HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-13, Page 4'. - _-F� - ` �MOF _' � `PF'" -7 -T-- 77- '111�11,1.111 I.WT,Ar �rw ,iii . n , , F, 71 �TO?11 - .�, 711��lwrfmwlw W'"" ­ . � 11 I I I .. I I i 1"7_7711V,�X_ 44i, mrw, f_ — I �_.,, _.". — 1i I � '-1 I., ­ . � 0 ,4l�*.--,MWftJl -,:z:�= ---'a, 1 - . . 4- - - __ -_ � " � I .- I I t", ,,- _ ,_ . " . -1 . ,� %, THE CLINTON NEW H*R�A ­ . ". I I .. --7­­'Wo,`i""T,1P1PM , I __ . 11 -P-;_- ;;Z�;�o I � 1:11001 11 11 I !11:111:::�W...w � *�:i .1 1. � I i 1! m= � 111111:10P _"Z4111111110= - . . . � . 0 w " 4. � 11 UAY is IOU , I Jr*1L , -, r I � 1. 1� it:*= r. 1: I I 1: � 0 Mill = - —.,-- I _ _ ____ � It ii 1:11:�1111 P: . , , ­ , - , � I . � I . � 1­___..,,.,� I—— 0=114= ::1 11, i = I :: I 0 -ow I I .. I I **"*+" #+"t!!t#*" . - � I . n, , . I ' ' I I I I � NOW -1 .000 -_ I 0�00"##"#+" . . i vur - -A y Stock 0 0, f . The 91inton $8W Erh ­­ ­_ 1-11111 . .0 - - ' 1 -- -r ... r I * . . : � Itm%, 0 � aper � 0 Is � FRIDAY, MAY oth, 1004, W I - -_ TV all P that �Suits You I . ,Kedt.-Ict V . u . I 1: . I ... 1^.n S -Me Contiftlues ' 0 -parlia"Ientary P,entillitgs I . , 1, , � I . 0 0 . ­ . .11 . 13, the Wall Paper WC . .. h.w I . (137 the Mitor) . .... . . I � I , I #,.,. I j ... - ill be IjIto putuat Dollars into your Pocket -book to ,4oine to Newcorabes' duirigg this onto 11 I � 'A want to sell you ".4. I .11 11 1-1 -1' , - -I- . . I U 1, , . - . . , . . In R - - ., � ; -I 0_ ,, I, ­ -.1. I I I . ­_ - - . � . TOO X11011 LATlT1VpR. 'a � . . 0 . . I . " / , " I M!" _­­ . . . . . ... .;, � . . . I . I I. ".W.""....."l- Parliament to sometimes like a fond f . . il�,F V - !,--- - - . � 0 ... . . I . ;;_­ I--- ­_­__­_: I .. - - I . ­__­_.�­_ !� , :,. 'w " -h Q toler. . - , 0 I -14,11 dreds of Dollars worti-I of � I: 40 . .. 'Brilg tildlike ­ � ,.,�Q . . 11 . neralso, Allows t 11017, , 17rl � t New Goods must ='toh'ingl@'bth,%tlalatusll,>tl-lvl(lb 't M I ' . � )lie mernital 00, much And the new 'tOck Ame are � . . 1. Be turned int h � I 'latitude and does not enforce its Own I 11 I � ''. V � s � I J . -1 1% I I I 0 cas at, once ralesauddisciplitio, ForinstanCeritlS . I I � . I ., . , . I . . � . showing is so lar,gc, so � 11 .1 ,." . ___ - . � - �- ­ 11 11 11 I � I 0 I -M.- --- .- . - � _-, � entirely comt.rary. to the rules of the 1�11 . 1. . . . I I . . I I I. 01. _ ­ � __ I... . I IIQ'Xse thot a member pli4il read his .. . . � . Tile vary,'bruckward sea -son is the cztuse of these . speech, Anv I I I I beautiful, andofsuch . � � . . - I . . big reductions. ' One can easily see where , - , -T � I . . 'Macy J� thing would lead to if generally _ I . ' . I - . � . The mle ap. permitted,andirithe main this rule � "I _- 1 (71 1 . J � . P=15 tO eVeIrY VVOnlad Wk.� has Pei , variet that me I ... I I , rsettal and bOUSCIA614 Supplies 'to buy, Its not the has been, pretty generally' observed, '. - � � . y do not �i I - Xnefe sviling of off4s antJ end4, b-olt great lots ovfre,sh podsi, I I I . But abuses of ali kindare usually of : I . I believe you can be as well : �i � .. � . . . �SIOW grow4h, and the ral of Allow., / *: I , . . I . � . I I ' ' I I *ance that is taken advantage of by de- , � * ., . It � Rea4d -US &rIgIllt. ,grees, Latterly the rule ai tided to hits ,� � - . ., . NW%axen't refteed everything, but enough'th.ings are to be 'bad underprice to � I 1� 1, I I . suited anywhere else . . � . . been violate(i more than in foruteral 1. . . . � . . " I . 4 11 andonacouilile.of occaslons recentl I I � � . . .1 f I meet all reasonabble deman4s. W11wre stoc'ks are greatest prices are,catAcepest. �tp moulborshas, bee allowed to TeaK I # . � . . � �' I . " 1. . . n � ______­___­ T MT" ' ! � , I I . . . . I their speeches from first to last, witii_ 1 . S � : I out any 11trOtest; This should not be, ,,. P EO I A L,S F OR SATU RD AY ' -1. -BUY Voatlf- "C,ar-PertNk"'I'�W* . . I I 0ress Go'ods and,511ks at Sale Prices I -Had any memberdirected - the atten- . � � + 11, I . . ' � � ., . .. � . . tion ofthe Speaker to tile fact,118 would Ili cream, buff, greenand blue 5 4, - i . - distings at'30C' , I . I . 11 % ,a ble for kitchen and small, beai , _. .. Du,4-jv,g,: Our MY ay Sale:�'Wrl and 75C. W., . .1 have been compell(id' 740 ROILS Bb`,,,,,1,1,T,,_B,e,r,, . � I � . ding to* the . e t : . rules, to stop, it. B ' acvor( . rooms, per single roll ... � ................... . . . Tour choice Of 4bOtlt',80 waist lon9t 11 of the � New Wool WM�tjn * lit no luenwer likes I . � � gs I it - - I I . .. 40c T-qwwry 0,ti-to.oti ?it 321'. . . 051, Tapetst-twiOnrliet at Boa ; . assorted color,.' and designs ­these are our best waistingsatWc& 75a ltoiduthis_ R�d ass-Aluespeepliesare - glimmers, ' : . lit delivery, theytjre seldom. I n�prov6'a. 1. . Oucutliki'm 'Cillpf-r, tit, 21-51, 1 qi. kVoltit 'eArpet, at Gao tO9O4urIng1S-%1e4l,­ 'i, ........... ,.�,q .................... ... I .... :,30, , - 60 ROILS' Dchaon'dee]8w!n;lcllhpb4toPredre,i'sn, gilts and . .1 � 1. . , , "4. 1 , . . I ­ all colors and sul � � 'I.' I . I'll"vol 0arJTr111'tv"rK­t-*,I.(X) at a% I ' . when they are made meke can, ys, and able for any room. Per-8111glis roll .......... 6 poic *1 , � , . I a lament will have to ralse its voice � ': � -Goods'.at.50C - IV", of tlil it does not ALL WALI_-*PAPER TRIMMED FREE * I 1, . A lot,Kf Clitii Itei,11,111t0ts to go at ClearillglPtices. . � . " 60c to 85c'Waol Dress I � - t - ,� I ' I . I:.. ' . . 200 �aal of New dress ' a itinst this Bort . . SI Tit A N R -4:1.30 1 rim IE ciuu ' � *...,. goods in farickdesigns, assorted colors .60 want to encourage at. feature .that , I . . . ge, * ,:%Iso adel I ... . . . 4 t. `I`AZXR,;Aeii��I.10 , I .1 . . of black go.oils worth up to 850, to go at per yard ..... ......... w 8 � - '-i,. 100 Imir- w"Nottiligitam Lave Oiroiin,s ' sornewbat at' a, nuisance, .One is atmos1l; � � . 11 . ___1; Ill I 1. - ,, all tk,iNvt,t1ribg Vii that sold at $1.00 & $1.25, Holneaptins, Ill tatisorted colors, Lit .......... * ... ............ .;75 � tempted to say Lhat inert *h I . �,� so othl liti of 1)ur $t,Z0,0l)rlAjiii1s fill toclo.av ot,_ 1 �.,.� ­ . . . . I . I �; 1. 2.) a�.', : �.. __ ___ . . J I I . , ­ � L-1-,`# ' I . . I O calliii - I . . . I . * I -...-----,. . . I ­ I tl'ust themselves tospeakorally'Rhould A I 0 �;: � __,______,_. .. 1 75c to $1 Sitks at 45c . ' . I . . ' ' . . Window 8hades . 1;. . ­ . __­�­ . . � -'7— 1 . � . � . . 1,1 . I keep quiet, but it is notalways Clap fel- I 1* I I . ., .1 O', . 0. � . . . -seve . I . I I iow who cMinot speak, who does this -, . : � ;. I Skirts�, Coat's "" t ii of Olk !h -pal 4 � 4,11nd Uadees1kiris sho, � Weil k�tnds-ln many of th,e pieces - nor is it Confined to inemliers at, a . The kind that neither fade curl Or C'taCk—` niounted * .... . . . . � � . I there -is enough for waist lengt;16—aBsorted, colors—re - no . ) I . ... I .. . 1* I 17" r sideottliehoilse, .Tberoisopernem- I .. . 85c and $L00- qualitiez, t � a -go at.._ I I r'a Itr Oa, . . Oil --clauine Hartshorn roJlers­T,­the leading shades. , : ;, $7. ' � . . I . I- , I... ............. 1, � ..... � .......... AU ber of the housO -a, most genial fellow 1 I - b .� � . I 50'Tallor-Made Skfr,tF_tRt �$4.05,. . . I . I I I I . by- ., ­ I . —_ - .. !4 I I * , . I . thc'-'4'Ai3,�'-WI,61'�ti-elyevet, rii 1� —_ . �­ 11111111111101111-- - - I . : I : Yom (.110iVe 411' �-ti Luiltir lim(le- skimti or Fitnvv Tweeds etc,,tba6 w6 . $1.50-BlacV.Peaui-de Sole at $1.1 - ­ ` - - " - spoech-In Lit(- House, th6ug6m -as i . ii!!_�­_­ �-�� # . -1 � r .? ra Be V(4 . . . .5 '. . . . . i �!� * I � �"L. th - "s 11111"'r -1 f 1 lit" It N( -%v Yf"'k ri-It 11-1 tit',li tlie limv( ow r d, � . N he 13 ; ;!ot y I I been,'irrier�iber-foT-vel�i�i,kttye,tia. Yet 4 . I q. eir put llf)SP�Khtl )JIUA go 41F."W-a-Itit's f(it ....... k..... 11 ­il I... " . . .. ".. 't I irds of Blao;,Silk-extra beavyyquality, gliatratil not te.m,t, th' � 'he I makesit arule' Ouce evo §essiol ' . . , I. , . '0�, . . 1$011 �.;, V Skit-t";tol.,..........,.,,....,,..,......... .! 6.9516 rbest 81.00.quitlity to goat ..................... I ... . dag,baviniTsp, ,n,. H -I . . . I . . 111". . :Otti t � . ,;� '411). . � 4 9 5'1 loo ,,' ' ­�­ , 1".. . . l's "If , .1F 15 to go (5n. recor R � I & C , . . 11 " 11 W. , GO 0 P.E` . . I , .. I is 'i ' I . .1 '. 64 ec is generally reparod-for hint, 4, . . ., I . . . I . . - '. . . . . Whit1tWaisting, I , .. I I . 41P ��'� : , : S5.50 and."(r,ft 0 Skirts -at$3.50 . " -.' . , -14,5c at 30c . . . . -so bear, h4s no reid �eixrlrli'g on what 000 +**#+*#**"** +**"**#*##*##"*#*"0***##+#**##, . , , , - . � I I � . . �` ii-elwit-t-'t-f Out , � .1 .. . . . . . - I I 1. . . #* . , Yol, U1. it, d 1,�zen , , . . . I . " I lion) , ,Ah-ts 111naetiba, li IvIsm,k and dok'grev . I .: ? way be before 4he bouse, and is read as . . . I . . 1. , � . - 100 yards,of the liew Mercerized White 0 - . ` -- I . . 11 . I ____ .. , t3,'P I I I I Asl-;i sti tweed.efr(�crs thil 86144mt ­ , Waisting 1 as closely as a boy'in the first readet -will . . . .. . .$r>..50 & $6,50, Ili sorted patterns ' " . . . . . 1�.. to go 11L ................ � . . . � 11 � ,. -otzrm�,�ulitp),ItDcttnd45cvtaueste..,&,oat,.. , , - . . . . . . ' ;1, ... � ....... I—. t., _.4 .......... .0 . � . I � I . . ! ........... � .... 4.... 'a n foresight or sagacity, should dount­ protested that he.,sveB lot in the'liabit - . I I I . . - . . . . . f0ll(")� hi -i bOOk� It is then reprintod. i. . I I .. ......... 350 - I � . . 1. . . ::" . , . .. . — . I I . I I I fl,4111 Uaii.sard,.sent out to his 4-onstit. erance such tacties, which betray, an of using Intoxicants, saying tha�,'jf* . . � A Rig'Sn4T in UndersR.-ITts . � I I I . . .. I I . . . � .. .. I I .. . I �. .� ­=!!!" tients, who admiringly i)eruae it ".the 'IttOr lack of prilitical strittety atnZI are they did. not believe his � �ersion about I . . . . . . . � $1 51) Morel-rit UtOpi-Rkirts iir ......... ....... � . ,- . . ... . . . . I . , 0 . . . . ' I men ary .r.a.. 1� , , � .. . .., i . - - I .., -..."...I ....... !'.....'. .."as % prod ucti on of lbeir parlia t Oundto.befruitlessinresut. . it being. rion-intoxiCating, he '-would - .. . 14 .. . . Staples,. .at Bargain ice -�Ltive... I ... .I ... . .. . I . .. . . : $1.50k $1.75 Black SatanaUpdars�iru ict ...... . . . . . PH . call uponbis PrivateSearetary to coalf, "ti, 0 ......... �.. !W,1.15. � . I., � � .1 . . I � :THE'UPPOSITTON LUA i � I . ­ ... I.I...!....4 � . I I . . . I , i s preseat �, . . I DER , . . I .. . . I 1. �. . I I : , I I and v ' I . . . '. . . I . . � I � . I . . COVRT'R811.1s, I I forwx,rd , . erify his assertion. Thig I - . I ". � 29c . �, I .. ... � ..; .. .1000yArds of `82 indi wide Cttll rPilAsr in light and d4rk I Cal , , . .. ii . . . . person came to the.front, va,ther eirt. . . . I , - - . : . . Fifty thousat�d co $11-1rint"M.'rappers at. . , . . . . M -Betcourt, the popill�i Spe.�,ker'of �Ies of a-twelve,by . . � . . � I - I tire .0mrrailt-tillast., regulijal price 12je, Sale pt -ice - I qrs. A-11. . f:)urteen portraft OfAly, R. Borden'. the .0arrassed W tell - Was- .not lessened ;% iF. � I 50 Wlat)i.)e1-i,i,nia9.e of at fiii co'lor pvint�regulilr $IAI'a i... . ... I. " 10 tile 11ouse, i4ceutly,mlide.a change in leadev.ot .the 0� � 0 11 . .,posit lon, havei -been 'I ;hen lie.had made: his . I . . I 1. � . � �­­.*....",....­ .�79. 400 vards Qf .36.1trch vVide white on, extra heal,vy qnalft' . I the r1aW;,ivhereb;y he extended to IVIrs printed fordistrksati I I I , .�. . : ; , - ��btt . � Y, regtiliir 12i explanation., . I I . . . . .1, . ­ I I I v&W0,a,t-...__'.,. ''"...: ... ".., ... "... .. � 1;.. I I.. . ' ' art ;irnon- his Ad- I bY the audienee­ gOcia-ri,%taredly. guy- ' ' . 11 Ir Ill I . . . ......... i- '..�, , I ., a-1 0 Borden, th.6 claarming wife of the ()pr mirers, It, is it very Ciedital'letk�1108S, . I I * . 160 yard6ofCoototiat:14 which is Itel,extam belitvy qua)j ita''.. 0. I I tin-; him �ivith the remar-1c, ,'Oh, Sir . ... value fo.r....... -' . . I .� ty,. regia. 25 *fioxa,leader, thesamer rivilekie.r, that will doxibtless .be appreciated by his I Charle;,- Your PrIvat6 I , I . . I nostery aand ''Un'derive,dur B "'f,iii-p ......... . , . , .at "o, 1'7'�Vanjoyed by wives of Cribiriet Minis- frjendsj and. is .so . 10 -1 .......... ""' * "' * " V II. 1.01, .. - Secret, '� � , _. . . - . I . . VV M''S 2W. yards of-Sho,V06 �� 'i6i�j.76j�: * ' 1".. 4`1199 . we J. ograph�d, drunk, and voil' ivMl%be, too,, I& I . - . I 1. . . . ­ I � - ad- anneiette, all good, COWS a.11d p , I .. e , ar� M '- i. . I . . .erns, a go -at ................ . � t tlts,'80 far as,che use pf the Spoi that few will be nblq to distinguish � it, if y - Celftonljose,:at I OL - ,., . . . � ...... �t .... ".....'... 2 Gzallbl'Y fil the House in concerned.. _� it . from a photo-,,sa'vo i ],at it -is 611, 15c, 20c ai�ld 25r ,. ". t � - . att- . ;� drink mu4h., of - till . It took sonle - . , , . . 6.00 vards of good h *;a.,I`*­­­­,.. �"07 , .. I � . . . . I . 1. I. � I iplavy. Fact6ry Patton, rai * card- time to rest6re order, bui - . ­ -il;in . . . I I v. Ile to (lay � 7e, . I aOpears tba� oard . . . !720))itir, ofP111 sizes 'Sla . , . _- s�-e did not enjoy the s b . I to finish his - speech withotti,, ,.W.l It all , � . . . � Sir Charles t3ii-nild cottol. 1,111)i , 0 I I 1, - f1110111 6 to N This . . , . price.,--.- 1. '". - - � ................. � ....... . ame . instead of paper, . managetf . . ?�p- .. is t%vo and o1wril.J.0d ll,obid -a -will 91", e:KvPffe4lt'%'vear, Tile' regnl*r- . I . ,� � . ,. . ..,.? ...... 8,�!!. � ...... I— . .25 r.ightTetore, thou I there seemis no. � . . �.. . . I . t he . . . . . Dmkta or 4-XE1tl13.UR - ,' much.Wifatul _� ! I � . : ,-,.., t . ; t - I. 1, I)rice6itt.(.,13(!,*-Ioc:.I.nciz�,-)C: Duriligotir.May.4 - * I * good reason why %le did not -, Khe 0 ,. I . I . . .. . I ;;.! * . I idothe price will be_ - _,] 0 20c, 25� te�'30c White and Colored Muslin -at -1 0C e, W., "Mccrea _� � . � I . . I I 11 I - . tainlysbiouldhave'. ,The -old rule was ry, . Af-'� P,, fat ---1 � I ' . .., �! . I - "his bedl Olin, Sale . , , - - � , 1. . I *300vards of plaia�.wbjtpllnd, -Colol,E*!d 1W . uslins in . I )�,.,, .35c Cas�hraere Hose atZs c " - -1. 1. . I , ... ,. � I I ' , � . "'EiOrted-.Oolor4 and. . - thiiti i�peaker's Gallery was reserved Manitoba, was iollad detid. in - . Ancti , .11 , 1. . I . a 'N3c & We�qualjtles to ... � exclusiv ' -the la,diits, of the Go - B'011se, Oil Wpdalesday. I - . .. . ."'. . 1� . . . . .: dii.sign s, ,regulat,20 , 4 I t ... . , at. the'Rit ssell - . ­ . .3 I � P; . . I . . . .. ,.go at ....... i.�,, f ..... I � 41a ely fat. . . . I . .251 i­ir.; of F)lai,_4,,(1 1hi,wj Vash�neriii 1-loi-e, % "tr,;, I . . . I . I 10 I : .0 ........ " . .. - - .. I . .. � . N - -good quality - and ., I. � � . I . . . :, ernor Gerleiall V` Deceased war, a, Lilvral, and I I .,�. . *Orffa�nv, side priec ....... � ......... �- - - - - ... - ..� .. ;...._'.. I . .....'.'......".. � . .' 11-P �;.l 5C �'.. ' .. . I I . . . . 9 household, ,trad wives . I on - ly'the I In the .'Estil of isabella� MoPhersoxf � '. ,,, . 11 I � - Ginorharil a.t ... I., . , , �. ' 1, . 25 '20c, and 2se ' ' ' ' I . of Ciabinet -Minipters. idt.g. 8lotdiBal pyeninwbf-his death, hid taker.t art' i - . 1 1-., . " . , . . dsoffine,Aniei'iciiii'6'ri'gliam- inasssorted co6ofed Wsrl4v6-,-. " . . t I ot beihg thewife of A�Cabin6t Mini6' In -the diScUssion of 'the ho . . . " � , . . , 77�-`. - �200-yiiv P, . Betale, The Administrator of the Estate - I ,�., Cotton"Ne,sts at 15c . � .. . .1 I ., I I ; _� � . . I . ­ I . . � . n 8 1. I . . re (I ar te - there t :in. ill, wen - tlsej,and.� of Istibielia -McPherson deceased,will e ' ;1� . . I ........"...­ f­oreb�a ,no_�_Abq-b ­+91ne-app,irently - in -the-very- 11 - I . . I I . ; . 20e arill for_ j.. - ­ " .9 I it by-pubii"mtrtiali under the DavolutiOn a of- - ' ,, -_ .'- ,. 400 VPs1x*.inmh4 of finp colttof­Yarn -iin white Etud creviii 2.00 �ards of,pure ll�en,­ I - .'.. ­­ �; .... .. I . .16 I ry Mhertil'ow,tsm e bestof -health alld spiritsA t . . - I e,Lker's . alle � ,, I . I ecialato.* ........ ,.15.. .. I I Cal Towelling., regul;tp Sa q4aift'-'t* "I", ­ ­ d6pt- lie was -. _j� , . . . 1200 i . .. . . I., y * 0 4,'o it t. _.. - -Estate Act; ai With the appiollation V Corseticovews."Imle nr fin' ' . . pairs of extra larke.-Lin6n Towok some with r1na,t . . . . " 5 . e b, �he ol goverxinfen .'blitge fleilly.mark,and death'is SUPP68- , F� W. Uirc6ia i 'for I "I.- e &Okehmairi full - lit tritykau ,a Viral .3.0 :. henitmed Nids. All are a i X I I I i and othe6 I 1: - te But, i116 eld 1.0 have beeTidue I ., lacti wwiwortb 45C., iupw pvlft, ... . . foo . C .. .1 : w. i 1. It . . 1!t;offt6iAI Gaardiall - . i'l * �,It . '­ ........... � ...... V..... - � . .� Xtra. ?VaJ Ile 01,t Out *9014�r 5 fact thilt Ill'% Bel6bllilt ',A Libeial, .had to 'apoplai - -A 'dt preinises on. : �, . I -priotis.%claild 40 , I - -- I I fatittill, Mill oteet fall � '. .. .� 11 -, .� . .. . �Pr f4le��;prioe , , . - . . I . . C.. �. )n court;sy to ve y ':' everybody .called tovian of clinical, a � .2 .p. .1 . � � , , w ...... P... . I , .� _ y. . I . , , I . . . 0, .... I ... �­.­­­ - , S116WO tonini( v via follow, . . ..­ �1�. . I ....... �i ....... ,.:...�.. . 'the O' -�- 'I . tile wife of . , '' ­ 11 .1 . . � I I I ­ 1. �., .. . �. I . . 1 . . , . ... ....... ".. " 2'. 1 him 4i M. on 'Morailay . , � ":_ - I �! . . , !.�,%.:% I . . � � . 5� ,it ion pader, was. etobsidered, .111i".'and-be was like -'by" ai:30ti Of kal by -David - I " . . � , 1. -11 . I . f . , fP.,Ol I � � . . . . '' . . . ... - .,. �­ .. ,�. I . . . I � . . . . , . d all. th .. . : . . .1. I I ' . . . .. . . Death iii the Rrai -leveller. Of,. tLI1 dis. I iaBil Apoticineer, the westerly sgoo, 1�ll * ; . � 1. � I . - . I I . I �Y*Vft XONST BACK I L, . . ..., �. I I . � . . � .,.. I � ovatte I unportaricat. by tbe'resident. re- 4inctions, and ' I ". I I . I I ilb' Voilid WANT XT :­�':.' � �,.,d,,. I . .porters, to warrant them !a teleg -aph;; . * � �, . I . . � � I I . . . . ?)a where is'this inaral a attar , I . I , . . , , 1. . .� . . . I . .. . . I . I I . . I i feet of Towill No. 601 in .. I . I � 1. I I . � . � - . , � I � Ing A long account of theeircuillstatic noted than in the poli tie ena ' ihe:�Tos . - . . i " I � � .�, I ­. .".. I � " . . .11 . I . I . . . I . I .11 ,al ar i ,. The, clincon Wn 'of , I., .,. . I I %I+ . . � . . .. . I .. . e` � , in thl (j6uli .of.. uron, ijtto.rel .. - � . , .11 . I i � 1. I . , . ,�. . I � I I li ; I I I . I- 1. . ..to their r6s'LVeCtj*e p;kper,9,'th-i3- Cause .kindly and Couching references., made . � I � .1 z � I .. �, .. .. . I . . . . . . I : I .. . I . , . . I . � . . . Yative.on Complimenting 3ft. ,,,rI' to lil untimely d pskrticaaltarly,'described in Deed, Registered , , . I i , I . . . ; . � . .. I �. 11 I .. . I.. I . .... � '. 1� : . . . - eatbiby the Premier, Otis No. 6270.1a 13o6 ' . I . 1, . �. I � . I I I . I. A I - I � .. I .. ­ , . I k 19 for 011i3ton. Thia, , � P . . i t, - . I I ; .,. I � I � . ., .. ; - � I! . , Cal Ply ox his course, 'It is a eat- �vvere&appletnented by. Dr,.Sproul, on iroperty laivill -be' sold subject to. a. relii I , , , . � ., I � I .. , . . .. * isfatetiori'to Ir behalf of the Opposition; � The dai . 1, .� . � � . I �, . 1� 1� . I , . I : . . : : . , ,now that o,lee in a: While . , , . I '1� I . I I I � . . I . . Ulu; , Warms 1074 . . , I � . � . . I � ­ . � , 1. I a Liberal does Something wbilch earna the - late membak wits bo of thi purchase., inoney . . � 4 . . I.. . I , . 1, . . .% I I . . � . � . � I . I � ' I rape, -s I vilile. a. vered with ': do*n bal Lucid in 30 days.to be,.plii ' ': ' ' 1 ­ � . . . . -fer hint the gratitude Of �Iais opponents, ' massive ­nd beautiful., " ' � id Anli '� ' ,�� I., . - � . I A � . I I . . .11 I 1. . * . . wreath sIliJ1ntIY-isipressed*:,th , * the Clinadi'an 13Afik of Commerce td tha4- - . � �'11 I . . I . . .1-, �n ; I . . . I.— . . I . � . -,litit there is more than appeavei on thei . 0­4ppre- , Joint,breffif-of:ii Ad � . I I �������� 1111 i MaNnawmilm . . I ' I low Liber- rdi;b,.: For fdrth * I . . '. I - . I 111,11 , . $Q14ac;ln'thiie Gortiledlon, because it 10111i and Sdrrdw of -his fel I ministritbr al this. , . - � .- _ . . ill 1111 !I . . . � . . I I I. . . . ary Wit il e - I . er partie- . 11 shows tllet ,�exierosity It the Liberals to als-' �lr 160M S' t:ar. time "Va"re APPIY tO the 'Auctioneer or the ati . ul 1 I I . Ofilialail - Gait" 4 � . I I 11 , . . . ' t . ; - I !!!! � . I I . . . . � I . I their polj�icat pippondrite, 'ill in ' I . ... . . . .1. I '� , ­100iMill, . I I � . arked ALY-Or of Wlnnipeg� where he'lea v6s signed. , - --� �* I . .. . I .. .�., I .. . . . � . I . CLI.VTOW .. - . . � cOntritsttt')tbeti-el]4til'iejit*th6'Lil) I a wife And eight childr6n.tb, Tholliri.hi . . -MA , , -1 - . I . . . . . I . I I . - ­ - I I I . . I s J.'.F0ABH8. SBlIrEr& I I ,� � --.:-.--- 4 . I _., . .. . . . .. . I ..., .. .. once recti ' I "' " - loss., lie died on the eve . Hot.; , _f;_� w w_-- 4 I � . .. I . . �11 I I I 6d. When ille- Liberals -blithd ' . ,of his 40til Admini 0 . . �: I . . . . .. . . � I . , .., I. �. . . �, .. I :. ' - ay.. '. , . ... . . . strator,' V,aild-dr'sBolicitors . �'. . � . . . . w6ra kicking their bileels tog . . Dated-lol; . -1 I . . . . I � I ' Otherin.the ' . - . . � "iand was ednch' � . . I .. ' . . -�- - cool sliades of opposition, and even.the . . I I . . ..' . - lt.a�y Of May 1,9041. .Woodatoo'k.., I ­ !.� , I Uff,creelam.-in Frol � I ' 2-30id Legislition'tonliossible - , '.. - .4 GOOD "D !FnUn, StOfiY . ­. I . - . I � 1. - . .1 � In the. 6outhern .. .� . . .. . . . . I , . 1. . the fates �e6mecl to be against them, If dril . ­ . I . . I . . . .11 . %. Ordained -twerity-e. . I I . . . the Conservatives made the, * §i -�Qulil ierneirl bet, 411, the politiLl . . �. I - :_ ,� - ' �, " ir s I 1. I . i ' .., ud some tinld�kter * ,The Grari4.Trurik RaiI�,ra.yhasls;Pibd I .' �eople eatnetinitesetprilill fearAhat, . In, the House as uncomfbj!t ituation Cal stories thatit he hears 4 Ottavra � I . I ... 1! I I � ­ ---. '46, . . air- I be 'rajli�qalaled Able as POS' and published' them, they Would maO' . - .. , ' I , . Fob twenty tibrec lililli6aneenient-te. the public, deal �!`�`bad" � legislation may Adble, -by refusing them. the U86 of more all interestin . . I Victoria: '- I of St. Peter's Cati 1, - . . Abrou9b theliallS6.' BY had is -xneant QUM one room in �tha main buildin - , . , g .-and, highly- readAble - Va-Y, llavuth. . i� . 1:1 I I I i Iff, l:i 11 I I . i , VO on. oil come 'across bash who SING. ,j] 1.�Or . 1�1 morning . . . . . . . . . . . . . when I 8 ei*e( as it Ath 11111ILi ,I,,""" i , I I was on '�, I ingthat frel[44t��� be iniat6t1al- "Lili legislation. But Bitch it thing And this ITA6 forlbe general us.e-of Al L 1, I I I ' 61 ranced. 1!11 !l I o I i J I I 1� . .... - . FOR'laou , ull lint'sult,117 lorli hk intl6fatigAtblo, �fr- I ly 4d e-members,.---Nftt-he1_t&,e_ I ND TRIP.. . illudbei Parlidipated. a r ts that.th . ,. A niumber, of reasons &!to I iiiiiiii WX oil e ompsen a - . tilext4eader- 6 either beeh so ,olos�ly identill ,. ' M'11,.. ,; 11 I 11 � I I � . . lir " .. -- . .l, .5p. � r , W, amoll wh IN or any _t1m , H.1 My irr- 9 . � .. _�411d-�_ �,­_ ... ... * ; . . 11 - _."., 1'__."__2 appral the house. if a gov . 1:11 is � I Archbishop �Walsh Alien Bishop .of iivehro 'th, , iii of the Liberal party. the W I �_L �___ - di., , O-Mkinro ­V.M. . 0 I are sinaplychl I . 'Valid - *i,pturning until � METT rmuytil _ ,T.,.,(. London, wasenabled to Ohrry through I . . . Ich are '! 16 lruisllt wished to get threagla any kind private mein I.s. XC fullovi.t'.M-111. ' ' W Leazim continned thp Biblo Sfttdy i,on the schenliJ,%*-xch resulted in t e losses ber, wals aeborded, the. lital 0 ai . edilesday. I : . h eji�c:. Inctirrett' during the: winter, the � of 16fislati6n. wligteyer 'y;thoub fall zlightext courtsey; so far As arousing s ng an', � May 25,, i9oil. , � � . I having.. a oil 11 t0bied. 114er8 is I . . . . . I . . . I I I Ainnanyoveninsz; thu, topie I I tion of St. Peter's * ! ibex -eased cost of -op: rating and the �, ark , I 'a that has never-66en published, but I . 11 .- I w1w,vilm-y 0"thOd"Al W1en d . 1 -tee discussion, it could not do it, t'O I InSelftiVaSconcerfied,inwhibli Vvhieh 19 absolutely true, - World"s Fair, St. Lo I hlv tall 1), hi' - 4 . .. 000 f yXiss K:1,fe blut,ehj s 1. � tin tO li "a , 'Sa ". -his own business or ad Private' ill . ,tl,e . s health failedDishop J�JcEv*ay.pkco proposed tailaitiobbyrthd Gntario Gov Tlker6litre so many safeguards prov4jd­ ,t:elther . a .. V1 I . I.. . . 11iscussion -6(614� Ied by Ali.," Jet ed him w Qw.,quiet­ arish; of.koan . I -. fist such a Contingency, that Arty. When-theLiberalaii fop 'it. D11i ' ' '. - $17-55 good for 15 days, . � . ina , � P, . t . . .. . 'e 'I I . I'thati of� the li .Secretary referred to , in 'it . . rag . , 1. . � Turithtill antl -j�i , � tegab . . ... I . . Pastor Th 3 next Carmel. Tile faineral on Tiiesday�was. er.11111i ItilssaI&Vkatsbippers will! - eedhe no feati tlie,house� came intopoWer, did 'the'r . trea' During bue Of gir Uharles . . . . , , ' . -1 t tll*.'TUPPe1`S' sturkping -tour I . ON SALE DAILY . , . Biblo Study W111 lie tilp. 10-16 chatipters, ,attended �.iy Ais tordslif ) Bishop No- be hit pretty hard �rae ill ev'tw passing any -thing piartIeW. arly bad ConBcirv4tives. as they hAd'heen'.. ti,eat� I . . a be. ��" , .. .1 . . I . I , . . � - of Nti beris. Tile Leaguo pll,r,posi-''Dlvity,..riaii)eltl.lw;,O.yl*ard, ,. lareasti. '. J eir�objectionablti - , Ixt fhj3 egae of c6r. ed ? Not At All. - I.t *Ould troubled withitn irritation " .Was . With stop over. . pray . I . f n �11) blab, IN6. I - I AV . ofthethroat . ileges at,&�r .. . : holding 11-c0licert in the near flj$t)vc__ son Cauli, Mettle, and others. �he fiction ai FW-irl-way Compgrij I tata kinds of leg only 11 e. Parenthicalli, 1 may, rem . CAnad1ah.,Statiop,,,also. _ ' I I . - . . I . I . . . .1 . .. islation that it intend. beerahai nature, baid they dablo gO. . .ark ali Detroit anif '' �.' . , . . . . .1 I ,; ed1to . d that a Chi - ' I . I I .1� .. . WILTAR CifuttTety.­ The Cho. .— I ­_ - , is.not all, ullexpeefitset,000, to th Vred themselves B* .900 many other people aVe4roubled IC9,90. . . �, - . ;� I I I I I ..., . I I I . Ir '%VVA I ose who I , go through the house, notice But they sho . . . . llPeli withan -,irritation,, of the throat, and L- '. '., 1. - . . ' i Out itifull-forceill".' . On Miryl ea. 1. have given the, '40lisidoratton. ! Weii some . 'be given for six andlived-up to till try "Irrigatio i$. . �. . ­. I � "'.''. . . I � .. ... , . . . . . I ,rretudered anthem,1NIr. Codk . -.1 . . .,-- . I . ill dau, Ridie,of dy. But I � , . � . . gave a woll I It SundAY nightand Coultrniati I tIll must, fifst' to thisapilit, . ; , . . ; matt6r er, sb tkat. the returning good for 6vil,by n as a, reme . . 11 . . �-, . . . . I , also qft,tJT-t;he,.qoIo. ,,PA.Int of ill beatill confirm I a t i10 . - . . I . nay or Vilay not be,twae that it hatil'. publio may -see it. TM 49potieg -of phteibg at their di , of 4m: notmakin any reflection On .thii. ' - ets. and Ot infortnatiti .. . .1.1 � I � '7 service. I It i ,1111 sposal a 'n'timbat . .� J11*, tick I , . . . e . . - I .. . . . en it ually th tion, because his wits not the kind of . � . I . . England wa,j solent. � Ing its fatil of. ia:Ka 'ion" follows I 'Venerable ex� , tk Wails I in . in His Iffandsi his nFinal line ii;tri. of ite 0"harbh of not li�,eeu .pay cit nthe .house ; -eh good roonisti.-giving them..Virt rentior in this connec-, , . � : tone voire. Th,eednoir rellearsals.w1liek ) nized Ill St. Pliturs church last-Konday I CIO , I ; ROP9 'before "The Standing Orders same pei-vileges its are enjoyed by tib� t . Apply to - . . I , . . .n, but it is as Plain as' ;a, pike staff , Committee" to -see it - the prelizi�aiaai�y t So , Tiier ' _ uc. ibitative that Iras botheringlim. Ile : have been,h(j1diin Ali.. C,%n)ph,ll,,,t,di,.; evening, when tet candidates took-li ' � eral member . % is a plain Vii 111- 11000tR15- - ili - - . . � . � ar6 placed, . � 11 ded had prepared a simply remedy, for .. .3.4 . I I*Vn. Azv6fit . ' . ill-irial the winter niotiths will be,11614 I on,theruselves tbei%rows in P* that; if additional burdeas , * steps have all been complied witill Jon to he,dMWnfromthesefacta,-*hich . I I I � ade by their, I . the . . � - . I- I . .., I . I . myrea eramizzi;ydrawfor themselves- water (not fermented at a 1) and hay- t . --- . I lathe chuloch an-Satturday eve-l-lings,at.248FOrtsOrs at theirbaptism, and received vA on it in thesbape, of taiitnation. these I b0xt'Qdblfs thelfirsb, seebridand 4third I d irritation in the shape of, , lain.'barle � I I , P - readl* in COTUMUtOe of tile House, HwlsxrmT'.�S 'T, I 8 40'Clockforthe sianimer. . - ble. ... ­ . ur,my9p 11,�:­ - .lty q'ing,6fth�.wuch-lovedB.ishoptmmtbernetfroMrSOD'e.a.ogirce, F or I . SmWlr,PltlD . instructed 11113 Pri;vate $ecrotar . I , � G. T. R. Ti I . ST-RALVEt, , 6 CfJT)R,1(,',J-J,,._.1nstea lof tile Diiiacesi His Lordship wag aso; - l5u3IIY so thorough and I Because Sir Wilfrid sharply alladed y to W I UIP, Table . �' . - . - . I . d'of the�_1,sjstedqn; the �g�ry eg t3rea, 1 �!enialr2i;it.s,ilth xnain at the rear.,of the platt � , I .. . ;,* . I . . ,i . re. ular sermon atthe moll qce � ill Vs thaGrand.Truni- al,giver I afthere ia not the silghtesb - to the Objections of sbale 0 Orin until i * - . Y.-.-Rhbd I " p Id. . I God erich &Stratford viislon . ; I service t1je riqlia, pastor of kiddieton's,'wlig cent to its shareholderg,,4na ssibil-StY of any' lefisiation going position spe,1L_,0rs It f tbo' Op. he should Xis lure the flask containi3i .L, I I � I I I I If -last Sign 'n agPeal was read I I I A ?without its do ects .or weak gainat the Grand the lotiob, w en hewas'to hand it to ' XPZess leaVe6p,Clintoft for Stratford ., . . . ," tnyt ,a . . 'nlr filo 4 , _ I real � it 18% It I . from the FJ use of 13i,q ops on be 4 tile lessors.; V*6v.:.Wm, Lowe, of 1'runk Pacific, its ,,pettifagging,,* he , . I I half Of ]".Win recently thn I Ital spolt's(TIllf hint- ItW94 at Vviall . Harris M hKii0nalp Algoma. Northweet I jind t illtxb� tile opetuirair P'rail etc,, f ithai; began to pay, . . it has unJi�belng detected. And the E ' ?.33am,3.23pxn.520 in ., . . . . . I . . . ; I � . n . * . _� Territoriel British 'Columbia, a ai Rev.)C. R, Guiline, who loilises during tkO Winter Aere enor-� . . I His a oisterous. , s leaves Clinto &Zol= - linig been subjed to severe criticlsin.. When his thro , -1c,porle.0 tywj Audience Was aornewbat � .. I I I - � . piponants "y he 1as lost, his re . at began C* trouble blin, . li in,12-05 P ill, 6.40,10.82 p al, - . nd C'he � 161)'k"(I-Af,-eL'hiseltissdtn(L the announce- m0u,, and it � must, thettefoll square RRA makes the prqdj66ipra putation aB the ,�Sbxabyj irn'i of parli,114' Andhe poured our, At CoNou0i Lond6n,*R `eo' . !. Indianti-MAS-of,the Dominion. The - waonts. . . I The Ng -.t . I I I I . Instabtly the audience assualled tha Bruce. 1. � -11 . I - ould never get ar:l I . collections vilill be firt,ken tip' aC' Oxt The candidaites .W%e itself G some r , ,, . . inil that, he sh . . I " I Sunday's Bell q eciallY zoarked . Misses Minnie . ay . I that. sooner.tban have the North Ren- no inatter,What.this provocation,, land It wa-3 liquor, and began to Cha, xPrOSS, eaves'ClintOn for Ldridon, - . . I envelopps to be 71, I Boyer, Albert& Wean, Funny Hibbst I'Mra is a� present X ptipular " . f . ­ I -�jp ' 7.47 ti, ill an ,usell OP the PlIrpose. . rew 01 t, asking to he tatir d 4 15 p in. - - - - r � agifilial ec ion protest go to trial, the .arguments bitaAlke - character. One all sort$ of,,,,, en in on th6 tr( It is N) behl a ,large amount will 18usle Sloman,.May Rancei Mrs. T. ti 6 I !. t '1,.n,W � l�,essleav'eq,�Clilll for �. an for a tWo-cent, �a mile rat ' ,glid ' Ontarlo'Oonsli�r iyies will S;t . paper goes so far as to write - a oilly air guying., Sir,' . Win ' . ; . CWArles A a . I rpo8e. Jaki,4 W06h and J�Igjxr Xiddall - I lad Xinc rdine, 10.15 ll.rill P, M . be forthcoraing for.il noble pu I i Murphy, Hugh Brewer, Tom Rance, � el lt . tat W Off all All alleging that he is angry be. 26harn; . I , . - - �!e _— ll. 0 .1 . I .1 . . . . � ___,_;_____ -_ � . � I I 11 . ice the large- 'The Ion th address of Bishop 13ald- jug ulgirairly dealt t. 0 I -------------_-�� It "I I . . goodwill People fall they alrebe, ,the protests., A -ad furth�r, tha no CAUS6 69i the greater popularity of hi I ­ � . _2;�_ , asselubb . .1th b cit - on O' I , . . ago had the f)1011suro of listen- win, bet, ` W e ago ,Opp I . lng to Miss'M&kld MOINaughtion sing A, (lateg, Iv'T .. utlitrid-6letitiAm VU be held this yev,r, _ onent. This is nonsece, and -if the IVPO 111l , . . . . � * ;r& -Kwx*',!� -'k** U."MeNz ** I . - X Oslis rezna4a to the ofti Borne of the American lines, . I .. . . writer was in tho- house for, a * ** P?% ?1��,w ak .Vd -**". . I I , fa;vorite byrran �set to.wAls,ic by W. Q. . nre listened to in anapprecia- dn Palsseh$;ers ...... I .... I .... I i ny length , , - ow .� . — . � ­ I -er. Itpossessell.at' zitifter by, the . . ". Phillips, c1lOirmast .td Ittt0litive ma Joy this tate,while on Canadian dnes - , I - of time he would quickly Bet that Sir * - . ,� 4..&. 1 1 . .*0WMR_1VWRX . . . I . 'i'll"s ragregation pressilt; Ife was the rafiells higher .. They forget, bow. I I dth his elli,arming And grael . . I . . . . I �* . , � . large Wilfrid, Vi - . � . ; sweet and pteal.i4ng aiiii throughout, never fn better trim, abd Although ever. that popula * The Traxlp,s Dream Otis personality * : 0 , , . .. 0 .0 . . . I I I ' 's -still the be4 temper i . - in - - The You ng people who .have labored, so the.qt,tas t t[011 is muc)i larger i Last night I -dreamed of a la _, I 01' . , . W. . I � ,� ,. On tM ?Areet lie -appears fimil, he was 114ft . here, and that Cho * . W I . i ­ . zOA101181Y it, the everlings on the 8 I . 1 MCI- so fair ai bi" in the house, - Tb I's a wonder * I , - , I decorations, Vi:Z,,, 111088i Throwet, suer I . . Cbooi -Ong In his dbUberation an the gas. nual0erof people ,.yho travel ig influitei. - Whbra.theriverarull J?IJ ' he bag been ablo to keep it as -troll, as _V, Big-, Gr -wea i :. aft lleerj - . i Graelis, '!pel fillessage he preltelled, and denoune It greatOr. Out of a dozen leading Where fdUntaing of Iticke ag, for that Ile has Often been very ,1A - , . 1. . . . tie I �, YS shot up in lie h, . I . � .� . . . . J. V ir, I ' � ! Wol'thil2gColl. Herman and ed the faulty-oxcuses we are constari , t. lines of rail in ..Canada, only four Air,' I . . . reatly prbvoked, Is borne out by, ihe -U'- ` . ' . . . * . . . . I , Hovey came in for a share of pr&1,q � And everythin facts. as shown b,V IPM * . I 1, . . . . . ; . Be 17 ' , ; frOrdthe "ector during 1114 re , " 31Mking,becAuse we do not wish to Of them earned three Cents per mile on 1. ,9 else 'Or -as queer, � � the obstructive - . . . I 1*. , I - � t, 81. . : "I marks lead bettdr (,111ristiall lives. Xjjs adv their passenger servide lasb y I . . I tactics of the �Psj ion. ir Wilfrid W. :1 . . 1. . .. . I I . . I * . � workill tile pariall to the candidates %vat � fglnfJzzeson6veryhabd,- desi: ,tp - . I . . I V, . I . 1* , . I � Suildn' .4rh , , ice might bcl,poss,bg Peg to ge the busitieso of the -Ve I " I I �- -- � - y oil chill .to e411. It Wide I)rOoks 0 ' I . e'Vor the I -,I -ft,.T - - A.--- , Gr . ";R . I 1. . . I 1. 11 .1 1. .. . . . . . . .. . Aud. pump _W_ 1. : I I. W, - � 6-kets .- , _,s spouting, co-ektails to beat house every consideration to� Which I 0-K , , . . 0 1 . . . . . I I , ndrew-1 " -Vora Buell. It tickets; cominorcilli Anil Wier ffe $ ^ the linti , -� ' - --.- - - . . �� . ent lAkes of Cold Rhine will , . ,; ��, ,k-% .6btipikvas formed ' le p 11 t 11'" , coill g return, � , , jji�therbomor,qtg 'ent V06,� hy. abolishib Country transacted, And gives to tile I s itupressive avid two c make a liniform Sale, . � Friday eve.-nin I __ 4 W; Fred 'Wenek, as direaCor -, 14"red -, �04rce cannot fail' tw leave seti flown which are no I is -entWed. . t I � -ones standing in-lin.e. the pa,,iiam Tha-f6llowlng -iteinj froln . ­ - � 1 14111, I'lice , ii , I %V issued at less ihall itireo T?oJ, tht; _1 CIO' _3* " U , � �, enq,i Johnston, Be(,.,- in the 311indg of his heavers that will. 00,nbl, bllt the probabilities are tll&t . thirsty ... WMeneiiag S&t rd'y. .. .. I I , 1;'i 'I'llev Will"ileet the first �Vond,ljr t RVoW to lives (if righteousness. * I , - it t I I .. � entAl'Y correspemdence, Of . , , . U a Aprili. 4�,_. 1. �.. � ­ -] nie afloir was , cut ill fall force, Aw Of A. ,11,L Dilday's Globe, will show urhat the I . - I i lanti. . I. � I . of the Talotith .... Thurscialywas d twe'ce,nt I)asisenger rate, �Ivotlld inean .Crelile, tile Menthe swairlipp I Rnverannent has to conte 'tb, and -30W 1 904. We ased. -it- . I I Amen- An inerease(l frefflit rate, fill reell, ader of the. hou'46 . Rion Day and IUX"Ording to I did O'Vellcht Work in brighteni:1)g t)l� , ,til . Churell i.lanly.,�(Irvlee; A I* ' � it is navqillder the'le, I A ratilruad is lj,�e,tuy otlitil' i '� , , I . n�lir ,� ' " I Was theelose. . , . V Illu, of N"Vith Is ands"Of fine Cracke '1,1 h i -...Npxt saa))bath early t siries";, It loqw% sh0tild Occasionally feel I -irated. U* at, �: I q419011. divino W�iowlry Collection, ,I)m 'I _X,_ a large stoo 4_1 "Prvice was held -it 7 10 i 'Iiaen up, ILL n , avilaiii Choy yntist; be stlell asight wits lite"er befor I . k Of Seconds .-in, Q 1111111 . 11;- I— -.1_-___--_- 0 seetl g�1110,rYVL-Port(Irokthii(41ol)(w,say.q. ,. . � will bef.'elebratediii -lock. ifull - . - ,-,nio,40--Illw�6�"Pl,vllf?t(l, Peopliaretifterij Ahll)titt-li.tt�(ire�itlii.wn.,41nt . '. "14,'XperieneM Parlfnilvntatln�1.4 IWO . , 4- ,ware, at, a. very I . ranite- -)K- - I " I o,( i . . uf)fair in thoij, . I ee I "I . . — -4- - I It fi%i predia I , coneltwitins- eolicerrufla I . - 't - . oNv r6te dn th ' Nf�- * , . I , -that" I vaill-o '111 tat ill inbJuie -Inpuddlai tL,s los"i to 11114h �'tt tlw� 01) I . . , '. � � ted nfls. As Ilwyi agilio tl (I theatreets, �.rstarld u'll . e . . ! 1. . thei Donlillion. ., ; I- .rg * . .1 . , . �, TI w ,,, �,;Itiolt 11olle 'fo gain IN obqtruetill- if in need . I I Most Re". Randall ThOMRS' , GOVm"'1111011t Will this year have a, sill.- (siorm of one k'flul alul miather (,all ,be ,,art- I � were flowing"itli boaz(-, O, , ,�t,, lar. I ��_ I Davidwill, 1 1 1 given tho I)II1111e., 1, Ill which t red hoboesstinketl tile.jr,fo pas.*.'I , of allyt '. , ,Vt -lit, 1,ge of the (4alikIT1.1111k. 1XIC111 hing in that � w- Amlibi,,bo ) of Ca;ntel,F)tIll. . eg,artllesa of. the,pra.) Wh,IC , p 'L ,l I . . I . and Priell- , WITS Of �ACIA. xv lit., rielrding de. I fit 01, 101.4.1, inVolved. lite el f ying a. he.% ,e, ffli. If it, NV(T(V,.a\nlv;v;nl-e [hat wolfld I ,().u, : 4 J o V igi ". k ,,, ! .41.4ollattlo I . v(�uly 811()O;, I -� *t Nvill pay - ateor P and.i. I ftlsullrf . . ,ngl ,1111(111'411ort. serves tho., W10 a Surplas -Alaik. Ito expvetiolvor PIA74-111, (ILI IM91.011 Champlig-11(", flowti front Arre phigs '(+I ,in holiefit to Ihe eollilti.,v, . f, tt(! ,,(- line I , you to C."ll and I TY. Ih-stievvedaid tho Ill((, �krcllbiNllajy: I . 9 "'p1w., I .� � 'Clil look - V- " " I 'tallilil, a !\ , I e y , Pates I'liall, ean 1Xk ?� , colild 111)(1vto . I'llo ncoei of R . , , year. . ;Iwln, wid ketil ti(ieq lit bubbling streatnq with ll, Iliaq, . . i1elli 111ii . I . . � I I roads, In a vrilvent 'ponditi()II, . t. . And street e.leaners drank it, frorn ilc�q) fl!"I it, ill (" i " a � overvsh ge, IhltbvrQ,i.S throuakzw ' I W .� fliq Lordship: D Nshopsw6;tj Ingn I . *z . I- We have the ' lk I I' I I M mcuked ,��_ , * .Y.M �—__�__� I (�glslatioll to pro�ide f�r it glval*f, . 16 . . � . �K . . )l - htaniti t1to African f waywhiellit; lirgonily 11VE, � '( . � t, preser I(A Tilleti in orli ing, at i tie "�', ! "I'ZI-Ite? I , . � . . All ston"jl1gs, JJJfqq ' I'vil. �K- d Bai plaill . .1 ,4e , y In . � hfid offl(,pQ. lroroll-t.o, Y_ -'an.plon . . I P11011 A dream of . . . doil, , Tile A . b . S. displa - i _* - I .1 with tin Jr,pN _Nr, ii,ti.,;o.ditiv",iyl)(�,,tee4tilly.glior-i'� I f 01) )ositfon bave. i1ol, tl;o falillfo,;t holle I . ee tA e0pal I I , 1. Vilat ottit-y V�nhlg the roul)(I"; of tile tf.iglxl)allsA��ajol,(�.i,olt�(I,L!)Ot,lt Oil i'lle Oftervatingtio illeatilliv, .111(i thvit, * I*nl ,*I[wocenhion beillgo tj , I - , I filtv) annivrv.-iny-V nt - M . lli,4 PRIVIAM11 40 , " , I ; . i goobtl, 06,4111lfAi6 Mello; will only ii tll(� I 0 store -aii�[ wffido�y, every"' "� I �$!,'t,'�lltlitq"(,()Il$p'011�I to the I .4, 'Iticl t"If. An( wom chused hy a flu'r-14ty Crowd, . � ". - ... . I tbf,131."I)(�I)ri(,ofTc,i,()iit(t, .' : ,J w " I I V011141101leemolt of 1)­1­l,%=y stir. * " _V_ *1 - . . ­ twentV. , IV�Vter 00 6!()Ck�$rll('S(I-,I,�-fliol'ilitill, ITO I ("Ot1q, south s*d . rVative pnpart,; al)(tit I , Err, 1�,tfllt , . � Private Spermary,of tho Tillill-Ant, - I I % . , 'W � .. - . ;.t hi v (o rnr,og1lj&i 11 1% Nvi ro, 11trerf, b(I O_ . while the paralyzed grafters hailging virlys "w(I offi,�r 8N. 7_11�. th *11 () market -1 " 11 I,% , . . Rev. Fathpi"llieliftel J. Trri-tiall (J.J(,lJ' I iii, k Cludolnit, Itavilt"preparoda 1) l'ound I ork.-, The loiW 8is'. 0 . I P in figures., . , - 1, It Nlenf'. I , .IE4 lu� W, 1:6 � . " olitical I � riml fir NV, _IYI_11� - � I .1 � dit'll. Ni0fallry expresst"(1 11. JVJ,;h f,c) Ilt"'IMIllphlet; in whieh vullie,isa-lit 1,efer. i (It, tikell glee shoute(l 11.1nud, th; xt, , K at; Ai Carii 1,1 the 1"Pth Will, ol" it, I'll ) OpIn ifloil'alleli?.if � tJl,t(;,tlJ(.,(4(J.,.. . I his age. He tva,4 1111doftht(Al 'onv of � bul-im"i al, bis count -Y r,1,;Jt, I.,urzt! IT111, , I . . I V14 I the It ,V I I - 'veA � finlent riterldedg,oinglu; tliti, coillitr-, . . , ,011'Wrvatl � " "! _14_� Jost P013111ar clortirymen. Chat 114H : J;%,J)rlKht, . -*�C,.­, are 111:00 to the c Oh I thiR billtdolis dream Nvaaa happy !"' , drealn, Ill the fal , whiell !lit(, I'* ' * ' 1� . . eve" lived in London, wbero h(� wall � . Tho(Inestion, hitme;Ver, 'is � iti; .0 lgh tly ijleopr(q,�t fb tj , - - ,� . I . .. , V(J iTJi,&tJl(-eS ", The. result of an all.nigollf; bat, sirvill to thwart. A silullatIL, 11C.418011 "'; 0 . � . ".V 0 ,))Pln�l,V(li,qctl,4,se4l(yfbti��yint� .,si(le'. � . affloll they (Vi. , 0 1 . loftllel)e .1;Z, -, arl an . t , oi,, - - � r so, ,x- knoui to it. majorit "'. H - �1 I . wherli )'c rospollslbh I I'll , _ ,opI , - � , hitil I)( -,If,,. D�jjn alid 1101, I)rel), , . . , t ( gs 11mv d Ill 4 . LIVO Inea%lilir. 1< I I . 'k �d . -4 1 . . I I .. . . .v pfon.e, Ill Wcstnlinsteiv 'AbbeS,,. lc�t. .at . bolintiful titpo-in N,4 wid tile. woapjson)(� ntay,tll talk .of the. _ . iS and. HARWARV V_ . � - Father Tiorran svili born 4n AIAI& t Li ing Ile 11 q)tttylph. web thill -1 for tit(% obst,rl J( . . 11 I . � ild no such p,illlphlet ex,tsts, , I When th ,, I A �. f. .�T% STO'VE . '. 0 ,PY Carried tile 1101nooliastat. pl-esenteer'sloll. 'I'lloatlyprishir - .. . . I ,, t.11jug . 1 I �w I . I . I I 'a C110 All, Borden, who IF net ji"tntlng Im - .� � 1. I . ".., . , .. . . . I . .. . . . � V�, Nk ` 1, -, � . I I *� .1 1. . � . . 1. . � I I . . . * fl, *1 * " ,. � -,*gic--�k-,**,�)K,**-\I,-\Ie.�L-NL-,xP-AP-v,�-,i,Lo. . . * , '' I 11 . '. 11, ,. I - -, , Z - , I . . I . . . . . I , , ?n oqv I k, -_ .�IMT-Kl 11"ll ;;i" ?X?n;r ?KW 11 - I . . ,� I I I I . . I . I . . "I� . . I . ; . . 1 . � . , I � . . . I . � . . e 1, . . . . I . . I I., . I . I . I . . . . � .1 . , ". . I .1 'i 1�. I I . . .. . I . . . . I I �L I .1 " . . � I I i . 11 .. I .. I I . . . . 1, . . I I I A" I , I 000A ""q I 11 I I t I , I I I I I .11� I I z I I : I I I I I I I I I I � 0 1 � . -10 11 � . I W1 M� , , - , , 1�. I I - [...—, . � . :�, 1� I I . I I . . * I I , '' I . . 1'. .1 I ''I 1. � . . . . \� . ­ . . .1 0 . I 'I I . 1. I I I I � � . I F' . . I � . . , '.. . . I t,' I . . I 11 I '. I I 6" -1 , I � . � �11 � . � . . I �t . . 1 6 1 � �, . � I . I 1, . . I . 11 ), � . I I � I I .1 . I I . . I . .1 . I - A ,�.kr#4­aldl , - ,.- If * , I I � a., 1. . . ,� I ___A� " �. b.a.� - -, , _�:,'I�t&l ,. �'. �, I - — P.11._,.:�! �r LJ I I L.L_ . Ml 'idL I . WffiiWfiAh1".A&LA..,�.,- '. I