HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-11-26, Page 80 1. November 26th, 1013' Businesshas-been going with , and It Is sometimes difficult ' othl I The crowds are coming, cult to 'keep . sale of Men's and Boys. Cl Here a some of the .special values that are ace with them,bult Its the kind of difficulties we Ilke,and. the bigger the,crowd the better we feel, Hex _ re.. Fear's p us more an6 more business all the time. Hundreds of 1'len.and Boys will be glad of this opportunity of getting the very newest suit are bringing., i b ck of it stands the re u- at nearly half price. It will pay you well to come and seethe clothing we are selling fres such .a No smatter what the price, a P`Y''apia.. i f his store for selling only dependable and re- small price.. Such startling values in Clothing were never seen in Clinton before. , tat o0 o this g Y That reputation we are bound to ®SEE. OUR LARGE BILI,., FOR FULL LIST OP. PRICES . liable ran rchandlse. T p Black and.. maintain. No trasht•- :a shoddy here! if we know1. EDS OF BARGAINS .ARB. HERE FOR YOUR CHOOSING It ! Not an article on this list but is a worthy %hit e. iUNRR ualsty. Not one of the lot but ss money -saving. Nien�'s Stilts fob3 Others to follow. f Mau's Suit in the store, than is mach Meln'S� Sults at! onot take our word fo>r it aloiYe, put us to the test. Your choice o any lVt of cod tweed, well .lined and finished that we .sold at Men's wits axlad@ of tweeds sled seises in grey., navy and Come and. judge for. yourself. . g a 1 . , May we have the fervor cit . . ac .. All are well made and finished and will' give tyaus order for the Ghrrntsnas5 for $.i.00 . Tido, Doscripti.ve ioldet•, tur excellent Weal', iregular 8 for $5,0� the asking-- • . McWs, o $6 g S Suits at . • $6 t • Agents Parker's Dye Works, en's Sults of cod afros► tweed well lined and finished Men's.$9 s..$9 Suits at $6. DRESS GOODS . . in assorted colors that sold at: $6. to X6;75 for $4,00. men's tweed nits, m Your choice of any of our. sed and serge S �9 Two or three special items filet will give 3 au an idea of our, The 11 ��c�li GQ� , have of a Dress GFoods `i#ten the Qlz.apest, Always the Best: Men's $10 and $11 Worsted Sults at $7 . all of which are in, the latest styles,.that are regolar values in this big department. We g . ' Men's Suits ma,de .of fancy: worsted., in assorted colors, all value for .$6,00 . stock that no buyer of Dress Goods should miss. seeing. ' •,, � �.1 --- S • ' •. have the best linings algid are strictly up-to-date. �egu- money. . . .. - Buy your Boy, a Suit here and ave ' All wool Plaidls 25c ` AbOitt . lar $10 and $11 for $7 200 yards fancy Plaids press (,)code, most of them all wool; suitable for a'af$te ' �, or Children's dresses, regular 60a lines, special at per yard:.. , , .....2�ii. Men's $11 and $12_ Suits fol 8 Boys' . 11Suits . . . . People. . Your choice "of about 25 of our Men's Suits of fine worst, Boy$' suite made of navy blue aerge,on arils to ciclar at ...:.... . .....'. 1.ao Dress Goods 25C Boys' Navy Sart;o (Suits at ��-z7ts lain and fano press Goode, dhorp lengths and odd )lass that cold at O' ed etCy the regular :prices .of .which 'are $11 and s12 Boys' Tweed Two Piece Suit$ at $1.7fS 160 yards p . y We K W + .. . ' r� . 60 to 60 oto per yard.. We have g,tthored tbetstl all together and . pnb of w. sale price �$ ' " °' ' $2.00 I them on sale at year choice of thei eutiro lot .for, per yard....... Z+�C Mrs,. Jane_.,1vlackenziq of Belgralv2a is BOys' $5 Three' Piece Suits at $3.25 - . .. the gucet.of Mrs. John tell. .$13.and $1S Suits at $9.. ... 110mes im mid Heavy Dress Goods 50c . Mr, Her-ry Dacr of Auburn .was in - A , Mens Suits of plain: and fancy worsted effects with 1;11@ Boys' Suits made'of good einem tweed fsa assorted colors, n►0st of which 1 D or 126 aide heat/ Homeipnus and'aitfog$, these are lengths that fawn on 1X cdnesday of this week. About 0 y y have double sesta and knees in.pants, regular licca a to 0 5o for.. 3• ret o short for t►full Suit most of them are from 3 to 4,} yards. we Miss Mary Pattersou, :of near .Atiburn very best linings and trimings.. These are our very. P , g P p $�` want them Out of the, way at once, They are regular $1.UO,aad $i,26 visited' Miss... Dot Ball : a ;few days': bees .$r13 and. $15 Suits: Your choice for $9 Youn Meh'�s 8 and $8.50 Suits "at $5 -1. . qualities. Ave will not, out an end, they will be sold by the piece only last week, g q atardp Nov. 28th you can take our ohoioe of the Mx. Fred. • Toll of Fast Wmadnosli an acrd commencing S y, + y y ' Eer Suit in cuss stor@ has been .intl,rked down •from: our Young ban's suits of tweede:and• worsteds that sola as high as$8,50 for isoo 13UG old News -Record subscriber wile )n lot at per yard ... ....... ........•.......:.. ,.,.:..... .•... , 3;. ' • fawn today, V' regular prices --which. was fully tviwenty five per, Bent.. lower . �P001 Sliltlp°' ibC • Mr. R:obt, Stevens' on Tnesday went BiOyS' Pants worth up to 85c for 40e All m 5 than:is char .ed in most .stores. is values la materials suitable for heavy. Suits, A collectiun.of .flne to 1Iamtilton where. he l,as secured g n oVo''tw Some special v 1 any of eel pant ... .. materials and cloths that sold at 11100 $1.26, that we have one Suit OV • amployment. , Your choice. our r e x most of which have .... .e ./� 0 Mr, al Mrs. Mrs. Itolrf,; W2itkins,`whohavo Men..S Pant13 at Sale Pr1ceS $eat1.s and knees.tre worth,up to86c for.,.; .......,..,......;. 'rig Skirt of left, .They sell regularly at $1.00 •arid $1.26 and pre good been. a Pilot Moratd Man.,. se;v- Here's the way we will sell them : I. • . value at these prices, :special st.per .yard......: :!.....v.?..* .,'..: • , • 175C 't , . eraT :inor.ths returned hoane the atki- Men's• $1.50' .Pants' for' I.OQ Big,B.argaing in Men's Furnishings11 I. er day:, .. $�& $2,2,5 t': ". $1..2� . . 1.75 Sultin for $1.20 $3.U0 " $i.7!'3 too Men's Shirts and Drawers in cotton fleece,wool fleece,heavy all wool �+ Mr, James : Seale ,lett for Maple 0aa /f 3 25'dc 3.75 " " $tZ-d0 - l o o This Under car sells as. hi h ' arra fine'Suiting, these ere a fe>o choice 1{nee .that we bought for .this'. �t'echnesday to ,erect ,one of his fine $ $ I and unfop,:in allsizes fr m 32 L4, w fi Ladies extra trade, regular price of them was $1.76, they are very flue, smiles • irmnuments to the meilior , each ..... .. ., ., .... . s g y •. t $1;5U suit to go at, h 11 andeome.pnd stylish materials, but they are a little too high iu.prioeL. . of Mr. and Mrs. Janiiestn, formerly. Tien S Overcoats Reduced ether than take chances csrr iog•them over we ut to sell readily. R ➢ p Loircicstiora, Mena Overcoats .worth .$11 & $12,50 far•-�Q. 100 pair men's extra heavy wool Sea .etiustl to arty 40C sox on• the ninrket A . and, :...........:............ .......l•.2r5 °it• : - ,, .. ., 811.()0 . " $7.00 to. go at per pair..:,.:.:..• .. . them on sale Saturday at per y •L t Mr. and Mrs. .E12_ McLaug�h12n left o2v =„ ,, a 7.Oo ' "' 6.SO.. . ,o r . Tuesday for Aurora where like • lias 90 pair )teen 6 heavy driving mitts, pig skit) .facing, .long, wrist, a ,, . .. T e 75c for....., . .. I. . . - bouglt't stn establisheKl business. h .... . :$ . .. News -Record expresses.. the wish'Th Mens $10 l2 al n • Coats at $6.75 to . in de k re o l g ' MANTLES . 'at . r siert i 'a' elicits', tli m bhotr n s Uoats mad© of heavy..Lravenet S y n y iZegulitr $10we will'hayti,dozens of other bar eine whish tee leave oat room to quo 1.poi ty ny Me . new 11Qn1C. ' -ilei - ....- .., ..., ..�::. , '• , . .. , :.., .. . ...' • here.:. . . r . • • liTr. F,.'..J. xowaid lilt y�ati day far. C JZ • :Tt� Wort to fogl50: Mons avis Pracc s Los. Angh�s'aCaiitfornitltst s td' A..Bxg Ma�llnery Sp ., t r rx�r>rle.c� i= . r . $ Y . taltc tip ho n , y e . . . P had been 6 resideiit , of Clairton for . 'P f ,th.ich are_ tximpned ` i•n.: the, n save mons for doz ns of some ears and was :very popular Commencing Saturday morning, . will place,on sale 30 elegant,llats al o e.ha . 8„ d .... F. e . Y ci l' ' f h t , „ d n ,et o d s 11'. e rl -. in th'e season u as iii h V h their Winter mons ,lits asso aces al . a osz ver. latest styles :with Ostl icli Zip, , Wl . gs, Q. These. hats 'W ul . e a y ladies ,who .have bought e are seri that hie ,has ae[ Cili:ntan: Y1. y t1 . 1 urin this sale each $2.50. A It f r YUU -lf Mr: Howard is an ex esti rn:hisline' as' 5. Sp ", ,d. g Mantles. here, and c n do o p i of business• and will do: well where- y. ou kave uot,bou lit: sur et .The b • . y. g S Y g .. ever.he pos... Trimmed Hats .at 1.50 Children s X2,75 and'$3 Hats.at't1..75 T $ , r e The re u Ohildien s Hats roode`.of fine quality of felt; etc.,iii * sprted colors tegu- ' O'.1 L' est Stock and the best 't aloes 'illat , have. IS onl' . Rafe nicely trimmed with silks, velvets, wings, tc, t; g y . rice.. .. '.:.5Q ( laa$2.75:and.$3, sale .price �•.T5,`. ,ever been in ':the store are `here to•da . a ` lar yYilae of loses hats•are are up to$3, sole p T \ , O We. clears: d . all a lvanufac-tnrer-, had in i�uburn...1. lCV 13AC,R stock' and of them at nee that lets us XT A.V. . YQvte atoiv g. l> Under discussion is the pr0posail of . .xs' ruv wr► Hell them at 'from $3;00 to $3.b0 less than F, 4Livingstone of Blyth to furnish . ® electric power • frcan that village to . . he made, them to retail for. if - ou have . 1.. run, . our •Ji hts, ', The . plan is► fee- . . of -a C kit .to bit do not ,miss seeing the• -e, sable stud steam power if not usually . g y .I. c tea ar` ' would , at all events prove 6:1.. ''. l p ., . . -You,. might, . as Well " dome Inone rr than: he riv .. •. . . .• 1.. nic;re to be depended a t . 9 r.. d 81 and u -to-date. ' . or has in the past. � ho: rate p op6se ; . . Every garment new, styli ; , p Y however is easy :if a stillUient nuamber ... ... ... . . For easy. se111n we sou I.�efi .the Bar sin Caate In two lotk: . g g l .. of lights Eau be secured: wllicli ought to' be possible. J��i, T Q 1y11 . ." A • . t &.turda 's meetin re the: • iC. P. At $G.90 . C�.ri . R. branch busi2iess was shoved.. ,along - , . .. . s made from all -wool friezes )n blacks and rays, velvet Ladies Jackets, $ at railroad speed. _'L'lie reports of dole- l . ones backs. linedthrou hotitw2th.goodqual- , d ock- ..... i Lit ,'Summerhill.' . . . rioters. new sbyles, l g gates . from Ouell h, S cuing. an L black atanna• also fancy tweeds, double texture cloth, with . sty bla s , . y hart, .were received -n•itir keen interest Mr. U, Balfour has redlined f n aft 1 f h . shat : e oris ba a Otte , . , , % , . -, IVfr: R. Wathcfus and wife,. who spent lard b.. . ack, and a var)ety of other st let w y v c, its lard: li a .oi2)tin i+ive crnn T T p y an . pla Y , pP g . Cxtendeci top to the West:•. e. i�st sum er in. the Northwest xc_ 0 lJ' �.0 OY F..� • C O T or two of in the lot. .Not one coat that' was made to sell. for at r , c c• nslu concerned to : th past Rn mtttees fo •�0 � h, t w p on Frulay , evening, :the .26th Inst„ turned to these . , arts: for tlta'win*r,: ' ' leaat 1 . our s ectal sale rice, each .. ...:........ i ,.....,...... the Wawa- p ' .. 0, p, P secure the. right of way in rho closing exorcises for. this season of The s ak we 1 'of that Countr and The 'e iS . ri0 1Jetter. `OVeCCOat in the ma. . nosh; and liullett divisions. , Tlie same .tie 'Statute .bra2it h of.•thc .Brucefield, . Y pe nl 1 e :`n he. s rim":: " . : 1.3' . intend returns g tl cn e z t pp 11 At •88 50 .. , . • . . . dale ates ` are' proposed for Goderich Presb terian- Sabbaih� -school 'were field • , n i : p few :. ket` than •our f mous Coat at, $ i 0.. . g y Miss M. Shepherd is si e d ng .a , . thus week to tucet the engtr�cer. and:al- in the'selioolhoime of :S. S: No, 1 .. McBrien f Ron- t At this rice"we3 areshow>ng a ver large range , floats that .are made 4 weeks with Mrs. A. 1►T B ton, .o H n . P y - t so to go to Montreal. We, must have Rev. ZVIr; Saweis resided over and It $the hest Coat we COuld .fsnd::an Coil to sell at from $i l.tosl2,and sonless high as $13,. Every.garmen , s P pall. . -' - latest and most , - that. �-C. I . R. line and the p0,int• i. addressed. - tl-,ose•asserabled• A ver � .Wig `-ill trench . his was made for this season s trade, is ;out In file late t Y Rev. ilii A. = ght w 1 oda, t0' sell, -at this price, and ' we saw the 1 The conio'in'niater2i2ls mo'rt.aeasonable,and.pop- . also reasonably near file vill�go, anti sitccessftil school has been carried on file fwrewell sermon to 1•is con rregstioiis I. 1.. popular sty e. They 6 alar this seasau. Main : `-of them are hazldsomely;trimmed, choice " - why not: past,'stuiutimer. $ate les , of all' the leading makers. y �� at Middleton's, Holinesville and Sum-. entire lot at each ........ .... ... , ...; ..,.:.............. 8• .Win., Mole spent •Sul cl-a at k,omeL. the Presbyterians held- their anwi nmrhill, on, Sunda .:next. His sermons p ► ` of theI. . 1 y versary on the 22nd :and3rtl artd.tlie h t : always n i strirctive and tvo It Ors Harold' .Sprung. is. seric.usly ole the 3' a e a w. y . ee n iS d ma a from a strong drool Cheviot, :. - were : •a n unbounded success. Excellent d line t in t � sick list,. ,. - would: live to ,hear. more of .them:' We sernrcns were delivered. by Rev. Mr.. wish •hint sitecess in . his now ariah at , : an d throit<gilOL1 he best style, . CHILDREN'S ULSTERS• $3.65 Geo. Lawlor has • one to: the .Soo p allose g McAuley of Mitchell in the )morning Tiladuburg, , has:. `elver collar, comes. in a nice � shade 'of again: and cyenur and, b. Rev.. Mr. Larkin hot has beer, wank r make, sborf `Work of the balance of . oris . g Mich., g. • Y Mr, R. Colburn, w We are going to, x13 R. Wetheral who 'tri ited M. , of Seatorth in the 4tterno0n. OxtMini- dark. Oxford Gre. a11d if: sold at.. ,2 and ' g g . A.. , ; . ing with, M4 .1. W. •Hill for th.e, sum" Y r i ' t�7 and commenoin Saturda . Nov. :last -midsummer, thinks he • has stir ek.:day evening, a splendid fowl supper ri h d his' ryrli'and.i,ntenils * .. stock of Ch1 dren,s Uls . re, g yt lues, has. fi is e , w sornethin better than, teaChirt so ,on $ i 4 would be OOCL `Value. fur . S Cial 28th, you can take . our choice of any Ulster in the store, for g g was served m file blsemen•t of bha.. cutting wood for flie winter: Iiia $is'- f . g l� . . ' resignation as ter", Cbarlotte, . will remain at Mr, ri1.ce $ i 0. . . . , $ and 50 If oil rinei al here.' He contem school roam after `which several oil h regular rices were $4.50 $5' $5, y his rrpurn tendered his resipgtca� addresses. were delivered by the Revs. fIill's for the winter: .price, tP�.65. 'the g p ' in .into a stord and •tilmbei busi"Osts Shaw of fIensalI' Larkin-cf Seafort}� . r Ur rl this is our cllaXlce.. All, are• 31ow, . ' g Mr: R. Reid, our toacr,e`f, silent sun Cheaper and more 'expea . . Coats. ' if want au Ulster fo yo gi y with• .;)ifs lirotlier Charles o[ Stitts- and NTcA'tile of NTittilelh. 'The Exeter, • y; da at itis hoinle in S'tanle iviceable arments. ` ville, Mich.' Mr. Wltitemr-n of, West Presbyterian church choir. delighted y, ci[l aids ch d I;eo, is' yott ,want them• natty and se . g . ' field has been engaged to suce�deef him.' ever one b , t1eir excellent sin in ire H.. Wb , , 11iis's" Sclater stays on as teacher of Y Y .- sing"ng' g' quite ill,with the grflrhs. We hope to +��+♦f�H y The proceeds of the two cats s^rvices may soon recover. . * the junior; department at an increase amoGnted,to about 1'2 On cas 3ielcl whey-- . of s.lary. night �a'ten Ccnt socia w m .. t5� . . Gree Stock of Fur Coa. :.: , .an expiosfon .el :acetylene in f4ic ba3c-. i , Bi Remnant selling to �nncl Ftp 1`Yovem Holiliesv Ile. ' �•r Big meat did• aver $2,000 damage and tn. Ws carry the biggest f3toak O Men ti F1Yp )teats ' , CemUer rltr>tb. ed. nine. Nffsa Stee of. ClirAoii spent Sund ' bar aril start 1)e 'GPs. haus Blyth. • p in this sectign: .'One thing We, are very, . Far,lcular . as• the gutst of Miss F. rebbutt. had a big basiness ,=since the Tall season . . g � about. • id oil) to -handle lines that are #horou hl , .. :. . Un Monday evening at a mt,oting of. �01't Albert: Miss Bertha Graham has. been the y. � , + $ y o din a te7mbr. Bi : business mean, the Conservatives of tills tonvnMrvssrs. guest of her Cousini 1VIfss,ilertte Stan dependable $nd can be:relled.bn,to give satisfactory pens S p g 1t t1 1e,3 a Bari, Ylumimer, McNally ,and Elder ' John Mejfillan,: Allen' Richfirdsoit ley, - wear. If yo bu: a. F'ur•. Coat hate you ; .salect . it" big acclxmtilation of rennet s ra, s ,''itis .;..sere :4thosett as eaegates, to attend the. .Sam. Brown and Jaek McKenzie left y y y ' and : et there Out. : y etin w1 fah 12ond f<7r' Ottcs River . Mtrslaoka fpr frUm ,the bi eat stock hereaboutg', and Calla depend , SltratCh the. 73tOCk CIOSeIt g Liberal Coitservat2 a ,ane g t ay gg, P �e are Q11I t.0 tit was: held at Smith :s Hill on Tttesciay: the witrter., , , 'Y'he )klflYeii 1Gialn; Leat the.5uit. u Un �,'eti'n�;' one t118,t vi'ill, give you .r;l�tlstlletivn. , Ctlxnmencing S1t irday g g P Mr; Thos. Jens former) of Otis Mr. Ferguson suet Chau, liter of Cur p • } tore 07."1: sale ' at tiCes Y � g One of the, guitars art tilt ditiyitrn ti every re7lrinallt x i1 t e s p town but now of SCaforth, was. here low Sur da id with rigs. and Mrs. Jas. . Tlie Famous 1�iS110p COat at $1. this week making asset, �2tenbs to em- Scott. Y court here an ,Tuesday Was an east The famous Bishop F! nr Coat fe made from extra strorirt that should clear .thein out in less than A >i g Garafaxa. ,man harmed Irwin McCoiiifb bark once •snore into his old buxKne�ss�, Mr. aircl Mrs..W:'Rerd aril .child are skins, tanned by a special process, lined through out with week's time. 'There are ltu;udteds of them ai*l Dame Fortune frowned on him. he 12"eying resited his old stand on at present with -her parents, Mr, and heavy, quilted linings a coat thnt locks well and will etiand�@ p n 1 't. to open out its the butch- Mrs. 11. T. fellow nn a visit. He sued Mr. W. May of that towns no ead.ot rough nonage, ail sizes, speatal at each ........ ap sm to sell and. People who get thein are .going to Di s cy S p �; ship ' for five and one ha,4 months en's lil,tck and Brown )'alt' (;oat, `ZU iZtldl' `moi. \ . Bring business. . Both churches here are .holding a $ et f30111e of the bl es 6 1)ar a11v15 that ever wages .s Sec peri diva , givens credit `. g gg g The Y, P. Association of the Eng1i- Xmas trey in connection with tie Sun- for $66.50 received xjir¢irtg the service" Tea's Canadian Coon Coag, choice >tit�litlteq Went Out Of this store. There will be, . sh church intend giving the first of clay school. MCCcnrb swore that towards the end ' . � • • their • monthly entertailimetits during :W, B. Hawkins attended the meeting 0f March last he hrfatl 'with Ma illy ' �`1U> $ilii, $60• _ a: Flannels the winter in Temperance hall on Fri- of the Conserv^alive Association in Remnants of French tan els - May ,,� y �Pe have all sizes in stock, for little, mtttlt>tm oi` day evening. They have secured lite Smith"s Hill on 'i`uesday, the month at $24 . rringth; Mr -May contended that lite string wag for ei- Remnants of Mannelettes.1. services of Rey, Goldberg of nat>.gann-, ` , � � 1�1 >lneYi. if you ars oils to bit a Fur Co, t this. on to give his hectare on +'14lartin ,Lr; g for $sgz and he cla2aned $� g g. y lit tuottths Remnants of Dress (loads r, g , that McComb hacl brokcri the contract. wtntsr) Come and tart ills i1(lattek over with us. R , .. the'r which will bo very intttditilig• McKillop Township e . Remnants of Silk Doz7't miss the treat. ' ,by leaving at the end+ of five months y probably' save, you <e utile` On Friday evening a�public meeting Miss •Dffntife dl2eriary of Grey has I and a halt without cause. Mr. and Can interest Oil and . i i atherecl frC1t71 citizens was field in'Industry been ori a visit of a weeks duration Mrs, May, Jas, N. levier T. H. Ha- xlnolibl as. Well, . 7n fact remnants n all kinds, g of file i its.- Y • h r se of conside'rin the at the residence of Mr. J; J, Irvine. tniltou and Rdbt. ILa ratfter conchs- ,I I .... � . ever nook and, Winer of the store1� The hall far t e pit po g yy ' . advisability of silumittiirg, al,by-law Miss Minnie Dundas has no t,Pris: fvoly grayed the contract set up fiiy 1 f h ht wa for it relatives in Teroitto ane�pp iii prq May lard young MCCOinih was nonsuit- Wavy Woolen Soths 25#,• �lu�rll irelacer'1 ox1 tabYes xn ills eenir�e o e fc,r lite procuring the rig y ba`I •be avtM1a until atter New Yearisr, eel with costs. this means that Nfc- n 'ked at rice.% that Will t1 ty the proposed C. P. I2.. extefigian front 1r Y Y un eo le s ent Ali Comb will receive for tliC five and ' a store alvei xra x p p Guelph, to Goderich. After' having A number' of ver g P p ore than 1►lenys llilitl knitlotl 'waoleraocke, eeltlUaless. lief t 'e : buyer, Do not � r� the del- olgo able untie: ,at the resilience of Mr, half ,months lie worked no an Ly J' ,t� naive repot_ from y ',j'hellEilaCks' sxelnit(le:" to re�: ..' 7x) 021 �' 1x1 617 a �1CC c 4 ti x �,7 Y 1MCate , Cxy- Sims ,fohn tiers one night recently, .The lie has atlready been pain b May, $dfi: feet, tip11C9(1 heel, ml'ss'this ehaliCe if 'there xs Una o'L'I. Call 'Li1lt' Cgates, Rccye 'aims and Treasttrcr Eld y . by >• � t► � er who wero�.at the meeting in Gaelpli greater ttuatsbcr of tl:errn caatiri frtsirt 30. If M�:y Itttd not ntcacitluY•cCaprnbi ' 'tail at 3�0 ')ler pa]r V13 r, special , arrungem+srit oti. ,Carl. bu . 'ebeap. . • last wteclk and' citta remarks )icon crit» Scaforth. ., ltircn�: curring the servf C " . , r .. f u • Miss Vella 1laviclsctt, who hala� been the latter •would rcccive, moth• g,. � hem•frolm the Mill at the diri1e�ftice the ors, a'iro'tfon was put and cats ,ell ti . in lair , Wd3 ba t I.r 1 the by-law sutrrititteel Out its 14Taititob for spino time, .leas '.laaclge McCarthy heli) that ho Kaci it wholesale .hollies pay, Sli�i.leZlilll' tl1@xii 11i,tlllaatly* • 4 animoisy t a y. Ug nic- Oniric hcil eomplckd. his contract, It is t�,pout- - 4�}}•'} '1'.-",."}• 4.*, ,&."A �i+#iV�X'+�I�A+H1 A fol that p�trpeso at the er.tnhl9J1U% . el .rues f r ta,r m -d. ,slid h�irda man ahko to il(if1 G�8 Call �BYI til�zl4 a� ��C per pAir. -rT7- '� 7, i al election. Nearly all the 'toreslt2ng ane 2a er n �. Mr. John Shorritt lkves - here this liars been laid sway' for the s+easot, be clear antic beyond dot2bt in their ',cls ,. week t0 spend this winter niontlis with Tltc threshzr inadt: ,ricrneY t'li� year. . uitttual agreeirtents. xl2c farmer gat ' 1111 4 his dau liter in .London. Mise R511ina Backwell has been away the bc:)t of. th0l Ileal, for young ,Mc- - . • c t r etttrnecl fiernn A r ern a pleasant visit at Stlratford. Cotnh, wile fs critic to clrr au snanws0 Mr. 1, M Ll oy t , y AL-M1Vfr. I�clwarii lira r is oollect2 :g hitt. work, worked froiu March ttatil asp Saturday. ildi g t Inott h. 0 do��1 r 0,1 + N� erat �I �r ' 0u • .. $ i�;nough tt0w has figiien tc ii%kt, torial for the purrir0se of building it t teniller dot shell s fits t �- . • slot itfn attjoyablc at rho i7t�e'lout �ir%, barn )tont eastern)+ � orafl'g'ovil o Jr cat� , . . y k ,00