HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-02-26, Page 1, . . ,119 ,,, "'17""rl I A ,W I 'RTV-7`777-7�740 77,777-ilrw,' ..'­ I . W"W1 . 1-11�1- -JTW ­ ,,, WT�-"T-,NflwTr-lw%l,-Nw"Tlyl;� -7-7-7rw IT - ­�"77r- 1VrT1W1W"4-r­PWT.-,N -, ,,, � " ­ -7 791W � * kwYm"w I. .. � �� . ,r ;W � 'r. � FV7777it I , .. ''. I , 7., , `)Rn -:11 , ­*"? 7 31, I I � 11 . I I . .4 - I � . . F . 11 4.1 1 ­ 4.111.,F% �.. -WIPPIP11411f - . . . . . . . W, fr 1 7. ,. - � . I � , , 11 I I . . I I 16 � ! J 41111111111141111411 I . �� ", � I � I . . I 0� . ,, I I I � . . jlk,1014% - � I I I � I .­. I . � . - .- ,-, k ­' I I 11! I . 1 4,-,ip I 1� it� . .. ., 11 - . .11, Have You * I . . 11 I . � . � ,­,� ­.. I ., . I f I renewed your subscription . � � ..., 0 - . I . . . . 11� I - Take a look I 6 .. . 11 11 for � this year ? If not, . , "I . , , . 11 I would it not be well,to,do I . ...''. I. I I . .11 2 � - I at your label, and if it 11 q.. .11 . . � , I , � r, I I I does not read 1 go', NQW � f, � it XOW ? . .... I'll , . 4 . ' . . :11:1 ''.. I - .-11.1.1 . . 1 M .., 1. ,e .. �� I 11 . .. "I - - - is the time* to, arrange to... V , m; ,,,,;, o . . . . . , .,,-.e , . .1 11 I I 118VABLISRaill I � � � ",;� 1-,-'-'--.-, I -.. I—— �1' - � W ­ I . a* have it read thus. , " . AO, . , . I " . . -1 6-WI­­­�. � �-� ­ - I BER Joy,& pilb I ,� r . .. ---- . , T) . ---.-.. I- -- ­­­­­--�-- . � OLINTON: ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 26 -1904, 1 � ­ "... � I . 1. ­ P 71 I � ;;�=­- I .. � .11 ", I . . . 11 � - . . 11 I., -- 9 , � IrO . f 1,1&tl j1, AV,14 011% MAI 0 .. 1.1, .1. ,- . " . ­ I . . I . ..... 11.1 , . -!� � - A .�, 1110 6tol.. 11 � . � I ..... I . . . . . 11 .. .fo � . Rullett I B1, --, —M!!!- 4 ,��-- ­ � . . 4 1 I . ytb . I ­ . ApologT , - . !!t-- ­ . ­ '4dL4 . I ---------------- - --- I I . 'NOTES. -ThO0, Rogerson, of the NoTUs­MF1)A44 Mrs. Jr. Howatt and .. volwasyll10 0on I . I �,, I I otli, d4ughter, of , I ... 'I TELEPHONE . .-Speak of Rural X.ail - � � .1 vvvl�OYV#IOYAOVVVV*Ikw I who I asit W awauosh, return, I ( My Council I WAS recently hurt by a load. of . The Naw. U�RA has - tQ 1� .the lni� . � . lbe.goyerelgd . , - I e4 last week X � .as D . . * i . I - grain falling on him, Ili get , allvery. being such a great conven- ­ . . ,:,t,J,ug better. - - - - 8 rOat a two ]FOUtba So- t - llet Q ne4 niect;ng of the Colin. - . I �. el, I , 'The adjour ""-,t, � . I , . . : 0harlie, the youngest of John Journ, in cotlapd. Mr. alf du�geuco. of its read I wnce. Lub we; think for this village it � � . � I � . iii,r§, tilis, week be. telephone corinqctioAA woul t t) t k'�21111cil was resumed at Godcrich . I � .. I b I �. . 001—INTQN -- I'Slundeecock, of the $tb, who 11 � n4ad. daughter Alias 14,11a, attended the , d All he III I y .. 1. � I . . .�. 4r. been funeral of an old friend I t inticb better. It seems too bad that a on "it d Of last week at �3 p, ni. ... .. . facorperille4 b.y Act or rartla Ill, is now out of danger, , Ai. Mitchell O&M01ts 00111rims are. a little short(r, village I " . 11 , I te $." last week.. The Bish ). . I Only ei'g'i,taylonlibers, Messrs. Cantelon, . t%- I , " , �, - .. . -- . of HAI of our Importanci) should be Qcnlloll,�, J)urnin, - I , . � ". .; 11 , .." ftu COX. NOTES, - We are glad to appointed ex -pastor �ron has, than Usual. TW'O months ago Nve or� I WithOut What Is now looked upon as a I I . I , - Save Kovir money* And d W( EV11,1s, I . ;,. � . ' . I eROSIt know that the wife of Goo, kresk; who V. 0. L. Mi Glillut' 1,ockhart ' �!ni� , I I , I t .it 11.1 it o Sovereign 0 theAnglican c4urch, her * '110ceSsItY- Still, WhyslAouldwe MONAtlilltoll, Patterson, 4nd I Y � I V; i� � I ,, " � .. .� . .1 J$9,11IR, 'We basbeenvery ill ,with pologestion of Incumbency of Ripley. XL a tOAhO derail our usliAl notat 01LIT-19) %, � I . oMingking special efforts in tho A. Wett- I supply of printing le4stmilk0aneffol-t along this diree. 1,,,-..pre,ent, jO�TlllllelltwaS .. � I - � I � . . . savings branch of our Institutio, I a, th's lungs, I$ now able to IsIt upi And 1411for, lost his mother by the ba I tion. Probably the simplest made ' till' 7.30 p, in' W, . 101, all tile i . " 11 .... . I . � .. expects ere long to be fally recovered; ,nd Of P&Pe�,'bntalthongb it had been Members were present exec . I And Will give depQ . I death I . way would I sitora the b6st. m 0 North E48thope, two Weeks. I . ahipwi be to got the *18011" to connect*ith the Pt Messrs. . . I., I � of Accommodation. InterestA. I's. Gran er, of Vapirlian, daughter agoatithe age of 80 years., she was Ped from the mill, it Was tied , Hicks, Kerr . . .. 11 � � . I -money from date of de.; t, " . I � .. 1 towed on of Mrs. Weak, has been here some Mis Anothony But so I central at,, say, Clinton, WWI! this were . and McLean. e by, . FOOD6 -- - . had attending her japtj2or. . I I . -brtgg, up me- to fail we. need not be discouraged. in Moved by Xr, DUTT.1in, seecad ei STOCK . - " .. ixosit until . - where by,the rAllro d blookade'and, th , .1 � -�, I I .11, .. � date of withdrawAli I -TA1N1T'r0HU804.'-ThethIjdcf the . - a � eeastern. portiori Of Ontario there Mr- Cautelon, tilat we �rjstruc . I , Vr,ory dollar is gua - . -Thokr, Milsorij , -as held 'At . . I are very few townships not touched by - ,t the . I .. I I . . . . . . ­' -rant OnAorNG, ri. of the- sbries of social evenings W clerL to write' the briucip�als .. of the We have the following,' , I'., .... . 's _ I'arrived here this week, but ii�kin t1iile � � . , , cod. , . base line, having rented the farm of the handsome res,14once of ..Mr., and the phone. The local doctors install. Goderich, Clinton a;d SO4forthi Col- .1 ..- 1 ', �, , , Abney saved'is,Roney Made. ;,Hen ' - . . . , ", , , . . - . 4 'for - this; � issu , Las V livato phonos throughout the country' legis.te Instit . -2 . I .. . .,., . �� ­ ry Warren, on the Oth, has moved Mrs, As B. Tiern , , , I . . Utti to. find how in - . . � - . I . ­ .fly, Goderich road . e a pu I & Are . - . . . lines, .* - � ., , �. We are also makin wonderful thereto. M or�Tuesd4y-qyening, Feb. loth, And t week w & for the convenience of the t, 't , i'Vattmidance at said sclXQ s � . . ,. � 1, .� .. progress in all other ranches of . . r, And Mrs, Warren will . e It a. I -are used i ir Faluiell a . ,�. � : _ _ % take up their residence With AnAdopt- was a pronounced, Success. t , depend 0 And there lines ror.41 neces.. who are not xeSidents C,f th* 11 : ­�. Altbou 11 I , . At Pe generosity of sary business, the only underst . is co ilty, INTERNATIONAL .. , I . . ­ , � I , . &e institution, and alway pre-: ed dau far, Mrs. Samuel of the night was one of -the coldest of t1a the S . anding and asl� ,tile trilstLes,,cf each 111.�u ,. ,.,� . � I I ,a ness the ftt' Ab, Weymouth,"' 'as season about forty or, fifty giests at, . - or I' ­ � I titilte, , . :1 twed to do any'kind of bus, . v�i'hood"L -eaforth Exp9sit ,,or Dart being that whon a Pbyalclan's services -to- ake t a d VARNEP11c, .. I , A& g sold out 1 . . . owner of the line be v4s, $1101ild be collected fro � I I I - hkat pertains to the office of A been I I on the Oth, havin rived, most Of Whom Were brought in I � I &raneeded the einand for any. ainounts - and ' ' . .k� 1. howt6red. bank. Some, I In alo I Issue, *0 . III ,Qtlier 11mul , . I .. I to Eph. Brown, ha sleighs provided bv.' Mr.' Tf , of our I Itor of � OCITH. , I . ­ 0 14 time, a I ., n Friday the ed called it his line is used, They have COTIUVes,Carried. ,, . , . I . . . . I �. I . . . . ,�, .�, � ZZ. rx. 1R.A.1%T0 rented the Aron farm, dn the, gravel Mr. Pc6well. Blas�in� coal fires, smiled � t e X*W EnA - Erl,overt very Batisfactiory throughout - C14-1180 3 of the .Education CoInalit. . . . I ... . . . I h . I . . I . . . I . , I allutou road, from Mr. Appleby; it contains &-Kindly welcome, And the spacioual � . went to Torouta Special- country and also remunerative to teo's report was reiiicqnsidered� in cc.ul- The best i's always the . I I.. � _ Ma aFer. 100 Acres ;, he gets it for five years at a rooms Were a l6w with the doctors instal 4 .ch . . , 11bolikolill, . � - . as light (a * ly i(; secure . "49 them;; In Some alittee, Mr, Patterscil .eap - ': - o�lli�,11111i��ll'Illllliill����ii,,"Illllllili�,��'llb���Ilk�'1111,1� stocii(ir this issue, *The cases a Medical and ii-Veterinavir go i in the chair: nil and - � 19 4jeh d I � .. ... . rental of $260,00 a year4 174 b e premiser)l - In Tkt- doininittee, rose , est.. - Try thlb " . ­,­�- . Everybody yirtis* in the . rits, � I - s, in or jr� . ivided the I !ind reported that Se-YQUrsto�k thri ' . . . .. � . .- 'Anale LaUrle, teach- I ' � I , ,Jrsb cost. -e .. . - PL1701M.-Miss I highest Only P,APer he could obtain wa. a ail - colnPaRy, W1 the clause be struck cut and the fol� I We. � . I � . . 1 9, Is, 06 phieky And, ille fun be an. Carpet r howeviek, we, in this village, could jb,%�ing Ldde ., I 4� I � I 6 � . � . LeebArn er in S. S. No -bali% . . I I ... . I I I . ongg ! I can, thari the regal�r Wize, hence the short_ notinduces 4 , "That the question of . Sold lil�r , I ­y'.Pud del V. f- - bags, Nuts.la-3 ay,� Dusty Miller, .And . . . Cf. I ----- 11 . ( NOTES. -The iorves. grea credil r, . orne one ormore ina neigh- - W. F. M. .9. hold their it,,. V for - other, old fitshioned g#mes.wereindul , nin .. : botin town fo take this matter up aim (i. e, the St" Marys Collegi&te � .-",- I I . , 1. ,;,l , , inFon-thIT-moetm -11i t1litild-li—owecif-j%�V e er­.��chool­ppoa-this­wjnte W- in. till� 11-ioicior - . g� e 9. of, the coluairls'. Speaking., on migb ,do worse. than form a local W ud &qnctint of SF-.In,e be Idt . , ., I , �,� �:' , " : -A 9 . , he oards' about three,q.uarters of A, lAAg­jvf*e1fth. -WIfte-1;eel) -�7- ­ I - 1, -, I I r , coin- , I �u "f-c:;ia I . ­ 11 -1---. - 4 H. 0 uiton o ,k-- f I . 1 12 Wednesday evening � . ' ­ ­ - -Eany-among--OA --Th ii - h- ---' WIIA- Allie--warden .-solicit . .-- . � . . .0 In . , . e e aye " , treasuftbr, S � -- . or.. ,T -11� . . 14 4 11, from the' . 6111anlis, - _ j --R-EE-KIE - . psolves.; 6r , . ­ �. _ th Q P ---Iii �.�,:­ ''� i f last week., Miss Cox, ii r, hersekool'atA., r . . niglit"in6peof,theold is --matter the, GIO�6 -�4 Satur . ne. I I -Irl , . I I I . . . I � . lther Baronial Halls of England, . . clerk to dcternli cotIcill $ - I I . . .11.�;'. es and notWithatanding the col wep A ,40)r pen local telephone companies formed and, �­ W It, is Tisiting bercousin, Miss Mary R Then fol. I I I , . . . �. 11 lowed the refreshments -, it Says : - - - . . .. o thrit are making a b e rep(��rt Passed 4 amended. . . I � . el " : S and bad 'roads,, she has not i . will suffice I ­ ­ � I -ug St -C)i I f . McManus, ilil � � . aood interest in the - th O'ng 'In her. P1400 at school once dur. say, a t e "Just now publishers - throughout I I e of the . I I M ck,4 I I nton.. I I . I � I I I ! . .� 1, Harr week. Misses Della b .Aissed . .1 I. . i0v8stalent,'du ,It, ink, outsid Repc,rt' 6f County Profierty . .Collj� , Di ore I "I won and Lottie Sti,pling, of God hospi ality,of Mr. And convenience of the, conderni we might mittee was presentedi � -',­ . - I . I s. Tiernay -preciated. � 1. - * . . ,. : erich Collegiate, visited in our ' Ing the winter. :It is doubtful if this � _ was fully A the . witl r, Lo -- I � � � I 1. ,� i 11 b r. er uson, Relieving ZaaAger of 00uutr-v. aro.....becoming--anxious also make.% little into the bargain. hart in the"chair, The 'repok !!!2!,!�!!!! .... � ..... ......... .. ..... I . . \ '. I Saturday and Sunda,v. -Mr. a%On- has hapboned before in the histoi - I it passeei . I ­­­­ . . :, .. 1 a] . rs y Of Overt-he-priating -about"-daffl- - I -1W ig-` - -tifo- - lir- - 00111nifi-tee-. 1IC--C<5U-H&r-1U-- . - �. I .1- � Alex. Monteith. of R ppen, vis! e parents app A, I a Ban of antililtort.Ripley,"and Mr. Psloersittlation. Al. What 1119 6' 66til in - e- -.- W�d i ----------w . .1. I 1 . I .. -7' 1 t�d th; the.school, and t,4 wee %te , ready several weekly paper.$ nearfuture to consider. the rnatter, We inoved' been frozen 1several tinica 4, . 1. . : . i. .'. � latter's sister. Mrs. Xlex. Cluttion, ,as,, her zeal and inter . esi,, I a the weltar's- of., , Intosh, of the 0. 1,P. - lt� ISUrVeyink Out the proVinoe h& througlig! - by Mr.— Locklilitirt, secorided . � his wiliter. --- . ..: I "I, � ,. �.. . � . re been forced - to' will never -get. it without a little 1%1- by . ­ . -L *1 Goder,iZ. her scholars. . . parvy, quite distingulshed.,-themselves reilooe th . Mr.,,. D.ilr�i;u' 'k. Arid .'accorliing, tc,Ltl'e­I'eViq.,d g�ol .- - - - .1 � � week. Miss' AnArAwd, of - I I . . . I t­tthe'�rnatter otchang-, 'u "%: .�� * L � . I.. . as leaders in-Lbe various games. The tation. - - ,.,.I � .. t. I I I , de 6f heating th . e jadl , nece . . � � _ . I . . I � townshit was the guest of John Run- - , . t--7'- , eir size owing tothe scare n the tilla" 'be r lLs It w-,11 be � , � ity, I , . ssary to lujnisfi'.% ' . .1 � . . 1. , , . .. No�ns.-'Theysay,the iiew coal stove dIrre for flic­Pr"ent. Ye&s- . I traolcr '- , . �; . . � . ter . I . tNext,weektholl!�Per wift be thesame In the station has ptibiven such a coin- Messrs.' Durtlill, Lockhartit Vattersol �' , -.-,1:. on undgy. - owe of our young . . � lixeter, - . gueswdepakf�d aboiA 12 oloiotk, just . d, ,twd sllit� of clothing for �10L,rj ., Ll, , S . . � I I . I - I � .: �", , ' � Ili time to escape the censure of Lent-, lzO as Usual.- - I . I . . , and tqrnkev ^as other -,!c'ulItiex �and " i i I for the day, ushered'in was'Ash-Wed. . . 1� I I ... I - I' ' .. I 11 � ­ I . . enjoyed a skate on.the lake Or I fort that the mailt. bey uses it, as his Sfiack'niar�:-4--. Mays-4*Messrs. Ca . calig so. , - 11 ... . 1:-1 1, I � A, ff X"lildlaTiOL INJ179Y,�A inost unfor- _ .--�--�. - , . "reading rdo . ntel� s are, Q ' .. . ,. I . . I. '. � ,:�11 ��oll, go,oturleday afternoon of last week. ifinato ac6ident occurred in: London At' nesdaY. � Eve�,7, one, howevei,j went - ' . . ni`alid is soriy when the oji; . ditie * .. . . . . ., ";" , . I I I . . �, .,� .., FAREwnr,L SocrAL -Quite � A nllm- the 01hrence. Street, cr�ssiag thom . . I I . SeAforth , '.. -, . � train comer. F. McCartney .seern Cchnoliy, Ferguson, Gunn, Kerr, - R11WORT -or: . A, .1 .. . . . -.� . .� , zpl - - , - � . . `� ".4', I I I I 1i I . I I . . . Miller, MeMat.ightcu'. young . . ROAD ND I BRID13 I I . � I . . . . i . -"�. ber of Hadeaviorers, and friends met at Railway, in which.Miss , pleasant evening had been spent. And NEW P"UR. - -er, lie h4vilik to run three 'or four . . . . . . I I . , ; , of the e feeling th�ta very h-1ppy and . . . a to 1,zinicat, ,f., . - trade with hischop- � . 1114 ,; I Grand Trunk _ . . The life of be dolug a r6shing -9: The report wB. COMMIT.TAI�. - , ;.".'.. ��; il I . the temperance hall on Friday eve May Armstro I lid g . s then adopted'.* ' . ":��,.�., 11- ..Pg,. (?f Exeter, w. . , .­ I I I :�. %,.1-'1;1 . as the that micro i4ch evexibigs would ea, �taperintbetOwnbfS,af,rth*'b'a's"not aysaweek. Messrs. R.-�&Villig..m:s, .andj.1%,f. . " L ,�, . lag,and A, Pleasint social.timewas victim,* the Young Woman'MIlinjun.. hance.and indreasethd Joy -of ..een'the briirlitest an ' '­ MISS ClUra Proctor,who Your colninittee. recointuende4 ­ � . . ': . . "'� i , " �,��, . -Spent. The object of the meeting .was ,der a moving train -of ca, ' ' . . ,'' . . living.'. ­ d,_.post:. 'rospet has been on .the sl6k list, is im I - Field, 1w -cc,, sett-, -addressed tho, cc,un­ ,tilat�. ­ , �V'7� . . - . I I e. � -. ­ � . ... , I , �,, .. �, . . . . rs and surtain'. . .. a' 4;. . . 1. . . . . I .. Ous,- And for the past winter, & pEovin 1 rie�rls'rePort ly �6pte(l - . a.n­' . * I . 1, , ."'.:, � �­ Miss Mollie in injurles-W ich resultedintheam- : . � I .. .1. I . 11 hasbeen-with but one pap � r.. ,. -istill poorly; ..I Mrs. � &. A ei So-- the es. ar, - . . d, . I I ..�­,,,�­ to t&Y a parting tribute to h* � I .., 9 t6wa Miss Eibaily 16 . cil Oli b� -alf of 016. Childrenis i the 11 ' 11'�I-sil I, Ro, 6itsOn, who is abo, t to lea've'here� 'o Ail I Ri . . . e ow- T,6bbutt. cie*1 of libe Ccuilty. of'11urcu , piir'ltetri ,. Illin-tt " I. ., I ­ . , . is ableto booit . V ai�T 'ined'-ali - jLo., ' I 11 U Ation of. the right., leg below the I 1111111011 � . everi another is to ulake it a ear- W; . ­ t again. .Mrs. Report. -of ep ... I edirinlittec" exaln . I . ' . ' .. . . �. . . ance,bn the 3rd.,. to bee "' Stanley is slowly improving . .as is read, 'Was tenders which . . . . . I . . , ,;A,V, in Nevada. ,She ' � ll.ed the ws. ilsZl Mrs* W, Tebbutt. . - � . ' engineer . �re- - - . �,,,',%.­', h to live with her uncle kneeo The beel of the left foot w" I .Eli;ecial Cpmo�ittj . � 1� 1) ­ rJ has been a member alsobadly crushed, -Miss AtImstro . ,LITERART.-Ab the la -3b meetl�g of Its -editor will bat. M. pplefo- .. our �county . �� ­�, � , of the Endeavor . . ng I . Mr. keirin the chair, 'the celn.� .peive Z,�"'- " Society for some -time, and her brig)it AS a daughter of - I instrong, a I tfiil* Literary 80ciOty, th6 entertain, . I- i .. OYSTERS. -The se arill repc-rited 'that %I Oli the glifferent hrid-g 11 ­,,,�v� -- . IrvIng,Ar -Ohosea Friends of mitte CS adver- I :.."" Nil , . clAllse- 7 tised.'for,-4t .11, as the I've-stfleld brid- , .. ',-,�.: . Dv&u�n.-Mrs. McLean , ificither, of our town" have made -a r�putation. for '. , meat consisted'bf, music, rdadlnys,, re- J be atn!&d&d to read I Ilcvv ' , ,,;., 1. - I.a. (Rbivi) I. J . two instead- cf I , � missed. The neighborb tions; Arid acidressog. - 3, Walviia, dle& at the 'themselves by their An ual ys" three delegates * , I . . .1 9 . . , . � . . I I . ge, also HPWICL, ame, Grey' �nd . � I � ..;l is a milliner,. tiventy, years of a , time I te . t, p smile and cheery words- will be mitich well. known oitttl*6 buyer-. of Exeter. cita A d ; . 004 felt deeply She ' n 0 raup-- I . Wiug� -- ­ .� I � . I ' . - Metpoclist, p ' per and tkey will. not be behlindhand 'the' special "colmnitte- ' 1� . ,. I . gef was spent. . At the te:kt nieeithigi or;l , sonage .'�n Monday. -of . I I .,.�: - London fitteiiaing the inil- 1 Friday. ov6ain . ,ar Tile I F". - for her in her bereavement in the andmas in .. I I � e recoinmended . ham.- and - the - Ki�l-ton - bridge . . , , , .. . last week,'at the'&96 of -66 years She 4�xt Thursday' evening, -Al r . eference t6' . the - c ' unica- .;.* , ,� ". death of her )g .1 _ gi, Feb. 20th. *debate on h I . I onlifil Ailletiont rilims tcndt.�red a . .. mery openiz - "Resolved that , AA b46a in feebl76 .healtfi for some *hen this, event will. occur, at the're&i- ticn fro"Im the counties of Kent, Elgi,ni. . .i; .. ..S,llPQ,`SLrlICtUre :'; � . Misses Vilend; had atr4nged - the pen is ,time,:. She War . . I :,-1 : - grandparertsi who hhd I' ,a..,.,Her cousins,' the jtbO Subject a ch 3rd, with I. lows, n trie - foi- . t: � � � :�:7;'' cared for )ter from infancy', and-weie . * for it re- . mi .. , . . . I l 1. .. - . . � I I . ,*, , .''.: �: I in turnfaithfully' I tiop attfieir home ghtWrthan theis:Vviotd" willbe-beld. . much and deservOdly - denc6.61! W, All their aT.K1 Xorthurnberlarld rdl.,tiltg:. A6,'tlle, k' & Seri, ilto . t . �:; :i and teAderly cared cep Ili h . . . � . � Xulhollan& . . ,*, 7. � I . li A. Die I . I I .. . M SS, I , respected -by those' who 'know bet-. friends axe,cordially invited to Spend a County il Act - amendnients, . I . � . . A . 1 11 .,,,% . for'b hertothelast The'sodialivlri . r 119, . onor of I . ' . ifi . - , , . �. 1, . . - ch as ArISC' ' for. that...evening, and j�sRsox,4.­�Xr. Alair, ­ Who" bas Th6remaina were taken io Go'dorich socW eve I . � .Council' . . . .. , ., Win An' b-tid e . . 7 - , ;:.f, r - , .. � i.�.� � ?�.el by singing Auld Ltag Syne when 11noforme'd of the, accident were been ill with lit g with thom,qftei� the su - - ill -pr�sefit systein of. election cr . *' �.. � . � / , prieumoniii in Souilt Cay� fol-Interiment.. : . � . . . . P , at the 11 .. P. - 1 So 00 ; .'.' 1. .. . � I -, :. with clasped ands, and,the aticival overcome with grief. 'Her father Ir- I - since . .pr here will b6"a--sultable'prograrn. county coull6ill6ii , �--relriain:. as! it' I 0 ic -a r . io eiet I . �� , :., I I Aiga -New Year, came borie Milt NdT]@S, . 1 4 . p t -is IT2, . I ; _M�iia e ourselves. . e ,' 70 feet I I 280 00 - . � '­ . .;. I,, , Anthem. All join in wishing her. God ving Armstrongi ,WAS making A Shi week abdis g Alice R6se'and,.Ernest . irk -t ", so feie * .. . ­ ,. , I .11 . , � Vow ando�j . � .. : � 11 - ,. ;, :�', speed I QUIlig4lolig 0ioply; the .'. . . . � . ­­ �. . I under the Municipal Act of 1896, be . 1 '550 0.0 � . ,.. . . rican Soo, I , ­­ ­. — , . , - - , .. .. .11 � .. '. . . .1 I . 1� - I � . . . , .. e HaarijIttin Prid, C , ; :�,: . .1: . , Th , '' - . . .. . ge O- , , :. , , �"; . , 1. actiorl. ...- I : . . � . - �, ivirig very . geverat satisf Westf,614, - bfidge, 2��D f6ei - I . . I I depoeat Exeter when &* message so Alaiisilfely*hom6agaiao 'David'AlAir'.- we' , . * :­�: � I her future home. , Wag In t1pie - neighbors are.glAd tb�­See, Mr. and Mrs re'unit64,in-marriage on Shrove' .. TUtke : , , L'OVilig that the. Act 4s it now stdild ,!,..� on her journey and happinew in ment of live stock east,, and � . 0. Penharwood, of. the Ame Ry.y � . n I I � ul ramith � is .g. .. �:, I . by the Grind Trunk- reached h t P54Y, the c6remoliy being perform- I Johns' I I I * .1�. .., . - . . IM, Ili- station, agent at'Bruceflold,a pan� P-HUSONAL -S. S. on,, -brother Thley. roccmitiended that*, the: Winkliatn' brldg I ­ � ,55.7ft-'Oo.- -: ., . ! 1 .. � "'. - -- 'forming him of thb Accident. The'iedby-Mrs. Altdr, visited', doom ea'by.11ev. .Mr. Hodginsi`at therisi- of Mrs. F,. W. comnl;w _ e� .. 76- reqt� . 1087,00 .. . . i �,,:, , . , . Crich,'with'his wife.and unicaticift: of V. Atldefton,. -t castirer `ffow`cki and Grey . ,. . ! :�� 1 home on Sunda - . arry Edge; JkA,Archibitld'.s: daughter, � ?4, I . I I , 70 feet '108t. 06 � 2 .. ... . .. �. , train foiz London was fortunately over In, tbd'Old dence of H - . - r �1: I After 5- 0. year . . Y � - � . Sa � Edna, of Assinibola for -9ast W.awar.osh, relative - to . bal- Kirkton . 1. . . . . . I.. S. anbouki&b.6, 4nd heboarded itatOnqo, '. N , .. . . fine tham'madiD things intereStin bridge, so feet . . ,.� 1 read) . ' PenfOund has' ,, . I Art week. * Mr *J � , ` ,�'.7i�,` . . . . ,77,5 00, : .� * ;' where he had. -going - � - � � . s.��Renry .. re. �d.ay last week'as they. t6ok a spin'down b6fore, . . e Ir,id over ; , I I . � , . . OTE _ gpne yisited herel - ohnson:, lanc6s of schcofnior,evs,,t . Heattigdevisit6d.his daughtei -�et Withtlilfh driver West was a sueicoAaful f6r, further con$ideigt16rI, . I , 1 ­�� .,!� A08, Old rather Time g iing ,London shortly after noob. .turned froiw . front sti _ H1.41ter. Bri .O., ,­ _ rowa tender and mallow. Oil Springs, ... . .�.ge' C Kincardine : I � 1. �, , I , revin 9 the oluid earth flie sturdy�old f0l�- hospital. Mrs. Ar I 0 � Oone to see his gra'ndson,who was* ly�, everything. in. - cheese maker. at. RA,ripiston but bag ence to the Jette i4rc,ni t' ­'Oei�k. 1 ,ci ' ' - - - $ i . �'­, � � I - At bh' , doing up" In'. refer- Wqstfield;' bridg J 1 . . � low, I .. . - . . in . thdir W-A�,l While DO I r lie . 1AT - � e;�1240 feet . .4980 015 I I .1.d. . .. I ., ." I Teor i2i and'year out keeps going and oomlill �the city.. I matr6ag is A40 - * ! Ing seriously Ill and' who. died. before harin came to them. . The I , been in thewestsi�c6. 1888, %,;iere be Narthunilher it4ghain --bridge; �G,feet' - - 1075, PO'' . . ­ . 1. Ack of fuel . - and ­s1ring the council to, . I . ­ . I �. ' ;.Is fast accuritu'la'ti suffidlel2t Of this taik c-nding a- deputationc-to I,C -,o- ft., I I .. _ g, n conversation With. the J. B. Dinsdale's 'liltle -is s6riously felt. here, tbefacthries, etc",' . e FMUOn in s'4 I .. . Howick and-Grey'bridgc,.* OR OP . 1. It". ,:'. , �, I . wokld's goods.- WeIr hiany friends .TQroiitc. .Ili . byidge 50,160. " . � ;�� ;11 " , In VrInter's iilld wrack a In summer's green girl Mr. Armstrong ., l0arribil: thatihe !'dapghter. M artha; ,who was 111, wit1k, 4; - dow . , - 7 PQ , . ­. .I � nd ;.he-got.there. I 4140ming. I ,,.-- , " I .bei -pg ail close itkto�, �,­ . d, , ,. - here were ' . 4'.." We are n was, aware she Was badly injured, but; . , -13.� ,John.Shine 16 conjunction' with other . . .I. I t , . , I 1� . ­­ ot yet by any means through naPatfigitis, died on Feb. Ath,. an , WAS 9011 . . please&toseeth6trilookibli., . . . I . � . ­ I �� 1�.. , . , , ,, does not as yet know that, lier leg has burled in Hergill. Union � ng Into thib coal busiti4s. , Seafoith q6tinties of the -Pr6vive4' t,o..Inect thb, , ­ . Ickic, , ,. - , , . . . I , , 11 so vrellj,�ind "Ild .dx- . D, it Bras - I . , 6 . . winter!# wild wrack," and it should be a - Collekia:0 Ca463 -'are- -having suita t,t , I Vimi-al 'Gov'v�rtt . . , , I ".­� bepietery',, P.m W. �­ . ­ . . . - . . .. I ­ , I ,'.i,,, I - . , .1, matt, 13 she* was -a bright littio'girl 0 Q return * 1, in z�ini :bridge, �76 feet'll I good tini been amputated,' Ili tbp�& I ppt Mr� Ciich � Inerit � relating. �ito of i Iade. Wood. sells :49 9 g goe,aja ,,,,,, ...� it them .to Assini- It, , 911111v:Ipal i . I I I I .tf 00 :. ­­ a to take advantage . of unheard-of family there Are three g�r s and 0 g six years, 81 � F . � tp $Jq, . � � . I I .`. .$1366 ' . I 1.� �,'�1.1. iK r, 5 tWO- . ­ ' Kir ton bridge, so feet ­ 8- ... . prices, . . boys, and hev.parenta'and 'sisters have the Ter cord; : � . . . . I . It' ' ' - Insi tutions which are f 1� I .. ;� . . 'It, � � . . . . . . ... . . � . . . .. 53 00' I I 4 ,� ". . MissMaj bein the elffes . t., . , .. grg I .. . .. , , I ' j - team � � eugigilt, tile � attention ok, ccdlity We - would a('vlsc that the tenders - -, .; I- � .9 .. , . .. 7YWPAthY of a I e circle of friendO, � . - , - . ". , . I 1, � 190TES.��A .pre by , 1. I , , � - , . , . � . . .,�., LOWER than the LOW -E , I . ..... I � "' heav�, , Qotlutil* at the, lacsqvit.'%(ir� ' ­ �.. .11 . . I Sr I . DEATIL�-.Royao Ile `a' � ,I I*— , '... -r- 4&4 -� '.. � I black And white face bi5raes, belon-ing" I . I;, t114 e -Q1* -1' Ircan the Hunterl3ridge Cb; be accept- . : " . - - ­ . . ' I � I . � ,.; 5 ' 7 dele . I I . ,1, " 9!� 1n Res -Made and Orde ea cicjhl�j.�L �: I ,st 401�lto. - - , . . , nfoU.p has be - , , I �. . I I . ­ ­ : toWeisrs Martin J�r6s,,,1-6' h .0 aa.1%.1-ttee" tetolohitilaed ' ithki: is I .-V 10irthe W � � I �, . . , . . . . � . dy . .. . Intended to . r . last we , ek. . - I . , 11,.�yk, and, r I . very ill the past week wit onig. � . :. Goderleh.'To - . . . . � f, t 'o I ... i -, estrida, IV:;lt . .. � I � . wn�sl" - *1 - I Aforl. of tbree inemVers c" - I � I . , .. . I I s 0 . . . ,�, "' -. . '.Tbfew'menigit�O!Vent6eikiryonbu�ii2ees . ' but is,now" ree neum all for $415. ,. I . . � : H wick atid, Gr�y. b . . . � . � . . one . nel . I - 1. , : . ' � is father, PROLMC.�-We � that ' con., w4re 961d tb'e 6thlbi 4 . be . sent . I .. ., . ` - ,oyering.. I. . . I . �PY' ; NOT9,S-MissJean Tod� is . � the Mr. Malcolm McKay has Sol , , . . . . .. tidges. �� . . d his farm . Mr. Loekhart irif6rined the: I I . Tte Rfrkton bridgd be .giveri1c, - th,6 (161341111Y for half-&-cientury, and �Jter visiting friend ' at Present' Thos, Penfound, Wag very* an boys of this,to ra-L, on the 5th ociricessl6ri L. R., S.. to Mr - I-farnill , ,a a period of I honest, faithful tail, one. ! x1ous turdy - are told . . �; I so on - . wash threisin � courldi " k, � I _ a at MiltOm Mrs- Saun- � About him but on Tuesday ' I ton Bridigic Co.. , f , , i I , 1 ­ - ­ ders. who was lie also took I I tile, *ark . � , . I I '' . I ­ Tto,xhinir of enjoy -earzied .visiting her brotheio__Ot nurnber- his i nearly W. Cameron of the Mill road,. fo� that Chs -s-'. , "now in.,11arry sound, undertak - 'b , 1, I -Ing his well _�Sidk wit -:havealready t Salat, ,s ', ­ 1 ,,, � - . ; � - -fitty-4aiiiibi-.-It-is-'ndt-'iinus ­-bav , rm- corltalns-128-,A,io� ywishes o__be cp 'itted to t e ottse en y our ccun-ty this .4a- . .. . I . . nia. On Saturday. he ap . afew,btit so. la - � .1. jsh___t _- -enin -sou,,--il"1104� .1xi. ­ * , , " * , , . th� rge a imilibor isphenom- a Ia.onebf.tho- be it farins in the of Refuge.' The atti!r' I . 94t77b , - I peared to be much better, but shortly enai. . . � , - . , IS I M . was referrc charge of.Oar'6NIIItV* o­­`rV-------:- I . .11. I - 1. a . A"gill.1-117. . . . . 1, . blIvOldecided to offer, at surprising redug., - -took a turn for the worse . . . I � I � For the . abutirI 'linton, we or.head return -ed to their home ibMich�- -. ifterwards township. It nearly, butts Mr, Camer- I t the Rouse of Relvga.cc.fill�i � 7 9 Of ii0ceaeful trade in (J .Malcolm Wea d I ' week. Mr, and Mils. 1-� last *intopneumo _ -resil.,X809b IS our oondition, and after So 1,iwk-ao­w--.dnd­RiJPley - * A, . h-grili�wbiv,h-rapidl-y-developeil- * ­ ChdVianus T "a . ,.re urne( . I tioms, our . I . I n f1hisym6k Aftek Sp4ndlng some­.Bad.in a phorttim - ' . 1. on'spresent farat aull. gives h in it , * . A difficulty having arisen as ttee�` . tim, foll�willg . 4 , ' . ,�'. � I . . . Noftg.�-'The - Goderich �townphip farni of over 200 acres. -, . - .': I cotninittee �an. applicatioij f . td what iwe, e , received from '.. II I I . .1 . owas.dehil, �UeWas 11 � � I tenderA r . . I � 1 . VNI tfihne Wth relatfires in' this - vic"I'litY. '.'A qt;Ieb,tb6njhtfu1 wkn,4fid W4,� mueh Ifle Assoolation gave-& hop.)ast even- ', A . PAiNkVr, . . � ACCIDENT - County . lot" aiil %for d� .bridge sh,oLflei or a grant, Gutteridgaid, *qf, Seaficirth : . , I , . � . �, $4000 00 , . . , I , . . eferied ­ ' . ., . . . .. . . -eitic' furnished the, orsin pillbi John B, McLean, . - -the ex- Wesit-lield Bridge- :, � I � .''. �, . .1� , ' �.. As only 54 yea;rs-old, � . L I �. 1K Rev.�. ,.Afi. Whaley, who. ll" -.been. esteemed by those Who'kno-W; hirp.. fle , Ing Ili the Oddfellowg -, Halli Goderich. Colin . he r ., I I . with a view to retire !r9ru Redve busi Appointed I - Lucknow .W 13lackstofies - Orch . of Tack to( ttd; . isting �roes.as tei) the Centre abutineut p i " .. , . m6deritfop of' I : - PAS soon aS it is disposed of� The Bali noSs congregation- shic,6 the' reid a _ His Widow And music, Those, who did -not dance en- ith,met, iviih a painful accident jurisdiction di the . road: and. bridg(; I I . I . , I JJji,'.,Ion of I . . ler. pubic . jaid $6.5o : , - . . I I begins Rev. Mr. Mc1K .9 , . fAMI)YOff6ursons and one daughter . jo ea-th6mSelvesplaying� 6aids, Miss, on..�Satfirday'eyenfng .week. W,'hjlo� colrilfiittio, arZ the 6xecA.+.ivd-.. co I ninlitt­ I . . I � I � . 5.60'... aY, p"0hed o f , Two ord 11. . n,$tl a -,'have the sine6re'sympaithy- of 'tho , . - �$ . )P-* . n I � . .. t . I 1.1 ,., I I .. 111i . ngl . iain . . b 'd . . . I . , I ' . I � ' .. ON SATUMDAY; FE -8. . j#th. Feb. 7th ,, Rer � ) I -,.. .. It . ' in. sea- ee , seeming! p -,over ap, � it *as . uiovEd 41' 7� , ' - - : .'Mr. 101 , . . ,.youfigeri� -WAWA�-g,alonl . 171 go " * preached at St.'Heloas IV &'Oaderlei �4011, r�Omalual )r. . I Asidie ­lRathwell,; second � -Main street ' . . e, 0 . . I . . . . . � . I 1, . I . . forth, be slip,,; ,b,, . . I . . . . kowick' & Q - ' .,., ,.I) .... . . I I � I We bave not titne or space for d absened. ft -WhWey's . I . .. dattAirliterof Mr.' I ed on some ic6f,, and In tr� MessIrs. abkmati: altid �Patterson. k.. - .� �. rey . . . , 5 00., . 1. . . . : I a details 14 I, . � . . ­ Q ­'. .1 . . . �iimuel Rit�hwell, of A � SP. . 1) f) . . Bat of prices. A we ha Tneir many.frleyw6iftima "' , -­­­ � --1 - -1, * . the.W fieldil,ine. started for:W, trying tosayehf&elf froin fallint h t,by-lp_w No. 2..bf 1807.* be atrien'oled' �lrktoll. - � . . .. - . " 3 amid that dstbe� theiisyi�path . � . . I.,. y . ffinf�l , e I �. ' . . - ' 5 50 1 I I .. � �� I Proof of t e uddingi to - Mr And md, I . , o she $aVer his ankle & bad twist. . Ing 'in. , Of ' ' . ParbeF, 'W,i h ' ' , ,, h c a the chewing o . , .. W. (). f I - � . . . . I . . , Manitoba', on -Monday, *her , ause � 270. ly .. str ingt citit the ,; , . W I;% sLin. ., � ,­.,� . I . "I I String. W f the Webb Ili the% I . Brucelleld, . , xki I � I r . 0 Offer a better and pip . 9-th of their twih, i6ill'. ' . I . - P*Alfi unito, in nl�rria .rain, Mr. words (i 1.. ­ I ,, ­� � �. asantee Cameron, - ge with a. ung It ripthin more than a so all . hictions, Tor,granting, s.ny Winihant brid* ' I . . . ­ .7p . . ge r�;biltiftents ­1� I . . test in asking you to - -aged. 5 Years ;. the - ten a' - ILL,,. w-W,p),,b iirret :to .learn 0 the Ser- "ft' McLean T, ova out home, put his'horse A" as part I-rciWickand Grey abutments' ,4 75 .., I I 11 � . An formerly - of . GreK nsbip.; we in the barn and witlkeffto the hous . - , I , *ur reduced prices l te-Int6rreillin'St Relen's � Yaiii' , .I tow Burl of money by.the courie . . I 11 bba and compaWi with- A verysudees cometerk. INIAi I h IV Iss Agfiei Hart, daugh- hope they will enjoy b xissful li� .of the;work` he cutiiiii I � � . 4174 � . . . I I 0 ift,OA- � _Lppineas Ddrinj ba a ccommitai ' - - . Frank. Nagle ; I Huliett 11 I . . : - sted bi I , 4 . in their' W&v .tow a 'he S') tee.. This -was -referred to v6cial ccim-, ' . .. . ., . I Of Feb. Sth. fibyn ,At last reliorts, she At to. eon- ii,ittee and beir.g �iiecoin Wes�fielcl biiege -CoMplete �ar --11 � � , . - . 161 862Y to in the.ball 61, the evenlb� -LJv10tyMlllft Har , of our village I a.rgaine el;;Wbere- it . aiful At Home, was hel(I . ter 6f , Win home. Miss Eva I. the'night the Nuri,b'' � e. . I BAY the Prieto WERE so and a � Burnetb is at reseift lit Clinton learn- painfu thathe dame -to bat . . . mended by . heia . . . I I , 0; the im- "under tb& auspices Of t] e C-. 'O. F. i bad I pri'll'"'ia' 11 . orasis at Hodgens Vros. the Ankle was dislocated and on was adopted. ­ . &�uwlents- per �ftb-lc yard $5 $ . portaut thing is . 1 4 01proved-sotmevii, at, . .. ingto be A t4117, . stilt a doctor. when itiwas ,found t . 1. I . ,� 5 ..., th . . I � - onde . ., by ' *�" .. . . .1 This is becoming an annual Socialfuncl � , a Mr. John blaraball.Sr., we are . e of th . . We ivould reccAnweral.thai the ten-. . 1. � 1, I! was I he in- . given I I . . I . VFhat tkO,- Pr!Ce,S ARE tion And 0 Foresters are to be- con- MATIJ.---iiIt Witt., . eOp regret to statei is beginning to f6el't BO'�T small bonea broken.. . : ,- . I Moved by W. ,11. Kerr,. see . -der f6r'the Westfield -bridge be � . . We BPP-Ois)iy invite out old grAtu)Atdd on the success of this One, .that Our Villagers Teartica of the death firmities. of age , , and Ili suffering"from. THE COtNCIL-ii�The councii met in' Mr. S�acl4niAn,. that a sftnik.'r ant t V rank- Gutter . � . . vi�isto as both road$ and weather,:.Were of M lace " G&VIV the comicilichaintier at., Se&fokth to, that -'of last ypar. be triade , � . s Ol idge. - - . . . I . t Y- . In LA Gri Pe. Mr. Edw in Me i,spent on . .ThAt - thle 1 bri(!ges. kitowit. arill the' , , ��. � ,,, � ,d - Asmselves a good"t - --an %', MO9r*.­W..hlo&­t011iii' q . - - -Tuesday,�-Februar -9thi-all-4he-mem 6 -- o t.- a , Publt'e - schools, doin , "' W. -It will . ­ . � . en e on, Tuesday. Iiiiit, ---- U- wa" Un aykt--fil-fi,E6iiib,li-i--,giat6�tY,. Mr. I ­ -- -- - ^ . , � hairs to offer the ' urn, by- - -jE!hg-FU.f fi�iirw&; � . D' --"e a- -- - . A% Ill T " Vra1v - coluttin . dil, ­­­`­­­-­­- - Vingliarri--bridg.o'. --'alsot---11QWick--an&. ­­­'­ I.., ... p. I.... .... I . formerly'kailon master In a 0o Untidle'. Cole, of Seaforth -Engine m , giVeXl to ChaTl 3 Patbet, Gf,' ' ' - . i�, . bera: present. T o tender of., Alex. . u I_' - - rlug 190+1 I ­­.., .1 ad obristmas'box. mil - ­-----`41�-�� . - ou A. 111,11 . I . . . . I 1, . �. .100 Ili Si ­ . I . � .1 . . alld-was ary 61der of the . I I Works-, is spending a few. days under ImustAid fo�'the, -supply." of 6 000 , feet P�Vp ' .. I Grey be . . .. c �. . . ­ . � I 'IV Osewhohavenoi been r ular a .1 . . .Stauley. . , : � III ,. .3 I _ , ORT Or � QOUX.T-y pj�OpU]jTy , Wingh=. I I . . . . I . . , - no. . I . church hereri. being hig is t g ' ", i the parental root, Mr. �Charlie Xe- . ,* , The Kirk -tor bridge if the work is . . �� . , i r8-tO-eZ&lninS*,,d,-,, ri . - O-Stafib '-ha rch . I . . It- . ,of�tam;irack plank. at 118 p;r -thous- . o* I ,,, . nial" At & ,h' � iia� . .-,Oe I or 11 = I 11 I Stab, andi was accepted, The itiditors re -7 COMMITT1104H, . . � . . - - I all TY , ,pu c v ,:w a. 9 - Qml I I -Xi 1. -- -.. - I . � I I . .. , Of Irohn MeGre I This the,. eldwst, son 1, �- . -Port-Was-presented-i-oad-ado nrocciaded .with. -be,givdn. to - Frarik � ,; ��- '. . ;. Haim tae, ,pted-and- I � :.,:.­ , n yj - 'lmontbeinp,pl a , I a coll, --eve - P � A lit e I ve O - . I � � - I Save colisiZ%ftile. atictioneer's. . if I � I 100 copies ordered to be printed, for . I - . I .� . .. I. NO HERE BLOW *if r'S tat btiick, � I ; . . . .1 e I a or .� .. . I . I #SB . 'no, . the gaol and a aoler's report cor- . I We. 'Ould also k coultri. I I � . .'I . , work at Mr. McGregor"a sate. . .11 grapher At RoO . � 111h. ,a. - M . I" w! zer, is sponct` dt t `6 t" The contrAct . � . . 0 , e�d- 'that. the -��,,�, - wilify vessels make . NOTES, -An fami X `i#nil t I I Ing rel tives . fiL " ' the rect and rec, d t at what* ke - ­ ,�, wis P � 1130st sound," but STATISTrCS.-Z-The total .as, Rus 116sitty .'And family lag a - .1%. . � I . . I . ,. . "' V0121128 genuine, Sessment visited rola,ti I. . I oree!6=n', '06'T concrete, abuts for I accepted by this cmvti� - . . . I . Sweeping fetluotitlnq f0r.thd townsh of. 84tilpy ves in o* villago .last I Dry . . I . monts for aisks for his.itirukt.'s bedroom ,b ' aboVe tenders if .. . . , 1: I I I 1 ,16 Ali lines: . . . Year IW3 was 211687#2W for 'the week. John Caskeybaiareturned from �. ill, �. - - , 'I , Friday last, to � bruar . I the Horton and Turner bridges were furnished.' ' I . I e cill.i ths�t * bui. corutity enginier be i4- I - " � 84 tawa, Mi,is 19, Under 'a � y let to Messrs Xagle and rooby, of . Also that � the'lle"i, water, iystein I . 1 14.. , �, DO S, Suits) . -MOU1611tthere was lovie On this 4w- Ivisitill' relatives neat' Ot DAATIT.-�.-o', iship lost Mae Of -its D011irk,'at, four dollars, twelve .and I b instructed to. examine'plans 4n4 spedt- . , . d 'for count M I has returned 'home from l6h t4%, qtoemed pion- eers, -in ; in thi gaol a' - ' .ficati6ns Sites also. see that satisfactot .: rd Nur ores .,$2502.23. .For one-half conts. or cubic . yixid - gild V, put rid the tender he�&- . � If-.' - I . . sectxity Is given for he 6omp�etic;*R: . T, . a ered Suits, I 21 7 I T'C`iir'ront1�"-'S-SJRUgh Ross, wh`0 bair been -Wt 6k 'Marn Jervis, an, Gutterf4ge wiN erdet. the V6therin ett to Chatles'Lee at the S131111 CIF $528,, . . . L45. .For Logan drain $ township, oldest an&m t I . '­ I . WO 78.' For ' ii �f WI& -1 alld 8 montbis. , the: work,, , � I - .1 . .. ��� �� I I- . Ordered P the Schwalm diain $58, 28, .-Por, Stin. fbr soru� time ill Manitoba, "tarlied the Peftc-1111 ham And- Rouaft abutments sit $41 and that Mr. -Grilrin have thO*exccj- I . I . I 4 : I � ants,. , ley big drain $OR'(15' DO9 tax. $2W last week 1, ,he reports very cold�, Weath, at the agi oil 99 yenj '- ' ;,.shire, Brig- I b* d '&Oo,, vatitig 'done by. prison labor as tt,liders . . . � . I I I ` , . , 1, , Z, '* I Hats, Caps. etc. T.t�l er. Rev. k. S&Vvejrs 'preae He was a naiti,ya, Of & "? �- per, on to ar . The MessrsHill . The -next Sitting of the council' -*will � .:: - �,!:i,.��.' -:, .1 : ,., , . For schools, $4,500ilo, . hod in� Tar. land. Ile ftme to , thlo 66 I untr F1,; secured the contracts for- require. - . .. begits on June 7th I . .., � . � . 1.t% , L I . . . I . 0), "roll nir's .church on Sabbath lasC - 16 - . sin ' all the steel'oup6tistructures Also elainihed the , I N . , - I ... . lurnishings FINDS A P& . . � 'balkl -that cold weathet' is is' W years ago,, and bets li,V;;4 ' ""'a" ce . at the we Re0trair's , � . � . . � Gents'F $11,048,44, . , . . . . I . I , ..'' �:1 Ready- I ..1t0.qAS9R,-()has-'AVerV1 ful than warm, but *ft more health, in ithe, ti,oghborhood of R 'mesville. following ,r,ricelil, "all"to have tamarack office and . found everything Isil gl�jod I - I .. M=0011141mo . . . I � .. . I - .' made Clothing one 'of Staala!?�'O.Oldest­a h All our cold Re, . I married order. . . . . .... . . LET US -HE,&R FROM TOV.-Two . . . . I I k I 11 I - I - � � ,� � - - , Th I n - I - , elint ­ N E --,r o;1-1'd,rNi-rt ,.,� - I I I I I I �`[ 01 .- to I Mr I 19 I th 190 I I .1 :1 I I IL H . we, . � kd �1 I I I I . I - .1 .11 bid'most As: 19 more sickness lit this Miss' Mary Tebi, , lot $I $4Z,, Rouatt, e'425-, Ho ton, $284; F�utid -tl�d viirious',rconis I - C rt weeks ago -we publisked an item re the . , teemed Vesid.6 I blasts there - Ox "Ititt 58- oi rook e in-. floors - Potheringham, . COMO elu�, come Ail, Ask, see, ex& Ine, 4ts, ,ba*lhg been born in I 10641167 than there has been-fot A. loug, earn Ago, And they wo*ed X all I � , I t, Ill I . . 1: ,� mee Ing wi �­ ., I . all tile townsht, last Widay relhaquished. thine. H, McKenzie,, studftt at -thi, ftltla6il COnd"Blon. When it Wg,, . ,10 be beff4t; the town hall, Sea;forth,, on We would Advise soiali inipiovefulet,ts - Detroit from Goderich, to be -held hit , - . , ,W1011,11are, add YOU will BUY, . V Oii x '4 Ali Turner $1%. The .nelit A" .Rbuse in gocil order Zo. proposed Wbibe Star Line excursion to . � his claim to he. old homes -on the Seaforth 001legilite, is -at prosout very huah" They pmeed throffgh 8)1,t, .1 Saturday" MA I . 11 i , . . ".VOrblarn Saplentl iukt.n lst 60A113081011, Mr, Alrety has been Ill with 1, 'sa Annie Landes. trials; of pioneeri lile Ili the. WOO& I W le' tah 10th. lit. one o'clock, At the temor judge's room. The rr_,Om June,- the stop -river on this -trip to be .1 .. I � , wilibift th retire and move Mi I I I . . 19, 'some mOI16hS,L and' .West for borough,,O vra, is vial og b ,Yhen the,pAthmadters for the coming t4 be Wswinscotted and pi�iitited, table giverned1b I "... Thoss, Jackson', .S 41thofigh . I .. . Ff Z, er sister h" always, been, the sotil Of hozqr, a -ad I I I . 9 cT the number of responses . I .. -, he � lid 1641 r . And ..", . isoll will be appointed. , th , - I posed of tuost of his btufp U, on, or' frion,jo.1 -WilllO?k,fbO remembered f III -P . . , . gruitted to correspcilid with, rest of t oy.-shoul receive from the public, - I I dr, is 4011y W - . I I I . . � OLINTON . I the farm last and part of I is Oslo ran . d's It C ' � . � -1 ......................... - , * I � . Stating whether one or twoday 2 I .1 I I . . 9 0 on, Is vio I W ape . I . , _a . . . fall, Y16the did not feel no a her h e n our vi I . on ow,10-to.44 I � . We w6eild d ' ' revolving Atha city werp",deafrod. "We . . . 11 IN like pullon ' I it- ,Sx 0% 'Ile died b � Godirich ', -, furniture* . . Wight until ho'had flnalry, . Age. 3- froM which R6V,.-, 1 . a .vise a.. tm% : ' . �� .11 . 00 .lk?,: & � �. t. - '� RAW EnAhas re . ' ---------- -� disposed 0"fif Out I tat� thr&A ceivea �.- , - I usser Spoke A 11, 4-S. & ri .UA- 11- .1 t A " . In this tie haa been . . a losie Inn � Aim el: V rown A 1. . I ­ , era) k - I,- Pu , ape L,r r. Vicucowc) a I ... .� I , Successful, JOS, Sh leyj of I . I . - services. � Ria*wIfe.died about I ye � Noyft ,ger, living in EV roolu Q chair to be coveted sad a cut. re�lleo; All eipressin the wisk Whalen p, , are t1den, h*4 . O., bikling, the rem& m ago,- He leaves A: family 0i lof clgrd, t6x,16y Se " I .r . !rr Ing I . ,,, destroyed by t a explo. tain prrehasW to cover 'k that two- days he all6w5; If an I the 07 acres. H . , hbalmo _ . ,boo S# , 1 I gets Possession lbab O � a k I tell,, 81 andobildren, #,iad I-lgreAt hisroalla6ft�, "Idebe'lillint last week� We . I other patrons of tkis annual trip wouita . I W, The 1 NOT99.-Itr.. And, X". Fdl cro""Ator' like to have a vote on thb id . rics paid, bo erg .01, $of I James 11�W- " gr4ndchl &6n, ThO dii0ften. are 'all don' of a 1, 4y escaped with their tter, the Yery .104 1 Mr, aft 4nd daughter have returned from I married-or0ePt theyoungiast dinhtek, innia' '&Ut�- jumping frotai a Iley's rooba to have the centre boad N-EWVAA Will be pleared to-za,eceive, it, � a =114-12Y taken do*n, the S&imez-to bei . � . . I I � . I Cecilia, *110,tift,1141ned with -her atherfliVe-I,, Dr, Se!sj�*� hile bla.wife and use I ' �, � -1 �. 4-. ­­ -,. � , . - . . �. . . . .., . � at, # tho to PAtt, , th US va Visit to Scotl&tkd; 1hey so,ent about Z I TC .te , the attitii to �mwke a store- . . . . Qn- � r a I , , ininutei And is many two months there and had 4' very to the last.. The ohildireu, are n t upt4air wiadbw W �, burned in mak- 1`601A fdr' . 'Papers "dibooks, &l.t6 t* 111 . . hear,of his intonda-d' 0 I d at u a I .-Pleasant time, Shop, Nicholson hdid d b3tich for, roamfut. Killow", - bar. hA;ve the Wisills ptlperedi­,all tlx� I I � I . this section. woodiaboo last Friday 6 As, they altifi& (moveft � .. I I . labove Ev�ry hand can te- s I . . A. 0 1 , in the evening IV71thirl an holl0i drivoof,tihe-old-h ing theirese; nl� to God. 01 --- - - - , . --- --­�"— - .. Ioh all-hoWnit ristorof ,%Af0V6lJ$.W 0 I to a r t Supervision, of I . . . . I . Iven At whi . oblej S, L 6 I il­ I L-6111debboro, I . . . on oyalilwoatllaw%, Miss Minnie Dobio la I i - enter p ,oit, '% with M, 0. . e county clerk and t'her,ollicera 1ri qA 4* with a , ,a ,* I I I � NOTAS.-Mr. 111ing a few weeks' holidalo at hot* Luckliellir erich to _awb)1bjAipo noW Iffrin roOM4 . I I . I . a on I joyin a 1gavveett" of th60#ZU home hero., Bow 0AIneron" M'. g, P.., R10-. � V takes -ei�,cb ' 4 . I " . I � few liblidays, MI$AAmAje1 .Tavi rASTOR'-T'l'6 141bVW A., will enlargo t if"S, I l'ut, . , Also we'advise A, .water doget'to be , ,� .. � ,Jackson, lubu gleAre to tAk , of our Aulburn peo- 141&1L-0kX&0yP'6f the PreabIteria fielv� 0 �-- h ­ ,Put in the jury. rooril let' the use -of w-&--L"IftillitiIi'" � ra, spent Sunday . O parb, th a Chur6h -.. . . ft M � � oung. 0 TVon at A Social ,',n . e'r1rOP&M 60 Who is about t0jeave or,&ftofhdV flol . I . I - - Miss R&uholy. with I di effbeit Aprik lot. I I John Lee, sr.0 IS h td -night, I Of usefulness'i WAB laSt Week a- .I-----,- . -----.,. . . . judges, for time of ct,utts iAsteg6 of. I ; . I s arer �en. two very inter . . - iho dr� tattlr closet - ts ro . . X, One e . 04fidbol . . ,tow, I neuded . tertAilled for his recovery. I F*I "'o Rev,-,,Mdr,� - Sma 1 'has given with an Address and a pur,96 of told. by" lieteniber. - -* . " I still Vel't low and SM411 hope . I It I I I I Presented: I not . . . I 1­ L012110XI, Detroit, B MIS916ssie tWolsund a on,, d oaa - $ his aftectionato people,- Mrs, ackay . ,db 11 � � . I . Week at Robt, Sco.&OAt "tow dalslaa I 11 . XOTRS,-M,cG111,Eiibh-. fljoia 'ob a 14 iw I . . I I b a V or V. being also,ieolpient at the - Same tWe for the Winto . I GA I e1g, Al.th I As r is 6 : H ri, Sawffi "W61V At i - r. or'sk's'.P.,141 P -OAT - ur altife. Poe 0 of a beautiful c4bibetOf SlIvbkVirare. The azis)Wood?S4 01 " ­ . "t- f, . solft OntOrtAffig" number ofbisfrielids 't , o I t; a ar IfIrf6di M,r. jAve. , �, bulilt my report 04 the i Ono evening last W our I u 0 4 Vs. I r Is 1.6,340-11 Rev- 8- M, Whaleyk,B, A. of St. Helena more, is patientip vmitjjI6,qA*.. +iii.,g Aerefts Z a " .." . . pek, Wofl& Ir � do - %I & . I A a W Ibg� I .. .. $ 1 1 40 cu" Ile% An gaol at I . I .... 11 I engaged w th i5- Rerrington,101, the �� . . . I read aia address 0 Mrs. Mackay front I Ing -cider ,season,. WAII&W- Allan hag I slumber of tirlsbu," I . ­ I . Ah - . Jivat the, ­ . . comiiig summer. One of our young , . I e. WOMOnts V61761911i MisaloriAry blOOlYr6O;V'ered-filalAtlg#isftti)vio#k, tai- I Ottaelit : -4ith, I agraticy . �. l f9rilieril Inten4si retl 01� ­*....'. - soclet I Ak vaigrAticy ,� , . I n Ang from fa�vmibg , . I r1th At the Same time -presenting dent; whinh, bef6l. himi sony6tiblie ON, O) �,ibett Vallitte, hehitts,,j, � . lid It INA16, If YOU think about &lid entering hotel life, . I . . Afarria .- . her W t a cerifficat,B, Ofjifg member, I'WhIle In. the act of gettivg,41116,emaw V 'YoStAs. eraveil, Motittegi, * . - . I , UVUQUr'photo tiken. - WW - . I I ship in, the society, A eoullar inter. I out oftho shedi .. . ,106- - 11dAult V . "r,y. I I ­ . I I I I *NWA- COAIJPLAIXIP."W� 00 In to%!IX� of eAt 4ttIfthed Lto the OdoaB bri 'I ': . —.--... ..'' Yi Ulf .9"ddi 9461'.. ��. I � e aubplo,16 . I . 316111111alfier . - 00AINallit feonl 6120 Of ( 4' . R when Mr � ­Q-� - � - I Xoorvilid" tfikftil�.V . f " 1, � - us . HINTED - , out, vt, , ova,, t,o I Maekay,,,in thanking the con . . I � I . John chwd1wellf, , ­ Wrol, ­ I - ­ . . , . .-We are Ittfomed Ma Son g1tegatioo MeM loj - - i I . Vivid ;Pattoli-, V3 leriphir TA, 10dnIfy I - .- ---s'17-11111 — ae* fit 66in'thia townt5h refi`r"" to the reIh&ik&bl6 UndOsignea RXYAW.-4 . %. 4 . I I i , I . I . �. I . 1. 11 ph ='0t1',',U,",3,",os� t rows of tko Ito Of , At "Mtn I oh - n h fAM 4 .111 ­ he c. P. A, 016citiol,wil Vtot A"iild T. 4 Utility, I I � art Indorroot! I 1,1hollooldeogeo t -h- w IV" 01, V I . ft� . . . . ... I ... 11 11 � I I f , tire bt, *136") punlIsilect, r thp�r have been 1"�u us Z,14%'; Voted on In 3fdRillot, VAtr A, taek 110W. edilborlie, 11.1. 11132tkpo , ! G fora, If so 'b " , 4 e & And Would ask our ool*,Bg� I . :� 'ef"N io* that, Yout houcTo'blif � 2L ,J GRIG. I . ... .. Ar 11 brot, of bli pondents ­ ­VA&A15 .Lur a I P ,V Allip a 6 0 1 1 f%*Vahko suro,of the authoh. - Is 0. '. Vial &0A, At thii inb6tkit tAl � . I ' " ­-�06'" ­� no '-�' 6 - -- -� ftl I" dA -11 vu`l� - �f --��"!�'� at'n _ .6*Oxkb *hot' Ybur h"Ith the offolt, tha A = - P, 7 .. ` 411,11 16 , 6 to �t b ow h ra 0 th Irth I � a an tp thd Utli'a. y �u h a �11 4 116 'Ywoul %'6yn611t37"3"2a6�P# h4roo � no 0 .40 * I � . . . � .- 'I %2't`6)1*h6! 14 ) . � k . I V see Aln_hlo fittlet-hio jub�. "�' 6tO Is it utfew -tystan AVIRat 4fewder sold Optlebuill \ 6. t1olty of'41 It'611as before denditig ttletri. Oe. , q"n igh � ,jest ni�o nQrl . I . I I 11 6 hl�ke# % Vt,ol to tile, w1itor Pl*d bwww ., � , . I I 7 V, � - .. � I . ­ �Ir .1 . I . I . I � ..I 1. . � 11,� -1 I ­1,11� I .., I .�. .. I I.. . 0 1 I I'' . I � .1 I I � . . ,:.14 i . I I . -1 I 1. : . . - . . I . 10, li, I . . I ­ I . I I I � 1. I'll, I , k . I . I � -.1. I . .kW �., i. � ,,1 11 i. I . . 0 1. I . . 'I, I . � . , I � ill . q,. '. I I . . . . .4 .1 .1 �. 1�'.Ikk %­ 0 �'. . . .. " 1, 11 . N. � 4. , 1. - . . . ..­ I ­ I f, .. . . I 1 4.1.,- �, . L- , , I. 11 . 111. � 1� V - . I . I � ­­.,­­­.--­.­ ...... . -]�'��..�'�,,L",,�"-���,'�,.,�.--��,-,�,.�,�"".,��..,-.. . . . . � . . . 1, . A . I � I � ­', ---�,,�-,��",.''-�--�,.,��-",."...-",�,--","",�",.�".,-.,.'',''-�y��,".--..���,.�. . I I . .. � I .,I ----------L--- ­ . imWo wam", ­­ �'. -.­­­..­.­.. . ­. ��, I " . .