HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-13, Page 8•T H A T'w'r r BARGAIN WilliEWUIR We regret that on account of the nowarrival of lite Bargain Whitewor adverttsed last week so many people were so much disappointed. The delay was entirely unforseen and, although we did our 'best to have the goods here on time, they were late. How- ever, they are now opened up and on. sale, The Bargain prices are genuine. In every case you can 'buy the garments for the same money, or 'less, than xnathants all over Canada paid for the same goods. e'alteaper Whitewear we NEVER sold, could not pos- sibly do it now had it not been for Toronto's great fire. Remember, every garment is perfect, free from touch of water or smell of smoke. Lay in all you will want for a year or more when ycu can buy at these prices: Gowns.. '73i Gowns to 41e, . I allies' gowns made from strong Eng- lish cotton. frill size, neck, fropt and culla trimmed with cambric embroid- ery, a zown thet wrts InatiP to sell at . 4.Se to 75c, on sale•Sitturday atse -each et C • 'VA* and $1.1,5 Gowns at 75e 'Ladies' Gowns made from strong Eng- . lish cotton, cambric finish, yoke hack. three lines in this lot, they are handsomely trimmed with insertion. hemstitching and embroidery and made to be sold at $1.00 to $1 23, just itazen of them to sell, coin-„, mewing„7 Satnrday at each.... Pc 31.51ftovins fora dollar bill 1 k kirts -3a clown in this lot all made from good Faiglish cotton, twn lines, one each sxtuare collar end yeke of fine tucks trimmed with insertion and embroid- err, the other has circuler yoke with Inenetitching and tuck. trifnmed with Valencinnes lace, regular $1.50, ou sere Saturday morning at a each Speeial line at $1.15 Ladies' Gowns mode frorn very fine English cottsn, trimmed with Inser- vertion, featherstitch braid and tor- .chon lace. also another line trimmed vvitb twide embroidery, made to be •-reed at $1.40 to $1.65, our <peke en Saturday each $2,60 Gowns at 31.25 Ladles' gowns made from fine. strong English cottons. bright cambric fin- ish. these are handsnmele. trirrimed with insertion and embroidery, made ea self at $2 00. on sale.Sittur- day morning at each *1 25 36 Sample Gowns • 'With the above special we cleared 'the factory's comnletc set of samples • at a very lineral chscoimt. There ,are re a. few he ndsome garments in the -lot, they wonld retail up to $4.00 each We will pat them on sale Saturday morn- ing, every garment mark- d at a good ideal less!. than the_negaler wholesale • price If you want a fine gown this is • your chance, - THU CLINTON IslaW ERA E6V,°.Zlltsr trlpotBTplthiajweiThegitnbe4ee1a30[eioiAV.solfr niateotfeIlLeeoWi • held in Ontario Street ehurch on 1un*11,eluge on Sunday in the person of • clay evening pext at eight o'c,iock, The Jelin Daily, formerly of Teeswater, t resident tn.:lusters of town are expect- the age of 08 years. Ile was buried in I ed to be present, Rev. Dr. Cook will the R. C. cemetery, Rullett, by • Rev. Logal Notices., •deliver a short addrees. Singing will Father Pinsonneeult, on Wednesday 1, tic one oi town. eineer witt confer a favor . . . , , , Lest asstu.refte evening, a leather Valise, , be led the Ontario Street clan eh morning. by )00,7:ng weld, et W. T. O'Neire. cuoire- is stuniop irlebieem, LAWN BOWLING. -President 'W, erapie ester -erase Irene =axle' Senile l KINDLY RETURN OITA) KEYS.- Jackson, of the Western Ontariollowl- FRID.A.Y MAY 18th, 1004. Skirts at prides we never equaled .and are not likely to a gain, fox. many a. day to come. All inede• feoin good eaten, full size and nicely trimmed with embroiderY and lace. Skirts at Me White Underskirts made from strong lenglieh cotson, wide frill trimmed with hemstitching and tucks, made 10 sell for 75c, onSaterday at each 50c 754: LsoiCS' white eetten underskirte, twO lines; one with wide rrill with hand- some embroidery and ens row inset..., , tem, the othet With 12 inch frill trimmed with insertion and torehois • bice. The man ill et re ad e , thee' • in, tended them to sell at $1.00 end $1,25, 75e they go on sale Satuidey at • - each • . , ... , • Ladles' Skirts."Ne. This le e special limemacieto sell close at $1.25. It hes 16inch:frill tainiteed with hemstitching and embroidery, special on Saturday morning ein • at each ....... vug $1.50 Skirt tor $1.90. , • Ladies skirts Mede fvorri good. quality English cotton, 20 inch hill of tine cambric enibroiderys made ' to sell at $1.50, on sale Saturday morning at each ' . • - $2.60 Skirts: tor $1.25. ‘V bite skirts made- from.good.• quality English cotton, 20 inch frill of em- broidery arid tuckine, regular $2.00 line, Saturday meriting year choice of this. lot • 401.'45 Sanfple. Skirts • • • - We cleaxed the sareple .skirts as wel as the gosfns and on Saturday will put on sale about 25 extra fine gaiments the best would retail at•from 5500 -to $0.0e. They are haneeetnely, trimuied with lace and embroidery: lb every Spew at 0' eta tee. 13oe holders ot the old post office who ing Association, has decided to offer 4 mention • that .all. the , papers are of Anierioan production furnished by Robert Logan,- of Laginaw, end the will attend and a -roost. inspiring and. helpfultinie issinticipated: Den't for- Finn) 'the Even ingJoar nal, St Thomas,. W, D. 1 air po, . . get the date-Jime 23rd: Watch the.] t of the date of Friday.. Otli we e - ' • . e.atielete • CUP NOT LIFTED ea. In the Ilopgli. notice a yerv eoiyiplinien'tary cep cmitestplaYecl Saterclay eftegnoen pa eers for further .r.eferenceu to the . about one Oli nine's y ming . eislies .1.010. ' NV 1 chub and . the Collegiate • team, • GOOD RECORD MA.DE.•-• Mr. .T. le lege. lb' WAS in • coneection„ with* the - frown ZOpit$. BIGGART V$. OLINTON.-The ap- peal by the plaintiff from the -decision el Mr, Justice McMahon. at the trial in December lad,. -was heard by the Div- isional Court in Toronto, Wednesday. The appeal was dismissed with costs; STARTED LAST EVENIN(4.-The Clinton 14 -un Club started off on their new' trophy competition yesterday, (Thurs(bay) and' will be continued the, last Thursday of .every Month mail one of the clubs members win it t hree times. • Weekly Thursday night shoots for prizes offered by the club will itlso be contested for the -seine as previous, which are divided into three classes. These will be placedon 'exhibition in the near future. .. still retain Is ot them will confer a favor if they aro left at W. D.. Fairs bookstore' at once, Many are of the Impression that these old-. box keys are their own property, but -such is not the case, as they ore the Property of the estate, and should. be re - WILL ENTER CLAIMS SUIT, - We learn from good authority that suits Will be entered against the G. T. behalf of the bereaved ones • of the .latei Hervey Hall,uoless settlelnent is made.. There was. bet. $250 insurande due Mr. Hall from; the railroad nom- pany,and the accident insurancepolicy- $1,000 carried byehim is being termed 'payment on the -ground ef neglect of not notifying the company that a ashange was made in • his -.occupation. EXECUTIVE MEETING-.- At a re- cent meeting at' the Executive of - the •Epworth League .of. the • Geelerieh clis- beet held- iri Clinton;it was unanimous - handsome prize. for the. best rink of coithowlers at the big tournament . in the last we-elt in July. Only those who: have never competed itt ;my tourna- ment will be eligible for the competi- tion for this Hee, which will dui -Mich to stimulate )(styling amongthe young I - turned. • ' • 4 players, It will be a, rink metal • anod. st • - ' will be corinnenced on the Thursday f And. the Pricesi...- Up GOES INSURAN(13 RATES,- tournament week. - . This week . agents et fire insurance . companies in, town have received note WILL: BE A PRETTY' - ROME,- fleation from the underwriters of an The old Itatteribnry homestead on MAY 13 1904. OR wan Paper sod a collection of newness anf,1 originality. An extensive variety surpassingly fineln its completeness. Every meritor- ious sort and its expanse offers an inviting field for selection. Novelty is its feature. It possesses that exquisite -something, called style, which, like the grace of good breeding, every- where prevasive and nowhere emphatic, makes itself favourably felt and leaves the impression of indefinable completeness, advance in irsuronce rates on nierean- tile and Ananufacturing risks; The former goes 15c per $100, end the. latter twenty per cent, These ad; veneers. however .da not ;Meet mutual. °rum) tariff companies Williams street has been. undergoing se many repairs of late that when it is finished one will havdly recognize its In and out it is taking on an appear- ance of . attractiveness and beauty. The giounds aroupd the house have.. been • graded up into plateaus and Just a 'word about them. They are fair and b.onest prices. Often the. ()heap - est -Always the best. -• 'PROM OT) ONS. The following. seeded (bleu, the Interest. wnoclwork . pupils in Miss Chidley's room are pro, is. in natiu.tul woods, 9i1 ';insl mould to the senior 2nd -Rawl Cook, grained and the prettiest work in •this e 13elle 'Pinker. Rive, Johesone linethat canbefeend in town has been Fora, M, ()heaven, E.' Graham, 0..Iiogel platted thereon. Joseph Copp.being, the .ers, Gen Grundy, Fred Slinnan Beet.' art*. Everyroom has its ewn -blend Rill, orrell, WilLe Twitchell, of exeleielfe wall panel, ,all in harmony Daisy Copp. Jean' Dayments,.. J. Car- 1, With. each other and the carpets which ter, W. Cerlitige A. Doherty, :Ethel adorn the floor. Front . dark .red, s White, John Levy, R. 'Moore, .King. fiour design in halls, 'stairway • • A NEW RESIDENT.- M.• - • elas-1 and landings, to the lighter • lines • in the petiole-, increasing to a pencilled Donald, who at present resides•ta Lon - gold 'design in dining room, and run - don and is superintendentorsonieforty ning to a very. pretty tile pattern in a eencies of the Sawyer es Massey kitchen, pantries end back stairway. element, Co.'s, has rented the home- stead ones late mre. will. Naylor. In the front kledroom is anther rich embossed large goldeb floral design, Rattenbery street, Weet end will move and the room back of this. is of deep blue. Lighted*With electricity heated lY decided te. bold A district rally ,itis Manly to town within a, low days. Wesley elfurch on Thursday O41 41 I Mr. ylon ais acien y appli e a ti °DS' . D Fair Co. Retailers of much Wall Paper of the Better elass. Nordheimer Pianos. •••••••••••••••••••••••••,..••• qbgb 04>0'04>0.000-00 0000'040-0-0004)61/'‘%'%'. EW 8PRING FOOTWEAR with furnace and possessing a het and • t . . awl evening, June 23. A.spleedid, pro,. '. jot his houSe; hue WP dOn't think ' he cold .water tystem with bath 'wash ; • grain of topics dettline ivith the vital • could bat-6(1one bettere ban relit, to the of Ettworth 'teaser() work at' gentleman In. bas,for Willey have been . basins, etc makes it an explisite 0 . AT - A T - 11) wedeln, ep to ditto house. • We might . . •1 toad in course of ne er- the Incentive thatteciact.d Mr.elacdon- 0 TM OLD RELIABLE. atiou; U. is expected thet from every. aki to locate here, „ • - • League in thediSteSeesevesol delegates COM PLIM ENTARY REelARKSes- raJly., ' .betwcen ilarriston .Hiseil School foot- • • ill aftenflanen' et Alma Ladies Col- penved to be one bard ! fought battle; Tisdale; of Clinton, purchased froni report of • a mionthly Meeting of the the 'like of which has • nester been 'Veit - the Canada Cycle te Motor Company Lediee Aid Society of Miox. church.. neesed in town. . In their *desire to win, ia.Torento on April 7th, a Forel family Th' ' ' • i 't '.' - • "Another en- . touring: car. Re . ' desired. that the: _machine be delivered to Clinton by the night of April 8th. Mn 0, Rickets, aseompenied.by B Hicks, left at 9 a; l‘imsfiinsionseemn OUr stock is equalled by 0 . few and ecelled by none . , • 0 . ,amm.wm••••.•••••••••••=•• Special values in Men's FINE SHOES joyahliv•fediture •o'f. . the • secial•"pro. seteriee of thegame was lost, and it is: • • • • sole ey was a ctise of f40 it cie bust:" , was gi innee was the singing of a four o'clock before Referee I et Miss Lillian Abilrelvs, who has a pleas., fleecier 'B 'I (11 G d I hi his Whistles 9 sweet And. .cultured voice, and her , ' for the boys to line bp. The heme rn..April the 8ch te make the delivery. rendition of "Lend, Kindly Light," ip-.‘vas inspossible to do itein the time • was weeMly Applauded. club with the odds oF wind and hill theraiirmida-Thersord arrived es , • ees, against 'them nutnaged to kePp the in Clinton on the same day at 8.30 p, letVISTON-COutternattre-r4sisee shallehoveringetwoundellarristoresegoal m., having accomplished the •distance, which•hes beeehanging lire since last for thefirst twenty mientes, final - 180 miles, in nine hours and thirty September. seen its finish before Jecige lY veifh a little rush, and a neat kick naihutes, allowing for a, stop of . two Holt at a sitting of the Division Court from Jimmie Cameron:. shot the hall twine and. a half at Guelph for supper and a few' social calls. This is the see- ond record within the week for a Ford. made over the not too good 'Canadian roads. -Globe. 0 Our School Boots. for 0. $ boys and girls, 'made t� 0 our order, are. Tra.dE-7 Winners'. . • REOPENING ENTERTAINMENT. e -The : AS Y. P. A. society; who hive undertaken to pays for • the neceseary repair, and iYetaxivistions'. placed upon St, Paul's. School .house, will give an. entertainment 'under theirauspices to -night Fridsy. It is to be an Irish eventue in song, story and .addnesa. The latter is to be given liv•a thorough one inthe person of Rev. baleen Thorn. of St. Paul's 0,xthedial, London, and. ho previoustocom ng o t coun ry. held Tueeday. baortlieg. It was a dis- pute over the purchase of a. -rant hunb, 11 d oll itr being paid on senie. bet on tinderstandieg if anything turned op• , dollar could be vett-trisect ' and bargain. declared off s svh fell Was • dehe. • Mrs' through their goal. The spectators went wild. Not to be daunted. the Visitors went at it wi it a, determine- kei tion to score, and wit ip five minutes had the ball through in ton's goal. However it was not Harriston's good Dale; of Hullett.'•waS the o'aintiff and playing that got it through, but poor , Mr. Cooper, of Goderich township,was judgment on the pert of one of Clio- 0 defendant. Action dismissed with tons forwards running in and in the I• costs. Lockert vs. Geminhard weits melee knocked the ball in the air out / t -f • 1 t 13 fi ld and a cage of of Goal keeper Murch'etands. Before judgment sinurnOni was field Over, it could be got again the players were 11 t f hi d h d the ball throngle This was the last goal. seer; ed, end with one a piecelatheircredit, itavas a case of kit time for the re- mainder of the first half and all the next The game was rough enough and many a hard. check WAS received by the players, Thornton Mustard be- ing near .put out • of ' businese. The Mac's andthe Mustards were all right, end smile of the others, but Clinton's team could be strengthened in some ,parts of the field, which we under- stand will be for the next match. arris on s ac s were as goo a whole team and were almost impregn- able, which accounted for the small score. 'We cong. ratulate the Collegiate boys on their able. fight, which 'will serve as a stimulus to them in the con- tests that are to come. es. FOURTEEN MEDS. IN TOWN. - The town was honored with a gather- ing oe many practitioners from Huron, Perth, Toronto and „elsewhere on Tues- day evening. It was the occasion of the regular annual meeting of Huron Medical Association, which was held in the council chamber. The program was One of profit and deep interest to those present, as subjects of vital line portance to the welfare of the com- munity and the country. in general were discussed, and valued papers giv- en, Dr. Dunmore, of Stratford, was in the chair,and Drs. Shaw (secretary), Woods, Cawthorpe, Hodgette, Wm. and• j. N. Gunn, Thompson, Taylor, McCallum, Robertson, Lindsay, .c raw - ford, etc., were present, besides a num- ber of laity,. including H. O. Brewer, who manipulated Lite lantern showing the pictures illustrating many. of the caries of amallpox, virulent; typical and mild, that developed at Sudbury, the Northwest Territories and other parts of the country in the last three years. together with how they Were quaran- tined and treated in double-faced tents. Dr. Ilodgetts, who gave this paper oil smallpox, traced its history. from its earliest records, centuries before the tithe of Christ, to the present day; giving statistics aticlreiteons for the de- creasing death rate in Vaccinated and unvaccinated people, although in the la,st class the rate is high enough to warrant the compulsory vaccination with virus that wasktieven to be good, Which. practically makes us immune from the disease. • Many of, the 1)1)0108 exhibited were taken bY-Dis 3'. N. Gunn during the four months that he labored:amongst the patients of this, loathsome disease in the meth. Dr. j. N. Gunn followed with an exhaust- ive paper on pernicious, anaemia, giv- ing the history and . results of treat- ment in three cases of the disease now under his observation. lkticroscopical specimens of the blood were shown to illustrate the changes in different stages of the disease since treatment WAS commenced. The malady 10 com- paratively rare and has only of late been described as a apeeitil disease. The prognosis was regarded formerly as anything but favorable, but some new modes of treatment have been dis- covered Which renders the cases much more hopeful. This certainly was il- lustrated in the patients presented. The microscopical examination of the MOW seems to be the crucial test in making a positive diagnosis in these cases. 'Young Dr. Robertson, Strat• ford, was present to fill his father's place, who was to deliver an address, but instead, otving to the lateness of the hour, stihtnittecl a proposition to the Association for the sale of their property in Toronto ; it Was decided to sell, a goodligure having been offered for the same. At midnight the elec- tion of officers was peoceeded with; Dr, Woods, of Hayfield, getting the Presidency ; Dr. McCallum, of liondes- boro, vice, and . Dr. Shaw remaining 1 secretary. They then adjourned to riartliffss for lunch, given at the ex- pense of the town fraternity, thus bringing to & 61096 it itiosb efiJoyolo oession of the Ouron Iviettical Afton. A NEW AUTOMOBILE ;--There sure. rived:in town Saturday from Toronto a new automobile; the purchase of Mr. t t leisdale, It ie a beautiful eight was one of the dignitiariesof the church at Limeriek,, welch Will make him thoroughly coneeesant •withIrish, Life; and he knows how Os portray it in 'ids lecture entitled nIreland• and the - Irish." • • s• • . • . CATTLEMEN ,SUEING Qr. rt. -11 . . . • avtlis Cheslev, Lucknow, Valkerton, and Kincandine, liave begun a twenty-. thoteand siellar d m age action agai est the Cfratici 'Trunk Railway; echerging the latter with ewroneted, will el, and. melieions detention of ...attle"'ellipped tp theToronto Jinn:Moe peals, market, At Osgoode Hall Wednesday Mornine, the Mester decided that the. plaintiffs • must agree upon ono of their number to piess the suit, whieh nmst he cen- ducted individually, not .c.ollectively. The ten other names will be stricken. off. The men. interested allege that the Greed Trunk discrim inoteet against them, or the Toronto Junctiozt stock yards, in fireei of the Toronto CAWS 111Irket. Their mulles .are :-.Lhomas Miteon, Edward Watson, George Pall.' lin, Thomas' E. Durnin. Albert, Wal- ker, Smith McLean.' `William Finlay, 14011, M. A. Schmidt, Henry, Haim, John Martin, and John Wolfe. etse. e-nelee-would he 4 V0(1-40111' Ont-atio-eitttlemen. repreetait less than tho maker's Wholesale price. ing. among other placeei °Hilton, 1111111•111•1011111WP Peau-de-Soie Silk 65c. This Whitewear maker' also made Silk .Blouses. The firth that bought him out wanted to clean out.the One end only black Peau-de-soie silk, fine sett finish, will not cut, just the thing for Waists, very special bargain at -per yard )4.e • •milioilsolk • s.111101•111MIF CORS 1-41-' COVER "'Four BARGAINS in Corset Covers and they are all GOOD. Wallet Covers 12Le 'Comet Covers made from fine White cotton, embroidery around neck, pearl buttons. all sizes, epecial.. each 124c Corset Covers 19e Cosset Covers made from fine cerebric .finish English cotton, embroidery arnund neck and sleeves, made to • sell each a bargain at 25c, on sale Satnrday, each • 19e Corset Covers 29e Corset Covers made from lite English cocton neck and sleeves trimmed with fine embroidery.made to. es„: sell at 45c., on sale Saturday, at -;•tvetfie Corset Covers at 39e Cerset Covers made fronx fine English cotton, cambric finish, neck. sleeves and front trimmed with fine lace or embroidery, very special value at each 39e Some Embroidery Bargains Hundreds ot yards at 5e. . Hundreds of yards of cambric embroidery, part ot ati underWear-rnak- ET's stock, neat designs as well as the heavier makes. regular 7c, 8c and 10c, on sale with the underwear at your choice of the lot for.... oe .Canton Flannel at 6c, .1sc and Itie, qualities. Here. is a bargain we omitted to melon fast week. .Over loco yards of canton flannvl, slightly damaged by smoke or -Water, selling at near the half-price mark.' 1000 yards unbleached canton flannel, good quality, slightly dam- aged at the end by water, will not in any way interfere with the wear,. • qualities that sell regularly at 10c ROA 12ho, on sale Saturday morn- ing at per yard 6e -A RECORD-BREAKER--74lw Last Saturday broke all records in the Millinery Depart ment.' It wound up a record-bteaking week and was by far the best and biggest day in the history of the Department. This is just the kind of proof we like that our .millinery is meeting with popular approval. Some late A.merican novel. 4ies in Flowers and Hats were opened up this . week. They .are the season's " very newest." Corte in and see them, • whether you care to buy or not. 1 ;: et,kli,nwesci:andtvteor nitiestekaesbohlo•ertarweoarikl gc:ifotdb.e etelifwineg, tituA idifootrbethenat sure the (pi nifty we would not give•them berme room for 11, minute. As we said inse Ini've made the prices exceedingly close. We know they are bargains. Come and prove it for yourself, You will save money. * •111111.30.1161•11 • 4111.111111•16 • 0 DGEN B IZO A. MEETING. - The lU)IIUOI meeting of the East Huron Teacher's Association is behag helditi the Seaforth Collegiate Institute today (Friday)and Saturday, May 13th and 14th, first ses- sion this Morning at 10 a. in. Leteyery teacher contribute to the AUCCeSS Of the convention by entering into the discus- sions. The teachers Will be entertained at an At Hone, in the Collegiate In- stitute this evening. John Houston,M, A., is president and Sohn Hartley,Sec- retary. Following is the program that will becarried out :-Opening exercises; appointing committees ; President's address, Johri Houston,M...A.;Historl, Robert:Weir ; Our Object as Teachers, Mise Mary Padfield'; Science Teaching in Public Schools. 61. F. Rogers, 13 A. ; Linear,Surface, Board and Cubic Mea- sure with class, Thos. N. Forsyth ; What Teachers Otitsht to Know,Albert E. l'smith;Self-discipliner allying Pupils, Wm. J, Moffat ; The First Year in the Seudy of Geometry. \V. J. Loughead, M. A. ; The New Curriculene David L P. S. ;Patriotism, Rev, .1, W; Hodgins ; Treasurer's report ; Election of officers ; Recitation, Miss Ada, Beat- tie Literature, fr,liss M. L. BinekA Delegate's report, Thos. March. W. 0, 13, A. EXECUTIVE MET - The first spring meeting of the execu- tive of the Western Ontario Bowling Association was held in London, Mon- day afternoon.' President W. Jack- son, of Clinton. in the chair. The bust - nag transacted dealt principally with the big summer tournament of the association, to be hela in this eity, and ;which is always the event of the sea- son for the bowlersof the western por- tion of the province. It was decided to coMmence the tournament tut 2 °Weak in the afternoon of Tuesday, july`20, and it will continue through. Out theensuing weeks. The draw will take place on the previous evening. The anneal meeting of the association takes 'place on the evening of Tuesday, the fleet clay of the tournament. Urn- pires for the tournament were ap- pointedas follnivs :-Messrs James Steel, Stratford; It. Porterfield, Ridge - town ; A. E. Tewet'•,, Chatham. The rules and penalties will, be the same this year AS laSt year. A committee was named to take,further charge of Matterin corineetion with the tourna. merit, eonsisting of 1VIessra Ed Weld, J. S. McDougall, j, Harley Brown, .1* D. Tytler, J. A. Matti son, of tins city, and President jack on, horse- po er .ga sol in emachine, ng no smoke or steam; end A very quiet running rneehine. It is the. product of the Ford M re or •C o nt Detroit, PaTriPS four eurcular cushion spats, wSth ample room for m eenrite - smaller petiole., It is controlled by a steering ape:yr:stile le 'front of driver,..whe can iettelemelune, witheis esenal-come fort 118 111(1 citherorenpants: It is eon)- . pees, strong, durable end neat, none of its mechanism being expnsed, end poesesseetu ni en :Se power f07 at geeat speed. Of course the ntiee of this machine is beyond the limit of most of us, .1in c there is it run a bont maphine on the market that can be got for about $400, CLOSE CALL FOR 'FATHER STANLEY.- Frank Waters, a. driver for a London livery,'had a narrow es- cape from death one day recently. Ile was retnrning from &funeral in crepe pany with Rev. Father Stanley. and when crossing the O. P. R. at Maitland street the rig was struck by the ex- press from Toronto. The carriage was demolished, and. Waters was thrown fifty feeHe was picked up in *nun- conscious condition and removed to the City Hospital. where it was found that he was severely, though not fatally.in- jured, Rev. Stanley saw that an *mei- -dent was probable and he jumped from the rig, and thus escaped injury. It will be.rensetnherecl that Maher Stan- ley was stationed in 1Goderich a few months ago, and de.livered the address in St. Joseph's churehehere, on the oc- casion of His Lordship, Bishop Mc- Evay's visit to Clinton last winter. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. - There WAS not a great deal of business transpired at the 114.ay sitting of the school board held last Thursday even- ing in the clerk's room. Tenders for coal were opened and Mr. .1140Garva was given the contract to supply the school with 35 tons est $5 90 per ton de- livered in binathich is very reasonable Accounts ofR. Menne] for $1.2o,. Har- land Bros. $54 12, and IL Winer° $1, were ordered to be paid PeincipitI,We R. Lough's'report for March and April was :-"Gentlemen of the Publiefichnol- Board,-Our attendance for March was as fellows :-Enrolled. boys 1177, girls 103, total '340, average 285. Our April attendance was :-Enrolled. boys 195, girls 185, total 880, average 843; this IS an increase of 68 on March. I am pleased to report that Miss O'Neil has been able to resume her work. I have nothing special to report:" Respect- fully Yours, 'W. R. LOTIGH. PRESBYTERY „MEETING:- One of the best Attended presbytery meetings meetings of this district was held in Willis church, on Tuesday, May 10th. A very satisfactory report WAS submit- ted by Dr. Stewart, on church giviogs and growth, over previous report.. Raised for all 'purposes thieyear$40500, 16.8t $38701, which shows a substatitial increase ; raised fer missions this year tg1702,being about the saineas lastyear; communicants last year 4021e this year 4703, showing growth Of 80, which .is encouraging. A change was made in the commission to the Asseinbly which will be held. in St. John's N. 11., this year; Bev. J.A. lIaniilton,Londeshoro, Jinxing resigned,Rev .Tames Hamilton, Goderich, was elected iri his stead. A. Macpherson. Hensel], also deelined as lay representative to the same °pin- trdssion, and Robert McArthur, of the game place,- received the appointment. There Were letters otrequest read.from a dozen elergymen from tither coun- tries asking to be Admitted to the Pres- bytery, amongstthem being,one from a Baptist "minister. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Clinton itb ean of ehairman, $ We,shall'be pleased. to show you our stock- and gitie your prices. t might Our • sprino, stock of Boots and Shoes ..is now 'complete. We have the .„ largest and best assort- ment to choose from, and ' we know our prices are the lowest. . The immense den -land for Taylor's Shoes is . the -best--evidence that-our_ef-, forts to . supply .reliable .and stylish footwear at . reason ab le prices has • 0, .caught the :attention of shrewd buyers: 1 be:moneV in your -pOcket f A Call Solicited • We are Practical Shoe Makers, having had a long mxperience-ean you rim no Risk when you purchase, yout. Footwear from ns. 111." assess TAYLQA ellesea.,Oreasesis Suits *Particular Mothers- usually. find' for their, boy just what they want when they 'come here. - Our boy's suite are natty, stylish ' garments and made from honest materials that Will wear and keep in shape. They are just the right -kind in every wak, price, style and qualitY. 1 I• 754 for $E.00 .Shirt..• At $3.50. , Boy's two piece Suits, Norfolk Jacket, made ff:eit mgopoedoialeach. o . pants 1 3 • 0 • At 4.00. Boy's two piece Suits made from good qua'. . ity Tweeds, neat patterns, Norfolk , ' Jacket, good linings, 'used through- • 400 . out, each At i.75 'Boy's Sailor Suits Imade from blue Serge, ip _ sailor style, quite nobbye each"-, I DO YOUlk BOY'S WEAR 'LION "BRAND" KNICKERS. Not often do you get a Shirt like this for 75c. The Usual price is $1.00, We got a lot at a lurgain, now it is your turn, liens "Isteetige" Shirts, nutcle from good .quality American "Madras" fast eolors, pearl buttons, good assort..• ment of new nobby patterns, with or without detached eollare, regular filmr, value $1.004 special value.. . / ee.7w Hodg-ensBrlos. clothing ad mats furnishigs. 1