HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-17, Page 8The 4.1intaKNews•Thacord
December 17th, 1003
Our—mow- -
Christmas Decorations.
Come and see the stare in its holiday dress.
Our Christmas decorations are now complete, and
p_cople tell us they are well worthy of a visit,
There has been nothing like them in town; they
are uncommon and out of the ordinary. We
would like you to see them, and you are welcome
whenever and as often as you please. ...I or
Just Six Days Morei
Just 6 days more to do your Christmas shopping. What
is left to do must needs be done in a hurry, This is a good
store for people who are crowded for time. Everything is ar-
ranged for easy seeing and buying, and selections can be made
from a big stock without wasting any time.
Holiday Handkerchiefs.-Aw----
Never such a collection of Handkerchiefs in this store as is
now on our counters. Prettier goods we have never shown.—
Better values we never had to offer, There are thousands here
to select from, and almost every kind that's made. Dainty bits
of delicate embroidery, fine hemstitched Irish linen, and pure
Silk goods in hemstitched and initials.
Children's Picture Handkerchiefs 3c and 5e.
Boy's Handkerchiefs 5c and 10e.
Embroidered Handkerchiefs 5e, 19e and lf•c.
Extra tine embroidered;Handkerehlefs 25e, 35c and 50c.
Real Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs 60e, 75c and $1.
Ladies Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs 5e, 4e, 25c, 30e
Gent emen's Linen Handkerchiefs 20c, 25c and 30e.
Pure Silk Handl. erehiefs 25e, 50z and 75c
Handsome Cushion TopsAlliimm--4
You can hardly have too many Cushions in a house .these
days, and there is not much chance of making a mistake select-
ing a nice Top as a holiday gift. We opened some new ar-
rivals last week. Handsome patterns and color combinations,
in many different styles. Not more than one or two of any
one kind. See them.
Our Lat Call
To You Before
Handkerchief Tops, new desikns, fiCT and 75c. . •
Tapestry and Damask CushionTops, very handsome,
50c, 60c, $Loo alid $1..2.5.
Handkerchief Tops, complete with frill, 500. • ' , •
Fancy Handkerchiefs, for Tops., each .26c..
Cords, 10e. and 18e.
Cushion Forms, 504. 750 and $1.00 • • .
•••••••••••••••••!,t 44••••eo•e..toi••4•••••••••••••• 4***
Holiday Gloves—.........
Again we remind you of the suitability of Gloves •
for holiday gifts. They are always' acceptable; and
• an extra pair or two never comes, amiss. No :Kid
colorings just right, qualities . good. . Every pair Glove stock like ours anywhere near here.. Styles and
I guaranteed.
1 , We sell them at $1.00; $1.25 and $1.50 per pair and can . t
give you leading colors as well as black, at. each price. X
• . • 4
We are likely to have
just the gift you want at
the price you want to
pay, for either child or
Agents Parker!! Dys Works.
The T Fair Co.
Then the Cheapest, .alwaya the Best.
We Know
Mr. N. [air :was. in. I;i ton 'Tues-
Mr...Will. Stevens of near. Beniniller
wi,S in • town.. yesterday.
The Purchasing Power of Christmas low Increased
This store is ready with a complete stock of sensible Christtnas Gifts.—Everything is clean and fresh.
In the offerings for this sale much will be found specially suited to the needs of gift buyers.
Holiday Linens at Saving Prices
50c Table Linen at 33c r- •
54' inch wide fall- bleached Table Linen, •
elegant designs regular valve 50c. Christ-
mas Sale price • , " 33c •
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. ;Hale) of Sault
Ste. Marie are the guests of qinton
• relatives. •
Rev. Mr.- Gentle and Mr, John Rams-,
ford attended a meeting of, the ex-
ecutive of tl:e Synod of Huron in
London this week. .
Principal. Cisneron of ithe Brussels
Public school was in town the latter
, part . of lest week assisting Inspec-
tor Robb with the Model school ex-
Messrs: johns and Stevens, Londesbo-
ro R: T. of T's, visited Loyalty
Council on Thfirsday evening last
and inforMation as will
enable thein to -make their own Conn-
ell more Vigorous. .
. .
The following, ,erove up Ironi Clinton
to the, . Conservative convention . at
• Atibran, yesterday :."' D. A. Forrester,
• D.' Cantelon, T. Churchill, I). 'al. Ken
.necly, T. R.. Walker, W. J. Mitchell,
• 3. B. Hoover, 0. Johnsen, P. Cantel -
Cm,. W., J Stevenson, H. W. Cook,W.
Fluker, Arthur Cook,
Mr, C. C. McKiimon, who has been
Operator at the G, I% R. statiolt for
some tinle ,past, has been transferred
ta Acton . where he will be or the
clay service,. He measures 6' foot 7
inches and When with. increasing
• , years he aireadens dirt he will be one
of the biggest, men • . in the Granc'i
Trunk employ. He 'is succeeded here
. 'by Mr, J: J. Westgate Of the traffic
Chspartment, Loneon, Mr.. Westgate
was for eighteen years oh the Grand
Trunk stall, for, Some tinia agent at
resigned to take up anoth-
er line of • work, but :preferring rail-
roading he returned to..the Grard
Trunk. Ile iS a inarriecl man and
Will Move his .family to 'Clinton
Shortly. . • . •
A Bissell Sweeper •-• ,
If a house -keeper has no Carpet Sweeper the chances are
there is nothing will please her better' than a. good. one for
Christmas. Bissell Sweepers are. good. They are. easily the
best made. More of them sold; twice over, than those of any
other make. We have two jgrades, priced at each
. .
-----"01-$2.50, and
Bissel Baby' Sweeper • =
Baby Sweepers for the little•totts, made by Bissell, complete
65c Table Linen at 48c
58 to 70 inch wide all flax and half flax
• Table Linen in a choice lot of designs,
•• regular price 65c, Christmas Sale price
$1.35 Table Linen at 9Qc
150 yards of 70 inch wide Table Linen, elegant designs,
extra heavy quality and warranted all pure linen regu-
' lar $1.35 value. Christmas sale price 90c
$1,60 Table Linen at $1
Extra heavy quality, 72 inches wide, elegant designs,
satin damask.finished, regular value $1.60. Christmas
• Sale price
2.75 Table Covers at $1.50
Size, 2 yd. by 2i Srd,, all pure linen, with border all
• rnund.
$3 Table Covers at $1.60
Size, 2 yd. by 3 yd. •
$c Towelling at 5c •
Warranted all pure linen, good heavy quality.
• 48c
Mt. Josh. Cook, Who hid beet:. super-
intending apple-packiag operations in
Halton °county for the past 'three
• months for Mr. D. Cantelon, return-
' ed hcant :on Saturday.. With • his,
'gang he 'packed and shipped. eighteen
carloads or some a3do barrels.: joeh,
has been in the employ. of "D. 'C."
every seaSon for the past tyieety
years and that Jong experie.nce„ has
made him an. ,expert apple judge.
•A Christmas Sale
of Ribbons
Thousands of yards of silk .and satin
ribbons are here.for Christmas selling, all
to go at money saving prices.
with brush and self dumpers, light .strong and dura e. ju Mr, James Stevens returned home on
the thing for children.
-10'.Eaoh, 2507411P•
Those Cheap Ribbons. -
As cheap Ribbons as those we put on sale last Saturday, we
never sold, We them from an agent of an English Ribbon
House at half his regular price, because he wanted to get them
out of the way before he took stock. Now we are handing
them over to you at less than half the actual retail prices,
They are heavy quality, all pure .silk, and'' come in the fol-
lowing widths :
Pit 4 Cents
1111 Silk Ribbon 1 inch wide.
50 pieces all Silk Ribbon, good quality, heavy weight, in cream, pale
blue, pink, cardinal and many other shades, a Ribbon that is
tnede to retail at 8c to 10c • per yard, now selling at
per yard. •
. •4c.
at 7 Cents
Till Silk Ribbon fl inches wide
50 pieces all Silk Ribbon, full 1i inches wide, all the popular shades,
a Ribbon that costs wholesale more than the price we ask,
now selling at per yard......... ... . .. ... .....
Tit 10 Cents
RH Silk Ribbon 2 1-4 inches wide
50 pieces pure Silk ItibbOngood weight and full Width, all the pop-
ular shades in this lot, such as pinks, blues, creattiv, cardinals,
etc. a Ribbon made to sell •at, 20o now selling at per Tocro
• • fe 1110104
At 12 1-2 Cents
Ali Silk Ribbon, 3 1-4 Inches wide •
50 pieces heavy all Silk Ribbon. full 3i inches wide, comes in all the
popular shades for trimming and Pancy Work, the Wholesale
priee was a good deal more than the price we ask, noW wiling rn•
at your choice per yexcl. II • eyr vt.164 • a*NW• 4 .41•WW. ik I 10 R41,.•
Store open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
evenings next week.
Wednesday after an a.bilenceof five
wtieks. in the West. As is known by
the' many who have read his letters
in The News-Recoru, he visited Win-
nipe , 13oisseva,in and other points in.
Man toba before proceeding to Aber-
deen, South- Dakota, where his date -
Otter lives, He was much impressed
by What hesaw in that great wan,
try and says that if Le .was thirty
years younger he wattle, pull up stakes
here to go there. In addition to the
Eaglesolis and the Wrays, of whom
he macle mention, he met letnong•
other former residents of Clinton or
vicinity a Mr. Breckenbriclge, a one-
time student of the C. C. I., who is
now science Master of the Aberdeen
High School..,,David McLa.ughilial is
just the same genia4 soul that he
was when in Clinton:. Re in inuch
interested in the question of soeial-
ism. Dick Elliott, said to .1iii the'
best vet in the state, has . a stable
which cost about $5,600, ' It is a reg-
ular hospital for horses.. His broth-
er Jim is cue of the most energetic
busittess meIt in the town, and still
another brother is engaged in ranch-
ing. They are cousins of Liveryman
Elliott . of Clinton. The farmers of
South Dakota are going extensively
into corn raising in whelt the outlay
for labor is pact. so.great I and the
need for haste not so pressim as
in the harvesting of Wheat. Mr.
Stevens had a very peasant time and
from the fact that, het has gaineei ten
pounds in weight it may be inferred
that the trip agreed' with .141. His
traa, ell fog companion from Aberdeen
was ?dr. James Itaglesoit, formerly
of Clinton, who - 114s taken up his
residence in t or.don, Mrs. Eagleson
ainfi family Laving preceded him 0,
cmtple of nio4tt1s, •
Sc Ribbons at 5c .
Hundreds of yards of narrow ribbon suitable for childt,ens wear in every
wanted shade regular value up to 8c Christmas sale price.
15c Ribbons at 10c • .
4U0 yardwof silk and satin ribbons in all shades of pink, Sky, Turquois,
' old rose, Cream white,. eold. etc, regular priees up to 15e Christmas 1 0
sale price.... . ... . . '. ......... ....... . . . . . . . .... . . . .. .
20c and 22c Ribbons at15c
200 yards 'of Wide and narrow neck ribbons regular values 20c Sp 22e
• Christmassale price ........ . ... . ...... ... .................. 15
30c Silk Ribbons at 20c •
liondreds and huudreds of yards of our very best silk ribbons that come
in every wanted shade, tbe regular value of which Is 33,4 to go dur-
ing this Christmas sale at ; • ' 20
The woolen who wants a new coat for.berself or
advantage to come here dui ing tbis Christina's Sale.
• •
Ladies'$8.56 Coats for $5 •• .
Your choice of about 20 of our hest selling coats in
styles that sold up to ' $8.50 for., ,
Rev,. A. E, 'Ocotier stated this mor-
ning that was )�t likely lie-woulo
leave Tcronto to accept a chair itt the
Halifax Presbyteriari
'the Sea of Azof ii Southern Russia
is• disappearing. • Muck interest ithS
been .ei.diged. ,by the amturall, phealoni-
Burglars are Way ft,
less than three cases of sale -blowing are
reported todgy—front Argue, Man„
AlVitiston and Oil Springs, Ont.
Winnipeg fruit Alen are suing the
CtI,110.attit Pacific, Railway for $)5,0oo
lost ott xx) barrels of Ontario mks
frozen in transit.
Ladies Coats worth up.to $12 for $8;
10 ladies' coats all in newest styles regular prices $IQ 00 and $12.00, sale. 0. n
price . • .. . . U•U
Children's $3.56, to $5 Coats for $2.50
Your choice of 20 ebildrens coats all of which were new this. season n
• regular prices up to $5,00 for
girls will find it to their
The list below tells the
Ready for what we be-
lieve to be " An Overwhelm...
ing Holiday Trade," Hand-
kerchiefs for all. Handker-
chiefs for thousands. W011) en's
men's and children's,from the
richest lace or embroidery to
the • plainest hemstitched.
Handkerchiefs make sensible
and acceptable gifts, always highly appreciated, You will
find many advantages in buying here both in price and in
choice of stock from which to select, This list willbe of
interest to you. '
Shillidarreenn:ss ttneyhaltnlilirenrclititertnssti tchecl Handkerchiefs at 10 for .... , , .
: • .03
Ladies' 12y2c Handkerchiefs at 4 for.25c
300 Loandriiesst'ulpauseesat invernieHe 4anfdorkerchiefs!,1.2icely hemstitched regular .25
Ladies' Embroidery and Lace Elandkerchiefs at 18c, ?Oe, 25e, to *2
Tlen's Handkerchiefs
cambric at 15c and 10c All Linen Handkerchiefs at 118e, 20c, 25c & 35c
the, very newest (1'
$5.50 Cloth Skirts at $3.50
Your choice of 10 cloth skirt!: all made in new styles regtiltir value up to g n
$5.50 Christmas sale price
Christmas Clothing for Men
and Boys at Saving Prices
There never was a time when you could buy clothing
for so little as you can now and here.' We are going out of
the Clothing business and have marked every garment in the
store so low that they should go at once., We are determined
to get rid of this clothing stock as soon as possibleiso in mark17"
ing the price down, we have lost sight of cost or real value
Here's the. way we will sell them
Any ,Men,'s 56.00' to $6.75 Suit • for $4.00
" • " 8.00 " 5.00
" " 9.00 " 41' 6.00
10.00 " 11.00 ". . " 7.00
!` • worth $12 ." . 8.00
" 13 to 515 44 9.00
" $10 Overcoats at. • -7.00
12 . " '' 9.00
" Boys 6.50 to $7 Ovexicoat " , 4.25
Any Mens 1.50 Pants " 11310
2.00 i'2.25 " " 1.25
• Stanley TownthiP.
. , . .
. Mr. W; Whiteman of Kippen was s,
•gnest• of Mt. J, T. Keys of the Baby -
bit Line One day1asL week; •
• Mr, and Mrs. Ti hil Dennison of Var-
na,. were guests of Mr: anci'llIrs: W. L.
Keys. 'or the BabylOn, Lily: on Tinos:
day last. •' •
Mr. Blake Turney of Babylon Line
left for his' home in Colborne on Tues.. -
day Morning, having received . tele-
gram that his' father was seriously ill.
• Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Dowson of 'Gosh-
en.. Line visited the latter's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. John •MeKinley. Sr. of
Egmondville , one clay last week, , •
, Mr.' • A, 111eBeath has bought, some
elm Ciniber • Ircint • Messrs: , W. -LA
3. T. and Nelson 'Keys • of the
Babylon Line an4 has. his men
busily engaged these days cutting and
draWing it away. • •
.Mr, and Mrs. W. L. KeyS" Of the
13ab.ylooLine werc. guests of the latter's
sister, Mrs. S; R. Covenlock of Sealer-
th on Wedoesclay of last week,
Mr. D. 1). Crittenden was married
on Saturday last to Miss Enotia Pen
hale, .Youngest daughter of Mrs. Wm.
H. Penliale of Exeter, The . happy
event took place in the Maia street
Methodist char*, 'Exeter, Rev, . Win.
Godwin officiating. acre were no at-
tendants and the bride was gi%eit away
by her brother, Mr. oanittel. Perivale of
Poncho' Valls. The newly marrieeo
couple left for St. -Thomas where they
were the guests of friends over Sunday
returning to Blyth ott Monday evening
and are tow located in the brick house
that Mr. ,Crittenden. recently purchased
from Mr. Joseph Coombs, The bride
was the recipient of many: handsone
and useful presents, among.thent being
a centre table from the Main. street
Methodist church choir of which' she
was a Member.
Mr, and, Mrs. Robert Richardson) of
,Wmuseon, Ohio, arrived .in Blyth, on
Monday and are at present visiting at
the home of the Misses Canting, They
will spend several( weeks visiting( itt
13Iyth and vicinity.
Mr, and Mrs. :fames Howatt and
Miss Liisl Howatt of East Waavanosh,
have deeided to spend the next three
months with friends in Scotland and on
December 26th will sail from St. John,
NOV Brunswick, for for Liverpool, Eng-
land, Front Liverpool they • go to
Glasgow, Scotiand.
The Transportation CommisincaterS,
MUSSWI. Reford, Vry and Bertram, met Ans.—/f the claim • is oretlftwed it
in Ottawa this morning and had .itt cow cannot be sued upon and therefore it
loom with several of the 'Ministers, cannot be sa off Against a judgment,
A. Armstrong, who was learning the
blackSmithing.with Mr E upps, has
got the trade completed, and is now.
enjoying ,a rest under the parental
roof on te Goshen Line.
• Mt.. and Mrs. Will Dowson have now
got settled' down in their home on the
Babylon Line. • 1,1Te wish them Aeng
years of happiness. • •
•We have heard that several articles
of jewelry were lost at the, fowl sun-.
per a. short time ggo. • Some of ..these
have been, • found and the owners can
have de seine by applying: to Mr A.
Duncan.. •• •
Owing tothe severe snow. storm the
road front.' Warne. thtotiglt Gbeerieh
township has been blocked for the past
few '•°'•• •
3.00 " 3.75 ' " .2.50
" Boys 2 piece Suits worth 52.60 for 1.25
2 " " " 3.50 " 1.75
tt it 3 tt tt tt 5.00 tt 3.25
Boys' odd Pants at 40c worth double that price
Every suit in the store is -made by one of the very best
makers in Canada, and we fully guarantee them to give good
wear. You canbuy a real good suit for less money than it
would cost you to have it made by a tailor
VW; .W4159.1 Vik,
• .
. .
The following appeared in the legal
columns° of The Mail and •Empire .of
Saturday last
R. S. • Clititon.—Qu.--I • owe my
landlord' for rent, but he agrees 46
guild two new *honeys; which he- has.
not dope nii 1 have papered three
rooms in the house at M y own. expen-
se„ Can I deduct from the Tent the
cost :of .papering • the roans and dam-
ages for the Chimneys not likting.
built ? Ile has served the with notice
to leave the premises in three days,.
or he will seize niy goods • for the
rent, Cans he do so ?
• Aons.'Srott cannot deduct from the
• rent the cost of making .repairs or
provements to the prettoses unless it
• was agreed between you, and the lane, -
lord that you should have that right.
Nor can yott eeduct front the rent aity
claini which you May have against
your landlord • for damages for not re-
pairing the cl honeys. He has a right
to enforce his • claim for rent, notwith-
stencil:1g that you may have si right
of actioti against hint for damages for
non -repairs. (2) Section 32 of the act
respecting Landlord and Tenant says
in effect : Where it landlord desires to
seize exempted goods atter default in
upon the tenant requiring Minn' to give
Payment of. rent he can serve a. notice
uP Possession in three rays and'Mt his
failure to do so that he will, seize and
sell all ti d goocls mid chattels belOng-
ing to the tenant foundupon the pre-
mises Gr a sufficient amount thereof to
pay the rent due. R. $. 0., chap. 1170,
A. Clintoti.--Qu.--11 owed A $125.
A. did not sue for his claim but some
time afterwards be got 11 to do soiree
work • for him. 'After A's claim had
become outlawed, 11 soca A for .v2„ges.
for .the work done and .got judgment.
• Can A do •anything to have the judg-
ment set On against his outlawed cia-
at to Give
rhe Bo
It is hard sometimes to. know iust what to give the
Boys, Perhaps we can help solve the problem,—
There is a whole store MI 'of articles here that
make sensible and acceptable' Holiday Gifts for
Men and Boys. Here are a few of them:—
New and Nobby Neck TIES
and up5uts
Fo LEenks.
Black alack and Colored, 5o, 75c •and $ •
'Wool iviuppLeRs.
50, 75c and $1
75c, $1, $1.5o and $2
75, $1 and $L50
Unlined GLOVES .
Kid and Mocha Gloves, $x, $1.25, $1.50
$1, S2, and $3
25c, 5oc, and $1 • .
• 20, 25 and 3oc
• io and 16c
Fur Caps
$3, $5, $7 and $lo
• SUSPENDMRS in fancy boxes
Per pair so and 75c
A tie stock of ,
• Elegant Neckwear.---aum,
The biggest stock of holiday Neckwear in
town is here. Biggest and best beyond the
shadow of a doubt, A man never has too
many ties. You can make no mistake giving
one, No chance of giving one that won't
• please, if you make your s -election from thig•
stock. All the popular styles are here in the
• colors and patterns that the boys like. See
the new STUD HOLIVIE SCARF, it's going
to be popular, and every boy will want one,
4, 4/4"164valoWilwairivtivivaikivavvvii,44