HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-20, Page 21111IFT-TIT"17,77-1 W"I'V71", _4�_ W14 ,-q Fv­-�-WTPr---W, �,.-i q � www.7- _,_1..T7,_, r1s'"' TV7 TV--,--r-.7ws '' pr"r- .. "R"M .1. '4 0 - 1�1 i �� �. , " I � 1:1 I I 1, . j � j , 1� � . . . I . 2 . . , � , I �'. (, 11 ,I I ": I :: � �, �' I ,� 11M CLINTOX -NBW BIRA, I -1 . r � 1; � I , I I I I A . , 1, �, , I I � ! .I . . I r I I I . . , ! ,. ��. �t " .'� . .1 � . I . . IWAT 20 104 , . 11 . � . . . - � ------.--------- I I - . . , --- I . - . --- -1 � . I I - Plimilolim - - .11 . I ­ I - ­ ii;o�. �� . -1 - ­­ . ___ - 4 - I - 1 -011, - ==!! 4!!11 1 ___ ioi.P, i I ­ . .., I - P.40 1, 1 wo f i4 0 ! � po- I � , - � j I 1. ­ �, ­ ­­­ ffP . ­­ . % 40I - ". ,4 1 - . .., I � _ � �* I - _-I ..'' I I . I 1. - .. . - . ­_­­­ _1__ I I . . 1. .I � I ­ -.1. " � 0 f4i 9 I I House 0 0 . '""s ONAL �_ � - 7--. 11, ROO F ... R - F EL * I .1 , imMaouviLaw I 0"00 A . a" W"o (I r sale or to rent �� P =01 .1! "..", r Z". 1- I , , , , . � I � "ONW-41 . � 7' 1 1 . . le bpA. created a fond i � , A earatertoble cottage. oontallslPir I ycq Irt I .. 11 ... 4 . � ; WHAT IT HA,$ - DONE AND :W DO- Andrew Carneg r"ZZ19:7*411104, m"sY OW-A'"IF. . � , en - f ,,the 40- ;tIhh -so, Xv 40 $as". I I ING - JUPORTANT STATH-. BONE, I F � of 05,000,0W for the. tl . efit o Fith �v ��,, - 46sooslater A . - ' ' � VIR I I SARMOTBR, SQ14OXM46�". I'll I I " -.1 rers I UN.STYROU ONE WHO 'Pendants of those losing their &04i, -in . 11 . ­ . . .---.------- . I . CLINTO � 4 I ­ , . KNOWS I Softan4,cmoked bone$ Mean the hezvlo effort to save their 1011o,wr � . . I ' I I �� I Falm for Sale. Offics-1cluott jilook, foraterly, ocou%004. . . I .. . ` I - ­ ­ - I � bad feeding. C-afl, die disease raen, or for the heroes themselves If In* ofIL4cot,dinarbialoalos, I I . . , , I , . 'W r - It a . � . I t . � byX I x 000W t . I ,� hell t!le _rt.littli eldi cue cl 04 I - at $9, Comemilm 4, GoderiolA TP.% about 9i I 901111111 T9 P111D. . , peryeS Late weak I Ron, C I . to. . The jured only.!, provision Is also made for , I have used W, T. Strong's Pile 3 0 L I . - I 1 - . rickets if yo..u. want . - I miles irom ssytielo, e, miles, trom Clinton, 1. 11, . . jjythl1JR grjo$ W Ou I Red - _ tion. = Ila my practice with, most satis - � lass., good. fresh- I . I - 00, . . . rOng,.� Y representatives in liks Val , States. I at the med4le to be given In commemOrs, y results, and vin cheerful re 00'"tainingsose M.J�=h ,*.a t1ill C,11 I W. BUXDONE6 - � . _ I . 40111re tired all tbet ft . hibitlon State grow`�ng �hild must e 1b. I watercrevy; rul I . I . . . . . . . 11 , C, easily CollgreiR from, tU& I'lro or'growth. Bones Of heroic a0ts- command it. James Sutton, M. , third, tram's hous%bliru 0 . n d right food f . , , the . round; 2 acres or . � . I ARRISTRAR 139W01TOR NOTART 41scouraged, li �, of Poine. He, re I cl "The endowment Is to beknown" - to undersignod on the I. I � � � ervollAss, a tly *44ressed a . Price $1.00. For sale by dru '; � I . C41P must bave bone food, bloo. . p"ists, of I 1.0.r.T�VXZX' 1,91411A. PUB1,10, HT0, irritable., Your c1leeks o1re -t of tboVirgigilixt, Ant' . .. I 11 I prio � � . I state Colavelatio 1. Ilerp Fqnd' and consists of $5,000.000 by m. ail on r"alp .o . a. CIMTOR . , , I 11�1 . I . . tQ .6.,, must have blood food and so W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Cb*rA- . I . � . ­ -0 , , .. . ' Saloon Leag"e, aind sut4uilt of first collateral.5 per eaut.liondsOftbe rio., . Farm for Sale � . � . . 1-_ . RIDOUT & HALF. . .. '.1 ' - a statistics COU(MMing UIR OWn Stat(l on through the fist. UDJted Stiates SteelCorporation. The st,Loudon, Out& . . - . , , )ar-ill' . � I - Scuth balf lot 0%. eon 18, Goderigh ToWaah 1, . Sarsap. Scott's Emulsion is the rig!it trust is placed In the hands of a com- 40 arres ,- ped clay losm; 5 acres felt � ONVXTANCAIN", VOMMISSIO sp .. . . that 4kre full of interest and. lzotruc� � . HOLD I . an, as . 0 IF 1. � 1. tale find your blood is, thino In part for soft bone$ in In ,noomposedof W.. �L Abbott,' REXALL 901116 DIES read frame howoaad frame kitch Real zatato and lnsar*nc4 .4gon , . .� . I tiou. ilia t.peech to voporteil I � . treatment i4sio . jar lop plastered; cenions. fLoor; soft vmtor Money to loan I . . � , . . Your d6ctor says- YOU Ore � I sesevery.4ay i - . . rement cistern, hard water runiv; fr xx, in; . -_ . I , as, follows. bytho Richmond Christian Children, Littleclo� dwimILAuderson, W, W, Black- Then Dyes will dye Wool, cotton, 6111 4- --bI '&a-* house 0, 2 , I , two tramestablee, o"r? ,a , 0.111, 13ALls I JOHN A1110172 ; � I . ' Jut; XiisdG data ouebxxth-_*Y ou (N)6d, neverial gr ,, t .. reek � ,. s -threatened with ,a nervous Advocate .. 4 1 S urn, At I ling 4 OR . give e b Ed. ..Bigelow im. Bufftpgton, of 00 to I . - . . I Ofe latest and alooll I . - W bleakoown. He oiders this He gave it riumber,of facts th2 axproved Dye in WE the lot APP . or OlintoliP.0, - I . 1. 0, '91, , I I . which be it healthy bones Should have. NY m. X. IF!rew..the 14y. Dr. W.. J, Hol- world. Try a package. All colors at . 011 the pr-IMIZ .. ­ ..- AF G, CAMERON . -4nd old family medicille. : said had convimed the citizens of . - I ftruserly of asmemn; Holt & Oanimoil . .r . I . Jackson, Tholmao Lynch, ZlS,, Drug Store. . . . � . I or mar* oian so vears I turre "sedl Aver's some of B6w legs, become straighter, land, J*bu, B R. P; BEEXI, . . , My. lits:%grondtoolo Maine thitb virobibition pa,id. . I � I BARRISTER A141D SOL101TO199 . - . . 11 . I - . : . I . . . . Fat m for'SiLle I - . loose joints grow Stt'ongerand Charles G. Mellor, T. X,,Uiller, Thou. I I � - � . sts- ril.1m.1,.,,a,�.Y",�i,d,,Clitcn,"Ilelnoi'6rtio- theal We WellY va . 1� I .1frl'. 012M ar!Ze: . I I I . . pure J&�Vk-D. O..11011a. W9164 lloven, couft. A. (1) ,he tcwns of - Uaine Are th . . � rispri, Frederick 0. Perkins, Robt. . Omoo.-Hanxtilton llil opposite Colbome.IffouM , . lienA � , I Va 6 bottia. 00., TO I . I INN' allitiful, best orderly. and mose firmness comes to -the- 1, . - his farm soutli he Of tIODMU00o ONT . I � , t . , , The undersigned offers ,I, � . . 1i . .1� fl. Avast soft 3for � I . , ,,, Uarlsts. 1.0well.aM MosL be. I I tcaira. H. Kirk Porter,. James # . . I., : , I f6r -,-. .. I . .Pi , . 4�. I lot"llandio.. Concession12. oniTleplace, A � . I i Witty azkl prospormis-looking, tbatbli heads. ­ - I sto avd4balff house with stoue'"llor; a 'N & AR W . I 1� I hits seen anywhemalthough be has I . Reed, W. L. Scalfe, Wm. Scott, W- H- f4t No. $0. Oon, 30 Goderich Tovzghigr; for 9. =Zd.. and .11 necessary 1DI � KINSO 6 RV . - W-ronz food caused the I - rant, W. ORYDV94 Solicitor for r. . dri a Nerves " travolWin the States most. highly . . , il house'lla smatl orchard, never fall . Weak Stevenson, Fj M. Wilrnot� land Chaw,L oulbui dingst one � V BARRISTERS, SOL101"AlElt RM � . . r �t . , � famored as to soiland clirriate. trouble. Right food will cure it. . 1. . 1. . 0, iil-'Cireekai%dAv4DU.cistern,ODa(ites clear , I I . . I ,nd a qusrte�'froxn 00eo--C*-, Maninton St. and 11360 stastr4p . I" � � Taylor. The commleoloubrganizedin M=4 bush. One mile a I . . . . . - . the bOW01S Ve,wiair with A-r's (2) It t n 1. I . . chur6hmhool and Post Office I - . Alec; Mr. 110USe'and Lot kor Sale. .: " I I , t 1074 bele,re vrohibition Maine In tbousa ds: of -cases Scott's I Yor tau par'tia- Godertcht Out- I . . . ay by. ejecting . 1� I ,;pals. just one p 11 ench night, haw no k1loftey ill savitillis banks; now Pittsburgh yeaterd . . . .. Ularo, Avy"y to I -A.El. KNOX, Myth, Ont, 9.11j.Dlok,160111 - CRA&GA31"'MULD . � ' ,. . 2s� !;he lilts *G6..1X)0,(XX). 11 Inois has seven Emulsion ha�s proven to. be the I Taylor president and Mr. Wilmot see- . I., 0808-11 - . I- . .__-__­,� . 1. � I � . . � L .1 � I .1 � . � k. g)puhttlon,but $2,000,0001""' hs 1 " . - House and, lot for sale, oantrallv altust � .. � .11 - ROUD.FOOT & HAYS, � i, k �he �right food for Soft b;onL n . 0. . � deposito; bioj�as,sixteexxc flimes i I . retary.. .The general scheme, r a out ad, hard and soft wAteri ApplvtoW. F, , I . . . I I . I . I . I . . If . SEARLEi . . Farm For Sale. - .. rpuladois,but$22,0W,000 less deposits; childho6d. . . lined by Mri Carnegie, is - 1. . ... . I 101morr Inan' � &43� 7 � he 91inton 0 e w.,-. Eva. � I . . . . . . . . I � _. axl=p; In, TZ =210= AA -Mill L . , I ­ - ehnsylvarila,Nfitfi hibe tlmes the pop- � , 1- eaceful -_ ____ 7 Y4014211011 %@W.aaxs�,Qed US acre i . . I . . I send for free sampl,& 1117o place those foll P - Iva _Miab*p . ence.,319irthilt.s next do" to 11lau"Oftoi- � . illation, has only, $100,000.000 of delicia. . . I . 'TF 'ured 1, For Sale. . Private P .1ands to lead ak i'l FRIDAY, MAY 2,301. IM4. . vocAtiondwho have been Lij . . . 'lJglx%srxxd,bxx act bird W006.114ill It &r94 1111111116- -. I 1. it�q, while Maine has 4W,000,0W.. In SCOTT &DOWNE. ChemlikIts. heroiceffort to save'lluman life in - . . . . I sit'T of ced" on it) in state at oulti7atior ­ . , 1w.-wastrates : ; I . . In her, savings. Torionto. . � Ontario. sobut five acres fallw eat,andoensiderablehill ' of interest. - �. I . �� ������ other wor(fs, Maine has i - Wt - � I I . Sleep. . . "for every inhabitant 5M. and SiAm * ail dcurosts. ..somewhat better positions peouniarly : A manure spreader nearly new. Owrer plowing do Oomfortablo brick houo6 large W,. pROUDFOOT. . R. 0. NATO- . I , ; 1. . " d , I . . . .. . I tlian before, until again able to work. 11. old his firm oriddo,ea,not require it. oarnwithalt.iU.g.d.r..'.tlx,drilli-g-blldac I . I ,,R�, . ". :' _, . , Perawylvaula, has 001y$16.72; Illinois ��____ 111", 11 ­ in case of dea I a , oftor ocktbui -,. about - 9 more oroblard, � I -1. I � � ' .. e I .. a mostlywiliterrtruzi , wait watered-neverfall- . I . th tbewidowandehildran 11;i , , . only $10,716, ' . . ', I V jibe sold resson%ble. Apply on ;)re=-- , . . , ,-, -edt,,aI., . . One of the least neglected, aiid from, ('-i) IV hile the populationof Maine has Editorial , Ndtes. . .or other dependents to be provided for - iseiorwirite.to WILLIA.M.COLIWELL.1 �, spring cieek and two wells . Seven miles I , M - ­ ,�l , -4 � � I � 41nother point of vi e*w one of the, innat . � . untilghe remarries, and the. children London Road, Clinton P. O.'' . .. fMn Clinton and threefrom, BayA614. Posses- -, ., I . . . increasel only 920 per cent, since 1850" . r , , .� _1 ___ sion at any time, reasonable $syn. A for . �, . � propqxty valuation per capits ' extraor until they reach a solf-su0porting age, - --- . . St. - I I I neglected, factors in. human life is het. has. Montreal May 12�The her Particulars, to CHAS, SIXONef . Drs. 6unn&GU'nv,.;:i .,.., .1 . - should ' For children exceptional grants may - � , , * M I . � � . I . Alax- - . . � n iner 'ased 252 per cent. Wby cdnfusion' of ideas -prevailing , pot Sale. - D M fd.*. Godericb. I . . I - bit. W. Guam, ir#. A. 4c ra X, IL 0 lli.:r - -Nightly it cc, i0s. with gentle . I . ary be tuade for educati6n. Grants of sums . . I . Quan, M. a. 0. 81 1309111ind, , . .21. , . .ep. . ' " � . - � .. ­­ . I .: Dr, J. Niabo,11 ' I tkliet be this great difference between . I I . . - I , ;atep., 6%rryingten4ereit benediction in Maine and these Great States ? They almong, lowerrelass, 4Quebee peev. a on ,of money may, also be made t�) her'lies . rprising the W..:j of - . I . 11 '.L. IL U Pii L63kd*]L I fi . . I I w heroines as the commission think@ 100-Morell Of land cOl Farm for ftle. . . Officel- Ontario 6 I 4110sti L :both hR-nds, wavIng iti magic wand ire tert! e, and have far greater natur- the subject of banking, and savings in- ( 1, concepeton 11, 15., division, Town- . - - WtAb,4, , . . . . advisable, each case to be judged on its jObL 1 Itre0t, Olinton. Ni � ­ - of offtoe, or reoldquoll. . . . I I I L - L . � I . al resourcep ,than -Maine. The . only stitutions, is shown: by .an incident yuex,lts.�i . . I .1 ship of Ashfisid, County ,61. Harov. , For - hr,ttoor I . . � . . �`, y and citreworia marked itifferance in the legislative , 9 . ps�,tioulxxrs, address, R..M. HADWIN, - " Lot 34, H- R 1C. - � I � ., � . . I I . 4yver the tired hod . I I . . Tuckerom!W contai ng, 11 I I � . . polic 'vrikiob ocicurr�ed yesterday. in the in- grantis to be a 9 ' . " t ' �� ro gh . is that Maine laws probibit the I It is prcvided that no . I 2412 in. pixie st.,Seati Is, Walib. U. S 100 acres, all 6leskred. There ore no Dualai g . I I I '18 I , .. ..1. , I . - - I . � arpirit, and breathii g latt rgy th . u . I y I - ISHO is W. SHAW , . - i. ; . . - I ., . .. . 83 e ,i-, and , slustrial suburb 0 St. .no � continued Anless it be soberly and pro. . - - an the place. but the.laud'is Brat class and , . pa"101AX, 61336111ON , .f I 1� 411e.senser. " . . . I., . , oi liquoi .their hiivs do not I f ch,.Quebm . , . . .. I . I I.i well *,,Llla�rad ' ' Situated about 2 miles from I I I I I . . . I : . � arid the Maine people 'think that the � - - ie�,ts, re ' -­ For -Sale"..'' . . - AY4usherdi,staijefliceatid- ;_Uid&404010,-� .1 1. .� � . . . The Notra Dame 51e�. Quebec Savings, p#rly, us.64, and the recip main �. , . . � . Clinton. For particulate apply t6..RiDO'UT The question of a. fast Atlantl&pidr- cliffer�nce in firiancial'prosoerity is ,to I . . . . "r .. ' . . . ; I � . .. � . I I . . I I . "do SL, c %voolte, nglish dhardit, formerly W , - . . , ' ' . � ill -0ioe is trivial alopgside this,vitial . con- W attribifted to the only difference in SocietY, whic is A r0gulskily. Constitut- ,r' cc eri.well-behaved. members of : , ­­ .. & HALE, Clinton., . ..,.. - - . � oliviedby .r.Appletaki.,011!nton,07111-11. _­ � .. I I . . h . eap , tabi I - . � . . I .. , . ..*. . . I I . I : ... �� . I law. ... . ... . � I . I r ad loan ce, i ny,'in tbi5 bjest..of stand- tlie-c*mmunity. §ho I uld 1111111 . '$700-00 will bay a J30mfot table' bollee. On -, . . . . . I., I . . p ala- I - --- - ____ -_ mpa I the 60 is- � Frederick. Street, six rooms, . cicllellp�. raw . . . . I I . . r I I sideratioT1%, I'Shalf the eople bf C. , . . . . . . I . . . DR. C. W. "THO PROM, � , I � . ... - I I . (4) Pauperisrd. FromI850to.' 890. . .- . , , Sales � . ..sumpols, ]Kt& � �, pau'perisim * Ingi wae-.the.. victim of on extensive *!On find. after allowing. libirally for try, hard ana toft-water, gopd, %gardelix, In, I.,. or . . : ­ .. I - . � . I . . $1100i0o House on . I . � . . ads, sleep well during� the next throa: increased in 111ino e I.. Farm f piiydolalsq! I I � -it. fli good exituation. . � � ,. .1 , 1, ... . !, f" a Giraxid Tiunk Pae cent4; in -Ovio 188 per -cent. ; .1ilt'i"Poep=* Asrun on the bank." *hich. is ad, .pensions, that a surplus vvill Vellux,in, . .- alpecial attelitiid,"TiTen,to,disseest oI the . I ,months ?" If th . . I I . . . aserib . . . . . I � I i . � Iftary l3treell with all conveniences, etall,fai ... . catandblose. .., I '. I I - � �. . . . sylvaniNrenigined stati.onary,in Maine- r entirely to public disquietude over the make - A. - . �W.BRXDONE. I . The undersigned Offers for sale his farm . ; . Bye, Bar, Thi , * . .. . I � , I I . I . oJect were to miwa.rFy through 11). . . . . I .has power tot -grants J.0 case ofat 29 tf.. . . . . � . . � ­ . : � a -lie �r I .1 auperism-clect,eased 245 per cent. I . . . . . .� ., . " � - . .1 �. ­.. . . .�bf .00 horeo"Gituate4on Ord con., lot 22, �. .0mces R."Idence- , ' ' .1 I I . . I . . � . (5) Crime. Massachusettsisnear-to -revelations in the Credit du Canalik pidonta (preferably where aherohas a.p-. . . . . . Township of Stanley. The fsrrA is. 2i Alibert btmt.s sietko-Noot ir"ixiabow, � . . � 'I and unforseen occur� , . . I . . I . , !� -sonie untowarz. . I. . I . - : � . ;- a from Braceft1d. . The buildings are*- ' . I I I . . . � A . I I � . " Mitine, arid in social and. moral. cPndi- spedillation.. Wearl $100,90 was paid pear,,ed t6 -those injured. . . Bull for Service. wile . . I . I *ence, regrettable as this woitild be - it' - ' .. . � . T .. . . . 11 . . . I - . . � 1. � . in -fair repair, si I - 1) - C -IL .. . . - - . I I �- � - � � . . . ... I . Winisnearlyp4rallel 'InIS98shebad' , .- - .. Vot*o - Dame d -Quebec, � Foresdei g. th probability. that. . . . . ild the form is suitable for 0 W. 1knullrig Smith., IL 11 I I , �. uuxi� ' 1,441A prib6w 6ut-liy the 0 la a � cities 9 I I y of vrater. , . � . . . . . . . . . . . would.touch -the Int or e'ts bf the o 3re, �nr 33 for'. every 10,000 . . ,. I 0 . I . . . . . The undereigi3ea will keep for service the ' razilug or raising gARD. - Plant .q . . I I I . . . . I I - the white people-, whileVaine had 641; �or � . with the assistance. of other loan soc-, and employa!! on this; continent. will re'latered Hei eford bull Rev 4th of Ingle- 'For further partic I is - svpl oil: the' - T=SICIAX_"TJUGIEOX���� �. try_�a�rlss d�i"siro�usjy than 'if' . . . ; I � . . I I . ' - I b Of Comb promises r by in i t, .".. !Dplq - ­ � �� . - _. ­ . I I . YJ-for-eveiyAO-000-wUte--�eople�---, _F_ come � th )e placed. undersimilar con. hide_�iioh%wd f RiFtr- _D -Smit . 'o a .JOB . . I OFFIIJE�-Xatn Stresti Bo 4oId,'f6merl:� to"lity of its .population , wer - e6e_i. auli'. bi�kg, -4hich- t a ultimitteli 1, . , ' * - - - .1 � . I . . y . . - I . . I . .. . a 't�� re" These Ai -e soiile of, the teasons � why - ..; I " I . . ' I . �.' ton, Qvebeo, Terms $1,50.:. Young Hetet Bra - elo, P.0 . . 1. . . . . I 11 .* 1: , I .. . ., I . . . � . -smain without sleep f6r* -the next. six th6 peciple,of Maine. .believe in the law rescue. - -The officials --vire ponifidont .ditio;us,fd tflose of Gre4t tribain,'.Per- .1 stock for qslo as any time. Ikov 11 I .1 . I I . . � � * � occupied �7 Dr. Pslltlata�. , I . , % . . . I . . ., . Ord 0 . . . . . � . �. .1 . , I . I I " , I . . . - . . ­ � . i . . . . :1 . probi biting' the. sale of liquor. dad why that �he whole will he 'redeposited in - many, and othL-r European. countries,' Con, 9., Rallett. . - ., E. L.TAPNHAMi .� . ., . I . . I I I .. I.. I I 4 4ays and nights. _.­ I I ars .. .1 ,. 1, .. I * I . ! I ­, : . . Constance P. 0. . .'' . . . . . ni w. - I � �. . 11100 AGNEWIP ,,. I p I . .. ' ' . . I � I . . . L. . I I *k .on every occasion for niaarly fifty ye. . tbtl course of a few ditim. * ' . . I and requireilto-provide against. st:cer- , . � . . ... . . , . . . . ­. . ... I . I 1 . ., � . . . . And yet the publicly expressec� lic - they lia,ve;xpprov�ed the law loy an over . I .. . . .­.. . . . . . . L'. � ..... ­ 1. � � _ . . . .For Sale. - I ... I DENTISTo I .. I ­... I.. - . � I t - . . I . . � 1. I I . - . . commissi6xi is .. . 11 I. I 1. ., I . . .. ... . . I . �. .. . . .. �. . .!; . � - : f ' : -nawl�dgements of this fact arb few' whelining iii Y'Al ! . . . . .. I .. I dents to employ�ees, the' ' . . � .0-0 I -,O1 , , , � 1. ajori 1. . .. . . . L I . . . . . QPINTON, , 4TARIO; , . . . . . . � ... . I � . . . . 1-1 . . . . ­ .. . - , -411. . 7 , . - I I I 0 400 ' . A .. .Writers in news- I . ' -41 doi;patQh t - m owered Oy- a two t - 'de-' �. cC. , - 1. . I .. I .% . � � ... Fr -BL, . . I I I .�_ birdev. a to I Sg*ple to, Ap . . X�mxlnute spreadernearly new. Owber , OMOO open every doiand uaill 1 o'd . ��, , ,�e . id far between I ,.. I �. I . . .,The Xontre o 1he Tor a p .. . .. I I . . . I - � I .. .. . . has;dId"hisfarm and does not iequire it'. � . . . � I � . .. .. . '. . I �.. I . . . I . I OeInO *it Atan. - I'Udn vote'any surj�ihis that- may accrue to - . ` ' . SittirdaX eveniago � - .' . 1. . . . . ­ I , J . papers and inagaWneg ieldom so much, .: . �� . .. . ... . . . . onto Wood says .1sr"l. Tarts ,­. . .. I, .. . . . ProotWil ie"�Oslldivicelor telephones, . Will be -sold,re4lionable, Apply on prem- I . .. - . . I . . . . . - I . . .- .. . I . . � - � . 1. 1 . - I .. � . . I I . . I .. - the relief of those in -wan *caused byno pave.brain, work and hours of Ume, - Et als.referto-it. IgAnifestly tileyda, not - � of is imlking'in his tent. The ex -Minis- . . I . . t I sells is, team or write to WILLIAM XOLV 4L�. . . . . I - I - . . IVe have pleasure in quoting one , . . . . I . . . -Do�% 0. ERNESr,,H0LME8 .*: .1 ' . , . I , . ' 3elf, one sale sells: dozens, seeing to � bdli-v- Lorldon-Roma, clintoxi P. 0. � .� . .. . � I ' I* -ets They- � � The field.embrac� I . . . . . . . 4�: . . P as a Ive su!)Jl 'toi- of Public Works. b t written .faul t of -their own. .. I -., . '. , ,.. I l I look upon*,sle.e I 'L , thei pithy, viri!e statements of Hon, as lub. I � . I .. . . . . . Jng, send samp.. TfIB � ,� . . I � . �, . . ... I I ... bill"Iff , � . . . . 1. , I � I . : . . . . , - - � �Inustadmit.,­bqurever, thaititis:thor- . �* I . I. y'the fund is.tlie Vnited Stated, and APPLIANOX �t -- . . - .. (sizoomor . 1 . . . . . . . � Job ,' oolley,strid. in cardially. com- an arti,cle,against the Ottxlxwa� Gqyernm 1 ed'b . 1. . . . CO..,,. gone. Madison Aio,,, I . . I. . I . W.Dr T. 0. � Arace, ., � . . I . . . * I . � . D. New Yor - I - . I . .... .W. , , I - .. . I I 1. .. . I . lip -Brid I L I I . . n G. W . F; A go I ��, 'oughly up �o-date. . . I I I ment forneal4y twoniontlip. , As has analla, and th6waieis thereof.- *en'T,. Dept. . k.64y. ., . . peWtat in Crown and ex : . men I * rs.:� Earn6q I t, . I I � � .., ­ ­ . E I . __ '..... * , . . L D S -Gradnaxte Royal College D.Pjlr I . . I � . ... .1 1 .. I - I ''.. . I . . . � . . . . � at the 1P , . . . � . I . . . . . - . to , . : 616. - , i6o.-otoutax,i., Toronto. , . S!eeo ijoys. a-- world -wide -and age- , c ing it to,oiir, reade' ' - 4 ' ivriiten however, tb � . � IC post. ':*, , . ..'" Re.61 ,,-Es' t� Joe - 8 'D.:MS.-Firmt-claiss'Honor graduate of Dea. . ' .1 . Need Peas* mind geed - . � Corn - . I � . ..... . �� I -the ,at: m . oleasarit to- I I, . -�. 77� i . I . . . . long popularity. This a Aft.* More lion, en may questionthe .Wisdilni - a 7' . �` - " 'Is' �- � , . . _., . � I . . . .1. . . . . . ­ . I . . � .� - Uttiverattr . lations .,vvhich'ex�isted between th' I . .- I . t&1Dep&rtmeht*fTor*nto . ' ' .1 . . - . 1. - . .. I . .OR TO RENT. - special attention paid to preservation oU . . . 49trikingwiten we corisideritsresern. ofMi-.Wbol.loy's4ietho4s,.noon,e c.mkn . . . Women's . Institute. Meetings . . .. . . . I . , . . . I .., .. . . . . I . . Preml& and the member forst Mary'a I . , L . , % chijazen's teeth. Will visit .Bayfield #W , Mance to what mankind,nioat dreads. - fail to; it preciate the soundineiff � . I - ,Having'sola two. parelseed. Peas, no bugs .. - . . , , I I - I of his -b - . . . . . . . .. . - . - � .. I I � woud*7. . ., � .. . ,. .,* I . .01 . . . . , � . . . ay.e never been xlisturb�d� iladall tihis � . � I -have bougbt,tvvo ours more', 800 ".ruilem ., . . � .. Shakespraxe calls it the 11ape of death" principles, nor the rectitude of his mo� . . . � � The following is -a list of Women's I rib,: and aurs.to have'eno6gh. to arlpolk 'Ord Paraelm�Tbe �Brick Dwelling 'in first- ' . I .,. .....�.....,.. -,�__. , ., . I . � . . . I ­ . . ; .. inthe face of tb�'teirr'lbly. saictisti 36bigs to .be held in Huron � no * �. � . � . . �.. I I . q . � . ti4l�s. R' -doesnobbeli I 10 Institute Met . . I . all demands 9b cents pez b6iliel f.o.b. Clin'.: class otaer, with hard' arid soft .water, - �, I . . and Tennyson describes, if as ",death's � e eve Ila the. do_ ritig May.' .' L" ' . L JR9 . � .. . * . . -ilvin brother." . . � . � . dentificiations,YvIllich'Mr. Torte leveled county du . . .. .. tonbogetiae, -Also.bsvo,.4�oarsof 'choice . b0li'rporn, cellar throughout. and stables I ; DR..,WFOW E , . I 1. - ... . But the kinship does' . . .1 . 1. . . . . I . . . . . ­ . nothibg poli�dyrof sorne peoplo whofind - . S akers and. Subjects; -MI a 13ella. ci ail . * haves .. " - , . . Alle cor Y, Bailey. an . . . . . . I . . I . . I 11`Sd1ne­ W Office, on Huron Street . . , - . . .not even suggest a pieludice. . All the �.. . . . I ac his. tate leader, during the by-elec- MiTaeri Guelph. a n,, Butler Ocxqnb . in reor, next westerly from Dr., 8 . I . . . ractic 1 . .. . DEXTISTi� I - !'-� . I politics not what they would like. 4t is ... I a other stanaardiiinde, '. W. H. PERRIN , . - .1 . -world has a, ' .. I Y I R. L.. Bor. Ilints on --Home Nu, I - Emer- - . . . . . I . .1 OUCH,or ­ _ -OMoes over 0!.NEIL'S atbre. I I welcondii forlhis child of * * tiou campaign. . so, -and , , rsiug and . . . : ARTHUR6 C , . 1. . . . . . . , I L . . I L . our business, 16 (10 right, not to sit still . . I . Zencies" (illustratpd), "Wonten's - In-,. � I ICL . I I 9 if .,W W.FARRAN. L '. Special oars taken to make aental .ire L , � � silence.. this fathorof swoe�tre!kt, this 7. . .I . . . I ,. den has discovexied that It Ivil.6 a great ' , . Feb n . . . � . . ­ Future " . '' . , �� . I . . I 1 1 because 9ther'-people are. d6iri . I . . % � 1. I . :titutes'�'Past,'Presexit, a -ad Pealrab Property . I or. . � . � . o. . . 1. I—.. �, , . ent as Painless as. possible.' Will vi 1h , . ; . . � I 9 lvr:mg. . ' I . I . . I . - I . . .al . . � . . "chief nouriiher in lifq's feast." , I I I . . Mistake to allow 34ra 'Xgpk to resigIl 'Gleanings.froin House-4le's, in 11 "A' . . . L � . I I .1 ... Auburn evbry Monday. . I . I . . Princ . L I - bein 15 . �' . . L . . ... . . . . � -� I . � .1 sate..'..'.. ..I . .. ... . . . I I L . . . - .� I .. e.says : . I . I 7� .. . --- , . I . ---i­WU1_hd_x ni.tri,. an acti'Ve, (lellime . . . . . & f) . - - * , .. ­'. . ...... �. - ... - I -1. . . . - I I . L I . . I . ­ , I I 11 � I .. - � . S, ' , �i . . , et. wise been repeated by'people -very. .. 1. .: . I I a 6 0 es - ­� -7 . - L.--- . ', L' , �. es have rlot'At all, tinies � . . . . � .. it has imd-9Uuttei . Ld�i . . - ­ -i� �,� -- --- ., , ­ -_ � � . _tlu-_Qneb_ecJeadeLiWp,aJad_i -1 - I I � , '' __ - I . , - !I ­ -_ -_ - sce . - _ . , I I - G -DW, ... W. T I noted U)x the:r .syxrxpathy�.WithtFiij� he Dalry'niis, I I Roles am 0 a t e v . , g artai I persistent, §elf-respectip 'ancr .respi . . X16B Jessie Hills - ncer. avenue. I .. ... I . . . . .. . oneou _ . . , . . -6ale, 'bet ' L . .to �NjKajt L ' '. . . .. . � . . cratil, ta.91 es an -I us&! t we have vilki ,Tho a", ersigne 0 ro * for A ... . I I ' ' - gin. ; I;u . . compelling man ; ty to a �cloao t1d the leadqr- of L the, Opposition .. - 1 . .. . - . . . . � . party .,oronto ,4 -Tal 06 ".(With .de- . 'L . . I I . I . . , . . �_ . . I l an exception here. $lee i� ' respt(r- r*�;e(;t L: X]o'toa(ly . . . 0 large two-eto � fle - case, Wate rcof * . 1. '. � , , , . .. . . I I . . () , to 4 'majority; *no that '1;:nstr2iions), - . nvalid. . Cookery," MO I .. .�. .. � � r 'P. no. i UrBordenis niu6)i disap . good cellar, larke-roo s,furnsce, ar' and' ALBERT ., F; A .rp. a CLINTOX I �. I . . C4.iL- FISHER, . .1 . I I torofpersions; it doeilrlotLpandevto. trininier to the,'popuj'ar breeze; 110 " . , , .pointed, "Misconceptio est!6 846ietI6 " . I I ­ I - . . L . .. .. .. I . . I . I I 1. .- - . * - � . I . -talker to cominitte .. no 45- W, Mr -Taiiea attitude. ' The Con. ? soft v7sitor3ri bodeei'lo'ba le an rive abed, 1, (w "' �' " . , oxi, , - . . I . I li�pin�baby ,as ;, I . �,,Airxx f . womeeg I BUsIndse . - � ,. otaimolf . .1 . . . I .. . V the great onQI3 of -the earth.; iud.�ed; Whit L . 1. .. .. , * . sand Objects. A. good garden, all kin sof ftn!tO,. about 24 .'," 4�perz,f 101ankhas . , . . I . I . . . . . L upering"11pologf.-tic preaehei,lwith riervhtivo leader had.�.eeixmade to b& stitutes,"' "Practical Hygiene." . . -ofland.donv6nienito ailroad St&7 .., .. .... .. .transimeted L .. .1 1. . GibnerlitAgent of Federal Life Asourance Ve,;­ � as Cerv,antes says, "it is the balance it gag; no'-wire-puller's Pulach abil-Judy- . ; .. . . ­ . . � xeter, South Huron, June 2. '. . ". bores I . I . . . . I . - . . . ,#-sd Weight th . at inak . es',the 8hepherd . . I U that the ex:-MinisterbadAII6 fdl-. . . tion Post Office Church and . School. . Ap- . I ,- . I _­ . I olioles on 031 the latest approved Plons,with ... . pet annex to a party show; 'eve . I 'Huron, June 8. -. ,, ­ . . ponny pla a . Bayfield, South . NOTES DISCOUNTBD ' Privileges and options modil adyanitageoulito, . , I itraddyi 3d, elisy reformer; lowing. , rice, *hile' Mr.. I r by mail, ovon the promises to . MRS. ' . . . . . We Ineirbil Annuities issued. ��i ng small 41 . in'this 'Frovi - Bluevale, East Huron, June 4 . : . . P3 . I. .1 ; . .. . JVrob. and the fool to Doi I � . I . , . * I _. - ­ - ' .. . .. I .. . '.1 ,equtV W Ma rico _ - . - the . ' I . . T. 0. PICKARb. Holt.neavilli. o 5 6 tt, Notea., joined., ' Interest allbived an . . . - ". .. I - , n6'dhitelling tamp.folloWer-of ess 6A.Aeparl;ed. It ., Ethel, FAst Huron, June 0 . - ..- Ir I . _ - .. . . 'tho-irt,bi'l and"13t.,1�4-s 10-,�cltmo MonlCo Usefuln . .. . . ' 7 . I . I .. . . 1� a . I . . r . � , . I W .�. �. Ito depos.its �, ' . I . I .. ' I . . Arl Ju --- .11 . O.:: . 1: - . v ­ .. I world's . forward, ni4r-,,h i. - q ptry I I . .1 . I .,�, .. . .. � . I . 9� . NoWowgrth E4stH6r6n, nel ,� . . It. I ... .. ... � ­ . . - . : _. -iro, hqTluyer -y - . qu I . .. I I ... I . I . I ­ . . . , �� ..7 . -M JR IAGE I 11 .. , �1 * " I .*Z6. -&,1j., ft4p I . . I Fordwich. fiaat�fiurm, Jim-& Me' * I � . Jesa than bemars, - . oliouter of tllq 99 '-j3�, .qp . $_ i I . . .jaqqjj�� " . . . I Bicycle Ina e I ..-:* R LiOMSZOI � .,T11T A 'I., im whoaa o - . I , - , da uor , * Huron, June 1). * '.' . . . �� I . . .._ I .1. ; . .. � . . . I . � . I . . , Wt.,)vro�&-11 llreaici- h To1:0 t . . r . I � . . I - .110 _�, --.:o.,irictioiis,.requireunit'tilgI bar foV.3'a-44ttes t wits the-Win"h- : Gorrie, East � ,: I I � _�._ . I .1 i . . I I . .. . � � . � -1S519l3D:8y I_ I. . - .. I ' I . . . . I . . olm!s S Orth . I 11 I - - I .. , ty-yeiti. 1101 abiyo ... � � . * I . 'Ru 16. V1111tow.-:1 '. I . � . . . t'kubg 611t brains. 'to .seven' snivelling, moral coward trembling, Ina .card I and 'that the Conixery _ Winglialu., West,Huron,, Ohish . ava your checks they are w I L.P. TINDALL . . " � . . . . : ., . . u- I . . 0 . . at a polhician's sneer; no pastor whose . ill, June'10.­ . . money to ),on and when.you have. e , . . I . . 4. I Mbal I " I en. Hl . I . .. . . . . . CIDeks. ,"The Angel ()f )Life," he says'. Party stiftered'very'coniiderably wh Blyth; IV`es6 Hilton, ough to rpali:6 $1, just bit � . . . . a6litics are queer ; n6. ray -fish pietist Mr. M ,r I . , . Opera .House: ng them I ':O: . . I 1. .. . ... . . I � . I .... .1 I I � � . . ... .. .% I ' ficr-all, then' . bnk stopped down anA'o'ut.' The ' �.� ` .... � .� y- next 'door to I . VANKER, I. I I . . . . . . 'winds them .up once , t1acking undera. creed. ht the approach I ­ � . June ll.' , the Palace'Laundi . I 1. . � . . . . I ... I � . '. I Closes the case, anti glyes the lk�.v into ofanewthought' I -wilt beintelli.. Sthr also has at last d1sc'ovexc;d tbii CUufAihl'.W6St11d ,. t ,u's and get'& key that may. '. - - I. I � � . . . Molloy, � . I . ,� gent; ron; Council Cham- Phinitima . .. . . . - . . . I I . � � . . .' . e , ' � . open - kofa$00,60bicycl�. Brin , 1. WNTION, ONT I . ". . . I . . 1. . . � I . . 'ealirrec. I will take aprolijbi r June 13. ' the lo6. I . � . _. , the hand of the Aingelof the R I � tion newspaper kn-1 fact, for any'. o 6 can, see that the . . L ­ . : � . I 11, -, � . . . I . . . . . � � L . . . read it ; I will have an opinion and ex- . . . In . . Goderich, West Huron, June 14. laundry alolug and try- your luef . - I : . private. flands to loan at deAt and up- � , the Autocrat. � . �.. . L I . iing FAVAtS funds 0 101110 On mortgages at words I I W-trylDoNzi- - - . tion." But might not I . press it. I will be consistent; I will let Tarts boom of Hugh Graluxila ha% I . . ­ 0 =Itdoesxxxo� cbst you anyd . . besicurrout ratow . I I .1 I . . . I . . . . " ­ .. liave truthfully said that We Angel of no man despise me ; I will not despise I completely Pgt@r10A..9x:%41�'-._-,�,, I, , . ,.; - . 4.-.., ....". . _.. Football', Scbedil�lqj I $­ I He also c eabs, d es, presses and, re: ... . . . . . . I I . . . �-. L � ... 6i'�­: ItL "" . ' . V L' , . � I .' "''Lif6,httgptitWsbbdn&k-e)rilTtempora,l..T� �nl'ys6lf,-If,l,,ke-ep-,politititl--tft*a'dT*'. ­ - . .1 � ­ ! . I- . pairs all kinds of diothilig and naakes 0suaral 11ankiilig ' business tranoleted' d L I" . � I . . 1. . where saloon -keepers fexel at boni I � . . .. . I .. �. � . them took like new, ativery -reasonable , , , - ;nterselp allovoed' on. depadto. . ... JA � MXS CAm 1113ML LONDNEU30RO ,\, ��, 1. I . I trust with the ; , � L 10SUAR OF MARRIAGE LIO,bNRW?L ' 1 L L . , , ! I I,, I "i I . - - , I *011t. 1 1 , 11 � . � ) 11, I I 'I I . �� �ZT I h'id, I I .010, ".11,11"..', � . I I L, � �' �� 1. I , I ied_,_Ll� I I 11 on 1 Ili f Dom .1 .0 I I I I I In Shouldour Hough Cup defenders win . . . L . Angel (f Sleep ? L will be man enough not to pray, "Thy. Fro ' present IndicAtIons Ahe sur- . I 0 . prices. � - I go . .. . . -sale now" �Onohli . I . ... � . . No wittleases,requirod. I A i .1 I . L I The wheels a:,thought begin:to ra- Anglican come on4eartb." I w1libe out eachtiftliB, they will play with th . . . .. . . . � * � �tthxa key that opens . ., '. �, . too ,d nary revenue over 'ordin. I Shubld a lady . ". ' � ' . . . . I . . . I . . , As thd ingeha,inItntotalkof taking the world. , plus Of 01 I it �aj L . following teams on the dateq set oP, the lock the bitycle will bo exchanged . . , . . . L . . . .. . . . . . . . . : . . .1 ­ I LL fL are n r0a,te L at - .x,:!�,.Vi�, ­ - , , � �,;.�,. �6 - I . ra.la3y,svihe*il.'�'rtishOW'6114*UiU�'. . .77 7777�' ., .,'I�q.­!.�, %,�-. Z,- 1, � "-f.". � R'ly, - W -,,": Y;�,�,'%r �". . . L . .. . . . :,M . . ,... J0 ; , Irmw � _1�t'.�L.;.r��_;�111 ;. - . I L ltg';')� ig,'dtitied or.Christwhile I iiin consenting to I . L ., ! . volve earlyin the niornink. ary e:�psnxl thee dof the. fiscal _ their uameig�'whieb means th fQ I . � 414 lirocMiri"'iffiii- I e dZfii . farm,otit the, highways, of, my * own year, will amount -to $lq,000,000 or they will have to battle for supremacy itiou'at the laundry. � . a . L . 1),.one ame a week till June . . e. I . ' . and. c1lles press upon us 'the . al - L loons*� and li'v . . will-be.p.reiduction ill Of the on �, . . .1 . . . . . I The ,- M Killop , Muttia I � � BOLMESVILLM .1 ..... . I I . 0 .. . Ow TeV0" country to. a& e or! � the more, 4nd there . 18th. is is o cial notification recei ' . . L I 'C.. 'CofiSig,ley. . 'ft* eL ., I . ' I I I . . . 'a* '& v'% . '... I ir Insurahee eoe Agani tc� the MANO9zsTzx,t,Fs IMA*Olt ., - . � Th i ( -lationq multiply into it whirl. now is rentals.: 1, will hold no o I ician 17 000 000' - . . . is Ass . . . . lit' ' the national'debt of' some . , ... 1�t. ed from the S6retary of the Western . . . . � � ! . � I � Oo.6f Manchester, England whosefundo arer-, L I I coat while he stone - & prop= or de-. L . . . I I I . . � . 1. . . I . A iman to stop the wheels P �He cannot __,piot ,.,+.,. u; ,�, .. %�,%_� ' � 'L-A Thii,official.statement of receipts faid Football. Association : - - . . ; . . . L . L I.. . . I . I I .. . . . " - security are rated at $14.5W,WP, Also the lft�6 . ­ . - . L � order them tostillneas;-they willnob . . I _. F . .7 the grace of G6d..I will be a, Christian and IL manly man. , . I L . . . expenditures for the ton months end- Both �vap issued to -clay but . W rs vs Seaforth .... 11 aym inne Winners va London - - - � ""." millyz - tome to a halt of their. own accord ; a ., . . I April Ing 0 Winners vs Berlin::. . �. , June 4 , I I 1, . Walk in Lthe gat -den or through the I I Illong-filled grove will mot sopthe tb,in I � , . I Aw."Warky Childreil. . it is scarcely c6rredt for purposes of comparison, seellng tPat several items . Winners va Gait .......... Jull'O'll, Winnets Ys Woodstock.... June 18 . '.* - 1 . I I . into quiesdencee . T owards the end Of I 1� .. . . I �_ L . I . . of e. penditure are nop'yet included, in x � � - . I I . . I. MONVS TUIS ? .. . . I the day metital activitygrows burden- , to on . If v(iu Want to keep your little 03308. rosy, hoarty and- full of life give them, ':they, . taking �the statement as it. flowerev, . .. , . . .1 'it revenue on congolldkted . . I . .We goer One Hundred, Dollars L Re - 'can-: L some� The effort think jars the " Bitby,s Own Tablets the inoment. st.�nds, -the . � L . L , Vy ard for anp case of Catarrh that . over tired orgEtw; lindytititkeepsou , � : MU U . f. .... 0 !L . shoii signs of beingout of order in any _& : T166 m6di-ine cures all fornis of ' 4 aocountarnounts to 1450,728,710, which ' is $4 800;875 ore than for 6a same notbeoured,by Hall's'Ca.tarrh Ours. F J CH9NEY & 00., Toledo. 0. , 117411-AAR GA- - - W --- A %F&I K=,OPMuTVA.L1XsUaAxciDCo. A. clailgesof . . . . , 11 . . erty Only Insured. . .. .. farm risks and town property t%ken by , . I . I . - . . ., , '. lowest rates. Fns" axis JUGAU (3ompantes, . . I rICERS. I .� .1 also reproserted. Money V) be had fr ,va 4i 1per . . * I uro of as6�%,U14- � ­ . . or contup, ft t � J. 9. McLoan, President) Xippen; Th6s Dally Un".3aftwasyMe -'Ipostal Card V1 ... � ... . felah him '... . I I . I I. Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thw. k ­ , VP I O? .. - - _ I . . � . 11 Hays, Secy. � Trea's,, - Seatorth; , - � - . I � : I . I . I . . I ... . I I 1. . ... . . DIRECTORS. � I I . I a CONSERVATORY k Jas. Connelly, .Porter's cHill; John , , . , . . Wat.4. Harlock,­ -G. Dale, Clinton,- M.. I Studio ot Music,, . . � ,, , , , . I I . . I � I - , . . I . . . . 1 13W 1115. v v, - e us or resp e; Lila J I I I 1. I I . Unesney, zieaioi,th;, 1. p,v4ns, Beech. . � I stomach and bowel troubles; breaks up period of laut ,year, and exceeds the We, undersigned, have known F J � . - W, Glenn 0 � - . . ... . iv6on; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J..."Ben. I .. ,rpball..Organlet and Ohoir � . * A BAD' CASE' I , I I. director of lilts . Rtesliyterisn Church�- . . weary brain yearns for.some'draft colds. pre'vents. croup; destto a woxrmso� expenditure or. the conqolidated fund Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- . I , .. � . eis, Brodhagen. � . . . I . I Iver of obli -' allays teethivi irritatfoli'an gives the accou . . . new � . I . . f enni the ri viontbat, will en W ,nt by $10,01503- Over all ex: lieve him perfectly. honorable in till . � . I . Clinton, . . 4 I,, . � . . -1 I uhle it to forket its, problem.9 and anx- little ones sound,natural ale . N ditures combined there is'li0su"Plus business transactions, and finaricially I . air I Each Director is inspector of, lostes in Teacher of PlandforW. kipo-Of9ab and* ail . . WV1 . child objeebi to tak d . . . . . . _,_� 1". letics. �Xhereiif� ii __ lug the T3'F�t. amo _1,71�13,401,28.1.`The following is a state- able to carry out any. obligations made . . .. .. . � h'is own )OCAlity. .. . brknehas of Musical Theory. Pxl�ils prep&rod I . � . p ,y of geffling 46 ment of the kecOlPts In detail :- by his firms - . . ­ . � . . .. I . . . forailthoaxaminutionsof tbb orouxor Cog . I , ill-- machine and' stcpping the ever. the mother hAs 0, guarantee that they Revenue. April 3O,'03. A 30. '04 W&U-DINO, XrNIf � � ­ . . ­. ­ I 1. . . . . AGENT9. � . . . se"atory, Colle 6 or lUbiversity. New Studio, I I . contain, no opiate or harniful drug, No AX& MAnVINJ . KID N EY, TROUBLE � Harlock;. Ed,' Hinc oVlxkfTwltfth61ls`9hoo,13tore6 AU,arow6lco!xxQ,- . I . I . I kwiriging pendalumi; f6ribebrainis' other medicinje for little ories gives. this - Customs.... ...... $20,202,484 . 420 857 - Wholemle Druggists Toledo, 0. . . I I Robt.. Smith, hley , . . . . I 0 I - i tr", �_ . 'a beyoncl the ralage -o. Campbell,X .., 0 01.3,270 10,8261040 'Hall,sClitarphCuro is taon iriter- ' . I - Scaforth; - Jarnes Cumniingi Egmendw I � . solidly ened guarattee, fMrs.Ge illar. Excise ....... . . . . . . sl�d and i ney, Man., who -,has bad -much . e - Postoftice _ .... %503f269 3,83708 nally, acting directly upon the blood . I I GQRED 8V ' ville; J. W. Yco, Holinesville. I Aliss1aurine, Agusta kaiser - 1P I . . 1 3' 1 1 . of direct Interference. ionce srbys : --�.111 find Baby's Own 1?40b� Public works, in- I ' anct mucous surfaces of the systern. - � .. I . . . . I I . � . .. I . . . . .. . I . I . But there is a i;weet resttirev for lets it, 11�0 rnc%dicilao for children. T11% cludingritilways 5,035,800 607,17.080 Testimonials sent free, Ptice, 75c per . . . I 1. eoncert-ISnoagemiltitS AccePtOdii I . re wompt"In relievinq little ills'an Migaella-Aeous - - ­. 8,017 -ON 2J393, "� bottli...' Soldbyall Druglsta. . . . I I . I I I . I . � � 11 In le in their aotlozi.' All inedicini, ­' - ; - � . 1 4 4K le, 1, I $ tp$���� . ti 'd nature, even 4-bx1my sleep," dint I'M I , � . - DOAN'S XIDNEY PILLS,` '* Teacher ixfVolco ftod"011611L lin'll Singing I M fov consti- - I lit English or Fortit". ; 9L I .. Take 114111s,.b amily� Pil a . . 1-1 � , . . "Isteeps-tho senses in forgetfulness.- dealers sell tbeseTablefs or you can Total '... 02,361,841 151M,728,716 . Vation., I . I . I . X . . . I I Special attention paid to Chest De - '116 Sleep is 4i garment of antple propdr- get thpin by mail at 25p, a box by writ- 14"xpenditure .. 431,025,674 $35,802,813 . . . . , " . . l: .X. : I velopelment,,. Students prepared fov . � . in[; 11he Dr. -Williams' tUedielne Cd., Capital ex endi. . . . Xidnoy Troubles, rib thatter of what . London Conservatory examinations, ,. . . , I tions ;- it covers, a Inan all ov-k, arid Brockville, Ont. I , I thro - , ublia . � I)o it, r4ow . kind. or. what stage of the disease, can . . - 4111,188 Halsop has studied Vocal mug'a . under - � ?I Central 0 . ano so row . I . , work 11w I , , - be quickly and permanently cuted.by the I . . . ated a, I shuts @In in front ,cite , r , it . I . , I I 'a, pal , sys . � nohorsand hr%q caltiv. . .- wict ,3,.t 1 , I . . 5 I steals Mill frow his own coippiIny and I , canaig.... , 15.245, ,�,55�)"301 When you9ve got it job to do,, Toronto's best to London Vree VMS - I . . 8,rw) 53L210 . . Do it now I. use of these wonderful. pills. Ur. Jbscph . beautiftt1sopranq.v61co-'- , I . to The foll6wingls thb claysiftiti6n, of J)oyninion lande 21 Leland, Alma, XAV,T., reeorainenda thern . . � , locks. out.the world ; it brings pimea . � . � .. _ . mikitia'ImPRIXI ­ 104,278 764,601. If it's one you wish w(ts, through, le sufforers, IvIlen he 1. Meat Market Studio over Newitorlibe's Store .. � 1(li,tlt,l_ I It ports for I . . I to d1l. kidney troub . . � � I allu, .; v;itll tllc� g,ncl,(,&�y or_,t ,emigiants ivlio.left 1; litis Pailwaysubilidics li3MO 1:30 11VIYU0181 . . Do it now I . 11 . I � . . . . 1111g, , Canada, during AIr . iv own, I -1 Nvag troubled with dull head- ' I Xol(Sp,,alL, Nals6r, . . . . . prince arid L* 'it .- R 6nglish'1,000 �, - 33otinty on iron I If you'ro silre-thojob's yol sitys " I 110 Potency ()f it I iciall, - acho licul frightful drearna, terrible flaving nrcl:msed the, lititaharink - . . I Irish, .187; Scotch, 12,�SU,, foxxigners# and 'stp.c.l.. � _ 0Q7,424 7,15,185 Do not lacni, and haw, and groan- ' " litteino'S3 G V. 11. Powell I am Pro- . P14190.xV. Newcombd - * ' . I It is 14sore labor's bath, ball)) (if hurt . . 86uth Africa, coil- � I . . Do it now I . pailas in my legs and a frequont desire tn I y . � . ... . . . ' ' ., urll),,cte. Xoticing, DOAN'S XIDN'rRY pared to farrilill the people ot Olin. ' I I I � , -1,01"' DoWt put off " PILLS recornmen6'tl for Just sueh arlyiny- ( ton with all kinds of Fruit end Ind , great nature's senonil course ;" 2,200. Total, 12,726. These returns in. . � M1 S tingent . ....... 175.392 it bit of work, . . . I-, i� bread for the hungry and wator e'tidefi't,st-clasaptissong0joLv� Theruslito Nortrl;�L,,si Terri. . � . Do it now I * 11 I 031, - I �. Wories rebel� . � ances'as mine, it opeurred to ine to give ' * Clared Xes,ts, Sausaga, bologna� Carol B. NOWCOMbe A � . I I . . for,the thirsty ; it I,; tlxp pocr inan's (1; om(la cond.nuesr, The stear)Wilp com, lion .. .. 4, 0. W. 2J70 ..1,080 It doe$111 PAY to sliff1c, ,)a it now I t1lem a trial, so I procured a box of '$, lard, butter and ogga alWaya kept on � Organist of Ontario Sfteet �- dea,rest tr0*14.9ure an(I the i.lcll Imm's panies are, now advertising that many � . . . . I 'h nd I � 0 1 . ___ __ . t1loln, anti %vas very inuch surprim'd at , Methodist, elturch., � or tl1r.. steltinerh to sail are full..Vor the -- Tf you Nvalit tO flll a PlllvO ­ - flie, offectiml curii they 'made'. I take a � .. . I � ,chlefest stimulitrit, TOs tho repairit g 4611t yeav , Total -'F.'.., .$"d,.37,j,881 $7,521,622 Arid be il.4eful to the 1.�tce, . t. " * . ' o,11arruotly, 141orlax. ' ' , * ' . � firqt four months of the nret I al(I take it brae greit.,-deal of pleamiro ill remminending it, Fitz'shoolls & Son I I Tevher of Plan . � � . 4epaft .. . �", e. 1. -triont on 'llfeln xou,,',,b hi,ghway, the hninigrantarrivals from Uxcmf Bri- _________ Just get up a . �v I them to all kidney troubl& nuiTererg. . el . . Vree Theory leeturo to; students ever" 'it" d .A, as Aggainst 14'. . .. I . . .. . I . I . Do it.no . I I I . , . . I I .. -W,lere 016 delicate and overhe. fitin nurnbered 13,61 , � . . I.Prieo 50d. IV' � or ,I for. $1,95, 01 " . . TO'62110118 14, . - Tuesday evening. I . �, , I - I . mAchinery iq lubric . ated and fifte(I f( r Im.1fortbegarne pevioil of hast YW. Do nob linger by tbo wayo - '. r twt, � . . : I . . . . . .1. . . - I)o it now! dealerg op The Dortit Xidlity 'Pill ,Co., - ''. . STUDIO-ovorNeWioMbets 9tior � a � , � The illinw-malit arrivals front fl,ill.,4�pe CASTOR 1A I I . . . Orhercr donve.04 . P�tO jlPtIV *0 " � b p"i I ,.. - 11 I . . the nextst timlabovoil 10.�M% as �onj pared with I Toronto, OYD. . .1 'pe in tbojo.urtiey,-Star. ^ 11-1; � 'r -or Xufauts and Childrolft. YOU will lose, it you dellty, , " , .. . . I. I `. - . - I I pmts ox Old t,7w,v � ". I " 11 . ) , I , . , , loft I 382, This is an increase of 010 . . Da it nmv I .., . - � I , . I -_ . ­ . . I— � I � _­­ 1. fe%'llows wait, � . � In 0.��L At W, � I . If thanther ., V'r."Velreonghlivi Khogq tor. ' . !!�!4�0 !�__. "-. ,��. liti.-Itisit,tt-viv,tinitti(I'l, deerease (if I,- 7hatifid You Havelkayalought , - .�.., I 'tl` . � AM, 3M X.&. , Itqfrom t1lo Continent df . - A.0rZx4M:rLZ-d -W , 114 Ill arriv, Or poqt I r, til Iva In Le" C:0 .& � 6ipmoql� will 0011tor ft feivor by, DO Kind YOU Have AIWAYS 0009ilt . I ,1, X 0 M-Wpwwft� 40.dL 0 W, 4=0 ITL X A� . tt doer"llse in only 201. You ljj�. 0 �,,*astcixl 9ftit- llearatU* '.'.eT110 Xiod You Poo Aloys but 11 eallinp, at'iho� shop. � tolts t1te. ! Rurope, The ll( notTs tho , �p Da It now I Afene.tctto � I - . signatao., I I Nultil The fitot thitt flaillalgrilition from (41vat �ot , 1 of . I ""'" � I , I 11rifstiti eaptinlipa to Itloreass gives the � ,�W., 0, V5 �Wz_. - 11 VOrkSull, I . , " #4" '. I 1 Z� �,. &�4�0' . - � . , � . gaitti the I p7ho Xind You Havo Alop signaturo of 44!!!�� i�� "' i � 10, , . , I 91gliatare authokitleorauch sittisiaction, -1h,Allk Farf,119001i NOW . 49;r9l#��# t�71_ ,W""4:� A . ft I I � . of 44. , ".ilf I I .� I . . I I . . . . .,. I . � . . . . . I I . . I � . . � . I I � I . . I . I . � : 1 . . � * . I � L . D )OGN"AA- assiloft . . I . � . . I I . I I . I � . . � . I 9 . I : I I . � , I I . -1-1. I ­ .J_ - I . I ._-_._A._- &­ ' � . " I A,t- _,Lkb.i�_�U­��.24,%,!­i. ,L­�­­�__A � , � .1 A-: �,&­,__AJK_�L�"�_ . - - - & I � ���lill�l�l���ll�������l W&ft WW__1.,_1_&&­K . . . I- .1 - _ )L__..__.a_l__ ----- --- _ -h& , .&,&,L�. ,, .A M,, kemma