HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-04-08, Page 2W -7 � : _wV . - - C ip - � I 1.117� , y 7 __­ , - __ I F!"W" - ,WWI' I -_ 717""? 4N. t . -, i 1; � 11 . .. I I � . � � , I I * � , , . I I � *1 l , " . .1 . I , �, lmo I W. -R1 - I � W -7 � : _wV . - 171"Full-7-WIT I - l,;Ftl'��'-' __ I - - - ,WWI' I -_ 717""? 4N. � 0 �� i 1; I 4 . . 1. 1, THE CLINTON XRW ERA , " P" Val. �, - I 1; , " 11 P, ,4 , , - #V ,1.1 V. ."7 , . , W*I% - � WA: . � Allll� � - � 7.71M 7 I . I APRIL - 8th lqn,t I 11, � .11, 111. -1 1. 11 .. _. - �� F�­__­ __ . I - . __­ 11. . � f I . . . . .. . * - ' 0 � . � 4� 1 . (�00-00- STOMACH TROUBLE PI TUU,9Q�lf i�C)os�fi . ­ , ., . � - -0: 1 1 1111, I I 1111 10: sdl� I . I . Jll­lll`llllll` . . , � .. 11 ,i I .. . . � i , Gold wasbiox *a the salalkstokowan AAvolr Farm For Sale. fl -V i I Ur Q)R" Who wastwo. . I . "I'll, BEING A A Thorou h Tosl of Irona* I I I Who west halt of 10 PROFESSIONAL �, " I ox Tab ts f iTi- old Con ,Qod 11 I ; erS. E mAr or Who Prolot .concessions, ,referred, to I I P -------- ;_ "I . o Fe 0� Very in recent press despatches, Inyolv,O, eru'id'n 'a07P.9,','.'9'jc','n s"a ' 1. . � _H, m � !- , IT Pa , .'I, - 4 0 d : I I -1 . '' ­. I a one of the Most picturesque Indus, I I � 7 f = Ed HEINRY SEATTIE � I - I � 0*1113, lou", pil: t 'tca Sim . I Severe Case. Or.h.1110Z "CAU L r1a a licat .1," all . : When Cie nerves are weak -TJ,1,KeJen *Xoev1,q"d . I I tries in- Canada ' says Xotlak in The .. -, � I tf- J. , . L ALIA'(Wil a (819ftessair to Me aas Sea# , � L , ­ I September 19,, 1902, ,Toronto NOW% In the beginning of I . . . I �_ I ARRZSWHR, 80141(=Olt, 4:0. I L everything goes wrong, You I , the 9014 days On the Saskatchewan . tZeading rityalcisfies. . 'a , CLWTO ( . � I never tric ., I opinions 0 I 'lare tired all the time, c�s!A'y 1. Copyright, loos, by T ,4. an�tlliing that odd spots of the sand beach spark- I Faltm for Sale. lf' I Blgok, formerly olooliplelit , �, � �i . . ,, 0. Xcaj;ro . , have been prescribing Pilekone fo r discouraged, nervdus � can be by compare with kon�ox led like corn -meal tipped with -frost, externaland Internal piles, , 4iortiectZim"'I't . . and �- . I can re- Lot I . , . The Indian sa.* it as. he paddled in 39, Concession 4. QQderich Tp., about 2J L 1119NIETWO XIEND. Irritable. Your checK!� are 1 0(�40'$�C1_1'0*0�"00V)'41'C* MO($�(� Tabl�ts for st6 ach trouble.' I I . miles from BaYfield, 8 miles from Clinton, L . I �j .'Dorothy Bro0l;way ran gayly up the .. his. canoe,'but It was all a bit of CHFILL0 M.D. 1 . I . I containing 80 acres, more or less. good fresh. . . L as I had a very i .1 commend , it very highly, LL W. J. MIT water creek running thro h Sal W., � I I . severe, case of little spectacle to him like the ra, u- Prwe $1.00.. 1 a ear rV n. p I s'to the first class paiseager coach I by Mail on ree firor gale by drug&to, of ro , � 2 acres rqbar . L , I I , bow, "nothing In it." The wbito a Pff ot Price I . Fer I artien ar LLLLLL, a a 0 e,b rn LL -BA,EtRISTEA 0OTjTCXTO11, 190TAX&Y Sarza ar'lla , stop nervous dyspepsia, and. they . a I In ere gne on the - '� ! as It Stood, III tile I'llelimorld depot. L settlers Called it "flour gold," silted " pre Jaw.- " I . . 1* L I I are more than I ever e'kpe down from the Par North when the W. T. STIAONG, )Ianufac . turing Chem., 4 . L . i.- RUJ$b1C. ETC,, . �'' V, � pale and your blood is thill. . "Ta,, tall' -she called gayly to a big . _ cted at, London. on tarlo. I. . OLINTON L' I - I ­ e 49 Yukon, camps wore a drep, I - �­ follow who stood beside th coach. By of them. Your Tablets have , ni. ilo ,__ ­.­ ..1.___---w - . I ! *� , . I I � . Ff arm for Sale - AIDOUT & I � Your doctor says you are I saw, a roluiW proposition at once, . - by, Toddy," and' with a pretty Ittlo . , "I �. threatened with a nerrous , I done me so much good that I and he set up his altar to the god . G. T. Ro Time Table-, . . -L HALIM � moverAcut She blew a liaSs to. the wait- am giving them t my little of gold on 4 sand -bar, He rdAde it � South half lob 83 con- C0NVR'YA,NCH1tS, COMMsSIO . i " , L . breakdown. I -le orders dils 0 . - . Goderich & Strafford VISIo. " 40 acres; goodoin' 15, Goderich Townshi p , ' 'L NEMO, L " -grand old F.'tmlly medicine. �. � . . . U. r- loamt 5 acres fall wheat 1. V L 'I tug man, then disappeared -wit L axe, a haariier, a I ,:, 1. . . ,bia the girl, she is' tro himself with ,a L 0 ra I .. d.1ra a Kitchen, Oat- Real Estate &ad rnsurance Agent ; ubled with ner- fe Express leaves Clinton for Stratford I Money to loan * I 'f L 1, $I For innre thim 50 N'trat's I haVo Uset) A or door'of the train. . w nails, a SION% and 4 piece of air to tag ;- 8 A t floor; sovtws,ber . - . I.. . . vousness., . I blanket, US a ni,r 8.2.3, p m, 5.20 in., ce 0 1 ter pump; fra a barn,, 0.111. HALE, , � I � 1� When It was established, t,ae qt r . �1. [AnrA�ll,-il*illixliiniN,f.-inily. [till AW1,01-droll;18. The man lifted .his hat solemnly. . . -Expres Ill f at 0 La go I I JOHN UIDOUT I , . : 11. . Stall Ita"04. and.; IV4 ... di;rf,ll M.-f"Vile for Ln. � Then lie strQae awa with . a rt the i"Q looked liko a I t:hilr, , s-leaves,01inton for Go ericly ­­ er- Is , La 0 Ouse ad I Pons. - � , 11 . . � .... _ :_ , " 17 . li-41f_`bi6 10.15 a in, 12.55 P. in, 10.32 p m. t 00 a rim oree a PUM 1-;U0l1-"-JP. C. UULT, Wool, ll;kyall, Cill,!1. � . quiet �u Later -January 26, 1903. -coffee-mill and A saw� a I , I L rUnap; ,rou . � . 'ifa bottle. to A magniged I 0 I a. 0. AYRII �0-1 __ - 04, a re as, or H Oft Gd. CAMERON t" Lowefl. "'Nil.. 9 a. called a "grIzZley." I P. . .. L " 'A , rawrws. 100% Ili bits eyes, " horso. - It wa, I . ! . �"L *" I Also a mixed at 7.05 p in. 0 . L . p9t.oven. waltin, to I can -truthfully say"it is a - ­ . � I formerly -of Cameron: Holt 4 0 1 . ; I I_: 001COW-0.1"Vexam= for " 1300 t medy for Besides his new corrimorcial i6l, . Liindon,'Huron'& Bruce. . . , Amerou I i I I I - . I . rV the wind. � I . I re hipper stood with a tin El Xpress leaves Clinton for London I . I . . BARRISTER AND . � III 1,c merry face that peered out of wonderfully good the g,litw,r, I . , , . , 'S o* as the train _ . L aL I I f I ., . 1. 1157eak Ne puffed out df the station . .. . any stomach trouble, Mine Pail On the end of 4 Pole. He 747ar and4l5pm. . L . FarML for Sale � . - office -Hamilton at opposlte� colb6rne House. 1. ... L 11�, L ., . � L . � .o scooped up the watery Express ieavew Clint6n for Winghain . . . I I , , ..i, ­ I . "Ob, brace tip, Mordsoill This ivolet was a very severe- case, at it : I . gravel, arid . - - , , . L _. GODERICE1. 'ONT '' . . , %.1 Keep the bowels regular wilt Ay,,i-ts . .l, I . . . . Itumped it slump by slump into the I . and Kincardille, 10.15 a in, 6.5 P.. in 'The undersigned offers his farm,80 ' - . ' . ;;��'.. pills, just 0110 pill emcl-I _11ght, do.. There's no'use troubled. me' four years, and lots9andlo. concessio,3112. onthellthbalf0f --DICKINSON & QtLJt.R0WL I I . . making a mute iilf I I � hopper. The stones ran into a heap �--- I � . � I !.� ', .- and the fin@. se,ild isilted.through o Amapa a half frame house w1that placeis a . BAURIS'runs, SOLICITOIRS, ETC ­ - _­ n'f ­­­ _ _.. _ ­r� yourself for any tool girl who doesn't - 'your'Tablets hAii� done me. UOLD I . oue cellar; I i" �, . 4 - � REXILL 00118", DYES drl ghbuse,bains,sliflis anda necessa eMee-Corn, � HaMjjtoXL$tq , L Z,� - ' . . , I . . L I � '%.-_":: half appreciate YQU.tp. L . I. of jo0d. L. the blanket, 1a One scoop might'be outb dings, one 11 or;'hard , never fallin .. andthe Sausure - L sing d4yo - a world . one gra I" ad well alstern,9D acres cleare , . . - . !" ,,�. . I u:.don't know qnything ab6t ItIll i . . .. ,in of gold. Splash-garrl Them— Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, S11k, sgrin-4 creeks . . . . I . . Z I �,. ' ' � wn with I acres.btish.0no mile and a�quarter r . L GoderAcho Out. . . . .. !l.", , �'­ t.0 n flow' Era , H. R. MONCK . VP with the gravel and do . The Un, . , I 111 . r I 17uta or.Mixed Goods in one bath -they arl: .1lurch,S01100 find poet offloe.,.FQrfull partle. H. JU, Dlok,.ison CHAS. GAiRR .:, 'I." 1. And'Terry Morrison walked offl, leaving ,' . . I the stones, went the pail, perhaps the latest and most improved -, ,, . dw. L.L.D . bL . Dye In tht' ulars . L 1.�,.%�,, -_ __ - _ __ I the man who ad'beeit trying to cbqer " 436 Barrie -Street,. the only world, Try a Package- All colorm's.t. * Sept 82P y to . I . - .:. �­ ;.1 ":,I FRIDAY . 8 I .. ; . . � sound in miles of solitude R..P. EEKIE,SL I 11 W . R -9- KNOX, Hiph, Out. 'PRO. *r & 14AY'S. '. �.L � � , . . . P. I U DFC10 ,%... - him up stfinding where be was, a little L � . . I . �ingston, 0 and the patient'ininor the only mov-, . . IN , , Drag Store. I ------- 6 . I TAR=Fj ,rPrJ$, - . I 1. �. -.--------- BARRISTBUS, Somorrong, No . 1.�,�.. - ___ i . nt� t 'Ing figure. - The stoAft heaped into a � - L I I I - _ . . ".., 130tistj lo lu , Chagrined - and -a bit sorry for theL big - 'l, , , I chir ot, 'and the flou I . PRQOTORS IN TIM MAXITAME COUAT, Mo. . � .1 ,,,,, . V I t1frogre a . . . - - 'Fifty ii�ou-ox Table s, in an. attractive ri at his fe' 177 sanA Advertise in- the N . Farm For Sale,. , OM a: Worth 11t.i next door to $iguale I * , I : ,:! : . . .. - . ,.fellow. .. . . . I , few Era, I . c nee - �,_,, � � . aluminum pocUet g4fle, 25 Cent$ at orug., . clogged� up, ora -the, . blanket.. Here . . . . . - , L i�, L - L . 1, . . Private F11,61d? t&IX estrates _____ - . L L . . . .- - in a. , � ___ .A4 I... . That the Canadhaj Pacific RI-tilly;ly ; As the train whizzed past-tbe out- gi�ts, or sent, postpaid, on receipt Of. � and thereArl the blanket slit at sun- - U4000A flok)"40Z04dArichtV., 118, scra . � t�at." I . L .1. L . ��o ,I' , , t has decided to-rurt I . an the minor's shack -s min, -for � Sale. �, Aclokired,ba &nfi, hsl &Wcgdl%1jha I . ' . I � . 8 a call- ,�:. . -way itedi Walkerville, Or#. � I . I ,� oily of cedar on it), in good state at. a W. PRGUPFOOT. -1 I . � � tw6 tran�continou- skirts of' thd efy Dorothy Brock pnee. ,, The Irch-ox Remedy Co., XAM�' down, wh mokb geed L - CX 11 . . - . . . .. . I I . .1 � . A. 0. HAYS . . ,-: '� , " : tat trMll& d2tily frorn Montreal to Vim- Stretched out her arms abd drew 4 .1 . ' . L _ '.., began to curl 'out .of the poplars, a - . L . v6boutflveaoresfallw eali,an I Ir. ale or I -1 . .. . I . � . �. . - - . . . I.. � . 1. microscope might 'have detected' a , The Undersigned offers,for salesquantity' done. ()a ortable- b . .. . ." '' � couver is biA another sign of the devell. deep sIgh of ,rellet ' ,' . . I . I 'grain of -gold. =11nfilretab I 0 a rge . . , ! _� ___L-__-__..-1_ - And when the "giiz- of Siberian white oats and Manchauri bar.- ­ 9 derneath rig .. -a] , * '' . 1�1`11' , - . . . I ,other. oupbut an L . .Medi � , L , . _11 "Free, free, freell' she breaihed in a - L - - . . I , - L Joy, seed,.froe houl. a . . . , Opment of the West, and of the -eat ! . vleY'l hermit. got it sLoParAted -out, by. They have the mostly winter . � . I—.. i . 11 ­ .� . - ,,, I - , wild Pace and muetara. V. wall we - -, . . gi � passionate whisper and leaned back in vOlety Of hiii., '!­* - - I - _jaigest-�_yleldm 11 r i - I - , ,�­ I . ewels, real and i4stei ,-a mercurie-Lprocess learned from: a L -for ing spring area well , L 'even L - ---- - * -'--- - . ....._'Juarease in the travel between Eastern I - - L the last L "e0ord from Clinton a an two well �,, a$ i)ris. GunD & Gunul, . . I .1 and West C. 4 - derful smile. in her I 6 or 8 years, from provincial statis, t reefrom . . 11 : the seat with won twinkled under the chaindellers,. arid book, he had perhaps two dollars' if- . Dr. W. Gauss$ IL. R 0 P.. L. R. 0. S.. Falls- - . I anada, . . I . 100 * BiOn at anY time, reasonable term " , ,�. . L Uftntity of White seed irther; I I . , r . -if he had kept' ihs. - . Im. it. V. S. Engla . British Cobimbia . the fumes. from a bundyed cigarettes . Worth of flour gold , also a limited*q ' 3 W Yeo 0 to Dr 74 � Nisbet L uunn, 1"', . , , .,,& ff. S . I - - I . eyes and dee�,' JOYOUS Satisfaction. per- PC . Apply to : Df' . �articulars to CHAO. 8 6. L it C. P., London. . ." is rapidly becoming ail impor I i that Splash!--garrl steadily going, to , - * , . .0 derielf. I .. I .1 . . ­ . � . I L I ��` I .tli'll� Vtrt ; meating. her whole being, f'No. .more rose to heaven. Some college boys were the swing of his elbows, .. . .1 Lot 24,25, con. .9, Cut line; ooierioh,tii. . . . . . Office- Ontario Street, Clinton, Night Polls at r. i * - 11. I . . of Canada, in touc I ,witil evopyt1l,,no, . , . . I . . � L"- - I I . . , ; mammstsl - No mote Teddyl 'go ' 1 , - singing' "Bola'. Bola!" totally oblivious - , � . .1 . I . . __ . . . ,front door of. oftlee or. residence, _ , � . . more � This was,the po ' ma, l' : "' - . ao.lmesy'lle' P. 0. . � . L Farlo . I . Street. - . . . - H�tteubtiry - .L L ��­i- � . cOmil-1-01al, finan' I .. . . or ,. n s privilege . . .. to, . . 1. . . ,me , -_ I - "'. ' " I . . . I . . . L . . . ON Oats, and:Bgrl ' . . I .. � _. 1. L 4. I . I .. .1 : .. � . . . ,,,�. I - te4ft,TUeS!ll.6 I 0. on the trible'with, their tqr�S. In Wild 'katchewan till the Drolet. concession . I , , .1 . . r Sale, . . -L I '�k�­ � . I L � L I . . � .. chIl and Political , chaperons! - No -mor6 . of ti , a nd. tune *and wero� pounding . on. the - upper - reaches' of �- the lSas- - , * .' � I 1'jL.­.1- 'Which filre"rests Citfi,I&I, l -is -wholfi. . went on. I'Viist fun, . , L __i,�_ I Smith hats 6olibteA as Uplease .and be bohemian., Oh - . . I . ��,�",:`1, '. I Professor GpIdwin , a and Ii.ork and -do applause atAlieIr own jokes. .' CamQ �utoL 'V6';Ue: Then -sixty ,miles'. , �S . _"_ - I . ey Lob 34, Er.'R. 0 -, . I . . . I DR- J --W- 4WAW. -, � I ' . " � . . .�L� . Irow, I I , d, ` .' .of the � , t.d . Tpokeremith, contai ili Pny-SIOXAN. sURGRON. - .. I . . .. . ��, How do you like it?" asked 6briumb ,. The- er I . . I hatli it all! ' Mamma!s * as they, took L . river. abOV6 and 'belo Ed- n A3ocuabour ate olkeeafid, . if the %%'est has flll� interest in tile co inveiltionall- L NY signed -offers for sales quantfiy. 100 acres, all oleRred, There are io buil(lings residence On . . I I I � their' seats,' ' -'�' " ,' inonton wereAeased by jLof:"N6w Century", s, . nd I "Ablmdonc�ll on -the' . 'the is . barlo at 01P F Co. ' . , ' - � tlesl Teddyls'bossing.-dear 'old Tedl ., . , the* Goveri, � . .. seed place but. r0olto Migliab clitirch, formarl , ,,, LL - . . nd is first class and v Appleton. Clinton opt. - . I . I -� t ,. ,!It's Ohoky,", said'. Dorotly non L 1 - f?%ts and l4Mapdh%uri?l. barley. -Price 35-.. well. wat6red- sited L qbfint I ' . . L�, - - Ekst. Two transcontinental c1l"Ily - H&w.*brokeft.up he lobk6ill." And s6in i , . . . COW. ment to Dr6let as a. monop y. - The . 11 . . 9 miles from , �,-. *� . . ! , . cooled ; . .-�Li - Situ I �',,Y� t?ains would seem to indicate thfit tbf_� ' . W4401y. . . 1'*1 picturesque "gr zz ey" - With its U11- 'a .- L ... - . .Llf ��O . � :. of the mei�riment faddd from her eyes 0 ' I. . , . I I . nd 45 lite. respectively,. . I .. ... . ' Clinton. For,partioulafe apply t6MID'OUT ' DR. Ot W- THOMPSOA*4 . � t - ' , . . t . . ''' Itchipt worshipp I . I � . I-, 'JOHN VODI) . .. 1. . . interest is:lnutual and rlLpi(.Ily develop. I What do you. take?' as .or Arid his - pole 1 EN, �. , . . . . .. . - . It was dusk as her,train stbamed1nio 11 11 . -1 ked On6'of . . -pail LonJ desb6to, 1'. 0. , L . I., . . . O.; HALE,, Clinton. L . . ; I . . Physician Silrgeon,; . . , . . at L. L ft . . � .1 L . . � 1, � . Pity L - ­th6men,lboking if Dorothy.- -_ - .�-, �shovqd off down the' river, .. .. . � Lot 32 I , fill t. LL - .- . . . . . . I P late. . . � . L , �. ��. - In 1 �Tersey' . r . . ' . . . ,Lcon..8 H . . .. . . I * ------ I 'special attention given to diseaseg ot tile . . �, . I . . �, I—- 4"; , If he population* and the tall skyscrapeis ow . "Why-wliy�_ . rig b6forii-thb:11 I I I . . I L � . ___. . . I - �� .LO ,grizzley" had 'be- . .Eye, FAr,)1_r6ataiudNoCie.- ­­ . . ,-C. I of British Coluinbia, ' 3�ar�'row'were sending for ...oh, anything. I th'Inli . . . Farm ' ­ . I . :1 .. : - I 1: 9 .th a million . - I'd like a chocolate frappe.P - I., gvn to develop into the .dredge' at. '. � � Speliz Seed Grain.- ,-'' . .� hr We - .or.. to ':R - - Oftkcoand-Resldence� L I :. I . ' i�",�.. .Rcco I - . I , . . .. � I - . . . , rding to tile Census of 1901 Is twinkling lights that streamed'dvpr the * -- . I .Ivas� three stages of evolution were � I , I - . . __ PAIL . L .. 1��,' ,": ' � water. Dorothy looked A ; A loud. laugh from th4. other three L ___.._� .. . . . ... ., . . . 1. ... . . Albert Sti-qetm nibc*s North of ItAienba" . - I - I , 1. 1 N.657, of whom over 60 per cent:. are bout her a lit- . . gone through ' bre-.th"­1.)rdse'nt, gig- signed. If a .q6antity of . That choice form of L 53. Met . . -_ . . . . ,". . ' ' I ; reetea tbi� remark. - - I . L. 1 11 bef e . The 'under -as ­_ I I . . . . as, in' g4od ' . . � ,­ . inales. This pl5pulation, . tle bewildered, but -made. her 'way'hur_ a I antic graZlcy oil a barge was put , Speltzszitable for seeil and Ill sell . the state.of outtivatI6 "is offered, f6 I G; W. Manning Smith I V.�% , "Bring us' f6ttr Martinis I L W _.� I n, e gale or - .. . Y. -) I ',:.;.. � cla"'tle(:' "'C" rledly to the gates, followed by a fat'll ' . . L ' to: StAri into the: gold -washing business. Tho Came at'500 Mr,bnsb. 'Al:iply to . for rent. There are'c;n� . 1. I . NA'. (.N. : . . I � Cording to Birthplace_js as follow ' _ with," said R 916 Cutting to the wait.; I L I . . I the pieknises 'a " � I . . �, -.�r- ­- �: porter who carried her ghpo. Throhgh . I I .qg modern -gold dredge -three. ,df'which '. � - JOBN AVERY, London Ro'aa . brick hopes, .bank barn, plor pan �hd *dri � , '' FiRtSICIAN & 81qRGEON. - I British Colimubla .............. r)9,1,S,) *. tb . I . I I . .. er, whp. wore a soiled cellar a d a cut- M85il* . - ". .. . 7- I . L I . , , �11 e bars she spied -4 i . n . I played on the Saska:tchewanat Ed -h . Chill 0. ,� ingshea....For farther-partioulars apply , . , . . . � smiling pair of. 1 .1.1 I L. I . � . OFFXA-190notreet Bayold formerly,. - � .1.1 Other Provinuc6 ... *.. � ......... . 40,OL - L .., �,�, . 1. ,3 eyes an away. ,: 1, .. . . I �, . inonton Ili 1901 -is simply a ma , - . .. 1. . I � � ... .1. -on the'pre6le6q, Lot 36l,Con. 16. Hullett, ,, . I S... . British lslands� ..... P orA96n. came L L . .1 , Lni. . . I I . _; __ . I 10, . . L ��-_41 ............ 30,6R) .to. , Dorothy. ' fOld big grizzley in evolution. -� ' . � , L� or to GEO. BEDFORD, Lon 1. I � .. ifooppied-by Dr. Pallister., . -, . I �. .... ­ . . British Possessions .............. meet her. With � an amused i' " , . . lo6ked at Corififio':. app�0- , ln-� � - , ... I L . I 11 : . . . . I , .. . � � j 11843 . . . 11 .. . . . I . . . Cows. for Sale. 1. .. . dileboro, . I . . I . 1. . . � . -11 . f4ce. - .. . I ook* 611. "let..' .. . . . . L. st I , . � L" 11 .. I . .. I I . ­ � I .. I 'L �' . , . :7 06- . :: I . I . . hensively. �. ead. of the mfiler P pole-pfq�ft scoop . , , , , , . . ________________� :: I . . . . : I '*.`. - . . . .� L L . � . . ' I .1 , . . � . . I ­ 1 . � 9, I , ­ I I .� I . . . . . I . RGNE , �L­ ­ .L "Are Martinis co6kiai" re tWenty-three iroll buckets on' . �.t. . . L. I . W - , L . . ,� ,. . Total British..... ;.. 9�1_85 "You dear little Idjo ' L I I . P -, an - Three pond Cows, one t' I . I .. )a I . . .. � ' ' ' ' $If - . . - . .1 I -,��I�. ........ 13. . ' sald,Corinne -she L asked 4 .. . . I .1 ijo L 9 ca To this month ": ' � L. , * , :]DENT][ , : ' ' ' I . .. , , � , - - - I . . I . , . ,, F . . ondle9p', Chain. ,. In place. -of, the �w. d'tba, oth ' ' 1. , AC(es' fro . . . 0 .� ­ . . . . �,.­. Poreizil, Burn .............. 40,111) as she kissed her:lin.d�,I'ed t lbily, I'li ' e;canse:11! they gre.Ilve-never IL im er two .� in . Apri . . Ff4rW for, Sale'. : I . . .. I .: CLIXTON' -` ONTAIIZO . , L . . .:. 'Not Given ................... -,10-1 the -fe -' � L � .. I I . I . -bvblving p . .. . : . f .." � . -L ,,,,, � . .1 . . , _ . he way'to .. � tasted one?" 1. . I . . .. . I sieve Js.- a huge I erforafed - 1.fivO� to seven, w�ll be -sold 011eavi L . ' , 4 , _., . . , I . I . ­ . � 1. . .. �. � rryboat t'YbU L absurd little . .. . MARTIN - . . _- �� . . . .. I. .. . I I .. L Office openevery dayand,untillOolel I i ." I., greenle! Why on earth did you Just then: one of the, cl?llege boys ,Cy1ind&,: 'as big -as a localmoti SQUIBB, Billitlifncl Cori., Qdlbornd. , .", . Thd un rhigned -offers fPr gale big farm 6 . OC_ .. . . . ve .. 4 L"' I . ..leave.. . boilvl�.' .For ' * . I . I . . of 100 aares,`situs'bed on 8r . . . . I , . . . Total ............ 3118,057 arose,, looked' ai6UU(1,jLUd 1he i4irf6i's Arms, a hu:91 *7 . .. .j lot 21 &iiq;d&yLeVbning- . . . . L I . - rind -glorlous. brother 1:6 come blew a1leal -��toalll. engine. ., . , , , . . d'Con . L . - � . . I I my good, . I . . i ' ---"7'- Township Of Stowley. ' The� far�ni i " . . . �, . I I . . . ,L. : . I . . ... Ifull *for SerVl(!eL. . � nill, . g 2J -D - , . . I �, , B.-Itis'l Columbia is British %lit L(I Ca- Up to this. SeethingL toward Corinne and Dorothy.. . . Tile" I 1. 9 as from Bric ' .. , li. . caldronT , WhY, . id . 1. : I I .. . I L dredge is stationed on a sand-" " ' - ... '' " ' ' In efield;: Thabdildillge'areLL, ... R.14 -EST, HOLMES - ... .. . � madian in every sprise of those terms. cildn't You - sta. 11 � .... . Ladies' and, gentle en",b :b -MOL * ab" , ­ 'L � I ';-,. - IL . ­ . . �­ .G. I I 91, . . 1. . ". . y -at,.,hQme -find marry. . m , . . e . egan, bar and' ored by .c les. to, '� I ftir repair, arid the farill fif Sajibble for , . . ''. DENTIST '� - .. .. . .. I . t, . . . L '*. �1, ' L I I I . -of .1iip, . ., u06. : , '. 1, :.,4.. L 1. 11 . * � "In the � gened of a lady who has . _ ,the , Su aml,ber.wfli keep for,servilce-st his, 94zing 0; raionij grain.' lilenty 'T- 0. Br �­ 1 ;�r` , �. Of the .foreigners' 14,576 '-%vere froin - him and get- supported. for, the rest Of L pre . .1 Eiho.re. , The '�baln. -bucketA climbs, , fj�l oth . of water. . (Sucbeseor'-'t0Dr. . . . 1. I . o0in,bf G'64erioh Tc;vins a., For:farther partioulars apply O� the .. . . I ... Chinaand 4,515 from J,,ipall. Yourlife?" . . . . L I just declared, -that she. .nevet -be&ro . round. on its endless. spla.9ft scooping U'Rf'�.r.a . a specialist In crown and Bridge Work I �:. . I. . ShortHorb.8all,'of good - pedi- Promises - or mail to JOS. L M 1�iULL.r, W 8.m -Graduate , Royal College Dauts;l. Sur . - . . �1'1 L , ­ * , � . ._ 1. I * tasted a cocktail Lblush to -remark -0_ L '' Up ,the sandbai,'a'nd as each bucket . I I by , 0 L. ' . 1. "Conriteill said Dorothy severely,.,,you , .. .. . . . .. . - grea. Terms $1' * Brno .. . I LL The value bf, the gold annually min I don't Il .. ,. .50.: A., NoGUIRE, Clod- old . . 9410118 of Ontario,. Toronto, , � . . .�.. . .. . � I - . , W* what it Is to be bossed:and - � "Oh, ob in oing. home *this min.. .passes t1le "Lperforated -cylinder,' it ' arich TownsVip. ­ . ­ I 1. . ef, 1, 9-9., . ., ,� L I . . . ID. 8-6�Flrab-claia Honor gradu&tv at' Den. . '�, _ kbo . , ..., . ., g L I . . . L . . ' I ...1. . . L. . . . I . .1 .. . � ..: . ­ D.. ., , . ,P dunips -its�' load a' . . I . I . . - . . --' .. I . . �, ',�­­, led in 13ritiall. (" Utel . sa d Dorothy, rising -and looking . f . watery. 'gravel 4:. 1 . . I ... - --------- " .. - tal Department of Toronto - Vulversi . . . . 1 11 - . . .1 . , .. --­�­-�- Special attention to* preservati i I . . � , ` � , . Olumbialias grown from bossed and bossed. 1� want to be bAlib- .ab -i - The st ,8 pass on out at the feat, r.- I . .T : I . I . ., . -one � ,asid . a few tbousand dollars to over fire , mian.11 . . � . . . chfidren% teeth. ' L I : - ,�5 - �L . I" I . I . out her w th misty eyes and cheeks . , Thoro-bred Bull for setv" . 'Farin I ' .1 I : Visit B.0.1d On : . � I . , 4,o - . . .. .% . .. burning wIth.mortification. .. .the .Sand sifts through. an to a sell . . I I . . fee, 11. I or sale. . Ill -ever . 1. L ; . 1 There was a queer litfle-light.in Co� . I . . . L L IL : ' , ,, , . I .. . . 11 . . I . morifty.. , . .1 . . . .. . I 1, Inillioils, the value O! the silver to over . . I . ids ,of fil'anted ,tables till fin,, ly , .-- L . ' . -_ L . . I , i . . . I . L "Sit.. .down, . . I 1tL . . -­ I , a F I . I . I � , I . . , � '. �;"f, rinneld . qyes . � ,. I Dolly,".'whis ered,Ccf* , . Subtariberkeepe for service at .bis,*pte. . . 'L � . q . .1 - . . . I ":,% . three nilllioh% the copperand the coal , . L L as She. � answered; "All P . .lodges in ec blanke . I. . I ,...A . IL . , . I . I . � 4 " � to 0 r 9 -the ; I rm of 100 L . *. DR.. H..'FOWtW9 -,%' - - . � I , I . . I - 1. � misou � - . Lot 31,,Con. 1, Sbanloyl about two mile, � rinnei "He d .t.. .There it. 10, 5 con. of Hallett, a fhoro-bred Dar- from Clinton. a ppleudid fa s . . ,:, " right, dear, We'll ,b' . oesn't mean -anything.' sit separated, by a * secret proces I or 01 - � or five millions. The total egin- rlg4t' R*Ay;' down - and doif t - n . liniii�ail-,Lof.tb6El-burst.otrain. 'Terms in a good state oi c - , ��L'�:i_ . Come, we'll take, a street Car .Instead, � . OtIce, him. Bere S, sand 'from t c ,flour &.1d. And if' I . . � �, ., . . _, minen I . . I . . . Ili . ... L Ultivation, tomfor . 'DENTIS'T'L, '. . . ... 1, I . . d ti I your -cocktail." I . a : 2E50, Wiih privileL76 of ratur�ning. I . . . ta a , � I I J ALPI-0 tic ion in 1901 was $20, of a cab.. It. wouldn't be bell I . . ... . I . . $1:2.06 nugget come *u I . frame house, nearly new; new barn �aic'd � . � .. , 1. .��� - I L emianto, - .. . I p, it- probably Feb -27 *5 i pd JOHN � , oil.., Pot , I ... ', 01.11coobver, .... I , L fIlLd for 1902 about two and a .take a cab, YO -now. Tho Is 'all that Dorothy ,evet re- won't 'heppQri. again .811 - suninier; .but, I * . ­FLYXN, Hallett. other ofitbuildings; neve.r.failing L . O'NEIL'S, stord. I I , I u L I Bohemians are!,. a. I . I : . I Spec! . ' ' - � , - I'm a bohomfin.11 . , ;h9mbered' of- that - horrible th , � . . . . ___ further Particulars apply on tb ises, I ail , crew, . . , al. dare tAk if �, 1" o ns I e ss The vallue tl all poor. - _' . L evening. as, they. "grab -pile" in tile I . . . 6. pre to make dental. treat-,. � - Li� ' . I �. L . OZ lie . I . The next'm6ming sh before" he' houseb6at alongside, an . ]a or. b mail toWu. ()A LTD) 1-T -_ ­­ - - ,mblit as Demises s6a 4.1-9- . �­. . -1 I L .... lailt ,L34' ...(:,- I "But-bilt-all th-ese bngh" And Dfir e: stood d bU.k : in I ' 00 for ,sr,rvie . - Y -..: � q I . i ,ler , . � .1 I 11 .. .......,v=41, I . � . I ­ I 1JP').P@.1�ty_js­()V_er- � L . .. . office � . "'. - .V ils 0 . �. . '. I . ., 1, � . - L r "y4s over ....y .­_ . Washstand, -miserably, towel In hand -the,cabins on th dredge: ta�lk about . I I - 1� - .f . L'u" .. Auburn dvbry.Monda3F; L�. --. I L' I . . ': I %, othy looked lielpi6sly uj-.th_Q pit- _. I 11 . . . . L. I . I I . . bi . aroh�4 1904' tf L . I . .. I 1. . . . . .1 . . ml: "I". , I the products in 1001 -were . , . I.P. this water.!a so cold .nugget. 'as,though it were, � .Thorcilbrea� Yorkshire L 0 - .1 . . . . I . . - 11 . I . . . e ,. " '! ' * . Confile, ,Conn that -,, I , � 1 * . tov%s" leather satchels. beside her., , ie L . I � Terms, - .$I Boar for nery - ice - . . ' - . .. � .. & . . . . I ;41.1 �, . - . ;, .. t . t � .. . . f ,.,4. i Ix t Over six millions�. a return of - "They areiI1 bohemid" either.?) '. And and I can't find any"soap, and haven't: Robinbor dihmond.. . . . I . . . I lab tim) of servi6e; .�1.25 if - I � . . , ' . - - - - 111. . & . n . . I � , eso gold -dredges L booke,d.. . � . '. . . . I . . . I . .Miscellaneous. I � . . � 1". 1. I I I . ! . I - . .. . - � . ay to the . .1. . I , . . . . . I 1. , I car, I . :�����. . I I . , ' I,, ,It. On tilt- investment. Corinne relentlessly led the. w You got anything but a tin ,basin to 'Th are. clumsil ' y. Also, tborobred Durbarn Bull -for Far - ,., .. ' . wash in?l� - .1 .. . picturesque, Butto the traveler on . service. - m for Sale I .. � I .. .­ - ;, gging two saLtCbOIS,.VVhi � . . Good pedigree. Terms 61. I . . . I . . I I . - Orson desiring full informnitioll Is Dore- j.Otbek,s b ' q the lower Sa6katchewan the ?)Id -18if I . 1, acres, 8 miles from , . L'. 1FJA"tR,, - , I. L I ".. . . � 1 � � ? tu L - . . G- 11 � , , � - , . � ,� ,:,;. . e provi . thy followed helplessly with the rest L I roken," came cheerfully. 'timer'l§ "grizzley," run: .by A lone;.* . T. J. P.0XIE,r%,, !a)darlph To . 320 C1tlCj'v%1'6, il'nile: ' I . � le . � . L, � - ­ � L' I � :.� ".. . ." ' . . � I . . , ­. .. � . 1'. .from the inn6r keeessew of a close't . L setme halfrbrecd . miles a)�%lay roln - - , I I . lamiles from i ­, . . -1 , � 101 1, nee will find -'The Year , Three-quarters of an'hiour later the . . . . L . f I from churoh'and-ichool 9' Post I .01444MON - ON,- I � I . I ,, ,� . . . :. . ': . .. I `o �, 1 -of British Colombia," edited by y . * - ' . . . . 1 77__"_7- Villoe, good creek, fire�ic GLI.eftcra.l Agent ofFede)ral Zir, , I . , , "Oh my. headil� s ' . . Wate%bout 50 lkolies . oAssurance to . . I L ol 1 � . were wearily 'ellidbins: the stiiiis to .v . . I . Od Dorothy,'slnk� '. ' b *: . I . To, Re 4' , .1 , I oplendi I . I * . . . , . 1 04L ,. I . .AnY living biped: except 'the !'�ds, i � . � . - nt. L . . d pastures, 80 of this is feriffed', go6d st0provedplang.w0h t. . - ,. . �-,-.� � R. E. Gosnell, a- valuable compendium. Corinne's -studib. tTp,`one"1dpg . . Ing down on. the hard, pillows of the and Iiis shadows, -are th me ii -o t- . ,-llll­ . . . , -Pump, 240 ber 1 o"oles 8"' 0 a's I L . . . _1 . .1 . . . I i? n m n . � - I . I .. .. . . . . , well with da tinder oultvatioli �d r r, advantageous to ; . I . . , ,ocently UP two,. Up. thre6! Do that 'Leodk. al picture - 0 uous and.'riow , T,C I ia. 2.8 0 d. - I . , ., A neyr editlon for 1903 bits I .flight 'TakWl couch. ilob my beadl,.- .Ho* ( (,a sirer I 1 , .�L � Ke'InIZZ' Aun`Wt1"tJ'.'a -1 . . L . (Igo rept. -W. J3RXD LOoderich Towuslilp, for fj high* Vvith,hip roof, . I .. . . . . ._: I I I , . I . been issued, J? " ' - �me drink somewha;t pathetic past. . The dre . : fratile granary room a hea on the dirty floor to rest. CoUl You make '50 Of this is new lhbd,- stoma barn.82:&52, 16 . ratify Sat down in - )t 1�0- �0' Corl. 10, - . --Apri7 Catuftdian , . .. ONE. Solicitor,for Owner , en�!! . . � -Maga- 41 . I tall7-and the table and everythlag 'rnalces�moro...noise; but the griizIcy.'a'... . 1. . . f6r5000 budbels, frame house 14X 131xc L � �6 . '. - I ki V� * . , ., Comilo, -is your studio �in heaven?"! � I . I.. I � 1. .1. ..1. ____=_ -,-. ." I , XP 9ib� i I . L . ". �., � . when I sell anything. -Come Went around and___�Oh,Loonhie I soniest s6unas in, the Lbnc 1.ind. � * - ' ' MC]Kjll0tV.'AX11tL . . . . I J I k 1. �.' I ... . r , zine. 14yes . I bplash-garr! is one of the lone items kiichan 12x28#. filbout 1001 .1 22 wita .ALAAR . I I ; I'm.. sick I I . . . D ratiple trees - , I . I - , I niongi, I yet., I'll never touch., gii6thier-and I . I ��he . ual growing ou.tbe place, this land is Play loam - , . . 101 girly; You'll get there. It merely L L ... I - . . I.. I .19S131SD:By , . . . � , . . -, I . , . .Vir . . , .. * I . . . . . � .�j JDO Not Wil Tile 1. requires perseverance . . what ,Would T6 ' ' , . . . I . I . . . � 11S.Urla C ip , with the exception of about 60'eloreg, , L : . . � . Robin ." And one mote I . ddy-sayll' ' I . " . I . . ,e I L, Clint � -S I , L I . . . . ,. I . 11 e Vol, . .Priod $0600, 21W.11p, . ... . J.- B. Rum , ,�, -:I- . "Ob,. held Justbe bossy and . . . L . . I . I .L . � .. - �. . �� - .. 11 . . . . . I. . .. . , .1 �, �, i flight brought tllb two to a battered ... � . partlett I . . . aOHN ,9OU.r]aCOXBE . _.__�_ ballji. OW �N, IFMI . * - I . . I . . . * M ,-e are per-9ons in every commun. I door In a dirty hall, LgmeIlIng of in lar dboftit. - You'll gpt used to,BO-' . I . P ful."Childrien., . - Fliirm and 180lated TOWfll PropAr . ., .. . �. CAUIEVALE, X. W I. -� ­-�---i;_ -. . , . . old ' . 14Y. - , . , I I , y li�, I , , , � - '.. . y w 0 'are thoughtless and cruel ' and dampness. Corinne took out 'hei' hemia after awbile.. Are you tired of 4 - , , �� I . erty only 11jusu . . I . . T,: I .. .. , . L L ' ' ' I I I "L .. red. L . . . . . . . . . � I I I 31oney ,. ­ _ . I � , , 11 latchkey and unlocked the d I � : it already?'i And Corinne glanced What treasure Y6 earth. is more to , . I ... . . - L . . I . � . - . I . �. . L - - .. � - Ill . . L � .. I L . - :. Do . ­ ' ­ '- ' 1. ­� ­ , I ", ­­_'­;'_.­­ ' '16 L ' - _­­ ­ " . . . I .... 11 . ­ , " ; . Private- funds to Join ' . , 11 . - .. ­ - . � , .. I I - OFFICERS. , . il M wards at 4#ger cent and up. ,,. . .� :: . enough to take pleasure out of lcillir�-, - -I"odd]Y�-atDor6th.y.------�-----�,--.---..,---,--,.�� b'e.i�Wi4d-than,-,v-bright,"tivd',h641tli"" . � oor. I . �_i, � __the robin. , I !'-04,-bOw--910"10usf'-'ilghgtr'D'Ui�7olbf, , , . . . Yo . . I k: 1, , - -There is,no nr(n,e-,�VdTc-6jfbc "to carry Your Own latelikeyll'. "I'ta -tired of something I ful child P In homes wbore, B' J. 9, McLCiarf, President, Xfppen, Tholl eTaggarc - .. ­ W. YDON,E. - . . I . . , . My last P 'y &by's I . I I . * L .. I � . . Own.Ti�blets are Used rou Eraser, Vice-pres * 0.. .. 11 N1919R - - . . $ � .':L " visitor than this bird with its rusty red "Delightfull'! And Cori . .. stoiy'came back , .riever find -, Brucefield, Thos. E JQ,A I P,MRS CAMPBELL toN ' I . .. , I . I � nne's' voJO6 I . L by the posi this morn. sicklyi c1mss,-.sleep)6ss childreft ; 'it the J�ays, -Secy. Treas., Seafbit4i; . . . I , . ISSUEA 'OF DESBOR0 0 L L I . � . I 1._. 11;k roast. who is looked upon, as James I was a -bit Ironical, . . . :. I . I I Ing, d6clined 'with tl1anks,.1. and X've little one is ill -the Tablets ,vilt 1,6mpt- - I I I . '. . . UWAGE lJOfiNROP, . . L . , � - -1 .R ssell Lowell says, as tl i Just three' 'tried. the last,placb, I .know Lly make it.Well. Andany'm'ot�ej_Whd . '. ' - DIRECTOkS.': . - � , . � ALBERT .-ST); , MIN"PON - No witnesser, required I . ; . . ., ' . , . I ­ . . . D � - �__ 11 , d� � � - . he "Ili-st aut'll- weeks later Dorothy'rolled , I . ,, of for a I . I . I . 1- L . . L . . , r- . I ' C n' eneral' Batilking Boni . nes � M - . J 0 A, W 'y L , 'I I . . . . � I I - I J 'I 1 � I over wearily'lu bei. antom Position on..a stair. " there tirenOt i ly, Port6rls ,Hill;. J�hti ' *G " I 1 entic notification ofspring." Flisonly , L . atle Coni Ink - Why, . . has'llsed the Tablets and -she will tell I , 'as' I . . . IT, , W . - I � . . . 4. ". . 4 ' any Positions here. - Anil evei-ybody's .yon, that this is 'absolutely trile-she Watt, Har� � G. Dalel- Clinton;, M, I . , E0w . i . flon bod and- folding .Couch L that did . . lock; * tralaiiaoted .1 . . . L . , � vice is his fondness for clierr P5i, ;)ut,lI,3 ' duty by.day as an. looriental corn' I such an i atom' In . New York, and' ed- '"rill tell you the Tablets -alwaysd.6 good -Chesney,. Seafbith;�-J; Evans .Beerh- .' ' - . .. . . . . L ... I I ,.,.:, , 'Lowell says,. this propeasi�u-y Of U10 I With 8 10t of gaudy pillows piled er" Ito I ra d6n't take olf their - en you. nd never do harm. - You cab give woon; J. G. Grieve, Vinthr ) . . . NOTES DISCOUNTED I.. I I . QLMESVILLE. .. . . .1 � .. . " upon . - . op, - J. Bin- . I . Affent'for the MANCgM6TZk,rX A ARS1111AX011 . �W robin is lookcWupon as a , . them to &,child Just born with perfect ' .1 06. of wanghbater, funds are I �, * . Ut Just keep right on "' f t' and they are eqd.illy as . . . . Notes I 800uritY ard rated At $14^0W. Also -the Re. . ,; vico only by It. . .. . � . . go to see them, b ja e,y,,, neweis) Brodhagen, . 1 ',� , issued, Interest RlIewed on , . England Whose I . .?', ,people who do not value themselve.q I "Connip", she said tragically, Ildd yoU .1 smolling, Moir. pipes,, and In ,th . . or we L Pod. ' ' Eadfi.Phectoris insp6ctor 'of losses in . deposits. . . . . R=OP'MUTUAL INIVRANC , , ' sp Or shirt rown children Mrs. hary I . , Woo. A alass"of ., know Just how much money I have. , $1eeveft too. Ob, my head, and Dor-a J. -Moore, OwOrth, Que 0 says -"My bis own lodality. , " I . I farm risks and. toy�u Prozorty taken by ­ ' I A . . I , . I L . . . L lowest rates.. rir4.0 ail$ ,can Companies , . ""4128 less for beiliig fund of cherrieq. I betwe�n im OthY.waS sobbin I hj�jf a baby. has never been sick since I be an - . . also represertad. Money to b )iad fr,= 4J per - I I . g violently 11 I AG E*XTS. . I . L I I . 171lere is a quain I legend which put- e and the cold, -cold world? - lulliUte. L . I . I I 1. giving her -Baby's Own T , ablets ey , Robt. Sinith, Harlock; ,78d. 14inchley I If. P. TIND'ALL cent up, acoor ,,In It 0 nature of stilLiflity.- . I . . ' I .: Just $151 And I'llaven't Sold a single I . I Tf Seafort1f; James 'Cumming, g I .. I .1 . .. . . I I a . . A . ; Dan . . I C and gmon , L � I ;etc him I - � you muss -hild, an& I would not; he I A-' 5 . . - . .. I I I I � 1. I - L breast as f6llows: "The robin was first . that pillo' on , Ville J "W, Yeo) Holinesville, . . I . BANIKER: I" . -V13AA0 account for the robin's red thing I've,wrItter), and# Connlej Is there "Dorothy .Brockway,. It are &.real blessingto botli mother 19 mail ' 1# Re mOsvillO - Postal card wl anything else In Bohemia besideswork I . without . � find disaiiMintment arid' i It. - It's my be. Pay for thft."' Don't letToUr children suffei, I , �., ,,,, . . 1. .. . F'- , . , �! I . I . 1. IL . . . .. I. . : 1. 1. � ---"-.:" - , .; . � I 11 " � , I . - ;' .4 magpie and gary in color and unpre- I , afiftors who , . 4t, so you Just FitopyOUIr and -don$t d6se it- wilth sErong drugs OI. �- , CLIN a' CONS � , � possessing inappearance, but with I- I 'Won t see you?" L. V CrYing on It righi.away. I inedicirle containing -oplAtes, Give I fo '' tS TOXONT - . . . ERVATORY ' & . , - . . � I I � Dorothy. arose. W.11th tt Sudden gulp I Babyls,Own Tablets which you can L LC110 )?rIvAte I to lobin. 1. 'On .Mortgages � at . - . I 4, . StUdlo Of Music.. ... I . ... I � 'I "Yes 11 said Nnnie doubtfully, "I be. d from. any druggist or. by inall At 25a a bout current rates, I.. - . I � I .1 . . mostsympathetic nature. Haapproach , ! an rot Nal Estate r funds . 7 - , . " . . , lieve there are'tbe. Atingarlan restati . glared at her coml;faUlon. . ­ ' I . ,' ed the Cross of Calvary at tbe time of I -' I , . . ' . ' I 1. � i I You're a cold, hard bear. ; coarse box by writing -0 ' ' I.. ­ I ,W.'Glenn Ca - d' Ob6ir . ted lam � _ The Dr. Will' s' Med . ORT . REN"r. General Banking. bufllrfe� mpbell.. Organietr an . . . rants. YOU need cheering -up, girly, , " !vine Co., Brodkvillo;, Ont. , . . I I . ttanflocied director �� person." said,. with blazing eyes, , . . . ... the Orusiffztion, timidly uttoting cries I We'll do"S. Hungarian restaurant to- , . Stie, , . - . L , . - "hildrest allowed 101119i depodill. of 'Willie P.resbyteiflisn obitil - ._L .. night. I'll teleplilone . "and I'm going back home tomorrow.,,, :, . I �� lot Paicel-Parts of lots 40 find 51 In first 8 .. .1 Clinton, I . . I .. '' . of grief. With his wings he tried to two of the boys . ale notes boughi , ' Teacher of pianoforte, I . . I . . Plpe-Ogth and, all , ,r, . -wipe the blood off the fdCO Of JeSus,and from Park row to meet US Born I Two days later Mr. Ted Morrison gat � . I ,concession of Tuokeromith, fronting on. L . . . . branches Of Musidal Theoil. Pub Is prilplar I . . ewbqre, . in The 13ditar's Delight. - I 1� for all the examinationsof the teoronto.1q,da , � . I and we'll 90 t0,MAr­tInettI1s,1?l., - I his OJMcO In the aftern6on Sunshine I . I . . I . Londou'Rostd, South of river, 0012taining . - act .. :With his be,%A be tried t9dVAWfortligne "Aleet insi. -�poj,vs? qgn,t they C H. ; looking over thei Mail which had . _." � ."About 90 -acres. . servatory, Con a or Universit New SWalfir � 0 . A UjL . Just 2ad Parcel -The pt go rent over Tw1bliholis, hoe Store' L %ro welcome. ' I I ,".�dfiTi'th�bnsfiorntheforeliead.A'siligle tot Us here?" .1 . . .qome i , His hat was pusbed Howdear to my heart. i1i the steady e * nikost office build. � .11ouse for sale or to ' % . . I - back . L . . - I . L I . 1. .. -4-wMI , I 'L . . froln bla, forehead, showing a fine head , L tenbury 1101290, Pit Victoria Street. I . _ "Why. no," and:Corinne turned m , 17 *roorns, I � ,arop Of'blood fell on his breast, and I subscriber, Ing And grounde, next Uorih of the Riki. A cdniltditable, o�t7t.g.-. contain I � I I , . I Who pays in advance at the blrt� of . . with hard -and us �aoro- lot$ . I .. . Dorothy. I �_. . I in first- fruit trace, good at . Will -be rine -Agnsta. Kaiser . . �, I : '. from then until now he has li�en cia"lled proagliful tyes Old* , liThey are of curly brown hair. He wad iaughinS , the year ; , 8rd Parool-The Brick Dwelling with bearing soft water, q ],f#1s9 Lan . I I .� I I Softly and reading ovet riot tft� jbird ': WhoL I Olson order. with bard And' soft' wftter� either sold or rented on ye reas ble termff.� e0acert anggige;helit .� . %,lj 'red breast.' 116 is the bird o*f God, the newilptiner -men, You know, And\ can lays down'his money and does,ib � bath r6om, cellar tbroughout. and Stables . .11 a Accepted. , . . . . karald of the glad tidings 6f spring." . only Steal an hoUr or so from the office ' time two letteft he had 31111151; received. quite gladly, , 'r.-4 - , I L . ONE. veacher Orvolde 11roductialf nad Minking , I � 11411 L.. i ", : I . -The first ran lit this veln: I Arid casts round the office i halo of in tear, next w6sterly from; Dr. Shawls . I I . . In English or wore I lign. . I Fruitgrowershave longlabored under Besides, thilt would be awful conven beareat Itedd"eet his tog I 0 cheer. ,, Office, on Huron Sfredt. . . ­ . I 11 . I tional. N6, not thilt low cut frock, I the listatio", 6 ip. morrow at . . 1: A l-,11felle.Ptopertied arei for sale elt - - . .­:E:,�i!i:�� �' . ecial attention paid to Chest t)e;. . . . -the mistaken idea that the robin is one goosle. M. I'm comins-hotole tot- . or _ . . veto OMent.. Students prepared for , ,� P16k Out Your Plainest Shirt . eva No* York is, th L wr . less 6,)16 prices., Liberal. terms will be . I � . - on Cons rVatdry examinations. * I '%,'�,',, Lowell, who welst If YOU're going Slumming With I flitereatint place I ha,ve'evelr6 boon in.. afford it7 I" . 1! given. Apply to, L . L �L,.�, ' f6f their worst enemies. r and evet, 16it ,0. Who never says-. -I'Stopl'it., I CaUtIot Lon 0 l. � _ me," . i Publisher6'Up here aten't a bit Interested Or, ',Geteirig lbore papers e I 'a A'ATZTJR C COTj0H or .. * -Miss Kaiser had xtudled vocal muglo tinder I 1. .has perhaps written the most entertain. . - ' lit Young talent., They seem to bos aux ch day I Febl$pd if W. %FARRAN, - '_ . Torontolo best teachers Ind has-etutivated � . .1 Dorothy $let h6r'teeth' - than I read -11 . Cen'tteal, . - , " : 'Ingly on the robin, states that if be Atm]Y and.' lotia, above all things, to nip it In the bud. But ilways s-AyS, I R 'Send it, I . I I . . I beautiful soprano voice. "1.4ndon Floe Preft", ...' . .. , is smiled away the 13ttle frown that had Soclailly, New York.fs degrading, People :.. the ,whole ­­ I- L % . L I I . I . L ,. . � .4 great eater he is also a great planter, begUft to cloud her torehqad. I. - ,1 do nothing but walith in tin bastics, drinic outfit likes it- . . . . I . . , . Studio over Ne`Wcombe's Sto­1- - . . . In fact we regard it as 0, business need." k . . . 171P I uod'that much of the widely -scatter d The, twi�ety orchestra cocktails and lIvG In attics. You dear, I .11 - . Root Com I- " VOISR-L. Raffiler ' 1. wall PlaYI119 i darling old boyl I ,am Just longing to po" Meat Market � . : '�Vl e Xadlesp 0ATerite ' 6. I I I . I � .: ildfrUitowes its existence to this the. .latest air fr6m a popf1lar COMI'd i come bomb and orylt all out, -oh your coat How welcome he' is vrhen be steps In I , - PIRNO"M Newcomblo - , . . . Oath6red husbandrban. The Michig OPOrA as 336rothy'BrockWity, follo*ed lapel Your ponittht . DOROTRY6 . the sanctum, 161he Onir safe famm , . - .- , tin . regulator on vat 11. L L * l� .. � . i ulte diVereut In I 0 Having purel-asea the butchering. I I L Ne I L lit' I C. L bi 43orinrid, and thel t*6 ,hewspape I ]low he makeo 1lour,heavV1 throb, how W02= business of r. 9. Powell I film re Carol ' Wco . ItOftiOulturalsocietybas started a c T I ;T;e other )etter was q can deperid, "In the � a"m Men, lift their morning clothes, ent6red 11 purporL it he makes "our 6yel! dance I and time of need.', . "... . be.A.1it. I ran thug. I Prepared Ill t - poredtofurnialu,thopooploof 11131: 1. . . . I .. Wo d progh � . . a _ Th' I J"'IedAr �rell,-- t 1 -ly bleashlin- �. - I �'U'T"Xo, tonwith all kinds of Fresh mad . ' Organist of . jli'L L I paign for the destruction of robins as th'6 third rail. boheiml L n C&P 0 Wel outwardly thAukh1fin _wt,inwatd., trength. No. 1 lC . 01itarlo atiegt. , . f h u I 11 , I .. . u for � , . ; � IWA9 , But he Is not such a ­pestt as I lights fiao ed'on it h ladred WoMon .to 'fv6 done the very beif _�, Cnred Refft Methodist ehurch, v , 'L .0 ­ . and yorw owe me that $166 . VO., 1.-Vof btdlna* e ' if. Sausage, bologna, . . . ry polor alkil - I The steady subscriber who pays in ad I ( I to by fair the -best do= Isird, butter tin oqa ekiwayf; kept on " Teacher of Platilo, ffarlrtony�. r, orjn, , , * . L " , 11roometimes imagined. TIe liveschler. gaudy. towils"Vedriffig ova :You )�r6mlffed ine, It ild send her back . I I - a . . . � . I ,,, 4 1 1 . . vance. . __ I Inddicine known. . . " : ��"Y-4 �f-­ ' followed her about,an4 ptrauaded every 'k.*��­*_.4,...� . ,�, I �­ . I I 1. . il". . I or op#olal 0a8e0_10.L, dOZON 12,111d. . . . 11 . .� !,I , ' ' � Publishoe who ftilght­bo'Inclined to 1010k I ; . OV . ..�r or , I 0, ineat diet of grubs and ingeebs, eo-�-t*�,!L, . - i , ' - f . I 1, ft ' , PreeiViteory lec6ure to Students . I , I 'Which are the very bane of the fruit I " � . � �__ �, flivorabir Pot her 'work to turn Itcoldly .�_._ � __ W*90--three dolldra per bor. . L Tuesday eVenIng;l - - I . . dieg-allk RE drUM9118t f6f M61111AN 6 . . .. " ..L. . I aim us. a CL . i on 1to6t 111111101111111 . 'rake no ailin I -, � . I tlii� ) and Peremutorily down. I took bar to, the & Fitz . 4) son# * , STIU1010-overmewtombes tit , . -11 . �:. , % 'L grOWer's life,and ff he occasionally pa�?; I talntis a meanest restaurant X know of and mads, .1 . d, I Itati,n' "A' 11 " I . . ! I . . 1. tile OM it Der(OWA ter drink a docktall. X oven Persus,dAd 2rare so . Zalphblo 18. � . I . L I.. - ' L' .1 L., , Ukeg of the ripened fruit It ls'only as -h Piles Wild, aumi t4 ASTORIA Ro.11 "a nne Oda Vol. Id . . .. ----'- ! ,� I . a; And every Milan _r I e9sla Cutting to be rude to her, ,All O& dbd Or all drulmalsts In'tho -0* L * . , � . I 4 to anL ." � .14001it'. D160dinigaiid " X She leaves in the morning. Aeraerno L -1tor WhIlts ad ftift,6114 CUaft Kr g . . , e .1 j6 __________ 1. . ., dd ' WOES AND 811EEP SK1jV - � . I . ,iVntdalcture 6 OraOrg 0611vored Vromptl to 14611 als ­a.mou ourloo and Y � I 1. on , 0 ..Pr the hundred. Your affectionate hilsters, lifour 2-04ont room )�&ttig oi Ike Wov. , � . , L . . . , 119,11 I . Utri proofif and ailJ6 � I . I TDOX104 YOU Have &*,Bough' I Mil � onkrany I I . I . _;__ . - . . . . .. . ofito y6u 1 CONX110 I' L . t ";w..'" I "I . WANTED- ., , I It o '. . , , , X. P.- 'jig oge fof . � L .1 "', U, P W612 tho lailver medal in the 61%691 a _ . - Clinton b I 4MrIono hilivi . . � I . eOtab Toronto, ' Wgftlii,tut&ofl(WA:�111511 H, B. Combee, J R Hovoy and JPr 1W. I dalliblil at the 41, , . Voted at M� bide home in 01; nto .. I . * 0474 Wattoo Mugglats , I � , 11 I'll - . Au I xan,evldontlVa� 3maro tho � � - " , so I and X0 2 ar6 Acild in � intent Will .0paiet a X4:t(_1+T_X308tV X"V�103111 ,. * nine ASSOVIM101% 9 t h bill a f yor by 04 X_. A,' . b . r; Ch 40 � 110 . J01611 , I . . , * , I . 'A . . - I , I 4 - I I - I q I � ' . '� * G A 9, , - . E flayll � I ! Ing 100 - I )7HAIV n $%a 0 wale _ _ n ,,,, , _ P XSV I wJ, I n x,)evlqnd ,!y . I _ . . �� ,ifil,t. 19('s y , x - " 0. .v,0zJ 0 a,00 . c". , 'L , .w .1 9 m�em i " find I p m no rame ab 1A P h (I , G d,n v fa go .q, P, h at A , , MY 0 1 th 1) lcvilt�'-`A acamaw-smalaw"1244 e I I � � el � I I I mf 'I lin on Nill k J nd h � - I 'I I I � I I __ : I I I . W .- , - _�11 1. " " , C." , '1� I - k_1 I' I ing ter ble )na PLY 4 .. , I - , I I � . I . .1 . � � I - o I A01.000640, , Ll� .. 04 $- Do", . ; . I � t, . . . . . I .1 . . . I I I . ­ - . � . . . I � I il �� I I . . " I - I w . . I .1 . . '. �, . . I � . � � � , . I � I . . i� ., . . I . I 1. )�&, N � - I .. i . I . 10 . .. . I . ., I � . . I I . . . . I .1 'k 1� � ". I I � N, � I , � � I � .. I . I � 1, I I 6 Ill � , I 1, )� , 11, , I - I � � _AILI� .,.�� � .. I � - ,. i .... '. A 4 1 1. 4 . . I - AV 1 I ------ ­d_ldfi!l,� I - A.- - ­ 1____., A N I A-kA.Air . - ,,&- - . .f,aii� . .. a _ ­___._AWd"JL"61 'IM- A 'Al".�,�L - ., .. _� &1111166�L� ­,�Al , I '. 16