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The Clinton News-Record, 1903-11-26, Page 7
11 , A Novow er 20th, 1903 T1ar>.e Clutton Newet~Reeora 11 1 1 1 19- - __"1111 ii _ _ . . __ I P T_ r - �>Orwt„- y r or rates. Sale notes collected, years is Ayer 3 C hurry heavily clawed feet and awo v nebea , g art g y the jaws of which s{ere armed with buy and another to land one, The , . V. A. Frazer•, it ith an Indian rale, the Mgr. the very formidable teeth, '1'he tonins landing peewit is,likely to be useie,s, Ivrt of Len; Albert ,Bigelow 1?aitie, H. C. Brewer, �; . , with a delightful sketch founded qn "" `" " __.__ _ _�_ I . - - was barbed with Are, and fury Issued for but one in every hundred shipped -�• ��, .w a it f th I I H tt P j°'""'''' ' t •LINTON. �'� Z� � 1= 6.` 1111WITM ra••si�!t � from the monater s mouth, and the bond 1111* ►reR ;44W% shad aKilwtra'oeie. THE FIERY pRAAQN, The country with perhaps the most fo ales o e co Oct or,. aerie t es. , cottSpofford, with a love story of un- - - s..., •- - neap pard colds, Ole,; 11, most eeonomloat for gytronic cases and to keepp u hand, J. Q. Arlan GO., 7.oWell, M4ss•. .- lAnient divorce laws Ili the world is tom a 1°; pc, c e,.oleue-they breathe it, , Niagara a Visitorpr, . M/� �. y� Baalof c9oul Ameteat Rad Uctl1mval Blesieriptloas Sweden, and there the divorce rate Is . tue lrx,ontiter. :lower than In the Netherlands, wl ch �-' _ _.., T.. . ,iMiolsons it Dat of Incorporated y . Dragons were important anlmaN in after 81nRland, has the strictest lava in ' , ancient n medireval natural history. i A MANIMOTil HOLIDAY ISSUU And y the world. i . .p ♦{- G. D. McTaggart Parliament 18,54 trMywifebad adeedeep-seated h p g ing paper de,,ci Wing her life of Julie. Fusin, Haines, in her Italian home,, Until comparatively recent time no ,. f •line December Delineator (0llriat- b Capital authorized, $5,000,000 for three years. I purchased two scientist ever thought of questioning ( The Koxigo rre* state. faits Number) represents the high wat- z,85.ti,420 bottles of Ayer s. Cherry. Pectoral, Eyes and Study.:' . the existence of this Most formidable I The Kongo Free State has an area of t r• nnar•k of belioty and unity, and pos. BANKER. Capital paid tcp large size and it cured her cora• . 'Examinations of over 200,000 pairs of boasts. The annals of Winchester 1800,0110 agnare miles and A population ,r.Ibly of circulattun also, In a woman's . Reserve Fund 2,720,778 pletely.11 r o!• eyes and sere%ill tabulation of the. for 1177 gravely state that "in this year I between 20,000,000 and. 80,000,000, triitgaziue. having a first edition of A GENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS Total Assets 29,00,000 J. Ti. Burges Macon, Col. results in the Boston public schools, show that nearly all children enter the dragons were seen of many in Eng- . tuore than a rrti111uti copies. It cont. land," Gesuer, professor of natural I Jaxaafoo, Banana■. F sins 240 p tgett'I'll produce this mart - TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN- win. Motaou Ui„opliorson. President James Elliot. - ueucral Manager opinion that the volennoes of I7thiopia history at Zurich, gives a detailed de- About 20,000,000 bunches .of bananas instil editioo 728 tons of paper and 49 I f+resse.s working. 'elle dayawtere. required. scription of the dragon, while Aldro, annually on the island of JA" titers four pages ill colors representing Babyhood, Childhood, Girlhood rind . . Probl bl oil know of i �•+ �;�l CiLrYlAI\ SHAVE 'I Nates Discounted, Onilections Pila are myopic; and in universities this Y y that re TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST -,grow rn addition to exquisite color work, vandus, In his. "History of Serpents ca. Four•Sftiis of this amount are enc. clever -fiction to d st0k.in ri Illustiated scientist, John Leo by name, declared ltiade, Drafts Issued, Sterling and Exchange Bought and Rosetlnleyer, For the children there cough medicines . tittle all • :. _+ tri .Zl© leadliI 9 biir)J81'' and Dragono," published in 1640, de, ported, and the remainder Is consumed articiea, the ituluhet• includes a display As food by the )natives.. A bunch of `of Whiter fashions of. the students are myopic. Aurerican Iliev'e coughs, , tween an eagle, and a wolf, - votes fifty pages. to the .monster, A ellarulitlK covering , forold pothered- Sold. ( CQU hS,, exce t dee goes! 9 p p Japanese 'Brains. The brains of the Tapanese, both male good specimen of a dragon would seem bananas, containing about 300 specl+ i tol•ty•two tinges, letters front • the for.. t Illustrated -aAV1NGS DANK--- , That a body can acquire during the night a different ternperaturo fro!A thin of. the surrounding atmosphere has. been demonstrated Uy an' English and female, average greater weight than those of.the English. .. Thie Cowardly Leopard. .-:The season .' _ - . , The. Southern, Star slug Satitu\vesterri Companies of St.:Thomas have to -have been a beast About the size of mena of the fruit, sells in 3'amalea'for i eign aahtun .centres and BARRISTER SOI,ICITOR. 10t.erest allowed on Films of $1 and up front date of deposit and .physicist,' If a thermometer is taken 'the lned cinie that has Loan a sheep,. incased Iu a coat of scales 1if or 20 cents. " i articles ori the fashionable fabriea and I trimwings,. millinery, etc.. Among compounded half -yearly. been curing the Worst Of which shone like silver... Its Back was; the notable contribntorw are: IZlahard• ' -I+A[tN)JRS-- deeS. coughs for sixty serrated like a saw: I.t possessed. a RlsUr. Imports. ( LeG}till tell tie, with a delicate romance. tong tail, a a! batlilxe wings, four One wishing to import a hippgpota- A Wedding living fu tbi+ garden, cot )lone, advanced tel (armors At h pair . 1 1 d mus must have a overnment permit tq t ' pin i ries in tine author's be�E vein• r or rates. Sale notes collected, years is Ayer 3 C hurry heavily clawed feet and awo v nebea , g art g y the jaws of which s{ere armed with buy and another to land one, The , . V. A. Frazer•, it ith an Indian rale, the Mgr. the very formidable teeth, '1'he tonins landing peewit is,likely to be useie,s, Ivrt of Len; Albert ,Bigelow 1?aitie, H. C. Brewer, �; . , with a delightful sketch founded qn "" `" " __.__ _ _�_ I . - - was barbed with Are, and fury Issued for but one in every hundred shipped -�• ��, .w a it f th I I H tt P j°'""'''' ' t •LINTON. �'� Z� � 1= Tyroa sixes. zee., Gaon h for •a ordinary cold; aoo., just right forV,ronchitls, hoarse- � from the monater s mouth, and the bond roaches New.York alive, fo ales o e co Oct or,. aerie t es. , cottSpofford, with a love story of un- neap pard colds, Ole,; 11, most eeonomloat for gytronic cases and to keepp u hand, J. Q. Arlan GO., 7.oWell, M4ss•. bore A crest. Dragons, were the ]Host. wicked and vindiCtive of .Creatures, , Niagara a Visitorpr, setoff i[ltet•est; Andrew I,itug, .-with : a t leve! travesty c)il the usual i'itiry title, • They seem always to. have in. a The number of visitors to Niagara and GfOatir,v Kohbe, with an interest- .p ♦{- G. D. McTaggart ,been towering rage and spent the greater their time•In rushing up and. falls averages three-fourths of a m11- lion a year. ing paper de,,ci Wing her life of Julie. Fusin, Haines, in her Italian home,, - = - portion of dritli tier portrait in colors, There is down the snit) destroying everything Eyes and Study.:' . plata the third lnt,tailtnent of the Rvol-. BANKER. • • • • • that came, in their path, The origin cif ' . 'Examinations of over 200,000 pairs utiun of 4,010) �Vousun, the piquant ' . • " For an u todatO ° p- t dragons was a disputed point among mediaeval naturalists, Sonne maintain- :ed o!• eyes and sere%ill tabulation of the. .11atrative of clubdonl. by. Agnes Sur• - briclat•, and a reinsu•kable photographic A GENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS , . • HAIR L'� - ed thea hthese at of Iudla� were otho a weretot ( by results in the Boston public schools, show that nearly all children enter the article by J L Heu;ment There arc many beautiful art features Among TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN- -AND - . . opinion that the volennoes of I7thiopia Primary sebgels. with normal eyes. ht the higher grades one-fourth or the Pu- titers four pages ill colors representing Babyhood, Childhood, Girlhood rind i �•+ �;�l CiLrYlAI\ SHAVE used to belch forth them asters.. One Pila are myopic; and in universities this lblotliet hood --the. work of Berurtr+d.J. TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST • scientist, John Leo by name, declared increases until from 60 to 70 per cent Rosetlnleyer, For the children there • :. _+ tri .Zl© leadliI 9 biir)J81'' the dragon to be a hybrid, a erose be- of. the students are myopic. +'ere enieraining games and stories, and AI,IAWEn ON DEPOSITS. -- -- - tween an eagle, and a wolf, - forold pothered- ALBERT STREIrT, CI,INTON'. . NRXT DOOR To IRwIN'S GROCERY ° , ° - Temperature and Atmosphere: Japanese 'Brains. The brains of the Tapanese, both male t s in In itn p airtt- est io ltjou cooke�ryi lenl4 Of the horlte, for the'Chilstina.i' .. 'Geo.rge D. "ebertall. • , .. • • • • • • • c "** , That a body can acquire during the night a different ternperaturo fro!A thin of. the surrounding atmosphere has. been demonstrated Uy an' English and female, average greater weight than those of.the English. .. Thie Cowardly Leopard. .-:The season .' _ - . , The. Southern, Star slug Satitu\vesterri Companies of St.:Thomas have ., W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER SOI,ICITOR. .physicist,' If a thermometer is taken leopard'is.the most cowardly of Loan ' -- - ' from the . window, wrapped in cotton . a{timals. This mpy account for ilia Ue- oma gatnatc. . NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. i and placed'on.the ground its mercury Ing almost exclusively used by. female Cooks Cotton Root Compound. will descend. seven or eight .degrees.• animal trainers: _- �-� OFFICE -Sloane Block-- CLINTON. Indies►Favorite, FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. •i Ni EST, . LAItiC..E:.T, N..OST 'drVILAZ!Y CMCl'LATCID AND, ONLY Is the.only. safe, reliable Vegetables similarly situated be- 1 i(NAi.. 16k](UTCRIAL ...IND.• .11,0A1L NAFLR • IN CA,NADA'. 'i ` regulator on whioh woman . Ing pad conductors, stay freeze at a . For. seasickness• . can depend '9n .the hour time: when the th'ermo'meter does. not ,': Homeopathists are said to have n . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has . HENRY BEATTIE ,i' �,i and time of need." . Prepared 1n two degrees o! mark .the freezing . poiilt-proof . the# certain remedy for seaslGkness Ili apq het n used • by ziilliol?e; of tnathers for (Successor to Mr, James Scott,) • strength. No, 1. and No. 2: the cold experleneed.by tbe.plant may morphla;.-a very small dose. or which their children' while .teething. If dig- . No, 1. -For ordinary cases BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, • ETC is by far the best dollar be entirely different from she tempera= taken once 'an. gigue. in water will re- turbeti by, night asci U. suRe of your ® 0 . . iatedieine known• tore of the surrounding air. This low move the qualms. rest 'by a, sfick child sulTeriug and office formerly occupied Uy Mr• No. 2 -For special .cases -10 degrees cr in with "ain .of. cuttin teeth send . James Scott, ,n Elliott Block , , stronger -three dollars per box. temperature of . plants, however, only . . . fi, 1.P g „ Ji 1 -TAdies-ask your: druggist' for Cook's . occurs` when.' the night is clear, 'since Peas and Beans. .. once and. get a' bottle of hies.. hIONEY TO LOAN'. Cotton Root Compound. Take no other 'ren teething. Soothing Syruja" for , poor. at this .time tho' plant sheds its, heat Superior to any other vegetaUle igod as all pills, mixtures and imitations ars ren teething. It ,will relieve tile, poor dangerous. No. i and No. 2 Are sold and. throughout space and becomes chilled, .--even the cereals -as sources of Pro :little sufferer ilrimeoiately. Depend i i �. recommended bqq all druggists in the Do- whereas : if the night is cloudy .the tein':are dried : beans and peas, They minion, of Cana,d,a.. Mailed to any -address xpon ft, mothers there is no mistake RIDOL T & HALE an receipt of xJce and four 2 -cent postage. phenoimenon does not occur. This rank among the most economical of al:l; .about it. ':It .cures Diarrhoea, regu- litamps.p the 00010 Company, gives rise to the popular .superstition foods' and :colrpare _favorably .:with fates the Stornaeli and Bowels; cures �' m ® . Conveyane,rs, Commissioners; Real 'VYiadrlor,, Otitr.. that: Plants and buds -are':frozen by, most meati in,point of'nutritiori., : Wind Colic,' softens the Gunis, reduces - Istatc and Insurance -Agency. . . moonlight : ___- Inilaullnatioii aiid. gives tone .an<l eii hI<nicy to I,oaii. Na, r and No. z are . sold ' in , Clintoir . " `traccination In France. . .erfiy. to; Lbs whole. system. "Mrs:: . on. . by Watts &I. 'B, Coiiibe anrionr Came .of >Klndt Rcad. Vaccination is cginpnlsoly 1n,France hrinslow's,,Sootiiing Syrup" for ell Rd - B. IiAI,E - JOHN RIDOUT. t , -Co.,, R. P. Reekie and J.'E•-Hove , Drug- . :A•'ver' 'curious. case fs related. la the du ing'the�fitst: e.ir of life And revue ren teething is pleasant to the taste ista. - Y, - g Y Mild of seven :.ciiriitibn dtirina* the elevetttb Brad toren• and 'ig the prescription of.. one of the $ Annales Psychique&' A c 1 'e' and robust " Arst years. ` ' .:bldest and hest te7nalc phygiciaiis.aud .years, in good. health, lY ly .."tY ... - firs s in Bile. T'rrited, ,States: Price ants ; n c ,@ , f DR. fit . GUNN helon in to er sally healthy 'par old :b' ' alh dru - v ' � g 13 1 -5 cents a iaottle.':. S v t; &. o. 5 . , .' rain Funeral Collecifon■L . : showed :a strap e-facillty to -lea g •: ttirau h ut ilie world. .Be.siire A.tel' .l lr..I .cr,.li *' gee 1.50 Numbers R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. /j1 nif �t r raj j p $ In the course of a #vial ut Carnarvoc' gists >; �, y. th- °"'"""""' °tl��! "' ' Night 1 hP UUlo U1t1UA �1TG .all that his mother taught l lin.' He re- and ask. for Mrs..,Nitinslow . Soo i lit ca115 at t, out door of residence h _ r r.lgs .th¢ g , e whole multi lication table 'at it.}vas stated that.in..nolt �'t t. in Syrup. " N sv �ul,sc iihrr: gat,hrtl>tiire i.l 11i,5 }agar: irc•e, ii cl:u;ling. ui>ign flienC (`liri -t on Rattenbury street opposite_ : cited th p g. l7 custgrn ` revaiis o; making a collection tit ,:� ai ti+ii `.x , . .S� Ful in , ut , u;,sdi ih)1oti. iti t utleei• i on't, ujiss it, . n -fci iS Ue. rresb =terran church. ��++ ppar�n�yG�l (1 m the forst trial,. salved lnsta.ntly. coinpli. 1? I 13 tUliLJlJ C. ent at funerals the. __ .ate , itl(.1if uvei it he%ri-,lihvl;tl'i.rrh;t; 1C a t, :Stitn.p a cr,py',fI . . I . , ' cated. problem$, and, made .not: rt'ringle.... from. those pre, g 1. rl it y o e c qi . i • 5 nded t t el • , . - Ontano street CI,IN fON. in l s on It ..money. being o SY . ill v tc iii Jaitar- OFFICE -Farm and Isolated ow. Pro Ort mistake in his first spell. g e S Il , P 3. , .. .:T;ehevillc electors w o • , . '• �i•'xE' � ' ilh �tv4d ministers instead of. burial fees. , • $56,obi) for s RI... I . I f 1.0f7tt011iI Oi�'t. . -Only insured. was soon realized that the child did not tern oil a.1)V-fan to r< lac las ,q • . calculate by himself and did not spell • . . the; purchase• of the gas works �_" _ -- _ _ HAW of hie. own, accord. TIF viae sanding Australian .Forests. _ - - DR. S ., , - OFFICERS. his inothees.. mind, and he did. eYen,. The forests of Austraila •generally ; PHYSICIAN A\D SLRGEON. h[cI ea President f i i n when his ..eyes were shut and his hack have -ca monotonous appearance. Thi:• A>,VONDhIiFUL.BOOK J B, n, + I t P is caused by Etre presence everywhere' turned . Fol ided only that she ¢ere. C , . � I . � . . . � I '1+- Ontario street -C INf0�7. O. , 1hos. Nras,r, Vice -Preside ut, „• , . p 1 tug tree: work atr'fannly reftarence.;thecc+ • • OI'F L , a I' I3ruceficld . P., 0. T.E. Ila s, Sac, near him. One day she: had the idea of the.euca yp - As f y .R.a3 probably never.complied`.a more �7 r(� '. O»aosite 5t. Paul's church, !rcasnrer, acaiorth P. O. ., of interposing a screen be en leer Th / ,C��.. a' ,- I y i more ' Nosebleed. ust•ful hoc,k.thart Dr. t)base's ItecPipt . and the,,;child, and wps no, � : d In short Book:. 7lesides i?Oli:ainiiig .tile• s) rap•"% . DIRECTORS.1\oI ..I d can ,be stoppe a . • .. calculittion no more' spelling.. .The' it a of di case. -their calks and. cure . • • al \\:ia or a er ton For Valor In Ten: Colors William Shesney, Scaforth , .. John , the time by placing a sm 1, P. P .. •'i tans ai hexed . ,.. screen was anf73c,ent to pic�Ont and the grent pa Ptcr p :; - iOMPSON Grieve,t nthro • George Dale Sea- . . , . etiween .fibs u er`teetlr and . / MR. C. R. T I I P , g , or muslin b Pp ` hind - from .. reading the..'; mothers,_. together duan}, hatlf n rrntnry,oE.tued .. `-1. . , • forth John Watt 'Harloek - Jolur :c... 8 at the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. , , . i the lip. • The .pressure exerted • 1 )i•actice tit.ic book is .re.plete will} . . ' . , hos ,his. .. acs t , Bcnnewu■ Brodlra an Jatnt ■ Fvatns, t g given to dis^ease:t of g ,'. base of the nose -will' a;rest the, bleed- recei ,ta A, crank, inK as d' hes a roto h . Special attention g Beechwood ; •James Connally+ C1}ntvn: 1 ,tile P, e Ear Nose and Throat . Y , A itlovrntr serr,►on: ing: piers department devoted to the Bare Mr `,' r.•.n, f tern stock )ee■; dontestio ani'mitla„ __ _ '"�_-- , 1 -Office and Residence- AGENTS_: ,"I once had a,parisblonei• who•was a . • of t ' ..,, „ .. seasoned Wood, ete. Fpr frill prr.rticulars .write. Ed I `s . . I B RT $TRF I T WEST, C.f,INTON. Robert Sm>th, Harlock ,:. E. Kin miser" said an English elergyman. � . . .A , E b. . Ctimmrn s �Anr'average' stick of. snood when ulausgn; Bxtei de Co., Toronto. "�",;� p.: � hjrt �" North of Rattenbury St. cities, St aforlh , James g i 01Por..thfo man s belleflt.I proac:hed one : ... . ym Eg'inondvrlle ;. • J..- W, Yeo, Holtuts green contains 33 per; cent of. water and l,, " � � `fir, k . villc. Sunday .q. 'strong sermon on' the rices loses 22 per cent of, it !n seasoning, .dor• N� sitv:of charity of athilantbroP•y-,n ser- n']atel risttan ' s v.- . �. •. • ' . , .. any. which process,its strength.is nearly :'• A. Toronto. clergyrna . y , - 2... • Parties desirous to effect uisgrance duty au& the o .of giving. �� ;-• r�•.. - G. W. MANNING SMITH mon on the. tl ty j Y g g iahed. his can regritior►:by. ann'quncipg:: DR. or transact other . business v, hd doubled. „ h our close, - - 1. I, a,,s., +�- The miser, .. t . R horn I - gazed often, . . , 1!. �Ny friends, we tvoisiniµ .I _ 0'�,, roan :tl attencle . to on . a lication _ •,, yr .,, e6. 1 - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOX. ,promptly, y. PP. th b sfn in oho, 3 atti- iry(un. . s ecT . soemed impressed, :; . , New,YorLr ■ „slipping. . . ,f.clo l(clothes) .y • >; K k - "..•.I 'nL c cors Addre s r occupied b Dr. Pal- to any oaf the abgve , ofi) cuius wfsdow of the ramiir k f k Zw ,� Orgies formerly 1 y st iltces, I oases' ".Next.day I tnet him oaths' street. to their respectivc;po o, Ten :to twelve ships -a day arrive in . The uruont+ - lister on Main street. John,' •I said; 'wk`at do 4u created aniu8etiientanl.oung those wbu: .. . inspected by the 'director who "iicos Nell, Jo Y the port: of New: York: . ' ' n''s sereno 1'- awoke in orris to hear it, hAYFIEI,D, ONT nearest the scene. - . think of yesterd ..y .1. n . .. . ,` ,It moved are- deeply; 'air,' : he an- 1► Tip In Photar;rajlhy.. ---�-- _ -_� . swered: 'It brought helps -to- me-- so . The value of. manq a photograph 'ia . .. .Ill ,ly the .necessity of ;giving:alms grently'lessened or entirely lost through A GREAT LI CTLh t'VOR1.KER;.. . �. .1 wedl'" * :n 'ire DRS. AGNEW & FOWI,ER Marriage , _„ ,� that Honestly, sir, I've a great mind to ,the failure to place some object'in the • - - DENTISTS - - , " is' readil �iin Diming a long. life. time -tile heart . turn beggar. picture the size of which ,y .will propel balf a million tons ?f•blood FOI' 1�ieWS 24•, Pages Office adjoining Photo Gallery, open deratood by the observer.-' Tbl;.. dtfil- ever da and Satunlav iii Yhts until Li enBlea th'rcarigh .the bgdy, and ■u long as 'rite y _ b i ht ane seat and Rses, : enity.eari be obviated by placing a foot- blood ir, Ili a fioalt!• y'condition it •wit] EiE picture shown .is one dear to every Alan, woman, To o'clock, L S lrookin dn.to the $re is Yery injurious. .rule against one. of ties oUjects while repair itself err fast. as it wastes, hilt= �. °boy'and girl, on account. of its meaning "The_Vic- Auburn every hIanday• tend keeping n the lie of its -valve, r Tuesday, to tits eye,,,particularly a coat 1ro.. The the picture is being made:.. Y P fr Y toria'C:ross,' ; given for roaspicuous bravery.r If only Dungannon eve y y ISSUED BY . . he rhythm of its throb. .If .the " . . stimulus of. light and Treat united soon . and ,t . i ht in action elf the hewer gef -weak irre ulHr performCd. ` s the eyes. Lookin at molten A Flash, of L g n g. g the soil of .South Afn.;a cauic' voice the :deeds destroy Y g n and fl'ut•tering, tire` blood ns lacking i1) J. B. Rurnball, Clinton tro he sl ht. Read- Lightning entered a,bousa•in Sprig ;: tres.aud re sleets 'ust P y.. have bend iron will soon des y t g . 110111 lsiling quip q 1 upon . it, itoty man V+ctoria Crosses Would' DR. G. ERNEST HOLMES Ing itis twilight is Yn urious to the 'weld, Blass„ one driy; and by a cuneus such ,tssistanci! as is 'beat eappiied by foutrd;..to have .titan earned b . Canada s ons! It is. Spec in Crown and Bridge Work - -- • I g in g - ' - 00t, Ce eyes, as the tire obliged ed to make great freak it moved a 16avy bed which wits Dr, Lhttse's Nerve. Food, th'e great hard in the heat of action tb notice every act of valor, and ,D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Cal- Y y g ushed a ainst the wall well out Into,, exertlonl-_heading or sewing with b p g Iiluod #aclildep anti nerve restorative..• lege of Dental Surgeuns of Ontar- . b t le middle of the room, but did not in-. ose \vh,c l t:i c : place under `the eye of le a e ' side light injures the eyes, As both eyes 1 therefore only eh e u 1 gorge o! Iure.it n'the leant; superiors of su ,icat rank crit, be -noted, 1f,. D. S• -First class honor graduate should be exposed to an q a ... ,. The 'ictare Shows. ona ,,,f s•ica:dee•3 Two trooPers arC of Dental Department of Toronto TlltiE TABLE, light: . Those Who wish to. preserve ITER OWN. OPINION. P . v sit their sight should preserve their gen Heat and Avoiranpoi■. Ura Y closely pressed b' t:� e iF' a r: The horse .of one is hit. attention aid to reservation 'trains will arrive , at and de art ural health b correct habits of living . Hot weather is no more dangerous to hires At+kew-So y our marriage is , ,Specialp p p y . Undor the with rin tire; the Blinn \v}to.9. mount is unharmed o[ children's teeth. from Clinton. station .as follows':. fat people than to lean. put Off? and give their eyes just .work enough,I. halts, and, ri.ltinn .everythin , .va?s to gee' his comrade safety \Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield, ,.,with due degree of light.. .Miss Crummy -Yes, papa• is. not at o a. in. to 6 BUFAL0 AND GODERICH DIV; , . British India. all BatibHed tvlth hl■ position; rn,ttnWA mounted behind him. acid c ttr hi:n bac:t to the Canadian ovary Monday from r . rp..M. GOnng East Express 7.33 a+m• Ineon■iderate Fellow. British India buys abroad $260,700, dosen't like his (swig, cminectii�tir -lines. It is a desperatz decd, and _bne often performed but „ ,) „ 2 .m. , 000 worth wyear, of which the united anutie thinks.he is too careless rn h[t� . 3. 3. P "' a paid he d die if i didu t marryr ,, - drFes rind lthink- seldom notice) Wtlen, ha41 lr; s aCit a t. act is seen, ihC Going East Mixed 4.15 p.m �' . . . States supplies $3,77.,000, or about one do mt reward dear to, soidier3' h•aa.-ts ab.),, . every other is the si at. y DR. J.. FREEMAN Gain West Mixed >.e,is saga, ,t ninetieth, .The largest Item from the hirFR Aske\F Yes wh Going him. Going West Express x2,55 p.m. And still you.refused3 United States is, about $1,000,000 worth 1;11in . result. VETERINARY SURGEON. , „ ,,,: • „ ,o a.m> "Yes, .I wished . to fired out beforetaro .is fro tl the `�raSi1 of Mr: -GV. O. Wollen, an f the Veterinary Medical - l A member o ie c y u, ' n . n Io- 2 m. promising whether he really loved meMit R �+ . 7 35 p. P S o! kerosene oil.' pMitr tiCrummy �ilsks think, k" owuh tinct hrCst famedcfor his tear pirtur!s, dire w:1'js: Work appearsin . . . , Associations of London and Edin- As., as that. or not, Oh, Harriet,, �+ r and Graduate 'of " the Ontar- N URON AND IIRUCE'DIV.•. , Ocean Steamer Capacity. Oou ares. burgh gh I,ONDO , H I m p -perfectly miserable! I3e seema all the .ending ilhtct Hied t+eri •dic�rl5 of 'the. Empire, It is a io Veterinary College. p' The .railroad ear..will carry as. muCli ur in street-CLINTON. Going South Empress' a.47 a,m+ to be wretchedly healthy, and I d -do as twenty teams,'of horses could haul, ---- - ---~ -'_ "....._ --- EE forceful'subject .from the hand of a scion; lean. OFFICE- H Mixed 4.15 p.tn. „ F Next to Commercial Hotel �� " love him so much and the great ocean steamers \viii ie a . North I"xprcab 10 15 a.1n. can Caret a's much as 400 railway cArs ■ Tl1C lr�c`ll� cc<�. l'13tgli'11 - Phone 97 „ „ Mixed . 6.55 pxn, . - y A Vlroman S Tribute to he eYCilrS1V ri ht for :th g p'cture in Ca oda A. O. PATxISO�f, Agent.. Debt. in China. - ■ jt has ibtaerfc:CCtlen c.0 or re"jr0 I 'cc 71.,Ela i \vi11 be g vets EE JAMES A. SMITH, AUCTIONEER•, F, R+ HODGENS Town Ticket Agent. In China one Bari .alwaya borrow 'Permian Rt,gr,. ' .: Dr.. h1S �S Remedies p ,. t - . ' money on the strength of having A son, The "best rugs of Persia represent pa Chase's to tead.t� u,n .er care Lo lowi:l„ Co tdili Basi -' . J. D. MACDO�'AT,D, }District 1'asactt- tienee; taste and prolonged tabor. On I am a llcensed auctioneer for• the Toronto'. but nobody would advance him A3 Cent Bhowinghowthesogreatramllymolucines gj Iq 1 c f Huron and will sell b per- ger Agent, To onto if be had' it dozen daughters. The _• each square foot of surface a. weaver win thecoundenceorthopeoplo,and elft 1 .'�"g" e �V-2W,z�: V trl:t l i. -.1d C-inpire Caimtty o Y tt a ,or h the dollar. Residence lot + ,oCrt former is responsible for the debfs of t\+orlxs About days, A rug esti►bush•tife?riseivosinthehoaincs. Y mile - ire - N'ew and 01 -i nabs•;ri'r�r; mty s., a"e ,+ i � r,y i r of toe .tr!o.;rnvure on ordering mnd ;18, Bayfield Road, one m . , his father for three generations, Tho. 1L by 12 .feet would therefore ,require Mas, j'orrN'Woltxntt., 335 Victoria Street, 37 , s •t.. . oil >iw F.i , er UNhYL.:.Q'deu:5i.r,lii']%nt",::e ii it=vi"a,:Hilt' to all/ adlressfa souith of Clinton. Satisfaction guar-p.e,,t.•t , rl .. , latter is only responsible for the debts the labor of one man for 3,212 days, or ;London, Ont„states:---"For years I out( ed at The News -Roc- .' "; , ,1 a.,tY?Tti�NClai v i. auteed. Ofdtrs left ,ra � .�.t-, x of bet, own :husband, over ten years riot counting Sundays. it great deal with catarrh in the head. I tried Canada, z, tireae 13r tai i or :.(,lire i Biel. t,r L f;, orci office or my housd will be pr6m- l �` !' • ' everything I could hear of for ft, but it For ssmlr:.a o: piper a i i Bur tier ,,a ti a ir:, ::revs to- . Italy attended to. colors. remained for Dr. Chas's Catarrh Cure to cure l:ifCC tJI A'11tJ J 13i:i�A.:a ,M IX, JAMS A. SMITH" . � .Liverpool, generally call'Od . a wet me.. Though entirely freed. from'.catarrhl I MAIL AND EME'10, Clinton P. C. i place, has an average rainfall per an- Red and yellow neo visible at a great. at distance than green and Blue. wars left in a nervous and run clown condition TORONTO. num of 34 1-3 gastrea '1`iJ12 NTo, �,.__�...r.�..-,- _ :.. •.: . . Das Chase's Nee a Food , . _, .. TRAbZ MARKS Star Windiest Apos, The Out■ldte of t.emoarl# which has built up, my . *' - DestaNs Althoagh the Pacific ocean is eom* system) strengthened my fvOPY itltiHTs Ace, Not many people stop to think about Y , g --- - ----- -- n fn aRxt,t�ha,tddo.crl rolrlbtey• parabty free of storms-henc0 its nftme it, but the outside of a lemon is any, ie nerves and made me _ - _-i _ - -- Adkl a ee d s point Keyes, Chi., Is the windiest strong acrd u$e We Oarokif :exert in etas o ob an fres rl tldser ,:rs thing but ocean, IE you Will.look fit it have 'also used Dr. �� p �'' N C O �� yi*clition to proball)rratenteble: CominttnIC* 4 . Tone strldtl�ooneaont al, audhook on P place in tho ir$fted Statba. you Will see same tiny spots like scales 00 Chase's Syrup of Linseed MONTHL'Yt,�',MAGAZ1NE40 sent froo, Oldobt air on i� Gdaarinsr etra■� • f an 1n- { �+., Parente taken tbroarh Munn dr Gl'o. rooGii,71 all Opel: it. These tiro the eggs o -and Turpentine lit our 1 A FNMILY:,l:lertA rel r,eefcat■otlu,withoutgnGihice,lathe 11 mensidlid d( t&e Cblttioum, sect, and l.f.the lemon is not washed family for, coughs and . ' The largest' singlo str"tletuto, in the they are likely to become an ingredient. colds; and neveekrtew it ', The Best In Current, literature sdalifi Qt'�C�G�. world fdl' audiQnc4 and apCetAculhr . to fail•to' cure�thesopail� " j Novcl.s Ycnht v ' ma, tion of wry l" entad eekl m�toot.4 in Whatever dish the letnorl Is used „ j purposes Is the Coliseum at Monne. It is ' for . ,,, m #%L 'Ch 4-t., ! i2 iiOMPLEYE stir Emir anunths,:l. gold byn 1 pa,radaataris -- • r. in the farm of an e111pse. Its long di. YIilrs, Vt%rrall MANY BHdt#Y. S1'b�tIL3 AIV D' -t,r + r, ase a t "riMELY.'10 1C>E 111 �i17 Ot ,3s18raa,lr+ar.jj'MY0M, ameter is 015 Cent; its short, 1510;. the' I ediery have proven i PAPERS ON , ,,Mt ,trG,,,,,, „ a, �,-+ - w their right to a pisco iii every home, and have $x.60 PER Vt[Ali:t3 tl11rs X ttot~Y c heigbt of the outer watt, 104, The are• cause to be considered indis nsable: To ' I •�•�� na is 2t►1 feet golfs .fry 176 brand, Tito roteet oil a ainst imitations ire portrait and NO COIVTINU�D t3'l`ORI;It$�' O Ar1VLItTISE tiers of dept- raaaoDottiotlate 10(1,000 I.a�et)a"�`*rL(`W'ide'lt�)Diaiatmetantllo� Protect of r. A. 't1V", Chase, the i'amaut i evitNY 14tim til aoMP6¢tic IN Itilitt.W N �,p . Npeetators, Powder id 1WttAi` than ocher flodll powdor� eecelpt Book m ithorp Ara on every boat of his 1 _ .. tMidiea, , • +its.it. alw w~ol+ $$ A aiallugotaaw .a. 14 . . • u i - V I& i _, \\ 01