HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-11-26, Page 4� � I I I
. .
4 4 1 k
____ - - . - ,. , " . Thet0unton News-AeCord
November 260% 1903
. __-.-111.__1_- . __ 1. I.... . I—. . 1 IL - Z;w� __ 1,
4 . 11 --1___-__. -1 .11---.1 �� . .. I.., - I - __,_:V,�._ , -1111-1-1 _ .
- The News,,Record d"atc,% 's t*'gvt elcete" .40 tax as Constance.' _
I the WQIfArQ of the couirtry jai concer . East WAW&A0814 , '� * , - __ *
� . IK4 ; ANACHINO 10. ###"#**###*# #*"#***t4L1###*##*"### 4
. J14 Publisliell ,#vgry Thuviday at tNy do not give it a thatigi:.t. III Mrs. Ditia, Taylor and daughter itr. Mrs. OWton of-311chigan. was the � . 1� 40, 1
, �
. I The Nows-Rceoril. Vrintlog House striking contr4st with, such, a deliber- rived at Goo. Clark's Tuesday afttr a t of fricads bere for a ew days . 0011 44
plea�;aot visit with her soR Ilk,. tho ; ",Is I MOKINNON & 000, BLYTH *
I A1,11314Wr STR=, — "1114TON. aI, attempt to deceive the electoral" West. . I fast wwk. THP,' TROUBix trs,t,ALr4V DUI,4� To . 1. .-.;-. 1-1 -___1 V
. . is the splendid policy (A( "Catmeia for 'Mrs. John Clark an4 daughterst Mr. U. Coultes, of Buffalo .and Mr V4 *
� I . , ar- Coulto of Wisconsinarrived homo iasi IMPTTRl',' BLOOD AND C1,L)OGRIT) 40
1 Cauadialls", which fs announced frairk rived Friday from tbQ West. we Un- week to attend their father's funeral. %1DNV4y1V111L . . I* 44
. Terms of subscripticirk—$r per year in � nd they roulai BOY'S CLOTHING *
; 44vaneq . all Conservative pmtforius wilcthar in d4rsta intend to it haro Miss Alecoliticl, who has Well, visit- I 1 40 1
. . . ; $1.5o way be Charged if . tile calit or,the. west. Tile Couservat, for Sornv time. . .
. . I � .
Ing friends here, has returned home., . That weary dragging bAckache ' �
s *
not so paid. No paper discontiaued, ive Policy is, proud of ita record alid XiSA Nellie -Outherlaud. arilprtaftlpd iss 1-1. J.. Rowlaad of Haillilton is Thtire Is n1ways-ii, grpAtdgq1Iq v's aurl Yalto Ik'a Clotli. . f
I until all arrea a a . liar sc.,boolniates to, a par�y ()It yrid incire daugerous tban y(w think. Ing lid fitt, ,I)o �
� r ,.re paid, unless at the policy it offers, . for the, do,�Oiop- 4v Was the guest of liar mother Uyr -a few it _. for (Ilil'it'l,11111S. We Ink,V0 rjuvt rueeived A very choic-e lot. (if t
� . .
evening. d-ays Just week. �. - boyo, got kip apoq-1,111y fol� the (,ilk-istillaq tr,ldo hV tile Q
tile option of the publishor. The mout of Canada, but Ili every. ridilli; points straight to di:adly Stilts toi .
Uarilost. Adanis arrived froin. York- Mr. and DIrs. Jailles Q( trouble, Vour 1, kiduey eelet)l,iltediiiiil)urikct,tll.er!N--ti.Sflt)rcy4lk(*,).,t)tm(lnkl,e;tll-- A -lot -1-1-- *
date to which a . idnevs Aiello because eve Who Wall t to have Lholl. hovs well dre,4'sk-dat, Christ nias should
.,very subscription is throughout the country apologics Are ton Ia t week. . � ndt'ts of Mor- . 40
0 . ris Were tile guests of Mr. and, Mrs. your blood is bad .
I I and filteritrg see otir stock of BovNI Stilts, while it is At 1L4 be,it whet, YOU clkn . I *
. V41
I paid is denotation tile 1�boj. . being offered in one form, or anoth,or joe Rands leaves for the Ill. No hary a's oak. ttrough has Clogged t1wat wit get, all tb`6 sizes for boys froln 5 to 15 years of ngv� , 1.
. � Advertising rates— Transient adver- for the Laurier prograturne. . Tuesday. We w � West On W t 1 t w,
� . � ish hill, $access. Messrs. E,astabrooke of � Hai It filthy . . .�
. . . , itiltou ill-flikilimuturyL POISO11S. CO411,1 W
thwinents, zo, cents per nonpariel � Dame Ruitior .states that before t1list aro visiti.r.,g their sister, Mrs.-Coultes, iloql.purgw 11O.Va, two-piece suits, in fancy t Weed, riam qerge And fine wor.
� � I Ing backache pil I - ,I& -
line for.firit insertion and a cents * weak closes one of our bachelors of the at presuiii. 11,1110 1.4 can never cure )-on. . $tell, sizes front 22 to 28, fit $1.60. $1 8"), V,4120, $2.50 And $2.95.
. Town Line will take onto illinoolf a only excite the kiel,eys, they ... Boys' three piece $,,Its A, I
Mr. Win. Leisilinall, who ., in t1avy, worsted, farley tweeds ond bloo, 6 -
. per line for ea The -Corrupti has been cau7t Possibly touch .tile cause 'Of the * serge, short -plints, In sizpa front 20 to Ta, very speciol sit $3.50, 4k.
.ch subs�quont insertion. I oft life pattnqr. visiting friends !-it this vicinity, has trouble it, the, blood, Dr. Williams 0, $4, $450and $5. I
, .
Small a . . _
. dv"tisentelits not to exceed of t 'the annive ory services of retorined home, I I lb
I - .he Liberals. ,Iothod, rsa Cobstan- Pink Pills are the ot-ly posit ' 1* Men's Stilto
one inch, such as "Lost," "Stray Otte of the. 'best infortood ce st pjiurcli ,kill be allaid, on Misses, Aggic and May Gosillon via- f . I* care ent va-iptv, niado tip in Shnrey'm hest, style, in * .
1. inen Ill. or 4chilig kicillov.S. They make W black srn(illlt,11�111 w. orsted, failey tweed And .()file serge, At $4.50,
11 il etc,, , inserted once Montreal Olt political ,subjects, I& Dee . Misses Netl,ery last week. rich, red. blood. ' � IWW .0 iy� ( it
. 'ad," "Stolen, . 6th. Rev,'Mr. Cosevis of Brussels, !ted the T1 ey 0 $6, $7.40 a lid $1 ). I 4
I re- Xo�*rs. John 11fallotholt, Norlitakn flaintliation and drive 011clolit'llor the ill� * . I I 4
: for 35 cents and qach subsequent in- spousible fc.T the statpn*nt that in Ili$ will -Pre0h, at 10-30, 2.30 and 7-30, . . .
� � - Illstead of laying the usual tca. on Walsh and A. Vint spent Sunday with the polsolls. * , — - !�, -
. . . ThCy cleanse . tile kiducys and - . . *
sartion io cents. city ,the Liberal party has A'spociated. Mol*laj� Ing the LadiQs' Aid have, )uilgannon friends. I . stillill 6 1 9 1*
.�_ I I . of &-cilled evou Oil V4day afternoon tif last late the," to healthy action, Thell, * Men ' *
Commullic4tio Rself With the Tnost corrupt gang . try 114,.e. a ir,�C- Will OffLring.at Nx eek I
its intended for 'Iniblica- I . the title bank burn. ;�Jld ailioining build- backaches vanish. H . s. Overcoats I'll
: I the door. Rev, Mr. Darkicl, Will give I 06 . . I I . I
tion must, as a guarantee of good healers that have ever participated in om of Ills lectures ,oil that evot 'ng. ings Volot ging vo David Dunbar of 60 i�(illler proof given by Mr. Go. john- We �-hnw great vA * .
11 . 'N . - 1110 in Men'R Dress Ovvi-enats and Ulaters in 4;
� I Of the writer. . . 0 a �& Tile Ontario street chair of Cli ton I N, S., ,V".11a says; .. -My . 0,11 the Iatv,4t designw� Alson'large stock of Meti'ti P
faith, be accatilpanied. by tile Uaroo Canadian politi s. Gt ;lt* tit t tile I son of Ohio,
Jim Was burped to tile ground. The $Olt, now eighteen )"C�:rs, oil) ski . . tiv Coats *
. Consorvativo party in i'896, was as will furnish ' anusic for the emllill1r. fire was call . . gered whiell will be so)d al; very l,o;v prices, . . A&
c(.r/.ttpt a.9 it Ise(' by the 11OF-ting Of. tile with kidney trouble, frain's' vre pithis I I 46
t ` was r4q,reser.teC, to La Conic olle. 'Cutting box belongintr tot Harry Crai 19 it, tle back and passed ,sleepless lligh- .
I To insure publication Ili Carron issue - ,, colut -all. . . I a%
� Copy of advertisomiints should, be by its OPPolients lie declared that . . Men's Fine OvercoatQ, it, Ilaivy find block beavev, grey, Mack and *
v M. n s. McNair laft, ori wit() was ClIttilt straw at the, thlie. t ,%,, ,led several inedici s, , but Oxford clievoits, in the Rotglal)ette, OberteNit-Id Wild the loose
sent in early. . . sevell years the 14iberals had reacooda Friday for Hamilton whera thei,y will Nineteen, stock steers perished. s. ., tr .lie . 11I
. state, of ccrruption which was fill � It, . It' Ule *t"LY did not help him. ill -fact lie was. igger OyIeP. at $6, $7 50, $8, $10 and $12. 16
� . . .1 conduct ev-F-Jigelistic services, Rev.Mr, flames and were valued at about: $goo.. growing Me swo 1 .4 11
. Contract rates -The followingt table itely korse than the alleged, Condition Keluledv intends'to c also x,2bo I,)u%l weaker, his appetite. fF ilee,, It's Pitt, (Ioa(4, ill Coto Ileill., ,,;lberj�kn doly TAsalljIllail Calf etc
arry on the mec4 Iola of grain, 6o tons of anti 110 could hardily do tile usual work it $14.75, $18,.$20, $25 al)a $30. . nk-, �4 . .0 *
I Its - I � . � .
fools and space ; ' ' defeated. Lek till Wellooday, . . BOY'S Overcoats it) . ha
shows our rates for - specified Per- of tl,c� collsotvatives whea they wore ings tl'- w ]Jay and a,Kr6atcr part of tile farm that falls ") tile lot of eVery bov oil A gt ett� variety at close price. � ,$: I
� Not clily have all. tte bar- oil Thursday night the Bible Sooie'ty impleirken'tit, Insurance $I 800, farni. Filially a friend recent . . . . I . . I
I yr. 6 mo.' "UNS which fastened themsel . it the 0 We 'are sorry' I , ,inanded � 11 — — ___ 1
3 'DO. I 1110. - 1 96 ,,,,,,, v" Oil meeting will 11)6 held I hurcU, of to. hear of tile illness Dr, -.1l'illiallis nit . a . � . . . . I . —1: 41'
. . � first -ittedich I ie'that r,gadhd4 . In Am ' . . 0
: I Column $70 00 $40 00 $23 00 58 50 ra law gell,cration of grafters .. this fel,
. tile govertillwor't of IS thke Gri t Rev. Air, Newton. will 13-ttlie pritiCipal 11V,m Helps of Westfield, Ile had was . the - Pi ' P.ill!'6 no'
-1 I . n C uble. I -It COULInued
0 r - � � d � i
. . I
�j Collin it 2i 00 15.00 8 00. 2 5 Tationany systotil condticted under the will . al% . o bap e4ellt . . � I . 0 to Also tile pills for, r, �.
, lit s but a I Sp I_ all attack of braiv trouble on Tuesday tile ause of the tro, '
A . has been fostered ,aridtr the vicions lit of last wee I *
Column IS' 10 Go .5 59 2 CO - . . Ili 11 -Iph Private Asylum' oil Timm A Couple Of 11101tthi � ' ' 0 kfti� a '1�
% Column 40 00 25.00 15 00 6 00 eaker. Revs. Hamilton. and Kell lady ivic.KINN 00% N . ' & '
00 . I . . . tille Glic . - .and I ,ill Ill I � . . I � . I
. 1 2 �Wlllspices Of the Laurier goveriumpt, � - — A,v, . . . , I *
I Inch 6 a d DW happy to say that ev. I . *
00 3 50 2 00 5 disgracciful crillies whicl% character. � I I I . . I . cry symptorl, of the trouble has (If.-,- ]a Jr_.1VW14 *
. . . 9r, and Mrs, A., Kingsbury of West, appci�rod and lie is tlow as 4 . 0
W. J. MITCHULL, i/ed tho *St. James Division clectioll, CoNcrae Township � field move'd to. Winglik.til last week, � , t.rong and . . 1,
I � I healthy as ally .boy Of his ag :00"4ipipiD0*w*9.4 . QrA* z,
wore tile work of his band Of profess- . . . where they intend residing, They Will c I -ci ( There , . . I . � of;m ., �� 4��
ional electioneers � . . . , emu be no doubt" that ' Dr. � ____ -_ __ . � . "" I .. . ". �
Aditor and Proprietor. � . Tlr6y want , Public Andrew Bennett i!j moving nearer be greatly ' iiiiss.eci by their, many fri- Pink Pirs' will. care kidney Nt illilains — __ ___ --- . _ -
� . 1 7==-- ____ ---- —
I . . ... - '! . - niouey and get it and in return they town, having rented tile McLarcn . farin ends. Ili Westfield. . . ov , trouble, . . � � . ---
. .� � eitler perforin Outrages on pliblie de� at Dutilop hill, . . I . . I � . ell, fix its Most lizvore forms. � ****#++**"+***"*++ 0+*#+*## � . I
. . . I -
The Elections Will .CQUC Y or provikle tools for the . work'. Aliss Vr�ml, McLean has licen ro-au- . " � . I _. . --These 'pill's oura, not oql,ly � Iddl � toy . . I . . I .. I
. . Tile 91tuic ccurse is being purs � . . I trouble but all blood anKl no . . . - I I
. . . I I . I. . tied fix all gag,e�l ae teacher of S.' .S. No. i until . I ' - rve, t�rote_ � . - . . . . . - I NELSON �BALL J
. .— . . I
oarts of Cana Ia as well as, fit Xori_ next-raidsuminer, after which site wi * 11 - . . I Delusive, I 61eR such as. rhouinatism, scla.tic�, par� . . � I.. . �. . .1 . I I .
Come Soora� mmi, -and I I - . tidl paralysis, St. Vitus dance, itidi- . . . . I . . .
. � exP ants ill a large Illeamire take 4 Ni>rrnul course. Misr .A�ljean . . . I . .
. � . sed dai , Mr. John Couitts, Sr., Passed away . , . . . . .
� . the greatly inct-ei, "kinds oil the is an excellent teaeller and the section - , ' _ gestion I Fmactnia, heart trotth.1c, * and , : � I .
The Dominion general elections a . . I . . . . I
I . .rq treasury.. The Liberal party today is will he .sorry to lose liar. 11 I Ott Saturday,, tile 14%, at the age of thoi,many Ailitirnts: that make wo ' .. . . ." -M . . I A& ,''
. assured F -t tit presc It . tinto. Wiliell the most corrtipt . 70 years. Wr. Coultest took .v paraly� life Miserable. I man's. �. � FUnNITUR"'M ' . . .
a 1� . pr.litical machjn�e- is train to 61 You'can. get -these pills . .. � .
. I . * Carlow - again to her front,-- thi , * , , . . I I . '. 0
� they will be held is fit the. war of, ever. f - fit s) 0 � thii ,viele, of tic stroke. 'oil" the previot.is Iliursd4y, . Medipille, . I ! � . � .. � . , �
catered and elleQuyagell in Caria- ti ine � -the* re. I ect- I - by ,writing The Dr.' Wiltiarkis , . . I 0
Fly (Ia. Guidcd� by a -man -Adio recollitilleft- grain. Will, McPlice this, year had six- and never. regair.ed COlIsCi(.u8neNs'- a[, front any -dealer Ill -1 ladicille Or � .
only one man to announce. At Ottawa � . .1 they C* @(D�- �-- . �Ai)a -C-C-18� O.C. GO)�- -�. e,�_�-@ V . I
active prel�p_raticiis 'are beilig Inade for (led "lininan (levices') to his folldwers tLclit4cre'S, Of oats' which ha,ve t1trQRlicol ter tw gradually sinkfttg.' lie will be .sent by triail'At".50 cent') a box .1 I . . . . . . . . I ,P I � - �'. . � .. . I I . . ... .
as - the licst method of Carrying elec- out seventy bushcWla ,the =6. pr�ssed -quiotly away. Air, k-otiltes Was .or -six boxes for $2,,Jo by Writing Tile . . . ' 46 1 . . . .
. ",
ail early appeal to the electorate. The tious, 'it has olit-Hibrodad Ocrod .in - Tlic . trus ' $..S, No. . b(�m 'in. the sta,to of No�Nv -yot'fj , 70 . y&- Dr,'.Willfains,Med I . The latest. is, .. Keppel Oak.7' % W � .
,tces of � ici-110 Co.* br ' .
. . � �Iave re- . . I oc�kvillo . e have .
.-ars ago and-wl . . I . I
listg have been Prepared, - aull ,poll b000ks� 1cvL-IOPili9 4 I)Oljtical,Uvigauolagir� whi- engaged ltfi%.� Tona Johlistoll as teacher tell a incre boy moved Out . 1. . � . I I I .
. . I I I * . . .. . . .� . . . . . . . . .: . � . 1. . . � I. I . . . . .
. 611 it 'It one time condemn4d: All tile for ., I I . with� his father S, family to Nassaga- I � I I �
and othcr requisites for the pouilig . .. 1904- ' - 11 . .. I I I . I � . 1. . . � . . �
I . I . . V - ' �. .
I I "' 4ttongest. term,.%. while Mrs. Thompson, and Mrs. I,'-il,' wLya, near Guelph, where ke ,inia,rried. . . . I "I . I SIDIPBOARDS . I I I . � . .
� booths � are. being r6celved- . � .. ,.. I . . . 11 I . . I . � 1, . I . 11 I 1. . . I I . I . .11
I . ill large I .. I . . Patrick were returning hOme from the Hc� irioved, Wes�' 45 years ago. to his . . I - . � . .. . . � .. .. ... . .
� . I . I .
. . � . . .
quantities. The iiiiiiistars, I I stoffice - late -residelice Ili, I�vk Waws:ti6.�h, near I . Lu6killow. ., . - : . . . .�. I . ..
are actively . lip. last Wednesday: everving clitir I I I . ITES I
. . I . . .. . . . , _ ��
I . engaged in sizing tip the political sit- . , . . . .lug the storin', thelhigh wind ovur- Belgrav�,.- Mr. . ColliteshaW ,been con, ' tAV,Cll . . � 1. . I , I , . . I . . . � . I . .1 I I I : . . . .. . 1 ..� � I
I . `TJ C ell I -, 0 f,.S t%. J_1 0 1 C n s' . . 1. � . . . . . . . .
Hull IWOted with the 151-ethodist clitircit, -01 . wore ttrr-. I �
uationr and tht,writs, may -be I led 1.0t. Township. � I turned the: brig&.and throw- bhoi' oc- of � , � . EXTENSION TABLES ;; : .,
. , ,h. I . � .sm . I .. .. . . . WS and wa,q� & I,ib�i�41 In politics.. iblv shocked oil Wednesday moriiiiv " . . . : . � . . . .
I t t notice. . . . . . M11-ile wigaged i . . � I . ,. cupants-out. B;lr.-,..Kill)atrick,giistaitied life , . Ia 't week tb loatit, of th .. . . � . I . � .. . I I I .. � . . . . . �
. . �.
in C�Ating straw, at E 'adO as . 6 sudil".Aeath PXAMINE OVR FTAU FURNITURE . . . . .. . . * 0. . �
c; a,pa.inful injury to liar. shoulder. . Ile w � a kind and ohligilig. neighbor' IfsMr. 'James Toold, a yoling .L I . .
There is tic time to be 1(,,et, tlrero- 14car's John Nott had tile misifortuii -a so had always ready to extend a helpi- . . -inan 'of YOU.L _
I a sevrere� shaki up. Mrs. I lig Ila:n(i .IN, BRASS'. , I 0 ..
fore, in preparing for the fiffit, which to slip'. ti roirgh a, scaffold air4 -fall to � erIIO,tnPs6rL ., was . �111 r 11; 23 years, - . and son. of Mr. IT'WILL'PLIFGASE � . .... . i 1. 1. . . . - . . . . 11
. .. I a . . , . . .
� . . I � .
1. - . -lid, His former wife Of that vilhige, ased yotin .. . .. . . � . .
I . While it escapeol almost unhurt. - I lovilig httsb�- 'The drlie I .
frorn pr!sent ii-.,dication� ,67il result in ilici floor, breaking his hand a e 1111-tunate 'anti t` the ileedy ; a- kfild, father and ' Thos.-Toold . 1. I � I . I � 1: . . .. I . I I . . . I 0
. . . 9 . . .... .., . I I I — 1-1 . . , . � I .�
was a paill s- man hall only returnact ,about -a . I . I . �. , . 1.
. the ,defeat of de L . . . . Pa's' I . : I I . . � I
. . aurrer goverilmmt I till accident and one which ad awaN� siotne, years ago, - Sh ' ,% , I I . . . . .. � .. I
The cirances for the .success . Are are- sorry to hav6 to report that . . e wa. a Nyack . . . . . � . .
. ,
. ,of the will 1.%Y him oil ,A,ork for Abiiie ti,nQ1.. Mrs. Thos.11allailton is confined t6px,d sister -of Thoinas Taylor,"ex-reove (A pr�violls from I%Tartitcyblk� where lie had . — I .1 I . . . I . ' I
Cot servativo part-%, have iieve'r' Ile= it is fortunata� he did not fall ' � It hiarried Aphl to- �I�011t 'a few 11JOIA4 at.d ap��Jreej to b, U TAKING iN ALL ITS DRANC -TES, <-' -
- ... . �
Lrigl-ter than iiow�. Not only.has tiv� . llltoral'V, as the result �f im acrideut which be- Fa,,t. Wawanosh_ I . I . WDER - -- . ........ L..� .............. . ........ ........... . ........... I ,� � - . ,
of the inachi-nary. 1%1r-,i.'R6land$ ai "I the best of Spirits aizd.good,:heaItJI. . 1. . � . . , . . I . ........... I ....... � 0 . I I
. . .1 . . Iell .liar a few days ago. 61ib, Was get- I ,I estqein4!d Imly whr), is- HAe rctircd.tOl � Je as I � . , . I I I .. � I I . . I . � : . .
Liberal party been weaken6cl by, tile - The sala'at * Mrs', D', jackson's .'oil tit.g out of' th� wagoil, ill - ti . left to 1116116 tile 16.4s'bf .11'ef 1111. .. 1, . . . d ' .0-10-(��(��� , I : , I . �
desertion of some of its? be - I I le, P)ar . s 1) all d I - . , ,11011al oil, Tuesday : , *0_0<>00<>0_0 , I �
- 9. t�!bdil.csdcV Was, considering the,- 1o,9CthCr' . &, . .. 1. . � . � .. I . . . �. I . I .. I . � I . . . I .1 I 11
. st - fightin , 1119 It it, 'company witl� ,.young �ivan I . . �:� . I . .
material but the scorex, Of broke we&- when in sonic -,�ay site tripped,&nd faii. - wit], five sons akid. four Van- . .1 . . , � .1 I . I � 0. "
. . . . glaers., : all.gr')wl I ''. I- � nalned ThohIas Vet,fiell, who is cJJ1PIO_ � . . . . . I .. : : 1, - . . *. . . I . � i
pledges which. stands out Prot 11 ther, la�gely afte�&d. -. The' biodli P9 *to the 11�qvr frac�arinbn ]ter thig,11, ,1 ,As: 1 llp. and. dol lor y I Ur I - . . ' ' ' . . ' ,
gooc - prices we ... - .- tllciilsOvc.�. 'tile I U .cd,, tit '. . Todd s and I I I . � . . . I
. l"'llullftly" was hizisic .and' I- * re -rializ- -Mrs. Haillillton. is -gettink tip In ,tt i4ts - I uneial -,v. �'; I 11r, I -,, , � lothing : was . I
- . . . - 0 . , " I � , I
past se.vom ye&r frie, T�,aur-, sale '. afflict her %Jloro� Sort-. *' , �* .1 . , . L
. I ge � Ku wif Of h
as the mbst noteworthy .feature c5f`tLe' , , .. , . I � 'I,.% death till -the 6039 wcl�' . I � H 0 --0 V. E .R,-,, , & B -Al' .
. ed for everything t1ijit wkis offered. for - aceido c(Ltelrdecl , - , - . . . . . : � . - ... L' A -
- S of SO Wil tile .fit will . , , 7 . . .1 caUed ',oil -Wedlits I . .. I . � I . I , � � .. . . .
. Mr.- Danhy of Gre.erich tlownsibj�. onsly than i.t %vonIoJ,.a'.vontj--r Itrecit .. ' .1 i 1. , �.. - .. � I. 11 I . � , I ... . . . I . . , . .. - � . . I . . . .1. I . . �. -
L . . . I . !, ..Ia. 4 . : . � . : I "I . I " L I I - . I .
. . . . I . -As - re de Ibb" or: ,Up,-, Jbhti� PowA or _4, I I , 1.
. . Yisgusted �a 'as leas d th . Young-. man was hijIlly"estecaned tl
far's administration, ha,ve of who, I - � . day morning.. , I : � . . . .f. " :��-:� , , .:
- . . c " _ .1 . ,. 1 I
large . . � a farm [or a terity of. * . . I . . . 'L : ..
. scictioti Of 0b, rank. and 'f .Our clic-titive resident, .Mis� , H. - J�. I . I .. 1. . . � Night tuld '8tlllday'�bn1l9.t*LlJbwVi 'd 0 I . . . 1 % .
I , ' ile. of. =rsl expects to iinovi ' . ' . . . . cominiquity'and his siid-de:4- ile.th"Is 'a either Of th,3 princip. tis. , ' ..... . . . . . 1, � ,
. the Reform p,;w-rt 41ripAll, of tlie� pe 1. a there � about the Hoacillf who is down.froin Sault Stle. I I . - I. 1. ., .. I � I . �.,� . � I . . I . � ..� ...
Y.A. : . %. .. . . Zurich ,sev`e::,.1.,bIO%v: to his bvr6aveld. par I . I . I I . I . .
1. I . oPle" . TA, r,f. January., . � . Marie� on a...visit to,friends; and, iela- . . Id It : . . � .
I . have.clecided that .they- 4ill imb be I . . I . . . . 0, i fa ily, and. -io'thel!n.is dxtend - I - . I .1 I .t �.. . . . .. I . L .
t . I
focyled all of, - tile- t1fine't and a �eact- .Win. 146tt left this Week for Ha -mil- tives; in Gc,derich. and Dungannon and . .Ile I o" , adi *""*#*****#+**#***#+ *+"++*+**'
. . -41 I ss Lavina .13bssenbury rettirned , - sYltiPathy' O$ the , ,whole . ..
I st
. .
VLriling . I .. -1 I . . � I . � ;I---- I � ,> . - I
. . . N �!a_ about Ilcr�e, Was"the gllc`st�'Of Miss M. ilome frem Mal �ectioll. Th�. fit . .
. iotj has set in against 046 go ton. VI , icro !Ia expects to. take, a sit . . .++" 0 .
- .. . . : !� .1 . + i ' ' 4id.ba .oil SAturdaylast ... neral t6ok p4ce frain. . I'' . � ""___� I
. . . . I I . � . I
. tton. ..' 4 . .� +1 I xek: We might T.rantiorl -it '. * . the- r Todd; St :1-1�1_ -_ I . . .. . .
. . .
s 'Idisa* ster.'��. The . :, "... .. , . ., . . :. ., Quaid . last ��L N" ere sho,.11all,been ;IcaimIy*t,w() yes,rs,' + . esidene " . I � - �'_ - - - � - - - � .
. til. that Whpn' our:postoffice was fiist'op- )" "li . . I :-7-1r-'T— '' . . _1. i
Guld- at once gdt l ,�' Spencling a raon - I ". . ' r Atictery, . .1 11 . . I I # + . I . . 11 .
I I Miss AL Slic'i . I INIT , Jolin butriart want to i,00d' e ns oil Friday *****#***
on CC - . . .1 � . , . . . I
� down toAmill work. with her grand-niothik, Mrs.,A o' I .n 1878 1%1rs..11orCoii- ii the 4 a; .1 ' . � Ur f, -r Diin'. ittlo'n; . I . . . ,.. I I I � �. "" " L .
Consvvative forces sit 'Hon. ,Raymond ened' . .inade u a few day. toy place himself Ill Cornell", � ga � . . I
. � � I . I . . �.
' I in ckno " '90 I' , his I . . .. . . . I � 1.
* % BIC at first,. . - I I - I � , Smith I lids sold �
. � - ' - . .
I . ,
Prefontairke hr.s warned Iiii, folil.oWers St -i Tuckcirslilitb. , . . . I . ail tor the. Lu I w, . stage , to A;�r tile. care'. a .a. .specialist r - iarin' in Weft 11'a-Warosh . .1 - - . . .+.� - . ... ,
. in M(�ntrcal to be r�,Icly 11, gix vt . 7 " ' � . carry to - Gode:rich. . .. I . I I. . I .. , . .1 fo: , ,a ., near Fordyce . . a in I , ,
,. � . . I
I � a ks, - - The , , sa'var6 windstortri recently jilwe I few .weeks.* - . . . � tolfr�, Phillil:s of Ashfield. and , inteli" � . . :1
� Air. Prefoilitaine's opponents. . sho5uld' a complete .wreck of the .,olrivi 91, � ,t'An � old and, faiiiiiIiar'figure here -for .1%1iis 1%,elviha. ' I . . . . - . . ..
. . . . 1, . . I
ng� ed � Rochler lies returned is moving to-Luqknpw . . , . . . I 9
. . ,ol. As th . :past t ifty-si . , . _ . ., . . .. �. . ... . I
I .1 I I I .1
. � . . a ; from our , midst fit tile pers I T. , -, , . .
. profit' from this most. suggestive'llfut. on the farm. Of Mr, S. McCr he ' ' ' Ill i ix * years.h.as rcniovcd Irbill SLbriniville ,�,Ifes'� site spoilt '11' " Frank Cain, who NEE.D... � .
I I � building contained most'of: Ili, I on - of , D: I k i "' we are: scirry. '. I I — I
. . .; . I . .. . I _
� . �, . = ... Y.OLU . , THE.M'
- . — , s iMple- wee's.,w1h . her., - . sis : ter, wit . O . re I .to -.'say has IA,2en iii. poor'be 11 . I I I . �
. ., Inents it will be quite a ilea:V . lk.�s t Cummingd, our. well known. arkii-it;6et there .. .. .� . . I IS - - . . altill, for .. I I .. . � . I . . . . . .. I . . .
. � . . . . OmQ tillie'PAst, went. to Torouto last I , . . . . . . .: . . .. .1 I ,� .., ... . .
. .. . I . I . Y . Q �aijd bt,,ild6r. 11d.and Itis Wif� left here * Ur * eber-.�ia workinj -at . the Week to, take a course 'f ' � . � ... . . . ! . 1� I . 1. .. I I 1. I . . .. I � . . I . I
Yankees Get Another * .- : : - - 4"" ' . . . I . oti Friday last for Chicago w1wre. thCy . ., Henty .�Jr.' � o. I Areatinlent . . i , �. . . I . . � .. . I . I .
. . . . ' I .. . . Mr. Watt. . blaroby anii I havi.' I .. 'law hotel ill St. Joseph." It -is�. boing with a SPeciallst.in that efty'. , - . ... p . I And -,we* I � I I I � . . I � I
I I I dmily . ;nteud - ,to pesiole- for ,a takin af years, I latiled and,plaster'd and it will "talcL,. . ..,. . . . . bave, ''a - good assortment of : , . .
. - : got - .',at in. their � . It . - e . . . . a . � I . I � . '
I I , Trade I ), um kon deol, `., new. I I e,nd � �Cos aving routed. their, 1,ouso. and premises I . .. . .. . I I �. . � . I . . . . .1. . I -1 I. , .
I I I I se'. . . I ... I I . .1 . . .. .. , . several weeks yet, to complete t116, jbb-,.. I . . . % I . �� . . � I . 1. . . I . . 1. I . li I � � I . .. . 1 . ., , , .
. . . .. I . . . . .. . .. Lo Johri Rvan; tbL wall,kil6wit. thrasher %V'Ilich' liap"llcurk lei *to, a L(>nd6u. hrin, � ' . - .. . I � . . . .. .. I . . I I I � I �. 1. I
, , . .1 . : .
.. . . . I I
af .. MIsses Bella and. -Maggie, Npilaris, left jr(�nl. ' * of c(,ntraCfcc'rs'. , ; . .... . � .. I I I - I I . . I -i Felt -Lined - Boots,: .." ' ,,. . . ,
Tile Canadiall Pacific R Iw � Coin ' ' ' I n6ai"the-progressiie village .of HAMILTON'S sAli,g R1Q4GISTIP,R' , - : , 1 , - . Velt Boots : .
I I .. I . . I 1. � . .1 . .. . I �. .. I '. I , . . . . .
lly retqJuires .. � �y - on Saturday last for Vancouver,- B. C., Nile, � )�-lio for soiiJ6 years Iiiis 'clo'he I'— Rev. ' "' %' - . . I 1.5.1 . . I �. .. . . .. . � � . I. . s � . . . . . "
� I ' ' . I
pa 30,000 tons bf' s�Ocl � and xiss � susie Neilalls on the . Father Tonnes has takefi, 6akgo Friday,%'1irO-V;'27tII. at SX- Lots 14 anti, ' � I �: and� -Rubbers , � 0- 0 . I . � 1. I
I . � _saque , 11111ch of'. -che *throsli-lug. In till$ : sec_- Of St. B.Onifaxe parish, Zurich, and, ar-' zi' Con,.- - Morri I �. I 1". '' OX I � . 1.
. � '-hor I ./I I I . . ,, �er--!Sh 'es' ' . I.. .
rails which they will havio to purchase day for Xafiftoba.. . . . I tion, I ,Yufir it' S �Iy, ;.at S, farm -.stock,. illiPle. . I � I . . t I . . . .
. 1; Itend s I the . - I— . . .. . .
� -rivaKi in tw ' " � .. . . . .. ,�� . .1 11 . .. . . 1. . . 1.
. I Mr. c - -ttielits, furnitu e 'roo s; . etc. . . . ; . . . .1..
abroad owing to the negleki Of ilia irot . Bert A116r has .sold 'his driver requ st-of the Piriners in.onr.eoi I ninau- lies athir Ton, r , t . Sale to I. . I " *
__ . . . . . .. - Wa - as, tl , - ' is Of.v&y pIL"ing.-address and coinnion 'a , . P,nbber-:Boots Cardjgan�; and Felt Slippers. .� . - -- - . ,
to' $T95. '.It . .% a gOod cine' . le. ity, to run a c'!oppiug ntill for theii I 1) � c. at 10 ci'Oock a."Ill" Aarp'. . . . '. I 1. . . .. V . . � . .
and steel industries by the . '.Laurier 'Price Would 'indicate. I .. . .. I . . r , wil a sure to make frien& with his Dinitei at. no6ti .'a ' . I . . � . .� �. I I -,. . � I - . . . . .
I . . . .. . � .. nd. littich during ill . . . - I . . ; .. . . � � . I , I . . .
erninent. . I I .convenience, u.-;ilig, ilia inotor Power Of uarishionars as well' as with tile .rest a - 1. . I , I . I . , . . � . . I . .
.gov . . , The following is fro. I all: (if Lhe wind ill tile 'I,- . . . aft0ruaCli ,�L.T Olin Hunter & Son, �roe- ' I . '' , . - , , , ��;,_ ,
� ., . in a VAt,bpa.yero the ,engine Ins;�L Tn c - atir citi . � . ;, .
trust .will Ilullett,'a ptr .. .. 211ens- . . . . I . , . ,� . . . ., I = . � . ,
Tile Uni?,ed States Steel. . -Ong. advocate 'of ,ff,gcal drehit(et had,. � .. I . . . prietors '; C. H&nliItotl:.aIJd . , . 1: I . I . . . . �, .
. . I . . . . . I I . . I I . � . ., . . I �,
I . endeavor to secure the bigarder ait$iS Option ': I . I . I I , .. . . . . . . .� Mr.. Johfi Iley, .Yr., of tile Goshc� Wictioneers. - . . . 11 I � . . .. . I � . � .
. I I . .1 . . . . . . 1. 1, . . � I . , f. ! , � . . . I 0 ' . 1. I . � L .. I I
� . "'A PCIVAI 'oil signed by 267 ra:t�payeri I I . . � Line bas a Biilcf%�ia apple', which grew � . � :' . : I . * : . .! I . �.. I You make n . mistake
. .
. . I ' .
0 . . - 1, . . . .. .
. per ton. The price to all . American - presented 16 the council.of tho� � �.. 11 � .." I . . .:. . . : . � I I in his orchard thig-year, Which meas�- , , I i . . ; . . *-he b "Kant - Kr4ek" . . , ' . . I I.
' . .
11 . . . road would be $28 par tbn - but. ' the' . Was' . . �. . . I . . I � -tires no'less than : :l-iY4! itldfi'� - - 'a Cir .. I. . . . ,F I Ia you�- UY . . I . ' . I . 1. .
. . . township of 'Rullett oil Monday, li6th' . ' . . WELL DESERVV,D� s .1 - : � . � . . ... I I � �... Ill .
. ' . . I . � .. ! . - .
I-ankees, are making - a (lead set. . Olt - � . .. . I . I cunifierence. This � I I ' � . - I . ... . I.., I - ': - : .. . �. .
I P 'ur d I . . . I We believe,- � . Is* the - , . . - .1. , .1 I .1. .: . . . � � , or di�anb . Rubbers."! E ' . . . I �.. I . .: .."'. -
The imi a so vLltlo offQr�d I)v, The fargest'appl-6 of * its. kind grow lid :� ; . � - . �. I I ... . . . � ire. - . . �� . ..
-Ing, ,to tit- � tic bar-roc�iui has no vested r4 . 11"arou , - .. � * . I , I . . . . ir guaranteed -to give ont' ...., � .1 I. ... I :.1. . I I
Canadian inarkets and amwill inst For: tlke� etition it, was-! � Qodicnih . . y . very , �
I slatighttr prices to, any LitLitt provide - k At - u I . . . . . . . � . . . I .
, Family ...11L . . . On ,Friday, eve � PA ,
d ,-rald and' WeeUv ,S) t.,. � of 'here. for §6in t, '', . .. , " . . I . . I I �, �, ,-.- - .
I ' q ... and is opposed to tile religious, -.1 I . I 1. - .0 . 1 -ma., . . . . 1. . . . . ni)l'g last Mrs. Doty . .d � . . . , I . 11 I . � - . . ... .1 . . - I-'
S'. ., . I . . pora , . I I I , . , . . - I
they can ?ecure -order :* . . .. �� . . Montreal this. season' is line'et"119' N�1111 Mr. Williard Slack of the VO �ft'inmcut in honot, of 'Jiar�. . 11 .... - sdti8f4,ctioP . . 1. . � ,� I ... � .. . . .1 . .. . . ,'.' .
. I � Sa:ui�le 94 I at' 'eintL a . 1 .... . I .. . . i �. �� .1 . , . � I- � I � � . 1�
a ' . 6 � . . .1 111. I � I .. .. .. .1., . � :, . � . i . . .. .
social, commercial and political .w I- ., ke ticoiesi, - - *tile * publishers I &SUrVE., Line,, *,Stanley, - who It,.,,% been. - sawing . . . . .:,. .
, ,I s � . . . . sop,. Waster. Frank. Aboat'a score of . . I . . I � . .. . � . � ' . t � . - .
�.- At $i8 per ton an order for 3o,000 fare of -the. community. Against the ,Tlieir picturL.4� -1 ITleart Bra',.ui ' . ar,! luillixt foi Messrs 1-1 as S' boys and girls were Present and enj ' . IT % PAYS TO% - BUY .* THE BEST ' . ':*
tons of rSils means an expenditure af petition it wasargved that it' � . . .. , . &.Deichert oyed - .. I . . � . . .
I . ,
$540,000, ,nearly g;ll. of wt Was. Hard to CI-100spil'-are -bea,utiful,* aftil O' ti ' - for soi . lie time, has' I I . . . . ... I ... . . . I . . . ,. �. , . , I . I : I - . , .
.,fell will fiall it . )air bush lots themselves 'vdry much. , During the cv- . . I .. . I - . . I . . . 1. .
its way hito. tie pockets ,of the Am sluall, not. signed by th'a utisiness ineh their.'oiber proininin coloroid'inap i of disposed of of his PId elighiii and re. onfilg Master F'rank-played s ' I . IOITE.t) , . I � I I I
. . q Pr- of. Londesbaro, thd t'nattcr was one . of , .. . Oftlo Vio- : .�.. I . ' X; CALL SOL . I I 7 - - I . . I I . .
-mail. . ; . ada. -is up,to-clatc. It is the -bigg- laced it with . l Iiii selLetions',and re .. I � I . . � I I - ,.. . . . �
ican work . . . - .. reat , pergGllal interest to the hotel- CAII, - I V I a* new 3�5 horse -power uolcied 'a�, few. - of I .. I 11 1. I . .. . .. ,.� . . . . . . 1. I' . . . I I 1. .
.. , � . F - . est. dollar's Canada' to -day. .one.' It arii ' tty songs. I . I . . 1. . .. .. . . I
. - _ - ved on; Vrid&y afia is,said hi$' Pre � . . .. I . , . - I I � � I . I I
allian Pacific is known To Keeper .and. the hotel would not be ma, The Varnily� Herald is .securing .tllql�s- � 'tv be 41)7to,clate in . I I . . - . I .. I . � � . I . .. � I . .1 .. . .. ,�
Tl:e Can: � I worth fit
. spend nioncy freely -in thiscountry de'to pay dPLrt front.the sale 6f If- .. . every ,respect and Birtll--On NOvernlPer. i4th, tP Mr, ' I . T". .
. an( I ' . , I
. .1 , r by meet'; every requirdment for thd work Mrs, . 0 . 1. � . . .; . r 't & . S 0 I.Wr I
s . by it.. ,waA - . . . ,.Wils in 'Ivcis; a'daughior, . W. M . rP'A YL0111. - JUN a , ..�
whenever it is Pos ibl� tq secure supplies qti6r. After- the discussiow new subscribers, this y6a
frcui Canadian inanufacturers,. 1. . . itioved-, -Mr, T. McMiJi seconded if'I'l',olisr 01 cr6tis'gifts ; in fact fe�e ]James intended, .. . . , . : , . . 1. 1% I .. . . ... .. , I .. 0 j6 *"
. . . .. Mr. IV� M66n, will i�colfloiind',.wltbont that gimt 'pa- _ . . I . I . . . I . . I . � . I . . . 11 . . . . . � �
I 'I'lien why go to the Vliitd(!C � States 'J*Ilat� tile Petitioll, of . .. I . 11 I I . � . . � 11.1 � � . I . I I .. . . . ... . � I � : . I
I . . . . . . I . 11 - . . r . . . . . I I � I . - I I �
. 4L IVI I P utiful. Ir.-miluils,when One '- . I .. I . . . _. .. � ,- . . . . - . . I . I . . .
, .
' tot'bklound ratepayers of ... tile *� , . . ..T . � . I .. I . . . , 6 * $ . 4 .46 , #+**###**4 1 's. ,->*#**** **#+****"*"*** 0 , I
for rails ?, The . answer is . township of- Hai- dollar secures so.11luch; . ' * . � . . �
on page 4277, Ransard, June 9tll,, 1903 Jett . 1 . .. . , . . .. . ...., I ,,, . . ' ' ' . . '. . _: . " . . �
roquest(JI'l, that a Local.- optio%� . . .1 � � . . �. ., I THE' 5 �11 , " . I . I
clutioll, moved .by by-law -be stibinititif to' tho, vote , of . . � I 1. I I . � � . . . �le � 11 I I . .1. ..., I . I I ; . � � .. ____ I . . -_ I ., . I ;
The following res - . . I .. .1 , . 1- Hens.all. . . I . . . . . .. I . ; . . . I �
. . . . . . . I ;
. . I . . . I I . .1 . . �, . � . I
. Mr. R. L. Borden, was defeated by a tile electors of. the IlitaticipAlityl be.. .. .. � . '. "I I . I . . . I .. I Miss V. Whiteside . ' ... ' � I - . . . 1. . . . . I .. I - .�.: �
solid Liberal Lil al vote : � * , ., granted, Yeas for the.potitiolly, we . . I ' wa,% lionle, for I WSM C (6)@W8@@88@@0@8*S@@$@*@ @rDs$00 00 V�#_ W 00 I T-1 @ (D -0 i) G S lIi) .0 0 . � . � I
. . � I . T I P. -Siaturday and sttliday. - Site has g I I . � . I I . . I '.. . � US . . . , 1. I . I
. . . I . . .. . ;, ! s1l( I . , I . I
�1 "This house is of the opinion that I '�h 'excellent satiSfiction' that the I ' ;
; �, h Lotris duties should give atterson. It has, . As Solin Ilroadfooi of the 6th line tt.tistdos of the $1alltown school have - � - .. . . . I . . ... . 0 * I . . .
. been leatnc:d that, ill I . .. , �. ....!" � - OASH-STORE*
ytr . - M Vris.. ownsliki I . - r s,
Milian and Moon'; Nays- against the . . . . 0 . , r Von I '
petition,, Farris and 11 R6 o d
'. I ,, . [Aller townships, was driving his.tem" . IT.Ht GREAT .
. . . I .. . ... I., I � * I I
.. snch 1'rotection to iron anti steel fit- where the Privilege has becii granted, of Croy on the � gth' coil, gligagedAiLr lot next yLar'at an , in- .. , . ` .,. ' . . � . , . . I. I I L I
. dustries as will not cobly secure t,. ctir � ,, near. Brussels, tile tollgl��. of creased, .salary; , I I . . . . � . . . . � . . _.- ,1- .. . . . . 0 , I
I. . I I :1 .. . . — : ____ . I . �
.. . . . I . _. , �
I 11 . the petitions .were not large. and in thaws. Gil. dr6II)ed do,�fi and tit*- hor- - I � .. � . .. � � . , . I * . l�
1, owl! producers and inanufact-iri,rs tile ,�Ork,Only a deput*, The Rev, Dr.Scott,rLturiled. mix;_ . I . . � .. r
. . . &
.1 I Canadian inurket fit articles !low pro- ation Wafted oil, the sts ran away, 1'.hav coll*Ei�!d With 06 iolilaiy - frdill Japan, , spoke- on theil. . T 1� # , 'eal Coats . I .
- cOlInCils.' Neitf.er �vcrc the' . , . Just, re"Ceivell another large consigninent of Ladi
; di.ced or manufactured 'fit ti!i,; ri all,,rv, . I principles wagoll of i�lln g6litgeoinery- and One "Land , of -the Rising sit ,,, . L$st I * . . a .
: Of- -loca I Lud r its U#01flg.. I . . 0 tln the Most, fashionable New York oyles. Also 'a nice lot of.. , *... . . .
so, de 'Iffil. sus' I I option di,sefissee, but , It - wag of the tean 'cliall.ali(,rdy after. T] i o PcoPIci before a large cougrogatiott oil . . .
I. ,. but will &I Milli. ife "A., I a . Tailor Made Skirts baye been pAssed into stock. These goods
manufactore I . 'ahbatli invalting., . lie noticed tile . . � . .
110 Ids. of other iron . ,stroni�ly t"phasized that the pe boast Was a , re runde by the besib inatinfacturers alid will give 'yoli entire - ' *
VL . - . cfile VaIndble oile Mr 'Browl- S . . .. Ili .
I . � in Clull .should ci, . . . .: I 4i ,., �
d steel Products ,which at presaut are, . have the right of settling moral foot having rehmed $175 for il�cr. 91,raivtlt &nd wak of Mothodisin under - . I . r I 0 Sittlatiletion.. We itroi selling these garmenti at a price that I a - . .1
" nt:tto TIC; right *;flat is We are .k,orry to, ropbrt thgt WiMaill tie � A . egi6 of the qatiadiall. Methodist - . . .. . ... . . . . . 0 . . I
imitcl-LILd in 1&rge (juafititias froin otlxr. ofin Us by Vote. . . . .. . I .. I I .. . I . 0 .., will save YOU, Worley, Comeearl . y And get 7our choice, , 0 , , . . ..
. Countries. Anti that the present iaim only British fait play has JY,�-u, Acni.of Sheddeil, 401 line, who bro%e ii,'s thigil church fit that cotditry" . � . . . I . . .. . I I . �
. � �
., I . littles Should be now re,- tile electors Of Hullett .by i've, Went . * a fall recently inakilitr . ir . cti, V gins, organizcr of theV, C. � I . . . . I ., 11 lr� . , . . 40 . . . . I I I . . . I I . . � . -0 . , . . .
I of castouls Y , is n�)t I i,ss Wif . . . �
adjusted oil this priuciple." bel's of the council,, "' I . . I . I , 41 '. .
.. I Ali fah,-ntintlerl, favorable progress, despite the carefill T, 1!�, wi clolores.4 lnc��ti fit- Hall- The'N, . I a , . IT WILL VAy Yo V., TO SE -H OUR OVE RCOAT8 POP. ,if N . :, . .
� ' Citizens were called it Ott -to asseft their, atten � t3oll bc is re . .. Mgs ws-Record and. Family Her-' . � .. . V, I & .
1) ceivilig. . sall -Ott the 16th alid.encleaver to or-� I . I � I I . I I
. . .
:. The clefeat,of that-propo4itioi Ingalls . . . 0 � � I I I I I I , 0
I priviloge.&I.." - I � . . John Hunter; 701 wo sclot Ilia galli7e a itniov here' 'A branch a IY Star,, with three o " , I I , ,, � . . I
i Canildian mf.rkets for the United Stat- . . � I q . I I Coll., � It . (if th'is 'I and Week . . e, . :1 I . .. " I �� . 0, . .1 I
. I
I . I . . . . . � �, 11 . farm 6f 2oo acres to, Willi8j), Wy institution Would be it bettefit even to. P�efnitllns . � .. . , � . We have someoxcellen , t .. values till Ladleg � a I . . . i
: anti in tile C&SC! of tile Canadian I � . I . I .XL . 0 . .
. as ' . M. . . at.d sons., Hen.,';all. . .. .. . .. - I . . .. P,.75 * ! And Men's Vur . 0 1 ..
Pacific orckr alone the, removal of ; . . , . �' . . C6ats.. Don't ruiss the bar . . . . .0 . I �� I
� XCUUPIXG 19� TOUCH. . TJ: I . gains wbon they -ate going,
least, - which sliKxtld b .J,oseph Sharp of Toledo, 011ic., was, Et CIL C� PC e Nows-Record and WaaklyrMjil . 0 1 , .
$540,000, at it I . �, . ttv left ILAt w . �. I . � I . . I . ..
i . , . . I
a , . . I
� I
. I
� . . I .
spen . Welcome .visitor under the parental trill) to the Olil Conutrv* . and 14inpire, with prornitilli $1.75 (6 .. .. 0 . .
. i
. t a,t Sydney and, tire Soo, I Ilk t1lasO days Of llistory:-,tuaki�g I rcof,',�th line, daring tile past wa,'ek. toacl, * Sweepitlig reductions in the Millinthr; Dep ' I
I r it 'Joylill W, Todd, wr in 8. 8, No, The Vews-Record and Weekly Sun $1.75 0 . . . Y artillebt.
. I tile umpire" and ot great iiatioull'ole. He3s a soll of Jas and Mrs, ,"iltarp 4, has resigned his position prev, . . . 0 .
. � I __ I . jolts to 1. - . 1. I . . ��. . I . 1. I
. . . . . I
� vOoptnetit and Political groWth, in Call- itild, it is several years sitwe lie Was enterit.-g a Busilles.s College where it is Tile News-Recotd ,a i I . . . 0
Oda, all classes of peoplo are realizill brittle before. . lid vvetkly .. . - I . ' . . I . 0 , ,. ..
� Liberali Still -. 19 I his intention to purstic, a Cointivercial Globe . We will give oil a b1i; ppice for butter, eggs and d0led Ati. .6 .
, I . tile liece-Mity of following thb world s Mrs, Robert Shortteed has, dispo,sed Specialist's coursa. - � I . $1.75 I ples in lt * I
I pjaCti%1 g n , a, doings, day by day, more than, ever be- (it liar farm in Morris to Dullcalt, ,14aid- . I . . .. I .. exchange or goods. ,13ring thein in and oil will I)a
. �. ,ve 1.11 I I 11 � The 31aws-Record and Wo�k�y i * prised &t'what you will get in return, for 'theni y its we. Are 0 . �.
� .
0 e '41100* fore. The public must ho , the news law of the same towliship, (Tho fallfill. , . I Wittloss . I r 0
I .1 I 1. and have it hilined ately, and so, the 'is it very choice olle Or., tlla�gth linei . . I . I .. fs.tis �_ :l�earing ontagreat many lines to'ikkake rootli fop the new .
I I I WISOADHIRS. or CHILDHOOD. 1� I goods Lbat Ak16 arriving daily. : . , � 6, .
I The plait of canipaigit inapried out dailv. liewspaper stq;plallfs the City containitig 750 acr", Olt which is also . . The Nms-Aeccird and Weekly 1. . . .. . I r . . . I
I for the Liberej party at the coThitig, woelily Amoug 'gill asses, The kaleldo- a. quantity of -valuable titribet. Tile ' It is ail undo,libted fact tilat Free . Press . . I . . . . . � . . % 40
� � . nearly . $1�75 a � I. . � . I *
elLetioits, ,so far as the fiscal qk,tstion scope of hoinaft affairs I,- rapid, ill. it$ price Paid we .. . � 0 _ � - . . . . 10 I
inovements, A $8,400, all tli,6 disorders front, which. infants � I .��_ - — " I 6
i is concert.,ed, *ill 14, Ott lilies similar A week is too; long to wait WedileAlay of this Week Jo�oph Cl . the xews,necord . afill Toronto' _ . I . I
!, to those of Tgoo. The party will ' on egg And, young Children .4tifter arc c1l'Sed 'Daily World . 43.0o a . ... . . . . � . 0
olle for the world's news. In these days of a well known res -.4 t of tili.,ptowlig,nip by (ILrat.tgenjolits of ilia stolliachaild I � I . I 4� ,
r keen Mminess competitioil, Iliterchatttg left for a. trip to tile Vacific coast and I)OW08. -As a, cure for these troublCa The News-Rocord - and Torout6 . . a
no gotteral platfc,tfil for the considera- and farmers !must have. -market cillota- 0
1 tions fronJ clay to day. P-11 cts to sr,and the Whiter fit Califor- 31aby's; Own Tz.blcts Is groiale, effect- Daily News . . $1.5 . 0 0, V 'M BEATH . a
tion of tile clettots, It will be It free Moreover, it is M1111.11 Ayr, CIC99 has liecit over tile gro- I .1 . 8 1 1 . 1. 11; BLYI,rHi, 0
now powqible to obtaili, tile of Toronto, ive - and above all ab.lolutoly ,4.afe, AIrs. I .
for all rusl: to retain power. In tle . und before .so Will Iya ti,nito ,at Ivyine. Thoa. Cain, 1,oring, Out., giv,cs half Tile Xewd-Record -. f.ud T6rollto 0 .. . Prot,c)VIR 1310<", It 0
West where Mr. Walter .SctAt, the me- greatest 'dallics-The Xow."for. the �Ve Wish Ill," itil enjoyable stay And OL experience with this modicinci it, the Daily Star . . . . $IA5 *
pried of the City weekly, $r.00 a year .safe raturil . . . foIIOWiltg Words -, "I never had' Ally- Tha . . . @S@@SS8W8SS"@8.@SS� 19,���,;A�. V3. 0. avi) I
itiber foi West AsMilaboia, llat� 4- by Mail. The News sets, Sorth the news Tile f,1111011t dkkili Itaq 1)0011�' pushed thing do lily little Otte so much good Xcwt- . .. I . . � .1 . I - -1 .1 — 01WWAIJIM . - — ,
ready referred to. the 1,auric,r _! ! ! XWO
. icy, --- . I I —
1?01 of the clay in an attr4tctive form. Its along with tottsiderable viltl thi,t; fall, as Baby's Owtj Tablets, She Was Adivocate . $2,2S 1, , , . , --.-..-== . ___ - . , I - 11 . . "__�__
. an affort will bie made to convince the PolffiCal reports are froc, front Ntty Over n" 111,iles Of. groull(t ll&q liecif Cov- trouibled with her atoulach and wa,g _ � . . I I � .. .
poolild, that free itaKle, is still'a platik Was, and its ittarkat reports dompralleti- cred from the Outlet ituA about $,,.20o tectlibig and was very cros.q and fret- . . . 9 I . . . .
in the Liberal platform. In tile ea.qt 61% a aud accurate. 1,.,vary day a Chap- worth.of work dc,rte. Andrew iih,ilop fill, A few closes of the Tablets com� 11'e; eatt also give clul)Utig rat � I
entirely different tactics -are fieIng ,pur- ter,. Ofalit-A-0-lasO scrialappearo,-just has tile tOnti%et, I � . as with 6
People . pletely Cured her,alid I can sine other daflic.q and weecklies. .The names of th.-Nmost Progr6sai've.
Caullot ,'a too ea,rogul aroly I . . � ;�� . . I
aued, 11011� P-Ayfmcmd Prefftt4itic, I,% aliongk., for, so,y,,' & half-hour'& reading., while retotriwend the Tablets to any inoth- . I I
. I �
. Pikeeemoring 'to .satisfy Ili's constituents Neither does 'tile . AWS lack the cutting straw. It I,- ,,mitt Mr. Dun6ar's or'. � P � I r ...
# Ili I . business men in Clinton are to bo .
'. I - %
I i. ,#
1. .
I '�
I 11
�1 ,
1. I I
I �1�
, I' �i
11, t
I & I I
C; a I
ar Montraj�tt that all will Ile well " fliagazille 'features of Olt city weekly. barn WAS burtied last Frid-ty atternooll 'thin medichip, promptly eureq all I 16- . . I -
. � f as protection is toliterited. Tit Sot& Tile Saturday editioll, Containing by tile boxilig gettingo Ileated alid stomach aud bowl troubles, bteAs tip lit kolnittilig please do so by P0.1tal � nd 4133, t1he adVertilsing oolumns OIL* . 11 ..
tit Wellingtott Mr. 114gh Outhric, ,In tWel1tV-foIA' PF-ges, is of special interest U�Ilalj olled tile wholt stack took fire, Colds, preveitts Croup, destroys 1wornis, (.r a. pr 6 it t and address . . -
ACC64 ptilig tile IA& I
livered A rouSiAg- rigt%ticittal 11 - barn aild and allays tl�o irrite.tion ace(Atipattying
at nomiltation (It- to Wdfflen, atiol, hideed, to every Weln- Mr. Dutlibar llot Only lobt the X a 'S 0 0-
, icy,, flat of tile faLlaily. gVeryotm oliould till llis feeld, ill tho, shr.pe of hay,ottaw the cutting of teetill. Sold -by 0,11 lited- W. 3, UtTenru'l" I Th o -XV ms-nleaord' 4,6 a a 6 0 A. *4 * W. * 4 I 4 0 a 4 d, *,4j
� . Speech. XO broad, national spirit un- write for a satuple, cony of The X&wi dild gTftii1,, hut 41,so '21 llelvd Of rifle , joitte, dealef's or Nellt by 1110 at '25C .
i . .
I deflics afty Df thOsO fictitious PrGlnis' and particulats of their gottefous club- Cattle, It was 11 1104VY 10,44. 9131101fte A tllpx by wrifting the Dr. ,W-JJ1Jatij,,4 Tile New.0tecord, , �.
. 0f Tito Otto W04 of 04 Liberal 00,4* hillo flow, f of Ji 11 I I --1-11-- -_ � - - - _
Is it'T Vast w4wili'lor lit AQAV 113018%vo � _ �_!1_-1._11=_�_ - --______
�t _ Pred,101114 co', l3roa0l 0 t, er,1VTO.V, *=,-� 11 I
� I VA 9, - - .1
K ,
I �n