HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-01-01, Page 7;4,
The holding of a special ale in January.
is a Settled, feature of ourblisineis policy and
e bake no apology or excuses for the.corn-
' meri-c'ei*exitO-f ourireatjanuiry Saleof 1-94-4,
We start this special sale oil .Satiirday -Jan.
• . •
2nd., and each depattmnt1 of to con-
tributes it share to ,the 13argain. list for jhn-.
wry.. Our advertisement 1i every issue of
this paper is worth the reading each week
but will be doubly so during; January. Keep
your eye on our space. We Will fill it with
money—saving news.. for' Prudent l'shopper.
Here. i a salt pie of.What- weafe going to do --
The chief attraction.
Mantles Will be the leading P.t-
• -- tradtion for the-first•Vy.64-of---.14n-.•
uary. We .have • had the best
Mantleseason we ha:veany re-.
cord of.; Largest.' ',volume of '
business. .4 .1,a.rget,.nurrikei: soldT:
. than -ever.. befOre.. ',Nowit
time to exnpty he.racks.. .All
the profit on..th.e seaSon'Sbusi-
ness tiecl.up m the ...garments
in stock not do
any good..there, • We want it in
the- rpady ',Cash,and to get. it
have made prices•like theSe:clear -
the . balance. • Remember these
. are. this season's Coats and come .-
Saturdar dr Monday for first
• and best
That sold all the Way -tip ,to •
Just 31 of them to sell. ' ••
Yikei choice of 81 Mantles for $5,75 ea, h. All are new, •
stylish and up-to-date Coats, Not one in the lot
but was made for' this.st ason's trae,e. •They sold
at' $7.50, $8.50and $10.011. For the first week
of our January Sale we give you -the choice of
the entire lot for..., . . .... ....
• • „
MANTLES .at $7.75
Sold at from $10.00 to $15.00 •
Less than 30 Coats to sell at this price. Not more than
one or two alike. All handsome and stylish gar-
ments, made especially for tilts season's trade.
Not one ef them but sold from $10.00 to $15.00.
For the first week in January your choice of the
entire lot at each• .. 7.75
ANTLES .;.t.
Sold at froth $15.0o to, $2o.po
4 only Ladies Jackets, the finest and best goods we have •
In stock. sold regularly at $15.00to $20.00, choice
of the four for the first week in January at each • 174. la
These are bound to be the best Mantle
values we ever kave, and., the best time
to get the best bargain will be as early
.as you can get here on. Saturday:. .
ASSIMBLY.-The, Bachelor' Maid-
ens of Clinton gave their third annual
ball 'in the town hall on Christina:1
a - night, itn.fWetz,t,,7eat 'was One to be
long Ant'Orhetaantly remembered by
•••„•,.s• Lite numerous guests. The hall was
4, beautifully ? ecorated with bunting
and (INVrigVEVIIP, while losy comers
and le some furniture added tn.. • 1.0.
• to th appearance of
In be 'comfort of Pie
tage was to '
wit; 7
JAiVARY 1 1904.
0.14 *4*
, I ACCIDENT. - On Tuesday, Mrs.
* Whitely.. Princess Street, had the inia
fortune to meet with a painful lima:
MUDAY' JANUARY lot. no gegSbtto°katallg4I':iing beareassia=NA
•. . . her, struck her head on the edge of
[mud IV011eglets the stove, cutting a nasty gash there-
Fresh orders received illatlY at 0'1'1°116 MOE LIST - We are sorry to learn
• . &Mitt „ Tbet$10. that Mr John Derry iesuffering from a '
severe attack of lumbago: it is so
STATISTIOS.--4hevital statistics of acute that he is unable to move. The
the town for the paetial4 months tire as
follows : Births,22; marriages, Il ;
deaths, It This is rather an ndd com-
bination of figures, The figures for
the year are: Births, 51 ; marriages,
28 ; deaths, 27.
Tear Ado a Stanley fariner purchased
rani. avis & Row'and fitteen cent
steel trap, and in the year lie has ;cap-
-titre& about his buildings forty-six rats,
two niece and a. polecat. • -,.'
friends of Mr Arthur Couchwill regret
to knave that he is again laid up 7 with
his eidainnent; we hqpe far his speedy
• GRAIN. -Mr W. G. Perrin advises
brews to poll 'their rye and buck-.
wheat now,- or during January, as°
after February he will not buy it, be-
. cause it will not pay to handle at that
time. Ile also advises farmers to buy
their feeding corn as early as possible,
nine rd squirrels,sthree ground -how+, aa tho price-ialikely to -advance from -
10 to 150 per tushel Th s is due -to
•.the new crop husking out bacily,being
about one-third less than expected
THE SCHOOLS -Both the. Colleg-
iate and, PublieSchool will re open on
Monday. next. ,There will ' be no
chenge in the teaching staff of either.
Miss 'O'Neill, of thePtiblic School staff,
'whohas been ill 'for the past • three
months, hasyet another month's leave
of absence, and Miss Flossie King will
continue her work in the meantime.
MissO'Neill has the boor of being
connected with the • school- longer
than any other teacher. •
DIED JN TORONTO - The death of
a former Clintonian °mimed at Tor-
onto on Saturday, in - the person of
Arthur 'I A Bennett. He learned the'
cabinet making trade with the late
'fboinas - Stevenson; subsequently
carrying on business for Iiiinself. 'He
was aged 52 years, and leaves a widow,
five clatighters and two-soes.
THE RATE FIXED. -The difficulty
over the freight rates on the L. II & B.,
'partieulariV relative to the carrying of
• cordwood; has been satisfactorily set-
tled, for this winter at, least. The
railway authorities and the coal arid
wood. men of Londian.fixed upon a rate
which•is to continue until the railway
conindesion takes kction, • ,
of Arthl.* Twitchell had a pleasant re-
union at Christinas, it being the ilret
tinae in Versals thatthe different
•rnernbersof the family were all present.
His eldest son, Ed., of Fargo, Dak.,
was home, as was also., his volingeSt
son. George; of Brantfinid, 'together
With his daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
iiiid Mrs. Lewes, of lieneall; and 'Mrs,
James Jardine. ofFh..e River, sister of
Mrs. A. TWitehell • . • ,-
Brown,' of Toronto, who is spending
a holiday with his parents here, is th
pears to be meeting with intielisuccess.
,A, company has been forined to put it
on the market. The action ' of the
cleanet is to destrcy its crystalline
nharacterr-physical _giroperties And
--eapireity to scilnlifyrit will neutralize
acid and. mineral water;and is saidto be
-indispenSable wherever steam I; i-.:.ecl.
_ ... .
13USINKSS 011.A.NGE.-- Mr. A. J.
Holloway has sold his gents' furnish-
ing business to Mr, Wes. Newdombe,
who will ttinVreliis own stockown
store occiipied by Mr; Holloway
on the ist. of February. . It is expe..led
• that by this time .Mr. Cothhe Will be in
his new premises, in the Conibe block,
'so' that the whole stbre.will• be Occu-
pied, Ur. Holloway has other bus! -
nes matters in town. in view,' but'ex-
igiects to take,..te trip as far west as Pal-
gary in the Owing; 1 .
particularly wellpidasect to know that
our merchants have had a profitable
Christmas business. • •The , holiday
trade has been exceedingly good, per-
haps better than -it has been in many
years. • The citizens have been enjoy -
Loral, N otes„ •
Mrs Macpherson; Virtindsteilt, at one
time of Clinton; instill enffering from
parelysistheing entirely helpless.
Daniel. Annie, Seemlier°, youngest
brether of the late Mrs Washington,
town, died on Dec20, in his 77th year.
Miss Catherine ItoSs_Strashan, sister
of the late D, C, Stractlan,of Goderich,
And aunt of Missltrachan, of Hodgens
• . •
Norman Mural was' one of. those
modelites who passed the recent exam-
ination, but the name was accidentally
omitted last week. ' ••
Mrs(Vilm, J. Tozer, will be."athome"
Thursday and Friday, anis 7 and 8, ,..af-
ternoon and evening, and will receive
en the first and 'third Thursdays ,fol-
hiwinges •
• Owing to the softwe4lierof Thur
Arty Wit, the' thirreiq were denied
pleasure of playing on Fair's po
4)thristmas ; they are anticipati
sport later on.
The Woodmen of, the W rld, whoi
have been • eking use of e °dad -
lows' Hall as room, have
secured quarters with the; °resters, in
the Stavely 'block, •-
Helps that tielp. ° Being
Good. to Ilse during
WRITE get habit, save your memory, cultivate system, bee.
Year .1.,
ft Diary,
Pockeror Office, will help you to overcome the for-
IT your small accounts. ',When you spend a dolta
DOWN write it down. When you lend a dollar, write4i
down. It pays, Prices loc to $I .20
The Canadian Rintanac . .
• Will help you to find or confirrn any business or his- •
LOOK torical information quite readily, It isreplete,with
• IT information for all classes; useful in the home, indio
. pensable in the office. If you are not sure ---look
".--•• up. -When you want to know= --look it np:- PtiCe
The London Advertiget says
specialcar was required for the accom-
moclatien of the Sherlock -Manning
Organ Company employes who went to
•Clinton on Tbuisdity to , spend Christ-
• The volume of busineSs done at the
Post Office during Christmas week
was unusually great, an evidence of
which is found in the fact that on one
day postage stamps to the valueof $46
•were sold.
Sabre leaving her school in Turn-
ing a season of prosperity for • some berry, Miss Edna Manning (daughter
years, and the merchants' were not of Mrs A. Manning)- was the reeip-
afraid to lay in large stocke of goods, ient of a gold chain and case from her
•knowing that the Customer's had the scholars 'Miss Manning intends t5f
wherewithal to Make Christmas •pur- pursue her studies here.. • . -
Our advertisers are immense •, In our item of the presentationmade
!ypleased'with the trade they. hAire 'to W. Jaekson, last -week, our reporter
dolls', and we take, Much pleasure in
congratulating them in consequence. made a. mistake by saying the presen-
tation was neiele by VV., McIntyre, on
• A DESERVING CASE. -At thepub- behalf Of the ertiployees. , It was made
lie meeting of the eieetors Monday. by Isaac Jackson,iti a very rieat,fittieg
and appropriate speech. •,s •0 • •
er, the case ot ireicitisF,-
. ht,11*MAxs_and Councillor Voov- „„ _ , _ m ••
-wee storm-- er---oaturcev--iilet ' and
Sunday was a record-Lreaker it was
expressing regret that so•methine• had
• not been.done for higi way ofetublic one,of the kind youread about. The.
donarion. • The • circtunstance are attendance at each of the six •cenrche.,S
in the town; if allput together, "MOM°,
thee. While hurrying to a fire last
rnig4tijiainz_of:_riorses, beeped, by not have inede•an averaue congrega
avis & Davis, collided with the hose :treoeufFetryntdrafiltheeial itwwasasanbesxotlutotem21/ponso. • '
reel; One of the horses was killed and
sible to get over the road. -Ref Mr.
• Me Carter, the wel -known and ,highly
Dunlop could not take his afterfirptl
respectigleorgya, vit.:employee who
ntenent, and livery men re
iously injured. The horse wart ro- ai.oPe°t' out liors
was on -the reel, was throvh ser-
ths result Of the accident
has not heenable to -do -any work si
And is yet an invalid. ;,The reason gi
ensfor net offering him some relief -w
that he had not applied,for it, and th
exact respengibility of the town In th
circumstonees wa.s.noticnoWn, We hs
jve the 't5teffspeople are willing t
overlookm thio case theniee points:o
law or official responsibility that sea
illyptyed?:and. would willingly an
gladly 4601).10 the- Pg''Yinfi of
assistance•te hint IltOnid.§1!..afreq
that at its very first meeting. a
able grant he nude to Mr Carter, a
We do not heliew that.there e, ra
payer town -Oho will 1.Am...the e1i
est Objection to this heing.:does;
- . '•
pleaSavrg event took place at tee -home
of Mr W East, ,on the evening' of Dec.
23rd; When about 40 guests assembled
ee•eelebrate the silver:wedding of this
orthy and esteemed couple,, Mr and -
Mrs East had, intended- being; marrie
in the old Ratenbury Street Church,
but when they. got there it .3.),as 'lock.
ed, and .they repaired to the parson-
age, which was the ' dwelling • now
occupied by Rev Mr Dunlop. Rev .Dr
owler;the then pastor of the church,"
tintethe knot, and they settled down
in C,I;hten, where they have ever since
made thek borne. The presents the,
received on the e.ccasion• of thee.- wad.
ding, anniversary, were Many' LIId
beautiful, showing the bii itt
which they are 4., • •;,4 • englie
was pleasantly spei • .; • ...Kiel in-
terconrse, all • .!1.4,Lt 141. an4 Mrs
East mar 1,, . id to enloy their
golden. ti1alog at least:
830 on Tuesday evening one of the
poorest and slowest, yet best adver-
tised, hockey matches ' of the season'
started The lady hockey team of
Buffalo was made np of two ladies and
three -boys, so Clinton team gave them
• their eaptaie: Buff Whitely, to start
with. Before one min ate was over
clinton had scored two gools, so the
Z 11 a0 earn c auger goa • eepers.
This, however, did not work, for quick-
er than thought the acute was 0.0 in
favor of Clinton. Clinton then let
Buffalo haven goal, and Clinton scored.
again. Then' PI Dayment turned on
Buffalo side. Clinton thtn gives them
three more and takes two, before half
time :is up. Clinton •boys could not
find enough to keep them startle Buf-
lfile'takes three more and Clinton four;
thee Buffalo has the pleasure of teking,
four more, and Clinton closes the game ,
with ono mere, the score beteg 15-11 in
favor of Clinton. • The rink was crowd-
ed and every person went away more
or le s disgusted. We feel sorry4tor
,the Seaford: and Goderich people who
cattle here to see assviftho&ey match.
,We want every hat sold b Miss Randall . 12:0 I
leaves for her holidays about,the le"of th,rnonth. inrs
.She must leave an empty Shovv-R.qom when she goeS. -
Prices like these will soon ernpty,:.1.bles dui -1
. .
*eommen ry,on the S S Lessons -
jil help you to teach by first helping 3'rou.
STUDY Hints to 'tatters. Illustrations onaII iniportaltp
IT points. Blackboard illustrations ; Questions maps,
WELL Class Register, &c. -If you want to kno,,V,your
, lesson study it well. 5o • •
olden Text Booit Bible readings, ler :every day in the year. PrivOc.
The Gist ofl.thre Lessons, wit pocket edition. Three pages to each lee
• . Very suggestive. Price 25c • , ••
Peloubet's seleet Notes for•tbe more aavanced study. Price $1.2e
Often the Cheapest .Always the Best
Made to Ord
' • • •
m. Taylor
• Thank ,the -numerous custo
for theh `gtnerbus *t.itronage a
OM. •
1903, and wish theni ,Teff-
r-nd prosperous New, Year,
• .„ We 'have made. many vvarm friends
during the pat year, and not only hope .
•-• to retain them, but 'also .aad to, the number. ,
•• , • ipsf000see * •
The "om' Reliable up-to-date Footwear.
$18 00 Fiu ts
.*ade to Ordep
$12 50 ri
•The Sale of Fine drdered Clothing started last
II February st, - We: have two.
11 114 11
reasons, and two only, for •holdngit. 4
. 4
" FIRSTIO'keep.or Work RooMS busy dUrink: the quiet. season.-
SECONDH-To reduce otir Winter stock before stock -taking. .• •
„ •
• The price .cntg,:we .hare inade':athe get*Itte,: iid anr rnn who
r'..viiants''a Kat- or a Pair of Pants can sa'Ve.anywhere.from ..$3.00 to
*5.00 bytaking adyantage Of this sale. 1309 not take our wOrci.,fOrD:i
and seef0,yourSelfillere is the. way we are going to: