HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-03-11, Page 81.r �: I" . ' • ,7 ..w W w, , x ,i,1iJ41CLINTON 1M 16 Y.Y G1FvA p ° 1.M'"On 1.�1r1"r. '8, . . O �.., . ^" � WILLHAVE TWO DANS INDU- - Local Notes, . . � �•''� .�ie� r . �� Ofint00TRO.I'1'.--We are in recelpt of a letter L �11 I naadso . _ efrom the White star' Lina Coe De- licit wherein they state ; "We have Dr.,Jiamilton has -atz far recovered •Do -- Fair ,,1 :. 7 -. � - - deuideal to make the Gloderich excur- fromhisrecent illness, as to be .able to ngsZ'1 , slon three days ; out of al the answers res, a his practice, RiDAY, MrARCH 11 1901: we ha ,ve received, only one ,art , rinF � u •t . - ' 1?' yMrsAndrew I`orrester of Mitchell,' � ' --�-- - wants the one day. Tliaa moon wi•.1 bs fell through a trap Boar �o a cellar soil r« in all its glory the week of June 20th,.. broke one of her arms. -, .. (`R 1 vlv Z-0ji1f o,. so. we wi•! leave here that morning, The organ factory received a car df W and elegant are fine Spring Suits We are ,have the 11looplight Monday evening, soft coal on Monday and Harland Bros New p g MORE FLATUERING WORDS; - the 20th, leave Gode0ch on Tuesday had another car of hard coal come to ' Tom R, Walker, in writing to theNi�w morning, and stop in Detroit until " showing to -day. Scotch Tweed effects, quiet . mixt- En,& from Cincinnati, thinks the, Nsw Thursday afternoon," hand. 1 cloths. In the entire lot not two are E,R& and its editor all right, He, says - . Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Plumsteel are ; tures ani plain c ''I enjoy volar interesting Parliaxnen- TEMPORARY LAY` OFF Owing settled In their new hoineouTownsend • LOCAL T . l like i£ the ....rice is $1.00 per yard or over, t cry news; and I think the people of to the Organ factory being unable to street, and will be at home to their C "t L A , E N 1 rix c 1. a P , , West Huron have a vary able repre- get their orders shipped out, and the friends. " �.Y n- C ; e ex varlet and more exclusive noyelities than seiitative in the Clanaciiaa House, glut of stook in all departments, to- It is stated that the debenture hold- 0 ,� � p R , •... - y , gethor with the l.ic l: of tnateiial,which ors and depositors will get about20con °h�.:ve ever been in the store before. Not a stock such THREE NOTIi TOATIONS IN. they are dependent on from outside the dollar from the defuhctAtlas Loan re there are no two leiz hts . Three ailvance notifications have been sources, -caused the temporary lay Co's windup. • ' ' Parker' as this hereabouts w'be , g reepived by the Collegiate ,Voothall�.o of neairly two third of the hands, k'Clr'I Qi�' 5 Dy Qr Works bu ors et the best choice. Mere are a teaini. for contests to be played for the There is no one ro rets this act more Agan of thirty . ahovellera Dame up . alike. Early y Hough Cup here this spring, . These than Mr Dohenyimself, •rho enforc- on the 1 ,15 Friday morning and walk pI A;U, fav rice hints. are from OwenSound Londonand God- eel idleness meaning a loss to him as ed out to the tank-, to clear the track . S t a -n d a r d. '! aJ � oons 11 p erich. The boys ar6 already filling well ria to the hands that are laid off, at that point, ,�� ' + p , ' with enthnsinsto for the hfl'raysr and A fen•weeks ago when their foul ran D, Cantelon shipped, a car of ho a �►t $ x r O y' pa on Monday and another on Frlday. ,, ' 'A'� 6JrC• • in about, three weeks' lima will organ- 'out, Mr . Doher•t id an exoribant ' ai'wet d effect Sailinggs, mecl- Plain Uliev]ots ar�d fancy ize for the season: price for wood, so as to- eep the power Ei itzsimons & Son • shipped a car to All, / S a e r S ,1. � ;ium weight. neat smog desigus Tweeds, all the leading plain going,.whxch clearly allows the loyally petioles on Thuraclay,. . in blues•, green, fawns. etc., colors and a wide range of. • WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. -• of, the Doherty Organ . ae;, towards Mrs. W. McBrien, Albert street, , is akN ver eiieetive rind stylish �± ' novelty Sailings, fill] 54 inches -Another interesting address on the . their hounds in trying to avert the in laid u . with a .bad attack o$ , . - y' and M a a Z- Suii-ri., sl,ecaal per yard........ V )Ci wide, per yard ...... , ..�•fl0 wonderful seta of cgireles� Celegiaphg .! epitable which Lias come.Ifiary 8artlafl' is also confided to. e _ _ . was given under the auspices of the A. THE BLOCKADE' RAISED. --With with the same trouble. . %• 1 V • 9 roes. Better Sultin S. Y P, A.'on Tue6day evening by Rev, r __. fortyshovellirs al,nd an equal number. Mrs. James Livermore -gave a public - { g C: R•. Gunne. He was ably assisted by `, t t 90C' Extra duality Tweed effect Harry Brewer,"who has a completeout,. of pick handlers, backed by a snow dance last Wednesday evening, a very I low and two en ines,with two dinin d Imported Tweed Suiting,;, Suitings, including many hoes fit aa,pplianees for .the de- p fi g . enjQyabtetiine :was spent. ichor cars trailin , the blockade b snow on. Cudixxore furnished the music. '. .. 11 I •small and neat patterns, must- that we have only -one Suit to monatrating of than science, in many g y .. . - make stvl- a attern, will make handsome forms. There was a large attendance the.1;, H• & B. 'vas raised Tuesday During the past -week Jacob Taylor ° ly (•n c? tone effects, rp g 1 g has been havin the back• part of his isle Snits or se;iaraite Skirts, a• 1 and stylish Suitings, at per p -sent, and all thorou lily enjoyed evening about 7,30.- After eight Jaya g , . • • .. . 90e, ard...:.. 1.01! $1, -- tri, and $1.50 the P.Xperiments shown a•nd the ,ex- � of weary labor, with a good portion of store conderta into a raised office de- _ __ : pure wool, per youd.... ...d.. y planations given. the night thrown m,.with nothxng but partmelitt with a work shop under O s - snow on top• and fee beneath to shovel neath. h and pick. and meals few and 'liar be- ften the. C ., eapest. Alwon vs the Best . . ANuTHER LAUNDRY. -C. Con :ween; this weary gang were not,atall If an •of ;our subscribers have a copy , +.sigpy, Goderich: haying disposed of his any -of . ...Plain Cloths. - laund ry to a. CJhmra man,moved to town sorry when they sought the cars that of the Nxw ERA :of. .February 12th on 1._ • evening at the close of their lil.bors..It hand, we would appreciate the leaving " .. . t week He is moving hisfamilyin- g .last will be safe to s.iy,that the directmon• • of the same at our office,• a half dozen ' N Plain Cloth 5uitings in all the leading colors -at 5oc, 75c,° to the residence recently vacated -by . . Mr, Rorke, and has .rented the ether etary outlay:for help In opening up copies being deemed.• -En. I.00 and c�1.2 that we consider extra cod value. OUr, this road, will be $2,000,' Thefirstpae- Mr. Concentit}e,• of. London,, takes. • t $, g half of the Shepprisd hiiilding: flay :v sen train reach herefromLoudon ('heat`-! ssortment of ualrttes and colorinos is very large and the laundry Thera to liaardly any need for the ositron.. of teller in the Molson s v a q a y €' three a ineh'industries in,town, and , al- got in about midnight, 'bringing with hank here. - The Mail 'an Empire of -. • ` "'' r case will rive satisfactory wear.. -.-These . Cloths it the wall matter that has been ac- Wednesday stated. that i ome Bir. Le- • quality in every .y ready there is a out on in prices to ape y Y- {" r who i• b]n ;toeathe trade. Charlie cumulating during the bloekade,whrch land of the staff, had .left: here, but Stork edUi Cln Sale a are made from pure imported Wools, and will retain them. rich g. g the public were -pleased to receive,- this xa.atmiatake, - . i ' Itlxnge being the first to. drop. mazy of these letters being, dated. the - . .. . lu;trous finish untill worn out. . , . ` - .. ,.. th of last month. 2@ OF A Ix 'lar w t av e r .... SHORT -HORN H1�Rv (AT�LO.CxUE. -: Mr yright , .. ., , . . R , . 1a rd ted snow p odw lay in..an tits aide. xl as O e COm U a ,,. _..fir^ W.:DnhPtty has issued .,..ve y hand CANADIAN DAY, -Owing to the �� ® � p y'' a $- 000 f First Class Boots and' Shoes 1. ,� :. same illnstratteci- cast„alogaxe giving•. thA above ilio Y,: but a,later report states r J. .a ;.,..• e - ___ •. -.- t,.. . ..,..-... _ stortoon Thursdra,y, March 3rd; ..the -.. • . ? ” , . Prl-iGrares end disci intiana of .his herd Societ as thatxt was.sold to a tovPnsari for•:the "!. - -_ _ __ t inaizon Cloths 38 inches wide, cod weight and finish, p 1 e ineetxn of the Literary y, vt w$od.there was in it. SaUgher. Pi"rCes`- Plaun A g, of Scoteh. Short Ha)nua, of which. • i not asrlgarr el •;attended -is usilal; str11,, air well in browns lawns, blues, icons and black, .per r " n •1,' a "e g y will we , g has somas 1a. I•n the inti dot to h J 50e to those who were *here it provedvery a. Hoare,. of '•the..music store, has fir V(le are determined t r % i �r aid ..... .......... .. "A eraisal of the. fnhowing l]CC OUT StOCI{,nC n , . . y says ; - p instructive. The .introductory: music this week lidded another, to his long O ed • ages wily show that, R.hile T have but . , list of satisfie • r r f the re- order to. do. SO -we are Willing,: sacrifice, ro .t,'.ftir. ..... I pages . f was played by Mr. Mdtidocla' The . _i _. d pu Ghase s o , g. C 1 p . f1. S . .. r " o . ! the nuclexis of a.herd, theFe• ate. to . he ! and'wnrks of several Canadian .poets nowned Goid Medal Newcombe pianos, n I l9 the o or three Weeks. . ` 85 Cents --ow- _ . found choice.represPntatives of some of 'were re' le'ped. .First•was the Drum- Ephraim • Ball, .of town, purchasing a t7Ct ttv •' the hest favor:tim of this noble breed �. , .. ' mond, taken by Ver, J. L.ougheed; who fine cabinet ggrand bistrumeno. • . � 1 Ladies' Cloth, 'list the. popular' of cattle." Evf•rvbodv, , knows that. ke :the audiences Pel-botindforabout ►I a %1 1 Bar�,'di'ns .in" MC�l Fine .s{1oeS • . Very fine quality all -wool ?,- P P a ever Mr naih rtv . tindertail:es.. be p Our s m ath.�. is'.extended to .Mrs. _ .,.• f weight for Spring Suits, 40 to 44 inches wide, i"de'front fine, wh t . e fifteen minutes, others were. taken by y pp, y, .. . g lack er does thoroughly: and his attention to ! Win Caant&on i ` f ' . oft yarns, bright finish, castors, browns, blues and b , p ,� , J. Romball and E Siddall. then Mr. . n. the loss of her 'xis- Spec f. a Bal'balillS In Codify . Fine ►Sloes a y ,, J !'Y.-..... .... ... ............:......a .:.,:. .,.:-r....,........- 81t . shorthorn stool. wall bo °no exception. _ .. and ............ Hoixston•, in his usual ]nteresting ways :.ter, Mrs Thos,•Davidson, formerly of 'k ' y ° • •° . . ' of "Ro DlcKrllop,'butnow: of Farwell, .lklicli: gan'aRabbers -first gaality, worth 65e, only 690 • i gave a sketch, of the life bort : She was :a Misa Clenaiinnin ,and -left hadiee' Rabbare ", " ' t" a uy Soo SI3QT HIMSELF, . L. G. <A ppleton,' and rendered several`'»oemswhichkept ' g, , f' , C� . wlio .ivas connec ed Wath the ,Toronto . his heal e s : interestea to .the hi hest this segtion some 20'years ago. , Mieaes'• Ra 6bere; as + ,, 4Ga .:';.' 290 �. . ." /� Q' . 2 V �"��' :office of the M olsona Bank. shot hien-' r • eif theig ave Childs' Robbers " " " 400' +' 2 0 . : i . r1 . lel i•!� _ possible pitch. Ili las Jon g .. Pra .nk'9 , Ox w,• Assa.,1 In re- r , , 5 a self dead ba Montreal, Monday. aftor •a well rendered solo and then came the ewin his' s ori ` , w.:E The ,ilbOYe ati•e Less than t11e MBeufaCtttrers' r%> • Pure Wool Ladies Cloth im oiled b ourselves, Lo on n- g RAS ° ' : ; , p y 'noon without , leaving any .. state- . remarlta of.the critic. 1l w]'il; baa need- - w . . -... t with the rain rich finish, made from. very n n :'"h ever: ' the statesthat�lie a ' "8i' 'j` iosperous,� " shruttk, will not s o menl. It is . k ow ,-,, ow t less to say ,that the crtti ism was. even P - p • ar ahades'aiid_... ,, y h ._ year. ..However, .as much as he.likes . All' WlntCr (ret®O.dS Regardless. B ;LOS •0 . . "~ imported yarns, 64 inches wide, xn all the popul he arrived Saturday mo.>xmg . lox the ,in the best. ossible wa xf we: mention • T,a�i�! , , p y : thah country he does not want to loss .' . black, er and ................ I........................, ..... purpose of eonsu.tmg the general man the name of the critic which was C,A. t p y - _: , track of his old home friends in `:and . 30 psire of, Child's gid buttoned and laded Bootsi worth . , d i ager of the bank, Jas. E liott, regard Tebbutt. . Particulars for the neat 900 and $1,00: goin et ...... ... 65JC` r;. _•__.. around°Clinton.:. g **"**"**"**"**"***#**"*"***"**"***"**" ' : ing some ,rregulai,rities in his accoants, i. meeting will be given later. It a su Deed ilial the delicate nose- - ,. ..pp. ins land, Mia. s. H. simith entertaned;at pro bout. are 'invited to: our Great Annual Clearing .Sail's. . - • • tion, in which he was placed! preyed u gOCREY NOTES: -The storms a gressive euchre on Wednesday even. p . :, on his mind until his : vara i.rduaed t� �i ��. thaws of Baal week hat seen the. near. >ng in honor of .M`i'ss gameron; of Yet rl Milliner Ea - �.% . ' takR his life, Lou, a8 he, : n:as .well I finfsh nf.thr3 hooke ame for"this. sea>-: a. .' ai3- :Comoro 's g a ' ; J J. -.. Yg role w.ilii n sister, Mrs. `�'.THE OLD I ., _1 $�,E-"�"��: r e known- here, being a. son of- the :Lite .son.. Many games were . romised us Berri of Sarnia, . v Mrs. Smith's... - . • .. .. - - F — p The milliner de artment is now read for buil= Dr. Ap leton,.inwn,. wits respected by ( the past week but none of them were ,roommate when' : both were in attend- '. y P -y alI who 'new him He was his moth- laved off: On Thursday evening last ance`at the Ladies''Colle 'e; Whitb.:. . y�� '' ness. The date of our formal Opening will .be an- Br's sole gnardio,n, was of a very quiet_i three �•ames were scheduled with Sea= g y' .L,Lb. .L N., ., w � LO." o . 1 -� and iiiofi'ensi: a nature, .and his -,rash team'. did not Mr. and Mrs.;A.: J.". Hollows a . •. nounced next week, but in the rneantlme-we are. pre forth but. the visiting: Holloway gave ,:., act is.:to be regretted. .show -up this _ provoked enmity. On air evening to a number -of their friends . pared for earl bu ors. Misses Pettigrew and Burke . g y. g • p p y y g Friday some phoning and writin took • •Thiirsda before breakin u their SOME ONE. WILL LOSE.— ne asidn the same town to home which they: recently sold to Mr. - - . spent the last to weeks in studying .the Seasons .- place, o g W. , - r '. daffy last :there wds a car ofcorn.brought sexed along Learns tbat evening and J. - . Irwin. M"r: Holloway puzposea styles in the Workrooms, and . making copies of to Uinton, destined to W. G. Perrin the other saying riot to come, The storing his furniture at his fathers and from a -Windsor. gr# in. merchant.. This. -first advice watts acted .'on, and $offit°.' .father-rn-laws, until he...decides what . French and New York patterns. They •are now pre- I . . .. - .. A O * paring for our Spring Opening display: bi t are ready : . �. carr left .that.city on January 19th,And i 'ha4: been: on .the road r,early two � thirtyof Seafortlis stick handlers,drove in athortly after an�per:: Not finding a- ne will do . ; .' A, The hae tra've11,- "''` S any time: to receive customer at X Uheeit 4 in ifths, On cpen>ng. the"door, the olid stiieli rrorri decaying vegeta- very warm.; reception •awaiting'tII - •hired the rink for'their own benefit, , piesent'thaw made Ing veryunpleasant and dangerous` :to . NHtN��s���NO�sN N��NK,�N� e•N�#N"4ON#LIN*"* •• tion and growing corn was. enough to knock one.'down.: Mr.. -Perrin refused I •charging -the towns. people ten dents to see them skate and knock -the . puck .man. or beast.—'To turn cul means e st tuhggle f t •your horse in the snow, . . . •' • to :Accept the grain ; the elevator wai a asked to unload axed quote a price on it, around.. About a dozen'_paid admit:-. ifaice, but- thia.would hardly remuner• �: ' with, some imes injurious results, ars a . .'number of cases have been repdi ted,of borses cutting themselves,or.spraining ' . New 'brooch Veilings • but Mr, .Smith, not thinking it worth the of feed, alao tuimed it ate boys for their smoke bill: Try and'malce better nez4t the cordsof.t eirlegs. -- ' price pig down ; $50 vols then offered for the $300' ear of corn, by a town feeder, but connections . time . Seaforth; The ?Winglxam. and Ailsa Craig games had to be. postpon= ''Only two of the 72 head of cattle that were by Mr Forrester; 'as ' :.' We bought these Veilings from a maker in France. They this was refused by the otyners.° What:.ed for want' of travelling accommo- `it .shipped' apoken of in last. weeks Now ERA,, . are neat, stylish designs and -the qualities are better, than. we, y g q : . will become "Of it, or who will be .the .loser is hard to•con'eetitre, but some dations last Week' but this week is for'vaait.bf`seagonable:ice. These will were dead when. landed in `.England. and the rest in 'good condition - for, ,.. :- ' have bee accustomed to sell at: these one will be out' a•fe w hundred. be played Off.asstfon as colder wet. . what the had' passed through: They' .prices, Very fine quality fancy French Fine new Veiliagti, with poen. PART OF 'THE. AGF„EEMENT.-• Below will be found the main points of er, sets in. . A VICTIM CANCER.:- Mrs., , were insured, �phich will ]et 1VIr..For- rester out of any serious loss. . Veilings, new patterns and com- ille dot, black on vilite'and white I binations, special at per yard on black as well as self colors, the ag cement entered into between . .OF Eliza, Peth]ek, relict of the;. late Levi-, . The Mitchell Advocate states . in its. 35c and .............. ......... 40C I special value at per yard ........ Soo, _4 -...� the contractor and the Rouse of Re- fuge building commrtteeat their meet- Pethick of Walton died at. the resid- , ence of her son-in-Iaw, FranicBaer, on last weeds issue that the price of wheat in that town is as high as any. • . I ing held here a few, weeks ago. It„�vas. Monday last: Since her husband's; other point in Western Ontario. . We. ' .. .. . ' .. . prepared by the County Soiicitor and death iahe has been living with her are surprized at the Advocate making /fin (� �^► . ��� �/OttOS`���'. agrees that all disputes .between the inspector and the contractor shall be. McBride, London, children; who ' are ,scattered :over Ontario, but for the,past two years 'and a statement of this kind, for it is evoe- ' ful ignorance, .Clinton buyers have . • , settled by.Mr.. of. the that in the :dei has put in -a painful lingerin x11-. from her daug�ter, been paying• one, dollar a bushel for architect, and case ness, cancer with tW- o•.weeks. - Just a reminder of our Cotton Values. As good we are ciaion is against'UHe contractor; he, -his ,Mrs. Baer: • She was".born in Ireland -. not likely to have for some time after the last'. of our•..present shall pay the costs, but if in favor the count -Y shall bear the expense. The dontrii,ctor be monthly, in 18;3 and came to this.country when but-a•child, living in two or,three but her life • The Seaforth News,made its appear- ancelast.Saturday,inafairly'present- ; able It is in size, stock leaves the store: " shall paid' o places xxi,oat of was spent her family shape. eight pages `and �6'coluxnns 'the four ' inside on the certificate of .the .architect, at Walt-iu, where of., wide, .• ' . r r� and ]'Z C CANAb ANWHITE COTTONS 8C 10r 'the amonat of -80% for material used • and work. done, The inspectors .shall be the the, chair-; •of,.eleven children weib born to. her, The livi g ones are John of Ylinthrop;, at Orillia; pages being ready print. Its local ad - vertisi k patronage looks proinisingtc the t thing to:be paid on certificate of (leo. at Seaforth, Levi .Mia. start wi'th,l}ut greates { ENGLISH WHITE COTTONS, 10C,12je and I50 Tuan of the committee, D. Cantelon,- the House, Mr.- French, 'Win, Hewitt of Algoma, .anal the daughter here being desired' is. a ggood, subscription list; which only long and master' most'. of.these present at the f unerail which was held patience and s purse , will sees " FINE WHITE CAMBRIC, 12je, 195c and ISI.. p AN' IRISH LECTC AE. --What• pro mixes to be.a very interesting lecture on Wednesday.: Throughout her years of suffering, she was •patient. under it • Nibs. Hampton, whose home is in Mt Forest, and for the three GREY COTTO�vS, �('� `�('� 8C and 10e.. ' ' is to be delivered by Rev. Father Har- ggrraves, Seaforth, who is also editor of all and cheerful to those around her to the last, gagqing as she bid 'them fares there wh'o, past Season has been head milliner in' one . of the uptown stores of that large 1.All widths in Pillow Cottons and Seeetings in the -Catholic Records . in Clinton town. hall, on Wednesday evenina,l4iarcli 10. rEThe we11. that was a glorious jresur- f cellon beyond when they would All She i`bgai,s an, Anglican in . city, i's expected to arrive this week to take charge of N'ewcombe's mi'llixiery ,always Stock. - His enticing subjeet Is entitled Life and Works of St. Patrick," the atra7n eaint.of Ireland. Tliat t1�is lee- bare meet again. belief, itev: C R. Gunne performing the lastsad rftes of that, church a . d'eparline it. She will be assisted by . Miss Ferguson, Parl=hill,who Iles been with Ellis, Sarnia, for the past. 'five 0' will be filled with the wit, pecul- house. and grr.ve. Mr, and lobs. Baer' iar to the people of that littlelsle,which wisli to exprear�. their;''appreciation of a�easons; : ° „ I. to • e _ New111 bio ��/ 1del'�es S. makes one laugh, a� gainsl .his „will, is sure to be heard. Tickets may be had from Messrs,Jas. Flynn, Owen Grae1]s, the. kindness shown • b the ifranv y friends and neiglibora, during the ill-, ness of lolls. Pa;thick: , W.:U.. Laitornell, • of the Molson s Bank staff who has been accountant the• :,, at Rid etown', since leaven here : re- . More Embroideries in this wee sin an `' y and Gus, Oollyar, •also at Commercial and obmbe's dru store. g • RELIEVED OF AER SUFFLRING --There will come- a,timd, xn any' of St Thorn s. Thursday to proceed to t imilar position . Thomtta•to.y, e viii g • . but at the same time 'stron and servicable, patterns that program ., sharp,andbesides p, berPrxai�red byapfirs i Cooled relief 'f om the ill ha spylr that inthe branch iii that city. Although an advanc ement for Mr. Lat6rnell yet VL .are ver new. Prices are y ' class talent.. This entertainment isbe- as . that afflict an ind and such was the • they regret having to v eats u e � ntly home, which they have: so recrbntly • 11 4M .ar From 5c to 25c er aid. ear ' ear iP held under the auspieds of St. Jos- e h's church.V elosilag' experii�ence in life of Mrs." Ellen Saville, ,beloved wife of John t settle ' go d . p y .. TRUSTEE MEETING -The 'Board of public school trustees met onThurs- Olvev, whose s it went home to its maker,'on Wenesdaiq of last week, at the age E 3 'gqears. Mra. Oliver, wale J; E. Stevenson has the honor ofhav- ing held the ,position of Secretary - TreaauY�er of the Bible Soeiety for a day last in the room, members born'I T,ettaHviliey but came here whed of 27 gears is long �itNHN*N*&&"&&u**NrsNe•*'i **"*�N�NaNN"*isN4a .clerk& being present. Inspector Robb anti i . but it child,. where she had spent about cried ;this a good p -Stevensonll time to hold office, but Mr: h A GOOD WRAPPER F R $1.00 Principal'Lough had. 're Orta 'xn the former statin than be had visited the •2'3 years of her i]fe. She married her , now bereft husband in Clinton ]n 1878, can surpass it is another respect, for he hats been a member of wealey and school on the rid. 3rd, and 4th of last bub shortly after moved to Runtsville, Rattenbnry Street Choir (one and the ' ' A Dollar Bill buys Dole of the best Wra ors Dire 11 y PP month, and found the heaiting! vontita- tine and eleaxilinesa quite satisfactory, Muskoka; where they have lived ever- since, aevain children hiving blessed game) for a period of over 40 years., Who can surpass this? ,k Also found the teachers doing' quite their tie. Two of those live at Brace-, C. , - -.-ever had for that money, There ..f S a full - hnndre'd satisfactory -work, Mr Lough's report bridge, and the' 6rest reside rat home. While deliveringcoal on Saturdayin .. • .• showed enrollment for . January 1.76 IrA average at- Mrs, bilyer was in attendance. at her, mothers funeral here idst.fall, but was otie of the uncomortable aces -to got especially in the steep now,Dray- 11 cents worth of value in every one of then:.- • AXI . well • boyar and girls, with tendanae of 291.',; February, 177 'boya then i.n poor health, a general decline .into, man Evans had the misfortune tohteve made from StrOri Prints slew St les fast Colors. : g , y and 164 girls', averaige .attendance 282, Throu hout thew cold weather .the li tying set in, 7rhe body was brought here or, Burial, the, funeral taking: one of hiS hiiraes injiired�by caS'rking. it- ,self with its shoe on the inside of the roomsTave bern comfortable and most place from her brothers, Mr E• Saville; right hind foot, Tlie horse los W- Onstd- Ladies Wra ors rriade from ood quality (7aia- Pp g y of the time the drafts of stove closed, Rattenbury street, on Sunday. 'Rev erable blood before Mr, Evans got it to adian Prints fast colors, wide frill at bottoms waists -- ' SI which is saying a good Ileal for tlw C R Gunne,waa the officiating' minis- the vet's. lie had to hire another lined, a good range of patterns, all sizes, each........ -00 t , g g p heating s stein the school has. The lei',' and IN Twitchell, J Seruton F W We,tt; J J Dayment ane'1 horse to keep him going. . `t .:. 44##NNNNNM°'#4NN*#6s66 tr*#0,V+►N+� i*.NNmi , supply of fuel is nearly exhausted however, and the low er rosins wil{' Cope, ..Wnx Cantelon siting tts,'palt lmcarers. Thy licher clay an alwnin agent was . froxii . have to be eloaed�unless a. new supply M nn,il rnl A9. -hex nrimary divisiion Those from a +di:stanoe . in attendance were Mrs S 11. Mbrcer. Woodstock, in tolvn and. secured orders a a nuMber_of out inereharrikfor nowawn. I'S"i,ft,,O�6,1,?Oe,otvvo,y*,M"Pathy, 'U"," 'Will), A,b Y,,,o. �T " Oliver, Staifa ; ,arid Mr Jaa Webster, Londesboro. The New Eno unites with a large circle of ac� �.u`aintances 1n natencfing the a berearr- ones tboir I ° . .e+ . a. 11 i . d-- -_•M-2 `�• ,�` a _ weir Cts.. Hr Ii.Combegets-.. lWard style, Cooper's 1 also insial an extra, hefront '�o'�f°�the Art d6, de- eaars W. A Farr, .,i E. R Ana Hoalgena' BroS. are Ar old oaeo fled over. a of . )c Bio%Wap. 1: .s: 1. elotlltdMtn'll�tll*klnl ._..,„.__._n„.ll. u aa..,r 6 r 6