HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-01-15, Page 3. - - .-Y- .:­ --- 71,r---WT-,W-. -�--T-W.. - - - ,� I I I . - llp'v --- �Vr - I., -----,--, ­� - Tf4r - " "W'7- P. IN 3 7.1 W"771 I - 11 � JrR r.,MrRWl­., ,, � � IVN'WV - ­— -17 - ' I , I � 7? --r_ , I , - - . .11 ......... 1.1116-1 . . ­ r ­.. ­ -- I 4'MK ., . ­ 11 Wfrl '�Irlr 711�r, - . . � I . . . I ., ­ . ­ W - , Ify .� '% 14 � I 1. , . I,- - I 1119 , I I I N I - — — I . V � . . I I . IF I 4 1� I . � ­ - -1, - - �, I ..... . . . . . I 11 . 'I- ) . - . � I I %:,. 1. I I k 1, 1: . ,� I � � I I % , � , � A . . .. ; "I I .1 . J?l " I , � � " .. . I I I . . � �� . . . � , : . I . . . . � 0, I " I � I � . I I I . . � . I . I . �AXVA4T ;4,, �",-. I . I . I . ,,, � .. I . -"---. I ­, -- ---- � I � . I TM, Q2kW0W-�,,.,1-11Xw I � . .. I I I .. I ­­­ --","�**�wiii*Oil"�t�-..-"Mp�1,0�l,'�.���li-,�l."-..'I -.0-.----. i "­ 1=1411 11111�2:0 pm,pill 11 � " vu, .. I ;� . , ----'r .-----f � . , , , I � ft'" . I , ".", 4 , �. '' . , 1% I ,,> , " . , I.. ,."""��r--,,—I�i:�ll:::"Illlpl;l., .. --.*��:!=Iii i mom -'I'll I I - I . .. 8 i � .1 . , I OIL 1 "ell 494 excell I � � I 11.1 ­ a --- . . ­ '* I - � onAlwork btwft 11 ­.', ..;� �014110:11��Imll ii::= , '' . %, 0,11 1:� I 1: pop, I I I., I � 000Z lmaft�- �, . I . I ! �� . . , 11 I .W And *qo9t6v4itW M , #�d I . . . .. I 14 - — Mi � . -0140001* I , � � =1111-:', ". . - �� I �r ", . - V � ; "'""p""OrW�" I.. r ,I ­ -- 14 *,:4.gf, HWON . . . , - I I .7W,i-- I �� i"�Pud ., " H .. '. ,. ,� - 0. - � �­ ,: , , ".., C, I � 8 , � I I , � - 1/1' - .11 M -,Z AT Wimmo . . � � . . . - . . . t0acliOrff of those days. They bad (if. � I I F . I k I � , . " , . C, � �' " . telrpeat diffioUlty in ' - '"�', . I I I - . . , . 11 . . . ,.�i I . ,�, q; " 1,� 0"-"" ��� . � - _ reaching the I . I � ,4W JIM ootnWesl. , Se L:, I ­­ ­ - I . -- -­.. �- ­ I ­ - , � � -1..-I.- -1. . . . I I Tftrlft , . I ... ­ � r I � �- -- - 11 I - - 1-11.. . I � ­­ 1 - . I `q ' Sr Nom6tim." bad t0tr4yelloug 41sta�bes, . . I . I . I WN"q"W.# I I . � .))�190 INE, ; LA f ]RIPIT TRAIRSO oft � , sa"d, I I . . I . 4QhdW5 Q4 *40OUAV 4t b , afth �, � ". . ., . W" . . I � � ,� � . . .. ,. I . .1 04 through Woods, on account of , . �� i(fintlit.tiffi�lifiiiflliiftililitiiliiiiiitll!I ........... ­.'. I I., I , - . I I . I .1 i - I � 1. ...... m .... �� . I - 11 - I . , : )' W'14604 Out., ,lic boauti. ! I unopon ; Oa roadwayo, , f Jan. 5,—T d I " . .1 W,P-e fQ1106169 incideutb � connected UIAOM4; d Mrs.. William X'. B � . 1. , , A Paper read, before the West Huron T-e4chers'Association th $6 r,erfuteudenVs visit to V . . -9Qm0r, .. . I . . . I , � -.,** e, , . . � . I - . ,ff this �eitY,', WAS damaged .by, fte! and . ... I r ; " I . � . . � b I � . . I . hi Mr. G�oig,e Baird, who h QUO, Of tile 1301100 0, may , a of lute vater last n' h � . . rd of 4 will Illustrate the A If Ilrt to the ex,t1nt of $,2100. ... as the unique reco' grest . J . --, and ',,� r- . I halving taiight for forty-three conse . iVe years - An . work done by I ��� I -A defective u I --, - . . � I ­­­ -- -- ­- , , - -.1 -­ ­. -1 .I.. ­­­ . c,ut Memo Who Ate Hev., John 14figlo, Of , . . 11494, 4, liel to �,%ftount . t� I S. ,�odge ville, wa.a soperintendevit,'and ' * . 11 I . I for the acstr�uctjye maze. �,, .- I nts and re . JU ex, 11 I - "I � - orinfa I .... IL I ,ir 5, N.G. ,�, StanIe)� ' - . , n1ainga class a Mrs. BOOMcr is an old I L.:1 . . I .4,ked the mean . I bur4eU Of )T4rs, d ady, but her V I � ­Af�-- 11 I - -` I . . I . 109 Of tbO word "trausparent," T ' ' �id. not prevent her , I - . ­ --"b-M--.-.W . . be , I from - - . " . answer, was ,,What. YOU Can see I at"U'PtirIg to Climb a - ladder to. I . The i # " (Thi'l paper ig publibbodC 44 the irequosb, of the W, U. T, A,) through," 114-Wentook.hisstaffand ., the second story ff the burni . you I . . " Una a . I , . . 1-1 "� . We * , , . h d a bole through the plaster . for the purpose of re$cul UX house ���� 1111 i� . . - .� , . . ng a small ��­. - �­ - - , ,­ . . . :.------ --- - �- ­ � : ­ In 1804 there were tau members on ors would the ;sesiway getween the 10 .1 � pet Scotch terrier. I � I .� . a take their. Olaf - , a solloolhopse . I -- when the � � I IV- Bought 11 � . *6 Voard,'and in tbAb Y�Ar the work. - fOr weekly ra H.. The , .gs of r I I . fire was . . tables In the, ,fields And WA %4pifs were asked if the I dificovered, at an early hour th,, , , I Alw`010, I , . '�� . I V-40, X;p4rly all writtexi. he follow. 'WO04 to stuc%the auii-;aal, vajetabl,�. coula sea t rough it, They coul . I -1 is worlll� . getawepre , for $. � . _ , I - I L .11, * I'll I f i�k the I es OT the house fled pre. 610ftflng Ole a U - � ; � I . L ' t , . I mineral ingdows; - u, Was it trAusparelit F They could not . -,by, " I I 1. �AyAk4 I =011.11 live . or, � . . . 4119 Were the 8i Zir Z I , . gebrg to. the and 4 . . L, of sture. 'and of quadraticO, Euclid six b Oka, L Whose Studies are. good. bu 11 .. . . , krly, IQ oUlng the little dog, L h , hayd O'hoile . I . ,:,04 '... I I I ... y� grain, Sao Among . � I . ... I I 0 -1, cc office. , - th r' . arithmetic, reading, geogrop .0 , ti they only agreewith"bim thatit,was, Ilethen. - . ". Firemeii atid poli "thes , . . I the other lodthowto understand thatatrans. - . .. .. R. . " prevented — Bears e .. 'L I mar, Rn I I � r Mrs, Boomer frr,ra climbjng the i,e_ � . . I . . I . gliph history, School organisa,, branches of Jud As far As, possible , parent body is One that .allows light to , . I covered, ladder. 'A young man na I . L S,ass through it 66 that objeata.Cnn be L Miss (Janot)0, Donohue climbe - 0 I *164,nit0talPhilo$Qphy,gn4boi3k�keep., All t0chilig allout,ci be. aided by objects t, med I . I , � . I . XUR, In Vhat year the Board graqwd And nature study. . . , . . s notlyseen beyond It..' . , Secly De, 4 UP the ladder and * 1 . .. . I . I brot , inat � - - , . ... certificates In four day � ught -the little dog safely to the . I ), .ure ' I 0, two 141 D144119, the tittles and s! Take Another incident - AmatMit Art. ll'S PS01119tesDidosil cj�errw- I , ' , I L 'Augustatid two in December. Tkqiq xties and . connected I . S at, 't ground.* _ . I .* following. periods the methods of teach- with aa examination where the pu - A patrolman immediately ar . - r 1. IL � ,, I I I - by , 0 gla ,but r4mOrphine Wr miivrall �. . I I Ing were vaq.r Varied and often crude been Previously prepared 'ness and Rest.Contilins n6the ' I The following is the Program To- help to bring abo t ity in heraod were eXPectedtomakea I f bur ry i . . . were 155 males and- 44 -females. Of aub� I - . he : aVoid palla and suffe g Ca - ' � r 0 ' on' � � Of ' . . -- L - . . , bad t."S L YoUng W6ioe,n Wbat do 4 iest� n 4 ' Q 0 'a '4rge 0 4 ", _ � , a uniform teac � , he rde . I I . I . I I -Jectis and time fable for the Year 18074 toachir;4 and prornotin ,good showing before the pa used Mrs. ' 0 � . . , , I , gplas teach. I . vents. one by female I -' f � U'COTIC. - . I _. - ' r , 'himi js� d by t W -s - OP Ae 11, 0, V'r . I I B - a jQyed by - I .L OT WA I I :...f I . '. .1 I .� ... *.." .... � . I I "" I ga Q LL ,� L : 614m 6rtificates were examined and on different townsbipa.of t a. county; In ligion in 'Up "What is the Re- I v . I 1, , I .1 . �­ . �Lla the first day candidates for first eval Institute,., were orlaniz-106111a the Rf the questions was troubles.. the r I r' v w w ' s ' , ad . . V e'6 or y of her at that $he L i � C ?" The bo ' 11 DR.&A Una; onghlio a han $On P I I . I � I I , � per Canada L - PXXIMA.U:"�Ican con, � . . d ie award, I . . 11 . �"-. . L . the second day candidates lor first, these meetings teachers taught dlas,sais, answered "11"loui:, beefand pork," The, soleutiously recommend Ly(U& g. I . ^PW - I ', . 1. ­ I . � 1� , .... y I I . -r6W-W"a-1P17-= . . . � . it, L . , . , second and third. . I and discasse different ways of teach, teacher reprimandod the pupil for giv. . . . . , . 6 . . 11 I I I '. .. I I Mrst- class- Dict1dion IQ..% to 11, Wardfl. 'Ing', SUC Plialrbalia's Vegetalile ColnponndL ' I . . . AWAG xosj- - . I k) , I . r . . . I 11 L geography 11 to 12; mensurati . . to tbOAe' Of - My Sister$ Suffer. . ' I - . i Ing subjects ,and did, much to 11 an absurd' ansV6rd.*. to the . . AQAIN RP,MXN1DED �4&.�rawffl - - , ques ion, I mgw 7 . . � -, .. . . L .. I. I _ 'On 12 to Waging about a uniformity in teach, � t, The b9y replieci th, female ith , - . - . PM4414 41& 11 I I . . t it was , Weakness %nd the troubles . I I AV:r4&Vd � I ... . I A I � . . � I I L . .. 7 not his quefition that the boy who . ,o Pf ten . befall Wawa . I r . In ' i 't - . . I � oise, history 2 td 3, Algebra 3 to 4, ingaildproinobingols,9ses. These in- I .which r Prosecution Not Ready � I L I I - . � . .. , I So 'day . , , 60 Abeel' C_A_4�bX . . . . � I . ". .cond - Firt,t class,euclid 10 to ll,. 9titates continued to do ood work, shouldnhavO answered . a uf­ � . . . . ftz� A&. L I I . I , : , , 1b was absent. fered.for months with general weak. L L I c4sei' . ' . PArm Xced - #'I L . , L . . - , . I . I . I I . . s rescue by had bard � ' Welland,"Jan. c: '- ' ' ' ' . - . 11 . �� .... . � I . , lament saYinit he did work to keep UP. I had shoo .. - &94U41-1o;M I L I I � . � * ,I/ .14 12 to 1, arithmetic 2 to 3,reading 3,to 4; the profession, till the establis fiat I �, � notural philosophy 11 to W, gramwAr And rendered mucl�*usefuf service to Rev. Xr, Logie came to . ness,,and felt so weary t . . n ,bi I , d I . not Alink the 'boy was _ X,as, N. Abeel of .. I � 1. U I . New Ybrk,' who. is charged with for, . I � , , L , �, j, � . second class -dictation 10-30to'll, his. ot.,modelachools and uniform promo- very fa" WLrQng,* that after all onO of an was utterly miserable. In my dis. . I . . � I 9 - . . A :W-: . d " . . ting pains, tory 11 to 11 45,aritmetid 11.0 to, 12.90, ti0a examinations rendered theta less -the main elements of their religion tress I was I I . Aperfect'Remedy for Constipa- � � 'd .. L , . I I ,., 'L... war 12.3D to 1,geogslphy 2 to2 45, xlecassa;rj. l3lit here, a Wa6 '-Tour, beef nod Pork 12 § advised t� "ise Lydla 1Q. Kerx, appeared in'Judge. Wellis court I L . so . - � I ,:,., I . a -keeping 2 45 to & ,vii, changes uch was "-pblkhalil'S ` V60table, prosecufiqp,who � . . . . . . MT . ie0ing &so ar: school life in the , fion, $our Stomach,Dia hdm, , ' . . . I I .1 . .a demanded and p-kob4b y with rea� early dayq., . - POuy4d, and It wasa, r this afternoon, but the I . i te 4. _ed lett, Coln' had been granted one and Worms,Convu(sjoas,; rr � .1 . . . ' . i . � - me when I took the Orst dose, for at 10 be able to go on to -day, I . , . . 11 I . . son.. It Is, olaimed that uniformity in - Tr"Lourans, TI . � � er day to adjournment " Feverish- , . ' ' " 11 I I 1. , Ili 1871 a Minister of H ducation was teacIling and examinations has cram HXXAU�i,* 6XS,IN , � hoped -t were 09$S MdLoSs ()r ftxgp. I �." -appointed, taking the place of tile ad and combined both, , m - FIVITH$. . T11P that -time my restoration *bogha. In not ready,. and asked for another ie . I . . —, . . . .r,. . . . I , � , - .1 . 'p . .. 1 . ' si i week I * - � ' � . . . I teachers at, ,. For 0 v'e , , 1. Chief Superintendent of Education upils, At the 0. T. A. last a Ixi:those da a I was a, changed woman, mand until- Frida� next, as"the I .. �� raoSlinile Signature of - . . . I - � , 1" . At that tinie the stA-nda't-d for teaX A. . Wetherell, B. - pring, J. . ys thero Werw four exAm- Perfectly well in every i papers�' I � . . I .1, 11 � 1, . � A, Strathioy, rdad a. inations in the y ' The first was so. respect. I felt which we.re -being -,prepared for. the eX- '. — — a. . I . d"I I :era' certificates was raised, And some PaPdr,pleading strongly .ear. . elated, and hiLippy that I wunt all . 49,4.',:W.-�O�. � - - , 1 - , I �. I . for less' uni- held in I tradition of the prisoners had not been � -11 �� � I . I I " . , ormi�y, and morei hidivid talism in. the . Fpbruary%-the next in'May., the.. �XISS GUIL 11 as I did." received, . - * German� M,F., if... , 1 r -ars . .; ", I , ,� "",wholield firstalass certificatea,found. ( women who 13aftir to get we . It difficult to obtain a second class third'"ll"St and the 148till-NO- , D t .j M. A� G,k!?XOS,.3�0 Jone t.,' 0 Mr. W. M WEWYOV Th ty. ,ye` I 1� . . soboolsof thepr6viac6--1nQroindtv1d ib6p. TRe"Aamination lastedolle e rox , leb., Secretary ss ,�,h appeared. for the prisone-'r qpPo�6d - I . 1. . '7 , , 1-. � . � � ­ .. grade A oi- 11, and second cl4s to get alism both for teacher - d ' I ii . a. - dai, at each . . I � Aniateur Art t . he aPPI.Ication, and also'.asker , if . . . . . I l . . 1 s an pu *m��et%nff, of the Bonvd.- lkssOeiabjon.�$ � t I I . "M , . . I � I , 1. �, - ,P thirds. Since that tinie the course 'The change lately r lie de � The Board prepare the. lotl,pr proving.9onuhreaff" cannot bi rlgfRatofabove - a romaod' . were granted the - �; ME , . , � . I I , � k"a ob chap ad very much in difficul- partment � :, que@t1ons, 5000forfelt If a' I'd tha I ..I ,�!�­. . '- - __n ff__ g . Wh , , I PrOdavoct. . I . prisoi � :,�-, _n ­­ rp U ) '. I - , I 11� - , �'Vri- T re PrlUc%4TZh7A-ffge'ffa-s WemeWfn- * Leaving examination frorn the cours . eat and ex. �, en one colmst,deis thai Bliss Crime of wilic r Xtted � to bail, as the I .. .. : I rin .pping the Pulilia School . each member taking a s* I � shoul4d. be adm' I � r � 110 �. . .11 - " , . mviltiplying or 61 an ng tile subjects Has beeA a chckn'e xnJ'urious,,,1,o,,fvura inlng­t-ha-aa�� Mabject. 040]ROU'S,letter is only, 0 h he was charged vi . I : OR in . I �, 11 The certificates wQge I, - gre-of.the , - ,as not EXACT COPYOF NORAPPE16. - ;I' J f - ) � - , �% - ­­ - .... I . I . . 1 I `*'�' His - onor remanded tRe pri on,�r un ; ' .. I � ,.,.. ' I ­ , ,. ontheeoursefortt eri� examinations -schools, ', ', f4s1led and dOliv_ - 60UUt1W8-­J 1�ju - -0-a'-w �P.-ja'-w1kh-any, mone3r was ifivolved. .1 I � 1, " .­ I For Wfth and cc 'on er&d on the ,evening of, the sawe day, -. are coutinualf , fi4v S, I 40 .. , .. � The follbwing was thd. standard for ;Olpsesthe.P. S. . Leaving certificatd . �Publishln�ja the H , s ­=­��*­. S - U . .. d Certificates wf�re­ issued;Tor vatioup ls,00uutry, I ,the I great � - I 113:1111 211 I T"It ... -"...PAI F-qjy%w-dw.--�t!;� ; I � �, ,� � � marking the new course, adopted -by I Papers of th, 7 nows-' til Frida . , I . , = 4,11111IT! 1� 2-,W'n!W-�­,­ !�- e board of examiners for the ooun. while without it they have no � I . . e � .1 "I "I'll, - I omm - . I I , . th, . Landwon 'r. 'fikhi to m di r., Germaii Pressed for: iin -6id,�r � that.' I � . ;"�," , I was a Standing to be aimed* a pdiiods, add -�Irtue M ,)r,� Yanullry-8. at 1030 O'clock I r , . . ording to the standing.of of Mrs. Rx In J .�,� . objedt the'candidato§.'. S '. I . rrr I tY':-§D to 100 per cent., marked I - 66 -to stkivelfori and this rendOrS the teach- Owe were issued for ,Admitted, 4yalL Ll. I cine, must, be, the case must 'a . . . Z. 1- . . I . . .. . 1.i� . .11 tbrpe, riionths, that is, till 'the UqXt 1 I . .. . I . . . . .. .� L., ... � . . omp� On at that date, I I ... I— L . . I . I . 1 I I . . I . I ­ .. . . L ,. I I . . I � . . . .. . I . . L. ' ,. r . to 80 per cent , marked 2; 50r to 65 'Per -Ing Of the 61assQs .more. diffi6ilit ,:. and meeting- a the.Board, so . ­ � - - I 11 but this was ndt granted, and it may I . - . I �­ . GaUL, marked 3 ; 40 to 50 pop cenL; � . � . I I I . 1. . . . 11 - ­- ­- .. I . I � Possibly be. Pat Oter ULTitil another day. . .. I I ml. -�:':,, less -effective, .. months, 9=6 for R Year, some for two - - I '.' � . I !nt � I mirked 4 ; Sotp 40 per cent., marked F6111ow - Gehats, ''thelir - have: been yea ,XNCOMES: IN 13E�,tLrft. , . , The pris ' . I L Ir I I 5 ; lower than 80 per cent., marked 0 . brought . : rs,r and a few ",during Pleasure "' . I - . -9 . 1. .. . oner, 4ho is in jail ­has his L � . . OWNW111111 111 1:�,,��l�ill�,�ll�li�!,,I,l��,:�''!:,i��:��i,i�,:i!l,�l�il�lmrwrdrQrdfamraw I �. . . L.�, 1� L , before you porhe of the cofidi-: .T , . oleals. sent to - .0 I * 1. . I . r 9 tions of the did not . Notel. . r,V , , L* '.. .. . . , - ' . - I . L L ' he term "during' -pleasure" .. itttrosting Figures; A - . .him ftorn a .1 . �, "::, ., 1. , Some of the more im ortanfellange - school. and eduegtion -I.h mean the pleasure bf thdcaudidda0e re- . �i . " "' I �d : . .. . . . ' ' * " ' ' in the methods of tead - ' t6d Coat;rined..i L .. . - L .. . . � . , - "I ceiving tho. cc *Latest 016 ,ij- S . --7 �-. " . .. L I I .� I r,'� � taken place'during the last forty years. jwief record 6 y -days, and a Wtificate, but -the pleasure e I . ch. . tstistics, - , TLE WORK . HR L . 'S , L . ' I . 1. I wH1 now be ilociced. J . f -the chainges and ad- .of -the 'Boa-rd.granti 'It I I � .. London, J L. A GREAT 'LIT .. . � . ! I � I., , " ". vancemefits made during the last fift, , � In ' ­7T]ie, coirospo�dent' . D. , . ` , 1. � I . . : � I ,. ' ' ho . 16 iglife time the bahr6 Will . . .1 ,. ,. y Pebruary, 1857, t9e . . urin a, on , hs. -A n . Id' ' , . I . . . , ging that have Huron during ,-the, pail. th .� 6. , 1: . I I I . Reading -The firsf, method of teach a a . c ou � . , d Co I . . - years. Great pro ress,has be' f T�� Tim, ems alf g: L.. . I . L,g ... ­ . � .11 ...... I , an. � rialle 33 certificates, in May 35, iii Augastil, - . at*. Berli� s�ays that, ' 0: 9 1111ori tons Of. blood .. . I . . . . ­ . . I L ­ I L . . ,: "I � . . I . . ac- - . ' . . � , . I � oUg . � � . I . � � I " , r L' L"', � !ng reading'was the alphabetic,'that I in laying tho fOulagation fQ'i still gpeat- � . .0rding to, th6 income �tatids -last .. odys apd so lorij. as tile I I you bave a C . A, do not neglect'%Ifit re 'L:� �� . = teaching the I W _ and in Noveraber 17, 112 ih all:during ti,ti of tbr6ugh -tbe-'b M . I . If _ " etters first and thou er progress it, the flitur . ,the I .. I bl6bd idin-ahealthk condition it will I a I , ., Aheyear. .There *ereWMaIes.and16 year, -highest, Berliri� Income. was. it, L, t , ' I . . 1 .6 . . PU .h se � , I combining them to form words. Thi's Y`qub`g-teMh . a -bottle Of: the old reliabl' ' I— . I I . I a follo'*ed by t "Orgo'it is Y6uf privilege fem&Ias-.grant6a 60tificates. in .that - niflion nine hundr tli,ou repair itself as fast Las V�as es� pat, � .. . 0 remedy C6U1Po1iAd' Synto ot I . ,,r , . ver. two r � ,fd _ .. , . I . k .. L . . � �: L;, will he "Look and 8ayll and duty to build on this foundation, year,'a Proportioix verydiff6reut from sand -marks,- - the - next .Was �ently keeping.up, the Play of Its . Pine iand Ur.-� " '0`r4inar*:. C*O�Ug4 in a �� . . . L t I I . I I � - I . uca ion. - And if Cali. females.- In- -those d I Th . I adt I ion of the h t , , 4. X , s­:.� then UdbianAt1(jnA16d­___t, . 31 .In.- Ion six hundred thousand' rharks .. and-'theL '��Gives betWi7 i7atis acti64"ALdn a�y`Oth�r . I d naethod, which consists in teaching and-helli to -rear � blio' , sbju,ctul�e , 1.111, * . . over two' ,valves . ii� 'ill , , .'' ' " ' h - I W1 Cure an � t e word firs by telling and of a what it was .in. 19o2, 14.', males and- � -rhythm Qf:,itS .tlirob, If'tlio I ,nL Sys, -a- cafididate -- � es4�two- ikre'tbe OW -y ones ex 1. . ear %ets *eak,irregula' , I r . �" �­'� teachi Its elements , afterwards. &d.&MAY otbopeitorivAl'Athensdur- ceed L Jow,qays, '. in I - L . !L' The first m14y be called the sympathe. idg'th6 Age of r_ ... would thifik little .bf ,walking 16 or "90 Ang tfd� million, but'th�re and flattoring" th-s- lood Is, M I-. Cough rem�edy.. - ,Y1111 4, Ot both10:95t%'­'. � . I ­ �, - .L. - . " �` ,�­_ _ -Ue and the second -analytic.. least striyO to Fericleii, she may, at, miles to the' 166untY town, Pass th�'ex- tagn - betviien one gild two were thii- ilourishlug'4nalitiesand requires just . 11 . . . 4 . ­ . . � 11� I �'. ­ I .. I. . - - ,�' L,� : --T-1'46­Prft--- L . obtain. second place 'in. *am1natioxl,*,re' -million ChaI601g:.L StS ' L . ILI I % . - I s"t system is the phonic. - --ti—on -e�lory.---. . , calve .his perfificate,'and thirty-three between haffa,inilli �, such a"IstarlcO as is'llest supplied by : I I � Find IT est. Prote . L t . . I 1!� � 'Writing -During adfica analit thb-same da —1, - � I L . I ._' _ _ __One � M ' Q14- and Dr Chame's Nerve FoodAhsgreat� blood' . Ve. . - . . ­ . CtOrg� A1L'StZ(,8­'.,, I .1 I -P . homv . � I . .. _ b the fifties and six- The time I. , � .. . , slong,*th y � illion,-621 betwe . � I . :, 11 . a country is large ­ )for holidays'diiiing tbe*fiftlesteachm eil-6ne;.-huHUitc& huilder-and. eMXeA-PD­rAt1ve, . �a ,. . . . I - . . I .. � L . . ... .1 , ' t t' ' ' I ' ' 1..� ..� I I tiestheformot writing was a ' and tho.'60i :hundred. and a half. million. .Abo t .., - A .,�11--- .., LJj--EC' 'L: 11810.0, CheT,''1gLt9:' '', L'. � I � . Plain ec.b.'eiteffsIva. I must , 11 '' I .. I I boys and angul " , I shall . .L �� j'L - ' - I - . 1: 1 :: I '.... . . . . - I . . . I V 9� .. . . '. " - - . L'--' . round hand with medium slant for the Promise. however, Itfiat what I L ek§i V.erp allo*6d Saturday aftorno6rls 5 'hAd iil�orrles-abov6'3,", Mark u ­ , � 4 HWV�& I I . L , L arliandfor the girls sayflhaffbb'donfined to ruralsellools And the -first two weeks in, August., - Iii: . . d - � . I . .C,andidE�tes..n-oinlz)q.ted�Ltor the Com I I .I. .. ...... L I.. . . -- i, -77-7r-,77 . 1861, tho. ]30ard of Public- Instru6tioii * .1. �—� - - - - ar . I rn on's , . . . .1 .., . . I . . t. . I I . . I Thea the spencerian system was in tZ -with theta only I have had� resolv . L ... � 7— . � yest * . I . . . . I ­­ L .o- only, as I ; �, . any ""ro M Ss�'� %iiobeit- Talines,L . � . - I . : . . " . ad -"That a certain tbnebe'&J� .. L . .. .. 1. . . . .1 . Ja - 0 S. T I I I . I.,.,, � 1. 1, ... . . dtweds which, in Its plain form, was experience during-, this-.16iig ,Period. - .. L . . � , , ,. , rl�-, 'West Huron 1. I 91 -mm � .. ... .. L lowed for,o4clf —exe ­ - - . . I Lkberal; Ldvi th �- . I . JL. . I I � Qm­ . . � � .o. ,constructed from afew * I * *' ' d f . ara, whit the . exercisei and th4 if . - son, -Nast Assiniboia' !M � .�- . I . ­ . . 1. . ., . gimp eprincIPION . *d L . . arlo 0 tal,110 A ­ , Libeial 'n - . . I .. I I . 1, .L waseasipIrtall lit,andtook the place is sai refers. to. sbho4l . exern. Thomp, , a.d,.T, I.. � . - �== . L -�— -- � & �.­ , L .�. � . .. son, ?a . 11 . - 11 , I L -- �.— ". .,' "I .. . � . I .. .. I .1 . I _ I . " - .", I . . zaamentallorm, it could be made quite larjeIy cc a t ado Lthe a4me-thf; time . #,L . . .. ­ 1 I I I % . . I ­ .0 . 1j� -14-q L I I % . . complex and probably from the tab .a be etermlilea 'by members of the ' : � I �'Thc v�ry many Miends of Mrs, , W 'R 4' i— -- I . r �­'' of secon liangfor the girls. In its -;jr. early period. th [ a in thersaid -time, he becousideked. - ,..., :FQr.1n&ji8.. - I A tive; , . . V41. ­ . For the first p . .t this , alse�audldato fail to �erfbrra the ­ � - -STOR . - X1, Xortb� Grey;. Cbnsar' . . i's beautitulcountry wa in6ow etent t . � CA - . . ;.. . . overed With th meval for t . Ud Ohfldren�. Ne. ' allrokd'. Co * . . . L . Brow , , ... .� , .1 .. . . . . . .1 "I I. " I . I a " 13oard." In._ 1862 L the' exam I 0. YOO'N , , , w1d9w - of � the late Hon Geb. Brown, * . I . . . I ") : 11 . . -L . .. - eat. - It required nearly 1311he'time of IT "' . . M10.9 to,�Cli *to 411 dency to ruu into or��meuts came the those Able'to Work to'"cleaj th inations - h, gin. : ave Alwaysleight , . I . - . . . .1 I . .1 . I I I land . I . I . .. , . . Ld Ob were reduced to two in'the ypar, one � - . will, 1�arn with� rcgr . .. L - .., : ..; ­ � . 1. ver- . , et'that f;he suffe ed, ' , ''. I . N eW Ralatuse,sTreacrIo We�ted 6068144 l plok 130'sket: 4114 . � .1 I reaction some years ago *heil the and 'make it. fit .for, cultivati6ne . ' in Aue'list and one in December, and Bears the : r . I . .. . � R , , L . 0 ,---*, . . . , . . th . , , aralytic oyol- 0140tvro. , I .. . , . I tiftl srstem of penmanship was intro- at accountchildi,eti, as soon as able , -recently from it".p , . �stroke an4, 1%. . I . '. .I , I ..­ . . . I.. ..� does& . Ili that'yoai 1300rtificates. were g-1, .. -lier. . * , d . L �. IL . . . . .. . . I . .1. . . I . . ? to Work, werekept at hoine during the . ant-' SiguAt.ure . I ill a serious cbridition. at her Tq';iL, - vew 0-att-mili..61 anj Viot, L . . . ..m ... I . I . ad. These extiminatipuff were hearyl ;. , . ... 1. .0. . � , . yli, ,sc-Od'a"'Q, , I I . . I eaneaPstras 1zzLA.* : A, " , . , ., ". LL. - . Indeed.it, scarcely deserves to be summer, and got t , of -W — deme in Edinbu . qe`li DateP",FIgPF Pr�nos Almord , * , . 1 , , 4 I -L *�;� 14- .1.0aneft 0 school only'a, few all oral, I I . ... . . . . . . � . 1. L � . I . . .1 ".. .. .1 .. . I., rjg I . ., .. . . . .� ... ', . lfilberti,'Feanut " . � system, for its forips were months- -orweeks-it-in , ht- be*, in--* ­-- , ­,�. * I . . 1. . , '--'W--_- . L ' .�_ I . d % . I . , I . ' Walnuts .. . 'O I P f� - I L I I a " , I win-- . - 1. - . . * . , . . . .. * 0 , I , ** . . I .0 An � � � I I . . . ` and the connection of I ­ � -­­­­­­- � ­ 1� . . '. . �_, ­ ' . I L, . .. . � I . , V... ' ' ' ' . I I I - 0 t. . -t . . I . L . . -.-- -- � L q lq.p., . . ,.., L . VjgckAt,ug A .4 'a pare, a] i ' . d .. .. I ..,., ) school life hap. . . . . . . . -11-1 -:�. .1 ­ -- ­ I . . TeagwsOdr B,Aok, 1. I . elejant, L If , I 7 L - . TO . - ­ ��:�­­ - . . An . Green n 4APAU i Olin" healthy'And : . ., , - '.. . ': .. Winte� holars, ai . . ., 1. � I 1. . — - U� .. . d .1 .1 . I - —. _ _- , , . ... L . � . . . . I . . I :-,g- — L. , -L . 'r .- --- I b . they Were called L _'� .�- * , - ----------,-----------------,�.,�-,,�,------..:-,-,.�, -;.- mode is now to pass away anc Se "Afid'I'Mus - - ' � . L . letters were loose r wan MR. passed away,,; and . .. - 100S I. - a , are -now very few - , , . . - ,� .� 1? .. . . . . 11 . . . ­ L: ­ I plisoed by slant writing. . . . ). .. . . , , �. I., .'L .'ft Z I . . .. I ..., . .1 1. � - �­ A few of'the - marki3d' and Important 6- . . I. .. Tito I , Crockery China . �'.. L , � L. ' : . I . I I . '—. L . I tyin I 1.-: _ -­ � . . . ­­ , . . � 9 �. � .. - . . . . 'd . I. . 2ftagenia � �t Alm w4or . I and lGlassivare* -, . .. � . .. . . . � , * � Arithinatio-In the early da*s' s beti�een the'schools during . erelygyMptouss-Of 01sea ­ " X� � .... I .1-1 � . �,.Ifl'%Wbaok- aches. &U4 you suffer � We import dliedt from th� Engli , . .��. . .. . . . . -- . . . �Iff`�"`� Are M . . . d pe owrdlug..�o' the PW"* "IlleAl I ish, and Gernian I . . � ­ methoila in this L subject were va a � ae mas and.tlie,present, . . He V* t6hi, t(Agj,ij I . wanuf4aturers., aha we be, . . ' Must be TredteO Tbre ugh,. Of the L, ondou i'T - --, evidence . v� the . -1 , � I will'lioVrLbe: � alid ' !, a US, it is an larteatAnd best Affiort6d stoaks­hi� the Lootinty. - ' - * patte'ras in W . . 16 was a sort of trial method c reforroa to. .. .. .1 . . . � . . ­' . . I � . . I elegrv,ph,ll a d � mized . Of diseaglew figheys.- Get Fertozone Dinner, Tea slid 'Latest'. des.1glih and sw ! . . , , was quite satisfactory if it broughtit I I . I ', - - the Blood, :, #Ultor re0enbly tolmd. a Itew.;fty of. 110. . . I . Toilet 66, And 16110 Chba To bla Lemps, tram 25 a _yea; ton,par ' . 1. I . . : . -L '' -, 0. Up, * D Loa. Scyroo,L �. . 1. 1. � . ' 6, It rOgUlArly. ' Feri. . . .1 L E[oraej;. ()ACV 0, , 1� answer. Rules for solving quesbioits -T 1 61 1 . 740V833b .� , . : . -*No" . - ­ - Ing tho motor -car for Inatr HAI' pUr6 . suffeierm feel � . Agent for p,ratt,3op 4 , . tY and priaes, , -- J . he at once and tak- -cent. cheaper thin T. Eat`dn.4 c6. 'Calt'and ek I I were so maby that the pupil became 1: IMA�gino .s., house, tv�euty-ei * I - . ... - ' I ' - no Ob, 111103 .ozone , mAkes' kidney . . aulline,quall . I . ght by- .. If ybu suffer *ibh� ., - - ' - , . V(F0&X eet of hill iLEwtiob W�g. better At on .. . . 1. . ood for . l h . L ta . -w$H I cei "I was bothered a "' . . - . " L. '... . . . � .? .. eeP, Foultr . y. and Flogs. . . :- , . . ' , , � bewildered Among them and seldom f wdnt,v foet, square - find Jnw-any, kinA of , ng.bg tim, 414 he� jlarer"'We�o I -.great d0al`with my kidne a TKO , , I. I . .. . ­ - . .. ..; - � �� - ,. .. - . . ,'� , , - :mIndL t at pain -is but a 4Aujd"j6. 11 d , - I . � . ,- . . .about eight; pain-koepin ; . I - ­ � - knew which one to apply to the queaw set high,' built -of. 1OWS laia One abb,�e. 'j9yL1nPtOM, not,_ it �41464S6 L. that" What qto , . a .'Prete4ded, to give up. 'Writes S. G. Denton' of v last yearlo L . , ; : . , . 'd .. �� I . , � .. auobb6r,' and hotche �Yoa Must flgbbL I de& 'Off . fo Mick I : .1 � ,� . , .... . - . I Teoonal)Cd 0,4116 1 1 * .relief. from-Yertozouc . Good'Odte .4, .i . , . , I 'to ""'� "d t"6 ). my, . * ir a% , , . .t . . I . erett "but . �,� tion to be solved. * A new era d%,wned - � a671he ends . u is not ther �.airx but - its �" t '11, .. I . - .. I ia-lts 1. � . .,w . , . I 1. , in arithwetio-wben Dr. McLellan intr(j- bind. them together .at t Pr )mug perel a1riend of'the'fainily� and rOU le'Manifested Itself - b � , ; I I a.. I �.­ . � ,� The'rafters w, lie p .gj. L. ern;'e'; that liniments and Oils for; ex� : Ala tO(jk ,oil -the Y� .Pahi in � . I I " I '­., .. . "Ov 'L. . # . irwin I I 4luced-the-unitary er6placed on t C6 �- — --- - , .. . . . . .. L I I . .. I . . ­math0A-1a--aoIyJUg- . b 7 L.. I al application- are - absolutely liqe7 tu gliboul.bil, girl, ,and 1er ,j,%t;hor joi the back,'dull heavy feeling and con- : I - . I . . � . I 1�- - questions. -0 - cl-the-plat ",A�-Joljle . , . - � . ---. .1 . . ­ - I - 4e$&-�T-0-0#ercome4ho-cause-.of-lj&in, L, -drive -t*'-1J&yr#. stalit headache-, 6co, .. ., . - !! . . I I . . . ,� . � I.: Alrithmetic is one of the - most List- The sheeting il .. �damgerous­ At, 6 . I . quite. re voted. � I ... I L L . . . I I . � . .. 3 -part -of- d-be-eudd . � . � , I . . I 1. a the-,iVi f tor-using-AAaw,boxes-.0 .0 Alb . - ..� L . ful subjects on the curriculum' of stli. and the Shingleg'On the sheeting, internal treattabilt is necessary, Pains, ewy- which has *v * . � .1 z0A0­ � I, I I - I .- � I .� . ... . ... L no- matter where, located, will. dis- - 111-1 'speed; alid the -W sprang � Do#-*' L . � . i on me more Strength an � 'Y . . Tb , ar When yoti - ,A 9-arvo I diOIL It is useful in the practical, af. spaces between, the logb were chinked appe . 4 at & tarrifie r4e, - .71he lb 11 ,.., I . .. . - .1 . . . . .. . I I . . purify ,and' enrich. . virl. eat still . � h than I ever had befor '. . I . I . I '' . .. L I . .. I . . . . . .. .1 I 1. I .. . I . fair* of life, and it also affords an ex- with *ood and then pla§tered--� with the'bloodand stren&thenthe nerves. =yJOWW..n6 feaiy�' 6ut her Iterrified I can recol4inend Ferrozone as 9, 'Pos-. , - To all our: . . - . . . L .11 . fallexit mental trainit blay Ormbrtar. The door was I in one Aches and pains disappeat as if b father vhouted to -thd man. I , Filende and Pationo we extend a morry ChAsimia'. &Ad WOUL br ,.' L ' ' . ., _ 'o W , "'ed tll�acuft-" Price -50e &ball druggists. ' way of �'Bis 71 Mai pa will be more likely t Id say . . � .L - I . L I . . C . , in the, othar.. a r ulaw.-to stop. .'Toiisen, I . . ......... � - , . - ­01iriatram Goods "dj'Proseats.. a OOmO here for yow, , L % 1. do not know why ttere is axich an'i ladt a window And .small blackboard magle when -W Willhims Pink PilT bd Ais 0044 ) have ouch if Y.0 , :� a Of*tcvY Against the time spent on Ion OiCille"sidds -were two are -used. Everr 'actuall makes t , inirvt'V 1vith ., - h t 'A cow &nj of �Unitoa- I L . . We its usual have a large assortm6 . L . 1. I . . I d _ D Grooeries, Obinaware,lGlisawgive, (JAndy. was arithraotio.by some writers, Ibionot .I horizontil Windows, ' b' h . dose Sr .�. . buyr G,U I torm States Marines nt of Dry Gwao,. . � . .. W, 10 gave no � - mot6iist YJ the has arrived fit Seoul, the . Vegetableo,-Vish and many' other U0efnIL &r 111I)a*04---rig '0 berries, e ` - - . . fair y �W, rich, red Mood, which As . 0 4m Cann d - ' ' � � Wile to spend much time, in arithmeti- . good Jight in tile room. Two ease from, the drives d19- ear torar .long, and If , An . . c�xpital of Corea, .., tiolea. Your inspection reqrMied? i * , . . . I gth L of yatera'and �. WilIPSYYoul .Then' b' I . � I . r oW uzzle.9, but a goodi practical ttejb� were L snisl4es Z4' r � ­. ad Jo prot�et American Interests there, 'ow'lhw, im. . f, . . long desks the Ion - Pain. �.Thousand,3s- and thou � 8ATed In. _,.,4 -a� Ke *' h . I ­ ara ?k arge supply Or Herbagetim &Ila Dr HasBp pood s9 "I . Ing n arithmetic is a rod pteparatioti fastened to.the wall sainds of , ... SkA -, 1A- � �O danger of rfoilfij, Move Your stock in the winter. Bargains in Qverco&tg, Horpe*BI n . . , .W . , S.'On both grateful people have t2ties' would . .have I . I . . . I )r L , * . . . -­. . - ell I I . . I I - --- -- .­. - sides , and lob ,fornis were faOtgnad to iven ill L-.iiim is + . .he Atislrallan� Veder' Terms 04811 ot'PrOdilde.atrah as Butter, Eggs XV16d s� I a ket0, B 0 1 1 . ..�. , VP opt Tallow And lard .. L . I - . . ii mQuY to Prove this. - It Geovga Ctest" '',%',a 44H all-te killodl" the Is **** , '. auou of Seamen, AtilligheftYrices, Poultry wanted. for,Csmh or Trade, . I '. . I 10111gitilli 41 er by resolution, declsLj6d thafa vrefe . : I '.. ' ' ' i I . � ,ap y -The changes I [-�L� -T 'i suffered terribl '411r ljl� . 1, I "I'll" 1. I L" , . . I . Geogr fi; thetseforgea .- u )I a :a -f— '1111111illy I f . . in tfilq - O.. P� P� ... subjeat have not been so groxt&a in the windows. The raid 16 of therpoin -- --r -- -ft � e H . I 1, �. 1. 1. Miles ,T . , 1. . I . I Vadrag . * ,. I ., � . . 1; . 21 ohs# sqw --& se a 11 . . of _i_,3­J­ � , solull a 6m Sol- -said tU. detamined young %V" 'Li _ 1p espectrully, ., , . . . sui;i;Q ye fr GbAD , 3i' 'Mao, a0khoWId sul ZM 1-11 � ':� 0 - . . ��� - 1 l . . I I , thers. In addition to the usual was seated With, 10lig forms. placed Ili liticv;., -The pain wa's something Awful, gr!Qy; ,if You don't, lddns�nt At olic6 - ent for the protection ol tbg . . I �� I I mathematical 'and physical the form, of A rectangle ' . , -­ ­ Ion . . ����'i . . -. . I "Pects, end for ooliven- Open' at one alld - .1 a, � .. . . . . . .. I . I" a .am - s,vy. . . � .. .. . . .­.. � . Den. All � ; . -. . . . ­ ..." eould scarcely boar to have any-: going to sen4.00 matfillia hito tfia ' . . 1. - -- 'L . I ­ . I J.. -, ' I � � . L , . tbare is a 6endency, now , to deal more 'once toiget seated with- thing touch in$, log. , ditch, and att, . . _ _ I '' I I . . . . I . . . . � . I took-rdodivine medAs qnick "Park. & Thompson;, W 4 c I -k I. . . - . � - - . , .­­ I 1. t .1 I , with the subject as it relates t6 trade out Stepping-OVer the f6im; - These from. bwo dobOrik -and tried.& iltimber, d0ath,') As hia'r4te thab� I n'own.gt . - , . A- B ' . ..L'' . -----�-�----�—L ... ... .. . and commerce, the contras of indtiStry Were Arranged in arallel It . U. spoke he im rta vlo, tral. mercharits of -sutton, 'West are in. lar(JAOL ;, 40 , � . . � . flicultits, and , , t, iu , . � I nes around Of recoindiended rdinedies but derived lent lardlies Itopl, sfd# io ado ' I ., . thig,subject have not hing tiolit exce rhamenta- Dr Willis;wlp, pfaIr pills, and this Ila . 02 Ins: In 1PA2L - . - , and population. � I tho,otove, which efood In the centre of no benefit. TheA X* who a L '12" t o -*he. finiincial di i 0 Giammar-The changes fit teac, the r9om. There was, j2� o vised to t � car., 01 cons I . . their aftirs . tl" gasped the uOW van. tf�laced in charge -of Oster "r I have bee , as tbred quished pax6nt. ,an;adiately the W-, WlidC ., I . . .11 . ,i-.�.r been very gTeat. b the sheeting b . 0 T. . ­ , Furni ­ * - - , , "' , . , ,. ( espa i0ino belped-m - 'me, , . . I . . , A WW � 11 The 4 with ink ?rom� the ink o O"nItuost from the stait, .4 .1 down, and tile rest `6f thg joar. " ..91 . . . . . . ­ L I . . . . . . yntactical parsing of the eat tie, t ghtly amd soon released Mef,taint 41 . . . . I . :1 . Out; -Auntlif Stock TAking Sale is now on, ' I I 1, . days, has giv, 1)r ,corkedby accident or des! . he trouble 2.ey was done afa. steady touting pa,ce. —* .. . Every doy will be' Bsigidn - � I . � an Place. to the Analysis An plae- andlhav6uot eincehad atwingp Of Awat during the Inotor, r6vi A NVONDERvuL, I I 9 as The g6ods. loss. ­ VVe h#ivv A duo lot of Holfasy.Gooag which . . 1. 1 4 , . 4 of sentences. Then ad on the sto t . BOOX . = Oul. - Any reasonable price will talks show., . I I - mod* . � . � ammar dealt. ve to thaw ... . 0 113ter it. Itherofore have groat rea, to Nzatt** 'pbileeniaft h4d 'JAM douownaultdid . A!8 a work for family reference there . - Odd Chaira. Policy Zo I I . ­ 1O&Wtgi*l1kLwintdh rwoolataio'ba of r in f [act' oa$' W,hIswa,do.a.pas9abIe-s�mrd* ' . ei; j4 1 ,kere ,ilma , ' ? - C mornings: I . 1, I t praise DrWillIAWS Pink pillfl.ss son 1110 Ste This L-istmr I I ii� 3. P.0 :. rf , humber. WIsen the g1jile. fat,ho . Wag probably never compiled a more . , fig, Music Cabinets. Book 0409, yaidin ,� . 4 . . ;- . Vrl to oachothe ersehoola Sci&ticeq theumatisin 1X46b now It deals in, addition.to these wit'hP" house,. hub in 1, nouralkla and - Ishoin'the macmile belongi;, appeg,rad in 'Useful book th L turey.. Bowie, .. . winter the ventilation alt Othel? iclift And pains a 0.18 RecolPt ObWeens sleighs, .tto. . � re eptapiete. ,4 7 1 1 .1 phruses and claudea and their ralationg. was Sometim6ft e*dessfye, e6peciall, on ly driven1vord �*Qutb-to ans"r ,to* 46 zubmiqnb, Ids; 1300k. Besides containilig 41- 13' 1, ... . t, I - . and functions in the sentence, . . I &W.Vilt6w, , 0 rinp- , . . I ­10'Hivoyouroolliforanyof thagagoodS,$*- 4* . . . .. � 'there was no. calling -fair U86 of, - Dr , throun a lubaro son-hi-ld,w aveoinp4aled hfih� 4nd toms of disease, their e . I . . . .1 " I.. � � I � ". . '' 11 AtOrnarda a. As . .1 . . . � , And noth ng but Will'Aw%. Pink ills. 16oked expeadinIfy , huself. .g . 41d : 1, . :, , .� . .. . . I . the following list. cont&inj the ?I Aa4 the greab ra I tj , * I the sbeeting, and Don't take Any . it d substitute., Vbon a ftO _ pleased, with h p scri ons . . . .. ,Obt from the Iftelem. ode that the ful bame I& alzteenlranes ,was a century or . � ' � ' USN"A otmosk of tile works on aml- ahfngldg* to Prot _r(ttkeolore lm­�" together diwing hal? . . �. �- L . no ­ . I .., .. I ]AAr that have bean usedin the a I oolij- Oudy Of the Weather, ,it *09 f6liod lin., Pink Pills f6r Pidd p 6 WOU-10 - plate . . .1 . . WS - ]BL"No''. . � � %, Dr' Wllliaml� Medical practl . I . . CNEL,Llo ; of 11uron during the last fifty ye&r4 POSSN04 On Severe days, to k .11 I 'a Y 4 ce, this book -Is ro .1 .. . . ,eot" ls'piintdd, . H6 *on. with race to for cooking and has 4 '. � . . . � . . .1, , 1�* 1 . 1 �4 .. .. . : . . . . � I I I . 0q,p I a on the , wrap er around he box.. if in �- N -, I I , � . ­ . . . 4'. 0- . I I . .� . I I � . I LOW(liai Murfay.. Kirkham, Bullion, bldderatO ill�at, and the few jed'to'iftIr dompletO I - � . P,Uplls,�, dobbb=enp tamed e doy bay apartment -devobed, to the , 011111 - �"i�� � � , piriiatiiiimlkilumllkt" I . Milltr`t Bullion, Robortson1j; DAVIS, *entuiea out Y%O a VdIlrect to the Dr Willfates . , . care - of stocki .be6s, domestic � I . IN . . . farm I . I . . � tbroligh the gWrm woilid �Xedicil]O Cop. 13todkvillo, Obt., and - , I �kAvn It,= . I I -,---- . . .� � " be forced to return to their homes. . , , I o LY DWNKS� � . ­— � " . , Seol,th, Strang and Souhler, , I I the pills will be sbut by, wall &b. �50 1 . I 11 . I '. 'Animals. - etc. For. fall - panictflars - 1P AN -r M�mnlc.n ' ..... � , . . I that4sixiforIvItior, . . �. � . . _ I I S1 I * ­ � � rY halal J36t utidaigono, wgrah . . � . Write Edmanson. BA WIVES ,:Ap b!� removed Permanently by I I I Its watter do64 kidt ch Tot-ourso. , . . r debts a box or'six boxea, for $2,so - too &Co.o Toronto � . V149 1'nSt"'*'.48,"4f-'1?XcX4 1'rescription accretly in STERS" ' �, &hlre .. I . I � mom'! i ! r ! ! Ill 1'. -1 . I I I #A& t ere hat nob be The t4bbling In thego I I --- f1l an much varielry ,Was of,* very Rarly day I . . I tZood or dtjy,i:.,.P,,t,.,L,tt,i�lltm.qsltj)e. Free I I I S I . . : . . I . �.11- I . � I 6,4tlin 11iU,,'ny4,­st,nLi;,jaA. Nrmt, ""'"'" . . - . .. fl., a - AOTHERS. Puy (.6 ) 4 Ift the method of teaching it, rudimentary charaoter, � rll.i2�lft-44616 Siupfft.. I - ', - ii jorW1u8Lr0o4T6rO4Lo.Caa. . ., �1 and neceasaril O. Mali --� � . I I . .Care, of Housel plailits, - � � I I I I . ��NA,Hr.,i BROTHERS . ,'Ntdltd Iikdhf8tftY§bUtAjdb&ng6d I, - 'y y children ,-- -17 ,iiotlmi$��, I - . Parillysis ` and I , . I - I I I I I 4 . . — � -Put mAiRtains the evAi tenor Q So little time Zo att . --said -&ho . , I � N The advent of tolder weather wearij I � . 4 ! ! �i� I I .e 0 I I . I ­- , ­ . � . I I .1 ., . . J"'-Ik: created ire - h . � I �­- - I : that is, to kno a presenj '.. , " Eecomfor -AMX1 ift � I . . el'tawar" 9111 they 'could get was to learn to read, - I � end'adhool, that -�W' ! bt * logical ae%Uince and dop6f' I Aa gellfiej�910!() udende' I gattn't, 1%h4b it , - * AigoolAtion a bvz�.j swu . 4 , ------- I . . Af the Ontario To�l,eherv' w the letters be able to Wtth I Alon, and. bba.t y4V4 � . oat, the -latter also ' . a ifte d id' � or dry, 0 -0 -Am" I— L I . form theta in V -9 fill rease ars it� . i . 09, 1 . A , oo" , , hWt.APHI, A. A Gtiffin,H. A,. MtIng. an(I ioperform, It &W 9A`vO 611311111of Atult III about "-'. . vaL *y 1W. aubml Novo Ir"d " "' .. I . . �\\�'. ,of Wood, - A '' 21088. of the atmosphere. The latter e. L I . . . - , � , St -4001k, road a piper o the fundamental opor&tIon4 in arlth� W1=W--, VVIint, do you me I VIL 14UO IW1,, Bridgowater, N.S.0 condition will probably itiduo.6 a visit - I - n the question watia, Ing Ry art � ­ , ­ � .TheL folloWl incident will i%Oh A Pregoliptift-for sil" ' I . "Is Euclid the best . t wnt":-"AbOUt tLyelt *go I SuRred a stroke from, ingett pests, unless precautions . % . - _ omettr 46,t our Allow that the knowledge of the teAchw OV, POPTe'lluilit md abd w4t* of, 92sts, Well Ida the in A V44 Ud ItAtO 1. . . I 1, .. . . . -)18( "he maybe fallo* , dough Wl* I&bftCjd ,a are taken ta, prevent their, appearance. I � 15 . I Ili* a C" t r a i", - , I , . - ­ I I - Very me re, Theogramm,%ti t4 you# you must � , . To add to i4y troubles, Ust wiliter Green fly and red spider 4re, most to . . � - .. I '. Oft WA8 , -- , , . I . . I - he word "h6l"jind Ad If It were'Vory hard & molk b - 1. , 04 PT chabtgs in the Vmo*hQuolitod 61480 Is parsing.;, 14ok at -it doubtftoly Itooklaol,116, , 044Y of Euclid. . . . . tl 10 which �onioletely exhausteA ,a feared, especially the latter, as . i 1. . ... Alitebta occilpied At one tim 6410diba pronoun, Theteachorbor. Yon must -brin . g it 'to me 'a UP" Th'" my ft"lls q0A:W,- I could omdely wilk or 'theit'appearanco is _ eaSt'ly 4e. ... . 0 A , rooted; by okyidgL it IS &,flrat , and 'we *". I. talk, My lagS hot L�b . I . and wins -tteted as thtt Of the ,1phis, Or green I . imt a4a In the 43 A "f1A Ir CILAS§.. Using ersOnal both t004 It a -lid sphako our meet M a det , - - . .. a 40M 1 'Po' VrOUOUM The bWk AftW . *eze paitiolly p"yxdd# I I . . 9� r at Mnia-s that Ou go baek to the , _ tly , �, . I . . I � ". , . -g6t —yw� M VA al staMmew sit captolner fta my blood did not drew , sprinkl , Itig , and !;yringing I 0,kiset I . , I () I . that the gtamwar calls as m If b#'wallts It to'day. whelk , -ho- , Havirg pnr tbf liotcbodbg I � I , I r i7ly", bZ106goototr", I e �rl coplot" , � ""-," .1 noted M" !r eVerVIL t at It %'third. ThO'tell0her-usin Al f Jilteroperly,kildle6uld - I I �, . I rl OVeryL a to 11 thia Orammar, aa urray a !nys lie ,does, YOU 4tifivireal thint y64111 J . Vith told water is 'the best preventive buoillem of IF, n. I r u to I vn, re, I t6vincoi Re P&POV t8t V I that it is a ff . not oanyv , And to decf� JfOrt, A p&tJoIrt Alrs� 1: wig go - TAd tbA this _If of 4, in. tho Udueatio . ' I p6rk' 111&c is . I otit . 4 phred to hirm If fk� f i. op r . I Art a to s (I Xe the diffl6tilty"g"a file' "ke a apeclal , for the attacks. of tht so-ealled- spider. ,� 11 Ate his '016tio's, a. pros e I $21VIAS, fuchshts, rosoi and carnations son with all kindi, (it f reeh and -1: � I . I � 40,that time a 6. 16et 1. Mtttray,.,and finds that he to ita . Orlption. Viiat them A$ - , ddctbts ova MIS up MA . I I . I L -6 *�&fio A . 16et O'calla 1 beell LAO Much-U'OUbl'6.;oV,ar4..*Ad­# ft-JlW 06red Mftto, FAi)f,l,V . . I 6i* ilationally e I limetio also s h - It he AdIVN� some b�neflj from it. I _ Oft third, In oft he .b* ', thought I could tot H" Are first favorites with this little pest. 0. bolopno'. I �L - I DMWIng1aa hod WAhY bilthgosAnd tiob as -the f lie & 12684 bMkm � "Migh thesumeww W,beft firlit ittatked&'the leaves of lards butter 6nd epj,p s,lw,kVX Appt ft ollowitig, WAS til , L bMICT. I . "y do patbinento of the subldet hAv, greAb difficulty - in X -go ' t a But 40n't VOU do 6AY more of Oat � N .bigft do we of i : elle puft ptesebt a Whiti#14 dauso I 11 f 1111 I . Te" I I a crowns, half ho"' ;iMly Wunto pr000rl I , = a pearinte, eArcial 44, li'autwoplmd from, I'M tr 1111eig in pante't -crowns, shilithgo, 611E. y6u W"t to I I . bi%rhNW*XeftF0A g -ly on tile IL 11tZ61144*5 -.is litt , I I 11 11 -- - - ' ' ­ I � � pladeall to 11,91afA bylo 0 f6uti-pancoa at)d thrde-pondes" 4kt,$, .- I ­ . 0 petsevered in, thi � , 60417104t ilde, and t a' f I � . ,. . tj. utw, , E tfejLtuiefitPL tultfl now I a leavea � will, ' I 14., . . thgos 4*4 sometimes li�npficlal, bub arid Ot AdOh Mir Oqual Untaborp To. , 11. . A $(ion dOt"Intlice drOPPItig twice every . . . . I vut'Al schools the dr,,�wlbg, 4outgo solve such a q1t0stibn VV46 0ousifilerod a . .. .. I . 10frO I . kulattroik ogatuo lu day. TobaddO Water is' the best I I I eat fe4v lift . 0!1�0,1�0,Jii­ , , 1 willphotle I& . - �- CA sad 'examilke. , -, . bo6a OhAwd. t46 often. thOW early daye, Now; FArebaditlaii howbeenmoo tftkk.1 m4edy for gresm fly, althdukh. t6bad- 0 . I . .,a �. I I - . - I . ,mature stuak" thtt ft' would be I . ' - kftrise to dvftyo# to kw* ft leaf Ste Our allook of big - h at I i 11 plAnocot &t. r I ' IN so, t4udh, l'u. & sImpid, operation in . A Small vs"W. 046; Ith a I 11 Ins, or even a cigar' Others d4liver6d ptomptly P 611 �06, 4ttho Absiiing, . . . I. am ram Who srounil *ftU,t%h,W - tqugfi�y drle4 tn$ I 4 remat time I'smotliot rag t. - .1%6 1114 . I I I - -rubbed into a Pivito di iko town. I 'r , 14 . 9616A.- Vatawr ('10 10Y) L X&V , ' V661 q4tih bAt Wu built til ; . powder and sprin led on the p1mits I I 00i Cs", a6sigbo, And doutilhing 6*0 A4. I at' � &,a 411,616 of, O b ­ 4m6lbb of, the 1 06ils Purchasable fot Monty. oftommy I 1910011 , * 061M M31 Ammu t�m ., , - by . '60260 or & edc a In tho 1114JOST1134SIX866WOA bbUT Lfidr-*e�ftT Mt VMft to hit - . ,,I MA Able to "a W01L bw . Oted With X., JR4-potoomol having hoga Wt SJyIes Of AW.Mi.foll,d org a ,A 6 the 4 'freett fly Will generally for : lat4 %n#;�L #& boft 66t ti 0- or Y JAWSWN) who wowd rill" a r And be" *ff to . "Yot �y Pefoo#. Inittuaftl6fils tonjod, Jilaid 0. J*. .9 . ­ tj i M, It . to, 14L I mw tu fit ilt one mostly b, , e W ig YNA, = shipmett tj i M, It 0 a ,ILI � of tht 01411t 0 them. The latter ap- - I I ha#6 ohame, Of tb* adho6liqof One, or ;; NZ WA I M* . tR* It best rdadt after the plints �.11-1­11,­ ­ �- ­­ r6d. GftUloVhOb$.§JJUd Ja4slo U V,%*" L � -� ­'­­ ... � ­­ . t I ght Mot% t6*69fifps each i*184 ==fttl ­ pt .i Af . 1.04# bly hk A"10 beat tedigntly 80rinkled -or sytin* � I 0 le Jr.'r . 41. Nup",Ab,Ztd.ijg and were caI1#A T 11 ty ist . . kJ"A-"JWW,J0"d*L"dWh ' iki the t6bawo dust adlims btf- ,w - - I �, malfty of Ilk"d W������ I L * L I 0 , --- , -I ­ r�l,, . T* - . . L . 11 "..'' . . . I., I- ; � - 11 .1 . . -� . I �- o(W.I.&M ChAA& 60AMWO' w1lett the fougge of the , Plitt Is 44 ROARS% .1 " -, � � - , , "'�-,-)� - " �,-- ., V wl"ft 7. ,�­ - &%I* WMe .1 I I Iii' CAST041,A I VW4 I ` /a-* I I �-,�­. ­�;­:�. ­ I I ­ . A �, * ., . I I . *=WFb*i"4*%4wj, 4* 1* jjj�, � 11 I Iasi Hunt, 00010h, Mt. I Rene* -yo�F,aubs&*lpd45*-ttoi#t-"L".---_;,.- -1.-.1----.1 L I- - - , �. , � . I . . . .1 . . � . I I I 1% 1! - � I .1 -, -, , -­ . .. . . . . I . �. . . - � I . . . I .. t , . .101#141 amp4rim,oh I .1 . . . . ,.. - . I I I . � � 1K., I . . . .I � ,- - ­ ". ­'. - ­ . . . 6 I I - I �' iV 11 I . I *N . . . I � -- ­­.. :...'­ ­­ - � �. - ­ ' ­­­­.:­.,._,.­­ . .. . - ­.­­ . --- -- . ­ ­ - - ­ ------ � . . L.. ' I I I .. II I I . - . . ..... --.-'L--- . I � �­ - '. 11 . . - L. ­ � � -L.-,-- - I � * I �. . --­-----­­­­-­-.­ -­ -- 1, -, � . I �� ,' �. " � � � - L . . '.. .11 I " ­­­ � .. . I " �, I � . I . . . I -1 AL . � 4 I 1. !!!, '' "L,&I, - - � � L -1 � I $I t ;� '! , '.. I'll I ' tAAM:,1t -...1111111 1, . � .1 . "A"L I I I I . .= - ; �& 'I - �adts­- -A��I.k I I I 1. iilliikk�",A"�,., ,A.N.&,.,..,L�,��'.