HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-24, Page 1I . - . I .1 . jpftiLio" � I .1 r� .. '*I . 1_.. .11111 - W A ' . I I � . I . � . I . . , . I I � I ­ 1. I � I � . � �� � . . 11 I .. . � 1_ E ,_,,'�' "I 14K 11"_ ­­ ­.... , 1. CL..­1N10..N . � . . I I I . - . . . . : . . . . . . , . . *� . � I , I I .� I -� 1� .� ; *J .1 : . : : . : : : . : . : . : . : : . : : i I , � —T 44p- A F & I i � - *I _-, _Ii,r 4-1_ - I �_',��.__=­___. C 7 .7 , , — � 7, " 1, '1'i , , � , c ` ` � I � � � ., . � � I- -- ­ _. , � .t,--�—,—W���4.---�,.�".,—.W---,— ___J&U, I I I . . � I ... q 1. I . *%J 00 "101 I.. -A- . I i . I 1. I �. ; , , I rVI N, N A " ON I � ., : A "44; . / IN., �, ­ S,R-.,E. I ... ... � . � . . �0 I 11 . I I � , I - O......'' 10 - . I .1 .I —,- __ .. ". � . I I . ­_ .... .. . I I I I . . I I . 24th YeAr . . . � CLINTONt ONTALRIOp THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 24th, 1903, � . Whole Namber 1298 1 . . I I I __ ­ I I . I I - I - .11 � 1. ­ ____ � .11 . � . ­ i A MeNip Ch " stm In A y ri --as .. -1 . . I ^ 1­1^6.��i.^_L�^A�t^l ­&_O� I "Iy�-1-11-1—VT, �fv,_W­W_1111 Z ^ I " 91101 -116 -M.6 -M q$ GKIIAG�iollyw . . - . . . . - __ OWAFAIMP � . . . .- . . I . . I ; 1-+++ im+ !d+_1_1_+++++_1_1 I . . . . I . � � . . --- - — I .. - ._. _ — - W . �!­, ­ ,. ___o _ . . I . I . , - � .. . . . . . � . 1. I I � . .. . i. �. � .. � . - � I .1 . I . I . . . � .. .. . I I . . � :. I I - I . . . . � . .. il a;pital'..,.$2,0W,0W , . . I . 1* . 'JACKSON'S..",.. I Tile 80-10 Of Western horses, which Wheat 750 to . 700 I our knights of 0he cleaver, V itzsi- 4, .,I.. ; . � , Shoot an Christmas Day, a OnlimMing 'the . Pdd�up Caoifal...... " �., v � 1,800,000 . . , I , . .1 . ,.. . ;, - .-'' ".. � . lteserve....__ , ,....._ 825,W � � � . .. ... . . . I �* .. . 4. . I . I FIN E CUSTOM . . .* .� L I � . . . . I . . 1. .. L� � . � + . I #".#4*00*:9-96#"### 1 ".*# 11 .... � . .1 � . . � . I .. . . 11 .. 11: . I . ... . . ... . very taqoly tittended. The Nddirig Peas 600 to 65c . � I � ..'', . . � : We make ii.special effort - . . .. -. TAILORING.1 ... . I I . TT .. .. to. accommodate the % I farmers in the collection .. - of sale riates, also the con.. , . � . . . . . . . �.. venience we afford them . I . . I . + . + 4., Mr. - John McLeod ol� Gravenlitt rst I � . , in the transacticp of all. I . . . . . . , _ . their business is the very . . I . . 6 QHRIMAUS IN ST, JOSHPIPS, . . . : best that 'earl be obtainea %��� - . . : . d I 4, 0 - . . , . .. i . � .- , , - in the community .,..� . I . . . '. � I .. . � � . . . +.. . . . � � . I . . . . : Men's Suits � .. . * : I 4 11 J. I i. - . . I. I I .. .. I . . I . . . . . I a . - 0 -460 -0 -vi -e . "61414"&_Wi"�_­� - . .. . - I . 7 , . ­ . , � " '. . � �� � : . . 00 . ..4.:::. 11. � ; I , . . I . Savings Rallfk_-Drahch - I . ,.. : to Order. . : "I . I.... � turneO, home for the Z.tnkis holidays. , - . . . ... ... � - '. I ++ . . '.. . I...'' I I I . : * it - � ...... �. . . - . .Our S-avings Aitiik Bran- � - I . � ,.: , .. f . � + ch is espeolill� the most , , _� : %^.�� . . :_., ad vantageous to -all de. , I X ;1 -, : , - I positors. A deposit of $1 - . . . I .. . Our Tailoring bepartmelib , . , isappreei'atedasinuchat � . . ., one (if a much larger A.m. ....- . hag been too busy to'SILY a good ��.;: - :, .otwnt. Interest allowed:. . I % . word for itself since the .. � , 1. . � , .�rorn'dAte of depimit until . : rll�l-t began, and it is only now -- , that we can begin to take ; — - , � 'd, to'of wiihdrawal. 3 per . ( _ tit per anillim, colup"U. I , b- enth. I i . � d i , . ;j , Allf +yParly, .� . - .. . . . + � *` ' I . : .Alr NVilliani - Davidson, of OraAdla, . ' . I . , � � I .. . . . � I . . . I .. : . . Have you ordered your.**. . .. I . - ,4&iil..&--O--oi,fi.;0.4"6..�O.S..*.,O..*.*i.i..*.!I _., I . . I I . I , : . I � � . . .. . 6 .. .1.. . Fall Suit yet? .. . " plined. to think there rwill be,j Ifor �*_ vious reasons. Several Atizens' axe . ._ ; % 1� . . ­ I . 4 � .* . . I i . I . . . . .1. . I . � . I . . . : . I . . - ' I . . The"Soverelb Bank : We invite you. to come and havP :- . 0 li, few of their friends last 1hursda.y, . ­ . . evening when quitu all enjoyable even7 . - I I . , ., � — , - . .. . - a look tit the I'Ll-gesb and flocist, : stock 6f imported Worsteds, - A ,- . I I.. � . I . . . . I I . . of, Qilada, :: . Tweeds and Cheviotg fit the .- . . . - . wayitti�,�Ig �lio early setting ill of Will- . - . .1 . : county. !. oil, Many of his.friends are tr I . IV to induce . him to consent. to run 1�9 - . � . . I - . .. I I 1. . . . Our prices are moderate, Wbile " - - +"0#+#;604'"#4i"+*#### -. we give you all the style, fit and : 1, - , . . . , , . . I I . : - H nish to be had in any city. a : � . .Mr, (�. 11, llewstoi� was in' London. ,. . I . . . . la"it Vriday 01i'llusiness. , . . H.� To.', RANCE 11tr. I o. . . I � ad games anet6music ina c'up tile am- . . . I I . I . . I d MAY GO T 0 u *NrG,r,A.1TD, ..- ' ilseu ionts 6f.ille.. ev i lfg., � . ' envy the ar. Id a orter. - - I . V .�,xp . � . t. . , : 11 do A . 41 . . . I . 1. . 1 CLUNTON, - '' .. .. . . : . 1. -��� . 61. . . I . . - . . . ­ . � . .. . . . I . . . .4 . I . . 1� . � . I . I . . - . I I OUR ..... . : Dx\,.a.ady=made . � � Clothing . I .. ! Department , . . IS now cot . liplete with all the newest deqigns in JWOrsteda and Serge Suita. . I In Tweeds 9,11 the new stripes, . .� � , ! Fail Overcoats ill the very I . I :: latest styles. I : Youths' and.Voys' 19tilts in 411 : btyles, . . F3111all tioys, nobby tw(l-VlecO ' yoke New York sultst made ' trom A006d serviceable,01-W001 : tweed, dark grey ground, it' it neat AtriPe' I pattern made yoke- - : box pleats,ind lielt flnisbed1with . . : farmer's 64in linings, $ 4 9 sizes,ga to 28, price, soldu . .. - T. Jackson, SIN I ­ I I 1.,-p+.:­J-1+1-t+H4+++of - M ' � OT . JX CLUB SHOM I THE SALE Or, NVE�,STF,,RN ITORSU% THE 140C.41,,' MARKET. ' CIIRVSTMAS� MEWS. ' I . . � BayrxeM. ; . ; ) � Tile Gun Club will hold & .short I Tile 80-10 Of Western horses, which Wheat 750 to . 700 I our knights of 0he cleaver, V itzsi- . I . Mr William Rae and doxghter,Mrsj, ; . � , Shoot an Christmas Day, a OnlimMing 'the took plado in the, Yards Of tile, COnl- OQLtS 27c � I - I . mons & ,Son I For(I & McNeil i and J. ' I McCallum at Befg!raye, passe0i thro,411, ;, at r.3o, V. M. fourth shoot Pfor mercial .hotel on S�,turday last; was Barley 37C to 380 1. ., I -Scrutott, have their ,uguaA large suplAy the village On, Saturday on their way, ; the Mitchell tropky will tak a piece on' very taqoly tittended. The Nddirig Peas 600 to 65c . of Christmas meats. lit few places to attend the 1uncral of the late XrA ;New ;. I Year's Day, I . I I was fairly brisk- aua %loSt of tile I -or, Butter 15c to 16c outsde the cities dothe butchers carry , . . John 11ornor of Drysdale. . . . � ;, , 1h I CLINTON WINS FROM EXETUR. - gas were disposed of, . . 349,98 x7c to 18c. - prepared 'such a large Stock, spoel4lly I Mr. - John McLeod ol� Gravenlitt rst I 1i I I . . . The first hockey match di tile � . THOUGHT im wAsN,T co-w1INOj WILLIAM JACK6OX CHAIRED, - for the season as in Clintrilit. � . . . returned on Tueg4F.�y tok,)spend,, his . � Xmas holidays witlt hiA family. I 4 'i ' Sea, son took place -in the rink on Friday Mr. ,'X. McGowan of Huron Colleg Yesterday the employces, of the Jack- QHRIMAUS IN ST, JOSHPIPS, . . Mi$.$ Carrie Alac4onalflk and'sis'Ur. I . 111 -law, Mrs.'George Alacclotwid of*rr ; ; evening last when, the IccfLI ripk de. feate'd Exeter by a) score of io to !7, 'Tile Clinton t4iltit preached ill Alideloton't,1 cLurell. t last soil Mfg, Co,. Presented � the senior Sluld%j�rbut owing to the imp ' ressilm member, of the filint, Mr. W.6Jacksozi, 'the 'clioir of St. JOSeph's �hurch, .which has roubed a high state of pro- Ila, arrived on Tuesday 4venluv to . Spend Xmas with the form4r's parents, � . � I � I *9) Brewer,- C, F S com . , ort.er, I% JSi1P1y15`5nrta%11WA1d' !a that t a would ivot be il. Supply there with a very . handsome Morris cha4r, was no Service in tile 1-1-ol-mesville or not by any meaus as an, intiIII)atioll, ficieudy, under ilia ablo- ltmee wskip of I Rev. -Father vells.01111cault" has been Alosrs. Will. Sallidarsonand Samue� I � Eirwill of Alaticolouia, Mich., have re - � ; IN'llitely, J. Dobarty, - W, Johnston. Sunimerhill churches. Mr. McGowan that they would like him'tor take practising � for 11111 � Sallie t' a for ite ser. � turneO, home for the Z.tnkis holidays. , ; . . . � . . will cou6ict service, ill the. parishaiext, things easier from � a. in- to 6 p. M., . , vices to be held in thaq church ou Mr. Johli, Bailey, wlic, has been, sail� - : . � . I S R A TJ 14M4 COUXCJI,LO Sunday, . I . . but ,,ard . . as an- expression 00. iheir , rat . . . :for Christmas Day, A rich musical treat . . . -for . ing On the lakLS tjie p st seas ,,, r I I � a Oil e, . I . . � . I I , . I . � I I him, It came as a genuine sur- MAYORALTY CANDIDATU4. . Is In store the coilgregatim: I ttlinee, home ,saturd;3;y. - . . I � I . I . . . . I ; The News-Wcorei. is oat making, any I � . . PriSe, but ,Ila was -quite c<#Aal6 to the . ' APTLE '_,SII.11!Pu $�S, HARD 1,-Vcx. . Air. , James Attwood of Bcq Mills, � I I . wagers f.s to whether or nort.there . Mr. J, B, Havver informed Th,c News- occa$ion,and ,juado a next reply. . I I Mich I is llot-Ac for his Xmas holidays. I . � � will be a municipal plectiou in., Cliln- . ing that hL would in . . . . . . . Apple exporters are not tile ljf�kjast I . : .Alr NVilliani - Davidson, of OraAdla, . ' . . ton cit Jan. 4th, lint is rattell in- to TX)r tile A $ILVII:R WEDDING. �� . all probability bc.,�,canidida . 0 f lnortals. They ina,y wind ill) One . .North Dakota; is visiting frie d i . In a. I:m I I . plined. to think there rwill be,j Ifor �*_ vious reasons. Several Atizens' axe .. . Mayoralty. , He ji 1�*io Well and fa,v- . . i . � A very prott�r event,took place at orably known to need any, introduc- Season's operations: Successfully, but tile chances are a sluilip ill the-iniliket . . ilia noigliborhood. . . . . .Mr. and Mrs. W, Mustaxd entertain� . I being spoken of as likely to - bleconle .candidates, one of wfic�nl, is Mr. W. Q. tl a home of Air. . W. Fast Wednesda Con- ' I ,y . � evening when about forty guests) as- We ure not award that Mayor Jack- I I the following year' will more than wipe our - previous profits,. This sea- . 0 li, few of their friends last 1hursda.y, . ­ . . evening when quitu all enjoyable even7 . - I I . Smith, a level-headed prkdtiomIL, .;b,&n sentbled t son 116's, yet stated his ill-tentions. Hi o celebrate the silver wee4- S ing of that wortty couple. 'Mr, and Solt s tqeduicd to be goilig their 1119 was sPollt- � ' . . . I I . I � . . Alr,.�F�d. 1,1�*esLon who woridd ,be an, addition t6*-qi'cOun- wor4ip has presided over the deliber- Mri, Fa wayitti�,�Ig �lio early setting ill of Will- of Detroit returned . . I . . I I 11clue, last oil, Many of his.friends are tr I . IV to induce . him to consent. to run 1�9 ations. Of tlie council for the rast two Ratterril)-ury street parsonil!glo by Rev. years with rare dignity, in con-. Dr', Fowler e Pitt tkein t& a lot ofi extra expenw so lind also ruined much, of Their. -to.- weals. .. � I - I . Miss J411a and Master Harry Cam- � .. - ' . . , it is q,ttite,lyassible he in" do so: ., . , a, and setticel down gregation of rounicipal dignitaries 'n giu- lie ton they hvve ,k it, transit. A-ud to ii,ake things. , V . I I I cron Spent Armay in Clinton" . . . I . . .. A 13USINESS CHANGE, ' ' ' .. where ever since #h,ade .Would be cuo Of tim - first loi attract their home. . After. tea ha0i 0,-er' WY-' I attention, Still - wors4 there wa,; a drop ill lj� iceS The a, �. erage, business man ncee4 no; � . .Mr, (�. 11, llewstoi� was in' London. ,. . I . . . . la"it Vriday 01i'llusiness. , . . . . . I � � . . . . � Xr. A, J. 'Holloway has ;6ispos . ed Of . . I � ad games anet6music ina c'up tile am- . . . I I . I . . I d MAY GO T 0 u *NrG,r,A.1TD, ..- ' ilseu ionts 6f.ille.. ev i lfg., � . ' envy the ar. Id a orter. - - I . V .�,xp . � . I . Mr. V. Gardner spullt� Sunds,34 int . . . ­ I . . Clinton; � . . . his . tallorili,g . and gent -A lurnisbing, , I business to Mr. J. 'W. Newcomile' who . .an , I I I I I . � . .. . . . . I . . . I . . . A team of- twenty �or thirty lawn BURNED OTJT.. . � .. I � � . I . . . . . � Miss Susio 1�&.rk . -a ofoDetroit is home ' - . , for the Xmas-liolidays-- . . . . . . I . . - . . . ­ . � . .. . . . I . . takes possession in ... February.. Mr.. Newcombe: - I b0iwlers sclected.,..koin . the differen,t I . 'Air. Thos. Tilil . . I .1 I . . i -ng,- wlicf'was at ..ote .1 Given'Arx Easy Chair. . Mr, W, Rub-inson, prilicipal, and.Miss .� .' . - . I . . � i . is an onetgetic. �oung man . who, goes after tradd in. a brisk' Uhtaric, will wilke, a . ­ I time,baggage, master at the - G� T.R. tolur of -14tiglanid, lipland and. Scotland I . . . I . I . . .. .. , D&Iryrnple, assistant .of tile ,'publiq .. I . � . . . .. I School ,left fcr their 'liolnus last week - I . . . . and gtreces9ful way., . � . I . � . . . station; Clinton.,. and;' durktig June and July next. The trip the grocery -busin subseque . ntlyi iii ess in. Goderich, -but . 7 - . . .t�, m0i tho,Xinas hGlida�s, 1.�. � . I . Spa I I . . , Oil. the? i-4'th of.Febiruary it.,will . be� . Awenty �e rs since Mr., Hollowa�y lie -' .1 . , a , wil. last about clgl�i weeks and tile who ha,9 been. a rrying on. I a, klerier . 0. cost is estimated at, $5oo per inam'bcr� store at. Gttswole,, Man.,N* for. s . I -, . . 1. . �1! ep" I 1: � ... I I . I , ,,,� . rl. Mrs. . . . I � . .. . . . (Dr.) - �;mitji, who. has [been . . . I . visiting iriends in I,oudon. for: tile past�� . . . , I gall 'to earl t iloring and h4lias.ed 4 ft- . I sortno The , teani will ..b(,. Selected by t1k, a* time, Suffered a -sevei� loss lately, his _ '.1"; I 1. I .11 �, I 1. . . I . � : E, I , I I �. I . , ri I , '. few weeks, returned home last week. . -4 1 . I . I I . . . . � tinned . -ver since. in the business e As &.6litter 'he. is Scarcely exceillod. & 9cutive of the, , ' Onta�io L. B', Associa-:' Store, and'cotbt-ents,l together. Nvith-.tll tipn .from ilia Ii-st present44,, ,by' ill . I 0 his. - : � .. - 1. , ,��, , 4 , . I � 11 I 11 . 11%-. I � i AIr. Herber t Johnston'61, Kill6ardine . . . I . . . I I .1 .1 . I Was 'called home last week on.account . , J's suits fit sung,and wear louV.Li.ilib . '� Liotischold'furnitute lJoing destroy- varfous clubs. :'EEieli club With W mPln- ad by fire. ' , . I .. . I I - I ... -1 . . . . I . 61 his inother's'illaess, '; ,.' . ' ' . . . . thinks of taking a tr'l,'p t6 il�14'6 West . . I , .next spring. : " . I . I . . I . � bershili .of forty - is entitled'to submit I � . � 1. . I . .kt . 141r. Thos. - Afacdoualdf,, iorin rly of . wo llalnles�, . . I � . 1. . I e ,�', "n, , . """", . 1,, . � I ' - I � . Rev, W, ,15. Graham all Goderich, - ,� . . I. OceuPi6d . ill-. puipi�.&f tle Methodist : I 11 'a �, � . I . � . I . ; . . . . . I I . . ADECRMBAR WBDDIX.Q. 'Tile Clint . . . . .. I Byth, owner of.tlie hotall at .Griswold : Oil � c ict Mcnd; . I . I 11111) ii ay. even- was also *iped bt of Ila iso and -1rome ing ,*�id decided to. salutift to) Lho, ex- ., 01 .1 . . . � ' 1. ,�, I . 11 I : __`1 . I . I 11 . I church last Suuday lovellingl. i4 the . . . . I 1. . . � � interests of the Missionaxy ,5ociet . . I Y. . -. . . I . . . .1 . . I The residence of Mt. Robert Pe4rson, . . ' . by the. game, fire, . I. , I ecutive tile nap es'cvf NA�. Jackson and . .. . . I I . I .J. Taylor; one of.whoth will very Ilk& "MUCH PVRITY OF �' TOXV I I:— � I . . � . . . I ii,ond, of I 1. . I I . Miss Red -i Mar4ettc, A1161,, is , . . . . . . .. . visiting; her ,parents, ., Mr. - and I ,Ws, -.. : . I . . .. . of the- 4th Liliei Gray township, was . 1Y ba, chosen a meinher of the..tcaul.' * ' .. . . 1. ..,. ' I . 'George 11arkQ, of this vicinify.' ., !. . I I I � ; tile scene of a prdtty. event last even-� m. I I � I , . '. , Ili its raport'af the Christmas clos.: I ., � . Them will be; divine service lit Trin- - ' ' . - I ing w1en his daughter, Mary E., .**as . � ' . . . CHRIS,TAIAS WEER AT ST. P*AUI,'S. .111g concert of Alma, College the St.' J � � , . .'. . I church on Xmas' Day. at :io a. in,. . ' �. . .. I � .. *�, � , . y1l. united'in niatiftnonial - bonds � to' - Mr, * A_W. Beaconil, son orf Mr; - David Bea-. . . . . .1 ; I . . . . . . Thomas: Times had the.-fo,ilowing.'. - I The usual inceting of- ther A. Y. P.A. "'Miss' Lillian Andrew% OF : CId , . . .. ' ' ivas held ntop I . I I . . . . I . . . . . . George.A. Rorke.f - 1� regular Xmas service and' offeriing " ;1 I . .. .. . . . I I will be oil -Sunday next at '4ayfiel(51 , . . * - - . -, . cow, of. Hullatt. The* ceremony was ' I . performed'by.-Rev. Mr. Wells of -Ethel iii'8t Paul's sckbol-1 . , 11 'Ouse Ott sang Neidlinger's 'pretty CIrist .`66sclay- eveni ' I . . I Inas I . ug. The� prograrn ,zpn- . . , "The . , . I , . . . . � I . ; _� . .. � � . .. .. . . Goshel; and Varna,, . . I. . I . I � .. . . . . I : � ,'Ilia English church :Kinas Tiee is set I I ill the. presence of A number of friend%- . I Of the eon�trdctffig !'the bfide . soug,: . 11 Birthday. of the Xi sisted, of, Cill,i still as. carols I . . 111,91 - . and, read- 'Shawililg a :Sopiano, voice of tpu6ll PUT- , ingst tbd� lAtte''r inctfiding, stori ' I . I * , as a - ATr i , George A -Rorke is ail� act Ave member Of Weslov. church, djjiLcially ' . .. . � � , . . . I.. . I I .. t . : � , ­ . I I . for tile 3oth of Ded. . . . - . � . . �.. I I ., Alr, Deal. of partieS. , . I ' -i% said to-b;a one'pf Ithi mnost cli4rnl- - ' ' '. I Yout' it y of a 1 -tone and a p,roper conception ' . . . . etc. Tte 0 .a art dUsingizig," I ... . Chri.stmas, ,Sailta Claj�s, mc. - I tl. � - so in:ihc%Suiidak ;chool. - . . - - Vor ,several 'I ' i. lie has fl led the dif. . Higgins B�rucafleld­,wap,j , ... . . . : . . : I .: - it, tc;wn 0 busiu�ss one day last weeki ' ' * * I I . 11 , *1 . .. ing youngla,01cs %in Grey., whilo'the .. groom who is -:W,W-kno,%�L ,In. Clinton I I . - . , � will,be n6. li,Qeting. og.the,A. Y. Ir. . . 1 . . . . , I I .. I 1:1 * 'k -00'. . I . I I . Miss% Andrews, . returned hothe last .. next w. :.1 I 1. .. � . I . � 'week year,s satitawliat f i'lil . positic4i 6f icachor' of the BilAe . ..I the . " I . . I -1�1 takiii tip' the, fai_'. "..: . I � , WOOCI dutting � . � .. . . . : _ , . g I I . . I . t., - , ". _ , , . . . . 8v an( litany onquiri:es excee - . � I I ntlon..110 I d and Goderich * Tp., is -very pc,pular. They - I . . and. oil .Sunday� 6v6lllll.g . The. alintial Xmas Trc� 'and Stindav 11 I . .,.� ... . assisted I � I tie song service in, the: Ontario. I' s : and lafge attendancu is. -a- as - �"- dicati've of U14 appraci�tlor4'22A which . I ... I 1. . " 'the tiianufact;urd Iiiii; -in.'timo all will - p;.'.'... : � I I .1 I . I will take tip hous6keep; n, r On . the grco- frils, farm near Harlock. "Congiatulat- ; school -_entaritaniftient. St. Pald's 'at �, . ,Of , � StTL church "'rendering a - i6l Sund�y School was licIc"vin't1le, . I o which 'flip I Ill.% s,drvicas ard held. . 'Tnefi . ">at$ of I reqcivQ th�irt:shaie. - - I. . . I :..� 11 ��.. I.- � .. . . I .. ,11rs, Boyce; Mrs MdLellaft *and Nits �. - :-.- , , , ,. I ioug,llijei kood.-wialics.. -. 1: � .1 .. . . I . . 1. . . . .. to( . )1u31O`a'N1,'cduemda-,, evenilig. T1 school vQr much pleased the congregation - . ke Tree. ,. ' y ,. . . . I I - ' .. I . I . . . the cla.§s.took advantii:glo Of .the Chris- - � . . . tinas sea..�on to lm!.�erit,hiin withl, a -1 . I . ­ � ., . , I Lena Bo�cc -all of Paiki-ill, are gues- . . . . .; �, , , . . 1. ... '.. I . . .. . . I . . �* I . 11 . � DEA!tI -I . OF MRS, ­WASH I ., TON., , look6l . L ( very well, luec�'di and: �hc at- $134.2,r* FROM, 2 ACRES BEETS. . W_ I , a� L,q1 - T - - teudauc� .4 S JI.Slial, large,. : . I . . .: Alofris chair, just stich-a phaii: as 41111 .. . Ls at -the f�`CtZry- iot -the IiWidays.'.� . . I L . .. 1. '�. ' ' . . ,. . 1. 7 . . , , . .. . . . . . .. . uq-0se, . . I �Last . . Thursday -,. *evening -la , S . . . .NG . I . . � � .. .. . . I 'Mrs. Elizabeth Nllashingt6u,, w1lb-bas 1 I . .he . ,, I . lnllsical�� And literar,y pr I agrain . wag On-11o)ALY Manager Freil�h of the I . . active Tuan. cqu. ell' work .. . . Joy -Khun his. ,liay's , is 4yer, - ; I . m. ' � .. . .1 party, coilsisting of the Bayfeid. Eng- � . , . � L: . I .. �- '' . ; .. . . . : - ,, , been a resident ,of 'Clinton' 1for �ovor , under the direction �f Ali-ss-MeXaligh- .House olt l4efug,6 received $i�4.�i k- , ' I I ..* . '' . . , :-,,, . � i . .. . . . . . � . . I . . . .. — .- . - lish ,, church -cctigregatl� droppeei Jn, �. :. ,! . . I . � I ' I . . . two decades, etied .on, jVfiday l�st aged ton and'.AliSs Cluft'and Via'way.itiw s- the- la6rlim Sugar Beet Ccl:�ipany to I . a . t. I 'ilia- 1. .. . . ,suddailly at .the rry aild took, pQs- 1, - ..,. I . .. ' . . �, '.' ' . .. .1 . I . I � : 86 . y I a& . rs� Hqr'husband long, Sincepre- . .. ',Mrs'. received . by audience. sliov��d,' Aow two carloads of beets. -Tke . . .1 1� Shipment NV&I 'these y0ung lacljies hae( perforibed Was Crown oil IWO 4cres and I after . . I . . . , . I % . ... . . . : ­ .. � . . . . . . , % Varna. - . I . session.' .0le ladies brouilli all giiaii�,' . � . . I � . ' I . � . � I . - i IlLr of - things while the plitlemen,. by, . . . ,. � aecoistd,ber- Washington was a thor6ugh She' had, . � ' thefirlidr.t.'. of �,`rath�r di*J)lcult.1 -,task. P4Yin&' 14-50 for seed and $22,56 for - : ,. ,, . I . � ". � . . . . . `ruosday . I . . :. - I tho hdnd,4DvJ�1V.,.BLtley, F.. Scatchinere, . � . I . . ., I .. . .�Christian'wormau. � l6ug 16een conmectad with the Rattan-: The Xmas Tree was licavili laden and. freight netted the above, amount, Tho� . - �.. Oil of" la�t week' Ill 'Jo r. . Im' A Naftel' and W.' 10li6tt, deposited - . . I . . . - - , - . . . .. . bury strecto Methoilist churck and 'Wag Salt, Clakis .worked - v&y Itard, to . w6rld Was ,done' .by cat?"airt 6-f tile 'No flli'e ,I)anby �of OoderipitoNvils.hipi Alal�ng' . . I . W)Odt 80, liushels'of ,cqts ih the stable - ,. . I .. . . . . , . . .. . an..active member of the Ladies" Aid please . dvdrybq*1v. . I admission. fee 'inmates )of tile- 11116u�c. Alana�g�r c Oc asiOn to come to' tile village hitch- and. the evening was sp cut in gamew,' ... I . I . i , . . I ' ' . . , _ - I the'.W,. 0. T. 'U. and,.- the W. A . society, wa-,� pbarge4 and hilleli off the success French has.s6ven adies'of IsAid'ill-good " . I ad up bis� 'Uanx and Started. Ue h&id. .music an6 partaking of the'good things , - . �. I . . . I .. . . 1. I I Slid was the !motb!ar of"eigh.t6en p1hild- of tile evening was due to'Mr. .W-., condition'. for ,b�et ' gr6wingi and it is' Webb '.iidl IAS not. PrJQ N ' cry far qu tile road wheA I:.(-, provided;. At the, close the rector - . . . . . . I I . ' : ' � � . � ran, tho,�6nly- onds ii�t home b6ng Ez ' "a - The -c . ­ assistant% frio'ni �tho S. expected. tle' output will be much im- I . . S. library,departluent. . .1 . 'cre'ased.next year. He a 1 I , I onip aln$,'Ver , met his n6ighbor, Mr. John ReUllwqll, ce .Wbolli.,he iu4uired. if ill c- road. wa� calleei tha assetribly - to- order. and in, � � . � . I . fe-w- . - ­ : . .. . * I 0- . wdzes expresse . � - I . I d- his gratitude - . %, . and,. Misses Li7,zic . and Mdggi� - remains Were taken. oil) M6lldwy). � to � ' Olt ' Christmas Dav,.Vridayi ' iiier . c' jilstly, that ,lnen-'able, to. do Some 11VOTK . . . ' 'tat I VrOken through, to. Varna,,' Alr. Rath� I . . . dor tha_p�oplels, gi . ft " and. Qu. Qhal& at - . . . I . I I . . I .. . I . p . -, i�wi thd � later- Darlington .. near -04.. c,,ck�, &, are sent. tO the - House *4 the fall (and 1,01111 be diVinc service, - ri. Oel . . wall replied that lie did not. kno*i .but. . Mm Jennings and kimself thanked the. %, . . . ' I . I . � ..� 1, , ment taking place in the .bid family. ' - m,:ilt w1lichl.-tht-reelor 'Will * Preach. allGwed to leave when the:wanIll weq� . lie, iilso Nvanted sb'uic things froni as , . . ­ .. . . rogation' for another happy _"_ '. . I - . kilid.. Colig. . I . . - ' ' ' . � . . � � , plot in the ceniete * there, . - . , There vVill, also 'be' a' -cc) 61)'�ati'on, of the that ,c*dS, wteft ould ithailie. ' tile , c . L j6. along'witl Pill ,the Store Ile VOUIC i hi 1, ., I . I . , , - n ich h , . -as bc6n added to the.many, . . I . . I .1 .. � I I . Iry . . I . Three sons of'(16C'easeek, Rev. George holy coinilf-unioll at that .ser -,ice,- The Sallie - return for �beir kyeep dtiri�i ,thp . .. ,I I i ..� .They got along all -right until 'a f6 -,,v rods the ' , . � . 0 , . ­ . .. ,� q .. . . . . . ... . I here ill shape lo� ' . � � '.. .T� , . . . Washington' of Stoullville, ,, Levi of . . 1, -ter ,months . ladies of the -church: are eiLc . . . . . Orating t it NYIIIJ . I .. , � o I I I . I I qiing ivith, tfie fe��&I nat- � .. . .. 6ureh in kee, scuth, .., o,f , ,big., gully'.. w1wrl the horses:plin ' ig6 -ir . id ,into, a �argO.drift ,are - ..: � . . . . . 1. , . . . lit not everyone; wil�l be � . - . I I . � I . T' � 61 Dakota, acepan oronto and DaVie 1. the rem.a%nS't'O DaXlifigtOlb, Two. . . S E u re , of ilia tlicca�iolr. all(t,tlle Illusid ,A, CHRISTMAS SOING . ERVIC . , , � I ... and -stuck fast. They had to unhitch Uic,'fence ..� � . a turkey. The Jbirdi is . .. ... S . . I . ... I I . I . . I panied daughter,% from a distafice, Mrs. Tre- . I . * . . . '. .. .� � - I wlll,.� as usual., IiL aiii . )rc.,priaCe'. ".. . . % � .. . -. . . . I . I .. I . I .1 . il iiinsical porti,olt.of the XWsjp . . . . the team, take Codwii . and get. iiija Mr. W. D'eimison's�'fidld in:which, not very plentiful,ill thl� vicinity.:- . . 1. � .1 1 I . .. . I . .- I * Celtift ,33aylleid No- 114 le t � ,the - . . a 9 a ce . I . maire of Smitliville and Mrs � Anu.ig. of . . I .1 'Huroll, .. . . i . ___�-. Song'service .will be repeAted in the � . . I i they kept until. they rea clied!tho Vill-'. . . .. . . � following 011icers , . . . . 1. . � ... - . - .Port were also. holme.' .. . . . I . . . I .. . I . . I .. - I . . � . . .. . � I I . I . . .Ontario street. Mdthodis� church next � . I 'a ilia road not -having been brokail, a) . .. . A. Valconar, C. R. � . . . .. . . . I I . � . I . . i . I . . . . . . . , .1 I . . I . _ �. .. PRA'1�11 OF CI-IARr,,r,,s COOPER. . . . I . ,Sunday, eveuin'� and a, few.` addi ional I. t!, �,A­Risiag' Politician; ' , : t � ;, . I . .... ... �,_ : , -nuuibeii'will also be�'gilven. 'The ad- . . � . . I I- Irgom Suii(lay�s storni. ',Mr. D64inison. hmd, ill c� s111111 . 1`1011CA beford:11a i e tw 8- - ' ' . . - - . . _NVI J. Brandon, V. C.,R_ - , . .. I . I . .. 11, Drehinami r4iii.-Sectutary * � — � . . I . I . . � . I , . .. ­ 11.1 f, - .. . . On Tuesda�. -morning the Isad . news. " , "shed over th6* wire -fronl'� Vancouver, . B.. C., that Charles Cooper, tbirei ,son � of, Mrs,, W, Co6p6r and brother of Mr. '' I A. T. Coo,per, ha,ei dicid ill. the lios- - pi-tal. (it that city the night previous. - ,. From the in ' cagre Information to )land' it is learned tlia0he had:bdeft �11 with , upileudicitisi that an opetatioT46 liad I . be -at he SUCCUMbed .. . . 'at porforined. anei U . I shortly afterwards, The. body is -now . Y4ug 1hrought-I&,st and iq lexpected. to . ��, arrive". ill � ,Clinton oil Monday ov Tues- � : *ddy.next,. ' ' ­ . , " . I I .1 . . . � . Mr. � Cooper. 'for several; 'years, -repi* : ­ sented'a, Port Arthur.firm, in, whose, in- terests he.visited the principal points ' . in Mahitoba, t , lie Territories audBri.t.' ish ColumVia.: His e4spbsitionwas es '� ' . 90 I �io I ona, arld. he was - very * pular ;i`t.,1A,II,m!itb' whom he, camd IPT don- . . tact. . Ile was thirty-two . years of - I 'The a -go. - family did not ;know kif 1 -is , illness so that, -,the - news of his tdetatb I was, ind.ced,� a terrible shO4 to them. It. furtbir impresses, upon us the un4 A-J r Ur . . I dresses will be different from, last Sun-- I . 0 �rate Bcatti6 6f �Se6f4th. for trcs .- I . p as S 1 . .1 ,A.. 4� .. �. . -%-1 . ' . X. Lilrwln� Acc,-Sec. an6 Tr"s,. clay but.will. be in kee fte .with.' the .. iug� 'on hli' property- and. -, .they were. . . '. � . , �..' I . , I . � ltev,._Mr. Jexitlieg's, clialilaill" . .. , I . . I .. 11 , . - '­ . . Occasion. The fo_lJ6w#11`;i .,will . bb the . _ fiited'- the fine and.costs i­uiiitui�ffig. to. , I I .. . I . . -� Dbtie.'Bailie, " S. �V. . I .1 . .. .11 . . ... : I � , : � . . . .. order of service,.'- . , . 11 . . , . � . ' $6,8-' each. They li shipe plitcad the a ' ' , ave .. . , . J.. . . Irmi. Lilliatt J , W* . . I - , I:* �'. , I .. � I - ... , - . ..... I!. . mi- � . . I . Chair Inv6cat i( . matter before'the aounc4' and ive ep . . . � I , � - R B I - . � . � . . . . - . . . .. . � a " �3 B� ai�ic , Hymn 108. .I ,. . , . I . not know who. an . 4y.have to. pay tile . . 1. . . � 1. . . I 'a ) . - , I L J . 13 . . . . . It , , . Prayer . I I . . . ,. . I. . �. I . ' next �'cost , s. This is- always a bad piece � �t�. 'W�Z)ds. and Smitki,,11hy,icians. I .. . . .. I I 1. 1, I I . . � - I Sol, . I . : _, 'Star, -of lQ111chalult- , ' .of road ,in .winter: and -is quite a . I . . � I - . . I . .1. . I . I . . . . .. . . . 1. * . . . . � .. . . I I % Mr . - , ' .drawback , tq_,.the business r.c6ple of . � � . I . . I � � . � .. . . . � -1 , . Antheiln:­ . "Glory. to God, � --choir . 1411tse ' the Villago as wall as a gteat,iiitoll- I 'farmers . I . . I I � I . 1. , ' 1. . .., I . I Hullett To'wMhi I � . P I I Solo by Mfg,; - 0 At I IJ o4s is King"-Mcsdames . uintL c- veitience, to tlfd in that sectioLn ' f' Goderich. township who got' their 0 -deal I . :. , . ., - I � , , . , � I ... I '.. . I . I 1, . I I . I I Owing, to� the serious illness pf 1AIr. � , . 1. I Cook Ross, Gibbings, Messrs. I ) � Harland and Rosg , : mail , ]tore and also dd ai �Jreai. of other'bu'siness, -Ive,think it is high I I fieury Warren,''which llLLCS1i1LatCS- iiii I . . . ' I . . , , S.010­-,�Birth of tile xingll­- I . I. . . I I I time the coundil, should-talce'tho mk)1- I re-tilement'.1rom. our : - . . � . . I � ; . inuiXicipal cotin . I . . c.il,jll. wliich�he hils.xciidert.4 good .. �.. "., . .. � . . 4 I Miss, Lillian Audjo*s L .. Atk1rosa - - I. . � . I . : V ' ' . � I tLrin hand ar.d hav4suit'able, -'wire, fences. created -oil roads sudit ,as. tliis� . � . .. I service for the past, two ycars� there . . . ­ . . , _ . I 11 : . � % Anthein.-I 1W.hilp. Sliepileids. Watched"'-- I I . I . . , NVe.balievp the Oniario. 610411US Kivu . . . . I will be, -a va,c. -for - WILICII IMI!, S. - - . I . I . incy 111�Cool has, been requested to.tiffai - ... '. I . I I I �. 'Choir I . � . . k . . I - . . Solo by Miss Shiplay the powcr't�, ;O to do. - - � I Mr;, J. X. 1Wmvell his engag&d ' L bimselt; Mr., AleCool is :nigh ' t ' ' , . . : : � . * lyles CLIA, . . 1.� .' . . Quartettoo--l!9O Room f�.r The Babeli- I Ali$$ With' Canicron, of llayfield , as � , : who know him as. a mah of . I I . : 411 1) . . &bali`sye-'11�rll,,� (I strict integrity, .4p. has . i . . Mosdaines GiblAugs' and Ross,_ Messrs, Ross aft(l Harland.' clerk ill his big. trellurall Store. . , Tho.-Publid. scli661 closed oil Tues6ay .1 I . . . . be a ot S. ,%, No ' , . S . . . . AdKlros� � I I I . I. . . � � night and the teacher, � Mr. G, Shore, . for ,8 I . Uvexal year's. Ile Will.. miike a � . . � good councillor ane, lives. lit a corner . . Solo, Duet and Chnxus�"Thc Alta . Song" -Choir, solo Mr, Har and has. om, to- his.holne at Markesaldip , spellf. thv holidaye. ThL School . . . (if the. township ,which chould,50 repre- . , . . I .1 Solo and Clicrus-I'The"il. We �ylay Vot ,Xnias I will. kc-opon, on the - 4111. 'Of Jalllili�y, I ,. se-nt4d, As it h" become the custafti, � , , . . f- h__ .- .... I- I I +., .. �1 ...M- �_ = My 0 �e. . . . I . I . I . . Porgat'l—Mr. Norman Xurch and 19,04.' - . . ... .. . , ,F. . "� . � y . . � 1. I I . . . . . . � � I I . I . the county councillors are chosen and . � . . � I . Peter� W. Scott, . . �. C1101r. - I I . I.- . ...AAlcrry Xttias'Wall.' , ' . I I . . . i MODEL SCHOOL tXADN.. I . . � . . I . . HVITIR 746, . . . .1 . . I I Court, Varna C. O. F. intend hold, I thus affect ' a gaving of "Oftut $%oo, t . . . I 1 . I . I. I tetc� NV� Scott, eldest soll'of 'Mr. ', I . , I . . I J� 9' the probability is that Air. .XcCool � I I . . r-nd concert carly irithe now year, I . I I I ...., I . . . .. . T116 result of the O&I SC11001 CXL David - Sc I . . . . .. . � .. ',%T 6 Atis will 'be Spared to �mako this and the inainitip . members of , the . � - .. I .- I 01tt, olle of. the piolla'ars of . G I)a I . � I .. . . .1 . . . antilmition is given below. - Students )�ast Wawallosh, was bOrik lit that A, CHRISTMAS TRUZ, . __ -I V ,A. . tha-prescut council will,be m1turnedby . . . , lLeady-made .� . I Clothing I A chance th4t never before -Ras been given the buyers.. of Ready-made Clothing. . . I . . .We have a lot of Tweedk that we are going to make . � cheaper than you would got the same quality Ready-made, 0 . This is 4 genuine bargain. If you have . been in the habit of buying Ittadpm.4de clothing, I I 1 . 4,111�­ u,WlI Give "ab'dhatled &III vollwir tee thAt the oltil bilm W6 am miikingupatthukli�iklforicaVvilI , laot RLA to aN any two of tho ordinary 11MY-MMos, , - A6 36 H6110wity. 1111W r (y I who Obtained 76 liar cont.( of. the inar- ks are giv6n honors owd _those 4 Wl. .0, I . . . � towift,061y -thil-tv sevcn years ag0i, -He Tfic entertainment given by tile Bmp- ,. S, of Sclatch d�setnt. 'Ile received his tist S, 8, Tuesday , 1310 lie L conce L 0 a sca.—M .. . Mr. , Cleo.' Vostor returned home oil from Arclita'.M41%," acclawation. . ., .., .. 11 I I. I -1 . I. . . . . A plet t Place lat the �- . obtained 6o per cant, of the total were on eveti,ing. was a �etlucationat the Public Schools alid� at success and -reflected much credit upon Saturday whLTU I . lie Lad been Pugatretl fo,40113 . Past w9l . It . I I I I ruslidonce off 31r. Fred, xowigtelu� of . , � . I I passed. In both cases they requircei 46 PiLr cant, oil each -subject. The ip�.,pers the London Business College. . � . those who, trojince, tile scholars Itor the 110 began to take. all active Part ]11 event tfnd the scholars themselves, 'The m6lith& I . . I . . � I I I - owifig to, ilia great.anioulit of snow the lith con. oil Wadn'Isday 62 . .this . I . :�'-, . I I week wlien lis daughup Aguas. wa* I . I . I . were more e5ifficult thail ,lusual Tile natnes are arr-miged alphabetically ; � politics at an earlier Pigeithati, atiost last liumber on the lon!g program, was " young ilia i and has. .1 unique record, in the distribution of 'the on'the roof. of 'Sir', 13, A. Higgins, lar- it ill aniteet in the bonds of -matrimony, to . . I � I . Richard Govier.. The c.icirwity was I . . . . . I . � 11) . 0 TIonors. . I I presents. that, rcsp��ct; Allying likiiself with tke chairman was .Mr. D. X. Prior, a go implement' warehouse caved to . I tile oil r ,morniii.g. The sides sprew . - rilied, in the presena4 tit inalty fri- . . . I . . I111e,r,1110,y Girls—Lauras M. Sockell, Helon Mc- Michael, Allum 'Alurdle, Lena Mc1';wcn$ Conservative party lie was electlotl vice- st&qlllcll and indefati goible friend lot the president for Xo, 2. division, East Wa- School. Thia program, was as follows I out, letting the, roof,into, ttia inside, sinashing a lot Of Machiudl­. The . I . . Re., Air. Ilarniltan. Ma. and I i . � Air&, Govier will take, tip lltou;seik6epilig, I � Mary L. Newton, Georgim Ross, War- wauosli, before, lie hall !a vote,� - and I I . . , ­� 1, . I"* 11 loss. will be quite 'Ilgavy OIL. 11. A. , oil the Townsend larm. on the. xith , . I . !on Smith; -XIatilleen Swann, Belle , - don%- Recitation, ,CL_&�k when appointed. to the executive I . . got . . . I I con. May, their future be bright and I I Thompson, Alice WOW - i1n,g1tcli, . ncys—Vorc Danes. I � . y mittee of West Hurolli oll tile recoill- Recitation, . . C I liffdrct Graelis incil&tibil of Barrister R. S. Hays Solb Viola, Cook . — . . I . . . . Auburn.. � . . prosperous. . � . 0 . I �� I Mr.!, Joseph Addisoll I'as returned � I I . � I I Pass, And tile late 11)" T<clly�� lie wag the Recilainoil I Edna . Duillop . , , � I I . hrouli'lor Christmas. Ile has been in . . . � . 1. .. . . , . Girls—Pearl : Asidetson,- 1,41)wj Ag- youngest ,member. A Year latag lie Recitation I . R,&Iie Graolis . . . was ailetted second vjcc.:�tegi(leilt, still Brewmt Drill, 5 Girls .1 . I Ilpme for 1,oliddys .—C, Askvith cuid . Mikota for al*)ut cilgihtLet� inouths. ' I . . Mr, and AIrs, � Win. 'Coiut 01 of Godet- 11 . new, It'lorar ]Buchanan, Rebecca Carter, Orace Crawford, Edna Cuyler, Oar- I ljoldillig ile record foo youthful pre- Recitation' Florence Dunlop fornlellt llne, in ,Vovcltjl)er la.c;t lie was Rocitatioul' . I -laity Baer R, Robertson Of 00derith Model, Pat- er Paterson of Alberta, Misa Vida Ich towushil� Spent 0,1 i low days , 11ast . week witlifriends here. I trode Dowson, Celina. Durand, Minnie Dutnin, It"lorence'Gratain, Ada 11low- W I I . � I,dlt,6XIoovo unallim saccead Major Violin 6 I I ollSIV 'ellosen, to '010$ . ,:r Back as tile ,youngesA lit Recitati-litil ILittly .Mauaghsn. ,italker of Illigetsolti,Miss -Cora, Vergu.- � soil aud Miss Jessie Co -upland. Mr , Will, - CalAer was it.cir - v 1-noujit to flud, a bee trea lasi week ind a - "I I I -I,' lion, Mabel Howell, ,ttie X116k, Jessie` r,juklater, Mildred V. Martin, Margar- p1misideuti . I . Alargary Dunlop Point of years to Pr0ide Over the'da- Recitation, - . Conserve4we Assoc- Solo, f4ily Reed ' MISS Scla'cr Is SPend'tig � "'a vaca'fc)n at liar honlo. in SerJorth, . ,got holle . � I � . . I llid . 'a 12111);ol AUAT is his at McDonald,, Uliza,MeXillag,, 13 Crtha liberations of tke I iation in this ii(storic riding, Recits,tioll, - . $aIn Browri Air, Sarles Of Michigati. is the guest big brother 81meon, alsot Mt. Vrc(L vi.n t`4 bto- , . tl;N,1E(-"O1r1`d1 in. Siulcoc at t'resent, . I I C, Millian, Lizzle Mackay,, Laura Nichols, Pearl L. Xicllols6n, Delta lie has J)eolt secretary of Xuvix chur- Recitation, . Ciarctice Mana-gliatt ftAlfteeftr P',Xcrclso, Girls of Willed"ill. , I Rogerson Bros. liave had\ a new . . I . windmill erected for Pumping water. I I Staut, , Rose Smith, Theraso. Switzer, Winnie. Sham, Olive M. Turner. Ircoo 0 Belgravo, fc)r and ,5 I vlclulr�q 41196h I I 'a Recitation, i ic Redd a se V : 3 111111 9 at..y all of the al,Kl,t6l�, Recitation, Doily Meliftel MrS-Isaac Riellards Ila$ recovered Suffici cutly to go to. liar home in, Brus- AIr. A, Adams. .'of Loneesboro, is I for 11) . Alice Worthington, Mabol, 'Woods vQ-Q'i., , I I f several- years. . . or Clitirus I Ile. is. prominent lit Masonic circles, sels, I I- ,file Templars At Ilottle soeial, Will t liciltioned as a J)o Ssible (andideLto I the reeve0lip alld'V. Led for t1to Conn. Boys�C, U. Askwith, Alva Beaton, Recitation, and a Past Vaster at tile, Blytki T,od. Viola CdA . Recitation Annit Dunlop ,N Of Ole 'lay- ell was DO.It )olied through stress of be held next M(511(111Y oil, I I Win: 811011 of the 8th. concession, is . . . f I . William Vekimier, Afelvin Xeys ,Nor. � h�. Gordon manuing, ge, Ho also a nleallwr solo and bf.cmig . . . I I � . al Afek. � I . . Anna Coickraw weather, will ftighL .1 1. 11 I I I ., sufterhig with a Ver� tAinful wrist, . mail Murch, , M. Murray, Albert McQueen,, A4 McGaxin, I - . I lecitaticin, R Ile iS. a. fartnar and a igrood one and ,Solo, . I Rota, COok I . I . � . resulting . froill beittg pricked with a . Stable fork, I . -D. A� MiatheSon, Saw. Alellwairs, qlo� owns a beautiful property of two hutir- 1jecitationt Stella Pardito I I L, Drighain of tte London Atedical . I wead, Porter, XeiT M, Rogs, .1. 11". Rob- I dred acre.% (ilia of t1w fillest 1,farlu.q ill ]R�ecitatlovf Ruth Hoover k Alt.s. Maley of Oakville" whO SWal- College iq spending .Jli.; holidays at . orts6u, Fred. sweet, Fawcett R', Stur- tile township. I Ditott, Man Ilonver &, 8tellmllerdue lowed amonii 1�u Dnistake for inhieral 11611le, .1 .� il W. J, Taylor, A� S. Trotter, Gor- Personally Mr. Scott it; title of tile Procession, of five livoliths. water at the 00tvillo, II011so on �Ve(l- 1)1),Vid Wt"gtoll of ('(gJc.--C1,' t-o"V1J,qJ,il) " � dy,t ,,, Wightinati, Alex: Waugh, Xenneth most gepial ofitien andi enjoyil 1 0, Recitation, . Rull'ic Arallaghall nesday ,ttioruivg, died, after a hTeat 1.aq ellpigC,(I witli S. 'Apploby for tile I White, 9. . .0 � � I I � widmVeaet parmletrity. chou.4A . . ". ­ . � I I I � deal I of stllyerilt�. f . . Whiter ulontl1q. I 4 I . � I . . . 1, I : . . . I . I . I I " r" I I