HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-03-25, Page 5I
U-4wou 20. 1W4.
• ••.L%tJ.%lJ%.Jij„,*,,.,.s...,.a..........-.... _,-_.._.
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M!” -M".
. 1.
The approach of Weddings suggests -the
consideration of correct and fashionable
We have a good'variety to choose from, and take
pleasure in showing then,, ,U
Amonir the moat pileasina are silverware, cut
glass, and possibly a nice clock.
P. S.—Onr new jewelery for spring has
I arrived. .
Elax. 'Clinton
; We He
y/�,fV00• y� �Yy�p Rey #, t t • s ♦ ♦ • ♦ • . • • • t..♦ • ♦ t # t , t t R # ! R'll�•R-'1'" I—-.
� tskCU'�,'P�1ton.i arket '. eportityN•R♦#N#M#NNt..•NN.,Nt.Nt♦NMNNMRA • . ♦ • ♦ ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t • t • t'` ,. .. _, 0000. _
y # ! f. ! # ♦ f • t # .. f. . ♦. . ♦ ♦ # 15 .N ♦♦,..t♦. 1♦N.#MNNNWM♦ 4..J. 0000
Very `l'hnrOdAY tltt4rtrQOtt .i, rt R ....
# ... ..
11Qa11 „ ...+aa a.# 0. , M ° �.i �i• ION 4 t
#it ►iR.
$gokwhea 0000 0000.. 0 40 a 0 4G
11r, Oats .. ,..000,411. a t.. 081 a 0 81 ._• _ �. ,•
�y .♦
+9yea.,.....w•aa0...0. 0 40 a tz 41. i� 0000 .. �%
Barley 9.00,0....,:... 088 s 0 40 i � , ._ :,-
Tt "0 l >• ter" ..11
PeaRL...... ......... 81 A. Br .. i.-�t��-Wf i
FIOnrPer owt,.♦,.vas ?�? A ai 75 O♦� +�-
. t.1
BAY .....+•,••,,.a., 760 a 800 ❖ ()rl and lifter friday,, March 25th, the wlii be prepared to. show !�•
chioksue, per lb.. ,,.. 0.08 a 9 10 .•♦ .
° Pork, live =.+......,.a ?li a 4 75 ,t, ont,New 8pring Mrlligery 110 all tbf, latest P,►rrs and Now York , ;S�
Butter, toll .......... 0 14 a 0'15 S Htyleg in 'EndWit' ,Ureas Hats. lteadv,to.wear and Outing Hata, . SSR
a° tub...,..,..., 0 14 p 0 17 •i• Feathers, F'laes tr, LVtiigs, ngs ler,, Rigbons, Veilint s and 411 tbo ♦i. ,
Bags or doz...,0.. latest 1`lo�elties in Trimmings NoW is the lr t
♦. 0 14 a 0 15 `i' g tun to leave your . .. `
' '. d b
Pomp dralsed....,.,, 405 a 4 70 . ,i. order for your IiaRtet` IX - t;,. svbieb will he trimmed in t#te latest �i. r
♦+, style cFaort notice ii' experienced milliners. '' `
Noexcnee, leerbneh 0000 0 70 a ti ?0 S - y P ' �_. N "."NUE%,.-^.-�5 <rneV3 \lffN'C(� %?lr--
Onione 0 80 a 100 . qh4 }1 1part i rr].n ei> rhe iraanuwrHwent of 1,ties Hnttd; an paper• ,♦ fer}ng now. 5pl<1rx GOOds, s
blond..:, :::`:::::: s $ d, fresh, sparkl'n '; sCin•
8 00 a $ G0 5;, epced tl it lues, o r sits very Highly, recommended,. and ably .. tt;llatln g
Dried Asp les.,..,.., 004 a 004 ___ tissiAs bao been urscuretor" iuritbe l,tst�Fa �eriAo t• ; �r1�nC�Ssx aCt' herLi rf:idt�y for )/Qi#, ;
p g. with n
0-0-00,. ; ne, r e will not ❖ after the journey ..across the se�I , Ile
,i♦ Have a ft,rrri,il=rr,illi"cry opa"l"s this spring.. Our tidy friends are '+:• t y r Old Vi�C?rtct
Market, Notes, ._. better aatasffen to view our }taTad Miilinery Display ax their)eiettre ;s; compliments tilt; tdSte Of. the iyc;V4f in these ' . .
" (From Tnkonto Surf of Xarch ?.,4th, ♦S' tbAn at w crowded millinery opening, and we notice enanv of the , .
. } +iR old•eetnl>lished reliable houses throughout' the country 0a disco", ,2� gsa4dS' .Thi' best that ur�apaan loon is produs e •
There is, a .easier feeling practically '•.4 `tinning thos9 openipgs. A cordial it+vitatw" iq ex ended to all to * 'Como direct tG 14
all along the tine in the grain .martcet .. all to coins at any time rind view our display of bAillinery, .?, ` ,
this week fall wheat selllling At local i --
S)ntario oints at 930, ; a zing is 85c , •it �_�
or 30. bQlow last weelr's tI .tl1l�tt,$ ,
A little list now by way sae' illustration 2 k.
gores, Peas �i� ,i�.
are 850. Buckwheat is 58c. at Went- - • .+ .
ern Ontario points. Barley remains. •_• Our Japanose Silks have arrived. 'Fire ordered them six mon.
unchanged at 400. far No. 2; •i♦ New �Panalma v '. .
4ha. for ;t' the ago i'rou, Yaitohanla before thQ war brake out and g'ot them sit Canvas i1011,
.T__ No. 3 extz�aI and 4310, far plain No, o, ,S• old, prices. They are now wartli,25 per cent. more, but while they
i'L .I The hog warket, which showed some ,S1.
a� & last. we will sell them lit old prlces. We. have a large range of , - ^_
' .: _ Made , frow 'sal' d 1Vool best d
uadr inclination towards stifreninrg up, has •. Wash Silks in all .colors; Slack and Colored Satins, •Trtffetac in ;s • j'G aTlft CICdp
The Courses of Study. .�• reused off this- weep at 94,8o to $5, with i. 1s1i•ek and colors, Tr3►rinlines Lotusines .Peau de Sole and Cod i worsted fl'nish, n1Ce :;Ven weave '°"'
fats and lights 25a, less. These are 2� ti Corded ♦4. • S, very fashionable •
IN THE the does g Wash Siiwa for waists, A. far tailor-made or shirt• -waist .Sults, separate Slsiirts n
I 11-I wleli to inform the 'public c� P ' wei hed off cars.. Harris .i. ,
etr . �.,,, ��,,�' I ofClinton that I am eoliduer- t,ates s ected at $6 straight,, In •_•
.. C1EIY 7 ML 0 I3utrelo Tuesday the best hags sold as S �. a
♦i, etc,, In black, blue slid are rn,
•_• :I
, , . ! 1n a firrlt• class ]a -and on high as`. 85,80 the '
, McKINNON' & 0
11P + g price ranging from 't' 'g tic
that down to 95 60 • rou hs were 4.80 S
q t, ✓�'c 'C C1n#13ri<j street, in.Mr. a es' to s, .,
�` $ In Montreal beat live hogs are 0V . , U At i;. . I
s f RAT6QRp, ONT. I Iold stand. l!5 5o Country dressed hos •are 5 _ •S+ t
- and battoir killed $?.50 t>nd $?:?5. .;.
Are up to the.ilighelst stQttr Shirts ironed'�q Haat the' If. R. Frankland days s sin la ..• • • • • • • • •'• • • • • • • • • • , 0 0 0 0 .. S'
p y, . nomast�rarx
y aa.nat p g miss ,N♦N♦{�N♦♦♦�♦�N♦N� NN♦•NNNN NION.# K N N ♦_
n' . nes
lard of excelleace and that httrt yottr neck. • are in over suppl in., Toronto, and ' 'i •R•'. ♦ . 0 , .. ♦ . ' ♦ •t iM. •♦+Ow .'•+. .•�i+d•i►; .♦♦
141 i is, one reason why this popular : those d cess," y
g 40 pounds. are of ser, rough finish; best Fre>«ch
school is now. enjoying a Stand nP•oallars ironed without g 'ng . d �• X11 pure ll
"record -break," "attendance. being 4roken in Che wing. •
about 87 each. _..,
y , in, black, oa sverp stylish material, 'adapted
g The Qunna say that.American eggs1.
You want the best training . Work guaranteed s�4istastoi(+y are still being imparted into Toronto a Cl o rt- .
B1 ' C -k de � ckade see 'ally.f r Shi waist Sults, Dr�sses,.Sl�irts, etc.' >` ,
' and we give it therefore enter f for consum tion, the . recei is from
at once. Ci,�',�
> culars free11
. ot° money retadded,_' local source$ bei" insucien t'to meet °'PI'iPe �.+�'�
• Shirts 6 ots: the demand. Egg in Chicagty toda being Blockaded with
The Railwaq,Blookade•io now.raiged. We axe now
are ' sell," Y goods-.we'wantyoa to Dome and sadist inmovi'tie the goads eu sato raise the,731ooknde
. J ELkrIOT'!, 'Collars 1 ole, �_g , :tae :tonna say, at 16c,, Bear in mindthat ae soon, the ,now thaws a liEtle mocd,'yoq will be blooka9e in our
1?rinCf al. CafFs (pair) 2 oto. while in Torontq they .are quoted at .h New .. .
ip l3losaes iQ to 25ota,. omee, mo burry pp ana,ggt.�our wants aappHed while 'our stook Is , L&RC E. Uar > w VQl,(f'$
20e. to,23c., which teases a #rearg1n for
- • Family g, .,plain, not starched -P Spring (load4 ar9 opening up very nice and pcocfi a A
11, +i►ss`+�: tt w4shin ro13t even after the duty is paid. All ore wool nice even'w '
t . ironed, 25 ots, per.. dozen.. On Wednesday in Toronto the en- "Now is the tune ro buy gottr Field seeds snob as Clover. Timothy, Etc. r cave, ill fine, rnt;dlum
Fam.ly washing, etarohed, and ironAd; .oral run of creamery butter was sell is How abottEStouk Foods, Etc, and Coarse mesh, best d e. and S
s 5U air.' �r Produce-*agted'at highest "xnarket` rices.. ' , ,y beer, :crisp finish, ill
e o - p- :. d.zsn, itt bre at 216. to. 22c for • prints, wit I . . • black and -a large selection of rich aha e
Advo mise in the New Era. v 'few eases, 'Farmers' goon:, �tOAdfH9J100 Emporium : -
' CHARLIE MOW Pro rims;.are 1?i , •to 186.0 , In tub .b r
.. . _. v e for evenih ,tea or recti tion owns Ve
p .'R ADAM rY hard
-- . • r .. P there 1a a bi 'var%ation in prices quo - .
-_ a m@diti[il ilei".. -I4 _ . i
�9tftir 22nd iBOS � sem g p �.
1L+VJl1Jl)J14J"O'..�. ,..._.,_. -. _ g. to' -.Sc, 1. - - PrIC k _��� 5e a.
•� •7 red �t t10
16 - �. I ....
I . r�, ,
. � '
: VV- a' **. ..". : I Lds
. , . .- ,. .1 __�__"11-1.%.
. .
. ... - ... .
: .. .. . I � I.
We are expecting two or.three� lots of new.
goods in this week,' and.,more to cofne-next' ,
week. Our•stock is:gradually getting'. filled LIP,
. and business is commencin '
. - g . to come our wa ` ; .
1. Old -customers and many new ones are
again finding their way to • our s#ore, and are
pleased with our goods., and,"'
. . g s`rices,.:;'
� f, - __ I . ...
Good goods and low prices : tel fihe fid% 1
o f .
. a'
�- Ladies .
Vise- r
a,_ .:
. .
We wish to call attention to a lite of Ladies':
Wdar that we have in artoek, and which we intend: ;
to handle, called • .
`_ii ER L -An , '.I .P''
Brand' of
�+ ' i
irts ..a d filo
and all the different lines in.° derwear: Nothin
better to be hada and at pppular pi*ices, ,I
1. *Dr'e'1S1S.Go':0d1S',*.. ),.
. '-;1_ ,� ),
In Dress Goods -and-Trimmingsy t�+e have )
kcaught only, the na Aeet and moat up.ta-date -lutes. �'
.,-. We have nava Yet of,Iast q( 0# Dress Groado to
dispose of. A few lines at re'duOl d prices,• ' ,
A few Boys' ,Knickers left of lot advertised...
1 dozen Boys' heavy Sweaters at
Y 5Qc each.
A quantity of Ladies' Foundation Collar Porins"
-4J A at 2 for - 25q'... a ,1 .,, 2
�tl� Stand a
.� Plurr�st 1 Y . Ireton N
_ .. Alberts Street
ill- i . +/
� � **�
- .. .
T. s.1110OV91t. 111"9011T R,im,
ArtisticFurn 10tur.
AI"i AYS Mi ekes A Rome beautiful,
. , ..
�hli'e have Ott here Its ,gone Brass'. Wire and
, . VoodwwF. vary+' Wind and every-PrIgg,
1 It witl be a ,pleasure to shoos yottl through titer Store.
Una 000-�ertakinz in all its .9ranth+es, •
Satisfaction Gut atr""arti.oed. : .
Dight And Satidai + 00,11a 'irnswered at the fesideaoa of1Mr' ;J'olln Powell, ol!
brit! of the principals, . .
1111111111d"_ .- ; ,...,i�..rat - J,
., _ .
-""r�.�'rwrr•�,w.�...ai..�xra'}a'uc - '. • ' . - - .. - .- -1.—'I -
I 17
. , ti .. ,
$oRN vent Nan ed. n : k , � .�,._ �. .
ells t 1[o. so •Wn ted, . �,
. ,,
LivaSM etiv Black'd`
,►.,..,,. __0_.:. I N .. Gfi and x0
pi%E—OR Maroh..2ist, •in Clinton; ., d . r�
thq Wifo'ofPrgdLivermtre,Of is son, wanted a good ,general ierV4tit, .$i:.b'! ; Wantad.to bnyos rent, . a' commodious t `. -.. . • . ,
.. •r'
BI ,
N8= e t w'
In e es a
i Gtode ' a Id.A 1 io' r JA6 house idler brick ri a' e S d• i . •
nob A'I . dCOT e r ok o r m . en art
T. o'., 0 8 a `J, a
Tp., n M rot, P PP Ma e.
y 9 d r
P f ern pure Botany wool and mohair, "a = t
r 20th, thawite of John $iggias. of ti daughter,, ni(►re. to Bou 29,, G1(nton.`I'oat affioe; V4iy ilei3t We1�, bri lit, Slll� 111S
.. aP1N DIED, . Girl Wanted, . y fi h, . a ,very stylish
ALER in Luoiwow, on March 4th,
aril servicable XAate'rial :for shirt-w'aist.Su
�' 'Reuben$ulndiar (brotberaf the late William ^ 4", : • . :, ts:, DregSes, „�
Spindler, Canton , tired• 13 nM i� c c i or' Waists. . -
months i. ytare and 11 - For honaebold' ^work, ernuli family;- �U 11►p.1.NIJ- i
t, . $10 .to tboeoaghly- capable person � ' , ,, � : � •
• 4
lkiRE, .S: H. i3MITH. Princes St. � Yi'a<ee Z5c�'t °45c;..li0r,' GAe4 �Oc and � t.00 ° �`
I -
0tte Sale.
ANIS . _
�Y ,a _:-
—00-00 . . ' Git't �'ant,ed.. Ineorporated by Act of Parliament
Thos::Qundryhasreceived-Instluctigns'from,, 1805 .. ew ScOtC ' T
Z Mr. Chas, Avery to Sell b Public Auction .. 1�Xll S
i . at weed Su
LotV,gon.l.ytanleyonTbursda 11 " Ci'o..do bousowork a :. ---1. . . .. ,;" .. ' .
W ? s. arch tits:, , w gee ,78: ko S10 a . , - .
,.. at l o.plodk sharp the foliowtag valuable prop. mOnttt, no.yyashin , A pl to 1Vlade: from fin'
g.. F Y d, " .. e Selected wool t a, .,
i arty; -,.aged C,lyBosdnle',Maro in, foal,: known. Lapatal$IIt ori e.d QQd Q00 , ti+f'. Ver latest',
Maather Sell No. 6597, A. Ci i3: S., i, draught 114ra, .(3, D, MoTAc3(IART,- . • f .r1.LL
red most fashionakle weave 'and d'
Mare, 4yeara old, I Roadster, flpy, x year . 'std Hi h. surest; Clinaoa: n '�
' 6 c wsi . , . $ Ca + eSigns, 1n . t . as
, o "calf(onethorobredJeraey),idlyOow,. petal paid, ttp.., :,�)(�Q�,ggO dark isilfldes.: eau
. _ :lent , '66]or eombinatoils�lgs.tri '1
It era old, i Steer 2 yrs old • E heifers 1
�• tees. r yr .std;- :. - Ct
a 1 y old, 6041vea .1 calf 2�q ontbs .ad, Ur ,.aH i'iir Sale.. Reserve h'nnd ,.: i.$ 2 8�(? a0q . correct and fashionable for 's r.ili `'. , Y �11
. ''
.. Ducks acid Geese, v stogy . , .. t p g tailored slid' I.shirt
piggy lllux+vell corn wails: Sults '
,, .and rootecsclS9er,i.tmperial'i1Aaser Harris 2-. r:. 'ictal A6eeta',.,., 27 44000Q' , 54 and,'56 til. wld@
a furrow plow, Iland•rotler,. 1, McCormick E ft - . - - :a. .. r
1.Mower, A Massey Harris 0fing tooth seeler A "Disci ty,organ' in first. alas repair and . - ' .. .
and cultivator, I Milled Plow, I Karaoy Barras toss, is• offered for sale; $240 was pail,., for -- 1n nr C+
12 boss rain drill, i Miller &'Tedford .. 1 �" i ke$ I.5e, Osi' 'Q.0 . .; '
plow, I :ik'�bell purohaeed,.can bu had for ",third. •1'
Mass g ' NO i
e Harri T �'
7 s bora 1"
e with
A l.iBr '
ant ord
f Mo
Wer rcer 'Apply to thia.ofiioe,
Aad Pea harvester vrith bundler attachmeant. Bear in mind that' .
1•sotharrows,(4sections1 I wagon,with stook It is our mien-
New GiaVenefte Sh4wer� .
rack, I set sleet eIeatricwagoa wh.e,s, 1 hay . tion to remove to oar new, and ' com: pj"Oof .5111 :sits$
rack and. rack litter,I'fauningmill; isotslinrze,,, For `►idle modione of&tie in the Conrbe $lock, 1.
oar, ropee,, and. pulleys, 1 extension ladder '(24 _
ft). I stokie ins r . corner of Ontario en Victoria Made .from. fin.
Find .Y ct-ria Ste, twisted all wool .
g1' a ,e grind mp.. isprl, char r Tilersnderei nec7 have far taie.e.e lendi'i a out the fn' .yarns, .: til .throe
apple cerayar,1 Glolioriohpum p, I dash churn, g P b addle .of .Marsh; where ShB,. 6;.:, '
x ooyeradbp Thombred' Durham Bull; . $' inoiitlls old, we wilt -be lea de light Fray; dark 1'a and black•=a'
ggr baulky. l outter, 23 set teem p sed to moot. all' Ouq g. y VCry,
harness.doross•outgaw, Quantity of coda^ posts dark. red; is a very proinising animal and. enstocnere and the ,00mmeroial pub, stylish and servicab.l' :materi'al .flys : t '1
and tile, 9 roller window. blinds, i washing will be sold ohea : al .'tailored. . Suits, ,rain '
l[achine:saadelothswringer,2burea.,s,l.sup- p. liogenerally. end ClUSt CiOatS slrlrt5 .etC. • �O In
. .board l bedstead, Quanity of barrel, and other. A.iso. a quantity of, k eed Qaka, -$art �q � . , , , Wide;
household ekYeots, and Peas, ', Thesis oats are of s splendid 23wC.•BR, K M r CG v '
Tonins—All, sums oi,io:00 ,and under; cash; .variety, rind 'reek yielders, having,P . 8 , INTO, , ONT: i . q'
over that 446 nt9rLon ogo •oredit5 Per: coat. fi y , rowriu ; l .. : Slit;{ la 2a. ailll 1. )Q " ;•
per anannifor Oath. ?5 4i.ishelg to she sore last year. _ . , . . • '
. .
TXNDAIdT.:$ROB., Clinton , . M1. ( : . • ,
Te #I,* � ,V.1 L
Ade3rs Wanted .;, .I. New Farcy ti
'Ar Shiirlwaist Sur' ngs '
�. } ,.
Tandem will be a t'Qtgr-S-- I I a could ` I t "'
xeoeived np�lai�fatoh Slat.T` L
for rEtainting, Varnishing, .1Saleomining, 1.' �irOUih Y' a.rn1, .. -
Could You whitAil uie Dol in bloc red white ,blue' aril
White washing, etc.. ,in . the Conncii,_ .. " er blue, br."own,. bla kk " n - etc1..' s tic 1
, ...� y, p a ly adapt .
Ohambsr; QlExka CJ,l ioe,`else'$AlI,'.. . , plat 81, Maitland Con.;-'ti•aderiah town d for sh rt -waist Suits.;
Look -up. • chip, ocntainip8_$07 acres;' more .cr..)leee, ! f
` T'. .+
I 'L
it'articttilars:af the work required may, be 'On,the.place is:a house, kitchen, w.00delied Have built 'u� a. „ first' ; ti
1.hold from . born and stabl orchard red a , , Prices 45e 6" -
e, , a batt: 8 acres Class- trade such , as w., .
ac and Tse11
J. , G4IBSii►iGVs, Chairman Prop -'i of bneb, utas a never failing• cerins rttng
ert,y�Com.. or. throull1+e.place,', Tbere,is-5 sores of fall •y ,lave, . iit11eS5 our. .`'goods
D ia. �2aoPHER11ti7Z�, ;Qierk:. wheat in,aiada0:acreifall .plow' done ' wer ri ht.in e
I i e . g very way. a
Th1s place 1a to be 'sold . tiq "stiction e, ; ' iL. „ .
. . y . a �%G
. FCofineavil}e, on the 1gt.of A April, a!e ,Se'll. the finest. • oOdS'4� ^' •
. . . TASL >6`or it rther artionla s P . ,t P: m, �.1.
p r apply ko. -'exec' ; ♦. fot-•the :finest: Trade. • One•
0000. r .. • ti ELO'O y
. RJ) , r, r ,I
,Peen pair of.. kold•arrm. •ned, eye•glasgex bet Exeotitora tr aI convince§ ou, of this. '` ..
O �E�BnTx y . ars and R
`Wesley Oharch.sad .W. S.. , Bari.%4dts . . Belts
Holinee>nlle, P, O. r ,
residence, • via. Raittenbury St.. ,finder .will ... � i :.: Amon , other • lines, we
ypleaee leave at W. S. HA�ELANL'E3 ands- '- �. g �Ji�%
mgavereward :.1. ,, 1 specially,, excel in Fancy ' g L��'sDriment , ti i2 iz .
• moee . New . '� Ines. , Biscuits. We keep assort- , ..
�- .J red . .
it18t :-.... _ e
3 ,'
' `•'"". -
- We will have in n t d ones.* at 1 oc ..bels Ib, up. I .... 72, .... ' r2a�' . Z112� .i] anis rice
.. Bebvieen Mr Wiudrn8.i's on the bdnttda;y .a ,ew stock , o Marcaroons . at • ,5oC.
. - -. ,
Nue of Colborne and'GVawanoeb, do -d n. E, .of Graniteware. and Tin -ware, .I, In Olives -and pickles we •
IL Mnnroe's, Anbarn, a', good buffalo robe. -
k'inder:will be suitably zewarded by learia odd dishes, Garden Seeds acid l , have only .the best, chU,t- r �+ [,��
dame at -Iris. Manroety or Mr; .RiddoI'l s a11.. -the latest deal s 0��7 �r+11n' o
gn 1X1, '',Nall * ney Catsup, Chili.:SauEe; � . L
act . A uburn, " .
Taper ' . j Chow -chow, Sweet and.. , I 11
Seedrain'toi' Sale. ban': tare to Sour Vi�xe ar' Pickles ala1. Upon the fit of t ,
_ p. g, he Corset
ldors'5 Radish:
2 Cars. Choice Saed Peas,'' nd Ugs oome - n°li � ns a Call,
. 400 miles north lilac -reasonable ' 1 � � ' ;;
ae sable not over �y De' end, 'the Ttt .Cif1. the. . I`
��^ 7 1C SOIi1Git Your trade. ?;�, Gowsx
90c, X hays Waverly. new kind, deed .L1J,1('• ti711e1r, ►S:, �, r `� ��I.
oats and Sere other kibdg, standard oats, . , . T, .
eted baxtey, Y tn,9 months titres if :desiredar1P,j 50. .i� ,
at,arri,n,led,. Drive straight to war, --hopes J y
kar 221 i n �,
W, H.1'E.1 . 8eaeoml i Old Stan . .. L 0•'�,s+N+#�6,gv"O i. b �,` t
. .. y "man knows h
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To Reny s. vantage- o a creast adapted irl
• --•tea h • .. - _ - .
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+�jpmfottabletwo-Morey hones on Ilcron
'i 1%1*''�''�'�✓' 1W1V''�'O►•''��!►1% � � 111 every way to the 37eeds of.l�tir in- w
abre4t, two doors East of J, Catininahame'a ' . ' '
t dividua l figure. -' One st 'e '
,ateiy occupied by 112r. Rorke.. Terrriediate �+ /� h ` / y g y1 Woti,t
. ttoaeeeskin anti be given. Apply at the Ilz• 1 H � L, E 9`•'k D ;1 .4 �,, i8 T 0 i i E I.
Drees -Office., rra�r�,arr may- w.�r.. �r.rr,r�,rrrY,rrr l1.
ry l
.� ... suit everyone.
House a;nd Let I tc ^ I �$.. , �,,. � . - . .
Cour Corset fepsr#menu is full of good things
L. .i
Oar will be accepted by 'the undersigned , .. "r�•� :'l ' ,
pp i .err..
r within two weeks for the ,cottaao and lots �"'�"'�""� """�' �a
• „ ..n _ 0 . Ready- QL,.U/,.ar.�rsF.'?`i '', K.• 1` 7�� �,., J _:', • 3r -�' ` :.c ."¢'".`;Y w ..
formerly,ocott ied bvMrs. Copp, on otange : ... �,.,:.. ._-� �•s - .>„ 1, . I ,t L e -
Btreet. apply to W. V(r; Farran,,or t W ARE 01 NWDA" ' S-fo .dour � regular �� �o Line for $'�.Op . � ` � J
J. d. Stevenson. .
. .It ,. it
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p„,,r'�y �} a, Register. banes at.ana an+d: Influence - _. 7•n .,:�o
3.5 11 + i '
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On Tuesday, March 29; at i.n, lot t) •don I. . rin th6. co>d1TYie>CCI.�,� �l0]1�,8S�r of c�� . I ii
Tuokelamith, adfoinin�c the''Alwn of. &Aforth, t` X5.00, a .0�
- 4VHA prop., v
..-..r, ,�,..... _ �_ . •
O Orldi March 26, • Parb' Stock, 7inplo ..
n y, �tf cv Price's to clear, .
meats and "Elbusbhold Futnitoro, lot f10. ion, iris rI a promitt 't) i"ili8 all otic ,a appoxEers OU r
CI IIAIIII TON, tllit6 SIObP glair, , . , •
g' g1ood , at resiani� Our Tailorin ° . '
Aust, Prbp. moo faithl~ltt eirvicg asst . ood g Departl"ent ' 111 f*11 swing
- 1;again, With an Up-to-date city cutter ill charge,
ate e'pri esaThie BESfi:twill not be too good for
- Sec our special •$ x 8.Qo = Suits to ' rd r. l
�Olir Sitppo>�ters.' .. 4 '
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