HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-01-15, Page 5• c r ;: Oar --^ a� 9P A.NTIy 1T5, p .O .NTAN INTIM SHAD •, **** 'Have o1X aOld'Wutoli P P if .so let u s give 'you an estirnate of what we can allow you for same, for A new, dig, -grade, np-to date Watch,. We guarantee our prices to be the best obtainable, for a high 'grade watch. The purdhase of one is rio experiment. They are .'made ro last a lifetime.' Delivered to any address in Canada free of charge: Write for one to -day W e H. Hellyar, Clinton • 44444444444 WM-144444 577 ., PriceshalI in earnest . when we make up our ,,minds to clear out our stock Of 4411111115W FINE :SHOES: Aboutthis time it is plain that we mustcom- mence preparations for: 'next season's footwear: Before we can receive the new goods : we 'must dispose of those on hand.,, and so we call you to,' our. aid, As Ean inducement, we have chopped' down prices, especially in our -heavier Shoes, until there is hardly anything left, The Shoes are all of thin..' season's:make and style, and it's a shame 'to'sell them so 'cheaply, but 'room -we must. and will have . Clinton' Market Report. Oerr'ooted ei " Thpdrda7 aft lvioa Wheat .. .. 0 77 it 077 Buokwh.at l......... 00 40 a 0 45 Oats .........•.,l..,>ti 2. a 0 08 Bye ..,,...,,.,..•.... 040 a 0.41 ; Barley ►. 0 30 ! 0' 27 Peau..•........ R... •... 61 it 46 Flour per ow*. 200 a 221' Ha •.....••• a••••• 7 00 E 700 Ohlok.alr, For lb...... 008 • 010 Pork, live ..,.1.,.•... 500 a 500 Butter, roll ...,.•••••• _0 25 a 0 16 t, tab' .......... 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs per dos.....- 0 20 It 020 Pork; 799 k 700 Potntt>.r,pita bnsh.liew 0 50 a 0 50 ' Onions ..............080 a 100 Wood.... _ 215 a 215 Dried Apples........ , 004 'a 0 04 Sale Register In Hallett, on Jan. 20.: Lot 27 Con. 6, term stool' eto. E. Bell,prop.,Ohas Ham- ilto, auotioneer J'abel Robinson, M. P., has been re- nominated by the Independents of West Elgin, MAIWWWailliffiilliNAMMEWWWWWWWilkiliWWWWWWV BUY WI11IE YOUR MONIY GOI6 THE FURTI1IT ock-Reducin fti11continues. `e must have m.ci�e room to make intended alterations, and to do ,so we offer; .: q -•••-,Money-Saving Values in every Deixirtrnent.'- Hon. Hugh John' Macdonald has formally declined the Conservative' nomination for Winnipeg. :Mance J. Logan, M. P., one of the Liberal whips; predicts that the Gov- ernment will carry 28 out of the 36 seats in the Maritime Provinces, • In Quebec province where there is . a very heavy snowfall everywinter, they - break two tracks' on the roadway .in- stead of one,.. and drivers going either way are expected oo keep one track. Thisis a decided improvement over the single-track system of Ontario. Our stook. of Groceries is always complete, fresh and reliable.:.. Every- thing P kept in season. ,46.111411444 R. GR 1411 star . Adrtrtolit111910 o DR.ESSH GOODS. -TWEED 50 yards regular 6orc goods... HO.MESPUNS 5o yaads, grey, 56 inches'wide....,,. ...,:,....,..;:,,..,,.,40C 40 yards, black, �' `s 40c. ley- 20 yards, blue, " " 40c FRENCH FLANNELS AND CASR•MMEI-c►E 100 yards, from 5oc• to 6oe., forj DRESS LENGTHS 0 Dress Length's 6 to 7 yards in each length,, g' • regular $4.00 for., ' .,:.. . St.00 Ni�1••••••••••••••••••••.‘46.6.......44....t...... Z SEE THESE `. SPECIAL ... i All -wool sine fold L)ress `Black cashmere -Hose • Goods at 5c, loe and 15c • 25c per pair - . . i ,FLANNELETTE WEAR - .65c Flannelette + Gowns for.. ,,. , ,.:..,� soe Lost. 'A Brown Seal Muff lost between : Clinton and D.*noefielk on Now lakes night, tinder please leave at Nnw_Ens office. Boy Wanted..' To learn the, Tailoring, apply to E BR OS, SOOIi N8 B OS, • Clothing Store, Clinton, Qat.. Bash for Butter and Eggs. FHeNE 23. w q. $.4. 441> *4444 a. e, ':11‘111,11A111,11111111,1611,%.11111011/411. NOTICE. Girlsr Wanted.' ated. • For Tailoring • Business, Experience not neoeeaary. Girle,emart with the needle. oan ;Hake good wages from start and inorease rapidly. HODGENS BROS. Clothing Store, Clinton, Ont. Aleetin ' .of 'the 'Council '''of theoutHuron. County r y o The Council of the Cerporation. of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the Town of Goderioh, onTnes- day the 26th ; of Urinary, at 8 o'olook in the afternoon W LANE, CLERK Wanted A young married man; practicalfarmer; and one who thoroughly understands the 'are. of farm' •.stook. A man that ' could handle &stallion during the season; prefer - ed To;work on a farm in Manitoba, near Emerson. For such a' man I would pay $350' for the first year and t400 for the second year, and give him a - house. on the farm: to live in. For further partioulare apply. at Nnw En office, Clinton. We are making a Clearing Sale .of •' .Annual-Alleeting. The annual 'meeting ting of the" Holmesaille• Cheese de Buttei4lant4. Co.. will beheld in 'Wilson's Hall, HQlmosville, on Saturday Jannary 28rd,.1901 at 2 ;.o'olook p.' m.`. for• the purpose ofWinding upe aeiness of e past year, a eo ono . o leen for n year an for atransaction general basineea. The `buttermilk of the comingseason wilt be put u by: soot= on ..the same date .. . W. S. FORSTER, Pansient r A. J.'OOURTICE. BEORETAm 40e' •- 75C $1.00 ' x <<� • ! .:, .. $1.2 .i " $z'.00 ..40c.Ftannelette Drawers: far ,..... ,,.,_30C ... dot 5 o 65c • 75C 65 , • STAPLES.. ALL -WOOL GREY FLAN NEL sac Grey. Flannel for 210. 25C " . � :.x• 20e GIN +HAM—GOOD PATTERNS 150 yards regular -12C, for • . se NNNNNN_••••H44N•••N•N•N•N*�NNNN • ODD LINES..IN OORtSETS Sizes 18 to 24,. worth from 75c to $1,50 , • /'"'Your. •choice for ;50c." -to, .' •NN}BNNNr•N•• NNONo•••NN••N►1•NN0•Nf• F'J'RS C PERIN`E e $r5.00Caperines for. $.i2.00 1o.oa- 8.00 , 9,00 , r .� o 0 -P.> LSIA'N- LAMB. CA $9.50 Persian Lanib. Caps' for • .... 5.50 4:00 , , 55o $oy's Caps for .. 3.00 PS ,..:..,.:$6.50... 4.00 2.50 4:00 STORM COLLARS 2 50'` $16.50 Otter Collars for . .. T .7.o0 Beaver • +, 5..00 • •4:50 Black ... .,....: 2.00 .7 -1..1700 -Seal ry « , ! Dry: Goods.• Successor" s'.to R.' Coats `.& Son. IYMMMIVRAMMINWIMPAMMM e -ha a -enter (a nother--year- ala ring .. N� oKI N NON & 00. In the Ree loar:usnes — ••. we did verq.well last year, and we hope to do' better' this. We- have the stook a ' rm give you some great • bargains in e an Sni e. See ourSweaters, th 1' ti f ff b e the and the ability t� do so, our prices will compare favorably with any in the trade We current , d th of an Twe de in order to clear. Bargains in Overcoats y d 't Overalls Smooke and Undorolothee Then for Hate and at -these axe -good �•lne. Moine heavy disorients in Rubbers. Our Groceries are .11 i0.8. How are No. ,1'Fateies at 83 end -Currants at 6d ..A very gar a @ty}piy"otaanned- 1'mon at 10o.13o and 15o per oan . Other goods in proportion TER114, cash or pro- Ba + it be to oa interest to state It *ill r pat; as sot oar e, Y alae.Y o diice,'at highest market.y P • g trade here. SES B'U`R COATS, p I A .. r FEL�I S C T • APS '� "�� _ -_SL1PPE-RS.,- - 1—SHOES �c . ducts n. a o • .will be sold at ire All the above $ . Call early and have the choice: - ..H MES . Oh. MORRELL�$4. ., .likibikimosaii:s/vii LONWSBORO. :Farm for Sale ata ar Yours Respectfully, in. rL,ondegboro -: Emporium A Dgi it Tap. 15th 1904. Thatohoioe farm situated on the fst Con. lot 27, township of Stanley, oentaining 77 gores is offered for sole at a barg ain. The e five aor s of bneh land is all cleared but, all seeded but 10 agree of summer fallow, rood brick hoose, frame kitoben and woodshed, frame -barn and stabling for'87 head° of cattle '9 head of horses, 25 pigs; also good ben house, Stook, crop andimplemente may be bought withthe,plsoe: Faller deco Mron ri tip .• will : - furnished on • a • ; lfdation to - •: ' • • , On . e prem see, or dreea -Clinton, .1',, Q. . - • r Bogs OverewI,s anti sad One -Third Off Regulaar. Price. 30 Ib$ DROWN StIGAI, for $LOO. -' These prices are for Cash or produce .. W T RIDDELL',Auburn a. - a F.B.;S00sve. rt stic furniturc .., Always ekes, a Home beautiful. NELt;OON BALL We have' it here lotiron, Brass, Wire and WootitmEvery Kind .arod Every PriCe� It Mail be a Steatite to dhow .You tbrouflb our Store. .- elhlert . kh „lit, all its Eranehes. Satlsiactidu Guaranteed. HOOVER R 132ILL, Imo aria Hnnday calla antiwar/it at the reeidenoa ofilkir ;J'ohn Po vsll 0r ono of ea prinoipalk • AppliL'ati'en• for Office. marked application for Office, ;for the position of:- • Clerk, ' Treasurer, . Assessor, - Chief Constable, etc, Collector. ' Night Watchman, Etc Cemetery Superintendent - Pound Keeper Will be reeievedby the undersitxbted. up to d o'clock P. M. os Thursday', th January, 1004, Duties to begin Bath Februaryi 1904 and to continue'to 15th .Feb. 1905, or until such other time as the.aonncil may determine. • • wiL44am nears. Clarke • 'Wanted. • TWITOHLL Bittenbary So ta°`RS' JAS. Tenders__ Wanted' i Tenders ail be •received by the Post- master up to and inolneive ofthe 15th Jan. inst. for the position of Caretaker for 'the new P. O. Building and Astletant in the peat aloe. Specifoatione of dutigs eto. may be igen at the poet office. The lowest or any tender not neoesearlq• aooeptedy JAMES SOOTZ DR0Y OVENS, 0 mnnde nsd II nt :Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, • i9i tsiaanmonthly. hiy, GA9bee t oP artyv +IItted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. London.office-225 Queen's Ave. Clinton office — Combat Drag Store, Hours. 8 a m•, to 4 .m. ; dates of visite, riot and 2nr�' Moh. 29th, .Tuesdays, Feb; •_$d and Slee, June 28th, Jn19, 28 h, ;Sopt.9Eh, Oct.4th, Oov. lac'an r PEE 'D SIMS INS SH • ES AN H4 D �, •---WANTED tl.-II C I-3 1ST t°RttJ: -Ekeilivered at my hide house in.Cliiiton, O. S. DOAN., Miss Cecina e Agus a Kaiser. of Volae d'roluctiR•n and Singing Teacher .01' n. h or Forel R 1R �:,11 e Foreign, .1 r tobear testimony It gives me pleasure W py Kaiser as a voce effioieno of Mies 1 of the y teacher. -1 foundher careful, patient, thorough and generous, careful at- tention to Abase .principles which are neoees • • . tura of toe•-veloe•-ani!•- required for auooessfnl singing. REV.. T. H. SAWYER, Adelaide. Studio over N ewcombe's Store YOIO B•i f.. Raiser P11lNO..t . bie4trcoinble • • Louse for sale Or tt� rent The Cour es -of Study. IN THE • A. •eomf rtable cottage, codtatn'ing, 7 . rooms, 1 qqr -tiarter•aore lot, gtitli'hard and Soft water, 4 with•bearingfruit trees; good, .stable. Will beC A l either sold or rented on yergVPreaeoaabreDONterii:. Nl`ms, • Y n .HIS.Y • Notice TheLondeaboro Dairy annual meeting of eharebaldere•and atrone will be held M x ondeebone 'on ;en, 21st. Shareholders Meeting begins at one o'clock, Patrons meet- ing et 2 reeloak, Buckwheat and Rye Wanted; Farmers bating B oicwheet and Ree to eell, should get it out daring January, as after Pebruart 2nd,will not: buy, there not being enough to pay for handling it. r21 s. W. H.1?ERRIN. Buy your Corn Now. Farmers who who want oorn, should buy soon, as price is sure to advance. It is hacking out badly and orop�.wilt be lens. We have lots on hand. By arranging now farmere can have all the time desired. Drive right to warehonee. Clinton,. Deo. 80. W 11 PEREIN. , "91 THE Molsoas Bank inc.rporatethby act of Par. Hament 185% CatitaliedhOlitli $ 5,Q°°,000 WNW to: - $ 2,856,420 lZaasrro l+nn $ 2,720,778 Total Ando $ 270OO,Poo W 'MetsoN f'A0PnansoN. - Pre/Alden Eitlor, ', General biauager Notes discounted. Oolleetlone f iade. Dratts issued, Sterling and Arne can - exchange bought and said. Savfmgs'Hank! Interest allowed Oh minis of $1.00 and upwards Doti date 01 deposit, and coin. . pounded hilf•yearly PaRMURu i Monetadvents/4to farmers at loan 'atee. ale notes-oolleeted. H.0, BREWEkl, tfgr'..'CLtNTOlt, ON STRATFORD. ONT. . . i Are'up to the., hiigheet•stan•' dard of excellence and that is one reason why this popular school is now enjoying : a "'record-breakin"'attendance. You want the best training and we giveit, therefore enter at once, Circulars free, • W. J. ELLIOTI•, Po 24 " Princlpat. BL.Y I Our Great'Stack-Caking Sa1e still 1 continues with ed vigor.We have no dull month' iu' this store In January we always make' prices :•very interesting in all departments, which draws the crowds and keeps business booming every day... Below' we -quote:. -a_few ..prices whit will'.be interesting• to close cash buyers.: Flannelettes, 'wide width, in light fancy stripes, also dark grey.. stripes,,regular 7c.'sale .price 5c. • HeavyFlannelette,yard wide,fancy stripes, iofL finish,, E ood value pe at 12 c sale . price IOc. ��iiric106' forc. Flannelette Shirting, dark colors,:worth 6:1 Prints,, light and dark colors, worth 8c, for be. 12 for 10c. - and MagogPrints worth , , Crum's lOcfor 7 c. Fancy Wral3perettes good- eblors, •worth , ;i Autoniette Flannels, in fancy patterns, for.waists and dressing for 12 c.. e c ues worth 15c, a , u 8. Your u ar rice 4.5x1 5 & 59 qq ed, Overcoats,: re 1 $ + $ $ + s Twe B4 g p es' + cite.• nr llieit's-Duck Jacket, corduroy collar, rubber Iined, regular.p"rice•. $1,75, sale price $1.50 Mien's O vercoats, in heaver and chevoit,• in black, navy and grey, - made in the latest' style, prices are reduced to clear Ladies' Cloth Coats. in beaver, homespun and ckevoit, left over from last year, palces were $4, $5, $6.& $7,0, your choice for $2. ' Ladies' Black Satana:Skirts, 6'frills, worth $1, for 890.- Men's 90.Men's Lined Kid and Mocha, Gloves, worth 75 for 50c, • Ladies' Rubbers, in small sizes, worth 45c, for 25c. Ladies' Corsets, regular price 50c, sale price' 39c. ofiiiii Genuine Leather Trave inq ases 14t' cc st • $7,50 Travelling Cases for $6.50 7.00 - cc . cg 5.00 6.00 .•tt 44 l4s00 5A0 K ii Vi f0 4.0) dt • 1I4 • &00 3.00 R .. of . i4 2.00. 1.50 cc ryit 1;75 ( These goads were ordered for our Christmas trade, and "with the expectation that we would be in our new store. We are offering' them at cost price to Atari thein out before • we move. This is an opportunity you cannot afford to iniss, to'seeure beautiful goods at whoiesale prices, . ' 11 3 001113E, 'Oiirmist and Druggist WN NEMS IS A BARGAIN - roe You In Wakiiig Powder,: i lb Can, worth z,sc for i5c. Come andgive it ti tirial i.nd I am satisfied you will use no other. Shiers Fair uilttoarnf►nd ld' .tt it r� r.-,tr•-- 4!sr� -r5 5,id____lr-ax' �,.f-r,. *. .. ...2161110; laagiglit ALA '2' Ali, ijT."!��-ry� ".'�.'_'d.��:.:�'.�vw+M+.a '•rte«=r+