HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-11-26, Page 6. �� �, .1 I . 4 ' bado't You better write suattiltil to 1 ease her Mind a little? It oil . q tbluko 0 0 1 ,-" IrboYlInton Naws*,Rocorlil 1.114. November 26thit 1,903 11 �;ZL7- , ._­,;.­ cOuntlec !L1114rists bavo -not dino rq I 1%0 ,111mr. _ �. � .. �.;­ W014 owing to unfavoremn. wen,11 r. To keep the hair from becoming thin ­ . . ­ , - I I As a rule, bees ivill ro jn4 ,O ,..-ijjt�,r . Rad splitting at tb quarters with " fair ji,triount Of s,,,,, I Iwo Weeks. $ e cuils clip It Aevery I VALPE I Plies, anti in ex(eptiorial (.l;L.j..,-j (,I,IV bampoo It once a month will feeding baek be n;,e,�,sAo,y N�t,.t v 1 *With castlIQ soup, avolollug tuo use of - " few complaints wore 41111,da . o . i . borax Alto ummoilla. � GUARANTEED I . 10141 . ! brood or other diwase .among bees. Improvospips'l* ol. lol.4, , XII $41. Volled VASU AUTO. NV* fully gisaranice Itic, genu- i . Farm 11uproveljIt.ats_()AIV u I It is seldom that ono sees ;i, boiled too quality Orour*7u%!5,Xlij havc. I ��, Yalr 0sh Alive, yet there, aro such to the .3 special valluo I ArROUnt of underdrairl;ng Was done.1j, I 1900, not because- fk�t , , atit . . I lue, a t boiling X190 Of AM , )All. GuateViala. . . Loofidence in ite hcuelits, bul"'vo lo"� A SPQ0IeS Ot. fish was t4tely ska there f-% P, , t chicily by a French traveler. Th . es � �. beca".1legood ditchers, And fgpoill I& .a gab, be $4DI00 ; , . . borers generally, have bQoA so asserts, often pass days In the boiling . . Sce.rk 0. ! I . 1�40 gild other' woofie to'"cos are be. wat011, which coined from numberless jr% 0 ' ! I ing rapidly repillcod n hot springs, � by woven. �vjlu : fences of varloufiI d�-,qlgns, but barhod 1 --- � _ � wo ­ ­­ . . I. - L j id", M I o n d I � . W00 13 how .seldom asked for oil an - . I � . Ontario farm. A considerable nunt- . T -b a i ber. of how houses, barns, gild other o NJ 45 � . I farm buildings were orocted, (jul-Ing , .. nd ! � the Year, but still a larger "woutit 1 . . . 91 work has been d and Rheumatism I .. , one in the Way of . - . : Rotb thoroughly eurcohy is course ortressa. . 11 .1/ ! i . putting stone, brick. or celollelit base- ituout wlib Dr. clatise,ii Nerve V90111, - I 1" X I . Monts. under existing barns, thus #nd Kidney'llIlver ]pill$. 4' � .. � (", X � 'he stabling, Cc , . These two great zo�mcdjcs of 'Dr. chase are I . � , , . it I-V , I greatly freproving t I -,� " I thent, floors are e0go becoming rolore used to ether with great success by roany per. , . I . I ! , � . I �. 11 11 . J! 1� . common Ill this Connection. sons, %hilp the Ridapy-Liver rills gwa,Ucp . 1 .4 i, Labor ' and Jj?flg#.,.8-0orrespou(Ient.q the action of the liver, invigorate the kidneys, I . I �� . I . ArO agreed as to tit(, groat ical,eltv and regulate the bowels, the Nerve r, ood form I . of ,farm labor, but they Are . irmch new rich blood, creates new nervo jor�e Ands The diumond is puro white in : dividod as to how to illoot j'he diffi- � builds up the system., . . . color and perfectly cpt and pro- , . I I I 0 the - I culty. The exodus t roortij ,11 I MRS. C, DATTISON, , P , I northwest ,still . continu I't ortioned. � , � VS, Nillich , 373 Murray St., ()ttawa,. Is set in either tile above solid . :,Means the.loss to the :Vrovinuoi of . ont., ,staltes.,-11174 . Many of Its -most s.talwart gad. e_x- , V sometime I was a sufferer 14 X- gold ri'19-5, . , 11 Peribnccd YOuviz men, and th.-Ir places : from nervousness� dizzi. �Ionoy retumcd if rin.- is Pot I � � here are being taken b5r'Old Country ' ness, nervous headache satisfactory. . .. � . ., . , , . . .Votiths who Suffor 1. I comparison, ;Aj, . and rhournatisin.' I, had I I Mailed prepaid to any- ad;lress I though 801110 Of thern give satisfac- * . ., � , . the rheumatic pAins for i Ce. , . . i tion. W"Res show no tendency to ... � ,I about three years. Sev. I on receipt of pri . . , I . lOwer, and some correspondents - � i- I eral weeks ago I began � I SEND FOR SIZI, C.,XPV, . sist that it is Impossible tQ ,)A�v � in" ! , ,,, .,�'. " I the use of Dr. Chase's , rent rates, and Make a profit, cur, I rArs. B tis Nerve Food and Dr. I . Clinse's. Xidney-Liver Pills, and have found : John '. S. Barnard, . Throslaing ,*.not o'liarlettsig. . . thtt these medicines worked together moss ! . I . . � . " . "I'liorching is more advari.tc-d than., , "I n my case. I have taken �r . I JEWELER, . . . SlItil I I . . . . .1 rat boxes of the Nerve Food and 1 , . .Usual, being practically colxrj�loteiol Ili r - I t - &�; tobt e , i 15yo I I ri I LONDON, -' ONTARIO; I . most parts of the I) OvI 'T. no" 0.itir,ly cur d of my old trouble, 1. ­ . . I r nce, at- * . ' Lhave used - I __ ­ * . .thd h i . � ­ � knowof others who . these prepava . - 551=633._ , Pg ill a f "6W sections ; winter i imis anl,b,en cand, .till I ca 'i I L�­ , , I . � A Eawei9m -, threshing- is still, in vogile. Fro'gress -rartily recommend them." � . . 11 �_,____ I . 19 . ' in . marketing !a hard to describe, 'Tho portrait- and sipature of ft. A. W ..V . . -- n0tirly every farluer being a law urltu . -,� v,o ol� C.-.,Vyy box. , ...... , . Grand I I ruxik RNY himself regarding h s , I . . .1 to , . . . . . . ' . grain. Sonle'report that more wheat; �_'____ � ONL4 WA'V SPICICIA1, V-,XCURSIONT . I I haa been sbid thrin-was mark . I TICKEM9 ARP, ON SALIE� DAILY � - . th . eted at 11101-A . . . .-VNTIL NOV. 30th - . I q sarrie, date for solne, years past, '. I while others . in the :same too -1 1 tte rs to points in British Columbial Cali- ' . , allties U T�L I iu I fornia, Colorado, Idalio, ATontalla, - . - state that very, liftia wheat or other- - ,,.- '' . cereals ,have been sent to -market as . . Oregon, ,Utah, 'Washingtpp, V,tc . , . .. it I I . andSleighs .''... - , . s rkovi more Profitable to feed . ,�� ' ' . � . I LTVV, -,S'�OCK J4XPOSMOX.- -., . .. , , all kinds 01, grain ItO'livo stock. it ____­ __ ..-. � . � - . .. - . . w0uld seem as if the advantages. Of . I . ., CHICAGO, ILI,, � . �=ing grain Into beaf.0 ' . ' f 12,75 F krq. for the.round trip jr('411 � . . . as to reridde farmer r bacon are . . - W. io, have a, very , � - .. Clinton. I s nitiell , . . GOCKI gOi;lg NOV. '29th, 3o th and Doic. r . , . ind4perldent'of the grain Illarket than, I fine assortmeiit of � . formerly in, I the *(Iisliogal .of - their:, . ' Valid returaing on or before Dec,j(h i' , Wheat, barloy� and -other grains;', al- . cutters aiid slej.6 �It, Cleirwis Alineral Raths situated - I . .. . � ncar Detroit. Qmickly�'aud comfortah- I ,.. though adocided rise IrI the Price of * ghs..'All niade in . iv reacht-d i)y-ti,,,,, 6raud Trnnk. . - .1 eats wOuld'sooi � .. � . . . . . ZV -Ii� P,' , a iy,of these cer , bi,lpg THV4 ST. .C411TARIN .8 LL. - Li .. . Out a surprisingly., large supply -of our OW . . thqt. particular grain . �. . , 4. 9110P. from . 'rhe watt;ts of this well are a r -- . : . . * . I k eat - . . , . ill t0T nervovs disoTdcr$, ituat- , , . � . 0 , speel Ic I . � ,. ,r . . Crop Acrem,jre� and, Irl.1 . thel�best of mo h- S . 11 ' . .do For 11103. . I . I., . . led ou- the direct*.. title ot the Grartot . , � I � I . . ..The ionowing are thd final . . Widise., 1. . . .. 1. . � 3 I..'r,tnk,. , -.1016verL, Miles froin Niagara , , , ' estl . I I . ! � . . , . 1. maVes, Of, thei, P, -due ,, . .i FalIx. . .. � : . . , . . to ,t of tho'11)03 I . . I crop computed. from 2' . 0 urns of 'actual . Price8 ­ low coll`, I F(*)r Vcl,et%. alid all. intormation ap� � . It , ­ . . . . I !,ply to aqqnti� - IXTri'te, to J1, 1). Afel)arl- - I . yi-eld n1ii,de by thr sidering- qwilit ,*. I . ' ,stag of CQ]rrespooi.donts.; , t I.. .. ... � Y- � laldw�, ffls�ilct Vjas�engpr Agent,. Tofon- I . . . . I I . . -L -nd - . Io� . 1 6 jr ' Fall Nvlle&t,' �;.665,628 acres, ,17,_ 1 Be�s ire'a . call ., for, dw;cripfive liter turL; reorarciii) I I 2,42,76$- bushel�- (?r '25.9 p6r, 41.0., I ;t1lb abb." C , , rdsaits,_,& " 6 � -0�tti.901'1'. 1. . . . - � The yleliIf Of 1.9'0_�, wa. I . beforet p*uriahasing.- ; . - P�lgc 3, - : agents, at ell , '- '233,( . . I . . , bushels - . I s .20, 3.(jt) � , . � . _ . ` , aDd F. R: H 11 .. I Ill . . - . I . . :;Izop ,prom eude X.1l"l- � �- -- '', . ' I .. . 1. I . . -1. atring Ptly att ,d. to. . t .. I I I - I ,. . . I � I 1. . . � � I ..Spring .wheat, 24.8,'5 1 a . ', acres I 1 .4,_ � . 'f . I ... . 1. 1. I . ,.� : . . !!!!!T!!!T!T!!�1 'al � . . � Z==W0=6-W."W� � - - - _.... �--­,w­­_ ­ � 1949,238. bushels,- or 19.9 bushels. pe , 1. , * . - . ..., 1. . _. . . .. - * '� I . . * . . . . . I I . . Acre. The yield "for i902 ;I�as (31- . . . . .. . I . . I . _"" � w". - t � . ' . . . 1. . . I . . � 11 I . 11 . I . . . I � � . ' . ! I - - . . 048,024"bughels, ' .- � . . RUMBALLand McMATH . _ 0 1 . .. - Barley 709,88.9 -acres.. 24;;378,811 ' ' -­ -�' - - H7u.f0n $t., .Qin ton. ... -I,, '. ... I . .,.� F . - . I I .. . I bushels; 'dr:3,11 . . . . . . . . . rminoo, * . I -3 Per acre, ' .1. . . � . ... . ... . . A . � ,11?�) - .. � Qats, ,2,645,QC)5 ac�res,'j ' . ... � I . : ., . , ... ... � �.. . . ­ _.� - . . . . 1. . .. . 10,228,103 ;. �� . I . . . I L. . . . I .bushels;' . , . ­ I __..7_-______.._ .. I or 41.7* per acre - " I I I .- I . I I ,� . 11 � . . I . . I I . 1. I .. . . . . . � ' I .. I I . . . - P Of 0 ,A- , ,., Rye,.'..179,4271d: acrus 2�19.70,780' " , . . . For r all a 0, , . . M6 , " � 1. ' ' �� M - IRV - . �. i . I .".. . . . . . AN4: 4 ,:,.�, "A' * - ­ . . I " M " bushels;'or '16.6' acre. , i��e yield ., . . r I I � . p��I; . MAMULE aom U, 77�_v I " , ` - .1 Of -1902 'was 11,409;332 bushels, 7 . .� . . . ,� , . . �,;�:, 0 .,� L . Evory Fa.rmer. should keep . . . - . * I t ../,..;�_ �; M Y, . ' . I I I .Peas, 407,183 , acrei'. 8 9")4,660., , these thre,e Nvords' nstai#ly.'� .. ,r - acre. -he ytoild, .. _V I . . bushlels; - Or _,31.9 PC . T UNIMEN"ri.. 0. ,,--' ' _1� ' - ' - 'in mind and'conduct is .of. 3.902'was 7,664,670 bushels,. .arld I I .. .. ... .. . . ,-N I I.. I . . I . . ,V ­?,j,,f. ' the average yield per acr4.14.j. �.'.. , M_ p .1 .. jl.�� I I I 4, I . . I I . . on -strict business inciplep'L .1.1 . "Buckiviteat, 9.5,487 'acres' . . . Uwtw�_'_ - Al -,r . . Guess work arid -hap . .- I - 1 :2,049,- . .., . . I .1 . . . A.N ­ . .. . 169:bushols; or 215 Pat- acrd - - . �:WRZ,. ­'� thethods are nb longei used by . � . . . " �, I . . �� ,Z- . . . I . . P, : calls ' 58,089 a�res, 97§,246 bu�h_ . . . . . 11 1. -71 . 1. , successful -and� up-Ao4ate 12(r- I . I , . , , I . .. I I I � . ols; at- 18.4 1)(w 01cre. The yield for- ' ' . . il IM . !. I niers. . I . .1 1, I . _. . I., . I .1 . 1, . 1002.wai 6170;(588 bushels. I I .1 I ''I .1 . � I . L I 1, By readino;- TH!3-' - i1CLY. , - ' - 1 '19 01�1, acres,, 16,676, 1 I . . . 2:1 . Patatooq, le ' _' ' ' WE .. . . SUN, . the i - 447 bushels; Or 120 per Acre. . The . I . Farmer's' IR:0"iness ,_ � � I . y1old-of 190-1) was 12,942,,5021, . � . I . . ­ . : Man.goi Wurkels . � ac . - . . . I . . �� .!11 . I � I I P406r), yow,will.- got the vl�ry . � - . I 80,918' res" 41, 4a. . . � . � . -latest and � most accurate in-, � .7.68,239�.bwhels--' ' 01' 516 per �'&Ctc.'� A===%, . : ... . . . � . . . . . .The. crop. for 1002-wAs. 89,:L40,92,1 AwftwAllit . I.: *. formation iegarding,your bu�i_ ' . L, I . ' . 1. bushels; - .: . . . I . I . . I . - .. ness. . � . I � . � . Carrots, L,: T,S . 05. . .- Acres,., 2,'(3I.2j*77?. I . . . . 11 . i'' . . 1 - �. .1. .. .. I. o ,, ... . 1. 1. � bushels, I or 385 'per. acl-'e. '111le, Ratte tiftir$r Stieet Works. THE SuN's r6arket .reports .... I ' ­ Yleld , .:. . . , . . I I . .. . .. .1 ,� are worth r�any times, the sub- 1. . � � i i .. " . of 1 1902 was,.8,2227,16J, buNhels..' I .! . . . . I �', . I . . I ser . ipt!on pr . ice. o you. , -. . � � �. . . . I � , Jurnips, 184-jG9.'&Cr(,,9l 6P,316134.1 . . , Dire(,b.irnrortr�rs., NVorktrifin.. - . � . .t . . .. . .� .1 I bushels; oe 615. per aojr�o. The lolid �' ship ithol Material pipmuteed'.' I .. . . 13very Farnie�r, hj Canuda. . I I . of 19Q_2 was 71,t4o � i2O4. . . ly I ,. . � , . .. . ... . .. ., .. . �.. ".. - � I 1. I . , � . _. , i I � - - , .: shbutdi realize .1 , � 'i I G,i SIP 1. & , . . 4 �4AL. 18 . , . Co.' . .. . . the.ffilt .*.Alue.. of ' . " � ' . Corn for 11UsIdh,E,r,: (In the ear)' , % . . . . � .. ; I the servke Tiff Sux bas. rcirim. - ',..-;� 378,0�4 ac�-csj-20 287IS88baf; I . : .. - . I . . �, � 1 $ �.hevls; or , J . . .. I I * I ­,- -- � 9... , 'dcr�ed, Win ih a.pubfic way. I It' 11 .77,3 per acre. The Crop of,j()02.was. 'e �'I. __T__, I.- - 1. ".. ­ -,.-. .- . . � � . . . ' . I 1 20,512,194 bushels. , ' � .. . .1 I . .. . .. .. . �� . - .. I ... . . . . ... .. wag due to tht� ac�ii on.. of THn , * . . . Corn. (oil S.11o.'and fodder, - (g,r . Un) - , - , . � IU684-040410n.,.� . .. , I.. I . SvN ill ,grivin . voide .to the �'� '- 1 209,727 aO,es, 2,r3.(54_.,'4()() toils: or., .. ,Three, persons bel%v6d to, have'lie * .. . .9 , I It .. I I" � . on .,.oginions.of tho'farrne�s hat . 1 1.2.nm tons. per acre, The Crop rot Submerged twenty-five. balnutesitwo e law.� Mating -to ca . ttle ' ­ .: . ., tb 1002 ,wa.4 2,611,834 tons, . .. . fifteen minutes,. one -fourteen minutes . � 1. I . I kuardsj.. drainage act-oss-rail- _.- � '' I 1.� l4ay anti clover, 2,�83,656q a,�yo,l', and one L three minutes have been - re- . , . 4,;386,562 toins;.or 156 t6p4'perbel'o.. suscitated, . . . . ways, and farrif fires. caused* by ' . . 1. 16com. �l , , � '1�ho crop 01: 1002 WaS 4,965,438 . . . .. . .1 I . . 1 6 , Ves tonq.� . I � . . .1 . . 11. I � . I I . ,railway 1. has been , . . . . I I .11- I � 1, . I ..!, - VVIlmir Shoe L�Leem... � . . I .amended, '' . . .. . . I .1 . Apples, 43,659,413 bushols , . '.. . . I I � . ., . . . I . I . ; or. 645 � TO make ottre.thatthe lac .1 � We will sood THP, WrEKLY­ I 1. , es of Your . . I � , ) � . - � � I I , I. , . , , . , , , , ., . . , , ! , . , . . , , . . I per. tree. of bearing age, - Oboes Will nOt Come ubtled inal, e,ari -or�,:( . I . . I . . Tbbatco ' ��-1,423,0,31 I) , oundi. 11 - 8� . dinary bow and before dr . I , ' SUN from noW ,to Ist jantlury, . Yield of ,-1902 was 3,07Q1-717.pourl,dS. Iturn . I awink, ft tight 1. ' 190.5, in co�ibinadon Witli : ', L ' J ' .. ... . .. , .. ... ., ... .. .the-riglit bandAboo fi-oul you . . , i, f. . ., � . ". . L .1 I :, � � I _11'. .. thtOugh,tho'center. Then pull hard on _, The News=RpcoM -1. 1. 1. .1 . Vill" -col.. J) . 417,1,�,,Ini I � . . 1'� . ... .....­. �, .� itu ADVII.. js ke too I . 1. � - I I ps. Untie by, pulling, the:ends. , , , .. . 1. _ . ­ - ' I . I , � . Arii�� Ll-yT,.01vsiNnss,\IV1'ri. . -.'i ,- � � -1 - � I.., . I , - - . .. Fot­$1.'75.`.,, I .111. . I � . . . . . . � . . ­ . . I .. . . . . . . .. . .. . a%xv�_... � . . . _-_­­­_­ - .­­�4-nA�­5-!T�nn- W__-trw . �----------"'1-"�-,---'---.--,--.-...- L. ­ . .. I , - . I . (Liquozoad'.was. formerly Lusawn iu caluada'as 11,oi4e­5_0s j�_fq`ajjjjd'Ozojie.) I . I . . I . L. I . . . I . . . . I . . I . I ,� I I .. . .. . . �. I .. I I � . . I I . I I I � . . I .� . . . . . I . . � I . � ... . � . ..., �.. 1. 11 � ..�. -11 V I TO I., B . I . � , I � - I I � . � - 1. . L:� � , I We W ill UYI I . . . . . . I . . I I . . . I I . . . . I . . . I .1. . . I � , � : ., . I . I 1. . , . . I .. - . I I . , . . . A �50Q., Bottle of Liquoxoniq ana. Give It to You, to , .;:: "... , , Tr . . . I , . . I . V�, . I . .1 I I 'L .... - 11 � . � I � I .: - �. I . 1.1� I . . . 1. . I . 11(ptozone_nquiq oj�ygetl�js the Only form Into the blood that no germ. eoujil Daudruft-m-Dropsy � .. 'St6biach Tratioleo product iliat tall 'kill geruis in the budy live ill ally membrane or tissue. . Dyspepsia Throat Troubles . VCZ0I1a-V,ry#Ipebos , Tuberculosis . Mthout killing you. No Man kltOWq AhY LIC111ozone (lots thAt. The reqiilts�sre Fevers -Gall stolues . ,tther way to destroy the catlse� 4 tin so certalitk that,,A-6 pul)lish oil every I)Ottle itre-Gout , Tumor8--UIcerA , I . y do Varidoc4e g, tilt disease, � th,11lotts Wh,O aft blTer0f$1,00940ragerill thatit C,111- uonorrhea-Oltet Wornen' a billeAlle.4 It is. bow.lo Amtrita,.and natkill. Vdtoxygeal All digebses that begin with fever -All lufInw. I s Natu re I 0 all. catarrh -all cositsigious diseAsts.-An leeditdoultkilowofit. Vorthatreasou tonie-the very source of your vitality. tilt, results Of lin Iltd or F614on6d"blood. 'at .,Veljiakettligretniirkal)lioff,:r. WOwill Its lit nervoub detility L quotone acts so a vital- � elfeCtii art! fxhilaratilig, purifyin zer, accoinplishlug what no drug& c4n do. 'ing. But gerills are vegetables; at9ij . � �Ily the 1144t bottle'and give it to yet( if Vitaliz I 1110.1 need It.' We will do it willingly, tlllgtxcesgOtOXygeli-tbevt,j-ylife.ofau '. . I I , Itiolly, to cOnVIM06 You 91; oncli and ior- aninial - is deaclly to vegetable matter. , 50C. D6ttle Free. , :�er that WiluoZone Aoes kill gerong, . .1 . . . 11 . . . We sPend Y4 days ill making each bot- � . I . t1e, of Mquozone, and the romilt is, liqui(I It you need 14ioluozone, and have liew t we rotict $1000000 : oxygen -tile best thilig ill V16 WOrld for tried it, please send us this coupon. �k,t, . I.. . you, yet certain dogtRctioil, to disease will that, niall you a * � it order on your local `Iaden druggist for a full�slze bottle, arid ue I germs, wherever the LicloiOzOrla �or the rilhis to T,lgtiozotie for America, blood goes. ' I . Ill pay your drug , W, _gisk Ourselves for it.. Ve te.qte, this pro act for vears hi. the . to t difficult gerin diseasts - then we ' �. � I . , 'O'l-ght these tights for tile Wiliest price Gerift Diseases. : ver paid for A, scientijr1c discovery, . . I . . . We Paid ibrit. price because Liquot I 10ag what, al 1, th*skill iij the Vorl 000 These tire tlie known gertudiseaqeo. d call" All that medicine tando,forthege troubles ,0' df) without it.' Any drug that'kills Is to help Nature overcome tile germs, � tpruia fiq h 1)01$013 to you and it cannot be and ilueb: results are iticurect end ujil ., " mially. The best pbysiclans, ctrtain. Liquo2oua kills the garintl, okett iittL ! . fie world over, employ Volookohe alone wherever they are, and the, results art f,e gerin trottble4; and any pli jejan juevjtable� By destroying the Cause bf VIII) doesn't is utmost helpless flsi'ah)` thd trouble, Itinvarlab etiolathedised.4e I gerni. digtas6 40 I and f6rover. ry I . . Akhmot )qs# Vell'ar-TiffluentA just Oxygem - AblIcess-Aluemis Xfointy D140seO . I aroil"hitis U Ott= . B1064 rolkort tellorr Coo 6A,t L right'4 DIM04 VverTraubW % * T;(I,tifbxatielgisnifylyliqui'(1 Ygto-no'bawelTroubles I majakid-Rettralglit I N.V., I'd alcohol W it. ItisthtdilidoVery 'CoUght-Colds hfifty Heart Troubles coftsoftiptl6a . les-raeutild"ja ( -f PA'Ali. t1ib great Getman thettilet, who, C611c.-Crduo dut48y.,,�-Qtdfksy � 11141to'lly�at'lotift xlisobjtetwasto cli"'Itirtl6S btaffistisut , Calart -coilledt, kin Dibeasdit IF of � Dy6entery;,-DIAtthtA � hilt-4yphillt "O mu!b all exems, 02tygto Ilk Ample 111taLls Our tfee,gift, Made to COIjVj*ljCf" you; to 8110-W you what Liquozone is, an(l what it can dol Irt'justice to yourself, Plet'se acce t it to -day, for it Places y4)lt , . under no.oAgAtioll whatever, Liquozone costs Soc� and $1. 1 1 � . CUT OUT THIS COUPON for tidti offer may tiot ap eattAgal". Vilittif tile blAiAts tird mail it fli 016 l'itfuld 0201w Co.,221-2291thislast,tchloagd, � ., , . , Ity disease 1.4 11 ........ *d...tW44*.*# ... O..... � . I bavd fiever tfied I 1411oftle tr #0*1019 1,101fit4d *xOnek-, but k you will sopply If* 0� � .1 6�c. bottit fat I Witt take it, . . . .`Ilil*V4 V#.4 *.6V1V*b644Nb4*466.k6646 $64*44 66644*4 . . I a, a 0406444,0466**444404406 .... 04,44#0 6.6wl 0 O' 14 4&4kj44..4*.k.W.*j ..... 4.4.6. At .... � I . - �- 1. � - I V4116mlie-611f w'dematic me-11pulAppearl, Ott tvtfy botU4ofitentAint'lauquiai!do*ouf, , O.; k �� ' bado't You better write suattiltil to 1 ease her Mind a little? It oil . q tbluko =1404 In Avillowee. 1 HONEST Oft Us So M. Vaelf olie.,m4y cry � I'm soin, to 'kill in, I fan000mspoufm second crop of . I t , but in ��Qovlqor=';aj;otreous grow h I . - � . all u1slit.111 � most cases ran to Otalk Pot tho ex� Ulm Idea struck we its being it good 94 B449M041 t RVI`011 r00 464 Well: 64 QA%,4ud I dashed oittlio followilip -_ k Finpil E.5timate of tho Crow� of � P"AsO Of head. The midge was alsof . in evidence 14 nearly every section of . a. RMV41 11 -after 4rtlor. J: But v lavlearlar , Wb:eo. the sk, , up, wind .14 but a sigli; ,. Provinoo of Ontario For 19Q3, the Province, Arid ,wrought injury to, CIQVQr seed variously estimated at ITINO harvest moon to bursting fortu I . . from 25 to 70 per cent. AfAny, field,% . WopyrWlot, Ift, by C. �11� 'A 0� I To tilt M44 10 the eye, 4 ,, I intended for FLIed Were cut for hay, , ,ewl . WA$ feeollug my horse And t4k, , I I Perhaps I'd better tarry an 11041404 On the Threshing Returns, roll 47!4 others wore turned into pix'sturv, While Ing 4 noonday bits myself at A0 Walt a little white . 1 Wholit Sbovra * Destine or Throo Nil. most Of the reports rocel,ved Farmer Jolmoon!o the othe r.week And see It my dear Sarah won,* Itiolulgo me with a smile. ,$on miusbolo 0604 spriag Nvb_oat 0 00- Are of a discouraglaW hature, $Orhe returns were to the efiect that ., when his eldeot 49A INII winked' " , � -Around , Sixty ,bushels to, tile Acre arid not a we out of doors and t6olg we , olln6 of About 4 41111104 'SuRb011- *.ION41 $P- JCV-1463; . 04 lilk Boqquq Qrop -,Ae crop was A Arst-OgISIN one. . VOtAtOes - When behind the 10mokehouse to SAY. peck lessill sboute'd 13111 ' as he rose up I "Boo to Swing Wa hat and dance a It$. "Abe, IPl*y4­r,0A w4*01 soluaw.hat Loss. I � corrospondent.4 wrote for the August bulletin the hero, Abe, 11 m In , . , 4 heap. of you trouble And ready to hang mys.W." III never have to'buy another lmsb,�' �. TorOntO, No,r. 24,-Vollowing is Yield of Potatoes promised to be. ono of the largest ever recorded In On� N , . "Been buying green goods in New el of potatoes as long as you livel One the report of the Ontario. liureau of tarlo. Urifii , rtunatetv rot dovelo'pedat Yorkl" X asked. � . . � hour ago I was thirildn' of suicide And. Industries for the crept; of Ontario, the time of digging, in almost oVery. . "Of course not None of tbem fel. a *lonely ,grave under the willois. , I - - , . ,now thilikla". of IIVIW A hundred from returns sent in uncle'r date . of N overabor 2nd, The Illial estimates of. section of the, Province, More e .cl- , ,spq y and low-l.ving' lers can come over me, J)Id. you know .1101 I was sparklul Sarah lVotera?" Years, And bela" buried, under tile holly. the y,lolds of crops for 1903 arobas-, on lend,$, the WdStPrllo a4d central C10.11A, "Seems to me I . , I heard somethink bocks when I. die, Just Wind the th ng ed oti threshing returns iorwardedby ; ' 7 over 2,000 special correspondelts; .,ties sufrorlug m Oro from th1q. causo than those , about it." I up Ili a nice way, and I am your frienli for life," I . 1, 'All WheIat-The favorable "counts counties lying larther east And jolorth. ,.rho extent of the '-I've been spa ... In! her for ... rk a Year, now, And we Are an good wj 6gaged, 31y tim4p was up, but I could not regarding fall wheat givoll in tile , August bulletin have been fully sus- rot, as given by our corrospontlents varies from 10 to 60 i . leave my work unfinished, and the I should have popped the question last, I , , , band wound up with., t ained by the reports received since ' -11he per cent,, hu as the Yield In most cases Ifts, a week If siluthirl' hadn't bappe tied," � . � threshing. YJcldI per -acre is big Ono, A large quantit.v of potatoes "Old man order you on?" I . I I gueas I will live, and 1. gueslo I will stay, � And I guess I'll go over temorror I ' "Noap. Old large, and the' quality of the grain is, - as. a rule, first-class, except a have been stored away despite, the heavy loss,. And the, , Man And old woman tire And';.ak my ,dear Sarah If she will c9n, all right. It's that a city teller . who th' * sent . sniall percentag"o sprouted in the field 'wet . quostion of their actual scarcity for market later 611 .. taklal his vacation at Jed aol4eu'x has To share with ao� joy and my sorter, . . . -during the weather. , prevailing during a portion of the harvest. 86,� has Yet, to be decided; if the .rot co tinues , in the . t X17 here got sort of stuck on Sarah and Is w-rlt- - . I know she'll say yes, and happy I'll be, oral corkespondents describe the, pits will be a Positive Potato famine, but it it In, her poetry. Sarah always did take And this fall I will make, her my wire. . � to poetry, and she's begluntre to think , I'll bet ray last dollar that nothing but I grain as. being well up- In weight, . - some of .it going from ,62 to 0A cea I sea there will be a fair suppiv yet -an hand. S Oma correl3pondenta fear peace . . .. the teller about forty times smarter Will corn I . I I e, fn,j� our dear. loving life. I .. - , , oth, pounds to � the buslieL.- Taking b I 4 COritillusLuce, of the 'lot. , Aside from than I am. He sends her a p oem every . . Bill put his arms around Me yield and quality Into consideration, . the rot, pota tQQS. were described As .and . single day, and I believe she sleeps - ad tours as I went away., and I Old' with 'am under her pillow. It's got to *1' the crop of'1903�xugy be consid ed As' one of th44 best in the ,let, or ry * Of being large In size and of good quhl. .. ity generally, . that point that I've,got to glt,up arid not see hire again for -four days, Then. ' . I. met him on the road . and -1 saw his falt wheat Jrx this *Province. . The New Fall Wbeat-Thera has . . � . Tho a , oot crops. . .. , . do sooluthin' or lose Sarah." - away. "Can't run the teller or?" I happy smile a quarter of a mile been -a. greatly 0 I Incr ascd area , of 'wheat Turnips - ­ �111,- those sections of the country where -turnips ' are most .you asked. I "Well?" I queried a,s I balted the. sown this fall, more particlil- largely grown the. has turned . mail cart. . .. . "He don't look go -if he would s(are. A4 That city telle� has. gone," be. re� . . . I arly in the Lake ,Erle district and other localities where the kles sign .crop. , ()lit well. . in many quarters; how- I I I ever,- theiv are complaints lice I've thought It all over, and I I don't plied. - ... . I . . . . . . fly did so much injury during the of doing .. Much Ilij.:ilry to I the plants. see but -one way. jlve got to become a "Dug out, eh7IF . ' previous three or four years, The . While most of the other roots . , I poet and beat him at his own game� "Went yesterday. , Sarah gave in lit that Is, you've got to write some for tile bounce-" ' seed -bed. was. generally reported as , being Ili good condition, which, ka,Ve I ' . were housQd as correspondents Wrote - a considerable t. ips'yet .1 - . . I me. Everybody Is talkin' about tbe . ,,.And you"- I I . the crop a good start, and as, . Corte- quantity of r U. 0 remained In the -ound, although no I . way you can write verses, and If you'l! N�hels given me her love,� andwe are only halo me out In this I'll � Pay YO" spondents wrote tit tile end of Octo" I her, the young. wheat Was presenting . .gi . fears. W*Ore expressed a$. to say.jug thorn in good ordur. ' . . - to be triarri,ed Thainksgiviril'ony, Abe,. . any price. I'd have you go. and talk to. you are the durnedestj nicest, beftlest ' .a fine appearance in most places, al-, though, hero and there sortie flelold . Igan el Wurzols I 19 __�Meny complaints 'of Say�qh and tell her that. the United poet In all this v�brld. and IlV:e got a I . ,, States government expected her to were showing need of'.rWrl.. While were made poor seeding oil -ac-. count of drouth, and.,a Considerable, whole acre'of pumpkins. growin' .for I marry me and would raise a r6w If you.if � . 1. 14�.QUAD, ,bowing ranged. from, the 20th August to the end of the first week 'of Or,tO" . quantity. of mangel land was resowq . . ... ., . she didn't, but she',7 got a way of I . ..: I . . . I . I .. . ' . . . I. I her, the - bulk of - the crop Wits put . -to turnips. Nevertheless the crop. caught up as the so , , ason. advanced, maostill back, and she'd be Sure to git � ' . . , . X#tbing Else There, I in somewhat. later them uw&l. Some . . arid 'many reports 'are to the 'ofTect' mad over It. If I sling poetry at tier, . I . � � . I . I Injury.4ronx tile Ressian Ily was to- that; while."jilangels 'are then, on the I . however -poetry to beat that city crit- . . I I .. I 1. terlp poetry-olie'll be callin' me her I I . . portedl but not so lituoki as in the � . I . provilifis .three or, four Yewrs�. Forty - - ground they. axe large and'Of good quality, and promise a fair �; iefd; kg." will I , I . I darlin! Bill In lesslu two wee'. , - � vex"tlei of.fall wheat are mention- I . ' ed as being sown,. Daw6ba's Golden. Carrots -Correspondents have but . . . � :, 1. you help me, Aber' . I . . 0 1 I told him I would, and 'we got a : I . i� L . Chaft -being Uie most popular,. ,and I.ittl,. to Bay -about thi's crop but .the'i. little.'would In-dicate they 131 . I penell and paper and went'totbe. barn- . . . 1_ Clawson: coming next. ! .. , .. ,that I . have: turned'. out well comparatively.,'. I , R 7q . and sat down together. In A. few lmln."'� . - I I I . . Irs,11ing ofr I,i iuliant.. . . . � s_.. �p Sugar Beet -11L orts regarditig utes I had turned him out dose No. - 1. -31 . , Spring Wheat-riiis crop appears. to,, . I I I sugar beets describe - them as being. .. . . '. ; .1 '. I as follows: . I . I be steadily d C'r as e c ing In. favor with from ' fa,jr:to good in.'yjejId and . I . ". . .. ��. 1 She's tall and fair, . with. chols I tnut � hair,, , . :­ I I .. .. . . . .1 I � ­ I . .Ontario - farweri;,. judging .by the . shrinkage in area. during.�.the Past I quallty.* Thby appear to be steadily gro*ving.in f 'pt 'as AV .food live And eyes of dreamy blue, . , ." ., .. . And I will bet my dollars yet . I.. , .. .. � . .: I �- -1 ,, , � 'four years, The, , quality ,of, -this ' I - , 'to .stock. , - ,for I . That Sarah will be Vue. I . . . A . . .a_ - _ '. ­!, - � I . . .. year's.'grain is said .be frorn' fair I � � . Fall Plowing -The reports relattrig, , * a.. - - "Tbat'� the Stuff," said- Ulll,.as.b� 1 - . , . ; "You , :, � 1 1:1 I .. . I . r I I .. . , , � I- � . ... . to good� A few 6oruplaints -have boon. - reado- of .rust, but'tho,crop generally . .to.� fall ploWhig axe most, divergent. A cbrisidere;bje number of C, - - orrespon . read it begin by pralsln�l her' , . . " . � . . . : i. . . . I - .. . I . ­ ' may be counted.as, libove �be ever,- ' - dents, speak of th*e'.work. as bcing� . . I . and end up by sbowInl .,confidetice.- �- - � - , I I . . � . , 6 . . ao,although not: go good.rela'�iveiy , . ' �vveli .advanced,.' whil'o., an, equally , . . I . I She isn't very tall, and bor tbnlr 313. , I . . . I 1. 1. � : � . .. .. I . I . . I . . I 1. . . . ::. � 0 � fall � wheat. . 1. . large number say -that fall pl6wilig more straw colored than chestitit, but,', . �. "I . .... . I I . 11 .. . - . .. I , .. . . . he -0 . wing," - . T ,falling. olf in. wheat go is not �s-f - all ­ ' I I - . - ., Ar cold As lisu'l'. a. she'll put around like a. kitten after t ChOly-t'lin6 'Miss'Bettk, I neve . r I I W, - I 'so . both�falj and.sprifi,��.iylay...bc reiidll� 1 . � I , . .... ,� .. . . . . , . .19.03. tho Rjum -X.s&r_ , : .. � . - readin' that. Abe, I ain't th- .. : .1 ,dwink wine because every time I do .. - .� I It shown 'by the follo-vOng a a-tenient,' . . . ­ 'Spring .. � I � .., . .� . Fruit-11ruit �rrqvvors will. .likely. re- - ' . 11 I . � 1, ,I find If goes' stwaight to my head. - . I . 1 . . . . - Vheat. - Fall, Wheat.. 189&_ 0:18,954, acres , 856,721 acres mell�lbdr 1008 as the plum year, Tbjs� . I I i 111�1 I ( III I I , I . . I Sul . 1 t It queer? 1. .. '. 11. . I I I . . Miss Hetty­'�Well,' I supposd itwantst, 1. 190 -1 , (I .,640 �, 11 370,905 11 O.- '68 1. . . fruit was .so. dbundant' . I ' that inany grower a -found A dimcult. to handle - . . . I., to g.et'Whero It w6ult be crowded. , � . I .. � 1901- 91115$7. "' - 3581'04� �. 11 . � I . .1902 �. 748,592 - ': .,; 803,111, `:,.� . I tile crbP* in Airrie for - market'. The I . I , I . .. . . �, .1 I _. � � . . . I . I ... . * * . " � 1908-1 665,028 � 248XIB: " quality Of: Q20. OVIMS WIRA �-also'. g6od. I . rhere I . . . I The Flight of T1�6., . I . .. . . ! The theatrical man- I)atroulzed a Ger.' 1 . .. 11 been an, � im- Bar ey-"Thore ha�i- was a.fatr yield of apples; but'. in various parts of.,the Province c'Q'ul'-. 11 I . . 1 . I man barber'and ii I �vays, found, him., se- � . ' manse yield of. barley, nearly all .of it. pldmo. and o( ,6xcelle�nt feeding , PI&ihtS .Wore made of the sbafelty of barreli,� and on this account buy'ars' . I I verely solemn, One day the. smile. ' , -v.giue, e�ltjiou,gh a mnsiderable per-' . . w ' . . . Ore moto. garticulav_ than , in 1�1 _. - . I upon his face was'too oppaient not to tion of the grain ,was discolored by .evol. . tile selection, this fruit, and th6u- , r 1: . - t , be noticed,' and . he faet .that he had . - I - met,. rain at.harvest .. Howuver, *tho ,of- "salids of bushels of ,al)ples that in . � - , , been made. 'a father. was duly in- . . . ter of *col�,i- is'not. now.so4inportant ,former Years would have passed for � . 11 I I -;�-- nou.need'. In ,a very few womouts, f gS it wous a.few years,ago,when inost . , I shipment- U)'Great.,britain Were this r" - . I 10 �, � , . .. however, his face resumed 'its usual, of .the barley Wao lalsod.for'nialting . season rejected by them.- . I `1 . -I-- I � .1 pensiveness, And 'he ex'clalmed: . , ; . 1. I "Ach 6ottl ffo�v�tljiie Most' ' 141 U -I L purposes� , , � , . . i 04its--A. large yield- of, oacts is re-. L I � dliterpillar and . - codling, moth' were. . . not.so bad . as im reedrit years-. Pears ; - � . I . . . . . I �. I . � � think, a year from'now,. that V1311U, VVJAJ: I- � C 0 jiortod� but. Whole wost of the -r. 1) - , I I Will be of excellent quality"': a Pol- Yielded well. in but soii�ue , inosi .places, blight is. reported, 'PO4che ' � i. I ,, I be on"i �oar old!" -Ne* York -'Press. . . � . . il. I , i koll of it is said to� be rather.light - S, . Nir(j%a piontifull, but.'serious. complai.rits." arb I . . .. I : . . �- . I . . , I . I . i: ­ � . . KiIiiW now to pleitloo aer. 1. .. ill - wei,-Ilt,: -:, Sdille. rust oil Igte'oats:-1s . 1�, I . . . . comp -.,nf,.d of,'.tb- strtiw is hardly as . - - lil4iip . I . . I . 11 - ivgardlng tbe ravages -of the San Jose Scale anion ' . g these and .. ,. ..... I , Young Wlfe,jinspecting tbe' bouse be 1. � � . . � I�orog- as us'ij 1, and '.-the'r'e -was also a other, fruit trieds. Chortles bore, . . has built forAlery-This, I supp6se, 19 *co,iisidei-alil�,,,*"lo(igliag" during ha�rr � .b6untifully, buj_s�orne references, are 11 � . I . I.. . .1 �- tbe:librdky. Tbe,thelves..are awfully i , . . � .vest 6wing to hvavy raino.. Ndtwlth- .. . � Still'. made by. corrasiloriderlts to: the , I - . I . primitive, Herbert,, and it seems to me.. . ' ste,nding theqv drawbaCks,. the .'Oat �. . danger... thr . c arry .an plinh It d . I I . . . � . � ' I a cFazy Idea to put the- llbr�ory Ili tI;j9 cl:6 �iroay be llstvojjis� a success. - - P' .. � .patening trees by black -knot., Grapes I . were . I - . . . I .1 part of the.1luilding apybb*;- ; . , - � Ilyd�lrlibil. crop .Ili comparati-Vely little: ia isW for .6111, Imit, �Vbaro fair in yield, but-suff6red-someMint - . . .. 11 L: 11 .. -This Isn't the; - Young Husband it-. .1 91 . ' from:- h All storins, ,and, wind--stornis "OrXTY -nusHELS TO T11B .kCRE AN!b Not' . b�i4r;y Amellaii This is the � pantry'. 1 wroj6r, .0.1%t purpose1t has . done . , also helped 'to -thin Out' appl Is -and . (3 A VEOIX L9691" SHUMD 9UT,.. . I . . I . .., 11-10 . 'Young ."Wife -You- darli I I I nol-Chicago . -very W611 OAS season,,,... . � - . ' I I . , . �. "... other oircha�d fruits. Sulall'i-itlitsi of I I er Sbakespeare wrote -poetry orran, i . Tribune. - a ­ : 10 *60VII.Zvtl Povo. . . - . ". nearly, every, va�iotSr wore, Ab�ndaiit. . . . I I cider mill but I)m 'cer I tain You- beat - _ � . . ,. I I . . I . 1 71-7 � ,.. I I � , . . .. " . . .1 . . . : .. . -Of late -this crop has � Yeas years I PearcitY of labor was .anotherlgreat . . him al! holler. Gimme Another." . ' Dose No. 2 read as follows: . '. Her. Best Effort. . . ..suffered ,"Afamma told :me I must keep Mr. � . , " greatly from the pea 'weevil I or " I btig,". and,its'acreage in 1003 drawbaci'to' the prover ho. ndil ng. . lla,�turcs- and Live Stook-Surnmer ' . 'fall I . ' n' . 1. The nlg�itlngale may st g his. lootigl. , Hug ' . 11 . gard at a distittiese When we met . was reduced by one-balf " compared and paitures have been,all that . I could be dcslred� although a' few . The ;*.;bin Pipe his lay" , I .. The o,*.*Ilnk may bob around - � him -at the shore this, summo�'lf Said IIIISS Hoy. . ,. . . .11 'With.that of five years ago'.' During that time what is k4owu as thc� flat, I torresp6adents e speak..bf tb�e fl las as ' In allrost any way.. . . The Ll.i-Abird'ha may trill his trill, . . I 6 . .. . "And did youTl asked Miss We '�ueery, . orgrass,pea has been Iargely..� sub-,, beginning. ,to got bare for lack , of rain.' Doth beef arid dairy cattle'aro I I The �vhlppoorwlll may cheerl - . I I But Ea. ah's song.ca,ri, -beat them all . ; . . . . . . . I I � . I I. . I "'Well, I usually succeeded tit keep n stituted for the common fiold� of round pea, As the,foriner- variety 'Was . Ported as being in tip-top'condi- "a I tion, and in About the usual rouln- I And bring the falling tear. , I . . . . I � I him itt a- distance from the other girls.1 I ,regarded as -bug�proof. The grws pea, . i . ' bers, but Shoop, wbile in the very. "By ti under, A -be," ggys Bit 1� When i. "but ­�Pblladelphla, Press. . � .. I � I , � . . .however, has failed -to give'good. sat- I I . d Isfaciion, and the roun pea is again I best �ot. form, aro. licromin fewer I I I ,, 9 -on had fin;shed, no critter on, the ' face of this earth ever beat thatt. $a, 11 . .' ' 1. - . .. � � . . f. 11 . Arown fienig). . .. I .being more freely sown. While some every year, I. �Hogs , the oth.er . ,F, . '. 1hand, Ure steadily .increasing, in � rub has got three p ongs which she . �1. .1 "How'do You like TllitOn?" - ' ' )rrespondehts re cc gorl a. -good . crop,- . man at t h y. complain. ho w . et . weat er . - - are being. turned'6ft for- numbers, and � Ilings in a mournful voice and Isf very. ' One seems C014 and regerved?01? . , inado too much straw at the expense, the packing housas "All the y�ajr i rourid, 11 -to quote a favorable phrase proud o'. and you have .worked In the "He- does at first but he soon. thiWit. of,the pods'. � The reshlts� of this - ,of correspondents in this connection. falliu* t-ar as slick asgrease,- I'told After you havo� met him A. few times he yeak's experience, taken Altogether, . .Ths only s6rious mention. of disease . her ouve that she could beat Any Crow ' I will �cotne up And olap you on the bapit are ra.tliar� 'encouraging, -as. injury, I a . monj live stock -is an outbreak of. at slngin!, and here You've worked In and ask you for a dollar, Just as'e6r- ' from the weevil appears to have been hog cholera in the Township at Her - bluebirds, robins, ,nightingales And all dial its can be!#-Kailsas City Sournal. Much less. than in the, previous year . I . tht wich, in Xont, and. s has been. con� the rest. Abe, that city feller.won't I stand a ghost of a show.. After , . I . _ . . .. I . . I of two". I .. . I . . C-Orn-Auglist rorharks as t6 the un-; fi0d. to, the, original )oeallty, � . she' reads tb at Now, then., earil.t you Work - � untuW. . . I . "I AM Satisfied," Said the � arim, tit I 1. . evenness of the corn'trop, are empha� sized. In the reports just 'to band. 0004 .Aaftson Aror Dairy1fig. I . I . The Dairy -Tho season has been a In suntl!tnl About MY feelln! bad and lot, "that you intend to beat tnel-out of Descriptions of both vield and qual. most faxorablo one toil tile dairy- . not waridn' to ll�e without hot?" . this money," i . . . � . fty range, from "Poor" to "good.po ,Pastures ,were excellent, ilio, flow of I I thought 1 could slid I 41d# and It � 'All rlgW' chuckled the happy debt, Party planted corn did much better thilk , wa.4 large arid. tininterruptorl,: read. I � . . I , oh #'If youlre:satlofI4 I amP-13alti, . than'that !Kot Ila later, Unfortunate. the weather was corriparatively cool; The sky to overcast tonicht, � ' more News, , . . . . . � IV, the dry condition of the soll at . fhore wa;s'a large qUalitity of lioch: I The wind ls,blowlng drear, . . . 1.4 . . , , seeding, and the poor quality of much butter and cheese made, 6�,d both ar, And as I sit and think and think . I Aild shed the lonely teat .. . . Good- Old Ipsai. - '. , .",*l - ., , . , ,,.I,( � I 'I.... . of the -seed, nec6ssf tated cor6iderable ticleg commaAdod good prices, .,.vftb* the honors in f&VorL Of Cheese. In fact I . .. . It V-361nd to me that Itis, tic use I Season changlill lively. Summer days, am gone; 91:�­.." re-p.lanting, and consequently lg_to� corn, --some of which is soft* where , the high -price paid foltheOse during, . � . . I To, struggle aror more, 33u t that I'd better. bari* myself I' Grass am turnin' yallet ..,, . , I 1�3 .. I I f . I Surn4*WA.V shucks ob c's,W310 "'," V grown for the grain, or was ceatirtit With the frost where raised for fod- I the letter. Part of � he season . calliset 1 a, considerable quantity. of milk- to be Aitd have the struggle 6,tr. . I 11 . . � - �, . Treee lik� Indian prilibes - ' der or the t9fle. However, the q,reater diverted from butter to cheese' Inak- Toa, I would seek it lonely grava . � i I Line up "gin do sky; ' Wild geeso, whiff a *nowlotavrjon .t' ' part of the corn was wall onved, *as the fall WAS on the whole a very fav- ing, and several correspondents state that it wits likely that tile cliceso And here no longer stay 96(laubb mY love is'n6t returned . I '4 Ali' go bonklnl,by. ,orable one to, the crop. I � . . . . "' aking season would run further - in - 'El Arid I am, In the way, I "Abe, you have saved my life," said . 4 ' . I , j3resh all brown an' scarlet, *' I )Frost Witt ation be nigh, Tobatco-Correspondefita say Voi, y little about tob ' . &CcO, the VOWIng of XoVember than has been the cUs- torn of late, 1002 was a good cheese : 13111 as he reitclied. out fifir hand arid, L . ' � 'Sk6atefo-Quit, deir oingbal, I 4. . ! PlIts begin tordle. f � . � I which is confined. mainly to some, of the we.4torn eoonties of the Lake Vi,ric year, but 1908 has been even better; In fact the past season has been the almost orlislied every bone In mine, .t "There isn't a, gal In all these United I f , . - . . , Orlake t thn ti gin oomin'. ' I .ve % . district Aild a few loca.lities; in the I Southeastern portion 61 the St. LAW. most profitable choose year that . vi Onta o has ov�r known. Grade Dur. States who can road them verses and . , '.. Ches'nut aittin" brown., '. � : . ,� Atiples gittin' meller. retice, Arid, Ottawa, couljtjeg� Sending, hams are the brood still to be -'most 14.' 11 - not wee* over them, and once you git . i , I Vallift! to- do arounl,, :.. w, � - ' Was rather, late, arid the , cool, wet generally found a datry cows, More � a a gal to weepittl over a teller She is his. . . � ' Weather kept growth back; but th6 especially In the western, halt of the 11ounkIns turnta? golden .� ., I'm tellin' you that within three hours; - . I., , 11 In do vaututhli sky" fille (!&AY autumn weather was Most Province,. but In.the cheese count,jes � , I Y after she reads She'll be tnakful up , Won't dey be good eathli" , I ' favorable, and the Condition of the along the St. Lawrence and Ott a # % it fileflS And throwin' turnips At I When Inade Inter P161 a � that'dry I CkOP at harvesting Was ranked ­bv rivers Holateiris and Ayr8hires, with. goods clork from town. Now, . then, * I I -4ud0. I correspondents at from. fail- to good, . their grades, are equally popular ,sliftoft ' ' - "' ' L' '' """, ,,, . � ..... , . . . . -­.. ----- __... _____ 11100110" . . . ". 1. . ' --'--------L- Boatts-Thig Crop is variously &, With the Shorthorn,11, Jorsovi and �.. '7.- I . . 1. I I... I � L I ­­­_ .111.1. . ­ 11 scribed. It i3uftered from rain whon their grades come noA in p6pularity, . . I . . I . . growing and when being pulled, and Poultry-JudgiflLt by the retnark.,4 � . 4 . 1- there' was a tendency to run too of corrostiondents, poultry do hotro� di fil6 oft Sabi [ we Motif I .1 . . much to straw, Not Ohl, V wa§ bar. .calve the SaMe thought Arid edr6that - open, 1� I . I . vosEing dL %layod by rain, but sorno of 1.9 bmtOW�4 Upon the other animals. . I I � I I T I litr0a 4t neod lit "ef,v hottle for � . . � � I I . � I � the crop was alia discolored froyn, this cause, Notwitlistaftding .these on the farim Nevertheless, there up, peam to be a gro,%ving Interest in the I , � ' � ' . complaints, soveral correspondentg opeak, well of the 6rop, and Its selection, foodblK, housing, and A011- eral care Of fowl,- A . Ithough the sunt - I Mrs, Svt)U' F RED SP 011 0 E CUM gelt- tral condition maybo Classed its 111011 was hot favorablo for chickon4l ift Ru fair. . "10 It, being too Wet arid cool for tho I I . . I , Duckwheitt-Tbe acreage given to "lost PAK, good prices for both eggs I 61166, at the Arst signJot it tot(j" Will allayLall teat V buckwheat Is eompdratively sinall lowd poultry hAvo greatly encouraged .4* irtitatlon-takit A-wity boarstiless-ch6ek thd iligarAffli'ttil a , i0rengtheft th6lungd-ward off the cough. � "'hants! but where grown this .year the . Crop has turbod out to be, a good om� on ralners, Dees and IT011oy-A good yield ,ot I All the healing, aotithing, eutativapropettles of CatlAdl to o�6tt"J",\. tho whole, aftounta of both vield and honey is roported from tIW Wcatt"Jin IL I I oufft-c6in blue d W1 d A 8, to "Aa El CA, 1, I& Ailit to, ta ko. as quality tutthing from "fair" to and central parts of the pro lnce, . 1. � - I . . � -I 1. -1 1. � 1 I .. . I I -1 1. � � ­­ -_-__-1 .. 1. � 11, . 1. . I . � -1 . � -1 � � I . . &ftw�_ . POP104414,11 .1 - . . .� but ill the pt, Lawronco iknd 0tVt6w4 ­ - � I ­ 1. . . . - .1 . � � 1.114. November 26thit 1,903 11 �;ZL7- , ._­,;.­ cOuntlec !L1114rists bavo -not dino rq I 1%0 ,111mr. _ �. � .. �.;­ W014 owing to unfavoremn. wen,11 r. To keep the hair from becoming thin ­ . . ­ , - I I As a rule, bees ivill ro jn4 ,O ,..-ijjt�,r . Rad splitting at tb quarters with " fair ji,triount Of s,,,,, I Iwo Weeks. $ e cuils clip It Aevery I VALPE I Plies, anti in ex(eptiorial (.l;L.j..,-j (,I,IV bampoo It once a month will feeding baek be n;,e,�,sAo,y N�t,.t v 1 *With castlIQ soup, avolollug tuo use of - " few complaints wore 41111,da . o . i . borax Alto ummoilla. � GUARANTEED I . 10141 . ! brood or other diwase .among bees. Improvospips'l* ol. lol.4, , XII $41. Volled VASU AUTO. NV* fully gisaranice Itic, genu- i . Farm 11uproveljIt.ats_()AIV u I It is seldom that ono sees ;i, boiled too quality Orour*7u%!5,Xlij havc. I ��, Yalr 0sh Alive, yet there, aro such to the .3 special valluo I ArROUnt of underdrairl;ng Was done.1j, I 1900, not because- fk�t , , atit . . I lue, a t boiling X190 Of AM , )All. GuateViala. . . Loofidence in ite hcuelits, bul"'vo lo"� A SPQ0IeS Ot. fish was t4tely ska there f-% P, , t chicily by a French traveler. Th . es � �. beca".1legood ditchers, And fgpoill I& .a gab, be $4DI00 ; , . . borers generally, have bQoA so asserts, often pass days In the boiling . . Sce.rk 0. ! I . 1�40 gild other' woofie to'"cos are be. wat011, which coined from numberless jr% 0 ' ! I ing rapidly repillcod n hot springs, � by woven. �vjlu : fences of varloufiI d�-,qlgns, but barhod 1 --- � _ � wo ­ ­­ . . I. - L j id", M I o n d I � . W00 13 how .seldom asked for oil an - . I � . Ontario farm. A considerable nunt- . T -b a i ber. of how houses, barns, gild other o NJ 45 � . I farm buildings were orocted, (jul-Ing , .. nd ! � the Year, but still a larger "woutit 1 . . . 91 work has been d and Rheumatism I .. , one in the Way of . - . : Rotb thoroughly eurcohy is course ortressa. . 11 .1/ ! i . putting stone, brick. or celollelit base- ituout wlib Dr. clatise,ii Nerve V90111, - I 1" X I . Monts. under existing barns, thus #nd Kidney'llIlver ]pill$. 4' � .. � (", X � 'he stabling, Cc , . These two great zo�mcdjcs of 'Dr. chase are I . � , , . it I-V , I greatly freproving t I -,� " I thent, floors are e0go becoming rolore used to ether with great success by roany per. , . I . I ! , � . I �. 11 11 . J! 1� . common Ill this Connection. sons, %hilp the Ridapy-Liver rills gwa,Ucp . 1 .4 i, Labor ' and Jj?flg#.,.8-0orrespou(Ient.q the action of the liver, invigorate the kidneys, I . I �� . I . ArO agreed as to tit(, groat ical,eltv and regulate the bowels, the Nerve r, ood form I . of ,farm labor, but they Are . irmch new rich blood, creates new nervo jor�e Ands The diumond is puro white in : dividod as to how to illoot j'he diffi- � builds up the system., . . . color and perfectly cpt and pro- , . I I I 0 the - I culty. The exodus t roortij ,11 I MRS. C, DATTISON, , P , I northwest ,still . continu I't ortioned. � , � VS, Nillich , 373 Murray St., ()ttawa,. Is set in either tile above solid . :,Means the.loss to the :Vrovinuoi of . ont., ,staltes.,-11174 . Many of Its -most s.talwart gad. e_x- , V sometime I was a sufferer 14 X- gold ri'19-5, . , 11 Peribnccd YOuviz men, and th.-Ir places : from nervousness� dizzi. �Ionoy retumcd if rin.- is Pot I � � here are being taken b5r'Old Country ' ness, nervous headache satisfactory. . .. � . ., . , , . . .Votiths who Suffor 1. I comparison, ;Aj, . and rhournatisin.' I, had I I Mailed prepaid to any- ad;lress I though 801110 Of thern give satisfac- * . ., � , . the rheumatic pAins for i Ce. , . . i tion. W"Res show no tendency to ... � ,I about three years. Sev. I on receipt of pri . . , I . lOwer, and some correspondents - � i- I eral weeks ago I began � I SEND FOR SIZI, C.,XPV, . sist that it is Impossible tQ ,)A�v � in" ! , ,,, .,�'. " I the use of Dr. Chase's , rent rates, and Make a profit, cur, I rArs. B tis Nerve Food and Dr. I . Clinse's. Xidney-Liver Pills, and have found : John '. S. Barnard, . Throslaing ,*.not o'liarlettsig. . . thtt these medicines worked together moss ! . I . . � . " . "I'liorching is more advari.tc-d than., , "I n my case. I have taken �r . I JEWELER, . . . SlItil I I . . . . .1 rat boxes of the Nerve Food and 1 , . .Usual, being practically colxrj�loteiol Ili r - I t - &�; tobt e , i 15yo I I ri I LONDON, -' ONTARIO; I . most parts of the I) OvI 'T. no" 0.itir,ly cur d of my old trouble, 1. ­ . . I r nce, at- * . ' Lhave used - I __ ­ * . .thd h i . � ­ � knowof others who . these prepava . - 551=633._ , Pg ill a f "6W sections ; winter i imis anl,b,en cand, .till I ca 'i I L�­ , , I . � A Eawei9m -, threshing- is still, in vogile. Fro'gress -rartily recommend them." � . . 11 �_,____ I . 19 . ' in . marketing !a hard to describe, 'Tho portrait- and sipature of ft. A. W ..V . . -- n0tirly every farluer being a law urltu . -,� v,o ol� C.-.,Vyy box. , ...... , . Grand I I ruxik RNY himself regarding h s , I . . .1 to , . . . . . . ' . grain. Sonle'report that more wheat; �_'____ � ONL4 WA'V SPICICIA1, V-,XCURSIONT . I I haa been sbid thrin-was mark . I TICKEM9 ARP, ON SALIE� DAILY � - . th . eted at 11101-A . . . .-VNTIL NOV. 30th - . I q sarrie, date for solne, years past, '. I while others . in the :same too -1 1 tte rs to points in British Columbial Cali- ' . , allties U T�L I iu I fornia, Colorado, Idalio, ATontalla, - . - state that very, liftia wheat or other- - ,,.- '' . cereals ,have been sent to -market as . . Oregon, ,Utah, 'Washingtpp, V,tc . , . .. it I I . andSleighs .''... - , . s rkovi more Profitable to feed . ,�� ' ' . � . I LTVV, -,S'�OCK J4XPOSMOX.- -., . .. , , all kinds 01, grain ItO'livo stock. it ____­ __ ..-. � . � - . .. - . . w0uld seem as if the advantages. Of . I . ., CHICAGO, ILI,, � . �=ing grain Into beaf.0 ' . ' f 12,75 F krq. for the.round trip jr('411 � . . . as to reridde farmer r bacon are . . - W. io, have a, very , � - .. Clinton. I s nitiell , . . GOCKI gOi;lg NOV. '29th, 3o th and Doic. r . , . ind4perldent'of the grain Illarket than, I fine assortmeiit of � . formerly in, I the *(Iisliogal .of - their:, . ' Valid returaing on or before Dec,j(h i' , Wheat, barloy� and -other grains;', al- . cutters aiid slej.6 �It, Cleirwis Alineral Raths situated - I . .. . � ncar Detroit. Qmickly�'aud comfortah- I ,.. though adocided rise IrI the Price of * ghs..'All niade in . iv reacht-d i)y-ti,,,,, 6raud Trnnk. . - .1 eats wOuld'sooi � .. � . . . . . ZV -Ii� P,' , a iy,of these cer , bi,lpg THV4 ST. .C411TARIN .8 LL. - Li .. . Out a surprisingly., large supply -of our OW . . thqt. particular grain . �. . , 4. 9110P. from . 'rhe watt;ts of this well are a r -- . : . . * . I k eat - . . , . ill t0T nervovs disoTdcr$, ituat- , , . � . 0 , speel Ic I . � ,. ,r . . Crop Acrem,jre� and, Irl.1 . thel�best of mo h- S . 11 ' . .do For 11103. . I . I., . . led ou- the direct*.. title ot the Grartot . , � I � I . . ..The ionowing are thd final . . Widise., 1. . . .. 1. . � 3 I..'r,tnk,. , -.1016verL, Miles froin Niagara , , , ' estl . I I . ! � . . , . 1. maVes, Of, thei, P, -due ,, . .i FalIx. . .. � : . . , . . to ,t of tho'11)03 I . . I crop computed. from 2' . 0 urns of 'actual . Price8 ­ low coll`, I F(*)r Vcl,et%. alid all. intormation ap� � . It , ­ . . . . I !,ply to aqqnti� - IXTri'te, to J1, 1). Afel)arl- - I . yi-eld n1ii,de by thr sidering- qwilit ,*. I . ' ,stag of CQ]rrespooi.donts.; , t I.. .. ... � Y- � laldw�, ffls�ilct Vjas�engpr Agent,. Tofon- I . . . . I I . . -L -nd - . Io� . 1 6 jr ' Fall Nvlle&t,' �;.665,628 acres, ,17,_ 1 Be�s ire'a . call ., for, dw;cripfive liter turL; reorarciii) I I 2,42,76$- bushel�- (?r '25.9 p6r, 41.0., I ;t1lb abb." C , , rdsaits,_,& " 6 � -0�tti.901'1'. 1. . . . - � The yleliIf Of 1.9'0_�, wa. I . beforet p*uriahasing.- ; . - P�lgc 3, - : agents, at ell , '- '233,( . . I . . , bushels - . I s .20, 3.(jt) � , . � . _ . ` , aDd F. R: H 11 .. I Ill . . - . I . . :;Izop ,prom eude X.1l"l- � �- -- '', . ' I .. . 1. I . . -1. atring Ptly att ,d. to. . t .. I I I - I ,. . . I � I 1. . . � � I ..Spring .wheat, 24.8,'5 1 a . ', acres I 1 .4,_ � . 'f . I ... . 1. 1. I . ,.� : . . !!!!!T!!!T!T!!�1 'al � . . � Z==W0=6-W."W� � - - - _.... �--­,w­­_ ­ � 1949,238. bushels,- or 19.9 bushels. pe , 1. , * . - . ..., 1. . _. . . .. - * '� I . . * . . . . . I I . . Acre. The yield "for i902 ;I�as (31- . . . . .. . I . . I . _"" � w". - t � . ' . . . 1. . . I . . � 11 I . 11 . I . . . I � � . ' . ! I - - . . 048,024"bughels, ' .- � . . RUMBALLand McMATH . _ 0 1 . .. - Barley 709,88.9 -acres.. 24;;378,811 ' ' -­ -�' - - H7u.f0n $t., .Qin ton. ... -I,, '. ... I . .,.� F . - . I I .. . I bushels; 'dr:3,11 . . . . . . . . . rminoo, * . I -3 Per acre, ' .1. . . � . ... . ... . . A . � ,11?�) - .. � Qats, ,2,645,QC)5 ac�res,'j ' . ... � I . : ., . , ... ... � �.. . . ­ _.� - . . . . 1. . .. . 10,228,103 ;. �� . I . . . I L. . . . I .bushels;' . , . ­ I __..7_-______.._ .. I or 41.7* per acre - " I I I .- I . I I ,� . 11 � . . I . . I I . 1. I .. . . . . . � ' I .. I I . . . - P Of 0 ,A- , ,., Rye,.'..179,4271d: acrus 2�19.70,780' " , . . . For r all a 0, , . . M6 , " � 1. ' ' �� M - IRV - . �. i . I .".. . . . . . AN4: 4 ,:,.�, "A' * - ­ . . I " M " bushels;'or '16.6' acre. , i��e yield ., . . r I I � . p��I; . MAMULE aom U, 77�_v I " , ` - .1 Of -1902 'was 11,409;332 bushels, 7 . .� . . . ,� , . . �,;�:, 0 .,� L . Evory Fa.rmer. should keep . . . - . * I t ../,..;�_ �; M Y, . ' . I I I .Peas, 407,183 , acrei'. 8 9")4,660., , these thre,e Nvords' nstai#ly.'� .. ,r - acre. -he ytoild, .. _V I . . bushlels; - Or _,31.9 PC . T UNIMEN"ri.. 0. ,,--' ' _1� ' - ' - 'in mind and'conduct is .of. 3.902'was 7,664,670 bushels,. .arld I I .. .. ... .. . . ,-N I I.. I . . I . . ,V ­?,j,,f. ' the average yield per acr4.14.j. �.'.. , M_ p .1 .. jl.�� I I I 4, I . . I I . . on -strict business inciplep'L .1.1 . "Buckiviteat, 9.5,487 'acres' . . . Uwtw�_'_ - Al -,r . . Guess work arid -hap . .- I - 1 :2,049,- . .., . . I .1 . . . A.N ­ . .. . 169:bushols; or 215 Pat- acrd - - . �:WRZ,. ­'� thethods are nb longei used by . � . . . " �, I . . �� ,Z- . . . I . . P, : calls ' 58,089 a�res, 97§,246 bu�h_ . . . . . 11 1. -71 . 1. , successful -and� up-Ao4ate 12(r- I . I , . , , I . .. I I I � . ols; at- 18.4 1)(w 01cre. The yield for- ' ' . . il IM . !. I niers. . I . .1 1, I . _. . I., . I .1 . 1, . 1002.wai 6170;(588 bushels. I I .1 I ''I .1 . � I . L I 1, By readino;- TH!3-' - i1CLY. , - ' - 1 '19 01�1, acres,, 16,676, 1 I . . . 2:1 . Patatooq, le ' _' ' ' WE .. . . SUN, . the i - 447 bushels; Or 120 per Acre. . The . I . Farmer's' IR:0"iness ,_ � � I . y1old-of 190-1) was 12,942,,5021, . � . I . . ­ . : Man.goi Wurkels . � ac . - . . . I . . �� .!11 . I � I I P406r), yow,will.- got the vl�ry . � - . I 80,918' res" 41, 4a. . . � . � . -latest and � most accurate in-, � .7.68,239�.bwhels--' ' 01' 516 per �'&Ctc.'� A===%, . : ... . . . � . . . . . .The. crop. for 1002-wAs. 89,:L40,92,1 AwftwAllit . I.: *. formation iegarding,your bu�i_ ' . L, I . ' . 1. bushels; - .: . . . I . I . . I . - .. ness. . � . I � . � . Carrots, L,: T,S . 05. . .- Acres,., 2,'(3I.2j*77?. I . . . . 11 . i'' . . 1 - �. .1. .. .. I. o ,, ... . 1. 1. � bushels, I or 385 'per. acl-'e. '111le, Ratte tiftir$r Stieet Works. THE SuN's r6arket .reports .... I ' ­ Yleld , .:. . . , . . I I . .. . .. .1 ,� are worth r�any times, the sub- 1. . � � i i .. " . of 1 1902 was,.8,2227,16J, buNhels..' I .! . . . . I �', . I . . I ser . ipt!on pr . ice. o you. , -. . � � �. . . . I � , Jurnips, 184-jG9.'&Cr(,,9l 6P,316134.1 . . , Dire(,b.irnrortr�rs., NVorktrifin.. - . � . .t . . .. . .� .1 I bushels; oe 615. per aojr�o. The lolid �' ship ithol Material pipmuteed'.' I .. . . 13very Farnie�r, hj Canuda. . I I . of 19Q_2 was 71,t4o � i2O4. . . ly I ,. . � , . .. . ... . .. ., .. . �.. ".. - � I 1. I . , � . _. , i I � - - , .: shbutdi realize .1 , � 'i I G,i SIP 1. & , . . 4 �4AL. 18 . , . Co.' . .. . . the.ffilt .*.Alue.. of ' . " � ' . Corn for 11UsIdh,E,r,: (In the ear)' , % . . . . � .. ; I the servke Tiff Sux bas. rcirim. - ',..-;� 378,0�4 ac�-csj-20 287IS88baf; I . : .. - . I . . �, � 1 $ �.hevls; or , J . . .. I I * I ­,- -- � 9... , 'dcr�ed, Win ih a.pubfic way. I It' 11 .77,3 per acre. The Crop of,j()02.was. 'e �'I. __T__, I.- - 1. ".. ­ -,.-. .- . . � � . . . ' . I 1 20,512,194 bushels. , ' � .. . .1 I . .. . .. .. . �� . - .. I ... . . . . ... .. wag due to tht� ac�ii on.. of THn , * . . . Corn. (oil S.11o.'and fodder, - (g,r . Un) - , - , . � IU684-040410n.,.� . .. , I.. I . SvN ill ,grivin . voide .to the �'� '- 1 209,727 aO,es, 2,r3.(54_.,'4()() toils: or., .. ,Three, persons bel%v6d to, have'lie * .. . .9 , I It .. I I" � . on .,.oginions.of tho'farrne�s hat . 1 1.2.nm tons. per acre, The Crop rot Submerged twenty-five. balnutesitwo e law.� Mating -to ca . ttle ' ­ .: . ., tb 1002 ,wa.4 2,611,834 tons, . .. . fifteen minutes,. one -fourteen minutes . � 1. I . I kuardsj.. drainage act-oss-rail- _.- � '' I 1.� l4ay anti clover, 2,�83,656q a,�yo,l', and one L three minutes have been - re- . , . 4,;386,562 toins;.or 156 t6p4'perbel'o.. suscitated, . . . . ways, and farrif fires. caused* by ' . . 1. 16com. �l , , � '1�ho crop 01: 1002 WaS 4,965,438 . . . .. . .1 I . . 1 6 , Ves tonq.� . I � . . .1 . . 11. I � . I I . ,railway 1. has been , . . . . I I .11- I � 1, . I ..!, - VVIlmir Shoe L�Leem... � . . I .amended, '' . . .. . . I .1 . Apples, 43,659,413 bushols , . '.. . . I I � . ., . . . I . I . ; or. 645 � TO make ottre.thatthe lac .1 � We will sood THP, WrEKLY­ I 1. , es of Your . . I � , ) � . - � � I I , I. , . , , . , , , , ., . . , , ! , . , . . , , . . I per. tree. of bearing age, - Oboes Will nOt Come ubtled inal, e,ari -or�,:( . I . . I . . Tbbatco ' ��-1,423,0,31 I) , oundi. 11 - 8� . dinary bow and before dr . I , ' SUN from noW ,to Ist jantlury, . Yield of ,-1902 was 3,07Q1-717.pourl,dS. Iturn . I awink, ft tight 1. ' 190.5, in co�ibinadon Witli : ', L ' J ' .. ... . .. , .. ... ., ... .. .the-riglit bandAboo fi-oul you . . , i, f. . ., � . ". . L .1 I :, � � I _11'. .. thtOugh,tho'center. Then pull hard on _, The News=RpcoM -1. 1. 1. .1 . Vill" -col.. J) . 417,1,�,,Ini I � . . 1'� . ... .....­. �, .� itu ADVII.. js ke too I . 1. � - I I ps. Untie by, pulling, the:ends. , , , .. . 1. _ . ­ - ' I . I , � . Arii�� Ll-yT,.01vsiNnss,\IV1'ri. . -.'i ,- � � -1 - � I.., . I , - - . .. Fot­$1.'75.`.,, I .111. . I � . . . . . . � . . ­ . . I .. . . . . . . .. . .. . a%xv�_... � . . . _-_­­­_­ - .­­�4-nA�­5-!T�nn- W__-trw . �----------"'1-"�-,---'---.--,--.-...- L. ­ . .. I , - . I . (Liquozoad'.was. formerly Lusawn iu caluada'as 11,oi4e­5_0s j�_fq`ajjjjd'Ozojie.) I . I . . I . L. I . . . I . . . . I . . I . I ,� I I .. . .. . . �. I .. I I � . . I I . I I I � . . I .� . . . . . I . . � I . � ... . � . ..., �.. 1. 11 � ..�. -11 V I TO I., B . I . � , I � - I I � . � - 1. . L:� � , I We W ill UYI I . . . . . . I . . I I . . . I I . . . . I . . . I .1. . . I � , � : ., . I . I 1. . , . . I .. - . I I . , . . . A �50Q., Bottle of Liquoxoniq ana. Give It to You, to , .;:: "... , , Tr . . . I , . . I . V�, . I . .1 I I 'L .... - 11 � . � I � I .: - �. I . 1.1� I . . . 1. . I . 11(ptozone_nquiq oj�ygetl�js the Only form Into the blood that no germ. eoujil Daudruft-m-Dropsy � .. 'St6biach Tratioleo product iliat tall 'kill geruis in the budy live ill ally membrane or tissue. . Dyspepsia Throat Troubles . VCZ0I1a-V,ry#Ipebos , Tuberculosis . Mthout killing you. No Man kltOWq AhY LIC111ozone (lots thAt. The reqiilts�sre Fevers -Gall stolues . ,tther way to destroy the catlse� 4 tin so certalitk that,,A-6 pul)lish oil every I)Ottle itre-Gout , Tumor8--UIcerA , I . y do Varidoc4e g, tilt disease, � th,11lotts Wh,O aft blTer0f$1,00940ragerill thatit C,111- uonorrhea-Oltet Wornen' a billeAlle.4 It is. bow.lo Amtrita,.and natkill. Vdtoxygeal All digebses that begin with fever -All lufInw. I s Natu re I 0 all. catarrh -all cositsigious diseAsts.-An leeditdoultkilowofit. Vorthatreasou tonie-the very source of your vitality. tilt, results Of lin Iltd or F614on6d"blood. 'at .,Veljiakettligretniirkal)lioff,:r. WOwill Its lit nervoub detility L quotone acts so a vital- � elfeCtii art! fxhilaratilig, purifyin zer, accoinplishlug what no drug& c4n do. 'ing. But gerills are vegetables; at9ij . � �Ily the 1144t bottle'and give it to yet( if Vitaliz I 1110.1 need It.' We will do it willingly, tlllgtxcesgOtOXygeli-tbevt,j-ylife.ofau '. . I I , Itiolly, to cOnVIM06 You 91; oncli and ior- aninial - is deaclly to vegetable matter. , 50C. D6ttle Free. , :�er that WiluoZone Aoes kill gerong, . .1 . . . 11 . . . We sPend Y4 days ill making each bot- � . I . t1e, of Mquozone, and the romilt is, liqui(I It you need 14ioluozone, and have liew t we rotict $1000000 : oxygen -tile best thilig ill V16 WOrld for tried it, please send us this coupon. �k,t, . I.. . you, yet certain dogtRctioil, to disease will that, niall you a * � it order on your local `Iaden druggist for a full�slze bottle, arid ue I germs, wherever the LicloiOzOrla �or the rilhis to T,lgtiozotie for America, blood goes. ' I . Ill pay your drug , W, _gisk Ourselves for it.. Ve te.qte, this pro act for vears hi. the . to t difficult gerin diseasts - then we ' �. � I . , 'O'l-ght these tights for tile Wiliest price Gerift Diseases. : ver paid for A, scientijr1c discovery, . . I . . . We Paid ibrit. price because Liquot I 10ag what, al 1, th*skill iij the Vorl 000 These tire tlie known gertudiseaqeo. d call" All that medicine tando,forthege troubles ,0' df) without it.' Any drug that'kills Is to help Nature overcome tile germs, � tpruia fiq h 1)01$013 to you and it cannot be and ilueb: results are iticurect end ujil ., " mially. The best pbysiclans, ctrtain. Liquo2oua kills the garintl, okett iittL ! . fie world over, employ Volookohe alone wherever they are, and the, results art f,e gerin trottble4; and any pli jejan juevjtable� By destroying the Cause bf VIII) doesn't is utmost helpless flsi'ah)` thd trouble, Itinvarlab etiolathedised.4e I gerni. digtas6 40 I and f6rover. ry I . . Akhmot )qs# Vell'ar-TiffluentA just Oxygem - AblIcess-Aluemis Xfointy D140seO . I aroil"hitis U Ott= . B1064 rolkort tellorr Coo 6A,t L right'4 DIM04 VverTraubW % * T;(I,tifbxatielgisnifylyliqui'(1 Ygto-no'bawelTroubles I majakid-Rettralglit I N.V., I'd alcohol W it. ItisthtdilidoVery 'CoUght-Colds hfifty Heart Troubles coftsoftiptl6a . les-raeutild"ja ( -f PA'Ali. t1ib great Getman thettilet, who, C611c.-Crduo dut48y.,,�-Qtdfksy � 11141to'lly�at'lotift xlisobjtetwasto cli"'Itirtl6S btaffistisut , Calart -coilledt, kin Dibeasdit IF of � Dy6entery;,-DIAtthtA � hilt-4yphillt "O mu!b all exems, 02tygto Ilk Ample 111taLls Our tfee,gift, Made to COIjVj*ljCf" you; to 8110-W you what Liquozone is, an(l what it can dol Irt'justice to yourself, Plet'se acce t it to -day, for it Places y4)lt , . under no.oAgAtioll whatever, Liquozone costs Soc� and $1. 1 1 � . CUT OUT THIS COUPON for tidti offer may tiot ap eattAgal". Vilittif tile blAiAts tird mail it fli 016 l'itfuld 0201w Co.,221-2291thislast,tchloagd, � ., , . , Ity disease 1.4 11 ........ *d...tW44*.*# ... O..... � . I bavd fiever tfied I 1411oftle tr #0*1019 1,101fit4d *xOnek-, but k you will sopply If* 0� � .1 6�c. bottit fat I Witt take it, . . . .`Ilil*V4 V#.4 *.6V1V*b644Nb4*466.k6646 $64*44 66644*4 . . I a, a 0406444,0466**444404406 .... 04,44#0 6.6wl 0 O' 14 4&4kj44..4*.k.W.*j ..... 4.4.6. At .... � I . - �- 1. � - I V4116mlie-611f w'dematic me-11pulAppearl, Ott tvtfy botU4ofitentAint'lauquiai!do*ouf, , O.; k ��