , . sunset,when he rode after his bride, I'faitgue the jl�st tbing'to; do is -to sky ..-W.-F�01,*Ey�IP,TTIODISTCI-i-dRoTi-�'3tibo , � . -Good Butter -and, fts. , . : . -- 4.. , I . - , . . �. , he came back without strille, or.-:i1oW-- I over and over to ourselvesjhat we do b-oij, ,ervicer, .it 11 aan. an(17 )1111. � . . . WANTAD , . I . . In earnest of tbat.belief -lie had:bullt I . _ . . . . . . � Ait`erthree years of patlenbatiffer- - ers and. told his story to' the crowd I not, 6are whether we go to, sieep',or not, Subdity'schoolat280pan. RbvT1. Al. . . . . I I I � the - sliack a . . . . I . . . . . . I ing Mrs. Robert Thompson, of the 26d . - that ivilted. In the Silver Star4, Qplta., in' orde.r ,to Imbu . . annin , p4stow, , .. I .. I I .. . . , dalighter � of tbe old A , ' W.'. I . . . , I eneral prays' .u.patit- it 7- . I 1. I con. of Hay, departed this lifa on . . . rid rnarried*Volores Ruiz, . was gone.' Old Dolores said sjWl�ad '; beriltby Indifference .about it. It I will �, 'O - . e ourselyei i*vfi� a M t A ril flnflnAt, O� �9, lesican, who i . I , 1, . I vialmed.the Valley4by prior right..' The. - . . I � I '. . .1 . jo we , I been carried ff by the dev ` 5 " evepinga, Twilar 60igU6 rneets I 0 * fhursday week. 'Mrs,. lbompson,. . I 0 11 with the help ,toward gaining this wholesome I A . . . t . . . � , Ir WA . . . ' I .. . I ;v�hose maiden na,�rle s Jane Moodie rosult.was a succe'ss. In a way. There - I . 4 ` 11 evenings.. . . -,(� 0 * a 40 041 * 0 a 9 0 , I 11 - - - . IVA I I . . Irish eyes, to the'mountains, and Sim , Indifference to gay: 11 . FrIdITY 1. . @C9 0 a 0.01,-'11- DT(EqC*$0<><):U 0 *** I '.;ad been - a resident of this section. Nvere tie sl� , .1 ain'tod tired to, � .... . . . . gils of. -silver, but there was . ; . � I . . 'T. IftillODIST CHURCTi- �­ I .. I I I . . . . . I � luring the 53 years of her"llfe. i .. . . I asked'fdr company. . - I , . � � I I sleep,. and therefore, the first thing for ONTARIO S , . I � . � I . � � � ' I . I � ; . . . . Quita. . .1 ' .. I We. Were willing to go, She. was Ii . ' me to do Is to get repted-In, order� to Sabbath services at 11.a.rm and 7 Imn. . . � . . I . . . . . - � '.. . . I .. . .. . . � . I On Friday last Miss Ada Bi,irns, When the ,strike 'did come,, fifteen. . ­ . Sundaysqhooliit;2�130paii. J.S.-Cook, ­ --- . , ­ ­­.­ ----., . I � � - --=­:�=­!��=-- . . . . I I . - daughter of Jarres Burns, of Bavfteld, 's late . I home product, and'we'didn't propose prepare for sleep. When ivy brain. Is .1). Taylor-, $, N� stlpt.* . . --.-- , ... . I . . ye. -Ir r, both Perrierand the I%Iex� - ' 1). . pw,tor: Jmob ' ' I . . I .. . . � . . . I . Monday even. . . ,� was committed n -t . ican'lay In t1lb deep sleop.� up:amof1g having any stray.blue 0yed 11111VOrMc 1 W011 rested it �-,vill go eo'sleep; It cllll�� , EpAvorth League ,me6ts 4 - . . s insane by M " - i , . I �11 lilo out of the north and ateal Uer n6t hell) it. Wilton it is well rested It bie--..vv;ayet meetin,g,�cn Wodnesd y trateHumber, of no,lerinb,upm Il". . tile, pines. on the -hills, 'and frdm the. 1 90 . . ., 1. � a " - evidence of Dr. Smith. Steps are..b& . ' away. .. . . . . I .� I I will sleep just as naturallyas my lun'gs : evdnin . . I iAWRUMBAL�,"L and MOMATHm ing taken forher removal to tin asylum, lope. sliacIc-QuIta and her mother look- I . . � . ­ I . . 9- - . . . I ' . . . . . . � I � . I . I I , ed down on the valley a I fid-sam, the eho� ' ;Up through the yAlley w6 rode t4ot ,, breathe or'as my. -heart beats.11 . � WILLiS* PRFeBYTURIAN�. CTIVROH --� j .. 1. I . � . � , The suit br.)tigbt by, Mr� Ferrand - ' night, - forded the Y,arba just belp#,, Another tiling to remember -,and It is Sabbath services at 11 a.11I.Abild 7 jm%� . � . . I � I I I . . . . ' airainst the .town gen of 'the Lord of Maininon sweep.. .. . .... . .. � , . I . , ships of Morris and � vt�ry Imporiant--is that 'an overtired � Rabbaith, .,,-choo.1 at 2.30 p.m. . Prayer �,' 1 The beading Our' e . ma All ' . � I Grey for $2000 damages to his p away their.Cftnaall and its -%vealth. But ing :. iarr kers. . me6ti ay evelliligs; Chris-, I . . . Az� . � 0 � XXX . r-oper- I. . I ' brain filieds ln�ore than the usual nou - _ W.ednesd � I . I . ty, caused by running a ditch through. they were wise, being,women, and r tian Endeavor .Moda,xy eveni-Ags. - -A. I . . . . b . . - .. . � . I Ishment. If you have been awake for ' Wotk- manilfapttired 1 on th � . .1 it, which he clitinis has destroyed his . !showed no Ilght, and Happy Chance as . Stewart, .D.P., - pastor; Jarnes .Sco�t, 1. . .. � 1. . I . e,, -premises an . ' vostj:ioned . inde- a ..In*. abldlng� . comrnunity reviewed an"'hour and. It Is tbittie-hoprs after .S..S. . . I , . . . . . ­ I 1. . . . . . . . . . 11� waterpower, hits been I � snpt., I I I I . . I ' . . .. . .. . . . ,. I I . , . . . , � . . . . I I . . . . I finitely, on account of the sma ]pox in your, last meal take ,half a cup 'I 'Si SCOPAL� gu.arwateed ., '--*. . ... I . I � I I . their cas6 and admitted them to a share or a 1. P�iUVS �CIIURCIT,.EPI 11 . . : - I I 7 I . I . . . I I I .are awake * , � . . I .. that vicinity. . In the:prollts of their own'property * .421111) of hot milk.. if yow 'Sabbath�serviceaatlla.rn. and7p,m,. I - I , .. ­ . . .. . ., . I . I . . . . . - . I . 11 . . . I . - . , _ ' � John Wynn has� received from th6 and ihbok liandis with Itself over its for. dtiotberjwo hours take half a 'cup -. Sunday. school at 2.30,p.nl� Ladics' - - . -4 . . I . . . . ... . .&*,jftubber tired rias a'special Deputy Minister of Trade and Coin� gertorbsity. .. I . . . . . I more, and so, at interValil of, about two Gu'ild meets last Thursday of -eacih, . . I ... . :.. I . Is . .. . ty�----­.0A- � . . . merce at Ottawa a notifte'ation to tbe The suigmer, after the stri . .. hours so long � ad you . are , awake motith; 'A. Y. P. A.- meets. -Tuesday, ' I .. #' . � . I 1. . . I .. I , Ice Larry. I , , . ' , 'd.A,,* rector . . Repairing proinptly attended to ..- - � . ... . -appointed.offl.; lie - Hot ' : evenin Q'R, Gunne, I . .. . . . � . effect that be has been . CArroIl,aliglited In camp, and *e en- throug ut,Ahe, night. WilicAs , , . I � . . . I 1, � .. . �. . 1. . '. I . I.. I . . . I . � . .. . . I I . , . . : . . I antlfhs.-su . I . . .. - . . . I cial weighmaster at Goderiell. .His. tertalned' Ill' ' unaiwares, ,not' 'seeing I . nourishing And a' sedative. !It � is � not I pt. �, I . . I � � '4.- . . . . . . %. .. . . . ­ . I duties will be the weighing of grain . . .in � I � 11 Incopyonjent. to -have . milk � , by. the a I Ide . . Sil. -'JOSV P . Iff!I -.0 . �kTHOLTC � CHURC . H �-� - ­ . . I . . I . I I . , . . � .. � . .. . . 11 . from the eleva,,ors to cars Mr delivery' ,any* Nvings. . We 'had, h - of Larry .Seri,ice .held every, other Sunday Rtimbalt & AjeM SO ' ' . . � . . . eaid . of'one's bed, and, a little sancepon and _ ait . * . 'Uttron Streat. (Sltntov - " ' . � . I . I . . . . 1. I . I . . ient before. He Was a.'gotitlemanly'broy - . * - . I . . .. . . , -V . . . topointsin0jinada TheGovernn � I i - .. � I I , . I . mnde theappointm I a'spifit lum . I , 10,80 a M. arld� 7 p.m. . Rev.,'Rather I � ., . . . . � . . . � . � cut Ili consecitrendO with agood re�ord behl .1 P. , I � . . . ., .i! - . ,. . . � ., .. � � 1. .. I . . . I . . . . . I . I . � nd him of ways � � PinsonneallIt, pastor. ­QAIX.A.'inteets I � . . " . �. .. � -----.. -he nev-, . .. i� . . . . I .1 , . ­. .1. � . . . ­� . ;f--, . I - . � . . . �; of the repr I esent;4t10ns of the clevattoi: of.honor, He was a -miner-,VUH --,,, ... ... , 4th Th6rs.d.ay.eyory'mpnth; Sacred ..... ... �. . .. I . . . --­� . . I I - I . I- ­ . I ' people. . . 1, . or -mlned.� ne: would. follow the,er . of � '. Wo `*. , - He�.irt devotions * lot Friday ..of -.the - . I .. . . . * ­'. I � � I.. . . ­. . .V ... .:� . . ... . .. . . . ... * . ,�. � I . . . . . . . . . Ty, . ODEWBREAD4 - - . . . .. � ''... .. ­ I 11 � . . . I I I .. I I . I . . Inonth;.Mass, ev, ry m6rniuj. at 8 a.m. 00060.6601111,441111 , . - � I On Mo*nd'ay morning of 1,lst week its., faine to, a new,comp iind laze around .� I.- I 11 I ,e . I .1 . I.. �.... a .. , �. .1, . . . . , . . . I . . . .. . : - I .. I � . . , . � ,� � . . �. I . I .., I . Mis. E. J. Ruinball, of Godoilch, W':ts for d1e-Wwo'eks Vnitl lie found a ,d*1m it, 110 3609011bie''to Ivialce a Paldi,tu'ble' '. j3.R1�TfXAt.N-Meetings'1%t lla.nl.� A' I I 0 . . . � . . � 0 : . I I . . , I I , * . z I . .1 .. I . I . . uxt. I 1�riday at - 0 I .. , 4 ' - ** � . ' a � , . . I . * . 1. I . . . I , I ­ . I 'I". that suited birrif He paid in cashi an . . ,. . %80 p.m. on Sunday, and op I I . . . 1. . - -- , B UG 0 IES . "'. I 01 . . . . . 1. . . . . . AIIIII I ,;, zed as� her bead asslie was pas.ing ­ - 1. 1, I As. long ag,J6. ' . . I . an':' ' BUGGIE � wo, Icing Ili her kitchen, abulletwhi ' , d' .I � . � , Lour - FiVoin Sawd would.see hini na more until as 1&14 Profeagoe Aute- � 8�pmi- ' . ..1. . . . � . 0 , , *..; -988i&3 . . the 910orway, thrutigh Which it6titored. -the Camp . . . , I . I I . I I i , I . . � , I � . . . . .. I . .W � I . . .. Theh,LIIWaS 80pped by theopposite one day. lie woula'conie, back with some -'rith of Tulihigen succqede -in making : SALVJNTION I - -S�rvlce iitl and 0. , , . I . . . I .1 . .. . . . � . ._ ��B,ry I . �. . . . . . . . 1. . . 4 . , � I .. I . W . - .. I .., . . *4 , , U0-,tIljI- jo.. � .� ,! � .. ". Her e.�;cape- was tit) narr I'l .1 tolerably good clivirtern loaf out of a tl a.nl..and-'.8 and 8.'p.m. cin -8,]indax, � d4le, -first- cla,gs. . W11,11. o%v -t ,;it. poor innocent bf. a .Capitalist be bad . ' . , I .. . U0,410sp extelten't Work- . ora till , IV, coin . plete- i co . rml ed -cl . e]rLnke* I � n ng &b8VcIcc1-, . I . . . . I 0 . I.: . I Mrs. Rillilb,01 was f ­ I" and the am ould , *deal- board. Everythin s6luble", wa's -16 (T every week ev.6ni. . 11 I -an - *iS ' 8�--the - -- ' I I . . t ..; . . "I .. . I. . . 11 . . maush* as A Llish I Iv unnerved. The ball vaikxe frol'. ­. I . I .1 . . . . . . . . I .. _ I . ,dilloved. by; ilia and .15011ing: t---- . - . , --As . -][1114AWA An-r0i" . ­� . I ! ­ - I—— .- A - ,�_, 4- "" ceratioll ; - -- -­ Y - . .. . . P ... I'll, , L .... i 0 1 1 . . . � , a " . ... I I . . I . . 11 ... . . � , , . �irgiin in the lidnilsbf.11 I'laig-libor %It 1,0 -u I � he -,,Vood V.1s.th6n r(*.,duced .to fibers, - I � , I . . . 0 . D"q .ow * , .a . I ... I I . . mph,Aen ilibusand to the -g d" - . .. . . ,;; .. . - - .. �. . ­ InIfTices .� .1 11 I 9, * � .." :- - - a . I . I � mi�calciilated its carrying poweit�­ . , op . � - . IrIdd Ili tin even and grotiftd, .When It. � . , Bears t1id . . Thii 00, Yod. I ay., !way Bo'q1,.1. 0 . I.... � I I ; . . I. I. . . . .. .1 1, :�:.- � !, I it � showed m depth., of intuitive wis- . 1. . . . 1. . I I . I 1111 , , I , � . :.� . ... �. . . .. � � . . I I . . . . . � i, . . . A . � , I . . . . i On Monday night ,I. litillet wa , sent I dom that the world respected, and Hap- lid the taste and. smell of Corn floui�.' Signature I I . . . : � , "14' .. . . . .. . 0 .. � I . . . ' . I J -ough the window o*.'M" Alillian's � . ... . . . ' . . . . � I I .1 .. sponge ivas hen ade by.tlib 'a' I- . - . of . . *. %j a - .. . I . , . - TO * , . thi . k . - , . . I I .. ... . . i "' E " LAWS` . . I I - py .Chance. welcomed him; also he had i I t In .1 dd . ,.� .11 .. . . �. I *0 6 .1L . . � , Jr- - -;eL1NT01% a - . I I . * bedroom ather holne it) Qoder-ich, and -a wh . it . drig way with women. . He "was-_ .101i of..'water and.tho.seiir leavbil'oX ' - ­.-...- .---. - - . .. A 0. .. I ,. * . . . . 1. ­ I.. . . � � � . � . : . . I - . . I . - - I . . . .. I - . . I 1. A . - - --� -.- I ****we & 006*4600*0 090,06*6.416 , - . striark %011ie clothing liting on tliv '[)ill . , , , .- . ' 164600 *4i, . . � . 'jII..4 jjjijIi,jI gay hearted and debonair a 'd master' -1 i nients that meant busineos, and'a grad-'.,':� corn- flour,''Wid it, was baked'a�lid found I '�'� . I . . 1 I . . . I .. . - 1. . . I . . . . . �.. .... I 4.. I . . . .4 . . I . . ; BRT I ISH -le. -.A... - , , .: . ...... . ... I � � . ....., I . .; .1.. ­ . . ...'� Fosite side Of the roOlik. I . . P . - ' .! � .-�-�, 1, - , , , . , .1 . I . . I . I. . I ful, .*Ith,,.eyea df.,Irish blife 'and. hair �- Ual y dosing in-,-groulid the rb�k. � '., to. be bo.t6r ihitn'a:c6n�burid - of bran t - . .1 I . . � . . . I I . as bcoh ill for,;onle Chile. Sho beilr(I . I I I . , t - . �:.. . . �. : - .. . . I .. . . I . I . I . . I I I . . the repnrt of i1be shot, The bullet ivitq. like a'water spaniel, chestnut -curled. '� * - �V*e know. Quita. 111�st 66 , with- Win. and corn himlo",* - . I.. I . . . 1. , 11 . . I I . . . , M I . . .. �. . . . . I �. . I .. . ­ I . � . . I . I . . I . . . . - h( .. He 'never w . coed with 'words; 6nly with ,but whether'Shi, had 6inted or boon, '. . IV. oo(j. ftur boll I . . I . I ­ I . � 1111111max"n . . .. I oun(lintheinirningby ,rsoa,J.H , ' .. I I ed In � *hiet; forms . - 1. . . I I I " , 1.� . I . . I . . . -� . . . . . . . . I I . . . .. , I I ­ .. . 1. .. . . . I . I . . . . �. . * . ,iij)til stiddeply. � .,tl,,o . - pro . , , . . . ­ . . an, who-tbinks I (I'll A rPvoI-. his eyes. -They were-sufficlent.- ton cAn- '. , .1 Ijutrjtjojjs'jdI , I . W111, it s IV bound ive e6jild not tbli' I I I y,'w1i1ch. the - ' . . . F , - . ... , � . . . . . . I � I . . . . I . � . , . I . � . . I . I . I I i a elL �, sh. .. . . � I I . I I . . . �er. ]It- thinks the deed ,,.as riot dQIie. * ` . ,ar virp.&Y. rang out and dveiy fessor found both pfilatalile and,whole- . . 1. . I I . . . . n se aga nst'a-manqn . Z , ­ .j: - I . � . . � . � - -I' " I . I I inighr have jillit as serious.rvsults as if ' . . . was 9, cry ,for help, W6 believe -, I . I , I I . I I 1. ( I 1. . . . . � . I � . . . .. scot'li.ee -highway of. sighing, . . , I . * - I ­ WA NT --�,, - . . I . . . the s0ore . 0 e ., So Lorry rode, . ' ' 1. . I . . I , . ivith lim'.1,i(litis intent, but, c.;rvlv"oe�111 .4 make cut a On I � :i iii'lif lowered i'.hls ,gt�n. at the sound. � x-oino in illo forni of *gruel � duniplings- .-A I . . .� I EKEE - o 't n0r oYes' it 1� . 1. ; I : 1. , - - li. 0 u's done hiterititinally. . . . . r ever, a d alidpoheakes. I � " I 11 I., , PERS . I .. EDO. � . , .. 1. I : ­­ I 1. ... �, . 11 I ..., I I I � 1. . . .. . . . .. . And: we sent 0o6k i.'sbout that. echoed, . Prnfessor h'rdnde ba's--oisalrocorded., . I � � . .. . . . I. I � � .1 � . . � , ,... . I I � . .1 . .. I I . . � . . � w SHT1,11-0.1 Aflirray, heorts until. he - struck. Happy e . .. . - 1. . ..., I .. I I , �� I I :, �.. I . I I - lirother (if Jobil. I . . . Cllol� - .. I I I - I . I I � .. a6t oni Urge stock of Uouse Fut-618hirigii, . � I . . I, In Iqn­ tile *dccp ra W Or. . I . I . � 144 urray. -ofikkullrtft --m-ct-af1-Mjis;- fj-,I,��­­ nd-Quit ­.. .. ,.... ' ...... 1. 71110'alld'' - the maldn.- of ljr(-.,ft4 T III Wily fib ­ I 'I . . I ­4!;­ft'1.&­6,4.A­ �- ID-G ' - --- -, cor - . . . leaps.uP - , ro , Z, I - I To call �qd insp , ' - - -, or-$a-t6g,4ae ­ n . TWbIM, . I - I - -- Tyndale, of Tuckeran-il:5h, hai; ftaissed'iII; There was a dance st'DorrIty's the"' � guldbes. ., For ail in I I . nt 11167 fifing Ho.says.- "Before me is !� specialen ilri-,� - - ----- 'I--- I - 1 - . . . - -li Fxncy Rtickerp, Secretari &oorr,43�A-s, -, Mucto . . � . It � . Haft -Rac P as, Coutilles, E to. . ' .� ... . . . most brilliant exa-ininntimiattlit-On- night he caure,. and he rambled in.. Qul- rrcial tbq rock. c6ase(],- tl?0t. began portedfi6mS*cdon. Seeing the,close- , I . . . . Wo airei offetin� gteat va; � . . .1 . - again, faster.than I . e . I - . 'mr tiou of.. I . � .. � .. I , ; - . Ing in CairPote, Japanese Iffatting,.. . : . . . .1 tarin'Veterjuary C611ege.'Toronto...Ue ta wa's dancing; .and as he stood in, the .. . yer, but not' so relation between the -c.o Josi. V - -. Art F4uares' Window Shocise-6nd T u n I . . . . . . . . I . . I � ' . * . . secured honors 'in -Inhteria wedlM'L. s('c- doorwaj, watching. . sho, whirled :by � - sure., All nt.once'the -volpe,of Sim . stardt and lignine, tile . conversion . of . I. . " .- db I . 1.1 . . . 4. . 9 . I . . ­ .. ­!ips4ir . y � P riai i I a. t . .� . . , . . .. . . I . .1 I � I I .. ­ .. .. . . . I .. � - 1. . . . - . , , . ' I . .1 I . I . . � . . r " I I - I .. .. . j -alt' - .- 6nd prize in chemistry, honors in path- .. sliout"Od fromAbove., .... . . tile latte Into broad oes iibt Iikern so* .. 4 . I 11� .:, I . ­ .. : ­ . lie oil . him on big Sim Rawdouls'arm, and the - I ' .1 � I . ,, d I I , .1 . . � Pie-ttires Framed w1i ­�v 6 . . .. . ology, physiology* anatomi . . �.. I . . I it and eut6- - . I . . �, . . . . . I . I . . . . - I . I I . cluster of scarlet mounts(in go*ors she 1'1?or�GoCPs sake, boys, quit firingf" ' rornarlatible.". Ile also .eaunbt pralse � I I I . .1 . . � I I .. I . : . . I I . zoa, besides wQinx the gold inedal . . . - . - I * � I , , ,., �- .. - : � . . , * , . .. . . . 11 � .. I . . . I. . . . . . I ' "rd wl h Tie cry -.so the quillity bf such. bread. - , ' . . . . . . I . . . giveq by the Toronto Industrial AsA-n. .' Were. III her -hair- feli. at Larry's feet. .( -1t:'%v'il`g h I- . to-cibcy' t t , . I. - . : I � ­ ... I ' I- I - � ' I . - � - � - I .�� , . .., , irand,thebullet- ving wild, around . :1 . I . .. I . , .. : - - . . . - : � - . . I - I - � . �. I . J for dissected' speciniens - We iinder-, Slinwe � ' n � - llv� I , ,3 ff. . � . , : I J .11. � CHFULEW . ., . I 'BLYTII ­ - tit b nur heads frool .the hidden baud � bd- . . % � Spotx,on . the Fur of Amimalm ' '% 1--b , , OIL " - I . . . . - . . � � . . ... . I . . . . � . . . � I . . . I .. . .. ack for them, They were I . I � . stand Dr. Murray has commenced to, the breast pocket:oi 1,tXrry1.s; sbl�t, and. . I . . . I . ... . . TRO%,eyjr I I . . . ... I .. ­ .. . 1. . . . I 1. - . ...'..... . -1 I - I..,. . .11 , .. . . I � . ' tint 11'.1a the rodc. llut:we stopped, they ! Alihp�gh,%vearetol 'illattl.ieloo ard. I . I I . I * ---- ­ 1. practice in Dublin. . � I j . the'two w outdoors. to settle the.Ar-.. I � . .. . I d . . 1) I L . I �, I . I -- - �� .. . . A ver)r pretty event took place -at gum I ent for �possesalon, -%vhIle . - : (Ml ­also, and.3ve scrambled from.ledge c1grinot clian,�e his spots, it .16 certain. - - , LINIMENT I . � I . . �. .. . .. I .1 .. . � �. . � , .. . . . ., I 1� . � I I I . QuIta. , �,.� . . I . . I I I . . I . - . .. the home of Mr. and Mrs Job to, Q 'a -a u4p -over the . . .. . . u Me perched herself on a windowsill and 10 . ragged, splinterRd that the warIcifigs 6a the fur of some � . .1 . . . .- : It - . . .., . .. , . . . I . I . X*18 MI. -Dowell, Westfield,, on April 27. wheti sjnlled�eouteutpdly. . - ' . I stniles'until the top. was. . gained, and., I aohnulg do obang-6. . . . I I., . I ,FOR . 1. I I . : � 11 . I . - -k - 4" I . I . 'flit � ' thei I I .1 1. I E4pqc1alIyjs. this ) � . I . . :71 � I . UNID 5 F'VIRR.. ii . � ' daughter Clarit. was. united in wc, lookca down on Larry drid: big cap-, i tl.l ,� " I' . � . I . . .. . .. . I ", vro the animal has a,distinctiva. I . 11 � I , . I . It'wad the beginning of a state of. � . I . , . , 1 09FE-T = . � ... , r- y to Wer). Walden, a succet.s- . . . . I I c .� .. '. . . . I - -or coat. . ,- � has . I votiqoi, Uk^ , ---- - . , I ), ,, / . 40, .. I affaIrs.-whIch:IXapjpY­Chance, riascmtedl, ,tiv t, " . I . � wfilt This ebangt: .. .:been Sprang, . skabis'. cuts), - I . . ful farmer of the same blace. About, . . , lr,�rasasirongeslgbt. Backagainst ail, tes and . -111 . , MOMENT& � Rawdon owned the ­ . ;. . , 140'gdosts witnessed the corenivjI.T, . biggest claim bi . . ulled by Barrett II, , ImIltoll"a British CIPCIn Sqri4 Brialsest Stiff jointst B, � - . , � . . I .Thich was performed by Rev. Mi- camp. and if we ev�r grew to be a elty. the rojigh, gray rocks stood QuIta, her , IIatjjI-..jj?%t.. I'VI"o is of opinion'' illat, Stinp of lnsc� Cougfi� Colds,, Cont=Ud � I ? - . "e- I ... . 1 5 p.m. Th . eyes aflame Nv,ftb reckless courage and ., whitening of: the, fur genetrally so- I . .. I I - . I , . . nd .6 bride wor� I we intended' making him mayor. or ' ' . I Neere I . Cords, Rheumatism., Netsialglao Bronchltl% . ­ I I &- . � I , .eflanco. Lagry's two revolvers' Qu�y, � . .N � I nd chief of police or something Interest- . anloo ie .. I 'Y -, � . . I . ?i "oup "' a' coinp, . .. 4 � ,e gand trimmed with Ince a I d v(,.Iopment.vf. fatty ilsille, Qoup Sore Throat, 0011111119 . -- '. ly" N I I gripped, � still smoking In ber, hands. . " , . \ . . '�I' it . T Y'younl: , which o f I�Isllfllcicnt . h fn he 'r couple will make Ing. In the dream of the future Quito, ' . . js � mo,ultestati ) V I CmCh and aU PaInfid SW4W&%- . - � . . � I.. , . .. . their horn- o previo � . At hor-feet )a)r Larry, his white 0 a,116n and'beno . IV . I , . ­- . I �, F. owned by Mr. Ward. 11 . sly had shared, his .honors In our minds. . I I face , :Xitv I a � 0�nalt;op V . hich . ' . I . . .... I I . . I 11 - , I . ! -1 � I . She. belonged to Happy. Chance. It, ., 'llittirried to the. dawning light and a. slictivsAtioelf. in -,wi tile. halt,. . ,& Lan= 130TTZX� Oft I -1. 11 �;1111 1. 1;;,�, . 4 00 L * f , I I I ­ I � .1.1.., . . I I, . - . , was ri lit, that shLi sliat,ld'-have the dall, crimson stain soaking the right I . . . . .:, I k" . I I . L . I nip ail ma. s -man for. instance---: L I �' ";", I . ,g . L . . . .. . . I . I . , . NO DIFFERENCH. I beat article In Its mairridge market, ,;, side of his gray, flannel Wrt. . . . this atf4phy Is manifested by baldness. - . . . .. . .. . I .. 11 I . , , "I I I . . . . . . .. . ­ . e as to the Icind and neither $I nor Qulta hao'.object- I ­q1I1 shoot'ille' first. one that, dares L . I NOTICL - I , I ". : . . I . No distinction is road' m to Thai fat men are often bald'is thus . . .. . . 11 r - � . . . L , � touch bh�111 �Alled Quita. '' "You're . . . I . . . . 11 . .. . .. " V 1, I I Q! , � . of Piles I hat Hem-Roid cureg. I ed up to date. But,with,the. coming of I omothing there ,than a coincidence,- , I -..!- I . . . . Ir . I . I Is . , . . . � , , I. .. � . ' Takenoti eths the .Muni)iritl Cot . I I ­�, I � I .1 . . � 4, I L The names internal, External, Blood. Larry. there, was a change. 'We car- - a pack"cif cowards. to to6W* rind', hold 'Successi . � . In- , . I ­ . 11 q .. . It., L - I I I . L . I , . L. . .. , . I , ' . US up like this! What's he dono?'�. . � 1. I 1. --- -- 'oil of $he Cc rpdration of the Town of ,Cliri- . e� .. I . . ing, Blind,'Itching, Surpuratitij, etc., . ried Sim home froni the dance with a ".. . . I . . 7 1 . . .. . . L � . I . . L I . I I q , . . ­ . I .1 I! are simply names o I crent bullet In his sh 61deri and.Larry went "Ile stoleyou." , I � . lihe Tick Of 8L.Clock. . I . ton, intend to conafraot a granolitbio side . o . . . . . . � . L . I I - � L . L . I . . � 9 ItZLWIjh Quita, . � walk, four feetinlIi7ift, on-thegmet aide o . : .. . . . I . I stages throughwhich every case will . ' . .It was Sim who answered her,, : i L . f CaIl and examine ' :. ., . . , back and. 11nishedthe 'Wa I . The "tick took" that, is universally Vlotdrum, Strt,et, from Kirk Street to Etitaii - . . I . pass if it continues long enough. . . . L . . . . I Piles are camed by - congestion or ' The. next day. Sim went. to the $book ; Quito, teirned on 111th like a ilasb. ' - L regarded as. the sotind. of both pendu- Street, and to assess libe final ciat thereof ` RITTENBUT ST WURKS , owe, - wl . th a . bandaged shoulder and spoke "Ile didn't stool me, 'Sim. ,."I ran to . . Our stock of high art'pianos of lat. . .. I . I . . L sta nation of bloodin the lower b . . I . Ipm and spring clocks has been Ifivesti. pootilbo property abutting theteoij, avd. . . I . I ,b , eat case 4esIgna,­&nd containing finest isc, , . . 0 P-,wny with him becalisd 111byed him, poy�, be be thited therebyo ii,nd that a ettw=allt - . - . . . .1 anYit takes an internal kemedy to ro. up � like .a man, knowing ,that -public ,9�tod bX Dr. Rosenbach, a Berlin . tions purobasable, for yit see our very . I . � . I move the oaxse. � sentiment Was with him. When he it lid It seemed better to .90 at the last tbologist. ,. He finds that the "tick" aho �Oug the lands liable to pay tile gaid latest styles of aw.16.tmoiolende organs, at best . I . CLINTON* . 1 . I '. . Dr Leonhardt's Hem.-Roid is a tablet came back hejuvited us all to thia *ed. 1110111elit than to mairr.*,yojj and love results when the right arm ;f,the es- '88tasment, and the names of the oWi3e;e 01008, Inotruemento rented, toned or rs. � I L . . . . I . . I . I L taken internally. . 111111, all- the some. I thought ,a girl .. thereof, go far as they aan be. &Soerbailjftd L Direct 'Impo . ritrit Wotkms'nahip: ' ". . . . I ding, and Larry tipped his chair fa capernent anchor strikes a co ,paired. Gramophonesind. music in var. . .. . . I .. It I .r., I 9 Of the frorn last revised A.eseignatint Roil, is w4F jety mi. . .. . . I . ' . s a permanent cure and no case of ther back: on. the shady stoop.. of the colild choo'le the man she loved and L wheel mo*Ing , L upward, while .the filed in the offico ot tbei Clark, gf the Maui.. . . I . 'L . . . and Material guitranieea. , . . . . . . . I . I . I . - ­ . . . ., Piles has ever been found it failed to .. . . I . . . . I I ­ I not have a whole camp chaie her ftlld - "took". Is produced 'whon tbe.�other , olipality, and is now open'tolnepaotion dar- . . . . � . . . . .. � . . cure. I . . I .. . I . . -shoot 41ra down. ,You don't 111 0. MAROS I . . Money back if it does � I . I . . , I I. 151-0 11r, - � irm, strikes a cog - moving downward.- Ing office hours.' The eatiniate-1 cost of the L . . I . . I . . . . A g,tarantee with every package. " I . . , I . I . bciyu.ff L I d . . I L . . . . . I.. . 1 $02,88 to to I . . � 8 I - -.� =n!- t��=-Tm�n---� . L . . work Is $878.72 of whicl I be � . I 100 Ge EALE I . I I - . Q L . 1. Musle. Em orlum, . . . � � . . . . . C�11 . I There Was a dead sitepec. 116Lr yoA -!-1-t­--!.-,-T+t­­1 L'--- ­ . --t­­!n­­- - provideaout of thu geuiirai, fund -of the I .. .. L L P . . . .. . � - � I I . . . .. . . Happy Cl' . I I I . . . I cloality. I . 11 .1 .1 . .. . � I I � .. .% . ­ . I . .. I Nyere'LfnIj of teftrs and R1.1100 . . - muni I .. . I . � . . . , L . . . . . - . . . $ ­' I . , Kidney Ditease . bid Iti.4 head In sh�1110. - It I not pleas. bOURT OF .Rb, Vl,qIO,1Z . I lourt � . � Rirft,'Narri ge's, Dea'110. . . I ­ . . . . .9 . .. I a., . . . . mit I I .,A . . I I � I ' .1. I . Townsillp of Ifullett 1. I . � I . . . . . ,., to 1:iave, it gnllqtit rv.cuo. knoeko(j. . - ivill be hold on Tharaday. the 26DY day' 'of L I Binder TWIne. - . . .1 -J BIR'TaS. I to ,. n o' . 1rAds ma, Fit j May 1904, at 8 o'clock p.m., in the Conn. .. of Rovision, I In the head Ili tile Scor f a womarrs . . , . . "%jO131X8-rn*E1ete1 llg� � And Memo ism - 1-1-111. - . . . � U own '10hambarLforthe purpose d hes,ring VNTIL futher 116fide i3itider Tivine will be godee is herdby, given that the meeting . I . Aprll2(%,totbe­w I . , . , . WMd ci sold at the.Xiogson Perit of the Court of Revision - of tbeAseeggm6t . . I lut S4,1111 stood wlihout all, I AntlArr to of T H Johnf,& dau�wter, . I .8 U I I - I I ame or ali. dompWrito ajaivat the propoaad a,geese. farmers, InAuch q%tautitieaa4ma3r-bej7.dea red, MITCHELL t I I ;:,Ir and slared al tile wbile, young , . . I mont.,or accuracy of tbo frontag I o raeapare. r cas on e vor ,a e ow b ' of the Township of Hallatto.will be -In Uaborne, April 20, o I Th6sta tarrIbly painful allmeiiits , feet 0 )-role ita 4 . I . . :" jir an,14". 0..#,. 6 in the, Township Hall on Sattirasy the be,&Ife of Arthu, Mitchell, & so a. ' rowe at quitants re(,t, and at last ,%vftli- - . -THF.- �L ­ . wants, oritif any other clinplaint vOlicli A X mallila"...­ 5 . 1. .. .. .i - 0 day of Way, Ft the bnnr a 10 o'cloop, . - . ' . . . aft thorbughly cured by , ' . oteyeated Way desire to nlake, and .tpure owzcal (11"(45 it, #. dg 0 , DIED. . Dr. Oha:sels kidn'ey-LIVer ont a word he went down'and lifted . � 'KIDNEY " ,peh"1101011nigalby law cognizable by tho Coacb, jo er po it . � it to lot.. A. Eb. for the purpose of beating and oett- � 1. I . Larry In Ills arms nd made his way . ' I f.o. . It . 1 1i . NVIGHTMAX-In � Dated at G 31inton, tbia 3ed ilav of Way, Addr I linace6 likintettgainaltbegsiclAgaefisomen E&AW%,.v&rioah,AprI1 . . a . . PILL, esii al I We tio k, I so, Qps lienty Wightman, aged 78 years, Pills., a A. *.. - WMI him to tile trall, and Quita-fol. .. 1904, 1 D. L NAO.PHERSO,14, Cler�, . R, with r It- Roll. . . ' . , lowe 1. . .4 bluce, to dr . t I r. on Penitent .' ' Ver9blish,xving busineodat the Court will .. 8TUANG . . 4 slowly. , I .. - ­­­ - -1 Kingston. Ontar , . I -In Exeter, April 21, .7ohn Since rheumatism arises,'from detangernents * At Propmera. we loft the three,' aiia Is 110t a ettre-till It virill Cure 1. I evo itiperting this notice without authorit please attend at the said time and Pima Strang, aged 85 yearti. I . I W06d'10 jPj& fro'.10the Mrig's Printer will lift, beald ther 7 notice. . . I of the kidneys it, cart never be cured until these Sim never. gave up, his guard'until tile those paltiful, and dangerous ail- I �. . 6*0b6mmes for. . . I � . I Without fUtthep , .� . ,, e, . I �- organs are restored to heii1th. By acting directly NvolInd NvAs boaleat and Quit, rode In_ 71nients resulting fro!R a disj�,ased . I Tka Great Engliab ke , I . X, X 11 JATT JAME 8 CAMPBELL, . OUR 24th CELr -oil the.kidneyt; Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver PiW a ition Of the kldneyo,�- They . 11 .. an old, well en"64111t. Ringston, March lith, IC04, . Warden. liallett, May Otb, 19 . 0.1, . 01 . etk, � 1,13RATION-Hurrall cure both kidne�'disiaso and thournatism. to eqnip beside Let- husbafid as Mrs. condi ^1 lied and reliable . for Clinton's celebration on May 2�jtlj I ", Latry Carroll, are., Rheumatism, Dropsyo Url. . = Vk0hration-Rasbeen . . � - ­ - I 1. 1. . . - M,S. MoLiAR, Newritarket; Ont. I ,,,,r . I Prescribed and used . . There will be 06- Lacrosse match, Foot— used Dr. ChaWs Xldiitylis:,`P�.; . There no hard feolings As liary Disorders, Blood Poisoning. . � over tars. I d I ,�� , I ball match, Baqeball match. ItPJAY for kidney trouble, and would not be without -.1jarry said, no laws had �been &okol,4 ., - " 0 t a orill on � , . Clinton Couri of Revision.. . . f . racesand other games. TheGolfLij deal. -y have cettainly . , Ru -Tu Xtstores weak kidneys. " of nads. 11 and I I . . . ­ � IRS, khein for a great The but *the law of the heart, aud each 0 on a 0 I 4 Take notice th&t a Court of Itavislon for I . � LawnTonnis (jourt, 130%Vling (41,cell done ine a world of good, and I woulct not I ind heals diseased kidneys. It is Only nied"10 no o ibe town of Clinton, will hold iti first sit, ". � and Olin ClubGrounds ,tllle.q . hoart has a law of Its own. . I , t rosalid . I 0 1 . ,onwhich g, Oink of using ariy other medicine for tin ailment will be played throughout the da,y,will of this kind." i ,Xlut when It was all ovor Sim sold the latest effort of meditcAloclence gives iffnivoreal ' Isa -1 u� r pltl find ,tings in the Council Obstrobar on'Thareaev. I . I I I ,b.,&. D. 1903, commalloing at 8 be free to visitors A procession to tile 11 my bus 011t; big ullne to him -And went bhek against kidtie� derangements, permantintly car- 11 r 9, 0 V us . May 20, baAd is troubled with sciatic rheu. . I ftesst lRatia8ions, spermatorrheraj . Potency, grounds,headed by the b,ind, from th o; mg1sin and B: using Dr. Chase's Xidney-Liver ' ovor the mountains to the States. We . Fifty pills, in box, 5o cents, at ail anda leffoctoofabumoroxce 8; ext I o'clo6k, V. W. f6villo pnrpogb of hithring I market squiiro, will I Ve . A 9eal Good 'time � take place ,%t Pills. Thek are doing hith more good than any lindefstooii and did'not blame him it druggiat.4. Reject substitutes, u6sof 21ob ectio Opium or Stitnulantsi :Ketyal and rectifying fill o6rilplattita agalust or "I . 1,15 o'cl6ek. . I � - . . . I I - . � Votry,allotwh1ohleadl nurnifty, 10 faktifb0fI;VjriAIj;0d1of Dust arroks in the Aseegtowent Roll of the pre- . . . . I I . I . I I I . - I - - . I � . I . i. I i , , , - 1� I -----,-- , 2i2ff , -, 1, -till, 44.., - 01 -and nonce vilidicine lie over useti, and we both heartily re. M easier to save the life of the mail' 1 6 Consumption and an FArk Grava., beSal . rt in LI)e 1VarAtyt1% or Shorthm,d Course is now. sent year. All parties intdreatetf are yo. . vening. Each ticket, give.t you commend them as an excellent medicind.11 . - ­ . 1, I t ,i I - A ackaga or mi* for 4 Omsi�M No r,rokon ciltioneii, Indivi(lusi ­ . -.e trjj�- to the I . . I yon hate than to stand by and tie the . 0 1 I a chance to secure a fe, 11 I 11 a2mt rourc. Railed propnty on tv 11018it action ittlao0d to Individuft questedtoattond. D.L.111A.CPHEAS0.1, I 11, World's Fair. Inc, Chase's Xidney-Liv6ir Pills, thd comfort girl you love as big wife. OL Addratilf 11 d. Vh.�notsvndrorcatslolr Clark of the blonloIP&MY, . . . Make Clint,on yci I ill a close, 23 cents a box, at till , I . - . I ". . . Ur' ot old age, ont pi .. I. um-&tA I 2%6 wood'eamr.anyt t t*116 -sou sill about it � Clinion, may� Sid. - . lesti6ation that (lay. dealer.q. Portrait and signature of Drk A,.Wi . - . . . I . 'Windwpon ,,C)AUS411% A k take to $10 refalided:. . I. . , I . . . I ­ , I Chase on every,box, ' . I I 1� I - I -- R ill 014001R.0141 . ­ I I I ... - . , I . I I .. I ------- --- -K. W. Y,., ANo *VV06(is Ph�s hodine is sold in Olin. I . I torAlatljgallo . . . Miller's Grio PowIjeirs(uj,,t, Sold Pain, cannot skint,oherd br. dhase's jNWIX. VIN066"* ONT4 i tonbyR.P. Rookie, 1". W. Watts, �� \ . by R. P. Pteekie, . I tou pliot6v it XPPU60A.. Advertise in tho New grit, , I . � . 1. H.H. Combe, itnd,T. K Hovey# Drug. .... ­,,­ �. . , . I The, New Em and Montreal � ­­ . . ffi�� ­ 1 ­­��­.s­- 1 . - , -1 glats. Herald till Dee, ,itst for 150.'