HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-04-22, Page 4. � I . I . . .41 �. IF I 1`1014., . � I ,'� � ! , , . ,� �� , . - Illklies, �'), �j0`�', ��, 'k- q, .. -t I I ; � , ., - . ,f * . I a . I . "I I 1. I P, I 11 � #, ­ ,A - . klo! W �; 0 , 111 .�L ." " , ­�, I-, _�&. 1, __ � ''.. �:t.L ;��, __ � � ,,, � � - ,,I � �;. �, W, � . _ - � "I __ 46'. WW" " I 6�4�' 0 L __...�u ,,,,,W,-__-..__ - -6.4i--X-,.=i�iiINprigir�- - I - ­ � I � � I . . .. �­. I - - ­ .. __ i. Z=,-= - I I I -11.. I- .1 ­ - 111,41 1:1: : 1:11 0,10M . I 1111 1111 , 1- . `� . , � I EC ' - __ I : = 4111:1M. , __ , ""1=11mi:11:11,01 dM_1 �__�I_ 11,,�, ... llim;.:;::::::::::::::::::::!::!!= . I � ,­ ---- , HOBOM& , A Care For INSORM10AI.- TOVFR Dlrekory''e . % . � ­ I .11.111, .. I 11 , . -, __ I ­ I __ I I _111 I I - � - . . w0fln of l0Abr*40r'rs`i*O "% W" 1% Well Known St Jobn ilertheilpt Pow OMCS, 001ce hours from 8 a. . ISE I 'M Is, P1 -­`L�- Iratorolftorvota or T*91V � I IMO 414e,4s.0 , HA , L' 08ordo by n-mo-Ving the .04400 Qf it in tho treatment of those in. to 7.10 p.m. J" Scott, postmaster. I I .. 11 I . - :?1j,LS r$ Whit* involve 44)r failure of the nervou force, �3)�BCg I Vvery, man, especially IA acqAtft I 10, . , AM,$ To Is Row admi 4in preed . , h.jvQ nug I PUBLIC - LIBI&ARY - Library and free - , . , 4u , ,nearly sixty yqjlro., built up� I "ttled regions liko this, should have From Tblw Terrible reading, ri .. - - I I . , I a hobby ot 419MO sort to occupy 140 � I � 0011, in Stavely Hall. Open - 11 mind. W,e Jay . All Say i Trouble 0YOrY day fromT,2 to 5.30 p,m. and frora I . . I : AM UNA48SA14AAWLV REPWA77101F, - I -----w . 7 to 10 p.m. J. 13ean, librarian. - I Eft I - lqoth'Ro. TeneW4 the PO . I dense fO6 in a small harbor on an I . Wor Of the digestive organs like . One of the best known men I I St. ScHOOL BOARD. I54ac jac� I I I Ry ' Uninhabited Wand, In whi , ;Fjon � I I ch we bad John,, N. R., IS 0. G. Kierstead,* grover ,chairman; T. Beacom, F. Hodgeng, A,' 94 1��_ I 1 4 8 EEC M Is I tAkOu r0tuge In the foggy darkness and. eileral dealer, (141 Main stre #l'uplx0r, It- Downs, 10. 11411, J, W. Jr. , � .. HA I 1, of Saturday night. The. Unusual ex-, Mr. fversteadL has an interest. .ot, will; Secretary, J Caning): I I M ) , P I L LSn I perlence ot me many hours of oufQrc- In I:" story . yupe. Meet. Ill, sit . . . . . . They cleanse the ]3lood of long-standi � .. , I to tell of fallin health, insonmia, and Ings Urst Thurad 11 I ilk 4:09 I riti � ay eyen ��� ..... , ed rest made time hazig almosthea,v � , Ing in o . - X017VOUS, System to a bIgh W.PU es, brace up� the I - finally renewea stropgth,which cannot month, . � 1. ach 1. X I I - ., � � ��� 1, ��-,��­ , ` . I I ' .. � � ­ " ­ , , � ZZ11 � I 'ZIM -1F=MW* - I point of vigor.. and effectuAll),r cha0e awAy Ily On our lkands, and we whiled Vill to interest others He . . . Ir every SY'APtQM of weani.xe _ away the afternoon wa -dea,�,'vn, ­ "A COLL'BGIATM BOA -RD -51. D. MeTag, T-110 Uind You Have Always 'nought, _.%nd,whjcj 14 beft ,, a$,, and dep I lk in collectr few years ago Iwas' all ru and gar , treast re - I , in Jackson, set -ret. . a . ]PILLS � have cured teas or tho ' ress'On' Since MCHAMOS in various shrubs ,and pressing failing In health, no doub n , irk luse, :tor over 80 yc,,tr,v,0, ,.,jas lbome th . I usands in this and every count mom, and learning their t due to over" ary; Jas, $ hal . 0 '0 $I,_aa*lp6 ol� slobe, just ask yours � I ,ry of the. names friont. work and $1lattered nerves. I was.un. I I 1 rr a r, rinan, J. Ransford a 14. , � , elf Why they should not oquallYprove a boon to YOU. one of the numerous books of refer- able to sleep at night and found no re -it lums el,. W. I P. Spaulding, X and has been matjQ -undel. his , .. � . . ,tion �y'usjng I . I seemed a burden to BOA11D I Renew the. power of diger ence which are published at, prices 'in bed. My -life I .. I I sonal supervision since Its In I within the reach 44W. AE�,,5v_- - , of every one Ili' me and I found no glieasure ' 001 HEALTH-J.C. Stevenson, re'V .AJI,)wno one to deceive onto . of these books c "' auy'- chairman; Mayor, Writ. Harland, sr. ; All,Counterfelts, )[mitat I . Ulu V , , these da,rs. Most , oa� tillog, 'I sought me idal aid and the 10' s and,46just.a -goo #9, ar " 0 'a . , _ h Officer; - Jos. I "I I ,s V tain excellent key$ for classifying physicians who attended Ine �vere tin- Dr Shaw, Medical Realt . Experiments that ith a d' danger tbe, health .1 ,BEEC, and naming a,ny plant one Ands, able to give me all v rell0f. The doc- . Wheatley, inspector. � � trifle ,v en , I health . HAMISPILLS . . Infanta and 40hIIdren-3xp4.)rIeT3c . I and the punleto the mind In tors differed in their op * . against, jagpej-jinent� 1* Bold RUMTwhOrd in Canada and U. $,.America. Xjk b . dirqction totally 199120 I ailruent. Ill I 1111011 as to : BAPTIST CHU3.QH --Sabbath services � I 15 1 ­ Owes, =01 -unconnected with my . nding that I wa,.j at 11 a.m.. and 7 p,m. - Sunday sebool . . . 15 , EMMM __ one's daily work affords . much more grolving worse and almost orn, I � � . k &* , , ' zed at2-30p-ru General prayer in .x - 11, , . eotlaf � � � (. , I K I I rest than time Of mere idleness. Most throughlossof sig cncluded to on WedneadaK. evenings, Rev 1. � I What. is CAt)TOMA . I �learing house, but for live orniore it. of these guide books also, give one give lip business ,in go to the coun- Drull9p, pastor; D. Prior, S. S. supt. . . I - , � Bankin . is a decided convenience. - Interesting legends attached to th � ess try for a rest. Ju at v,-horl 1 was n't WtSLET METHODIST CHURCH-Sab. 1. k , Castoria, Is a Itarmics I s S'lbstitute Zor Castor 0.11� Page, , � . 19' , V , various humble friends which bes rdrej�lrverylivorst and had almost no I . I . - I . .NEW )rORK "BANIX STAT . , 0 to ive, my w R . P It Is*.'Plealsaut., t;,��11'', i let . 1hath services at 11 A,m. and7p.m. . goric Drops and Soothixtg Syrtlips. ___ iDUENT.11 . ife Urged me to Sunday school at 2 80 p.m. Rev . , Pd. � _ I - . While on this subject I am tempted * These not only ifitereat, the r Willi4m'�'Plnk Pill . I bad . � . contains neither Oplum�, ArOrPhine nor, other Warcoffe ' 'r I our paths evety time vie go' ashore. tivD 8 Mannint, pastor,, A � Ti OnnTlAr, ' R S. I , What the Public should Know to refer briefly to the New York(,Ju niind lo;t &th in f . subs ' nk but furnish all medicines, but to . taAce. kts age Is its g-iitrr.afee.; Xt destroys , fresh aburces of iiiter!st please my w.ife I decided to give the., supt. eneral prayer wastlag W640 � I � I "Worms -1 Statement," Tht document is promi- and conversation, where - now topics pills 1-6 trial. .I have bad riason ',to . . am' . f, and allayd Feverishness. . I Resday'everlinge. J*jor L gue mbets . -It Cures Dianlicam and Wind , ' . nently mentionea every week in the are remarkable by their iL� . Irri4a-k evenings, 'Colic. . It ir� . i About�t-]B,U.t Doesn't. financial columns of Can di ' "nee. Vie thankful that -1 did .so. Almost . : I , , lieves Teetbing- Troubles,. cures Constipation I ' . a lan and Take, for instance, , the - commort . po"I e OUtset the pills helped lite ONTARIO -ST. METHODIST CHURCH- . . ....... � ency. It asfolialtat,us the Food, rogulatho . b ,." f'� � li� American newspapers, and is loolized Crowborry-comm(m all over New- Sabbath ser , . - - fdrward to with more or less anxiet foundland. , Every one knows that Tid I able to find sleep, I con� . vices at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. h' Stomach and Dowels,' &I'Ving licalthy.aud, n 1 $ 1 e � "., -LA� I I Cook - ' I The ObIldren9s pauAcev,q, . � atural � I 1 :1. . � . Zothur'. I by peirsons inte ested in this plant is a northern shrub which well ngain. 'I could sleep go I -d� id in D,D.. pastdr; Jacob Taylor, 8. S. supt' . . �, tie 1; i Fx,Icnd,:' _ I 11 By D- M- STAWAF^ 411WASAL XANA- , r the steel tinne t1`161r.%iselintill was.perfectly Sunday school at2.30p.ru. J. S. I . market.. It Is practically wrough bal- no cold is able to. destroy, and yet my childhood.; I grow healthy ,lid 7pworth League meets Monday evert- . . . I . . . . I ' . ­ I . , 1 ....- QM OF WKS 40TRUSION BAW ance-sheet of the banks which are how many have noticed the main strong and. bave'never known one Ing; prayer meeting cn Wedbesday . ^ FR"h 1. . slif VANADA. - toembersof the New York Clearing reason . . ' ..�C E N U IN M C A% 3-' 17r , .. I House Assoc why it can resist teiiapera-m bour's trouble front that source evening, . . .. .. I I . _ kz.% , 4 A1oWAY$ iatiOn, commonly known I I . t %JhIA ' . as the Associated Ba tures which'would destroy xhost. othm sixice. .1 have no hesitation in ma 4! I , � I . I .. � � . I I . I � ) . nks, and is made or corprnoil 7- WILLIS PREff.11TTERIAN Cllxr�zcn- '. * , . re -r.. the V natuTe, Of c:s . . 1.0 Q. J, ,If, I A clearing house may be described up after the clearing house balauc Wantp. (Phanerogams). Ing that I belicve Dr. Williams, Pink Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p,m. 4"" � b . Tke reason -is that the . k'. - - .., � . - representatives of chartered bankt . n I L always Sabbath school at 2.30.p,m. Prayer 't, L .. * , _ _'. "I., $ . , �� . I , , .' outer edges stuck' together so are troubled With a- nesb.? tian Endeavor Monday 6Vemngs. .'A, . . . 11 . . I W . notes. posits, loans, specie, legal tenders, cij. . that , leepless I . I 'I meet to exchange cheques onand i This stateme t shows the average de- rolled back'on themselves, and the say A good word f6r them to any who meeting Wednesday eveninqs; ChrIsv - in A simple 'Way as 9, place where the ate -struck o -very Saturday mocitilig, leaves ,'are Pills saved my life, and will , . . ,of one another. I culation,'cash reserves, .and surplus the breathing mouths of the leaves Dr. %Villiams': Pink Pills work cures Stewart, D.D., piator; Jaqfes Scott, f . � 01. . - � I . I .. axe covered up. In this way there is like Mr Xlerptead's, after doctors and S S. supt, . I . I . ", In the course of its business a bank 'reserves of these banks . for the week. I . . "I . , I : I ____ � - � _ _ - - I I .. . I . I I - - aedicines, fail, bedhuse they . . . . � Teceives a large firimber of cheques ou 'It is the last IneiftioTiqd item that the 1 never any of that excessive evapora common I . . L � I r" . , I and notes of other banks, and in order spe6ulativil public are usualIK roost In, : tion which reduces the t' I actually make new . . - ST. PA&'S; CHURCH, EPISCOPAL- 1. .. <,10' . .. I , . L, emperature . . , rich blood., and so Sabbath . Services at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. . . I . � I I . . ­ . . � . to obtain payment of them it is neces- terested in. The New York. anka are,' so rapidly, and changes of strenkthen all the organs of the Lbody , je 1 . , ' - reserve of 25 ' t all. L T . ake s That ii the S.qnday school- at 2.30 pao� - Lad .s L C1 '. sary to present such cheqnes and notes obliged to, keep fb. cash ure hardly affect it; I at tempera- -and brace ui) the nerve' Guild,meeto 3rd Thursday of ei :L I - I ,usness, neuralgia. meets, Tuesday , . . . ,� . viap I . was -established a bank used to send Ion no in I . brador nalvitation,of the beart� rheumatism I . P9 . L J.Lget down to that limit they earl, ;' MedUrn - Latifolium), or La evenin a. '. 0. R., Gunnei M.A., rector . : , . . ' I -ye A-1 B ht I . -to the banks on which they are drawij. f per cent,. which - m&TIS that when 0 11ya I they enr6 in-digesti;n, kidney and month; A., Y. P. A. I 1, . -i d ou Ha Before the clearing house system the Again the -commori White F, wer livll�r troubles, riervo I The X n Y ' . are money, no matter wfia�t - Tea, Why can it also 'resist the cold and S. I . SUPt. L: .. . . I . , � ,' *3 - . . I L; its messenger to every bank in tile the consequence& may be to the mer- i. so'. well? Rere the 'breathing mouths And tile special ailments, that fill the , %, . .. . . . 1. In ,Use r or OVer ,- Q.. Ye�rs. -.,, 1 �. L ' . ... .. � . I 'L 11.1 oW'Sjj . - . THE CENTAUn C0r,1RfLfjy, -.-� MUnRA . . . �city whose cheques and notes it had cantile or *.speculative community. I- are " pro ected. 6y thick: y�116w.j lives of so many women with misery. Si. 10sEPH's OATI-XOLIC'CH . I I received. t isk URCH_ ' --- --.----y -_ ZW YQAK CITV, - L .� . L. jar & The geripme p, - I MME � I..", I , book 1br the respecti . ,,. nve the ,full -- He took a receipt, in a- pass� This is one of the dibadva t 'es of a j' wool, so. 'thick 'tha,t one wonders that 0. I ills &1w.)yf4X Service held every other Sunday at - - � I I .. � I ... -A Ve parcels, and fixedV,,se,rvo,: to which I I n.11IL3 Dr. V L10.30 a.m. and;'7:�pr.m. 'R . I I L.; .,.. : ".. I t ­ ­­ .91-1 __ 3 . I IMAMS" Plfi0j? . I , __. �a V - I , I -`thxrd4y� -o-ve't-i"Previdill ,­lt .1fir'PeOl.b."'AW-6111- �­�� ... ­ . - --called arourrd�'lateralu 04 in &,, op-.t.b4a"�-4q,xafte4,;,oem,.,-i.it-.a 1,P _jffl�. . for or;' Father. � �­ , ,' , . . ., . . ad L ­. L_ . . . .1 .... .. . � I . e wrapper aroun I thL . ..* . . ­-l'...4--�-ft ..... .... ". ... .. .1 eettire._W_I�Ie, .'rBSOCIA .noticed this P0011liarity.' : &bOUt..­j,t'�"'- . 'a.�: �rtrr1§dv0o#-tdt,V-1b9 .. . �*�,,..,.,.z.,�-..,.".-...&.-��,..,'��-.,.f-,�-.,t�-;.�,"-"�,- �­ ­ 11 . . . - I .1 _b � .11 . I * I .... I . .; '- ory, month;.. Sacred , I .�� . I .1 .1 I :Whilo this messenger was making his a,consfdbrablei a1LOUat,bf.'. The flowers wQ.got here.were -dbubt write direct 6) . . Thu , __ .-- - I . , ceive gold or legal- tenders in payindrit. t Banks bold * . everv, box; �If in 4 rsday 'ev . i is 'beautiful. - �Tlje..3 I I e. Dr. L.:'7 . . --- - I I -- --- ____-._ I j dash Ili excbsS of the legal r6eriie, realli- 'th' Will, Heart a devotions 1sti" Priday of - -the I � . I . . I - I latus'Medi6i'llb Co, Brock- . . . I . . , -1 . .. 4- - .. . . rounds the messengers, of all the other, presumed that 'they,will have plolify I � 1" . (arsh, Holy.'RO'80, . vil(e, 00t, t'grid.the pills. rk .. . . .. � . . . I .L I . I . -Ca led Andromed ' I I . .. will be sofi�, MO thi'MaAs eViery. morning, at 8 I banks were,callitilk at his bank for the - of money to 'lend I . ,a, becAuse.1j,15. Said L * '. . . X.mo .., .. L ' - I � . ... . amraff aw"ammmmmolawilaw .. . . . .. : .. I I . W � ' In - oilier words, . ' pbst .;).aid at.50 cents a box or six boxes * BRETHAnx �-Meetings at:11 ji.m. and I . . . I ,same pup osis, and thus A great deal of the�abi,ity �of'.� the New York,panksto. It resembles her as her feet .i6r.12,50.-.* ­ � ., . I . .." I.. I �L7.30 p.m. on Sunday, and on'Fr 4a at . . � .. ' ' . .1 I - � :- . ", . ... - I ; . . establish ime . y the - en money is hablid * to' the rock' were : % - � L .1. . . I � . ­ 0. S ..... I . . I L . the clearing house � their'mish rbqiBrves over the legal. re- With' it '10 the Marsh Laurel -the, t - '., - - j! -, -�- .. -- , �; : '' . . L I , L . . sall .. 'Arab- . " I . . - I.. ­ . I ATibx* ARxy--S I 1 1. I. I . L . ... this was all done away with. .. I quirements;:'and'As .this. ak�Cy­kAOwh'aSLthe.' L � , 0 . I SALV ervioe at.7 .ab'd I . � [ . nll.* L I I � . I b - , . . ,:.. I . .y time andlabor was con"' a , B 1 d' ' ' *'i.�4agedby the exces.s�of .c -under . watep: . L.. L --c l.� * � ..�' ... . 8 P.M. '�'- , , .. � � ­' . . 'O JU ment of ' . � 1 , . .! , . C � . sarPluslis Us!' kill, .which, has I . . - . 11. _ 9 9 .aftd 0-1& ��:' . I I . . . - 11 itan.-and 8i &lid 8 p.m. -on Sunilay, ' L.. ' ­ : - .. . . I I , ­ ­,'"', , -_1_... : . . Thefirst clearing house inCanada ually inves been so . fatal to � . . . . L � . I . was established in 1887 at Halifax, and I exchange Securities, L . . A WFEIRD-� Ut6b"i' - ' - . - sz,x every. week evenflig at 8 o!clock . . � g . I I I . I I . I I . I . t6d � in call 'loans on -stock goats in this 'country.. . Indeed w I : � � . . d . . I , speculators not I . � .. Z' L� " ND.. ... . , I . I ' � , . I I . . - -will 't, .) tit' jill-,C]i "",�, h hors 'of,* I I . . I ­ I ----------- al- e. i (0 no neglect it, I the second in Montreal in the year -) infrequently mAke their market prog- - � found t at � somei. of the . mem l .. L I . . . I � . 11 . L .... .1f,you, -bave'.%'co' I' " . . 1889. . t1i I Vh* Vi , . . . Under this system, instead of a ; nosticationslaccordingly'.. L If there is a ,. e crew were well aware of " . eason Of.- the Daily Ebb and: . . .a, b6ttl0.of the'eld,,rehilble its pro- I . * 8, I . . - '& V F'Ry. " . "i l RUJ�P' L . ipi remedy -Comp qn j) ol' - L number of banks sending messengers , "good7 bank,bta.teraent,l e.,. a decrease" penpitles.,, they having had a 1ittle I . Flow .09 -the; No . . . . . ill I . * L � ow,id s . I with parcels of notes and cheques to as compared. With iW previous- experience * in i : Do �yol:t 4 . 'It is well known"that thei indjoi-ity of uO vind Tari - W 011 rd ! in loans, with an increase in'd6posits. line In -Conception Bay.-�Vpbm . Dr. fIW07 This is the logezid%, 11 W . . . the, offices of one another, they Send week .stock rdising Ili jifigt now WhY7 this s4a_ ebbs and , hanifnills mise -from constipation of . ke any .o inary - coligh 'jil, �1, - . L . nine ,, ,e is argued that mori, .Prenfell's letters. pi eLr Polk , of .ClraWned: twice daily gathei.. their - L I . � - L them all to one place, n I Vbe array - tii I I fe diys.. 6ive--l'' bett ' ' ' ` I th 6 bowols'inil on thid account many. , er,. itatisfile. tion tj ',* otlltr sitti� and reliervesi it �.t ' . . I all .ally - . .1 the Pisg eoplemakeitarn'16 to see'that the ic;h rem6d ' F 11 4.0z 1) I L I clearing house. This is a room _ [will be 'Lleasy" and consisquen .of Labrador.. � , - - . I . . I . I . . 'CO1310 - � . . 11 ''.. I. 117 . I I I .. - in the able for purchase 'Of L . . . .. . .. _V I .. I � tedatsdine convenient place . � .L . L . tordes at the bottom Of tbLe�_dvvp.,and owels move once every day.- If you . . .. ! I ottle.. 2.5e.. .� . 'i .. - sWckso , Acm, � I I . . , �_,. I � , mirch' ' . . - . ita . "U. .1 banking d ' " A a, I I . . .. . I 1. I o. ... . I tow ,Ili e, are subject to cullstipadon you, can be � Molls : vosts.: and. Protectors; --'__j L.1 Sft� " I t the - marke . , I. .. I .., L . I � . Ard-the.fo r.1polists of th Chest . istrict. InL Montreal it isjo- 1 cordingly, tha .a 0 . . . . I .., , � catedinthe handsome newbuilding up, As' ions o * . ..:.-. ...1. . , L L , ' - compass to lay their , weary *bones on cured by the Use 6fDr. Chase'g Kidney- � ., - I . . '. . �� 1. . I . ''... . . I 1, sumptl of Ad!. nt ,.. . AVAGE�S 6 LH . � .. I . . . . .. . . . .. � .1 L in , ,. . eart . . . . Liver Pills.' � These Pills hot only make ' ** ,.. '� . . � _. L I ..� .. of the Bank of Montreal. The rule are forthcoming when a..,- 11, I S F TA IV. 11 and' esenile' frein theli? 4atery. ,. I , I � . . L I . .. . .ban I . I ... I ,. I . ­­ �.. . . ou earl hear their trsi" h OVE . A .- . I . . I I . .. . . . . . - tomb. -Y It 'e bowels active, but li�- their action 4 ''Y Dispellsixig clie" A 1. � L with us is that the bank messengers stateftlentIs issued - . .. . . . . '. , L raping- & Eo�-. H I ­ � aL, Moant , or ... I : 'L I I , , i . must report at the clearinj house with In,. my humble 6i-Ition" how'e, L ver, � They. Live Irn a Paradixe of Flowers .jhey call ItLSo rig -and, see the, I the liver -ensure 'it rigular Ilo* of . . .L . 1. . . . �- ' - CLINTON..L.'. I., � . I - I * , ' ttieir parcels promptly at 10 a. in. on this bank statenie * t -IS a per , I re Very Rogiolt&VIe'. , L I L bile, nftiure's' own cathartic and so re. . . L ., I I I . I . '' L . . .1 . . ' ' _ - . I L I ; n :foot farce .. . i T . a * L, . L % Wayea;beingplishobd On before them In move the cause of Serious diseisc.' . .10111110 I I � -_ tllfmmimi�[�� � � , 1; ordinary business days and at 9 30 a. its a financial barorneter in New. York, h1ii; die pai-lidise, Of --the south great water hills, which, dash. a jInSt.: . � - � I I . . .... M`-, , . . I . . .1 I . . . : .. " - . - . I . . � . .W. '. In. on Saturdays. _e . for the slallAe-Leaso, 9 .. . 1� . . I _.� . . __ I - i I.- that_�_tlie_�trugt .seis,­*­lnhab1ted-, iiy,�41le'-gentlest'TaCe ­each-6t-h0r­1rr-f6iIr furioxpriliglij fr in . . . . - . - -EacbC weasenger is accompanied by a I .1 , . O I . .�..7 _. *:��- , , , ... . . . I T.. I . . .. I -_ . -_ . . -_ . . � to I I I .. . enormo us . .. . . � . .1 - companies in. that"citv have of env 'L In 'th.i. world. . They. are' the escaping - boat, - and when', they. . , � - � . . , I . . . �. .. . . . I . . . ., I . L ­ . I ' ' .L . .. .... j . 1, 1. clerk from his bank, and upon. arrival 1 depcksita, ,and.- are' as large lenders of ages ouds of L 1. . .� .. . . I ! . I. . : � .. ,ear,in e officers go .. -y as I if . .. . I L . ." L" - :. to the olif , L '041iton.8a'sh.'Door. And . - ,_:4� "' C1 d . call In. -cidtedL Biiiiks, passionately feud - Of Alowers, wilich break and hurl el' sno . white, Failed lix an Em ' drseney., ' 'L . . .:.. . I .. . I I af, blouse thes ffie Ass(. . - ' 'high'In the.air I,L jj: C �T a � � The' rnan 'who-'s'&'Id lie � did' ' I t_ , . .. .9 . . . . to certai assigned to their res- �Iot larger, and the grc.�tt majority of , play a. leading.. part. in eve' gpray no see., I . 9 . .1. ., . I I .- ry act of. : I .I. Au,sicl .by . * , . , . : - , . . - ... . . � . L . . . nee � I . .: .. I . L . I . ­ , � . ... ' . pective institutions, and delivar their, theqA66noo -mak their lives.froib. birth tOL Whitg�ild-hls life Insura , would do Mallind F ot ­ I . . . . . rn , turns to the ' - ­ � btirlal. : thi lashings fr6m. the Swinging, bony . I a o *, . . . I . . . . . . L. - arcels to the representatives of other. Ndjr York clearing house-. Any State- "'TO visit -the home.of a'' aftri pla L . .1ifin until liewas dead. must, ' . I , ry. � . 11 , I , . a nt� armi of the -army drowned.' And did I -have been. - , - I I I . I I . . I .. I - .. �.�, . � . . L � 'Tb113 fj ' . . . , 'i ­ tanks, and receive in exchange the merit therefore -that omi.ta the figures , et,T skid'an. American. traveler, ,,is not ,.yoli. ever listen'toAh *eIrd1nolse an a hopeless object f6k tbe, suave L!Lttack * etbry is tlis:jjig`e9t in4h . , , * � . " . e . I . � .. 9 oba"lity, abd h' L . . parcel of notes and cheques on -their of the trust companies ' I of the agent. Like bird . chinery, cipabJ6 of doing w 59 the Very latesh *improved . J 0 The manager of the clea, . cannot riepre- to 1eel that you are ae6ptlng keeptial- 'these mountains of.water leap mp, dn. I L .. . is. the farmer % I Is L Ork on the shortleet notice. 'W,e * . -11, L wn bank. . carry an- exten I r- sent, even approximately, the iclal po- Ity he hands of a Till - itan, but th'at .'each:other?- That Is Ahe',' - d, L I a Lon- ' stock slid prepared plans, and 9iV6 estimidem for and ,build - Ii - s,, � . i rig house keeps a memorandum at t sad reliab aiv, , . cry. of tio of a Fifeshire Yi ]age of whom .. . es of buddinitai on short notice, and on the closes% prices. Ali.-w'rli 'Ila L ellis '. ' I . of the siti6n of thetinfl,rket, so ,that deducii6na , you aie conferring upon L :hJui ..A,nd ills - victims of the aea.L . : . -, on. paper tells. ' % . I . , . 0 1 'all#.", _L, . . I L . We Sen., t . I total amount delivered and received based upon this -Weekly document a . I L . I. 1, -his iiosl way and satisfactloA inaranteed I M ki - si, ' , . L i ' . . . He had been advised -front tirn to � . P4.1n a me, I . � . by each bank. When the total am- not. to be relled up6n.' ,I 1112112ble , abode a greater honor than. . ,,On and . oil the waves are driven .. I . . .. e .. I . ­ . . � .1. I . I L � ,nds of � 111�. , . ... ount delivered by Any one bank ex- these facts thi ink n Spite .... 1. you conferupop any of -his neighbors. '. farther and farther thek,prieroach o I " L .time to Insupo'his'llouse, , against fire, . serlar and ex Grior material. - . ­ . . , . I.. . a b. , .'statement . ... I . I , - . Ill . . - I I - . . erional . -'V deacend to vl* j, land,' and - The agent, Sandy. WI,eiy, could never A 9 . rs9.R1iA&- - -E , ceeds the total amount it has received taken quite a ys, . here I . the feet of the' ' Luinb& Latli.ShillglegAillieg Sashj Ooti ' even 61 . mighty,body fore L gent for, the ', Celebrated .�.G L 11811p,71 vative old Montreal 'an .1 * his -holhe,. parts ", of.theh . 9tive cook an b . -to sign and. was W, Olin " from all the others, the difference is . staid, conser I X . . . . . ed. c e heard scripjagL for:fo6thold on , .. get tho.old man . I RAY .13ILL SCHOOL A)ESKO ra-m0actu entered on a which, when sign� I . . I I . ea ' ' 'ut . . L . if you go down: town on- any., ' .. . to 1 oten to 6 � .W6teX)0O-. C�l I and gei prices and eiRtilillates befoz'plli0i1)g ) our 6urdel a. � - , ,, L i- , .. 1, , , gattirda meal', which Is daintily the . smootA,�& , Ing . 6.1amillar,argument that , 'L ."'. ' .. � . . k --.-. ,.edb-y-the-cle-u.iWg�haiise-manii,ger-,-e- 11 Q��r � s=aad__upQn .Lft _pjbbi6s. ...Only_ I . . . . . I .., ­,� .. .... � -. ­7�_;, U. I . . . . I I . I titles the holder to payment in gold or * . 11� I ,largd:leaves �upon the k,round.and. nur, another Incoming. wave and escape !a :. is house Would uever gang on fire.- . . K I .. . :., � thefollowing� , a or in. a oc " . . . I ,� . 8.1 00PER. -� -- ' . IETOR� - � ' ,`._ : i, . I I - . it ... . ,4 1 rouad�d with. xOsesand othe - . The-linexpected happened, hoWover. - " �� .' -.� ' . I ,. .1. . � .11'. . L legal tenders on presentation to the] based u ou t e u . I Ila * T benutiful 6elrsii but It is just too lite. The re- . . . ' . . . . I I . e wt- I . 'L . . .1 _ . .. . � banker of the clearing house, When, =tbV the state - ., . I . . ' 1 .6 . - L .. . ent,.,%T h comes 1 � Jlowerqr, you place him -under g'rea'ter' acted tindertow Sets Ili, and you hear. .*and . th - nelgbbor� ie istonish6d . . Oel MAI B1111diet -,o 'd. . . ic. . . . I . I . . . I ... ­ . . aetor.. L 11 . . .. . ­ I , % " I'll . I on the other hand, the amount of the. -'about't atw,h . . can e�er ' t . y feet slip, from n : th 'T.jIen �.the ol& mah, Instead of tr �', , . - . - .. . I , � _.� I � -over the"'ticker* .. t1i. an he � hell; b6 I U, der' en�, I I .yIng to �, ... - . . . , : parcels received by a bank exceeds the . I . . . .. I our . hopeio ' . 1, ... . . I . and back. they ' .. saVo- his goods, ran,wildly up - and ' '--. . . 0 ------ "� . ----*,, -�:. ! INTERIOP. EbONOMY.60 A BA.XIC"L ' repay � . . il�e entried, . the sea . I '. . .. I . . . , L I I . . . ' . amount of those it hits delivered to I . . .. . � . I "It you will k1sa hidwite u'Ven'leav'- ' hikilding't . hem tightlyL ift'its, arms, �ex . down the Tillage, crying:. ' 11. . I I . I . I . I I I., L - . . A - p#Vj,s. . . 4 . ... . I .. . . . � . . . . L . . . . .. I . � . . the clearing hous6, th-tt bank must Incanadathe chartered '-banks are 'Ing -and pat his shaggy dole upon the � bansted ta . . t, "7Fhaur?s that ,mou Sandy � . I L' pay,the difference in gold or legal administered firStL of L . . . L . I I noo? I . . I I . I . I . t a% by a board (if . W atix's - . 0 . I * , , . - , ."; , I ing ectors- elected by the shareholders.: . ' as run tar !0, . ' , .. ;, I. . ., .. ed- 1, .11 . .010 . - ' . � C -clear headhe Is your . , * 1 4 L .that,' lnsurkn6 " chieIZ- Y' .ANY LADY CAN AA -C tenders to the banker of the dir I . . a to command ab* long' ' Then look when the fid h . house pefore 12 30 p.ni. the satile day, These gentleman *are * ,48 you remain In'the Island - .,Out and' � , cxn,iserer get a. body when ye'ke ne 1. � . � I I . ; . . L . iisuall� s.... They' .see, t1liq prints. of their . feet, � i jilcholm,eit - . In' him . . L I I . . - I , ­ L . . � I because of' their . success" Ili e co _ have - lin artistic eye for the beautiful. - � and you will know - why.the 'sea ' ebbs. 1 .. . - . I .. .1 . . ­ L � .. 1 ,. ,. . . NTS ARE MADE . ..: .. -1 . I I . I easily $1 2 L 0Q. to S!PO�00 we . . , , '' . I ' - HOW PATME. . . . mercial and A n*qncial. world,, and their - and I n6vei. think 'of sifting down,to. A . and flows.. . *. . , ". � I 1. I . . I . I . b� . . . . . I . . 1 � .'. - -,-� . . ,. . I .. . - . I . . . . . . . 7! . . . . .. . ekly by represen ija.g us in hel. I Settl;ments are ill ide in lepil ton- knowledge and 'experience inbusiness inml;­'espeelally. while" entertaining l �� .. . 11 . ... - . . . L... . ... ' Tivo.clever',Auswern.' � . . 4'g. . L :� 71L. ,''.11.- I.., I . . a., . I . I . . . I . IN, I . . . I . . I . .1 ,� . . I .. . ­ ..'.'. . -der notes, a 9pecial is affairs. They meet. at. re ..'It Is riep�fted that a man, i ,. -tie of which has I to A,s(..,�ss the OffairS Of tgular periods Tisitor, unless there are gailaildi -of . . SE . . appolnte& R SPARE TIME. beenmadebythe D,minion Govern- . e -bank, bid' flo-wers for ., RVANTS.IN-CHINA.., . ".�. '. alith auditor. of, thd treasury' gubj�ct . . L . ... . I 1; ., . ment for this parpo ic. These "larga! ilattlially candot deyote, aL great.deal - each head at table and - � I L ; I.,— ...1. . . I L I I I . . . I TbeL position is pleasant ind profitable. . the Ylaar� round � I legals"are in deno.ninationsof8riuO I of their time to it *otherwise, and in I ,lavish fieral .decorations for, the. v'a ril� Who Way They Show Tiel. 66nt'.jZjj L to. e_xamination ivas Asked .to statcAJ10 ly send pardelilaiS to any lady who mav need to . - ' I I S1000and L $5000. � I I L *1 1. . L I , .. .. I .- . I . � I mAke s�l L ,I id are ne-otiable "order that they may keep as closely in ojo( dishes that.may be served. , - . Per Foreign'trX. ... . dishhei_ of tbe.,moon from the 46arth. . and,convince -you that -t@6 is no decepilion.L I e I " . I L ls.wrltten answer I was Mrilply, "Not . I I . I , ,only between charz.ored bank;. They touch withit as . possible, th . 'It 14' a: para:dlse- of, flowiroL and the . The native servants .employed . by R �. I . . . . . . ... L . . bwr special numbers and would be presi . dent and . vice, president i . natl�es us . t I -foreigners In . . -, near eftbugll.te'aff�eci the functions of L ... I .. . . I . .. .V..% ., lAy. . . . I . e offlej&IS visit -.--Le .4ein,:wlth no' SparInj. .,white Chins.'rarely lear.a . ft: sixth auditor.P 11t passed. 1 �o di . I . mnse wif ATERS!�' X� � readily traceable should a tiller *or i purpose, Thes the bafikk)f ,'hand.'.? ' . � : . ... L I to 'call their.em"Ployeri'lly their . ' . d_[ . ., � - 1. ... . . � I _L � L . . . . . ,. proper . . . , .. higb%vay robber obtain possessi almost daily,andare usually thorough- . I .. 1* . 2111other, who,; beft examined L fft JDM- 83Brant Ave. a r r; L on of - , . . . I I . I ,,nallles when. among themselves. If Ji.1' . . I 9, a , ; kraut r them They are, therefore, not oil ly conVebsarit with its business. 'the L . . . . - . . I , . . Onaoxt.�Ift .fhe,., treastiry,' was A' i - - _. '. . - I lz�_­ ­.. ------ _ ... ....______ the white man. un . sked i -_ . L. of protection tothe banks, bult' next and roost ftnp�6rtAnt'offici.,kl of all 1� . . . . derstands Chines . . ____.KQRRL,MXz-�_.. sourcl, . P . ,Y-%' .: � .2 I tkey. tire, of c6urse, careful tai refe 0 " how Inany - soldiers England sent, td I .. . 1. a decit:­d lconveweiice, As the amounti � is che gerieral ruartager.. , In . hirn. , is . , . , r.Lt*' . I . - 0 1 11 I him by such. deeply retipectf this coisrittly *'during the L Re'Volution. N-11 I IBM . .. . . # paid th. -,ugh the clearing house daily vested the authorit,jr for Ins, in' a, p- ; 1 .7-17 Ill names , ]Kim answer was,* "A blamed s1j; L . - � I � -__ . . ­.- Ir . - - k, 9 � . .0 ar.dzi a . , . as. "Realren Born" or "Prince. of 'L I L I I I - � . I are vet irge, and would involve con.. POintinellts to and, promotions 6 � �t more . . . . I . I n the. View- than e;ver got back." ' ­ I .. . � I � . siderab) - labor and loss of time it they, istaff Ot*the bank, I He is also v6spon- App e'd t e .r pe r P*J -B o w.e I i ers,11 but if he only understands Eng,- , , . . � I haxl to 6- made in the ordinary onia, . siblefor'its generid adiminis . . - I I I . .. m� .. r r 0 ;a r .L . . , link the casels different* ,. . ' ' , I I two and f , ir-dollar G vernment notes. theinvestmebt .of its funds L r tiou, constipated? Tangue'tdated? - - There -was. once a. B t1sh' . warship. , . 44y. . . Sitkarved li�. . . � . �t'111(1 the, , . rl I J . Blockadke I . Blo' -i; amountsof th - lip of Ines ' 6u re. ooking- gloomy. today, Tom ., 0 . . - $I ache?. - o*the Obina.station which bag natlye �k ­ . .- .L The tot. e money par building - its - bast In the 'HeAd , ft'S "YOUr liVerIL ' . ,L .. Ck reels-dolive.-d at the 0earing -house larger institutions an aRsistant oener4l 4,,: "real ' 33" None IlM., W . The Roilwaj Blockade is ncw rx Xed. . .. e Ayer's ,Pills are .1-jrVerr'0111s, servants Ili the waidrt) me .r ,, . hits the matt�r?" . , We nrO now boing - r aL . wha' , t It.! newspapers refer to as manag4cr and other head officials are . . s.1,2 , r. . . L matter?. Yen kno* Bliss Passte, the . gooas-wis walit Y'oft to aome�and assi6 �in remQ � thp "Clearings." Inasmuch r as the emplc�jed, *ho,'sharo 'the work And - regetable - - r _ &-j *.L.A O,_ of the officers sp6ke Chineqe,, One do, BearinininA tbatassoon as the 111mv Shams v'Ogfll')900d,l�iDItitorAilg3,4� a way.. . ' method of making -pay- , em. The basr. ' I * Azly rparli. I . __ 6' n Old ralild 'that lives ,down Ills A I h1lP in, i -e. vou will be bloahmed commonest responsibility between th �= r! ,- 1`1`1?,I�om they Invited ari America .to dine wItk * � . . 11 . hOnleo, S6 huf r+, lip -and R0, Your wsnti stipplied %bile-dur stock i's LA.I%G I the&. The hea as ,told. me. she was engaged Spring Goods sr4 oprobing np very nioe and pood. . . ,ment betvire-va mbirchants jjr iness of the branches � 6f a ch4r,tered - -, --- ­ _ L Dawkl , to by the d bufler tried the stran- *hira. r . -medium of bank cheque.s, these clear. baiik in all its ramifications is audited .. Want your mo"tache or btard ger In Chinese, but he looked b r l'," no just for the, fun of tho thing . .r I Now is the tima to buy your Field Seeds suoh'tiq ()' I . I I Ing house returns are very valuable as and-scrutlni�ed' closely at least once a a beautiful brown Or rich black? 401k, . . opened to h6r,, and iiho accepted nw I . 116w Pboat Silock Food.i. Eto. I . . 'Over. TiMolhy,L Et an index to the vidurne of a country's year- by ad official who bears the title ILI ". 0 'Be alMotigh New I'm leok4ig'for, Dftwklns.'�- ' . . . I . . , . .ke really 4new Chinese thor- . ;, .� oughly. ­ ,��. ' ' L � . . . . ­. . . Produce wanted at lilithest ma'rket prie", �� . . trade and comme ce. The total clear of Inspector' or .Superintendetit of . I . A�� I ,. ­ . I � . . � I � . I . ,; . . - . . 0 S Several time& during the -meal he __.�!=. - , I ' . Branches. This is. a.mostimpot-tant. L W. INGH ' I ­---------­­­- Loya&it'oro 'Emoorilim. ., , L .: R'' ingsfor the Dominion of Canada for" Iq 0 K A M & A. It IL . the year just ended (31st December, position and cannot besatisfactorily - L . L laughed, but it, wits not until It was . I . "I. . . � . . I . . I . I I mar.22n4 IN4., 1. L . 19M)amountedto$2,646,704707. This filled %vitbout a 'thorough linowledgil t7� ­ . . - ­-- ­ - _..n - �- - . I . over that he explalned� the cause of his I I .. I .1. -1L I .ADA - . � .. mirtiL. . .. I I � DOWN. .. I . I 1. . _. . ­ . , it does' of bank routine ana it gon6ral'business ' - . . , Ill a' Run' . - . L . LL i.q a very respectal?le figure, but . . � not represent our entire trade, as. I 1, . � . . j,,,.j,­.,�. 1.1-t, fq'I'l 'It'r1j", . . I . "You sbould. bear th6 beautiful names ' .1 . . . 1 _______7_ .__��_ .. I _ . . clearing houses are establ I I a - � . I . I . . . 11 � . (Continue on, paste 0.) I 0 0 0#� � I *00 011e...W14 141..*."+.*..+,.O..*,+,..�%,..*.W�.I.- #", L 11 W ished O lyat _. .. . .- ...�o ... .'.%T,r. r, _,14, W1111amroji. the -well., ;,thes6 waiters call Ils,V he.sald�. "The L � " , ,- -,-� -- , '.... , )AVII ,,,, N ... F, .# ,4_ , .Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, Halifax, I , Nervou's , - WIMAV �.. L ' ' j 1 A.- !t�__�. kll( e%(,mq. eo*,leotor and leett(rtq- :.butler has been referring to ine'all .. .1 Conditle, "+ I I W."I 14*#Wr11r.1V% _. __�._ . RUbJeell to bkokaolie, headache and djmd- - .. . . . I . . . . I . I ' L ' L ' .� " St. Xohn, Ottawa, Hamilton, London, __ _�­­­ of th-h, cjty�, llm*� pbssess,m the fli-st, ! evening .as 'He of the Dragon Pace.' -XII -1. - ...... couver. � I . # I #+ .. .,. . I I I I � The clearin a of the Montreal cle%ving . - . it � Winnipeg, Victoria and Van ' L . . pold miteh oi�n'Vd 1) . . negg iroll, Yearg-tured by Dr. Chose, 1 -he Be , Sh - . ,vJA1al'l,MDk,11c- ' When you tspeaking to the.pregident ' MRS. ANDRisw linwily, St.. John Street, I . . house for tTe same period amounted b .- I ons. Yrancjs .101'rov-bickenn lwou.ght . e If , -, I , ; - of th niess], asked for the soda he -call. Vredertcton, Xt6, states:�"Last spring I had ** '� � .111-.,.. -to $1,114,978,UW, or nearly half of the �Pl- . ft to ("I'laf)LA. 114()re going',weat 11 . I , � 7­�`T`i��­ I _' I . . 0 k ed -out, IGI�e' the, poison water to old asickrim*hichleftmein.s. vdry'run down# %+ . - . . I I , ''. !['-Clint which eom is the, total cledrings of the Dominion. � becall�e aN11,16into(I with Mr., V. .i&r. , . i . . I - . I , * � . , - Duck Face.' 'Fill the glass � of Hog cars ? . . . .1 I 't-, and 10, Mideord of Toronto; and this a , I haiie suffered to a greAteittent with nelvolis. . 4 1 Ivear; unpointo You will bo inferened to kno%v that . 0 0 ,f - I c- - nervolli'state. in fact, for a nuatlierf of y " . quality of Stj b . ,,, . -aherwards de Eyes.' 'WkCin Big Mouth has finished' ness, and fiequently had,attAcks of headache - " I I I you ftilserable; it , iiiaxe the bank Ph�aflngsnt 104.cities on thig quaintalice weloped ill- ­ , 4 corititient Amounted in I to a'warm frit-mclship. - - wlth'thti fire *Ine. pass it to Red Eyed . ... . . ! I 'Unstylish shoes PW to 151 hil- I On . his I-(,- . I . and d� 168s ' I tLiso *1 . L . make you 6mbary,amaed; quick' . .. turn to TollontViionie yeara.later it, , Wamander.1 11 - � . 4 1. , - - � L , IiOTIS of doll lips, and 1hat Montreal I ., V . . I _zi I .. ­ -tring shoes make yot, Anep,v of L . tit L one, � , I -_ I I memeq to be very It . wo, rniiks tenth, tieing next in total ca)uc. abo day'that being in � ... , � I I weak 'and was dis6 -1 L I . ". - the dcalea-, . - at 0 �, OlParilig" to the city (if Cincinnati, I want of money W, Dickens said'ho I . . tressed with pains in I ... . . � I I . .;;;,: nlii��e, ranks . . I e Italy of Ainerion, . I I Ohio: New York city, of r * 'L " 1'kh ' " . .. I . * . : I . L - .1 . OUR SHAV& ., I must sell the watch. Mr. � Midford .. I Perhaps the one element of tho clIA * the strall of the back. 04 � first and I have no doubt that with . .. /I � promptly declared his readiness to I I �� . , ttl haVj L spent a 11 I I O'�L� . . �� � y -uja in the business of L I rilate . . , I .... . . � , th( st(md inere, LLLLL . furrilsh the cash needed* and Of the Rocky mountain region ,, 11 - . oil . . - - his Uri- , t deal of alone ate built to plense yon. In. j", - . . L - willingness to see sucha, relic pass 11 that ImpresNes the newcomer most - . for medicine but Ob- L . atticulax, they nada, otir own commercial metropo . . grea _y � lim will eril long take a position consid- NO& a'Ad Soothda the ZtMgg tMa into the hands of strangers'. "It Was ' deeply and also most pleasantly. is I I tainbd .little 6r no I I . � arc eorm$ erjjblv nearer the first than the tenth 33r6nehie bes. CUreg COUG.Ufj, iny lalher'sfirst gold watch," Xald ! ihat Of the abundance of sunshine. III I I rellef until I be ' 1U#P,VA"&_A.2,.,__�_ , . " . h1lape, ('"Y to Wear anil ,I T,U I 941111. . as l0bg a place. Ili Toronto and Montreal a Sal- - I Dickens, "and I'd much rathbr' See it - thin liftrtioular, both L In winter and In . , taking Dr. Ch"es , to,, I)r( . - a You cah expect , . No trorible to I aried official is employed as manager CQ=o VRONORITIS, ROARSEe . yours, Xidford, than a ' stranger'jj.'.tL ' ' .. . I Nerve Food,' and 17, )g In 1111d have a look 'It OUr stock, $11101V goLA t;ilmmer alike, this Is not 61ijy the Ifni , ­ XidjIL 01ir 3.50 shad tor men, snil our $2.00'stloo to oftheclearing house, butinolost,if . 111'eker then any r8lill After' -the death of mr. Midlord in. - of America; it outshines It . AlY and . 6i Milk ' . r Iiir,611110 3nSSj otd. 9 4 1 y I ey-Li ; . . .. not all, of the other Canadian cities an ' L .,Tf yon.have tho . I . . arc, groat Values. . 1� . ady knolim. 't ftri., 1891 thb DIckens watch p t and can say that the � I � tftt,no,,O�g," 'h� assed a eqUnlS n6rthern Elgypt, . Mrs. newt . �� , . . ­ I , ke , , nffiee� is selected from each bank in : ap" you -awlike his sister, Mrs. Hadwen, from whom , , results of WS - colli, 11* . L I I IN , , R02ERIES. r I Oul. Anck iq co a L, goot 1 anitou aver- blued ifft ent " e been, most rentatImble. I I Va. / C01Ornd0%SPrin9s ftlid, Aft L I I turn to take this dut for, ally, a t_j It was putchaged bg her brother, Mr, : II)PIete. We hit line of Jra�'an month at a, time. A difierent bank is UA It, S doo 'at the OMP Viu , - remain. : age 840 sunshiny dtlyg In a year -that I never had any inddicine build me up like the - n and Black, . In pae afe T ' L the Ludell,&, I Oil , also chosen to itet as clearin P. .! 1, William Mfdford,. The watch . . '�L Oree k,, I ells We carry , . It at onto. . Is, nearly 03 per centof their daylight I I % credit for curing. Z_f Bliieltibl)oniin'dlill)tonsevet)lvtttedl'etio, They ,vero, bnIM11t, bank, . 11 dd .in Mr. William Midfora's posses. I I . Nerve Food and I Ve the 4 but in Toronto and Montreal, gy inut- .. . . onths . Is bright sunslilne. J'Vblle they h6vo I the pains In nly bacelto Dt, ChMe?s Xidney. 'L f ual arrangement, the Bank 6f Mon- . � olorl ,until it tow rn ago, whet . Uvir Pills. I cannot speak toOL Well Of thdSd ' beadvallee Ill pr"'('s Nvbie,ll'%I�e %Vill give our customers, t. tie ben ' treal P,cts as the permanent b . Mr.. Williamson beearneL L its Owner,- � t'"'enty-flve eloudy dayg, Cilleligo. lill.4 . Plain alld falley niseltits, Doiled Raw, . . , �, ker of 'USED FOR BIG T YEAR � ,�rwnedids since they have done me: 86 ranch I' qP R .A, , Smoked Boll, Breakfa,,4t the clearing house. The Toronto Olobe. . 114, New York =3 and Asheville, 10(f. i good." To protect you k9ain9t imitations ther "' , ,Lf.je ' rent, Salaries ' I hjtV0 iised DR. *00D1.9.XOjtWAj I. - . I I .. , afid other expenses of the clearinq - . ! .knd equirlly Important Is ilie filet that portrait and sign ttles tl k,L- hal Whibro Timo cliangea. ,orte,qt days (' , , ature-of Dr. A. W. Chise, the ­� d P�a t ", house are met by an equal assesSm6nb, POM SYRUP for ovary cold I h �" " flv% nl. if �vllljt,j, Ivill tjjyo,.,(j falnotis receipt book atithor, eo ev - j ,� I ar a ely box, M , on the banks which are meml-ers of It, t, of. L The line whpro '.,time. . changes,,- '. (!$)I) J' . ,; 11 I&A for the past eigh .Year$,. with Wond ! o!;,,111; hourg.of riumliftit' "ftnt jjll:j ­j'�'jj­' '_ L, 'L __.____t!tjn!! _� _1!!t_ ��! 11 Where. there awe only three or four td 4110009, I Vever sto a friend With 1k I . whoro a, ship f68os a day ,goilig West, .. IVII'l the ff)llr aild it lialf hours, ilia � . . . I , banks, it Is not worth .while having a . and gaing one going ea�t-lg drawn I.. . . S1,W 00:MT. _& i, 11. , . , ,06u& 1110'. I . . or cold, but that I ieeommend, jto.o frr�gularly do'W.n the ,Pacific cast of - , ` Yoll va)i Lope to ga.ln, In.,the co,lo-. t 40.A. 1 . 11 I LL . I I 4L.It 9114*oAb,1liekdoftVjftj, Na; Vlew tealand, whose'tiftio is little- i hr.,.to " b The 1100 YOU Kno AlWayS Pou h I . I � � . I d Vall,­ br.r)nyo.4, -.4"Vilverl'ill"1_1 blilrothe .,.,',,# � � Ays oougk .. 6 . . . .1 � ' . . . teen aud a half hours lllastorl� tha;a I S � �t " Tz""o (,;I.,*" nVe:'j,!.13 ,31.1 d.n­; Alglifit'liril,aj 4 V � . I 0, . I : � I - '. I . J el�p L 1, Ogle (oOOPeft Old Stani. 1 *,:$ . � . PMOP, 95 CHNTS. , :I .,,.**J -%'a . .� I . PO an ita. .. . kan Pranclacols. , . b:,! r. .. of . . � � "A 4&k*dA14"4"eA'W';, A,' - tg 4, 1 1 . . . I IKO)K$)Ko�I)K�i*******'k*)K,*�'-�VC�"'O-% '$�U­­­ ''j% _ . _ 101#0411- ..., # . .., I I , .4 1 1. �v. I -.11*060i"d . -.-*.-.*.,-W.-*.-jK"* . . Ll . . 1. . I I . I ..#V*,.- � I I I � . I I . .. I . I ** I � . # , - .41/1 " I , I I I i cc e I I i &syro, brtt . 0 I 1i I I 11 1. I I ff t a I ej.) I. ;;r,� �­ m 0 ,., ;.=-, - 9 0 , , I I .1 I L . I . , .11 � I 1. ­ ., . . . L I I . I . "I I 1. . . , L. I I I I I . L 11 � . . 1� I I I . I I ..'_, I . I I I 11 . L I I I 1. . . I P ; . � . . . I I L � I I , . .) I � I I � � . . A � L � L I . . I . . I 41 I I L I I ,� .. . I . . 1, .. \ L I I I I . . 1% . I i� I e, � . . . I I It I . , I I �.� . 11 ... I . , . .., . .� . . q; I - I , , I ... I . -'1-..-- -.,-I,.- - - I ("I .Ae.11.­ 1.11 . ..... _. ____ ­ 1-__-.1- I- _11...- -1,111--_- � - .. � , 16 I 1"' - _�__ -I-- -.,- -, _- .A..-.-.-_ I - _ - _­. .. . . - "A ,a I. I