HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-03-11, Page 81.r �:
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,i,1iJ41CLINTON 1M 16 Y.Y G1FvA p ° 1.M'"On 1.�1r1"r.
'8, . .
�.., . ^" � WILLHAVE TWO DANS INDU- - Local Notes,
. . �
�•''� .�ie� r . �� Ofint00TRO.I'1'.--We are in recelpt of a letter L �11 I naadso . _ efrom the White star' Lina Coe De-
licit wherein they state ; "We have Dr.,Jiamilton has -atz far recovered •Do --
Fair ,,1
-. � - - deuideal to make the Gloderich excur- fromhisrecent illness, as to be .able to
ngsZ'1 , slon three days ; out of al the answers res, a his practice,
RiDAY, MrARCH 11 1901: we ha ,ve received, only one ,art ,
� u •t . - ' 1?' yMrsAndrew I`orrester of Mitchell,' � '
--�-- - wants the one day. Tliaa moon wi•.1 bs fell through a trap Boar �o a cellar soil
r« in all its glory the week of June 20th,.. broke one of her arms. -,
.. (`R 1 vlv Z-0ji1f o,. so. we wi•! leave here that morning, The organ factory received a car df
W and elegant are fine Spring Suits We are ,have the 11looplight Monday evening, soft coal on Monday and Harland Bros
New p g MORE FLATUERING WORDS; - the 20th, leave Gode0ch on Tuesday had another car of hard coal come to
' Tom R, Walker, in writing to theNi�w morning, and stop in Detroit until "
showing to -day. Scotch Tweed effects, quiet . mixt- En,& from Cincinnati, thinks the, Nsw Thursday afternoon," hand.
1 cloths. In the entire lot not two are E,R& and its editor all right, He, says - . Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Plumsteel are ;
tures ani plain c ''I enjoy volar interesting Parliaxnen- TEMPORARY LAY` OFF Owing settled In their new hoineouTownsend • LOCAL T
. l like i£ the ....rice is $1.00 per yard or over, t cry news; and I think the people of to the Organ factory being unable to street, and will be at home to their C "t L A , E N 1
rix c 1. a P , , West Huron have a vary able repre- get their orders shipped out, and the friends. "
�.Y n- C ; e ex varlet and more exclusive noyelities than seiitative in the Clanaciiaa House, glut of stook in all departments, to- It is stated that the debenture hold- 0 ,� � p R
, •... - y , gethor with the l.ic l: of tnateiial,which ors and depositors will get about20con
°h�.:ve ever been in the store before. Not a stock such THREE NOTIi TOATIONS IN. they are dependent on from outside the dollar from the defuhctAtlas Loan
re there are no two leiz hts . Three ailvance notifications have been sources, -caused the temporary lay Co's windup. • ' ' Parker'
as this hereabouts w'be , g reepived by the Collegiate ,Voothall�.o of neairly two third of the hands, k'Clr'I Qi�' 5 Dy Qr Works
bu ors et the best choice. Mere are a teaini. for contests to be played for the There is no one ro rets this act more Agan of thirty . ahovellera Dame up
. alike. Early y
Hough Cup here this spring, . These than Mr Dohenyimself, •rho enforc- on the 1 ,15 Friday morning and walk pI A;U,
fav rice hints. are from OwenSound Londonand God- eel idleness meaning a loss to him as ed out to the tank-, to clear the track . S t a -n d a r d. '! aJ � oons
11 p erich. The boys ar6 already filling well ria to the hands that are laid off, at that point, ,�� ' +
p , ' with enthnsinsto for the hfl'raysr and A fen•weeks ago when their foul ran D, Cantelon shipped, a car of ho a
�►t $ x r O y' pa on Monday and another on Frlday. ,, '
'A'� 6JrC• • in about, three weeks' lima will organ- 'out, Mr . Doher•t id an exoribant '
ai'wet d effect Sailinggs, mecl- Plain Uliev]ots ar�d fancy ize for the season: price for wood, so as to- eep the power Ei itzsimons & Son • shipped a car to All, / S a e r S
,1. � ;ium weight. neat smog desigus Tweeds, all the leading plain going,.whxch clearly allows the loyally petioles on Thuraclay,. .
in blues•, green, fawns. etc., colors and a wide range of. • WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. -• of, the Doherty Organ . ae;, towards Mrs. W. McBrien, Albert street, , is
akN ver eiieetive rind stylish �± ' novelty Sailings, fill] 54 inches -Another interesting address on the . their hounds in trying to avert the in laid u . with a .bad attack o$ , . -
y' and M a a Z-
Suii-ri., sl,ecaal per yard........ V )Ci wide, per yard ...... , ..�•fl0 wonderful seta of cgireles� Celegiaphg .! epitable which Lias come.Ifiary 8artlafl' is also confided to. e _ _
. was given under the auspices of the A. THE BLOCKADE' RAISED. --With with the same trouble. . %• 1 V •
9 roes.
Better Sultin S. Y P, A.'on Tue6day evening by Rev,
r __. fortyshovellirs al,nd an equal number. Mrs. James Livermore -gave a public - {
g C: R•. Gunne. He was ably assisted by
`, t t 90C' Extra duality Tweed effect Harry Brewer,"who has a completeout,. of pick handlers, backed by a snow dance last Wednesday evening, a very
I low and two en ines,with two dinin d
Imported Tweed Suiting,;, Suitings, including many hoes fit aa,pplianees for .the de- p fi g . enjQyabtetiine :was spent. ichor
cars trailin , the blockade b snow on. Cudixxore furnished the music. '. ..
11 I •small and neat patterns, must- that we have only -one Suit to monatrating of than science, in many g y .. .
- make stvl- a attern, will make handsome forms. There was a large attendance the.1;, H• & B. 'vas raised Tuesday During the past -week Jacob Taylor °
ly (•n c? tone effects, rp g 1 g has been havin the back• part of his
isle Snits or se;iaraite Skirts, a• 1 and stylish Suitings, at per p -sent, and all thorou lily enjoyed evening about 7,30.- After eight Jaya g , .
• • .. . 90e, ard...:.. 1.01! $1, -- tri, and $1.50 the P.Xperiments shown a•nd the ,ex- � of weary labor, with a good portion of store conderta into a raised office de- _ __ :
pure wool, per youd.... ...d.. y planations given. the night thrown m,.with nothxng but partmelitt with a work shop under O
s -
snow on top• and fee beneath to shovel neath. h
and pick. and meals few and 'liar be- ften the. C ., eapest. Alwon vs the Best
. . ANuTHER LAUNDRY. -C. Con :ween; this weary gang were not,atall If an •of ;our subscribers have a copy ,
+.sigpy, Goderich: haying disposed of his any -of .
...Plain Cloths. - laund ry to a. CJhmra man,moved to town sorry when they sought the cars that of the Nxw ERA :of. .February 12th on 1._
• evening at the close of their lil.bors..It hand, we would appreciate the leaving "
.. . t week He is moving hisfamilyin- g
.last will be safe to s.iy,that the directmon• • of the same at our office,• a half dozen ' N
Plain Cloth 5uitings in all the leading colors -at 5oc, 75c,° to the residence recently vacated -by . .
Mr, Rorke, and has .rented the ether etary outlay:for help In opening up copies being deemed.• -En.
I.00 and c�1.2 that we consider extra cod value. OUr, this road, will be $2,000,' Thefirstpae- Mr. Concentit}e,• of. London,, takes. •
t $, g half of the Shepprisd hiiilding: flay :v sen train reach herefromLoudon ('heat`-!
ssortment of ualrttes and colorinos is very
large and the laundry Thera to liaardly any need for the ositron.. of teller in the Molson s
v a q a y €' three a ineh'industries in,town, and , al- got in about midnight, 'bringing with hank here. - The Mail 'an Empire of -. •
` "'' r case will rive satisfactory wear.. -.-These . Cloths it the wall matter that has been ac- Wednesday stated. that i ome Bir. Le- •
quality in every .y ready there is a out on in prices to ape y
{" r who i• b]n ;toeathe trade. Charlie cumulating during the bloekade,whrch land of the staff, had .left: here, but Stork edUi Cln Sale
a are made from pure imported Wools, and will retain them. rich g. g the public were -pleased to receive,- this xa.atmiatake, - .
i ' Itlxnge being the first to. drop. mazy of these letters being, dated. the - . .. .
lu;trous finish untill worn out. . , . ` - .. ,.. th of last month.
2@ OF
A Ix 'lar w t av e
r .... SHORT -HORN H1�Rv (AT�LO.CxUE. -: Mr yright
, .. ., , . . R , . 1a rd ted snow p odw lay in..an tits aide.
xl as O e COm U
a ,,. _..fir^ W.:DnhPtty has issued .,..ve y hand CANADIAN DAY, -Owing to the
�� ® � p y'' a $- 000 f First Class Boots and' Shoes
1. ,� :. same illnstratteci- cast„alogaxe giving•. thA above ilio Y,: but a,later report states r J. .a
;.,..• e - ___ •. -.- t,.. . ..,..-... _ stortoon Thursdra,y, March 3rd; ..the -..
• . ? ” , . Prl-iGrares end disci intiana of .his herd Societ as thatxt was.sold to a tovPnsari for•:the "!. - -_ _ __
t inaizon Cloths 38 inches wide, cod weight and finish, p 1 e ineetxn of the Literary y, vt w$od.there was in it. SaUgher. Pi"rCes`-
Plaun A g, of Scoteh. Short Ha)nua, of which. • i not asrlgarr el •;attended -is usilal; str11,,
air well in browns lawns, blues, icons and black, .per r " n •1,' a "e g y
will we , g has somas 1a. I•n the inti dot to h J
50e to those who were *here it provedvery a. Hoare,. of '•the..music store, has fir V(le are determined t r % i
�r aid ..... .......... .. "A eraisal of the. fnhowing l]CC OUT StOCI{,nC n
, . . y says ; - p instructive. The .introductory: music this week lidded another, to his long O ed
• ages wily show that, R.hile T have but . , list of satisfie • r r f the re- order to. do. SO -we are Willing,: sacrifice, ro .t,'.ftir.
I pages . f was played by Mr. Mdtidocla' The . _i _. d pu Ghase s o , g. C 1 p . f1. S . .. r "
o . ! the nuclexis of a.herd, theFe• ate. to . he ! and'wnrks of several Canadian .poets nowned Goid Medal Newcombe pianos, n I
l9 the o or three Weeks. .
` 85 Cents --ow- _ . found choice.represPntatives of some of 'were re' le'ped. .First•was the Drum- Ephraim • Ball, .of town, purchasing a t7Ct ttv
•' the hest favor:tim of this noble breed �. , .. '
mond, taken by Ver, J. L.ougheed; who fine cabinet ggrand bistrumeno. • . � 1
Ladies' Cloth, 'list the. popular' of cattle." Evf•rvbodv, , knows that. ke :the audiences Pel-botindforabout ►I a %1 1 Bar�,'di'ns .in" MC�l Fine .s{1oeS • .
Very fine quality all -wool ?,- P P a ever Mr naih rtv . tindertail:es.. be p Our s m ath.�. is'.extended to .Mrs.
_ .,.• f weight for Spring Suits, 40 to 44 inches wide, i"de'front fine, wh t . e fifteen minutes, others were. taken by y pp, y, .. .
g lack er does thoroughly: and his attention to ! Win Caant&on i ` f ' .
oft yarns, bright finish, castors, browns, blues and b , p ,� , J. Romball and E Siddall. then Mr. . n. the loss of her 'xis- Spec f. a Bal'balillS In Codify . Fine ►Sloes
a y ,, J
!'Y.-..... .... ... ............:......a .:.,:. .,.:-r....,........- 81t . shorthorn stool. wall bo °no exception. _ ..
and ............ Hoixston•, in his usual ]nteresting ways :.ter, Mrs Thos,•Davidson, formerly of
'k ' y ° • •° . . ' of "Ro DlcKrllop,'butnow: of Farwell, .lklicli: gan'aRabbers -first gaality, worth 65e, only 690 • i
gave a sketch, of the life bort : She was :a Misa Clenaiinnin ,and -left hadiee' Rabbare ", " ' t" a uy Soo
SI3QT HIMSELF, . L. G. <A ppleton,' and rendered several`'»oemswhichkept ' g, , f' ,
C� . wlio .ivas connec ed Wath the ,Toronto . his heal e s : interestea to .the hi hest this segtion some 20'years ago. , Mieaes'• Ra 6bere; as + ,, 4Ga .:';.' 290 �.
. ." /� Q' . 2 V �"��' :office of the M olsona Bank. shot hien-' r • eif theig ave Childs' Robbers " " " 400' +' 2 0 . : i .
r1 . lel i•!� _ possible pitch. Ili las Jon g .. Pra .nk'9 , Ox w,• Assa.,1 In re- r , , 5 a
self dead ba Montreal, Monday. aftor •a well rendered solo and then came the ewin his' s ori ` , w.:E The ,ilbOYe ati•e Less than t11e MBeufaCtttrers' r%> •
Pure Wool Ladies Cloth im oiled b ourselves, Lo on n- g RAS °
' : ; , p y 'noon without , leaving any .. state- . remarlta of.the critic. 1l w]'il; baa need- - w . .
-... t with the rain rich finish, made from. very n n :'"h ever: ' the statesthat�lie a ' "8i' 'j` iosperous,� "
shruttk, will not s o menl. It is . k ow ,-,, ow t less to say ,that the crtti ism was. even P
- p • ar ahades'aiid_... ,, y h ._ year. ..However, .as much as he.likes . All' WlntCr (ret®O.dS Regardless. B ;LOS •0 . .
"~ imported yarns, 64 inches wide, xn all the popul he arrived Saturday mo.>xmg . lox the ,in the best. ossible wa xf we: mention
• T,a�i�! , , p y : thah country he does not want to loss .'
. black, er and ................ I........................, ..... purpose of eonsu.tmg the general man the name of the critic which was C,A.
t p y - _: , track of his old home friends in `:and . 30 psire of, Child's gid buttoned and laded Bootsi worth . , d i
ager of the bank, Jas. E liott, regard Tebbutt. . Particulars for the neat 900 and $1,00: goin et ...... ... 65JC`
r;. _•__.. around°Clinton.:. g
**"**"**"**"**"***#**"*"***"**"***"**" ' : ing some ,rregulai,rities in his accoants, i. meeting will be given later.
It a su Deed ilial the delicate nose- -
,. ..pp.
ins land, Mia. s. H. simith entertaned;at pro bout. are 'invited to: our Great Annual Clearing .Sail's. .
- • • tion, in which he was placed! preyed u gOCREY NOTES: -The storms a
gressive euchre on Wednesday even.
p .
:, on his mind until his : vara i.rduaed t�
�i ��. thaws of Baal week hat seen the. near. >ng in honor of .M`i'ss gameron; of Yet
rl Milliner
Ea - �.% . ' takR his life, Lou, a8 he, : n:as .well I finfsh nf.thr3 hooke ame for"this. sea>-: a. .' ai3- :Comoro 's g a ' ;
J J. -.. Yg role w.ilii n sister, Mrs. `�'.THE OLD I ., _1 $�,E-"�"��:
r e known- here, being a. son of- the :Lite .son.. Many games were . romised us Berri of Sarnia, . v Mrs. Smith's... - . • .. .. - - F —
The milliner de artment is now read for buil= Dr. Ap leton,.inwn,. wits respected by ( the past week but none of them were ,roommate when' : both were in attend-
'. y P -y alI who 'new him He was his moth- laved off: On Thursday evening last ance`at the Ladies''Colle 'e; Whitb.:. . y��
'' ness. The date of our formal Opening will .be an- Br's sole gnardio,n, was of a very quiet_i three �•ames were scheduled with Sea= g y' .L,Lb. .L N.,
w � LO." o
. 1 -� and iiiofi'ensi: a nature, .and his -,rash team'. did not Mr. and Mrs.;A.: J.". Hollows a . •.
nounced next week, but in the rneantlme-we are. pre forth but. the visiting: Holloway gave
,:., act is.:to be regretted. .show -up this _ provoked enmity. On air evening to a number -of their friends .
pared for earl bu ors. Misses Pettigrew and Burke . g y. g • p
p y y g Friday some phoning and writin took • •Thiirsda before breakin u their
SOME ONE. WILL LOSE.— ne asidn the same town to home which they: recently sold to Mr. - - .
spent the last to weeks in studying .the Seasons .- place, o g W. ,
- r '. daffy last :there wds a car ofcorn.brought sexed along Learns tbat evening and J. - . Irwin. M"r: Holloway puzposea
styles in the Workrooms, and . making copies of to Uinton, destined to W. G. Perrin the other saying riot to come, The storing his furniture at his fathers and
from a -Windsor. gr# in. merchant.. This. -first advice watts acted .'on, and $offit°.' .father-rn-laws, until he...decides what .
French and New York patterns. They •are now pre- I . . .. - ..
* paring for our Spring Opening display: bi t are ready : . �.
carr left .that.city on January 19th,And i
'ha4: been: on .the road r,early two �
thirtyof Seafortlis stick handlers,drove
in athortly after an�per:: Not finding a-
ne will do .
; .' A,
The hae tra've11,-
"''` S any time:
to receive customer at X Uheeit
in ifths, On cpen>ng. the"door, the
olid stiieli rrorri decaying vegeta-
very warm.; reception •awaiting'tII -
•hired the rink for'their own benefit,
, piesent'thaw made
Ing veryunpleasant and dangerous` :to
NHtN��s���NO�sN N��NK,�N� e•N�#N"4ON#LIN*"* ••
tion and growing corn was. enough to
knock one.'down.: Mr.. -Perrin refused I
•charging -the towns. people ten dents
to see them skate and knock -the . puck
.man. or beast.—'To turn cul means e
st tuhggle f t •your horse in the snow, .
. .
•' •
to :Accept the grain ; the elevator wai a
asked to unload axed quote a price on it,
around.. About a dozen'_paid admit:-.
ifaice, but- thia.would hardly remuner•
�: '
with, some imes injurious results, ars a .
.'number of cases have been repdi ted,of
borses cutting themselves,or.spraining '
. New 'brooch Veilings •
but Mr, .Smith, not thinking it worth
the of feed, alao tuimed it
ate boys for their smoke bill: Try
and'malce better nez4t
the cordsof.t eirlegs.
-- '
price pig
down ; $50 vols then offered for the
$300' ear of corn, by a town feeder, but
. time . Seaforth; The ?Winglxam. and
Ailsa Craig games had to be. postpon=
''Only two of the 72 head of cattle that
were by Mr Forrester; 'as
' :.'
We bought these Veilings from a maker in France. They
this was refused by the otyners.° What:.ed
for want' of travelling accommo-
apoken of in last. weeks Now ERA,,
are neat, stylish designs and -the qualities are better, than. we,
y g q : .
will become "Of it, or who will be .the
.loser is hard to•con'eetitre, but some
dations last Week' but this week is
for'vaait.bf`seagonable:ice. These will
were dead when. landed in `.England.
and the rest in 'good condition - for,
,.. :-
' have bee accustomed to sell at: these
one will be out' a•fe w hundred.
be played Off.asstfon as colder wet.
. what the had' passed through: They'
Very fine quality fancy French Fine new Veiliagti, with poen.
Below will be found the main points of
er, sets in.
were insured, �phich will ]et 1VIr..For-
rester out of any serious loss. .
Veilings, new patterns and com- ille dot, black on vilite'and white
binations, special at per yard on black as well as self colors,
the ag cement entered into between
. .OF
Eliza, Peth]ek, relict of the;. late Levi-,
. The Mitchell Advocate states . in its.
35c and .............. ......... 40C I special value at per yard ........ Soo,
_4 -...�
the contractor and the Rouse of Re-
fuge building commrtteeat their meet-
Pethick of Walton died at. the resid-
ence of her son-in-Iaw, FranicBaer, on
last weeds issue that the price of
wheat in that town is as high as any.
• . I
ing held here a few, weeks ago. It„�vas.
Monday last: Since her husband's;
other point in Western Ontario. . We. '
.. .. . ' .. .
prepared by the County Soiicitor and
death iahe has been living with her
are surprized at the Advocate making
/fin (� �^► .
��� �/OttOS`���'.
agrees that all disputes .between the
inspector and the contractor shall be.
McBride, London,
children; who ' are ,scattered :over
Ontario, but for the,past two years
a statement of this kind, for it is evoe- '
ful ignorance, .Clinton buyers have
. • ,
settled by.Mr.. of.
the that in the :dei
has put in -a painful lingerin x11-.
from her daug�ter,
been paying• one, dollar a bushel for
architect, and case
ness, cancer with
tW- o•.weeks. -
Just a reminder of our Cotton Values. As good we are
ciaion is against'UHe contractor; he,
,Mrs. Baer: • She was".born in Ireland
-. not likely to have for some time after the last'. of our•..present
shall pay the costs, but if in favor
the count -Y shall bear the expense.
The dontrii,ctor be monthly,
in 18;3 and came to this.country when
but-a•child, living in two or,three
but her life
• The Seaforth News,made its appear-
ancelast.Saturday,inafairly'present- ;
able It is in size,
stock leaves the store:
shall paid'
places xxi,oat of was spent
her family
shape. eight pages
`and �6'coluxnns 'the four ' inside
on the certificate of .the .architect,
at Walt-iu, where of.,
wide, .•
' .
r r� and ]'Z C
'the amonat of -80% for material used
• and work. done, The inspectors .shall
be the the, chair-;
•of,.eleven children weib born to. her,
The livi g ones are John of Ylinthrop;,
at Orillia;
pages being ready print. Its local ad -
vertisi k patronage looks proinisingtc
the t thing to:be
paid on certificate of
(leo. at Seaforth, Levi .Mia.
start wi'th,l}ut greates
Tuan of the committee, D. Cantelon,-
the House, Mr.- French,
'Win, Hewitt of Algoma, .anal the
daughter here being
desired' is. a ggood, subscription list;
which only long
and master'
most'. of.these
present at the f unerail which was held
patience and s purse ,
will sees "
FINE WHITE CAMBRIC, 12je, 195c and ISI.. p
AN' IRISH LECTC AE. --What• pro
mixes to be.a very interesting lecture
on Wednesday.: Throughout her years
of suffering, she was •patient. under it
Nibs. Hampton, whose home is in Mt
Forest, and for the three
GREY COTTO�vS, �('� `�('� 8C and 10e.. '
is to be delivered by Rev. Father Har-
ggrraves, Seaforth, who is also editor of
all and cheerful to those around her to
the last, gagqing as she bid 'them fares
wh'o, past
Season has been head milliner in' one .
of the uptown stores of that large
1.All widths in Pillow Cottons and Seeetings in
the -Catholic Records . in Clinton town.
hall, on Wednesday evenina,l4iarcli 10.
we11. that was a glorious jresur-
f cellon beyond when they would All
She i`bgai,s an, Anglican in
city, i's expected to arrive this week to
take charge of N'ewcombe's mi'llixiery
Stock. -
His enticing subjeet Is entitled
Life and Works of St. Patrick," the
atra7n eaint.of Ireland. Tliat t1�is lee-
meet again.
belief, itev: C R. Gunne performing
the lastsad rftes of that, church a
d'eparline it. She will be assisted by .
Miss Ferguson, Parl=hill,who Iles been
with Ellis, Sarnia, for the past. 'five
will be filled with the wit, pecul-
house. and grr.ve. Mr, and lobs. Baer'
iar to the people of that littlelsle,which
wisli to exprear�. their;''appreciation of
a�easons; :
° „
I. to • e _
New111 bio
��/ 1del'�es S.
makes one laugh, a� gainsl .his „will, is
sure to be heard. Tickets may be had
from Messrs,Jas. Flynn, Owen Grae1]s,
the. kindness shown • b the ifranv
friends and neiglibora, during the ill-,
ness of lolls. Pa;thick:
W.:U.. Laitornell, • of the Molson s
Bank staff who has been accountant
at Rid etown', since leaven here : re-
More Embroideries in this wee sin an `'
and Gus, Oollyar, •also at
Commercial and obmbe's dru store.
--There will come- a,timd, xn any' of
St Thorn s. Thursday to proceed to
t imilar position
. Thomtta•to.y,
e viii
g • .
but at the same time 'stron and servicable, patterns that
program .,
berPrxai�red byapfirs
Cooled relief 'f om the ill
ha spylr
inthe branch iii that city. Although
an advanc ement for Mr. Lat6rnell yet
VL .are ver new. Prices are
' class talent.. This entertainment isbe-
as .
that afflict an ind and such was
they regret having to v eats u e � ntly
home, which they have: so recrbntly
11 4M .ar From 5c to 25c er aid. ear ' ear
iP held under the auspieds of St. Jos-
e h's church.V
elosilag' experii�ence in life of Mrs."
Ellen Saville, ,beloved wife of John
t settle '
go d .
p y
of public school trustees met onThurs-
Olvev, whose s it went home to its
maker,'on Wenesdaiq of last week, at
the age E 3 'gqears. Mra. Oliver, wale
J; E. Stevenson has the honor ofhav-
ing held the ,position of Secretary -
TreaauY�er of the Bible Soeiety for a
day last in the room, members
born'I T,ettaHviliey but came here whed
of 27 gears is long
�itNHN*N*&&"&&u**NrsNe•*'i **"*�N�NaNN"*isN4a
being present. Inspector Robb anti
. but it child,. where she had spent about
cried ;this a good
p -Stevensonll
time to hold office, but Mr:
Principal'Lough had. 're Orta 'xn the
former statin than be had visited the
•2'3 years of her i]fe. She married her
, now bereft husband in Clinton ]n 1878,
can surpass it is another respect, for
he hats been a member of wealey and
school on the rid. 3rd, and 4th of last
bub shortly after moved to Runtsville,
Rattenbnry Street Choir (one and the
' ' A Dollar Bill buys Dole of the best Wra ors Dire 11
y PP
month, and found the heaiting! vontita-
tine and eleaxilinesa quite satisfactory,
Muskoka; where they have lived ever-
since, aevain children hiving blessed
game) for a period of over 40 years.,
Who can surpass this?
Also found the teachers doing' quite
their tie. Two of those live at Brace-,
C. , - -.-ever had for that money, There ..f S a full - hnndre'd
satisfactory -work, Mr Lough's report
bridge, and the' 6rest reside rat home.
While deliveringcoal on Saturdayin
.. • .•
showed enrollment for . January 1.76
IrA average at-
Mrs, bilyer was in attendance. at her,
mothers funeral here idst.fall, but was
otie of the uncomortable aces -to got
especially in the steep now,Dray-
11 cents worth of value in every one of then:.- • AXI . well
boyar and girls, with
tendanae of 291.',; February, 177 'boya
then i.n poor health, a general decline
man Evans had the misfortune tohteve
made from StrOri Prints slew St les fast Colors.
: g , y
and 164 girls', averaige .attendance 282,
Throu hout thew cold weather .the
li tying set in, 7rhe body was brought
here or, Burial, the, funeral taking:
one of hiS hiiraes injiired�by caS'rking. it-
,self with its shoe on the inside of the
roomsTave bern comfortable and most
place from her brothers, Mr E• Saville;
right hind foot, Tlie horse los W- Onstd-
Ladies Wra ors rriade from ood quality (7aia-
Pp g y
of the time the drafts of stove closed,
Rattenbury street, on Sunday. 'Rev
erable blood before Mr, Evans got it to
adian Prints fast colors, wide frill at bottoms waists -- '
which is saying a good Ileal for tlw
C R Gunne,waa the officiating' minis-
the vet's. lie had to hire another
lined, a good range of patterns, all sizes, each........ -00
t , g g p
heating s stein the school has. The
lei',' and IN Twitchell, J Seruton
F W We,tt; J J Dayment ane'1
horse to keep him going. .
.:. 44##NNNNNM°'#4NN*#6s66 tr*#0,V+►N+� i*.NNmi
supply of fuel is nearly exhausted
however, and the low er rosins wil{'
..Wnx Cantelon siting tts,'palt lmcarers.
Thy licher clay an alwnin agent was .
have to be eloaed�unless a. new supply
M nn,il rnl A9. -hex nrimary divisiion
Those from a +di:stanoe . in attendance
were Mrs S 11. Mbrcer. Woodstock,
in tolvn and. secured orders a
a nuMber_of out inereharrikfor nowawn.
'U"," 'Will), A,b Y,,,o. �T "
Oliver, Staifa ; ,arid Mr Jaa Webster,
Londesboro. The New Eno unites
with a large circle of ac� �.u`aintances 1n
natencfing the a berearr- ones tboir I
. .e+
i .
d-- -_•M-2 `�• ,�` a _ weir
Cts.. Hr Ii.Combegets-..
lWard style, Cooper's
1 also insial an extra,
hefront '�o'�f°�the Art d6,
eaars W. A Farr, .,i E.
R Ana Hoalgena' BroS. are
Ar old oaeo fled over.
. )c Bio%Wap. 1: .s: