HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-02-26, Page 4,•
FaIRLI.A.BY 20 904
The glinton Etia
FEMIARY 20th, 1004.
Soft'Veal —e
Is not enough for us to he doing in Our business; we Must be getting ahead.. We AitorouNite
ghlY believe i
• -
there is no such. thing as standing still in business ; if we are not going.aheti4 then we are surely slipping
hack. We havn't reached the ',slip --
ping back" stage yet, nor do we intend to, if that .,time comes we
hopetohave enough sense to pall out or town, .
"Ever onward" is. our mdtto and hist now after being here nearly five years we consider it a very oP-
,portune time to explain to you .the line of progress we have mapped otit for 1904, °
' Important Changes In Our -Business c
Since we came here we have been buying the bulk of bur goods:front wholesale houses and manufac-
turers' agents in this country and,with our buying fo•-:iilities we believe:We've bought goods considerably
cheaper than the average merchant The year,1%)4',Y however, will see a very radical. change in this, the
most important part of any mercantile b'Lsiness. Instead of buying -through wholesale houses
and Old Country agents, oursyndicat.t. 7tas definitely arranged to go direct to the Foreign markets and
personally select stocks for 11161" t=.1:inclicate stores in Peterhoro, Lindsay, Norvich, Petrolea, Strathroy,
Mitchell and Clinton. You can see at once, without further explanation,, the superior advantages. our-
customors will enjoy from this new venture we are about to make. Mr. A. W. Cresstnan of Peterboro is
the member of our syndicate appointed foreign buyer for 1904 andwill sail frout New York in June, and
during the tnonths of June, July and August will visit England, Scotland, Ireland, germiny and France,
securing the different lines of goods manufactured in those countries.
Now, 'Here's Where It's, of Vital Interest to You
At the last meeting' of the syndicate, when all arrangements -were completed for the Personal Foreign
Buying, we gave flr. Cressman our positive assurance that we would start him off with a "clean sheet" —
that that he should have a free hand in buying ; we Mean by this that he would have no restrictions such as
stocks from previous seasons in each or any of the stores—that We would give no such orders as "Don't
buy this line' or "Don't buy that kind of goods, we have enough On our shelves, at home," etc., etc. SO in
goes;the knife to almost every line of imported goods, and where stocks are heaviest we'll
Cut Prices Clear To The Bone
. . ..
• inconsistent positeon in which a :lead,'
1 .
The London Free Press is just now
engaged in the very lendeble °coupe -
tion of Writing anti protectionarticles,
It is pointing out now liuuwise, uu-
patriotic, and improper," it is for the
government to retain .the duties on
ufacturers bythe remeval of the duty,
and ex e do not know that on getlerld
prmeiples its ,argurnents can be as-
But the amusip part of the situa:-
tion is that the ree Press an ultra
protection organ advocating high dut-
ies nearly every day in the year,
and the inconsistency of its position
does not seem to strike it.
.The Free PrOSS vats the duty re -
•moved beca,use people who reqeire
soft coal would thus receive it so much
eheaper. But the Free Press has bit-
terly denounced, the governMent be-
cause it took the duty off `Indian corn,
which is just as much an advantage
to farmers as free coal is to mantle
• Further, the Free Press forgets that
it hats 'repeatedly said "the producee,
not the consuterer pays the day," and
if this be tetie-ewhich- the ie. P. never •
did believe -it does not matter to the
consumer what the duties are.
The NEW ERA freely admits its be-
lief that the government should. have
taken riff the duty', -when. the Ai:aeri-
e:ens did seeand its editor said so on
the fleet' of parliament, but the Nova,*
Scotia people would certainly want the
duty. on flour removed, if that'on coal
was taken off.
The position of the Free Press shows
the difficulty of maintaining a tariff
satisfectory to alrelagses and also the
we simply must dispose of the goods at most any price, as the stock Must be Cleared of all kinds of mg organ -7 place rtself.
goods the buyer is to purchase while aliroad. In: order to bring about the desired result we have de id d mOnk's ,Reiiremen't
to hold a . •
. •
. A few days ago, when Liberal
• Special Stock To coniittue bzgned his poeitioh . as leader of the
Papers stated that Mr. Monk had re;
Reduction Sale Fr -104Y the 6:t
Saturday Even'',
servative party it was flatly, contra-
French-Oanedian section of the eon-
, 1.1Rge-Mareh 5t11.
To be real certain this sale will'be a success we will add to the Bargains in Imported Goods a . arge
' ''B G 1'
number of Domestic titles and among -them 'some choice Spring GoOds—all at sale prices.
You'll find some tare •bargains in every department in the, store' but the d.epartrnerits .where . we've
Winter Coats, Carpets, etc. • , , .
Quebec. There are",however, elements
• made the heaviest reductions are Dress Goods and Silks, Hosiery, dldves, Ribbons, Ladies' and Children's
dieted. Now even the Conservative
papers admit that he has resigned, and
publisla his letter of. resignation, ad-
dressed to -Me; Borden, part of which
is as follows •:-- "Since 1000 I have, as
far as it wes in my power, tried to
eischa,rge the duties of leadep - of one;
party in this province, reed I have to
say that I have: received, the meet
kind and courteous treathient at the
hands of the people of the Province of
In the Hails of Justice.
The Moak Triot g17,m714 the areerably room
of the Collegiate last Friday evening Wee
elmIlded sueeess. Nothing but prelim wee
heard on all sides for the manner in which
each one performed his part in the burleeene.
An imposing array of legal looking personages
greeteit the eye of the epeetator on entering
Me room Tee venerable Judge, in the person
of the principal of the Collegiate, Mr. fieuetoill
reeeemelyeeeowderee, falling donna ever ins
qcoupied tnhae tchev4lopolernstoof his large wig.
natant. and
'1,9fist:uli°,erwaS:Pqn.aWee'41:1T.P6led a 18:1111fille Pornfeo.
A,„.„ • 1.4.s.,
for the defendant, were also nedecked In itu
gownsand flowing wigs.- The drat can onthe
calendar, Miss May Ropeeldnrin vs, Reginald
Gaybird, for breach of promise, WaS announced
by the court crier. Harvey Cole'ongh, upon
which the empanelling of the jury took place
stlfteetironmvmaerioeuhsapterzletgeixnkbYtheeQfuollisonel'irg_ Wbethe
sworn in to try the case ; Mr. O. L. Fisher.
foreman, Misses Johnson, Copp and Coupland
IVIessrs,J, Bedard, F. Almon and II, Gunn.
From the calling of 'the first Witpess the
plaintiff, Ades May Rope -nim -in, till the close
of the trial, the liveliest interest was evidenced,
some sharp encounters of. wit taking place
and.betw between wt be ee no orusnes1 e fio r at? dwi teureesow
notp a r ti °hsa,
leeTals jillt1(111entigroll!ng4tVliar NivighrgeN?iteW
in eillilcdiEciltitilegearroetigh biallthg.tr 11T,ZnittlIg.
Cone During the examination and °roes ex-
equal to the occasion. awl for nearly three
hours the audience 'wari e-ti°tveir
orsialw.bounidt anin,e4xmenitthioart
many ludicrous features , c
The wit and wisd.om Of +vac Collegiate were
tan int)eed elvv°11tvhe
tttof fUn. The following were the principal
Ramis In addition to those already mentioned 4
EGW:elensns).,XtVe Ri.al°aPiethifflulininth(eMicamseA, norniagbiejoirlYMene-.
t_rothed (as was shown during the trial) to Dr.
gaged to, Mr. Reginald Gaybird, but now be -
Mrs, Rove -him -in (Miss 011ie Cooper), mother
Of plaintiff, a good eeok (one of her cakes used
as a breast plate with excellent results M South
African War.
Miss 0.'M. Rope -him -in (Mies Pearl McDon-
ald), sister to plaintiff-, who was behind cur-
tains during proposal and saw him raped in.
Miss G(oosa) Berry (lliss Lizzie Chiclley),
friend of plaintiff, who had always tried to
prevent plaintiff and defendant from being.
together alone.
Miss Caramel (Miss Kate Scott). now engaged
to Mr. Gaybird (Mr. Chas: Tisdale.) •
Miss Daisy Gaybird (Miss Edna Manning),
sister of, defendant. .
Dr - Rosenkranz E. M. McLean), aged 1Q2,
faintly physician to the present Rope -him -ins,
and formerly...to their ancestors, having at one
• time been called inlay plaintiff's great grand-
mother to treat latter's gi eat great grand.
mother for broken arm. Bone of injuted
member produced in court by- the Doctor JO
substantiate his evidence. •
Dr. Green (R. Keyes), student With Dr..
Cranium (Bert McQueen), at present engaged
to Miss Rope -him -in.
W. Opmrade (Edward Bedard), companion of
Mr. Gaybird in South Africa. • •
While sonie Of' the'proceedings were pre-
arranged in rough outlines, the majority was
quite -impromptu, and reflect:, credit op, all
who took part. Special mention should be
made of the evidence of Dr. Rosenkrane. with
his words of "wondrous length and thundering
sound," and that of Miss (1.'M. Rope -him -in
sieter of the plaintiff. The jury brought in a
verdiet quite in keeping with the evidence
.submitted• The speeches of the counsel should
be heardto tie appreciated.
Among those .who contributed to the enter-
tainment of the evening with vocal and instru-
mental selections were Misses Hoover, Bona -
ton.; and Gunn, and N. Murch. The next
meeting will be in the form of a Canadiao
Day A review ot the lives of Canadian poets
will ba given, interspersed with choice Mus-
ical selee ions. • .
Extra Speciai.-we stillhave quite a good. assortme.nt of Fursi.Ruff, Caperines, t N .'f .. .o-tir party here whicheare far from• Bawled.
e c. ow I ever being sympathetic. • In feet, they are
you saw furs sold.cheap-:you'll see it done here during the .next few days---they'Ve hostile to me. The task. of jeadieg
. - , • • ,, . . the opositien at the present time' an
all got to go at .. . ..
ssliz.3e, price. .
the province is a difficult ont, -and.
.------- ------
- eucce,s depends upon complete har-
Mony. Under these conditions I have
reached the conclusion that it will ' be
better for me to confine myself to my
duties as simply as a member of parlia-
ment, and I address myself to you as
leader of the Opposition, to make
known my determination. The retire -
meet ef Mr. lei onk will be a loss to
the Uoeservatiere party in Quebec..
See Biils for list of Bargaiii
To UR inOrCeir SACO.
Among the Churches".
• 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (> 0 0 O 0 0 e
WILLIS.-A week from Sunday tilts
congiegation will commemorate their
anniversary, when the Rev Mr Henry,
�f Knox church, Hamilton, will de-
liver the addresses. The choir have
been busy at work for sometime and
the music for that day will be of the
ST. PAUL'S. -Owing to the severity
of the storm last week and the lack of
•fuel, the Wednesday evioning_setevie
had to be cancelled. The rector, in
eeeethe course of his remarks on Sunday,
regretted this as it made a poor be.
ern egliming for tlArsoleinirsenter-of-Leet,
which is now on ; he aesured the con-
gregation that it would not happen
again, and asked for a -good attendance
the following Wednesday ,evening, a
request that was freely responded to.
The A. Y. P. A. will dispense
with their Tuesday nighe literary and
social evenings till After Easter. ...On
Wednesday, evehieg after service the
Ladies' Guild met in regular monthly
session, to receive reports, eke.
WEineree-ReveMr. Manning has
been asked to preach anniversary ser -
moils in his former charge at Bramp-
ton, on the 27th of March—The
anniversary services of Wesley Church
are to birheld oti March 13, • and the
Trustee Board are appealing to the
memberelup to help them pay off $2000
of the indebtedness; this is part of the
amount originally subscribe(' towards
the erection of the church,but not
paid in; in addition a special subscrip-
tion of $250 to, meet interest due; as
this is a matter in which the whole
Membership of the church is interest-
ed, the Boord looks for a generous and
cordial response to this appeal; we
are purposing keeping this 1before the
attention of Wesley. people, so that
when the 13th of March comes they
will be readytomet the whole amount,
The Anniversary Services will be
conducted morning and evening by
Wm. McDonagh, of Stratford,
,,,;.fprnier pester.
'Rev. C. it Gunne went to Parkhill
yesterday afternoon (Thursday) to de-
liver a Lenten address, before his old
parishioners, of that place.
Rev. M. D. Coltman, of BramPton
foie:hotly pastor ot the Baptist Ohutch;
Clinton, has been invited to St.
Catharines, and has accepted the
4,t 4 meeting of the quarterly boar"'
Colborne street Methodist church,
London, it was unanimously Voted to
tender a call to Rev. Dr. George Dan -
fel,. M 'A, of Goderich, a -rib -Jed, of
course, to 'the decision of. the confer -
Cite stationing corienittee•
Rev. F, J. Oaten, M. A., Melbourne,
has been invited to Belmont anct- has
aecepted the same. ' He will also con-
duct an evangelistic campaign in Han-
over in March. •
At the meeting of the official bdard.
of the Ilefeyall • circuit. Rev. Dr. 'Wild
was unenininusly invited back for the
third • year. He said 'he would be,
pleased to come back if sent by the
A perfect likeness of now Canon.
Wen Craig B. D., rector of Christ
Church, PArolea, and Canon of St.
Paul's Cathedral, London, appeared in
tho Free Press of last Saturday. It
will been -cut -out -and -
preserved, as he still has many admirers
in Clinton, having been a former popu-
lar incumbent of 'St Penis,. '
A, special meeting of flueon Presby-
tery was'held in Union Oliurch, Bruce -
field, on the 10% of February, Rev.
Mr. Sawers reported that& meeting of
the Hensall congregation was held for
the purpose of calling a minister, but
owing to the minister upon whom
they .were united withdrawing his.
name, the meeting adjournecl without
coining to any conclusion. Circular
letters from the Assembly's committee
were read asking the Presbytery to
pronounce their ppinion on giving en-
larged powers to Synods regarding re-
ception of ministers' from other
churehes, the retiring of ministers,
the fixing of bounds.. of Presbyteries,
full disposal of all appeals, The Pres-
bytery agreed to all the proposals, Mr.
Carrier° reported that his congrega-
tions had decided to ask for fifty dol-
lars less from the Augmentative Fund.
Other grants were asked for Bayfield,
Leeburn, etc,, , and Varna end Blake.
The connection of Queen's College with
the Preshyterian church was again dis-
cussed earnestly.. A motion was passed
approving of its present connection
mut commending it to the liberality of
the church. Dr. Stewart, Clinton, en-
tered his dissent against this motion.
After examining sessional records the
Presbytery adjourned to meet in Olin -
ton on the first dwe Of March,
Limn" Personals;
Miss Kelly spent Sunday at her
home in Blyth.
Miss Straughan was at heleheme in-
Goderich over Sunday. e
Mrs. Jos. Rattenburr went toTor-
oeto yesterday, on a visit. .
Mrs: Cf.:I:Wallis is visiting her sise.
ter Mrs: J. J. Washington. Auburn'.
Miss Jean Mirephersonwas the guest
of Pdrs. John Leckie,. of Brussels, last
• week. •'
• Miss 'Oarsoli, of. London, was the
guest of Mrs. Jas. McRae for a few
delis this week
--Miss-March was the guest o2 -he
aunt, Mrs W. G. Wills, of Mitehelle
la.st week.•
Fridayon a visit to -their daughter,
Mrs. T. Rumba, St. jacobs, who has
been -
In the budget, debate in the T.,egislite
tare, Dr. Returnee called the attention
of the Assembly to the extraordinary
increase that has taken place in the
number of marriages soleminzed in
Windsor. Last year this amount,ed to
over 800, Probably not more than ten
per cent. of the Marriages so celebrated
Were those of Windsor or even of Es-
sex people; the ()thee ninety out of the
hundred are from the United States,
and especially from the date of Mich-
igari. This a regrettable condition. of
affairs, for most of these are marriages
Of ree&Witers. It seems beyond reason-
able doubt that a large proportion of
them turn out unhappily., and that
they give rise to many applioations f or
boa, McEwan, M. P, Sorith Huron,
and John Sherritt,M, North Middle-
sex, were both in Clinton for a short
time last Friday.
Miss Ida jennings of Walketton,
r o
guest at the home of Ben' Webb, the
presb two weeks.,
Mr. Geo, D. McTaggart was in Tor -
Onto a part of last 'week, attending the
(tetanal meeting of the shareholders of
the Durham Cement Company.
Mr. 'Olson has had considerable
sickness in his family tecently, one of
his daughters being dangerously so.
We are glad to know she is now get-
ting better.
. Dr. M aceonald, let. P., holds a pnblic
meeting in Wingham this evening.and
will be assisted by Senator McMullen,
of Mount 'Forest, and R. Holmes, M.
P. Clinton,
Mr. end Miss Lee, of Indian Heade
who have been visiting their sister,
Mrs. W. C. Searle, leave for home this
Week; but will visit relatives in Hay
and London enroute,
Mr. W. Jackson returned Saturday
evening from an enjoyable, and envie
able trip to St Louis, Where he has
been in the interests of the Ticket Ag -
rents excursion, which is to be run to
that city this corning spring. D'
Mrs., IL 13, Coultes and her -children
,Mandie and Earle, were in Toronto
recently 'attending the wedding of
Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W.
T. Pridham to O. Crozier, Miss
Maudie was flower girl for the occa-
sion Mrs. Coultes sang the grace.
War News. •
The latest reports steite that in an
engagement at Port A.rtlitie the Jap-
anese lost six boats, but this is not
1 Owing to a shortage Of tool the Averages betWeere Sand 8 to the pOtrll .
Macpherson & Hovey Iroondrt was
compelled to close down on Saturday.
Chained and Locketed.
The Gun Club, and many other'
friends of George Hinchley, hearing of
his intended removal from town, felt
that they gored not let hien sever the
social ties 'which have made hien so
popular with Clintonians, without ten-
dering him seme token, that would"
call up memories of his many friends
in. Clinton, when established, at his
Western home in Regina, for which
place he left on Thursday. He will
have the agency a the Waterloo Mfg.
Co. in thet place. Mr. Ilinchley has
been &resident' of Clinton since 1881,
and from three years previous to that
date has keen associated with the Olin-
Tuesday evening he was invitecleto
Bartliffeeeestiturant, where a feast was
re ared hy the boyee_Aftee _partak-
ing.° oys ers, etc., Secretary Ciente on
read the address given below, and
asked Mr.- Hinehley to aecept a gold
chain and locket. George was so taken
by surprise that his heart almost failed
him. However, he responded euitably,
saying that he regretted the severing
of the friendships in Clinton that had
tnade the path of life so pleasant. This
was followed by addresses of goodwill
from Mayor Hoover, President Grah-
am, Andrew Porter, D, Macpherson
and E. M. McLean. The singing of
"He's a Jolly Good Fellow." and "Auld
Lang Syne" brought the event to a
close. Following is the address:
6160. flINCHLEY, ESQ,, DEAn SIR t -On
hearing of your intention to leave our town and
tocat your lot in the Great West, We desire on
behalf of the Clinton Gun Club to eXpress our
regret and. to convey to you out good wishes for
your future, prosperity. 'We are sorry to Mose
you as a member of our club es yon have al-
ways boort found a valuable and a genuine
sportsman. with the gun, Your Willingneirs to
undertake the work given you to perform has
been an incentive to others and has materially
assisted in placing the dub on the sound bads
which% rests atthe present Woe. .As a citizen..
we have long known you,and have passed many
a pleasant hour with you and while relating
the adventures of life, that from your °coup:l-
een constantly came before you, your pathway
through life has appeared unto us as an exem-
plurY one, and to fellow In your footsteps
Would be h grand idea to manyof us who have
yet to crogglife's meridian line. • We have
many a time enjoyed your
departure we feisl keenly the Sad predicament
Of a somewhat helpless class of the community
orphans,rit,11;vgirnIStid11111f itE4'111.4neagit.ssintlft
man" of those Poor, helpless creatures have
prayed for the contforts of one who ie blessed.
*VIM& humane characteristics. and will, 11.1
certain, greatly regret your leaving town. We
Cannot allow you toleavetia without giving you
6 token thait. you try la-reeln reMenstbijaire of
end eha li ay w a in nd e e •
°a' nee nil ;roan e :fret h ;•6
branee Of sthe members of tho OlintOn Chin.
Oh*, In conoluding our Ramis to you We ell
iifinin Wishing You happiiiese and tettecese in
Your new place of abode. May you be spared to
lives long life and when yell:Run Is meting in
otirtelffirat may yeti have strenstb. left to appro.
don hne Signed On behalf of the
Clioton Club,
Mr. G, , Cameron,. -AL P. P has a
motion before the. House- toearnend'
the act -relating to 110Xiaue weeds•
. .
Ii.•Hilber, M. P P. 'fel' South
entertained the horse onTuesclay Witn.
an address in Gertnan. Onlytetoother
members could understand him.; but it
is something to be Ole to. do, nevethelese.
Seeittor Week celebrated., his -100th
birthday on Friday lest.. He is said
to be theoldest legislator in the wqrld.
APPointed..to the Senate ,in 1878, he
has been present itt every session, and
-litSb year, when the -gtiverlifteritein
consideration of his age; sent a private
ear to his home at Fredericton, N. B.,
for his convenience in corning to
Ottawa, he refused to use it, saying- he
would travel like any common mare
and he did.
d News:
Jerry frorn Kerry Big farce comedy
Coe is billed to play here this evening
edit etnoon arid ref7MTn front of \V;
D. Fair's bookstore. ',
A. X. Reed, of Ga,nanoque, was here
this 'week to eee what prospect theirs
was of going firth the fruit and confec-
tionery litheness, but he concluded that
as. there were two good stores of that
kind here. now, there, was not moue
for another.
, ,
Seaforth Collegiate received $2.350.-
57 from the county this year, Clinton
$2,108 08, and Goderioh $1,800. $600
was granted by the council to increase
the pay or the Volunteers going to
camp this year. The pay:nett for the
new addition to the House of Refuge
is to be spread over 15 years.
We are pleased to learn that no'
action has been taken by the:county
council 011 the resignation a Moe
French as matron of the Howe of
Refuge, -and that satisfactory arrange-
ments are being made to retain her in
that position. Mrs French has been it
good servant , to the county, and a
friend to the afflicted ones of that
John Morrish; Albert Street North;
While returning from a visit at her
son's, A. 3e, lest Thursday, met with
it severe accident, hear the post office,
by -slipping, on the icy walks, and
breaking off one of the projections of
the leg bone, at the ankle. We tcre
pleased to be able to report that the
good lady, is recovering from the
shock, and that the beak 'healing
THE TIME IT PAYS. -In cOrivere
salon with Mr. Jos, leattenbury, we
kern that he isrene of the favored few, '
that, can say they ape partaking of
fresh laid eggs each morning for their
breakfast, He keeps about 26 hens of
the black rednorcee and Andalusian
breeds and out of these he averages
fronffi to 10 eggs tulay. Of e0112Se Ito
says it costs something to feed them,
but at the peetrenb price of eggs; he is
Well paid. The `Weight of the.,
One came this week weighing. 4 Os, i
and measuring Sixeil.
Coet neereorsee-013as • E. Johnston
writes to the NEW _RA. as follovv
'Allow me to say that there was no
deuce at Chas: Johnston's. as was
'etated in last vveeks issue of the NEW
ERA: Perhaps pent cotrespondent
did not know how the .evening was
spent, or else he must have.been try-
ing to leave a wrong impression on the
needs of 'some' of our friends, who
know we are opposed to dancing 'per.
ties.' (We are sorry that our corms:
pondent was evidently misinformed in
this respect, as we are satisfied he
would not have mede the statement
simply to cast reflection on Mee John-
ston and his. family. -En. NEW ERA.]
Wanted. -Butter 17o. Dried Apples 5c, Fresh
Eggs 2Co. We are clearing many seasonable
goods. G. E KING, Wingeam.
• Semi (lats.-The new Waverly is culmittedito
Pe the heaviest cropper and best strewed Oat
ever brought to Canada. Wehave them at 50e
per bushel. G.E. KING Wingham• ,
NOTES. -Mr. and Mrs. Youhill„ for
thirty years residents" of Wingham,
celebrated their golden wedding re -
bendy. Alex. Young was Made the
recipient; of a gold watch at a banquet
given it the Brunswick, in
Tuesday of last week, ere his de.
parture for points east. W. A: Camp-
bell left last 'week for Winnipeg,
where he intends residing.* the future.
L y,
..teelleenilianeabeintelevonaonths ago to
work for the International Harvester
Company, died- this ;week in the city
hospital of pneumonia. Deceased was-
: .1:
DEATH -James Shirr& who went
. d-rpeere
byterian. The remains were brought
Hensall for interrnei3te
The eold storage building at Trenton
was burned, causing &loss of about 050,-
Mrs. Cochrane, an *old lady living
alone near Oliphant, Bruce; was
found frozen to death, , • •
The rernoval of Mr. W. (4. Hinds,
from Mitchell, as manager of the
Merchants bank of that town, to Tor-
onto, wi I be regretted by a circle ,Of
friends in Clinton where he is well
known especially amongst the Lawn
Bowling fraternity, •
Brown's Sale Register:
On Fridtty, Feb 26th,at 1 o'clock. lot 28. can 4,
MoKillop, horses and cattle. jag Henderson
and Jas Hogg, prop -
On Sattirdav, Feb 27th, at 2 o'clock; at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, 100 -acre farm in
Tudkersmith. Wm Makins, prop.
On Saturday, February Mb, at the Commer,
dal hOtel; seaforth, 'ate o'clock p. m., the re-
sidence and grounds belonging to Mrs Robert
Coleman in Eleaforth.
On Tuesday; March lat, at 1 &Cloc)t, lot 0, con
8,0 Titokersmith farm stOok, etch Peter Mc.
Littig ii,prem,
On Thursday, Mange ercl, at 1 o'cdoeklot 20.
con 14, MeKillop,farm Meek, eto. JnoPtafford
On Minder, March 7th , at 1 p. m., on lot 25
oon 5. MoKillop, Parra Steck and Implemetts
-W Bubolz, propiletor . •
On Tnesday, Meroh eth at 12 O'clock neon
on lot 25, Concession 6, R Pi, Tucketemith,
Fp:orMprittootork and Implemente-EdWard ColWell,
On 'Wednesday. March Oth,af 1 p m,in Varna
a ohoide farm of 160 tutted Aldo twine implements
anctother effects Jos Foster, proprietor
On Teurielay, kferoh 10th, at io"otooke There"
bred and grade cattle and other form stook,im
plenients and hottsehold furniture on 10128 0025
bo lat .,Tueiteremith. MeNai. erre).
On P. iday, Match Ilth, at 1 p. 311.,, nee,
0099160.1/ Stanley, Farm Stant, and Intple.
Ments-.Thos D..,Wson, proprietor:
, on ietogei
,coneession 1, Huroe rt
and linplements-4aineti Hart, proprietor,
peefeett ntreh 'i, at p neonP1o124
horei and dittle!Frenkki30ee:
ei •
We have just received
er shipment of artificial flow- .
ere which will be of interest
to anyone who wants some. X
thing pretty for deer:meting, X
They are correct imitatiOns of
the real and are used very ex- X
tensiveiy for ,decorations of X
all.. . . ......
Call and have a look at them, °
Easter Lilies4 for 25c
Roses ix] red line pink
4 for 25c '
ilateetiene in red, white eee
•7 and pink 204 e, dere.
Chrysentheheurns in .yel.
• hese; pink and white
4 for 25c
y —Easter Soon.— •X.
But are you -ready It eev•
Haire yu decided on your el
gown?• •
Do you. want edvice ? • - y;
Visi tour pat tern de pilaw en
and you will find in the Delin-
eator arid in the Butterick Pa- 4
, tterns. a great variety of up -
see• to -date styles:: •
Births, illareages, Deaths...
WEBB.:-.7n Clinten. on Thursday,. Feb. 1.8ih
to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Virebb, a son.
SWALLOW. -In Toronto. Feb 51h, the wif
of ••Ur. Frank Swallow., (nee Miss AggiePhiplas,
°.(16•EdiRintivTilYie.)-In.aW7):12b.. , • Feb. 18th, the
wife of A. C. W. Mardi Ay! a daughter . . • -
MoQUILLAN:-In West, Wawanos on Feb. •
4th, the wife of Wm McQuillan,' a daughter
MoCIITCHEON'--In MorrifkoirFeb. Std, the
wife of V., tI. XeCatcheon, a daughter, .
SANDERSON.--In Mullet, on Jau. 80th,the
wife ot Richard Sanderson, a daughter.;
THOMPSObT.--In (loderksh, on Feb. Oh, the
wife of Mr. Fred Theropson a son
'• FOWLEit.In Colborne, oa Feb. 14th; the .
'wife, of John FoWler,ot a daughter.
CIITHILL .-In MoKillop on Feb, 14th, to Mr.
: and. Mrs. John Cuthill, a son.
RELLY.-In Morris , on Fob 10th, thewife of
Mt. Michael Relly, a son. .
ROBINSON.-Inalullet, on Feb. 14th, the wife
of Mr. M. T. Thomson, of. a son. • .
• . • MARRIED,
pENHARWOOD-EDG16.--On Tuesday 0,7tn-
ing Feb. 1611t, at the residence of -the bride's
brother, Seatorth, by Rev.Rural Dean Hedging
Mr. Ernest C Penharwood,of Stints Ste. Marie,
to Miss Alice Rose Edge, also of the Soo, but
formerly of Seaforth.
MILNE-DETLOR-On Febrnary 3, at the
TeSifie33.00 of the bricide lather,13 Rev. J. W. -
Stewart. assieted by Rev. G. h'. .Tohnston,
Mabel Gertrude Gibbs, only daugther of J. O.
Detior, Esq, formerly of Minton, to Frederick .
Milne, all of North Bay. •
FebRA?, .G1J94evriief3,11strc7111712 '48)n YPeftigil
Months, and 26 days.
PENFOIIND-In:Stahley, on Saturday, Feb
201h, Thos. Penfound, aged 55 years.
_ DINSLEY-In Clinton,.on Feb 23rd, Jane
Pearson, wife of Mr. E. Dinsiey, aged 85 years
and 1 Month.
MeLEAN--In Seafortia, on Mmiday, February
15th,Ann Jane Elliott,reliet of the.latet - •
McLean, of Goderich, aged 66 3 Imre.
McGRATH-In St. Toseph'e cenvent, Toronto
on February 10th. Sister M. erexcedes, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. McGrath, et High Sweet °
KI•IIGHTON-At the House of Befog , Olin;
ton. on February 7th, John Knighton, former-
ly of Stephen tawisship, aged 00 years.
SPA.RLING-,11n Ste. Mask,. on Feb.
22nd 11)04, Wesley J. Beetling, son of Mrs. S.
-Spewing, Clinton, aged 43 years,
tO Creditors.
the matter -of the Estate Of WiIliatn Rick.
Waite, late of the Township- of Pluilett
in the County of Huron, Yebmati. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to It, El. O. •
(1807) cap 3.2e see. 88, and amending acts. that
nil pereons having claims against the Estate
of ,the said William Richard Waite, who
Weldon or about the 18th day of May, 1903, at
the Town of Calgary in the District of Alberta
N. W. T. are requited to, send by mail, post
.ptdd, or deliver to Henrietta Waite, at Summer-
hill P. 0, (Mario, the administratrix of the es-
tate of the said deceased, on or before the 12th of
March, their names, addresses and descriptions
and a full ;statement of the particulate of their
claims and the nature of all securities, _if any, ,
hold by them, duly proven, and certified by
Statutory Declaration,
And that afterthe said last, mentioned, dale
the said administratrix wilt prooeed to di s -
tribute the assets of the deceased among the
Persons entitled thereto, having regard only
tei the claims of Which notice shall have been
given in accordance herewith.
Datedat tninton, ()nt., this. Rind day of -
FebtUary, 1904
P 248i Sturimerhill, One., Adminietratrix
Incorporated bylice of Parliament
CapitalAuthorized $ 5000000
Oleitel Peld de ....S. 2,858,420
illeeerve Fend ....$ 2,720,778
Total Assete —4270000040
Bost in mind theta is 'Our inten -
thin to tettiOtte tO 0112 neW end COM..
mediotra officio in the -Combe Blot*,
tomer of °Marro anVittorio. Ste,'
aboub the middle of Maroh, where
eve will be pleated to meet all Oar
tobtonlerfind tbe rememeroiel pub-
lio generally ,