HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-20, Page 5• !.
201 1904
Warm Weather
The dress goods of the moment are lighr
weight, of course, for summer Is ight upon us:
Just look over the following suggestions tor a
summer dress or shirt waist,
Mercerized, Vesting&
White Itiercerized Vestings, in fancy scroll,
stripe and dot patterns, will was like a imp
cup and saucer ••• . , Altn,
Also large range of other .fancy wash,waist- 35C
ings, heavier weight
Linen Suiting&
Linen Wash Suitings, in Light Blue, Dark
Blue, Green, Champaigne, Pink, 27 in,
wide, for waists or Suitings.
White and Fancy Muslins, our own import-
ations IOC, 12t, 154 20t 114 25C.
Also Black Muslins St 41 44. 4' 44
• .
27 inch wide for waists in Black,: Chain- .
paigne, Pink, Navy, Pale Blue, Brown,
Red, Green and all the leading shades. •
•:•E: +:*:*
25 ends, four yds. in each length, in col-
ors and plain white stripes, 35c per *(1. *
Vests. Corsets. . Gowns,
Ladies Gowns, made of good cotton, several
neat styles, 'Mother Hubbart yoke,
tucks, insertions, etc. finished: •with em-
broidery and frills, any length 75c up.
Crompton Cortsets•
rect form, model made. from fine light
rustproof steel, prices............50C up to Z•VU
hip, all sizes, fitted with fine tempered „
weight batiste, full gored bias cut, deep
Ladies Summer Vests.
Fine light weight, cotton elastic. Knit, Swiss •
ribbed, low square neck, no sleeves, --neatly trimmed,
all sizes, •IOC up to 35c.
Pretty are the. new Parasol&
Ladies High -Class Parasols, of silk cover-
ings, Black and Fancy Handles, are
handsome in new designs in Ivory,
Pearl, Smoked Pearl, inlaid with silver,
prices SEM) up to 3.00
Golf, Automobile and Motor Caps.
Dame fashion now says, its not at all neces-
sary to own an automobile, or even to z5,
ride.in one, to wear them, prices 50c tt
Travellers Samples,
ioo Ladies Collars; id Lae stocks, tabs and
washable neckwear, at less than wholesale price,
these are snapsandworth your while to. investigate.
Mens Shirts,
25 Mens Pancy Colored Shirts, in plain and
pleated, soft fronts, regulave 1.25 for 1,000
Ties, Collars and Cuffs..
. This is a new department and is full ' of the
newest and most up-to,date-lines in Men's wear,: -;-;
Natty 1ies, alt colors and shapes, 28e to 74e.
-• Colbrs, all sizes, 2 for 25c.
Mr. Oomba is giving the best of satisfaction in
this department.. , • •
Nobby Tweed Suitings, front
Pure !Botany "Worsteds, 13.00, up.
Made.to-Order Trousers, 30. up.
Ready -t� -Wear.•
• .;
Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Jumpers, Etc., all
prices and good values.
*a. iidib,-eril.1..."6.46016,1tdeorat,
Wed. ding
At this, season of the
year, our large assortment
of articles suitable for
Wedding Presents is
ways supplemented by
some of the nattiest de-
signs from the best mann- .
tattUrers of Sterling': Sil-
ver, Silverware, Clocks,
Cut Glass, Novelties, &c.
to u are cor.
dially invited to
call and inspect
*our pretty goods.
M. HfLLyAj
Jeweller and Optician
BIRTils. •
BARGE—In Clinton, May 16, • to Mr
and Mrs A. Barge, a .on. •
LYON -In Ballets, May 7, to Mr and,
Mai Harlon Lyon, a daughter.
GRAINGEB—In Hallett, 5i.y 0, to Mr
and Mre John Grainger, a daughter.
ROSS --In Guelph; My 7,to atx and Mre
W L Roes, formerly of Brussel:se, ion.
COOK—In Clinton, Mav 2, to Mr and
MrB AIM Cook.* daughter. . •
FORD—On Lake Road, My 3, to Mr
and Mrs George Ford's on. •
VANSTONE—In Tnrnberry, May 5, to
Mr and Mre Wm Variations keen.
cnunrsEtatucs-In Wingham,May 7,.
to Mr and Mre Robt Ornikehanint, a ann.
110-CTLEDGE-dtn Clinton, 011 Thurs..
do , May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rom -
lodge, a son.
• LlYTLE.d-In Hallett
,M, on My 13, to
Air, and Mre. Thos. Little, a slaughter.
MOORE—In Clinton, May 12 A.. tired
Moore. aged 88 veers. ,
JENKINS—In Goderich iowhehip, May,
15, Chao. John, only eon of John Jenkins,
aged 19 year&
MoNALLEY—In Tar,My 12.1Iarrieft
Lane; beloved wife of Dr Thee J McNally,
eged 38 yeftra.
CAMPBELL -1n Ma/Cillop, May 10
Arm Jane, wifs'of Itolit Campbell. aged 77
CARBUTHEUS—In Godeirob,110Y 4,
Mrs James Cameos', 'aged 84 years. ,
MILLE11.-.In 'Hallett, on Wednesday,
May 18. Jahn, eldest son of W. J. &inlet,
aged 14 yeere and 10 menthe.
S. D. "Walker, London, representing
the Poultry Advocate, gave the NEW
tail on Friday. We will give
this excellent Journal and Montreal
Herald, for one year, and the NEW
ERA to the end of 1904 for 90e to
subscribers. Old subscribers renewing
in advance can bave the three for .
year for $1.35. . Just think of it 1 $3
worth of reading for 8135
TheMolsons Bank
taseresretea by At el nernwaset rses.
Head Office—Montreal.
CAPITAL PAID UP . . 3,000,000
UNDIVIDED PROFITS ," . 2,850.000
The public Win please hearin mind that we have moved into
our new office in the Combo block, corner Ontario and Victoria, streets
opposite Irwin's grocery) where he will be pleaseto see all our ens.,
niers and the public generally. can sallow.
Savings Bank Department.
Deposits taken from ST.00 upwards at highest
current rate. Interest to start from day of deposit to
date of withdrawal. . .
H, C.. E3REWER. 4 Metnager.
We do net hold oureetaes respor4iSte ler
fizrerMrrairirsed ander this bead.
correct Version 01 "iftothera
The writer of trial:IP:0m of last issue
must be 'very desirous of the public
knowing of family business, or he never
would nave penned such Imes, sorry
to say not truthful ones either. 13
way of explanation I will say mother s
and father's wishes were "Wye and
girls share alike," In some families
boys deserve and earn more but not so
in this family. Two or the boys and a
wife of elder son undertook to draw up
the ; they wanted boys favored,
but parents said no. However, before
they were through with it they had
boys get $1,000more than girls: Short-
ly after, mother wished•to change • it;
one of the boys said. "if she did he would
throw everything up and go to the.
Staten." Be mightaust as wellhave
done so as serape up all he could and
then leaye. If the old bush cc uld talk
it would tell some queer stories. . So
the • will was left as it was. Father did
not know it read thus untilraotheirwas
in her grave. On his death bed heask.
ed one of the boys to see that the will
was carried out share and -share -alike ;
then his money Would be thrown in. If
not, it was for the girls. Sorry to say
it is not the first death -bed wish not
carried out by this boy. When the will
was read the girls said nothing ; well
they knew if they liked they could
have made trouble for the ones that
made it. Tho executoes found that the
cute little part that should have been
left out was not legal. "Murder will
out" or "right will right itself every
tine." Girls then said let it go as par-
ents wished. The boys felt bad to
think that they we're going to be frus-
trated in their plans, eepecially, the
ones that made it. They called a meet-
ing to. try and scare the girls to let it
go the way they made it. If they had.
acted like gentlemen, said they were
sorry for anything they had done,and
not acted the deceitful pat they ' aid,,
the girls .would have consided the Mat-
ter ; at it was, the girls,for the sake of
peace, handed the boys $250. • They
might as welt have kept it for all the
thanks they got. (Jan you blame
brothers-in-law for stepping in and tak-
ing their wive's part. They never tried
to prove mother insane,rather thought
the ones who tried to make the will
showed signs -of insanity'. Ent be-
cause all brehers in-law .and • sisters
did not eat soft, •and let them have
their own way, they are equaling.
Brothersan-law have aelear conscience
they have made no wills or tried to
favor theinselves.thereby. Therefore
they can sing and teachSunday School
with all their heartsatiatiimy tinie any
of you feel mean for anythingyou bave
said or done they have forgiving spirits
and will forgive you. --13a one Of the
interested ones.
A five -piece orehestra has beeii en-
gaged for the opening day of the • big
Hotel, Goderich, which will be thrown
open to,the nubile on May 21th ..• The
managers are making arrangements
for ,i dance and supper, which, it is ex
peeted, will be a most enjoyable social
event • • •
• it ids • r-rrr.
0, •
' 4
If you Want a good wheel, one that has value therein, go to
who handles nothing but . the best, Cleveland, Racycle, etc.
Full line of Bicycle sundries 'kept, Lawn MerWers, Knives, Scis-
sors, etc.; sharpened on shortest notice and at reasonable rates.
A couple of good NVashing, MaAlines f )1, - sale. Apply at the
Old Stand.
The latest branch to be added tethe,
Sovereign Bank of Canada is at Niagara
on-the:1.4e. •
. Butter le a drag on the market and
plenty of it is being bought by buyers
for 10e a lb. This applies more espee-
i illy to roll butter,good tub command-
ing 2c more. Eggs remain firm at 13e.
Property for Salein Clinton..
1 wits and one half acre of land on
2 Comp and two lets of land on Vahan
3 Brick house ttlia two lore on May Street.
4 Good ham and Ica on Joseph Street
5 Two frame houses on Battenbnry Street
West, will be sold very cheap.
6 Large Brick how and six acres of land,
ratable, driving shed end . orchard, all in
first class repair and, within one mile
from the more of town. .
For tame, apply to BENET BEA.TTIE
Solicitor am. Clinton Ont.
T H E. R .OOM.:
A pretty lamp helps to beautify a
room, we have such lamps, and in or7
der to reduce our stock, have marked
down the prices, as fill/0We.
SOX° Ittinp -Eds. $3.98. .-
4.00 " " 2.75.
2.25 " " L7..
1.75 '".• •' 1,28.
SHIER'S Variety Store,
Combe Block, Olrnton
Before placing your or-
ders for your • season's
Supply of Coal, get our
prices. The very .best
• goods carried in stock
and . sold " at the lowest
possible price. .
$ aarOrders maybe left at
Davis & Rowland's
Hardware Store, or
$ • • 111. J. STEVERSOX
$ At Electric Light Plant. t
itwe vs-wiA...sikaikivtAbdtb"..4
1 We . t
* , . Could You ? •
1 t . "
; have built up a first-,
; class trade such as we
have, Unless' our g000ds :
were right in every way. 2
: We sell the 'finest „„tToW.,s i
for the finest trade.: One s.
trial convinces you of this.
: • - • ' :
t' Arricma other lin' Wes C
• • t' •
specially excel in Fancy •
44, Biscuits -We keep assort- $,
; ed ones, at ioc per lb. up :
to Marcaroons at soc.„..
;In Olives and pickles. we :
; have only the best, Chut-
ney kiatsup,•Chili Sance,
Chow-choW, Sweet and :
; Sour Vinegar 'Pickles also
; } I orse.liadish, '
! we solicit your trade. 1
I '1 W. T. 'O'NEIL.
1 .
'44444 44, 0 0 4:41":":4:4:44":4 4. C":":":":":" 64":"C": ,, 0 4:":":":":. 0 + • 4.4.4 441...1":":414 4
• •
We keep a eharp watch on fashion's dictates, and
follow closely whatever Millinery change* may be in-
cidental to a change of dress styles, en that you are al-
ways sure of finding the latest things here, 'We have
arrangements made whereby we have new styleship.
ped to us as soon as they appear on the mark, t.
Our Millinery department, under the able masa-
agement of Mies Hood, is a grand sueeess. Our trim-
mers have to work overtime to fill orders. We have
each a gorgeous display of new hats and trimmings,
we will not attempt to describe them. We will be
pleased to have you call and view our grand display of
millinery. You don't need to climb up -stairs to see it.
It is all displayed in our apacioue show room on the
ground floor.
Whitewear and Shirt Waists.
We have just received a shipment ofLadies'White
Underwear and Shirt Waists, Which were ordered be.
fore the advance in Cottons, end will be sold at special
prices. We also show a full line of travellers' samples
of Whitewear which will be sold below wholesale
prices :— •
White Musljii Shirt Wallets, ;Side tucks, hem stitched, only Me.
Fine White Muslin.Waists, tritnmed with yak lace and insertion,
in all sizes, at $1.
Corset Covers, trimmed with tucks and torchon lace and insertion
great value at 25e, 35c, 50c and 75c.
Ladies' Fine White Skirts, trimmed with embroidery, $1,
Ladies' Drawers, nicely trimmed with tucks and lace, 60c and 75e.
New Lace Curtains
What could be more suitable to
brighten the horne With, at. House-clean-
ing time than a new pair of Lace Curtains..
We have them in all the • newest designs,
all 'Sizes, and at all prices from 25c up.
• . .
10:'s Ready-te-wearClothing
Our Ready-made Clothing De -
pertinent is fast putting on a finished 'ap-
pearance; neW,lines arriving almost .dally
and .we are now in a position to fill your
wants, whether it is a nice light Summer
Suit at $4.00, or a fine Black Worsted at
$10.00 or $12.00. 'Men's -Odd Pants at
from- $i to $3 per pair. Boys Clothing
at lowest possible figures
Our Made -to -Order ,Clothing
Department is alsocomingto
the front as we bave all the newest pat-
terns for spring wear at surprisingly low
. •
We have just pla.ced in stock soTT
lot of Children's . Straw Sailors
• • •
ranging in price from 25Cto50c.
These are new: and Vdry, pretty
and will soon go at such low
prices, •
Boots And Shoes...in :all
sizes and 'qualities. . at close
cut prices. •
• .
T1-18' 01_13 STAND - 01-1 N T 0 N.
Screen Doors; Screen Windows, Sherwin-
Williams' Paints, Brushes, Mops, Wall
Papers, Whiting, Pollifie-ST- Cretonnes,
'Slippers, Muslins, etc, etc. : • •,
J. S. Ilbover. • ISTeIson 13all,
Furniture Undertaking
.Itetttrns will bhowthat more Furniture was worn
on; last winter. than evar before • It was a good winter
to rest. Itenews.your stook from, this store,
Quality the Best. Prices"low.
'They are up-to-date and hightrade, at prices that
are not fancy anti the same to all,
PLOOVErli:A .B21 Li....
Night calls answered at the residsnee of either of the propricaosa