HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-24, Page 6() _ - - –"----,--- —_ NEW FUR FISMONSO FUR$ TO R9IGN SVPREME IN OUT- DOOR QARM9NT6 THIS WINTER. One lftpollso*e skip FAI0,4 lufflo,11111. Akn,� " I I Mtber-Tasocis and, aligh­ 311mibrtid�- en an agruiture-sloaTt Coitts ' , ," Bolexoso�Stolen and Wiles. Bold outlines, pleturestItie details of form.,and elaboratlon in trimmings . ' serve to make luxury more luxurious in furs. And, not content with one beautiful kind of pelt in.a garment, faslAlort ' decrees that It Shall bo Ilueoll with another alxno,gt equally be4ut.1 I . ful, and furs are to putrival every other kind of winter out(16,or garin,etit, , , As to shape, coats ,Are worn Jong, three-quarters or short, according to . I . � LATEST STYLE OF FUR TM I taste and purse. Boleros take the gireni. est variety of smart forms. Some are belted in, with a stele collar and big.. full sleeves. Others seem to be a kill-#] of double cape arrangement; otbor�. still, boast a stylish little basque. . - ,Nlo4t of them, as well as the shortl s:wk . . coats, are made with big revere of a contrasting fur. . Variety marks the stole of the season, but the pelerine stole is one of the , . most beautiful of all styles. - It is fitted on the shoulders In cape fashion and tapers in at the waist or .falls in long, wide ends to the knee. . Of the latest Inspiration Is a fancy . . rieck piece which can be . either tied or � I worn as a plain straight stole. It is here represented in squirrel, wIt.h 6r- . mine tails. I . The second cut shows a handsome sack coat, which is sultrbly made up ' in any one of many of the most faeh- . � ionable furs and has A collar that can be worn either up or down. . � ' Gliding gently over Russian silible lined with ermine (the geuuixi,e jar - SACK COAT WITH ADJVSTABLIZ COLLAR. . luent de luxe), It Is interest . Ing to know that musquash Is so cleverly mantpu� lated by up to date furriers that It Iiery strongly resembles sable, especlilly af night. And those who cannot afford sable may also very well content. tlidm- selves with marten. I Modern furriers are turning the skins of some of the lowliest of the animals Into. things of Warmth and beauty. Even the goat, It Is said, will do duty this winter. Among th�.se newer Skins are pony and moleskin. Squirrel IS again in favor, beaver is fashioned Into natty boleros and gold - ell otter claims attention. . Tassels and rich embroideries: figure an muffs, pelerines and the trini do' 4 Iwith large sleeves. Sleeves have Increas6d Iti size Ill'all the fur models. . i I. � Ermine and moleskin mixed 19 the latest fancy. AMY VARI!W�J'. I 11, I A narnatis Story I . . I A story Is told of the meeting of Mat - Ithew Arnold Vith Mr. P. T. ifkritum, ,the great sbovvihan, In Amerloia. Sir, Arnold when Introduced said how Proud he felt at making, the acquAInt- ance of a man with a worldwide rtipu.' tation. "Ali, Mr. Arnold," said , Y3ar- num, "we are both public men, btft th 110 difference between you and me Is that you are a notability, while I am only a notoriety." Ruch cases Are Serious Sontetifteo, Late one evening a doctor received it note from a couple of follow praetition- era saying: Pray stop across to the club, We are one short for a game of Poker." "Emily, dear," he then said to his Tvife, "I am called away Again. It Ap- Pears to be a very sobriotts cited, tot, , there nee two doctors already tn At- "tandance.11 . . . a I I , ., . . . �I . . ­ . - . ___ ._----.1-A Tke Ciatton Now-s"Rocord - . _.______ sm-­_ __-__ , ­ __ I -_ ­ . � - � . I . Docoutber 24tho 1903 1 ------�-'--"�'-'------�-�L-.--l-,--�_�_��_.._ . � � i 111.111, �''.. I I I - � � . I I 1. ... ,-;.-,, ,-- ;, ,;.._.:_: 4 I �RP.PAIRINO PURNITURS, -11 �. . . I .11, . . � . - ­­­ I I ­ . .1, ­­ __________...,___,__,. .- __,___.___, " ____ __­_ I . k�'Valuablle Boolk. . _­ __ ,_' - , --.-- �. � � " orlwilli Or tho Tugloo". The orli;16 of . the ,turban 111111111t: be [ WoUlln1w Whole, olvantlie: intiol "riwIlt- Whoitt Cjasip4 Wilikgr a a I I . , t LITerpOol An ... V.5, DETERMINED ON WAR. Oliver Wondpli lloaties once entert,4 * th- to mr. T. * . The Liverpool, London , looked for not, as ci?mmonly believed, ealluff Up Vor tho.wililter. I I Lowor gk Chleago-TiAo Visible, 5upply , , . . prlva office- of James Iffurpponu Powers AVrvatl1nj:'%VJt1 Colep%� I 1161dti, the publisher, oil an errand. Ile " a week agoi. allot 72,71Y1,000 litl4helt; a yettor Fgo, . I _ onj xosiems, but *q a aign, or all. Am Tilere is always a greater or less done I � I -TbQ Latest QW11144tiono, Molt to Avert Sucit n. Cj�jarnity. ' hud it book done up Ut pallor under his . . &Y'. G1641 builoun VC111 th9rity and boagr fttlug back to the , Amount of, work to be to put Momlay lovealim I-jec. 21. We J)cc, 112.-Diploinvitle ' I arm. As lie was going out Ila sli(Illpilly I , . I earliest perloils. .of Jewish history. The term, used In the Hebrew Bible for household furulturo In repair for the winter, lint much Of this way be done I It erpool is-lieut ruttires olused %A 111glittr tv,dviy tilau oil skiturtlilly, allit vikw lutures ,shington, pressuro will be brought to bear turned and sald.: . � il "I � 11HAD OVVICI-, FOR CAN'ADA �_ ,ot4l puttln$ on the bonnet of tfie high at home. %d 4191ILr.,. � '/�Co- lower upon Colombia by several Eluropeart I powers to prevent war between that have bere a most wonderful book. It to Worth lit 11101111Y v,1111t, tiny other . priest is from a'root mettning "to. bind , , In the first place, every piece that be. At =1% May ivinat viosol thall -: Z ax oura %e lowor Aild ) It. country and the (Tritted States. Tit(,- o book" In Bost 11. 11, f-tolt, it Is worth a XONTRHAL. I I I . I I I round." Ther words miter, I iood, dl4- , . � comes loosened from an , article of fur. Aloy oats C,h�;,. iowvr. . I first stop lit this ,ollrection, bas litiA whole library. If It coultl be prolwrly . . I I— ; --,--- I .dew, as used 14, the Old Testament, are oni;� vartatlous Of the word tilybon. niture-or oovery part that Is broken or splintered oX should be saved and put F010"'IG; 'KAUKEI,�. , i.tj;)doil-.ol�ipit�-N%,Ilt,�vt, arl lms:nqe, leso taken already by 8vveral foreign pow- , - wilt.ativi els through their retires -a pollted and Illustrated, as I won,(, do It, It would be worth the whole public " Total avail4ble asseis over . $6i,m)o,000 , I ; Jorgine tells U'R tIfAt the turb4n has it in a place by themselves where; they 010"Ing. Parcels No. 3 noetlivra, INIanit-4m, Dec. und J41111AL)', :,".)S 41,�jtl, 310 Zis, 04, No., here who have 111forilled (.1vil, Ite�vs I library put together.',- Losso,N% paid ,Since 18,'16 ovey-,%2op,,of)o,000 �, I place Iii' the most Ancient records of may readily be found. . 0-epare for 2 nort1wril unillf(phil, 4)ov- and .1111L.. N;*� of t;le, futility of all attempt by Co- Iollilita to tako I'llitalnu, declaring I NO(Idluk authoritativOly, .110 shut the . � . . . � . - . . ; history.. The Tarlatlops as adopted by. Moliammellana tire many, Their own Work by, purebasing a bottle of liquid glue of , good quality find a bottle of , 4%4. Malvo, oil passilge, firlu lint lict lie- tll*(,. ,4,Iot Anivi-h-gil ju,X4A, 2 %'i 7!1-d. J, L'ut" i, ' door, leaving those In the oftleo loolmlig that It wIll result only ill, precipit- � ! tit 0110 another, too bewildered fol, . � . . I Gy. 1�. (.,. 810TIf . " authorities blut at a thousand. methods I rubbing oil. The latter Is such as Is vot Mhin,, :41is 3d. Parls- eloqv _Wt,vat tont. 111,111; Dee "If 'I"latir"'t;110 t, tile Bbgota, 04ovi,wrinient, lilto coil. A "'�',ith tho. United States, ourta 1 jecture. Presently the door o1wiwil war J. (11ARDNEIR `1V1r0_.4.,_lr__1OX ot arranging the turbAn, which all owe , used In furniture factories for giving , lov, March alld illne"2111f 1 -Mw, ' baN`0- said to Ili'll that, thI3 result, Of again quietly, Dr, .11ollues lit Joint Resilient Mailagcrs .. , . not only,-tbe tribe and religious dis. alX oil finish to furniture and inn , y be , all let 1;st (["let; 1)"e-, L"lf 1)0`; Ma'"ll a Jul 43e. , � I such tit catastrophe Colombia herself I ,and put his bead, Ills face btibbling over with . I I I . . . � � . I I %rsoual pecul. tinction, but even the pL I I . obtained at such a factory or repair Antweirp-wilcat, sp(bt jlriniI No, 2 MY.. nitiqt roulivv- It this is not Sliflicient it. I I. . i amusement, and sa ( . . : I hirlties of the wearer, I . , Shop or probably at a large drug store. I .17f. the ropresc-ittativi-s of these countrivs , I '*Oil, I forgot to tell you what book Vilder otir new m-steni our 4`gent in � Clinton is attillori;CM t(� issue Are In- I Aiit-old legend traces the turbati,ii to. Apply as much glue as the fracture T111P. VISIOXX SITAIVIX. UL liogota will be, Instructed to ill-. this is. It Is Nat Thayer's vilvekbook.7 , I surancur on all classLs, (if risks . : an act. of olespirAie courage recorded Of ' ., the ancient Levantines. A brave band. I . demands and press the piece closely lit Place, wiping off the superfluous glue. AS courixtro(I wltlj it werk ago, tile Ii-IsIble, tht I 11 Wit 0111PIX Or A)'lletlt Ili ('4111"Ift "I'll , - ' 1 form I)resident, Alar-rotIllill that CO- lonibill, can expect. no sympathy from . Then I he shut tile door. .Air. . Tbay(Ir policies , direct to instirers. No interim recullAs of warriors are said tol bave wrapped Many pieces can be tied together till . ftll­ lla-4 devr.,Ilsod 1-137,000 buAto S; 4-tira ljjpreas:�d 04,1MO InI411WO; oats laCt'(44".1 the Elitrolivan powers in any Illova , . Was IlliderStood at that tillic to be tile richest mart In Boston. and no delay-l-licki being delivvred I toy custollier I s at once. . .i their winclIng sbeeto round their beads the, glue sets; other pieces can be laid '.5""Wo liusliols. Following Is 4 comp4tra'. she way inako oil Panama, which I . � I as they devoted themselves to certain down flat and an iron placed upon I � im. stlittlaillut for ille wvt-44 (.1141319 0�tkll�y% "L, preeeding wuek alitl tue 0orrespoll'Ung woul(I IlibVitti,bly involve her in war the United Statcs. The nieni- . Are You Left JI,'Yed or itight nyea.1 j D. L, Mncphersou, Agent ,death to save their Comrades on the battlefield, them to, keep them securely In place.' Use no wore glue than Is necessary. . Ileek of last yvar. D(,f,. 21, '03. Dot% 14,'03. Dec. Vo,,0% . , with hers of tho diplomatic corps him -0 I - There are but few'atubidexters elthor I . . . . . . . - I . Mackay lllo6, Qlintoll! . . I � . After the gluing is done and the, glue ! Wheat, hu.,1j,j,,"011F,4C,io 3+,.404,ot" .jN.Slil MICH. - betyll infor)lked by 01-kj� HkIyes llillisclf Ill tit(, matter of'hands, feet or eyes. I.t . . I �­ . . t'-6�— ' - . I i The 0opher Snake. has had time to set You are ready to Outs, bu ,,, 8.Z,_11),(X;0 8,277,000 6,018,000 , . Corn. fill. .. 5 fisi (AW 54114 0U0 1j :142,00401 that he foars he cannot check his . . may Sound rather queer, but it is a fact I I . "­",� I I I . I . . I I It.bas long been a question In our � apply the rubbing oil, First, however, . I - I I To rovapitillate" tile N-Isible, snilwl.v. ot itheat Ill Varialla 1110 the Mutod StZWII, to- . licopie.inuct, longer, . cowinwan Troops Lasid. 4w I M t leless, that lunetyltilve out of ov. . ,,cry hundred human beings tire rigitt . ininds as to how tfie� gopher snake any pieces of furniture that are ClIrty gC,i,jj(,r .CN,ltlj t,hat ittloat to Ror,ilw, Is 58'. Colon, bec.' 22. *Inforination has IIRlIdQd, left legged. find left e.yed. vaught the gophers on which he livell. or greasy Should be cleaned. . 12T.Wo buslpie,ls, Ilgitij)st ,,i8,#n1,(X7;o buslic0a I,(, Iwo epivod I h(.I,e that about ollo, Ie011'i Ilemdnt remarked that It an IS, . 1p .z. ,e , Vut II. C. # It er t Ils ]low It was done Oiled furniture may be .cleaned by I a week agoi. allot 72,71Y1,000 litl4helt; a yettor Fgo, . I n . . o 1111111IM'd (ioloinbian, .troot)s '.hay. . established fapt that Ive all ustione ey.e having witnessed a catch. Mr, Stittke his 1� dipping a woolen cloth in kerosene. and rubbing thoroughly, or It be i,n%_orN,(,. )YUKAT MARKET . . jull(it-cl. at tho island of Pines, nortll� wore' than we do the other, which OF! - 0110d tail over the gopher hole,�set, thig a suare for him When the gopher I may wash- ed In suds by using a good wh * Ite soap. Folinwjug Core. tile C -losing ot notations tit . Ilinjortant Mient evotro,; io-day: wL,.qt of (,,all(- 1111)tirn, whIch is situ- . attIol lit the W(.Stel*n extrelne -of - the tablislies as clear a case of Neft find � . right eyedness" as though the ha& crawled out of ihe hole suffideutly � . P The latter will take oft the finish more, I Clago. ))PC., May. . . . 1112% , Quit of Park.n. !'he Island'of.111nos I Santo .term . a were used to denote a prefefence to permit the snake's tall to'be drawn - but this can, be restored., The chamber X Yoft ...., ...... 11 ­ - "I" 115 Chleago ..... ... sul/, 8t4 % 1 is in llauanja territory, 1, . . . . 1 I In'the use of bands and feet, I about, the body of the gop hee tfie coll sets, sewinginaclilne, dlnlug chairs and. I I ...... I . & j H ) C(j 87 '1'04lo ......... ­', ov i . 1 ' I If You want to decide as to w1jether I was fastened about Mr. Gopher as table, desk -all such articles will be billutli, No. I N _ . I.. 801,?i .82 . . .:.,: BURIED UNDER FALLING WALLS. � your friends or relatives are right or. . qulck.as a flash. . . vastly Improved If rubbed over In tbij.3 . . TOROST.) �i'r. J...VIVILZINVI: MA L;;� V,T. * I — . I . . . left eyed'give them it small telescope o't . It Was giradually- draw' I . . n t ghter, and I tighter until the gopher fell'overdead, way. . . . . Willow or rattan cliairs should have Graln-, I . . I . Wheni, r(ql buIth ........ $0 781/, to $_ Now York Firo Clalef Lomeol Ails Life. in I . , . Fire. Spyglass to look through or have tbein ' - . the life hav . ,Ing'been completely squeez. an oak or ,cherry stain appil � ed with a \Vllvat, wai!te, i)JI-.411 ...... o 781'*� 0 76i 'Nbeat, spi'llig, liusli ..... 0 -48 - ... � 1. � . Flerco, Iritatory 22.-Tbe fainous . take aim With a gun, We all take i great interest In ascertaining the color, ed out of Irim, -Af ter the gopher Is dead . t he good brush so as to penetrate all parts. This stain comes mixed ready to apply I jVlkeXt, go(IMe, I)JI15!1 . 0 7�11,� .... 114t.lot. hil.411 ......... ­­ - - ...'. 0 4t� 040 . Ne�v York,. -Dec. "Nincs" fire Alarm, suilillioning ilioro I SIZO, i;hApe find ,.vIsu&I powers of our snake Hwallo . ws him whole. and It I . P As *not an 11filisnat tIfIn' to hud one of 9 ' and is kept at any'Arug or'paint store, . . � tWOlk�'llus'll ............. � 1 45 ' 11(ldwj: 111111(1-plvl�ed I 0 .... . flit., alWaratfis than any . ., other. ,, alarm. NeNV York's, fjre de- � . children's eyes, but how many of us . a top to � these snakes with a number of gophers . . . . A pretty finish for some chairs Is a . . � � P ...... . .0 .,.. Potts, busil .............. I, 0 35 ­.. .1 I I � . -54 provided lo r by z' it night for, partinent, wa% .sourided las consider whether they are right or let t eyed? I In him. The gopb&r to a greatfiXitter,, . . ..coat of prepared enamel, either white 'colored. . P T('N V, bush ..;, 0 . .... Aiuckwilontj )Coi,�;I* * , 7.%* , 0 45 ii -4o, * * I ti� tqrrille tire which dostroyed, tho P � . . . � . ; . . . — a nd it he -V�as not call , glit In a Snare as . � or This comes In a llqujd� . . ** ..* Otft.i, bush ._.,..._..-.,O 31�5 . I.. � � ­ . ir tit six storey facto y'bitildingr of 0. . . . I ' . How Nnyal, oln "Ps' Are Betrayed, " the one mentlofied*be Would doubtless � . ready for use and is to be applied. with . , - . � LIVERPOOL <;It,-_l.,f .$�.�j 1) 1�1�01)UCI-L II(ILT11141in. Filiniture and Plunibil r 1. - il, I , "You see that mad -pacing, up. and . malce'a hard flilit for life,ev,en Wlth..a . � . .. a brush. The woodivork too, way. . . It . I)e . . I Ireilwal, Dec 21 ­4111leat, spot arm; N , Q. Cabin -A , NV60is at 188-192 Afol,t" I I � . d � , f o'' own ,while be . *11116 r the car'Y', . .. . I . , . I Snake. , , given, a little. glldlAg or bronze tit slight . . 2 i6l Wo.-;torit,' -INI'liltor Us 30; fut,ires iloillival; Varell" - sti-vot, and'ibefoui.storey va illsh fac- , t I I said the nautical 'juan t ' o . .. . . . . ­ . I - . �. . .. I .. . .. expense by .being t .bad I be paints to be ­ � .. 'a(47' ec, 04 1%1l; May; flt( , 1) , , (41 4d. -C 'Qrik, ,41)(it, ii4qudy! Anteelo�kjj 11AXeCl tory.oftllo. firinnin under .the*jlaille . , .looking a �91`011P of bystanders. "'Well, I'll bet' . . The Lowest Florin of Bird. ­ Tbe�e is a peculiar bird commonly at Any drug ql� Paint .* stoie. Such a chair. upbolstered.in.white corduroy or . .. 4 8 . ',)I �rtl. 1011tures, stoady; Jan. 4s ',/,d' Afi�iolt, 4.,,, %d- flarils, Iflort (flit, stPad, , .11, (it'. till- IT. Hertniann. Lumber'. colil-. pairy. A (juartor of it lilillion dolla,rli itnythIng b6's it naval officer. . 1, . . 1,11 . ' known as the Alkiwi," Its scientific . velours is especially dainty and pretty .. . 4,Q,i od. 11al.-on, sliw,t 1-1.1j, �,%,eais. 4:.�s; long . clear middlos 11plit 39s (ill-, long danlago -wits, clone. .13attallon. Q1116f I 0 ?or .. Ow 4 7011 know asked one' of his . . �. .name being Apteryx ulantelit. It Is the' , . . I . P . .. P. ­ . . . * The ThankxjW1*1njr weak, I (R­tv injiddles, lloal"I", we!lk 304; slitift elear backs,16) to 20 ,,voi6c, m.4; �Alakin: Coleman. perished in 'tile fail ,O( .two Went walls of the faftory,', . I audience'. . , ,,Ry, 1, I. . . . is -well kept hands I -know he's. lowest form of bl�d which ext sts, but, I is so's&iroie, that's , . . arg happy pie'. . To.every'qurirt of pumpkin pulp add' pikun(Isi 41multiers' s(I"ItIre, 11 to 13 porincl.9, 1101111nal, - fjol)s a;t tonfloil (11114,11le CcrRt), 0 12s .. ,. ,rjjeri� was a,`ftialitful jmlilc among not a merehant aeaman.:-TheY work - I . ,cleAtists to go�t 'a , 'I , pec wen.in alloy'conflition. it one phit.6f milk, half a. tablespoonful .1 'up sto:'Ch' to 01. Tlw 1111ports of it!0 Liver"pool wilent 11, tlio� Itidlarl'inmatos of (lie tenLnuentg . oUl)osit6_and hi the roar o'f tlie'l)Ljj,n.- too hard.. But, just the same,, hets a seafaring man*. Whenever you sce.a*! I Is ab�ololiely wit4ot, Its . .. I. � � wingiOr tall.., of meleed butter,'one (Ind, 'half , .one- - , c Ifist week Were, 34 100 (lufto,tot,i from . . At- 1111111(� JiOrt..K, ali(I :3!1,000 frolo otliv). Parts. I ing bid1dings, tind the. firenion and po- I . man pacing like that make �ouio legs'are sb'Cirt, stubby, I but very styong,, fuls of stigar, three eggs,'two teaspaon� f Tile linports of � Porn. fro.an Atimatic por ts. - lit -l'.. r(svi'vvs froirn tbrc4a, procincts had .Ijp I , ! mind *be has paced the p6op or quarter, and a r*e llse4-bi thi's bird for digging, ' � . . uls � ot cornstarch dissolved In cold " I . . Priat week 'WeTo W00 quartevs, . I . .. I . . . . I . the lit irost. tdillIctil-tY in getting'. I )It,' . deck -'on many'g ulghtwatch. � . .The. body covering . Is a cros-f between milli and.a. teaspoonful of ground gln- .. , . . . . . . , * * — I . . * fie6l& to -the sttvot. . . . . '' . � I . . � . "I'- I . ,�e'.Paced'a watch of four hours in hair find feathers, a material which Is I * ' ' I � -1 . I -­ ., I ­ ., ­ . I.. . . . . TLE MARKETS., . _z ..r �AT I . 11 . . [Cnlollpik I � Iflebard . Joyce a. (I reman': is � also I '. . . . I 1. I lice . .a sp, , that, allowed only -three steps I very cotirse, gient . They can deyelo P . .. -:': - . __ . I I ., 1 , � P inissing., P . . .. � . P � I I ,. .. . . :. . . � . P . . . ' and a shove each way... YOU have to do speed aild makeh desperate fight when . - ' I - Stelld"o'-704ttle Buyers; ljold- . . . I . I . . . � - _�_. . . . . . . , S4)1:114i '-it' . ;out Air. . , ' . . . It to keep awake.% I can tell that quai�! I I atticke'd. Breeding.1bein .. . , In ,captivity . . . - ." . I _ 11, ­ _. - � � I . I . 4nw Off ior Lower* Prices, .. �.. . I . .. �. . . . I . if 0 - 'r_' sbuita-viiii.J.)., �;- a;u�,.d Nvit! outfilr . . .1 . . ter. deck pace lit others because! I've gqt� has utterly failed. a ud only a' i ew � mu-' . � , . *Th6y . � I � . .. .. I , . London" Dee. 21.- Live catLle,'Arw at Ile' i to' I -12c-lwr 11); foor Ajite.,4vaii .1 . . . , . . ­"`.:.�1A.it1C'* In'. G!itlil jg� llltCIl-pos(.-djjc- . . . It myself., I I . �. . . . I . ... I �_,__. . . I .. � . I Peums can boast of R''Specluten. � � . I :. � - a no pow: vek.�. �4rcly found I * th ' f . � I � .1 ...`5 1".. . � sto Irt's"ed , . - , j" 1.1"(4911t; Cinia(Ilan"Moors .10c t'�,I,i ( I� I �..v r - 1�w , P , . , . . . -:i( tillm-ri, th" ear . I (lie bod�v that %vu)Rs I . . __ . , . . . . - .- I . P . I . , .. I ... � . Advantages 'ounlaIdic. � ,. . . .. . egts And a jli, the north . WAMPS ..of N1 e. . . - . . : I.";, . . . . P Ill*.: l"Welp-Prator lieef , 1) p e- lb . Slievj), : ' lle to) 12(o pet' A). , Lainjb,i, , 4 3(-, div., a . I . 1-11 . .. tlic.-.snuud� �lj,,it-�'t'�,iiiitl.'.�-,tii'.,i('Jt biI trails- � . � . . I � 111itted tIll'ong,01 . , � . Little'llobby ( ' .. -whose munimil'is Very I Zealand. .' � � , e. t i . I . 1, ., . . .1 . . . .... .. I � 1, .. .P . . : . : I I . . M. �� : 1, . . " -1 ,,,, , I : , �, ; �� ?.,.. ­ wpllght. - . . � . . . . � �. ilo -r '' , 11 . _�I%q.:- ptyrot't, .-Vacillilli.. II, I awko y 1:!w�,vil. fbat'if tile qj)ave . be- . . .. 1partIcularatifid is, always telling film to... 'Ills � - : : .. I I . , I . ... . . I Rollin . - " . . . . I i . . . - .: I - i � . s. � -- —�-_ ­. .. .. � I . . .1. .. .. . . �, . . 1�..' txvr,.., , x . 1P X it " Ij, ,$Wuc . I I . . . . 11 I * -41, -v MOlit"t -.1 D( - 21,-Abaut .000 lipa.d. of . '81; . I . 6en't1w sZ,-,!!1d.w; hody and il fir . tly. I .ie -e, . P .. . I . w"h face and - Illinois);--.) rummy, - . . . .. , . ,1� ,� T A -4 1, I it I -.'I- . - . I I . .. I . . I � , . � . � � , . I I A � 11 . ­/ ... I., i li, ...� . . I �� � 0 .0 I . . . I . . . . . . . . . , . $25.00. 1 . . I I . I . . I . . . . BUYS ONE OF THE - ,:, . . . " ABOVE BEAUTIFUL � I I . . . . . Qlomond . . I . � . . . . i .. .Rings, . . . . . I � � I . I _. , . . ,.. .. - . . - . Thio stone is a pure white color,. and, ig set in either Of three' solid I 1. . .. x4 K.' gold rings. ,. . ! . , I . . .. I Makes a boautiffil and accept- . � able prFsiant forsister; mother, . P da�ghfer or Ridyfriend, I . . I : We- g uarantee its value,. and will re I fund Ifie,money if the. rink - is not entirely sati�factory. . . . I . Mailed Vrepald. t6 any address . I � I . on't . eceipt of price, - . - ., , I . . . . . ' . . . I � I . SEND FOR SIZE. CARI�. ' . I . . . . � . . I . . . � . . - 1.1, % . � . I ; ­ i ; .. , . . I : �- John & 'Bafrnard,: ­ . .. �, I . I .. ... . . .. . . . � 1. . ' . . . � . . .� JEWELER, , , .. � � . ., I . , . I . , . � . . . . ., LONDON. - . QNTARIQ. " , . �.. . I . . . ,. .. . I . .1 � I . __ - - iaiiim . ow.im - pee—. . .: . . � I . . I ..., .. X . ' 0 w . . was a It e ula U y; . . .." I ... . . ,. . . I . . � . , . . ,� I .. I batcljer�sl cattlP . 40 ,.�olly,C,,s atia, 2ou NiieW be Le. lja.lj.,t(t(.j vr .all, no s utia - Ili us - . . . 9 . . . . 11 . ,. ... � An old news aper man'ln Washing . ". , . � . . ... . m � ' . .. , 11 . . . . 1. � . .. . � I : - * , 1P - . � .1 and-laiAN9:,were'offe,�e(j -for gille'�t the boast' . , Marniga-. Y dear -Bobby, you getter- . . . . _ ' - � I . . - audible. T - . ... I I . .. . . I . .. . ---- - ' . . � .. . Tile . .1 I . . . . . .. 1. . Wwzmwrmawmp"a--,=:,"-.Mmmw,l�:xm. a. wpilievat - . toh tells this story of �fr., BiAlhe: , . . � I . ­ .. . .. I � �. I . C'AU Abaltol,l, to -day. - butchers were . , � , . Ally are.-. . ' . . � . . I -�­. ---.: -- . ,. ,.,..-. � ­.. ­ ­ 1. I.. _. ­ . . : I, �. . . � I � . , a I . . . ., I I Out s,Trong but tra(le wai�.`rat�in, slow ,a Any'niv.dium, ]low($ I _g" I '. - . I �., t . I My lirst eiperibuice, with Afr. Blaine.. . . ; . �.; .T.uuPlaN PW ' ' "' I ' ' . . . . . . Ver seons; llq- ' -Littib Bobby,�Ob, I mean - ieally-bIa&. ,.. , �. .. . . :, . -. : -.. I I . . I . I tile butetiu'rs,: ivvei- itolilluk back. for'l��w I ­uld or- solid -'will 'Af elastle tritlisillit � . . . . . .. . � 11 , . I . . '.. . . 1, P1.1(.eq , � sound, " Then y.ou.4obldn't See ,T , . " . �� . .. . . . . . � . I . . I . - . 4 w 9 'hen' a Is correspondent for a *#at- - : gal., Line A deep pie plate w , (,.It jull ­ Ili, for. . . . I I A w I . I . . Ith it good .011-Isfiluls ciltile " tbfti� were lwav&s. I"rauki " , * . ben I was - I . . 1, ... I ern paper I -endeavored. to get him to - crust, brush ibe.: surf Ace, with � bettien , I u, t. weqlc. Tho best we�v�r' whicli"has,been , I . . in..,ftt�i live, . �,dlrtX1-,7--Plfl3ch� 'I... . . . '. , , . , seeii in flils city . for sorim yearis .past, %I -an bill'ing *jAill"Wd his livii(I und'er. ,,v . ater. ,, . . j," . t.",_ . . . . . I I . . . . � . withdraw frdiij the' offici tre' orters oj' `eFg 4n4dust'with- one teitspoonful,� . . . ft . . .... ­ . . ..... . . I .. ., k L, r, - � . . I . �.. . ,� � for Go, pe'r lb� 'wIllell � 'i . .. - . ..� I . I %.& ;i -, . . I the libuse a P . .1 , , of .Sol,,. *eIr-hi-d � 916 'Oui;vd two st6r.'vs to b6;str%,k.tpgptb.,- - , � I . . I _; 11 ,�. , r Or . � . I . . bgad crumbs. he- cruxnbg.,wlll pfe-. lL-,,.,.an(i eituw rr',out'j.,,xeter, 0'.at, Saiiiii-of - , . , Servants In C Ina. . . . .. I . � a speech which he had madd , � 11 . ' h � . . . . , I . . . � , er. beneath the surface find lit.. . " .. % I I . . I I . act. , veitt the , c , . q I I . vich man" :' . . . . . . I 'in -order t . CiLl-Istina."; ettttle Itere mil(le, lit 5(, to 11/40, , a. dis�: . : . I I hatl might makei an abstr . 1. rust. f rom becoming soggy. - per 14) lint a, few,vetry cludee anill'als U`4 tance �i half' a mile livard the blows, A , s se�vaut in China gets I ... : I . - I , , . I .. . . . . . . " a I * . .. . . . � . I I . . ­ I . - (",;p ' - of It.., I I Pill. the Plate with the' pumpki X-. tit Ift,lim, rlitos; , . no 9filary,ye many are the. applic into; I - .Cr _1 * , . .. � . . . . . n fill lioa* print- beei*.14 $0,14 at distilleflY. Colludon," another Investl- , t I * 1, 1110 -vi ]a ture about 4JAc perlb.: gooil nit,t1luills at ;lballt . Q . I . . .. . ­ - I I , it ------, -P ---,h ­ ' fluch of this do you *ant to , and bake'in a: moderate4ven until . while'big salariesare paid to. t e selIV- cL OR I , i , i 1'.) .. - ' ''SC ga or, - b . . . use? Mr.,Blaine asked..`:. - � t Iike custa, 44,, or(linsAry * itiodlimpl, , at (11)6ttt ;39YiC,,. aud t livard.the sound of a bell: struel . ,, .. rn I . rd. -New Idea Ma azine. . . I , . I fints -of the, common. people, - but few I . - I , � . . . . . .1 . . . I . . .. W .. ... tile 60fllintoll.stook%at 12y2c to.:v/,e lit -l- iii. .tilider waterill tile lillw -of Qeneva at t, . .. . 1: .. "I . Il replied,6at.1-thought I *' . I :- I . � .1 I (71kil'o's Styl(l at froZi $"I Lt,U $Jrj 04(!h. or . I . make.�appllcatlon.-.The perquisites of i� �' I � - . . . 1. .. ould � I . . � . � from distlince-of'hine miles. - . . . 1. � . . . � I I . . . Pattins Away'Sintnomme .. ,(- to, 5e ,per Ili. ,,�IiPop sold at from 3c , .. � .. I I � 0. L � -_ . I Fiend about. half of It. 1. � . r Clothes. 311 ' . It. is ,%,�611 known that .wood trans- - .tit former often.mbre than triple the : - T . ... .�. 'I', . � . . . I . I . I . 11 'the�lx I.will,mitke. an abitrac I f my, � T . - to .'Ij�t� and tho lombs Cit.411,�iv to 4%c pex Ili.. I I . . . . . . wil I nrie.4 of the . , . I .... . I . .: . . I . . � . I . he.: housekeeper who bblds, -to the G,(od lots of ifilt hogs f5old ' . . latter. '.. I . . .. . . � .1. . ,. . .1 ­ - m , ta abou c 5�,j c 'per ,mits'so.und'in. a rvin . � .. , '1111111' . I . . . . � , .. . I � . . . : . self,' -said. he, lr�6ch:fg-ii onii-lialt. 'I .old fasbion6d.wEiy,4�piittingai*.a-v the poon(l. . . . .. . . arkable itignber, & 11 * .... t.-7- , . � - . . . , . I I . porlioin 'It bile vild of it woo(loll befUTI _� - � � - -_ _1____�._1__:­...1 J­.� We have.a.av ry .�. do not; dofi& y6ur skill; Uut Vwamt. thij sbuinwr .clothes eAch fall ,without h,AST 4 F ; . - � . I .. . . - _ .�. IL 1. I .. .'' . ­ �. ...1.1 ... I . e " - 11 . � . . .. . U FALO CATITLfr .MAICKFT. will hear. a, . e . � I . ­ . I . I X . 11 . . � .. . . pill . scratch mad .at tile .. . . speech bolled.dow'n' by Its friends;I 11 �. .stil-rching and ironi:ft i6:Dreparl 9 foe 1�ast allfralo,'..rle -Cattle­iie�,,eipt� , . 40y9i . 1'.. - fa ri. ea ss, b r t in e n, t of I . I . � � . . . . . . . I .. � :� 1 n e. 21. . I. other end, though file perso"11,maki�ug it . . . � . . . I . I'', I . ­ � . ., . herself days of-constdilt.labor"of the 3200 1101d; Good hVRvY* Dutcheis' girafles,: '' - . . . I This Head. . �. . . _. . I . I . . . �. � � . . I . , ,� . . avdre - lUt! to 13c hl�lier; others, ,-Slb.7; may hear no sound lit all. This. fact,ls . . .. w '. I . .. C Otitters 1. and'. -,�Iei--'. .�. . . . I . I t ; . � . . . . I . I I . . . Lifelm Lfttle Dlutlem. . . most wearing,, kind.-Wheri the- -first- 'l-jile:1 $te s. $5.10 tx $5.15'. SIXII)Ping. $05 'goinetlities emplove(ul" -the . I . .. . 1. �. I . . I I . � pi PT ., IS. . .1 � , . . . It.. may be.doullted if it Is ,within the wi�irm days.of spring arrIve and.she to �5.10;'Wlteliels% K50 to $4.75; 11,0111"I's, . , fies a test 6f . . . a Mas's -of � .-S or, es i .v. -All. nigdbl . in, . , , - l I � . , , ghs. . . . powe � I $S. to $4 50:. oo,ws $2,50 to,-�4; bulls; $2.50 sound F, of the. boam, for'.the pxperl- .� . � . . I I . . . � I 1. I . . r of any one man, however great.. � 4s already, worn out with. s6'ring. sew. - , . . . � I . . ' * . . . I . . � .. I I I . _ - , � � - . I�j'.or house el en n I nig oi e 4.10"''stockurki lind,lelidtir.4" $:,,,,A) . tile int"Ve Ing wou( . . .'s-, h o 1,0, it -, - '.. - And:powerful and gifteo,, to d . hange the . . . to '$ 1 ti). ment will fail�ir .. . n ` . I' For Thiee Years # great sufferer:from . :.. � o ur,otv n 11 * ., . � nervated with $3.bij; sqoek IlPit,el,4 - � , ` .. I . P . .1 . � . � I . . $2'to $2.56; fge.,;Jl coNN,s; betotten., .' I I .. . . currept of the wo'rXd's aff itiri, but there the.lailguor which attacks every ,one. 'tall jilikiligois, Ao'Nq good* to orholet, $45 � . I 1, I . I . . 1. Xczeona-,7�'*on'14 hereanr ivith, atony. � . , - ' * � . I .. . . . . .i C - . - . I . tb .st)o; inediolin $,, to $3,50; ('01111lion" $18' , '' - , .'�, z . . _ , I . . .. . . .,. .the best -of me'!� 'h- . is actircely'afij.'oije who wlij co8tend' With the coming,of spring. ,T1he ob-. , veals-kc,&I low.' , :, .. A Book He DidiVit 11 I . ilk. JA49S SCOTT,- 136 Wrighi�.A . ' � .� . I . . � . . . . . .� Is ,, 5430. head, Ze. , . venue, � , . � .. . , I to. $2 . . . I orive" * , . t. andi!§e .'. . . .... 1. . . � pis - . - . Toronto, statdi i --"Aly boy Tom, aged ten,., _ . " . I . . ... .. .1 - 1, I . . -be'ginning� of his: editorial .was fbi nearly three years afflicted Nvith* a' that cIvIlizatio.n Wj6uld ,n6t a6anc'�, t6 JectfonAlift,t stakehAs"niA.-to yellow.. er. , .� . . . . I , At the very; � , ' World- become better and,life for,all ' An& cektaib . I we' ell til' Lf, bri Itas - I 11(1'�'�4--Iteeell)ts 27,200�� hj�'itil, a(,tivo* - , . . � , bad.J. .. 1. 11: I .: . . . . .1 ­ 1. . - . ' . . s, to ak # ... Career a ud'visited I iry,�Labou- f6in, of etzema of thd'9calp Was very. � . � : Fl:iC.P.S 10W, %Cb1'I.-!-- ' . . . , . .1. I I grow more bbautifuI.. If each 'c'' . I . � I I I h(-itA,.;, $4.60; mj'�odj.$4.55 to.$4,'60; yorkegs,. I f rip lei . .. . , which , . . . . . . . . . . ' 1* ' ' ' I ' ti ' Zen no, weight when one remembors that $4,J1 t6-$4"30; pigii, $4,30; rouglisI 1,3.75. to - chere and, �-seejllg a quantli Oka uoisi�litly; 'and resisted, all 2rids 6f sremedies' I ' ' - . I .. .1 . �. % .1 .. ' . � . . . y� of b6 . I . .., .. . . . - s4dering qualit . ., . I . .Would p6rform th6­4inple and appar- tI4 ci6tiies -made-up: And kept,on sale $4; sings $8 tp-$3�25 , . I . . I which . bad,been Acut,lit for re- and, doctors treatment. Hi� head �vas in'&. i , 1 � y - , . . . . . . .. aroulic . I ent dut, SlieLp '1111(t � Lniiid;sLilek . . . I . I . � I . . . . . � . . y Which lie can easily 46.,- - ,. in the stores, as Well 01he prInts,and- . ,IjAi; 3800 bead; terrible state. We hil&. to keep him .. from , . .� ,d , . . . view oftered. to bet, ' I . . Be s -are and c 11 :- - ` .' T thA . .slow. loto-125 lowory lambs !$4,Zo lo,$G; , ,f. the,editor of Lou-, I .1 . a , . . I . - I ' ' I hire is .one sure way of'refoi�mlnj, e�� musilils bought by .the yard, are yearlings, $4.25, to �4:75, i%!,etli(-r,9, $4 to doii'Truth that there w;ts..oiie book -he I .� . I 1. school, and at times i -e purch *go , . - I ; . the world, aild-that,is for each person, stardbed before 'they leave. t . he fac. $1,25; owos $3.35 t6.­�j.6(l,. ,sh6p, mixed, ., got In � t " I I . "'L �. his bead would bleed I bef'bi asin . � 1. .: I . . 1. .. . had- not he.offid*e�' Labouclivre 11 . I # .. . I . . . .. . ::. , . to' contrilitit:6 hfii mite. ' . I - $2 to $3.71' � . . . and the .child would � ,r . . . . . 'tory. Handk6rc jefs, too,. ape rivad- . . , ,� � I � . . I Rellairin promptIv attdrided'to.. �. �. . ,. . . b 1. inquired the name of the book,., Ila Ills -�� .. .. 1'. . . I . . I . . . � . . . I .k . . I . . . 1. .. , I . . . . ably, starched'when In the store, And ,qEW,VOtt . - . scream with agony, 1 . I . . - C, . . . .. � . . .... . . I . . . .K LIvE STOCK. I friend promptly answered, '14 Bible." ,,, , , '10.". '. I I � or .two an 'a - . - . . . . . . I!. - _.. I . � . I : : � . . . . . . '' I'll � ... I � . I � . ... I � . , . I . ' * ' � 1. I I I I inurely they do uot *g yello*.-7�-Ex� � I New'. York, Dee_ 21,-Xleeves--Tt6�,elpts, I 'laug'li Labouchere offered to bet ­ Ay,04 1 1, a , . "i . F d balf . - � . , I row, With a %�. , , . 1; . � � I '4880, . ). A - years we batt I 1 7. , � . The Phrenotowlist an A the Cqrocer.. . . � . � I . . steers, stead -v- 6pened slow, closed' I .1 . I I IS', i Idd W*di � I I ch.angee , I I. . . . ., :. . Imore active� billls,'.it�ixoly to 'strong; tbin .f10 that he had even that book. Turn- �, �, V��' 0, - '. -. . , . . it- in, vallij. but at lait I . 1. I . I . Phrenologist -Here Is a *man plat of — . " I Vows l(k. higlier; otliel's stelidy; a . I I " . , I . . . I . . .. I I . . . -el's, e conver,satlorl'in another diree- zl&� y , '" " , � ., 1. , , I ' � I . . . L to' - Ing tit , , found a' cure -in � Dr. Ills proper qph6e. iris head betokens - I A New Notton. . I .T3.75, to $"ij"); one (�ar. $p,40; 0xvil, $3 to bon, be furtillely sent a note outAnto .0, I it k .. . . (t aul AloN high Intellectual ah(T spiritual qualities, , � 1 $4. 50; buills, $'-� 3.bo, eowiC, $I 5 0 . � ,i(�hase'�, Ointment. . . I 40. to $� m t lu'l- It . 1RUMBALL ATH. I � I ... . I . ' "sileric - Ifew -flit Ohio do., $4 teA $4.23. 'I -',k-' .the clerk's office telling the boy to,..go I ., 7. 0 . 11'alou.st,, Clitil . I , I . * .. , � ' I I have dove x cloth" sj. I % I. � About five boxes wer . . I I I . . ' ' red my a . . 40, . . . . . �,I. X � . I � , . I . I � yet he Is' spendln� !its tIni6 - behind a with White table bilclo't1i, binding the, . Ports, to-olor"o Ix . trial I . I .� I I . I W, 1 1,24 vitttlo. 1610 slielyp .told � \ A Tht orig' . . . . es-ittwellitz, olovirnstnirs.and ask the booksellers un, ! .. I I , list . . . . . .1 , . . . ' , . , gyocorls� cobiter. fr (to the ero'der)' 446o.quarters or lwef.* 'Cals . . 1, . . I :11, i, . . , I two, together around the edge$. 41th,- I . . ... ) . sores dried lip� leaving � I I I . . . .:. wish to ask you A questloli...� Have you . . I . . .1017� vinils stea4b, to, strougi 1mrityaril derueath f6r.tbe loan of it Bible, ,Pr:0's. , V " .. Ill � , .­=VX=Vj=3t_I" I'.''. , � . . . I -, __�__ �,_ - �!. ­_­. � I . ­ I . I . .white tapej says:a Good Housekeeping . 'tit),. -skadv,' wetftei-ft Retlye; yeals_$4 to clitly Ile retii � . . * . the skin in its,normal,, . � ''. I I I . - I � � ,filly asplllatltills� .. ,.,:�' :., . . riled to the subject of the � 0 . * *C - - To my it i . I � I 1. . . I . . I ' ' . I . . I .. I .,.,. .correspondent. This.saiVes the c6ustant $8.021A_., eft�lci,,aritl extrii, $8,75 to $'9.81 1h " - I � Ct �oodition� . I ' . . . .. ,. ... 1. .. . � . Grocer (calling.to clerk)-1ohn, have, bui-Inyard stovk. $2.75 to 43,27); west.'rn,; *i bet'and,, Valling, ',Ills asloistatit In*,. asked is a pl.�llinre to,te�t fy to the .wondeffal werits','. r" - . I � � . . Washing of the cloth, keeping1t In, Its* Ao $4 . . - P . 1. . him M,hether he had a Bible,in the*ofr ot I )Cr, Chi��.*'s Oi,tnicra, is putting it ve . GraI3 d -jurtink .. I I we any aspirations? � , ' it I . - ��ji�jjjj(l lflljlj)%,p��j . � 1. � . .ry . Ry .. " . . 1. .. ' � , ' 9 . Piginal thick at te,'-,dnd saves *the find- Sliv ik(�(Apts, 13,6110; %beep, fice. The clerk produced the book, . li;h1l),." : .. I. I � .. I CITRIST.ir.ks AVD XT,,j�- -yi, .1 . . . . � I . . .1 ­ . , I � . . �� I I I - 'Afl: Sir, have soih6 in tb 0 ilch Would - We , , . �' RATH'S. - I . � .Cloirk All I .1 e ly n to l.-je Imi,er; larnbs, loc to 25a lowor�' 01. .. 11 . . . � . - . I . - polished dlul It table, wb le 1101,D)AX . . ek. .. - � - . ! . I . d over .to b4- Dt_Clidse s . �ntment is a, p--sitive cure for . . . .1 . 1. . � I last of tj�c- We . � . . . sall,4, 3:1 - I ,j), .$2.50. at -$3.130; which Laboachere hall � . I fx,;) ,)( ower; ' slic,L ell . � . I . . 4 . oi4erwise.-bof ruined by the, frequent - $4,50; [ai rubs, V) - r) 0 to, $o.50; friend, giving'Illuiself aNylly,-how salt,rluurm, scald bead anrl chafifig . . . I I . . I I I � . . .. . I . . . . I . I spilling pf,"hot beverages,, etc. to, , ever,. , V%Vllla, � I � I I �TERRIT 01Z' . V---� - . . . � . . . I . 4 beau- $6.40, Croiaad% lambs, I a did s'(s by siiy14g sotto roce to file ,''. nts a bos. at.all deileYs, or tolmanson:. . . . I . 4*1-'� . ""' """"""""""' � I" 'ra' sall's' � . . " a' . I .awb I . . . I . conclusive. ,. tiful part of this arrangement Is the ;6185 t - $6. I - 6or . k, "I 11OP0 to goptilles's you didn't .. � 1.11d Cu, Tbronto. . . . . Betweeft all s in Cauadajlort . . . . BrIg . gs-ItIs . too . bad .ab . out Winkle f 51031. ,A,olik; . . .. . . station. ' , state and I . - . I ? forgetto cut the.icalres!" . . . . ­�.�_­__'�.- Arthuri Still1t, ,Stc. Mili*iv� Ont., Sarnia . - way in which a tablecloth can be slip- p i egs_�Itl"., I�b�to;',;! ''. � I � � I I.. and the girl lit! Is eng, cm,y 'a., *4.725 to �4.964 . . ,. I . .. I I . . I I , . aged to, Neither* ped o � without having it stick to the , ' :Cj.jXOAGO'LlVF, sT(WK. - .. I . . I . � I . ... Willdson and 1�ast, �al.so to Detroit I . � . I It I . . . . . . Wolmommom...@� I . of thetil- Is good enough for the other. I lidolding underneath. �. � I Mileage, Dow. � 2I.---�CLtttle--RPe6lPt8, 15'. m 'D�enlal. I I I I . . , � I ... alld -Pt.: Iltiroll, illivil., Aluffialo, 131ack . . . GrIgL�q­�XN,*bat inakes you -think that'l . . . . . I . %, ..�. . . . 8W., loc to i, -)c lilgiier, good to pelme steers, I .1 . A. Polite . � . I . Rock; 811"op. Bridge alle Xiagara.Falls, . I . , Q I n atter I Tolin'slib Snucet I I . 11 . $4.130 to.15.7.5,; 'poor to inedluta, $4,25 to .110 4s I 11 . . 0 . I I N'. Y. . I I �.. . . I .1 . I .. , . . I . . . ­ Clio); stookvro fill ers; . - . � . . I over, with both'faillillei,11. . . . (I feed $1, to $4;�eowfj, caref say "No" 'abruptly In 'Farming .. I .1 .. . ."NV 11 1.'V'e `66en talld g tile in ' I I . . I I Everybody kxiows�,tlie 'M&n.Nlr.­ I �. . I Yor it tomato Sande �heAt� to boiling -, ' . .. . . . � . .. . -'sIX0, I FIRST CI,Av" PARI -11- . I . . I . i,r)o to $:j.6o; holrers, $2 to $4�45; ('311111'ra, �Inswcr to )I question.. "No', is ft.'bard F I , . I .� . . _. . . ne pint of 'strained rtewed tomato 1l,r4 tn.$2.jW*, T)ulk of salias, $1.711; to, $4.25; . L. . . . � , , . . LP, S I Getting Itld of the Proofs. . . . (canned or fresh). t*keji,*I,th, a tn. el1l%;af4 $2 Ao, $5.75. . I . I . . . For The Routd Trip ',- - - - . � 1 w . 0 . - I . � 47,000; to-Morro,yr, I Word, but one may sometimes be,iboade . . . . ' Prof it , ' I � I'Mig, 101utterby doesn't show her at' blespoonful of flour,, ad uog�-Ileceljfts., We ridiculous by� a reluctance to utter Litt o Is *go I Olood koing Dkw� 240i atict 2--,th 1. . . I e., I d a lump of gut- 000,, mixed and li,outollers, $4.3,�) to $4,ft . says all exchange. . I .. . I � . .. I � -iling , ,valid . ., W.W); rougli . rv(,%vt 1111til Dee', ,28th - also does she?" I I goo(i to eholee heaN,y, $4.60 to 1$ . I . � . .. gocd I � 4 1 ter and seagon'to taste. . .. -� - arriler should, kr!�, j I '' ' . . . I 4.45; A certain man. who had. this habit 1�ycry F, -keep - 11VEZ. 111-1i. And .Ir ' ,. . 'INV -ell, uo,, not so niuch a - I I . . I . - hpavy, $4.30 to $4,45; light, .$4.15 to ,$ ., , . . I . . I � tlg , itit Tst, 1,-itlid rc,�- I . . , I ,� a she,did be ' . . I . btilj� of goale,,it $4.35 to, $4.45. - I - was once met -by two Indies .who Ila Lilt, I 1110 11f.161 Jan: 401, 1904. . ', - ' tore.. S�Q­Sebt those grown ti� 'children items of lireaith� and Beauty. ;�heep-ftoerf`�fl, 20,000, sileep. qtoftely; , .. d - .th ords constant1v i, I . . . . I . � . . letillis stell(Ty goorl to eilolne wetlitirii, .$8150 been discussing the Pecullfirlty, and one ' in mind and conduct his rariii , SINC,I,'I� VI'RS�lr CIIASS PAR.R, . . . . � ' . as come Into fashion. uIxed,-$21.78, to $3.50,1 6f.tho,ni Sald that she WAS po'Flijive she . on strict business" principles. - . � I AND ONIJo-TI11RD of I h . era . abroad." I . � I . Good bealtill b' ' tolt.l., flit.). io ellol0p I � I . T1141, . I I — . Massage after the. bath stimultiteq nit VP lit s, $4. to $5.811). could Inake' him say "Oh, nor, flatly. Guess work and haphazard � . . I I For The Round Tt. it; I . . . . . .. , ' ­ the skin. � I.. . . I . I . . , . � . . ' I ' . - . Pillilifteed. . After Shampooing -t � be hair should � . Bank Rmliar.zlor Sentenced- . . . 86 she addressed him thus: . . methods aria no, longer used by , ('T(.()(l goill" Ilk k�% 2,1rd'' 2 -I 0. . allil 2,5th, . . 1. "Tf6 ai'ys that lie litis Paid every cent . , :1 I . "Let me see, Mr. Smith,, you are a successful and, up; -to -date' far- ., * I . Dec, 22.-�_Iamaa al�'o,olt Ilk�L% (lilt, Ile.owdol'" 1. . never be dressed until It to thoroughly Trenton, N, j,, Widower, Ate you, not?" .. .. , ,IT,%t �111�1 .7,;ru, 1.1;t, . . . .. � . . 11 . I 11 1.0 . dry. . - , . 1. 14, ICAge, the bank, tollor, who om- si,�s junch .wldo v . I . MerS. I . . . . � I valltl rk't"I'llilIg 1111til -lit". ,;;ill, 19(4- .. :11i'llere, (Ild he get the'm Ipl ey . I . . a ., or,. madam," he . . I . . . � ltjorr6ved It." . . One hindrance to health is tile weall- bezzlod About $1 LO,000 of the funds answered, with it Polite Inclin .. I 13Y. reading Tur Wrm'XLY - For tickets anti 'all illfulillatioll ill): I 1. . . ation of � I PIV tA) , I � I � . of tho. First, National 13ank of Pater- , i . . .. I . .. . I . Ing of unnecessary clothing, , The body I , Ills head, "as it Is'possIblo for a man to SUN, tile Farmer's BuslolesS I , 1,0\ . I I . son, X, .1,, was yesterday :sentenced .1 I . � I I . . . k 0. I'All"Ill's X, Station Agent. .. Of Two Evils. breathes In part through the skin, . to - inirwisonnient, of seven years in the: be who has never inarried,11 I I . Paper, yqu will get the very . 1.11, it. II0D(11R*.N'S, Town. Agcnt. I 1 I Ile-You"Ire' g(4tIng your hat rursoId, , . The best fabric for . Wash cloths I.q pollitentiary'.. , , � . The lady, had to own herself �beatev.' � I latest atiol most accurate in. I . . . I . . � . � . .. I ­ --- ­ . ­ . , ­SI1v­1VQII, it's an old bat, find 1, do tbii aligbtly rough white rtw ollk. and. . . . . I I . I . . formation regardingyour busim . - I . I � I . � .. - ­ . y I I hate to wet fily new ullibrelliti � � I wanting this, the Turkish cloths iftire 11tovid IllirrinLe 111101nedo I � . I .. . . I . � I I . , Iless. I I I . � . I next In value. . I -" 4, . . � . . r 0 Junked QUIAC64" v�. tqx (" : V . . Tim SUN's Market reports & lt� .�ii?f - ,� . I a, a project (6L.- tu%ra 40X.V%.R-. 9 * r - if 4 I . WtIL(Irld, Dec. n2l,-Accoi ding t thei I , n I A little borax Softens the water And "SpaniAll newspaper Is on To bake quinces wille and core thew, . MARBI Ir . ,% �� . . �r I " I itv W W e ocean of Paine removes till odor of perspiration. A so to, his cousin, Marla del '1114 " I % I Avj I L (if whom Posterity will ea Ily plick a handful of s6a 0alt makes the water aged 18, I daughter ot the Inf"ts, ter, then, with. the sirup. I Awn, Iso, .,I, .1 a... . Serve hot ..: .t, very Fartner in Canada . . � lr`.�;­C­ 1�1, 1, wi I ' I , ,�, , �,� (love e rathir harsh, but wo -la do I& Paz, , . . M . - ,,.� Makes it velvety. tire worth many tirries, the sub- t I Ther� alre ' aultiihis . , 'I while bakIng with butter and hot wa. scription price to you. , �uepbrtfhg, to be A little ammonia foot for the nuo-riage of. King Alton;. 911 the centers with sugar and basto Wbales li-S Ird, in' ill 01, . I I "... 1. . . with butter. ,qhould realize the* full value of . I 4� "'It. . " ,n at 'it Hill Into a oilrollne box.- , St illAgoidting. Mal I � 1, . , I , �... I . 11 �. .1 L' , . I , . "" , A New 0 I rleans Times-Dem'oerat , ___ / I -I---- .— — !!' — I I I , how - . 1. I .. I the service Un SUN has ren. . 0 . �'; , . � .. . , . ­ I .1 Fresh Allit allooll 86tind Ocalth. .1 � � � - .,� I ;1 . I , * � " . � I - I I ­ . ­ dered Win in a public way. It I., , � , �­ ­.- . , " �, I ,in,; roitot. I � - 11, , ,; � . -A 19i"wo - I " There tire many petatifig who seom - , . . I : I was due t6 the action of TH8 �, , , " , 11 I . " ­- - 11 The moat singulftr.f6r6it jeowth Ili afraid of the fresh air. A little raln, a � 25 0 . I : yl,_,�v --- -4" 11 , � 'a . . That Cou ,.h SUN in giving voice to th� I I IIZX,;�11 . I . � ' ' I � the world is encountered Ili the, Valk- little wind, a little fog,'a little chill It . . . .1 I 7 ,Z I . . , I . miodies have :ftot reached, i 1,4 �, ,� 11 . . . land Islands, a dismal region constantly the air will keep them wIthill doorsi - which'otdinary ro opinions of thd farnter,q tj�at :',��;,: I Swept by a otro6g 0olat, *1111d, What Going out, they bundle tip in clothes Flo , I . I . I the law relating to CliatIo ! , �_ ; ; ,�. � . �, 13 , " *% I � -, I . . : : "'.. . _ . will %tilckly y1eld to , . �j Appears to be.V69ther'-0orti And nabei thlokly that one would think they wore I . I I . . guards, drainagc across rail. -11,Cc , 11 , 01, . I , � " 1,�,-, � ­ J�.- covered b6WIAilts kke"Neattefed about, tender shrubs transplanted front some , - .. 11 d funi fires caused by : , __ I" - , �,,�, "I ,, ,."Il . 1, he e eutfouo objects , % P V locomotives has been _. y I ,,, - � Aft Attempt to overturn It however, are hot the health cranks, not 0 . I I . � in 14 - . to o,:',4ed la ' . , , ANY'S Sy, OF REDIS RUCE 9 WILY8"At' , � and when o ' ot 669' more genial ollitic. The healthy People, i W_ I I I 0 rail ly . strong to the edplo who run to the doctor every . G RUP 4iriatilded ots Are found to hold It down, , .. . We will send Tan Wuny - I I a I. , . 'I ;�? I . i I .. I t . . . � - 1. Id keep 11, tl-' Irm 1.sta� .1 is . . , r. Inelples. ' ph. qZard . . i I 1, I ,�M,\ 111P& 2'. I �,,_, 1 41 those "bowiderii" beltit, jil fiet, bative timol'they too] an adhe, They are, the . os th6ge heitty, deep�so%ted eojjghs._t*kts A . . ' . =.-hexts file throlo.-Attengulditts tile Juligg, , . tkeoi which the W104 has forced to a#- People Who Walk it great ,deal In the the 86 . . SUN frOM now to Ist January, RattOlAttry Stj-e�'Lot Wor,kS x6fid the less ditective becAll-M It f-9 Pleiftlit to t44e, . 1905, in combination With lArectiloporitt's. 'Wolli-InCkv). ounto We shape.. Tbo w66d OtPpearj t6, hriiihl Air, Who IlVo In the open as much ( JuAt fty Ofle bottle solid Ate h0W 4plokly ybq get �loi . bo 4 twisted maso of fibers FlIjuloFit Iml , 00 they eon And who tato a V40atlon to ofth0cought .4yourdtaggists. 950.�6ttlt, 1 1 - TheNewssiCK"ecord I Nhip iindAlate),11ol. gutivalitep,l], I � . . � . 00641bla to Opt up into too); tho coutArl every pc4r, ., � 1 I � . .11-1 - , 26 � - $ 1 t*,% . � I .. - �-WEIMP�. . . Pot �1.175. 1 J4 (I. 84,kLE 4 WV* . A, 11 I &,*%.sI, -t. 1, 401 . I . ". , ­ � . 0 . I . . . . 1 4 . � . I ­ .0"A 1 1 1 1 1 .1 . I