HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-05-06, Page 7A . . 11 '� �, , ,��,#. 4 . �. � I ­ . yiw, � � I I _ I 1.1" - � 1�0: . . I. . .. . 1 Ig � _� I .l�&� .. __ , N& , 11 . � , ,M_ I I . I". , I g'. - ���� IVI * ` A ­ I .#, . - To � , . � '.1 . ______4�+ 1 - . .. 0 I .0 I I . 11 . I I I I . 4 � I MAY 6 0040 . � THL' GLUTTON - IN. W El A . . . . e W _=W WE �_ I - I � . . . . . . . . . '�� �Olp�,� !r!_.1- �� �.. - I'A WON. --- � . I 11 .. ­ I .j-'- _ I ­.. ,""i ,.- I -_ - ______ -0 � ­ e . . � . I I 0 , , llrit! T. L4�­�.. ­___,!�t�-_� � L';l:q$, -OanliiA do nature4vork- 6, 1 3 TO R Y 0 F 0 6,.. " 'M - V ii UR *;tt they want lielp 114 get we'll . ... .. - , 4,J, - #b Iltore than tiredness. Mwr4 'and -.5troa- agaiu 1,1 0 01 I . ,.-- . .� I work does not bring s1wrp, Q1 N P%'LLP* 'I . tm-C or HISTOX'Y TOLD V Mill J �M__s 1 8hooting pains. And a ,aull, . are the,!gruatest heloilthat'64 W.; lad uoyarxilk MOORE;, 0: ERITISH CQLU.'.W1A, I I � I . . nagging paill—that a nighilts have. Tlxey rcligft the- T41n, Strcugthttii I . Il .1y curc, 0.1.1 he vft;L% vkrts, -atd -inplete I'lle, D1500vt ell 9;01,il it) tilt, 110. I ry 04i rJac � steep won't drive away—is never )CaUy Troubles, 'They are prepared soicl�r � I villu 1'rovinve-ii-aruo 1-rq)*i#oet rrow. due to weariness. . te,"irc the Killowpys. , They do that out t�itl&-40 it iluickly, tiloeouguly, coin- ! 1940 N1,4441110Z (x u, 114m 4or .".1,1JO-Latcr I I I Nine times in ten., backache. Vetelt . 'we now wVat wonderit GIN rIL " ! . � . Clio, 01houvory or tile A�oafost 044r hver says Kidney Trouble. Pain is Vhatls why we witliorism ally dr.o,&Zut refund your thoney if they fall. 1 Dipmoveret! on 04a Vrns--r Alver. , . nature's way of telling you that 5oc box, Gb,oxes for $_24% at y9ur drui,o�llit'a � I At the recent raining coiawn'lon "' yottr Kidneys are weak—that or direct fro It . *mF 801,X D.RQQ 00.s WINNIPEa-, 'MAN in British Columbia Air. i 111110S wlooro, t1w vio.veer unitivio of ll� t.. a " , -gaw trout anill 4 delL the Caribou, - __ . - - -_ _.­�__, * * to,ld the mory of the dkieovery of Library of Parliament -ill IBORN TO SE PAUPeR& � glold I4 tile country, . Ile itaid, in , . paet: When I first enwreo, thu li'�,as- . Crain Whole Irawily Lly,kna; In an -Vi**sh Worig,j I 01, lliver , with'.4 few ,assoclauls, till --- - . house Tloffethev. . we found in this Province wk�rv, three CANADA's AawicuLTURAL E 4 XlIrVIT` AT Affamily with a re ' rnalilt&ble'experi- I - lludson's llay tradlipg pofit.5, ancl 4 once of workhouse. life -is tat preserit number of SiMl,She,s, That was the W11H WORLO's FAIR 18 A B&A-UTY ent-oying the hos�ita,IJ;t)r of the .; wholo populati,on oT the part cafled AND IT SUOWS A PORTION OF Karylebone Poor IA%w Guardians, at that thitZ,l New Calodojila, � -1 SIL11.11 AIN HASTORIC STRUCTU"; sa%ys the Daily IWAII, Speak of this, Ilrovinco la future as *,C*oAi,n4)14t, At the end . of 4,uly,, :1891, the Ahitish. it,- the Proviric'o . Canada�wwonderfui exhibit. in the grandfaUer, Patrick -Downs, at ittlai; "time about 60 years ,of ago, , was a, Qrowal. colony after wo di.%7 coverod 'placir -wlniss Ott the Frasvr Palace of Agriculture tit the WOrld's Fair at ,W.. Louis is it revelati-on to the land .who 411ved in Lisson stilL,tit west, sought l0ver. lit aiw-vil�ffiig the r!Vcr wo, . One who #nlay have bad an ddea thia 'the shelter of the workhouse, t4o lie 'followed - callived ouv, wvening - ow a bar 4p' 'w!Xon -olle the great -north country is one of co:d 0, few, montals - laitor by his - cook Juaah . of iny ,-W ice always. No sectim in Uncit.. Sam's displays fairer wife, Catharine, He was a day la- borer, and for the non-paymeut of' .sbelates ,notlitTed particles of go!xl hi tho Tiliong -which was growing oil the Wa,lary of states . 4 SpeOlIaHRIlls OL the repult of tAhe'husband- rerIt was r .turnqd 'out of his A'home. roc)"t. oh tho �­ri—Re -xvns4w] it pnit I tuan'sindustry and no land shows, it The couple are kill in r the lwork- Of thig wyo�% and got a ,large trros- eater,variety of products tban do the house, -and there4hey will ftubtleis lit-, l,' 1L.0 -Ir kl�d ,:,A.Str,0I1oiLlIC JAWLLS 8" 'provinces that adjoin the United remain. . I . . . were s"isited, we.all, went prolippet- take&&u the north. A datighter, Nate, made, iper iodic Ing antel ,discovered . a rich b"; ill Castada has a space of 30,000 square I visits to the Institution, t6king,her, fact, Wr_.the richest bar ever dls� �. eet ,in the Exposition's manumnth I discharge when w'ell enough4,4 leave-.. .the, rr covered ifti. . I kaser River c:or its aile of Agriculture -astructure that I . She is now about 80.. years, � of age,. trittuefitoilos� We named the 43ur On. owwris an area of 20 acres and contains i Three of her ckltdrea . ., bovii. in the honor. 4f ,.my associaite, ,%%,he "Washed . pecimens of all that is edible from all workhouse, axe dead, and' �Wero bur. .the Avst pan of inoSs, "Hillf-3 Bar," nds. The Canadian space is on the ied by the pai4sli. Another, . & boy, I %w9h ' it -distinctly understood . b,side of the mail a4sle, about imid- is now. in thei ,'Shaftesbuoy. training. that %we do. not claim to bli tthe first aly of the giant structure's unrivaled shir. where ho4s maintained at the discoverers of gold -as gold,was dis- e,ngth. A miniatureproduction of a . expense of .ithe -guardians. ' . . covbred. the' *year before tolin- small sterical structure forms the teenter . iece of this notable . . Another daughter, Elirlifteth mar. . ' quantitieff by Indiana on tize Thoinp- amhibit. ' ,-One of the handsoamest of the ,public ried a man named X,al�e., W_h,�' has lipen an in m.04a, but is :.not Aow , in, ', sotu .River -but - when, wo - located 1his 'Inialle we laid the fol�ndati6n-stone of 6ildings in out- country is certai.-,ly the ibrary of Pai-Ilaniclit tit Ottawa. The - residence. The wife dierki', in. the In- - i mining'in- British Coluniblu. I' may p�rp. of this building, reproduced on A stitution, and her f6ur4rehildroxi are, being.-inahitain6d andlethicated At . go . U little. further and.say, that we la d t . he f6undatlon-8t � one kvf'Biitisl� aller scale, is one,of the most com- . anding objects in,ithe manimoth con. the (luardians' 8tchoolsa4t Southall. � , _� I .oi.lumbia,, and.4. ajA i)roud. to! have , . ruction. It is an,octogon, 34. feet A third daubbter, Johanna: Cooling, ,tko honor of stating',up4m the floor cross and its top ,eutends 60,feet up- ' who . has wor,41tildron, !As now out of I I . . ad., this convention. that,'. ivIbelped to I . ard and bruslits tke ralters of the I the ­.hox;sc.,'­'4b%at She 'has been . an, 14y that'. foundittion-stoni. I am the . iculture Palace. Its fraime is of') inmate. . 11 I I anly one, left bf, tlui:pariiy� ihat dis-; . I .. I �� ..",*,-,�%,,l, �, 4 . I 1�1 ­ .. �, ABOUT RULE BRITANNIA, 11) I I I I _""11414 .. ''I'll. . I I , , - .. I . .�,. XNI I , a-., "I I . n.w. I . Raise Every Ch. , STIRMNG PATRIOTIC HYMN WHICH .. y�, , �1 a :� ,,7,.-,. . I I �,04 � q'i 4 � . . I �11 .11 . . WE Al.t. WYE, �l - 1) .. � /. 44 , "Ill, I Your fleiis -.11*4't 1 . . . . , . -�,,kI;� ",", , . , I . 40 - . . ". , I � , - PolItIvAl 11V . 'J-' ;4 .. � I I . 11111 Wr Britain S9, Long of SkO *1;' I � lu,11gestion kill#r more glh4oketix , . �� ­­ , lolceilm . � 4014filas rall0tiat PoWer—Itemoon oftho — - ,�� _). I Jtw� M1, I �� .�WRr^ . than ally otl;er dillease, . wilen I - I 4.1oliullar fAtIllfACtI4111, WhJ*h Xt Xla- . .. � I , ( hicks begi a to droop-_-looll: pi�4 *C , � - fl -0 1111 ll�wolilt vat"111,14 dur W ovor. wituderj; In isrAtish lor"a'sto-Alatkor- , I.. 1 ..2 - %-� fee(lbigorwrongfoodin . easont-4 . , tillip of the song Isu Doloatoablli gasit, — I ... ­­� - J-01 with mveii-A! _. oved allilt . , flon, . . .� . . I - ice if you want to ralse. ,ItIAIP, stron 'il - ; ., . . V, ? %�.. . V;-, muspoultlty, I . I I- ­ ... L I Southey said that ,$I ,_ - . 0. . . . tule, B,rj.tallw � , I - ,. % :_F:n ,:" ... � t inues the stottiai;li�rrgnlates the 1b9weIo-­k4ays � , 1.11, �_�� F.I. ilia" would be the political hymn of r';` - .5 - - - - llickwis, ducks aiid turkeys fat arid I .x.;,- . - . - I I this country So long as she I main, . - I , ­_ " . � --- w, 11,by-tuak . :��Inn.. , I I es hens, Itly all winter .1, tal0s her political power. Wagner., .... . � �_ lit young pullets early laySni-11411a - 1-1 . the great composer, declared that - ; - - �__ no A%* fertile eggs. L . F . , . . L I L . 1tIIC whole character of the . British. . �� ... . yal. Poultry Spic�v I$ - 11 . � Mveris' ]NO - I - nation Is expressed In the opening - � a relish-%. tonic-­Ahut is indispexisible , I I I 11 Strain of the tuno, writes.J, Cuth� � .. I ­ to the f9rrig,irwho wantntomakei . � niwe,y F ,; . bert Kiuldm, lteftixt'events-the war . � . a it of hi4"Irlilicketlyatd." . . . - " I . . Ott - 1 bool�let.' '11011,11 , . -With the Doers—certalitify tended to � . Write f )r 11histrated . . I bring out that view, for the entire L find it in!eresting fronit =ver to. cover. I I . British nation Seemed to find "a pe- . . AMR's ROYAL SPICE CO. .. I l- I cullar -satisfaction ill proclaiming . I . - . that Brit-pris "never, never,. . never I . Nlagat.a Falls, Ont. & N.Y I �k) . 1. i JaVeS L , , 'l . . . � � A Shall be B I and giving utter- 1301%P rVE�VWHIERAC I" . , L, , anco tio all the other grand senti- .. . . . � 1- . , I ' I ­ _..... ­ �i,, p inents which inake our bosom . swell , . I I r . ,� i L I. I . . I . With patriotic pride. . ; . I!-- --- , � . . � - : " , - ._�� It, Is,certainly 4 fine tune, this of . I I ___ I . . I I _�_,__ L , , " Ittile , Britannia," It was made by j6'CEN,EMDZMffdlMMMMM "StMONODAM li"MR, t I the Samous Dr. Arne_ Who'L set a -uf I . . * . .. � L' ' I L � � -1 -101 .1 1 Patients wiR hear of,' ':L 6 � L � * * some in their. ac . J�- . ' leoriiposer. A couple of - vocalists call- I . th, t _ I ., ' I . ,ed qn lifin. one n-iorning.. They'- had valitagre,- liyo writin&I to I . lbeiiiii, debating as to which was the ""I AR , I great matil.t line songs in'his day. Arrie'was a humorist as well. as a U t�e.'- Diabetic Inst �", " I . best singer, .arid ,not being able to I ' i�'i'ef; 1. I. - ,V 'Settle the questroh tho�, reso4vuu t,u .. I I I l;- St. Dunstan's H111; -Lon- . L ' . . � L . . 1. . . . L � .,� � .:a . - - I I .1 � .. Pileal to Arne, When they' ]lad fln- . . don,.,E. C. ' L Ashed -he turned to one and retuark- . 1. � � I .. . . � . ; I I . I � :od'."'Well, Sir, you Sing very badly." I I . . I �. , I � I I'b.e *other concluded that.he' bad won . AVO % . tbe.wager-for there was a , bet in . I - othing to T ' . — ' . question-andL lie said so to- Arne. .�. A-21- , - ft�, I . I 671' . . I . I . . . I . . ­ . . "Nay','� retorted Arne 11foi , -_ - L . . . . � ... . .. .. . . I r whilil he IL * I : - I - . . . . � . 1. sings badly,.you pan'�"�Ing at all." 14.0111101 I . I L . ,. -I!, . LLL LLL � I I - That was th��' inaix NVIlo wrptI,.- 'the '. . * . F I I � . . . I .. I .. . 11 . . ' I ItU110 Of "Rule* ' ' Britannia.'L'. . . . 1� I ___ 11 ___ __ __ I � , , .- -.4 _Ji�-...& . ol,. ,Vd-. ^ J", , : _. I. 11 . I L . I . LL . , � . however; lik putting the ca T, I . � . is" I !�� 1106V, I . e flt'be- I - I i.11 V-. , Ivrionison tett tn(%: atit,no"esnip - I .. I. . . . , .. . . 'for�.thc borse ,to � speak 'of the.: tune Ii doubt"so did ll4lallet. Nclthe�, di- : L7 1 1 . I. . while as, yet wd have sa:id ,nothing r�ctly -.d the'isong, , and .. al� . . . . . . .claim( THE HORSE. -MARK,. . L ­ . .. I 6bout the. wards. , ­ 1. thoug Several of their conteinpot- ' , . '-' .1 �. I I ) 0 , . Xuttl'orship 14, nJ*pntr,r1. : aries ffiPst . have known the . fa'cts, '11.1le. tita'a.1f. . I ; I : 4- . Demands 804nd Hdi's 0 01111134 T': . . . . . I I . .. , s, thi-ir actualtvall,e 4TI . I Unfortunately, the aujh b . the ' remain' L"o* �'.'i','hlti, de,imbl, far use iir sale. thatemeii orsbip of y ed silent, *with. the resitlt� are". it "Rule, Britannia" 4-q a debated u - that. the autborshin of One of our ,' I keav, A'llowbottlestif. - , �', 1� � . . . . I . . . . .. ' 11 . � .1 I . 1. — ' ' I ine and the surfa-ce that shows is cov- .. — . � m".7— . cove -red those,*'first 'pl. acep . mines ' on ` .1 1. .. . �. . . I . tion,'arid deliAted quesijons.are,hard�-, finest patriotic pieces rpmains among , I _. - - . . I -11 .1 . . . . . . . - . � ed with glowing red burlap. Artis- � I . . I. . . :­HJIFs Bar," as my associatqs.have �.' . . . , . . . ly for'discussion 'In. &'Cblumn .: 11ke the list of imittroversial subl&cts� '. . � I . - . . . I . , cally fastened to this background terossed the � "'great 'divide." I ti-ilst , %PWIT,$', 4-1 I U QL1J­Cr(I(1P nioao� oi woric-. this.* Still,; we'lVaht. to* know` what :' . kii,,n%'*u,. , A-.,Ai..,0­ .L­.�,,:r. � � ' . . .. . . � I . I . -ri�b,aivmd I hope 'T 1.1 -rockers and . Cali be - . . . I � - �, I . e the grains and grasses of Canad . , � When The Bowels .they have stfuck.:Jt . , Ig 40 yca'rs. bef6re with , . .4,said for Qnq . claiiiiani At� 1 ani.,inplined to .fav -or " ' 0 .- I . are -than 3,0013 ,-Fpecimens being . � . I . I they llaye a tr,mmp lit up by camp f1res- But, . . - Personally, . . place for ';me when I -* 01, . . . . muother., .Briefly, �'Itulc Britailnia` Thoxusoa� Thoinson WHS -L'Valj.),' it, � . I I . rmi array. ..- � . i sir, we were ah.1 , . . own in cha Ing �. . .. . . .. .:1 P to declare a divid-� . " . ' . I I I . I Great buttresses are built up of mil- Are Constipated ioin. them.. : , . _:_end-.4r.i6ry Dig . or `�boia 6-100 per . . ,Was written cither by., Jaiines Thom- .peet;. Afall6lt w" at best. .onh, a , . I I 'When I was In Victo�Fja last' ivinter . . ,lit I , I The whole digestive systein in I t ­ , I I ,., . soil, tit(, poet of "Tile, Seasons;", - or� 'pootbater.. The internal 'V%'1deIlc.(' is, I I a forage plant.,; bronze grass, it . It car, i P, :. . K I I met. a'gbittleman, 4 Mir,'l-add 'who . nian-' -Ili' he �i uxt y , � 60, 1 � c' by.'Davld -.idallet; a VC141 back scrib-1 , think ' on the . -,side ,of T!i0lrr.oll... I . I I . der crop grown,extensivelyinWest- deranged and thw systeni , , ijill,g,' diqlcorvered - - Duck, Kvithley, ,�tqo . . � . . 1. . I told �' me that h6. noew;,,owns , se, .bler� Of -tbe. tiloo Thonv*soli fre(CIle ..., . 5 I " . 1i IE . Canada and wh4oh appears shortly I - . � :polsiliped. . - ' .',-i :, . ,: � I , Ilarvpyl� Snowshoe' .*Ci�e . . , upon 'whom.-.Dt. I � .n.1.1y, dealt with ya- . 11 . . . I bar In: the FV.as6r River, near, Yale, . ek,' and in . Jobn,on . n tis triovAc:'theines, 'wit :. '. .. I I . . . - . 1109$ lis ') ue. - l r the snow Iea,ves the. ground ; I B766-Ift-0 nd combined action on kid-- I . . . . � 6sti_!.� 1889 % we dis&)v6r(-d th(n.-richest creeks poured 'his Contetnpt� 1 I'" �'.] ` I % ne s, liver and bovielss - Dr. Chase!s KkIncy.. I ias ! a . mining .,proposition. 11le . .. . . dicti6nary-af all Oacos! . 'rhornson �*y'.' -and "lit,it . .. atinia," 1CAvo � prodtic- 1 " - eat, oats, cloavefir, blue grass and � - disorders of these or;, 1 jriat6s - the. amount, ady . . �(; ,-Iboo; .11alli�.1'r- I . NVilliams, , a ts'. -all, t! r(irrs, . %-.-hich iii I ` p lo t . I ndreds of other ohoice . I Liver Pirig,avercome . . �'at;gold idre in. -�, 47 . Alul At IiVt w(T0 b9th ' Sco ' ` ' * d 8 I ��vry lll.li(�!� re- I specimens. : ns,cleamelahe'system, purifythe bloqd,�tnd irecovered fr6m. th4t:,bltr to be. ap- L, " "' illid L6wh(V",Gr'ol3S6 1-1, . - (' rn,usedsci,mitchelu the embellish. ga . . . I . 00XI)IIIII9 I ' lid Johnson hated Scots as the, db'viil is senibli . � the I e I elebratLi(i, ode. � I � (. * was . I � - . I prevent andimure serious disease.. - . �proximately , tw r0eks, and�qk).6i&qof, tl' I I . � � .­ .. I , ut of the exhi,Wtwof the stats, fluds . . , I o .million - dollars. o ther e - iv claillis suld' to haI6 holy water. Afallet's all enthusiastic advovgte Of liberty, Vill ,lrork a pnminent cure. or ' �­ ,i i this display. The eigyt ' - " . W, - . . i `( . Mit� M H. BARNASY, painterin the DLA.R. .Bli�, sir, in'ttiose. dA eitt�, fabulous]. rich� I will ju�t n , Siplirlts., urob.'etc.. and a . - II . Ts, no:.matter . . . y . ame. . (bi-. *was a" Perthshire man) making e6risialit aj)t,;,l1l.9 to' ri've- ,It vsro,,,,o�: uos.rc.ws alinmp , � 11 h e al' re i e7 I I 11b e -d a c(.nspic .,shops, Kentville,: N.S.. ;how. rich 4. camp wdl#iscoveted, we r,tra*L, one, claim ' . for --ixamlile; - - tile was oril��inally. lllalloch; but ikhen he dont and Grout Brit a Ili:. NV h1IvJ1il,'wa5. .. as -tile orw lollowilli; area Vuarallt ., t0t� d *" octogon afti - . . states-:-" I have used J'Allar clahl� . oi! -WWia'in's-: C I I . 9 place for a series of oil paintings, � - . Dr. Chase's Kidpey- llould.'not rerho1n.long, At one ca.Inp, � . . r1 ­"k1 7 'Wen,4 to Lolidon � lie found that it,'ho 'also ll.'N%�arlil a*dnill'er of liel`(14'�s': atirl' 'Cured two golle dii,av'In , , , I . I . "we � I where two,irion werc, ox.orldlig.01-1 tri'6 ` , . . , I . � . � � rs! t.. I ifying tit live stock indust ryofour 11 .. � . - .. Liver Pill$ fora n b had tb explore, I ond I am stil . . I I cockiley. difficulty with gubturdl I . � .. 1,114 9 f, ' " I ,in - fnju. of a drift wiffi­41jCkS T h ey . . the � leg'Jidators. ` "PliPre. is licit. . a s.in(rli- , . . .. � Buls,ille"'NX, 'Mar, x. tO il . . ,, , n tr . The pictures are works of I - of years whenatr�d bf the, same disposi-bioni.. and %i . ,I . it .1 - , led. to his being callbd 31'allotlic. .ana iii)ilm- or -idea-4n We Britarinita"' � nr. M 1. Rondall Cn., (;cntleiucft,'-t6m4 Lars R a I . b,iysp; it Ila , work - 204 . t, I . . . ­ t*44 0. 'Bono apavino.and it rom,red %ill eni �i is,. ancT theii . lt�ouid t Constipated J -,not remain long- in ,line cam . .1ift 1)y !1-1- our", . . a .1 L . . 1� . .�."il%o,.rggi"ir�ll'i.5,,a�inctire-,%a . .- _. . p'to-day, I - s he did not like bein� cixllod'.'id,iLl-�.�l,:hwjlie,�'does not occur or, recur,. clyo- I nes very lifelike. i . , '. (-- kidney I � but, will procliiect jnf,o f:he intelria 1 pdands of-g�dld Avoird6pois and, this; � joi; . ho'ghtijiged his name. to J%l r, ' . . r , aLlic - or � Rrear, size makes the fp, 6 . and swfeel r, . . I ., A- ...M. The windows un- I � . . � . , J .. I k S:a%ills 1-1 I.eq - him from hkon, . . . Ill: . pains and derangementi ,I : figivred int6. Trd I . lOt- - uiliqre in the ­.gelleral body C& 11 I S.. 1, ye,ril ,irading. I i ... � h,t,e a case P of the dig'eStive systern , Btlt,'sir, beforis I* dc� xe,: I would ke I ... �. y. oint-vi-s' at %$Ili per It:. 11,aq the pointed archissare filled with I . I . , til a%J-d In, r,allitik tliroylsa bridge, a ralli j�llj I , Rt ... .is that Johnson' ', his poetr.y. 'Nothing likt� this. can' , .be'- 1,er cn-vooter tream(itit �vlth %­tr Spa n, Cur# it I P, - - . I . tles of threshtid grain. I to..'say that -'affell. -%we 'discovered ­ �DWU-W- %vould. b(& sOir A�Til . li $47 -� opp o rt v it i ty,. itrid g , lie emlnc- to said of,Afallct.2 Still, it is dangerous , , .1 . ,w ,, and know ofn=y,otbei% , I . - �41"el , , �r ... I J,tk­V.oPy...ry,,ur "Treitiseen if "110ts. . . - I . -t � I . . 'tc, the , 0001, Put .41)all(),�v,i�l..Ac(;I..Ylljnc�.,i I I , th(? word '" ' lie did ft,so:. .. a . rguing from internal evidences, "it . . . y0Atsv-rVtr.l)r. - , , , eneath he dome t;s the officeforthe I .. who have also used them � mines and the great rush , (i,o ' deftile '.1i.." . pi?. .1.9 S." y A .11 . , - ' . . . . ...... ... , .. . ermtendent, W. H. Ray, who has '. - , for similar ttbuble]s, J . Frai;6;r River - comniencecl the ,ri'ver ,6ait .last for(over, -,they are, soon . O'Aliasrw-A Latin ,w* . . - .. 11 ... '. .. . � I . . I . ofd _signifying . -1nuF - Price - $1 - rge of the entire agiriculture exhibit ! � . on. the , .whole .we, -s. "leave tile it li.iq so ell - &i in was then at. high water., and as Yale vv�=%wd out, . There-itiree a. -few yk . . . f ILL can join with oth . . � . et - 'Oth�rwise',' a-, 1�fallet alias- Mailodli; �queq - ee, walls are Haaed with attractive ex- - I - pronouncing thle:6 an 'was'thehead Of thesteamboit, havi- ; tltalt :will hist., for -sceue -thive,. .. but t1l; t - . * .tionAn What Vio. poet describes. .. -t ,,P� aft'�, , ILL *to. : , . . excellent. 'ml�dicin i I .11 i is, qtherwhso", - ATOWfe, the 49 . a. -state 'of � " ' vacillating . � . 1, F Dn;13J,KFNDALL Q - , � 1. ' " gation, It wwa�s also fon;dmall boats �, m.'(A.... tmough. to:. make a prosp��rou;`- - pbot, declared that; when. hnson doubt.". One thing is certain: "Ru e, : I.,_ . � . r,rhecortiers aroand the central : , When constipated I fi f .1 1 .1 I , � , J -d XX BARNAZY na during its hijh.st6ge ilantil su6b. time - lmwm, 9 callip. A*n.- silmking of thii-se. . (Iefin(d "mallet- zas, "'it thing %with -a ilion are attfiaotive little booths I . . , one pill sufficien't tosel . . - - - - iliv, W 0 - slif0low,placers, t 1. do "ilot speak - 'f woollen he"," -1 -,'bad' -thshlro Drlthtmfal.'�was writtt�n by a 'Scot " . I . t; to show to the best advantage in c ritht, 2nd ,am never'withtitut a box f th as thb ri'ver fell, to I attir. � V U , 0 IT Jbe.,Pai. . I . . ilidless wealth of Car, - )-�s- 11 -must- remember in thlaw­'days th.6 .1. the A . an l.'unsp6akab.1 Scot," if vou-iden- I . .. I . is in iflie,fiouse. I consider them.&'b.st . . re I tiin district. - Vid have in the , nian ,Ili view, -a (i ve li,e - . - - I * , , . . . . . . I ' . .. . .. . tify hinv� with David Mallet.- There I � . bou iada's soil. P' .1 .W . � 4ikl I y rily .-belie � . . .e � . . . . I Medicine levzriused." . - - 1! ore. no rdilr ints*`.or of; 13"Iti-11I '00un)bi�,ii, -vast, ­bt�,�I. JohlI_'1;OII .w,qm capable of :an - .0 I boot[ is devoted to h Dr. Chase's kidne3 . oads., -*agon roads, - ' J . � Y- was -nothing "unspeakiGle" - about 11-, A n, r. .. * . . (;00k S. Co I I onev, aand pr -Liver Pills.one PZi-ia,idose, Imor pack -'trails, We ihad. only an In- amdtt of great'. allw�i,al de.p.00itig. gif., ,olill", Wh �11 it ta to dealifig .with poor, Jerniny Thomson unl6ps It was I. . I , . . tons If theproduct of the *apiary 25 cents a box, dll dealers. � The pottmit and --dii1ri .trail . along thle..gireat,canZ�orl:: . ... 1.11;fOrOLIS gravels t0iiell ,h�a,y,e. been. hativo?s o ( f the Uovitlern.half 'Of' 'the. �Iis� I . . � . . I . I ' e a beautifid sight. I'lle Illap1lil'- signature of Dr. A. W. Chase,.the fampus . I Ry#qgr orin . " I . 1. . . . . aziness; Ile used'to E6 in bed Ott ' " IS . . � .-, I 6thQ,.Vra,Sei,. . ald the . large ch" . a,nt,for'cvrtt6r*I(-.9.I These - king(loill. . :, . ; I . .' 'LdaVS (Sons , rindustryiseyemplifiedinah in-rebeiptboblCAUth . I � - . � . . whiter . i1je nlan!'l find . w ­ - .. � __ - - __= � o,p are asmboz; ­ I.— -.b . ­­­­., ­ -*'Mm id1*CMTT to; (mv -chas-S.-BOCkawile onquiews pains --1 I I . ir -r _ S ng manner ; a small nouse or - Dr. c, panned .by tpw I " liet; eellfidwa A lub to rilli . ­wi'1fd-'­-xvIffi his hands throuqh .a ­ '. ean . and aches, lumbisp,o and the . " .� otwisted willo whtch wii could; � district, but we paill, 'fifid tbe;n in story�'.Thv flifficulty an­:d'ecidl ­ couble of holes in the I b . lankets- anit . ­ ws from I.. and ti e logs and branches, and th6i ' unlatism. . . � . . ng be � Z � i . . . . . . . ' s ' Orr,qnica, twoorl Tbonisdn �tiiil ,Afal,,t6t ii(,S it) e 6 , . I Prep is I ,lool� down. ev�r'al hulidred feet t6' ' �a;lp,' Lilloopt, ,,-CA-ii,gloci, . , e tile inudel of an up-to-date : . . . . -V , , . - . v rybody hah lleard'of h is bating , : r plant 1=.__. __..____.. , . . ­ I ,tile mighty Fraser 1rushi Aee�k*.ar in tliol" diffey'-wit 'Class I . � . strea . . - � ng below. .. � I . * ei,i. :t � this, that "Itille., 113ri tal-inia" fil-st, the- pears from. the �a'r&n . walls - No. . . . . ; � . . ' I . . ­ I I . . . . I I G, �'Of maple, . .. . I " Wo'had to . I C . � . s part, of a, vvtcir! _11.L withQUt teLk * I ere is a nani,to � .. I cross these ,bridges with . . . I I . I �Allpvnl'A�4 A. k W)iie Ing his hands m . wre ov � .. ­ . . . ' . . .. I , . fro '. his , I'- - . � Is, - s and the story is 11F,Ztratedof bow i WkEMKED A GULL. ; tour pp,cks *on or taim Iligvck; bui, I' a _---___�-__ they %vro,to together, and, In ­ whf� * . . I. .. . . - F . . '=1___._ ­­­ - I : .- 7. 1 _. 11 �.... ... , � , . h poqkets. � . . . . . � . A�t_ . "o sap is taken from the tree% how I . i I 'L . . . . . . . 94�4 ,,)i . '! assure you, Sir, tha�t two did not �. ­ � their respoctIve .&harv.4.ailr,� ,lot :'indl_ I . I . I orated, crystalized and made into ; roloallar Defence of captain ZA-Uor,' OU,;know what'tho". wavils ='cant.. Our , ' , , - - cated. The work iii . I I ... I '.. llox�nnlrg .f rafinlarlity.* ' . .11 ill q It I . . I .. . . . -, 1ILT . . . 1,.-,,o- - (111('stion was �"11"l ") .7 d," � 'writt(;ri .-In - I*,- fl- ­- n , , . Ce. . . r. I . .1 irnott6 was_ . pwardn. i arid on-. ' of ,: "A'Ifre � It was, in 1 74 5 that * the general : e sk. tho Wmack,ed N.N.25. . k.110ra. ... I . I ` , ..., . Y as( 0 I . I . . ..v I I , . :.." n 06t other SLetion is devoted to the I . I . I Y , 611i � Li&,4-�,.�, � .T7VJiUf,r` : public first became k�cquainted with � . L � 1* I - � , "As for aq,chaige of..defaultl; Wis -wards," In - ithe - I -all ,And early : . I r, , an cutertainnit�,nt ;at Clief. "'Ittile: Britannia.' . ' In th . c bc�innlng . c Ift ' ' US. W06 . e ct,. al-pring, When the,. Aveip tivas� a 3 , Is it acting Ivell. 11) W �, J _r, - den,' trhich was meant ,wj* eommem�' - . 11 I ­ . . � I . al food industry, and two exhibits " I `;�- � . I our, and the manner in which it is self-evident, .that the lamentabi, . t - it I . . � B . ..I .. , . . Vir. Arne altl "Al C4 currence wasmntircly caus � lowest. stag6; ,,we - mere mni,a.bi�d � to ,rate t le acce.'ssion .ol Ge(irge 1. alid of that yeA.r . red � - I l'­,4%wWtQde4 e, prove attractive to all visitorls. ed by thd " 4 . Vgular? - Digestion good ?. If -7 of th(�-pn� . Ired" "Into 'an, operaj and had it p.er-, I ."llinion 01 4*%Dq. 0 * Q . il .. 1 F 1. . th(,-, birthdg. �(1.9- ; . tak tfp,Naatl4 ladqzi with,provisions * . , iuce.na Au v?) Ir-otrit 0 Palace of Agriculture will be the mistaking Of .one beacon for'..anoth- . , ;�t formed at Drury Lpno for ' OIA . .. l4orn Yale to- Lytbaa, ;�bvougll the ?.�Ia, rp.lklicm�er. I �yer s . tl,s., 0. , Thonis.on died 6ik.ht ,,yoars after . . the bone- %7�_,�,,i,, ezevotis of all ()anadian visitorb to er- , This restilt. wo.6',diff t -o' -the dip- . 'At of Mrs. Arne, The rebellion in thee., , : ,� . e "' ' .11M we t this, and i1i, tbe anrantin�e nothilig . - . tortion '­-rlf��4��I�s(t� -'\I� -90 .P,� , big Fair, and it fully nierits being of the fog, and th raw hind ym%ou ba-ve known ,-11 ,,ad , .gul to LlYtton'sonie -of itlhE�*-pplixty con- ... I ta 1. b(lon .Said. &hou,t :tllf� Ituthot,, , north was then,c-citing the public ' . . I . . ,;Iljl�, ., i ,N,I,),l 41110 �,'() roughly inspected. . being. perched,,on the top of the bea- - attention, and "Rule, Britannia" on- . . . _ -.- con. The .oircumstafietls were -a. tbinued up the river % the tboats and life. ,, 9. V& L,.=le Co.,Lawan., 1201.*m of the song. B.ILt ­J�ul(% .I�ribamda" � t 11 r, ('4 Ill'] P I __.10. . V_�):�F I . ly o e to lic taken., .� I , ,,��­;­;,�-"�� _` � bad Sp.rung into ff)op1jlai1tt. vvos.. in �*-it(6. Drij,.9' �dfiseovered othor* larl& ba,P.,­,*0thvrl., -_�Z;;� -,--. � I y- .. I peculiar that my experienced eyes mf ox I ir' part'.. . inysolf lincligiled.: got k Wan t I- ,I , fact, the, otio thing ill' lthe... whol(y uP, at once. The air was w1opted by t ' , . 0 e NEW ERA .and Montreal were deceived, ,as well as those Of. y yaw rnrwfacllo-o 1w, 4 'well as Hanoverians, , --- - Plurid . 4 masquirlivIticl, had 'survived, ttild tit(' -JacObitcs. as . I I . . I I i4men 11 I the b6rses and statord,41 . a it d 1R."ttmutiful browis or rizit I -lad., ? V. -,r- . � . 'd I � I -1 - Lieut. Granit,"d two so . I . . . . : Suggestion vf soule is .t,hat lVai I but of,colirse the .!,�Iqobite,s pq1rodJa,,­,_ . . . ­ . - 0 1 . . , . ,;�� -A ;-. � �!,�, WV0 " lacated what wus,tI-u­n eg'""A�'-­"*tbe I 1,,' . . ? erald till Dec- 31st for 75Q- This is part .Vt the. evidenc ' g*iven..1 discovtkv(d the trorbefl,y ,towury and thit I _ �1 "' t' 1" ? .bscured the 1ssuP_&IIfl allowed it"to 'the words. Hitspirt mentions 'one by Captain -Caspar J. Baker, com- . . . .1 F. I 1 I . I . .. I I cklef)ratt-d "Blue 1.4a4 ,'�x, " 1 99 I'l fri V� I �1! frl'li HP ;A� 1�",)l tit -6 ) � ,,�, be infer�.wl tb�it lie, ,and iilat T1,c,11, Jaebbit , 4r vorsion whicir I)egan: I . . .01v. . .,�X � . . . . 11 11 'notber of the ,early pioneers of mander of His Britannic Majesty's . il the ITorsell ' . 1. '. - _ 'I. � -.�­. - � 1, �, - - , I .soil, haiLl ,r� ritton th-e':S6ng. . � I .. I Idne, BrItlinnial Britannia, rise and Ifiglitt . DR. J. ship Illora, before the court-4nirtial. P-lik . Y .& Wz?,L Al.0 years . I I I r . , VETERINIRY s " . , , I . . p - held in Esquimault, D.C. X, thr,,.d- aftor oul� discovery 1% �.41250, a il d ' .� Th011i-1011 Was (IMA., .aqd'.6Iafl 1,cq� ,11080 0 your injured monarchlis right. . borne passed away on April 21, in . I ___ - __ � . .. ___, __�_ _­.� - , . . � .. . . I . . .. - . . ,. , ­­ �_ -, * 1: :. * ' e rson of John Strang, of Exeter. ' , � -y . . . I . bvhilid� Win *no* evid6nue olne wav or � A second version is , Included I Movib-'r -,f.& lVeli,or'll . 11 I . � Ing the intricate passage blet*eclf- P91d' It. .visit to 0A, -.41d..'d4scovel .. - _ . I .1 . I . . n *A . , . . rn n Perth, Scotland, he emigrated i . ! CIn, Vancouver Island and t4e mainland, clabsn, and foupd,the ,exintipatt-y was 1. � 1. .., . I I .anather. .Aralhrt war4 -t,110pol;g1li�y'. ljl�l_ ."I'lie. True Loyalist- 6r Chevaller's i liloud of Imudon tvild Fd .�Xaitx alk V,fttM*0X,fta. . Scrupulous . . 't n 'T ada in 11350, and two years later c* i's tiie fl, . ate ftf+ho 0l,+;brin Vpt,. k up a bush farm on con. 3 of Us- H.M.S. Flora mas stranded and . Stl�'. "VOrkIlig �llat clalan'. ' TiTv,�+fOrf_,�; A adleatist exploring Pato nJ, , anLd�'Willlld ,not hV8lt,(tl,l' Pay-orftb,". ITer . rst vQrsq. TRICAT ALL' Ni .go a. sitys: -a rnoIlI(,,IIf . I . : I. ­ . . DMM-Rls 9,hlll�V,Q,Vl , uu- a , about all Itnpo%(ure ill . . W - -con . . _13dinniffit'rotiAe at lleaven's-command! . I ' , 1pany t 1 ,ne, marrying .Janet Dougall, who 4early wrecked. The vessel- as p,11- "'an .Of iTlt'�L "Thie Impassability of Pats,gonla. mild, %vli)ch I* iva,,. inot Ificl;h, .to lie -de- I I � - . .ed 'off after beillig.completely strip-, , a fvviv . . . . . 'Aud ern-tvit thy native Prince agitln,l I , I I'� . . _. pan of gravel lie Jvco-N,nr(?II 1, . I — d four years ago. Air Strang was , '- I , ot walk through eted.. `110 give hi'm .10ardtle, Jlo%v.(4v- 111IIen rt%,Ice sliall - bless thy'liappy 'huld,. , - - I . . � . . . risbyterian, being an eldAr for fifty ped and dismantled. I days,beloro'bUt not yvt wjiab� veth I I ­ . .. . 'j, It 9 pro, iaL Xou calin to I . . . . . - . rs. lie served his township in After towing thd,.,hulk- of t I he cruis- looked to rile to be alia" lis -W;fich It., a�nd lb,tikes li sturdy mule to cairy (Irl 11 t'did not'dimutly dIVAIll the And plenty pobr In from ,the ninin; - I - . I III. gold �as , gravel in the pan, . � I YOU. throUgli. ]&(ore often than not It -lithilill" . . .,; . Mwit, 4halt thou be--Britanala, thou shalt The. New -Era a 1p of "Rille .1h4it4t,mlia� . . nd Mont py ways in public offices. The sur- er to safe anchorage, .the helping � _ ,.'t-01ole-to . f "Al- . I)Q.-- . ­ � I- - r 7 - o , - could not help noticing ti�,i6 colit'ast , , Is Caiitsedil�y the burrowing *1 EL taillesi Tru4li� b(!T12;bl1s11e,d tilt I'lloin home and foreign tyrarits free. 1 Herald till De s f - for 1, in members of his famlly are Rev. war -vessels promieded t Esqui- . freel" in an (;clj�tjolj ,(g llin works I � . I. �c- 31 . '. , ' I ter "Iran_-, Virden, Man ; Henry mauTt, and. Captain Baker, com_ betweetit the present mode of work;- rat knoiwltl4as. the tueu, ' toeiii. Acres printed lit 1759., i)ut ,that IlLt.,4. noth- . l3u�, ,llllille, Britannia" did . nothing ­­ �,, I I . . . �_� I ,� the h..,.,teitd ; James, of Baller, mander of H.U.S. Flora, drid 'Na,vi- Ing, wkich Is -by hydrau9c Pl0VUt0M,4,' upoll, acres,, amounting to g4.uare nilles - I � . � . I I .. d the catwp being now.lit tip,wi I Ing to do *ith the queAlon, ;slnve, for the Jaco'bites. An air Ilk(,, ,,The . 1, n, -, Mrs M. Gardiner an gating Lieutenatut .1tarold Gran 'tit elvt;-f even,.'of ,otlaerwise wund and wholee 4' I ' all , . ��, I r I - PA VS, - TO ­ � Alargaret . t'. . . . Oven, so, 3fall t a-dinitte(i (ititfil wil,h-' Matsvillaige'r, might have'- made I 1, . . I Exeter, and Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. -IIan- surrendered their 9words to.a court� . I ­ . . . , . , some ground are ,underknined thl out specifying 'tK"Spect? vv -,qha,I,(-,.,;) tile differeticii at Culloden it. the - .fo.l� � . I . . I , .. . . .11 . . � . of Mount Forest. martial and were 14aced 'on -trial., __ . __­ I 4 i b 0 . Indefatigable. little pest. lie aio�is tl'Q that "Alfred" , &o.n..taillod iw,olik irc)?II, lowers .of 'Prin e d come - - . I I . I I I . .�-.,--..-!!!�!�!.---.�!��7"---...-.-�l-- . -_ . . , , . . � Captain Baker, ,qpe4king In' his I . ., . country as ,nothing 'else' holds .It until Thomson's pen. Altyroovor,4 while 1%I-1- under such .tit intoxicating inia . I .. I I - __ . � I '. . I. I I . I . tience. . . � I own defence, said: "I do � not sup- , the,advent,of,sheep or cattlii (w.Weh he I tiet was'still , living --.4n, 1:7(;2-'.t%,l- salke I'll ( eolirth� . . . . .. . pose that there is "y 'Position ,for ' frM." ilicluding' -%210, .1 I . . . . Do Not Wait I I . 11 i hates) Induces him to shift t4e..scene , f0ritanitLa," . Rule, Britannia," stran'go as It ' . for Sickness. an officer of any rank -or standIng in t � . . I I of bis'llil Vy labors." . . I as a matter of cwtlr�v, �,V,&A �41'80 Ula ,, mi . to - u. I I . ; I 911 . 1. I I , y see 4 now, was at One His Majesty's Navy lw.�Ielf iis�so'try- . . . . . . I printed, by llyl.lrd'o�c-h qg ll,.q j.)(11tioll of sung In churchi jUst 'as tho, i - * , % 5 'Cents "I , ... I 0 � .. � Thomson.. . '. .. . I I I I. . I 'Ame . hig as being., put upon trial after - . I . I .. . I I . itir 6f. "Itobin Adair',' was used as a I. W(w I, - I a not Wait until your good ' . . , ... . .. .4t. . ealth is impaired, but take,.steps an unbroken and honorable career', . . . . why beriax.,c6iminitted givuwle. I Thus * the' ma,tter, so far aq l'11iyk,,, ' . . . . . ho 04'st time tn mifp- -,rife, , !Iyuji) tune in the early years of -the 'rush Is fiow over' Th � - .� � I . r. . . e nC,q.il"Ll, 'sj'()�(J , lia. . I . .. - Ill noW ;:, for negldct -Of diities and hazardirig - '� Burton, the -vi.rvaclotis nothor ol-ll�me 13ritannim" .'-4 0 . .. � -witeteenth century. - - . . . Started lit their *ork, 4 t, C are , o keep it up to the mark. Re- . . ­ . . �. and stranding the ship'%which he has I P-11gl# -,qents- -a potind is ' 1,742',onJIct1V,8,_t�,­it had: Xtood. In .. A. C1,111 -ch- or .. flote g-iv4iiboro time tot Ir at ;� ember that ailments, appailently the honor to edirimam-0. X would . I ­ I . 1 .-i"06111Y bf A1,010eholY," wh6 had,tble 1. . . I ­ ­ .- I . . .. Rnglqnd cle?gYmanj It it, flow current talk - r t the I . . . .. - A .1 I I . 31� i s: "Not Ing , . . . h iflipj,,may very sooA dev.6lop submit that In this,caoe ,there wore What a youno, Wonlan paidjor , repititation of bdug able to raise .Itoggb... . . I wriling. Ili 18Z -orhark trY that th6 studonli; I to I . , Z) .- I - I _-.0. --la— lfieed I . briefness or shorthan 1. into serious diseases. ! many unlucky- dircumstanacs. A safe � . ter In any compiany, . 2, � . . ha SaWof the Impropriety of placedins paybilt V 1.0 it 01111 in . - . - """' , . . . atiopting such tulips Its IT1110, Bri- should atterid. . e gr I twelve poun,& offlesh. . , and moplish," wao In reality constitIll . * , Do not hesitate to take course was �shapeii .with a good de- � I I JUST A COLD lallilla, and 'Drl.toils, ,Strike Home,#, I parture; signalmen were on'the look- . She was thin and w64k 'and tionally deptessed, and It is belkvod I — bpeatise, though they have , worked .Canada Rog! neSs �- Coll out and leadamen in dic ' chaftio. � . " thatIle Was at last -so oVercome by bi,4 I SETTLED IN THE KWINEY30 'didir way into -some dissenting places e8RT11X4%0 OJV-t. I i heaving the' lead. The weather justi- paid one dollar for.a bottl I e Of inaladV that be endW. his life In a flt,cil! . . I . I ,,)f %vorship, . no instando has occur- I BEE C HErl A am' I fied me in proccedIng. loavir the ' I . melari��holy. I . f Students0flaqt7ofir (titeadr Parnin I on Scott's Emulsiom,-and by tak� .. . 1. I . i 0VT IT TUMM33 TO DROPSY. jro!d of our clitirche.5" (I. o., the state $1000peronnum, s4oplitecal,111=00 0% i black beacoji about one point ­ I .� . _. . I in )Otl know bf obY other Aphoolgettitilt Suit IL -W I the starbolikrd bow, which I tooR -to. ` I i . . �Ivuvdies) "Ibel T p-rotaned .by their - - _ t I , A C�ld ,0,01,1. . 01S.1-4111 21*9 Itivroiltretion." t is ever the enthusi- i1w - - ' , d I . ? J lulotw4ity ing . Sit"" �Vopa' ourra a 0 0lats btacon. It Was regu.lar doses ha gained � - IT VI.&S . i ,dV.,d')rA"t..t,k 7,n,rW-!arA_1T(X1,U,-,, 113 aie to , PILL .i be the Ba" I I a "I understand tilgit'pitillia (Iontla fall� 4 q, - . qqvs tvho, . as ltovoland 1-1111 put It, I , looming. up in the fog with 'a. gull twelve po�nds.in wei g1hit before ed tO give her farewelf,coileert because 1 'Tft , 6 the devil having all the D. MeLefeblit FA & 00. pe eacoji'all . o 1, bvsL tunts! on the first appearance of any dis- I rched On it, givin she bad a #,old,! I i . 0 0 A t",'I'S �,",���p'?"'IlL�",�';',"�-,".',;'�r!'..'�'5- � "Je", t i , , , - ; the appearahce of having a white the bottle W'as"finished. ` . . Clt,&TRAU, OXT, tressing symptoms. They will do cage on top.", . I 0 , ' 1'ye,�Vl ftiaswered the. 03-IIIager.,. . I ? . * ( '. 11 "I 11114 , - . Iterd is an extract fr�m The Times - � - . , . . � . � I - .1, ' the navigating o0i ig'Lit cents a pounA . � I I I ;-i'.s �i 4, -, � more to establish and maintain . . I i _d�­;? of Oct. 8, 1708, when the news of ; Lieut. Grant, - 91 � 18 , :111-Mv did she contract It?" . . I . . . . N , ..YO . I I . Xelsorild victory in the battle of the I .1 . - . your general health than any other cer, Spoke r4milarly In his defence, W�11, It NVASn't an orditiary eold. It ; - 'Read of T;- - reached Zngl�nd: "Drury Lane. . I I. I . . I � means you can employ. For a cheap for sti tna- is' .'!"'I' r Re, too, al,rlbuled the disaster solew C11 Val UZLb'e Whal Is te(,hilletilly knoWg as a box �' i' '%'�'ell"" '"O' X"c' I. VU116 , - 'I- F - . � ... 11 I . : Xt -Xv D� You ". .1� .-After the play, th6 news of Ad- . - � Sluggish Liver, ly to the ,ull. Whon the "prisoners," terial, Solnepay more,. some offloo'chill.11 . I I ; � I (3, 0 r, .,. t 0 I' . r .� Jive 1,rk,ui.� So.. miral Nelson's glorious vlo,tory pro- I I XPER I 1111INIC . I . vA �*­­ ',� - � I I I I I after a long walt, were called back , ' . I . . .� 1 4:,..,. ... . dmed a burst of paIrlotic exultation . I to hear 0o verdict of the court, the less, solne get nothing, for , � �, . '-"'f�" -1`110-4 ('-' T"l-' ('14)(T 8111ii-14- - that has been rarely wltn4�sscd In a . I I Sick -Headache, . I I litelative-13r, - _' . -wit J�j lillwitil,, theatre. 139ule, britannia,l wax - I A. I dispo.,41tion of thoir swords uponthe.- .. get yoUr Alitud-I)o you .like Ur. DIA,willdle - 1i fthl, Xi,!, wril.. ' . . I . . I r1di,gestiong Itablf, sil(�rtly told the tale before their money. You ago I eauglit ectic ."'flotl.bi my L0 unitnfmousl� called tot from every . I I the offlelfal ,�or& wera spoken.' The money 9 s w ll"thel-Oh, Ycs; I ,111-e ,1111D, ('01,01M.," - n6ys, and filially - , �11,) Peo-ly, .M', part of the house, and the perform - Loss of Appetite, � I orth when you buy ispeaking. Afaild-itelatively sponking? f0e, linibs,: anil , I 1, V. I" JAwk I ­ - points. lay toward the prisoners, and SedteS 1: .. era came forward and Sang It, ad- . ,With this grim warning the officers . MU1Sj0,1, ., . - What do yetf mean by tfiat? lithel- bloatoil, and if 1. � , ... . .. -r !' tompariled by the audience. It wais l MA L - it NVOUld III � . - � Constipationg I . :� . .. 111ION111; ftited for tbo word "GuiltY" was You -ace I brotnIsed to be it Sister to , thein , called for, and sung a sticolld t1wo, Ira � and the depressing nervollis C�11. ' . . . :, cowy*140,ra . I the verdict of VK& court. The gull Wp will send �at� a -little . him, I that Woul(I la,�lt . I �_ 11, The aftl4miltion6l: Were the lolideist Afttorio HAndifig it L%Mtoh and dlu . I . . , ditions, that ,,arise from these I hA4 wrecked a mill lon-dolletr cruiser . I I 1, ­ . i.! I I . tho,flesh rep'lli � I . 411tal asnortald our opinim roo . 1, . . I and most fervent W9 6,rof witnes2l. inventTon is I r b Ill troubles, there is no more reliable , and two fair repu fred. � : I WAs advine(I tn � . I t I , t(xt�oni, I I . I I .. Dimproved, PILLS ,.�!� " cil." it must, indeed', have 136en % 9t ilone AtrIctIy'1=flfI'd,'.yt&ftJ.' I I remedy th�n . . I . .. I . ' * "Y6tl can't eat yonel eake WWA have It, I eolt and befo. . I stirring Memo an ��!��! m� �!!!! . .6l . � - ­­ SCOTT & 13OW141; Cit " notie" v ... I . w0fainottelf"Irluillut _ _ _"�,��.Ift W ,!'.!!�! al.. ­ . Jldtl"G too," remarked the thedrful mftn. one box cotlipit . . I Jtr�L - � ... . .. . . AEURAM'S PILLS ' � "You can't, ehl" groan(d the dyspep. never beott frim ., I . . I $C101111C 111M r , . I � OA,.01 ... (1_11!b.*ft.tA..'o Toronto, \ * -4116 ,a W, , , VAL 6. -- Ir - Praparad only by Thilines stathoun, AL, ,([ ()Ilta"61 tic as be sWAlloWed a Couple of t4blets, to DOANIS Xh f , " � C31i Z . ,I .. ­ IsAfts!6 :11 XIP,d Y611 RAW Ah'mi% Bud! I � I UxndtilltnelYll nli Iftle"s, England P. , rr urtnn 1 `4 ,atilikoo; 04druills% . l"Thittlo till You kow abolit lt.l� , Price 50e. por - ,. 1. I hars t a 801le'lit - 0111 1:10P Of A lent, urn hete Its Cish'atia'Aitid U, 64 8161t; ta d - � / --�,ttt;", - ,5,0e.. 1 r. � � Sign I , lit .. Athetlass In boxosi 20 qots% � . ot I 1� .. I "_ I . -dep, r 11 L Loarl , , , m �; r I I . . , . all ItIra, 6 _�, ., We . . " 1, , i",v t �, 0 C � - %;I' . ToroAto, Out. � ;��� I , � I � \ . I I I I I ' r . � I � I I r, . roleit 0 ". r OLO.. , * � . �� l' I I , . . I . r , i I - I I . �L . � � .: . . 11�� ,,� I . . . 11 I �11 l r . � r I � I . I 1:- � ,, " __ , _.." 11 . I � .1 I � 1L.1, 1, - , , ,:- � _ P � � I �, . '. , . �il . I I f I � I, A.ilk. _,___­� ��­ � I _"�, . -�11 , . � .. . .� I . . . . : ._%�,� - L., ... , , .�­­ �1�1111111111 . .-4 r . � I I- Ak 1_..,,� I ". .,k t, `I&4AihlKA"aa,__,__.__