HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-01-08, Page 6t' •
. ' Autelleg' Aug For Ladle&
. . . _
About Vete.
Pure are always of, supreme intereet
at the approach of winter'says The
'London Daily Graphic, altd anything
tAeW int the Way of skin*, is eagerly
Ought after. A well-known Old Bond
street house has just introduced the
"Russian mink" fure,which, onlike the
144fistatY Mink, has no tinge of red, but
e is -shaded, ahuoet identically . with a
. sable. Thi e -fur deserves oopuleriter,
not only en account of its.oevelty, but
for its intrinsie value, as it is uoques-
• tionably superior to any mink fur hith-
ittle Liver Pills to in the market 4 costly deess,. in
el thicl e oshade- of, heliotrope cloth had
the skirt very . gracefully pleated and
$ ljear e.onetturo ot trimmed with a stele of Russian mink,'
, falling from the waist at each, side, ter -
narrating in.five tails, and shorter stoles
, more towards the back. The bodice
. was a initial- bolero applique on -a blouse
•of beliotro*pe paone, ornameuted with
gee Pee...simile Wrapikeinetow. ' Motifs of cream braid, pa,sserieenterie,
, veer email end as ewer • .. and Oriental‘ embroidery. At •the top
•„ was an eihjroidered shaped facing of
to Mho as sugar., °green velvcl4.ainl the full sleeves were
FOR DIZZINESS. intended- to go with this handsoine
finished with'iace ruffles. The toque
dress was of rough cream beaver, with
Mil BILIOUSNESS, turned -up directoire brim, overlaid
1VER FOR TORPID LIVER. with meelellions of virgin gold ent-
114.s. yon colorpain broidery, and a Russian mink Pined
fiat on the outside, the. tailsealling over .
• . .X.,
FOR SALLOW SKIN. the back.'
Kil THE COMPLEXION - Monkey --fur is likely to be Fashion-.
etio , mummer= etaatev%oteetee, able for women's wear during the com-
ae eatescrhrereevegerehrlee6 ing 'season, says an Englieh exchange.
,-. . _ A. French furrier is '<rWe'..;:1-Zelt ior
GR4 tiSIGIC fIR4PACKE- . the introduction of thii, tatest novelty,
and already. a •few wraps of
the lang-haired silky, shintrig, un -
The Utiebintrteroia.1 Travelers . even. -fur lave been seen One
Trunk. - has cuffs, stole -collar and muff
. of dazzling white fox skins. Eng -
Once upon a time a trunk VaS a lish furriers prefer mole to monkey fur,
trunk, and all trunks loked more or less as it is new to The public, and pretty.
:a bureau or a wardrobe ora hat -box, ac- fair, and ermine is being generally used.
coaling to its owner's wishes and , the There are two novel kir models. One
amount she paye i
for it. s a pelerme cape of Russian sable, cut
6 The wardrobe trunk sets on one 'Tifi rather low at the throat. with a. line of.
and the gowns are hung in it on hangers. "dark fur edging the triangular opening.
This aerves a double, purpose, for the Round the shoulders is a hood -like dra-
freeks are kept free from wrinkles bK peo of ermine, fastening in front un-
ties method, and they are also mue der grey satin rosettes, and cut to a
-wader to get at Than they were by the . point at. the waist -line. Froin under
old way, when the 'rive had to be nu -
e gown- was-----theeleoeq_ falls e flounce of sable, are
e paored every time naltre
, tano Tigin supple folds suggestive of
— Sot out. • . .
• 1. •i ° e other notable fur is ft
• You see, the hangers are so arranged p ,
that Themay be pulled outmuch as an belted.bloense.of m, ink. Over the steettl-:
y , .
ien is, and teen pushed back again. ders the 1111' 1S folded back, resembling.
The bureau trunk is better known. /t a hood, the 'fur coming .to a. point in
;hes drawer* Which may be pulled out, front and behind. Miiffs are very large
'just as those in the bureau are, and so this winter, principally in sable, with
*be necessity of lifting heavy trays is ob- the • sides -draped in box plaits, Iteed
with ermine.
Butthese inventions are not very well
known on the other side of the water,
and, consequently, they puzzle the eius.
toms inspectors not a little.
One of the bureau trunks owned by, an
'American woman, the French authorities
.Itt Boulogne insisted upoti opening sim-
ply because They saw it fastened differ-
ently front the ordinary trunk. Once
,opened, they would not permit the owner
to pull Out the trays or drawers for
their inspection,. but insisted on lifting
them out .themselves and searching every
, hole and crevice for contraband goods,
'When they were at last convineed that
there was nothing- of the tent inside,
They permitted the owner to replace the
drawers: but the moment these were
pushed in and the lock snapped, the pe-
culiarity of, the thing seemed to over.
come themeagain; and once more they'
demanded the keys. The second search
revealed net more than the first, of
course, hut it was with the keenest re-
gret, apparently, that the inspectors saw
the trunk finally borne away—there was
something mystexious about it that they
did not understand, and they were sure
it meant there was tobacco concealed In
secret compartment or a false .bottena.
. •
More Cannibalism.
Xf Edward•Everett Hale,
. really do' not know;
But Henrietta Crosman -
• And Harriet Beecher Store!
— • Life.°
First Farmer—Did they hey tire -escapee
'tat the hotel where ye siept, Zeke? Sec-
ond Farmer—No, but it, waa the meet
.,,eckerneinieal tavern. I ever seen. Filet
7fairmer—In `what way, Zekee Second
Earmer—Why, they had a rope hanging
itin every room, so ethat you could cow -
'mit ennide without wasthe
Philaslelphia "Evening- Telegraph."
"Mr. Noezleton,"- Eke said, "if you try
to hug end kiss me again I shall call
papa." "Where is your father?" he asked.
"}es in the Yellowstone Park, and wig
be beyond mail or telegraphic communi-
/cation for three weeks." ---Chicago "Re-
How to -Clean a Brass. Fender. '
'If you do not use any a Th'e adver-
tised polishes, make aepaste with par-
affin of a Very little powdered ammo-
nia and plenty of fine. emery powder. •
Scour with this and then polish with a
leather or cloth., . . - :
. • . .
•• : Ho* to• Wnsh Ki4.Gloves,
To wash kid gloves, 'first get the
kind that will wash. Then wash them
right, • Don't imaglhe that any old
way will do. The. washable kid can be
cleaned But they demand that it be
- done properly. The glove mual first •
lie stabled for half an hour Or more in
a lather of tepid soap and water, then
- washed on the -Mild in a fresh lather,
and finally timed 'arid squeezed gently
• with •4 towel; so that when, taken from
' the hand it is not dripping wet and
• dries quickly. These economical give-;
can be had ire kid or suede and in
pretty shades ,of beaver and grey as
well as in white, .
The Christmas Turkey'.
'• The question of stuffing or 'not
ed !front year to year., Niatty efeeeple
declare that the flavor of. the bird is,
distinctly impaired by stuffifig, and
others exclaim that the stuffilig is lied
self half the feast: Whether the o4 -
fashioned breidertunb, sage *and
onions, 'chestnut, pr, as in the ebuth,
peanut dressing may, be Used;.be sure
that the turkey iserciasted breast downe
ward in the pan. -There are dozeits
of good dressings for turkey, of which
the follovving are recomMended : •
Sausage'wdressinge-Crumble with the
hands a baker's loaf, from which all
-the-trust hasimerreuteaway.--- Moisten -
slightly with cold water. Stir in two -
of melted teutter, hilt a
pound of country sausage meat, a table-
spoonful of finely chopped parsley, and
if liked, two or three sour apples. Sea-
son carefully, as the sausage is itself
Chestnut dressing—Shell about three
taints Of large chestnuts and blanch in
boiling water. Cover.thern with water
k;--and--add a tablespoon-
ful Of Sugar, a little salt, and a bay
leaf. Boil until tender enough' to put
through a sieve. Buy a marrow bone,
and, having cevered either end with a -
thick paste of flour and water, wrap in
a cloth and simmer in water for three
hours. Sco.op.ont the marrow and
add to the chestnut puree, with a table-
spoonful of butter. Mix to a stiff
paste 'and fill the turkey. This recipe
is taken from Good Housekeeping.
Serve cranberry jelly, •instead of
saute with the turkey. It is as easy
to make and not nearly as mussy to
look at: To a quart of ,picked -over
berries add a .cupful of water and cook
until the berries are soft. • Strain
through a jelly bag,- add a .pound of
sugar, and ,boll fifteen ininutea 'Pour
. a fancy mould, or in individual
moulds, and set aside in a cold place.
For the- supper table, chicken or tor- '
•key saled in a Certerry mould is deli-
cious. Make the jelly as directed and
mould hi aoring. Turteout very care-
fully just before serving., and fill the
wore with the salad. Turkey salad.
by the way, IS as good as, if not better
• than, chicken salad, When mixed with
plenty of celery and a fete. walnut
Meats. ••er ,
A Wonderful Medicine.
Pills .
IZOR All •
Bilious and .
Sickleadathe, Conutijiation,
,Ifind and Pains in Stood,
!waited Digestion,
Disordered Liver and
P*tPASIDOIIT,T BlTuu enoratatea,
Thomas Beecham St. Refer% Eng.*
. SOW by all Druggiste
In Canada and 1.1. S. Amorka.
• • In boxes,•28 cents.
Olt When there is ptniniss of the el
ankles or wristS, blood poison is
e .,k,dnelt:10,1xgthecl
and UW deadly foreign matter fs
returned to the blood. The Itld-
neys must be regulated at once. 11
For this work, -there IS nothing
. . like
• • e. ,
Ear the ranger; ,
The prteeess of tearing drawn, Or'what
Se cegnMently tertned "weering out*
•our lend, has been the work of geneirae,
tionsand the huilding uP, Must Wee
eerily be the. effort of years; On the
ordinary farm, with its five or six,.
year rotatien, each particular tract is
reached and. worked only ebe or seven:
times in one generation, which should
Prompt us to make as •tnueli itriprove-
ment as pessible when opportinut7 of
fere. •
Sheep are necessary on some farms
m °reel' tie Satre netteh of the waste
Materials. Sheep will eat Many plants
that other aoirnals will not toncle It
may not be profitable for some 'farm-
• era to keep large flocks of sheep, but
dozen sheep will cost almost. noth-
ing, The same may be said, of one
or two pigs, which give a profit be-
cause they eortsume meterials •that
would otherwise go to the manure heal),
but too many sheep or pigs may make
the item of lahOr too costly to allow
Of a profit.
. Wive of Shieddederodder.
Ask men who have made a practice
. of feeding eliredded foder why they do
:.t,t, and they will tell you that they feed
The. ;t because their cattle, horses and sheep
. . • , ?
, ike it so well and thrive s� well upon
d,ney Pill-1
Lt, becauseatheY -cannot. 'afford „lei
; let it go to waste and feed hay which
„.44,zrr,,..----.1,....4dieS -- 7...uid be sold for two or :three times
. „,.
„Do not waste money on inferior
• subetitutes, but get the best kid-
UhY regulator and tonie in the
world. '
-et-aledruggisteebox of-60-pfils BO cents
et 1
as much as the prepared' fodder costs.
When . the , farmer computes the cost
of cutting and shredding his fodder it -
looks high, but he Must.remember that,
although it does cost, him front $2,50
to $3.50 per tote it tikes the place' of
tay whiCh has a market value from two
te three times that amount. Men Who
have, made a practice of teeding shred-
- lied -fodder State that it costs from. $3
--acte-te prepare it, and that
An acre of average corn will yield trom
one andeone-hale to Two and one-half
tons of dry fodder. They say further
that a ton of fodder has as ankh or
aerhap's more -feed value then a - ton' of-
..avereg& hay. Corn used for shred -
wog is lecnind and shoelted when the
:erteitese are well dented and „ glazed.
Oter, but.' before the stalk has shown
many signe.of ripening. When thor-
eughly dry it ;s reit through the ilusiter,
,atnndow,treiongddead. AagnrciteustitouWriescti. away,. the
'Double Yolked Eggs;
Many poultry .lealers are proud that
their hens'prodteee iilleble-yolIced eggs,
end I havee•known nein *.eets .cascs itt
my 'experience, of hens • laying eggs
• with three yolks. The habit. however,
le one to be diScouragei in every pcse •
eible• way, . says :a writer 'in London'
.Farmer and Stockbreeder, for it is.
not . an indication if- productiveness,
. bet rather of disease. It is' mused
. either by some _sudden disturbance
-from the ordinary Conditions- of life
as a severe fright, or else.it,is due to
weaknessofthe. egg organs—the ea -
sural process. of formation not being
;one thrbegh. properly and regularly. ,
itt almoeteVery :case this condition is
?relight about by laterfeeding—a too.
eapicV developrhent of the yolks *ens-
• mg .inore than one to leave the ovary
.st a time to enter the oviduct.. A hen.
ehich once 'gets loto• this habit- will.
always bit. liable to which usual -
)j takes the fermof loss of power .in
• the legs, even if an actualrupture does'
.not ' occur internally. Such re , hen
• ehoeld therefore be put at °nee on
giort rations with a..view to checking
fpr the tithe beiog the developinent of
ego. It is not the hen which lays a .
ilouble-yolked egg occasionally •that is
profitable :hen,. What the. poultry ,
• farmer' shoerld. aim at is a higher gen-
eral standard in egg production—a bet-
-ler average sl'ee end -more e lar
ing. •'Seme hells only lay. once every
two .or three days.. These are the "tin:
profitables," and alley are 'often the .
birds.which are addicted to the -"double
.yolk"• .
, . IMI.•••••••••••••?•••
Great Demand for Poultry.
The Dominion DePahinent of'Agri-
culture has received comratinicalion
ifrom.Blifish dealers who desire to put -
chase Canadian poultry. One of the
dealers, Mr. James Blackburn of Man-
chester, Eng., is at present in Canada
„Aggregating for the shipment of poul-
try. For ?four yedee- the Departinent-
. of Agriculture •has exportedthe chick-
ens fatted at the illustration stations
to Mc. Blackburn. The dealings have
been perfectly satisfactory, and the
vrices, obtained for the -chickens have
been • profitable.. -Mr. Blackburn said
that be would like to handle 3,000 cases
of chialtens per week.
Mr, Here, 'chief of the 'Dominion
ateeeeDietelon, ett • •
• ri es of-
fer substantial' inducements to Cana-
dian exporting firms to ship poultry'
to. Great Britain. The poultry sheidd
' be forwarded in A steamship equipped
With ccyld storages' The. railway -and
Steamship companies will .infortri ship-
pers when suitable steamships wilileave
St. John or Halifax. Even on sinall
vcionustiidg.nments.• of poultty the freight
eharges will not.be aver one gent per
The, chickene fatted at ,the illustra-
tion statioos have •beett sold in Toron-
to Montreal, St,„ John, Halifax,
Sydney, C.S., and Charlottetown,
F.B.I., and also to dealers in other
smaller.eities. The price obtained for
fatted chirkele in Toronto was tic per
perrad, in Mot:beet r3c per pound, and
in the cities "..e. the Maritime Provinces,.
with the exception of • Charlottetown,
te net: poltIll. The chickenswere sold
to h°tuiella'mer-
chants gave perfect satisfaction, and it
would be to •the interest or farmers to
fatten their thickens before they are
-marketed, -The department could have
• sold several tunes ae many fatted chick-
ens if an extra number could have been
'bought from ehe farmers in the vicinity
of the fattening stations, A Charlotte-
townoterehant stated: "We have a re-
-Ply from the party to whom we ship -
tied the last lot, and he speaks of them
a$ being very fine, amt.expressed sur-
prise that we could produce such thick-
ens in tide country." Almost any hr -
neer in thie country can produce
"fatted chickeng equal to the Govern -
Merit chiakens at little eattnie expense
or labor labor and feed.
tigw, YORni N. y..OND '
• „
• Notes Sent tq Teacher. •
entese notes are declared by' the Chi-
etieto."Intee-Ocean" to be .autheritie:..; •
Tearthea—What shrta I do, trait Pharley
oind.my man terir't nothing make of
him. Whee We wait to lick der little
imp he gets the bed tinder Whore na
gan't Teach for him and Must put ee, hook
on he,r bedroom door to .hold thin for his
Please soak him in seheol Eihust
as often as yougot time. .
• .Teeether—If • Louis is: bad- please lien.
him until hiseyee are blue.- Fk- IS very
stubborn. He lute a ',good deka of the
mule -in line' He teems atter his father.
reacher -4- diuk you ore a fool. You
went my' boy to lead when he donet, no
elferbits. Please:tea,* him &wets,. .•
Mise Brown—You &net stop teaCh 'my
Lizzie itseal ttorture' she needs 'yetread-
ing and figora mit sums more as'thae; if
Levant 'her: to do jurnpin I can make herjLtIfl
'..hlies-My boy telle'me -When I teink
Liter der overcoat ftconierny stampede'
gets too thiek. Plebe* be So: kind ..tt,n0
intervene in my, family affairs. :
'Dear teaelere:-Please excuse Fritz Thf
•staying hOute he had der -merles to
oblige his father.
Teacher—Please exenSe Raehel for be-
ing away •Thoee two days her grand.
nietter !died to obliged her raother.
-.Tea:ober—You 'must exeuse raygirl for
not emanig to school she wae siek and..
Jade in 1),,, common doe *Ate. for theca
_days. •
Climax cifeSavagery.
;SWOT lieVe ' the natives of a State
been, treated. •with more hideous cruelty
than those of the Congo Free State. It
is under the personal rule of King Leo-
pold, whose idea is that it should fur;
aisle hine'with. irioney ler' ens ;private
purse, and Money he in determined to
make out of it, no matter how, -A„irtoNls1.-
other devices, vast areas tire feerried out
to companies, in lehich, intlese greatly
maligned, he is a large eharelealder. 'These
jioniptinies celleet bleb -rubber. The Byte
tette fs to•foreeihe iiiiivelTe-deliyer.-
pertain fixed amoiint. If a villege deep
not do Ole, the hands of the Men are
nit oft, the eiltagc. is burnt: aia the
Women and 'children given over to the
tender mercies of some neighboring tribe
at savage. . This procedure .is defended
by the worthy monarch, inehis. reply to
the English nate protesting against such
iteregittie;brifialellowing economic doe -
"Natives eamiot be exemp e rom
taxation when they benefit by the ma-
terial and Morel' advantages mtrodueed
Into their country,: If they ilathe AO
mOney, they must pay in: Menuel labor."'
—London "truth." .
Think water and get typhoid. Erbil;
milk and get toberculonle, • Drink whlakey
arid got the Oat tom) and get
Bright's disease. .elet meet and en-
courage apoplexy. Eat oysters and ar.
Quire toxemia. Eat vegetables- and wenli-
en elystetri. Eat deatert and tako
to uttreAls. Ettoalto eigarettes • arid Olti
early- - Fintoke teems and get catrirrii.
Drink Neese and obtain nervous prefer:1-
time neinit wino eml get the gout. In
ardor to Ito ontfroty Iteltithy„ ono remit
eat nerten r, drink nothing, r•ieresice nothing,.
and even beforebreathing ono stettile see
that the air .iet properly* eternized,-
Sontlitkoltrn World,
do give
good digestion
to women -wh6se b,ousehold duties
interfere with proper exercise..
Ther, is no surer remedy. for
• storaacli troUble—no better nerve
tonic, Wood purifier and gentle .
laxati-c,le than thee,ti.ny tablets.
So xiall and. pleasant -
they ,-cia ,n'ot .seem like
medicine—but .the -y do the
Why not try?
AM i
, 4lt.14;14!A:::,e141;;:4141',1114.:
„r .•....,.„,,,,,„......
• .....„.
.V...004.44 .
. .
Iron.oe° Ta111et6,- ha an attractive aluminum
pocket case, 2,5. eeuts at druggists, or sent, PehtPaid,
On receipt of price. Iron -o'. Remedy c0,, rehire
ited, Nlialktrville, Ont. 1
s, •
2' e
,714.4tddltSZCANV •
VW wl
r kobli
min, 195 et., New York, Sept.% 1902.
011, 11. 3., EcacAr.r. co.. " • .
'-•Genneinen ,have used your Spavin Cure on
myhorsee for the east fourteen, 'years and it Isall
abrays given me ;coed results in every particular.
also have one Of 'your books that 1 have found
very usefftl. If you haVe any tater editiOn of
the 'Treatlao on the Ilorse aud,hia AlseaseNff
will you kindly sena me one.
• ReepeettillY your, :
Tr Dian abSoutely reliable remedy- I. or spaying,
Curbs, Itingboned,fite. Removed the
Maude and leaves to scar. Price $1; six for $5.
Ad ajinizneuvfor family use It has no enual. Ask
yOur &Diarist for KENDALL'S se.mate CURE,
also "A 3. reatkie on the lloreeef the b091e tree, or
address •
A Wiimin's Tebuite to
- Dr1 Chase's Remedies
Showing bow these great
Win the modIdened et the peeple.sate
astahltsla themselves In the stensts.
Ws. jekti WonitALL, 33e Victoria Street.
' London, Ont.; states :—"For retail suffered
a great deal with catarrh in the head. I tried
eeerythingq could hear of for it, hut it
remained for Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure to cure
nae. Though entirely freed front catarrh, I
',ilea in o nervous...and run clown condition
and then began using
- •
Dr. ChasesNerveroodo
which has built up iny
nerves and made lite
• strong and well, We
' have also nsed Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed,
and Turpentine in out
family for coughs and
wide, and never knew it
to tail to ant theists kit»
Dr. Chase's family
Mrs:. Worrellt
tneuiedleS hare !Steffen
their right to a place in every home, and have
cimac to be considered indispensable. TO
protect you against huitations the portrait and
signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, ,the fanzons
receipt book author, are on every box of kis
• .A..****Zmix.**.agai
1 - • Big ,Strike Probable.
. ato4aravote, N.V., Dee. 210-Vhe pro -
pots are for another genal tie-up Of
t ;the Moto industry of Pulton County, at -
1 ritoting,Itt the neighborhood of 12,000 per.:
Ionic Per some 'weaker a sorties of un -
u eitful conferencee have been held
the Glove Idanufacturere' Auto.
nd representatives of the Inter.
'gil °XI 'ifeiLilittu fa° dtneafriet7214rirlet!
the itis.nUfttatitters; stileivinetiti
00,,41111Orlitiltintlint as reW
gards WI
nekton*, slots einterh,
Clinton Si; Door, and
This factory is the largest ip the.county, and ban she Very latest IrciProyea Ina-
. &lowly; capable of'doing work On the ehortest notice; We mini sri, extensive
and reliable stook and prepared plans, and 'eye estimates for andbnild endow... -
be of buildings on short notice, and on the closest prices. MI work is supeVis.
ed in a raezhanioal way and sitisfsotIon guaranteed. We,eelt alt kinde of in!
• • Writ:wand exterior material. ,
Liniiber,'Lath.• Shingles, Lime, Sash, .Doors, Minds. EU
Agent' for ehe Celebrated GRAY BILL ScilleOL 111Eiallib• inanufttetsrei
:at Waterloo. Call an a get prices and estimates befote plaeing,your orders •
S COOPER' ..tpotoritigroot
:Qeneral Blinder and Contractor.
These byes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk
Juts or Mixed Goode in one bath—they -art
the lateat and moat improited Dye M
world: . Try a package. • Ail colors at.
R. P. IMBUE'S, Drag Store.
- 'Honey Penbecker,"eobsertes Ids wile
as they sit evt the happy breakfast -table,.
--ywiftbrvkirta-inly-ti- it -sad- condition
when you dime lionr last night."
"Why, Irtr dear,' stammers, Henry,
"how oat you say such irrga / re-
tnernbene distinctly that w • eame in
'you asked me to wind the el , put out.
'the deg, and light the night -lamp."
"Yes. and this mozning I faunal the.
might-hierip with all the wick wouni up
im the"Ohiznney, and Vido's, tail perfectly
"hare where you had touched lum with
bark poreh."—"Judge,"
Larxie Back for
Four Months..
Was Unable to Turn in'lled
Master* and Litilnkenta
No Good. '
Sidi was the expatiates ef Mr. Mini” Ankle
Stewart., Ziottitfila, N.11.
IliV0:1111,11tD1 or A SOX or
idney Pilis
CURED in14.
Ile fade cif his experience in the &new.
If you have a -cough, do not neglect it,"but purchase
a bottle of the old reliable remedy Composed Syrup of
Pine and Tar. It will etre any ordinary cough in a
few. days.Givesbetter satisfaction Ilan any other
cough remedy. Full 4 oz bottle 25e.'
-Chamois-- Vests,land _Chest__Proteetors---All sizes.
. . .
Dispensing Chen 1st,.
Easy Cigairs anti' Couches.
There is• no other article which will please your friend so
ntuckasan Easy_Chaw, a Couch or some other piece of
Furniture, such se a Secretaric °Cabinet -4-e a fanq
Table. We have a largq stock of these goods Our pictures,
Easels, Work Baskets and Screens make Very acceptable
presents. .Soecial prices this week for oint -Pianos, Organs,
Violms; Sewing Machines and Talking Machhles.
Imeeeneeinis. inievimaisr maim
• .1
tt ters and: Sleighs's,
We have a very fine lifill011"
went of Cutters and ,
made in our on 019N from the
best of material. Prieeslowi con-
sidering igalift]3e mu*ai
call before purchasing. .. Repairing Promptly attended 4to
Rumball & Mel% ath; nuren•Street* elleteic
" ameselissominnte••••••••••iiiiii
elitterS .4St44 .elitterS
Up-tozditte, first-class Cutters,
'unship; as stylish as any made; 14§
extellent work -
durable as the
best; as low in prices' as the lowest,
tog words: "For four Mon thst was troubled •
able to turn in bed without help.' I *tried
di GEO .1•PI
• • eLINTex
with a latne back and all this time was un. VIS
plastets and liniments of all kinds but with
no effect. At last I was induced to try
Doan!s Xidney Pills, and by the time I had
Welt and as strongrie every and has kepi
used tterethirde of a box mback was es
to ever since,"
Cloudy*Thlek ernighbroctored Urine,
Puffing -under the Eyes* Swelling of
the Peet and. Ankles, are all syniptonu
of kidney trouble that Maw* Itidaaj
Pills Win cure,
Price go eta. per bort or. tar S
. CO4 I
Backache, Prequent Thirst* &tante,
d *
• - MONT**
- Advertise in the New Era.
DID 11011 Hint veurgol
vve;lit. Send nae your Address tad 151intoned you with et tropoeitlon.
Tn, BO diva we ean tea& any intenigent
Demon to da the *919,t Of a „
1414 LINO ritstnteir
We need twenty.. MO* *month Mid
expentee from the dart.
IltAILEVIMOS Co Ltd• . Brantford, Ottt.
• 0