HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-03-11, Page 3Wq-F"Ir lqr_- -T-7 71 - ---.0 -7- 1 1 1 — "ITIZ . -W '!f,q1j,wo.� 'FF1---- , 4rw - wr 7-17--v - , __ �� W1111 T - - I I". I W_ . .11,; VqW I�W�7;�,� 1 , I -7 � 0`71 o's, . r - - I '. qm.171.1� . 0 .. '. i � . , . - _ - . Fm . 1. � � . * -1 -49-q, �.. � I . (�,�,40, 1 . %�`.) , Al." �., �` ,;, . � . . . . I .... I '),"\I I I ­'�*­ M"CH 1i 1004. . , * � 1. . I., I . . I TUX OWNTON XjjW Ig" - , - -1 I _ - . =. =1 .,I.,,. I p - 1:11:1: :�ItZl= 0 __ - , � � I ­ I 4 "ill, ,- i MqT ROO 0 I 1. . _14- 0"RP1101:,11: --go — M ­::;::::::� . ill . 7'- 1 . . -1.1 - -.1 ­ , . I-— i"O!, - k, � . , � - .. vi.im ,, __ " '' .. 1=!W1111-_. 1:111110AI:�Iit:1111� 1� �11 IN I: 11 I — _ . 8� I [if A V It, . n neg,lect nf "Alf"M$'d �24. . " I � 11 . - VW% W � . . I .. -1 -R -_ —, - . --- , I .1 � 411 V Q11UP � , , WAY ratnaa* Canal Scheme . The Road to Realtb. � . I ­­ __ Z; : !�, . I 1p"-- . _.. t mw , �" . w . . ! ­" 'IN i. - i mi;Z4-Z . Z . �"""R�-- " � I . . , I .. I h ty and means uric 404 poisouln'% 04 � I Valled. I .. I TOW4,01rectory I 10' 11 . � dreaded 13riot's dLq I __ - I , case. �, — 1, . �.. ­­ , I I----- QAA eNderxiic ra,ges. "The ki,tlueys - ­ I I . . 1J94 TArOvAllb IR104k ROO J31094 cure frova 0 e "I "I , , ­ � � I I I __1__WM . 99T - 0 ,Is, I I ., � , , . X940i � WAS ]ROCIdesoly Tbrown And ot mrto 7.= J24 Scott, pootmao 4 ____ - I ­� f I . Vona worv"Al - � sewers of the body., Let AWAY, - ...., LIBRAUT-L brw.a 4 � I , I I , are Ulf, Prrj3LIC - . C -41N PILI.S� — I I Debility is a word that reading ro,ow, in Stave 7 Hall. It I I . . � � these vital organs becoraf, dis. , I PAnama, Feb. 25I.-Beforo I came to every day from 2 to 0. a rool . . p tairly ce 14ake kidg a healthy. Th! fustantly ro. this 13 Presses manyailments under oriona,me- 7 to 10 p,m. jr. Bean, * , I .i , ity I thoUght all: work bad long Pogr blood, Weak arian, . , .? e livve all Kj uey Trotiblea-p e#r, he Bean, Ii # . "A eased and the, whole sy$te=. j$ ,#I, . nerves, impifted di" - 1, , On 4triingthoin, - .Ved,i- ago otofpfed on the canal, but I am ReStIOU, loss of flesh. No energy. no SCHOOL BOARD - Isaac Jackson, ) W FUt the Kidneys In * ect , , -441 ( ,. � ,c,Q1,; told tha up to the da,� of panamais affected, dizziness, headache, 4tencls!2; to per oruk their wo;k as u4tur . * � ambition, listless and indifTerent. This chairman; ZBeacom F. Hodgens, A. . I I A we have such implicit Declaratioi of Independence about condition is perhaps the p ty -of T�ruer, dull, listle viritics of Gin Pills 'dence In the , fifteen, bUn4re4 negroes were shovel. en^l r� I I . .s.s that we ku overwork, or the result of Win; Secretar � fej��114g, shooting confj X Downs, F.., Hall, J� W. I thor,40 n4eglected � t. taw to 1'e, 44111.1 Ing, dIgf1n* And wheeling on the groat health.. YOU Must regain your houlti Sngs 11 t h day ev 0 xtfuud the mouey it L Y, X. Ouningliame, Mee I a A care, .. . contr t : I pains in the back, tell that the g . ro T itis , ening in eaph 40. o keep allve its charter or suebumb, entirely, There jej list one � , . . I . 1. . At R11 drmggiatsj�50c box,.S.,boXos1Qr42.4o the Colopanywas compel � led to, pay at. absolutely euro' . month. . . . � . � I 1.1'.11 I ­_ I kidneys are in trouble, and -or 41rect trom, . I least $4p,000 WAYtO do this --take COLLIMrATR BOARD -M. 1).'MeTag- The Mud Tou � Rave Always Bought', and Wh' ' � . a Irbe 13OLU. DRUG CQ.,WjU,ajV0s.PXa#% monthly in Prosecuting Dr. Williams,, pink pjjIg. The, o pills, garr, treasurer . job has beeft 1, . . the Works, F rom, ocea , ; Win, Jackson, Secret. - __ -1 -_ . In to ocean a� will bring you new life, fill every vein ary; Jae, Scott - .- � . I - .1 I 11 I . the crow Illes I � , 00airman; J, Ralisford, In Use for over 30, years; has bOrge -the signatnre of ; ' .11 .. 11 � 1. . . 1. is twenty,nine miles.� with rich, red blood, restore elaiticity D. A. lip e . A, � , 11 - I I �� When completed. the canal will be fifty to the Ste?, the glow of health to, the. jplu,,t'Drr I'ler, I - P. Spaulding, If.. �F' d has been X2'Ade under his W. . * an I , - I � the max1r4upit ainourit of its oircula, Vallee, in longth, or four miles wan cliee I 1 they will !DRplre you with. eel. 1, . . . _ � I - 601141 supervision since Its Infaucr* , 11 I used in case the assets of _ and supply the vi . ,kLTIX-J.0. Stf 1� . . - 0 . . In tIQu Outstanding, This fund to be longer than our Welland. The three )iew energy BOARD OJ31 HE wens*� i X �E,OW AZOWUQ on4 � . g twenty- 9 I ��, Bank y ink . tit), force � 0� - z4dNw� 1) to,Aecelve you In th . otes in re g. of � * All Gounterfilts, uts . , I like 'There is not a corner of the civilized I Wheatley, inspect... . . RxPerbneAts that triftO with and endanger I � . an &test Obstacles in, the buildin of mind and body.. ' . . � chairman; Mayor, Win. Harland, or, ; ' . Iff, , , # I w0ne insuffictent to pay its n the erethe Culebra (snake), I I Dr Shair, Medical Realth OMccr; Joe. I I . 113altations and I$ Just-as,good,, are b � .1 I prac- � Ir 0 hundred feei high.' world where Dr, Williamb, pink � -the health or 1, fulL and Under it all 'o ba Mountain, It We I , � blj , , .1 Pills , � . *The Canadian . SyStelin—Its ticolly became responsible -for the the control of the Chagras River, and have not brought health and ho -and f BAPf1ST CHUUCU- Sabbath, So vie * I XnftntS and ChIldren-Experienoe i4gainat Experlujeut;, I safety ofthe notes or every 1 a r es I.- . udiv the Climate.. The' canal is nibra than happiness to Some weak,'d6bi ltated � . idual , Origin and DeveJopment. batik. - 110f.cut through. Their , Fi at 11 4,111. and 7 p..m Sunday school :, f � I I I Another imL0,9rta,nb featu if the lef) feet deep aligady 7 5 is a tren6h desgairing person. If on holve not 0,t24P.M. Geuejal'praye . .1 C'A;=k I , . - re ( Will tell you he otox; D@ Prior, 8 r meeting' �, "w""'ORIA "d �' . . Bank Act of IWO. was S pro through the Cal- use the. fills Yourself, ast our neigh. On Wednesday evenings. Rev J. 0 - vision for ebraoaddle, ind oul , . What 1 " Rr D. M- STEWART, Gu . 130 feet remain bors and Dival A � S NRuAL I � f, se state, , op, paf � . � . AANA_ I the redemptiop iii,g,oldor legal tenders. to be dug, - I key ' I S. sapt. . . . � . . ments are solemn truth. Uhas, Saul. '-� 048toria, is a harmless sub$ * . ' GER OF Tian SOVEREIGN BANY. of bank notes in t e commercial cen- I . TO OUT, TILROUou MOUNTAIN. I neir, Corberri- WESLE)� METHODIST CRtMQH-Sab. 1� titute for Castor 41311,, IPI^m I tree of .the )Dominion. , These centres � . I -, X S-, saYs : "I was bath services , gorlp, ]Dropfs and � , w. " OR UANADA. ' inglude Montreal, Toronto For a time'this. Mo ver muchrupdown and so weak I at 11 aari.'and7 M. , , 1. SO01thIng Syrups, It is I I , Winnigeg, untain offered an couid. bardl unday school at 2 30 ;. . plegillmnt. U. , 11 " _ Victoria, St John, Halit work, it sepbl'a , in, Rev 9.1m. . contains neither OPIUM,'319r � � � e as 1141a ,. pastok; A., � �r OnnpAr, q, R -1 . -latto ax and 0 Ar-, almost insurmountableditHculty. For though Vy-b cod w . T!, , . . I phine nor other Warootie . O�w ,ej7 as little -better than, s t. 11ts'age I$ Its guaran e - , �s - _Cj_&iii.—)_,__-- .M,And�Ai -14al,�-W,,bliged-_ -841-#-V-feet-f-r=lhe-surfac-o-the,-mbiva�r -W-ATer, IT, eneral prayev mefstijag Wsjj,= . �� �, �' oubstarim ,tee. , - I eedn ]��e , odiijoija of S . 1. , _ . ( It destroys. WorpiAv ? . When I had the pleasure of addreos, redeem its not I � OyeAlngat JX*I6r League meets '. ,and allays Feverishness. .It cure$ ]Piarrhoea ^nd W$nd" . - sod . got nothin%vt help me until I began Frid rindf to appoint. an agent at thoes, places to .. . oft, spongy, sliding, . , I tried several medlei'vies, but I ')moo .Ing oes when presented. Tho yielcting soil, and, the enormous ma,ss . . . evenings, , .. . . . ': " Gone. � f On a fortnight ago I endeavored direct result to be removed called for machinery of taking Dr. . illiamil' Pink pill$. . It I � . . � It r0lieves Teething Troubles, oures Constipation *. - ..I'," ��� wh outline of the his, all bank notes passect at par throu was sim ONTARIO ST . . .�,, and Flatulency. . I ' .. I �� 11 ., I , I . ,f this provision was that great Ower and welgliti w . ,IYAstonisbing how quickly - METHODIST CHURCH- I It ,assluillates the Food, regulates ­ . _ � .,� I tory of banking in various � - hich malik these pi Is began to help me and how Sabbath services at 11 a in a � .. . Stomach and Bowels, gIVn g � healthy and the , 'I * ". . parts of the out the Dominion, and you may gh into tele yielding soil: I I I . rid 7 p.m. . mmunsurmoull table bbAtacle was P. (, �, , -the first joint � me. d0el%-The Mother's Friend. I �� stock bank and is t e control 6f the wate, I am a cook by pr . , I so ' i h.63r'put into D�D.. pastor, Jacob Tailo� b" S. Supt. . . world down to the establishment of member that -prior to that time a 8 Sunday School at 2,80p m jr _ . . n4tural slee , ra. Another and much new life andvigor t S,.Cook, The ChIldren9s P&r,k 'of issue iiia British Oolumbj& bank'note -would -s of the the fact th, ofession, .and I . Chagres River. atI was ab, to H wortk7,ea.gue meets Mo'�day I I . . . . �� � , To turn the course of teen men last winter is fhe beft Ing . 4Cavada in the year 1817. Other banks 'Onli be taken at a disoottut i � a mok forfif- - p, even 'were established all , lylklmeetling, va Wednesday � CIEN INE Oft A ortly afterwards ill Canada, and a h Eastern thik, river, whi , U Marltbne lhi"v hoe ch flows from the Andes that the Pills h&V eve . I . . . Wow Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Up. -banknoto would not pus at, par, in to the Atlautl a made me as -4b - . . � - ALWiys .. ,- . � ,per Canada, which also had . c into the Pacific, or . - = , 11 . %-,PmST0K"*h 1A Ontario, . build a' huge ' to. as ever I 'was.". I . WILLIS paje . . . . � I . .. I .. ., ., . earth dam a� -Bohi 33TT091AN Calvncn- 1. . . I To issue notesi but t "" � 0 There is no raysterl about the power Sabbath services at 11 aim. a . - . . I . he safeguargsoa'ud Yon will observe that through All across the Tiverand turn its water nd 7 p.Iii. . � I Bears the Signature of . in � � � I r . . . ,v'. , ' s of Dr. William's. Pin Sabbath school ab 2.30 p. . . ,# %mitations of their currency diffdred these sthgep of. legislation there ap�. westwardis &problem the Ahierican Pills to put neNr Prayer - � . - I , I �. in digerent provinces. . pop,rR to be's sort'of striving afte the engineers will have t6� IV � lifeand strength into You, They act. meeting -Weduesda I I I I f 1. I did not Purpose . following the his. r finished the di, so a, .When � iiallY make new blo64,4nd that -is -why tian End' evenings; Chris- . . . . . 11 I ". I I , gi,w ideal, a gradual torldmcy. tow. ards the to yoko,h 9tance from Live 001 they. cure all blood diaeases, like adae. Ste xal enings. A. , I .. __4 ,7 � /I I toryof our banking syste h ama, rX Watt; D.D., pasto ; James Scott, , I I I 11111, _____Z 'k . I' , 1'* - - ol'throug strengthening of banks, and tho.'pro- Will be shortened . r .. , . . , . 4 .. t- as possible -of the public. - . . . 11.4 . 1. . . . I is I . . - to July Ist, 1867, the natal day Of This tendency is further manifested in eted, to a depth pf twenty-eight feet. tho . I -.1 chei and ST. PAULIS CH,URCH, EpjaCop.&L , . - - . , , I . -� 11 j tits early stages, but will pass on diree tection as far miles. . Thirty-six miles are now c ()0O MIA, imcligootion, liver -and' kidney § 8, supt. � I . . . � , � 0 I I . Ora- troubles,headaches and, backa . " . . .1 tie prese ecla�: .al . ' ' ' 1#' � ' ' * . i tit Dominjou of Canada, when the act of l8r,,%urider *bioli.theimouL 10hou this w . pents of Women. .. . ��Ww � . I the ,b. onderful enjo,r Ue was Sabbath services 4t 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. .. : . "' I PA '8 T 9"Dr, Williame'Pink' �. . I confederation of theprovince'be- Of liacriky which a now bank. was ablig- begun by M. DoLesseps twenty years Thr Sunday school at . a ' � . � � I � came a fact under the British North ed to deposit with the Goverument!be- ago, itN.v,a�s calculated to a mathefiia� Pills feed and steady the �Orves, strike . 180 Ladi,eal - , ','*- i .&Merica Act. at the root of ' .Guild meets 8rd Tt�r-,Xay,* 1. BY this Act the prov. foreit6ouldconi'inepeeLusiness ` tical certainty that nesvou8ness, 'cure St. of each 1, . The . Kin'd YOU, H * ', . inces relinquished their righ . I wasm- fifty millions of do,, one hundred and Vitus'dance, fits, neuralf I month; A. Y. P. A.. moef! Tuesday I .1 Ave Always Bought -A ' . . . ts to deal creased from $IQ,C30 to a qudrter of a I ars would complete ia, sciatica . . . . . . �. . X . A . .. I . .. and.partial paral Is. evenin 8- 0. 11�- Gunne; M-4, rector . . 11 the w rk. . . I . . . . . ' . with currency and banking to the Do. .Million dollara,and the4mduntof bona-, . . . �818- 'A I thbs6, d ,8.% . . I . I , . � Minion Government, which soon set fide subsciijitions. to th 0 1 1, i eases sTring froni . I and .. supt,, -. � . . . . . I n 'U �0' For. Over 30 y rs.. . ie a Ital' stock .. '.SINX,1hDR PRE � ad lblood, and dis- . - . �. . � . . 1. . I ea � . ­ . . 60�X , , IVOR, SA VINGS, � I ordere neryes,-and th ST. JOSEPHIS , CATHOLIC -()HURCH- . . "?Aii '00MjAj- I MrIP MURMAY uVripar; N'tgen . . , . about providing on e general and Uni- fixed at -not less than S . I -ma .. . OT have all been I irm'" MN . I 'form law forl. governing all the char- be per . . . at ­ cured positive I KvCJTVI . I mitted. to mention'i ' Y. . This math6m, fcal-certainty4 SUP: [y and permently Service held every other Sunday at.. j � "—�� 1_q1W_11ff"&MQWW . � n 1; Imesing . I I Sin by Dr. - I . Olc �' I � d I I � . ' I I I � . . atiada, so. for th afid admiration k d, . . I . . . , I �..­.*.. I � . , . 11 . I I tablished in'102; had the ho I o .. of 1, C"',,,1 tlr,p,l engjii�er 'nf the. Suez A. meets . . . . .. ., I .---- .. � I . I.. . r '.. 11 I . I . .. I . .. . � � . . . . . THE FIRST BANK ACT -1870. ing thb first in jaL at be- exu bed - the thrifty Fronch ams n '�'9' b ' " I meee PhIs011neault,pastoi." ' 6 * M ' B ' I . I I e___ '! !!!! � . � . ox ,I 4th Thursday every Month, Same& ". _,�__ . . I , � - , A nevr banking stitation' the Bbinia, I t - I ' '. ' '�i � �W _ irlday 9 I . . tered banks. . ,� thgb. the SoverelglOBAnkiii! C j.�Ported by the, prestige i"! ot ox or . 10-80 A-iVi- and * 7 p in Re*� P41ier -MMMEEM, ct '� tie e ere U)c a b el . a� YT aj! f 1 for Ora th r 11 $21W , or b e D . . . not was' ' d * . easm ry* to ain 1, I 0�, 0. ro. Hpart''devotions IStL . MAY, 1870, bu assP in !on. . to comply irith. the provigi6fifi. of B pour, their savings. into 121 , ,kville, Ont. r .f,;the '..., - r . __1- I - _N L I only one bank had renewed its - - - L _at 8 a.m. . - '0000 t VP to*4rch 31rd, _1871� this VerLy�,rWiaii.ixdstringentb-'a,n,r.-Ae,t.- eLessep's lottery,bot .and -keep -on . � month; Mas; every' - Morning - , .. . I . . I . * . . L " charter Und or th a Barrk - A c t d f 18C W t1i e th ar- -1`1)0��I-tlre- bu bble bufs-t�-c) h"t,ijil litf - -. '_.. 'L � _' __ ­_ -,--,-, _­ ­­ L ----- -- B - _. - , __ ____ _____­_ -L -C - L - , ", --- " ­ -,- --­­ ­ ----,--" - _ 4 ­ . , ' : . - - .. 5 - ___ . - � . . __ I * ' . 1, . . RV,TIXREN;_Meetings at .11 a.m.. and - I ' . . . . � . . I . "hl g Tre-atijent'&j"' ­­ ­­ -_d_ _ , " ..S_ ­ I : . 0 ' L . . ' n, ' ' I I Smut 'Lin ats .1 P- - On . 141443�,'afid 66'Fi5idlik's - , ,-' banks were expiring at various ti, UIYjQt"I90j,. _. * L' -,�� . Tin I : ' '7-31) " & " .. I Under that act. The charters of other ter6 of the, existing banks We;o cout� ruin X.IpQ thotis&nds and dri i " .. I . . i .'. L.. L. . .. _.1 . _ 's. , -an , ' 4S -.,:' I , 1-__.1- . ea U�4 until J .. , ', dreds: to. Suicide. . . L '"'"fi'* � ''L . . .$P.M, . . . I � duri�g,the nex M _ L . I " I Nor wns M, ML.. .. . : . � . .. . I. j6t - � . - - t few years, and the . TH . IL .., Sops verY far. affeld-in. his.0stimated. . . ., I .­­ � . I . . I .. * h . d . ILd ' ' . I Government brought in a new act . FPRI�SgXT 134Nk AM' - I L. . g .. , C , . I Amei4can eagineersi who are L. Wfltloii for Nnw &LA '.. . , SAVATION ARX'k-Servlee at 7 and I . . ­ . : , : .1 looking 6L e , . .. � " I I . " I . ... I . '. "I .. .. . . The next' docenrijal.'re4ision took ver the' ground, �elj Mo that "Many ,7.enquirles have been 'made . .11 . . . . . 1. I ' _ L . p Re's in 19W, whed. the -present, Batik the'.1?rodigglity, unbe'unded extrava-' . by Ontitrio.. farmers . . . * ' i b . I which fixed the date for the expiry of her 11 a.m. and $'and 8 P.M. on Sunday, . all bank charters at july Ist, 1881. , I . regarding the and evp . ry week- evening at 8 o'clock., - .. If yot fiat not n6gleck it'. ut pilr6hase This act was passed on April 14,1871, Act came into force. Therewiis;hqw- gande and ;i�aate'of, viAte treatment Of j . .1 ; . . . .. L ... .1 . 11 . 0 a cougb, do � . . � . * L . , , I , . . . . and Was the first .. . . . M( . . vial . eat up . I smut broats. - nxp�ari_ . L . _7_ , , :" i A bottle of ihe� old reliAle','r'emedy. Comp " rup 0 . . I general law under -ever, Vey little. room to improve upon )ro than the canal ,Itself. , In, those ments hiive� been 'c4nducted at, the . L . ... . I , . I I.. I . . . � . . ohnih . .. . . r 11 I . which all Canadian banks. operated, t,he act -o 1$90,L .days 40,000 M . ploy�d on'tbe 'College in order to a6c6r .Pine and -Tar.. It will I exarded. . as V?4-cticall -works, ,%nij injiney flowed se. 1 , . 10 - L001lege . . I I fe . I 'L . �. and May �e r and tfie onl��- impor&ht en wete-em , . tain, the most ' lousines 'Cure , dilolAry.' � ,:ML a , br6to *Was th I '' L. . L . a V I " - � ", " V .. . . ominign. I nadiati. Bank,& .-which can - be used . - I , 1. . —_ , .. . I w. dayi. ; CT�ypS bet L P . . , . I " the first Bank . . Y amendment t1i a ncorpora- . I ,Water in effectual reinedies .� i .1� ct of the ti6h of the ()a I ra A '&-' .& Mining C,%=P- - - . " 'for this P69t.' - T .variaties.of- o .. . . ter. F1Rt!157ac,,t! - . � I . t'. Ever since that time the bank , P Ssoc . . L. . ... . . . . . . WO, _. - ats . . . . , � ion, tLAn ally, other. , , '' I- , .. L , ^4 - .1 : L . � L charters tion. - This�agsocjatjoia is intsutgj.,ibo —PRODIGAL EXTRAVAGANCE. . , . Were selected in the 8 ring ot 1902, and � To s � ie E'll , e,;,-. of 411e -A T '-Kra:, * - I . eou�h reniddy. ., FU H. 4 oz.: boq,fe , 125r. .. - - '� � 1. �, � � . , . - ' , !� . r exercise a - supervision in the , �S - . . I again ifi. t . DEA S&�_Wijl, ' - I I . 1. . . . I I ' ' I _C - have been renewed by -ten yea periods, L .:general L he spring 71903, and," uni. . -y'0i.1­Wad . 7haj"0j'*., L , L, , ' '*, ' - the .f . ' L. I I I a " ... , I . :,- I � ' datin frum. .July Ist, 1871 andare- publicinterest,ove 'Its Mom peakingof,the p'rodit%QjtLN"of orm-sain lea from each variety ,were mespace in- your. valuable er� to � :.. . .qt. - jprotedofg�-�411 'Sizes., .: . vised%ank act passed . r I bera,which offiCialg,L Albert G. � � 6uhmifte to s -9 ..'Ve-StS alld � Ch . I . Pop .... . . L . I ' -1. L 'everly decade. 16c4tabalyaverynocessary: r6VISIOn - one of the section . , formerly T ecial treatin4rits with StAtO A fact th . I .. w I .1 . . . .. . .. " �. . j ... it at is. not very�fenerally . . . . n you-considor I U * . k is. fi'� L Y. DISpe;JS ... �% . � I i I . are � _ 't-_ I. ".j. _/_1____j L I Of any e-extravagauL . Mot . *1 . L I I siderable discussion in Parliament and . Al Aptil are two of t .1� . . $ These revisions and ail endaut legis- who '!bogses 11 now. wing .the. objict of 1kiriling the sports pfamut a h and L 910:banks here, saidto! me that:..00t] I ddhering to' the . nown,and . , - I I lot chem -1 , . lation have,been accompanied by �on_* are -reopen bl6for the note circulation exiceed tfi 1. I . gtitin., L The various he best Ith's i� the . , J.9 � HOVE - ress .' - and all . ce of th67c.ffi6jj -treatments were as follows : ' , - year for commencing" � . - . . ,L . . . . . . 9.. . CuRTON - I I L firm L on. . . . our wor . . I . . . L I �. .1 .. I , . I I. , . . I . .1 - � . I 111.800M.893 - - ----"- - . L 1. . 11 L L , . �, . lonal safe;uards froln' time -to. tion Ftmd,' whicheaX be dra I lot no-. ,the grain wa's placed lest'inflow of now studAnts in Januaryj , . . . , . ­ . Imm . . '), -that the ilchast , W.ater� .For The reason is,that we have our heav- - L ,one Of th6ir number, . class,. and * & 7 , I q . . . d,t which has led to the adoption of c6ritribidt(i to (1) trambrei . . . :. . I I : - gone bankru this treatment . - the Circulatioh.Redemp, ,earth would have . oil in. IE16C I . . time, culminating in wn'1110911 'der, Similar circurnstaboes... One in-. in a -bag, which 'w'ao' . . � I . . . I I N��_ ..the admirable t th f if necessary, in or- At Co. . then immersed and'as -these are now all well Started _ � L L : "O " . . system which we enjoy today. You 1 d,r.to'reud"�'6'iriia'ot-uh'0'4uotes of a sus ended . � I thes -in . .. a � . _. . � . an 'which -goes-to- showthe reck4 4n.wikterat.ab,-)titII5- deirej Work they do not reqtiird So , miich '101. . i I I I . I L M 0 V . . �_ I I t banking bank. lessness of tbes 5 -F. .The . '' ' , I .. ,.. t. . ankincar o' e ,� men -was when IF grain,Ni4s 6c6 _6,113� -ndw'as begin4 �. . * , , I ' . . .., . can thus see that Our preseb 9veryb , rate? �qr,L asi011 .'stirred a indi-vidual.attention, . , . . - . . system has not been achieved by ai� th I Under diriand. DpLesseps expressed his,lae—nr -.-allowed to remkiii in.' the , 'ner, 1. us do6s thb a , 'I, I I 1. . ,; ' haphazard le 7 t ty-law. &' I - watee, for * and as Otr registration of intons sh,.*.-"D,oPr,-,.a1id ­... . ... ion or finand ber of the Canadian Bab"r6' Assoc!*,- - -tidu 6U*iSiting -the'lstfimus' Jrame� A period. of fl I new St0- I L L I . . gislay. memm ory loget durin ' ��.a . . . I . L �L . . � . !�.. I I . � � . . ... . 11 . . .. : 1. . Compaur began theerection n .. re or A ril, those wb6 can n na ac or ; ­­ - .. . L. . .1'..7 � 11 .:... I.. : 01 � - . . . . ,�.. �� 1, I cess of evolution aided by th " roughlb with in . ofa, $195,-: wbarolt. was stirred occ�slona .. . F -�� - -t T .­ � � ; I .. - .. . ... I, .11 dent, but is t e result of a Ste diately. the co" ftebn minutes. ,it - *pjb dents jS� "never- V . I I I I � i a'd' 'acei Lion,. arid has no cholce-in 'the ni�atter. Mmissionorb of the C4 al then spread out on A clean floor to dryj Ma h 811 , , , , ' at i Y pro- 11 ntelli- I have b I t 0 a co.p 11 =nient' o efiter dyring either, of. , , .. I gent criticism and sound ajOf the COO. dwel ing. -*hich was completed and n Lin , t � . . St'. L ... I .. . . . i . . common Bank Act now in opek ' � a Ipro-" ready to receive the distinguished on.; (2 mmeraio' Bluoitone 8%'tiou � � two 13iodths would,be assured of , . This factory'ja the fares 3 the COCLIaty, an L , � I.. I : . ,,,-,, sense which has always chaiactetized, run briefly over its varlbus see- L For . No. j76ab� more individual-atten 'tie L n , from the . . . . .11 d has thp Very latest ilibproTt.d toa*. I . ., pose to for Nive. Mini4es; chinery, Cal I as a body, alike the Pulblic Men itlid flons.. � . . I m . ... . L ffineer-upon his arrival. He remained .'Iaeiif,� a Strong so 1. 2 .t - I . . .. I 0able of doing *ork on,th�,shortsgtnotI06. Weearry'lan. . a I xt'An . el a ..''. .. . . . � I a teachers than if they,were entering at I I . and reliable stock and prepared plans. and givp estimp,tes for andbutild's - liclass- , � . the bankers of Canada, � . . . . I .. lutiou was mad b ' I v ancy on. Ing one pound of num- I . — I 9 gallon -Of - I .� I 1. . . .. ­ ", _____A- . . but Oew Wee]ks. and his tem of occu- dis8olv, Copper 8 � , a time of the year ,when a larva . as of buildings on short notice, and on $he 610sest-pri ar, I I will now point out a few of the AN EFFICI the occasion of , both Visits Phate Offluestone) in.one bar of othersare also enter", ' e.d In '� mc­-halileal -way and satisfa' ces. All,.work is supevis- - . . ibg. , The . Otloa-ga4ranteed. I W changes that have , taken place since; , IP NT.TRUAT-MENT F OR id not exceed a m6ntbi. The building water, and7 then inmersing the oats, in now. registratio . . , o s I : . C . .. njor January alone, - , - . . . I ell all kinds of in- , � ' .. . . I I . . Aparb M0111 Previous. attendance I Lulliberqlathq Shingles.' ior material..' � , . I ... I . 1. � � kanks were d . , I I . I I near the abandoned -Machinery that utes.. ". � a � 1. . I .. .Confederation. By thb act of 1870, . A.TABRII - � - � has been, vac4nt ever since, 'and'stands the so iition for period of,Ave min-- ,terior and exter i e rived .of the right to Willi � destro y. tlegerms that . . . . I ly runs close f Us"I- Liftie, Sisk Dt)o I �� . ' . I 6 100addition0students, Agent,lor the, Celebrated 'GRAY BILL - Sl0j*e()L * DiBS-No . njanufavle, $I "A issue 51 and $7 notes, and the lowest k Ox- was ordered� to, be dumpe, . ' . . rs,. 1011n'dis. Fte - - -, _# .184 . -denomination they could lefs citethe -, is6ase. Then thoke are n :1 0 e .hImmersioli'm Bluestone tion while the regi 12 ` � -In thist I pri : .­ 1.4 r . 1. .� . reatme . 11WIll notlik�ly axe ' * t Waterloo— all siid get prices and edtim4te6 befbze p acip :,-- . ' . . UM`- ship in Sol ", Attations for,* March * Or . " to , , to the sea because so al. . I no there' berless' sorp s in the .Mucous.m.em- had been i e.0 ei for -welve 116urs. I tit ,eed . ­ I .. . � .� I _ I I r .. I , . . I. . r . .. ., . I - I . I I e ' Ithor month eLod we are "only., close I.. ..S� , . I;— .. . 1 � n. brane to bd tpbaled -equire liteirupted' at4i er ,t o the-bltiestono-� Ma I .twenty for I r4ers � - � Aft6rwab fixed at $4, theiDominio' , . I . -was d . by�* al . I a . . . I � . I I ,­ " I Ity, * r , � ..* . .. 1. ... .� .01 K ' � - CoqpgR . '�� PROPRIETORt ' ' . I . very % - fixipoftiiniti6s 6f the captai '� %V. disso'v1qg one poundef'blues' r .two A4a Sat U a8ter, 60104 Frid ­ , " S;' ". . I ., Government assuming the fu I E - I solution . Who' n 11 I . . I .. . .. I . G" . � g your 0 . netio I of ment.of erfect ,cure for *catarrb: -is inf e4 ip the ,harbor,- - ` _- . - . I � - . tions.* found:ih Agftht' he4litig'."Cata-l� W.SK�d t , � __ &$_Si . 15 illon'kofw4t �,, , '. � . - ; ' r'. . ; 11 � issuing the smaller denomina I zone ,Afr ��r& . . - * . , .-g'_.______ . op �0 and r on ay. ., .1. : ­ "' ,�' , , , , . � . � _gX0_Da,tS Word - , - . . , I . . THE SECOND J�AXK AOT -188D. , ' r ­ 0 pleat port . I - . .1 ininiersed in this'i6jijfjon fora, Vp . ­ I -0 f6rthespade,*. . ­.. ' . . . . � . _ � r .r: 1- .. etor, � - .,. � r . ­ - . which: not only instantly kills . � . . Od T 'an I .0 al Unildet U-01,061itra ­ ­­ ­ ­.. I _1 r I . r' . . .. . 11 . .r �. . � . the germs but'restores the dis6ased GREAT GROwb - 6F RAOCALS, � � I Dftwel%n5 hours � ri . . . We Core, r' ' - . . .. . � ­.- . . . . . --- . I . . . . I I I -_ 11 . . . 'K *r, Thenext revision of the bankaet .. I . ,� - . . . . cure sine&ely,* - ,�. � . — __ . . :: , � 1(4)Sprinklingwith Binbst, : . '' . ' . .1 .. I . 'r , peb.rn r '' ­ . . ' � . . I . . ... ./ ., - rc _.r Canada Busines- College,., hellew's �' , - -' - r . took.place in 1880, and the Membranes toa norniiii condition and in .tboio few eventful � one.so'lu, . . _ . D. MCLACIILA,W & Co. C , .public man- prevents tbe-relapse which is sure. to was not grouped on any . yeais the i. tiori. This solution was mad� by die Ary . . . , ifested great interest in it, and with , ' . r � follow t e u , Nace on earth Sol vring Ona pou stone in ,10 � '()bath ' . 1. � ,---.w- rurniturd Sale. ... � . good reason, for if they had not h �sb of - ordinary'remedies. I -so Much foul disbase, .such a hideous. nd of blue . . am,'Ont. ..,. . . I . . .. .' . r . � . . , ­� . �. I . suffer- Oatarrhozone is a sclentifi . 1-gallous'6f wat6rj -which Wits used for . .. .. .. . . . I .. 1. . . . .1 . . . . . - ed severe financ;al losses, they . a cure The maiiure hoap of moral'. and. �hyaibal. . I .. . I I " . This is your chance to buflii� .. I ­ .'�l as th6n,concentrated r , r . m o This is thp w4y that w �r YOU ., �� . certain- catarrh th4treliov'es _qUiroker. is more -ab6ininati6h as w sprinkling over th6. oats until:they ... . h,grado Furniture at wholesale �prlcep. To help ly had been occasioned considerable I r . �. 1, I . buy dail g.,thia month we will cat prices in tw. . anxiety through pleasant, Most - coitain 'to . oi*e tb I were thoroughly moisteued'. after be, � � . . . I . . . . I . . a illdoit:-m_* , - I I - the bank fa lures . � an 'On. this. isthmui. Adventurers, ' paril in � . I . . . . . I., . �. ... . ;. . ukiak, polis"'d, Worth $4O.'O r or . ' $as � , � .,. r , . . 0 . of any other known remody.' Failure. i , caxefully stirr;ed. ' r . I .. % . ' r 1. ' be , .." 150 I : the previous few year. - . Z �. ­ . Bedroom SOts 413dirtdr-c , q r . . 6 sliArp.0s, kee . Z-0. . $6 Of . r I Impose r Pero -of dives, b jor Pot"§iU I I �,.� - �6 ., - :,. . I - I In 11379, no less !his, lasting cure ii guar'Afiteed'.. 'and fallen women all, swarme imcQ men : * F95) Immersion ul ' CUIL 3 . . 09 . . .so id Oak, evell fromb,'British I ' ' '.­ ' ` 9 50 � '. I . .� .., than six banks, five Use only Qatarrhozone. - . I � �. I .... . 8ulphide ..... . . , P 816,worth $28 for.. I � ,.., . . Two* m.orn d topan- �Soluti6o. ' T I suljjhido� . � �� KA � ;'. il Waboganj Drokoetand Stand, brass Bed Worth $43 for 38 00 � . .1 � I of which had their Wad. ofaces in the treatment $1.00' . the aii�a aS.rrVUjtiiroS, Awoog upon carrion. I � .. he potaoWura . r A , I sidii�oaOds pollsbid ,quarter-ontr Oak, Worth $4O.CO, f . o . r ... �.`.....' 1. '85 : 00 . . .� 1. city of Montreal, suspended Da * r- . . -; tr!425c.' I Get� it to;;� Everyone ga,fiAl ar treatment -consisted id'6oakifig the . 70op" saw, . .� - I . yment, day. . I . . I . . . � I . , e j an r many insheor r�ead for. tyro h ' . �6. . . . 13olid Oak, swell front, British .plate, worth $q2.50 fbe.. * 18*00" , . . I although three o ed busi- . � . -1 . r . . is when 'b di ourom a.sOlutidn ma:da -, � I . .. di . r Keppel Oak, beattif,a), finish, worth 022.00.for _..� *: Jj.'O�O r'' 11 f them resu& . er4ti6m.toft .their INL . phoples, The worst of these failures' - . r , -, . . '.. dellpffing over1helrjosses.at-th� gitialb- y Isso ving Un 0 " 0 lleaWhe% . - ; ... ness later. . broo - - I " , 8 6. d f potassium . 'j,,.t. r 1. .... , ". I'll stiO' ide in , I . . EXte Table ,_ ed-qwtsr.Oak, $i6r.Oofor, . . .60 , . - . I . was that of the Mechanics'Bank,whith ,,The que ' u of coil oil dut . ies. proln- . Illaftable.. Orie.histaribe in particular sulphl. -50 g%310ns of water. - . � I r " --..- - constipittloAp - " i . �61. ,,� .41 ""111111 ..a AA,8 fli'longo Vvdrth $0,50 for . . . . . . I . 0 ... 10 ... 1. �...13. ,; � I . . was notoriouslK mismanaged, .and got es to 'come to the front soon'. The Was that of a young, man -who,, after (0) Immersion in .Dllute�d Formalin . Lost of Appeatoo , . . I,- - 44, 1 I .-�" , ........... 8.*O0 . . r 1, : - 'Sat nelim. � . V, 8 ft long, worth $7.50, for %.. .... P.... wf.'... ".; "O'._40 , . oil barons have been turning the crew - had formalin used, e lon-,pro- . - . . i� Iron'Beds, Matireos,.Bed Springs, Mairs,*,'Co*uohes and C*rriti,�etd.* Eye . � Ing money on its own and other on r , 006sulnerg Pretty hard of 'late, toss was in for the imm ro' . I . I I ryl I itself into trou Ie very largely through saving up Some' fifteen thousand, (Formaldebyde), The Solution. -of C1101.611(i lend' I the r for IOW� decided to! retur� "to New York City� I I . . I I . .bank stoides. This bank rid OnI and there is a demand his birthplaep, and build for his mother' . acle by Pouring- one-ijalf . . . I . EryZIPOU4. I , . I � . . m.ustgo., Priceswillilditl . I . �, .�� I cents on the dolla -2 - r ring or -the formalin into 21 gallons -of . . , . '% � ' - � . 'r - .. , .1 'te.j,( 571 Plot of . . . r I I I ' I I . I � . I and depositors, who-ranked'equally as( - Ion , . arid keep them . . . - . . 'Ofws . - . . .. . . . w to I a no )Iders abolishing the duty. The � People and�only sister a home tbat.'wbuld I water, and' the Mad oats were i . . . so' - ' . X 11a "CHELLEW. — . r I stand the squeeze just so g comfortable for I the. rest of - . mokors� ., .. I . . And an troUbl" r .. . .. r ., . JBILY � . 1. creditors under the act of 1871. r.. ,then patience gives -way. . - - : their edin the solution for twenty minutes. � 1 I 1. . 1. . . - . - I ___ .. - .. . . __ . � . ... . . . I # r .. . '. The experiences of theMechanies'. . . . ___________16�_ . . . days. The evening before saning '(7)Spriiiklingvii'.thDifuted-'Fori�ialin. . .1 III' m t" .. — 1, Bank and other mismanaged inatitti r ' . � he took a stroll throu th gambling '.0ne-half plot of formallu. was cure . . . 1. I I . . . . . - N __________11P I � _ ,rSeetion of the t6wn,. le nweatched the . into. 5 gallons . . *,. - - � ' . �� I HOW- IT SPREAD$ d 8tamaell, gvei - ' , - tions convinced both bankierg and pub- ThefirAt pacliage o , � I 14 of Neater. 9 -were . Wi or Moo& I ' ' ' I -e-1 . ... 4 1.) L I . Aft " r , a was that lie carefully stirred ,Until the grain *" Mrs. . I : 11160 1 1 alikown in th eLplaCed A.Le a' � � :. , r I r I �, . S State. Ofr of 136,11y.dult , hL, I . � . . I. . . I I and for safeguarding sis, &SM . . - . Win his passage home, h thorolaghly inoistened. � I galio"ll . 1. - � . - .. '. . . - . ''L .., . � I circulation on a t oroughly safe b4 f Item- , ROM (the r On then sprinkled with this solution and th - E AST; lie of the necessit . t h t-, �fb Y 89 . ; A, R. . I - e,r9f SOMO . of his friends, and Jocularly. remitrking W -..-- 'K for Placing the note infallible Pile cure) b , would � 0 , I! . . wdnt.W _pu . out _ . I , . - the, general in- X6brmka� - I 1. � - . - . I a bet on the. plptb. At midnight he �(&)- Untreated, One, r ... PIP . "tea: -','Z bellev,6.1 I.. is attractmg�muc4gjt0libIon, but herq is something better for y ' . � . L � . tious. At,the suggesbion of the banks e 6ure' of i case of ,pilds was A eg ar. Sayin hoth, * , t 7, would have been in L . tereF3t§oof the country in other diree- It made th b i ' ' _ , ift of,oats . . . 11 On ­ , one,'ho de ibe Ing- 0 any' of each variety was. left Untreated in in , . . . .L I I �. I . themselves, the new Bank Actj F which that was L considered hopole fj rately lell't -the room and* SOF I We have some great liargains' in � Oy6rcoixts) Horse Blankets; Itubberd all ;. So, � )lacing a pistol to his head, bl,e'w* ouil order that the influence of -the ,various' . I bZ It'n',% b*%, %'r Long Roots. .We. ll&vo� a large iupp of Coal Oil Come to h . r � ' . The news spread -and k1thou .1 treatments in , bt, be Observed . L ,. . I.. I . . . .. . .. ,;Burdock Illood'111t., Your cans -and haveL them filled, and; bring 'in"... - became lavr 'oil May 7, Ift � r j1h this glarbrains. The. Incident was.mog.b re. rwasrandow We SIM have a go rovided was only two . . Wil - i�%lots 6 � " ' . I . 7n L � . od stock of Cotton Goods . . that the lontire assets of WeRartered wer iroats of .aftch variety . � . . . such an , W, a's prices' .1 e t elrefore, used for this . -will be sure to advanC6. L bank should be a first * Omblid, pathetic, and'eahned a deep impression E' extent Of varlons kinds, at old Prices; btty�no - S. Leonhardt of U 'The experl- . . . , prompted D, jlye&rs ago the ,lie"4946st its Coln, Neb., the discovere�r, to r n- at -the time. ,po - of the . . . at I could scarco.. .We are always to the fr tit in Groceries. - Our Ing Goods are r a ive, V begi tit to note circulation. preparelt I 800,ft, rand rAent. After the treatments had been. . in Ing. - . 'for general use, �tdlatiofi COM . liduso, I Waa sub, . V1119 a cax load of Coal- oj - �� State of Panabas, is a out - I Ve purpose ha 0 tt sale soon. We VVO � Under this get NOW it is lieing sent plotedja few hours, the oatsL'Werb to severe headaVlect 1 to.purabase it �uantity of tild lika - . es . good clean oats, " We solicit ' I . .r -also banks were pro. r to all parts -of the world. -is composed of various elements, Span- I Bowla on separate. plots, backaolieg and dizzl! spare no pailis or.expense to supply your -Wants , Your Pabronegoi aeL we I I '?, hibited from lending money on tneir . . isfi, L Indian, he9TO, Mulatto, and a lim- I core ull . ness, Iny apfetit6 . . . own ng in 0 head,. r . *" Ono and *ajj. * . I . . .. , - . . . . . 1. � - - ­ I L I I . . . I I . - � I 'I , � — I I I i , I 1011: 8Q f P �Lj br I Flh�_ I I t 0 max'u'UP4 "on outs'arld used in case b, Wor '0 1108UMotel fu and Under ti 11 ily becarm lea safety of the n( bank . th r im 13 An � e � ank Act of I � I " 11 I .. 11 - I , - I 'I - I - 'I , .1 I . . . I .1 I I � I !� I I I . I O"' -I - I . 'Ito ! ii� . I.- I. ;he 1, I '1� , " d V I m - on � n wb I 1, .1 ­3� �Inaru�orpm I . I. � It- .1 'll 1 113. 1 bank. Both of those features have been exhiolned freque unab a ,to do par . 9�poriuxjj - L of any other a month's tre4mout in each box. and the t7bited Stateor eugagod in com. � ably Londesbor6 X . . stoqk, or the stock It will bure Any case of Piles. Theta -When tle oats were conif i -from European countries t ey were. 11. is ited number th'N � .bopeework. Aft,6�� - r. . . Sold for 01-00, With absolutti guar . , , -0, and If. I .. . , *� I - - �41 t r maintained in every subseqnent act, tee. , . an Morce., . . . . . � . all smutted heads were removed'and .. - Yeb. Iothlmt; . . - � RAD"S I . The further ptotect the gublic,it ,,fas .r . No- - . carefully � counted from - clay- to day. 10fbottlefle I , r -L . I r r ,, . . . . . 'Ve ' r i- ,Thojollowing table gives the L total r . olind tftj . - I . I I . . decided that any new ban wouldba It 'is for Sale. by 1R. P� Ree'kie.� tw . I . . I . ,,; . . I The Department of Immi t- � h : usingn . � . I I . I �R 113r reator to deposit $100,000 with the Govern- . _- '' L' , I 1. _ Igra Ion as I percentage Of smutt hdallh! reoo�aniorkd I r ' . . I . ed heads of oats I arml , L ment before it commenced business. I . __ r arrariged for a niumb6r of personally- irom, each treatment * L lt�th aj a . ., . . .. a gartles ftom. I Cont,... . I tir 4 nd 0MIJU L .0.1 0, . . ­ . 13 wornot * L cOn4ucte r " . Per of � it �oinen� I . I . I I . &*%NW" 9 t is spring. .. ' . .. .. I .. . . 9 %� "O r , banks of the r , ' Ne#$ lVote L �, I , a . M- - ]o I * '. The Bank Act of 1880 %rived the . S. M innipe 11vorpoof iii. I. ., . . &w R ilroad`.0 . to . ill lit to issue 8 'bills; fix- . , , I .. . ­ I , � , , W.0 . Treatments. Crop Smutted — ,.. . , ,. % . .. � 14 : , . L .L I 1. I . I , ed the lowest r, nomination *at '45 and . . I � It -Rot Water ... * ......... ��.04.; 6 . W I . . ... . L required that all Issues of bank �$ There are 600 ca yp er T. frotlet . y , -- :1.1 2133luestond (5 minutes) ..... . 6 .... 1.8 & should be in fives or multiples of ates at Waterbown, N; Y. . Bluestone (12 hours) � ........ : ....... 8 fives , . . r _08 . , . . , 4. Bluestone 6prinkle4k.,", ...... 1.4 . . I L stations 5. Potassium ulphide(2'hours) .... 1.1 --I-- . - -�-. IM, 8, Fprma,lin (20 _, mlnut6s)..: ....... . 0 7 1 This has been the law ever since, Mrs. Lucy Ann Edwards of London I THETHIRD BANK ACT,_M, died froin'taking a dose of poison by. L. . A . mistake, . Against' Ten years more rolled around, I no vo"raill and slanaturw or Iw .L 7. ]Prinalinkprinkled) ............. *# .0 and TheOwenSound d0isionof the C� Chik% the ftinina reeelp W I 11te L � ....... . on the 14th May, 1890, a new Ball t b*ok Amtkok, I & utre . assed. k Act P. R. iS7 blocked at L Dundalk by snow - am on ,avory box orKu rtmojilea, I . ................ 4.7 aa� . . attained such ehornious sales that,thd teop . grain' a treatments with hot water ' Thf a is practically irt6en foot`dbop. . The smut in- oats very frequently Iva"T 'e are operating under 110 great Prescriptions of Dr. Chase Iwv* caiis6s a reat reduction in the yield of tha w the tit tc��(,I:Auy r Six members of a family. of r, pteen tation to _111jitat I and is the most important, as w, I lion A children 1�fvi'n,,g cellaron gaystreet, stronger, tit or the best, ever pasr,ed in the history . �ljn a "' e them iq eduthd *In formalim and immersion 'in,, bluestone .Canada. of Toronto ,oil der Mo you U%y flg=., for twelve hours have given the beat A:k I - I � . of 0ousuniptlon. . . genulne remedies, tIW peoults at the Colle e. The formalin 'a'.0, elearL'I A Welah CongrejAbIbnal mjn,Ste� docb6r1Z p0jbWt'jfia gigt�atuk4 ate on evry bo* I I . � With the future development of the tyAt You its getting his I . . iquid. will It country and the expansion of its trade States the . a can b6 obtained and, commerce, in which tile banks in his own chapel on � hisrecentlysaw or bottle of his rtm. a Sunda, from almost an,V drugstore, The treat - would necessar! an important a number of young evening edle$., jrh4 is tht jjaenb� With forniSlin �S eaSily r perform - 11110 safety of the . Men play 119 cards. I strongest guanatei ed comparatively chea JL and very' part it was felt ItU rr not�l circulation should now be placed A, coiter was stated in the Whitoo �Ir ~ . that ony, ,nedidnej effectual, 0armerswoul9do well to chapel doutify court, Erglaild, to sell , wing in the beyond peradv6nture, and that It ofr Call have. !no W14 treat their oats before So should also pass freely from one end of P116 Cape from his stall it experience xiid Integ, spring, . I . the Dominion to the other at its face Mid=Lstre0t every Sunday. The rity of Dr. Chase ato' . . . value. livOilt,was 80 per cent. . LL ."', at the back oftachal � 6. � .0. . �', 71 � ..", Although ever, bank that failed Rowardsfor savin ' 09 lives from . those preparatia Aoaso of great db8titution has jusi , I ,K since 1881, when t e entire assets first ,shipwrecks wore Tal last,yea� by, tile � - r � ,a,tfAnt* L b I . ot I come under the Ion of the ofty became a prioe lion for the sectipity, Of ROYal National l6boab InAbitutio,fl, I I . . . to , cheap ba* relief Ofticel's, A 1116ther With eight the note 41roulation had paid � ote- Holland, to which th6 King hA I L . i tiont a d so 46 phildron, the oungqat six months aid, holdors in full,,fn or3er to mr,ke anssuN 8012 his anuu# subscription of 61R." . . I 0 and & ? T, . -1� 00"'Chai- _r W,L . - WaA found I vitig, in one room, In a . ance doubly sure, it was decided to - A 8ad and fatal accident -Chase Kleint *UvAt, Mile, wA . e0lar, through which -at open. sower establibli in at'dition & general fund L Ijake 0hatle oncurett At . Oill a doser, 26 cents it box, v4s.boxotfor$1.0% , s bF, which Susan SpIcep, N*.,Lf-,o,j, .....,,,,,.r rin., They paid, $8 -a month for the 'I ,� � I . for the protection bf thenotea of a sus- a young girl of Ig leave, 00. Chose,'* room, and had pitteffeally nolfukiftiture* -pendedinstftutioli. Thisfund, Which 1 , WAakilled. Do. Chgoo's 0jVkjVnt'jjt'L She - 0. ;6 "Ots 4 lh*& The husband !a away Sailing on ,4 is known,as the "13ahlk Circulation -i � " eat'00 ship, And hits been no hel t �"' ai 0 Redompgon puad,,r, was created' b I tho family. One bo�,, 'a, -botit -ra'aTe'rol I - t - I _'�"" " , I P "' has boon on -.strike, one of blao dthet at�was I ce of flob � , 0 e4 to "' 10 .Ak wlier t C cash pAymobt to the Doolinjon V0V 0 1 0`01i'a he !"' �verh��iid,ltisil as 4 ol . otninduteqUIT416116 06 per oonb of 40am fell Orlishingolat the gjtl� ]Ito children works, Six of thi) family'l IMOst In, I - r stant1r. .ht r �, . I � I � , 1, " , - I ko,vo died of eolinumptiou, . , L . . � . I . .. L . .1 11 � . . . . . . I " . I I I I I . I .. . . . " 0 I . I 11 1, . . � I I . . . I I .1 igffiikaa;a��:,� . I i ww RalasnaffwAxenor 0 Selected StIlt6nali, Black Basket and -. ' . ' , .90yal'oldstire, .� I . � I . .� . I . . I : I L . ., . 0*'0drranftx*0leaned Pairs6 and Vastizzeks., � . . .0 . bates, Figs, Prunes, Almoridg, Filberts, peanuts and , I I . 1. � . alnutd. I I . . I I I . Teawco0ar Blaqk, Green and aapmj 10 pure, olegno health . I I . I invigorkting, ... . Y 0, R . , . Ware: I . I 11\ I " I , . �Crrjekery (Idna and QI�S I . . e iin ' , , port dirEct from the English and German wanafaciur6ro, tkna we hive tlis N Z? largest and beef apeorted otoolis in the 00firty. Latest designs and new-patiartim i7a ,Dhiner and f4n(.y China Table Lhmpo, from g5o. up; yes, ten par aen,. z Tea'and toilet Se�s, I eaperthanT,Eakob &06. tail and eXamine. Ualityandprfees. �� Agent for Pfatt's Pood tot 310raw,_04ttl 11 . � . � Ml Sbeep4 Pon try and Hoge. I - WASTAD , ' . . . . a . loft..... I . . Cood Notter ' Rd JE610 - Willi . I I . 10�0$ is , We I -1 r * . ,*' , I . . . - _01111 __ -lillilill,iiiiiiiiiiillillillillilloillilllilillim. — ,. . _ � " � L ___­___ ___­-_-� I I - . � I , . .. . . ---------,--, 0 �, I � I 0 MM111 M"Mmmm"Mm"W, il.� I I � , . " � - I W_ . 0 O' M B E�'S. N E ' . 11 . I . W DRUG STORE , , . I ""A" . . I . . 11 I )rou are Cordially invited to inspept, our new t any � . d&Y that'You are ffi town, This Is the UOW68t and frosh" oro I of Drugs in the, C6unty of Hurort. . . eststo . 01C . . � . . . ' ' ' . Come and LU.iis show you the �onveiiionae-and pleasuveN01 ,. in & Modern and lip -to -date otoie. ' - I ;of shoppilig I . . , I I . I I . . - .1 . �, . -�, I I 11 " I I I RAV9 You 6VOr Ulsed * -13roWnje NotlAlk, . . ;,- . I . . a ., , . I .I .r rr'AN I - ��b H R CON13B � 010mist And, Drokist , , " ­ ,� UX f 400 . . � I VMUMAJIM litimolootstmilAg"xsji]IAA"A"sil�lk=b I � , .... � I I Nw I .� I � I . "I 1( , - . I I I 4 1 � I . . I q � . . . I - � . % I .. I 0_1 I I . I . , � I— A 4.& JL�.a� , k - . ., , ­ L�� , .j. I , � I I 10 � . . . I I I ), I � � . .1 . I A I � . . I I I � 11 I Ab�_L �1� - - , -