HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-24, Page 8The Ciiiiton NetwasRstcm%
December 2.4th, iPO3
Last Minute_—,,
People who have to do any shopping the
last day before Christmas must needs buy in
a hurry. This is a good store for those who
have not much timet to spend. It is full of
articles that make useful and sensible holiday
gifs, and every thing is arranged for easy see-
ing and quick buying. No trouble making
selections here, everything is bright, fresh and
up-to-date. Run your eye over this list.
Perhaps you will find a hint or two that . will
help you
New styles at 25c, 50c and $i.00
LACE TIES, Black and Cream
Regular $1.5o, special each 5oc
New and Nobby Handles
$3.00, $4.00 and $5,00
Real Eiderdown Sateen Comforters
Each $6.00 •
75c, 9oc and $x.25
Hearth RUGS
$2,5o to $8.00
$2.5o and $3.5o •
Children's SWEEPERS
25c and 3oc
50c, 75c and $i oo
Popular -Priced. Handkerchiefs.
Our stock of popular -priced Handketchiefs is
simply immense, Hundreds and hundreds. of, them
that make suitable and inexpensive Holiday Gifts. •
Plain and fancy lines and qualities that are real 'good,:
At 3 for 10c
Children's fancyPicture
Handkerchiefs in many
styles and patterns, also
plain white hemstitched
Oambric Handkerchiefs,
half-inch hem, and extra
good qualities at..3 tor
At 5c each
Ladies' hemstitched pure
Linen Handkerchiefs,
• with the popular narrow
hem, also a big range of
fancy embroidered and
lace trimmed, very spec-
ial value at each
At Ific each.
Ladies' fine hemstitched,
Handkerchiefs, also Gen-
tleman's plain Cambric
Handkerchiefs, with
many different patterns
• in faney etabroidered,
with plain hemstitched.
or fancy edges, each
At 15c each.
. Ladies' fine embroidered
Handkerchiefs, dozens
• of patterns — a special
• lineworth 20c to 25e each
Also Ladies' and Gentle- •,
• mens' plain hemstitched • g se,
Linen at each . 1°U
• At 25c each,
•At this popular price we
show a vtriety of pat-
terns that you will not.
duplicate in , any store •
hereabouts. • It's by long
odds the best we ever
had. Extra good values
in Ladies' and Gentle- . .
mend' plain hemstitched
• and Linenllandkerchiefs
• Better and finer goods
35c, 50, 75c and. $1.00
Clearingout •
Saturday morning, Dec. 26th; we are going to start
and clear out the balance of our Millinery stock.—
Miss Randall will be leaving for her holidays in a
couple of weeks, and she wants an empty showroom
when she goes. Not a hat to be left onf. our tables
when we wind up the season.. We have made three
prices for the entire stock in order to clear it gut in
short order, and commencing Saturday we clear the
stock at prices like these.
OUTtNG HATS at soc
Just a few outing hats left. Every one is new this
Season. Sold at $1.50, $2.O0 and 2.50, choice of the gn,.
lot Saturnay morning at each,. 4 • • • ...... • • I • ow
Any untrimmed Hat 38c
All our untrimmed shapes without reserve at afic
Black and colors all new this season. Popular and
becoming styles. About 25 of them left to ell and
commencing Saturday mornging you ean take your 88
Any TRIMMED HAT $i..50 •
Any trimmed Hat in the StoreUn Saturday morning
for g31.50. Positively not one reserved. Not a ha
but worth double or three times what we ask, We
will not keep one of them and on saturday motning
you can take your choice of any Hat in the Show ital
Room for, or*oogovr .... is "so. 0.Y1061,11* Ale"'
Awn umormosommallan
Helps for 1904
pgxen 3 CENTS
S. S. Lesson and Bible Readings
for every dap in the year and also
facts about the 'bible and other
, important subjects....
Vest pocket size giving an exposi
tion of the leSso0s, three pages to
• each; It is very- compact, a model
Of suggestion .and condensation.
Comprehensive commentary, hints
• to teachers, illustrations, black-
bOard exercise, questions, maps,
class register, etc.. etc. Edited by
• specialists. • Its a help that helps.
For advanced classes it is Valualble
has illlestrations al all important
points, very suggestive and help-
Catifaudian Alumnae 35c,
Diaries for the
pocket and •office ioc to $1.25. News-
paper and magazine subscriptions •so -
Vetted, •
Agents Parker's Dye Works..
The W. D. Fair Co.
c:ften the Cheapest, Always the Best.
We Know
Mr. W. R. Lough' was in.Seafortti yes-
terday. ••
Mr. • .S0.811, I Townserx1 returned frbm
Manitoba On, Mon •
Mr. George Skinner of Rolan, Mem,
was in town yesterday.
Miss McQueen of Petrolga is the nest
of her sister, Mrs, Janes McRae. •
Mr. W. Symons hes gone to his honie
at Southampton for the holieays.
Mr. 'and Mrs. James Eagleson of Lon-
don will spend Xmas with Clinton
Miss May dell has returned home from
Havergal College,.. Torontoo fo• • the
Mr, Chas. • Wallis returned last! meek
from Manitoba where he had /been
• on business,•
Mr.-. Bert Carter, who recently returned
• from Pilc•t Mound, Man.'„ has been
visit' C '
The Mi* Who Needs Clothing and •
Misses This. Sale
Will . Miss the Greatest • Money -Saving Chance
He Ever Had
. •
, .-•
• .
• ,r
a C,Lrs,ieefl o oro wi
spenei Christmas at the la.tter's par-
ental home, Mayor Jackson's.
Miss Olive Patterson of Auburn, who.
was visiting. her many friends in
• town; returned 'home SaturclaIt
• Peter Ker has:returned frau Nor-
th. Dakota lOoking hale and hearty;
He has, a number of new' stories.
Bert Jackson and Wallace trwni, stn-
., dents at a Chicago 'Dental College,.
are I.Onie for the Christthas holidays
Mr. andMrs H. 0.*Bellpingliam
will Sp.end, Christmas Day with• the
•latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' John
Mr N
leften Monday afternoon to spend
Eylalie, of the Mclsons-Bank
the holidays at his 11:orne 'near Osh-
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lear of . 13lytIr
Were in ' town on Mcknday and alsri
Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Hill' of fLoncies-
Mr. and Mrs.. •W. Eagleson: of .Aber-
deen;' SotaL I./.akotts.•,. are visiting at
• Mrs. EagleSon's. old home, Mr. Jas.
Miss • Harriet 1V1CCaug hey Lei brother
J. .T. and cousin, nr1iss.i1abc1 Coats,
are spending a feW"claYs with'
Fends in Brampton.
Mr. James Ferguson of near Dungenii-
mi 'spent last night in town band
left tl:is a. in. for London' where he
may accept a situation. -
Mr.. W. J. X.,ougheed; mathematical
master 6f the C. C. I., left yester-
day for, his tome in Forest, to sponei
the Christmas holidays,
Dr. Steep and wife of ;Winnipeg, Man.,
arrived in town today and will sp-
end Christinas and New Year's as
guests of Mrs.Steep's Mother, Mrs.
H. Andrews. . •
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMfeliael of east -
err Htillett were in town or, Friday
on their way to.sPenej a 'couple of
clays at Mrs. 1VIcMichael's old home
near I3enmiller, . - •
Mr. Frank C. Powell left yesterday
for Cliehnslford, Algoing., where he
will spend a few days witl . his inc.
• then He owns sonie property in the
Vicinity of Chelnisforei. • ,
Misses. Lilian and Tient* Jackson, the
talented daughters of Mr, Thos.
. Jackson Jr., 'who have been attend-
ing the Conservatcry of Music, Tor
onto, are tome for the Christmas
Mr. J. Ca.ntelon attendee, s •guit
cluli shoot at Ailsa Craig last 'week •
ciitd won two first in Lured events,
A wonnilea linger prevented him from
winning in every event.
Mr. and •Mrs, J. T. Clark and family
of Toronto. will spend Christmas
with Mr. T. Jackson Jr: Mr. Clark
wt.() is one of the brightest men in
Canadian newapaperdunn, is now cts,
sistant editor of the Toronto Star,
Miss Stinson, who left Clinton nearly
two years ago' and spentb several
months with her brothers and [sis-
ters in Colorado and Oregon, was in
town this weela and left yesterday
for 'Paisley, where she,' intends to
make her home for soine time,
Mr. it. J. Townshend, who for the
last gne and a half Levers has !ie.Ch
engaged in farmingat Moosejaw,
Assa., returned last .week an" is the
guest of his brother, Mr. Albert
Townshend. On his way' 'hotel(' int
spent a few days at Haysville with
his mother, who her many old- fri-
ends about Ilayfteld will be sorry to
hear, is in very poor health. Mr.
Townshend thinks so much of the
West that he purposes returning the-
re in a couple of months.
Mr, attei Mrs. W. E. Graham: of Mar-
lette, Mich., arrivet'i in town olt
Thursday last and will spend a few
weeks visiting their many relatives
111 Clinton land surrounding •country.
It is twenty-two years since they
left Stanley for Marlette witereithey
have done very well, indeed. Mr.
Graf ain is a brother of Mr. Reuben
Graham of Clinton and Mrs, W. Me -
Gavin Of IVIcK1110p, Mrs. qtenry Mc -
Gavin ofTnekersinitit, Mrs. .T01.411
Ratlivvell of ,Stanley and Mrs. Abet.
Robittse.it of (locicriC11,
This IS strong talk but no one who sees the goods can
say it is not warranted by the facts. We've given some re–
markable bargains before—as hundreds •of our 'customers
know—but when We say we never approached the values to
be had at this sale which commences •
• Saturday Morning, the Day After Christmas
You can form some idea of what a great saving this will mean, for you.
'Our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats must be clear-
ed out at once and in ord.er, to make the clearance sure we have made
the prices still lower, lower in fact than it would cost you to have
them made by a tailor. Every garment in this sale is made by one
of the best Makers in. Canada and no more stylish and better fitting
clothing can be had anywhere. There is not a garment in the lot that
a good dieiser couldn't wear with credit to his taste and judgenient.
Read the following list over carefully
n 13 Saturday morning you may have your choi-
ce of any $12 Overcoat in the store for... .‘ 41-"F ‘••F
Every Overcoat itt this lot is new this seasons sizes are 36,
" • 37, 38, 39 and 42. ' • . .
MEN'S $7.50, $8 to $10 OVERCOATS AT $4
16 Men's Overcoats in assorted sizes and Styles
regular prices up to $10 Sale • .
BOYS' $6.50 OVERCOATS FOR $4 • .
All aretth.e long Raglan style and have elegant
linings regular $6.50 for......
IT. ""T•I‘!‘j .
mA 7 00en's Suits 'worth up to $11 for ..
en's SUiti'weith.uptollb for::., 6�0
Men's Suits worth $12 for 8.00
Men's Suits worth $13 and $15 for 9.00
'Boys', 3 piece Suits worth $5 for 3.00
Boys' 2 piece Suits worth $3 for 1.75
Men's $1.75 Tweed and Worsted Pants for .50
Men's $2 and $2 50 Pants for 1.25
In addition to the above bargains in clothing we will
have rnany other lines that go on sale Saturday morning at
reduced prices. '
• rota mossy BACK
. you, WANT AT
Mr. Jbe Swann returned last week
from- Manitoba and. is 't.isiting bis
• parents on. the .1 Ath. •con. of. Golierich
townshiP. ' • . . •
Mr: Harry • Cook, who -came :bottle to
attend the funeral of'.his tether, the
• •
late Peter Cook,, -returnee, to Oshawa
on Monday. : ••
Mr. and Mrs. Uri:CAS 'Crich . of near.
• Brussels . spent. a feW days in tOwn
last Week .with the former's mothei.
and brother, Mrs, „Tames Crich and
. Mr. Onslow Crich,.; •
Miss Gorrel, c'eughter Mr. Janies
Gorrel of , Pilot Mbund, Man.,. is, a
'gust at her uncle's, .Mr. E: Butt of
•.the' Ba.se Line. Tbis mks (lotto's
first visit to • Ontario.
Dr. Cook of bulath, Minn.,' is the gu• -
est of his 'father, Mr.' D. Cook Sr.
O He has -a large practice, in that thri-
ving Western town - • and an only
make as short ViSit. . ' • '
Mr. Robert 'Nay •anct claUghter• ' Miss
Ettie and Mr. and ,11Ird; Harry Cock
of -SOuris, Man., were guests of .Mr,
and Mrs. G. B. Hanley the. .past,
• week, leaving on Tuesday to visit
• relatives in Michigan.. • \ •
Mr, Henryt'Beaebni -arrived this week
froth Michigan •alt oe visit . to, -Its
parents, Mr, and Mrs. 1). 13eacorn and
etteneigel the` wedding of his brother,
Mr. A. W. Beacom of Hallett, last
evening'. .
'Presentation to a
Popular Teacher.
. G. Reid, Who' has been prin-
cipal of, the Summerhill Public school
torthe past three years but retires at
the end of this term, Was Oib Monda,y
'afternoon 'made the recipient of a very
handsoiue easy , chair by his pupSls.
Accompanying i1 wat4. the followiatg
address. read by Miss Itla Colboriui
neat 'Tcacher,—As the tine is draw-
ing • near for your departitre from a-
mong: tis,.we wish to -express out re-
gret that you at going; and also to
shOW 111 tangiing way. the lesteem
and affection which we fed for you.
-Accordingly, we esti you to. accept this
chair as a small token! of; the sante.
We -sincerely hope your future may be
bright one* as' productive of good .s
your .sojourit anteing us has been. Vit t
the 'epanpliments" Of the 'season Wig is
signed on behalf of the School,Annie
Challenger, Ernest • Challenger, Ma.
jordan„ Alva Beaton -1%
Mr. - Reid :made ax fit.tina reply of
thanks for the chair anei the kind sett,
timents •expressed in the addreas.'
Mr. Reid is a popular .teacher and
always has the, ,best interests' of his
pupils at heart and leaves Stamper -
hill with the. best wishes of the whole
section. Ire purposes retiring from the
teaebing profession for a time,
Goderich Toivnship, .
The Rev. M. M. Goldberg oft' Dun-
gannon, who has been appointee, 'by
the Bishop of the Diocese to the
cuinlbency of the parish comprising
Middleton's, IIblinesville and Same-neg.
hill; will commence his:chtties on Sun-
day, .]'an. '3rd ' 19(4. . .
Mr, Nixon Sturc'y was laid. up for
a few days with a lainei knee, but is
about all right again. •
he probabilities 'indicate it& munici-
pal election, but the return of the pre-
sent touned who. seem to have. given
'general satisfactibn. They could,
possibly,. have done still better in
•some respects, but then that is a mat-
ter of individual judgment: A length-
ening of the term to two years would
be sanctioned by paltiie opinion.
Mr. Edward Wish has a thorobrecl
Shorthorn cow which 'recently gave
•birth to three calves, making four in
eleven months. Five cows' of the
seine herd. have had elattir calves in e
little over a year. Mr. Wise's stock is
prolific, truly. If they keep Ion in-
creasing at this rapid rate it atvg)y be
necessary •to have another auction
fn.le to dispose ol the surplus.
It is announced that air interesting
event will take place near Tiengniller
in a few clays In which a young man
• Trout the Bayfield Line will figure pro -
O minently,
Mr. Tom Cooper and sister arrived
home, on Saturday evening for Christ-
mas and will renutin till! spring any-
walev. Mr; Graham, pastor of Victor-
ia street church, Goderich, preached
missionary sermons on the Bayfield
circuit last Sunday. •
eivice wi11 be 1eld '
Cole's church
next Sunday everting at seven O'clock.
• Mr, E. Middleton sports n dandy
• new cutter, •
At the meeting of T, 0,14. No: 145
on Thursday evening last t Presenta-
OM was mac to Mrs, Samuel John-
ston who has given faithful 'service in
connection with many of the lodge
suppers,. picnics' ete. On beltalif 01' the
lodge Robert 'Cox .read art aaress
which accompanied the presentation of
a handsome 'condi, The officers for
the ensuing year oil L. 0. L. No•; 145
are as f011ows :
Master, C. Johnston
Deputy, T. 3. Johnston
Chaplain. James Cox
Secretary, W. Lindsay'
Fin. -Secretary, G.,Sowerby
Treasurer, J, B. Cox •
D. of C., C. Johnston
Lecturer, J. E. McMillan
Committee, G. Falconer, 14, Elliott,
5, ),Tellwaln, W. Sowerby, J. L.
• Cox. • .
Master • john and Miss llertie NVoolt
are spending their X111'0.8 holidays at
Woodstock and vicinity,
Miss Ev&t Jenkins of Arthur chid
• Ed. Jenkins of Toronto are home for
the Itoliclayt,
Goderich Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry COok • of • near
13rarelon, formerly (cf .the 8th. conces-
sion: 'of this 'township, spent a few
days at Mr, George Varbtelon's and
left this. week to . NiSit two; intarried
clanghters iit Mieltigan, Mrs...Peter
Cole and:. Mrs: Wes. Cole.' it i about
fifteen years since: Mr, and Mrs. Cook.
left here for Manitoba. ••
Mr. ,ItIcGavin,, the dcmainie: for 5.5.
No, xp, his duties commencing' at the
New .Year, visitect the school ou Wed-
nesclay• next, • • ' •
• Miss Lizzie, Miedleton of Ottawa is
hame‘for the Xmas holidays.
O The .News-kccorcl wishes tits numer-
ous readers a• Merry Christalas clad a
Happy New Year. ", , • ; .
West Tuckersinith,
Mrs. J..Watt. of Carroln Mau, is the'
guest at her 'old lama: on the London
Raledasrs. James fWalker and • Walter
Laytonawere' heavy -losers of? horse-
. Mr, William Grant is hating the
interior of bus house renovated...
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Walerott of the
,Londcm Road were the .gnests of Huron
Roac'i friends on Monday; last, • •
. Mr, 1), Junor has moved into. • the
Louse lately vacated •bly Mt, j John,
Hunter. .
Court Selwood No. 87. C. O. F. will
hold their annual meeting on Saturday
evening, 26th December. All the Man.'
hers are raquesind to be present.
We wish The News -Record and all
its readers .n Merry, Xmas and a Hap-
py New Year.
l'Ite following; is the'''list of those
wh were successful at .the, promotion
examination : • -
Sr,. 3rd to .4th—Totat1810, to pass
405—Leila Von] 593,, Muriel Willson
59r, May McCartney gio, Clarice Ita.
emir 554, Etta -Colelough. 488. Pearl
Huller 483, Myrtle Connell 406..
Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rei—Total 76o, to
pass 386—Clarence Potter 46t, Pearl
Musser 459, John Sturdy 452, Myrtle
Trewartint 43o, Cliflors McCartney 387.
Jr. 211d to 'Sr 2nd—Total sro, to
pass 255—tiizie riladour 313. Frank
Willi¼cmsafr, Lorne Jervis 3C 7, Min-
er Canteiori 237, 'Charlie Lois 033. '
Pt, 211d to 2nd—Total Rs, to pass
!W. -Albert Proctor • 323, Napoleon
Graveli .305, Norman. Miller 289, Percy
Minmings 285, Ernest Huller 2*.
Pt, ist to Pt. 2114-1,orno McCart-
ney, Blanche Itusser,' Lulu Willson, El-
la Co1elough,---14. W. Trewartha, Tea-
• Stanley Township.
The nomination meeting Will be held
in. Varna an Mcinclay text and -the pol-
ling, if an election' is' held, on the fbl-
Monday: The plapes of pbfling • .
and •the deputies ,are :as follows :No. •
at S. S. No. 1Th014Fraser,4 2,
at S. S. No, 14, John Mardocb., ; 3, •
tows. hll, J.3 L Htirnwell ; 4, at S.S,
No. 5, W. Rathwell ; 5,. at6S.. S. No,
4, A. Armstrong.
A sinitinery of the receipts and nay -
meats of the . linunicipality for the • '
yea.r, up to bee.' x5th, ;will Ix: found
on' page 7. • .
Mr. W. Stinson was at Montreal
last Week with a. load of fat 'cattle.
Mr, R. .J. Greer was called to Chat -
Item ' last Monday on •account of the
death of his. ibrotIter-in-laW, • Mr. W..
•Wesson. ' ' : . •
Miss Minnie Pealiale, who has been
.0.itending •the..C.ollegiate at Seaforth,
is spending her Xmas vacation under
the parental' roof, '
Mr. W. rolinston of Kitica,rdine
•was called home on Mo!nclay on accou-
nt of the serious illness of us mother,
Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Iiityfield, •
We are glad to report that. Mrs:
Chas. ' Parker is on the way to recov-
ery, • .
••Itliffs.K.ate Ccuripbell left an Monday
for Berlin where she will' spend a
month with. friends. •
St. Helen's, . .
' 111,rs. Thos. Sanders of. Ctilross,Matt„ -
and Mrs. Jas. Inglis and family ofr
again. '• .
Romithwaite are home on at visit to
friends around St.". Helens.
week' where he had been spending the
timing old acqtaintanees arouud heke
friends •atound•Itere last
s411•11111ril.ler,Tolitt Webb from Souris. i0 e -
Mr.' Edgar and Miss Bronseonnie • of
Cargill visited
Mr,. John Webster, 14...v11/cc,. return -
the Assiniboia, district .last
Mr. Andrew Neity.of Micii,.is visit-
ing' his daughter, Mrs. D, Todt1,.Jr. •
Mr. Iltigh McDonald 'and the Asses
Lizzie and Mina. Rutherford and the
Misses Maggie • and Lily ‘Clark are
liitc(n)iiiiria,ysfrc.un Goderielt for the Christmas
'Mr. rraser Macdonald ritel& a (very
•viccossitil examination arid entertain -
:nett in las school last Friday. There
was .10, good attendance of both pupils
and parents and everyone, seemed to
be well pleased with the progress
Miss visiting •14. herj. sjit'stilettrs,e'llItIrwsi.jo illictoslihbiseOeirti,
Woods, has • returned home.
Mr. Tilos, Taylor has purchased TOO
acres from Mr. Thos. Woods of Alio
9th.. 'Mr. Albert Johnson has bought
the balance of Mr. Wooei'l fastit,