HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-04-15, Page 3�,
I ,
APRIL 14k M4,
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I # � Health lit ISpring FROM BLACKFOOT LAND. I .1
crisp County clippings Towis Directory I . 4
-- L -- I wipst In#$** 14fe-50no, I . I -- I I 11 1 I - . . � I cw.i�.4�atw --
- b0'nk1fl9# ; )IF0940 Aliont xort* Poe'r o"acn Offlochours from, 8 a. 1 );IRWil 1 P M"00114- I .
. Sunday afternoon of last week, Nor, Naturo Requlres. ASOIFtauea In rVOITIO Visplau-N. Jobix T911% jas Scott,postmaster. .
..-0 man McLeod, Duillop, �recelve4 the 1 .1 I Of 311A.4010p Work. In. tQ 7.15 ii.m. I I .
, -
I death, near I j44jkjjj0:jhswj 114o.altb-GIV149 I PUBLIC L=Aaty - Library and free I -11 � .... . �,.,�L, - ;:%p�,;� q - �'
, AV 1� i , 61, 1 1
I. 'A healthy, wes,ther�brown .� ,?,7,j 00, , � .
tidings of his Inother's - ..Od fads, ^ ,
Lochalsh, and left on Monday morn- I roadin room in FtnVely Hall, open I 1� - I . i�h
What theTublic should Know . 91004 . . manner bubbling over with clithual- . � -1. I I
. Ing to attend"tbe funeral. - every glay from 2to 53) p in. and from 1 74'g,
i I Alim and kindly courtesy, a sturcly, 17 to 10 pau. J.1;ioun, liloarian. I .a' . M�n !.,�,*,l I I I I It I
A�out it -But DoesWt. : -A young man from Dungannon Ivas, Spring is the season when ' 8�*5, active frame that a I 0
- your , trained athletu 1, ,.� -�10
, � .
4, -V,w � i
�.Plitting wood ata, house he wit$. Vil- I teni. neelas toning ug. III the spring might admire-thipsegre .some of the SCII0oL BoAI§D - Isaac JacItsou I ;�.. a I I � A ��
. . , � I! , � I I I i! 11
� ling at and struck the cloths line with you must have new 1004 just as the Attributes of Alexandre ,Silvio job_ chairman; '.I'. Beacont, F. Hudgens, A. � .1 A I I ��� I'll , I , . N .1 �
. " %
. the axe. The weapon landed on his troes. must have new Sap. Nature de- in, A delightful Jorenchroanadlan Wirner, 1t. Downs, V. Hall, J. NY Ir, � ".'..."'. I. I
, . f,
BY 0. M. STO 41=]Rlt*L MARI^ head and out a rattier Pita gash, Without Dow blood you Fin; Secretary, J. 0aningliame. Meet. . V,PA
, WA21N# inanda it. ' I -,
I d languid. missionary priest, who was recently ings first Thintsday evening in each. I . . .. . 4 -
. - , :.
OBS OF TK.1 saywanleff RANIC The oltizeas in neighborhood of Port 'Will -feel' W0Ar3r, MAC an' Interviewed when passing through . I I I , I I 11 71W
fop 404WAX41 . Albert are sorry to beat- of the death Wich new, rich, red blood you will be Toronto. I month. .. . .
I .
. of Mrs A V Currell, Toronto, former� sprigh 1. tly, � happy and bet,'kithy.. The Monsieur Jobin is back for a while CoLLymmTE, BOARD -M. D. MeTag. The Hind .,7ou F.avo -41V a�j;. Dau.,ght, rmd W115011 Las U01 .
- ,t new, blood and .
1,t of this place, which tock onesurevwxyto ge . from the Northwest, where his mis- gart, treasurer; Win: J;wkson, sevret, In use for over C10 Tears, lias bc=ne tile 0-nat=re of k� , -
IXPORTING BUSINESS. . t e Hospital in. that city, gh"e was fresh energy is to take Dr., William,j jqtonary .-district." stretches from AIT; Jas, 8c0bt, cha I irman; J.. Rnuafmd, I k�l ,I
- sick only a short thne with dipht1gil.a Pink Pills. They actually make new � I W rZ 'I .
Let us see now the relation of Cana - (J.tu 1_,� � W Rocky D, A. Forrester, W. P. $paulding, 11. ;f � -1?d 2 -as been'Inade uudcr Ulf! �
was the second blood, They are the greatest , innIpeg on the. east to the - eor , , .�� a
-4 '
, ; 'o "
k banking to the import busin I X . , , vo�,,�A
Mrs Carrell s' Mountain, oil the vrest. if as 'Plumsteel- C, . P,-
diar Mr. J. J,. Mal Qtte, e .h . ,, .: . sttpervl�fon, since Its lu:Ff,
ess of the world. I ( ZWWO 4 "I
While Camp Of Jul es Hey -1ort Albert.And tonic in ,�,"'g BOA= o-r,HuALTrrT.C. Stevenson, . . I IV . 7"
diftees n . In kins, of I -- , `C `*"�,I -Aalovrno one -toileceiTe yolxln this,
I . this was the thirdAeatli. in the family & well known grocer in Montreal sayt�: brought with him a whole I . .
tb6-country. .,da peo I � ,)atch of
every n6cessity of life,, there are other I I 11 1. larland, sr. ;
things which are useful it rot absolute- in about 10 weeks, . -"I wIFh to tbafik you for the - great .,Indian curios for Mr. James Morgan chairman; Mayor, Will. I All CountorZelts, in t!4�.-,tions Itrid 4; aust-.1 -goodP-4 aro Du# !
, - aw, t4edical Re Experim . , , s of .
� good your Dr Williams Pink Pills of Montreal. Dr Sh alth Offteer ;Jos, I I
ly necessary, which we do not, produce, A quiet wedding took place on April h. Whe . ents tliii,� trVlo Nvle' , i arnd endauger the ;iealtlt , -
. av, done me� My system was very - O o fi long and atley, inspector. �, I 13qfanta and Ch�ae,.,.,en-',',-"-,r)c,.,Ioiieo, ag-ainst 3XZverlmont.0 , ,
and have, 'therefore, to be brought � 4th at the bride's residence,812 Wharn- much run down and your pills. have Imposing apron -like ' arrangement BAPTIST CuuRcu-Sabbath services . . . I - -t,,-!,�
from foreign countries. cliffe Road, city. byr tile Rey, J. H. Lnada a now man of me. As I am in that went round the neck And hung, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday sebool. : I . � I . I,
. I . I ,
For the purposes of illustration we Ortne, unclo of the bride, when Mr. A. business, comingiD contact with many kjown over the breast. "This. is some- at X-10 p.m. I General prayer meetin
will take the wall known Pommo Uty, was eople, I UM Often able to recommend thing we can't pt�,any. more," said on Wednesday evenings. Rev J. I � C O"TOR I A, I
I Nevin, of Centralia, warried to I , Wh -at 1 to , A o I
. .
any of our lady . da liter of Sqoire he pills, and they have already rel ,Iev- Monsieur Jobin. " - . '' . I �, I .1 .
tea. Iwouderhow m- Mrs S Beacom,only I 9 11 The Indians are Dunlop, pnetor; D. Prior, S. % supt. . I I
friends stop to consider, when elajoy- Patrick, of Ilderton. .he bride was ed a), dozen of my friends who suffered Igetting lazy, and think these are too . ... I . castoria is A Unrinless substituto for Castor 011, Palo,* 11
Tof 6 o'clock tea, supported by her sistevin-law, Mrs Dr as I did," . . I I - . r . - I �
Ing their pleasant on WESLET METHODIST CHURCH - S9,6- , 1'.
I the . , mu.ch troublisi nowadays. They use bath services at 11 &.in, and 7 p.m. !'i: gorle, Drops auct O(P010,111l" Srrup�q. It is. Pleasant, It
, . . . , . .
that they could only o so thrQugl Patrick.of Port Huron. and her cousin: Many people further, weaken their I these fok th& sun -dance and,the war- 'N4 contains noithOr cl�plura,, .'151or Lille, nor "Other Narcotio .
I . Sunday school at23O p.m. Rev-H.W
. �
agencyofabank, You get yourtex MissESOrme,M.H.L., ofthis city, system in spring through taking pur- . idance, They have a long Indian Ma . nning,pastor, A IV CWIVAP, Fj,.R� . Pl . .. I
kom the retail grocer, willo purchases At home after May 0. I , - "'! �', substance. Its agois-Itog-agdantee.'It destr SWOrnip I
to I I vvee,u , r OT .
, on Daily Sun . gat , iva medicines. What nature needs them 'Free- *Afty eveninp '�;' 1??1-a.�'l1UE;, meets , t� h, and 011ays Fevar.Olbnes.s. It. cxros Dh,t rhoet� and AVIRA ' , ., I .
it from. the whi)lesale house, who, in I � of March � help her is -&.tonic, and Dr. Wil- name, whicb, you are welcome .to if supt. G�.neral
The Brand i you like, but I call �rsauiiiorm ' . I .
turn, often imports it direct or buys it 3rd thus recorded the death of a Jady liams Pink Pills supply this need as ! reason's aprons,, , to save trouble. Friday, evenings. " '" Colle. It relieves. FXcetlifti-P
through a tea merchant, 'whose spec- 'many Goderi no other medicine can, Be Bill- you � � I .; �Zroubles, cures Const1pation - , '
ialbusiness.thisis. The tea merchant, we I known to ch people,, 8 This belonged to a chief." . � �� and Flatulextey. It a,joi I, diate-.5 tl�o- P, ood,, regulate$ tho -, ' I I
.sb I - . I ,
e having been a former resident �,elr% genuine with the full 13aM.0 ON,r!&Rxo ST. MUTHODIST CHURCH
whom we will call Mr. Jonesi comes 'D Some of the most interesting of. Sftbbath servicesat lla.w, and 7 p.m. at 41 ; .
, . thek13 and sisterof Mrs F Smeeth: "Mrs � illiams Fink Pills for PAle I Monsieur Jobjn's�curios Are A, num- . P%'- I Stomach and Dowels, glvin,g licalthy awl Bat= $le0.,- ,�
to our bank and says that he wishes Emily Maxlton Gooding died at,'her Peo el' printed outbe,tyrapper around Sunday- school at 2.30 p.m. J.$.Cook, .1 1I.OT-15. 11�1!10314*' ., . I .,
to Import so many chests of tea from I . I b6i, of hands - worked in patterns I " The Childrenis 1L1.`-.u,wca-,T%,, rvlot . , -
Japan, and as it is rather a long way residence on Oth street this morning, V, D.D,, pastor-, Jacob Taylor; N. S. lRipt . I
the ox., Saldl)y all medicine dealers, . � . . . . I
after a lingering Illness ext , ending over or Post paid at 50 cents per box or ,six with glass beads, -and . perfectly Epworth League, meets Monday even- .
l "'
to send over gold, and as there would. boxes for $2.60. by writin , the Dr transparent. "People go wild after ing; prayer.-Ineeting en Wednesday , . I �� k .�j
a period of eight months, At the age of tliese," said he. They were certain- ' . c E m u 1 n �P- I Cm �-`P� P2, 44`Fk-"i,S,"2' 0 - R, I A'ALWAYS 11
eased came to Brandon Williams 14edicine Co.. Wrocl * , . . .
be great danger of losing the money 67 years. Dec . I willei evening, . . . . : �
on the wa,7, he would prefer to at- � . ly beautiful bits of work, showing WILL, P � I . �, . � I � . . I
� in the year 1882with her husband, Win Out. I . I a nE,013TTRAIAN, CHURCH- � 2 " .. I !an- Y.Ire of
range payment in some other way. ,QoodingI who passed a about eight . i ; . . - - no trace of any thread. So And are, Sabbath services at 11 it. I ��! . . Z --a."s 1"Ine Z ..t .
. � .0 1. I . I I . go in. and 7 p, in. .� . . . . . I � 1]=====flT0 I � ..
'1Ws the bank does for him in a very ,. w& y days Mrs. in unclawd., � lie eads, that A needle will not Sabbatli - school at 2.30 p.m. Prayer , n
simple manner by means of a letter of a ,In her vair!T *%r*bq*AkeS t b I � ^ r ., X-4,V=sim 1
,V I ,
through, them, and' the Indians use '101,7 11 �Ir 1� � . . � .
, ,
O' I � � I I ,' ,
. .
crWit. Thii is mbrely a letter addres- oar" a an active worker irk the . . a particular, kind of sharp weed for roeeting Wednesday evenings; Chris- 11 �V " ,� , . , ,
'lag was . - tinn Endeavor Alonday eyfnings. ' A,
ion Army but later bedAme a ' The last earthquake of any consid- . . . I .
sed to the London correspondents of . 9,se, . I . I Stewarto -D.D., pastor. Jaukes 8cott, � ! *1 I . : , - I
Salvat r of tile Ai ethodist church. the Purl) , I .1
membe . . erable violence in n2iland occurred 1. I A.,
. I � ; i . P!" �,�:-t
tLebank here, authorizing them to . .. on March 8', 1750. Such disturb- Monaie S. supt. , . .111. � � I .. " I ,P �59 .. li, t- - I � I . I -..
. , . . - ur, Jobip held up also some S .
Good Friday, , * ay" - k., - - - - . I ..
. t�i ...1
,on the, evening o - curiously worked patterns, li!��Oi- I A: � .. - . 4 , . . I
cub the drafts of Mr. Jones' agent in f imces a:re not so infrequent in the 10 . . � . . .
JaQpn, through whom the XAViffiese - Frank Lewis, son of. Capt. A M Mae-' t. fully designed. . . ST.' PAUL'Sj OAUROH, , Episc6PAL- , .. & I -
merchants sell the tea, and that the greg9r, died -at London, after - an ill- . British Isles as many suppose; bu - - . Sabbath servicesat lla.m. atid 1 p.m. I ,�,, - ... ... ' ...
.1 14The boys make these patterns, 0, I ' I I
. mess of- nine years duration, a; period.of it must be admitted they are gener- . . Sunday school nt. 9NO - 'Ladies' � r-1 I ') �
I � -;� -1 �'j FA'71�.. I .. . I . , I
Canadian bank will be responsible tha,t . I ally very slight. Even in that noL be said. "Y . thenj-_�a Piece of Guild meets ny of each I t " -
such drafts are paid. The bank makes great suffering, borne with. a patienea ou give 3rd T rsN."j. . - I 1w - Bou
hey . - o . I KiM Y( U.� � An`av
out these letters of credit in triplicate, and resignation almost beyond belie toriously Paper,' and t will * sit down 11. mouth; A. Y. P. A., miets Tuesday . The . ,j 6 gh .
- fi - mobilIi district about Com- I 11- � I I � . . . � I .. . . . . I . . %
sending oneto its London correspond- For nine long yes,ra he suftered, from rie, In Perthshire -when. durin' the the ,floor and work, out these by ,I eveninf. C -, W.A.,. rector , .
. 9 1 .3.. aupj�,. Gunne . . I . V '"' . I .. ..
. . . . . - 0"L' ,-.,;1o,0-. Years. , .-L
ent, and %iving two others to the mer� rheumatism and those who know him winter 3.839-49 they had a hundred 'tertwining. colored strips. .,It passes and& . . In U Se Fol I . . .. �-- ,
. .
span. wa.t , a. and forty eaTtliqu'alces, being I - I . � .
chal e sent to his agent in J , ched with iidmiration his strou at the human imagination to think that - - .. ; -
.. I 11
TJ2 , , . I �
, �� , . - ;1 , .,
, 1�1 'm
will- in bearing the long an thege little Indians, without any in- I , a,� � �� .. . 7 ,� I
In this connection I may mention that _power : rate of,v,bouta shock A_day at.' an . . - de� ;5"vice. held- every other Sunday at -- I '- ....... ....... I .
'painful Illness;- -�OnMonday miorning - Aver& ---seldo�m - - -0 � . - -struction. at %�jl�. can._maUe �mck. � . ... . I . �
all international documents Are drawn , . . gc�the3� a much . . � . .---- -- 10.30amp�nd'7 _p�pi. Rev. Father , . . I - . I . . . � I
. .1. . . I . . _ .- . I ----;, - -11.1 -- . -. -- --- I. - . - . , : �
in duplica-e. The bills of exchange the funeral took place to St Peter's harm . . . , . signs.", . - I . . .. � .
, . � - . I .
. 1� . , . " . . . . . � Pinsow n6ault, pastor. (IM.B.A,ineets . I �
. h church, �. Goderich, , where , *Mass w4ks� It. is a, mixed population. that In- ' . I � - :"
and bills of lading -referred to ilit e . The ye4r'17ao. to i6 * �.car par, e* -1. . - 4th Thqmday e'very nionth; Sacred --7-- - . 1 - 1. 2 .1 ! * I 1� � . - -, � . I .
�. .� .
cme of cheese, as well as the letters of celebrated, by'. Rev Pi,. McRaep - and . cell�n�6 of'F,�'X*ii 6&rthquakes.. It habits � -the vide 'Western 'lands w1ere . � . . . �1�0�1 . 1. . . . - - - -- ., i
I . devotions Ist, Frida�., ,of. 10m . 1.r I
",.� Rl"Nom - ill jggw.�
'. i��r
. , . 1�w
credit we are now discussing, are from thenc& to the R., 0. ceinetexy, 6pe,ed with. y4!W vinaeasonabiIii wea- Monsieur' Jobin and hii 141owwmis'- . �eoanrt,L, ma!ig'every�, moiming'ab,s a'.m.:., - . . I . .. I i.. . .1: .... . -.� .
I . I , - I , *6 . . . .1 . . ., . . . .. � .. -
drawn in duplicate; the idea being '0ol6orno,.1herll bearers -being ,Use- thcr� the heiii,i,beihi, according.. to slonaries work. There in.Assiniboia . . . .. . . . . . I . .. I I I , 11
- I
' wo, to aft -F . aAd 'Frank' Shannon' . ". . . ' . I - � BituTHr.Ex-�-Meetinga at. 11 a.m. and . 'L. - - ' - ,1
that the documents go forward by t . Walpole-, "beyond -what. w . ,v,i is a colony of Belgians at St. Maul y,. n . 9V . . I , � � I , I
)r - "" - Oarthy':-and Fred as ! . . . ;d.alft ., I
1p airn 'P. Me, , , t 1, ice 1p�pljyade.'All ilong th6-m�ainjliie I I �
' . .. 7.30 p.m on Sund4 *a d on Friday,at . - 1 !�- " ,
different routes, so that if the shl The, .'94" . known in 'any other un ry;, and 3 , . . 11 . I I
I She h d. 'CaptZs Will Macgregor, . .1 " - pretty I u a ion � is - , --P'M' . ... .. . s - a -1C - � - ' ' �`. '1�11
bearing one set goes down or is delay, cc of the raiillway the Pop I 0 C olu * h lid old -s �
. ,. . -
-ed, the other set reaches Its destina- of �Miidrsor, anu Edward. of s,rnia on the Sth of F6brugry.* ,4L . English. 'Ahing the' Arcole line tio' '' SALvATI0T. AnA.Y7Service at 7 and . .. I . , A - - I - , , . - . . - � . I.,
I biotheeg funeral: sloArt shock was 6xpefiencea,. -foiio W*-. Ontario.. At ',c Th.m. and 3 avo � 1. I . .... .. I , , I . . � ",
tion, and which. ever comes to band. weire'presentat,their . ly a� mopth -later by. 11. , �ettlers from. ft, Anto,� I and 8 p.m. on Sund, . , , , .'� 1i � I I'll
I . . � . .1 ')1ljt,P'ftL)1&aj4j%:
� . . . . .. . . ''. . . � K. exact Lace-,. � . "Canadian colony; ii ever k' . 'i ; at 8 6'clock 'p if you hi've 9, .�,01101 (60 r1ot Eegleat. I I" I
first is dealt with. . . � I . .. .411, -.-?- , . .. ond and,sevetbr:one. The excitineftt 'ilk 'is ' a French- ,a. d . y W.6e evening . . I , �
. I . , * . ' i i ,
.'Mr. Jones' agent pays cash to the. . � .. . .., I � I I . � I I wsaia - . � O'. . I . . �, lova� -syrup of -,
Japanese merchantfor his tea by cash- - TIRE WO ST KIND. .� I � In IkAdon -was intehse.� I 1P ollowing while Xcelainderig, Russiansi. Je d . . .. .4 . . .. , . . .a botile .Offile* vld'reliabie r�'M,edy 4, ound 4
. I .
, .R. . . . . -and .other nationalitiesi Also 4boundi' -TIse . . ., . , .. - . . . . . . I . . ' .. �- I '' * . 11
ing his.drafts under the Letter of Cre& - . - . the fb�a�mple. of Bishops Seeker - I � � Pive and'Tar.�'Jx mh . cure.. auy ordivary coilgk�. .ih' a p , .
- . -1-Prench-Cianadians it St. A - . . I I '.
. After Piles have.existed for a long � Sheirldek, the clergy. showered down - . UiOlf.v li've' Statelof Ohio', City of.Toledo, ' . .. .. � ..
it through some bank in Japan. 'This time and passect t1irough differenv .. . .
draft is forwarded by the Japanese seirAons and .exhortation *3' I La houses made"of out - Bods, like.the" i - ,-Lucas'County . ) ss. � . � , - . y . , 0 , - I . I
I, ' and - a- - P - . . - ' * , few days., Giv.eg better.. �*Ilshactioa ll.alll ail t , I
stages, the sufferihe'ls intense'- 0airi, count !*� quack sold pills . 4g, good farin. buildings ln� Iceland, the'Faro� F rank J. Cheney lii6kes oath that he ..� . . . � - . � I � . . .1 ... � ..
' � . . 1. :,
. ,;
0 .. .. . .%, I I ,. 1,
I . , . ,
m,filled I " , , cough- remed "' 4 . I "
bank to London, where 'it is charged -a for -to � ,. . ' Im 0- ,Ids' is senior partner of the firm. - of F. J. . . . . . I y. f. u.11 4 oz boftf�% 125c . )
achingithrobbing tuni6z . " -iAr e - �,-; . . Isia:nAs and.'so of the. :Righian I . . .. . � ,
to the account of the Canadian bank. I ' agicinst. an thqualk " " ' � d6 ' , , .1 I . I . � I I � . � I ., �f
hugaling with black blood. . . , .1 . I - -1 � und W�n of Scotland.'.'- They, 0c 'Cheney&Co, doing'business in the.. I I."
. 'eititifully warm,, and -last -about , -I � and -ttors-All, ..'..
mpt ., . I . I sizeg,. . I
Adviceof the draft comes directto olus.indicatigg other tr6t.ibles .. I.; " . I . � � I . lb City*. Qt Toledo, .County -and SLaie .. Chani6is Vesti . - Chot Pro.tc . .� ,
� � . . . . . 11 I . .
Montreal, together with the billsof may appear to: a th . I Mo . 1. . I � � 1, I . I . . I I . . . . , I
. . -4 :-�, I I -, �
. . . � I �. � . � ,
. � . .
here fined -Aoid; the onl - . . .. * . . . � il; �. I.: I... �
. :. . !
, , .r . . y in Hunteir-had o'st the. -field.'! Hd'had, thing About, the -in jgummer-� at 0 ! 'OV. 1 "" CLUNTON " : : - *.
and con to the bank. .Upon person. . , I There *as nb , doubt - of it -Mr.' F3 D, - � "
, IIhis is when. Hein. . rime. each and every case �. of Catarrh th . ; . , 11 -
, - . I . r :years,. . "but,' . . E .EY
lading for %, which- -is shipped I . .. : ., I ,WIN* WAT T'hey W:emt.�' .,: * .fou, 11. said .- nsieur aforesaid, and that sime f1riii Nvill pay I . I . .. .
I . . �. . I . . � - - ,
the tei , I . , , I.. ,, '. . lars, for . - " V I Aien ist �,
Jobin, "'there is'% very:unpleasgnt . the suni of One Hundred , Dol I . onsing C
in . J . . I
artival the railway company notifies ternal, the only - absolute 'Pile - cure, 11 . I I * -anci,. cannot be cured by the use, of Hall's . . . . I . - 1. - .. . 19 .1. , I I : . .�. .1 I . I .. I I
the bank, who in turn notifies the tea brings . I has-. . searched f6j� his'.compatilon fox hunt- The' snakes dome through tbem,' � .. I -, I . . . . . . ... . �;
I ' 1. . . . .
is put. into a, , , there tilts that .made its � c" h ' ' i 'thia Catarrh Cure. FRANK.J. CHENEY,: - -, I
-inerebant, and the tea. .P .1 . ,. ers 1png, but vainjjr, -and 3iow he was make adquainfixa.e � wit. , you in . I . UNREM11 40050a... . �, . ,�� . . � .�
, . ' - -
-warehouse. . . .. fame. . . :, .' I I . . , redut!ed � .to' asking.. the aid of . . &i housfe.,., , -, , I � I ..� . . Sworn to -before me and subscribed I . . .. 1. I . , ... . . I . . . . . . I I.- 1. ,, 11
. . . I I
Mr. Jones informs the b . ank that he' . It will ciire the most stubborn'case in � , ch . uliby lifile lad of. three ,v�hoin he, i Two ' " ' - -k - - in y presence,, this Oth day of,D . ecem- . . . I ,-.-,.-. I . -=- ..N.WMINNOW - ,,,
. existence and a bonded guarantee to . . . years ago onsicur Jown Was: be D. 1886. ... .�- . I � .. . . . I .. I 1:1. �'�: ... . �� �1. I
' I . '
. tbat.effee goes with . . ... . . I . : . , on the Blackfoot'Cr6ssing Reserv�-, . . - 1,
. I , did . , wifth the'Blackfoot Indians.. "Th6y . I . . " !:' L�� - ' �.'
. t , " each -pt�ekage, I - line. . . I . (S r7l! A. W. GLEASON,. , ; h . D' ' ' . � .. I 1�1�
bus sold this tea to a wholesale grocer, met - in & SAL.) .
aud the bank gives an order on.the, . . Pliello, , . � � , I\r - OR � .,
I ... . - nt:7 -S ,.
Tohnnyl. - 0 - . .
It. is ta,be-hAd at R. P., Reekie.�s'drug . I ,Which'. way, ots;ry Public. a -as 7 oor, ao,d , .. . I
Warehouse for the delivery of-soina - . I . . *.. I ..'. -1 . gb?" hequeried. . ' "'L dorilt'get..., civilized, very much," he, I I � .. I � 1 I . . . ... ,� a, . .
.. . 11, �,
ny . .. ,the hounds Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken I'll .. . I' �
chestsoftea, and recdivesthe.whole- at , ore. . �' . . I '. � . . - . ter' , . I I . - . .. � -1
. 00 . . � � .1 I
. . I . . . . . "WhatevW we do for, - them* . ... . .1 z r. . I I I
' . ' *� Jobnnyll sucked a �finger*n7d iiid- ' rially, and acts directly on i tho bi -a Mind, Faeto , ,� . �. � . � - ,�, �� - I
- ' . . .. � . A, . I . :.. . , a gaze, . . 1. . � . .: , n&,w, we - should e - 1, and mu I cous .' .. � . . . I . . . . . 1. . . .... .-... � . I.. . �, . ;
sale grocer's cheque or note. for the . . � - dri)oped hi . ,feel th r6sufte ,,, -of , 's4faces of- the system. , . . Y , I
value. This cheque or note the bank . - Oil Tu�sday�.weekj while -p I ic�'ing up - I .1 . I .� I . .1 . . . .. . 1. . .. .. � . . '.
. " " 06na6.," coaxed. Mr. Hunter,�'Ildo: only in the'gencrations to come.. . Send for testintonials free.. :, * -This faetory ii the largest; in tti - latest imptovea in% ,
� . I I . n.coanty. ano btis the* ver -y* I. 1. . . I
-! kindling in the yi�rd, a 10-year�old son . .. : I on the shorteef 'notice I . N. I ii - extendy
collects, and thus saies the tea merch . ljot. bo:'Rl fiald. Here's -a penny, 'for It is the lbrecs' who do the work of. . F. J. CHENEY & Co.,--Toled6, 6. *1 .L V6. corry a � I
. . . .% chiner'y capable of doing work Lli �01813*3 ' ,
. . -
antfrom any further trouble.' Pre- of J. W. Chanibers, 'a tArmer. near you.: Now tell =c, wh4t'L.way did the Which L the kindly - priest has broughti ' Sold by all druggists, 75c, - 0' I . .. a . ad reliable stock anA pielinred pl-%n,3. an -i glj�e 64itnutes for and bUild a .
cisely the some ?ocess takes plileein. Poit:Robinsoll, was suddenly. seized I . . . L . L
pi I . . .* . back such interesting speicimeris ' Aairs.Paiiiijy-Pills for constipa-' - es of builffinge on short noJoe, and, on tha closest prl(ie'A,,Al1 - W04% � is' 813 I
the case of. yo silk handkerchiefs 'L ' hounds gti?" � , . . . -, " Take . . I Vt , �, .
. . , . - ,
. � I . . I . - ' '' teed. We. git' ' . Ifida: o . 1b. �L � L
ur by'& strariffer, held" face downward, he - ' in � And * "Are there any--�adviatur6s; associ- . tion.. - , : - . .
The -youngster took t CO. ' . L I . ed in a ms-�hariical wa tion guarall .
children's toys, and the hundreds of then fell upon all fours, and . "bow- itted with th�sse curios`- of ,Y.Qurs??' . - ..L . . I . I., . . .1 � L . .Y�And P#iti,flic .. - , t ' , .
- and es to the back � of an apple . I . . . . . I . 1. . . . . .1 ... I I . . . . jarior.sind exterior m%Ierial. 1. . . %-L, � L ' .
other things imported frorii, foreign, oorchaid, A -yards- from the house,. wowed. 'r. I . . 1, �: . asked .the reporter. - � .. . I -;..-. ., , ---m-� , . �
I . . . ' ' . , shin 4.AShj.)0 I Ete., '�
Countries. vainly crying for help., his -pet dog. . . Lumber, Lath. I 4es. I .,jjjj,e,,.i, . ong. ftfla&-,
. III)at,. way,"' he said, 'at , "Well," answered ' she Pieferred'111ij RIVAL. 1. I . _ 0,
I tL kyly.-Lon. i Slopsleur Jobla, , . . . .
THE "BAL.&NCE Or TltADn." followed,snaging a theheelsofthe I . . . . I Agent for the Webrated Gttn'7 islLko , S' C" R* *0 0 L 8 ..
. I I 1. . . ., "' .. . .. . I � 11t,his cap you see-it-Isn' -much of I A at Ej3Xx manutoctured, It' I
Opal noattention.joit. don Answers. . -t . ory Is told of Lord Melbourne In . .
. kidnapp 'd . - . ... .. � I � . -L I I . ' . .5tWaterloo. (701. arid pvt prices .�'Id estiwaw6 bdox6 placing )our ordel:06,,, . ,� ,
� . I � .. ' ier . . ,
- . -
You will have observed that the'pay- . The man - c I arried the boy to a partly , .1 I. . . . I I I . .. . . a cap?" . .. . his character of. prem , asking the , . . I I � I ,.. I . . . I ,. . �
ruent for this shipment of tea has been I - . I I . It, ce�itainly Was not. -the sort . of L . h - . . I . , - �,k no - . . � '� `11''
I 'L
, , . I . ' 0 young Queen Victoria - w ether Ithere - - , , I . P 4 -
hollowtree; aboutsix feet.fr6rntho TkOUSA-NDS � ACQUIRING -18ti . . S.S1 4*011"Ell s� g
3madethrough London, whereweloft . ground were two holes, Lone six inches cap One Would. L care to "vialk d wn 0 . Vt. )PRIET01
the oceeds ofthe6he6se alrbiaxlyre� .. . DOPE'- HABIT . - ' ' ' Yonge stree I t in on a Sunday, Incyrn,,: . *,as any .individual for, whom she felt . . 1� L . Gen�ral childex . I I � , .. ;, -, .� . LL
feuto The money recelvedfroth abovetheother. Raising'theehild.in . L .. . , .. . - 64 . CILL 8: Oref�renee that she would wish .. I I . . 14. . ; . andt'oittraetot�., . ,4., .. .�, .,!
I . . 1.
. -and-themone�t- the air; the'mita forded the arm of the The do�e habit is tieing aeqaIred by hik.',! being a peculiar erection of fee, . I . . . . . . I I. L I I ,L . .1 . I
. . - . L I nk I ng np I. . IL to bave hiin associated with her in the . . . . .. . . I - L " t
--tho-cheese-ex-parter little fellow flirougn, tne ropllold-.a�md -tlrmrqmndF-ot(-',int,id-i-t;us-,hrodgl"lii�i,n ' t, - - fike a de. al . - - - . . ., . . L "I
. paid for the tea, imported bave been seizing the hithil from -beneath, drew -so-called cnr6s for. catarrh. containing . Arou4d the. edirei At the �1:drof - th6. . cares of sovereignty." The .queen,.. it " � . .. � . . . . . � . .. . I L -----*- I , . � , ".. - . I
. . , .
taken account of 'in London, and r8- it out through the lower hole. thus an excesslv6 aknioinit, of - A11-01101 And caP were *three Hitle.bells, , . And Iittle,.,,.asto.tLlshed, asked, whether the I F= AIM I . . �
suits in a difference in favor of or, leaving L th child' suspended, b . - Doctors clai I I . b , . question wjAs. I put by Lord Melbourne I . . �� " - � I
ngLto the 110. 11 y the other dangerous drugs 91 � 'thereby .hung a. tale. L t seemed that . I . I I .... .� �,
against this country, sincordi . e on.� p1led the -clothing oft th6rei3O)nly one safe -and certain cure' the -particular band of.Creers from I'
arm. th In his character pg'l minister of the I - I
Talue of goods exportetl or imported. . .. I or Catj3, .1_1 _ frligrant bpalingCitarl-li- whom this ,cap came were on the � I . : , . 0 !Odk I
you, 1,01low, it out -1 . m the.'ivaist down.. and ri ) 94ANY LADY CANAAKE '"
This difference, it L ii. the child,..fxo Ate ozone which cuiesby medicated Vapor rid .one day, . preparing . for the- . erown, and be replied that. *under 'no � . . . .1 . . . :. . . . . . . . . I ..'' . 't . �' L �
the case of the multipl, city �of exl)ol.t8, rolled,bi§ awe, .r aiidshirtLtlghtly� pr�l -- . other elretimstanc6s would' he have, I . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . I
,It I irect to'the ioat of I y a. dreadful � . . I easily $12"60 lto,$�-C.CoweekL�b*repre'�sexting'usinhei�I ality
,s iyi . aroypd.hisneck, thus leaving" the en- . that is breathed (I un -dance when sudderil I .PC "I
and imports of a co,tatry, rest lie vu,por of 3 a presumed-to.addiess such,a question to � . . . .
1,ug.,i:.- tire body -of. the child exposed to the., the' -disease. The balsan . , thunder torn� cathe on. The man who .1 , . . . I . .. I I "I I
nothlog-more or less Oian that 1 itl9 sot . . . . . L .cap , was struck filor maJesty "Then.'! said the -queen, �.. .. , , . . . . I ,. , . - : . ' L ., :
- s he .0 - L . . . JME� ''LL. , . _,. ;:
. .. ; :
'financial a r theorii. s, . . . Re then made off,. CatarrhozQne. kills the g.erm, I -weari I . , , .
a* $t, raty coid *wind. . was ng I thb . . . , - . IN'" ER SPARE T ..� I
boo of Lid ,%th . '. -apparently. to die,'llis spots-, stops dib pin . n tbe throat,: d ad. 'To Appease the ra�e. of the 411 must ndmit there is one individual , � � . . . . . , I I
v.11 . � I saving the boy I . ent e ' I I � . . � . I . I . . I I
the "Balance of Trad . I cries inaae. vain by the prevailing ee a. the nose c ear an e I ,ly bis,.foll6*s- tock.. th ,.for whom I entertain a decided. pr.efbr- . . 1 3 the year iound`.* "-'W' iL I . ,
. ��hunder-god,, - I .. . 0 1 . I .. . The posRion is pleasant and profitablf glad .
. THE MANUP.1, CTURER, ; *iud - 'The mother. thought her son .orradicates every tra.e eLp, rr., from ' .like . ars toany lady -wbo ina IMP - 0 e�� .L ,�� �
. ;II, btitabout 5 30 the a ste;m. atar oz e 0 . .t fail.; I . cap, and hung the'.bells on it, Arid ence, and .that individual Is th(i D . ly send particul, v--lieed to, I -Oaks . n
L , ' . . .
We will now deal'%- ith the m.vftuf;ic-. was playing in the bax I . stuck. It tip jon a . pole on the prairie, I 6f Wellington." Tile length Of Lord i, oiiid coxvise4s you that thie is ho doe epti ' on. , ; �'' . '. I . . , , , . I , ... I.. .
.y,. stind it search was started ; the curic,us ac- k Ill's guaranteed, Iwo 0 S, treat�- I . I -
turing industries or' the countr ., � ... and Mde rat, sacrifice.' The Mgjb*Vrn6'6 face nyty be Imagined; the � I . .. I. . . I I I . I I I I . .. .. I .
. . 11, .. , N!Vf-,^ ON ".. . ..... . "
.1 .
to take another ,ti ell -known. article tions olf.11lie dog attracted attention, nient $1 ; ial, size., - . I . - 4 Voller five . .10. I I
w ding -ahead it led themothet . I . . - . � -0 XUAMM"'A3
-Amiliar and hour . . I I . poor, deluded .Crees don . . 'L � duke. being 46t collrab his great VolLtIcAl I InRS T -It . . .. 'I I
hie,h we are oblig-d to 'be f I . . � . . � eent pieces to the Grea:t. Spirit; but - I - . . . I . - . I I
, . I I I I advan".. .1 " - ' 1. . - , .
VVIth, we will discuss the manufactur- to the scene of:.the crime. The lad - . I . . . - � L,heap. the best they havb round the. . . - I . . . . I . . . . I � . I .1 i 1. . . I �f I I
'. .. L I . I , hr nt-ford,-Ont. .1 I
ingofelothing. The clothingmanu- ,was almost unconscious and blue from .. , 'A K6 - '�, - -and then g ' 0 away L . 1. . I . . . I I 18313rant Rve. , . a I mr . a .. . .4 .
exposure,. but * is expected to releover.. . MAN1'ZWED10lNU. , pole of sacrifice, I - - I 1. . � I I . . . . I I., �. I . 1, I
factitrer requires amongst other tlijbgs -1 . . .... � - . � ) * Land leavek the, go bd things to lie tak-w .. . I � I . .. . L L
'wool;, -u,, linen ., and worsted goods, Ontario police are on the trail -of the 1(ev^ seotj*n Netarms to Cialux t1ko 41irl of en by the Great Spirit at his. .. lei- - . L . . � . . I . .
. . . - - I - -- I �
These we have not yet aeguired the perpetrator. - .. . I . . I . -- I
. . � Nis Meart An*r Making 311tIllaugh . . . . . -..
. I I , sure, "They just'leave them there on . 1 4 1 . . . I ,
. . . � .
attof manufacturing inthisc - - ----------- r- - A roman -tic ending ,to IL lengthy the . prairie, to go -to . ruin," said - � .0 -, ,. I I I . . . . ..
to e I I I . I
. I . . I I
and for the best class of goods we . . A � . . I 0 0 -, 'Iockade' -11 .'. I
- '
as 1) i rh a grad as in Great Britaint. I '. .. I . . bourtshfp his occurred it Glace Bay, Monsieur ' Jobin, "and we, take - - . , k% I . -
. ., I Whi�n 'Frederick R; Strong,' il- neil- them; and then, when they come � a I - B.
... - Blockak; . I . . . '
bave to !,,o there . s 81ILeh in . - - � , , I witer of So , 311 I .11 I I I
. '
. Had- - I . 1. ... lionaire mine -d nth Attica, a few ,wedIts' time and find theyhav�o I . . . we are now Saing, Blidkoaaa with �;,
Let us. for & * further purpose of . I. , I � " has just returned aftd,claimed, as ,gone, thity have another dance, to I I , �r�e tail*ayBlocksd6 is, now n lood. �`
. -
illastrati.ri. imagine that the clothing 1. .. . I 01%110L his bride Miss Mollio R, .Xcwh00kP: showAhoir gratitude to the Oreat. jjoodo-*e want you tocome aiyd aspist in retboving the goods so so to raise the l3fobirgda, ,- ,!,.
- .,
. mannfact.; i er is commencing business, - Foir 'Hosl of Village of Tilt,8 Spirit for.'acc9pting thoir .'sa,crifice*. � � L I -1- - , Bear in Mina that, as soob as ibe 3now.., thaw. -i a little tuore, von will be blockaded in. $rdg ';'
I hbal-ner the Newfoundland -- --- I . ' .
and has a. -irtain amount of -capital. am the 'dosisrs did not Core . L' I hairy il� and �et �our walits supplied slille ott stook I$
"' Cove -o Whom he became engaged So it. is satisfactory all round, " I �, borh6s, sc LARGE � 06 ,
and a got,il name. .He conies, to his . 1. S&ld be WOUN mover -be Trdl-b� I t They'were then, . "The people ' 'Who travel 01611gh . � - � . Spring .Goods arq opeving np vQrY nice anl vood, � .: �' . . . '. . . .1
' 'it hWIs X"ve Food &'*0ftderW . eiglAden ,years ago. . A . . .
bank And en �; that he intends -to via - IV. -I ' C medicine. . . . . Now !a the time to buy your Fidd Seeds soph as Clo.ver, T.1mothy, E to. 1
lauddesfleld,' Bradford or Manchester * . 'r '190 a -plain country lad and lass Of SeV-. the West doa�t.see'4nything of the . . I . . HowaboutStockPooils.Ete. - .. I . 1�
. MR, SIMON, Cjou�lzit, shoemake j . enteen and fifteen years, respective� Xjidjans it, they stop in Winnipeg. The . . - a-. 1L. . . . I
to buy goods. and that he will have to , I., Montreal, - Que., staten- . . take a ' I . I . . . � . 6 Rroduce'watrted at hiallest nkairkiat price * .
XA0110 *ieW 8 ly, Strong left for the . Canadian gad I Limp an , , .1 . . . . I I .00 - I
go to that other well-known country, ,,,For sj� tean I was not able to *ork in � thi best way to s6e them is to I a . `1I .. I I
he Klondike At ,rig and leave the. ,cities, � and gb ou. lbothes tho . I 1. I
Ireland, for his linens, as tbe-finest herves were all unttrung and my digeltion,02 West, Went Into- t Re j .. . . .RADAM
linens in the worl(I are Thanufadtured. I bgd severe fttAcks of headache, couid not early strike, .and inade' half''a, Wil- through the prairies "on Lthe 're, . jir6A1d Tufies. Cure, (10U(jHs, Londo.boro Emporium . . � - �
, .
� .
3learBelfast.. Hesayshe is not known. . . sleep, and suftj I.with lion dollar& teaving 3)awson (3ty serves. Then they may see the ways � COLDN, BRO . NOHITIS, ROARSEr I � . . � Mar I 22nd IQN,.� . I ., 11 . . I . . . I . . I I .
on the obher side, ruld resuming that I I oting'pani .a . tm - be went to South Africa, investbd in of the, Indians at their daily life,!' - . .-!!�!!! - I I . . � -- P . 1,
I . sho ' 0 '44 NEBO, etc., quicker than any rem- !;,!! 1111111016� ,� g .q
� -
bestands well Nvith ?is banker. the - . . , Small a my lAck. I minesi And is now: worth tw. mil�, . "By the way," he added, my,in- -YOU have that irrill 7 �. , - . . - - � I . I - i'', I I
I I I , pitals -n4ver forgot , the pretty than name is MihiPo%&, which means edy knovm If . . I . . . 1.
latter will write tor'its London corres- I I Wail in, font rhos I lions. He : I I I . 'A,' . � I � I I III& , .
I ,A,
I , I le. 14--t-�l+'.t�l-tel.�.."+,.*.,�.�11-40��1*1 *.-
-nts,.givin ood account , . Zould few 1�polled child,' bi�cause, when .1 first tating Cough that keeps you iWakil %#
pond, but the doctors maiden at his old.home, and a . � . w +,,0.-+,,,-#�-#1,%#*,'-1 ............. I 1-1 - I . .
- .1 . . I
,f them a g � I -1 - .. � The from col- , . i I I � ,
manufacturer, and ak- - - TA& e to w in, fresh, .' Will 4 � ,
of this Idontrea 11 .7 ddlys agor ret ent among .the at uight, &'dofio 6f the Synp . I . � I
rf 0 me so I . -- 10.0 - -
I - . ---. , - .
now . It . welt. I U It f then At Glace Bay, C -B, 'there well,, after their fashion.". + . I .. ., . . I . .� I .. B610t h , , -.
' not en" I � I ' ,
. . ,
inging for them t use the bank's . . ! I I said I would nevir & claim hio'bride. Miss Newhook was loge, the Indiana -treated xtop..it at once, , I I . .. I The' S oe
mameas referetice. Our friend Age= slil::e 0 I and . . I
a ;Z d the wedding .. I -- .1 I ' � . . I . +. 1. - . . " - I . . . . I . I � .1 11 . .
goes to England, and gives orders for their - Strong blistened �an . . - . . - -- � 11 .
843 many yards of,dloth, and -the ma,dua. . the do of Dr. 011"Al - took pl&de, the clergyman receiving . 11 I UtIqUor-aitaus A#kod. - .� � . I I � 11 's that which combines the -
facturers, who in th� mogntime. will 0. Nerve Focid some. a fee up in the 'thousands. Ml,�. anif, -� ,The bonus'idea, .*has reached the I USO V09 EIGHT YEARS. I � �, ,�,Z,llty Of style, eumfQrb and .1 ,
have satisfied themselves through I I 6:tl�hs an . i h usea DR. WOODIS NORWAT . . . 1, wear; table sh6bs make . I
in, ia� MAI Mrs. Strong' tailed 6n the 28rd in a . uncoinfor
0 � if it, in St. Thoma . Alma College, sve I . / / .
London that they can grant him a cer- con ' 0 I PINE SYRUP for every,cold X have liad ou, miserable; - unstylish .�,shoes
*1 ' 1. awe Mareh.for 0ape Town. . . IL la.dies' spluinary,- directed by Me- I. " . . � . '
-df credit, arrange to ship . . -d-d- . � . - the pas I � A nake. you embarrassed; quick k, , �
tain aniGunt .11. mjmto" - . . - . - thodists, is asking .a, subsid� of for t.eight.yeaxs, with wonder. ?X
the goods. These goods.,will arrive ill %&V C1611tier I hays now been A 1, The Chfiseek. , %1:13 000 to enable it, to. avoid dies- I 'V'*eArinyshoea make you Angry -.
. . .
the pieeo. -n)r aliout let November,and- -for ever two weeks, sad believe thall my -Tho'Chinook Is, one. of the pecull- jug't)I6 doors4 The building Is . a iul is I ifeceis, I never sea* a friend with 0 , , . I -at the Qiller, . I . . t
. wA . ' h . . . . . � .
nyrangemonts WM I= filly jreswo& it AMMONS 1. rh or cold but that I recommend, it -f- I I . .'' A .
in nceordatice with be�a arities..and one of the blessings Of hand6onja one, that Would cost �per� coug, I I.. . . I
maxle in England. will be p1ti . us�dl -1 11 . I .",
d for a J,i -s" to nAd my t"tiniony to as Western Assinibola and Southern haps $jso,000. it has been in exist- � M. 1k. Ellswortb, Jacksonville, Mg. � . -oulk'snoes ;, - - , .." �
. .
coiipl(% of inontlis later. This Kives ;71�4'sons who hive beem twed by Alberta. it aftects the broad belt ence for tiventY years or more, The I 5. CENTS. I �. I I . , : . . . � �
the nianufacti.irer a-chancetomake dkb wooderfil medicine." � �oot-, .ratepayers are Asked, to' Pam a by- I PRICIM 2 . I . 111 are built toplease you in 'eve I I .
Upthegoods. In the mennIone,his Irtak of territory contiguous to th( . . -, I _ � n I . 1�
� hills.oj the ljocky 'Uountains, blowT, 14W to raise $15,000. The ground \ � I -1 , . particular, they are correct I ,
travellers have been gohig over the inj 'tutloh dis- :, . - - � Ii., shap (jasy to wear And last, . , I
aos .1 , . .. , �
Torontb, -� N dolvii the. slopes as genial.brec of asking is tkat the inst, . I I 1; , , . � ,
. . . R I
I I 11 0 .1 ,-
. country selling t lie goods , . Inter timo, and in.8= tributes a 9rdat deal of money,and I ", , . N - I asl gas you,can. expect ,th9m,
Hanii1tonand o'Lr ��la q; -putmostip - it the w I hier I ' . I ad YCAR& I - I - lit oil stock. o bouble to show gooV�,'- , ',
likely the retail. dealers ,v rili, T ot want -temperitIg tile .beat As currents of., ',Ill. A. * great advailta,ge to the city, . XPERIENC I , to, Drop in and have it look I
,1, Indoect It is.* It costs about : . -- I 11 I ,
I cool and moj.�turc-ladon air. The ,.*hi, I 0 yr $3.50 shoe for meh, and our $21400 SmAe for women ,,, oo '
to pay for the goods .just its soon a;5 . ----b ... ter climate of, these, llrovincei�jsl, $26,000 & year to maintain tho'ked1w I --- , are gre � at values. . � I ,�
they arrive, and Probably do not want. ---*+,1.j.j,4,* -�A-A-jxvs -"-k+1l4 VtA . I &-Vie" 1�
I Uie goods sbippi5d before Ist February, 1 *X711W 1 very like that oi Colorado, it seasorl. lege, most of which, sum ii spent . I � I I '�" �;, - '. � � I ''. .IN, GRMHRWSK-2��-^- ' . I
or let March.' In the meantime the I #1V r Thpore ' isthebestaud of bright, cloudless days', infrequent. for the necessaries of the table and I I I I .1 "I I I I
Ao,rt 0 'Par � inedliftil for and frequent fuel. 'prom .1naty,standpointei It Is 11 . 11
(. t" W(,-hix,�,e.ib good.line of JAW4111 Te",
. 'Min ceal Otir stock i i complete.
Wigations of tbomanufactlirermature aftd scanty stioNvfftils, .. 4o .Ludella ed Rose* I I
i local advertisifig. It has it re- - )nged breaks ol warm WeAtli'- an admirable Institution to have In a � . d Black, In packsife Teno we catry V . .
I r, gularity, of issue, and the y I and prol( �. -,r ,�� ) � .,
nWeatBritain and* he calls attlie I ,,00d, +i . . t BC1,11eleE 11,t*tnibon and Upton's cc P,�)ratedTeits. They -Vero boug)it, before
bank, tells them hbw much be owes an 1, heralded by the Chinook wind. ; cit.y. of St. ophomahvize. . � , ,
'. . . .
the othpr side, and the bank here cab- advertising is read as carefully ;.I � TnAVX M1 CRKS � tile ad�ance in pri.ies which ,wo w! I I give our customers the. bellefit �of,
1 its the news matter. Thereare � io doubt the,'Tapiin current, which � . I �`, ", . Deme."s I " Plain,and fAlloy 11ii4ellits. Boiled Ibun, finlOked.11oll, Brealdhat Badoll
. I . I, A .
. I I � I I . . - .11 'imr(d Mints, Pickles fit Bulk and Bottles of
les to its London borrpmondefits to . I . i .. - " COIDYNImITS &C. Pickled Pigs' Feet C a.
pay the amount to Hudddsfleld, 13rad- pecillI0 conditions which way in British Co unibia plays the Part i ' � , I 11,11 I. ".
Tom and -Belfast merchants foi Mr.1 'Ova"Ant the use Of 'Other med- of tile gillf str(laill in northwestern . ,lip% , AnyarwAvijalllr� ask0t0b and descriguoll wa* .. I kinds. A trial order will convine(-; you tbat we- carry a stock I eq
. N quielay meortain out opiniort Treo w othet an 1.� usl 'to � -� �'
_ ,
, , Wins, but as a rule newslVatpet I'Airope, contribut(1,44 to temper- thest., Inventioll 140tobabl3rpatentg1h. conimuffleA. I any In the tradeiind the prifm reasonablo, Alsoa, car of RedPAth"er Oil 1.
� a
Smith, Clothing, Manufacturer of' 8, regions. I I CAoTOR I A - tions Atrictlircollphnt 44ANDBOOK on PI%tentt , ., tar,justai,riv(%dwlii(!Iiwe;ti-tt4,,Ilii)g,atea�5t. Yourtradesolidited. , i
I c Chinook is so - called because , sent irk"d, 014(lat N000r orsecaringiiatt A, I I
-English mavufaetur� , ' ratAnts taken t rough Idunn & Co. .(1. � . . I. . .
ontreal. The i oaeei�the most des! , le- . � , ,
i Printer's Itik. Th ' kor ' Infoats slid 0hildmi. ' . finds of garden soo,ds I . . .
ers have iiow bkn paid through tbo , . I where i . . I I . .
I . I
, ,
4;c-, "o ,�Fell;?�Mlo- I
��gency of the bank bete, Probably ... &-' A " &--111111' - . &--& -&--6--d--A it blows front . the quafter : . � iVectainotite.Witboubobarito,intho - ' d--*Ik I,%% eft Oft M , " , , .
-I..,- P"w .1
....... 31,119"111"A'Arla"" lies the lajid. once inhabited by the . � The 1,10d you Have Alkays ap" '19 ..
they air custoraer . 81 9"t
made a Inat to tho -1!%Z-^. Clhinook Xod-jans, 0 of . I ' , W9400C Amerit"M , � . it 11 I
,"- I
for1be pur ose, feelinq tbaf they were . . it the banks ears the Lbitndsointlirillitat'ratA'dweokir, togastd. �, ..,.Re V9 K in, JAI ,
. 4=1 .A. on W 4C30 the lower Coluffib4i Itiver. . . ,� r -)a " I , culatift Of any 841611C."d utnal. T0171111"Oft I . �
.. quite safe, tiasmuch As the latt'ee bad %w tte - , 1ho Kind yali Haire AWY8 Bilight . I I --..,....... ! signa, 0 . oar - font monthal 4L. Bob byftll1k0WJ1dea,6r1% . '0016 C06PO11-21. Old, Stand', . I I pboaq 23.
, . .
II I .
� I for considerably more W," I 4 I I
'10)0 OC111411114 - 9
.9 1111 I'll,
. '"O"'" I . . turo of Ze . RNN, &-CO 3810roamyt New YWtk I +11-INW.I.- , . 9 . I �
orders on hAri( - -.,,...,. , . �,
. signsitura. $��� . "I 0-! , !�. � T!. W -t , , I I - --- W* ,
- X it A&CA190, in the, �
(Continued oil page 0.) of 4 2 �. A'', . New Era. . rptich office, hs v st., WeAluaton. D.
� . I . . . . I . . !. . J11 I . I . I'll � " . I . I . I . . I I . . -
6 . 1. 4. , . . L . I I � 0 * .
� . . .., I � � $ �
I . .
V \ I I . A . . . . . � . . I . , I
I . 1. � 01 - I , . . . I � . I . . . 1� I
. I . I +
. .
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I �. , I
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