HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-04-22, Page 3, — - ­ � , I , - " - - � -, 1. " , , __ __ I , nrlr77� _TA�:_fl , .1', . ,-. , - � . ... __-, Am � -1 , * I 1. � ( 11 ,� , 4, .,�V', � ,* 1� . -. . --T.1 'I �Fl *'9 " ,,A I' 1w, ."-. Tilillillilli , . �::- 7V 1 1 1 , , f I I ­ . . � 0 * 'r ' . 1J, , ; , , I r." . ,VZ 1) . .-I.- " e T # I " 4-, "IM . ­ ft.%­$-� _�`* :� . t, 1. � ,% . I 11 " � I , W­ �1' , : , ' � . 1. � I 1;1 � I � . �, 7 , ". i , . , I a .1 , 4,1 ,� -�� "o, 7 � 'f, � , , �'�l .. ", . 11 "011-71 �, , 5MM, �ll_ 1 , , , , i �It"Ml 11 '*i . , , ,_: � � " , 4, .... ,�i.... .. , I— . k ". vwslw-�; I I'. ", , , �. . � _�,;;_, � ` I .. 4 � . . " � �;; :,�, ... 4., r "I'll I I ,.'A�� . I � " ^, N �z I 4, , I . ;.� 1 11 ,V. I . � ; I .1 .J " .. I 1. � . .. .4 1 * I �, - . I " " "'.16 ��V*01*� I *,_1 r 5 ,� I � i.. � . 0 S . I � . I . I . I , I . . 0 � 0 . -,, t"',-, 4,47,4 " . . TEM CLINTOt NIN :pRA, �, . I , . ' �_­ ­,� ­ �­ 1. "I ­_­­�­- ­', , �,_ — — �, ______-_-_­­ -_111.-.: .1.1 I APRIL 32adt IM4. I'll, ­ __ __ � � - ___ - I- 1. .11 I . - ­ I—— ­_ ,.------ � -_ --.-. ­_­ I I M =,. �T � �. � -.-1 ... . .... I , ­­- --,---,---- �,��----_____-__. - -_ �. � , ., ­­ ­ � ­_ I I . , I -.1- ­­­­ ­ I I -0-1-10 - __­­.________ � _ —_ . - ' ' ' ­­� ' ' ' '- ' ' '' �`_ I .1 -71-11 I 11 . I -_ -_ ­ - - - - ... . - � . � JP, I., . T144 WOO A44OMP110044 Tbq Urowtb 91 Immlaratlou, PIr 1111bbert 1130bligno, . I - I I ­­­,; I ­ I 1. __l_______1 � . . 11 . . I . I � -- 1. I I G. T. R. Tlme Tab i. I The. CQns I I ; Qoderlr, . ,lee b,(; ,� , �hoks 6*7 .� � � I ,tr Atford VIpIq , . X\%J . orvji,tjv�.sp,arA4q,the8rowtl:i The lamilgraut, arrivals in the last Sir 'ishis n i PIDfIFE" IONAL " Of 0xPQ4(1!P1Are4$"vI4Q;il L 0 Ilibbert'Tupper * tathoeoson. .. . I I I I I . �,.. w -e , iberalo, five 7.ep,rs 6f Consel rule wer. as Speaking to, the London Canadian Oa. . I Express leaves Clinton for Stratford . � , , r, S � � havel. bl;t0fal. They never, by follows.. 7.38 a m, 3,23 p at, 5, Wo . H9,0WY MATTIE � . A .. iiny obakice, tell the other a .1 zett6 Sir Hibbert Said that 60 the fQeling a Z, X Isucoossar to Ur Jai scol ­, ­� ,� ... -1 I I'll . ide of th, IM . "... � , proos letwes Clinton for fireferich I ." , . � � , , " .W. 27 898 ofreilientment in Canada. on t6Alaslc;a 10.15 a W,12.55:p m, 10.32p in. i3 I story, what Li4erals %:,k I t, mixed at 7.05 p in. . I CIAINTO � W06d `.ilwlit " � " �' done, wit �11 1803::::,::-', ) = I , ARR1578R, SOTAO1TO.R,,%o. . ys, shows wo . ... I 1�9 ......... 0 . I- , . 18" .. boundary award was. directed, Sir Rib. oplutoll OV1,014044 , j I Also , owhoro. It the skin" then the uto 10Y. H re 4re Some ,of the ­.:::`*` " 18790 � �- Noll. .n, ]a' � 1895 " Loadq uron &Bruce, 1) 'WilYloo ,�. Illott Book, fortaorly otmpplod 0 the, itemo:- . - 1 I§W ...... ,.::*:"::":'.:::,.:,.I6 W ' Clinton for � London y r $OptT ,� 11 It plesitoishvs' It , I bert thoUght.not so much agalusi;140rd I have used Strong.'s, Pilekone In my Express leaves _. ; Alverstone, as. 4gailist the, C'anadlan practice, Ila well as, In my own case, . 0 It.., W lit rik`4K41;P =rv- I The gri st49 foreign trado of Canada . — , . . 1 7.47 a W. . . I 13 , . Total .. . .. ... ......118 (W . Gover 41,14 can justIV certify that it is an ex- Express leav(:Oalni 140u5fp1 Vir I I I I � .. .1 � , has. rise.. Irvin ,�"%.,0,v6,u !u I I ament." laelleclared. that the 15 .. � 11 �� 0 Press144,. It the I OU $00, the . cellent remedy for 6. ,)am. . , e purpose for and Kinear4l 6, 1030 a in) 0. P, at $4. l%UT1,00NE. I I . ,,, I last yea-,- ul Ovaservativo ,� The acrIvals during the. calendar year Qovernment*lliaduotproteste4insufd- which it IS Intended, It VAM-MELL, I �_ , 13ACIRISTA i . � BOLXCITO�� ,14 ,. rule, to 0407,- 1 ­ . I "... �- .. � 1. . QT.&IR'r. I I 000,000. It ih flow four tillies grewtertlif . tit 1003 norobered no less than 189,357or 20 �'clently strong terms against the non- N. 1) ,Coroner, London, Ont. I - LIUM111.01. 1;13A�l . 4,rsalplarilla- p�r cenk more than !a the fivoi years' judicial charactlej - . Price $1.0% F or Palo by drugg I "ale. I � � - it ..1. Wilt pt , Farm For h wasin lWb. Tv put it in anothe , , �rwa I . . MINTON I., . I I y, I And. partisanship of by mail an racelpll'of prjo% I -_ ,� 11 - the grow foreign trude duri.xig the last j 6sit cited. They were composed 4� the three VnitedStates commissioners$ I 01 11, 13�7,old �n 004 , . -- — I I biltousao$$,t� Jos$ Of appetite. stsven years , . I Sir Ribbert knows the details of the qt, Loill I ', h w a 4 of, _qood 0�1100V_r "A NA"-, stQMgChi-,tb0n dyspepsia, . . I . ',hhl,",' inta,utult to "" .... c , Th a . , W. T. STRONG, Marl 10 e�own 00 , , of Coutiervativ follows ;- � I . aring olictrt. . I . .1 , -kile,1800-90, I IQ.._ ; ex . p. Ontsil 1,-d 4"y ter . — 1 I I 6 0 13,ritish, ......, ....... ;., , -50 aprosen., ,r- . - __- . _ - - -1 ­.. I U . One, . � , our -4 .141 - negotiation, staZi 4--olivnYANCERS, 0oXXIS " y ' ac�t -nows the was $1,630.000,0W, whilst for the ev n - . � . . 5. ffeknowstheT ­ ­ r- __. - ­ ­ o- r_ - I. door , f.- , I of ,.to' .rl RXONTOP ll� . � ell 'I.; ban 61 V, gor k ' I rd. itt 'Va... 11..t,t..�. � Aeut jfisuwa, and I noara Flog. Agent - tomtdy?�vsca to -ars,1897 and 1903,of Liberal rule itlials American. - -�q .............. 51,207 tations-made, W hatwouldhe have had .XALL IM0118", DYIES r t 4 r., I., 4n 9 � . . I Continental. . ............. 88,009 � f_ �. P. JSD�'J, 04 I I � . .1 I ,r 6.0 years. yt I I . ' 1113 � 1191kD . � I . ,� AAUU0 M ,loon I � , � -11 RoturallWom tba'Oubein wa, 1 was a been U.540,000. . � � . I . ­ - .. our Governmont-do? Anclastollis . - . . . I -_ . � r at; W449 ; my 14lood, was ba, mud w7 .........1.111 , Theso Dyes will dye Wool, Coti;6�, SI'l;j i I C. S. t I .Aaz, -TOUR UTWUIV cone. 1 -ottlos of Ayer a arm for..8 I :: ... I 9 .lot A tow b � 2'Population Ill ' . Total .1139,85.7 statement about Canaollad feeling re-� j . b __ thei alf F 1. � - � . 0 �-_-­�- . I as greatly increased . .utj or Mixeci Goods in one iilb, . ate . � 11a.gorl6toti cured me." . The Conservatives themselves smile garding LordAlveretone'scourpe,everys the latest and moat Impr . 1. , �, I , 0. lioxii.xv I oved Dye-, in �_ � , . . , . . Scranton. Pa. since 19'A; i4imigration was neverso I WC Lot 39, Conco,qsion 4. Goderloth Tp., about 0J WA IG s CAtl4khftQo� . - , � ' , � , e, !a �, .1 . . J, 0. ATUlt Co.. when tboyrec4ll thelegand which th�y reader can judge. He is ver solicitous ,oil Try a Oackage, All colors at , , miles from Boy4eld, s miles from Clinton, formerly of Cawaxon, Holt it I-amerou, � . 41ru 'Ilots:, Lowell. mass. larl-e and the exodus has practically . y 11 R. P. 1Q!EZlJ!VS,- Drug Store. , , , � I �. :. I � for � lns64 the Grits did not possess the in- about Alverstone, however, and say . , I qontatnirl acres, inorie or lessi; good freah- - ]BAR*ST01t A240 SOL101TOa.. , . 11 ��:. I R100C, coased Meanwhile a very considell ,a ,_ . � w4bercreek running through same the . ar stluctfoigovernixig.. Under Mr 8 fton's he feels sure that he . . . . . . round; 0 acres oroluird, frame housel,barn, is 1�." able nio vemeat of Americans into Qan� . . .. . . It -,'has explana- .. I � . I x5o Ofiloo-Samilton ,S* oppq3Ite Colborne Horse. M . . . . . . .. an Fop particulars a to,imidersigned on t,he � -__ . , p NER, - . . I t,�he,lmmigration Depait- t.on.for hisalleftedbetrayalofCa -House for I b&q . GODERIGH, ONT . ... pure - managemen I . lladian - Sale'or to rent' prinwee—wx � . , , � , - -1 ada has Net in. . Down to June 80 last, - . 1. I . _ — , . . �, . .. . I . . - .. — .., I . 1.4 %ho-Shi�aParilla by kee In the,Ainoriean immigrants to the Caria- me . lit has becomej in a large 6nse, the interests,andba'could give. it it the larit, A comfortabl . a cottage, dlYntatning 7 roorns, � .. — , DICKINSON & GFIRROW .: . , .V the , I I , ­ . I �134; ', rolplair with Ayers SP L important bureau at Ott with hard and soft . � , . 4wa. The - !$I% Ocivekament so deslied," The Tap. water, gnarter-acre lot, Farm Air Sale , _. ,SARRISTARS, SOLIOITORS. RTC. . . I I.. Ills- dian Northwest numberedI20.C30. All mos I . I with lbearingfrutt trees.;goQd. stable, Will be , . � I � . — , , ­*� ­­ - ­ � settled 'a or rented, on ve elms. . — . � Onoc-cern, Nam"taft St. andtil squiTe I others administer affaG,�that supplies ,per leopard isAs spotted as ever., 'ge either tie, 7 . . . . . . b I . I I I I that countfy is haing rapidly' us with our crying . rykallogya 0111011,�,; E. South half lot 83, cen - 15, Goderich Townsht . � Gol Out. . . VIL, - up, and ns its population grows -the I want, population, would ritther see.Canada injured than . I I 40 al good clay loam; 5 acres fall w4eat . . " .� .0i'j,n''�t071 N I I � . , , , , - . . - food frame howe and frame kitchen. good del- 9, JU. Dick .8113011' CHAS, GARUOW, UjZD o ' �"41 �tpla I... I I A eW Era demand for,factory, goods and'general I. on a scaM out bf sight ji,eater than that Liberals should win success for . . , . _. ­_ - ; 11, . I I . plall 6emnnt floor; soft water � I I 1 ­ .� . . � . . Bull for'Service. =cistern: hard water pump; frame b,Arn, . . .. 4i , I �; . wicluld have been �hought possible a her. I . , . . PROUDFOOT.& HAM . I � I merchandise from the older provinces I . . . . � I . . . two frame stables, she,e? hoolae and Pig pone. . . 1. - _____ ____ . � I �. __7 --- - — 1 few years: ago. In the last. five yqarg . . . t 00 r -failing r Ing creek runs t ro BARRISTERS, $01,10iTORS, NOTAR1110 PUnl.1G �i I 1,111jrOdb0ti. . I . � I Faboorlber will keep for il at his. � , � I.: DA . Not a Success farm, 61h, can, of Gotlerioll Tcwnshi . . e '. ly to %FIALTON DQD1i5.WOA1 ff . . I . , �r'41 T.APXL,22nd, N04. of Liberal rulo�the immi t arrivalsi. . . r I JJ' PRoMorl TRR MMMWMr COURT, &01 . , I , I., L '. I I 3 Liberals have added toand !in - _gran . . I . I . I. P. � IL 0 sea, or Clinton P.O, I office: North at., next door to . SIOU"Orace. . I , prov Registered Short Hor' . I It taking them . - a Bull, of good pedi. . . . i__ I - . . . . IF � � 11 1. �, I � T -T ------------------ - gree. Total A.DJuGUIR4, God, . . . Private Funds to land at,X-vest rates. . . � , ., . � ` ed Elle JuLercolonial till it is 'now a;ble I by each fiscal year, have . . The same trodble ai Ontario finds in . '. : � . .. I exceeded 300,000; that I . . . . eriohTowbsbip. ,, I . , treat. I I i I , I q have been . . . . 1. . I ofint, - . I _:� I ,roi(ec-tion to ttke Farmer. to earu running expenses ; and these the sugar beet fild I ustry hasovertaken - I I _� ------- :.� . . . ,,.; 1 , 1� ''I nearly' three ' I ­ . . d � : ." w- PucMD I FOOT, ' - - .. R, 0.3 � BEATS � '. L� - - , , � times more numerous . . I . I . Farm for Sale ' . . . I , I -nionts haveliellied indirectly to some parts dfthe United States. A . . . . . .. 1wttei I . '. — .. � . � . � � I I . I . ' ' �'L, . 4'. T, t:� latitude. of the fartnf�r.4 o I' Don- than in. the last five years . of Conserva" �]B n - � . . I To Rest. '. t i ' - ` . .. I , , , " - " � , . pi,outiote interprovincial trade. uhich . . I . . . I gliampton, N. Y.; refinerk. is to be . . . The undersigned offers his farm south half of - . Medi%.al- I . . I . . . . . . . � . ..6 i I . . . � 01112, On& place is ik . ry ,4 to IdA o, be sto4y and a half frame house withatoue dollar; . � I . �;�� 4U40" t0i6,'AVIS! tive rule. Such'a body of new ptoducers � m6ve 1 lots 9 and 10. Carl , . I 11 "�':_ �', i , protectiot: has reCelitly waq neversogreat In the histo ' ofthe * * .h cause it is� difficult r.ot No 80. Con. 10, Goddrich Township. for . * * . . � � ' I . I d ,. � J3RV.DONE Selieltorfor Owner. dirge, one small orchard, n. a eclessary . - . Drill. imunik & Guilija4.... - ' � �,':.beou,oieNt;�lti64 by a DR 'sit %% riter count.py . and consumers -o drivin bouse, barns,s I , , , ni . qudl to the combine lifdal and all x . . ... . � �, , ::X,4� Whose m1upillt . A - . t&persuad . e . the faiihers in the vicinity. ""' ' . I . I . . � � outbuff . ver failing � iii. .0 - population of half a -dozen average . 11 I � - - a r ,,j creek and well, cisterpl acres cleared I . , -t him been 4 They havo improved the St. Law- ofthe� . . I I a res bush. One ratio and. a .tinarter VoQ , . .-v, . , .. ,,,, . 1). . I . . I Dr. W. GURU, 16. a 0, P.i L. X. V, S.. VAlla- . I , I I � 1 -:641 0. . I � t , it f � . n l3qug ' ,� J-. Nil Umam, M. Rl A. England, . I I I n ,)a p, , Ontario ooui�tles-iftl . p�a . 6 to raise, beefs e h' 'to. Dr . , 11 j ''.. "." ,11. I or the 0014ea Ulub. As rencle route, 4re now providing a chan- pli Os a larger in- - keep . . it.going; . It is said, "the Now .The, MeXillop Mutual ohmMil.sollool and,popt office. Yorfulipartio- . . 4 � �'. :,­.,�., ­ I ' I I I - I . . L. R. C. Jr., XeR. Qn. - . . ; 1. � �z ­ - . . I k A - i.4 a large nel 3) feet deep between tidewate crease in exports and a,iarger Con- � . - I . u ap ly to , I . � Offlepz Ontorio Street, Clinton. Ni calls st, - , � I . . . - � 7", a f Duntuarl. r and [ York farmer would raise beets enough. -, F1* surance . - t t - , S.H. KNOX , I I 1". . .. . . . � , re; In I . e0a , , , I I I.Blythl QMl front 400l 9D.W.or residel tittenbury , ex-potlt, r , ! M( I sumption of.h6moi. mitnufacturesl -1vith, , - ... . ... .. . I , , , . .. . � . � . . � , .., ,. � � . �� lkd utreal, have built canals - ­ - - . - .. - .1 ­­ � "', 11 -1 ., .zi;",�-.";";;�,,Al�W�,z,4;���.;�rg7lbl-ft , _�._�g.:.La__-z- jStroet,0-..z6 !­44��. I ex ;11con, fiiggs, blitt"r ' ;o,-�,, I , - --, , , . �z 1-4;_- _.-.-"AW4­4--�­4� . .. .1 - '' - -�- . ­��-� " ' "' . I I . � I . I . � � .. West of.. �;, - " *'. , " ­4� I— ,ifThe,� ciD.uld.zzget�---]4ie-t)lpttpiii7- �,*hit=jie�,;�rn';�,.,��i7�;;��', - _-­­ * . . . � .1. I . . - I . . . . I I . , I . ____ " . I 1 I , itlWebr-,th69$��­%HFtj1%- -1fijilotlivirlo- -, * , "' works., � a re. no ion of the per ca, ita tax 'r-4te , needs� is more 0overnideintaid.11 � - Y . 6t Parin, and .Isollat6d,'Town - P11"01111a. � .. _ .. T � ;. , , � 0"I...'J... We"' S . HAW- . 1. .1.. .,, , , . ;r a -t, " . � , .." , �,�- I oi4trexl.and constructed minor . p . ' . . pt;ier � $3�)'11 lot), - - S- 11fle Yea -l's ofvariotlo kinds at other po , all, ,.all over the Domilhion. Conservatives, . � . . . . . " . - erty OnfY.Tilsured. . "I.... .. farm.for ,'Sale. . . .. � I " I . ' ' , � , . � `* . � � I . . Is . . . .. . . �� . 11 .1. __.� . I I . ... ,'*I: .. PHYSIO1 ; . , ' i 'o'cortwh protectiouists weri� I,-, fa�_ AV, h W . Ike Mr . WI -n x grumble at . . . . I � � . . . . � ia:d�'T!4,1�e-� On "' ' 'a I , ­ . ()00 a P-31- Wits, I he.hasmor� tarIff pj�bt ction than the' _� I �, � . . . 'U . . 1. .. I :,. - . an . � . 1. OFFICERS. . � . . , I - 4 t i4kil g Indian corn for the hene rtation rates and so increasing the. theoiatlal , -:i-,)�mi'giati6�,biit,fbx;get't(i. ;'' ­ ' ... .1. . .... ­. . -'B-','Mctiaif, P'iegideilt, Kippen; Thoq Ajr�q uslat haleavroad ,vith 9 large quail- 'of erl.y .0%. . . ,, - I I... I . I 1 814MV64,14 P ' � Oi 'do � _Ils 0 8 a , ,t the vie of cheapening 4rans�. I ,. lson,of Len .0 4 . h .I.Abi .. . " . L41o"VOUT1161d 440., Godarlah tp acre ' , . .,iiadiiin farill and .t: e . . - .. eric A' I a � e 0�-_Cv� h , n Po I I ' . ,A ta �Nd'b-"h�-� P�jrtml at. . , T .� 07A p' Ij� 4 a is E -910h ' � I * I . : refiner gets w. higher price. 'thau.' the' - . I .. . _f cqoar cii it) fuf,00d Of4te'of'oultivativir ' ... I 'feed- ,reekoh the economic value of each' . . . - Eras6r, ice�pres., .11 Brucefiel Thos. E al1w eat,ailAocaEliderable-fall .a - ir rp at,)., . ft bf 1�,4l'tlelgrown cor,. tuid oti,er , V, aboutlivescresM . . � �, " ,. � sellinu value of -Canadian products. . .. I RIPwi idone, Comfortable brick house large , DIR.Z. W. THOMPS0114 ' - . new' Clanadlaw. Two, 06tarlo.'refi'neries ' ay Secy,' Treas., Seafprt,h; - -, - ' Oarn, hstablihg underriel driving shed and , Xte. , '� . . , ' *`nxicyopq, , "The ,a ascertainoid 5 Thi -y have opened the )tukou,.pre- 'S , er, . -out itt$806,representS I I � I . .. 14 i,: Vt ' I I -fa-rinei ettl. . which, if �. . I .1 ­ . havebeen closed. slid the. plant of one, ' .. . ­. . � . I . � . . .,.. other outbuildings; 'about § sore orchard, . .. . , '. 341yidoilin, Surgeon. �. . I I I ­tlitt-Istle-i a tax would haveadded a,, v . a total gain. in five ypitrs of about$249,.. . I DIRECTORS. - I I u10etI7`-wI:ater fruit - well waterod-neverfaft- opedial s�tteatfcnl todiseniiesof this ' ' I '." ' ` I _r. ed order therii and aided in - estab I I Jas. Connelly, Porter's' I . ' , . 1�' 1, . has been removed to Wisconsin, on .ac- Ij- I ing ol , . ,.,,M�-OW a Year to the cost of fqed, lishing another market for Eastern' 000,000, of, nearly,au "'too0seti,he, . . I lng-creek and Ill Seven miles , . ,-. ,.Ey%FAr,.Thr6at and Now. * . . * I ,�, I � 11 I ,� . - I . . . . ificient .. count of the lack bf raw _.mat6rial. Watt� Har I lock, G.. Dale ill; John . . ton nd thveefrom Bityllell Posl .� o `­wde and *slolerl , I ; ,�,, �� ,44lidiea pped th4 expol t of bacou goods. .. . . I ,,. Clint9h; M. . onat any t . . I , �_ .national debt, - .'. . - ... � 1. I � . e, reasonable term, A for - . er par ra t S ll:011 st� AlberiViiet.11 ID14c . ( ber 1;roducts to that extent �-' I . . . is ,ior�' profit o-CHA ks. .7 .IlSli Norestorltatteftba" ..� - ... . , - , . . . . . Farme c-innot iTow beiets Chesney,. Seafaith, I Evans, Be�ch- a, 1'111� . 6 The ahounding prosperity is due, . — . , , . . . . , . . . . . .. a , Pit_ "rielf.l. *1 .1 - . .. ­ I . , Vistid, therefore, to haie any- of course, to natural 0auses ; but Lib . .. p under* 6� toll, 'and this the refiners , woon - ; J. 0. Grieve,, NViritlirop.3' - J. , Ben- . .. .. ... M - .. 171. �. . " - .. I '... 1, I '.. I - , .1� � 1. , - . I The Pork i3iuslagas I . ­ . - . I . newei5, Broolliagen. : . � I. .1 . . ­. I I . . . G.,W.. X �'unitli.�sinitb�.,.,*D..,,.C,li'*'. . ' I . I I I I . . I . � 'do %rith it. Proposals, look. ernl call claim credit for having, by . I . � I . ­ cannot afil to pi�y.: - It seems. a f6lly� '' i i " . I . . .1. . . _� .. . L _.... . � 1. :�;� . I . � . ­ .� I I . . . ­ . ,Each Director is inspector of losses in , . , I - . . _. . . . ..* -eadjustnient of the tariff Find . . .. � . . � . ,"for. the his own localit _ Tarm,tor -Sale. * . � '' .. ' iAiSICIANA'SURGE I . . I .1 1� . ition of other duties a wisp i (London Fj�qe..Presa) . to give a Goviiinon. ' en'b'bQnus . .. ' ' Y. .. ...­ I '. . . ­. . .. I. . . ,... . � . I .. wkiok_ , . ON. i . I L' �� . . . raising. of beets for sugarmaking tinder' . . . , - . i I ., . . . Maig Streati 1piyfie a � fo it AF , ­ ted nb,ilut otbe measures, allowed industry fa.l. Itiffithegeneral, talk.' Q'f,.the nie"at . . �'AGENTS ,� . I .1 . 11 � I , . rmerly, � -� ­_'� 041 '. a were defeR I . .. , , ". . I . ., ..:. ... � I Lot 84', Er. R. C. Tuokersmith con'tai. - ng' ' - ..' I occupig " d b ' Palliator. ... I 1 , .i I -It is � obt Smith, �. Harloc . ,. .: , y_pi�. . ... ". , play itnd clone a.1 that could have been these'eire'unitaices. ' faue econ-'. k � I k- Ed, ' 141ridiley i00'alcres, all cleared. There ' I (I'sAV6.4o3e, and the. Daniq), fni--npr . ,. � .. . � . .., . I are no builaings . . �,%;' packers of - Ontario � f -hat, the bacon ' " � . . . . ., nil ' Egiriand. . . ; NEW" -1 � , .! � I � . �cmy to onas an iiiiprofitablei crop � . I , Jaffies u ing, . .. oil the place but kbu ]and -is first olaos.and � :, 13R.''RG .. �. . " , . �o buy Ili the elit-t:ip(�-t .trade has been. in a very un .. � Well wa4ered. ., .. . 111, I ­ I 1;ui�, 4,1t fXV6 t I done hy hurnan means to advance �the b . , _ ,I,- " " - ­ . Seatort'li; , � , L . I �': *­ � � " . I., . . 111�� , " . . . . .1 . 1. Ville; 'f, NV. 'Yeo, HolmesvUle,. '' . ! I Situated about,.2. thiles from �.. . , I I DENTIS ; I I . . I rkof� tl heing the ruarket, " he,.(. general interests of the country. Sat'afactb'y � when the samoi land woulol-.raisb oroft- . . . '"Olintoin. Vor partio I ., I ., I , lat condition: fdr .thb last six .or eight . : . . .... . . . .. I ularb apply to RIDOUT ; * IN ' I - � I 1. � `��, t(,F He]] hie surplus. Sweduli months, due to the lowe'ring of " * .be' - oir6psat a profit w 1. ba bonus � � . _. , , ., I 1. . & H . . I . OL ,TbN,; _­O�DfTARIO' I . I !Ji 7 They itre now p%ving the way for . able , itbour . ALE,. Clinton.:. .. � . . �. , * ` , .. � � , - I . I ,.- , I . . ,. .. . , � prie. q .1 * * - __­ . . . .. ­ . .. Offide open 6vory dayand until 10.0,01Q0 , .. . I . . � . . - i . - . 11, ,I)r,' 'kQ10r, 1131111, was indne,ol t(� the construction of A, second trans. in Ehgland. InAicatio - . The-coustiticiiclix oioa�6ames ,seem to be lwaf Estdte for -861 . .. F- - . .. /I " �'. ' � ­ . us � are. said to -- , ­ . .. - I � . � C, � .. " ' ' B.StGrd&3 evening. . - : .1 . . ��!Jij, 'I . . ... . the only parties Ili the, .business . ths;' . I � � .. . ... . .. . .. . _ ­ ,� - . - . � W71 . . . * 'k . I . . . . . I . . . . , , . . ... .. � I . .. � . - OR TO' - - I . . q 'D - RME* � ' . I i ,cc!t1ull to agiicultiare,"with ,io,tinental road, which will cost the point'to a continuance of low pric � es in. I * ' " . ' ' t . I . . Farm 'for Sale, ' � ti " . taxpver little ensure competit�ion and. til raliip tit hail ' , .- I I* I �.. : . I I . . .R.ENT. . .. . I I 1. J- - � . � . , a �., lt,tbat the exporter finds him- at nil for Canioll4n ba;con� ..aill, - , , , . - .. I I . .1 � . . . G. : t ST HOLW* � . . . . _ � . . ., . . . . . ­ I .. I The zifidersigned offers for sale. his farm : , . . I . .. ' . 1 . .1 ' - ' i .. *. . . .1 . . . . , , * , ,- * , . .1: . .i. -idtilod with burdens from wwo, lower rater, and open the back coun- a consequent.per! d of at gna ion lieioi W.- W. Farrani of � Clinton, who; . ' I` ' � .1 I ­ � I .. I , . . .I DENTIST * ,' . . I ,_ 1 I .0 .a t Ist Parcel�parfs of, lots 40 and 51 iii first' of 100 acres, situated on Zlrd coul -lot m,' . .,.. (Suo6e8iior.-to:Pi.-T. 0. zr .7 ... . D * I- tr-v of the older Provinces as well,ail a . � . I , - - . I . . . U66'. - . . ., "I � ;tnis lAmporter is e.ieuipt. The unless there is an upward tuM - knows -a good horse about' lie well .iis concession of To'cheranjith,--fiontinR on Township' Of Stanley'. ''Tile.farm -is 2J 1 bpecialut in c*own and laridge.werAl; * - '' I . -1 . - The ` I I __ orl$ of Danish eg.gs ha new country Ili the West. Fro � . . . . I I any man in., Ontario, writes ..A. M. London.t1aid, sonth df river, 6ontllsinlng miles froin Brucefle.1d. The baildirl q -re L D..S.-Graduate Royal Colliege Dental L4ur . ' . �-, '. , " � " , , ve doubled in be- Montreal- Trade Ballefin. states that -Polley- that- his famous.-Main.briborf" a6ont 90 acie�. . - I . � . in fair repair, and . the farm Is..9mitaWle for ­'. geons of Ontario, Toronto ' , . . - ": . I I he pa0cers li.�tve -iiaroi time. 2a`i'2`:1111:_The present Post Offioe bt�jla. . , Pie . n'ty of - water. ' -, .J :$JUPO MK being now $5,0:)o ma a vear; in:y on a side street when the Liberals th. . : D.9).-S.-Firit-classRollor�akad4t..�f Del . 9 ,It, t hid it Xi Ing mare ha� droppad � 4 foali Sired 'Ing and.groundr..noxt north of 7 -, taiDepartment of Toronto, University , .. ' - the Rat- . I parlicialsirs apply on the . SgOal Attention,aftid to. . preservatio Of - - , -­, � nrosefrom. $(),A10,W) in 0 k 1(lein,CanadAha leapedtom front by Mt. Polley'i Tom.1teed . g! �AVfnugrtohrerraiilng graiti" 'ibos�r,cif baco . . , of it, and their losses have b6e,n "ver . , which gives ' . " . F . I '. ; � - � � A � X �� t IM � , - . Y promise.. of: beini; 4 most desirable tenbury House, on viotorife str, premises,or by mail to JOS;.; XO",jUl1L-j c, flaren's tooth. Visit Bayfield enver , 0�to $to atreet ;and under the same wise pro- I .... � I . . . ... - - eat. ' * ' - ,� I., Marl � , - � a � .. �, . I . . I I .. . .. � : - " �' -, , 'll Ill IUX) ; those of � I Severe. I . � animal. '. Mr FaiFau is so pleased with 8rd'Paroat The.Brio'k Dvielling in first- Billoefield, P.O... .* . , * .1 I . .. . I I . it r xspin $ salve rule is bound to grow stpace in . I I . . .. .. . . . I � I I . claps order, wfth.hard and soft . I _. . . . ": . I . .. . . . I . I . . .- .. � I I "?� , A9000,wo,to $."q(MX),(A)0. 4re . I .. �. . I .1 I the youngster that he expiesses L him-' wal . . . � I . I 1. . �. '. I �- - . . . * I X, ig , , , , ­ - the future. . I . ' . ms regarding'. . bath room, callir thtougholit. and Stable. : . .1 . I ''I I . 7- 11 .�. . DR., H. FOWLER9, . I I . . � kil t Uha­ selfin :tEe highest ter . . I � 1". - � I . le ibb J%Pria,l, .1lid .so on. IN'bu wants to return to th The reason ofthisdr6p-iii'tbe Eng- Tom Read: ,$lgiil Goderich , - in rear, next westerlv, from Dr ell '­ " - . I . I . I � , " , e old days I . . .. . . . . � . . � , swJJ , 4 . ere,as 8 loffice; on Hakorl , . . I ' DENTIST. , �, � .1 - I , 'i I I .1 iyedish cxl)orts in almotit, when lish market is. tfie.flooding,of the lead, . 1ati $uill Histordship,thel3isholl '-; All these pr rbet.. . _.. . . .� . Go D4 . . . I � . . . . . I . . � . . 1, ., I the Conservatives legislaked- , I oporlieb are for 80,10 A' I . MeTaggart ., �. , . I I ­ . ' 0 . . I . I'll. . . with enormous -sp Uluron opened the magnificent: new � ' .. I I .. . � , iY l4le,1101ve fallen off. The farrn-vs Ing celitres .. . I . . Offices over OINEILIS store. - I . I . � - chitifly forthemselves and their . . . . 9t;. Ma , E , a' rearlonable"prioes. Lihethl-tertul . . . NI '' — * tirl'tridig;tidonar(-teeLiL(xcv; ip .- friends; tv _D - -­emirtry-h. _h rys ni Ile, =&IlChurch in �givpn.. A.PP13,to - . . _ LkL -Ma— ­14—adisTo—ar-elage'n *6 make de�tal - trail - : '. ' - ' I I ill' , --wi __g - Gin ennm&. 4AMt� " is on, . .; .. .. ALBERT . OU,.- CiINTON, mellt Ile PlitilleM as possible. Will visit I I ­ , ­i�- vilrTristag-mcdon prevailed and... people . . I . .. W orville. is Opwg�assistedby. I 11, . ARTSUR 0 COUCH or "� �,., t. I . ,� 'e;4)4'i:iiSfi- pensantii do n -k Avnnt n " increased th killings to `46:006 ho6s. his canons; and thl services were of an . . � . � .. ­ . 11lored out, and the rest of usspent the . . 6 , P . . . ' IF-eb 2 n if W I*N, jp,AJtBAN. " '*, ' ' ..i Au.burill Monday, . . . I 1: I;, or vi� Te (to not . weekly. Such'alargeoutputofDanteb . in ,, charictew . . � . . . . . . . Banklig .Buslnear I . . I I ., �. I I , cPk95rA �, - exceptiolil '.. i pressive, �. . . . JC!ene.ial IN . . .1. I I': . , r, ' .ti - nvi largely in sectional and sectarian i , .1 .The *urch, tboug'h: not very.1arge, is . w . - __ I � .I . tranoacted 1. I. . . . , � � * I * � . . I . . . . . I 1, . . . . . . I . ,� , '��o' I r(Aection at the cog' "t (ltl'ers, qnarvols bacbn has curtaileoP.the ;demand for e-ofthe fin&t t archhectare, ' The Dalrymp t Tilsonburg . . . -�-. , * . ' ' * ' . no . . . . � . .1 ,on ypes.of. le block a '14 �, . 7-- . liscellaneoUs. , *.1. .:. k',�W' v Wlih by artilici,J uien.as Lo . to be Seen in Caiia,da; And cost - was bil�rhed yesterday.: .Lo . 0.25,000. OTES DISCOUNTSD ' , " I . I ' .1, I , _)N I - .. . . Canadian to Such an *eitent thai for . , over . . . Sal. � . I I . I I I I ' .1 . . . � W',,R��,,` "'Ood deal, for nut, er,UnLpyinell." I . . - The total -cost of its constr .1 .. Notes issued. Xxiterest allowed - on . . . : , . i q_ . I � . . ­ I I ClK I . . . . � . . I HER9,: ! - , � . I . . . ­ I I I . 'V6110 tillio"In Canada our Tury . , � �. . .� . I.., Lostres on Sxrub Cattle &while it li%s 'been unsalable on thb " e furnisbin ` � Ffl N'B . . 0. Le': 018 �'�� A I -_ . , . . '$ ' W fraye� 7t%of:the edifice . .. I . : . . , . � - ONT., . , I I ,%­ . English makket,or' the ourers hav t?OA�aud "' . : x OR A -STI' deposits., . � ­ � . ., P had has been de b & Walker fam- ' Or an�-soreneis ill the muscles of � ' * � . . . I .1 . . 2 . :. oxnmfT � . . � �tj,ve-n gravielv insiste.4.1 that fret , Geo Calvert,"aLindsay butcher,gaive to accept - u . ilyo I .. I . I . . . 1''. I . �� the back or sides � you can't. get any7 _ � 1. t . � I � � �­.. .. . .; . ' . ­,,�_"- � r inous prices in order- to,. � . . I . .veneirat AgqxLt. or rederat x1re Assurance ird . , I IdL .. . I 1. . .. . � By the exploMon: of 9 00Tpounds 1 6 � f thing -half so .go d 14 , .. . I ­ . I . .. 11 . I I . .'' It . . . ,. . . .. . . . . , . ,c0r0,',-AA`0U itilure*Oanadian af4ricul- the lVatchman-Warder a striking il- . .o ,,as . arvilmej"th6 - I I 1. .., . , ... . � . I olicles on � , I . I I . clear their accumulated stock. �- . we, is , I I , �... � I t a latsitapprovedplans,wiW � I - I I . � .i I . .1, . . . p . - I# ry . l- liniment made. . MY' . ­ - � J -dr - PO. . T SOILLO' .1 . .. vile sl d o . ona Oat vajitagoons.to, ...: , � ;,L�. �., � i ," __ .. . � and the handil ioorh of the battle'- - `% turn it a' ', ` - L I � . . -. � . � �', '64"�i)�t\ usion has had its day lustration of the loss to farmers in � , owder in th6aftek t e -I 61i turi6t. moat poWerfu I 1. I � . V -. , -bat del . . . .1 . hepkIvassostiff-I qoWdn . . .1 - . e,, . I . 1. ., I � I �. us d. .A n ftlealsoul -, . _ .. . .1 . I . �. . . . .. . . .. . uaftdr df an inch," writes. Fred 'T. - : ' — . I . I :,... � . , I ;dtlll neiUbtill, 114,Wever, dla'i il scrub cattle. The other day 'In this state'of hi . ,!w . I ,., � : A. .1� , �kffairs' the 010";opera- a V . aptain W, S. Cowles, . � 11. I BANKER, , , � . I . � . (Ri � � commanding, 29 'men were:.- instantly. Midivin. of Portsmouth. - 6AI bad it . .. . .. .. .. . . I � � ­ I I . .. . I � , ,. 1 tics on wheat antl oLlIeL 1)1'0- Mr. CAvert bought it 2ryear-old heifer tive Packing House, whi�h ttirted ,u '. :rubbed with Nervilin6 a few times and . , . . , I ARRIA - 6uld compensate the fai . .. .. 1p killed and five-iAl'ured,.of �irhotu two .. CLINTON . Al . . . I GE LbOVINS9.8 . 1. ,� -wer with a strong pure-bted strain in her.' a couple of years .ago,. may consid, will die. The Missouri was- on the all the soreness -And stiffness disappear- - ..7 .. : ..., ONT . �: - . 1. 0 .. I 11 . I er � . . . I I . . .. . . . . .ISSORD:BY . I I . . . e . , . . . . - . I . � Ali I target range with theTeias and Brook- . I to-funda. to loan an mottgag . . h1ton . � � Iseol ties on IllautifacLured Another butcher bought a common d.- I don't know . inother' liniment pji4, * ­ them6elresilacky to have got out of lynat practice.'about noon you'dan depend on likeNerviline; it's . I . . . 09: at - S. . 11 .1. I ,. . I bon A . I I . bliatonrient.rateg . J.'' Be ,RUMball , -C . .1. I �1,1.... 01tre exporters of wheat ; grade. Both animals had been fed business I . � - chargeof.powderAn the ii-iw -ndid for colds, lameness. and can't . ,, � . . . - I , oses they sus nch left sple . , I . I 110 . . . . I be- beaten for. cramps, and internal . 0oneral Bankin business Itransioted. ��__ . ­ . We is fixed in Engiand as Al'Out the same and were the same age tai h i d �an i4mited fr.om gAsesi ..exploded , -. ,, 9 I . . � . . � 11 .. ned. *In what seemed at first to be anaill, =p Ing, . below', I tited ain. "ry N.erviline yourself, Price, . deposita. - . . . 1. . Mon . �. . 11 ,, wor d -wide counpeti- yet the well-bred one dressed 449 a v � . * _ c 4our . gj . I T .'Outorest allowed on I . . . rof!66ble venture, their balance powder, in* t a .baudlin . . I . ., . onlibi . '' _ r .. ... ' . - . . . .1 . . I e 'Pre ; and to con- .2 ' �y 'p . I . charges F IN- - , - . ": . . . Sale not . as b . . . .. .. py.... 'i. -.1 I" ' , � ,;. il,�., ,,. r pounds and the btber 100 pounds less* sheets at the erid -of the first year,. r00m;%nd all exploded. Only one man I . I . . ��- , Prival fands-46 loan at 4 er. cont and Ernest Pacaua. fokmbr prorriet.cir of - - � .- . . ,warda . I . . I W. YDOMB. up- 1. "Then the quality of meat is so tauch ih,)we . . . I - I I 0 P UAW& legislatioD Could aug- d large 4eficiis, compelling most : of the entire turret and haniUjng crew Le � Soleil. is not expected to . ive. . . I . . I . . : 10 . . . .. . . 0 � surviv6sl, .13ut for the prompt and � . . . � : . . .. , latJPr1cos is ii3, reality to Say tnat better in the well-bred," adds Mr.. Cal of them to cease operations. � . . . I . � inarv. . � . .1 � . I 1. . � . .. 1. - . . . . . . Veter . . . 1. . ,.. ... � efficient work of Captahl Cowles in .. . I . .. I . .. . . JAMES CAMPBELL,'LONDIMSBORO A ilidli&-forin the iniracle of ivssen- Vert. "It is put on attlie right I To Cure aVoid in a "" ` " I * 'ISSUER OP XAPAUAGE LIC Wiff ' I ,;. V .. . I . . points, . . . - - I : flooding the handling room and maga. . , � - as ,Day - -, - DR. d-JFREEMAN 9 �, - � . I h (' , ­ I . ! . . I No wittlooles roquirbd - . I . zine with water, one ofthoi in es Take Lai%tive Bromo Quinine Tablets ­ I U=EUMARY SURGEON, . . , ... I . . ,,,.,., 0r6p,4n.1ll1 Coun tries save Can- and the fat and lean are nicely distri- DRUG41NG WON'r " �01LJRE 4 Iii I I . . , . . I . � . � . % - . lso as . I . would have exp'oded, avid. ip All drugl refund the Money if it fails: , M � - . . t , twe'all I embdr of t4,q__*4zitl &IA isoofi-' . . - .. � ,y __ . I., .1 � I ensure an exceptiollaily bu ted -very different from what you ' ' * would- have been destroyed. . . t- - ­ U011115 OMq#crd!1 And'Odinburg , and -Gfedil. �" . . I CATARRH.' . . to cure. 11'. W. Grol �, sigpit are i# on alle ,of the Vall ' " 1. . " ii41for (janadiSM whtat. find in the scrub animal. From a but- . -each' OatatioNeterinery Collexa, ,,� JOH N W..'YEO . if ­". -1 . AI! th Chailes Z Xorris, who his vialked . box, 260� 1. . . ' rft�,'­ . e medicine in the woild taken .. . I I WREA,W DIS'EAS)l AZL "MAL8 . . I I e adoption of the N. p. cher's standpoint the farmers are mak� into the stomach won't care catarrh,, more than ten thousand -miles ,to. cure 1. � � I . I .. — ... . . .1 .1 I . .: .. . .. . .. . � 11. ,. *,kO Of wheat throughout tile world hig a great mistake in keepitill rider money 6n himself of ebusumption, . .- . ., ._ . . .. - , ­ _ .., � I .. HOLMESVILLIM. ., , - , �. . I I .1 �. I . ch and it's useless tosqua;, - believes he , ill Mackenzie, Who accidentally -- '. ..' . . I . . . . ,&96111, for the MANCRal irjr il: Arisuit"oi . . . . � tablet - reknedies. hag accomplished the cure,� but will shot himself in London,- is recloverfill I I . ­ � I 1. �. ,. Oo.ofWarlehaster,.Bligland *hOsefunds are I . � - . � . . #Alidllf: the zeader will turn to tile poorly -bred cattle. The good ones eat Catar,% bitters and liquid . continue tha ttamring. He, is , now . - - I . '. . I security are rated at S14^(W. Also the Xce , is a disease of' the nasal . . .. I 11 � . . I .. Ceft, R001 I Classes of . nit�td'bl 1870-1880 hewill seethatthe no mo�e and bring a great deal. more passages, throat and bil I ng the - ine of the Lehigh 0*98 t compo" . 1. I . , onchiod tubes. apsing .a Ol . A man wao would acorn to tea a tie .1 1 .. aver � taken by. . . . . .1� . 8tomach medicines c�Lnit' reach tbese alley Railroad toward New Ycli�k aqwhere else does net hiialtate to do I To the cnIV Safe, remm Coravalifts I I State. Norris comes fro . � I "qcribed the rise to their talls- money IV X&d1eXl V' It I � �_ . pal It's only fragrant heali in San Fran- it at the poke� table, which accounts -num (W Ili Africa the natives a!s. . In . xegal on vwch wo frim 4J par ­. � . I Catarrhozone which is brihithed aff cisco, - where, eleven years" ago, he. Can depend "in the tio, D ralti to one woo(let, idol and through the air passages that is sure found himself afflicted with eon . for the, big storicks we hear now and � " - Md. time of needl.11 f X,"13.114F. . 1. I : ot er. Some of our ministers are sadly uu- to reach tho seat of.Oatarrh. No ftil- tion. He removed to Salt Lak � then about losses: or winnings'. Jt 1 'a Prepared in two d . . . . . . . te, Mr, Tarte preach- derpaid. The interest an thd outlay are ever known - it Catawrliozone was I . . 0. I .. _J .1 . . strbagm No. 1 4n"N 9 1 I . . - 1. � .. - I , and to Los Angelesin a futile'endeavor qgjnmon prOtlee for habitual .players No. I. -For ordinary oaW ., . Ton that is,eqnally fallacious. to ill his health, Hi's wife le . In clubs to multiply thevalue oftheir I . , . 11 I . in ves;.ed in books and teachers, added 'usedo It heals * and doesn't irritato : . Is by fai� the best daill - ' ' I I were to increase the to' I it sciotheb, kills the germs, and there- and in August, 1901. when he was Id cbl by 100 no. thit-their gains or loss, I W- � nlediclito known. R ONSERVITORV.'�Av . I I -I' I that which they might have -earned. . � he .could not live three months, I he re- . ' .Cal.. , special caseall Vegr" I , . rin forecure§ Val Catarrhozone the . eS are mililtiplied aceordIngly, The liew dollars Ver bom � Studio at music$ - � . . PrMucts we should Ili' in -mechanical pursuits, would keep - one bertain date. . Two months tt6att, solved to -start walking, and to die on .. k ,our druggist for C00WV � ... . . . — I I . I n 00; tritil size 250. . 02K Irtoot gutpound. Take no Othel I . ' Ptice by excluding Ameri them in greater comfort and ease than .All . . the road in the effort to better -himself al'itze of ' the club game is $5 limit, all . . .;- _. . . .. . .1 .if necessary. He -then' Weighed 98 lack Vote, VIth ;1 tio vome,in. .When a full , ' W. Glenn Campbell, Organist and 0hol koducts, which irre cheaper they now enjoy. A preacher ought . . director of Willis Presbyterian Church" : pounds At first he - was'so weak he Plgyer throws In a white he says, 111111. rwoultron rug In the Clinton, I I I . . . .. lit of the fact to Preach good sermons or goat -some- Oueboo 'Sarmers deplore the . poor coiald go only a short distance, but the, . toomme . i a 01 . e ' sugar season. � .. . I bet a Ittlildred.11 When it is -jell he . Walled to any ad T6aoharofplanof6rte, pipe_'Org" and all . . I can fg-rmer is --pe,3tcdt_ . . I frashair,forhe also slept, in the open sus, "I'll bet you 200,10 and *he� A . 00 an 2 -cent von branahes.ofMadcalThoor.r. Nils prepared '; � lb " v . � thing else, but toprqach well heshould M lag Evelyn Louise Traher, aged' when he could, soon gaye him now bl" "I'll bet you 150,1P The calduil Ills. I . . 1W in any, forall-thoexarainationsof the ofonto Con . � I , it e:kceedingly high tariff; have lots of books, new and old; and of London, is dead, . 161 strength, . and he has been walkin ue, � or* a or Univeral New Sbudio . I . -502 e- 1p I I . im I , . tener,, hearing this talk, , . . I , hOeStors. A arowelocal . tisetitiently the argument conies to current publications, and leisdre __ ever since, Hdnbw wol 138 poun , - goes "'Wily, Min I. &no! No 2 are sold I* lin n �b 1, . .w.1n, 191. . . I I . to . I a ; congfue6d illat the baby ganiii to a in - - . 'a, 60, agricultural protection, bar. read and think. He phoul WHY B - and Is in robust .health, but says e 11_� , _ � I � . I . UR.N, YOUR VLESH' 76 1. . H. B. Combes,'XEH 4 I . . I d not be feels the necessity,ofkee 11da dollar limit. ' . I . I.. � 09 4 6d,to, britig about high prices With acid corn salves -when 25c buys op t,ing In the - . I . . Watts. Druggis.U. . . . f I I , . . . . 0 t e Stttteg, wou'd be sure tog! ve us bills, and a little balance at his bank- Extra I , I I I I . I . e of li0nam's Painless Corn alive. 'In the. co a weather he goes , Now a Messina Churixen. . � I . �� worried about house rent or butcher a bottle an and exercisin constah ly to keep Xiss Laurin 19USta.Raiser . h . Fe z �. I I . cf0l'� It's purely vegetable, South, and in' tile sprin o sk word that now has a � I I I I .. . . . Concert 13noaaaments AccepteII, never causes sores, and acts entirely way north again. He has bben I very ugly sound, To cheat a man to . I . Weather at Voice rroducti4n abd Singing If, prites-a non setiltitur of large er's would do no harm for the rainy 9 -makes his "Cheat" I " *Itboub pain. � . .. foelftalots. The only possible way days t -h -it are sure to conille to all that the best, Use Only Patn4m's- nearly every state in the Union ana to . . In Entlish or Woreign, , *,fil'oh the Present of anyother Gov. live to be old; I �., . � aloll %, His re- d6ftud him. Origlually the word 1. 1. . pecial attention paid to Cheat 1)e. ' I . . . I � , � . ve opentent. Students prepared for . . � - cl, SOME NEI . W cordeg the borders of Canad, . L' rred *0 the i ues . dral . I , liment ebuld increase the prfee of - . I : mfleo.oh6w that he has �tramped 10,250 conve�ed no such nieaning. Thellold. I Cen - IT, dfs, those of whfch we h ... I I . POSTAL REGVLA. I .� -1- I � . . . .. Z� . London Conservatory �xanlfnationg. . I produ TIONS -In reference to. the regula,- I that'fell to the c.rown. it came froth - .1 . "Aflas Nalsor hits studied �,Ooal inusle under . An Aid 'I *' . I . . I I I stit'PlIld for eXPOft) 'would be by giv. o Mothers. tioni,on, 'e6t'oa�'I'Of the "InfOrallitlOn State of Ohio the Prench ,,t%eholr (Leitin, exeadere). . t Ma ' ' Torontolabostitesohersand ha# cultivated a , . I il,�'botllil Bnt as the sommum for Post Masters" ,Ion age 7, of -the . City -of Toledo, as The modern meaning that attacheg to . . _ beautiful soprano Voice."-Lendoul Free litel ,9 . farmer y 4up I T,ftd;�Woounty ) Men rket . In thousards of cases it has been December Quarter Plemel all Prank 1. Ch the worol'tells 4 sad tale of the extor. I I 14- h0b�tb P431 the b6untyin tailres ,owing, easy makes oath that be proVed that Baby's. Own 'Tablets .are, writt a space to be reSell for is senior part I �1. StudiCt ov'er NeWcOmbe's Store I Id li'l better off than before' On , cOmmutdcat ner of the firm of A J. tion and greed that must have been - - .11 ( I � 1. . tile very beQt thing for children suffer. ions on the ad. Cheney & Co , . doing business In the practleell'th collicting the dues. Elavilig ppro)-atiod the buteherimg I . . , . �. 1, I . �� Votes* L walaer . I I ­ Ing � I .._...01 . froin colic, conatipatioll, diarrhtelt, dress fllde'6f Postal PLIst-cards, to be, �City -of Toleaq, County a . binsinese Of V. H. Pow 611 1 aw Pr ' e- - 0IRN451-:0.6 Newcombe I ­ N ... I . - used offly Ili the domestic � postal ser- tid State I . I . simple fevell colds and,teething trou, aforesaid, and that same firm will Pa : . , - I &red to farnlA the ll opI6 ot Oiln. . I'll I . . . - tt WOMEN P11h TTY ? hi -4, The Tablets are guittoateed to vice of Canada, the *post mastor is In- tbe Suin of One Hundred Doll ,. Once **a Imuoush. I . tanwith all kinds of Ifteeli 6bd,., .. . I contain no opiate of. hall druk,and formed that post -cards of this des. each audevtrr ease of 0a � . bb V , "Did you ever," Said, one. preacher tq . , Cared Motio. Savattpis, boilogna, . ,%n V,610668sary question. be- Way b6 givell with equAl safet$, to the orlption inavIbow be interohanged be. cAbnot be, cured b of . &I 'S Lanothor, "Stand tit the oloor,tifter your 1160, butior and ogge always kept on Carol ]Die UweombeA.L.Wt � . _ W the use I , . , . . . d anna e United States, 0&f.6-1, - . X. I hood. I . . 'V, Ill an d th , ) many "men h1tvc such 13001? "(11 -IV I'Arn babe. or the well tWo`6", ,Catarrh Cure. V *ANX 3.' E, Sermon and liateti to what people Said . Organisit, of Ontario, Street, X10,1191 WO want to toll all grown child. Mfg. SdelAndol Shan. aftolbetween Canada and Prance at Sworn to before me &rid subscribe , about it as the t , . . , . - . , 4 , �� With wild aallow cheeks about IeY, Ont., is one of the * post,,eatdvat6-qj thatis tone cell In air s . . y passed, oii 2 I ------ - L Methodist Obll , % pipthers.'Who _. presence, thi Oth day of Decent` Replied he: , , , * * . . : .110 Fitzi.11116fig 4 . S.01i , nei%biell 40fekly fai ,�, Arts flin I 0 h;KVA proved the value of thig medicine cards assilig between Canada. adcl the , her, A. A 18M. . . L . I to Teacher of Pialso, Hal Porio. ,� . - Az4givelt the skin ad, I eaht%,, rich ' '� "I did oneell-4, panne aila a sigh- . 0. . . � and Aays : -q have aq.d B,Lbyisr OIVU Uhiteg Sital and tWo cents -� the pos- (SnAt.) A, % GLEAM; . ri ioii'Theory lecture to, students - every � 00".. It's 'Ouro blOO'd that Tn,hletn %vith �he .very beat results, .tal Uftloft rate - for cards passing. be. NotAry Pulbliq� - , "but ni novei i10 It agidli.o , .. . I,— �� ,� Tt 6�hont 74. Tuoaftk evening. - L fine comploxfons, so b They , tWeell Canada 411H Prance. The post, , ftalpg ()at& I ,,, I . � I . . . � y prod tie. , are eitSy to give little ones, mid I . . rthpure is token Intei- � I I . . I Orhe'ro dolivArid 'gomptly to 1411 , Of vitAll'210- 6106olf, building have nover known them to faIl to bghe- mastet Is advised tb&t the Posbil' Ad. � nally, and nets directly on the blood At***& Get., 0 pitits Ui ilka towrl, . . 4TdDId-6VdrX#iWCowb66 lit6ft ,, .11 deliffitated'' _ArNw, IfidroAsbag flt." Visvery ill 14110a �f! ke6p the ministration -of Soutil Nigerial h" and mucous surfaces of the Systeftil 4,06juld yolk not, if yoll tried, gfitht all ­ � I � I �. I.. I 1. I I .1 I ­ I.".... 11 I _. I , 1PA100 Virrotbidd TaAllota, ill tile house. ln.a� enlergellp quiak] ,y , 4bonsonteat0aedept, as fully re0d Send f6r testimonials free. � � -Vationa bavilia, hog# for . the glow, 0 they inity it"Adian news apm and P R 4 � plotee fix thit tO hoot of youll ' X. P. .1WAWJl*�MX,w&0 ,, � ""'O" I I - at -, e avib 0, *,pll little life, .or oil 0416 . V. 1. CHENEY & Co., Toledoo. O'6 04my heatt Way bi Of Ice, to yo , shiprol will 00A(et,.Ji f0of by I . . � "" 'i ' " , , I' � , � , e r , k -f' 11� 1� !" , , I I . I �.�� ,7 'M . 11, S. W,_i 49�� ) , F, �,,�v I L - , ,,,,, V"i .1, , I - 1� J tzWXA1'11," wer . from 61 forth D Vid B hop ew r t I �n ] y 3y 1 1 1 y ali V I - 1-f I 11 no"o' , - W'3, � A�',. I ' �laid ise (I J L.-i`h , c ""�_. '. it no, 11 Sola by At dru 180 or malled $it 256LLf 08ted In ow2h and prepaid At the S614 �A all drugql% 15o., L U sity� 04111tv 0 the'eal , Isilix A0 .. Jhe Mild #90*."I W ' 010, 6 6. ( , . . , ym I 40� ;)Dxbv w tfbg,9 he Dr. Willfall , oril rates Amlleable td such mil6t Mr. SiPhI618b, bot gillth6aame, f aw I . r W , I L I 'L ., � I - Thko al Vaiii ly, Hill: for el ". I 161,#0 L, � o" �k*llle, 04t, do , I 1!16 k 5natipa. , I ­ N I "I � it 0 L LL tu gli , I Z11 I in , the 0AU an 461404tio inallill, tion -f L 1 . . I kpt ft th6 cold storaC4 blls(nsol�t � #4", 0164-44 019"Ilt . L I .. . , - . t . $0 0W. ## - Of' gz� I 1'.. , I 0 , . L . N , � � � I I 11 I 1-1`1 , ., I L L I . " . I I I I 0 I �, I � � X I . 1. I . I I I . . � � 1, , . , � , � L . . L " " � . , ,,, � � i . , � � I i I , , ! I � L I ,� .. Il, I .1. . I . ; � . . . � � i I f I "I . I . ­ .. .1 � I � � i " ,A" � � I . I" . - J " f�� §h,Lg, I I _�JA',i, , " � , -1 - , llllllllllllllllllllllllt�_, , I k-. L'�i 1, . : I L . V - -,,&,,. ".. , . 11 ._: I—', / , Ell jr- __ __ - _ _*AA " � I