HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-10, Page 80 41+ •SF'4"•i!•il '4 V,Y.44W4 4,4 4. •1p.44Y-•C•yM 464. 4 Christmas -''fDecorations Have you seen this store in its I-Iol day - dress? The decorations are unique, out of the ordinary, and thoroughly in keep- ing ` with the season. Come and see therm 4� whenever . you are up town. People say • 414, they are well worth seeing. ., 4 8.44- - o K► a 4r ro o w o .s tM h A Bigg Bargain. Here is good news for Ribbon Buyers. Last week we cleared from the Canadian Agent of a large Ribbon House, over 200 ends of Colored Silk Ribbon. He was taking stock, and we got them for just exactly half his regular prices. They are extra finequality, all pure silk, and all the popular shades are. represented in the lot. We want to sell them quickly, and so have priced them the same . waywe: bought then. The entire' lot goes on sale Saturday morninc, at 4C, 70, .� IOC, per yard, according to width, which is less than half usualretail price of qualities as good. Do riot .miss, :this chance, It is the biggest Ribbon Bargain'we "ever gave. At 21 Cents. 111 Silk Ribbon, 1 inch wide. 50 pieces all Silk Ribbon, good quality, heavy weight, in cream, pale blue, pink, cardinalandmany other shades, zl, Ribbon that is made to retail at 8c to 10e per yard, on sale Saturday morning at per yard At7eents All Silk Ribbon 1 1=2 inches wide. 50 pieces all Silk Ribbon, full 17i inches wide, 8,11 the popular sliacleS.'- a Ribbon that oasts wholesale mole than the price; we ,ask on sale Saturday at per yard.:., ;, .. , ... .: <.....:.. 7C. At 10 Cents • 2111 Silk Ribbon ,2 1=11 inches wide. 50 pieces pure'i{I: Ribbon. good weight. and fuil•width, all -the" o p p. ular• shades in this lot, such as pinks; blues; creams,' cardinals, etc. a Ribbon made to sell at :20e ' on sale Saturday morning, t`. at per yard " LOC. At 1 1=2 cents 2111 Silk Ribbon, 31=2 inches wide. 50 pieces heavy all Silk Ribbon, full 3i incheswide, comes in all the popular shades for trimtiling find Fancy Work, .the wholesale price was a good deal more than the price we ask, on saleSatur- clay morning at your choice per<yard.......... LT �C, Thousands of I iai 4kerchiesf. ---- > Handkerchiefs for the Holidays are here by the thousand— We are well within the mark when we say that in no store hereabouts can you see the collection of dainty -Handkerchiefs. suitable for Holiday gifts, that aredisplayed here:.. From Ire- land, from Switzerland; from Japan, they have come, and now are here ready for Christmas shoppers: : Dainty bits of Linen and Lawn, handsomely embroidered, .and the strong and More substantial Cambrics and Linens are here in almost endless Va- riety. a- riet . This is the Handkerchief store,and you will save time Y by coming here first to do your Handkerchiefbuying. ` Chiidreu's�Pe�HanIt ieturdkeie1uefs 3c and 53. • a Boy's Handkerchiefs 5c and_ IOc: • EmbroideredllIandkerchiefs 5e) 10c and 1'c. . n Extra line embroidered Handkerchiefs tic, 35c and 50c. Real Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs 003 '75c and _ $1. Lakes Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs fs 5 c 15 .• 515e, 30e Gent emen's Linen Handkerchiefs. 20e,•25c and '39c.. Pare Silk Handkerchiefs "25c ' 50e and 75e. NOON******40N440•404 milt*?*N . * • U _ ir•� .. Ladies rn brel i s. A nice Umbrella makes a most; acceptable gift for a g Indy, Some very handsome ones des are opened up this week Many new styles of handles, no two alike, .1 tops will not turn green or cut. : 3 21 $5 `and - ! $ ��Nt•NON�r�t►N�N�i►�i�N���NiiN��N���♦��+►�itK� Kid G roves. There was neve a lady whohad too many Kid Gloves, w ro m ny X Id Glory s, Ali extra pair never conies amiss, and you can make .no mistake selecting them as a gift. We sell none but guaranteed quali- ties, all made from . choice, selected and pliable• skins, per pair 81,25, $1 «50-_-. Linens as Gifts.".: No more acceptable gift for the housekeeper than a piece of snowyLinen, We are makin a special display for Christmas g p which is well worth seeing. Our large . Linen stock contains many articles that make suitable and inexpensive holiday gifts, Come and look it over. You'll get many s helpful hint from it. In many patterns Cloths and Napkins to match.. • Tray Cloths 25e, GOe, 750 and $1. Doylies 15e and 25e. Sideboard Scarfs 50e, 73e and $i, Fine eae 256 50e and Si. Clothsls h 1350, . 5o and '5,00. Linen X,60, �.. � �3, , � ..., Napkins per dozen. $i.60! $2.50, $3.60. $4.50'nnp' to $6.00. Flodgens Bros, CLINTON The ;+Minton News eor4 Christmas Pipers. Pears. . Graphic Black and White.0 Otters to follow.. May we have the favor of your order for the Christmas ' Tide. Descriptive folder for the .asking. Agents Parker's Dye Works, The W. - D. Fair Co, 7,ften the' Cheapest, Always the Best: About People We Know Inspector• Robb is. in .town this week. • IMIiss Birtie Masons has returned_ 1i iiie from 'London. , . . 11Tr, I). Cantelon was iii Toronto and other points lookit'g• after his apple business.'• • Miss Susie Cock of'Co.-per's bookstore, 14ingltant, visited • her home intown. last week. I1trss :Blanche McKowit left this week to visit her sister, Mrs. Win. • 1Teix-: nel, in Londonl 1Tiss' McTaggart and Mrs, R. Agnew: • attended the Patti concert.in •Torok= `to on Thursday evening last.. Rev, Mr• and, Mrs. Yellen(' of •I3eunnil- ler and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 'Snell of Bayfieid were in town o11 Tuesday.. Mrs. and Miss Carling, wild attend the wedding of Miss McEwen of Helisall to. Mr,T H. R...Connolly of Winnipeg. Mr. said Mrs." A,..St:o1Clit ere pC..Statit ley. ,guests 00 Stuic'ay'and 11loit- day • OF their daughter, . Mrs .A loan, shenil. • '1'1essrs. D. Cantelon. and ,i.'B. Hoover attended a meeting of the West• Hur-, on Conservative executive -in Auburn on 11londay. . Mr. alncl Mrs: J F Murray.and their • danghtcr, Miss Gracie, of Gran -ton • were guests at Dr. .T:hompson'sfor a few days this week. Mr: and Mrs. WJ .Tozer .11ayc taken n.1) their residence in: the Ross cot- tage on Victoria street. Mrs.. TO/4r arrived Trani• Toronto last week. Mrs. Gilchrist and Miss' Gilchrist leave today. to. spend a ,couple of months.. with•. Mrs. Logan, 1%irs. Gilchrist's daughter, in East Saginaw, MOT. Mr Will McClure, who has been under instructions with tile. pioneer :clothier, :flavor Jackson, • has returned to the hilt eSttad in : Colborne; for si fes davfi.: He expects , to einb.ark ' in in business on.;Ims • own, account shor- tiv, 1VTr, LOti Peekitt returned on Saturday • last • from the Northwest • where he Spent severall 111101.1t1t5;' Ile looks well and: is so, much' ta'kc•n with the coun- try that he expects til. go/black 'a. couple of 'months hhence • Mr., Robert711Icl,cazn of Goderith was iii. town yesterday. •IIe isOne of,. the most active and wiulLh kncrtt 0. mice in the county :and Isis extensive Imsi- ncss transactions have. been carried• on in styli ''- way. as tci t 'f 1 c W v win Or him an eilviahle reputation. Mr. Downs wrote from Los Angel- . .es, Cal,, a few days. after, his arra- val and • among other things said "the. roses are to MOM and there are flowers .everywhere.'• `We fancy, though, that Mr.Downs will long for 11 is' •eustontcry sleigh ride cu, day. Christ- mas ltrist- n la s Mr. H. W. •(oak returned Wedns1av, from i Mclntreal Whither he. went with a.' three ear shipment,of apples. X11• ' order to save the stctclk front freeze ing he had a• stove in'each car. Mr Cook is, .yet indignant ,aver the treat- ment . Iic, received 'from the'Grand Trunk oflicial$ at. 'Toronto where he was sidetracked for nearly sixteen hours. )u • o Sir. W. A, Elliott of Clarkstou,.Wash- ittg.ton, arrived in. town yesterday and: is•r w making aL Short visit t at the old itomeste(ed in Gr,dericl town- ship, it is about three years since he .went %Vest where he has prosper- eC, Ile has also grown. stouter. In short, the West has dealt kindly with him. TIe brought with hint a carload Of Western horses which will lie offered for vale, Trey are larger than •a previous sllilrmeut aittl.twetl- ty of (1101 l are broken. . Mr. Elliott ws , cngiletec;ti'dilys oft Lite road 'with •the horses , .`F Ir. ' and Mrs. ?)avid Beacom took up their residence in Clinton on Tuesday. Vol. the past seven years: tliey have been living lit nttllett, 1)01 in Godcr- ieh 'towitship they are still 'better known, the Beacom family settling there, ill. 1842, Pour sons of the Old :pioneer once lived upon t11e•Bayficld. Line, batt there is not one there now,. two 'being residents . of this town and the others having crossed to the Other Sltore, That. Mr, and Mrs. Deacons may enjoy many happy years in Clinton is the' wish of their num- et't»ts friends. - EcItILLT`;D tiff ,NONh.. 0 This Week's issue of The Illustrated 7itiffalo Express will he by far the handsomest and most. attractive .off all the Holiday Numbers ever put out by The T press, This is saving a goc.t'i deal, flint it is all true.-'I'llere will be sixteen pages Of illustrations, four of which will be beau:tifttljty printed in calors. Attractive. and unique pictures, Cliristmas storks and 'all, the latest news will combine to make The Illus- trated Express of titi$ week an issue which will be sure of a rva,rin welcome 1st every hcimc, 'ltlte demand will be so large that you had better order a topy at once from your carrier or newsdeat. er. Von will miss a rare treat if by any c'ltanee you do not see this extra. ordinary N'tiin1,er. December 10th, 1903 Men Look � -.81/11010111110108201 This Clothing Sale Will Save You a' Lot of Money • We are going Out. of the clothing Business, This Sale is Genuine NEVER. we believe in the history of Clinton retailing has there been a clothing sale that has attracted. o such attention as. this one,. Never has high grade clothing for.nnen and boys been sold so low. Every garment in the store is new, most of them not three a months old. Every suit >in the store has , been marked regardless of cost' or real value in order that they may be sold at once. If you will be needing a suit for yourself or your boy in the spring it will pay you to come• and select 'one now. Read This List Carefully and Note The Saving. Men's $6 to .$6.75 Suits at $4 Men's Suits of good strong tweed, well lined and finished assorted colors that sold at $0 to $0.75 for $4.00. Men's $8 Suits at $5 Men's Suits made of tweeds and Berges in grey, navy and black. All are 'well made and finished' and will give excell- ent wear, regular $8 for $5.00. 0 Men's $9 Suits at $6 Your choice of any of onr Men'stweed and serge Suits, all of which are in the latest styles,that are regular $9 value for $6,00 Men's $10 and $11 Worsted Suits at $7. Men's Suits made of fancy worsted, in assorted colors, all have the best linings and are strictly up-to-date. Regular s10and $11for $7 Meu's $11 and $12 Suits at $8.50 Men's Suits made of fine black and navy worsted, all Warran- ted pore wool, all have best linings. If made. by 'a tailor would cost you $18 or. $20. Our .sale -pride is $S.50. •• this was Men from nearby towns who have bought here during sale tell us our clothing is being sold at lower prices than ever beard tell. of before, Boys' Clothing All 'reduced Boys' 2 piece Suits worth $2.25 for $1,25 2 " « tC 3..00 ." 1.75. 2 (e 3.25 (( 2.00 t( 3 (< (a .. � 5 00 «• 3.25 Boys' Kni.iekers at 40c worth double. Young Men's Suits worth $8,00 to $9,00 at 85.00 Men's $10.00 Overcoats' at $7,00 12.00 rc 9.00 Men's Odd Pants at $1.50 1.00 • e( (( (� " 2,00 & $2,25 1.25 f [l: « (i 3.00 1.75 f tt 4'4 3.25 to 3.75 2.50 • 'i..it A Big Bargain. Yn:•••-�anc y Straw Bas.ke.ts fw> : >rlda Molrnin sell Nearly one hundred Baskets made of fancy straw, : etc., t' .suit = .. able for holding photos, papers, etc.,. or would,make nice ce work baskets." These can be nicely' trimmed with ribbons and.ill make r� . . Ialze yer pretty .Xmasglfts. Regular' prices were to.f5c,each on sale at 25c .. Christmas • Handkerchiefs by tl Our stock this season:is far. � . y E finest we:have `ever shown,. good ood kind• will be found nd here. We have_ thous ` ands of dainty- Handkerchiefs to' Y choose from at • prices from 2c to $1':50 each • More Trimmed Hats at $2.50 and. 1• .50. Furs • Fore Christmas • Every Fur garment :in our stock was bought before We,had quite a rush for these hats Last Saturday,vthei . They advancen tree in tree, This Will .• (r ` -are the :n"np i mein a Leat savingto Ices't we ever`sold at the nice.: ...',,and yon..haven't . • �' • - ,•. .price Y .- you. bou ht ti ., � ..- o e., et itry ll a g y 1 pay you to see them They. easily I Caperines at $3'.05 to $35• worth double what we ask for •them. , , Fttrtlffsat,2 to: $15:,. l+ur Coats':at $25,to $75 FOUR1a1ONiCY RAfl1K' IP yam WAtNW VIP ... CLINTON' Hmlmesville. i -- — Mrs. Neil:Yellowlees of 13ntvntauvidle was the guest of Mss ' Acheson the past week,' • Lithe Miss Rea 11TeRiiberts of Mit-. ellen is the guest of Tier g; 1'andmt)ther, ' In;s. 1.. C. "1'tckard. • Mr .and an Mrs.:A. .J. L tt:. rt 0 1cc. spent a(uiclav with.their scan Will, at Crew(, Rev. J: Hussar and wife attended the . tea -meeting at Varna onn 1loniday. ('0„011,,,,• The 'Epworth League intend visiting Belnniller League, on , Thursday even- fitg. 1lle following is the report' of ' the )' f 5 pupils iis 0 S. Nq, 3 ?)excel on punc- tuality, good dcportniett and • general proficiency. 5tii.• class—Eva1ena 11lcCartney. Sr. ,4t11—Albert Pickard, Oscar T- c , a b lturtt, : Floreiice_ );,avis; Egerton • Will- SUIT. Jr. 4th•—Frances . Potter, HowardTreivartlla, 14Iaitland Johnston, It's I-Iu1 le,rGeorge Lol G u 1 z,: Sr.3rc—I;tla •Fort, Tu 1iet rCl llson, May 1 ctarti(y, Etta tsCo lcic ur l, !Lulu l u 1lholland, Myrtle. Connell, Pearl. n II ler l Clar' ic I• u L 3�id0 r ..Edith Levis, Sturdy, t I1 JJrr.. 3rd—John St urly, Pea rl I ku sser,Clifford iileCartnev, Myrtle Trewartha,Clarcice 1tt,tr Ella invcrdbt• 2nd-C1larlie Ialis, Lorne Jervis, C.an Lai tielon, I3aclottr, Frank ri'illiacni;; iX'onier e Pt.. 2ncl-Norman • Miller, Napoleon Gravel!, I$rncat IItiller, Albert Proc- tor, 1 t 'Percy: •14itt1 lith s .Stirling - Dein t ! Y, g r Demp- sey: 1st—Lorne ?McCartney, - Lulu Willson,Ella Colclough, lila11cite, Iles- sed, r)elbert 'Tosser, ,Tosepll Palmer, Lottie ?,avis, Verne Elford: No. on roll 43, average 39. • On Thursday, Dec. T;t11, a public ex- iuninatioti will be held, C11iflgf11encing at ane o'clock. Prom one till ,four the pupils will lir examined itv a ,lumber of visiting teachers. After fear 111ne11 Will be served after.which aprogram will he given consisting of ,short'. ad-' dresses, recitations, dialr.gttes, chorus- es, solos;. violin'.anet m011111' organ mu- sic, etc. Come and bring your basket, 1•Tvervbciccacfly welcome.'—•N. r1. Trewartha ter, DE YE NOT UN(`3RATP.F"t L. Sonic people, says an exchange, are always taking exception to what the newspapers have to say about olein. As. a matter of fact, the man who gets road at what.:, ti.e newspapers say in the way of news abrut him is generally just the man wlto - should return thanks three times a day for the things the newspapers /mow about him and do not print. There is not tl man in ten that the newspaper man ec,trid not print something 'about that lie does not wish the world to know. The idea is to be thankful for what the paper knows nod ctoe,§ not tell,, ' Lu'cknow. ' '!here- died at her hone 111 the :town- ship of .Aslif%cid on . November 26th, 14Trs, ilfcl<ay,- widow of tlu. ;late Eel: - meth 111cPav, Deceased watt born in the• year J' iT. at Applecross, Rossshire, Scotland, and came tO Nova 'Scotia when (tb1 tc l1 � • cr s o£' -`age. where site Married a ud and remained there until 15J4 when her husband and family removed -to. Ashfield where she, .remained until tleatii, Si.e was well known and highly. (lateen -led • in the cc,nini,nnity. The fun- eral Seriees were conducted on Satur- (lay at the home of her claugltter,iIrs. Parrish, after wluch the remains .Were conveyed to Huron cemetery, a ' laid t>ra ala beside c, thc dost of • her late husi>aticl. wllo • cniecl thirty-one years ago. The surviving* members of her family are Angels of Caltititet; Mich•.,' Donald of Minnesota.;- Jolur-c,f C11es1ev; Donc'a1t of Rainy. River, Margaret, Mrs. 1� arrish, o Ashfield, Catharine, Mrs. McKay, of I3addick,. N. S., ' and Sarah, •Mrs. An- derson, of Los Angeles, California, I Saturdayttrday eveningnr • Mr. Chas, rr'fl- son. died :very suddenly at his 'home, coil. 4, West 'Wawanoslt. He Was . id tlic sett SI O t shovelling. .O . snowfr eM1L the front door of his residence and it is supposed 1te was • seized with heart failure and fell (leadiuthe .snow. , TIe was a pioneer sof West \CaLwauo511 and • had lived torn -may years on the farm on which he departed. this life so sud- denly. IIe was about 82 years . of age and the funeral was largely attended W C(l11escliy to the Dungannon ceme- tery. S Mr. Alfred. H. Ritchie,, .alio has suf- fered for some years past with coti- sttimption, died at the 1•olne of his brother, '1Ir. Chas, ' Ritchie, on the 13th concession of Ashfield on Satur- day. Deceased was in his 38th year, a11(1 leaves a•widow and four children, to mourn tllt> loss (if a loving htiybaitd and affectionate father. The funeral to the Green' Hill cemetery was 'largely attended.: Stanley Township. lfr. Lanty P or io of Wiilgliarli visit- ed relatives hi this vicinity lost week. Miss Ray Reid spent Stiilday at the lionid of Mr. Andrew Armstrong of the llrownsolt Lite. A number of young gentlemen froth. Lncknow visited at the benne of 13O, James Reid last week, The following is the report of the pupils of 8, S. No. 13, Stanley, based on regularity, punctuality, grod cosi- duet aster ' general proficiency : stir elass---l4 itiuie Keys, l .eta• Heys, Myrtle Keys. Sr. 4th—Clifford Heys, Bert Peck. Cr. 4th--Ma;mia Johnston, Muuclie Me13rlde, junior 3rd—F'Iorettee Clark, i Agnes Joi 11ston. Sr. 2n6 -•George Mc1iri'de. Jr. 2M1 --Sherlock Heys. 1st, 2tttl trrillsc Johnston, 1.uskist Kiva, X't,' 1st ---Loyd 1i`eyd, • Q he Men. You will find many y a helpful hint t to solve this problem if you visit this Store•be- � tw eeri. now and Christmas. .Ii~ is full ' of articles ele that make sensible a d acceptable tabl e Christmas ' ° presents .ts far ` men e and boys. Special re arat,ox has been made for the .r Christmas rn a a s trade the and t sfiock: of Holiday Goods is one of . the best that has ever been in rthe . . • store.. Here are a'few hints of what yoti ma v findin our ur Mensrt thatSoe make accept- able Holiday gifts: Kid doves, 'Lined or Unlined. 50c., 75c.,: $1,00 and $1.25per pair. Silk Mufflers. 50c., 75C ,,arid $1.00. Wool Mufflers: 0c.. c. 75 and d $T.00. Umbrellas. $I,002.00 and $3400, Silk Handkerchiefs. 25c,, .soca and 75c. Linen Handkerchiefs. r5c.,.2oc. and 25c, Suspenders, 25c, and 50c. Neckwear.. You cannot find a Man or Boy that.. ever' had too many neckties, and you can make no mistake putting then on your list to buy for a Man or lloy, Neither could you make a mis- take corning here for the Necktie, for . we are showingthe largest stock of handsome and stylish Neckwear for Men that we have ever shown for a Holiday Season. The prices are „,.441025 cents .°gip; 50 cents ,- 0 1 ftoIgens IWos., Clewers, Chtan