HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-01-08, Page 8. -
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:� ,'�*N Saturii,ay I we ,enter the *mA4- week of "
'Out , *;V-4- �,y�uary"$ale. Here. are - 40m�, - of
I I I 1, . ..
I the special1"ftr4';tiono that will hejp..-�ke�p us
. I I �_. , I -
. .
busy next we . ek. '.'Not, -one-in the list but, i4i
.1. I .... � .
11 a money -saver. Dozenvand dozens of other
'). id - a
�, bi aina, just as � , to be found here- all
,, arg . 900 . . . . .
. ... .
I . -
- � I � I
- � I . .
I � .
. -
r .1,,s -One-fifthdff 1�ursi for january'Sak, -A.
... . - i .. I
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Big Features 11 �. .. . �. ... 11.
I'll .. � 1, ,
' I
Furs are the big item l.n.this *ee.k..'s list. , dom.-
I mencing SATURDAY) JANUARY 9TH. .. -We-.
I :, Ther6 . is-*'
. will give one-fifth off the price. of all Furs. ,�.
� .. �'
I still a good assortment left, as'good as lots of. �stores
. would start th.e.-season with. . Each and'every. 4rticle,_
. . . .:.--
is absolutely reliable and can, -�e.,de . pended upon- -in
. ,i - ,
. .
every way . - If not, you can get. your, money -back."
t we oii ge' . 6c for' ,
On6-fifth ofi means tha , � ly- char .you' 8 . .�
. '
I every dollar's worth . of Furs you buy�-hcwe .-,during."
. �
I jahuary. Here. are a few items that. show �what one-.. -
I � .
I . . .
. . . . I .� I
fifth off ftieans� to you:-,, � �. I . - .1 . .
. .. . ..
. I., . . . . .
. I . I
* , . h -it $15 -
-9ne Caperine regnlar$10-(,,0,one-fiA ' oV makes I , -40
� one Caperiue regu�ar $15-00, one fifth off fijikes t,..Sl 2.0.0 *
, . _1
one Cajirine regu ar $33.0% one-fifth off Mal -es. it . . $�6.40.. -.
. . .. � I .. I .
, . one Caperine regular $&00, �one_#f-th off.inakeg A . $6.80 -�
. . . .
one Caperine,regn ar $15.00, onb_fifth� off makes it .$12.20..
. 11
. . .
. .
One Oaperine regular $5 00s one-fifth 61f: makes it. $4.00 "
. , ''
. . . *
, . -fifth 4f niakes it 06.00,
. One Sable Rqff regular,$18.00,. one . . �r . .1 I .
� . I . _.
. Also a good ass - orttfient.of Ruffs, Fancy C611ars; ,
and Muffs that we na'v6 'not. -space. to list hete. � , I f * *
. "'
you want good Fors. you carf -save - tiioney..'b�y�ng...
. � : ''.. ''. I I . . I .
, . .1 - I
. . I I
. .
,1 them here during January,. . . �. .. '. .� . * .
. . , , .
. . . , . , , ,
. . �. . I .. . . I - - -
One-fif1h. off%odi@'&'Flr '3.a. Ckets..'
. . .
I . .
. Less'than a dozen Ladies' Fur Jackets left to�,,
I. . �
. sell. To make -sure of.selling.. them, bef&!� - stock- .. -
. taking.we put them . in with the small Furs .AV26 . , per �1
- I � ..
per cent. less than regular prices, -Our' original,:;w: ,j
prices were very close and ble.,F�ujr jackks such '
relia , � , ) .
,. as we sell, going at one-fifth - lessihaq our- rq�ular: . 11
� � . _. , I
i close prices, means that they are undoubte.d'bargams;_
... �
. " . .
' Ladies' Fur Jwkets, regular* $2-71.00. on e.-fif th 6ff -makes thefix $20 -OD -.
. �
I. Ladles')Fur Jackets. regalar Mr.00. one-ofifth. off makes them M28 -M : - �
� Ladies' Fai Jackets. regular �45.00, one lifth off luiakeslheui�,*3kbo- .
. I . - ' - .� - �
I. Ladies' Fur Jackets. regular $60.00, 6tie-fifth.off roakes thera S40.00
. -
I . � � - . . . �. -� . �, - . , .
. . � . . . . I � . ... . ... I .. I .
. .
. . I . . . I
. . . '
tm One-fifth off Furs during: Janua'ry--',,#A, 1;
. . .. � .. .., �
L_ . . . b
Kid Gloves at 50c. , . . purtneiette Blankets 50c. '
. I . . I � .: ., I
Lad ies' Kid Gloves. blaak and English ilamieletto Blinkels . .
0 olore, odd pairs, regalar extra, -hesv� wgigktj pafet: -4 .
. $ 1.00, and $1.25 lines, whil,e,UvoithoolorAd-
, ,7 , ,for
olearing daring Janu&ry at 54 inalies'. 8000151� .
per pair .................. 50C joutfary, Haler, e%oh.,. .. .1 i.. ,50C
- I .. 1.
. . . . . _.� .. __ � "-- -,. -�- - "". 111. � -
I . , . . .
- The Mantle Sale _11i'm W I . �. ..-I.. I
. . .
i ' . *
. 1. Dontforgetthe remaikably lovi"prices at,
whichw6 are selling Mantles-dtiring'january. .: -
There are not a great many left, to sell, �ut,thesd � � -
are all new, stylish and up-to-da:te Coats and the
prices are low enough to- save big.�,money for
people who get them. Here is the -way, we . are.
� - �a �
Ift - __t_F1__1_ __ . .. '.. .
s g t em.: . . . . I . � '.
I I % . . . : ..
That sold all the Wayyp,to � I o. 00 - . -
. .
. 1. Your choice of 31 Mantles for. $5,75 e&ehb Alt I ., _ �. ..
are new, stylish and Ir -to -date Coats, Not'One . .
in the lot but was ma e for � this season's trade, ..
. They Sold at *7.50, $8'.50.and, $10.00. For the first
weeic of our January Sale *o'give, You the choice -of I �. ;*
� . V
the entire lot for ................ .... - - - ... i - - - - - e - 0 .75 1
.1 ' '00 ' ' r. ' '
I Sold at from $lo.00 tQ $150 . . .,
Less than 80 00sts to son at this price, . Not .
. - more -than beilk1*6 ilike, All., bAndsome and -
stylish arments, made especially for this sea,ion!s, - ' . .
trilde. 94ot one,of them but sold Xxom $10.00 -to . I I I .1 .
. $15,00. For the first week in January Your Choice slas .
. -
of the entire lot at ea,ch ........... % .............. , 6....
I .
., Sold at from $15-00. to, $20i6o 14 1 � .
� �
4 only Ladies Jackets, the finest and best goo& ' % .
we have in stock, sold regularly At $15.00 to $20.00 -
choice for the first week in 3 anuary at each ,,. i;7$11-75 -
I . . �
.. 1. 1. . . I
.1 ____
__ -
. -
0 . . . .
. ar - - ..
Millinery fier J.oinq( 7T. I'' � L
. I - I I ! . . � I
. - I . I - � I , - . I � I
. � Do not f6rget that ., we - Ai.e. givo big
. � Killint' dcpartment for
. BAR ]FAINS la the ry . 1. .
, January. The Show Room ,must be emptied
. , I
I 0 .
before Miss' Randall goes'- - This is the vay ,
. . liftCeof, the , -
� $to 4 11 I
are clearing the. ba I Ck.* 1. I. . .
� I
Choice of all Outing Hats Boo, . . I
I I . . .
. .
. � Choice of all untrimmed sl� L'P'es 38c, .
.11 Choice of all 7�rimmed Hats S,x.50 �,
� I . I
. I .11 . I
. . , I I
.... - -1 I., .1 I 1. I.. . - I �. I I-— I
I ...
- - ,
I -
. .
I . . . . . I ,. -
. . I. ' . I .1. . 1. . .
''. �
9� 1, S. - 'i
� , I '' S.
, I �
�'Hod ' ., Brid ,'
� . .
I awwftft.wi.� I
. �, I.. �� . - �CUNTON , "' 1� . - . .
�T - .
. I
.1. I .1.11 - ��, -;
� .-I "' I -
,, . .. . ` , "" I I - - L � -1 I � - 11 - � � - , , I _-11 I - - -------- -- I � - I I
111t1ofto 1100116y wwroH.-The 1"tril Of lq. � , .
, . _ � . 1"Whot4w - I ' -
r that o*cItingrinie othooko witao"ed. I .. at t Wip. , . . BI ing - I
, _ X*V . *"-"
. .
I I nton,At the Skating rink laot(Thurs- .0 , Leap .
I F.RIDAY* J AU � 5;4 , 4 , Ir Goo, Davis b" bo -n 141d ul .r.".m.y. H -!'Ps th
Another m between Wi r gh,am 4,nd
AN, Y sw� 104 oralday4with An *tt OP to
. V I ) evening, The game, woo oidled at , ,**. p
.- crr� and w'o. have no doubt, The annual weetli -of tho .
, , ! -
I =_ Z::; �=_ 01 I O'Clo _W RoMbs: . 00d to. use, durtog . i9O4 ,-,car I I
:1, .. , - T,ocat Nst,lr"o . at At ehowetearawasyletortous. caltuft, ftcioty will tw -heilqf� on the A Diarm, I . li' � L I
I 0 Ill babe published In next 1111111011111"11141 no Po6ket or office, Will .
*iesig oysters received dalir olt 91-Nello k1s lspuq. � T wo dealers b4ye'doeldod holp YQU t � o1rercome the kw- ' 11 :
I . , . � I ��
I to discontinue the town 401(varr of I WRITE get bAk,'save"your Memor ivato system, kee . 11 .
0 . MANY ILT4 IN ' TO WAI -` Many era And magazine. , Yt cul I _ P, �
. . '.
I Now$ *wt$ paA IT your smill, accqqntsi When ) xt d d '
� . bowep In town, are resting under thO .rJoliuMcQlacherty tbq efficient
� . , I $Pon a o4ar,
affilctiou of sickness this weeks sevoral caretaker of WIIIW Oburch,, li.aa. been DOWN wr1w.it'dOwn. When you.1460 ' I
ARM BROKEN. -On TburwUy lying at ddatb's door. Aniongob them' r`71W��met-04 to that Position- - . . � . ' I 44.11-ar, Write it ' :.
.ruorning as Mrs. Wo Downs, of the that we le&r,n,%re:,;.,Mro. Brydone,, Ill Sorry to bear of the serious down.' It pay�,�--V_ rices .
"LQ11dou-nogd, we I . IoC to 1:,1,20. � .. . I
. at In, , or with pleurisy, B1004 Ardbibald, prieu, illness of Bldred Archibald, who IS aut- jj�, I Ir -
.to her summ
' I . � I I
kitchen, she gIjppe0-,,ixid had a serious mpAis, Mrs, 8. Munroe, pria0moblAt fering from a severe attack of pneu- The gana � -
Dr Ham- r com" monig. I . . � . 11. � . . i 41;sn. Alwanae I I � .. .
tali, breaking her left airm, 0 bhus Coach, kidney and othe . . . ... - . .. . . . I i
� - fi;-`n_iit6nd4 -a a It will Ar' I . I t � L
licA ons, ro. osa, A. severe- I ' '
I osorne mo t heteltit'arle b t ,. . ,11 - of
b . a o she uses her C 14, ,, Ara ano , grip, R. J. Waft, Miss Jessie: Wiseman, daughter , Will help youto find or confirm y busihess or his-, I
. . .
John Wiseman, has secured.& position � Y, .
: , . an a 11 ,sic it. $rip, Mrs.. Frank I OOK torical information quite ri It, is, replete with , , � .
V I _ _1"
, , ,gsi_ as teacher of a, School three miles from ,. - . . , �
, - Mr . 111.11ppIluo 01114. Tiloonburg, I . 11 IT i formation for all classes; useful n the home"i i i I
. , . M , AdjS- k
Scott, postriijiter,, is Ad 11 . I -1 .
...vortising for a THE NEW POST, OFFICE;- Mr�, Messrs. James Stevens, Hugh Me. U P . - pensable in the office. If you- arp not sure -look it -, .
caretaker for the now PostOfficebuild- Stevenson and his able assistant, Mr. Quarrie, and W. 1R. Robertsoh have - .
ing;--who Shall also be a,v F�s_o*taiit. in Noideger, of the Electric Light. 00" been itppointod License Commissioners � . . , I � . . I up. W,hen you want to kno I .. ook oit,pp, Price 3$0 . * . _',
the oface The pOsition Is. not, a gov- bay . e couiplote4 tbe Work of installing for W �st Huron. I., ,.-.* - '... I . I � . . . . I I ,� I I ' I
. ernment ont, bsl,n,g (ritirely in the the elobtrio lights in the post 6ffige, I . I I . . , " I 'P
� . I , � . I I
control of Mr'S 0 as the government A r Overbuyj 0,ommicAtairy on the S �5 -,LesS044, . r .
, k. doinj; part ofthe var- The youngest son of Vr. Thompson . . ., ..414. 1, �. I I � .. . .
'decided,on.the erectiou of smalloftea,k nishing, an' some Trimor detall work has been very Ill for several days from. . . Will help YOU to teach -by fi t li'l i you to, I= .
that the poitinaster himsel . f'musb be has yet, to be (Ionei to have ,the office s . rs - ,ping . . , I . '! . ,
. . ornou.nUnown ailment; we are I d i A.
_ I
the caretaker of the building,, or * pro- ready for occupation, Thatwhicbmill tolearn he is im . proving. 0 A . STUDY Hints to teachers, Illustration on all imporunp, . .
. � I . I .
. I
vide one at.his own exponse. I I.. I 1. tako the longest is the offing of the The. next sitting of the 8rd: Division � IT points. - Blackboardillustrad Questions, " ' * .
e _ , I .� .,map ''
. I I . � "' prid in the course of two orthre 'Court will be hold fathoCouncil-Cha-ra- I i6ris, . .S�: "
�Ben Webb, or., floo ' , E L Class Re&ter, &c. :I,f yo I ,�"
A CLOSE CALL. vOee'ks at most,'the building. will be her, -on Tuesdaiy mprning next, Jan. , W L - I now -your � I
hada,s,ery close call.onSaturdalrWOrn- - � I Oth, commencing at 9 o'clock. - - . *nt to . k . I . . I . ;
ing. He ha rone to We Station to see. ready for the use of the public I I I �... � . 'legson' StUO it well.. Price . 0
.44 , -on-the -A _NARROW__ZSCAPg- -On New - . I � 1. ____ _.____�_.____ I- . �_____I_j d __
- -carj _ --Mki-A.H Gbod*inrdt�arne borA 1 - �� . .. I .. . ..... . I
. his sort-iin-la,w gifia,rid-went ... e Olt I - _ . I 1. I .1.1. ��
, Yeir!s- day, At about 9 O'clock in the Tuesda ng, di 0 " I year. Price, 30 :',
. I .
njojaji3g,'M*r 866'16y' put a; small fire in , i bavi' b ' " " th foi Qoldexi Text Bo6kBihio-rea.. Ingo. for very y. it lie.
thinking he &4 plenty of time to get' won near 131� .
. off. agiia,bat the -train staited and had . ., b '- e nearly weeks, nursinga, Typhbldvage . - Lessons vest pock t edition, Th . .
.. big woodshed stove, as he ined to
oonsiderable'headway,When, he fell be- I Mep not for Dr,Llfidsay, of that plake. The'Glat ot the e ree, pages to each lespoix. -
tween the , tform, and the' wheels.- be doing some work there. 'did . I . .1 � Very suggestive*, Price N -, . . , .. I . . I . . �
' . I I
-1 , A ch . advertiaeo I � I .... .. . . �, I . . i I . . . . . 1. ". . , �'.
Uverybod th"','ught he won (I be 'killed loglenisli the fire duilnq the day, .and, � God.eri wood dealer . I � . . � . �� I., 1: I
. w lie, sitting In an adjoining r oni in 46drj, stove wood, cut,j split and - 4eliv- ' Peloubet's Select Notes for tbe.'more i4vanced ptudy. Price $1.25 . ..�
. but lie his the miraculousgoodfortune the evening, he was. startled by the ere , at $1.50 per ton,"lThis is the Arat. ,, . . v . I 1. I . I j ... . I . . . 1.
�� 08��pe without a .Vratch.." ver board of wood being sold - . A..
. I . � 'He rushed into tim
: . i , �. . of flames. ,e we e I I. � . '. . I . .1
0 r a OV!u . . I . �.
OFFIOER$ ELUOIkED-the follw the he !tofludthe roof all blazing, by Weight.- - - - . . . ..� 1,
: and withthe assistance of friends,goon - .. The., W. -D.� Fair ,ea.1, . . . .1
.I w . I I .
go, gos ere elected fdrtheClinton haii4tputOut. ,The- presumption is The noew =ucil will be gwoiil in by, . I.. ' I . .1 . .. I
. .11
I ,
, ,
. , u TI ll5,Offlcor0.O.0.F,p4r190.4, Clerk,C its t eleven o'clocknext Mon. . -Often.... tbq Cheapest----�-,Uways the Best. ..�.... , "I 1,
.. . Chief ('ounoillor, Oil v st that the fire must hWe smouldered d 0 , A sbott qsesion W . � .. . . $ I I .. . .. . - . , , . � I . , ��. �.. �..
I erJohnson Pa. I day. It was a CIO sy m rning. jll be I . . . . � . . . I . I I , , ; . �
1. Chief Councillor, Henry McBrien. Vice. &I - , se enough call, ' held of. the council sm-d the auditors I - � . I . - � � - ,
� . . . , I . * " '' ' I . I . . . MOWN-* - ,
. Councillor,M&ck McDonald, Recorder, � I appointed. ., . . . . .: . . . . , � ,". -
. I . ". . . ..� . I L ,, .. . I.. L
, I �
� e Cook. , Tr�asuier,� Hifam,Hill. ., BOWLER% Su".i&,�A date' has , . , . , .. L � ; . . . . ,. �:, i . I
. - . . . I . . . I -
I I at last. lieeir settled on for the Clinton The many friends -of Mrs. Tuffto, so . . . . I .. - L I,, 'L.,
, , . . , ,
Day at - A A*- ,� 04 A, A -0k A -A A A A'A'A : ,
Pre e, MrsHall., . Marshall,_166 Irl- "' ' ' --%6 A .: I
� I uncry, �. %V - .LawhBowler's'auniftal S r which long a residanthere,willregret to learn . 11 . % 0% ,A I .
, , up. - 1. . . q I �c' I '
. Ir - I I . .. �. . .1 I � '-
win.-, rderi g t6. tako pla , e . ' 'health'f' . I . . , . , I . I . . 11
- Wa , S, Barr. S 1, - attenbury that sbe.bas been in poor . or . . . I
,,,illar. Guard,, Josh. Hill:... Medi6id' . I . ce at t1i . I . � .. I %-1. . 1. .. . .. .
Tan. 15th, so .$be* is li in with her son ' I . . . . .. . I I - . .. .. . - I :
I me, time. v rig 1 % . .
' I . �`�:, '',
I "
.1 � . I . I . .. I . .
. . . . . . I
Olaf ' ,*' ' ' - We*140erkeiveda copyof the 46x:. , " , . " - �
, .
,�iner, Dr. ,libaw, �-IV6 shall iiieet . House. next Friday'evening,,
' . Instead Of tbd nins�. o'clock su p"per as I At Phoenix, B. 0. . -. I I . . I I
J.�uu�ry -Yftb� spQ . I . . - formially,'diianei will be s6r,ved, at 7.80 1 � 'S I I . : �
� I
. followedwith a smoker� intori�ingtea czent - . . I I .., ! .. .. .. �, :. .., :1 �
CU9TO.MS RE TURNS. -The, follo-w- . . . y- paper read befoier the - West .. .. . pecial Dargalowwrolv0'.... ,-.,.* �'.;.% ..... ...
' . �
ingfigures, furnished by Mr Nk iseman, w4711 speeches, and funn Huron: Wacher's.Associationi ,by IVIr .� . .. � . .�. . . . I... . , ;":.
.C, . "T%n hi,ndall'ye merry ones Geo'Baird, ion. the schools '�41! Murori. "I . . . '. I ,
61lector, shows the w6iVilerful growth Stories. - . . ... I - � -_ , � 1* , ' "' I .1, �. , I " A
I -
I ". _1 I . _. - - =_
-business at this: place. AP I .. . . - , tn Winter. Fo'otwear. . . - ��: -
of�tho,Castdws d belpsing the chorus,of "Ald'Blaok. It.w U appear in a- subs.0quent i.saue. -
. I . . .. . . , � � . . I . . I � � I
F or t6o yoo r 1894-5ithec6liectio' 'e ellinig have been English- . . . " : �:, . .: 1. * . I . .. I 9 1 . � I I I I I � " ,
, nswe� ' Of the lh�jrge ,class:that has.ente . . , ,.-.. . .. . . . I . � I
only $30�2., In.18904 they ,.�ere $4598, " " 4, the 4'en Penny Nail.` The . . ,red . I . � , ..; .. , .. .. . . . I . . . I I � � - I � I. _.� I 1
Toe i' ur 9, A . I . I .. . , "
.1 me';' nt will ,,i _ . I 'upoiri tfie short co so of millit ry .1 ,. . :::, , . . . I . I., . . .1 . . '' I ' - ' . ' ' .1 I _�C,
. Fot.thelatterhalf of 10W theY.Wlbre Pre,laae'y 30k iifter4bey6st. ,.,' ; * I . . ,. . �. . .. , * , , , , I .. .� , � , - I I
. - . - - � ., ..k.
.. � .. I
'$5zo, oii a t I WHAT -IS., IT COMING T6..'Theii week,we notice At WM . : 1,
. . . . . . . 1. structions at Wolsely Barracks this �
, 116usand 7dollais, more, in ., butone name from ttLe . , . W T . r �. S- I � .
lud . iar, tha. in 12 . . . . I . '. . ; � 0 1 - I. L ,� .
* From' July 'to Deb G. T. R. and CiP...R.,ar� having their 83rd Of Huron,that of Corporal Elliott, - � . . . . . ... I ., I
six nths iot that y � . . . 11.1 . I . . . �.. . . . I �� �. I . �^," _ �
- - - I 1. I , .. . . . I .1 . . , I ..,
moxiths of 1896 . share of troubles. , How to get out 'Of of ,Goderich. . . . . . . . .1 . . -, - . . -. .. . 4 . . .''. ;
I . . . . . . I *941660 , . , I 1. .w .. I . . I
1903i the had advanced to 67d0!,:-6ljOW,-. .-.-.. � I.* ,,, , ,
m ral tion appoilig -to . Doaoth-614mod Monk.the second Son ..'� , - * � . . � ___.... �-� ____ :1 - .---.--.,--
. ing an fii�r6asei Of $16315 oler the latter I .. I . . . , . . . , '" , ,�i In . .� ." , .. � .: .
I � 1- I . I t I e. aridwe of Albert at(d.Edith�Bffll, of Toronto, � e COMI , -� . .
))e in sight at th presen tim , - : . .
. I . . I I aypon , - . . . 1. �, 1. ... � .
. . . I .
half oi.1902. , . I - , - -- - � . 'it until - the cold - 7 . . I , :* , od, . , P1. � adl. I. . , . ,
. I . I -doubt if they wi #Pro and gra:ndsori of Mrs Johii R , ,of � F. � 6 . . . . .
I I , - -'While $ . 1 , g . S .. 01 ., ��, I
1'T.WA,-NDHRFD ABOUT,. -About - blustery weather passes Away town;on thq Slot of Dec.,' at the age .-, I Z I . . .. . I I ., � ... - - , 1�� . :1 . .. . . .. ,.,.f � ,�
" I
I tfvowoutbiga��o,,v�henJ*aiiiesSte.ven - the r I ailroAd compabies-are Anxious- to of 3 ykr& 'The. little:'one died' of I . . �.. . � . I .. . ., .. ' . ' . I I . .. . . Ir I , ? .. "I .. . : .
� M .., . ,
I I -
. . . I � .L Telt - � . ,
i , ,
df. thoebas6 linei.took a,trip to M n1t:, . :rua their trains on time, and ire doing . diplith6ria. . � 11 :and what We.,Ihavd left in Socks and Rubbers'.L.. , � ` �
. . � .,. . _.- . I � I . . - � C. �: ,- .
I ..
b%. lie checked his. valise to' his.. destiu- .what. mAy be tho best, tkey can; yet On, Saturday Mr Ogle - Cooper 1. .r6.- ... 1.6ots',' bv�rshoes,.:and Felt Slip J.* . Ili . g I ; . . :� . I �
. I
' tb . * . I I . .. , , .Persf weare*wi in . 1, - .11
ation, naturally expecting he wo*uld v' .travelling 'publie s1hould Veggive ive, a very fine mounted deet head. - , � I , ..., I . . 11 . ... .1 . ... ..: , . I 11 -I..
I -�b failed to.t6in some !considerattion,,.'and, trains "a d co* d . � .� � .to clear 'out at a s� r1fice.. . We 4r'e 'too, bus to -get " "' ... � 1:, -,
getit'on his irrivil'. . I . n ,.It was from'a. 300 1 -:deer -which' both .: , ' AP . ' . . . y . .1 .. 1. .. � �.
I . . . 1
. ,
: I I aice -got trabk 'of stations 'Made ",comfortable as poss.- a. is ..o prices tor t is N I W. you. . . . .. I
tip, and although he 6 . . himself and-AffJohnst6n had-*shdt: in -_ .; .�,,Out' 1**t�l f " , hi �eek, 'but it ill,pay .. . � : .� I
ible for their patrons. The''PelPers - - - - . I . � . . , I I . I . .,!
.It at, Winnuloo ,he did'not get it. � Be . I Muakoka� lsistfall,:aad�makes a.beiuta; .1 . :1 ... . ,
e 1- 1.0 �. i . . ., .
- I
. .
.was.'at c6noillerable .in . throughoub the country -Are e am, rifig. fulornA, t - � .. .. .-:1..1 .. . tQ..pome. and ,g.ee,whai 'w,e drd.dolng. . : . , . - . :7'', . ''�
* convenience f6t a chang,5, b I me, . , - I . : * .. ' . . . . i - 1 '. . �- _.
when. he*--go.t'home, - e, Public' School bo .. . . . e. to s ow go � S7 ., . - ,_ ... ...� . I - I .
W. . ut with such �Weathei� .. . n,.. ;_ : ., ,� .... . � , . . . � I I .1, , . �
- , lthout4t, and - wewil . Th, ard of trustees �%' No`trOubl h od . I i ��:-,
. . , � . . 1: . � . .
communicated with the O� P; R. auth- and. scarcity of iolling stock, . I� .. . _. I .1 I I I .
, . ' . . 1. . . . . .
I t* t haveto,�est�,pa ', 'W1 .. . .
orities, �w.bwproniised to 1n tiently for each..' '. ; ill assemble On Thursdiy,'Jahuary. .. ' "' ' i ' ' . . '. . .
ves ij e. - N . I fli- cording ... .... -The,- - -�'_ Old-Relli Ie - �* aw � . .., . %. . .
� w --,t,: __ . I __ ------ _ - - 21st.,-foi-thei - .s"betinj_i�c b ., - "' for a -to-d' F60tWeari " '. ` � � ' ' '
' §t- __ - . �. P . , - _11- - � . �.
. and�jet it, if possible�Satuidity`_ a, Map1d to 4aw. T�Ley'wilftheh-, sit foi . :. . I .. . .. .� _ 11 �, - . . --
.he, had thesatiifiction.049tt! g it. , OFFICIERS FOR 1904. - � Court it date r. . . .. . I I . I .,. . ... . . ..
n . � . ... . . . . ..'' :; 8.7 .10 , . ... . :..-. I I
. � I ., an . . . � ....
�.. 7.. .. ". I.. .� . . No; -16 C,t,'adia;n..Order.F(irei;ters..�-at their regular monthly meetinga,� and "' . .. 1 ., �. . I .
.. G. DOHERTY 8001188.-The� . . i , 1. TAY1 & M . ..� . . �-_ -
. � . I I .. thefr-last me-6ting on Dec� 316t,.elected appoint a, chail�mdfi. �; ,,� li, I " ".10 .�w - oii r 1i On : . I . ltl
. or . .
W - ,9, I ,. .., 1.
.1 . . .1 "% - . . .... I .. . - , _
.J.. Mitchell tropby -the fol 6wing*dfflcors:for theyearl0k , Ad'vertigars-4ill be.interested-in - : I . ." . I . . ., ...,
last shout for the 0 1 ^ ' . . I ... . . I I . I .... .. . . .. , _ I I "
' I -John 0. Wdist.' 0. lt-i HY. , circulatio ..7. %:- ., . . . I .. . I . . .. .. . - .. � I . . �, .111 �. ... ..:., ,.'".
� , - , _ . . �
places a chitrice for winning this beaut- J. Pe Oi R.i knowing �.thaib the � . n of the .. I " I , A A A I , I - - 0 A 0 A A A., I � . I 1.
1"41 Piece of'silver in W, V Doherty's .Smith. .V. 0. ,R,, Win. Rutledge.. NEWERA.iSto-dayat a higherpoint . A' ,A, A , . . ..
favor, iome ton members' i)f the -(ifln.' Fifi, Sb&; Wm. Jones.. R6b-' See -J. P. : . Y%Ovlv%p- �w :V� -V.- -.V- -r - -W ,W ,W -W .-.w 'T- r -W ,W 'W -W -W ,V -.1 - �
. . � . I I than -ever beforej 'and-. that last �weok ,: � .; . . .., . . . ..,. t .,.� .., I . � . .., " - e , .... ..., I i, , I.. - 1.
- . , ,
a . � . 11 I . I . . .1. .1 . I I I I .
tonGnneintoreda,nd the scores were Shoppird. . - Tjr.asurer,'.D. Dickinson, ' ' ` rint6d a larger number ' Of �"Rov __ . - . - -1. - � . 6': , . ', . . . . . 4 ': . I I . �. .. . . .. I
.p � -_ I - - I I - -
R,bov6 the averag6,,' It wks a,handic ,000ho,�k.- - Isaac� Dodd. . S.- W.. Goo. W. 1� slug issue. , .. . , , . .,
I alp ., Mawforanylifevi . I.. I !Mnp �_ . . .. .. I . . .. I �.
"' The scores are . as . J. W..'gmerion Brooks. S. B. -I. . . I I I . . I - . �. I 11 :1 '' .1 . . . ,. "... I .. . . I .,. I . ,
,nd!�ibjrd .evept :W. H. Cad . wora J. B., Jas Finch. Mr. Hunter ,hy*)p pid a car of sto -�._ ,F� . .. I . , I.. � I ...... . . . . .. . �1(
follnws-:�W.G' Doherty 23, Ball2l, 04 &M ck . .: . , ., .. � . ,- . .:. - 1. ; ., . .
Dodds 20, Giabsin 20, 1161ines *19, Ire. Audit6rg,C. Q. Rance andJ.B.Hoovei, on, Monday,, an. dNeil. a . � .. . . I.... .. . t* . . . � I . -1 . I . .. i ,_ '' . � . I I .
-FoEl'rester 18. Hov'�y'17, Chrite- 'Trust � ees.'A. 3',"Gi�igg,..T..D-,,.Tohnsori..Iohoice load oia� Wednesday.. -0antelou- .1, .-..- I . .-I . . � .. .. �, . I .. . ... , I . . .__.V., 1�': ".
. �
- .
land 19 - -- - -_ - 111, O- T Friday The I - � . .11 . .
I lon'l5,.Hjuchfey,15. Hovey and Oantb- �,a;ud I; Dodd, - C6urf Depaty,,,jobn s ipp,a, car of hogs.t d, -�;. ' ' .r ,4, -,. . i''.. . . ... . . �.'.. . . . . I . I.. .
. i . . - � . I . .
e 2 polfits�dach totheir credit, Spilth. - . Examining . Pbyiician': Dr. pilce poid fortholhAter $5 rewt , � . I , I .., ."�... 1.11, ., .� :.,.:. .�. . .. I - . 1. . .. � .. -, .. . .1 .: ,- .. .,
. Ion lickv . ' r . .. . . . , . ., add we understindthata, weatoermwzr - . . . . I . I I . . . . � . . I I I . . . � , ,
., .
. I
.. .: . . .. - . I... ".., : I.. I .__ . . . . . . � - _� I ... �11 �-
4 . . ... � I - �.
. WIM RETURN 'TO 111§��OLD. . -'I Ora attended the � . ,,, ...
I .'� MAY VO.TO 0ALT,��A special n- ojhos6 froni town wb .. � . . . 1. i . : 0
� .
" I
I .. and req,* s but 3't6 win. I � Shawi - ,, . , , , I 1. I.. . , � I I - . ..., . . .1 � - PRICES.
. I � .k6t!Sprqdicted._ .,* - I - �1. � . A .. - 1.� I
. vittLilo4,froin the. ex6ou't1ve of thi6 h . , . - V R -.0 I . � I
PARISR.'-�Rov.. Mr. Goldberg, who � 6p.in.,Sesforth lost week,.glyeaunder -f . : C - I . I ... - I q. . .1 1. .��
dnterediipon his duties as. incumbent to be held in Galt, conimenc- the'aus�iees of the. bachelors -of that . ... � I.... . . I ... . .1 . .1 1. ..... _
Donspiel . . � . � � I . . .;-";;_!��.
� ",
of Middleto-4 - - ' next Tuesday,. was,. r ceived by place.'repo I rta, good time. - The musid I . ... I , . . -, . ,1 ,,,
% Holmeoville and Sum- , . . . 1. , - ::, _4""�`.'_,�-�.., ��..
h , � . 0 . . 11 . . . . . .. - 11 I .1 , , , ,�".I.:, ,�.
u ' I . .. . I . . � _ ._,,�
I . . . . I . I, ". � .
merbill 6 rclies last Sunday, met Wrn. Jackson a few. day. 9 ago, -rejuest- *asfurnI6hed,by Gliorinals orcliestra I .. 1. - I.. ' ' ., "". .�..jr_
' . � c � . I * . ' - . ' . " . . . , .�
with a ,dis I him to bring; along-lifil note curl- of Toronto. and the mbrry party Zie'. . , . � . I 17. . I I . . .
eeable experience on his, .in I . . . I I , '' . , 1. . I
. -got outside of I g I .... 1. � , I . .. . . . YOR: JANUARY70 .,. 1. . -_ I ... ,.!&
flost trip.;, T� had just ng rink. " This rinkis composed of Mr. it was alright. - . . , . � :,* - - . I . . -, ,� ;. ,: I t. -Y �.'.;,. . : -
. . . . . .
* 1. I .: .
I Mrs Uill, ivho ,iesides on - *e in- , : 1. '. . .. . I
. -D Forrester, . .. ... , I .. 1. � I
%wn, and instead of' going through Tsekson, .skip, and - A. it g- - 1. � I I. .. � . . ... . I '',
� . .1 . .. , I . . .1. . ... I � - . . , I - I It,:
I .... 1. . I I
I . .
. 1.
'ran § orchard, on the Bayfleld road, Jag. Fair and. W. Brydono. and, we ton St.j ,keceived'the, -dad news on � . I . , I I .. . � .!-
I � - . . I .1 .-'. .
e. OW . . .. ., 1. I � .
. en _n 0 . * New prices 4o -0h all; -Fur ,' Cbatg' f - � I- ,. , -j *_ � ,�. .-%;
' te kept ' I .1 . . : .
- wher the road ig brbk to th learn that they will accept the invita, Christmas Day- 9f -the death of al *or tht - 'batw
road proper bein blocked , tion, health.-petinitting, Clinton will jrand&ujfitbr, atProton,in the _per-. I . . I . . I 11� A � I .
. straight6iji.till his orge-flomider6din likely be r6piesented'by. silothej rink . I 0 - ih - i . I I �. ',
I . soin of Hazel Rosellaj iufaut dAughter ance of: J anuary. .. . We.take stock on" e ary, . st, I ... ." 1.
1. . . . � . . ��. ..,
who would .1 . ... ...
thesnow, He unhit0hed.hiA horse and otup.b J-ohnSpauf,ding, of Mi and Mrs Rath of that toW,_h,'at � - '1' Fiur' doa:t 6 .' h4n'a.' th6n..:... , ,. : . . . ". . I I �
the: bbAten road,' fi ) n .1 to It a of seven jootiths " , - ,. . L, and..do not - want -a sing e, ,n . t , ,:; , .
brouirbt it� back . to- . ike no& '' better than oke ,the age � . I I , ... �. 1. ..,
fic ;ett,he ' g Id town and d 4Lt___Mi.�.Jjm6g. '_ -Evehy.i4rment-is 1Qt W .
t -n returned to pull his on quaxt rt , back to, his a 0 - 1, I -v-oDd.-..-.���one_..in"-I.hc�..-IQt- At I. .1, -
. . .. I �� jii__�_If -- - . � �
_jUW1 -watr'-Unuu," uu� - -morting . '
I lolik- ,While- -th a wisnew-will-assisr,15hernin. 0--ur(lay. ., . . .1. _% .,
horse too re 4 ... 9 some� win, - Howe, the repreeentAtive of the Im- I can be depended tipoii in every . way. These - new. � " ,� ., I- ?
ach leave, - It wi nibg, they will takewith. th6m,our . . . . . . I ., . I � . . I
I Weloven before his arrived at be t, stiou d, the I! perial Oil Co., startid'nortif on his . price �41 .. I . . � 1.
6 I attend,. . s gi). inio eff6d SATU RDA*,, * J an. O)th: -: �
� his Xestination and he' -was so dis�Mst- - - ly ....'. . . , usuid delivery,, AtChurchilli bill, A. I . I- . . ... � I I . � .. . I..". .
. - .
' _wn � � . .. � 1 . . I . .� .1 :, , I . .1, I
til with the snow bound roads that he . A � THING. OF THE 'PAST. -On mile out o.f"to , he, got stuck fast, . . I . . 1 1
. Faye* up trying to �go 'the rest -of the Monday emning the -council of ION and left laboring for some time to re- I . Mens'oilf,Coatd, extra, good quality, *611.made " . . : . . 1. ., ... I
urnay,-and urr-Mondav relin4uiibed 'sat for -the last tirnei -Those of* the m6ve the sleigh�-ho - W �. . I .. . �.and lined . thwvghout� one blackand two -brown,, I I . . . I .
� .gave .1 up as A I . .,r( I 1. . . . -1 I . �1. .
ria charge andreturned to his former .old ealindil to sad'embloto wind.y id job, and returne, to town with, . gular $400, -for the balance of January the - ' --
p the bi . � ..I .. .. : .. I I .1 f . '. � . .
Tarish itA)ungannon. The above- town's affairs'for histyear were Messrs the.tesm. - . I . .. I V cewillbe eMb. ......... I ...... I..... I .............. $20.00 -1 � I , ' . -* I ". �
- . � I . . I " - .1 . ..
.wimed churches.are againwithouts St4yenson. Hoover, -Overberry, Joy- James Steveng'Of.the base lin Who . . - .1 Tw , ., I � I .. ... .
re6 anda new'ono'willhayetobe ner 'and Ford, with :Cl6rk Coats as hag,for several -years : driven a nick- . . o only lillisop Coats, ng better coat made to .
r' _ � . . . , , , I . . I
. I
ap Ste' in little. in j as I I it on .-Ofand u .-
. Anted, 1. . . . I . I scribe. It was lale when they settled i . igi And tumble wear, first� claw linings,. i : .1. . ... . .
. . . I � for business, but il-to6k� but a�fe* ��� - ;�. - 4. . -I--.-- � . I regula,T$. .100, for the Ula;ice of jftuOy each ; - V15*75 . ,
I ;_ UR, __1 LE_B,&RjW" .o . . 1. I . . I ., � � . ... � - . .... I . ".
....... � .
_iB ME - -Tho' -m-1nff9VsU-doa1i WE Wa-s -To De donei of its da " it -beftu 3: xiei&boi- . . . . � Two Australian Coon Coats also �� 'Roc oy - I : . I a -_T_4�_�
, .
Isi0h, Ott&*&, his received they passed only the following ac- ease om lit thi . , ''
. fruit 44xi � bood of My . He had replaced Z-wkich are..some-.. . . . . � ..
. �aumeroua (I I � t . . . ,. I .
.0"10laints this, year from Mountain Bear Coats. two . I .
. I L �n . . . . what similar to the old ti;ne -Buffalo. Well made, . - . .
counts aiad as padieu to the bodT it With a One lagge, horse, pur6h"ed of I
English buyers to the effect that for corporate Of 1 , . Jabez. Rands $1 , Mr T6111, V[allAtt. - . I . . . �. � I strong , linings � thropg4outo -for the. balance ' . , ' I - ;�* a.",
.. I . . . I
the first time there �- is grv,VO' irz;Dgu- Hailand Bros $83.50, Electric Light . ' . . . - - I . O" $10.75 ' .. !. . I .
,Ia,rIt,g1rnWtah, of the ap,plo . barrels, V9.89,, Wm Stee On Tu"d * Ing of last week- R. I , . �14nuaryl eacn.... I I low W', 4 ...... # #,, " *,* 0; I 9 9 # 0,1.9 i , . .
t� $18.85, Thos . Mc. eve .. . . � I f V, . , .1 . * .. . . t I :
e gl%' Renzie � $8.800 J heatley! $8.85 Goo 'G. M, Dr. Shaw,,". . .. . I . " . . I . . . . I . I " . � � . . � . 1 -
sent d r mOntario. Xod6ubb wl,nro. .P . . . I , . I
. . . . I
the shortage in. barrels is responsible . Picketb $1.50, Mias.Johnikan $13.1�, R ,stated by . . m. Fairb. -A.-. J.� . 1. I . .Two C11 adjAn Coon Coati, uicely Marked, ' .. I . - -
, H, -Carrick $140, W, 'Hollowaliraiid.T. Johns ' in'StAilledihe. I choicest s ins, good linings used- throughout . . .
foo.someof this Irregularity,, n8v91' Crep. .$1&2r , K, $9. .
theless a, ' ' bl f �le 11 offloers of the too ic I ges in'. God-, e a�ncQ 0 lanu .4 .75 ... . . 1.
Ar j .. . .
inurn or ' N . 1, � . cn6reuiony lu" . chooll , , e out ' 'a fan Coon Coat,. regular 1$40.00 * I i
have expressed the inten ?6n. of using . I arloh, After thd . , :. ,
. .
. . 82
obly"thoidanda7gd size (06 quArtij.to OPENED. WITH A, 1310 IN. Was ser%rodo a' toast 1166 entem iuto, - for the ba once of. JaAuary, each,... �; I . ,. ..... - �. 0 , 00 � . �, - . , ,�
� . .
I the bo,rrell. As this Is 0aeti-cally the ORHASM-That the 011uton Ocilleg- Which were both.thoroughly oijoyedo . . I , . � . I I . I I .. . . . , .1'. . I
I .
first* year when AM but the lar5o lat0hasa, good name 18'eviddneed by We, underst I and &nl66me1k6Isoht0ot' . . � Three or four eXtra �`qu, dian . Coon - . � . I : : I . .1
barrel had bben used In'Ontario. app a -the fact thatwben the schoolve-opened to re-establish a branch of tfie Young . i Coats, skfn hat can be depended on to'give � sati.s- '.;, I
. . � . .
I shippers should'immediately arrive it last Monday, twenty now names were Men's Christia, , Association in � town, ry, Wear. - These are. very, choice garments. 5 1 .
,some agreement among themselves as Added to the. toll. making the -number %.y that suchan org"i. 4 , facio . I ' t I I I . . .1.
, to the size to be useff In future. It in -attendance the lArgest for some Mji Is ijecessar _ebhet . .For:tfiee balance of.' J . ary we . will take 2o' per , . I .. .
Will be the cause. of considerable loss. years ptiat., . We have a staff of teach. on. y to bring tog - -, .� . .. anU V �. . - I
-toth6,trade it Some. continue to use ersaid:equipment; of -appliances that g men for .pipfitable 6diflea. � cent. off the, iric of any one of them. . . 0, ;
. . 6ull oun lydur- C� , C--� . ,:� r , .
- tionyand enterta.thment,especial P - . .."e., .
, Jarger. siz Tlfo Idea , . I '. � . I., I . .. : '. 11 I . I
"" 01 ne ... . . I .. I I . " .. . .
the d ith ra use the *111 be haiA to beat, ana we doubt it ing the long winter sisaidn. . .". - . .. 41 , , " I � I '� ��
minunuta Size. kholaw, preactib w the they can be 'equalled by collegiattis in IgaIrl, itandwo sulgest. thitAcom, � I I .1 1. . I.. 11 - I.. I i - , I
w ,el 2(4 -wno the size of Clinton, m tte gh e sipppinted o help -the obje6t. � � � . .. "
minimum size, w ich Is a, barrel . Any other UP b I I 1.1� . , . '. ". � ....
re, - (Thurads � , . I
inches between heads, inside wenou Yesterdaj�e ;g) the literary go. '1113101OW will be found � .the names of - - ' . Sfild'6f 4Drd0ed, & I . I
and with a head dtimeter of 17 inchesi cloty .nominated o ters for the our. The js�ufiry r1othinat ... ...
and ar middle diameter of 18i i0ched rent term, and two weeks -later will thoso whom attendedtho.Reform. Nn. . ... .. . I .. . . I , .
1, representing as ifeavir, as possible 90 hold their election., which Is one of the vebtlon hold at DungAnnori Tuesday : Do n t forget'that we are. trying 6to, keep I . :
juarts. I . . . .great events of the school, being eon. L - ,Falter Armstrong, -L 0 L .
q I . . Will Robinson V . ..
. . ilucted under grliamentary rules.' Goo McLennan -hos Jackson, Ernest . our work rooms -busy all this month. To. do it . .
DIED IN THE WEST. -Died At NetXtLTbiarsday o first literai,ypro. . � WeL are glVj' ae, big ba , I
. .
_ ( , TwitchollsA I holloway, Frank Hall, rg4ins 'a. Clothing, I I
Gronfell onDee,c20th.WThom&sOhaniA, L gram Will 1;e given, at which an Inter-. 0- Fisher Gm Hodgena, � ins -Flynn,, , . ng soil . . St L L 1. . L .1 . .. ,
* B J Wni ance We are s
bers, in his 49th year. He was born In e4in debate wilt be held. Rverybod Gibbings, Ilenry Boattio; .. I made to order, 'For in ell.ing " .
Huron counby, Morris township. In ismZo wolcomost1heseliteraryery, Snell Sa cooper, 866wart Se . . ,
- , 11
L ,
1882'he came to the N6rthwesband waa tertainnients, and YOU Will- Oneonta. 6 HWulden.R.A. Downs andlytIonbort . . . I. Men's Suits, Made to OiAOk, from fine All-'WOOI , . . . . .
0110.0 f the pioneer settlers of the Gren- by your preserico ��he ,I Holm" M. P. - '. . Soetch and Canadian frweeds, &ISo frombeavy all- - , . I I L . . .
fell distflet ., in 1889 � hb - married the (1611. . - � r . ndwell1lued I
beratlong I � wool Canaditth blue Serg6,',well made a! & ,
onVaughter of tholateT. M, Wright, 4 - pot�r Ycabook received a letter * throughout. Theiesuits are marked th-daya.014.00
, so PIM of = -from his brother Paul, who left here � "I L '
of atefford Ont., at . - On and 015.00. For Mid-Wintet §a,lewowillmako � .
of the Groni;1leat4yo6ttlers, vlro'hani- Monday eveniniplist, the -Dobert Or' some thiteemonthsago.forhi4father's L .1hern to your drder at ia;bh ....... ...... 01. ..,. I . $1#,fo
hers w),4 a steady industrious &rmor, gan Co. lost another of Its valueT -bomb In Turkey, He Was acoompani- , * Mcn,s Suits mado to order from fine aality
of a quiet rekring disposition. reopea And e4.by his *ife,'both having a delight- ood .range of, choice palterns,
. t a, pr6cfatecl einplolrees, in the person ful trip. Mr Yeabook says the troiible , Scotch Tweeds a
I ed by all. He,Was a consistent member of Mr W Whitbly, who has ALCepted in Turkey is practically at an ondo he . Qualities that wilf stand any arridunt of hard Wear. ..
of the� Methodist church and a -man of a simiat position (that of action . Ined throughout with ood lin-
experioncinguo, difficulty in %ettinus, I . These suio will be If .
I er of inflammatory pass pbrt,to his home situate In, e. Ill be mad
sterling worth. He had been a sudAt, maker) Ina Guelph, factory, and left , Ing, And wi to ugin first class 4;1o: They �
_ rheiiinatim,ty for 'for that plake Tuesday morning. His , 1 -4r-e raarked to-da;y at 0 .00 and 022.00. OrMid- .
contre of that turbulent counti,y. - . , W . to- your order blt'315-46 I #11
theja8t W- years,and was genekallylaid associates In the action room, tog6thee , � . ,Inter Sale we will make�hera
tip for the winter months for, the 1"b' with the trimmers and fly, trimm,eth, Ed. Ple,*es# of Fleming, AWnibola,,, . . Men's Pants. made fiom high gmdo Scot6h .1.11
t6n years', but thlo fall A coinpli�atioa ning of his intended move rn soft of Mrs. 114Dbt Plowes, of the 2nd. TW&& md Worst6d Trouserings, the last ends of ' '� - . �. , .
of7cliseases set In, and his alreadv ndak. huvr1od1,v collected 6tiough eon. of Tuckerdmitbi gave the Xgw ' .
' , � lines that Are selling to -day for $5.00 01 .
weakened constitution had tosuccumb procure a saltable romembranee, EWL a call - on Tuesday.. He arrived 46 cleat them'411 out we Put theta on Sale� made
"doptho,eveningot Dec. 20th, ho him before he left for big now here last,Thutsday And wilf spend the . to your order At per pair ...I., ." ................ $3 ' .501 6 . - ...
quiptly breathed his last, He lexi�er a home, Ab the cloie of the days wook winter in this section. When he re- . . I I . ::
-widow and two, dhildron ta mourn bia the workmen in the above dophvt- turne-In tho gpritkg, he Intends takin . �'Ren's Sulta"bado from ood, quality 4,11 -wool I
. .
.. I
� . I .
aTe-1 .
F" **
r-SPC4 �
1b g tb I I
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11 I
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oayj�i4 -
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I 1 4.
1. 11 -
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I I.
11 k I .1
- , a car; of stallions and 9= . Scotch and Ciiiadian Twe6 S. They ,wilt be well *� .. .
, a. son! 16yeavi of ago,and 6 dough. ments sasembledl.and, through thoir With him iuits Are marked toAaf at 010.00 abil .
I loss I X
- .1 ter aged 12i besides two brothers t.nda, foreman, Mr A ex ,Armi6ttonk 176- mares. Ordinary work horses sell for made, These i
is J. W. sentod hini with &handsome , I In $200 In that'aountry. and Just bofor6 $18.00; For Mid WlAtqr sale we wil . take your .�
Rioter, One of the brothero t ; " he left he gold A, 8-yeAvold bronebo fo,r . moiagurvana makb thom t6 Your OVilov:At *'" $191" �
11 Chstrabera London the�othef, Samuel Mr Whitely foolingly repll t ka,nf.� . ,
of Grentell, while the onstor Is Mrs, F Ing his comrades forthis to � 05 rder, fit guaranteed Ana fio skimping of ' I
kon of thei p. obir, Plowed has a quartor,g". ArAll wadwto 0
Hamnet, %routo. The fstinfly have e, teow, and ata,ting ho %Vpuld ever rej tiou and this year had Sixty aproa of � 11ninpin any OR". . . . . . .
, utfrocom- mombor the, five " � �� ' _Z' ;�_e; h-"'^ � IG, 1. -11 I.. I -.11, . .."�."jj
the eiatire a �t� Ih;,t 1" 'a he h - .
oars gl"Mutly 1!t14n to 40�q "
04 !r&,� �o 1'�
k Kmpathy of the 6 .. �os - I I �
� mairifty It% � oir bore4vemeat. no *As K 0 'A � ,� , � . 'I ...... ". I . I 1� I -1 I I . - I
U�J-& I I *is � 14L t_ A ,X110A W - _-A & " � 11 * I
_1�," -..-. ..'. -..., I .1 .. �. . .1 ..- . - ,� . Ka Ons Koo V 150 %Po U WVA Is 1EV"form � . I . . . I
.1 1� ___ I I I . �. 1. town,sodO c0iialderable thno, rd* athoupt, the boys, &0d of & 4 I I V , n ]MI
. .L - On a F(Arik 0 W01 04 L - 1.1
. al ad hom, , " k., I VJJ ?�,o ".
� I - __:�7 I 11 - _e "111111, " 4iA , W " 17'" U that As to be adtafted o , 410 it# dailk 'I, * .
. . . . I . I . ( I I , I 'PI . � . - � 1-
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