HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-01-01, Page 2ver Pills hat you need; some - to to etre your biliousness, regulate your bowels. You need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable; gently laxative. i �,�•;,;�: Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE r1rrT Cr. L r. e.u. CO_ ha, .e.. M. a. elinton Ne leitIDAY, JANUARY 1, c Quantity Used In Increase '1'he consumption of spirits in Carta, da is uu the increase, while the use oa malt liquors is falling off, Thatis the unmistakable evidence derived from comparison of the inland revenue re- turns for the decal year ending June 30th last with those tor thesameperiod of the year previous. In 11)02 there Were 27,(23,707 gallons of malt liquor manufactured. F'or the last fiscal year the quantity manufactured was '23,75;>,- 131 gu.11ons,or a falling off o'f 1,8t38,017, - gallons. In the fiscal year 1001-02 the The aatloaal Expenditure quantity ofspiritceutteredforeot.sump- - ti‘.) was 2,0:33, t2 gallons of the value Thr e hxrgc of exlruvngance urged ;tff $3,(113,2,) . During the last fiscal against the Lauf ier (;0\ ('ruou ill int )year 3,207,718 gallons of the value of sites examination. The ordinary ex•, 15'4.2.3 wire entered for rnsutnp- Demi tune 1n 1S'}(( ryas t$:i;,((X),INk', /t\ci,�1016,1, being tui increase o1 I,rIf(i gal. lou, in qututt its and $ -I i,t) ill in valor. in 19X1:3, $51,)ill2,100, an iuc''v•as,t. +tt1, _A larger consumption of spirits than more thMut $I 1,000,000. 'These lig eu'erf, of malt lit{{uors is not a healthful in<li- cation, '1'o put the figures in another way: lu I1)U the per capita consump- tion way : • Spit'its, 700 gallons ; tobac- co, 2,101 pounds, In 11)413 the per capi- ta rousutnpt ion w ars : Spirits, 870 gal - Ions : beer, 4.712 gallons; wine .000 gal- ; 1on tobacco, oro _.rif pounds. 1 Ie ( r the rd venue per head was :-Spirits, $1,651 ; beer, $0.211: wine, $0.018 ; to Barco, $]1,11]5. Last year the per capita revenue receipts were :-Spirits,$1.812: beer, $0,2o3 ; wine $0.051 ; tobacco, 'F0.0112. ('11e number of cigars taken for consumption in fife last fiscal year was 151,780,5l(i,asagainst I I 1,090,839 fol the year previous, 'There were 2_2,1177,30)2 pounds of tobacco taken for consump- tion, compared with 21,513,301 in the preceding year. u hulk, pvould appear to lend colo: to, the charge, but analysis puts a diiler- eut fa.ccun the matter. As S:r Rich- • d "tr'twright explained. 141 his Tor- ch (f p the increase r', argely a ques- A glance at shows it 111l111 - red 1 e outlay )0 (XX) more 11 pts are :$41.`0,9( more. le customs deny anent the ex- rture was 9400,ni l in 1811), ani] year $1,220.1000 Iii it the revenue Ieet(d was F10.5:3:3,000) in Mt, and $37,001,000 in 141()3, Of the total increase 1f expenditure between warn 1Sc 1 and 1( k 1, it is estimated that, these cross enlrl'es »cennit for 54) per tent, the Money helm:. merely taken out of one pocket 011(1 put in another. Itedured to a per' r»l,ita 11411is,t11e re- nulf, appears rven 1111/re ';ttisfactor•y. F.videIce lou -4 co/00 to light that the census of 184)1 wasoutrageouslvstnlfed, Sir Richard Cart weight, making al- lowance fon these f•rauds,estinlates the population of (';]nada to have been 4 8(0,00) in 181)li The vrow10 since 1hen calculates to be 1,200,000 *;ivinL4(.'nn today al. pnptdal ion 40,000,000. Ae- those figures as correct./m1 rte seven 4)4 111In'> of purely non' - runtime, which is.h»)anred I,v 'r•eipts, the cost of ndroinis. t irS n '1)11ard:1 was fifty Veal. than in 18401, atinnal debt is 71tarnnnnt• $211,0110,. n0year;, family, u0tt ion 'The has '1,011 ir- (1 Olive and a railroads this the receipts 1 more than $150,1100 More . eceiptn have to $1,:3417,0(s), 's for postage. 11(11 and a half fore gold had t the country nt of the (.x. the revenue n the sinking n in 1~011, hut rhe Grand 'Trunk Pacific. The (' 1111 twill 4 -ailment.. wentappea1- ecl in the dailies of Friday' ;-- I'he (;rand Tru nk 11:4 )))'Its Com- pany has deposited .1-'1,]X0,]11 of their guvr:utteed hoods a'>security for the carrying out of the agreement subject to the ratification of' the shareholders at al general meeting. Inasmuch its; the contract requires cash O1' government security for the drt,osil,l0gis0•ttion will he required to confirm, the acceptance of t In. securities which have been de- posited, though such s!'rurilies are 0•or't11 1n11:1y' enure (111111 par, and their y:1111>' tt,(1ncstionable.- lioonslliuer's rronts. So Largs that Illicit Distilling Will Never bo Stamped out. Start Right To -day and you will find the world ver( much brighter to -morrow. A good complexion -the bloom of perfect health -bright eyes; clear brain-. these are within the reach of all who take care of their digestive organs. Take a teaspoonful of bbe Ifferve cent f ) S I �l in a glass of water every morning and you will find that blotches and eruptions will give place to clear clean skin. Throw away the powder pulfand rouge -pot --they :re counter- feits of nature. Abbey's will cure constipation, the enemy of a dear complexion. At all Druggists ay.. and hoc. A Goad Accord, 'the Postal Department. 'Po place the posloflire on a self-sus- taining basis, after halving :u1 annual deficit of $700,1110, and their to devote an aggregate of $311),111) towards rug. nleutiug 1(1(4 P11Y1L41(11t11>l4>%'iLn('t'iiof('o(Il). 1'',' pontrnanters,withuut causing (Idol, gar's additional outlay to 1lie pul.lick,ias something to be proud (IF. That istvhat Sir \V'itliain Mnlock has done, and for this hr is entitled to the thanks, not only of those directly heuefittod,but of 1110 country at large. This increase in \Vliilc this is not,iu point (0' fact, the the remuneration topostnotstersnlarkn slats; of serin'itV Chelaws1ipulattes shall another stage i1) the ndrnit'ahle policy of progress which hatsrhrtraeteri•r,ed the Ire put in, it disposes Of Hie rumor so administration of the post office shire industriously circulated by Opposition Sir \\ n1 Afulnek• took charge. A two papers, tits, the (1ruu1 '1'ruul. Pu.ific cent domestic postage rate, imperial penny postage 110(1 reduced rates on 11,1:] no intention of proceeding with its ('anaulian newspaper; curd periodicals coutlact. \o one seriously doubt('t1 to Britain and hpr leading colonies,are 1n(0stn'cs that l,:ye 1)111 luoneyintothe the intention of the (7,'l'.11„hitt certain) pockets ufthepeople, while tlie revenue, politicians. for politiearl effect, tried instead of being diminished thereby, hc.t h, discredit tb,' project. The has gond tip Its leaps and hounds, This is the kind If administration building of thus road ,leans :1 great Which appeals to the popple as thor- (le:al, not only for t he west, but for the ! t>l>ghly bu4in(,441-like• And now• e 1•t n4 w('11, 1 n ( )nt:u•io and (,!neh!'r it toil; open ,p for s'tlletneut immense acres of excellent land that have Here• t oforc been without raib•o 11111(.4.(011111o• 1ac •e c ou1nn,• dation, while section sections of the Alnritimc Plotincc'->, hitherto in the satin. e edition, will bc- greatly bene- fit,cd. I''urthe detelopnu')It of the wont( t', the sclu'u:e i (he hest cue ' 10) pet rent un the1 t alnnlnit whlr'h they wool 1 that the postoflice department has, 1'y reason of wisdom /111(1 economy, hecn placed in at. most satisfactory state, the' bolt• has V(11110 to het ter re- munerate those whose 4t ipcnds standir, need of aulgnnollatlion. Sir\Villiant has, therefore, directed that the mini- mumnalnrie: of pnstmastc rs be raise d from $ln to $22 a year. and that the' salaries of 011 those who are pa i.l on :1 percentage of revenue be increased by ever adopted in Canada, :uth td e cost in operattion,t tl'ostnutsttc-stwhotaht as to the people will naval. bpfait I>ythem, I intermediaries het ween the world at large and smaller offices dependent on t horn have the allowance's they re- ceive on this head increas0(1 by 11) per 0(111, Rural Mall Delivery 1'xpensea. The report of the United States gov- ernment on the rural mail delivery is riot at ;III enticing. The valueofstamps )roe ir1 the rlutils collected during the months of thisyeatrwasli1(30,I)0),an(1 my of the carriers was $1,500,15 xi. ']'here is a rowan -a4 there shctrld be -among the Grenville conservatives, for smite of there have treated the sitt- ing Local member, Mr R L Joynt, with anything lint courtesy. At a recent her word; the eanrell tion of j meeting called for Dominion purposes, per nn,nthe Was $1 1,32, and the they also selected a candidate for the f the carriers forthesame "So that it is fair .s,”) hat a lift>, dol lar 01184- 'limkNl11t at by nis e Loral, turning Mr Joynt down, al- though he had been elected by nearly (04)0 majority. He claims that he has been most unfairly treated, and 811y's he will run in spite of the other nom- inee. lie is a cousin of Mr J L ,Joynt, of l,ucknow, ']'here is more Catarrh in this 4P(' - tion of the country than all other dis- eases puttogether, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. eat many years doctors pro - a •t n. local disease and prescrib- ed s, and h constantly treatment, Science has stitutfonal ires con - Catarrh ey & titu- ken a An o'd revenue officer who has had stills and capturve ing)ience La blockaders,) who has had many a battle with the out- laws, and beard the bullets from their guns whistle past him, who has often crouched behind rocks and stood be- hind trees, and who has done his share in tryingto stamp out the miscreants, said a ew days ago in speaking of blockaders and moonshine whiskey "I have been a revenue officer tor about twenty-five or thirty year's, and have seen all kinds of service, under all kinds of circumstances, and I don't believe blockading and illidit distilling will ever be stopped. The reason for my belief (and I am not the •nly one) is simply this. There is such a large profit in the business that the temp- tation is too great for most of that class ofpeople, regardless of the law, not heeding what has befallen fellow- moonshtners. Even forgetting that they have once been caught or sus- pected, and that the eyes of the officers are on them, they go right ahead and distill the grain. But at the name tinge they are on the lookout for raids, and have their guns ever ready to send a piece of lean into their discoverer•. They are good shots, too, hardly miss- ing when they have fair opportunity to take trio,. "I will give you an idea of how cheaply moonshine whiskey can be na t dr, and the irnnlens ) profits that are reaped from its sale. They take one gallon of cheap black molasses, which costs about 30 cents ; two bush- els of meal, costing (15 cents per bushel ; and some water. This is made into a mash, allowed to ferment, and the stuff then goes through the process of evaporation. This amount of steal, water and 10011(sses makes forty gal- lons of whiskey which is sold at $2 per gallon. Anyone can see the immense profit front this illustration, - Latterly brown sugar has been used instead of molasses, and is tl great deal cheaper. The sugar costs about 4 cents a pound. There are :300 ipounds in a barrel, making it cost $13,50 per barrel, An immense amount of mol- asses is trade from a barrel of sugar, and the profit is almost twice as great as in using the firstIllethod. Distillers are captured every day, and when they art' sent to prison others take their places, and thus the perpetual flow of white lightning." Cakes of Eiri. the . Latest Thing. Discovery that may Eventually Abolish dairy. The inventors of at method by which milk is now being solidified on a con- siderable scale confidently believe that their discovery will not only abolish the many dange-s of the dairy, int. will eventually do vay with the dairy itself , they c tate' t > e d n t that is, the day of liquid milk is over, that People who have tried to solidify milk before have employed too low a temperature in their fear of 0ecoulpo,- ing its fats and sugars, and in conse- quence have failed. But by the Just• 1Iatmuaker process the liquid milk is whisked around polished cylinders kept at. •1 fierce heat by steam, and comes off in at few seconds in the forst of it continuous creamy white sheet, five, fee' in width, This is reduced to powder and may he compressed int() cakes. The feature of the product is than it is still potentially milk -the whole milk and nothing but the milk, and to make new milk at any time it is only necessary to add the seven parts of wafter wilich have brei1 evaporated. 'Phe result is Said to be difficult to distinguish fl'onl fresh milk. Its cream rises naturally, and it may be made into butter or cheese. The pow- der and cake s keep indefinitely, and samples have been sent round the world and kept for three weeks in Shanghai, returning quite fresh. Ob- viously it is impossible to water, skim, or adulterate solid milk, and a fact to which the inventors attach extreme importance is that all attempts to cul- tivate microbes on it have failed, Apple Shippers Lose Ifcavlly. Consignments of Inferior Rrult demoralize the English 1Rarket Canadian and United States fruit exporters have lost considerably on recent shipments of apples t(1 the Old Country and the Continent, where price., declined several shillings per barrel. Advices recently report a par - Farb], ro .. a,le. The west.helf of lot Et, eld Oen god oriels township, oo leinin 1 0 or. c pet ar �(,µe f tN'•d'forIe� i o ss oe•h s alar• onrpp es w����j5onab ver * tt- J. P.MaDALL.OIin a PROpESSIQ °platons efLeadlag Phystelaas. 1 have used W T Strong's Pilekone for external as well as internal piles and get better results than from any other remedy 1 have used. A Graham, M. D., London, Ont, Price $1.00. For sale by drugglste, of by mail on receipt of prioe. W. T. STRONG, Mannfaotaring Chem at, London, Ontario. Town Directory Pour oFF1cE• Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7.15 p.m. Jas Scott, postmaster. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in Stavely Hall. Open every day from 2 to 5.30 p.m, and from 7 to 10 p.rt>. J. Bean, librarian, TOWN (fou NCIL -Thorna+ Jackson, Mayor; II 13. Combe, J. Ford, U. Over• bery, J. (1. Stevenson, H. Joyner, J, B. Hoover, Councillors; W. Goats, Clerk and Treasurer; Thos- Cottle, Assessor; Chief of Police, J. Wheatle , Collector, ' Meetings 1st Monday in each month at ' 8 p, 10. Sciici Bo alto I3c ARIA J. W. Irwin, chair- ) man; T. Beacom, F. Hodgeus, A. Tur- ,, 1cr \\. Downs,F. Hall, I Jackson; Secretary, J. Cuninghanle; Treasurer, W Coate. Meetings second Thursday evening in each month. COLLEOIA'rE.' BOARD -M, I). McTag- gart, treasurer; Win. Jackson, secret- ary; Jas. Scott, chairman; J. Ransford, D. A. Forrester, R. E. Manning, H. Plumsteel. BOARD OF HEALTH -IC. Stevenson, 'chairman; Mayor, Win, Harland, sr, ; Dr Shaw, Medical Health Officer : Jos. Wheatley, inspector; \VnoUoats,clerk, BAPTIST Ort ofteli-Sabbath services at 11 a,11.1. and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 2.30 p.m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev 3, C. Dunlop, pastor; I). Prior, S. S. supt.. WESLEY METHODIST (0i (111(114 - Sab• hath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 2 30 p,m. Rev Fi, M. Manning, pastor; A. T. Cooker, S. S. supt. General prayer meeting Wed- nesday evenings. Junior League meets Friday evenings. ONTARIO ST. ME'))IIODIST CHURC1I- Sabbath servicer at 11 a.10. and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 2.301).m. J. S. Cook, 1),I)„ pastor; ,Jac00 Taylor, 8. S. supt, Epworth League meets Monday even- ing; Jmayer• meeting co' Wednesday ovening. WILLIS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Sabbath services at 11 11.10. and 7 p.m. Sabbath school at 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evenings; Chris- tian .Endeavor Monday evenings. A. Stewart, 1).D., pastor; James Scott, 5 5, supt. - ST., PAUL'S ('1HUUf(('ll, EPIS('OPA1.- Sabhath services at 11 a,n1, and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 2,30 p.m. Ladies' Guild meets 3rd Thursday of each month; A. Y. 1', A. Meets Tuesday evenings. C. R. Gonne, M.A„ rectorand S. S. shpt. ST. JOS11041'H ('A'riroi,o' ('uWWII -- Service held every other Sunday at 10.30 a m. and 7 p.m. Rev. I''ather ('insonneault, pastor. C. M. 13. A. meets dtlt Thursday every month; Sacred !kart devotions 1st Friday of the month; Mass every morning at 8 a.m. - 13RF;'rl41tl•:N- Meetings at 11.a.rn. and 7.31) pan. on:Sunday, and on Friday at 8p.111. SAh\ATION AlcMY- Service at 7 and 11 11,01, and 3 and 8 ip.rn. on Sunday, and every week evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Wiii, Porter, tion of Mr, Alex Porter of \Vulghan>, died at Medicine Hat, N. W. T. on Mondayy. Deceased had been resid1ngin the `Vestfornear- ly fourteen years and was clerking ma hardware store. Mr, John It. Archibald, of Tucker - smith has purchet the farm adjoining Seaforth on the east side, belonging to the estate of the late Charles Wilson. ft ctntains about 180 acres and waspnr- chased for $10,25(1. The price of the farm, however, was $10,(10(1, the odd Inoneyoing to the tenant, Mr. Win.Ilabktrk, for fall work done, ('17RES COLDS IN ONE i101'It Many cold cures are dangerous be- cause composed of deadening opiates. But fragrant healing Catarrhozone cures colds in one hour and is both harmless and delightful to urn. Even the tvoretcoldn,sneezing,sniffelin colds with running eyes are stopped very c.J uickly when the balsamic vapor of tial recovery in Liverpool, prices hay- (latarrbozone is inhaled. Cataurhozone ing advanced I0ree shillings the East I acts like a. charm on colds, kills them th outright, prevents their return a few hours later. For colds, catarrh and throat trouble ties Daly ('atarrhozone Complete outfit $1.(XI, trial size 23c. at all druggists, tee ( ays. klien .fames said that shippers expected the apple trade on the other site to improve after Jan. 1. The causes of the slump abroad were primarily the enormous arrivals in Liverpool during the past month, the shiprnentA having averaged 21X),(I(X) to 240,0(X) barrels per week for the six Weeks prior to December 15. A large percentage of these consisted of infer• 'or fruit, and as heavy consignments op the Saxoniaa were injured by frost, hey had to be put on the market so eaply tliat gond apples were ren - ed ahnost unsaleable. Heavy de- 'ies of oranges in England were her factor 111 the demoralization market, ter loss in this trade was pre- y the absence of supplies of wn apiples in England and on ant of Europe. While most pers are said to have made profits earlier in the ,ea.s- this roust have been lost ine. Toronto exporters hopeful of recovering ore long, aaa the ship - from all the American k dropped off greatly, 250barrel e, against 24,075 week butt year. County Clippings d Mrs James lowatt and Mists aft, of East Wawllnosh, have to spend the next.three months ends in Scotland. H. F. Rogers, head Insister of Sea Collegial instit.ut.e, WAS married rsday morn ing to Mies 'Tena, second Igher of \1r. Thomas Stephens. The wedding of Miss Mary Ma lid Alex' dria 1't'ilson. Youngest dalighler of v. ,tapper Wilson, of ilidgetown, Merly of Goderich, to ,T, Frank Rey .ft, of itidgetown. took place on 1)er• port illness of pneumonia, n a week, Mrs. Thome A HANDSOME SOU VEN1R.-The magnanimous treatment, that was ex- tendeol by the Grand Trunk to the del- egates to Hie Fifth Congress of the Chambers of ('nrnmerce of the Empire, during their visit to Canada last. Aug, has still further been aeeentuated by the forwarding to the delegates t.hroughoot the Brititah Empire, to their horse addresses, one of the most beautiful souvenirs that has ever been issued by any railway. The Souvenir is in the shape of a hook, and includes a series of reproductions from direct, photographs taken during the trip through Ontario and Quebec. The re- productions are in halftone, printed In the duocolor process, on the finest enamel coated paper that could he se- cured, the defr'rrpfive matter being simply the titles of views, and each page Is embellished with a vignette symbolical of each individual district and appearing in the bottom left-hand corner. There are twenty•four pic- tures in all the book which, in addition to n view of the splendid train that, was tendered by the Grand 'Fronk to the delegates, shows erenrs alone the line between Montreal and Niagara Falls, Niagara Frills and Windsor, Sarnia to Muskoka., some beautiful reproductions of the scenes in the 'Highlands of Ontario,' and a very comprehensive set. of group pir(nres Ihat were taken of the party Aurin their trip The whole is b_�Tr�tnd in dark green silk, with a ho'AHIiiTi) it.it.le page stamped in red and gold sl ving th - twit -Of -arms of the Dominic .' a.r1a.. encircled with » ha.n ( silk ribbon lied in a how ntf Tl)is souvenir will be greatly cited by the dolegat.ee, and tv1 n Die 1 rk pleasant rt ip trip to Can 1 onalfactor Land torSale ,HENRY .BEA (t1aepejg r s lir Sas 0 BARIUSTJl. SOM. Ode. OLOPTO orrice-lilflott Bkek,forseerjy by Mr Sect,. For sale that splendid eaah t one 10t, form' t ° MBPfIEY Ti 1610110. la` agory,Qust on the nothere outekirta ofr Clinton, The gravel road lad base line Paw d W. - BRYDONB. in on each u side. 15 *colloid land well sated for marker garden (4 private reetdenoe. ARREST ER, SOLICITOR NOT apply to DIRS. F.ARUENTHarlook. PUELiO, ETQ OL11 TON For Sale or to Rent. Lot 29, non, 2, Stanley cc talning 100 acres In good atateol onitit-ado or sale or to rent for term of years' apply to NO. McGREGOR, on premises or MRS D. Mo REGO1t, 2 oon.,H. R. S. Tuokeremith, Seat) P.,0. Feb. 7-51, Farm for Sale. Lot, 89, Concession 4. Goderieh Tp„ about 2t miles from Bayfield, 8 relies from Clinton, containing 80 acrd, more or lees; good fresh- water creek running through same the year round ; 2 Korea orchard, frame house,barn 130x50 For particulars apply to undersigned on the premises,-WM. bKL'dNER. Farm for Sale South half lot 83, con 15, Goderich Townsh ip acres; good clay loam; 5 aeras fall whe at good frame house and frame kitchen, good cel- lar top plastered; cement floor; soft water cement cistern; hard water pump; frame barn; two frame stables, sheephouse and pig pen s. Good, never -failing spring creek runs through the lot. Apply to WALTON DODDSWOR'rH on the premises, or Clinton P.0, Farm for Sale The undersigned offers his farm,soutb half of lots 9 and 10. Concession 12. On the place is a atony and a half frame house with stoue caller; driving house, barns, she ds, and all neoeseary outbuildings, one email orchard, never failing eprine creek and well, cistern,90 acres cleared, 10 acres bush. One mile and a_quarter from ohurch,eehool and poet office. For full partic- ulars apply to Sept 5-tf. 11 .H, 1180X, Blyth, Ont. Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his choice farm, lot 31 con. 6, towntship of Hullett, con- sisting of 50 sores. On the niece is a comfort- able story -and -a -half brick house, good out- buildings, a email orchard, never -falling sprirg and well. Property is well situated, being within 4 miles of Clinton and ten minutes' walk of church, school and post office. Eight acres of fall wheat sewn. Will t e sold on reasonable terms. For full particulars apply to 01 3m W. J. McBRIF]N, Summerhill, P,O. Farm For Sale. Lot.'12, Bayfield con., Goderich tp., 113 acre .. (85 cleared balance hardwood,with a large quan- tity of cedar on it), in good state of cultivatinr about live acres fail wheat,and considerable fall plowing done. Comfortable brick house large barn wititstabling underneath driving shed and other outbuildings; about 2 oars orchard. mostly winter fruit • well watered-neverfail- ing spring creek and two wells Seven miles from Clinton and three from Bayfield. Posses- sion at any time, reasonable term. Apply for further particulars to CHAS. SIMONS. 7 St. David at., Goderich. NOTICE. We have for service at our farm; London Road, a pure Scotch bred Shorthorn Ball and aThorobred Yorkshire Boar Reglstered, from Imported stock on both tildes. both extra fine animals, terms *1.50 and $1.01 We have for sale 3 young shorthorn Hulls, and some cows and heifers, will be sold at reasonable prices. They are all pure bred, we have also a lot of grade cattle, stockers and 1 feeders for sale. 0-30-tf. H. PLUMSTFEL, Clinton. CONSERVATORY Studio Of Music. r W. Glenn Campbell, Organist and Choir director of Willie Presbyterian Church Clinton, Teacher of Pianoforte, Pipe -Organ and all branches of Musical Theory. Pupils prepared for all the examinations of the Toronto Con- servatory, College or University. New Steidle) ever Twltchells' Shoe store. A.11 are wet Erie. D L. MACPAERSO INSURANCE ( Fire OFFICE, I,Ife AeoldentIPp ate Glass MACKAY BROCK, (.tLINTON. JOHN W. Y(EO. HOLMESVILLE,i Agent for the MANCHESTER Fti E ASSURANCE Co, of Manchester, England hose funds are security are rated at $14,500, Also the Mc- HILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE . A classes of farm risks and town property taken by lowest rates. First -e res Lckwn Companies also represented. Money to be, had fr.w 4 per cent up, romp' )InRR o nature% of ',scrag. - Daily mall Holmeevllle -- postal card aril fetch him McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSUI3,HD, . J. B. McLean, President, SRA. P. 0. T. Fraser Vice President Brumfield, P. 0 , T. E, Hays, ,Boo. Treas. seadorth,1'. 0. Jas, Connolly, Porters Hill, Jobn Watt, Har - look, G. Dale, Clinton, M. Chesney, Sesforth, J Evans, Beechwood, J. O. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bennewefs, Brodhagen. l Ental yDirector inspector of losses in his own J. W. Yeo, Holm•evilles Robert Smith Har - look Jas. Cumming, E8gmondvitle, Ed. inch - ley, liar- look, G. De McTaggart, BANNER ALBERT ST , 4, CLINTON General Banking Beninese transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Notes fanned. Intereet allowed on deposits, J. P. TISDALL. BANKER, C f N'I'UN, ONT o loan on mortgagee at l current rated bast nem transected lowed on deposits. Private fa Menders and pro - ave been barred the independent irr Ohire, RIDOUT & HALE CONVEYANCERS, COItUIJBB1OWEI 'Real ]Estate and Inenranoe Agent Money to loan C. B. HALL JOHN 13 M G. CAMERON formerly of Cameron; Holt & Cam BARRISTER AND SOLID Office -Hamilton St opposite Colborne GODERIOH, ONT & DICKINSON GAR R() D RO BARRISERS, SOLICITORfl, MC, Once --Corn Hamilton St. and tie Coderlch, Ont. H. L. Dict . ason CHAS. °ARROW. PAM DFOOT & HAY BARBffiTERS, aPLIOITOR8, NOTARIES PROCTORS IN' r14,81AarrniE Coulrr OiHce: North st., neszkdoer to ilfgtpalr Private Fonds to lent lowest** of interest. �• W. PRGUDFOOT. Medical. WM. GUNN, M.L., L, n. C. P. a S. Edinburgh,: Ofttoe-Ontario, Street, Clinton. Nigh at front door of office or residence, bury Street. DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYBIOIAN, SVRGEOI Au.<ncheer etc., office and tario Bt., opposite English church, form envied by I)r. Appleton, Clinton Oat, DR. C. W. THOMPS Physician, 'Surgeon, Rte. special attention given to disclosel Eye, Far, Throat and Node. Office and Residence - Albert Street,2 Blocks North of Batt G. W. Manning Smith, M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OFFICE -Main Street, Bayfield, for occupied by Dr. Pallister: DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. CLINTON, - ONTAR191, Office open every dayand until IOWA. Saturday evening. ,,, • 1r' (;)a D G. ERNEST HOLMEI DENTIST (Successor to:Dr. T. C. Broca Specialist In Crown and Brad Work L, D. S.-(iradpate Royal College ental 8n aeons of Ontario, Toronto, D.D. 8. -First-class Honor graduate of Deo tal Department of Toronto • Unaware*: Special attention paid 'to preservation 0 children's teeth. Will visit Bayfi d •Qer Monday. - Office over W. Taylor 8t S n's sho store 4 of DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offioee over O'NEIL'Sstore. Special pare taken to make dental treat - mono as painless as possible. Wi11 vier Auburn every Mon • fi tiscellaneous. C. L. FISHER. OLINTON - ONT„ General Agent of Federul Life Asseirsece C 1 ollciee on all the latest approved plana,witie privileges and options most advantageous() the Insured, Annuities issued, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY J. R. Rumba'', Clinton. ...____i_______...„ wM. SNELL, LL, r coilnty Auctioneer. ! Roving •procured notionea''s LIoen•ao fork the County of Huron, p�QI solicit a share of the\ r erase. Dates furnish by mail, 'phone. beleg- e ph or personal inttbbrvtew, Chargee rnasotl- li Money war Prds ivate funds to loan at 4 per cont and ap- W. lEY•DONH JA"i0110, ISSUER o8 MARRIAGE LIC INRgga - No witnesses regained To Renti,, f,ot No. 80Con, 10 Goderic rent: W. fRYDON'E, Belief The. Novelty and Resta Oh yes,' tt WE HAVE Mixed Candy, from 7d to Creams from loo to 40o Perrin's and MoCormiok'e N' and Marsoaibo Ch000lates at Bon -Bene, in boxes, from 20o to Malaga Grapes and Raisins, per Ib. Oranges from 20o to 80o per de Walnuts, Almonds and Tibe 15c per lb. Don't Porget That Chrietmae Caked made to your own order, own make ie hard to beat, /CdrNo better Bread made 1