HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-24, Page 3December 24th, 100,3
4,,..*/ Revision of Case to Establish His Most Unique Thing Ever Seen In
Irmooence Recommended, Ontario Polities Election Day,
M. Victor Mercier, heperter of the Coot.
missies., Reports T1*at-ceptaia AMA
Not Write the A?omette Derdereatt...
May Do Mustered to the Army. Mat
win Not mewl, Assam" active ocr-
vice-ttevisiest Almost Miro,
Paris, Dec. 22. -At ineeting7 01
the Dreyfus conintlesion next Weeinee-
day M. Victor Mere ter, reporter o
the commission, and one of the dir-
ectors of the Ministry of Juetice,will
submit a report. recolumending re-
vision of the ease al Leptitin Drey-
fus. it is nut yet positively known
whether M. Merciel"s eeport will
commend revision by ile. Court of
Cessation or by the t out-elarthel,
but there is every reason to believe
that the Court of Cutssutiou will now
consider the case in the lieht of
facts gathered by M. Merciele ate the
same time passing upon the other
documents submitted.
While it is impossible to prediet
lif Grit Corruption hi io Mvideiscii the
)11004/2ero af OS0 WOO. Will no Wit.
suisses ef it.-Disseasione Amass. the
I.therallit 40 At Remit eg the Lawman0
gall•V nee Wade ie Ifheir Ranks
, North Reeirew.
1 PeMkirolce, Dee. 22. -There Is dis-
sension among the Liberals Whe are
running 'this campaign. In two form-
er lights Nicholas Jeffrey, a bright
young barrister of Guelph, was the
autocrat. In this one, however, the
Master mind is James Vance, who is
seeonded by Daman Marshall. ,But
the fine necromantic hand of Nicholas
is seen in many Ways.
It is adreitted by Liberals that
Ganley has focussed the electors`
minds in hiS charges and his defiance
to Stratton has made the.,publie say
“it is up to Stratton," Now the
question is bow best to cotabat this.
Iltir.1 Jeffrey takes the position that
Mr, Stratton is. justified in refusing
to face Gamey, and in standing on
his dignity. This is the attitude Of
CiLero, Czar Vance believes Ganey
can be checked in hin licnar.ess by sys.
ternatic and organized disturbance,
This is being put into effect, Charles
Snake M.P.P:, left on Friday for
the "Soo," mainly to send down to
this riding a band of rieters, Who
will be employed Ii annoying Ganey •
wherever he appears. The band reach-
ed the upper portion of the riding
t '
*ma nreakoae.ey naval,
• But there are other Liberals of
More weight in their homes and out-
side thanthose already mentioned
who openly declare' that there. is
only one thing to do to break Gam-
ey down, and that is for Stratton
to meet him.'Failing that, a power -
what view will be taaen by theeona ,
mission, but it is expected it will at'
east adopt Mereier's reconnuendae
' If d
the revision of the case shoul-
be favorable to Captain Dreyfusa he
will be restored to the army, no
j matter what protests may be. made.
„ but it is not expected that he will
assume active service. -•
M. Mercier's rd
report, it is believe. '-
not only .establishes that Dreyfus
innocent of writing the Bordereau
but dwells with emphasis an the
anoditicatains by M Griebeling keep-
er of the War Office records, of hie
testimony before counsel at Rennes..
M. Griebeling then -swore that •Drey-
,fue was guilty, while the mediae •
cation of his testimony now indicates
that the oleged treason was commit-
,. tett hy Col. 'leery, who was at •the
'samene titchief of the Intelligence.
;Department of the Ministry Of War.
ul speaker should. appear foe Mr.
Jabe at every Gamey *meeting • and
ask for a hearing, depending on the
audience for fair play. Medd such va-
riety of counsel it is easy to see
Where diaselision.'creepe •
Gorden Henderson, K, G., Who in-
tended to remain in the riding till
the vote. waspolled, left for Ottawa
yesterday, as a direct euteorrie of
his opposing . the tactics of Orator
Jeffrey and Autoorat Vance. - There
• are other Liberal speakers who need
cinly.a word to peck their gripe' and
get. out also, A sentiment is growing
arneng Some of the Workers that
Gamey ninet be discredited before the
people if his infittenee is to be brok-
en.• . • •
It in argued that. Callaghan's affi-
davit has :no weight now that he is
in jail. By analogar, Gamey's story
wOulie net be' believed it he were be-
hind .the bars. :So 'desperate has the
genie become here that Liberals axe
advocating:, the arrest of Gamey on
charges of perjury and forgery, and
re' willing te takeehanees with. the
fleet his arrest would have in putalie
plume: gui ent that,. Liberal
'canvassers meet with is '!Why don t.
you arrest Gainey if you think he is
n. fugitivefroin justice,"a thief and a,
forger? Yea cannot answer that
question in North Renfro* without'
arresting Gameei."
*tides Hl morements. •
Iti the:meantime, fearing assault or
something worse, Gamey hides his
movements. De left Sunday night for
Chalk River, Where he :spent yester-
day among the railway men • of the
northern part of the riding. He speke
last :night at Point Alexander, • A.
body,guctiel of ardent COneervatiaes
was with him, while 'Jack Stewart
of this :town went out With a . score.
91 good fella:Ws from here. • No one
except R. Birrainglicien••,knoWs where
Amoy spea.ks to -day,, • ' •
Thomas Crawford., X.P.P., Spoke at
*wawa No. 8 last night t� the
erxnaes. His theme was :the, cOr-
ration rampant in Ontario politic.•
6 told a fewcapital stories, arid
ade himself 'solid with the Teutons.
eldnel Matheson and W J;"Teams..
ere ae Haley's, in Ross • township.
Ryan end A. Avery at South Al-
nna and 1)1.. Reaume among tin
,Port Arthur WOM14/, Leaves Musbatul;
Home nod didiarrni.
Port Arthur, Dec. 22. -Mrs.
'ler, accompanied by a young:1.111g--
listunan named Daniel Fillmore, who
has been employed at Canadian ,
Northern sheds, have eloped. it is.
,supposed they have gone east. Mr..
;Kohler has been employed in Big
'Master mines and during the summer
;Ims„,spent but little time at home. .
! Mrs, Kohler and her paramour had
:become intimate during the absence.-
' 'of her husband, and a letter.. from
Kohler enclosing a cheque for ..$75.
;and stating that, h0. would • be helm -
to spend Christmas resulted • in the'
'flight Two small' children, one "six
iiiiinths old, were left for neighbors.
eto care for. The last heard of them
was at Copper Cliff, Ont. ••
Detroit, afich.-Miss Lil1iai Abano.-
of Liverpool, England, a talented
harpist, is dead at Harper Hospital,..
aged 20. She was taken sick with
typhoid fever while filling an engage -
emelt at theTemple Theatre.. .
Albany, N.V.-Frank Roman, aged'.
112, was accidentally ehot and killed -
!Sunday evening by a revolver in the
!hands of his sixteen -year-old brother.
I They were examening the piStol,
!which neither thought -was loaded. •
Adis, A be ba, E tie opa.-Escorted •
by several thousand Ethiopian sold-.
ers the Amiriran niiSSIO11 to EtY117el•4, ,
or Menelik, headed by Consul-Genered .
Skinner of Marseilles, entered the
Abyssinian Capital on Friday, when
lIenelik personally reevived: there, •
Traffle Through tido Canals.. : r
Sault Ste: Marie, Mich.,.Dec.
Although the total traffic theough the
fillip canals at this Ware for the year Hrti
just closed showed a falling ' -off 01 1-1
1,286,700 net tons, all of this de-. in
crease has occurred: on flte • traille
through.the American canal, the • w
/Italian canal being 773,884 toria lb
excess of last year. Buildingtone :W
shows a falling off of 45. per cent., yt
while both wheel' and flour also lost 0
20 per cent, The only record which,itt
showed any considerable increase was
that of hard coal: in this 271 pr
cent. increase is noted. •
!ench. Mr. Latchford ie the cinly.
abinet Minister in the cOn.stituenCY.
areeerit. :J. J., Foy. and Dr. Nes-
tt arrive tO-dav.
9 Killed, 20 Injured.
Kansas City, Dec. 2. -The Met-:
eor, the fast train on the St: Louis.
and San Frani' iseo Railway, wee
wrecked at Godfrey, 15 miles soiith
of Fort Scot 1, Kansas, yesterday,
Tho train ran into a switch -and all
except the sleeper were derailed and
turned over. Nine persons wore kill-
ed and over twenty injured. .The
crew of a freight train left the
switch open and the Meteor juinped
thv track and rolled down a small
Passengers Were Rescued,
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 22. -The
steamship Perrallon reached Se.attle
!yesterday, having oh board the pee-.
eengers of the overdue Canadian
steamship Amur. The Amur left Skage
waY, Dee. 12, and on the 14th' ran
it Harbor Reef, at the 'entrance to
Port Simpson, She pulled off, but Itt
doing so broke her tail shaft. She
reached the wharf at Port Simi/soma
Christians Murdered.
Cettingr, Montenegro, Dee. 22.-A
Crhrist la,n judge and two Christiart
gendarmes have been murdered by
1Vhissulinans at Gusinye, itt . IsTenthera
Albania. The victims were recently
appointed' to their poste In conforin.
'Hy with the Macedonian reform
scheme of Austria-Iluesitt,
No Ono Manalid.
1 Hamilton, Doe. 22. -The coroner'
jury s
ry last evening brought in a ver -
•1 dict to the effect that Robert Smith,.
Ithe Allendale brakeleare Who was
lkilled here last WeenieeclaY night, '
;came to his death aS the result of tut
accident and no one Was blamed.
I Improvement on Nature,
Humble Admirer -Are the chatactere
In your book drawn front real 111'0
HanglitY Author -Did you ever 500
ouch interesting people in rent life as
y.ot, chartteterit?
Not 'the 'Clint Ho *rented.
"If you're ile, hard Up," said theea
mark, who wag temporarily unable to
eittend the nacommodation asked,
"why don't you' beffett eoine Money
from Titefist?"
"Heavene, tot" exelititeed the Other.
"Why, ha alveoli expects to be pala•
West N t- :erbert ,S. Cleinerits,
Consei•vet • •
S. Deacon, ;Milton, Lib -
era'. • • • :
'wo proppectore of. Duluth,. left.
To Settle Her Own Boundaries
Says Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
reLliiv $ay. Ws neve let OiOt OTOS
Disappointsueat Over the Aliteltert
hlsaiedary Awisr4-guestiors As Net
IOW, Het illightler New
Thai She Was 1882-Pittelle NO
London, Dec. 22,-(Q,
Mail publishes au laterview with Sir
Wilfrid Laurier by IL Lacy regarding
Canada anel the treaty -making pow-
er. Premier Laurier said that at the
instance of England, Canada had con -
seated to the inquiry and looked tor
it to be conducted by jurists • free
from partisan prejudice. Canada, had
entered a pretest against the pro-
nouaced type of the American peal,
san conarnissioners, but the complaint
had received Scant couaideration front
the C'olonial Office. Canadians were
SO certain of the justice of thei
ease and of the iinpartiality of Lord
Alverstone that they were confident
of a favorable judgment on the two
P°Cliza,nitsadians would not get over the
disappointment and were unanimous
in the view that a repetition cif the
, Alaska, boupdary incident would be
rendered impossible by Canada: hay-
ing treaty -making Powers. It would
not lead to separation, es the Do-
, miniOn Would not demand absolute
treaty -malting power's, but only the
arrangement of the preliminaries of
141 treaties affecting her trade and
territory, leaving to the sovereign
power the responsibility of vetoirea
them if her Ministers thought it de -
&arable in the interests of the Era -
pita. The question was not new, but
• something would Como of it now for
Canada was miglitier than in 1882.
when the point Was noted by Edward
Blake.•• •
To -day nearly, six millions oi
people have a passionate conviction
that they have the right to detertnine
matters. affecting their own commerce,
. and boundaries, Canada had besought
the Imperial Go•veaminent to bring
''the Canadian just claims to court in
the Alabama ease, but England 'was
afraid Of offending' the United States
and lett her colonies in the lurch, and
much the same had happened in •the
Alaske.n case. 'Tad Canada had the
right to arrange the preliminaries in
the Alaska, znatter the result of the
inquiry would have been very differ-
Sir Wilfrid said that; .in the next
few weeks he would .enlarge on the
subjeet of. the necessity for Canada
• forming treataanakiag powers in view
of the deniand haring been acclaimed
throughout :the Dominion. --
Phe Mail, ,comnfenting on the inter-
SOR: Micro scone
to be good reason for cnnatle's
tention, •. but We are none the less
Impend that 'she Neill see her way
.Clear to Modify her :demand."
Pattulio of :V!. iulportonee. .
• R. 'Temkin, Writing to The Stand-
ard, says that Andrew Patten° is of
no importance, as he is only a mein-
er ol . the Provinc al [lament,
'which; like English County Cptincils,
has riething to do with tariffs. ' Art:-
other- writer scare. that tho .Colonial
Agent -General has no business. With
the tariff commission,: and should
keep aloof, from politics like an am-
- bassador. . I , •
e.teastee 4ppie.Trado.
The' 'Mail Says that but for Can-
ada, Americana -would haereengineer-
ed a cerneer in apples Olathe strength
• of the failure of the Eriatishcrop
last year. ' Canada has. shipped. .to
England three million bushels, and
this year the • quantity would be' far
. • 4411115ot nay Gr4sralusgil.
t: Lord Stratheona in an interview
,* said thatthe announcement that
• Canada would purchase Cuccer.iinlid
wee • premature; Theintended put -
chase was not within the 'range ed
pra,ctical polities at present..
meetsJan 15.
The first meeting ef Joeeph Cham-
berlain's commission of tatill experts
which 1$ to eraleire into the ' condi-
tions of British trade,and. to report
with the object of drawing up'e, tar-
iff reform bill, will .beheld Jan..15..
Ain chamberlain has accepted the
honorary presidency of the conunisl•
• 8
ion, •
Left fut August to Expiere Pie surer Di
' trust Par Minerals.
Pert Arthur, Dec, 22,' --Last August
'atrica Laren and Patrick McCoy
. .0tok FriAtid • F'y Mistako. t
rip to explore the country in the:
ingers ili, Dee. 22. -Miss Minnie ATC,-. v
Grew of Detroit, art!), with Miss
-Maud 0'.(..einor•of the s•une place, is ,
visiting le r parents :wee Christmas, •
uncovered a 22 ealibre revolver yes- t
terelay intuiting sbfIr. doing house-
work, and lol lame -Ina' it wile
-ed, pointed it e ft ad.'. The
weapon was • tiara d tear the bill -
let entered the Nght side of Miss g
O'Connor's • now.% Ivaial results are
not anticipated... .
ioinity of Pin River, that flows into
Lake Superior at Peninsula "Tarbox',
hey carried provisions fotelifte days.
nd , nothing has been heard ft'ont
hem since. Their friends are now
tanned about thein and believe they
tre lost, They went out for the our-
mse of exploeing for minerals • and
hither, the latter especially in re-
ard to pulp wood,
mileage Coming te Canada. :
Victoria, D.C., Dec. 22, -Chinese
IabOrers are said to be rushirig into
• Canada by the hundreds to evade the
• head tax of 8500 on every Chinarnaa
that enters. Canada after Jan
They aro. now required to pay but
.850. The steamer Derte, which re-
cently arrived at Sae Prancisco,
from the Orient, brought 80 Chinese,
who were immediately shipped to
Victoria, The Japanese liner Nippon
Meru, just arrived, brought /9 Chin-
• ese, and the steamer Octrifa carried
149 Mongolians, alt f whorn
transit to Canada,
Kinorgo Docks Itaiseo Itow in Teronte
Hotel and Witli Arrested. •
Toronto, Dec. :22. -George
45 Esther street, was locked up last
night on the serious charge of threat-
ening to shoot with intent to kill,
If Il.oehe had made good his threats
the Palmer nous() would have heel'',
turned into, a private hospital or
morgues. Those whom he intended to
Put out of the way are his wife,
Mary, J. C. Palmer, Charles Paltrier
and Fred. WeIghart, nowever, •Con.
stab/es • Sackett and Irwin arrested
the would-be shooter •before any
daMage Was done. Ile had no revol-
ver, anyway, Roche's wife, Mary,
has been an employe of the Palmer
Meese for some time, Roche is a
brother of Jaelc Pioche, the pugilist.
Alli Rhoda to Reconsider Certain llisiten.
Hai *Wei* in *Sr Reply to
•Dirt Am ittuireanue.
Tokio, Pee, 22,-J epan's reply to
Russia. Wag handed to ilaron de Bose
en yesterday afternoon, at a con.
ference between the Ituvelan. 1,tinister
and :Foreign Minister 1.e.1Iura. at the
Russian Legation.
It is in no way la the nature of
an ultitnatutti, but she asks Mesh%
to reconsider certain essential Points
in her reply to Japan, tarot de
Ittieen iS aufileiently recovered to
moms tits sgaittaut.r....,
• Bryon 'Visits ths. emu..
St. Petersburg, Dec,
Jennings Bryan WaS received hi au-
diettee by Czar Nicholas yesterday.
The audience hinted 15 minutes. Mr.
DrYan Will leave for Perlin to-de,y,
The Dandy 310Y.
"Willie, you may iinieh this piece of
p10 if you want it" Fetid mother. "It
isn't enough to riave'•
"Mather " Said. Willie "when he had
iiniahed tt, "a boy in the family eomes
in Very handy when there is a little bit
of pie left over, doesn't ite?"
illootueb, to ltio,
postor—t oder vehat the Matter is. rt's
dyspepsia.. All you haite to do is to
, fah& bona*. befOre and tutor ettelk
• Weft).
Uri. Dinkil—tmposible. 140t thenk k 1.1X14 NliWli-RECOD.D4
* 4
Tito k;iintoit Itlirs-Record
DRY 000Ds
In the olcl stand, of R, Coats, lir So.,
Such an array of beatiful •
Collars, Belts, Ties, etc.
IsTo nicer gift could you desire than ene of
these, They are the admiration of all. -
Prices 25c, 59c, 75, $1 and up
• As a Gif•t
One nearly always chooses an Umbrella for
some friend. This is aigood place to buy it, best quality
tops and pretty handles.
Fur Jackets and Small Furs
-Nothing gladdens the heart at Yule -Tide like
a fur gift. Nothing so sensible and yet so elegant,.
Make your wife or daughter a present.
Furs for Men. .Often Given
A nice Fur Cap is a gift often and very appro-
priate. Come and look at ours and. you will give one
too. Prices $2, $3, $3.50, $4 and up.
A.nd Neckwear are always prized. Our Gloves
are the output of the .best makers and ..guaranteed fits
and our Neckwear richness . itself. Beautiful. designs
and colorings. Moves 75c, $1,-$1.25, $1,50 and .up.
. • Neckwear 25c, 50c and up.
Always Welcome
• Are the KerchiefS. We never had a larger .
stock than this year. Daintiness itselfwith the trimming
of lace, insertion and embroidery. These Make popu-
lar and useful presents.
Make yourselves a present of an ordered suit
We have a large qtock of imported woollens in tweeds
fancy worsteds and black and blue serges and our Mr.
Downs is up to the minute in designing.them.
• .
Dainty Linens
In Tray Cloths, five o'clock tea covers, Table
Cloths, Napkins and Pillow Shaine in drawn work and
other fancy designs. They make a dainty and servic-
able XmaS gift.
Trouble to Show Goods
. .
. ,
' ••• .*
..itassei-Marris Company Toronto .Ke-.
duce tVages of over 1,1?00,..'Wricreott-;-,
co tting Ivo M I sewh e.
.•Torent0., Dee. .2211one • thou-
sand wcrkinen at ,the lassey-Ilarris
'Yoninany works aro' to. sfilier re-
duction in their wagszs of something
over '4 per cent.; Stare ing from this
•weeka The company that it.
Is the usual :result ot• the annual- ad-
justment of the wag,e- scale,' effecting
tin but the better inechatiles, the tore-.
• men and officials. Theenea tai affected
:ma Much Worked up about the mat-.
•• ter and .assert that Ma matter what.
, the company car1. to' call ' it " is
riOthing more or less edt • in
• thou. Wages Which Were ••not, they'
say, too high befOre.' • The eadttetion.
is net a unyorin one. It , retiticuk
araa:‘'105ainl (t117 1C2°,n'tand : (Yt h
Aisother 'Wage. 4 .
• Pittsburg, Dec: 22 :-,-,`,7101111-oflicial. in -
mina ion ,tvas. given out yesterday
. that a, general reduction ia wages AS
to 'be made, at all non-ualoreironanct
steel, plants in the country that will
average about 10 per cent. it is not
',reposed to • make any. official an-
nouneement, , tha cut Until Lifter
Christmas.. Repreeent at iyes of the
United States -Steel Corporation are
said to gave 'agreed with Ole inde-
'peed:int interests upon.' a- uniform
readjustnient of wages of all ein-
ployeS, • . • .
Waxes Dowt‘ 10 Per cent.
Pu'e•ble; 22.-Not1ces were
nested at the Colorado Fuel and iron
Works yesterday that when' 'thm.
works resume, which probably will
be within a few days, .it will be. at
a reduction of 10 per cent, in Wages
of skilled employee.'
. e 13 14 Cent, Deduction. .
I-1°1101ton : Mich.,, Dee. 22. -The
wages of the iron mine employes of
the Oliver Mining Company, which is
the iron ore end of the steel trust,
will be reduced 18* per cent, 'on
Jo. 1•. •
Billet Bins dieie: •
XII,, Dee. 22. -The convict.
er and billet mills of the Illinois
Stool Company, eniploying 1,000
men, eIosed down yesterday. Presi-
dent Eugene J. Buffington .gave Jan.
15 as th&. date of probable minim -
tion. Pour thousaad steel laborers
at South Ohicagd, employes of the
Illinois Steel COmpanY,- have been
• notified that they will be laid off
next Thursday, 'Thirteen hundred
employes have alreadY been dis-
charged, The reason given the mea
for their diSnOSSal is needed relialrs.
Idle Soreral Weeks,
Pittsburg, •Pe., Dec. 22. --The
GlasSaort noon Mills resumed opera-
tions yesterday, after a shut -down of
SeVeral WeekS, Some of the ,torinage
teen returned to work at reduced
weges. The reductions vary. from 20
to 85 per cent.
• Atnbulancei Under the ttrin.,
Chicago, Dee. 22. -There was no
sign et peace in the livery drivers'
fitriko yesterdity. Ambulances have ;
come under the ban 01 the striking
Pickets, and pollee may- be.necessary '
to man the conveyances of the sick.
Efforts' to e•attle the strike Were made '
by &Aside influenena yeeterdaye
Subsfili ha" ()ash. For GI;T.,P. Net -itat •
'Because- G.T. • 5nareholdero Demand.
modification of the Agreement, "
Ottawa, ' . Pee. 21.-(8peela1.)-The
•gov,ernment are anxiously awaiting the
return of lVIr. Bays, general inanag2,r
of the Grand Trunk; trom a:righted:
The Grind ',trunk Padific haye. not put
.up the $5,000,000- they agreed to . put
Up, and ae a. consequence the contract
ratified, by riarliamen.t last session has,
• lapsed. It will require,: as the Liberals •
now admit, 'confirming legislation at
athe next Session,' of parliament to make
thee coiteract valid again. . The reason.
• given out, that the Grand Trun'k has not
' been able to get :$5,000,000 'In ready
'. the
1Te?''If:toermY U>anePettOf tl•trjheacsortster°allert,Ltrs frao;t,
-trueone. ft would be no trou.ble for
. • • • •• , .
. .
. .
s' Mae Sedan '
• The' sedan Chair 'if; nalned after Se -
•Zan,. the town where It.Was .first. used..
The i.arliest 'mention of ft. in. England
beenta :Early In the follOViug
C( the Duke of Ileckieghain
.eaused much, itaignaticin by it, use ili
I'eople were :'6iXn sperated. .itt
that nobleintin •.euiploying. his :renew.
.nien to take the place of ,lierses. to car -
"'Once Chitties:brought front
.1Pliale in 1628 -three' entleusly wrought.
seatiase two of. which he. gave to the;
.of weeke
t in,' their loroduction AlassInger,pro-
,duced hiS play, "The Boadmaii,”. and
in thus adverts to the ladles: •
thetr Demo and 8are being borne
' triumph 'op .men'a shoulders. :
The l'eference (10111)11* ss to Puelt-'.
•angittinfs sedau, Which Was horee;like
'pelanquin.--"I!ygone 'England."
the Grand Trunk tci. raise $5.;000•000
' from its -shareholderg.. if It .wai for a •
_scheme. that they apProved.. but as a
raa.tter ...fact the sharehelders '0 the ;
•.oraind Trunk reftit:e to, assillne the re.-
s.ponsibility of the Grand Weak Pa-
r. .
Dayorithly Struck. . • • •
eine as defined In last session's act 0
• •W'here Tinittl04!4ion 1-e Refused.
The portion that they object to,. mud
What -thy -will not ratify, is the eastern
• seetion of the road. They are roadYbo
go 'ahead: will -the prairie and western
oectiOns on the terms as 'provided In 'he
Contract; in fact, they would be only.
too glad to do this, but they will not.
assume . the, responeibility of the east-
-ern section es defined, in theacontract-
The reel • eitua•tion, therefore, is that
.the Grand Trunk have not put up the
'money and have not complied with the
agreement far the re,ason that they will
insist On, another .session Of parliaanent
On its Modification, In so- far as the
. eastern sectlert .00ncerned. That will
'be Mk. Hays' message to the govern-
ment when he arrives here this week,
• aad he Will be 'here almost any day now.
• • ,'WhaWt tC'.01.1 12°'alpeipeetnicurb'en,
that the eleetions will be brolight 1311.
and the public given to understand
that the Grated Trunk is willing to .pat
up what is as good Ate $5,000,060 cash
when they otter te. putt up preferred
stock. .But lattsinuch as they are ribt
Putting up What thei O011t1act calls for,
• but only offering to but up preferred
Steek, they are not tying themselvee
, In any Way, end are free to withgeaw,
' and they will certainly refuse to go
Into the bargain unless it catt be whit
the modification of the terms of the
eastern section.
1, • The indleatione, therefore, are that
the govet,trinerirt Will 'Wait agrd see Mr.
litrys and after rt., day or ao will an.
• flounce the generel el:teflon:a giving the
public to underetenci that the contraet
le teratetleallly seceeted and comPleted
by -the Grand Trunkt. while sle a matter
of fact it is riot comeleted .and will ter-,
tainty not he eompteted unleite on motile
ilea:aims in the contract at the next ease
aim of perlitatieria It Is theiwore tm to
the Grand Trunk std the Liberele t�
130111 in tarrying the eountry In order
to. seettre the legtolation the Grand
Trunk desiree.
Sex Characteristics.
Have you ever 'noticed in a filiation:,
able Crowd how much like Men the
'. Women fire and lacrw• much like.women
the men? • It is not that the raen., are
really effeminate Or the women •really
Mescaline, as a keen observer once put
It,. but there is, n.evertheleSs, a etirioue
aPPrOximation in type. It may be to
some extent a wafter of dress. Women
ettect the mannish in timir costume, '
men In summer seek more color, But it
• ie not dreSs alone. The Women S face
Seems stronger and the man's less sen-
tinel than it would have been even. a
century ago. The figure, too, has chang- •
ea: The than is less gross, the woman
more athletic, and both are tallett
London Tatter; '
Mendsreen isehriburaed.
New York, , Dee, • despatch.
from Syracuse says that former
Mayor William D. Xirk has linally
indueed Col. John V. Clayhor, a.
fugitive from justice at Quebec in
connection with the ' Cater • trends
against the 'United States Govern-.
ment, to pay to him the $40,000 -
Which •he lost bY being on Gaynor's
hood when he left the United e4tates.
Miners Horned DV OAN.
haveliave yea seen flat:old.
in ea you told lie was' too peer to.
of--7of triartying me?"
"*!1,014. I ;ran across hiin at the club
laSt evening, We get into ,cOnVersa-.
lien, and lie struck' tne-er"-:- ;
"fitrileN you: 011, paper,.
eStruek • lee es • quite an agreeable .
young . limn. utiderStatid his untie.
has left, him $200,000" •
. ,
'What -They. *Anted. • .
To explaity why his. trip had proved
:so poor, Commercial ..treveler .011e0
'wrote a . long amount how the
'weather had affeeted business in the
'territory 'in which he had traveled. In
'due time he received...this reply from
;his firm: "We gaVour weather reports ‘.
item Washington: Don't send us any
more. What, we Want is orders." • •
. .
Lion Cahn as Pets.•
The most attractive household' pets
la the entire, animal kingdom are said- •
to be very young lion. cubs. They are
d 1
oc ie,a ec iona e n o earn
tricks, it is said, besides, being yeti
decorative', considered. merely 'as an ar-
ticle of furniture. Persons who have
adopted young lions as peta and en- .
joyed their society for any length of
time are ever after intolerant of any
imibaal so tame and uninteresting as a
tlog or a cat
A Ameba Sort of Wedding'.•
When a marriage takes place among
the Negritos, a people of.the Philippine
Istande, the whole tribe assembles, and
-the affianced Pale climb two trees grow-
ing. eleSe together, Then the elders
bend the 'branches that the young folks
are. on till their beads meet.. 'When the
heeds have thus touched each other the
marriage Is legally aecomplislied, ' and
there are great rejoicings, A fantastic
dance completes the, ceremezly. •
Wilke:4.41mM, Pa., Dec. 22.-Att ex -
pion on of gas oceurred In the Not-
, thieliain mine of the Lehigh and
/T PAY$ ACVHIZLIiii.O. Wilkee.11arre (loal Comperty, itt M-
I month. yesterday. Idlevert men. ware
eerlously burned, two of them- fatal-
PIA *,4".).1 0.4* Nolo,
3.25 Women s Shoes for 75c.
We have a few more pair of Women's
Buttoned Boots, sizes Y(8.3 and 8%, which
we are selling at 76 oents per pair= The
• regular prices were $2.00, $2.601 $3..25
and $8.60. They are made of first-class
stook. Sizes from 4 to 7 we have marked
down to $1,00.
Be sure and see a pair before they
are all gone.
--STUD PROM'. • T1114/1"1111 T11111 BEST.
Jas. Twitchell, Clinton