HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-04-22, Page 6MIMI, 22 `004.
Have you bought your
\ \ \ new in Coat or your
444,t'i.v•-\ \\., \N. new Unibrella. Have you
; sik,'"•W.,' \N made all preparations for
;Se; About the correct
spring weather. We have time if you buy your
II a-,- all 9ur
' . just opened up our new
1:.: ww:thil:°anire Vrarranted
Rain coats and Umbrellas.
. X tiatrhes.
\ nd-would-be pleased to ••
4: 046•1111,11106,41 .
,..',. have you call and exam- ,
,•,- _
- 'inc.
,••••••••••ioremamire.xfx.,....,•,••• •••••,,{
4,- With a positive guar-
• antee—They are accur-
ate tim "..keepers -They
• are durable and the
New Raincoats at $5.00.
Notice the new designs, new materials, new
combinations, new prices—an aggregation of new-
ness. The coats are all that you would wish , of
them—correctly tailored, shapely a,nd comfortable.
Made of dark and light grey tweed waterproof cloth
three, capes, collar and cuffs. Special as
value 5.00
Ladies light grey, collar, or colorless i
$6 oo
cape, gun metal buttons, newest design•
Ladies heather ,mixture, same cut
and design as above
Ladies specially proofed oxford cra-
venelte trimmed with silk piping and t
bright buttons ' oo
A. Good Friend in Spring
Ladies umbrella's, fine glOria cloth covering
steel rod and frame, a very durable line;
handles are of Bamboo wood, Conjo,,M t -
al and Fancy Horn 00
High Grade Umbrellas
Ladies High Class Umbrellas of Silk cover- •
•ings, handles are handsome in new designs in Ivory,.
Pearl, Smoked Pearl, inlaid with silver. The trim-
mings are of sterling and gold steel rod,
paragon frame, making a very dressy and t
durable umbrella 3 oo
Mens fine taffeta silk covering, steel rod and
frame, boxwood handles, silver trimmings, $2 00
a very convenient umbrella •
Mens Waterproof Coats
Mens natty spring Rain cr shine .coats, made
from Rigby Waterproof Cloth in Oxford grey, made
up in new swagger Chesterfield style with vertical,
pockets, cuffs,, and lined with good°, Far- 10 ($
mers satin, lining perfect fitting, sizes
36 to 44
Mens Waterproof Coats, in grey covert t 1 ft
cloth, velvet collar sizes 36 to 44 47‘4•JU
. .
Mens HOs
For both Wear and Style.
Mens English Fur Felt Soft Hats with heavy
and medium rolled rims, full and tapering
erown calf leather sweatband, silk band and
binding $1.00
Mens English and American Fur felt
stiff hats from all the leading makers with..
pure silk bindings $2 00
Caps Caps Caps
Just received shipments'of fine Scotch my
tweed caps, Well made, natty goods 25, 50, -if De
Mens Ties and Collars
This department is full ot the newest and.
most up-to-date.styles in ties. We are going into
this line stronger than ever. You are sure to find.
what you want here.
Prices 25c and 50e.
Collars 15c and Oc.
Our Tailoring De-
partment is gping ahead
in leaps and bounds.
Why ? because we are
giving good satisfaction.
Mr. Comba has the de-
partment in charge and
we can guarantee fit and
workmanship equal to any city tra.de,
Imported Scotch Tweed from $14.00 up.
Black Worsteds from $16.00' up
Odd Pants from $3.00 up
It you are not already a customer, we could
be pleased to,kave you so.
Tozer & Brown
'guecessors to R. Coats & Son
• •
• •
T111 e Molsons Bank
Incorporatecievy Act of Parliament 18s5.
Head Office—Montreal.
CAPITAL „PAID -UP . . . . 3,000,000
The public will.please bear inntind that we have
moved into our new office ln the Combo Block, corner Ontario
and Victoela Streets, (oppesite Lwin's grocery) where we will
be pleased to see all our eustonter;e ;Led the public generally.
eu/1 Seileited.
posits taken frona'81.00 upwards at hie hest cur-
rent ride. Interest to start from. date of deposit to that) or
w i thchnival.
H C BREWER Manager:
• '"
:Irarea2;es; Deaths.
NBULGodericb, Al ril 17, to
of Dr L Turnbull,e sm.
GRIGG---In Clinton, April 16, to the
wife of A 3 Grigg. e dauOiter.
HERMAN—In Clinton, April 16, to the
wife of Flank Hermans ea ighter. •
MARSHALL—In Clinton, April 12, o A mania° spreader nearly new. ()weer
rthe wife of Geo. Merehall, e daughter. hie seed les term and does not require it.
• • Wilt be sold reasonable. Apply on pram-
+. CURRIE--In East Wawanosh, Apri111,
buts or write to WILLIAM COLWELL,
• Carpets, Linoleurns
• and Floor Oil Cloths
The time has came when the thrifty hottee-keeper begi
nf house-cleaning, rind new Ca rpete, Litioletints, Floor 011.0
and to consider whet e e he can get, the beet vette) and the Ear
"'tient to choese from. Her thoughts nal 'welly torn to mw
Estettlielitnetit where there is ;Always, larg,e Ate*
end colors to select frorn. and the pi ices :11w:tree lit tie tette
lowest. This season we shovv it fine assoittlieut and great
following goods':
Linolentne, 2 yards wide, in tile, block 'and floral design
73i' per yard up.
Flom• Oil Cloths, I, J. Di and 2 yards Wide, in new pit'l
• metes, at 23c per sqeares yard.
„Hemp ()impute, yard widee etriees and Boleti patients
15e, 20e and 23e.
Tapestry Oat pete, in nets designs anti (viol's.; tit Ix, 33(
arid 70c,
Union limpets. yard wideolety patterns, at 2,51., 3oe ant
Weeelegeeereeeteepette 1,4,,to,ply at (5C. 75c and 05e..
, All eat pets, over 30c per yard crit rree,
Gen. fal Servant INanted.
STORE. ' . . •
For Sale. •
ThCWCier • t •
•• to the wite.of Davis. Curriau
e, a dghter. L mdon Road. ClintoP
n ,O
C J,
ril 10 to the
• ' TAYLOR—In Howick..Ap ,
• • •
anwife ot eteye. Taper, a son, t optician BA.RTON —In Seafoith, April 9, to the
9 3.
wife of Archibald Barton, daughter.
• vv.
C1,11‘11'014. 1. ELDER—IP Hay, April 10, to tee titre
of John Ehler, deughter.
'' LI.I3K Gedetieb, April 11, to the
411043Wii44 .1444)1*L-4.4%1'49 Wife of A.',bert Lusk, ti daughter,
SHAD DICK—In Londeshoro, April 3,to
• ▪ • Quite PLIPProiirare--7 -- the -wife Jet—Th eselehaddickeet son.
1101313S Loedieboro, April 16,to tie
wee ef Was Hotta, es -on.
Oh, where is Rudyard Kipling new,
• who Once so raised the ire . . MAR•RIED.
Of every true Canadian, who heard his BALL—SPRUNG—At the residence of
twanging lyre ? the bride's parents, April 19, by Rev Mc
"Our Lady of the Snews,"hewieste,and Yellend, Wm Ball toAlies Oittlevine &mob-
, e
forthwith on his head ter of M. Sprung, ell a Hellen.
A storm of verbal lightning broke that TO:A—GUNN—At the-iesidence of the
nearly struck him dead.
brides p menet, in London,April 13 by Rey
We felt ceir clime vvas slandered and i r y I le, troy.i orn, r wuo ,werose,au4r• .0
d t Id li* so .' - son of J E•gin Tom, Goderichto•tdargarei,
We didn't make a specialty, we said,of youn test daughter of A 111 Gunn.
• litanted.. .
Yeting man wants to buy a Lorne on the
monthly .eystin. -Able to
aisle gond. sized payments arleartne ).
Must be in -e.e3c1 repair arid sieve listen
•ga-den,—.1ddress Box 94, Clinton,
• • . • " '
Ter. ders
x xx• n —
Tendo el will be reeeivtil by Old Connell
•ot the Towaehip ef Hollett,nntil 2. p. re.
nn Monday the I6,h-day of May- 1001, fel
the erection of Ooneeete Abutments to 31'
port three mall stent bridgee MAO for
Concrete Arch 221e tong anti 43 inches in
diameter. ' Two of the hrievia ate widen
miles from Londesboro, the other is n'n'
Ulillt011. The lowest or any tender rot note
seeriteeteee_pted, ,PIttna tipeei (teflon.
nen be seen Le The Clerk's effete, Leneeshare.
• . 6 • • • • J21.ftaoS .CA.111. 'BEL
•raising snow ' • HOLLO W.AY —FORSYT II --At the Par
We pointed to our ripening fruits and sonege, Winehem, April 7,by llsy De Gnu-,
to our golden grain, • dv, Edelen l Hothevey and. Slidd tzlIbItial : •. Vonufr Pms tor sale.
. HALLER—BRADLEY—et the R '0 18 vaunt; pigs are offered for sale. •Apply
But We haVe learned a lot since then Chureh, Wiegbans, April 12, by Rev Fade. to WILLIAM DUNCAN, cliuton.
"Our Lady of the Snows,7 he stud --the LAMONT—LONG—At the residenee of i Wanted a good genteel servant. 'VIA
and, to our deep dismay, , • er Hanlon, Geo Heller, Preston, to Miss
Have had a .winter thatwill last tintill- t-Margaret-Bredley,..deughter of Wm. aard• ' Strvant—Vittated.
the month of May , • ley, Winghit tn. • • '
title made us siek ; ' the bridet'e parnt 8 A•pri17, by J N molisen,•1 elieweLes paid Apply to • Mrs .1 A S. SCO IT.
BLit WC might as well admit right here b. A., Malcolm Lemont; Msrris, te %lets I. •
• Servant Wanted.
we guess the name will stick. Jennie, daughter of John Ling, •Wingheite •
• • And we up and told him frankly that Forsyth, both of Winghsen.
his verses gave us pat . ,•
Lace Curtains.
Le ee Curteins, 2,!,„ yards lon g, great value at 50c. •
Lave (hireable, ”ards long, limy designs, epeciel 75C.
Nottingham. Litre Cerfeins, 3i yards ble. with Wei
centres and fancy herder, 5.1 inches wide, et $1. $1
413011bittette ()unable, with frills and embroidery tit $1.:
Dress Ooods, Tr
CASTLES --JACKLIN — At. the net- . --
SOMETHING ABOUT OUR SNOV1r donee of ills bride's parents, Grey, April 6,
—Cfcer five months of snow with 'but by Rev Wm Lowe, Winghern, beeinei Gso To do general house work, higheat wages
paidApply to MRSWMCOATS
one break in this long stretch, is the ,, ,
a,sees uttuton, 63 Mi • Om
sii Mary Elm tbeile . Mary et, Clinton
..... . . ,
record that Heronites will b3 able to •
• boast of for this generation at least. It
is rot a cherishing thought, we are
not craving far alikeness et the past
winter to visitue again so seorethongh
I many parts of the country are suffer-
ing from a recent heavy fall with ice
formations. It is not so mach the show
we rebel against as it is the latenes-s of
• the season and the cold,frosterweetither,
• which is detrimental to all life, both
-animal and vegetable. The followitig
daughter of Edjah Jaotilin, Grey. • •
$1.00 •
soorr —SMITH—At the mansi.,WrOx
eter, Apriti8, by -Rev L eerrin, Alex ,Soote
TornberryitO Miss Nettie,claugher of Thi. s
Smith, Wroseter. ' •
KEYES—In Tar a, April 9. Robt Keyes.
HAYDEN—At Sheppardtoo, April 1,Mrs
Hayden, widow of the tate W3 Littydereaged
snowfalls in April, as far bank as 1857, AN DE RSON—In.West Wewanosh,April
Egur•es khow the depth of the latest 1,7d Y,ears ••
as registered at the Toronto Observe- 11, Abiry, wife of Richard Anderson,
toy. HENDERSON—In East Wawanosh,
1857, April 6 ' 2 7 inches April 1') Isabellarelict of the late Alex
1867, April 22..... .. . . . . , ... , 3.5 inches Henderson, aged 78 years. ,
.187‘ APril 5 5.3 inches VIE WIN—In Myth, April 9, Wm Tre-
1880 Apnil 10 :2 5 inches wiri, aged go year,.
1885, April 3.. . . . . ... .3.0 inehes •
•MO10W—In Goderich, April 13,111ary
1836, April 3 ..... ... . . ..5.5 inches
1893, April 15• 5 5 -inches Gertrude, daughter of Geo eforraveaged 16
1891. ... . :5.6 inches Years.
1897, April 0 4 1 inches
8.8 inches
1901, Apri120 •
1903,. April 3... . . ..... . .. .3.0 inches
11)04, April 15 -3.5 inches
The snewfall in London lastPridaywas
11 inches'; in Sarnia 14 inches, and 4 in
LISTEN TO IIICKS.—A • regular ••
Vulcan -Venus perturbation will be
1 central on the 21st of Apre extending
from the 19th to the 23rd. The baro-
meter Will drop low and the tempera-
• ture rise very high es this iperoid •pra-
gresses resulting m many vicious thun-
der and hail storms on and touching
the 21st, -22nd and 23rd.
Trainenaster Downie and K. Dodd,
assistant engineer • Of the C. P. Re
Were killed by al snow -slide at Alberta
canyon, 13.0,
The officers and guards of the Kings
ston penitentiary are protesting ag-
ainst wearing patches on their clothes,
which they sayare shabbier than
those ot the Convicts.
We will move about the lst. of
May to our new 'store in che Tisdall'
next door to H. 13 Combe's drng
store, We will be pleased to have the
patronage of our old customers 'ectn-
tinded and invite many new ones to
give us a call. •Our stock comprises
everything necessary for Immense.
Any quanity of eggs taken in ex-
change for goods.
Mrs. Shier's, . .
Variety Store.
Beacom's Old Stand.
O•R OATEN $ of Londen. Burgeon,
,. Oculist. Specialist
Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
v 61160,111ton monthly. ivises properly
• fitted. Nasal CatIrrh and Dcafne:,s treated. „
London office -225 Queen's Aye,
• Clinton effiee Combe's Drug store,
Hours, 8 a 4 p.n.; dates of visits,
Tuesdays, Feb, 2nd, Melt. 1st and 29th,
May Ord and lust, June 28th, Jay' 26th,
Sepeeth, Oct, 4th, Nov. let and alToir .29th.
• Before placing your or-
ders for •your season's
supply. of Coal, get• our
prices. • The very best
goods carried •in stock
and • sold at the lowest
.possible price.
Will bey a two-storey house seid let on
Vioterie se, good Orchard, a bite barcain,
apply DRAWER F. Clinton, P. 0.
WOrders may b,e left .a6.
Davis & Rowland's
Hardware Store, or
At Electric Light Plant.
Organ for sale.
A. Doherty organ in thirst class repair and
tone, ie cffered for sa'
de• $240 was paid for
it when purchased, can be had for a third.
Apply to this office.
' To !Lent.
On Diusley Terrace good house, teems,
efo„ and eight acree of land belonging to the
Estate of the late 8. J. Currie, apply to
•Solicitor, Clinton.
House and Lot for sale, -
Offer will be accepted by the undersigned
within two weeks fer the cottage and lot
formerly occupied bv 'Mrs, Cenp, on Orange
tereet. • Apply to W; W. Ferran, or
J Stevenson
• ..•
J. C.
• 100 acres of land comprising the W. le of
of 11, concession 11, E. divisioe. Town -
Wall :Pipers,Paint:4o etarpets,
wools, Linoleums, Alabastine and
$ .71111iithARELL' HOLlliES
hip of Ashlield, County of Hume. For
particulars, address,
. R. If. HADWIN,
2412 E. Pine Bt. Seattle, Waeb. U. S.
. tor •Service.
Tho undersigned will }seep for service the
registered Herefeid boll Rex 4th, ef Ingle-
side, purchased from 11 1) Smith of terirnp•
toe, Quebec. Terms $1.60. Young Here
ford stook for sale at any time. Lot 11,
Oon 9, Hallett, • E. L. FARNHAM,
Constance, F. 0.
We coutdn't;
, Could You ?
• ,-.8.. •
Have built up a fit,
class trade such as vitzt
have, unless our goods
were right in every way..
We sell the finest goods
• for the finest Trade. One
itria41 convinces you of this.
. Among other lines, we
specially excel in Fancy
Biscuits. We keep assort
ed ones, at toe ber lb. up
to Marcaroons at soc
In Olives and Pickles we
have only the best, Chut-
ney catsup, Chili Sauce,
Chow -chow, Sweet and
Sour Vinegar Pickle's al t
Horse Radish,.
'Vire Solicit our trade.
• Uolbre
e pur i)os.
the best ai
date you
CD 5:4
ca cs8 •
I -I 7-.4 The OLD STA
Good quu.al
To r all and „inspect
••elating of latest styles in Parlor 13
Hell Reeks, renoy Rockers, Stier
• We are offering grea
Art Squares, Window Shades an
Pictures Fram
r. n,1100VEli.
Always' makes
We have" it here in
It writ bo.a pleasure to eho
Nightitod Sondby oats 0111E1
ono ot the ottnatpa,is