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The Clinton New Era, 1904-01-01, Page 3
1. qP o Stare Saturday Mornin" J 14 I - JK - , y iA 0 . - - . O.T."I'•h7mfli9►7 41Li ,t2 ;1 , ,fi t ...' 'e � ,� V.11 hl I �. �,.''. .,�, _„• . I 11 I -1 J .S C '-• ' � �. .. . , . � . -. .. ' . 4., , ,JI I J .1i �.-, - I..,. I ��l P (� .g @ ga .. _ ..... Pa•: 10. a fo �nuary 2nd St for LN o Ne , I * ; Iii l�.1AT, ,JANU.AUy I 'I90lxE. 501211ti' Anrda. Llberali, on ki/,1111114 IP14 Natal tr . 41<1006 ..��..- • 1 VOR ' ` Nowrtrix M+oy*u . 1i10��g00RD �� � J C,tgteehomeon ..J Tavlery fllioArfi,i,.. N] 71ioiR'Rh Renfrew COntselrtrittiXe •T Mottle --O Johnston -T Johnston; , - A Graham -T Cook-Pgwarts "'-"11John Bell-�' Jackson, J Wiseman ` • The, election of Mr Dunlop, the B J Gibbin a - Zt' Jackson- F B Hall free with every,' topT, Every Coat in the store to be sold at a redo .tion of Odle- Third � Conservatives andictate,ia undoubtedly � I w 4 - H.Wiltse- Stevenaotn-I DoddI. a disappointment to the Ross govern- J �) Stevenson-J,A Eord-#L$Combe Pala><` COVer 35c - - inert, though it is not a surprise to , D F Mac�ppherson--J P Tisdall-V FIallto One-half regular prices. spy one familiar with the . Inside C J Wallfe F Resod ens-00verbury • Cloth Cover SOc. . history of the campaign, Mr )Dun. W Smith_() Cook � RSer �:. . lop's ma ority is 600, while .that of the 0 Tohnston-- W Jackson.- W G Smith . This sale that is to start Saturday morning Is the greatest m ney saving event we 'have • late ter unr0 was• 500, .which indi- • Cates a very��larga tutu over:, In the SCHOOLO TRUSTEES ever had in Ladies and Children's Winter Coats. Every garment in the lot is made Of the very , first place Mr )llunro'a majority wile St. Andrew's' 1' Vard•-TBeacom,moved pC[Iet • - • best materials and in the latest styles. We could go on selling them , at regular .prices for at . phenomenal, because the riding has by J -Taylor, sec. by J A Ford. OfliCe aid P least two months and then clear the lot out at Half Price. But we refer to live oil.�,r customeirs. ,more often been Conservative than St. James' -J Taylor, moved by J C' •,' i)lalx'�es for ��!I p g- Liberal. Then Mr Dunlop had the Stevenson. sec. by R E Manning. q: . the benefit of these low prices now when you need the coats the most. i , °, great advantage of being amore po� p- • Thos Johnston, moved by T Cottle, _ . - - tilar candidate than his :o poo t, lilt . sec. by 0 hos Mason, R A Downs, 1 . _ _. '� For easy choosing we have divided the Coats into five lots as follows : ' fi Hale, This was realized by the ii4- ( rilovgdby"HB Ker, sec, by J Tay -i erals months ago,. #tn evidence oP lox•, Sunday Sc ., 9 1, Hel s , ich is found in the fact -.,. _ _ effort was made to induce bathat Macktb `.fit, fti�hn's Wardgnew,tnoved hy: -- y- p- ""`� +a 1. Lot 1-� $6 to $6.50 n Lot 3 $10 $12. to '"14 ' �.. M. P., to run for -the Local.. Mr Dun: J•C Stevenson, sec• -by TW Irwin: lop also had the advantage. of early .St. George',s ward -A Turner, moved' Gist o. the esso SCV i . and thorough, organization,; and did ' by J C Stevenson,sec.byC Overbury. .- �] v C oats at $6 95 not allow the grass to grow under his . After the nominations had been. de- Pr2CtiCal COI. , cnta I OC Coats at $3.15 o feet,�personally canvassing the riding Blared closed, H Holme.a was called to � ! y � three separate times. Against hlm,oY •the cha%t,and in turn asked the several Pelloubett s No es •.•,$1.25 Ladies' Coats made of R fide . course was the.powei and influence of candidates to address the electors those11 Ladies' Gats, made of a fine beaver cloth, or an , the overnment, lint behind him was for the Mayoralty bejug allowed 15 "' all wool frieze or tweed in black and grey reg- Kersey elotl� in black and fawn, also Coats of ' . Also gthe unanimous and,undivided .minutes.' • ' I ' fine camel's hair •cloth-, these are our' finest- - support of the. Conservati a party.. Mayor Jackson said: he was sorry the 1. nisi prices X5.75,116 and X6.50. Choice for..... 3.75 Hisv victory is: one of which he has rio. count i.had flet been able to°car y out . Subscriptions eceived �qualitiis that sold at $10, 1612 to $14• each all a reason to be ashamed. its ppled�baes made a year, ago; but °uni Q Q to go at one price......................... 6.95 Onr`own• "opinion is that local cir- 'looked Ior'circumstances were-respon for,all ►�lllifli# .��18U LOt 2�-$7.50 $V.50 & $V • cumstancesbad move to do with the. 'siblefor it. On the Whole the. aftai s er odrlCiiiS L .flub' _ ' result than the principles afldocated had been pprudently and -carefully man- ' n by Mi Ross. It is not unnatural 'that ( aged.. He .thought the• time -would Coats at $4.95 Lot 4 --Chi wren s Coats the Opposition lshquld derive consid- come when water works iii ht be nee- gg ushers prices g fain; "essary; but the contemplated` outlay stable encoura ement, from the worthup to $3 for • 150 or that , they should attribute tt to was too-mueh for us to nnder'take= at F= - " " ' Your choice of an Coat in the store that is p__. $. • dissatisfaction with the '.gov-' present; he was adverse to voting $60; . made of an all wool frieze, lined throughout Your choice of any Coat in the 'store that sold as , , generalernmentt is a step nearer power 000 therefor. As.i would be n(cessary P ,'p �y,� _: 1 ith good linin and sold at 117.50 X8.50 all-, hi h'a 1¢3 fol'... forthem,because.it reduces -the goy tohaveanewcierk;hethbnghtitwould 1'1.0OO Fi 1W'Vl1 �' g • • • • . • • • • • .. 1.50 ernment ma�jarity,that� much.• I', I rk a tsheto.haveanewmayorandneiv `iv; • .. y ...... ._�. , . - , 9 for ........... ' Conservatives claim that the Gov-. c t the 'same time. $e, would like. . $ .. a..... 4.95 They are made of an all wool cloth in newefati; °styles. - (�LZN''UN • ernment should resign on the strength to esimplete his fifth year as niAyor,i. t Lot p� �•O �O �. �O r $2.5Q (� of the result, a d Uabinet changes ,alae which would gixaolify him:for the. poli ��$ $ 0 2 5� also bein disc ssed. It does not seem 'he of Count C mmissioner anhonor, - ' robable, However, that ,.•the immed- .he thought he was fairlyentitt d t ,,,,. �; r„ e d, c� T, late future Contains -,cyclo inerts o. and hoped he electors would ~,.rettli n CHILDREN'S COATS made of Ane all wool,-freise and beaver cloths Some are lined, others unlined,' " any revolutionary nature.` Qrhe sit"- him. , anon in, the Houtse.now is : ; Mr `Stevenson had ireen'a resident) GREY -R ev 'v' •` { but all are made in newest styles. Regular prices $3.50 to $5.50 each, Your choice at...'.. #, :..: 2. e e R L� in oii bac 50 Liberals.51. for nearly 50 years, and thought that clamation. Counctllors�� Flikser; o Oonaervatives' 47,' , if he, should ever aspire to the position. Adam Turnbull, -.L: Frac c ,pia Johzl.. - Deducting the Speaker, the Govern- of mayor it;was now.. He•had served Grant, by acclamation° i �•„ inent'has a voting majority of 3. a, number of years, as councillor, and as � The relation of the parties is;further tgchool,trustee,and. the people. kneyR his GonENiox.- Ma or, E.N. Lewis; -- elec ed by acclamation. ounclllors Dont Forget Our Great— Clothing Sale complicated by: the existence-of-seveli- views and life on all moral or public M y,' Geo. Elii tt, -'W; k� - election protests against members . questions.• The council had worked, Cl T,: urns Clark; FiaseiP..Bro b1nt6obt'' lliott, Geo. ' elected in •recent "bqe-elections.'Five very harmotjiously, during peat year,• J. Fraser,. Jas. McTntosh,.` ex.: Chrys- This is the greatest money-saviug sale this town has ever had. Hundreds h ve.take'n. advAn Iirotests are against Liberals,- and two 'and although the expenditure'hadgone ,tel;'Jag. C.,Luthwaite. E A C on against Conservatives. • ., - . •up, the money had been •velr used. He Chas.. A. Reid tage of this clothing sale and are well pleased with their purchases. We' still awe a good as ' Tthas-for some time' been intiniat= wouid.suggest that the candidates '`Wni B. Gxham"Root^ ed that the House ' would• meet early .leave the matter entirely in the..bsnds: McLean, Allan 3 bLean,A C. Hunter; sortment-of mens and boys suits. Our'ove'rcoats-are nearly all gone, just a few -left that were W°: Campbell, R. "Thom on, Robt. in'Jarivary, Whatwtll be the course of the electors, by abstaining from' a Aeheaon .Geo. Porter. n ! $12 for $7.50, also a few $7.50 to $9 overcoats' t(>i go at $4.95. pursued by 141r. Ross is a matter. of personal canvass Did not want people HvLZETar-Reeve Ferris s re-elect=' � ° - con'ecture, but with a :clear majority to support him,on personal or political Boys $6, 50 Overcoats for $4.00 - ,' of tree ai the House, he - As scarcely grounds,' -but .they. should -regard ,him ed byaeciamation, ;as were I:themem- ' A • likely to resign.. ,If he cannot carry from the generai•statidpoint of'manli- hers. o the old council scept Mr I`leli'S Suits Worth 'lip to $11.00 for $7.00 Boys' $5.00 Suits at $3.00 on the government vyitli a maJ'ority, ,Hess. Warren,• whose regiCetta le xilness even though it is. small, ' Mr Whitney , Mr Hoover had been asked 'to stand mails* his retirement i perative; ,I " 10.00 6.00 I 3.00 1:75 ' would'be.in. a worse ,position for be 'OR two previous cecasions; but had de= Messrs S.•]�cCool:'and' W: ills were has no. majority. The Conservatives' cllned.. This time he had.concluded to trominated in his place,. brit he • latter YOUR MONEY BACK . ( anticipate that , a general election stand, but would place .On' the people retired.and Mi? McCool -was so elect- . xF pD WAN AT would put them into power in .Ontario'. the respbnsibility for his election. Re ed by acclamation. Ile i .:new to , 11 "� This is possible, though, by -no means had no particular fault to find with the municipal matters, but will< make a' certain.. The -situation is not very mayor, but. thought we should make gid councillor. The members of .the 11 . assuring to.Mr° Ross, who, on $is 'ie more regress. ` Was in favor of a sys- courieilthereforea,reRobt.Ferns,reove. . Cord,desexvesbetter consideration than tem oT waterworks if the outlay wast and Councillors Wm.,1'atterson, Wm. he has got, not tpo eat.. The expenditure b the Moon,Thos. McMillan,SaYYiuel McVdSh �_: __- _: _ St tee; to we is uexee koT accian atli n GounciHllors in An-. .•a _ .. __ .. -- ---- re f, Corhmit - - e , V est' Heroin Pointers. haze been taken by previous s spec e y - _ .was all ,Justifi'able; and he thought derson; Michael Finkbeiner, rederiek ,- the town in this respectwoizidcompare. Wuerth, Stephen Webb, .WinWade,, p (From the Godericli Signal) . veryfavorably with, any`_ of the' sur- Wm Yearly. • GLINTON' - - - • roundibg towns. The. council had been SEAFox�$ -Iiia, o . ' 1Vohle ' tttl' Sbme people11111111111111111,11,111' !- OUNUMONWANOMMONNOW4� I, it sedi is, hardly "knew criticised for paying $75 .for a horse_ r ` yy Gounctllors-M;Y.McLean,•L. , t what Mayor Lewis's politics were until while the mayor of Goderich spent r �- . last week;. when they. • concluded . that about $125,f'or postage alone. If any liter; John Stewart, W. H:. Willis,..,; Wi sLEY G"nURCH-The members of �pming and goings. ° yV, [Tenn Cam bell s ant tthe holi- C. Greig, Jas.. Archibald and John•Tur- P v his nomination liy the Auburn server one thought he was pled ed to any g' R. Holmes' church class gave him a ' Mr D Cantelon is downat Charlotte- L'days at his home illi Aylmer, -Elgin C o. gg per. . r sr ? handsome gold chain as a Christmas 'town, P. E. L, on business. , tion was at.least presumptive evidence pa-rti ular•person for the Clerkship; it Anson„ the Churches : • ppresent, while the -members of Geo Mjss Eva Cantelon, Brussels, is spend• of Conservative inclinations: - was incorrect;. he. was free, Aiid should TUCKHRSM1Tx-Re'eve,.Geo S.Black, . ROrke's S. S. class gave hirri a beauti- f Mrs. Horn, Mitchell, is the guest of ink. the holidays in town, the,guest of -Itis said thdt some of the -old-line select frorii the applicants tivhoever he -.b accI' m- tkm. Councillors -••Root ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ful easy chair. On Sunday evening Mrs Mvf&tt during the holidays. Miss Hattie Lavis. Consetvativesarenotaltogetherpleased 'Shoo ht would be«t fi1T this responsible cKa3',. John; MdNevin;'..Win. lilt_. ' ,! WILMS Ciiuncii.-The services were , six new members were received into I Miss Slaud Moffatt has gone to Chat- with the party, .nomination. . The position.. Naughton, Richard Sense, b i church fellowship; thers1 are a rum ham to spend art of her holidays. Mr. Chas. Shobbrosik, who has been ` appropriate to the season, the last Sab- P P Y • in North Dakcita for the' est eight think Mayor Lewisshould have Waite Mr Searle said that as two of the r{}amation. bath of the ear.... Prof. Cam bell ber of others still to be received, but P for a while and earned his homination other candidates were undertakers, . 'USBORNE.-Reeve, Jos. Hawkins b *• Y the were not resent Sunda g Mm• Theophile, of Rouillier, is visit- years, is visiting hi father, Mr John y y way: absent owing tt, the illness o his Y P y night. ing her brother, Rev. Father Pinson- Shobbrook. He has heen'farming for b Ro few yy•o� re of work in the ranks. °,himself and,the mayor stood a Chance acclamation. Couneiliors--I'. Mel} oil11 father, but his place wits s well filled by ST. JOsEPH's.-The same program as neault. the past two years, aiid while he has. f b itMcLean apolitical experience of being head and embalmed: He Geo. Andrews, Jas. Ballantyne; ural R; i Miss Goodwin and the music was good. I was rendered ou Christmas Day will done well he would be glad' to: Come furnishes him with a fairly cleardefini- thought it was possible to make taxa- Camm, by acclamation. A solo by Miss Coats, with chorus by be given to -day, Friday, at 10.30 a. m. Mrs. W McBrien, of town, is visit back to Ontario. Wesley Shobbrook, tion of ingratitude. Afterhavtngfou ht tion so heavy that it would hinder pro- I the choir, in the morning,and & solo in,, and 7 p m. On Bunday mass will be ing her daughter, Mrs. H. Heslop, of of Toronto, is also home for' the boli- three.hard contests for his party, with gress. He was one of the heaviest rate- 9 Detroit. as great a measure of success as any. payers, and found, his taxes and insur- .Additional LoOal News. the evening b}}• Mr Cook, were well' held a£ 10,30 and vespers at 7. Rev. S days. Conservati a in the riding could have ante, uite enough. He did not think rendered ...... The choir will render i Father Pinaonneault was then ecipient Peter Ker, who has been working at v g q The monthly shoot the Gun Club, an anthem, '•The° voice of many an- I of a couple of beautiful and unexpected Langdon, North Dakota, is home for •Ap mon the Christmas visitors were`:.- obtained; he is east aside just when he the coiincil-was justified in exceeding for the Cu takes 1 toda . , i. pp I k Pr p aC Y Kee g p h the winter. g liar got into good running trim. and its street ap ropriattoh by 5300. Some els sol thesis to next Sunda night, resents on Christman, On behalf of A Milner and wife; of Brampton, at his' lace is to en b a newcomerinthe of the rano ithic walks:were; ut-over The annual meeting bf ClintonTTonta the solo parts to be taken y Miss the altar boys John Hays presented ; W E Rand, Esq., of Almonte Col- the Wesley parsonage ; Dr J R Steep rants who has never done 'an thin drains and he conal lienc vas Circle will be held rex Tliursda evelq- lonea. The choir will also sing by re- ]Tiro with a silver dish ; and Miss M. le late Institute, is, vision his old and wife, of QVinm�� pe$, at the home of ,r „ p fn �' 'anything qq e the h y t g lint sympathize with the party. Ohl. bIcamelop-sided., He thought g, Jan. 7th., a fall' attendance• of nest an unaccompanied anthem, '°My• Reynolds, on behalf of the choir, gave Clinton friends. Mrs Andrews ; C M .8ezzo and wife, base ingratitudel Er `41-] hauedesootedni6 ` -: --�- 1 p , I assts , Heavenly home,' which is a,getibral him a gold ehainand cross pendaiiit oderieh-at-the-the-Ir-Mallin favorite, i�f r and MrsEanes Crich, o Brussels, attention. to.his own ward thhn he did, W. Houston, broodier,, of the Thiinei- visited his mother Mrs Jas Crich, on Wilber Matinin ,and wife, of London, The Seaforth Ea positor sa "a ;-Mr He would make the main who broke a al of Clinton Collegiate,is a Candidate," 1 Unexpected Death O! Rev. at the home of ] rs A Taylor ; T. T. Lewis Conservative candigAte In . sidewalk repair it, so that there would for the Toronto Board o. Edtrc€ltioin„ dNTAR10 STREET. -Rev Dr Cook Walter Ayers, Albert Street last week, ( d I � 4 Y Leckie and wife, Goderieh, at the home West-Huron� is a good all round man. •be no opportunity to have -eases for and will likely be•elected, ' will exchange with Rev Dr Stewa.rt, I - .,a Mr. and Mrs. Hamor Smith, Toron-' of Mrs Monteith ; E ,H Cooper, and He is a hust er, a.slick canvasser' qnd dama e. a a. tthe town.. - on Sunda evening.... This evening; One of the (-, 6Ai Methodist cleftgY- to, are visitingtheir old friends here, wife, of Montreal, at the home of his g g A meeting of Liberals tCl select Cele" New Years night, a novel entertain- W one 04 those fellows a eraon hates to Messrs, I+'opd, Wallis; and Levis were B g men in the western district -Rev. a1- and return east tomorrow. mother ; K O Bell and wife, Wingg. say ,'Kid" to. He will make .things the only council ns irants wile addreS• gates to attend the conventtoid at inert will be held, known as a MPn a ter Ayers -died very unexpectedly last 1tilra Jud e, London. and Mrs Reece, ham, at- the home of Mr John BeIL ; lively in political circles fix West sed the electors easph brief] askin for annon, on Tuesday:, J'an. 5th.,, will..be Social, the program being given en Monday evening at his residence, g Dr Belden and wife Toia to At'the p su ort. ' Y held in the Council Ch inber, b11t'the tirel by the male sex. • efreshments South London. of North Pelham° -are the guests of u , t Huron or the nest two months, Itis avenin of Saturda yy their sister, Mrs. R. Holmes. home of Ma or Jacki�e" il Jos T. said the�party is not very united on • PP g yrJan. 2,at S 61ock., will be served, the waiters also to be Mr. A. ers had been enjoying exce:- Clark and wife, at themme. of Those who have retired are W, C. of this persuasion. We will not say lent heath of late, and it was not un- John and Miss Annie Nobe, of the T n6tLewis but ch stock will do well Tipli &..Holden s eneral sto& int, Searle, from the contest for -the Mayor- g Jackson, Jr; Will'ICing, St Catharines, not td,take much stock in any such yy Griswol , Man.' was destroyed b fire that the, cooking hap all been done by til a few hours before the -end Cams Huron road, Hullett, were the guests at the home 'of'his mother; Mrs• H. . stories, The Tories, ape alw.a united airy. The nominees for -Councillors 'recon 1 i k the men likewise, but it will be good, that he complained of being at all. un a of Mr and MrsThos. Bi g1n,Colbourne, p, y who have retired are Messrs J. Taylor, m to ,ow thieav dopa; Tb�e $vitt. g Stee Toronto, at the home of Jack- at election times, , iio matter how R. Graham. J'. U: Ste�+enaon,ohii me b r f t e firm i9 T. Cf. Tiphn,, 'et nevertheless. tp'h is the program : - we11.4 {The late Mr. Ayers was born in` Wednesday of last week. son ; Will McTaggart; Toronto, at the much they "may differ before. The one time bagga:ggeman at Gliinton,. but: Quartette, Graone ; solo, Rev .l England 70 years a o° enc, after being Mies Ida and Master Glen rbrni;sh, home of his mothe>r'; Mr and Mrs Reformers Piave not et held their' Bell, D. F. MtiCpherson, W.: G. Smyth Ater of.G.Oderi h. • S Cook ; reciA Hooper ; varia- educated at several Methodist collagges, of the Base line, were the gguests of Joseph Simppson, Woodstock, at the convention, brit that wii}1 'only be a and 0. Johnston. Mr. Taylor has also 1 c tions, . G a^ ,address, Hy. came to Canada: He was then aydung Mies Clara and Master Wilfrid.Big- - home�t f W S°Harland. A. COsens,and matter of form. There is no dobt but retired from the school trustee Rcon- W H.'Beesley,-formerly of Clinton; Mid ; parade, roan in the prime of life, and wherever gin, of Colborne, Tuesday and Wed- wife Bram ton; at the no of Wm. test in St. Jamds'ward,, Those still in .writing from Moo aw un er dater of'. , " Rev H. M. p Mr Holmes; the present member, 'will he went hemade.his presence in the npaday of last week, Robii.. Lester W hely, of St. Thomas the field are, for Mayyor: Messrs, 'Dec 23,- says: -•Tis xq one, of'theamhozle : solo, pulpit felt He labored oin the found- Celle late. Ber Davment. • of ..'St: rygam be the Candidate. Himself and Jackson, 6 evenson, Iiooyer. For hardest years tbQ Distil has see#ra�A@; ramo hone ; Mrs Will" L. Wade, with Miss g Mayor Lewis will make a rattling t owin .,to hail storms, but ore P ations of the church in Canada and Frankie and Master Burns, of West- Thom". ' team, but there is no reason 'to fear Council: Messrs. $o}}owsLy, Levis, gg p0C-: er;instrumental, even since hisretirement some , ears • Searle Ford, Cottle" Wiltse, Wallace iall the frosts, that did told lain -'n chorus, Theen Y port, South Dakota, are visiting m the result if the Refoririers of the rid-. ' ' a e to the wheat Cro s t t►e sttll ' ssionary •anniver- tinuedhin vat us waa s t olabor'forthe town' They intend to remain here for ing h their dutyy will s nd danger •Gohnston L or school trustee, Messrs. hove unboundQt% Cti fide Ce i1d rilewill be held on thee. Y the winter. 11ve I, • 4' 7 ,, DISTANT WEDDINGS, -Two (lis- but that Mr Ilolmea will do lila part •n the morning to {j lure atim� n hurchi fun tions aranCniud Mr D J Uantelon assistant Chief of. rant weddings, of which one in eachand fery can do it better, but 'ho maty � a .... future of the West.' are known to many of our town read. can win an election• alone, aifd the Re. «iirw -4*ev.v. Manning, he frequently a oke from local u}pits, olice of Woodstock, has been visit- • qEl �vy Rev. J. Kennedy, Besides his widow he is aiirvv ed b n his old friends here. His Services i exs, having visited .here oil: several "formers of West Burun want' to bear Wesley church in Y g occasions were solemized in point this to mind. The moat cease their .. kHFI14L>. �Iteevea Manan. Dal i, C �� They two son s and four daughters are so highly a preciated that he has Edward .and Mooxetown res .edtivel little,' erson4l bie-kerin a and et to hY arc ,rmation. Co iici ors- Joltri , 0'° Dr. Cook will con- , He was stationed at I3olmesvilla and had one raise of salary since he went p 3' gg g rvices on Londes- Fordwich in this county, and was ex- there, and is likely soon to et another, oir blonds and Wednesda of this work lliike one man for their Candidate Barkley;Wm.X ckley i oho Medntyre y Y g week. Trim former was that bf Mr V' "`and if they do this they will win out and Thos, Stothera, . . - . � -LL � e day. petted to preach in Clinton the las,, Mr. McTavish, a student of Victoria U Creighton of thelatter laee,to Miss by the largest majority they have Bmison, IEI,b-Reevp�llr Smith and J'a TO illi,'' E!e['tf11'S of irttNt1111+° I. Chris tmaA unda,y of this month. University, is the gue9t of Mr. John Isabella Currie of Pt p The ever had. Edward. ThoUounhlliors•�-A' Erwin,. %AMIs.�ttnclr:rlrrtaurrzr, al celebration of' Torrance, Huron road. Ile formerly ceremony was • erformed by" Rev - - ° "a, • I, F iwards;'Geo Lindsay; J Fraser,at II a. m., with resided at V rna, who're his fatklei. p You6avo hoiiorodmna wi your coli•THE LATE CHARLES QUOPEh.- Eidht; at the "residence of the brides A rneettng of the Conservatives of J€is naldson. School trustees •Jna .Rde ceand sa tdurina tha,ltiib tour yftrm n by the Rector. I The remains of the late W. Charles taught school; but has latterly been father, Alex Currie, in -the 'presence. the South Ridingg�� ____bf Huron, will ba- Ferguson, W Brandon, Wni• Elliott, attda�,:, °ritmlreorvlam "Msyar tt1i, come amounts Cooper who died in Vancouver)reach- engaged in the Methodist ministry in of only the immediate relatives,, at Six 'held at IdensallaWednesday, 6th ° oi• . merifldebeeI sick f�rr�our ssunsouthern Manitoba.' BLY'rfl.--Reeve, A, Sloatt, b actin• for t �osr. `fiver bo>ivi�ir than ilia s to $5Fi.60, an ed her edneaday, his brother, John o'Cloc in the evening. As Mr Creigh- Janna ;at one°pClbek p m• to Coit- oration. Cotirici}lora'=1Sletcaiie,Seoth- at mrwili beexerolaedby ma, toad ..On the Sun- A, accompanying him from Toronto. James Eagleson, late of town who ton had td'staod up at -his sister's Wed. Mer, { advisabillty of bringing put'a at nothit wilt t- beta IaU4 to dist will t�Of Po le situ ors, McNa11p, Milne, McElroy,Jackso y tbute to tie well-being end wdv�xioatriont, of p gg- They were interred from the home of has been at Aberdeen Dakota, for ding on Wednesday, they took but a cons candidate to contest the Tr tstees-•Wetlaufer Potter; M itn the to*n. • x the morn- his mother. Fulton street„ yesterday, home months, was visitin in town short wedding trip, but 3Xte 't+wi}l bring coming election• and for other .busi• ,mon T!• II,aCKgQ'lr, f;r, - } i being in ;Thursday) afternoon, quite a number this week. His family are ow living his. bride to C�llnton, for a wee>�s -so.. ness, - zs,•--lteove Wilton N'. V. �"." of a smile . eying their last tribute of respect t at London, and it is Said he has taken ourn, with }let` sister,. and brotheAw. The T)ntaxitl..�Legialature kris beeir BRtrsst" , . - j Perry. Council -A. Baker, S. Plamm, . " TO the ElfuClor�4 � he read i im. The Port Arthur Chronicle, of a position with the Sherlock -•-Man• lair' Mr gild Mrs V, �`. Hilton, who re- called to meet on the 14th. , Bobt '1'hotnp5tin, Wm:t iiily, J, (7obeL• rtation , Dec. 2.9, ppays the following tribute to ning Organ Company. turn front Attending these events to, Hon, Dw.ZLfCl7onal+�vwasre•notninated A, t Domes, Tl41`i:watt Winson Ainl . sent." 'him :-°`.J.L. Meikle received asad mes- ! dayyFrid'a . The second WAS a rets 3' LADIES xrrn tiaxrni itx r ,,r, M.. 50 sage last evening from Vancouver. Root. Stewart surprised his friends Chrch wedding, when tryst 100 pretty by last linter Liberals an Wodnes• Cctt.uc> trt%'or ReevEe. Messrs Tay >savin bc•on �nomliiate cOrtbe�elrtwt ei i}}i which chronicled the Wows that W. ' the manse by coming home on °from far and treat, witnessed' Miss aa'y'° lcir and W''i oung. T�".or Councillors Odle hafgathodaol6sofsh,�ty��tion 7[ treat b Aqpooper, the popular British (90• WASObrex, s Fve, a week sooner than Lilly'Crefghton married ,to -Mr At E The lainentableAekth of Mt.Andrew. Messrs Hill,"• Jewell, 1(obertson, L funyaskto r aixriziiirie»re��l�'. ynpnnrt. .i�t representative of the L, ♦vas exi ected. He and }tis sister intend Wlleatlon"""df the .American Soo, by Pattullo, M..; P': I''., recently retired Snyder, A Chisholm, . ' eieetedJt wir11 by raY site to ntt trca the lint holesalA house, had d' ;tea• le sin for Toronto on Monday 'tine 1Tev.l:divard Lee. `Cho°decorations from rite edttortal niana smear of TIiC , r v eats of trio to an.to rho beak of abiiit . We hospital the' eon train. Miss Reece g I.�.:I•won.•--Reeve.,. 1', B. Carling, . W, Yonrr, '�' 0 TZVH go . were f Qoweri,eve greens and mistle• Woodatock Sentinel-ltoview'r. (whit}t (I, Bissett. Will. Bawden, .. I.1, _Lnv. f--�--�--� an operation to. otherwell,is also vi sit t a�he bride wh given away by her occured by his own hands in England, et£, J. A,,.ilolling. CoittiCillors--Thos, the �,`t e creased w or Mr Thos Creighton, the }froom on Tuegday,) removes tine, of the bright- To it � Ctors to ,wire �veut to Lo, ©ing supported by the other' groom, est and most popular journalists of Elie Hawkini,J, W. TaylorY. L: (13i0stie,Jos, o •-„�,,,•�, line sews to visit while 11 df ad,i?'rcoctor a cousinoftlrebride � Pt,ovittee anti one of the wont_ active Senior, John Woo(i. 11 Muir, A. l Lniri> s �Ntt C#rtr�rrtjt�s�r�nN,s°_ , ..,:..._. j,, 1r A I7rievett ( Lutz A i • ',. -r -*7lasls�. .,-i-,,----- - , e' , . .�p . THE, , `, gando * kmoq A complet(rU*Uadia>#X;aolx nu Eh ery business man should hav orae. . A Colored snap of the Dominion W he d at the he displayed" both independene, �_llt(� �ii�t;-port: llnitiat I 11 has hi.ou sn f'errbi$ on £lid everniig ill heal fir r%id nervousness recent to they take tip rvhieha attrlrtitA(1 his 1 endin I a' , now election is Palled forth+e 18th. - _ � ,_- -.--t .-.__.__ _.._. u t,, , .. ,, . . , I!"ord, J. Armstrong,Jos. Davis, tion Hardy, l',. H. Dicks,oh, J. W. Prown- ing, dart lobi;zttc',11- T(7WNSTtll'•�I revn .Mid- fir dAM M the Old PoUnt-11 •80110 VC -i am, electo(1 try ,atelttniation. R .an AJ