HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-01-22, Page 6w r • r JANUARY_ 210'1004. nave You An old Watch P T191 P141NTUN N] W FN If so • let us give you an .estimate of what we can allow you for same, for o A new, high. -grade, up -to date Watch.. We guarantee our prices to'•be the best obtainable,, for a high grade watch. The purdhase of one is no experiment. They are made ro last a lifetime. Delivered to any address ... . in Canada free of charge. Write for one to -day . W Hellyar, Clinton . ** ** **i ors in easzAegt_when we 'FL', lidair make upoour minds to clear out -our stock. or FINE ,81-108 Abodt this ,tiMe it IS' plain -that we must coin- mence preparations for next season's footwear'. 'Before we can receive:the new goods we must prices, especially in ou; heavier Shoes, until there is hardly anything left. The .ShOes are all of this season's make and Style, and it'S a shame to sell them so cheaply, but room we must and will have.. Our dock of Groceries is always Complete, fresh, and reliable. Every- thing kept in. season; eaSh for Satter and Bah& 4444, PHoltIE 23: We are paking a Clearing Sale o All the .abOire will b -e sold- at a reduction. oan..early have the, choice. 1- The COUrses of Study. :I CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. is one reason w y this popular slerd'ot excel once. and that I 'school is noW enjoying & Are up,to the Ilighest sten/ "'record-breaking" attendance. You want the best training 'ana we give it, therefore enter, lite Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Co., - Mead Office for Caenda,, — Montreal: Totiti available Assete -over 1001,000,000 Loom paid since 1880 over 01200,000,000 J.Gardner Thompson. ZointfResident Managers. • ' Under- our new intern, our egent CfSilt0c authorised to issue Fire Insur, anoe policies on all dames of risks throes to insurers. Ns interior receipts, end no delay—polleiel being delivered to Olistow ore at; once. ems D. L Macpherson, Agent, Mackay Glintesal l'aitical Notes. Caai date foreign trade for the .six months ending pee. 81st amounted t 4257, 90,918, as against 0389,Q?a, 470 for the wane period of•l9Qs. Ron H R. Emmerson has entered the Cabinet at Ott&wa Ron .i.. P. Brodeur iapeaker is to succeed Hon. M. E. Benner as Minister of Inland Be- venue. Winnipeg Conservatives nominated Mr, W. Sanford Evans tor the Com- mons, Mr. A. Staples is the part nominee for Macdonald. It was said, ,this seat would be offered to Ron G. E. Foster, but his name was not men- tioned, " At convention of Conservatives of North Oxford A. Butler, of Wood- stock, was chosen as the party's candi- date to content the constituency in the approaching Provincial bye -election. Mr, Butler has not been a prominent figure in the public .life of the ,com- munity, and his nomination is a mat- ter of considerable endwise. He is a member of the firm of Butler Bros., which has for the last half dozen years carried on a lumber businesshere, He served one year as Alderman. BORN. - "OARBERT-In Hallett, on January 19th the wife'of Cleo. 0arbert, a daughter.. DIED. COOK— In Goderioh Townahip, on January 16th, Thos. H. Cook, eon of H. 0. Oopk, aged 40 years. Clinton Market Report.. Corrected every Thursday •attornoon • Pork, live a 5 00 Butter, '15 a 0 16 • WWW: mnrmmmrAmmrmrruvmmvr�tiMrg .BUY -.WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES THE FURTME$T toc1c-i.ed:u C1.r]L le Still continues. We must have more room to.make intended alterations, and to do so we offer -,Money-&avirng Valines in every Department, tment, every day customers"go away wel, satisfied with our prices. 1 DRESS 'GOODS. Tweeds 5o yards regular.6oc goods.,.,; 400 86 -inch Homespun 5o yards, grey, 56 inches 'wide 40e' 40 yards', black, 40e 20 yards, blue, ". ,+ 40e Pmnelf-Flaiiille And Cashmere " zoo yards, from 5oc to 6oc, for 40e Dress Length 15 Dreks Lengths 6 to 7 yards in 'each length, regular $4.00 for., 1%00 SEE THESE *SPECIAls All -wool single fold Dress • Black Cashmere. Hose Gc OdS at tu,40.44Ett, $45S.W.,,gpir for. 20C Children% Hose Children's black woollen Hose, sizes 5, to 8, On Monday 18th between Seaforth and Clinton, alady,f het in a piper Nack,betring the name of Couch & Sohneider of Mitchell. Kindly return to this office. Farm tor Sale. Loi 84, IL B.C. Tuckeremith, containing 100 acme, all cleared. There are no buildings on the place but the laud is first °has and 'welt watered , Situated abent 2 miles from Clinton. For particulars epPly to'RIDOIIT 4 HALE, Clinton. Rooms -to-tet. The rooms that Isave:serVediiiia Customs ;to • rent. They are very eoitable for dregs - makers, orwould answec for parties attend- ing aohdol, who wish their own ioom. Rent reasoneble. Apply to Joint WitiettAtt, Annual Meeting. The annual meeting ef the shareholders of the Clinton Gun Club. Ltd., will be held at the Mason Home, Friday,- Jan. 19th, 1904, at 8 p. m. for the transeetion of gen- abovolid, lite. Cielamm, 3. E. °Annum • Flannelett We 65c Flannelette '40c 'Flannelette Drawers'.for 300 it • STAIHJES All Wool (grey Flannel 30c Grey Flannel for, ,., 25c " • - <<. n • • Odd _Lillei in Corsets ' Sizee 18 to. z4, worth from 75c . yonr Ready Made Coats, , Now is the tiine to buy a Coat—colors Black Tailor made Skirls. 2o per cent off any skirt in the store—this week on Suecessor tolt Coats -& Son. WAMMIWARAM Application for Office. Wanted. • APplications marlied application for General Sargent. Apply to MRS. JA-fis Tenders Wanted. • Tendere Will be received by the Connell of the Township of ; Hullett until Monday the 8th Feb, arl n. in, for the.eupply of . a' oar load of Rook Elm or firat01688 Tamar- ' aolt Plank, 8,000 feet of which to be 14ft. The -remainder 16ft long, and all to be 8in. thick, sinless Rock Elm is aupplied, 'which Township Clerks Office, January 15th, 1904 Card of thanks. Ladies and Gentlemen:— • We wall to thank you for the very liber. support yon gave us on the 4th inst., in °E• lora of the town of Clinton, Aloe indtl., ldwing us lo be eleoted by aoolarnation the 20th inst. We hope our aotione during 'the year, if spared. willbe euth as will merit your approval. Hoping we Will lave a hap, py end pro pe °roue year, • We'remain, truly yours, THOS. COTTLE ,, CHAS. WALLIS Leap Year Social Under the direetion of , ORRISTIAN ENDEAVOR OF * to be held in the Basement of the Church Manny evening. Jan, 2ith, 004. A gobt progTan to be rendered, and plenty of the good things to be bad at the booths, such as tea coffee, cake and bread and butter, friiit.and candy. ?Admission at door 10c. — Pay for what you eat.. I Artistic Furniture Always makes .a 'Home ,beauMul. we have Alt here In IrOni Brass, Wire and: WoodialStery Kind and Every Price( It will be a pteaattre to ahow yali.thioueh our SUM Undertaking in' y its Branches. Satisfaction Guaranteed. „on of the prinolvds. .Roy Wanted.. To learn the Tailoring, apply to 'Clothing Store, canton, put. Oirls Wanted. For Tailoring Bushiest'. Experienee not ileasasary. Girl* smart with the needle can melte good wages from start &IA inerease 110DGENS 1111084 Clothing Sibre, Clinton, Ont. A voting married Man, praotical farmer And One tyhe thorptighly understands the care of farm Mock. man that could bend,. atellion dining the stetson, Prefer - ed, To work CM a farm in Manitoba, near Emerson. For such a man twonld pay $850 for the flret year and 0400 for the second year, and giva him, a house on ihil farm to liva in, Far fOrther perticulere apply al New MIA oftioe, chatork, Clerk, • Chief Constable, etc. Collector, • Night Watchman, Etc. Will be recieved by the Undersigned up.to 6 o'clock P. M. on Thursdar, 28th January, 1004. • Duties to begin 15th February, '1004 and to continue to 15th Feb. or _until such other -time as the edunail Annual Meeting. The annual nicotine of the Holineaville Ohaeoe &.Butter Manuf,.0o. win be held in January 28rd, 1904 at 2 -o'clock p, m. for the purpope of winding up the businese of current year and for the traneaction of any general businese. 'The buttermilk of the coming season will be put up by auction on the same date. - W. B. FORSTER, PRESIDENT A. J. COIIRTICE. SICCEETARY Itifekwheat and Rye Wanted. Farmers haling Buckwheat and Rye to sell, ehould get it Out during Imam ita after Februdry 2nd, I will not buy, there not being enough to pay for handling it. If you are in need of a LAMP No better range whether art or' comznon ones, can. be :seen in.town to choose -from7:- $5.5o takes tbe best. Old Stand HIDES AND -SHEEP SHINS. Delivered at my bide house in Milton, • mistowniwomfamitiwwwwwwimffirm Genuine -Leather Trave,iling e4es. Tit cost $7.50 -Travelling Cases fol 55..50 . 4.00 3.50 2.00 7.00 5.00 4,00 3.00 2.50 • • Theee goods were ordered for ear ,Christmas trade, and with the expectation .that we wereld be In eiur new store. We are offering themat cost pride to clean them out before we mov.e, This is an opportunity yen cannotafford to miss, to secure beautiful goods Buy your Corn Now Fermera who ho want corn, abould buy soon. ae price ie. enre to advance. It is husking out badly and orop will be lobe. We have lots on hand, By arranging now farmers eel% have all the tithe deeired. • Drive right to witrehouse. Clinton, Deg. 80. W H PERRIN. *21 Our of fare fresh fish For this week is— Manitoba:White Fish Salmon Trout Finnan Haddie Ciscoes Yarmouth, Bloaters Shrimps House for -sale of to -rent • A comfortable cottage, containing 7 rooms, with hard and soft water quarter-aore lot, with bearing fruit trees: gOod stable. Will be either sold or rented on gory' reasonable terms, W. BitYDONE. THE MOLSONS BANK inborporated by Act of Parliament 180 Capital paid 'tp..$ 2)856,420 Total Assets $27,000,000 odatES ELLIOT. General manager Notes discounted. Oolleotions made. Pratte Issued. sterling and Americtin exahange bought and oold. SAW BO Brink, intereeb allowed. on sutra Of 41,00 find. Upwards from ditto of deposit, and eon. potunted hay -yearly Moneeadvaneed te farmers, et low it 0. MOWER. Mgr., MINTON, CINT PRINT It may seem like forcing th,e season to • shniv New Spring Prints kin January when the thermometer is ten belqw zero: but our eus- ' toMers like to take tirne by the forelock and get their Prints, Shil- lings and Cotton Goods early, and have them made up before the ' ' spring work begins. We ordered nur Printi some months ago be- fore the advance in Cottons, which enablea us to sell them at hut • Year's Priees although their are worth from 10 to /5 per cent. more. „ We will be pleased to have you call end examine our New Prints ___ w,hether you are prepared to buy or not, Below wo citrate a few CrirrincemB'slCelebratecl'English Prints, wide width, a* finish, guaran- teed fast corers, now worth 15c for 124c. .panadian Prints, Wide Width, heavy and light weight's, faistcolors, in new patterns, now worth 121c, for 10c , . English and Canadian Prints, now worth de,‘far 5c, IATTNTER GOODS are running off Our Winter Goods 'daughter prices to clear. Drop in and see the bargains we are giving in Wrapper- ettes, Flannelettes, Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, •Ladies' Cloth Coats, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Men's Fur Coate, Men's Beaver. and, 01,calat Overcoats, Men's Stnb Proof Rubbers, Men'e Rome- inade Mitts, fleavy Wool SOX, Shine and 'Drawers. Ladies' Fur °gentiles, Ruffs, Stoles, Caps, Muffs, Etc, If you need anything in Winter Goode you should riot miss this chance, N •fic OC) oSt 8.6 VaOrk