HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-12-03, Page 31 ; I . I � , Do,pplubpr 3rdt 1903 . Tke Ciltiton NewssoROCOM , 1. . .1 I - T_ , . - , --..-,--, __ - ­ I . .- 1. I �. . I �, I � . . � - . I DH_ OA*RAE)A �kT OHICAGIO. . . NO DOUUT ABOUT IT, , I � ­;� ,. . ­ I.. 1. 1. I ... I PERM ­­ .I � . , 11NOR"N[lits I'M , OR K01 10 811 Lower, Out chlosov,44, coist. P -ft". -O_ . XK%Xs#4#w1w Xnme, Fo*xd 0% Sense , Mpi . . J (I .. 1. X14 * some laotopoeo A110*4 11KOU# * Lty0XV4101- Wheat - . __ 019s,sk sw*ep of IrVIX40. to, tuqp Tq]%e*4X.9 vo*t-wbo Uve, **oqu Altair,- ot 00 WX0,00ge. . . , I � . - Usts-Tbe L4WO 0140'satlopup. Colborne, ])so. I. -One, woelc &9,0 I & BROWN ' Iding Gloom. -Over -Sydn,OY, 061130 lacit- . slkoelp clsissq* . � )A T 0 Ln'w E R .. .A ' Chamlparlain's Emplro-Oui Chicago, I)oo. I.-04nadialls. were Uond#y ruvooOug, NQ.Y. 2% * . yesterday parties along the I ,ko . - , , "" Policy JMst a P,Srty Mode, on, Ha4 Oonsequently Lifteo. I I ving congratulations at the 4 ;tuyures, Closed %4 lower, ShorQ, about two railes east of IAXI�6- . . rocei, I Jotvre . Irl w1heal . I i2er thau satoway, #44 cora so, port, touad . I I . I busy' 4y, t , k tiuklianged to J/ . ., ,% bowsprit and a provi� � CLINTION, I I international IDxposition yeaterol uxe� , s(i itteiier. oJon box, with locker atto6ohed. 'rho I VZOIRY It was the Arst day of stock Judging. At C%loago Dec., wheat eloswri I c hlxb- . 1. I 111. ­ ... 1. 0 1. 1 M, M i R F- . . . 0 -W6 -W.4--"-#--"" . . � 11 - I Lord AX44sq'y Say" AaglavolP4 Xreps, YA104 91 box was apparently. I , Ong JD Is TbUt tb* 00V - Dev-. cora %Q 1119 '444 . iow, aud bad tlxq . I : . � , X , jsjaeratum TbqlV AlOU1040'Pad Soule cases, especially sheep and or than saturoloy. . Ot Emerald'a name omd 4100 Captain . I axpplo*X Countries nnd Nq* in CAP- , 0d*QQ tuo. Rant of hogs, every ize wilmer from Arst to Dec- �4t$ *U191140r, . YoUgs.ter's name oix It, � I 'Get your money's worth, How ? By, dealing I 11.4 Iteply to like, prQmLorl air tug Fvloo of 400'al to umployao- last, belougc�r to Canadian horde. In roURION NAAKETS, � Tho member of the crew, whose -with us, With every purchase you save 0 money � I , r " an- *;LX'OU* tile Shropshire sheep, tor inotanco, U14404--close--wboAll Pit passage bil en prize ors. and nellors AWt- Pill,0019 No. :4 W4 -A unknown is I f!"ry Cawvl)411�13#bllorwan S.Ays $9 ROO'Alt 5XI00 XUONT9 to � n%Ulp has, hitherto bee . I I . olber4lx Mok , d 0004 In, row" ThQrQ 900ting of vislAwnq end Qre0v4 IYA114 in two classes, out of twolvQ A, UJU0, On PUSS11911, now learned to be Edward Ashley, ' and got the best value in the, maiket. If you. caa'� . wilin 10 ana- ers, nine wer owned by C iv,iute4� arrived, 2$s IY . . " , quiet, but steady, 3P.Ot A-Mclul W464* but his ki4dross )is$ not bee0learoed, come, send tb e baby and ybq may be just as guts , Wocid anyo 13060.wo 1390T War. - i a cheer. , \ dions, � and the three lost .were at the 190 0 ' a.. 3hv., The co been ' . _J�Qr-d I Sydney,. N..1j,, Doc. :L. -Tho gloolg bottom of the list, the Drst. prizes ' N ,ok, gra, Wright, it has . 'aQ ascort4ined, formerly X - as" Taxes" that you get just what we advortime. � I.-(Q.A.P.) 4 . , lived in � I Ju& � . � London, Dec, or 'plydney for entirely going, to Ontario. . 20f 190 11'111;��, I � . ,-Every time a merchant advertises what he canuOt I t stool a v �Oao 31 tork, . Brassey, chief spea,kor at the 00100- . which has r,, 7t 05 . I � ial Reciprocity debate before the i tile last fow (lays, Owing to the fact 300 Vrolo Neor 60"Iylsd . . ­ - National Club last night, $Old he � that a, striko was italuinuat at the . Three I hundred , Cariadialis . expivool THIR Vx8furm su'PeLT, I � . 14AY COMMUTE SENTENCE. . giYe his customer Ilia loses ground, aud we are here L I L . . . L � � was g,rateful to Canada for the pro- � stool works over the refusal of the he VIONO � lw� I I to stay. . . I nt to accept the torins of In one train from the vicinity Of As colavared wft a wo(lk KOO, t - . . . I � � . forence, but the tariff and the geo- � 1 ulanagenu, Guelph, and they formed an onthvsl� Xi1pply of lybeat In Canada and the U4461 Chinese x4arower cepressiss Yes, rV100 _ -----, 1. e 1 � I . graphical position of the United I ill L a 11,W,A. roquest, issued On Satur- 4stic party. The big judging stand 6tgte� has Inerpasoot 018,M bushels. corn . . States, Anade it IbI t 1 d as cleared away at 11 O'alock de4!4-,espe,A241.)OWb(L'i�lel��; Q%tS, M6Z4,Q , to xe -raid. aglatIT6114 , � I ; nearly inipoSSI e 0 4y# W , L. of the pavilion was. gaily docorilted 270 OW )>ush,fs. FollOwAng 16 a ('Oniga.rative. Vlct*ri% B.O.L Dee. ;L._.SaPh Chun" We, expect a big shipment of 'Xm-is . iliorease British exports to Canada. last night, when it bectulle I(nown, for the occasion. Significant of the 014jewent Xor the week euding t, ,00 L. I I . I men had' decid I od not to - pre, efflug wook and the evrresponding woeX Ah, Gum ajxd alul% Tie, three, Chin.. goods next week and to make room , I I England's hope lay In tropical CoLill- I that ill'o Warm fooling ,among the stockmen for od 140 . t year-. . "atenoed to be hangBd at Xam� , � - . tries. Ell"lauld had problems like ,, stril�o this morning. Canadians, the biggest flag in sight for them- we are offering - I � , the 0 tenth, but. .Canada- � The aritiOU110OU1011t was Made linown oo . = rde o . . . . . . Nov. 8�,, a. Nov. 2%108. Nov. 29,'02- loops next Friday for the u . r I . I submerged nd should not have . to. 'a, large uuiubor of businoss won in the centre, was VL very handsome Wheat, bu..30,130,000 29,47�.Y,000 46,082,0W All Qlco, et Chinese, at Dar River , 0. I . ' L was booming, a Ill silk stanaard of the United Xingdom. Onts, bu , 9,034,00 9,3081WO 7105400 gold mining camp, on the Prmer - I - . a citizens AIM" � ,QW I , all the trade benefits. He didn't' who hold gatiltyrod This was contributed by the'ex-Cana- (;orn, bat .::,5,83T,OW P, .937, t River, were reprieved yesterdo,y by . . - L Britain to be all haillbor to hear the r.e­ dians on tho Stock Exchan�,e, - To L WWO 01 think It desirable for .the Council C ,agcapitulaO, the visible stiplil,r Chief Justice liuAter until Doo, 18, , I . inight ,atton comprising , In Canada and the'United StAtes, to, I . . . self-contained, Canada's crops port of OA (10109 L each sido-was hung an immOnS� Ca- ; Bagains in, Eyer"y Dept I ' -srlrJi thAt ifluat to li,`1000, Is We 4ad -it ia prdbabile, that the. Dominiou . . . fail, and in time of war 0, neutral , Moor 111ohardson, .Ruv, rather Mae- nadiall flag, and the Stare 4hd Noilier 54,07121,000 bushole 0, 1 . , . . . I , 4 . , MOM* bushels against , Govotnmetit, conoideringi -. the case� . � I � . I . � . . I flag was safer. . I aw, parish pri6st 6f Sydlli�y, and , d - 'k ,ago, atul 74,610,OW Duallel'3' R YW will commute tile death ,sentence to ILI .� . . . . A.d. r of Stripes All the Canadians wore . . w . � I I . . . Rev, Archdeacon' Smith, -reoto corated . with Maple Leaf buttono ZeL ., . I Australia had the same tra,dO P6llcY , . . a, ago. . I I * - . as Canada. When he, welit to Aus- ,,4t, Goorge's Anglican Church, Syd- ev ­ . . . ­ . life . imprisonment, , Ah 'Cheo was . I � . .L Dress Goods'Dept. . � ' Men cry tilue the Polors. of their couu� LmAllt'(G WURAT XAnXH � X�- I murdered' with a hanimer,and tho . ; Staple Dept. . L . I . . tralia Chttiaberlain said-.. -Whatover noy, who'had been asked by.tho try would* show oil a new PrI20'w[A- F*110wing uTP the - closing quotatkons at body thrown,'14to the Fraser. .Sach . 10 1 - . . I you* see, praise perfervidly; if you do' - to tioldress them tit a Illass "looting or they would I Hotnespun,,Dress Goods . I L n yell in unison. tuiportalit whotit r--entres to.day,, mo4e & eqntessiou, in whio,h. . I . .1 . I . not see anything to praise, keep sll� last evening, and to whom a roport Ono westeriier'bollerod across the . callh. NOV. Dee, u4y. Chun . 60 pieces ft,nnelettes 10a . . I � of their decision would be nigoic, , , lia,11'. ,'Say,� -you Callucks h%Vo �._Xew Yowk ...... ..., 87 $414 he did. not implics-te others, but ovi. . L . for .8c J00 yards, 56 inches reg. . I � _ . I I ent. 11 . ' ., you Chiengo ... .... . I ... ::.: ' 81% dance adduced Showed 411 three to - , . -alpLr 60c, for, 40d ... I . Hamar Greenwood, fornierlY of When. the result of the t1weting WAq .. got . -everything w6rth having froul. Toledo .... .... $7 87 8�411 807/s I plicated, The police boliove .L . .1 . . owd . L 871y, 6II/A be, fin . � 25 pieces English' ilannel., I I . I Toronto, said Chamberlain was using made known to the waiting cr - a. �he prize list, you might iis well Dullith, No. I N.. ..... .. 1. 79% do the confession, 00 yardis 50 inebeaLrogU. . . . I L that Sach -Chun ma I ettes �2jc for, lic I . the colonies as,a party Move. The - long and, hearty cheer w(lit. 111). take the pavilion, Let the ta,il go, Tono.NTO St. LAWRION010 MARKET, . . . 6v $1�25 for . $1 1 ­ L demonstrated tho. feel- . I shouldering all blo.1ne, for a price to . . I . . I I influx of foreignors would make -it which clearly with the hide-" . I , L . I 6 . . . I � s men and 'citizens OV4111- , 'be paid to rpl4tive in China, I I . � impossible for Canada, to be the grau- ing of the basines . All the local papers d0VOW Much � Wheat red blWh ........ $0 SOYA to ;.....O . L I - . 1. . . . I . �. I . . I . Of the town on'the leatter; The de- space to Canadian exh . I .1 1 15 pieces Wrapperettes, . . . ary of the Enipirn. . Wits and Ca- - -Vl,liat whhe, Wish- _. 0 80 '...-w good patterns 12c for 8c Waistingg . I I . - � in the clsion of.the P.W,A. was reached,at ' Wheat,'spring, bush . 0 83 .... . NOT ON TO-LHASSA; � . I . . I ,qir I.r. Colon said that ­ ' nadian, affairs-,, and the Saddle and , :.1_1 . . . . . . I . . . I a'ss . "' 070 1 . L . . evolution of the Empire the oolonles, a. largely attended and spirited 11 Sirloin Club sent. an open Invitation ' wli,ea.t, go,qse, buS4 6 ...O U I - . L Prench vlannel .F . I . . - I 8arley busli ....�­.--- 0 0 048 1 . , 25 pieces Print, good pat. .. ! . I . 7 1 1 . . * must become great states and fall. meeting hot(! at the coke tX) every Palladian - visitor ,to' got, I . Leams' bosh � - .,-, i'- - - .'. 1 35 . .... - I Alritish Government Says Xt Uao we Do. . L terns, regular 15c and I 50 yards, 32 inch- 4 pat. . .. . I . and NXr4S only i dQuarters and bi>- � . Bean " .... 1 (Z ... signs on Tribot or vapital. . . . '8c .. fo L 2ge , % . I I . .V off like ripe fruit. I. . . night, arrived at after around to the hea, a' baild-pickod -1 . L 18c for . teriss, 50c r I . . : . Bunuerman tn lsaifonr. . . 06 heated dis0USSi011,. Ili which many come an hohorary. monaber: . -J� Peas, 'bugh ................ 056 , .:�i � L . ondon, . Dee, j.-I.t was Announced . . . . I I :. I I . . . . . I .. I . .� I . . of. the moulbors - of the association . � Hye, bu0h ......... %'..., 050 - .; .., I � I . I � . . � . .. . . I . . . I . - I . * .1 � I I Sir Henry Campboll-Dannermau was said that they did not like tho. idea . . i John 0ailapbell of Woodville , Oil-, Buckwheat, . bush ....... : 046. 6.,ji , yestoroic L Ly that tbe British -Govern- . I L . �. 'Silk. iStijagS .. . L � .- .1 � . . . . : : . . L . escorted through Newport Streets by arlo; Richardson Gibson of Dela- '� Oats. bush ............. 031 . mon4 has' ,no present intention of Louis* .. Wa . p,d,. of, &- strike beilIg called,.-IremediatelY. ware, and LI'OY'd4oues Brothers ' of � . L ­ L I ine I � . . . cheering crowds last night,* and . Was L LIVERPOOL GRAIN AXP PROIDUCE. pushing the YQunghus(band expeoll-, I � . . .. . . I .1 1. dressed a great I-11t,oting ,it. q,r6dgtlr One condition only attached �t6 Burford,, were the winders of. the I - I . I . . . - I al. . L . . I . the right of the Go- th(�L tWeepting Of the reduction, and fShropshire prize lists ,for the first Liverpool, Nov. SO. -Wheat spot No. "A 'tion through to Lhassa, t -he capit In fawns, white, gr -ple and inauve. . . I ., � . . to the that' was th�t Mr, plum.mer be,held. I . . ,rf,d )YvstErn wiliti.,r 9toaa), bg 2d; Not, I of. Thibet, or even to permanently . I . ey, pul . I L..... .. . . day for Canada. Campbell and Gib- 1� uoTllrern eprIng, no f,tOeU; 1uture%'4tesdy* ' -This ropudiatioA 75yards. Regularm,price $1.00per yard, . . . L L . . . I.. :1 11,Ly: ( . . . . . . . . ernixient to postpone an appeal to his agr�oinent to ,� son got a . . _�s. 31/jd�o occupy Gyang.tso;, , I 1. � I I L � . . . . I country on th(� tist:al issue, for . . ("erA Amerleml. iii-iXed 40 . . trade r co fll,StL This list is .��ch aLbig Dec,, Os 47%jd; Ilarab Os 41/1d . . . * . . . _Spot, L St*a,d�;' � of designs On Lh 4A or of a perman-m. clearing at 60 cents' per yard. � . I I . . I as ell,I)arrass-Ld and'the public ,�Xod� of.. rents' in the couipany's houses,- .. tory, it. Is given in,detall: � . ent stay in thilbetan territory, is uar . I � . I L . . . I 'O teal -TIC . . . steazly, - . . I . W . . , Dec.,' 4a . . I . I . . it was impaired. British exportsv�ere and the price of Coo'l L t the S 1. .. N.d.. fu�llro,3, J %d, .1an%'3s . .. � ... .. . . . . I Sheep. I .. I � :11%11., L Uacon i4hort rib, Nveak ATg; ,ang derstood to, be An outcome of the dis- - - . __1 I ­ ­ , � . . I � . . . . . . . . . . . I , . . . . nake of Company's olnPloNyes. - L .. � c:enr middles: ligbt, weak, 46� old- 1049 - - of the , British, Cabinet last , . 11 . L. 1. . increasing fast, 11'he total I . �aoti'os were Igsued�t Sh 013shire; elear. liliddleo 0(1;, slimt cus9lon . .1 � ­ Tost&rday C . .0 . FaA sheop, -dtvision,L r _ t I .. UNivy we0k, 45s . LADIES9. RtADY-MADR SKIRTS. .. I I . pig iron in Britain last year showed .. . d r, aak, 43s 6,1. Lazd, prime week. when, the attitude. of Russia in . . . . . . . . . ad thousund the forculen In the difierent, depart- 61a�w 9:l.-Wbther,, I year and un a .cles�r bavlEs, wi I I . . L Western . stew � . . � . .. . . . I an increase of six hundrF . uien�s .of tile plant that it tile, full two, . Arit . prize, .J o'hn Canipboll, ay W; American relbiedt L relation. to; the expedition was Among, � ' I k t make I . . . toils. .. . ' 'L itrol Gibson, 0a"y .36 0d, 'ITcps, at Loudaii (Vtottle the principal inatters debaied. The - . . Clearing Out our present stoQ o. . L � I Itt-forring to thtt stri . ctures of Prc­ quota �af men wbre not present this Woadvi.11a; second Rich Coak), steady M 120 to 01 '30. The IM- Russian , press has boon loud ill , its . - �6r others. , .. . �L. L .. I e to order all those v)OIa.ware; third,' John Campbell, 't . I � .. . . room I . . . . .. 1, . . infer Balfour, he said if the Liberals niornjn�k.+,bey we" . I povrts of wh;tl into Llverpoql last week i ag4inst - "British aggres- I . I .� . I . . . . . ivho, did noi'report for work to put� Nyoodiville; fourthi. Lloyd�Joncp ,Bro-.. were 39700 quaTterg front Atlautle PmtB, PrOtOstO I . I . .. I . � . . . . I � had boon in power there would have ' . I I Z and 615,ft from Other PO�Nts.. I . . . . Istou" in Thibet'. 4nd, there is rimson . . . . . L' '' I L . .2, doze 'a§sorted. sim , in blue, grey,and black. been no Jameson raid and'no ,war. . 111 -their tinie..and. return,*MO.- , thers, Burford. . . . . I . to blWevo that the, protest. voiced, the L .1 .. 11. s . .1 ­ I . '' ' . . , ' . _ result i3f coxtr�alizati4l- . . Class . 92-Pirst : Gibson; Second', . . . L 11 ' for 015. . .1 . .. � . . . CATTLEMARKET$ ' . I I . . feeling of the British, Government.. . Regular- $a.50 line . . I . . . A '%V1-1'1(lM1ZM1%13'H XOSUII, . . . I Ckio�llgo". D6C. 1.�_V(jll . owing its an- Campbell;.,third, dibson; fitt.11, Lloyd-' . ., . I I . .. I . - . I .L � . -, I . . . � . .. . . I . . I . .. . . . . . . I 1. . . . I I I I. I sixth, Lloyd"Jolips * . - . . , . � �%,Ir. Chainhorlain has a . loiter :ra- : )oanced potidy of centralization, L * the Jones 11rotherg,' . . 0&1�1.0(i qtoady.��Jr r L. I � I - .1 L. ­ . . I . . . . . � 8 . I . L � 'I'lle Still pointing out that the tariff- no 1. 1SU 2 do Toys and blacks F6Y patt Inte'ril'atfo5nar . Aary '.Company ,Brothp.rs. . . I Demand . zen mixe'd L g I I I , . I � 80 -A, ])�%Lixdas Constable Shs,t. I L, I . . .. . . . � ". . I I I . � ... .. � � ' I . I 0irm, -lint a 'oA Houttexi Xavket- . Duadas b eo. 1,-�Ja i 1' * - I � . .Regular 86.001inefor'$4.00. . I .I- I . . . !,eforni is a workingman's issue. , ecided to lay off 1,500 of,� it� � In many'athei awards the names. e .. MOB eadre, . . . . . . . ,. . . . I . T'ytlleton 'r,". busy Xo"r, . � has d . : � . . . .t . � . . I .. I I . . . L � I 19 000 e1uployes .and thus effect a . of Cah"ianis were. generously � die- London, N.ov,' 30."-L,E,ve cu,ttle steidy'at. constablo here, was shot �by burglar's .. . . . I . . - I I . I . I . .1 V I I . : ' 'L* . .1 . lo6 to IQ%e p for .&&erIe@Lxi steers, y I 0, YJ0 -_ I L i . " . . . L3,ttleton, sccretary Of st!Lte f,�r I S�Ving of $6,000;000 a �eon played. . - . . . Or lb. . caterda''Y' mornAng .about .6.3 . I. L 1. .� . � .11, I - I I - � . . . . I L yeai� . .Fift dressed. weight- 'Canadian ste-crs, -Oyj,.� to. .. . . . I I . . . 1. 1� . I ... li tile Colonies, has resigned th t - di- During. ihe six days' show it Is an, l(W4(, per lb�;x�frtgerutor heet, Sr,JL pew ib. aild Chief L r . 0 posi- f Ile Dealing, 7wiss had -.014sed them � " . S'of othermoney-saving . :1.. - .; -.1., . hundTed �mploYcs 0. ' . . Hundred I . 1. . I . . . . c,_-1lor of *Rc ticipated that half 6, nillli6n - I I . L L % . tion of Chan L a been notified,. their , ger- plop e $heep Islowi 11C tr' I�k,-Dar 16. LU0.0, from.Gratton 4 Co"'s itoro to' the i . . -e4uired- These I �, ority of e_ eoseo:welght, . I IL - 4, M I � .1 . , . . ­ , , � L . .. . I .1. I I , , !. . . ­,.�. ,Johyi -Talhol, the notphow,ul I vices . L -v Too nu erous, to.men . diot:L I vision hay Will'ViSitL the vr6unds a maj is & I I I I � , us! , tho'build" -toa,d, , : . alu�s tion, � I : are no...Ionger i I tway. llckuse,ob . . .1 I . . I . I I L _. L . ... � L . � , the Dishop,. succevds hiiii. , . � Men We;roL el"Ployed lu .the to. tPoes * them. interested in the live -stock in -:w i L. , - . XONT68,1�F, LIVE STOCK. . , aboutL two milea,from, theAo�vn�'. .1 - --- I � . � . �. . . I . C . ." . ' I i . . . ' I L . � . . L I I HaW ItUter;A1 Clvpspar� , at lronds-le;' . Of the. 7,000 wor I Th sales of prize � wiliners , � lifonfre4u 1�0v. 13O. -About .906 - b"d of - While the ch f * I I I -1 . kors. In dustry. . 0 . . L ie was-.soarohing, v,*,Phe,d , . . . - 'L . �: - I . . . g n a at , up to the . . . IN THE.6LD STAND Or' R. COATS & SON., . Earl Aeauchuinp, tit the �Birlillng_ I the Doering division 3,000 in, all.--�te'� in she,epj s1wine a'nd c4ttle. is expected,. Ofittle. * calves alid - 300. Flbe&p AAd I I 1b . the hoteli Fea,iro -cauglit, . I I . . . . . . , . o'M ormick divi-: - hundred Ivexe Xkwed foroale itt"the 4aat End kbat- I 1. . . I. I . . . I � OW L ' . co to send' riot less than one ­ tjvo3sj.whb,triedL to keep II'M haill l'ilie'ral Club banquet, said.free to.beLlaia Off. . Th . Wir to -'day.. There Wos a brisk demand two lugi ' * - � trade Lnu:bled British Manufacturers sion -will not jdikha�ge . so many thousand .dbllars, cash back to Cana.-' .NvItu firm rates paid for znythlug-n�oderato. Off With stout'sticks. The constable . ` � . . L , b,,-' . da. . . . . . . . . I . .. I . I .. ly -good. , 'llie common andlafailor beef olo�ed with Abill ' d " o , no L, ,of .the I . I � . I : .. I an- " . . : L . , I . to 01)t1),111 juaterjL,�I. at lower prices but 1 560 of its,,7,000 -employes . . L' ' " ' I . . ), . L � ­­� .. . criacrs; however, tire still hard. to sell at bur'glars..dr6w EL'revolver and-shot� . I �� I .. . . I . I .. protected countries. Despite ..inx Slated for dismissal� The' ptlier. I . , , . . , I , .1 . . ...t . . prleo- ­ ... ' " ' him.thr6ugh tile -1 . iip.- . . Az . i . other . bul-` I . 1. *[ , ,�.&--L . . L I ­ . . . . than � . . I . . . . any paying � ; :, 4:1 . L2... . .�Oz .. BR L "N , . votectud 111allufactureQ puper, Call- ,9.000Lw6r"-rP.to lose positions tire . . , I/ 11 . � .. . .. . . , - . ...''.. . . . . . . I I 11 . I .I I. . . �, .,!. . ., or, -1. 11 .. . 'L 11 I n,,: , %IT- I I . I . . . . ' Prime beeveii vold at 4V,c to -.-I W -p - let struck i'l is hit) I . ., . ' . . .. . OWE: .E CASEY. DEAD - , tor . a of hnglai;d, the'raWs 1 1 . I .. . . .. . o 9004 to,mediume, at abqut 4c, -aadL hcjb.., the tialidelaff.4. . I , . I � , . . I adu, tile United States .� thds�e ,ei1-4p1oydd,-in. . . I . . .. ,.;- . �. . 11 .. . 'The "m- ff ,.vit�j)ut doingr L . .�. - . I . produced 750 thousand tons L against L aw, m . I I.. . olluary medlums tit about 3%0,, , ck6t and- grlanoicol O . ., . . . . w ..ee, �§pringfield"OIlia" and Flano, . igin ln.P�ar][IA�honbr -at 2c to Be;-aad the-,caliners po . _ 1. . . , 0, . I I I . . ­ . � . . it . I - . I ".L . CLINTON . � 11 . � ­ . 1. . 3196pre'mented , West I ' ' - Won 06ck sold -ni. -' 'I'lla rolmet-9 Acd to llalli-.. . ,., .., . . . I . � '. I .. .. . . . . . "' any hai � . I I . . 43 thousand in 1861. I . . . . I . I 3j5OO Affooted. : I I Int.'L ". L 'pald from 11he . ,Is L . I I .1 .. ' � . , . . L, ' I - . . ­ .. I . . .1 . % . .. . ,.' . :v V LIVed In Ottpwa. . .to 2c for-W'e'Lul . , _ .. . I . . I I . , - � . . . " I . . . . I ... I ate). I . I . L Ilion, and h t-y�t been locatod. - 1. . I . I I �� %. 1:: . . I . . . . were boutht "u before . ave no , . I .. Frerei-entlal Justified.. . Dec.* I. -A redUc- I I The. good calvea I V 'VLL " n ,a. . L som - .. 11 � F, . I L . .. wl . , ,Putnam,, Colim, I 'Otta,wa, Dec. :i.�­Xr. debrge::E_ . reaching the. marlmt lw�log only the ,Poor Constable �411.0, IS, I Owhat ­ �� � . I . . .1. . . I . . . - President Doxat of tile- Austr&l�dix tion Of .ten j)er cent. Ili Wages, Went, Casey, ex-M.P., di&d at thq'Protos­ vealo for-t1w butchArLo w1hoso cons6endous 6ritical,coholition..' - , I . I I . . .1 I . I I . .. I . 1. . .. . 1, . L . . - 7. � . I I I L . - .. . . L f Chamber of Commerce in London; -Into effect yest6rday..in. 'E� namber of, , scruples d6 not admilt, Of their trading at P 0411 I III= . ­_ I - I .. I . . L . .. . . k - . speaking at the annual indoting. ye I s- cottdn i��Jlls in Ji�astorn- Connecticut t1ft - - I-10SPital a`t 1, 9.50 last night' tho Stock yards on Sunday. . I . . . I . . . . I I .. . . I I I . . . , ation Of diseases. Ile . gbo L 1. L I I . _____a_.___ I - - -_ I � no . . .� I terday, considered that chang;edL('On_ Aboint. 3,500. oparative�,,: are aff6ctod.-' . from a. complic L ,, sold at QlAc to Byie, and lamb$ at . ..--- . I I . . . I I : . . L , . : ,was: ad . . Olue- * -per 1b. . I , . L .. L .. .1 . I I I I . . L 0. 1. .L , , .. 1, I . . I .. . . I . I . 11 ell . mitted to the hospital S 14c to Y,c . . I ditions justffivd ,ferential tariffs - ' . I I . I " . � I . . . . . pre 16,00o !&*dU.4,d. ..L - ' i * . , I . . I . . L. . . . � I . .I. . days .ago,,. being then in .very bad Oood W4 W fut hoigs "d at 5e to 6%6: . . 11 I ., . I ., . . . I I . . . I _. . I . . . within t4io EmOre, with a certain L, . W&geS . 6f� . . ' ' . . . L � . I L . I . . I . 'I I � I , : . . . . Boston, Dec. I.-TheL shape. Silice that thue -his decline' per lb. , ' ' I . . I I ... . . . � '. L . a. : . � . I . � I . airiount of protecti011 to the, native, about .S2,000" cotton textile- opera.- ' . .. r*L0 0AVVLH MARKET. , . - . . . I . . I I . :.LL, . I I � . - ... 11 I 1. . .� � . . . . . . . � , , . I ,� . ,. . . . has been rapid and for -the p.a,st few ZAI�w Bur I .. . . . .. �, . .. . . . 1� I . I industries. . i ' i'lvcs Were reduced yoStotdi6y� . * YeS�' days all visitors. .had L 'aach debarred�! . , rapt A-Unwo. Nov. 3O!---0n.�ttiL--�Rece.iptS1 I '. 1. :,n C) . , I. * - - '. , I. - - I . 1; L I ­ . 1er . day's itoldition bringA -the . t6tia ,c,cQs . to Ill In. The pi-fino MInisfor 0160 bood; g6od cattli�,' Uigher;. vammon, . . : . . M - .S. . I I I . .. .. . I .1 I I I _ I aijai.S irk No , L . -1 * L I I . . . . , ; '. I STORM . L �w 8 � . steady; prime steas, $5,15 to 56; ship- , I ua . _ , . _ 1. a . -. ,n ..% I 0010-... .. e in - .. L a e, , ;:: '' ­ , , S IN ENUKAND,. L � 'iulll E ngland who . have � and"hie Colloaglies were, constant in. . 9. Gr t . . . 0 g ._ . . L . � I . � . , . I x)ilif, $4,40 -to $5; Votellers', $S. to $4.76; . I .. . .. I .. . . I . t . had th6ir pay ,cut. down thi ' a fall to - their inquiries. after Mr. 0mady, and hol tex-v p to $4,r,o; coNys, $2.W to $8.76; . I . . . , .. . . . 1. . . .. � . I . .. . . .. . . : ' ­ � . - 1. . .. �� . . . Score of Lives )Lost 'k naung. tuo Friono!i. ,about 64-,000; -arid tbo�cflt whicli I r, I' , .1"t , , - '0-'60�L to $4; �tockcrs siid feedem, I . I . � . � ... . . . I . . . . . I . I . � . . . 'L W6 a deeply , gr ov6d nightt to. hillis I 'LL.. . . . I I . .. . I . 111. . . I I . . . . . : . . I I I . . ­ . . . . . I . ... . . Flabino CreWo. L I _.. 1. takesi elToct. 'in Now 'Bligland, nPxt - oar of, his demlso. - Tho late. . 0 $4; stock heifed .50; fresh . . . I . 1. . ., . I , . I . . . , . h Mr. som, t M, $2 to $2 . . . . , I . . , . .. . .1 Alonday'will swell the'total to aboJut oa$dy. had L many � -sympatilizors� in ol-_. _� CONN'S and , opwingera, .; good &mand - aud . .. L 1 . 4' . ' i I � - . . . . . . . L.. .- I . � . I . . � . � .11 � . . . .1 I I London, Dec. I. -The incessant. 06. The cut down'in'. at we, . s- - tormeo* . strong; g66d to ohdco, $45 to $55'. inedfula I . � f -Ch rlstm.as Silverware : . .; L ..� . : " . . ... � 75,6 . I the:' " oil acc6unt of wh to $48;. common, $W to $28, . I 0 . . I rains have been succeeded. by snow� . . Me'loro., tawn . t.o Igood' $W i . . I . . I .1 ­ . L . . I . 1 . L�, ­ �. . . .. . . . . ­ .1 . ... I . ity'of fact0ries'averages A per. cent. ." Since his failure IV,. yeals�Ae�etpts, 860 head,,-stes.dy.to strw;i, - . 1 ;� L . I . � 4 . I . . L . . . . . I . ., I . I I �L. - I . . ­ I . I . storms, which yesterday were gener- I ... . . . .his "hard luck ­ . , , I.., .1 .. I . . . , I . . I X '1 ", . . . I . . I . L . I ... L I I 10,00, to- secure ' re-election -in WORt 1 $6 `iO'0,21% few at $8-50- - . L I . L. �. . N. rN I , � I . I . . . . . . . . I . .11 , .. al throughout Great Britain .a.nd ,. . I . . 1104s-ltecolpts 265,500�btadl active, 100 I. '. .. . .. . . . I 1. . I.''. I, .. . I . ,.,-I , - L . . � . . L . I %..T. iLa s ..and L , ..."e ties.. - I : L . - � -ts of . the con'tinen 3Lord'11XIato'iva8 jrroiont. I E�lwin -he had, reskled' In OttAwa,,. lkhex- lakry $4.75 to 44-65, ufted, I 1. I I I .-. Cult s . . - , I �. '.. . 1. � . I : �,., . . .. �,_ . ., . , . . . many pui t. .. ..Who. - .. I .. L . to 150 W , . . .. - L' ' I . '. . I I I � ' � ., . . . . . . fall in London was very Slight, but ,-' Toronto Dec. - 1."St, AAdrdw's where, his .cheery ludnivar 4U4 buqyant'., $4:70 to'$4,75: yorkel`,�, .$4.60 to $4.70; pIgs,L L I '.:L.�.' - .;� '- - I . I I ...., .. ­% I " " - �._-L _ L. � L . - I . % ; ; , - I " '' '. � . .. .t. . . I ' I $,c , . . . . . : . : . ... . I . I 11 L . ,, .1 . . .� . . � � 1.� :: - ':' ' . I .. .. . Was. In spiL , of reverses, $4.85'to, $4.00; 3�01100, ": to , 24, amp, . I. . ,.1 I � .., . . � . . 1. I . .1 . .1 ­ I L . , . . L - ih some of the country districts Out- 111ky' colebrited 'hero by'St, An- disposi 101, I .to. I. . ''. .. . .. . I ' . . I . . L MOCL (I popular admiration for4im... $8 to $3 716; 1 . . ... ' . ' .. � - . -11 - ­ � 11 . 1, - . . I.. I . .1 . . ­ 2920 . 0. hedd, . L '4ail'7' - I I Sheep lina �1,ani�%-�--Rocelpts I I "re - I . - deepe-no' . � , I . I -y arrivilig� d' ae. showing � - . . . door work was suspeuded. and ir -droW'f§-;S()ClOtY in a baiiquet. The do� . I , our, holida .koods'ii .. _ I ­ I . I . . : , . . Only. a­ohort tiole' , . . . . . . . . . . 'L V�s_ ago.he was -ap- , 'Yebirl(lig,9 and. . .. .. . L � . L I was carried on with dilliculty. ­ coratiQus;'Were voi�r appropriate ,and .1 I steady; IAmbS, $4.50'tO'$5.76 .. � I . . .. I I e� CoUn y L W ' ' , ' _ I I . . . ' ' _ ,P I L I . . . ' r fu.q4 �:: The dinner -,v a 1. that, p9inted--to'e, pesit'jon iwthei Parlle,- wtialow, $4 to $4.25; e%NMI `43r, to s.3,50; - ,1:ftever, � � �.. - -, . - I . L . sels are seeking refuge Ili the hall),ors p ,6 1. a al . .1, . , . . I . s'Ap J.75. L* .. I . " ' he largost "arld . 'too 'i � � linein th t . I . I I � . .L I . L ' Od ,be desired, Among those pre- m, . entary library, but had not enjoyed OR, lia:jeol; $1 Wto �, t I best s k i,l our " � . . I . , � .1 ., along the British coast, The, snow- cO _ t;his L Very, long W . , , . . . . .. . . . 1, L. I � . . , . . I . . .. . � ,. I I I ­ L I I . . .1 1. I . . I I . .. . . . . ;'Gon7! hall he 'beowne in4 - ' , . NEW TORK LI'ft STOCK- . I. .1 � . . I I I I : ' , I 1. ,-torins were so severe in Belgium sent was Lord MIiito,z.G6vein6r I . .. I. . .. I 1. -1. $to --k as we haVe. this year'. I � . . . � I capacitated by Illness . . before hadL.such a beautifu Q . L I Ithat telvgraphic and telephonic coi& -eral '61 Cana -da, I-Ifs.-Ronor. the Lieu- ''Mr.� 0 * L ' ,.. . I . I I New:York, Voy ; 30.-_Bo,6vPs--Re.a4f1)t9. �, .- . .. . .11 . . .1 . .. . . . . .. . . I . .. . _. . L. r . I oil_ e *hlgll�r; .1 .. I 1 .. . I I . L I I I . I . . I L I I L. . L L' I . I imunication with Germany was Inter- �.feuant-G ovel-nor, � the -Premier of . asey was, born. in � Maxdh, 4624; st��, stoa4y to ,a Ofta.d. . . I . . . I . I L. I I I I . .. . . ., . . I . . 1 ruptod. A score of liv6s have I been �tario,- and tho,feas Was prOgided. ov" : 1850, 'I I Sopth�wold, Elgin 'eouatY,. Mills, steady *, -thlu -oft%, ,LasT.:f&t f0v3, I .L .- . I . . � L, . . I . . . .1 . I . I . . - . .t . 11 Shade h,*herf native .�teers, $3.10 to.$53.110t, - . 11 . . I . . , 1. . . . . ..@..*..@.6..4..#.0..6,0W. . I : . . I :lost ainong the crt�ws of the v . essels- L . I b At which, was his home for many,yeaxso .0.. .-ItF.00.0.4. .*..*..*.iol**.,*.,*..$..$.!$..I..*..*..*.*..O..*..*.,*.,O-.0.4.1p..G..*..o . . I . I I L'. .. I I .11 I er .y ek, Nairu_ the newly -elected .. L . . . as Loxt,n and stags 49.30. to $5; Noll% $2.50 to .@.,.*.O..$..,*..6.0o.s..*..*..@..0.1.0! s.0.,#..0 -0-q0.s.-s.-6 . . . . % I . . I L. I . I 11, . . � I . . . I . . ident�.Ris tlxce�loncy!s spo�edh Ili Re -was- educated $4.15" (Wws. 1 ­. . . . . � I I , . . - �. . ­ � . j:ompos:ng the French. fishing fleet .. presd at tha St. Thom I $1.1() to ;3.50. Exports, 100 . . . . . . � ., . I . I . .. . . .. . .. . . , , . . . . . . . ii #nivoraitA cattle, to�morrow, W..oattle, 1129 sbeap I 1. . .. . . ..... .. I . . � .. .. .. . . I I . . . . I .. . . iduring 'the storins of the past, few '*x0J)]y, to.. the., toast 61 the. Governor- Ora, Imar SO ' hoot and the of. beef. CAIV03-Ite- L L . I I I I I . days. , I I I a stirring . one �nd was :of Toronto, where lie took -his ,de�- and: 37M quarteiff L I . � L %.S.q L - . . . . . . I . . I � . I . . G�duera was_ . . L . I I . . - ceipts, 2%2; vealo, steady-, grassers, 25c . I . I . ... I I., I . In :'CUt ' 1, . . 11 I I . . . . . I . I . L . I I . . . , greo I $4.50 L . .. I ; I . . __ , I in�ch appreeiated'. His Honor's re- in 1871, with -honors in class off; weotelnis, aoc t,� 75c lower; VealS, . I . .. I . 1. . .. .. . . Z. � I . . .. ­ . . . . - . . i - � Scottish. ice. Entering Parllixuient as luelu, � I I I 1. . . . . I � . I May Port.jid Disaster. mrir*ks were also. .in good to $�-, little, calves and,calls, $8.r* to $4; 1 I . . : ­� . L . . � West � Elgin at !the . general grar,�eraL 50. to, $6,60,t I . .1 . . .. �.. I ,,, i I . I I . , juc�. ber for and fed callics, $2- .11 I .. '.. . W. e h a' 6 the'Ver Y West at pri&a that. can't be beat. - I . . . I I 1. form. ThoTbanquat Was a great � � . . i .. I L. . . . 7 � .. . ... . I . . - . . .,. I I I . . .. ­ . . i Caracas, Venezuela, Dde, I.-ror � . . . . � ' L: r 22. -he w4stirns 4.126 ta P 50. '. ' � . , . 1. . L . .. 1 t - . . ... . L I eloction 'of .1872, when onl� 11 I I I - I . I � 'L . . . 1. . 1. . . . . L � L . -ly threp days 1) ' f I � - , :' � '­ I I . . '. . . .1 I CS L - SU :. 44d si 0.00, lnar� I .. .1. . .. � . ­ . I . I .1 I I . . - . 11 . ty 0 Coss .. ... . I I . . � f, ;i4::ReceIPt0, I I . I I. I I . I .1 . � I . . � . I - ontinued to reptr ii I ktt M out Stew . o1r; dheeN . . I . I !, . I I ast the � L -ding un e I � new �' the .. � . ., - I I I � . 0 � e �'tha A - - ' 019 �v; olonand,.. f. I . . I I L � . . . I I . . . . I. . . . . � I. - . I . I . I . . .. . .. . , , I I I . 4 . ! Cullialla, S�tati of Berinuolov., 1% ' . 460 I . tit defeated in 6 iriangUlar contearb $Z,15 t6 ;8.75. few export do., K. �111100 . . . . . - : I . . . : ( I .., staollwa kraforence rAvored. . xtra. 0.06 to I . . .� * . . I L . � I . � . . . . . I I I I . I . L , o, has been - enveloped. ; L . . 66. During the, terul of thd t2,, laiabs, $5.to45-00',.feW e I . . Fa ic Chi . . I. I . I -ous smoko. * �c. 1_­�-Mr. Jardine, - the in,19 . nada, lamb 1. . . I . . �. . 1. 11 n , ina , , . , , I . .1. .. . . � in sulplwl - The origtill, of Ottawa,'Dc ' culld, 48,60 to $4,50; Ca, � . '01 I I � . , L I L . , . � . , . Afackenize Government he was Gov- IM . . � . . $8 � I 1. ­ I . ., I I cannot I)e uxpl6in- Canadian trade agent in South At- ' I I . F. . ' I . I . I . I . . I . .. . :, .. . I . � . " . . . . . . . I 4:�t 0"tl . , ­ . I I A ver o. - I., . . . . � I jth(� phunumenon I ernment whip. , 7: _n pt6j 14,644, r�arket, The high ap6rted'dir6ct an ne I . . I td. The inhabitantlk of the pla,co, rica, wiftes. to the d* artniont here I . 4 I , er 14 c pags, $5.10 t* I I � I ... 11 We have a 4eautiful line,which was ir . . p . : .1 . . . ep, .. L . -----* I hogi, $4.90 �to $5; . . ) 11 . . I . . ' numbering about 10,000, are afraid saying that Canada�s action in graftt- , I I . . . . . . I % W215 . � . 4 i . I it reached our store. L Come -and see t' .� 0 . I . - . L I . . 14jured While BlItstlar, . . . . ened -up until ' hese. goods for them , I . Ito (03mndon their. houses. Cumano, ing the South'African colonies 'a, I I . . CiixoAao z1vu, STOCK. . � . . 4 , L Ives, L It is a ' OaSuk,6 t - I . . . I I . ti has beon destroyed six .times by' ,,prefer6noo is viewed with inuch fav- XlligSton, Dee. i. -,k serious acei- (IMMOO, Nov, SO,_0AttlC-necc1pttN 21,- . � selves. - Th6y sell themse. . P1 . o�jshow..them. ... . . - : , I ; . I , , . . learthqualces. . . or. The views expressed by Sir Wil. dent occurred at Xingst6n Mills yell- OW, includIng 2(M NVcstmms.; best cattle . . . : . I .. . . . � . I L .. I . . . . . 11 I . . I . I . . . . . I . I. I . I... . . . . . I . . fri-d Laurlor In Parliament on thoL Wday. The Bradden boys ,wore ell, strong to 100 hIg1hm,; others stead�; g6oa . . . . . . . . .� � . .. . . I I I I. I Will KDOP NAVICUU031 Opell.. - Alaska 'boundary ' wore cabled , to gaged in blasting 'and had lit the, to p"me stews, $5.20 to,$5.06, Po6j'.to rae- . . L I . . . I . . . L. . . . . V.I. ­. . . . . . .. . � 11 0 . . . ' � . . I .. I . . I - - .. . . I L 0 and gone . off. .As the - explosion, dium, 48-50 to $4.90, stockers And-1"d0kA, . . I . ­ L I � . . . . I .. ieSL .*. :. . � ,:,. - I . . I . . I Port Arthur, lice. I.-Thet Is a: South Africa, and warmly endorsed. fuse 1, $1.5o to $4-,:hcIf"Sh $1.75 . I . I . Novelt .. I I I will be ' ' by that a , i ' ' $2 -to KIO,. Cow 0 1 i � . . .. . . I . . . I L . I .� .. .. . ; 1. . . I I I . . I I . .. L possibrlity that navigation -portion of the Empire. It 1 did not ake place they went biwlc to $4.00; callneM. $1.50 to $2.4 ;,bullH, $1.15 � - . I � . I . . � L . . I L I . . ... . .. . kept open on the takes until, a late Haid that the cold storage accommo- and be an to drill out the holest tA), to ;4.25; c9alvej $2 to $61 Texas-fcdl steers, I .. . 1. . I . . . VeltieS We I . . . 1. � . . I , . . . I o1c in' that brains can. . . I I I . . I - WdSterfi 90&% to�$4,25. . ­ . In G I Clocks and No, I have everyth g . . , L I . pu�ia g $8 to'L$3.75, ., . I I I �, . .. � ; I I I. . � date this season. There is yet 0, large L dation. ou.tho dixect liners from 'call charge in. Wbile-illay wero .koge-Itecelpto to-daY 2 X1, tO-MOrl'ow, . . - - . . . . . . L . I � . I . L I . . I larnount. of freight to be Shipped to Canada to South Africa "a all tmkeXk doing so the first , charge b 'd !r4OW, mIxM and bu,Mers, $4.ra to $4.70; . d6vise and mon ' buy. . , : . L I Northwo,st 3 . Xplotfe . � heEtvvi $4.55 to ;4.(Z, -rough � L . I . . ''. ey - . . . . . . I . . % . . '. i , !the . and With the inareas- up by Amod . can firms in &dVarioe., . wid PDd 'Dreudden was, sortiously * hur� good to chOloi .. . . . . .L� I .11 1. . .. r . .. I � I I . � I � � . .. IL . . . . I . I. L . . I I � ing freight rates, the vessel owners L' .1 I . . I M, $4,315 to $4.�4- light, ;4.86 to *4.55; .1 I I . . I i L . , . I I about the eylos and. mouth. The in.; tft' I . . I .. . , I . I . bullk Of WOOS, 0-50 to $4.65. . I . . . I I . " . P] L . L. 1. . I 11 L I I !will keep the(r boats in commIesionL , Fell FrdtA Reef and Wed. - . I jured mark was brought to tha Hotel, 0hoft-ItociApts, 20,0w; olleet st:rofig to . I .� Sil.V L L I . . . . I , . . . , . . 11 '. .8 'Ong. good .L.: I . . I L igterlin'g er and ated Goods , , ­ . . . ,to as late a date as possible. '100 hJghcTL-,. liambs gtelldl'tc . I . . t, . _� . I . Etathilton, Dec, I. -Jack Ve?hor- DiOli- I to ehaiea wetiheve, M75 to. ;Cw; Yi1r to I . . . I I I . � . . . '' . I. . : r . . . . � . . . " . � I . . I iWhalers' Taro bonled. . . I son. son of John A. McPherson, 53 1 � chadeo mixed. p t . 0 ;8.75;*Ltlys, Sambe, ' , . . re- . I . � I - I . , 6 the cities,'�`Rave just West Hannah street, who was so C*aadlalk Vlatim is 130041. I . We' have the largest assortment outsid , , L ., I L . 060 tk lkn. ._ . - - . . . . �V% . . . I . __ ___� . . . Ottawa, Dec. I. -The yarn that - badly ',injured In a tall yesterday Chicago) Dec. `1'_I)OteotiVo� Joseph) � eeived $1000 worth of Silverware alone in great variety,,of most beauti" - . .1 I I I three United Statps whalers were Morning, died about 4.80 Ili the af- Driscoll died at the Merey ITOSPItal' . ; . . I L . . : I . I . seizod by Gana,dian officials in ITud. ternoon in t I he - City Hoapital. He sed was a na,ttvo� IMAIRCHWAVES ' . fql goods.. . ­ I I I . . . I . .''! on SaturdtLy. Doom I i . . . . . . . son Day is pronounced EL canard -by .tell from the roof of' his father'13 of Rilkington toWnsfitp, near Guelph, I _*-;k� , I I . i � *Marlft- ; . . I L . I :the officials hot-(,.. If any .. I I . .. � . . . Amerl%n house. He fractured his skull.' zVorts Being Made It . I L . . . . . I I . . . I . and had seivod for years on the Chl-; fts*01dous I i I . . . A � .. , I I - . � ; whalers have been encroaching in Ca.. I I . oago Police L force, Ilia brother, Mich- **d t L pisooter the Wrecked .9011600gr � ____ ___� . . I . nadian Waters the ice will hold them- -� . . ristal Adoidont at. myrtle.' I . o,el, left for Chicago Saturday .eve . 0 - , . i . . . . I . I I . . . 1. I .L . . � . I . . . I . . I 9=#*4ld-311orO WiGO)IM91b, . I . ' . !fast until tht, Canadian authorities Myrtle, Ont., Dee, I. -An aftident ing, but Joseph was- dead before lut'l I I L I . S, . I . . are ready to deal with them, I 1.-SGVO�61 VdlunC 1 oilet Good . . occurred on the C -P -11._a little east reached thOre. . I 0abourg, . Dec, I under the $UP, V l.Gooftj Freuch Gray T . . .1 . I . . - . . � . of Myrtle on Sunday afternoon, '.- - . .i 11 t�wr soo,rchwg paxtiea . B, raoL . 11 . . Aecld6nt Was Fatal. I . when Mr. trolift Xcingi a' resident o( . 4bonrosses tib 19 Mutd6vs. WViFAon*Qf William Plows, are ea- � elets, Ladies' Lo.lig Chains, Charms, Dickens . . L . . Poti,rboro, Dee. I. -John Donnelly, Itti.glan, was run down a freight 11, . . . 91&Pd in the search for Wreckage 1, 0. I . . . . I I I I . . . . . � . . gates 6'a trAln. Mr. X�ng Was . d by micago, Dee. I.-Cftat,160 Xcruper, the sohoonor:omotsalld. , "i I 11 . . , attendant of the G.T.R. . Z. and Aumb, in jail..at Oreonsburg, Pa,, has coja� 'roll, ult tug St. Paul - 0 . Chains, Diamond RijagS,.Wedding Ri gs, eta. ,- . . . I Charlotte street, died Sunday Aight - �. . I . I The - Govorliml I I . I . I . from injiirles received whilt on duty Open Irill 3060.41S. feSsod to the piurder ,of 15011colnen VhJoh is wintering at X'Ort 11OPe is . .1 I . . . . . . . . ,nipsday last. I roillijkli Land Devine in Chicago ' and eed I), the search, .as Is also . � I I * I . * . . . I I . on Mr. DoMielly was Port Colborne,, Ded. I. -The Wol� 'ejigag . to the murder of sixteen -other - or- UeMabbn ,Brothers, gasoline launch. . e � �.�.*. . I I I knockod down by a horse and dvatt- ItLud Canal will be 'kept open In eLil 0 he MST* =9 - Licenses ----- L I sons in Xontucky and the ast, T - L . uff Issue .1 'r e I Inquest , Several sailors of -this t0w"'nol . I ged by a passing eng1no, Aft I probability until D i I r.ls,tor .if prison" has been sentenced f10 . be P6rt Rape h&VO either tolograPhOd , . I I . . . . ,. I I I � . . � . . . . . . � will be hold. weather Xmits. " �o . hanod Jan. 14 1 . . ------- �� . .. * I 4i . IP04, 1 �­ _�_ . or toloplibno,d to every Port On the , . . .j.11- L I . . I * Canudo.16 fteveriu* latows. I . I . . lake but without allY satisfilotory r6- � All atL T.110 leading J eWel.ery StOT 0- . billoolsoed WIM 06sts. . lkoblsott at lleakPa A41111*1W. staunch- � - - . . I Ottawa, Dec, I. -An , ludl*"o of St. Thomas, Dec, L-Judpllugh- TCrontO, Dec. '1,-Oharlea Winters sult, Mr. plOWS,has found & I . I .1 . L L . . �, . I two and a 'half millions of dollars. ' .eon #Ad sotdo cabin WV-rO 0A the '. . I . 11 . . .. . , ps Ilea delivered judgment in the of Ilichniond_ Hill, told the polico I ,bo"h here, and 4XI)OCtS to locate . . I This is the gain shown Ili tile eug, . case Men an L . I -0.64..L a , A6.106-s-4.o.-b-'il-0 L li�il.00,;d�6iiA.*..Ig"64606.04ii4iif$4.06..di-64-to4aiie - .0-44-si�..6..#I.ib..O000f.ib..Oo.6--oottik.o..#�too,$.$O.st. I 4*-40-44�.-G"604.�o.$#).,Oi.o..G.O.i*".w I I .brought by the Misses Md- leLot night that two bicycles , tho missing boat to -day, I . . . . .1 . I . � � I I . I , toms receipts for the - EV month$ end' Brayn6 of th-is city, against thO held him UP at 1togg's Hollow Paid i Several ' persons report 9001119 ft I . I I . L . . L iIng yestorday, tig compared with the liquidators of the n1gift Loan Cbra- took from, him $480, wbich ho had ,':, about IL I the filouth vroolctot vessel om,thO ShOrO, �* _.L. , same period of 1002. I'lor rmlbn Is recover $400- which they sitvod whilo Working on tt fatm, no three njilas east of here. Several I ;" veTbor only, the botte t , =tfiey deposited With MauagOv 1)()l . Je6 will Investigate the I story, ; marinbrs have Wentilled Plcceg Of . 4'4'A(,'18I . It6wl6y n Jan. 8 last, but of I Here P,ro the offidial TUurt,-s for th6 ! butry w" Ithd6ift their 906voater, 13*41AU, b1hatit, , 'the,vorockago found, lls belonging to . I I . Which kloo �tho Enieraid, and thera is no doubt RUMBA'LL & '00's I i Vor iht live mont'ho . , two periods i . mb,or 80: , Page ,book ot, in the uookg of the Montt%l, Dec, I. -An Indian frotti, , now as to the fata that the WHSOI . . . � . ; ending Nov( . qZompafty. When Mf, ltoWloy W118 006tighuaWftga, about 85 Yom-# Old, . L - L I . I , 1, � I i I, I I 11 � ; I I . ; . I I I WM " , 1. I 1. .1 I . I � �. � - - I I I I .1 T R . - .1 I . - J, IV^ . V 'I *1 I. I � I 1 1 .. I I L I I I I � 11'11"`,� , I � 4 , � , I 1`1 I I �,�'� , 11,11, � , 11 I I I \ 190A .. ...... .411,653,160 i ;Iiaig raot, 00 I . .... . , 15,OM. L 740 brought i Al)ot �Vllere tb0,8Ch()(Jn_ I 1009 .... , horb from Xfrig6ton two named Joseph Tty.ult, thot himself I This is the I � I . � \1 214 ,M4 weekow itgo he 4Ppearod botore Judge dead In Wonde'a 110bol I"t imight, '. , . ; I Increase . . . 0 # i N. 1 1 tor Two Virothprs was wrecked T&qt L XWO` I Month of Novowb6r- I Hughw and denied over ho,ving re- no had boon drinking. heavily. f. f . : wyolir VIlon brillgilig a Cargo 0 COILl I -.0-A" � 1901 - - ., - - .. . - - 43,105,815 1 wivod th6 wouoy. Tho judge dismis- Vr PAYS Ito AbVHAW$X` IN kvrom charlottu, I I * I 11 I ­ . . . . . . . . . . -111. I . 11.1 11 . -­ I -11---- ­­­ I. . -1 � ­­ - ... I , 1902 - ... ,,,, i v� 2)747*1 7 � sea 0A "tion W,W1v.qA0. . T11LI" NRW$�RLWOIZV� r � - _­. - ,. . . 11000"i"M -11-1 I .. I . .. I � &LIW _10� I -.V-1 A.", L . . � � t_ _ $aOr". I itm.... 0"18 . ��&;- , -7,_ .. . ­ . I I I _­ .1. I � _ . I . . . . I N . I � I � . . . . . .