HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-04-22, Page 5� -
. . . I *I 7,
1 %f� " .
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� ��.117
. . " �* fo, 0
AP,RIL 22ad, 1904. ..
7 � , . 11 . � . .. 11 . -- ----.--. - -- I 1-1 rl- � ��i, ,a,-.� " -�, i --
J .". - "O. 11 "-- - " " ; .�"11!!n!!! - ..
. , Parliamentary Pencilto """"#*"""*#"*"I
I I , . -Skorts ,,' � � . 1.101 Clinton OW', Eva j . "jiditor) gs 0 .
B. I Values. in. 1 1 1 . (By, tlTe I
0 I .
. . . . - ` , � , . I FUTDAT APRIL 22, M, . — . putting Oil
. . j
. 1 117 ' . I I THEY WON'T DO IT .. .
, -1 . I �, . '10 al i. " Xr Austen Chamberlain ma4e his taiva , i oRle'il "T' 1'ts'",�'cror"(a-, I W111 per -
I I .
. -J , �. , Wa sts and R 'on Coats, , The Ot 0" !In JQ
' wh 'a o;t',in 1711e, sur;l1k Pa
, � . . O' '
"I . I . . firstbudget speech As Chancellor of are. in'their seats. . 'I
. . , . . . 1. . I . .1 I the Grand TIOnk, aciflo bill . I . . ..
� em 0 a
,; the Bxcbequer to -day. the House,comparatively few in b,r
I ;" , - The deficit for ,
I ,
I . "I " ; ha , I ....
, , 0 ,. ve The 4gument of Q
., good reason to feel t)lease(l with the sales In our -to-wear idew the Tear 'ehitals $W,075,000, and that i O!")
1. � 1, j . . , ready I � Mat many i(oportant - 1,0, I,, i
� I 6q) I
. 17 �"inia"t' b'se. brought out by the sev. . '. f ...
I Mont this season. YOU Will say with 0 i for the next year is estimated at equal �'o I �'t" , u, , I . I
11, , -s, When yousee the quality and style of" .1 oraL SpeakerS, and it is in tile 1p 1.", #
I . -. I I - I to$19,100,900. To weet-this hoi pro, Intereit ,1;;""Ii�11111.i 1 *
. . . ;;ii uneir constituents that the members I I
I � � .
goe, $�d 1� poses an friermse, of a penny in the ould hear the . hers .. I �(,
. in, This iS � 11,11
,rts, Waists and C�oats, and the ve0ylow prices at which they are MarIked, . only p.arDial- 9 111�lili
I I I , j I I t �,- 'K , pound oil the income talc, an - increase ly true. Last session the house War, ,V 11 74
1 ha more than wearied with a reiterated (t
,Xlheso are indeed sufficient reasons for ou suecess, Nothing . of twopence in the duty o
I .g but giving j I n tea, and a discurislorrof the matter lasting for j I
fflho 6e,�,t values and carrying the largest variety from which to select," could account. .. . readju0ment 9f the tobacco � dubli6s. se"veral weeks. There was not a jj;,,/
. , I
, point
' . , . I . . . � � . He. declared that the repeal of the inthiscontract that war-overlookpa,and . . .
71., . j � VI , -
� . grain duties had been more costly than which was not threshed tbreadbare. C.? j r�, 11 I
I �
f0i thd'�blg Increase in this department. More people are, learning every day that I The Oppositian , last yi�ar, persuaded —
11��111 . � 1� I � j . . �, anticipated, and had not afforded the nearly every member on that ide , of � .
, ' . 1-1 �
I -.---------.— .1 . . side of
, 1�kq,g yles here for to�pss money than el . j � I . consumer relief. - . the house to spe4 though 4 I 01111 ,� 5i, �
,: �.� � . q.t petter st . I I . . .11 � -- . many of them r( lk oil it, even . — .. 11
P " '': . . - . . . . Me � say. I * mlly had nothing to . .0 .1. I .
, I j i . .., . . — j . . . j. . I A petition was submi ' H ving heard a)l the arguments -- t . I
, � . � ed to the last yea'% us .
� $6 Rain, C*oats at $3 . � . . E. I.,, ,, h r, tlx,k ho e has little interest it" I , � IF . I
. � . . . . councilof Charlotteto.w1l, P, . u baring them again - this. If the . 11 . �� . I .
. ,
�164F,.I�n U401-OlUK We Will pluce on Side .9 f4mmll lot of rAln-c6At9 made . I.. - � - - - I . Ak
� . . y ' . $ 1 5 Rain Coatp at $0.50 . --- -- . � - . - . .
- . . . urday afternbon asVing ... j UISCUSS simply rilie, — --i- - -1
, �� OfGlev (?rava'nett6-the regular price of these co.stes is 05 each . . . to ,petition'the -a endm6pts _ 2 is ilI.6 most eff6c ivd
. 1. j . Provincial Legislature, . I that are,, prapo'sed, no . . . . and -
* - to go 4 .... . ...... .................... ........... ............... 3900 These conts were made by one of the largest makers in Canada for this . most econo
I ,
� "I %�-' - - - - . �- fault. could be folund with the position mical method *
, - Oring's trade and werid sold to us at a big saving in price-tbey come. . . ! now in session, to repeal the probibi- talcen by the Journal,but it isaltog I
� � 1-$ � ..lot Coats at $7.50 � . -.1 eth- � of , I � ..
I � er too much to expect that in improving and bright-
il " � . in'.tWo shades of Grey, Olive and - Fawn -they Are rnadis with : tion.act o* r grant a referendum. . The . MemberSon. . #
. '' They al -0 nvi4l" of d"i k Oxford Grey Oravenettia cloth, trimmed with the government side w I in remain in ap- 10
1. , . " r I � 6011 strappings, Buttons and belt, regular $11, to gu At ..... I ........ and without capes and belts, just a few of them JeL-reglilar 1 J.'50 petitioners claim that after a trial of their seats hour after hol ening of the interior
1, . j 7.50 $15, for ...... i ............. .... -- ...". three y6ars the act is 1)ot satisfixct�ry, a rehash of last a of yourdwelling,
j�., " � . I � .04.W-0". - - q .................... ar listening to -
. I , -�L�� . — - - I — . . - 1. 4klj , j � I session's speeches. pear nce I
I �; �� 11 I r . . . . � ,. I I . I .
, I . kndthalb drunkenness is on the in- Ottsiw .0
j � .. . I ,. . . I parliament a e sent to
�� . . � j .a
� . � . to legislate in the interest pf . From- this many beautiful pat. *
. . � " �, crease. The temoerancepeople argued' e - but it � terns, many o.1 them elusive
i ": , , * i . A Big Bargain In 'Wom 'n' ' � to ntr .
I . . . . . - does not follo�%r , --ex
1: :1 � sts. I . a S . that prohibition is sat ifactory, and th a on y' in our new- line, we -are certain
�, � . . I . ' . . . � , , . . . 4 ' ' th t, they are to remain glued to their I . .
1; � X-9 . � � . . the1aws enforced. .Th co - voted ae 9 9 mp becauseo some talkative - you. can Select easily tne right.# -
. . e uncil
I',' : 0,11r pfesent stock of Waists both in Silk and Musli . I " a In 'i rof Irh paper to suit your taste and.
�' I in is� C,oasltmere nose . . . . e be 0 OppoSition has the floor
, . , Ab e fi ii est . . down the petition four to three. . and is bound to inflt'Wup .4 1 . .
' . . . I purse. .. .
L�w , ,�, , . we hAve Pver shown. —tho-re are so -many pietty j . I . . . --- 1. .. bers.aspeech.the on the mem . Let us show you our hand-' I
1 1 . - . . �. .. . � J . . I . yhes,rdbefore. Charm- j
, �,j. � ty I es it is hard to deseribe them We are showing ver I. . . The worl(rs wheat shipments - Is$ � ing'a-itistobea member of, . rp&y'df styles., , . t
.. . . � j . . . � . .t. parlia, somea
. .
� � I" y Hose Worth . ,� , 'men t there are tim6s whoin it becomes j . � .. I
�-" � . . 35c, at 2 pair for 50C . .. L I -
J,.',,,-,-,;:,.,,daint,� muslin waists at $1, $1.50, $2 and $3, all of which are . . I j . week totalled 053,855 b�shels,' almost
. . �
cl, . . - I . . . j . ' wo?fu�lly tiresome '%lid tedious to re. All Pappr Trimmed Free
1`.�,,"�I�,11�111('e III the very flewest ,,tVles. . . . 'L . I - I . . j on6 and a quarter millign dushels less main in your seat hour a tter hour. and . . L . . -
[."�",'..'-,� . Tridav morning we , wil li�place -. on &vle 20 ,same perio . de , day afLer diiy. L I . . . I
,.,� " Qn 0 pairs of than for the last -Some (if the inembers I .
,..,;�L * " "plain and ribbed Ca§bmere Hose (just receivea fioni En . lah& T h .. . year, do so mote than others but I . 11 . I
- Ists at $3.25, $3.75, $4.50 $5, to -$7.50 9 ) h6 a. iprqents for Canada 'and tbe. say that none of the memberson either . * I
� . � -5,i!k i .1 t is�safo to .
� : . , I .
,. At h
e,y� '
',L"', . . plick- we emn gly ,the regular value of,which iii 36c'per pair. at,2 pair,for 50c.. United State si4 of the house do so e .
,. . . 11. �tj a hillendbi lilt from which to choose, I . . . . . were 1,213,855, as co .*
) I %,:. everyulle i. tritutlied in mc to show the different styles. � I .. . : . � � . m- ntirely, not . .
1 9
�, ooe wav ... . . .. . L � . 1� L . I I I . . . . : even,theMirristersi IthastobeaueX . � ,L I . 41
, 0 ,with tucks, sowe wit h.silk enibi,oidery, e.tc-i - I . pared with 2,977,777 last year. -The-po-. ceptionallygo L � , i a .* :
I .1 . . � 4 .. . . . j I � --- . od speaker,. -and he. ha*to #.
I—- ,. 1. ... . . j, . . L � I I .., culiarfeaturein.1hesituition is. ihat havf� an unusually.interesting t , opici to I . . .L
Y", , �.)Jj'�'.Q , . . I
�L ', . � j . . I . . L � . . I . - - - . � %. � I . � +
j . invited to call and see our ass'ortnment aii .an ti, me. *1 , . L the retain anything like the - attention of . I 4.
L�,�,;, ..,. I ' . w4rhas had- comparatively little , L .. I
,.. .1 . y 1� -1 I . i`i. .. I ... I . j . � I . I . . . L thewhol6house,' Sometimesthe .. ..... I . I . ..
1. .
`.".�r Great Values in, Litce Curtains. , . . .... :effect On Russian shijinents, Russla?s i -do ;"Occasionally. the - leader -of ..... .... I . 11 -
.;"� �,.-� ec � " .. . , * - _ . . L . , . ,, 4xin. , ,
"L'.,!:, ". ., . . " . . . . .1 I .. . . I . . .. ,;�,. , 11 I L LSters . . , .
� . - . , lil��� 11 1 , :1 . I — " ..t . . I L . . 0 ;. . . *, �,j
—,,, � . . .--,�,,�",!!!!:,;�;,�!!�:!;!!::!11;�ll!I �! , �'. §hipmdtitg last week'being 2,QW,9001' theOpposI61pri ma�r,bftt'thegeo'ccasi ns I ..'' . .
;V� -yl'i- If S - . I - 11 1 � im� , AUA-. a . i 1 111 1:%J,kJP,4.r,@,, hLp're fg..yag ,r .as c , . ii wit�; � eja . aNe few and far between j * 1. �
- - � 9 .
�,. �7"!,,L, i , ' L.' 11 I � I , � A . " , :;: - ,.— arei . L The Journal - I I
�. S kikT§------ � . L -- - . .
� ,�'. , 9 . '' ' - - - � ..173-i'mki�shels, fork . .
. Pr . . , --N -e I be � - t&lk,tjo,,..'�the�. - ..
jj I - shau.14.,ask,this,mem lcs,to �
. In the S e I 0 11 � . ,�� , . .
�.;,"!"'..;j . o6s' - of which came to Us f I I lid � Tie year ago. , Amoondments alonei a6d thi 'it could , .- . 'A'.-
., 11 11 ffi .
0 W . . I . . th I Ing all I O -Ir Nofti;Al� a� Edgla . I I
" ' - 0 11 . . . .pe � . I n ,-1 ,
. - - se0on are, ,the bk'st- w,6.�ha,vd - ev f visible sL 9ply of wheat I reasonablya,k that memberskee . .
,.�;'�i�,,!, - - .Tlie 'Values this' I . e 0 1 n:Ca' ' . +
T` ha,t Wear Well and Fit Well .sb' wo al d nada and', I
j .. . � . L
I., . .ptheir ..
V: � . I . . I . . the designs Are Very My, All. our'.' States 'is 31,3N, L of those. who ,do � - .
i ��i� ,, , . , I - . pre the United 8 I L t - Fully hal f -
L I I . . cuitains .6x6eotinv the , - . 000,, -a ' sea F I . I -
. 01 speak,imiss the r�al 'points of dispute
I " I . . , , * inst. 37,271.,000. for this' me- ]a t ,oa al 'Only talk! .. I I
, I ,� - i1or-Made 5kirtg at $3.95 . � . ti S *
� , " .1 make, Aga .. ngto th6rcobstituents
;, , �g!,La very low pliced ones haVe'the lock stitc.hed -edges that 1 ? ,
� , " - . , L .
. . j . . . I
, onger ". . . I . I . .. . I � . . . through the. medium of the. Ho . :
. . them� w,'ear I ... I . . � . .. . LL year.. . . ,
I he, �ess- selling skirts we have ever shown ate the ones we have at$3.05 . I . . * j . . . . . . . , .1 .1 ... ," � I I . us% - �� . . *
� . .. � . . .. . . . . . .. . I ; . . . . I � — IL . . . . . L . . . . .
"i L . . . I j . . , I . . . . . L . :� A STOLaw POCUMENT., , , . . . . �
. �
,�v , Tikey ate ninue of aii all Wool hotnetintin atid come -.n several good . ' . . . I IL I .. . 1. . L e1tofilreAnglo-FrO . nchcolonial '' . . . .� . . . . j . . .. I . : L' I .:. .
. . " i
* .,0tvles. 'A's guarantee them to giveexcellent Wear, the Htis perfect. am Lace Cuftains'2f.yiIids long at �, ,. 25a-a'pair tr , I. ;.' Quite a breeze spran'tr upin W3 House
�,j�, Nottingh . '4. . Vhe:t riage$, an, : JU -
�,'.!, 'L . . . . . . . . . ; . I ... . Calr 6 ' d ' 0 Varis ,
. .$(� 1 It 1:� .. CC . . 44 , I I - . . �aty, has, not yet ,been published in on Friday afternoon over the'use of a, ,I � -
. . I'.: . . I . . . j . � . I'. ".. 5 c & 75c ai . stolen document, -byi -the Oppositioni . ... . . .. 11 ��
kirts at $4.50, $5 and $5.50 . I r . 3.. � . 4C 0. pair Nowfoubtfland' A serio , & . � The new 1904 Go-C&r.ts-i With.
;.., 1. , . I It I.. .411 4' . :it. , , , if 94 j ' - L ' i's e'eQ' has. Mr. Blair hadex pressed his view .
, 'l-, L . . . . I . ., L I . . : � . :3i . . I . I . 85c �81 81.2 � j . . I . -
� . -we are shn%ing a very Poo rangp of skirts all made . - . . . . . . : .. . . . � I L '' . ) ' 5 ' to li5 beien'iiaund in it which thek- Oolbriidl thl I ..s ,to I their Swell automobile. ge'aii And
.1 ei�, L .
.1 ei�,
.1 ei�,
I � .1 ei�, i .of . . . . . L "' .1 . . B'government on the'railway ues- rich enamel -finish are to hand�l I - .
, _ . ' . .
. -
I'll � ..... 7 ,0.-ths lbitt. will excellent wear-thev arp trimmo-d with satin folds. . - Bobbinet Ruffled . Cu'rtains, . .. . . I. .. , Gov � to have prre6t- ti.on in � long letter addr ssed 0 the.. Theyare decidedly Smart and '
''I � L I I jj - . � . I elinment is trying . C A e .
,L,� ,,_ ifstllapp;ngs, buttons etc., colors are black, grey,eie. . . . I . w .. . . j. ti � .:. I . . - .... em - - . 'L - - - . - I
. I
, L I se . . . I . 1� -1 - � I . . '76E. -The second clause of -the Fren;h" . imd--rartz-Fell Jrr1VXtq�Xnd* . .
,,� ;� I . - - O.!tare,. —prices-TrFum .
� '.� .. . . . . .' . . . , :� I � ' '- Confidential.11 It bame into the -hands �, . .. . .,IV ; . 0 .
, �
, I I
, � I I kirts at j . .. . , I . 'We are LSh(') '.' ' e -of the� e� * 6d :,b - ' the j vp at! 'rang . Pments. obfiges .. . . .. j ... .. � . .. . �
� I . wing, a very lin range , go a shb French of Mr. B6rd6n,thr6Ugh somb one hand� , .. �14 I. � . .. L L .
: L 5 $5.75 and $6.75 j. ' 3 ' I j. �. . * I .1 ' I I I If i *
,., . . I y, I . . -.� I
- . L2 SCAo .500". L .' . .and im, and he ruide, use . of it j Chili ren's qes�L and ..
� ,, 1.11 * � ' ' yard, the prices.are 54�1 3OC- ,3 '' : . I British f1sheriden, t61,prWinate. Ing it to hi �
,,r . I ... I .. ? . . .. . : . � .. L . . I .L . . . Carri a, . . .
r!�� . - Ili a good assortment of styles -some a , . . .. . L. L .. . I % � . j L . . I � . ,, " their, operation b ' i ' E:kp . .. .. .
�,,, The v tkir 4 riltof re made of . - . I . - not,withstaftiding the marks . tgpriVat�'.
�, ' S' � " , : .; 'r - ... .. L .. 1-. � I . - . r . y Octi� 20 each. year. and Confidential.." The -government. [ resa� wall6o.as $1 to'7.,50, �` .
j . . 11 ... . . I . . . 1. . .. . . .1 jr .
�'�, �,, ,nri i de -I h u bile (o horq ml. (of fancy tweeds, all are LI-iinmed. in very 4-ad'ra�s .Curtain Muslin' '.' .. . . 1. I I . . .1. .. This claus'e',� if enforced, Would make claim's that it wa , . - I I *
. . j . . 1. . . ., r , .. . —
j . . . . . I
.. I � IhJ..Mr st-41yles. nodmi-e imide of materials that will give satisfactory .. . . r . I 0 dition of. the_ Nie s.stoleb, and that Mr." . �
,�,;;, I
r . . I .. I . . ,
�:, j . I . I , .
:.�111 WF". � , . I I . . r . . . . .. the r c n Borden bad fiiD right - to' Use . . . , , .
, . eOlOL wfoundland r . 1.
. -ri nr ged.odgiu, in rs ofred,.gold and whit6,:50C fishei!men' *oise than. before, because. -not bandit out, 0 -
r . j . . I With f .j . r . iti . Mr. W., C - , t
. . .
� L" 1�' j. .1 L Blair. Says that he did 0 O..,
. 16VI . . . . '.. i I . ...- . ... . . . . - itbaVing , ,-2pep. 0-4 - ,
'� �Jr s a . .And .,00Cr . '' . ., . .. -� I I . � . . � . . r . ' so thait this is further orookof L . I I
Sit I t $7.50, $8.50, $9 and $12 1 . . . . I I . I I . 1. . .. I I
, 1� I:", j . . j. .. L .., . . i I . . .. . .1 . . � � 'L. � . - they-would,be prevented from fishing been I roperly'�obtained. Mr.'Borden' ##"$*" ,r . .
I 'L . � :, � 'L � .. I . 'j. . I I. .. .. . . . � L .. � . . . � . . WOnthS of..thef L r I +**+***" *"*
:,L - :.� . . . . ,. .. .. daring six year. Espis- I said hroxi a not. Steal it -which .1riobody ' ' .'. *.. . : .. . .
L�", L F r . .. 1� .... . � I . , I . e L . ' I. � ... -7. I." ,
0 these,) Ice %A" nre Otowinv a very fine rIinge of Skirts made of � - Art MU -A I n*s *and.-. SatednS L . . I
. I
41, . - . . I . I .. L . . . �:., .
. .
, j twted4luid flne him -1; vetielimii�, all beautifully trimilled and fitlish- - ' . . r ,,,,, . . . . r r . : 1, . � � . ... .. cially. iv�ulCitdebar their:pro . supposed he did - but he could not re.; -I �7� .. . I .1 .
,.;.'�. �a§Sortin,&Jt. Of d L SC, L 1.8 . . . secu" fute .the charge of the Primi . it r I.— r ,.. . � . . .
",.!.... . . .d - r at-. I - C., tion -of thoi,winter herring fishery at . . hat is -very ambiguous,.
,z4". . �!�:"�,kl E-,Iaud,-i-iiit-in;is-t)itpdlengtit�. Ifyou want a skirt a little out . . In a. e igns. an :-616 8 '' . election." - T *
.- " . of . . . es er that'
� . L I . . . . ... . I - had been stolen. :..U -is muchAo an
. . I . . . . certainly, and means just- as raubli. .%S. L,
.. I
. xv...,;is -�k - I j lie ordinary he biii-ennilsee the ones at these Weep ......... at 'I 2.00 20c .. d-nd.25p . , I : . . � ... � L I . . . . . Bay Of Islands and �Bopne. �Bay. to -be re- � 1
,3,-,�,'�t;�, �-&,!L� ..$7.BC. $0.50, S9.c6;. -;a r .. . . I I . : which United 'Stgfe6 :'4iid. ban,idii- gretted that Mr 'Borden defended his I
"f v 1',�'i?! .............................. I . . . . . .. . L . . an it.will beaflne day if it -
L. ., . L ' . . . . I . oes. ItL tosay' .�
J . .. I . vediels resort for - h* i no'* it was, 9, . d6ou. .1 IS Vot
� ,;i"J, �,, j .. . . .- . - . ,. r . . .. . . I I . j . erring car use of it, after he kr
j . j . . I . ... . . .. . . I . j miefit-that ho had* no -right t
::: .1 I. . L . j...- otheiwise. Sir Wilfrid would r doubt-
, �.Z . . . "I,----- �. I . lejS L
, ��,- ;M6 . L . . --- Would also ,,,cause troubl T 1, , o-have.;:'It .the Klondike and
v ;, , � . .. , j. . . e - e ween
. I j I 1'r. . . . .. '. . . . bas always -been recognized -in - public' like to visit
. , I ?ki W 0 I., It A ONIf. V *HJVC1L " I . Great BrItainLandr ther United States, � other parts of this broad And
. . . .
I .
. . I or
.W.,-'. IF YOV WANT XT ' . . . . , private.11fe, th -
� i. . . . ., . . L I I . ir% as muWas. the fishermen of. the la't- at'docurnents marked - L cent c6untry, but, he has noinagiliefi$'
, . . I , I . . . _ - .1 0-tt
. . . . . 'ter. country, were - gran r I
. L . I . . . r .L -
% . '. . . . I I . . I . . . . I ..L L.,. I 'ted fl III , Private and�Confldential"L have .been. plariff in this direction. :HO h
; ..."."r. I I I . L - ' r .. - rights there hy the treaty 'g. ]I'11- so regarded.' ' If they are not to be pri- liav6 p He is subject to th w can -h v
I �, . . . I . .. ' L . I .
. r . , . . is. understood that th nd ""o necause they ha,ve to ''come,- �pr& �the house, and must. :go, i1ce of
, L ' � . , , . 0 C I
� ,� � .�, � I- . . I . 11 - . . . I . e $ewfoundla r .
... . . L .s not:, gu.
I , ( � ,4 arant6ie p6rl 11rua%imself:
.1 .� . . . Government will the y oi- improperly, into the hands ,of - solely. by. the exigenciesof Ill . I
. : l � L
,.:., . -d#9 ./S AV . � . - . ..� 'ratifidaticii, of the� tr . Some ond for *hoiA th a - . s Eosition. I
. -� ... AV AV I . . L I. . r eaty unless this .i thin Sr sure. -SbOula t e--�-al:il . 16-�
, P 'r ,e r_,/ I � . e re.n6t intend- I 0
-& . I ,/ - -be - - Ad. it willintroduce adepl,pruble feature ,, gl
- _4�- r --- --- �- . --L---- � . dofe6tL'can -rainedied. . - � V;., � : .. . ne
" r / 0'- .. .. . � . . I . 1. .. .L -�, intb p6liticAl. life.- - . �. . 1. leider'of eAdministratlondecidid,oll�
" -J . . . . . . L . I . . .. r I :�L " . I . . ,. . . . .
" .. ., f/t/ . . . . . visitibg any part of'the Doulini6il,h
. Al I I . .. .
I. � I .. . 4 . . � .. . . .. . ; . . L . I . L . . I � . . . . I -- I ... � . . I . . I I. . I . . I r
I . L r . L r I . . I . � ... . . . . A VALUA13L. E� CONCESSIoN .. would ' I '
I - I :. I .. seceire il cordial welcome frow" :
.� 1. . . ..Mr. J, 1% McEvoy,. of. L ' ": ' . . I I , , asse, . - , I I I 1. .
. I r . 1, I . oudon, -who : 011o�nftlle,p' 11 I :
.. '. . .1 I L .. I . oint4 brought out dur'n, - - S . , .. I ,1 .r I
. . I r
I . . .. . . . .waa, one of the counsel'-In.�the Gamey the diicuisi6n. on the Grb,nd .Trlljl� : r No I�i * . � .
—MMUM01001— - r I CLINTON . I I . I , I . I I .1 . .r * I r . 14DS Giv -
. . . . L . in * that P460c,ilfid one which should not b r . t4l; AWAy � . .
. . . r. . . . . I . . . .. I vestigatioi�-,. announced 316ticlay e , A hict that stands great .1 y 'to ' 'the r ,
. I . .
-- I . -- . . .r . . . L I . L. I .-.--Aiiii`ii . . L . I S .1 � . lbstsight"of.wa*9 the value of& single I
. I . — -- . . concession, t,
I . . I
' I , .. . I .. I nad ian Pacv; r I - r! .
I . -- --- - — r � I . - tt-- he hA decided to fir t proceed against nade to the, Ca ' �dredit-bf th - - t goverrim'ent '
, �
r '��-� V*' secretary and treasurer for the pa.,t � . . L . . 1: . I . 1. I . I. � + . . Gamey fo3r damage . . . . I %at Since iti�cameDseipnto .the power . is
,X.++*+**+**++.�*,�****X ,r', - . . S,: and. that ,after' fic, in the ' "Inal -.-contract. - it was � in,
, ' ", L
; yea,, election of officers, and -consider. I - I . - H-ditional Loe'al.'NeWs. - that-CaSe L , , was. disposed of . . . therein.prorvli5ed. that f1t L he railway,and ".1896, it has riot given one acre. L 01", One
ivg�fhe Churches . ,�,lti,e:i,lvig,il)ilityofiindert r 4� . . �- - . . Irl .. � 1. 'L . -+ I � - L 1. . . r I ' . . - he would- -�iork . foot of land to', a railway CompAny, r
.) I ak the �+ Person ' r ,. � . 11 I . . . All' stations; station' .grounds, -'. . ,
. urcingthis - Cil No �'t, ea. 4C-- .-. -� ve . , e case against 'Oiganizoir -shops, buildin - 'Prior to th* thousands of
. ill r ,
. .. .. interior decoration of the ch h . ., . I 1. I . � ' r , I . Ila. ., - gs, yards and otfi6r j)r61'beerifjv�h..'a�'
- ' . k L .
surnintir. The ladies have one of the . �w I.:, 44' , ..'John , XcEwefi has. purcliased theL. Wright' of the Consery .ve .p. r Way,. and tire r
...1E,,,. . . - ftna ill , I
� � . . 'GL . 4ti Aity,. perty,L roilinf,$toc , I specu ative pri 'L
. ` I - . . : - Aikonheacl farm on-the:2nd con., of: brought on. `. . . . Uir6d�, . r ,)purtonafices, , "S 'And altniongh re- :
, - of Hyde Park. Most. progressive societieci inL connee, ' 4C 1 I I . ariney, and Wright -req an usod . .
"ter upon his duties as rector of tion with the church, and could still be �,� - r 6min 9 -J- StAnley. for a consideration- of 'a, little 4 .. . . . L . and working -thereof, and the capital - quests have been made to this'govern. .'
H. Rhodes, 4f., A Brief N666e of the C . �.. I for the 'Oustl notion
I . A. -r, used to better advan tage if encouraged and �Goings of the People. - .- 4C- over $5000 . . I . I . . Veork6d in - the Muskoka,r bye -election Le incilt for similar favors, it hasresolute- '
- L . , . L .. . . I . . � ' . . I . ... stock ofth c6inpany, shall,be ,foreVer
1,i,enn pnrfR�i, s of Middlefon's I . . L 4116 L I . .1 I I I L.... in behalf. of t . I ly turned a deaf i - ear th�jeto, standing *
I lip atifl ,1�ujnuierbill, ' ' . � he.,-. 0 L
. I Sunday 'by the vestry and given a little more I omerVative.' cAndi-. fr,pe from taxidion by' -.the Doiin' * .
�, +j�L ' ' . 11110n, 'for the
, . Ate, L ' �' or b - P lvInc6 hereafter to be Liberal phitform,� little land L for the
I il 24rh. freedom in their oun discretion. t+ . . On ,acco"i - of � the death of Mrs- d and at dije -" - K, fmy. rc Principle. enunciated In �the
. L . -Win Taylor,.,vve 1, are gi rent meptings niade'
� hop Bond,Montreld,lws beer �P4 d. Rowed, London. was a visi, . inents about 31 . i. McEvoy, ' - - by any municipal cor-, settler I . .� I . I 1. . ,
I "I, 'Should the interior decorations be, un- . . ven to under- esta lished, or ,
' L I . I I dertaken this year some eighr, or ten t , . . . tor in stand that the two house� beloaging. 'State . ' ' . w-h1ch, pOration ,therein." -This is* a pretty . ` .. .
. actin 11111VItecfallCauada memorial whidows will beinstalled .... own this week.. I �... . to the estate of. the late Win. Taylor 'the latter S . . lenerp�S provis � A .. ,
I bn%e nNshopq ol the church I .. . . - I ays.. werb slanderous, and E. ion, and if it had been :L RULE Or TIJE,Hou
, The A Y. P. A. met as Usti Tlios.Mhna ianandwife:are Visit. will be offere'(1..for..s,ve in the .near given the C.. P. R, for a limit�d'perlod, L . . . � � .8E : .. � -
al on . Tues- . . . . I reflected on, his cha.rActer� : Damages!' I Ode of the. rules of the house is-
, in (Jauada, that W 8, in day evenmr, and after the opening ingfriefids iniondon. . . ... I .,future. * . I L . I I 1. . . . . � I , . rhaps -much objection could not have tirthata motion ti) adjou . rni
W rs- last we�-k, spend ... I . . . 1. . %re�IrWnl sdugh � Et � S Alw�7s 1.11
i.; I exercises Rev. Air GrunrkeAave a short Mi�r %McTavish, RipleSr, wtia the &e§t . . t,,and it was proposed. een iaken to it ;,but itriS forever. NJ' ord'erihiltno ' I
, i
ninOctohernext. Thispos- addresson "W00ahip." iss NlacDer- f thV,Xi.qseg Mason last week. . Eggs Are, gettin 'more plieritifitil.navv , ' L 1. I I , second motion to adjoifra '
JC"!" Mi$ . erument in -the t6ture will -ever W shall be made until sonic actual bu8j- -
. I 0 . - ; 'A days faying,,d 11 able to alter #tJt1,i1'Q':s0*d.for all ness has -,be
; loy-Mr.'MeP,,vo 'to have the c ,d gov
tm- vacont, through the death mntt Ve irv-.paper,on, % �,Wor . roil:ied to- I c I y ases trie.
ishop Milbhray, Ru pert's Lai id. Kmthle"ll.n.Gunne one on 11 "'Alt H.*,:,1V10QuhftI6Wd§ In t(5Wfi'M'dn'- hild-126, dnfkWeek*Sh1pifi66t.q'WAde b:� -jointly., The defendants, hottever,ob. firne'aS &_mOnUrneniLtotho . en--transacted.L by � tho L,
Fellowship,!,' day , connection with the license Cantelon,Bros,, of from 5;0()o �to 7. . . . , " ge ' h(AlSe." .-Vnderthis rule it is a'cmu- .
c little Bishops in aLtendillive and Hai -Vey. Lo clough one (in 11-0 . . .. W I . 000 jected,, on tile of -the Conservative govern
4 difi- I I . . . .1 . . I ... . . . L ground L that their. in- 'A rierolty
bering andthpyunanimonsly t elitio boarki . . Cloven. 'Butter k'l rlat, of the best, and d, ,' I" 'L cut =t' 'mon practice for a niember to intro-
n." Illepapers wereofaninter- . � .1 . . L . . � `haa, taken place, buy - . Somle one may say "'well, duoe something.not-down
I , , ' arit: it few I
. .
Arclibishoo B(;ud's Se ectiun Psting nattfre. The meeting closed Master McQueen, OfL 'Petrolea, is a drop of 4c a IN terests would be prejudice =1dLSIt.iim6u,nt to anyhow ?" ' It der I on the 'Or- ,
. - I . . . Ppper, and then movStbe adjoiirir�
with the doxiology, Isiting his sister, - rd rs. I Jas. M Rae I . I . I ckrontO amount8tio this, that on its 2500 niii mentofthehouse. Buttheotberday
likely will be fill. y coidli-med V C ers.ptikinj but I 12c,and I 13c. . ,, - dayh ago L the high court at, T '
. . I . . . es
; I . . . ailw&V - (taxed in the United States two.
. 6 weetin in October, when - this week. . 6' led on Mr'. -Mot, voy tO say which of, Of J? .,
II0 ln�ewlv-lplected itillop of Rupert's - . . I ! With the intibming' (if' spring;' tli� a' . - I inotionS to adjourn ip%%re inade
'a win . . . . . `V 0 - ' At ab�)ut t5o,& mile) no taxes whdteve - onie, after the other, 4-nd
. join recommendation in con- . I I MISS Andrews, of KincArdine,'. WAS a 'Collegiate foot -ball Hough Cup ,do:: the ddfdndaj�ts e w uld proceed. r iminediately
� . Ruburn. guest at the home . . .. . . � .will be paid, on its 'stati6yi building s, � aluliough the Speaker ruled the second '.
lial, I of 0. H. Bartliff the fenders 'And Junior clubs have got against first, anclorder'ed that separata , W d n, -no taxes- ' '
. . Of the archbishop to the ofli- 4.0041 Seelig 14 CI Prled&�Rfd Clove;. past, week. , * I . . down to practice. . The Harriston . . . .
0,� , � A . . . . . in i otai, ill be Pa (1, - JLU one out of ordbr, several memb
0 . rehLishop Bond is 89 years Of : A 1,411ce Home Growoone"It'imothy aud Orchard h, which -will be the flrst wrU be issued Against each:defendan6.' pe - -W has A the opposition tried, minid .. ars 0
1 Spent the Vollegiate Olu . I o com .An . - nfusion.
ko, Gr4r.8 ' Miss I.da Holmes, who has. . I I 6
0 Apr 15 tf W. T. RIDDELL, Aubum. ast two weeks in. Toronto, returns * to journey'tb town in - search of this Mr. McEvoy. stated Joday that the,. in ds t VII. & -M.Pbra n t 'tensive rOPePtY, and,voice-drowning nolise, , to. rocee
"'o Tho . beautiful cup now beld by Clinton for 'first of the 6vo cases would be against yet it Avill never c(intribu. , ith th 9.
I ., , Flome this week. . I te on centio 'y I -eir 6xplanations, : Fin Ili it
.� 'Itild meeting of I lie teachers and i DECATITS.-NVni. Fluker, s'r.; dipd at . I . two years, fias, we understand, been the notorious M.P.')?. A.�Vrltagainst thetaxesoftbe rovilice, " osewho; impossible to do so they took -t eir
.1 t)eits Of the t3unday School is called I his residencNin West %%'Iiwano Mrs. Frank Cowan. Of PrindtOn, �ractislng on top of the snow fielda'all 'Wright will be isshed fiximediat have given tile inatter snn10 careful 'Seats and the regular. buiiness pre.
:,., Bill on has been the guest of Mrs Study and attention,coni6lude hat t. is.
, .
, . A (Friday), at 8 1). it). Sunday morning; the funeral takes � . . I
I �61,irbi$ eveuin son for the W. -Tack, winter. Theystiouldhave got harden. Both actions Will be beard At the 1111,ri conces ceeded. Next day the leadei of the .
-10410tion (if 0 eel -R, api ointment of I place Wedinsday afternoon, to Ball's . Past ten days, " . ed enough by this time to. ttand e en assizes h6rfA in Septei ber-A& ti fa sion. alone is wortll, in the neigh.. 'Opposition brought the watter .Up on
I . V . . I .n ver ls"r. horhood
I '
.Ir�;i6ers etc , will be inndv, as well ns I cemetery. Many of the ,community Miss Wright' of Listowell, i's visiting defeat by Clinton.' . . �., . . I �. . . , of one million dollars a ,) ear a quoistiob of privilege, and'forover -an- i
� i6ivview t e pa9f. and provide ways J will be sorry to lipar of the death of 'her cousin, Mrs. G. Stewart, Fulton . . . I . . I .11111. -1 � , -�. . � tothecompany. Capitalized,itwotilcl, hour the tinie of the house. -wa§ Vast-`
I ;". 'Plirpan3ior the ,mrrent year. A James Dobie after till illness of a Week, Street$ and other friends,., , . I & gentl6man'practically a St' Tiger , I I .. more than pa� the en-Utp cost 'of the ed in discussing a illattet, that lla,d�
I I . ra
11 41 efdAture N re(Inebted. A vei y from V,Ieurisy ; he was formerly of this � to us till, but wlio is now in th whole- , TL isiom* mary� of Torouto,.% Grgat proposed Grand �Tiuhk Pacific, 1k,qui boen Settled over an& over again, The�
I W. Taylor, of- Chicago, Arrived hotIe SaIe,drug business Ili Cauadae I I oceau to beeafil and as -the value of the Speaker w1iote
. 1. . ting rnei-tirg uill Ile held in place itit hits resided for some years, Ili Monday morning. th , repre- . .. I I Pirei.
. . I � � . d the deelsionof the late.
'.`,0.AtFq1�o Street Church next Monday � Having been called senting t e 0. X . Medicine Co., gave , . . -- . : 0. P. R, increases from year to year, Speaker . hite, (0ongervittive) '111 SUP4
. North Dakota,wbere he took an active .on ac6ount of his m6ther's death,' - the MEW ERA a call. Tueaddy, and in 141s(frnated t .the value,of. this cofi6ession will' in- port bf -the,rules of the house, itfid by,.
0v6rl0g,R,sv.Mr. Ninnning will nd- interest in till good work. � � . I otal loss, $13.000.000. -
Ares4lien3peting,A]SOR, musical prr)- . ' I
. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper'and' little thdcoufseofbisremarks, stated that, Insurance,'between $9,000,000,an�'$10,m creacip accordingly. Yet sonie of the A, Eecullar fror
. NoTns.-Rev. Mr. Shitw,,Egmond- daughter from Toronto were in' town 40 years ago he came to this town with- 0,90, I .. . 'Yof fatei Mr. White,
- Idw I I b%- Air. A(fred Cook, Vill I I vety men who were Ili the House VOhen
gyrrillfulet so I I - � - . o happeneil to be inthe city, took a -
ue,jjf-Misses Idurch and Ne yterifti) over Sunday the guest of- the formers his brotlier with the intention ,of ' ' tbese*concessions &,cre ranteld,, And. Seaton tL6 floor of the 'house five
e, will preach at the Presb, . . 11 . , Persons injured, even . I ,
. 0. After Business establ ts complotel whosupportedthern wit out IL niur-
As! yer collection will betaken in aid �'Aunday;Lhe pastor desires Afull h6usp. . stor I'llimeL .. y minutes after lie had been quoted 'as
I:, I � wcombef Service ill the Met'hod,ist church next niother,(.Mis, Wifi. Cooper, starting a large g6eral is , � 9
XteMed to all. ' S. G, Plu-hrheii 4ecompaii1ed.'by'bis . I posi- an aubbOriti. ftgainft his own po it
. ,of u4sionaries; a cordial invitntion'is I king ovet the town, the present &Siroved, 123 .. inur now raise their hand6 in op i
I pos office Sig . . I ical ,
; 1�e ; Th� exectitive of the Auburn Vnion daughter, Mrs, Hibbs,. -was called to' . oot _lit appeared a favorable Hmploy�es -;,iqt of work, 3,50, � tion, 'to a schenjo that is of vast import-. friends.
1. ,,ST, PAUL'S CHMCH -The . ennvention have made due 'arrirnge- Auburn Wednesday, owing to tile I location for them to start on, and ar- Where the fire stjirted-�premises.of h. ance, to tho people of the whole Domin- o..iii..�.. � , . �
- - adimirne.4 I ments for holding the twelfth ann'lial. ser rangements were made for the taking -. & s. otirrie. ion, analu,which the're1s not, a singi . _—... . ,rr"T� I
I meeting Of St, Paul's vestry was held I im Jurie 16th, to he otit of do . d i ious illness offiis alster�in-uxiv� Mrs. Mckwear manufactur- O I —
ors an in John Sturdy. . 1. . 0 � icto . 1�[ 11"
I over of the properfy, . The deeds were ,drs, 68-60 Wellington street, west - ncession to the railway approaching M. I
Ott Monday evening, April l8th, in t,he ; true picnic a.shion. ' Chesterand Wes. drawn up but when the time came to Qr,'ginf supposed defects in ele;trlc anywhere near to that givion thd UPIL ,
. ,vestry room. On motion of Mr. Plum- ley Armstt I . REA, I "I I , 2=33
a moved into town and taken . I . I .
. -ong, Brussels, were renew- Mrs. It. Miller, of the Base Line, has over the price. asked�440), the Wiring- . . � � --
ded by W. Sloman, the aud- ing t,ld nequaintau her re4 WANTED Ap,rr,Ausx' I WOULDIS F&M. ST LOUIS �
Is, t pa OWnersMoore& Unhier rt -fused started, 7.0 P . � . .
-ces Ili Aubtivil 11 thei# Time it APRIL 30, To DE( ,1. 1, i904.
6" dd%sieeon n 'Dungan. sidence in bet- newly " C, onle, - in, : -
fbir rep irtwasadopt,ed On motion . week. Win Mole a d wife; acqnirep to sell. - He was never In the town be- Time it WAS der'c' A very '
., 1dessis. Ranca and Hilton, a com- nor), spent Sundny Ili Auburn -,,,also 'On Orangili street, form . brought un ontrol, . , amushi,i thing occurred dur.
� ittee to procure a fur nace for Lbe re(-, Miss Afnrtha. Vv e are glad to now Mr. Watkins, erly, . oVvned by fore nor since, ana was inuch imPrOSS- 4 a. w. . . ing A debate in t e house the other Aafurn iiekets will be is
:: I . ed with Its development,. HIS nawe IS Stationery Al6d printing business par&. I is as on and aftor April 25tboillavv
tory was it pointed, surh commi ftee to tl)at "Ed." is improving niceIr after Win. Brien Hamilton, And Win. S. E, Allison , � , da-, t6y interinodiate Caniiaian StAtion, .
vay ingstopovise
lr� One of the members, who i
, 4), . .. . . lvz(-.d bk the destruction of six of as a peacock, -,vas. speitki b t '"
:t4ionsist, (if Aessrs. W. Jackson, W. W. )IisreeplItIlecident. Temple.(, rkand Bell, of Sea&0tih, ,were renewing old ' I 1. . his remarks were not arous,�'n mff' U also at Detro�t 6nelo)hinsgo. ' '
�'p,11TAn,J.Ransford and tile chureli Nvife, Du ngannoli,spent bunday among 11 I the largest Canadian firms - ,,%t eten" —
". I 2 . thusimim which I I hey $1 ' ,
I , is a railroad some years since Win Brien was quite , . , , . The largest losses -w Gordon, Maokay & . 0.46 to Washington D. 0 and
�Vardens, and that in providing the relotiros, here. � There . in town Monday. It is la _
acquaintances I Le tbo
4 I . should, or at any rate he wits not- re- J I
I nioan . S for such purpose no portion of, meeting called forthe evolling fApt-11 anathleticfl ureinotirmidst, butis C 00 Wyld-Dxeling.'Brawn Bros., W. . .
1, thopresent Subscribed or envelopecoh- 20, in theTemperanee Hall ; ."efix"1111t. . J.. 6aae &Co., -and, Warwick Bros, celving the applause that he degired. It.6turn. -.
. e .meet, � I I
010 reillemberedty it number 6i'the oliler .CZXURCIX.a4tel�,. M. 'J. Wil$61ji.. of & Itlifteil. . so, turbing,to those close Around him 0.66d Going: April 11th, 12tho vOid rG.
, ., -butions for ehurch expenses 1); ing will be addrASSed hymen who Wish heads. H6 id'now in connection with Nile, gbISr fllled -the Pulpits on this Number offlenmelp at work -106 from he, Said, in a stage whisper, "why turning, on or before April 18th, 190.1,
irl xUltble. On motion o e welfare of this community. - the Safety -of the G. T, Ro transporto-. circuit On Sunday� last. Rev. Me. ' Toronto,10froifi\H . Iiiiii1touir 1.3.1 from L40n't you appl4u,4,more." He spoke 1, �
. I t n Jt\was voted that shon (I � . I � , *16.0*75 to Los Anaeles or San
r�sl"Gullddivicidieupon irriprov- ,- . , � tion problem. . Yelland took Mr. Wilsort's- work at . Buffalo, 0 from London, 5 om Tor- londer than he intended, and, ,the , I
. A decorating the interior of the . I Goderich .1 . I Rev A 'McLeod, a former Huron old Nile � . . . . onto, Junction, .12 from, Poterboro'., .vhole home. beard him, And latighing- . 14'ransdiseb and Riatiliio,
h daring the present year, the . . I boy and blintoil Oollegion wag renew. Blest important wholesale hoosei of IY gave hin, tile applause he was eager qqoa goiag April ilt�, 196b, intolnuivo, �
, .
� I
h wardens be authorized to sign NIAIMIA(�I-,---�St. Peter's chureh Wa " Inj old Acquaintances Thursday. Ile I NOTAS,- H. S. I Visher and wife have , the city dosttoyedi' � f6r, I .. I I . I I I ". .. . valid retn�blng rellobinR its de'stib6tion ft
dontractsrequired,AfAuch.be nee- tile Peelle of ll, ppe'tty 9 oestoWinnipegas assist -ant in the; itsturned to this neighborhood Aftcr Manufacturing establisliments west of . t or-betnte.yon" 001h, 1004. - . I . .
I., wodding on fargest pregbytei-lan church In that, spending the Winter Ill Clinton Amos 'Yongegreet were deprivedofmo. ,14'1AXn;mi-Td'0XowmNT8 , — -- ----;
� I .e committee reported morning. the eontnietting - . . . �)ne,vitly, Special exatirailo 'Adta ,olit
1. ry, The tre ._ 1: Olt . Floiller and wife visited at Carlow oil � , 9 Cosechow theOpposition sale d&ilv to points Nloiradaf British 061 -k -
The meeting elosed with the eing Lney Jean, dan ' . tive power by thecuttinff -of the , Iti�anlusln - it ti
roAtess. ter Of , . Y. 0 . Sunday last, Sohn. Reddle - has en. Mr,es connecting them 'wit thelqfl-�
ilip,dictifon pronounced by the rector. �Fsi'1(1n111,1ybMr% Dermiq Nevillo,Vilffilm . .... — - - I . . . s armugeholiday,trips, elections, ambia, CoilifoirniIii, ote,
f 'Aged to Work for Ed Visher, ClArlow, eavidLighboo. , . � tkn'R'�'ther likoiiiiafteti, for the gover . w . W
..,JA AlItleflIation of it visit from his J. Conhors. of Dotrolt, Alich. The , � - ' . go bomirrienced his labors on Monda I I .1 . I n� -, - ,
in p : Tue,korstfilth � Jasb. Norman 8sydor ling rented tile " . I 1. I nge(l . ' —-t.
td,oh, , hop of Hat -on, the marringe took place At 0 11. in., Rev, " . y mont. 1ust now they have arra
�4 the Bfq
rst Week In May, the rector h'sks all Fr. McRatt berforming 6o cerewohy. N()Tt-,*A - Samuel Flatina, left last week.,blacksmith Shop A'Nflo; he to k I I I . Socciall Settlerd T'ralfts to calma" I �
h6go, who A`8 wanting to be confirmed Among the guestS present, ,it ths-v,mitil. with h car fj . d . , 0arloW. I tbatth() PrOnliev shall 90 to DaWson .011an .NoirthWest, .
0 horses And a . (',I , . ,ftle up tile diffloultics . �
iteots for possession on Mond,ly last - t .
� anitc(l with the -oburbli, to weAt viage were Mr. And Mrs Mosio.Ashifleld- Yollow GrAiat I Noirm. - Leinliaid, *Walterst returned .g ,�lfo '80 will k&VA Toironto evtry Tuebaay dilting
Apa,,, Ile wits 'niocobl . I 'X %t by, Air; Sifton" on they, say 4,viil ht 0,00
. in the VeAry, edneAday evening. Mrs I nn, Clinton -, Mr, Redmond: 1�anie,tI by his brother, X6 howe last Maturday from Stratford But As no t1lMoulties 11 V, been S -
, trilao, oil LAirIOXA.- We nxtend Our a 0 o P.M. P9986nRots sravelling
sascollege, Mr, -101111, WRItOft ,,createdo this oantiot be -the object of
W,tfisb t1mo 19 alliapfiforthe preparation J�utstlllyiawanosh, tind Miss -vp 43usinc witboatilvaitio,okAhou,atoo ih6 J?oiolfiol
Conn Of I inthrop. Chas Layton, And Ed. pongratulationato 11at ,y
&050040,0011 o1dag beford thatdate Detroit, sister of ,he gtoom. Me'"" Ma"y on I ftlAstThotsfty for Prince Albert', the P emier's- visit. Then they -have 1110669 106YRIA T01'Ofitt) it 1.46 P. W.
. I Pre- 330dkolld &M doing & rushing bualnesq: his succeAeful graduation ftoid tile e r I
, I
` t I.
1 L", I
Adivig totidid fell ShOula notify the I sentig to the bride were costly wad in the (6hoo line, they are, represent.- i Ontario Veterinary College, Ile has Sask., With a load of hoxaisg for bibuto '11prange(V that the� elections u4ll be Vor tickets And All intotmation. I
- ,VIA �o. .� Usb(ThUMAY)OlVeh- n(IMetiousi tho,groom's presenttq th Col. Young. Miss 1,011ai, Johnstone I lleld,on 1118 r4otupn, prj,"Nded "Clio crops, .
- no . Ingthe Pago and Selkirk fences. Ulogo�aincolioughtA,&prt%otlao�atgtitft-4,le,tv. Applrjto
eii a wit in I � Apet Ii 6 We k visiting are good &lid the tim, j propitious i6v
1 110h, d MArY TAFtW4n 40ftil Fred Pep or 'spent' Ing on Xzinday to Undevtako his dudea ,.,
tho ftlibutb1sea- bride b6l1i9&gotd Watchdindchiolinanol , it a few dAys
P � OA . 616nds at SOMA �
f0vtPokee �. On of reports trout. to thb W400AU41 &Vuby riogi, , Smut t With W6*da in %"fd�thi, thote. .as � P. It, Hodgenst town Agell '
� t, r � , ,,, .. '. " I . I � . . I I . , . . I 1�1 . . . � - " —CY -
1.1 I �k . , . . ,� ''I I I . I I -
. -
,; , , � 11, : I . . . .1 Ile, 1 6y � .� I -1 . . Ali. -.1 . 1. , I
- . . ... . .I .. ---1--'- .. 1� . . - I .1 � � .-A ..... .. --.... 11 -- - . -. - -A— - f I INI,-i- -4 111a 11, - - � . - . , - . , 1%�, 4( 1 01
mmu" "- � -i. , I - �
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