HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-03, Page 8• .
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For Xmas.,
just three weeks and the world's greatest
holiday will be here. From now till then
things for Xmas, will have first place in this
store. There will be no neglect regular
stocks, but holiday goods of all kinds will be
kept in the foreground. This week the store
is putting on its holiday dress. New goods
and novelties suitable for gifts are arriving
every day. By the time this paper reaches
you we will be ready with a display of the
useful and sensible for holiday giving that
will be well warth seeing.
You will buy in greater comfort and
have greater variety to select from if you do
your Xmas buying early. STOCKS 'HERE
Ribbons for Fancy Work.
This is unquestionably the ribbon store of the
town. Every wanted pattern, kind and width, suit
able for fancy work, in stock, wad you will save
time and bother if 3 ou come here first when 'looking
for ribbons.
Bebe Ribbons, $Silk and Satin, all colors, 2c it ac
Pure silk Ribbons, all widths, all shades, 4r, 5c,
8c and 10e
Satin Ribbons, suitable for Cushion Frills and
Fancy Work, many qualities all widths) 5e
7c. 10c and 15e
Fancy Ribbons in wide widths, suitable for
Fancy Work, 3e, 500 an4 75c tkat
Sateens, Plain and Fancy.
Some handsome patterns in fancy &Aeons,
suitable for Cushions, Comforters, etc., also a com-
plete assortment of all wanted sheiks in plain colors.
Fancy Sateens,.20c, ft5e anti 30c
Plain Sateens, good quality, 15e and 25a
Handsome Cushioia Tops.
You are not likely to find a stock of . Qushion
Tops in town to compare with the selection•
we have
gathered together for this Holiday selling. The 'de-
signs are.new, unique and up-to-date, and although
the variety is large there are very few of any single
pattern. Come and lookithein over before. the beat
are gone.
Heavy Lithograpit Cushion 'Tops, great, toMbit-
nation of handsome new patterns, at .$71c,
50c and 75c • ,
Damask and Silk Cushion Tops, rich colorings
and patterns in crimsons, grcens, blues, etc.,
. catch $1.0) and $1.25
Cushions with D5wn and combination filling,
50c, 76c and $1.00 •
Linens for Fancy Work. •
New drawing and fancy Linens. just to Land.
We carry several qualities and different widths up
to 54 inches. They are made by one of the best
Irish Linen .Manufacturers and sell at per yard
40c 30c., 60c; 75c. and .$/.00
Xmas. Gloves
A lady never has too many Kid Gloves and they
are always acceptable I:gifts. 'Kid Gloves bought
here can begivenwith confidence and we guarantee
every pair that leaves the store. We are making a
special display of the standard lines and novelities
suitiable for Xmas; gifts.
At $1.00
Real French Kid Gloves, made from thin, soft
skins, two ' large dome fasteners, self or .white
stitched, in black, greys, •fawns or browns, every • as. An
pair guaranted, very Special value per pair 0 1400
At $135
rine qtiality- French Kicl Groves, made from soft
pliable skins, perfect fitting, all colors and black, og
• perpair..•...... * 01,11:40,1111,4*•••• 4,6-6 Villeral,
At $1.50 •
Extra line:quality, real rrench- Kid Gloves,
made from choice selected skin's, pique sewn, one
large pearl clasp, in grey, fawns and. browns, per 61 gr,
pair. 6,••••d610 * • .. . • . . •• .. • .. 4.1•66 ‘IPAtt,PV
Silk lined Mocha Gloves, in blacks and colorii
per pair..., ...... . ... . . 6' • le • • • ... • ..... V J• • OU
Xmas. -Handkerchiefs
The finest and largest stock of fancy handker-
chiefs that has ever been in this store will be ready
Saturday or early next week. Never ilave we had
such dainty and beautiful designs not the variety to
select from that we wilt show this *minion. We ad-
vise early buying for best patterns go first, and of
them we only have a. limited quantity of any - one
We remind you again of the variety and goodness of this
Per Store. , It's a. good stock. Every quality is absolutely
dependable in every way. and we know our Furs are priced
as low as is consistent with the quality of the goods we sell.
Not a poor line or an unworthy quality in the entire stock,
and we are ready to stand behind every garment that leaves
the store, with our guarantee- that if it is not as it should. be
will make it alright. W*0 sell good Furs or we couldnot do that.
• iRttffei $3.50 up to $2$,00
Rtoles $0,00 Up to $40;00
Caperlues $5- up to $40
1401diele Jackets $25, $30, $35 ane $40
gory quality absolutely dependebie every way,
• ,•
Ti*. :Winton. News0Recerd
Black and
Others to follow.
May we have tbe favor of
your order for the Christmas
Tide. Descriptive folder for
the asking.
Agents Parker's Dye Work.
lf, D. •Fair Co:.
?hen the Cheapest, ,Always the Best,
About People
We Know
tr. A. T. Cooper was in) iWinghein o
Tuesday. -
Miss Laura. Olson left on Monday fo
Gra,venhurst, • •
Mrs, Bklmonson of Toronto is visitin
Clinton friends: ' •
Mr. H. W. Cook has returned tent
from Montreal.
Miss Lottie Cook visited Seeforth fr
ends on Tuesday:.
Miss Blanche Mellveen was in: Code
ich -,on. Friday. last. •
Mr; John aenned,y,' Detroit, was hon
Sunday and Monday. '
Mrs. Will. Pierson of Seaforth Visite
towri friends this week.. .
Mr. •Jacoh Burgard of Seaforth visite
town friends the other day.
Mr. J,... E. Cook • has returned • hom
from Milton, North Dakota.
Mr.. Jee Winters of $eaforth visited. at
the home of Mr. Relit. Mason. on
Mrs. John Callender of Londent .spent
a. fevi days of. the past week' with
Clinton relatit.es. .
Mr. Robert Cornyn of Stratford was
the guest of his Cousin, Mrs.'S. J.
Andrews, •on Friday..
Mr. ltd. Ilar-L•of St: Louis, Mo., called
• on Mrs. •T. lt•Ccok and other fri-
'erids. on Friday last. . •
Mr. W. IL. Newton -11)e was in Toronto.
for a few• d2...ys this .week tooking•up
hargains for his Customers. '
Comity •Councillor Cantelon is attend -
the December sessiOn-.01 the
county council • in Goderieh:.
Mr. •George pyves and. sister of near
Hensall 'were, the guests' of Miss
Blanche MeKown over Sunday:.
Miss MeDermOtt"Of the jaeksori Mfg.
Co'S staff was called lionie to Com-
ber. on Tuesday by '..the. illness of her •
Mrs.ist,aernd Mrs., .:Geerga Martin, who
have been residents ,of• Clinton for
scand time past, moved' to Seaforth
this week.
Cook, Thos. ‘Jackaon and. John
Thompson, wile were packing apples
at 'Thornhill for Mr. CantelOac
rettants1 home.
Rev: pr. Cook will' cOnclnet anniver-
sary services in Varna, next Sunday
alien Rey. Mr. of that place
will occupy the °Mari& street ..pal,
Mr. .3afnes:•Campliell,, Ifullett;s effiei-
ea clerk, was ,in town. yesterday " On
his way home. from , Goclerich Where
' been :transacting: mttnie:ipal
' busitess.' ,• 1 .
Miss Edith Jennison of the . London
Road, who lias been visiting 1 -ter
sister, ,Mrs. :J, T. 'Watts of Carrol;
• Mau., for the past•three months:, re..
turned home oti Friday,.
'The Misses Dick' and Miss Bertha New-
combe 'of Bll7th were guests of Mrs.
S, Keirtii sop, Saturday 'on their way
home Iron visiting •at Killarney and
other points in Southern Manitoba.'
Mayor JaeltsOn; Councillors Ford and
Combe and Messrs,..H. Bea.ttie, J.
'Wheatley and . C. Carter were in
Godericli ,Tuesday and yesterday in
connection with the; case of I3iggart
vs, . Clinton. : • • ,.
Mr. C. 'C: Ranee returned on'ThUrSd9r
night last from: f..1 ten weeks' trip
through the eastern provinces in the
interests of the Jackson lu.s.rattectur-
ing Company. As usual lie did a
big business. . • •
Registrar. Coats and his better half
were in Goderich on Monday looking
over the residence, the one recently
ocetipiett by Judge Masson in Which
they will take up their aquae after
New Year's. • •
Rcv, A. Wright, Who. preached his
farewell serinbita on Sunday ai
eumbent of the Middleton parish,
left on: Tuesday ,for his future field
of labor at Tilsoniturg, but he will.
be back againfor a day or so:
Mr. and Mrs, George Abel attended '
the funeral at Belfast on Friday of
theWillie, eleven -year-old son,
Mt, ;George Swan. The interment
took place in Dungannon cemetery
and the funeral was a very large
• one.
Miss Rowson, who has been at the
postoffice for a few mouths, gave up
the position On lVfonday. Site is an
obliging yoking lady and popular
with the patrons of the p. o. who
were sorry to see her leaving. She
has been suceeedett' by Miss Aggie
Porter, a former .a.ssistant, Welt an
exceedingly favorably known.
1Vrr. Statics Thompson returned haute.
Monday' night from Whitewood,Matt.
where he had "been for three months'.
He previously owned, a 'quarter see -
tion there to which he added an-
other • T6o acres. Iris brother Mark
is likewise the owner of a half sec-
tion. Mr. Thompson purposes re-
turning to Whitewood next spring,
Ur, Shane Sr. elf Montreal
was the pest of Eis brother-in-law,
Mr. Jos. Rattenbury, this week. Mr,
Sultianntoeti,was formerfy a resident of
coming to this town itx
Oetober, r849. Re assisted in erect-
ing several of the °West buildings in
town, including the ;grocery store
an'd residence occupying- the sit of
the new postoffice, which was built
in net Mr. Shane subsequently
moved to Myth, and was long known
as the "Daddy" of that Village;
•December 3rd, 1903
. . Ready for Christmas..
. *:*
Opening and Reception Thursday Evening, Dec. 10th, from 8 to 9.30
y .1.1.1111.11011011111011.BAND IN ArrENDANcg........,,...
.... t
EVERYBODY WELCOME. Every one of our departments is aglow with the spirit and cheer 3
* of the preat holiday season. We .are splendidly prepared for it -prepared *its the biggest and most .'
•,,, varied stock of sensible Christmas goods ever displayed by us.
t i
-------EVENINO RECEPTION---.;--- .i..
In order that you may see our lovely stock unbroken,store will be open on Thursday evening from .1. •
y 8 to 930 o'clock when everything will be on view,
1 i
. ,•, i 4 .
..r. / . ' You are cordially invited to come and enjoy the music. ,:.
ttows:44,44,4•0 +14:040+4 +4,•444:44,•444.4••:+:•4,44,4,“:“.:* 404•1•444,44* •:•4* 4:4444•00-o• 41* it.•,.$4,..44•+,.....444 4..tts,4044:**,+••:***,,••:“••••••••••••.••••:+4,410•1:
Did You Ever Stop To Think.
What Tbis Clothing Sale Means To You ?
It means that you can buy a brand new and perfect fitting suit for less money than it would cost to have it made by a
tailor. It also means that if you want to get a good choice you. will have to come at once as several lines have already been
sold out -for instance we haven't any more of those $5 Men's Suits for $3.
We believe this is the greatest money saving Clothing Sale Clintonfever had.
and you will find it to your advantage to buy now Hundreds of men and boys took advantage of this sale during the past
week. This sale is genuine.
Men's $6.00 to $6.75 Suits at
8.00 "
10.00 & 11.00 " 7,00
11.00 & 12.00 " .8.00
13.00 & 15.00 " 9.00
Young Men's 8.00 & 8.50 " 5.00
Men's 1.50. Pants at • 1.00
2.00 2.25 " 1.25
2.50 & 3.00 " 1.75
3.25 to 3.75 " 2.50
5.00 •
g out e Clothing Business.
Men's $12.00 Overcoats at $9.00
• 10.00 " •7.00
7.50 " 5.50
10.00 Crovenetta Ram Coats 6.75
Boys' Serge Suits at 1.00
, Boys' Serge Suits at 1.25
Boys' $3 to $3 95 Suits at
Boys' Snits worth up to $3,50 for
Boys' $5 3 -piece Suits for .
Boy:s! Pants wOrth up to 85c for
ee 1 bill arge s ff o uii list of bargains throughout the store,
On Sale Saturday Morning •
Ladies' Coats worth up to $8.50 for $5
On Saturday morning w e will place on sale 15 Ladies' Coats
of fine beaver cloth, frieze and tweeds. All are made in
the very newest styles and are good values at our
regular prices. Special at each ....... ZO.t.n./
Ciiildren's $3.50, $4.50 to .$5 Coats at $2.50
your choice of 18 Children's Coats in shades of fawn navv.
. . . . •
More Millinery. Bargains
Hats worth up to $5 at $2.50
The trimmed bats we placed on sale last -Week at $2.50 'went.
.out like a sho.t. We will have -25 mareready foryour
choosing on Saturday morning.. . '•
Trimmed Hats:at $L50, worth
red, ete., all are Made of cloths that will give' good $2 50 An. are nicely made and trinnned , and are' wellwear, wear, ref.,,ular prices' up to $5 for.......:. w9rth. $3 each, your choice for
. a • • • • $P ei .11.0CPti7
1P *017 WANT. 11'
- Those who were injured in the ex -
'plosion fast: week are recoveritig rapid-
but i'astor .McLeinittn. and Caretak-
Moore . will be confined .too their'
honies 7 for some trine to ccrine. It. is
badly injured as was at first reported,
hoped that the former's sight as liot
The pulpit last Sabbath was occupied
.by • Rev. Salvers of. BrUcelield while
next StindaY Rev; Davidson of Varna
will preach. • •
Mr. -Itarry Woodyard, who has hall
Mrs. J. Melhien's tarin'on the -Base.
Line rented for a term of years; Will
have' ' an 'auction sale on Thursday
next.. He has: eeeitled to.leave this'
part but whether he will settle in New
Ontario or. the Northwest he has not
yet decided.• • • • • •
Messrs:- W. R. Bali, A. 'Wallace and
G. Tyner are busy /flaking' pre.para.
Lions for building •next summer. The
ssilieciiglitwinogrke.oteld not be better for ' any
Mrs. Campbell had a few, men cutt-
ing wood in Mr. J. Miller's bush ..oti
Mrs: E. Whiteman and Alm Mettur-
ghlin from al:ear BelgraVe visited) at
Mr. J. Miller's ,on. :Sunday. Mrs. - Me -
Laughlin will remain with her •dattgli-'
ter, Mrs. 'Willer, for som0. time.
of AftirearI.B1C3171tillitu'bvIsiligtsedafiireienwdisfliaeured
A rifle association Jias been organiz-
ed here as a branch of the Clinton)
club with :T. Rapson as . Captain, R.
Draper as treasurer and 8. Hill as
secretary. The boys will netlikely
miss the mark now.
A large congregation assemblee, in
St. Veter's church Sunday evening to
hear Rev. Mr, Wright's farewell. ser-
mon which was delivered itt his usual
earnest manner and was savored'. witll.
good advice, to all. The people of this
congregation have shown their kindly
feeling towards Mr, Wright lly pre-
senting him with a purse containing a
sum of money which. he accepted with
much appreciation of the spirit which
prompted the gift.
A student from Huron College, Lon-
don, will take charge of the service
next f:•lituday.
L. 0. L. No. 928 will hold its regu-
lar meeting Moneay evening next when
the election of officers for the ensuing
year and other business will, be trans-
Mr. Josiah Mcllveeti, who, left this
part twenty-five years ago for North
Dakota', has sold his lao acre farm,
near Drayton and will, we so hear,
take up his residence in. Winnipeg. We
have not heard what he received for
the land,., but a. short time ago be was
asking $33 nit acre for it. .Mr,
von lies dofte well in the West,
• Miss Moyer tif Clinton spent Sunday
the guest of MrS,.W. R. Forster,.
Miss Logan of Varna and aliss.Cattn-
eron of Bayfield visited Miss Bessie
Pickardlast week, ' •
Mr. Lew Tebbutt has returned home
from Manitoba. .' • ,
Rev. J. Hussar attended the con-
vention of Epworth Leagues of liondon•
conference at Chatham last week.
Mrs. Pickard is visiting her Waugh -
ter, Mrs. McRoberts, at Mitchell,
Mr, Harvey Willson of Montreal
home after being laid up With typhoid
fever. His many friends hope that he
Will soon. be all right. .
Lieut. Delineu of Toronto is in, our
village gaining information front our
Donution Poultry- Station.
Ott. Tuesday eveningthe mentbers 01
theMethoclist choir were entertained by
the pastor and his wife, •
Several Sehool Reports have had, .
• unavoidably to . be held over
until next week.
g-ssnr,urtpx .OF CONDOLENCt.
At the last regular meeting of
Branch. No,343, C. M. B. A., the, fol-
lowing resolution was moved by J. J.
McCaughey, seconded) by 3. D. , Pen-
sorineault and carried' unanimously
"Whereas it has pleased Almighty
God in his infinitesoodnesa to t all to
Rh -itself Thomas Chitherf, beloved fa.th-
er.bf our brothers John, Thomas and
Gcorgt. Carbert, • Resolver:1 that we, the
members of Branch' No, 348, while
bowing sulitnissive,ly to the will of alt
all wise Providence, desire to express
our deep "griqf •at the death of Brother
Thomas Carbert and beg leave to ex-.
tend our 'heartfelt sympathy to the
family and relatives„ praying Cod in
His mercy to protect and comport
them in their sad bereayetnent." '
Tuesday, Dec. 3th, at lot s, cott.
Ilullett, a choice farm, farm stock
and implenients.-Jaines Parishr, pro-
prietor ; 13tournA pactioneer. .
Wednesday, Dec. 9th, at / p. in., at
lot 37, con, Xi, lIttllett, a choice farm
together with tinplements.--Mrs, Rich-
ard Waite, administratrix ; Thos.
Barr auctioneer,
Thurselay, Dec, loth, lot 32, con, 8,
Mdiett, farm stock and impleinents,-
/f. Woodyard, proprietor t Thos.ilrowit
Friday, Dee. nth, at Dick's hotel,
&arc:tilt, extensive sae of horses and
cattleA. 0 ;:ittllivait, proprietor ;
Thos. Drown auctioneer.
Wednesday,' Dee. rfdli, at lot 23, con.
6. McKillon, farm stock and implein-
ents.-Samen llell, proprietor ; Thos.
Drown auctioneer
Our $10
LOOKS just right be-
cause it is made from
good materials, is properly
cut, and out to-gether by
skilled mechanics. It is an
• Overcoat we could sell
for S12,06 to $13.00 and
then be giving good value.
We wanted the best Over-
coat we could find to sell
for a Ten Dollar Bill' and
searched the samples of
the best niakers of ready-
made Clothing in Carladd
until we found this one.
Its the best .coat for the
money we know of, but
come and, see yourself
what you think of it.
Mens' OVereoats made from heavy cheviot finish-
ed Frieze, cut in the must elle. good trim.
t4ltr:igIrg1g riaM;ti iind
zee give satisfactory wear, very special vaiao at I, 4,„ „.„,, •
. .. . . • , ................
-Men's Underwear $1.00.
We are selling a good. line of Mons' Under.
wear at $1 00 a suit. It is well made from clean
yarns and is rattling good value.
Men? Shirts and Drawers made from strong, clean yarns,
• soft finish, full size, shirts double breasted, each...awe
The itunitert mitt that *ells at 50c, a par, Is
the best Mitt for genera( purposeurear$
Milti Can Woe,