HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-10, Page 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Deceinber 14)th, 1903 The Cm.toniNewsmRecord, ellOW CASES FOR SALE. w.P.MT^E, TI % lar•Kiersigned has several ahoW casea for aale, 4%R. A. J. GUM, Jeweler. Clinton, Nov. 24th. OREAT Clearing Salo Of Crockery and, Et China Warel ••••.1••••••••••••., IN ORDER TO MAKE MORE ROOK FOR BOOTS AND SHOES I uAirg DECIDED TO SELL ALL OF -OUR CNINA, CROCKERY sain GLASS- WARE AT COST. IF YOU WANT TO GET A DINNER SET AND GET IT CHEAP NOW IS THE TL1VTh TO GET IT. . — Our stock ia large and well assort. ed. Some of our Xmas CIina is in stock. It goes at cost, the same as the rest. Come early sad get the pick of the Have you , seen our stock of Boots and Shoes yet ? I not we invite yon In to see them the next time you are ap town. We have an extra good heavy shoe tor Boys going to school, oat that will stand lots of mud and water. All kinds of Men's Fine and Coarse Shoes in stock. — All our stock is fresh and new.- - No old shop worn goods or- -bankrupt stocks here. Cash for Butter and Eggs. 5 LBS. COOKING RAISINS FOR 2p REUBEN GRAHAM. Ogle Cooper's Old Stand. Phone 23 STANLEY FARM FOR. SALE. The farm on the Sauble Line known as the George Cassel farm, -consisting' of iii acres is offered for sale. 15 acres of good bush, elm, basswood, hemlock, cedar and ash. The farm is well watered and fenced. Good bear- ing orchard, 7 acres fall wheat, 30 acres plowed. . Good brick house, barns and driving shed, 1,4 roilos fron. school and 2X miles from Bayfield. For further particulars apply to ARTHUR ELLIOTT, . 7* Bayfield -P. 0. Nov, 7th. STANLEY FARM FOR SALE.. The undersigned offers for sale lot 21 and part 22 011 the 5th concession of Stanley, containing 76% aeres,more or less, about so acres clearedand under grass, balance wooded with val- uable cedar and hemlock. This is a good pasture farm. It is situated 4 miles from Brueefield, 2% from Var- na and 6 from Clinton. For further particulars apply to ••• MILLS SHIPLEY, August 29th. CLINTON, B...'ARIA 1:0 RENT. •••••••*•,* tot No. 30, Co 0%14404 to rent. ()et, -29t1i. It. to, Townahip W. BR YDONE, Solicitor for OWner. FOR SALE QR. TO RENT. A, comfortable house situated on .orner of Church and Osborne Streets. It-PPlY to CHAS. OVERBVP.Y. Clinton, July x6th. .•••••••*••••••••••1*•••••••••••,••• cuyTox DYE WORKS. aan prepared to do all kinds of Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing of Clothes. work done on short not- ice and satisfaction guaranteed. 3. T. SEWARD, South of railway track, Victoria, Street, Clinton. 1•••••,•••••T••••••. DR. OVENS, X. Da ETC, LONDON, Specialist, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be iu 011 Tuesdavi Nov, soth, Dcannatir ist and 29th. "Office, Combe's Drug store. Special atteution paid to the prorcr fitting of glasses, treatment of Ca- tarrh and Deafness. 44 4 4+ /40/ 4 Select Your \ Xmas Groceries From.or: New Goods Just Arriving. W T O'N poiriuo cipER FOR .stax. Roilect. Cider for lattice meat at the Cider u11, Clinton. r CARETAKER WANTED. APPIleations for position of caretaker of Willis Presbyterian church, Clinton, will the received up to 21st Deceinbbr, 1903. Salary $rx2 per annum, payab- qearterly, Schedule of duties which are to begin on the ist Jan, 1904, may be seen on application to WILLIAM BRYDONE, Chairman Trustee Board. AUCTION SALE, . --of— .FAR/11 STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersig-ncd has been instructed by Mr. Robt. A. Otterson to • sell by Piddle Auction at the Commercial ho- tel, Clinton, on SATURDAY, DEC. 12TH The following : x mare 9 years 1014 supposed to be in foal, x horse eight years old, 3 calves Cue to calve in March, 2 cows due to calve in Jan., 1 cow about to calve, 2 farrow cows, 6 steers rising 3 years, 3 heifers rising 3 years, to steers risingi at years, (5 heit- ers rising 2 years, x lumber wagon, x Non hayrake, x set . iron barrows, hayrack, x single plow, 1 mower, I disc harrow, 1 set double harness, z set single harness, x cutter, x wheel- barrow, also whiffietrees, neckyokes and other small articles, All of which will lye sold without reserve. Terms— Nine months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. per annum allowed for cash. ROBERT A. OTTERSON, T. BROWN, Proprietor, Auctioneer, MULLETT FARM TO RENT, The undersigned 1o11ers for rental lot 36 on the 9th concession of Hullett, consisting of 106 acres, 90 acres clear- ed, balance hardwood bush. 9 acres •fall wheat, 12 acres,plowed. Frame house and barn with outbuildings. 24 nines from School, 2 miles from Sum- znerhill P, 0., 6 tulles front Pluton. For further partieulars apply to MRS. JONATHAN.1VIcBRIEN, Nov. '23rd. • Clinton 1,, 0, Logs and Heading Bolts The_ undersigned will pay the highest market price for LOGS of ALL KINDS and HEADING- BOLTS 40 inches long, delivered at the Staple— ton Salt Works during the • winter, . R. & J. Ransford, •.•••••••••=•Ii•••FaliMilm•1••••111• • You have presents to buy and feel, no doubt, that the selection of appro- priate articles at prices within the lim- its of your purse will prove no small task. . • ' We have made extensive preparations for holiday selling with a large assortment of beautiful, artistic, and, in a large measure, exclusive goods. The attractiveness of our stock and the absolute fairness of our prices combine to make gift selections a pleasure. . Watches. Ladies' Gold -Fined Watches, $9, and upwards Ladies' Silver and Gun Metal watches, $3* and 'upwards Gentlemen's G -old -Filled Watanes, $9 and upwards • Boys' Watches, $1,25 and upwards Fancy Clocks, "Rings, Silvgrware Cut Gas, Necklaces, ,Sterling Silver Ebony Goods, Locket is Cutlery Manicure Sets, Broaches,Field Glasses Purses, Chains., Mirrors Braces, Pear,1 Goods, Novelties An early s election will provide against possible disappointinent. We will save any article for you till Christmas OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE GOES WITH ALL GOODS SOLD Jeweler A. j. Grigg, and 4+,44,1404** Irook. Optidiani Marriages. DOW$ON—FOSTER---At the residence of the bridils parents in Varna on Dee -9th, by Rev. Mr. zie, third .daughter of Mr. Joseph Foster, to William Dawson, of the Babylon Line. HORTON,-STIRLINO—On D. Xst, .at G ' ederich by Rev, JamH es am - Mon, Kiss Jennie Stirling, <laugh., ter of Mr.- and Mrs. David Stirl- ing, to Hilary Horton, both of Ireeburn. LOCKHART—CAESAR—At Wingham, on NOV.'25th, by the Roe. D. Per- • ric,. Mr. Edward G. Lockhart, • to Miss Lillie X. Caesar, both of the . township of Kinloss: • Births. . MASON—in Indica on Dec. 5th, to dl‘laru.aeur.e, 'Us. Charles Masan, a • gut LUNDY—In Blyth, on Nov. 291,h, Mrs. E. Lundy, a, daughter. MACDONALD—In Zetland, on Nov.28, lVIrs. D. W. Mactiouald, a son. FERGUSON—In Ashlield, on Nov. 28, tc• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, a SIVIITITIl —in West Wawanosh on Decem- , ber 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. John G. Smith, a daughter. LITTLEJOHN—In Corrie, on Novem- ber 27th, the wife of Mr. jamas Littlejohn, of a daughter, • Death3. GRANT—In Seaforth on November 29th, John Grath, aged 78 years and 5 months. WILSON—In West Wawanosh, on Nov, 28th, 'Charles Wilsou, aged 39. yea- rs. • WILLIA1VISON—In Grey, on Dec, 3rd, Elizabeth Cardiff, wife of Jas. B. Williamson,. aged 68 years and 2 days, Wroxeter on Nov. 2,3, Bar- bara, ;Forrest, wife of William Wood, aged 84 years„ , SAUNDERS—In Lower Winghain, cu Dec, 1st, lateiuda May Saunders, aged 9 .years, 4 months. • , TAYLOR-Iti Wing -ham, Nov. 3o, Ar-. chibald Taylor, aged 90 years. Aslifield, on Nov. 28th,. :Alfred E. Ritchie, aged 37years and. 26 days. Tuckerstnith on Dec. 3rd, Charles Crich, aged 25 yearsane, 7 ' months. . HenSall. On November 28th, at the Methodist parsonage'Tintalt, Minn., Rev. 1A,Inat- ham Neelands.,. aged 57 years, brother of the•:eclitor of the Hensel' Observer. 0, C. Hassell and wife, who have been Visiting. at J W Ortwein's a week; have left for their home, Balti- more. They were age.ozzipanied by Mrs. A. Short who will spend the winter with them. in that. southern, clime. kfrs, Dr. Gemprell of Wheatley, who has been visiting -.her home: neart the Nile, after her !bridal tour, spent Sun- day with her uncle and aunt,. Mr, and Mrs. McPherson. Miss Ella IVIcrher- son who hos been visiting relatives up north' for the past three weelts, return, ed with her. • Another aged resident tit TucicersMith in the person of Mr. Sinnin MeKertzie, passe e away last Week at his home, lot 25.; con. 2. Tile deceased was in his 73rd year and hacili fairly •gocx1 health up to the time of . his last ill- ness. When in town on Saturday N. Can - tine stated that he had secured the franchise for his electric road for the city of Stratford. 'the road will there- fore not terminate at I-len:mil, but run through the illa'gti" east to MitehelI and Stratford. ‘. ' : Last week Fred -.Mamas, While 'carry- ing two pails, of boiling' water, • Stun - bled 'and spine of .the water splashed on his. face ,and ear, scalding the latter eeowns days.ide.raly audlaying him. off for a f . Morris Township. Rev. J. E. Hunter. ot Toronto is here on. a short viSit. He will be here till after Christmas, 'Abel 43rat1Shaw• an old resident of the 4th- line,. has been on the. sick list from a heart weakness, but is consid- erably better now, we are pleased to • • • A C.heiStrrias Treeentertainment will be given in the Sunshine Mcthodist church on Dec.- arst. A good program is .being prepared..and a good:time is . - expected. • Last week. Lawrence Wheeler, 4111, line, purchased the fine too acre faria 'owned by John 13. Me1al:ugh:1in, 2"ania- es 'north of Brussels on • the Gravel Roke, and will get. possession possession on Jan. 1st, Price paid was $7,50o. Mrs. Mc- Lanehlin and daughters will Move to Brussels :and 'Iobn B. may 'go to the West next spring, . Mr.' WM. Kelly; of the 7t11 line has purchased the Hunter homestead con- sisting .of 200 Ores .for the large suin of $9,ocio. . Mr. Kelly also purchased the farm belonging to -John Nethery, 6th line, for -the suni of $4,500, ' TJie first fox shot in .the district was bagged" on Thursday by Daze Steiss and Peter Ferguson, on the x6th -coo, of Morris. . Sat igh.t and Day in a Chanl TILL DODD'S KIDNEY rtr4t CUR- ED HIS RHEUMATISM. •WILLIAM DOE0 OF sTRorra TOWN- SHIP, HALE AND III;;ARTY Al% TER YOUR YEARS OF TORTURE —THE WWII:It OF nx$ SICKNESS AND CORE, Tunari('ger Dec. 7-,-(SPecial)—After fonr years of torture, during which he was scarcely an hour free from pain, Mtn. Doeg, a, farmer, living on Con. 3, Strong towaship, and Well known here a hale and hearty man, Dada's Kidney rills cured .him. Speaking of Itis cure Mr. Docg says : "The trouble started. in my back and the pain got so bad t could not lie dowt4 to take rest but had to sit night and tday lt a, chair. The pain would sometimes move to other parts' of my body and when in mw hrXes I was unable to walk. Vas treated for rheumatism by sev. era/ doctors and also tried Medicinal; kithotit any benefit. I feared I would never again be free from pain. My attention was cuillcd to cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills awl I started to uSc them. Before. / had, finished the seeond box 1 was it tiew tom, entirely free front pain, It has not come back since," Me acid in the blood is the cattae Of rheumatism, If the kidneys are working right del,. take AD tltt. uric acid out of 44444+41+414.444.4.444140404.44......14.44........44014.440tltc 1141:46 ZolMitlfiltia"Y rills ujake 4.1 • • 000 _ •000i,0000000o :The News of Goderich. MISS E. A. Skikulogs, 0 ,0000Q.Q 0 • 0 Mr. R. Sprung, whocame home frOn Hamilton 'very ill in NO,yember, Is we are happy to state 'hamar a- gain.' Mrs. W. 11. Tye left to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. T. EIUott of Barrie, which took place cn ond of .7)ecember. The remains of the late Mrs. TL N. TAY, daughter of . the late M. C. Cant. eron arfived from Skagway iit the rtikoll country last week. The casket was ecuipletely covered wtih floral etnblems and the reletives aud friends could while she lay in state almost think that she lay asleep among the flowers z•afe loved so well. She was sc.' bright *leaving Goderich said eelighted with her new home at Skagway, that it seemed impossible that death woulkt crest; her threshold and rob her devot- ed husband and lovely babe of her bright presence, She was most act- ive in visiting the sick and looking after the' interest of the poor during her growing young womanhood at her - old home. "The Maples". Mr. II. Lay accompauted the remains of..his late partner in life to her aid home. The funeral took place on Tecsday, Revs. Anderson and Ure officiating` at house and • Maitland cemetery. The pall -bearers were Judge Doyle, Judge. Holt, Sheriff Reynolds, _slayer Lewis, D, McDonald and W. L. Elliott; Mr. Lay left his motherless babe in care of a nurse in the hospital aat Skagway lest the two weeks' journey here might prove fatal to it.. - The officers ot the Young •People's Guild of St.. George's' church are Presid•ent—.Taines Tigert Nice-President—Mies Ethel Williams Treasurer—Walter Nattel Organist—Miss Tye' • ortespontlent, 0 (,)$$$$ 0 0 0***(,.k..)**-1.4)C•)$$(.1) A very pretty wedding took place at high noon on Wednesday at the resi- denee of Mr. James Hardy, brother-in- law of the bride. The officiating clerr potion was Rev. W. It Grahame. The contracting parties were Mrs. Carpen- ter (nee Miss Eliaalnith Deeveaa) third • eatighter of Mr. Stephen Dee'oeS of Dungainion, and Mr. James Carrol, dairyman, Springbank. The bride came ill oa the arm of her lather, who gave her away, -She looked charming in a handsome Suit of royal broadcloth trimmed up the front with. medallions of white silk applique aud waist of white silk ti•imined with white medal- lions also.• She wore a coronet of white roses tied at the back of her hair with ,howe and ends of corded I. silk ribbon. The bridesmaid, Miss Susie Smyth of Mount Forest, attired, in a handsome black costume of cash- mere, trimmed prettily with black cord and 'jets. She also wore a cor- onet like the bride, tied with white, • bows aird ends the same. The grooms- man was Mr. William Carroll, a bro- ther oI the groom. The wedding din- ner was a sumptuous. oue. The bride's hat was a toque of royal blue 1,elvet, richly triimneei with cream white silk. The presents were very handsome, many valuable, ,as the brke W4S .VCry inuelj.esteemed at Goderieh and at her home in Dunganhon. The gicoin is a nerliew of Mrs. .Hardy:ami came to spend last Easter with his aunt and there. met the. bride. The bride , and groom and . groomsman all left for Seringbank by -the first p, no train as a reception was 'to be given them -that 4 igelriitl%artrstlice4lrircoulic of the groom's nio- ..We were fayored.on, IVIoralay With a letter from Kensington' Palace bearing the coat of arms of Lord -Lorne azid Princess • Ionise, thanking us for send- ing H. R. 11. cue of .the .souvenir. por- traits we tad taken at the iime of th•e coronation, of . Hi% Majesty, King,- Ed- ward VII. „ • , • • Captain John. Maccicuald• of the sell.' °oiler 'Awl, -and his son, Master Dan- nie, arrived at their roe/donee oluXon- clay night, . We are Sorry to find that Mail Clerk W. W.".'MacVicar and "family are relive- ving tooSariria.' Mr. MacViear wi11 be • /Mich enissed fromthe ranks of the Ocldfullows and as a nnesieian from the Marine band. baud. Rev. Jaaties 'Hamilton,: Mrs, Htuiiiil- ton and family, drove home from Av- on Bank where Mrs, • Hamilton and the childreii.had be,en spending a. few Weeks. with Dr. Marion Oliver, 'who is;pro- trn;sdesseisiinits..g,most favorably frOni her late George .Th�inson and Soil Fred.. return to 'their homes here bi- weekly.. being .faway loo,king after.the interests of- their •hinkbee, business. • Mr, Alfred Colliesen spent, SeaclAy• at the Aberdeen. • , • .• : The drawing -rooms at the St.' .-Law- rence Were' "-well filled -on ThursOay. last .with the' growing number of , bars of • the .Wetnen'a 1iistjtut,. Mrs:. D. Cantelon presided.' • We hailed' the •'presence Of Mra, Meilen and baby Dorothy With:- delight. and .Dorothy vion. the .prize if • one eould.be for kooping clliiet tor'almost three hours. Mrs. Harlor ' Morris of "Mon, risdate Fsarni" alScr favored the Insti- tute 'for .the first tinie this season.. Mrs, (Mojor)o,Beek was 'called upon. first to reacl. her • contribution, which was a well-prepared ' esSay. entitled "NeW.Year." , Mrs. Heale gave a very simple but • delightful' reeive• for !mak- ing Scoteli bread. Cr•short cake for the Xmas holidays. It was. as follows. : "Take of each, butter,. sagar (granula - tet') and, flour, Opal quantities, .j1L op your board or intoa large•,bowl. and workit like . bread •for • one half: hour; stepping . in lbe middle of "it • for a iniziute or 'two,. rola into 5. round form'. or cut • intosquares one inch thipict pricking the surfate and. pinei- ing it all round, then Out into your oven, not' toe hot, ,,aud. layypurolough, - on tho.t.Paper. 'the grocers 11111 for but- ter and. lard,* ,When: done yen an sprinkle little • candied .caraway.Seeds or sugar eati''be sPrinkled ovee'it.Ifisa ' Mary •Salkeld • :of the. Bayfield Rind favoee, the Institnte- with .her receive, cnly she' used r etip butter, one -Cup lard and a tablespoonful of cold water, the' butter' and lard to be soft, too, Miss Skimings" read a receipe for ' pound cake wliicli we will giee next week, this repot . being prett-y.long for the Foljday -Wag." Mrs. Edward read a fine reeeme for boneing, a turkey' but 'it would nee'cl a ,"chef" to 'follow . in- structions. Mrs. . Campbell . bought somc. useful articles to sltow the mem- bers, Miss Kates Reid . showed her *mien eltain. of beedi, and white waist Made of lace trimmech handkerchiefs., When palled to 'order .sycre formed to meet ,on 17th December at 'the:. house, of thepresident to 'dismiss matters relative tothe holding the an - twat 'oystet.. supper at the residence of Mrs. -.t, Tretheway. 'Mrs. Isaac' Salk.- eld moved:that a vote of sympathy be 'taken. to extend their member, Mrs, John Tutt, WhiCh was heartily given haerittlinot earpopreanliciwig itnoot Quite tiifblerilstearts. joined,. At five . ofcloell eeireshments were passed around, after which a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Swanson and to Mrs: Beek. IVO 'Reception Committee—Miss Florence E, • Ball,. Miss Laura Craig, Miss Bea-. trice Nosken and v. siutety. -• Literary.. Connuittee—Mrs, Tigert and Misses Vivian, Walton, E. Mosley and Messrs, Haughton, Percy Na,ftel, Dr.: Hayden, 'Mr. Frank Stannon wifl spend the winter in town, Mrs, W. .Proctor and ,daughter, Mrs: (Dr.) pelmet <A Holrnesville, were the guests one .day recently of Mrs. Eliza, Black. • • Mr. Stewart lia,s WS green -house so far athatced .that he has a big lot of earnationi in bloom, • Mr. and Mrs. Paltridge and babe will spend Christmastide in Forest, Mrs. Paltridge's. old home. We notice that One of oilr old citi- zens, vile first saw life in the old Huron hotel' kept by his father, the late James Gentles-, years ago, is mentioned, as the coming member' for. the Conservative cause inrIslorth Brece for the House of Commons.; This re- fers to Mr. John Gentles, one ,ot 'the •richest men in XinCa.rdine. • The. Collegiate cononeneernent exer- cises on. Friday was a very quiet • af- fair We expected to gee a number of visitors, the:parents of the pupils at a.nd trustees. • The Illacketone orchestra, saivored of a city, all their selections being exceedingly well executed With tone and skill. Miss Swann, editress of the G. C, I. Jour.: nal, and Mk. Trotter,, editor of the Model.' school ''Review" are yery promising. litterateurs, Beth had some very pleasing, and original peems foun- ded upon facts. The diplcina.g..created 4.".' thrill Of plea.Sore to both Principal Strang and the recipients. who, we trust, will be faithful to their new charges. Mr. Blair a former G. C. 1. pupil, told the students that when he first essayed to speak upon a olatforni, his Words were like Profes- sor Paily's Liquid. Air they wentall over. A beautiful silver medal was given by Mr, Merrit, Matheinatidal teacker, \villa was wen by Miss An- nie Swann. The Peter Adanson morial - Scholarships le* to krill. 3 Mathematical, Letitia E. Durnin and forni 2, ,General Proficiency, Anuie Swann. The }Ion. Mr; Tafte'S Geo- graphical prizes felt to Jeav B. Tom and to S.ainuel Bean, Mias \Parlee also presented some beautiful books . which were won by the•-sarne parties. Com- mencement Day was a Protid...day in Samuel' Bean'Slile, . Mr. George Campbell, one Of our old, citiieng.,•was a very sick man on Sat- urday. He is suffering front a severe attack of la grippe. MraT.Wright, too, was very ill last week of kidney -trou- ble but 'on Saturday night was int - roving. Mrs. W. D. Shannon has rented the house on Kingston street lately occu- pied by Dr. Gallow, The owner; W. Cox, is ,pietting in for her an electrie service, Mrs. Shannon had in- tended to take rooms for the winter but changed her mind. . Miss Lizzie M. Thompson of. Goderich was married at the home of her sister, Mrs, W. T. Perking of Chicago on Nov, 25t11 to M. J. A. Snell of Chicago, who lived iv Goderich for some .tinte. Rev, M. Weitz of Chicago performed the 'ceremony, We are sorry to note the sirdeen death at 'hotplate:1i of Mr: Charles Wilson'a 'farmer in good circumstan- ces, but getting up in years. At 'the time of his death he Was shovelling snow, tie had sat down possible.feel- ing fatigued, and was found dead iit that position. Heart failure. lie lias one daughter in Toronto, Cath- cart. Mrs. Horace J.. Horton of Sault Ste. 'Marie attended tee uncle's furter- al- Mr. Robert Elliott shipped five cars of apples to London, England. Ite had to furnish a stove for each car tend. Sent men to look after the ears as far as Portland. He promised to give us the quantity ol apples that he shipped at the closing of the season at4 here it is 15,000 barrels of apples were hesieleci and shipped, 12,000 being from Goderich, firsts and secoads averaging go cents per barrel. The total invest - tont being about $3o,o0o. IVIajor Beck has got the certificate of his lots under the 'Veteran's Act, the lots hieing 32, and 33, concession to in the township of Hardy, Parry Sound' district, Congratulations Major, „. At the half -yearly election of officers for Introit lodge, I. 0, O. IP., the fol- lowing Were elected : N. 0., Harry 0. Reed P. G., V. F. towteuee V, G., Charles Humber R. S., J. Proudfoct $., W. V. Clark Treasurer, Charles A. Nairn, Mr. Charles Crab in a letter to his mother from California, written a couple of weeks ago said : "This is Sutulavand it is so 'hot I cannot go Ottt. The oranges are ripening and we hove bud Only Otte shower siuce April at which time, our little Clarence was ser surprieed by the rain falling, upon hiitt while out ulayitilo that he rushed, in and told us that ApOttie one waS tur- ning the hose oft Miss Oliver and her mother Wt for 'Oast Orange. 11. ,T„ CU Thursday where they will be the guests r,sf Mts. Oliver's daughter, IVIrs, Itotxt, Goolerieh. At latest accounts from Buffalo, Mr. W.. Logan,- grandsmi of Mrs. T. Dark of Clinton anti Mrs. Alex. Kirkpatrick of Goderich, was recovering from an. attael$ of diptlitirica Mr. Roy Thomson will spvtet the seascn at Stokes Bay, overseeing the maiJogentent of the camp, a number of men being, knigaged there building the new saw -mill. The al.xlerielt Lumber Co. is doing bne wise thing, erecting. a Isialint w-tt:m illtheatilatrhbo. atrpoint, it willi ss,ve rafting NO any logs down to the Saw-. Mrs. Arnott, who spent a few weeks at Hohnesville after her return from Iter licine at BritishQohimbia'the gitest Of her sister, Mrs, William Proc- It‘ourr,ouitso .now the guest of relatives in Mrs, E. Beck, London, was the guest of yMIr.c.veainitlyll.frs. W. Lasham one Sun. Oit Monday afternoon a reCeption Was fele! at Temperance hall by the sWistee.rsT, nUie, et jaufgtcr mtilises iMiriogrghienrss' spaoluord at great length of the battle being wagee. against intemperatee and boy,/ well the W. C. T. U. of Nova Scotia have done their work. 0110 Onion had $300 in the bank drawing interest. She said they ought to spend soate Of it upon Campaign Literature and try and extend their good work to other spheres. ' Misses Brydges and Allin sang the pretty duo "Some Glad Day" after _which questions an the different parts of the work were asked, being Placed in envelopes and handed to Miss Wiggins, who answered each separate- ly. Miss Wiggins told them that God did not like a complaining spirit and stch(ai ttrwo neinadiways dismis- . Miss May • Briminicornbe, who has spent the past season at Griswold, Man., the guest of her relatives there, returned to let home at the residence ofSistrelen rnue,lFieurkea. Mise C oll has position as organist ofNsiCateoereipatasetreeat church. Miss Andrews has returned from Winnipeg and is at the residence of Capt. :Tames Stitherlaner: On •Deceit-11>er 9t1:, Mrs. Eliza, Black left tp spend the Christmas vaca.tiora with her daughter, Mrs. Ma,d(locks of Miss 3. W. Green of the Macabee Temple, Port ,Huron, spent WI few days last week under the parental roof,. Rosedale Farm. Mr, andi Mrs, Parnhean• of Detroit were reeent visitors at the home of Mrs, ParnhanOs parents, Mr. and Mrs. IV.111rG.areentid.Mrs, Toni Brophy returned from their weeding trip on Tuesday. Kippen.' Miss Aida Dinsdale 'is spending ale* weeks With friends in Exeter. Mr, MeBeath has .elesed his sawthill for this year: , His .head sawyer, Mr. Musser, left.for his home iir-g.aslitvood. last Se.turtray. • A 'number It here attended • the funeral of the late Mr. 'rhos: Horton at Exeter last Monday. • The chief topic of conversation is ' still the acetylette gstS , explosion hi the Presbyterian church. All Concede •it was providential that Ini lives were lost or that the explosiim,didn't take plaee •the night before When there were hundreds present and three times the ainannt of . gas generated -that when the exploaidu toOk.place: Those Who Were 'injured are it-ivy:ming nicely though somewhat ' slowly. • •• •On Wednesday eye/ling, the..25th the home. i>f Mr. Geo., Alair was the seene 01 a very prette •Wedding when his daeghter, Miss 1Vlary1 'and Mr; Webber of London were united in mar- riage, ' The Rev. E. A. Shaw of Heri- sail tied the knot; Miss *Dinsdal&play- ed the weddiuk•htarch and Mr. Jenks and .1Vfiss Jessie, sister ef the bride, assisted the young couple. Aftec the ceremon3r; the guests, al:iota' twenty-five in manlier, sat down to a' stimptuous • repast. ' The .presents.Were nunierous • and costly. The best wishes of their . many . friends aceottniany. the happy • . COUple to their home in 'London. ' he NOventber, monthly report for, ' S. S. No: 14, Stanley, is as follows, panics in order of irierit. • 5th—F.. R, Clegg, Mary E.: Johnst.-; on, Ida J. Dinsdale, 4th--Eleaner. Hood, E. CI trIg, IITcnes. Sr. Mcore, jean Grabs - ick„ Arthur Ricker. Jr. 3rd—Aggie Gemmel, Etta Jarr- ot, M. M. Fisher.. ' . end—Sarah Rathwell, John Kehl, • James Gemmel. : 211d 't,—Arthur Jones, Lola Rath- wcilsit *Pt.—Walter MeBea.th, Frank --Orplia Moore, Jr. 3rcl—Etta .Tarrot, ' • Gemmel, Martha D..insd.ale. . • 2tici—.1clin Kehl: 2nd Pt .—Arthur Jon-. ling matches NIT..fe 5th -7 -gory E. Johnston, ,4th--Eleatior 'IlOod, Sr. 3rd , • The best speliets in the 'monthly apel- 740R1/ TOwNSITIP. , . 1 0 1 lames Shut -tie, 4t11 line, has been 1 visiting relatives iii Godetich. It is said that MalColre Illa.ck Intel Itake a hand at the cattle business af- ter he has completed his term. tts tea- cher in the Miller school. 0.0 88€008' 0000 00000 OSC) 00 • 0000000000000000000 Try Us For Xmas Goods We have goods suitable for all. Consisting of useful, handsome, durable and acceptable articles, comprising : Watches, Clocks. Rin,gs .levvelery, Chains, Charms,Fountaid Perts,Cut Sterling Silver, Silver Plated ware, etc. All these goods are new and attractive and the best quality. The prices are right. New goods arriving daily 11. Hellyar, EiddlecOmhe'S Old Stand, Opposite Towd111011. 00000000000 .IEWELLUIR AND OPTICIAN Oyes Tested Pro. NCX0,Ye, 000 00