HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-02-12, Page 4% 4P . 4 �, # MOW �, . ;.I� -Mr '7 ... . I VIWTIT" I TA -_X OLINTON 13M RU � *.F I � � -11 .1 � . , ­­� ..1. rZURVART 12' MA 0 1 1 1 - --7----.- -'_'—_-­_'_` - �'- '' .­­.... ".. - I � - � . . I .. I -_-11-._-_ � I -_ _1_1____-1 I''.. 1. I- 11. 1. I— I I I � 11 1. 11 I .. 1. 1, I—. ­ � � ­­­ I __ , " " - . I I - lllvlelffi� 101� I - r% .d 0 � 11 F 0 " I 1. -4. 114OW, 1410"o go ass, alandard Music, I FRIDAV, SATURDAY.A.N..1-1 MONDAY 10 19*06va tworm He h.-Ok . I .. . . � I �. - .... I.. I I . . a b#A moyod into Wattl � I . I . I . Tboo 11011 � . _ I I I I � YRIDAT, rXIBUVARY 12tb. loft' WOrld's ]FRIT9 SL Louis UM r1ol how" on Prince" street, I At the popyslar pr ' ' . , GIR101FORNIA All of A. 0 . Ice.of toe eseb o ouch'o real est -Ate is , . 04sr goo, . . win be,% I I � .1 . I . I I . . 0 for sale 0, - g to big contlau . I Hir Wilfrid Laurier on MOX1454DP 14,40MIDR 1ffU11-11014$- � ;_1 I cut by m4il on re'ceipt of PrIcl. . . � . - I 'IT ' - " 13A'RGA1N,'- S " One way and r TouWati, Th ad AT Tozer will receive on � I ! .A. . ound trip Mrs. Willis, I . . . , I Public. Issues. ets an on sale dAily, u3r Wo o . 18th., And not qgaln .. .. . , . . Is Be" , .. � ffic . I '. I . . . 14 T44 I I OrThe fo 'S . 4 � � I . . . — , thi on* 1. . Hewing Hist COMPriSes about one-half of piem$ � . . . . Sir wilbid Laurier was one of the Clot" of'routo 4 Mp-ove 011104 . � . , I'Ar 1� � I . . ......11.1. ­­­ I I I �­ i , "' "' L ­ _-T , .. .. '­­ � � 0 'up: sunr virlya TtxeK1;6ywill be Shrove Tuesdoy, or In stock balahoo, will be advertised next week— . I . 1.� ''. . � 1. 1. A _ .. � , , . . speakers at Montreal, On, Patu)0407, in Orand Trunk trains vaake direetoon .Pancake day,followq4 byAsh Wednes- , I L � . L . . C I L I . . . . . '4 . . . PRESERVE -THIS 'Opy, L , . 11 . tion with noction at Chicago with Ali rauvrors. sy * the saeeting held in conneo, . ,,, thevommencement of the peo4on . , , . L J I . I . . � I Our Very best &00 Silk 00114rd At ............... 111*1.. - 350 the by,election IPL St. James diylsim in for tke famous winter resorts, es, led, Lent ., . I . - . . . . . ' , I . . . . I Ift Sterliti 130 1 ' �'. � %, of tow and Uri! Domp. . — 11 .. LL .. .. � � — ! . - Our very be4 750 .hna'850 $0k Collars, at ,-�­ 590 that city, It was his first publiv utte)�* I ACT,. Of .0 , 7,7,,,. Standard Instrumental music. . I o erlob % township, were in tt �. . I Par,obase. your tickets *0 ' , L 4 . . I . I / I L ' 1 4nee min djourament of the ,r*w4 04" Kfucardluo last week attanding.the , . . I . � L .� � I , , , ce the ' o_ , and move delay At olotloicw � fuuoral. of their brother Robert -Ster- . . .� -61 'L - a L ougarian I Danc . eNo5 I I , I . � .L� Ladits' 7b�'and 85o, Silk B010i At. ". ...%'...... 11.111, 5-00 I House, and bisTIeweareof importance . , ling� . . . I Largo � 52 W.yos6tis Wal*Xgg . . L . � no �ards`of our very best 30,6 'Q'ili we'ek , because they practically declarehis F. It. Hodgeo,L ToWn Agent' . H. B. Chant has decided to improve 3 Le k5ecret 68 . Thine 0 1 1 . ! 8 .rho Swallow'A $our wn - i . . . policy. Referring. to tlioisgit4ionof the ap Buds of his house by We ad- . , , 94 sultan's Band March ! I i . I I I . . I I 1 4 Charge of the UhIsne .. 11 ' I , 1. p I'll Talse In E Flat ! ..L. ' Ribbou at ................. ..... ... 11 .................. .....0.0. .20c dition Olt a commodious verandah, and 56 . I . the Opposition for a higher tariff as a Japan and Russia at 5 The Palms . $6 SOUV . . Waf has awarded the zontraot to S. S. 6 The Storm . . enlr@L of the First ]S& . 11 Polk& . L . I . ;, �, 10.0 y%rda- Siak and 8,alia Ribboae,,' regular - ' . �mo' eater pros - I i '.07 13 1 ans of producin.ggr . . , perity, I be Cooper, I � I - 7 The Citiz I ,oF I . . on Golop. , . . � 5 =vt tb , irst Ball Waltz . � L .1 1: . ".. Hostilities have commenced tween We learn that John $cruton gets the . . 8 8 . of the Firm* Ball-rolks . ­ he said -. I � . ! . 10c, for ............ � ........... . .................. o.i ...... ..... . 30 44W* all know the method the they these two nations, with the first A 8 Valee Caprice � . I . . (Wavoirka d- contract of supp ing the House of Re- dreWs, Caralval . , , I , . . � .t I , I . fuge wish meatsill 9 The Ofill 50 Oriental March - I I propos6 as the unique means to &$sure Tantages in favor of Japan. Japanese . or the Liurrent. year. 10 Pas DeaAmphorss . . Cbildren's 25c W-o,%I. G.oves, ia 'assorted . I . . . ]$road and grocery contracts have not ]LI (3baconne. I I 69. Souvenir of First. Ball-GAIDP, . L . . Of L ' � . 61 Mamale-Walis end Flower song I p - our couutrk-, TheY torpedg boats took the, Russian squad- been awarded a L t 12 Adequino . . L'' colorp, on sale Frida.y at'....'.....'...."..6 ... ... ..... . % 15C the prosperity I , I a ye , . � . 62 Mikado Walts Nanon Waltz I I , . . . I to of the ron byieurpriso at Port Arthur harbor, n ti a q 1. . .. I I I . , want us to be z the vile copyis I . . . . .Thos, Rance entertained about 26 of 18 Car a 0 68 L'Argentino M)Rznrkn . I . .. ,; . he United $tat ' o his young friends one evening'the 14 The Butterflies Bell, � . I . Ladiee 30c and 35c Uack Cagbinere, Gloves flical policy ot t ea. I and succoeded inputting eleven f. L 64 Lee Sylphez,Valse . . .1. . . . . . ' I . R sties war ships out of action. It, past, We Mrs B. J. Gibblugs also 15 11de-a-Hroo. Polk% 1 65 Eveegreen. Waltz, I . .1 : at ......................................... � ... 41--'... � ... a ....... � 250 am an adkirer, of Americans. I 11111`6 ul 4, 19 Bella Wolss 1. I . ,., . I . I I I it, regarded as it smart manoeuvre on a a couple of evenings in honor of I 66 Boulanger's March I .1 L . . I ­ . ­ . . . , studied .their history, It is a great the part of Japan, and relatlyely - die - taery einter, the past -vieek., . , 17 Angelus Belle, 67 Dor6th I . I I .1, "I I i . � . . I I I I . . , . L a. . - . . 18, A Child's Oresting Y. . . . . . . " . , t . - I .. . I - nation, whose institutions, energy, ac- astrous to Russi . . -the McKillop' Fi - . � 68 Tamntelle I . . � . - I ,.,. . Ladies' and Children's Winter Coats to -go at I ... . ,. � . ­ . I . .� Any member of I ire .19 Soyful Days March - . ,. .. I 1. . . . . . . 1. . I admire. . I Insurance 09. wishing a copy of the do 1�veniugpl?0144 . . I I .! 1� � . - tivity and imniense.pr9gross - It is stated that the office qf Usher Financial Report me . secure on I o'b 26 Playful Mttond . . 70 Fly Away Galop � , � I . I y 1, ut I R , , I 11 .­ . 13' there is another which I a . . . "I I . , ce: ` .-: . at -the wnw El A, or at Tozer 1 22. Bright Spring Ditty � . . . .1 � 1, . exactly half PH I I . . . . admir of tbo Black Rod will . be abolished calling , 21 'Oredle Sopi of theBrow,nloo. Y1 llefter)loaq � . 1* I . . I - more -Canada. . � I I Brown's Dry Goods store. , I � . 72 Jessamine . . ­ � . I . 20 Little Bo-Poep Wazork's % Paloms ; I 1 85 00 Coats at.,.. I ... $250 -, - . ' . . � I the dutiesto be associated with those . . . .73 'L 6 . . . . ,.. . 6 - '� . .'' .1 Our country, is superior to that of . ­ iit-at-arms.- Tho -govern- Some idea may be ga,thered of th, 24 L16tl6Bfowoiei Gslop . 7 The Lily of.th .Valley - ... � I . ". . $9, , . L Yhbors, Our climate in more of them Sorge business done -by the Jacks , Halt . . A I . I$ 5" 32.5 . . our iieiL . � on u- 26. The Swan Sobolisloolie . , : . 1 75 Loin do In PRte . . ­ �. 1 6 0 , ,; ...... I sever . VR it is one of those - climates ment will be wise if it pursues this facturing Coj, when we state them go Oanzonotta . � ,is a . . . . L I I . .. I . u i � . 76 .r&nnh%n8ej'Xarch ,- I . �­ . I I tha produce strong men, Our nation, . � d ring the last two months they have 27 Patin Branches . . I . . *� 800 " L. I...... 400 , , . . . . course. . . I � aid, a0out $1200,00 in duties. . L L . .1 . � ... . � . .. - : 1. I p - .77 SohulnWo Serenade . . . , . I I ��I_ al resources are immense. Our insti . "a- . . � . 28 Geranium Sabottlooho 78 ' Ger'enak& 1 .L . . I . I ­ . . .,. ___.. . __ ___.*______.___ 1. .. . � ut�ons are freer, and our,fiscal PolicY. ­ . . .. The . '19 , Hon0ouckle Polk& - "' . - J, —pizzlom . . . -7- ;1 -__­­­ )ount ,_ 770 1­—­-­­­-7-­ � . . I is lbetter. Americgrits in , 1;17 t ser-rative- -1- - -d windup their' - -____� ,7-i� . - . . .1 I - I ..., ­ .. . . v , -eypi-ythin j0en so --a aunch-a--Con Till conven,anai-L -8-"-a- "01 Moroi- -.­ Volish Dance I . I . I L . � . I - I _T1 Tuesds,yv at Go r ch an L I., so . . �;:, .. . . . . Ard inclined to exaggeration -, thatlis paper as ,the S tratfora 'Herald is not over 0 81 tilso.Galop '. .1 ., 1. I. I � . . . . . . * business, that Was foiced wing. I $I. Waves of the Ocean March .. . L , �il . . . on what satisfied to receive Mr. Tart* back to members hot -being able to get to I ­ 82 wedding me.rol-Mendelophon. , . . _. " - . et . . one of their faults. Nowl 32 . Talfp Maxorks ,. , . . L � ; I � . I .. � .. . . . .1 ground cair our. opponents state that ' - , . . 3 1, Daisy March - . . . 1. I 1. . .. .. . I . , I . i t6 the par with the same open- the county seat, in time to finish - -their 0 . 83 PaP%'0.W16)tz-CrY8t&lP*Uca Grand ­ I . . . n ­ ty , .. . :1 . I . I L American .duties aro'b6tter ? If they . Jauliary, session. � I I . . . B4 Pink Sohottisohe V 1. ­ ­ .. . �. .. . .have -studied, thd statistics they undei heartednevs,tbat some others .on -that L . . . L ' . March �' P �,:, � Just a few Fu'r*'s - , left, � % - all ; of It . I . Among the results .of the * 35 Violet Polk% .* 84 Flears-Doran&r - , . I I . .1 I I 1, . � I I .. . . stand them badly, or they, try 0 " side Mv6displayed. lb declarek that_ � I - - Ontario 86 )Xnea Waltz ` L L ' . - Old - ' . I I . . I ... '.. I I I . I Agricultural College, Chr6tvass Ex . 85 Oaken Backet-Ait and Varlifiond' L I 111. . .�, . . . . � � I them b6 wrong -interpretation.. I OCR . 4 I ­ . am-- .87 Coontown Vacation .' L. I L � - . . I L e only the figures of 1903. Last 0rhe tendency. of. some Converva.' inationg we notice that F. Middleton, 3$ Reminiscences , 11 . 1 436, Thq Mosin Box apprioe I . , .L , Olinton,'ls credited' wid I I . . 87 melody in F , . . . I . . , , I . ,: asaing, Is ' 89 Hungarian Douge bt 0 6 L. ". � � I ... a, 11 yearthe �d States tives of Quebec to exalt Mi Tarte into I p I 11, . whigh .. we , re sel ,ng . at giv - ixports of th'a Unit( . Et . � ­ . . . - .. ; . . , I - -leadership - ,we are convinced is a mis. . first and J -R. Diekso'n,'Sesforth,. L " isn Dance No 7 8 Sbepbard Boy's'Eoho Song . . ;I',- . I . 1. . . I I _i?�ero$1,355,480jffil, andthee) ortsbf . . .. . . 40 Hangar . - I 1! �11 . L . I . . . I .. I E . .. L I . Canada . $211,1 ' Terence, take. � Let Mr. Tarts be a third party his x= .Year. I � - . . * . 89 Old Black.Toe-Varistions .- . ''"'. I. . � . .. . ' L, . 310,280. The, di , . L , L .. I I � . . � 41 Hungarian Ditics No 9 I .. .90' Nearer My'G6d to. Thei! . . ,',.� : . , of course, is great, but *e must, 'and I -et his - help. be utilized OnlY go far . 'The approach- of St. Valentine% Day- hkarche Funebre-Chophilg Fuqeral .. Var'"'onaL 1! I . . , . �. . L eLof the - i . . I . . I '01 . . . � . . er'§ price. .. .. �obaerye- . yindiples and tho.4 Con . brings.to our view h 42' . ': -,(M%rob. _M.96, to the Mocking Bird-Vari ' . - .L` less than mak . . 4can �opulatlon lzincire I As his( p I , L - t e 'Sublime and . . . . . 11aim O'Shmotor : - .. . � . I I . I . . I . . that the Ame) , . . ­ � Miji)UM, L I . , I . � L U, I . I .. .. . -4 than seventy-iix millions,' while ours servative party; accord.' ; tbat'L -is far ridlculoiA pictures of hiLman �' Li 0 I , . . � . , t$ . nature 48 Evei : L , . I 11 . . . . � .. . .. I ... �L " enough fo "i S�Sr itortivin" . . L ­ I 93,L My ola.x6�tacky,H,oip,a�.G,00a.,nigh'&: -L �L 0 . . L . - -is � only $,S�1,31�. �These expoi;ts.of . . r,any.alliance,tO 90- - . - -on. paper and'used dsmissle I % I I- '. I .. . I I . .1 . . . ..portrayed a - 4t EviningThoughts. . �. . Z. I .1 .. I ,� . .... � t� .. I., L . I I . .. .. 11 ­ . I '� 'more than a . . I I I . . L . . . Th6lBal!-Wilt ' , .1 .. ,� � . . � , . ent twenty. � - ---- , of our �iteeiu, or hatred of ihose- WaL, '45 . , . ­ 94 . . . bil116 rebres . SbnatC�ne go I I ne: i�u . 4. m U I A . I I ., . � . I - 4. � . . I .. . I I I , � .; � . I . � . . . . ; ' .dollarsper a . urs repre" apita, 'While O' : i , - - Too Much, Reat. . . . _ , � I ith ' , -come in cont&ct..wi .. . ... I . . . T 9 MA e 0 y - 1. - . I . .� . . I . . . 4a Moraing Prayer . � '' - .- , - - March of. A o -Dwarft . . . . I , I :. . I.. . . -s6nfs forty, dbllarv*,' Oi 4uit6 double,. Now the total a . in 'the. . .mount of t=6 - . _ . . 216 *the. X& ---:- —_ . �- . star.. pj. t1le Kew Era : � . . , ' The attendance. at - the Gollegiato siU.P6 the.'sovei6 - wsafhir:-sot* in has , . . ,96 . v .., .. . 47 Mountain Echoes . . . I 9T. Nnoturnef Op.64 No. 4 .' -'� . I . . . . I � 48 RmrsRtella'-, � . t , R - 14, _­ :, ­__ � .- .. - . � . �. 1. I . .. I I ' '­: 1- - . . eyerie,:, , - - - ! ­... I; p I -* , .. United. States, -exports and iinp6rtS, was- $2,2.58,800;0W,. -,�61(h m4aristhirty . it .11 I . � -i'l was pleased to observe . $M.-UtOl -to the effect that in k4e papers 7 a' note I , - I . boon Bbm6vbat 'smaller - than i usual. V dii1istopupileifroin neighborin -PlAces, ... , . ,,,98--Sie6ts .. � .... . , ., � 149 La.Gazella � � e. ,. .� . . J 99 Le Voyage Mnoical­mWilt � I . I., I . . .��­ . " 50 , Haligarion Daliob.Nol . . . . I . , Oki ZI.. * , . : . , I :4' ! . . . .. . L 100 Le Voyage 4noic —Folka. - .. �; , : . 0 dollwis per en 1 a. ur . - ,, own was on y, , I . tut 'it signifies $79per ' , caplia." With,* these 'Oportions -in the Dominion QQv9rnme:nt was nego .4 tfattitig' the -'purchase, of- Greenland.. Thi,isjood, . 11 who t,ome in by .trala each ' &Jr, 'pot '- � og b here.' '' ' , . beiiij�a-'61 6 - a' � : . . . 1. . . � ' ,1'� , . . . . . . I I L . . � .. .11 . .1 � � , k, , I 711. 1 . . � ­ , . . . I �, I . . . P . I .. . . ... I 1. . . I I � -­ . . � . . . , . . . - � 1. . . .. . . :'.� W. Co..,. 01illiton . . . . . KTt .mind, are,.w6 notrig t.Andeclaring . that our tkade "is more - .considerable for*vveahallthehhavea inild c1fifiate, t4 Which, we ma � . . yremove. our ColleLriate Institute buildinm IV . Lack ofbusinos�, and so .soon iLfter' ' . . I their Tanuary meetingf the . pu ic � b1i . . I .. ...'. - , I - � . . a. .000PERA I * . ... . . . I I . : I I � I I . 1. . I . I _­- I . � . I . L . :� — " � . . � . . I .. . . :,.. .1 I than that of 1 tates ? In. ' . . school bonxd;5k1 not assemble on . IS Of JEgSt. ffnr6h train this I sufficie 't ' .. L . � 1, . , . . . I � I . . I I . ' the United 8. ... . lisbadly:sItuated now, fortheifitense Thursday-e.venin I Feb. 4tb., the date , The..S �hoo, . � I .1 0 ly, The, - s e cla " . I . . . ... . . ; , . . . I I . ! .. , L.'..........", , , , u eat�w . . . . � � . . . . keepipg this pr000r�tion 6f'$79..pe;v cap- heat over Tommyhar.ry Lake causes a se't for i faIr mepting night, the . . � . , province of the toacher'.ii - to T, r � , - . � � ,�. . . . :1.. , . _ . � . on .was as,gr6ata§1 : . � � I � � . . I .� . . . ita, ifoar po�tllati trenIend6us curren't of. hot air. tc; piags ., - I �. I . . . the intellects and'the Vill. All teao1%-:- . . 11 . . I � .-,a Your money back ' . .. . . . . I our ne%i�hbora', ,*ho*.,muoh.'w0nld--we I first Thursday of the -month. , .. . _� The'following is: the rdpart � of. In- .. I . . '.. ­ ... I through. Colic e_R i . . �, ers� male and female re "as a rul .. I �� . ­ , up, . xvi, e, and this -1 . I of .. I . I I . .. . I _ . � �. . - .1 I I � be, ahead of .-th6nl P. � In sPite,of, thati stfiking on' 8, ; Moun tain �Whitls The question of-, thi logiillfy­ 'of the Spector Robb, respecting'llie public ,sa;tls&dtory� 'trainers' oaf the Intellec , ­ . - .. . I if you- Wallit iL. , 1' . . I., . I , .- . ty, - . I . .tt , . , . I . . . d ­ �.. - � - Fith' I. . on by the county to For- I I , . I ell*, . . . I I �� , . our opponents boast thoL aava,nt � f $506 kAnt giv . schools of -1Hqst-' Huron, which WAM but, I do not believe. that a rpaj I � .4 . .;. . . I . 'i't'ge6 0 round W - extrabrill-dary violence. I , . . ori . - I - ` .'.- .1 I �, . I I . I ,: . . . . nsl the building, �popefr�tes around , estef th . � I -or even,& large minority ZY, I . . I - � . � � . . . . I . the American fladal :Systein, .'%v ut -aii .9 hill� came tip last week,; -at ttie laid before.. . e '.county. 0ouncil li�t- ' . . .... . . � . I . . . . . , taking into, conside.iation the eviden ag -6, and o e luncil and Was psL§sed upon week: . I . I � I . ­ I . I ,,!of t . . 1. - :� I � . . � . : I . 4.. , , . ,windows and �dooi.. v rwh6l.rns Con ty,Oc . - .. � oteachen are able to train tho'bo7s the, : I , .� � " . � . I . . , I . . . o , . fact that our Syston-i. has produced.far pupils and tea welt6ring A6b ng within their pbw6r but he6ded A new single toothed brick school habits of self� coh-troli: rebistu I . . . . .... - . . . . . chers with its's ' . , k3ce of , 11 .. Superior results. . .. .. . . r, submitted to legalize i � house ,was, erbotea in School Section.. tomptg,tion, obedience to constituted ��.- - ' I I '. ­ . . - heat, so that there is it 'choice betwedii .;a P a"' " ' ' * .. i.c., .1. . . .. . I. Ishall,give -you more examples. The* - . . No. 11 HbW.ick; duHug . 1003, '111 is Of, authority, and the ethical virtiles:that - - ' - ' 11 . � ... - � � ', on coalg . � . -atiffecl �tal;6§' dismissing . the_ classes' with lnstxubm * - - , I th, 'ssrs. '­� onliolly, Durziin,_ ­redbi1ck-,and-,in-'plan, -equipinent'ahil_ . . di.itV wing to jh� . We O' " __ � I- ,_--; , �___. . tions to'seek cool 'breezes, and allow4i Oantel6n, Miller,.and.McNaughti)n on ap I peatance is a credit, to tlie loc� ' eO�'to-mak6_.*1ip--a'g6.od_' and. -useful' ­... - I ' Ill 11�11N�9115[1 . F . m " . I ­.. - is.16,cents-a'r ton ; here it is only .03. ing pupils to Nvdrk, With :Overshoes, the Hous6 Of. -Refuge. Building Co ' ' . ­ . � . I � .1. .1 . . fkljty.---�iti-zeii,±,LT,h4��wAD.Years-*A,I,&as"f— - . - . I �p I cents, Is thege an I ur- It'coElt about 1$1,600. 411 the school I I I ... 11�l�:�l����!l��!!'',���������l���'�������l���I . . � y. 6fi6 among yon wraps. and overcoats on, - to prevent mittee *e should see this much -need- . .'ublic sch�bledu&ation should .�, I ,;I ,, 1,1 omm I... . ., a,boy's p .. I I . 11 MON . '. wh6 would - prefer payifig-70 cents in- I houses ':erect6d in -thi§ Inspeotbrate be spent under a' &ed male - teidher, � � . . . I . I . Via 1 !1, 55 , syncope'from .the 'bi-press! I ontO, the County's - House of duringffie��agt­thirteen years'have.. ,ivho is -also a g000 disciplihar&an.' - ". ... ; .. � n����11 __ stead . of: 53 ?� .When - anyone under- I I Og oftbo' ed Add ti 'ir., . - _ � _ � . .114�_, CLINTON �. . o�lerh-�ited'.atmospher6i I have'heard Refuge glono ahead with this -W I I � . 1 I . I . . . takes to mal�e. it tariff he iiiiist, bia-fiist� I that when. the hot blast strik' - ' be'en� of -brick, and consequently will.. There.Nvere 15 changes of teachers . . . , w . . . I . . ei the ,III the. pregid6nt's address of thp 01' in- last for a long thfie.. A' few.sch I , .. . I � . 1. . ,, . � I . I I � . . ffulded by logic and-gbodsensie. C seb6nd-room. the-morcUry suddenly- n:*Gun Club, a's a" d ' -last . � 001, d I 1� . , . . . I , 16 * . ppeare in uring the ear 9ju*30 changTg At�.the­_, - : . - I I . . . I .1, I ivhibb. is so ind" miabib to our inaus� Tisesfrom. 82 to'501'degr6e I )eon finproved "; an - i all.' is eaus , . . .. . I ispe aying wl I ' � . . ____ week's paper� Mr� 11ovey?i .name was ' 'I i ,:etc' The school OuSPS' that ihore'than. s' . . of t e so ools . ". . . � . I " �_ .--- --� . . __ . - ubject to'a; * . . s. .Should I I . Me . oo _ ,I � .1 trial' establighments, is b the 0. 1. 'Board not have tho*iestcif- made 16 appear as having been elected - ' � . I ' e *', XA^**$*+*********�0� _! X+00+000+0*09. diAv of �*20� per cent in thw'Vnited' ' I . - in is Ins'ectorate are now nea;rly all. changed. toac' urin t e yeaf.. I .. _. . , . �, , 'free. 'Doyou. give kelief Om- this state of. affairs P G.. P. A. - It should ha*6, roid* J, E. ' . era , a . t . - I . the'winter :w1ndows vemoved,,,so as to Ist vice 3resident of the D. 0. T. S. & - I . Ii.. " . . 4�- . fr ' ' ; ai ; ale adhers... , . . -2+, 1 . . � . Staies. Here it- enters in. o con ition. Th&rehr64'9,brick; The av ' ­ . .. I � '' ' : , ncil. No-t.es 4- , . I Yours, . H Oi T. -Cantelon, ! ., .., q rural secti a an Ill- . ., , . . � ; AMOID(r tile Churches 6 . -§+ oerso � think. 'it would be reason able to a - ftt' . . . I 1. . , . "I . I . 3 stone*. an 37 frame scho6l houses' in, I. in . . . on an . �., , . . I . . . . . . .9, $388. , � ' 11� * 4W % a ... . . 46 in 1OAnada this American tariff . , the Inspectorate. ' . . . -ease'of , I I vb last year. The - - . ,I. . . , , � . I 'A . ' ' __ __ - I .. . - Huron'sr6corAf6tcontakfous diseases. � . I cr - . .. I ��,,%.� . -§+ � . . 1. � . '-K- Afticleof so great a necessity? On , . The Live Stock Triide ' -during December was much th-d. same , -Most ofAhe school .yardg- are in a a�eia,6,ialax ai in these schooj�� to- . wo**+S>�� :+ A Brief Notice of. tbe.:'Corhings .4C- . � , .� '_1 , �� - wool in the 'United 'States thei6 is a 1. I I I ­- satisfict6iy s6itei -being level, -well ' teac ers..w-as $292.817', an in- - . : , q. . -2+ 41- , auty of. n cents. a pound; in Canada -The Toronto, World , says': -The as past months, with thd ekeeption- *Of ,� I dr,lupd, surro . unded by trees and. en- female' tea , _. ,,. Rev A. VrjCay, pastor of Lucknow . a4d. Going"f th� People. I � ,. . . . . deatliS 6om fubei6ulosis­� 4 being re- , croasd of about+$12.i III urban schools 1. - v . _. . 4§- y. On mining macbin. of+snow throughonfOntaria , ' I . I P. . . , . Presbytirian church, has resigned. 4f . . there is no dut - heavy fall , corded . There were two cases of diph- closed by neat fences. - The only =4 th6 average male salary tras. $741 in, _� I I . 1, . . U ie .has, blocked the freight traffice,and the .therlit and one -,death, and a :cme of fenced lot . is the ischool yard of - the 1903 and �M.84-in 1.002. 'The'-&Terage . . . eiy theduty is 45. per c�nt'; hero the . - . - I � . . �. I � BAPTIST Cnuitcu.-A very interest- . is nono. lf.you.haV6� a'tariff toolilgh srnmllernu.rhberof:cattl6 arriving on scs,rietina. - I I I '. � I . . 1. . I � Walton school. � � A Wire fence is the female 'salary in I these schoolg, -w . . . I , * � &s. - - �.,.. ing Meeting was held in this church , 'Miss,Mason k6turned to Lonaon 61) � on will produce, as -in the United 'the Toronto markets during �he past , � .. . . ,best kind,fOr a sch6oflot," itdoes not. i $820.80 as com'�afed -with .L$31' � :�� Wednesda. . I . . ',V�e undei4stand t,hat John Wiseman 0 52 in * ' , - . ,%Y,- .. - L .. - '' .1- . . . � . I " on the evening of the 3rd inst., led by . . . . ­ I I Rates, c6mbities and trusts. � week4 ha�;e 'come upon a hidtfiig mar- hasren . ted the house at.`pr�esent catch. the show and rendeetlie school d" ' ' ' .. . F. Miss Robb, and participated in by '. Mr. and Mrs.J. Ransford, ivho have' I I.A:txi iidv an. apostle Off e, tradeor ket. The f6eder§ of - Ontario . occu- .y. - 1902. '- Therdhas been a:sligh6 a vance - .,. . re who are . 4rd u,eless,as a play rouha for win- in salaries but they arb far too low to- . I . . . ;� � svveral of the members ...... Rev, Mr.' bot n in Toronto. for the,pa;st forthight, of'protection, but boast myself of being ,13re aqing. export biittlewill do well to pied by W.' Coats,and'will move there- ter, and wet wly for�atimO � In induce good,meri to remain in thepro- % � - � I Dunlop was unable to take the base. retuisned libum on .'.Tuesday`4 . I . a-practiodfifian. Weknow that fisca.1 no, bouic s . There ,are wire Nines around , . .7. �,' . holg- back their cattle for q, while'for to assoon,ai he vacates it. The PI . I � , vr ocoppied 'Ino. - . fesioii, -behee iii the. rural and. smaller � - - ..:,� I . line appointment,on Sunday, owing to , , �* etual or eter- the immature Western cattle will'be by Mr; Wiseman. will be, ' certain.. chool lots that are as good to- � . graded, schools iheje is a continual' ­ . . Mr. Roberts, one 6f the 0. P. - R. sur- legNIatign cannot be perF so we are informed, occupied by W.H. 9 . . .1, I . . I -out Shortly; then blut .not fill, day aw. they were- t6n iyears', ago.' . A 'change of- teachers wbl�h. in many , . the bad ioads.......,.0n Sunday evening voydrs, was. -in town oi niil, but mu6t. be remodeled according. cleaned . I .1. . x.: Wedfiesda ; Cook, and alsd by'Mrs Peter Cook; I I next Rev. Dr. Stewart and Mr. Dunlop. Z, to ibe difterent situations of -the cQub-- then� Willexporters be able to pay . few Were badl t and lasted but � 6 ' . "".. ' ' . . . . . y � . and while hero vi4s the gu6st .of �. �� a �' The kentlemen ofOlinionarb . I)U..0 a i . . putting ,so ei,p,oth�se schools of a itatid' �� . . . I . I for a sho 'g am . � : . . . ... � . t .111 . . 1, , T , this r,eventqd year Clintoh,-,:W*in h - - ;' ' ' . . . . . , . I . . I . . �, . , - L their second dance 6f the ' us- of pe and Brussnls �-eioh p�y its p s 11.S k - will exchange pitilpits. - ' I .. I -try affected. .4 day will 'comie.whon proper price for well-hnished 06hadiam 1;0 . . '. . Ransford.. *. - . . I . . � . erhaps.- be ob- .cattle. . I .1 wint&� iii, the uftiVerlial e ,wire nces for. . �',.' . .the Governmen wi, .,,, I ,� . . flietoiwnliall, next. Monday eveni . wincipal , . . I . .. NV ILLis CiiuRcn. - The Mission Band Miss, Ba*d6u, who. has, been a nui'Se- liged to make some c9anges in. the. - � -* The price, of bogs has fallen 'recently lag, achool,lots. �Some Boards ot Trustees $900... A b" i _­ �,,, - . SJU LlCopinionnowio th,isit' I - . '. of this church purposeholding a- SG6fdh in training at.the Guelph. Sanitarium, present tariff, but, then I think We will in Ontmioi the competition ,at various F ob.' 15th. * - The LondonHarpers have haVe. very, thoughtlesslystrung a bar&. doja8; . .41, I for 6ver ayear now, is spending a few eon enig.ag'ed for -the occasion ; ..ow-' ' I od -aliir YeG. in - .. _ social on the evening rl Tuesday, Feb. ' * � b ' .. I . 1. � . I !.� I - accomplish. our task, as we aid ih 189-7, points hot beirig so keenacross theline, e sea . ad wire -,'they were: rendering. - the see- i� thework of a minister - . ''. ,.. :. I 23rd, further particulp.rs of which will 'day�at.her. h6me. . , . -.. xcity 6f these hops given t. I whit respbei, e I I for the. general virolfars, of �411'�lasses, At Buffalo the priceis advaticing.'The I ion'lialble for heavy.. damaces; � .. I . - . I . . " -W -this. *ill likely be largely - � � .. I i - ' ' Wig inte)? of the gospel so superior to the' work - . .., . . * - 7, be Ixen later .... Sacramental Bervices' - Mrs, ., J - ohn.if)oads, Seaforth ' I am proud. because 'l. mySiif came i pac ers at Chicago are still. fight4. The provkllng of a plentiful I , ,.. ' 1, .f be held next Sunday; prbparatory t , ,. and qiR- . P . t �onized.' �- - ;' I .. . BaPPY dohe by these men that he. should rd- - . . � i �'. d by - - - e a few 6opies of last ,week's is id . . I , er, Miss.'94rison, Detroit, -were in from tlie rank4 of thi peoplei &lid I in . t e dfov a to k;ep down the price Pa I - c=,drinking waterldr school* use ge . . * ' i . We hav dy Is2W to $1,400 per annum I , services on Friday, ta be �onducte ' 6S Autiew �3 S ep and.4amb_;trade Still 'ffiiiult task,to'be amo'm_ aai �,:fromj�e 0 1 � ' �, ... .1 town Wednesday, uallingon,& Town. consider it is one of the great, 1; i ' . con. 1 ost di . free nce as against thei . , ." Rev. Mr. McCaulby,of Mitchell .... An- ' ho'i to db aveiZything that� I* ican foi, th tintie i a hoalt�hy. qonditio . ­ Xnw,ER& 16ft Qvero-which contains ir , * " .... . niversary services willbeheld the(3th send, w. sillat his broither's. I I . I 1, a . . n. . plished by trustees. Theordinarywell $900 in all P It seems to show � � . . . — I- . �that, .' .1 I . ' k ! . laboring class,".' ' I I . � " . p%rt of the catalQgue of* new books . containsto6 much Water faischool . ikaintenauce of the . public .school'by ). "Ill: of March Rev. Mr Henry, of Knox - Weare pleased to' know that Mr. . . I � I added to the'Librarp lasb�.Year- The use� . - , I � I I . , . I * TRACKS NOW * CLEAR:-Aftdr rentainder *will be found on. page ' and -is apt to b6come--litid during, direettaxELtionba'spauperivi3dedgea6tion - `, - church, Hamilton, to deliver the ad- 'Todd, one of the editors of the Goder- - - , . - . . ... . . .1 - . i I'. a of no end'of tr ou two .the suminer vacation; and the .pVmp .. The registerg.d attendance in the ,i- - I � dresses on -this occasion. . ich Star,vvhd. has been passingthrough . itorial Noto"". - week . ble the Grand. of this'issue. .A copy of each may. be is liable to got frozeii during the*iIi- rural schooldhii7fallen front'. 418i 4 1 1 �, I � . . a serious illness, has'reco,tered 'and is, .. , . .. Ed . Trunkoudeeeded last Saturday in rais- had for 5e. Tbev. should be cut outand . 111. 'L - . :�,.' . . _w_ ing the *,blockade of snow. that has . ter liblidays, so that most. schools. are 1 1002 to 39M in 1903, or - a decrease' of ,. - . � , . ONTARIO STREET.- Quarterly ser- able to attend to his offtc.o duties. - I . preserved as no further copies of the . - . �, . . . I . . � . �., vices were held last Sunday, but owirig - Miss Cameron, Petrolea; They still have negroes to w1rW.%A0rn been hampering, them. Thbenormous catalogue Will be forthcoming. without drinking Water for a.. part of ! 225. The decrease for , the Inspector- ' - - ' ' I � ;.� to the , impassable condition of is visiting . find it hard to get eostof keeping the raffirvay clegr this the school year. Thi's could"b6remedi- I ate is 137. The decrease of attendance .. - �, the South, while we . . � I Turnberry e. . horthern 'art of ed by. making it. one of the, duties of iii the rur I ge tions is due to.. four . . f .�:.; e was s Miss Niecorvie this week. . This young ; . . winter of ice and snow will only be. county; `g' I 0 . L� roads the attendanc mall. How- I . . - - . a C I ­ lady can tell many Airing' experiences Common ro � I li� ! a popu ation ; � 1. ever, the lovefeast was held fk Mae-, � al. . , . . known when the ea;rnifigs of the road Tuckersmith, ' " 0 the care taker to see -that the NuraPs., main'causead . First,--�T,he actlial rural I ,nd I . . i. 11 I I . . 1 6 southerb part. has � . ....... I . ra"A nt-dispensed---by--th"astor Dr� of her ad ventures in a snowbaak while ll. I . for*thtmdnthsof_Januar andFebru- .-- ... . are kept in proper"o; ".. , I I - Ili _Mflit .. , � ­ 1 4--,:' ---11--I, qjjnt *&jdr_,e �t,p .—.— - __ . . . _ _ �_ __ .- . Aecreased--See , - iritual Shwe 16 -now 0 is-:-the--act-u&1­m - ... .. . I y alru Inau ____ U c- —ff- - - 1, W1 4, 1 P Off d , hh I' pro ,of - edit- , : Oook, who gave a deeply�',; ad- af W-a_Tk=erOfi_, .. "4r_W1[y_ ---Three- al 4V a . I . 1. I . � I 0 s n i - . ond,, I . I .. . Ross h" in the House - argo, 8. 94 s el 13j4 W at a , 'voe% tervals,to keep, the ivater fresh aiid, atio I �:1 dress, and those present AM they bad home, I �, . . 1. 1. . I It 19,2iot I ously, offe6t 'them: aliAn the a have Is or tied thd period of .' , - i , . . . d sweet. - Children need a plentiful .+ t been much benefitted. In the evqn-.' Misies Mark and Lizzie Hannah, Mil- i ifflaulty that hod &riven, expense w atten ance. ii d, -The impossibility .. � l Iii6v *]a it likely, to grow fix.1he present not -taken in to consideration at all, b .3,218, y such differences 14bould supply,of pure drinkingwater as -much, of obtaining hired help. hgi withdrawit . I. . . I I ;� . ing the pastor finishdd a series of Ser- verton, sl§tbrs of Mrs.'. S. ..S. Cooper,' .. . I * .� . exist between townships side by side,is and even niore so . . . '� I . - Next I -parliament. .. I . I . the official's; their onl Ong . being hard to ueclerstand. � . '. -than ,they.* do an bot -boys and girls from school before . I I. mons on the "Youth David." came here on lue�day fora,7isit,-bring­ - - . . I � " . .: i I I . ____ _!;� ­­ .*­�_ _', -11, . - . � ­ ample Sup �_ I ­­ " , to keep tha'road opsti, . o e er,.- this" ri-he- town- clerk -and-- trg-.4stirer 6f - ply.. of fqbd�'. Some few ,. . � , Sunday evening; he will commence a ing with �116xn thigir little ueice Berl. tke .entrance Jsbandard._is_­reAdhdd..._- _.:-, ­ , I � �, -1 and His Frlends,"tlf6 Cooper,'-vih6 has been at Mk A .. Hon. Mr. Ross, in hisbudget speach, has been accomplis e , whi6h was I i , , -!a. . b-04rdi of trustees, Wi6hing to; earn. a ourth,-Fiirm�rs 11 * di " - , I ; . series on "Danic , Iverto . . V ri am gets $700 for his,servid .ving some is. , !".1 . first of the series being entitled. "A since'Ohilstmas, ' � . . ,turallyalded by *the elements th' Val . I reputation for economy by con4ucting ce. from, - their �.6hool often .r= � - . . 1�, . . claims a surplus.of $2,540,006, for Oli- na at 0550 ibg abaried io the town and their s6hools on'the Cheap John -prin- eir farms for a; j)eriod of years and I . � . . � YotingWan's Purpose..'..The Board I � set in last Saturd�y, the rain taking _Li ht . I nt, Olin. ciple,, hav6 prbVided no, suitAble well, 6ve into a town or - yill&go tol enjoy �, - i�,:, W. Jackson left on �hursday morn. r last being , $150 to Electri . I away i at own clerk 9250, -reasurer tsand discuss matters of im - half a million more -than lastlyear. , haefallen -this winter, .relieving the $1(0, collector ,$ butallow thior pupils to fight it out.1 t e. . ��;." - I "' ink for St. Louis, where he goes as One , tario, on the ist of lanuar) , . . . f 111i one-thiral of the sn6w th ton pays its t Ic Ig accon t . . I:: met, Thursday night to receive ;­ . . . 60 6nd. assessor $00, - . th por por � .1 ­ . h greatei educational facilities of " I .. 4: � tance to the church's welfar6. of the committee of therCanadianTick- . I � glutted qondition'of the tracks from and can almost pay tha salary of the for a &Ink with cattle; sheep and hogs e. 60ritres. I may als6.,tdd -that 1. � . . I 9e ' - . . . ot Agents'Association to. arrange -for - The experience.of the : Grand. Trunk show, Since Monday . at thewayside spring, ratherlhan 1ZO the class of larger boys and girls who - :, _-� - ;`.. WEsLv,y Cnuncia.-' Although it I theirannuaiineetil% which 1q -to be � I I � .. freight'., traffic chief of .police also, out of the same to th . a expense of sinking a suitable . . 1. . I I I � ,sy it tlae.advan- on the Gbderich and Mffalo .has, been - fhese trustees. were com ell- 1 used to attend in'the, ivinter, now .' �� . seemed for a time doubtful w ether held hi that city in a,y-�-- . this wilitoi should �bo amount as Wiugharn pars to'one offl well, If t . � I I I I . . . . I . . regumed but on the L.' H. & B, no cialaloxie, I . . . ( thinlCitbencath'their ilignity to.at- , I - . I.. I Rev Dr Hendersaf), Assistant Mission- Harr �age an ' necessity. -having a,.w&t0 V freight has boon moved, as yet, It I d to sink a well on the school lot,they tend school taught.b* a. liLdy - � - I . �. .1 . - _ y Brewer, who has boon with .1 4 of I Is - Tozer 413rowfi's Dry 000ds StOrQ e hake 4� thallow--hole � .. � I . . arySecretary, couidgethere for ser oneoftheO. P. R."survey1bg parties � tank. to supply� its engines at Clinton not the pleasantest, position to be plac- � , t- - .k. would r in tlie ' ' � --- - . I . t. i . , vice last Sunday, owing to tbe rail! since they, bave been working, from ,Sigtion* � , I , eil in; during, these modern times, of presen s a very pretty appbarance"thi ground just deep enough to - collect 11 wish,to, lay espeeial stress 'Uoa . . . road blockade, he did manage to get '.. . . I I . . I week. The painters and paper hangers n thesuccossof our Continuation . t1ass ' . . . i Guelphthrough, spent Sunday at his I � . being shut out from getting your daily some surfads water and the . hold up schools. The complete ivork fer'. : . �. . here at ii, late hour Saturday hi t I .. .i . havoj toompletedaver satisfactory cup of this water for you togmell as" teacher's 6ertiflehtts is now being . I home. . HaTTy bits had oonsiderable � . ­ aper or mail, for a week, 6r hampered b,., %-I ich, combined wit -the bright-. a � � . Sunday was a most unpleaskut i Hon . T. ard6nway, after 25 yearsy om Securing, necessary fuel, but it a triumphant vindication of their ,� . . , experience ,in this.line, and by the . 9. I 1 . 'but fa* YOU: *0 t Wi K - 'Wing I I I ' as (lone b3r the public schools of - I ir congregations greoeted him " � or us to have to ne e interior gives ancl a sn � . both morning and eyening, lie spoke appearance he now shows, it in the Manitoba House . 'may be a good lesson f Owy threadlike assertion that good water ham, .Brussels and Blyth.. 'At I - . 1. rugged ser . vice hag I k'whiteness ofcurtainKdisplayedthJ'?qu%rh. can not be obtained oo the gdho6l lot i ' ' . � I � - :. . in the morning from the woxk,,P.nt�,41�.q evidentlyagtoes with him, . . I reaigne�il in' ordoe torus fosa Domin- exercise a little bit of patience in this out the, store,immediately attracts the, bam and Brussels two teaphetill4f; � *., _'11i � " - . ; I than to receive," age of pugh, Under all the circum, eye IkIthough there is a good well a;t the,f, , I I more blessed to give daughter ion seat. Ilia political catbor, as is staneea the railways have done ,ox. That much-adverdsed Goderich - A number of sections have solved 66 lepartmental examination was . , and in the evening gave a missionary of John Bell-, Albert street, hits . -roads.away..,,-this work slode. Their successat-the ' : Mrs, A. 0. Bell, Wingham, -bean . well know started in. South Auron. ceptionally well. I . ­ I _ upo4enterlug. Youshouldseeit. .next f6frahouse but a few each schooleAre,pedopied in teaching � _ �. address. One of the ablest pteachers gliending a I few days in town* prior. to . n, . , ., . . . . I . Berlin hockey match, which had beeh difficulty, howeypr, b7 sinkink drilled 1 lsst � . � I - � . . .1 . . moving wl I 'Sa.is actory, I Wingham. � I in the Dominion, he Was listened to h her huAband tn' Fort . - . . postponed, a couple of times, due,to the wells.\, Those have all ,given good.sat. Pftrt'cula`rly�- �' f' . ,. with delight and interest. For the Francis. M I Bell is One of a dofti&ly 1), C. Frasier; ex M. P., the Guslooro . - Reardon the sloe , �. irregular,train service, came off, Mork. . .. . I . . I I having paSS04--oifht out of fo4tereh. . � . . V . I . ,� isfaction. I . . __ . day elvening in Godlerich ancl a number I �'thab'wrofe,anO russelgeoventeenoub I , , general mission fnnd this eh0rch last , Ver limit in that' ,�, nt, ,Pqs been appointed, a The schools now - eelolorato Arbor* of seventeen. fit I the rural. Imblie antil ... that, has &ceted a tim i $351, it is antici ,vicinity, wid i's - t' . ster 0 ,vt gia Sudge of � , . erao Ing a men, . Our well known tinsmith oi� Hurou of town hockeyists took. Jt in. The I ! , yeat gave , and ' t Day by I ..� I . thatthissuinwil be exceeded � mill at Fort Prances,of which Mir e Suliveme 06urt _ a general cleAning up of. the I smaller graded schools very satisfac. � i-,' pated . Bell -th . I Of XOV& ,Scott*&- street, Who ie kndwn'for his dry wit, boys.faybilte- God6gicb, wasnotinthe school house and the school vArd - and . .. 1. �, . --*ben the returns are all in this y(4r.. - Will.bO Superintendent. A largo 6on-, Vew'men will he Vlore gratly missed was remarked to by a passer by the game at all -with tbb Berlin ppopie,nud the planiing of- f1mom Rot *.cry , tory 6ontinuatiph work is 41do, donIN . I � .1, � I ..On Monday evening a missionary tract kas already been made witle, One '' - t O'bherdaY, that we were gettingL our considerable money was dropped. The a now planted, M mamy I but no att6mpt Is made 'to 'cover but ... I ' � I ,* the. 0 the ral;roade for an Immense qua,ha out of-,�, the House, than hig hear ad _ - in ny trees are ; �ftl w6rk , for tea,chera� 06rtill"tes. . t! I . . . January tbaw in Fobruary.� "Ohl' I score was 6 to 3. . . : , ,gally was held in connection with ,ty Ok ties I . . of the school lots ,are how well suli- I t,hare were 478 pupils t kn Can I . I . . I _ League; Rev Mr Manning, asobair- , � for I L D. O�* 1. . 0 ­ says,Ohas., "that's vot to, be wonder- SomforthPi?6sby�terians,�a,vingdecid- ,plied, . Indeed too. many. trees, tire , nation Class work liala, this Inspec. .. _ I I . I a ed to mkk� extensive imRrOV'.'4nL')*,� � . man, gave a brief address, but the Mr, and gra, iobn McCartn6y, I ed at, the roadaba,ve been blocked -an L , ts tQ worse thau io6 few, as they � 'tend to i torate last year. ; 1. dhieffiddress of the . h W AT' merly of Holmeaville, who Went, to ' We may.poke fun all we like at the It couldn't get here any faster."' thei hurob, invii err tharciw, keep the yards dani and mnddy in I . evehl as , .. lev % . It. is; told o I ,and ron Tuesday& S. coop Both m6del schools are doing very i , . excellent one given I r COOko Souris, Manitobao litarly & year ago, Jahus,ry n good Authority. that - a -�L. was in- t) L-Ongand fall, *an its'a shade fOr!s4ti4faotory' work' and tho-teaithers , L, '' by! a paper on . _ , thaw comini.inFebru formed that his tondeihnA �tmnaiiL,ept� C." 0 ; in tvainlul; are instruoied in the lat- . I � rea( T I " � Miss Maggia Davis -with the intention of remaining there arys' teacher in one of ourpural schools, not fidiien are,of little use, as scho I " . . . ,,systematic givingo ermagently, r6turnect to.Olinton last Ighty, good thing Wald: nihny milm distAnt, and of bender IL'', to clas4i tI.,ving the - hotf.eA months ' and Xis,ws Reid but it Was a mi ea. Mr. Cooper has had a. 4'�xbenfffe� , . , ram e�*, Ways. No thaw yoaro, was about to open exp6rilonce'oh large but) F4.)I�§, be riff , , I (Ist and most improved methods- of and Greene gavexa duet .... Sao ,. Cturdayi, and are at present Stopping I come, in & variety of the school � �41t' I teaching, The presence of the stuil- � . . I � � . . with pLa are its usual, one morning re- fortunate enough to rer 0'��i� otino 61 Zenchers Am also S; . L � . tal services ivill-be hold ,next I I 7 vith their .son-in-law., George Itahley. - a' the "�"?' ozze, jo.-'i 1h utbuildib ents in turn read 6n the toti,chifig W, 11 I . I ..14,4�tnbyoand ' . e o . . Mr. McCartney did nob find life in the Iwas ever more badly needed, e ect tke largest contracts, in in + y, t1or*-%,�-.!Tr9 aro nec -.' 4nd the � bently. � Re thought of the thgangfrbitw'?Z. I W The'eity of Baltimore. Maryland, has West all belied antielpated,and returns 1'eaUlt# are ineXti L 16, . I I 2) I these sthools. so that their attendiliect � :1 evidently brought before hersu � tho'teop,lo OtSeaforthwill hik4that tha . . , Seeno Of MAI Ind, . edth^n tTuatvu,%f6el1V.d!jmi4.0 fo put -benefloWAndnax caisst- �t , c. I I been the probably the most here 'with the Intent on of remaining . . - . " I . those prayera which she Wag in the wor . will be done to their Satisfaction, 416ft. ­ . I le.q.titu'ally . Aisitstrous fire in the modern history in this vicinity for thebi . - H. B, Combo hasL been'dolayed soux I I 11013od the Model, igolloolt stand in the . , . . .Idhce of his . 6 . . habit 6f Saying tot, her own iAlly do. e. Atthe claseef IM th6ro tZe'. 29, Aront rank of the graded aohiools. . . . of the world. The whole business See- days, It is possible that he may even, I mit. O'. Ilyman M. P.,, for LondotiL , votl6n6, what froin inovitz into his new store, male, and 8515, fem&16 t0wlk�,w;�- ,'�" this ; . Rolmoi. I e _ Tn con,clusion I ma tay that while . �nl tion of the city has been 'swept out of tually take up his resk With the same on her mind, forgot ow�ngtofreight, ela$,sonwhiobwer6 InspectorAte. Tkis 10, im iop..�.,.se or' t, 'Ti -achool vajiex � I has been called to the.04bineb as min' Some furnishings, TRo contractor, 0 )t I a ­ oxistence, involving a loss of over two Ville. He haa many old friends in this I for the moment witatshoshould ppon threo male teachers Ve tr.,VV nd * he Work of the pub io . . hundred million d6llarm. The disaster vicinity, Who Will be glad ,to w0come later without portfolio, He i-3 one of tbeschoolwith, and started— 'I.NOW Thomas McKenzie, is fast puabin% -the corresponflilg . dftregfjj� j.,* fenjale, but little from year to year, yet We , I � ,gress during tho post eAr has - - . a the feat Chicago fire Of 'him hia) babk. One their way home the niost popular' members of th� I lay i0a down to sleep," The dear interior decorations of the whr ock tertchery. T e greal, ra',�zpekl derence . .. I * tere hag been little they hAd a thrilling experience,' their tiAcher got as far as "I pray the Lord," which will be much . [czoln Very satisfActory; : far ell - , ,to I � ? believe 'that 1, , _ -more a tractive offc=16 teachers is to � be, * r .gretted, . I I traln'crashing Into the rear, end of art. Rouse, his promotion has been looked. When thq gig e of tho'children arous. than the outside Appearance, The' Edneation is divided into three &eat ovovy teacher tried to do his -and 1w, - . . I I. Ic'Fle . . lo� I life I besti and While some fell far short ,ef I � I other. gobting fire thereto causing for as the natural tesult,bf ability, and ad her from T16 doop ineditAtion she bank department w. 'be Vet,V Prett;r I divisions .- P�ysfeal edueatiot), int -61, � t)romler Iryfne of Victoria has to- consiaeral), ima ,When finished and 'we p000nd story I lectual, education, and edtication their ideal, yet on the whole ve . ry #*t- I �, gigiied on account of Ill heakh. o (14=496 � 6A w0*17y, he has ocorog Of Cdus6ry&tl,y6 kriondg hsdirotinto to tealike that she had , s� I � . the Were Unhurt b;ron xotbebn sa,jitig the Lord's Prayer As receiving Ito YZ - 4tid plaator, which isfactory work was done b thola 0 11 1. a u I the will- Lfti`16 &ttohtlon Is usually I majority. All this . � 1, . Wailtus Within Is dead. abiling up. d A "b"re wlio -will rejoice just ao'much at his customary, It ill seedless to. state Will make a. good lodib room, , when . ar4k , a . , . , I . , giye,n to *phykical, edueatimf as the "I 4. .1 I I sAywamout ao his U46W friends. - what the teaebor oxclaimod;, while the' ' cowpletU chorea sit home wid th6 play 1318tinot 1, 8poet4d twice ilarlbg tj* *rear. I I I � I . I . � n ei I yl Win I I I I ; . . - . i I I I I .1 ! � k be n . 11 2 il .r�.� arl e.n.11 � I as I I 11 F tan th . 1 1 in i I I 1'. I 'I I - � I � I - � I I I , � I . I . I . I doep hmasu(ldealy *rotota her ohd,skm , - � I . I . � � I I I I . I .1 I k, . . . . . �. ; I', I . . . . . . I I . �,j I I I I . 1, 1 4 . . � . . I . I . � . . . - I\ I , � . . I . . . I I . � 4 . � . ,� � . .'.)r . . I � � . . . .1 . . , . . .1 I I . . . . 0- I I � . " I .1 . It, I I" 0 . 11 I .1 . I . � t . I . I . . . � . . . . 1. � I . .11 � . � 10% . I . 41 . , ,. % I . . I I J . -1 %, . - _,__._.&,LA, .H61"bk�wa,.,Lwjw.".�A.. ,� .. . Ill,', I . I I —, ­X6"*AA�.'L__ r ,%, A A&